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Wed May 17 22:19:41 2006 UTC (18 years, 9 months ago) by
CVS tags:
- jsmath 3.3
* jsMath-fallback-pc.js
* Part of the jsMath package for mathematics on the web.
* This file makes changes needed for when the TeX fonts are not available
* with a browser on the PC.
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
* Copyright 2004-2006 by Davide P. Cervone
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* Here we replace the TeX character mappings by equivalent unicode
* points when possible, and adjust the character dimensions
* based on the fonts we hope we get them from (the styles are set
* to try to use the best characters available in the standard
* fonts).
cmr10: [
// 00 - 0F
{c: 'Γ', tclass: 'greek'},
{c: 'Δ', tclass: 'greek'},
{c: 'Θ', tclass: 'greek'},
{c: 'Λ', tclass: 'greek'},
{c: 'Ξ', tclass: 'greek'},
{c: 'Π', tclass: 'greek'},
{c: 'Σ', tclass: 'greek'},
{c: 'Υ', tclass: 'greek'},
{c: 'Φ', tclass: 'greek'},
{c: 'Ψ', tclass: 'greek'},
{c: 'Ω', tclass: 'greek'},
{c: 'ff', ic: 0.0778, krn: {'39': 0.0778, '63': 0.0778, '33': 0.0778, '41': 0.0778, '93': 0.0778}, lig: {'105': 14, '108': 15}, tclass: 'normal'},
{c: 'fi', tclass: 'normal'},
{c: 'fl', tclass: 'normal'},
{c: 'ffi', tclass: 'normal'},
{c: 'ffl', tclass: 'normal'},
// 10 - 1F
{c: 'ı', a:0, tclass: 'normal'},
{c: 'j', d:.2, tclass: 'normal'},
{c: 'ˋ', tclass: 'accent'},
{c: 'ˊ', tclass: 'accent'},
{c: 'ˇ', tclass: 'accent'},
{c: '˘', tclass: 'accent'},
{c: 'ˉ', tclass: 'accent'},
{c: '˚', tclass: 'accent'},
{c: '̧', tclass: 'normal'},
{c: 'ß', tclass: 'normal'},
{c: 'æ', a:0, tclass: 'normal'},
{c: 'œ', a:0, tclass: 'normal'},
{c: 'ø', tclass: 'normal'},
{c: 'Æ', tclass: 'normal'},
{c: 'Œ', tclass: 'normal'},
{c: 'Ø', tclass: 'normal'},
// 20 - 2F
{c: '?', krn: {'108': -0.278, '76': -0.319}, tclass: 'normal'},
{c: '!', lig: {'96': 60}, tclass: 'normal'},
{c: '”', tclass: 'normal'},
{c: '#', tclass: 'normal'},
{c: '$', tclass: 'normal'},
{c: '%', tclass: 'normal'},
{c: '&', tclass: 'normal'},
{c: '’', krn: {'63': 0.111, '33': 0.111}, lig: {'39': 34}, tclass: 'normal'},
{c: '(', d:.2, tclass: 'normal'},
{c: ')', d:.2, tclass: 'normal'},
{c: '*', tclass: 'normal'},
{c: '+', a:.1, tclass: 'normal'},
{c: ',', a:-.3, d:.2, w: 0.278, tclass: 'normal'},
{c: '-', a:0, lig: {'45': 123}, tclass: 'normal'},
{c: '.', a:-.25, tclass: 'normal'},
{c: '/', tclass: 'normal'},
// 30 - 3F
{c: '0', tclass: 'normal'},
{c: '1', tclass: 'normal'},
{c: '2', tclass: 'normal'},
{c: '3', tclass: 'normal'},
{c: '4', tclass: 'normal'},
{c: '5', tclass: 'normal'},
{c: '6', tclass: 'normal'},
{c: '7', tclass: 'normal'},
{c: '8', tclass: 'normal'},
{c: '9', tclass: 'normal'},
{c: ':', tclass: 'normal'},
{c: ';', tclass: 'normal'},
{c: '¡', tclass: 'normal'},
{c: '=', a:0, d:-.1, tclass: 'normal'},
{c: '¿', tclass: 'normal'},
{c: '?', lig: {'96': 62}, tclass: 'normal'},
// 40 - 4F
{c: '@', tclass: 'normal'},
{c: 'A', krn: {'116': -0.0278, '67': -0.0278, '79': -0.0278, '71': -0.0278, '85': -0.0278, '81': -0.0278, '84': -0.0833, '89': -0.0833, '86': -0.111, '87': -0.111}, tclass: 'normal'},
{c: 'B', tclass: 'normal'},
{c: 'C', tclass: 'normal'},
{c: 'D', krn: {'88': -0.0278, '87': -0.0278, '65': -0.0278, '86': -0.0278, '89': -0.0278}, tclass: 'normal'},
{c: 'E', tclass: 'normal'},
{c: 'F', krn: {'111': -0.0833, '101': -0.0833, '117': -0.0833, '114': -0.0833, '97': -0.0833, '65': -0.111, '79': -0.0278, '67': -0.0278, '71': -0.0278, '81': -0.0278}, tclass: 'normal'},
{c: 'G', tclass: 'normal'},
{c: 'H', tclass: 'normal'},
{c: 'I', krn: {'73': 0.0278}, tclass: 'normal'},
{c: 'J', tclass: 'normal'},
{c: 'K', krn: {'79': -0.0278, '67': -0.0278, '71': -0.0278, '81': -0.0278}, tclass: 'normal'},
{c: 'L', krn: {'84': -0.0833, '89': -0.0833, '86': -0.111, '87': -0.111}, tclass: 'normal'},
{c: 'M', tclass: 'normal'},
{c: 'N', tclass: 'normal'},
{c: 'O', krn: {'88': -0.0278, '87': -0.0278, '65': -0.0278, '86': -0.0278, '89': -0.0278}, tclass: 'normal'},
// 50 - 5F
{c: 'P', krn: {'65': -0.0833, '111': -0.0278, '101': -0.0278, '97': -0.0278, '46': -0.0833, '44': -0.0833}, tclass: 'normal'},
{c: 'Q', d:.2, tclass: 'normal'},
{c: 'R', krn: {'116': -0.0278, '67': -0.0278, '79': -0.0278, '71': -0.0278, '85': -0.0278, '81': -0.0278, '84': -0.0833, '89': -0.0833, '86': -0.111, '87': -0.111}, tclass: 'normal'},
{c: 'S', tclass: 'normal'},
{c: 'T', krn: {'121': -0.0278, '101': -0.0833, '111': -0.0833, '114': -0.0833, '97': -0.0833, '65': -0.0833, '117': -0.0833}, tclass: 'normal'},
{c: 'U', tclass: 'normal'},
{c: 'V', ic: 0.0139, krn: {'111': -0.0833, '101': -0.0833, '117': -0.0833, '114': -0.0833, '97': -0.0833, '65': -0.111, '79': -0.0278, '67': -0.0278, '71': -0.0278, '81': -0.0278}, tclass: 'normal'},
{c: 'W', ic: 0.0139, krn: {'111': -0.0833, '101': -0.0833, '117': -0.0833, '114': -0.0833, '97': -0.0833, '65': -0.111, '79': -0.0278, '67': -0.0278, '71': -0.0278, '81': -0.0278}, tclass: 'normal'},
{c: 'X', krn: {'79': -0.0278, '67': -0.0278, '71': -0.0278, '81': -0.0278}, tclass: 'normal'},
{c: 'Y', ic: 0.025, krn: {'101': -0.0833, '111': -0.0833, '114': -0.0833, '97': -0.0833, '65': -0.0833, '117': -0.0833}, tclass: 'normal'},
{c: 'Z', tclass: 'normal'},
{c: '[', d:.1, tclass: 'normal'},
{c: '“', tclass: 'normal'},
{c: ']', d:.1, tclass: 'normal'},
{c: 'ˆ', tclass: 'accent'},
{c: '˙', tclass: 'accent'},
// 60 - 6F
{c: '‘', lig: {'96': 92}, tclass: 'normal'},
{c: 'a', a:0, krn: {'118': -0.0278, '106': 0.0556, '121': -0.0278, '119': -0.0278}, tclass: 'normal'},
{c: 'b', krn: {'101': 0.0278, '111': 0.0278, '120': -0.0278, '100': 0.0278, '99': 0.0278, '113': 0.0278, '118': -0.0278, '106': 0.0556, '121': -0.0278, '119': -0.0278}, tclass: 'normal'},
{c: 'c', a:0, krn: {'104': -0.0278, '107': -0.0278}, tclass: 'normal'},
{c: 'd', tclass: 'normal'},
{c: 'e', a:0, tclass: 'normal'},
{c: 'f', ic: 0.0778, krn: {'39': 0.0778, '63': 0.0778, '33': 0.0778, '41': 0.0778, '93': 0.0778}, lig: {'105': 12, '102': 11, '108': 13}, tclass: 'normal'},
{c: 'g', a:0, d:.2, ic: 0.0139, krn: {'106': 0.0278}, tclass: 'normal'},
{c: 'h', krn: {'116': -0.0278, '117': -0.0278, '98': -0.0278, '121': -0.0278, '118': -0.0278, '119': -0.0278}, tclass: 'normal'},
{c: 'i', tclass: 'normal'},
{c: 'j', d:.2, tclass: 'normal'},
{c: 'k', krn: {'97': -0.0556, '101': -0.0278, '97': -0.0278, '111': -0.0278, '99': -0.0278}, tclass: 'normal'},
{c: 'l', tclass: 'normal'},
{c: 'm', a:0, krn: {'116': -0.0278, '117': -0.0278, '98': -0.0278, '121': -0.0278, '118': -0.0278, '119': -0.0278}, tclass: 'normal'},
{c: 'n', a:0, krn: {'116': -0.0278, '117': -0.0278, '98': -0.0278, '121': -0.0278, '118': -0.0278, '119': -0.0278}, tclass: 'normal'},
{c: 'o', a:0, krn: {'101': 0.0278, '111': 0.0278, '120': -0.0278, '100': 0.0278, '99': 0.0278, '113': 0.0278, '118': -0.0278, '106': 0.0556, '121': -0.0278, '119': -0.0278}, tclass: 'normal'},
// 70 - 7F
{c: 'p', a:0, d:.2, krn: {'101': 0.0278, '111': 0.0278, '120': -0.0278, '100': 0.0278, '99': 0.0278, '113': 0.0278, '118': -0.0278, '106': 0.0556, '121': -0.0278, '119': -0.0278}, tclass: 'normal'},
{c: 'q', a:0, d:.2, tclass: 'normal'},
{c: 'r', a:0, tclass: 'normal'},
{c: 's', a:0, tclass: 'normal'},
{c: 't', krn: {'121': -0.0278, '119': -0.0278}, tclass: 'normal'},
{c: 'u', a:0, krn: {'119': -0.0278}, tclass: 'normal'},
{c: 'v', a:0, ic: 0.0139, krn: {'97': -0.0556, '101': -0.0278, '97': -0.0278, '111': -0.0278, '99': -0.0278}, tclass: 'normal'},
{c: 'w', a:0, ic: 0.0139, krn: {'101': -0.0278, '97': -0.0278, '111': -0.0278, '99': -0.0278}, tclass: 'normal'},
{c: 'x', a:0, tclass: 'normal'},
{c: 'y', a:0, d:.2, ic: 0.0139, krn: {'111': -0.0278, '101': -0.0278, '97': -0.0278, '46': -0.0833, '44': -0.0833}, tclass: 'normal'},
{c: 'z', a:0, tclass: 'normal'},
{c: '–', a:.1, ic: 0.0278, lig: {'45': 124}, tclass: 'normal'},
{c: '—', a:.1, ic: 0.0278, tclass: 'normal'},
{c: '˝', tclass: 'accent'},
{c: '˜', tclass: 'accent'},
{c: '¨', tclass: 'accent'}
cmmi10: [
// 00 - 0F
{c: 'Γ', ic: 0.139, krn: {'61': -0.0556, '59': -0.111, '58': -0.111, '127': 0.0833}, tclass: 'igreek'},
{c: 'Δ', krn: {'127': 0.167}, tclass: 'igreek'},
{c: 'Θ', ic: 0.0278, krn: {'127': 0.0833}, tclass: 'igreek'},
{c: 'Λ', krn: {'127': 0.167}, tclass: 'igreek'},
{c: 'Ξ', ic: 0.0757, krn: {'127': 0.0833}, tclass: 'igreek'},
{c: 'Π', ic: 0.0812, krn: {'61': -0.0556, '59': -0.0556, '58': -0.0556, '127': 0.0556}, tclass: 'igreek'},
{c: 'Σ', ic: 0.0576, krn: {'127': 0.0833}, tclass: 'igreek'},
{c: 'Υ', ic: 0.139, krn: {'61': -0.0556, '59': -0.111, '58': -0.111, '127': 0.0556}, tclass: 'igreek'},
{c: 'Φ', krn: {'127': 0.0833}, tclass: 'igreek'},
{c: 'Ψ', ic: 0.11, krn: {'61': -0.0556, '59': -0.0556, '58': -0.0556, '127': 0.0556}, tclass: 'igreek'},
{c: 'Ω', ic: 0.0502, krn: {'127': 0.0833}, tclass: 'igreek'},
{c: 'α', a:0, ic: 0.0037, krn: {'127': 0.0278}, tclass: 'greek'},
{c: 'β', d:.2, ic: 0.0528, krn: {'127': 0.0833}, tclass: 'greek'},
{c: 'γ', a:0, d:.2, ic: 0.0556, tclass: 'greek'},
{c: 'δ', ic: 0.0378, krn: {'59': -0.0556, '58': -0.0556, '127': 0.0556}, tclass: 'greek'},
{c: 'ε', a:0, krn: {'127': 0.0556}, tclass: 'lucida'},
// 10 - 1F
{c: 'ζ', d:.2, ic: 0.0738, krn: {'127': 0.0833}, tclass: 'greek'},
{c: 'η', a:0, d:.2, ic: 0.0359, krn: {'127': 0.0556}, tclass: 'greek'},
{c: 'θ', ic: 0.0278, krn: {'127': 0.0833}, tclass: 'greek'},
{c: 'ι', a:0, krn: {'127': 0.0556}, tclass: 'greek'},
{c: 'κ', a:0, tclass: 'greek'},
{c: 'λ', tclass: 'greek'},
{c: 'μ', a:0, d:.2, krn: {'127': 0.0278}, tclass: 'greek'},
{c: 'ν', a:0, ic: 0.0637, krn: {'59': -0.0556, '58': -0.0556, '127': 0.0278}, tclass: 'greek'},
{c: 'ξ', d:.2, ic: 0.046, krn: {'127': 0.111}, tclass: 'greek'},
{c: 'π', a:0, ic: 0.0359, tclass: 'greek'},
{c: 'ρ', a:0, d:.2, krn: {'127': 0.0833}, tclass: 'greek'},
{c: 'σ', a:0, ic: 0.0359, krn: {'59': -0.0556, '58': -0.0556}, tclass: 'greek'},
{c: 'τ', a:0, ic: 0.113, krn: {'59': -0.0556, '58': -0.0556, '127': 0.0278}, tclass: 'greek'},
{c: 'υ', a:0, ic: 0.0359, krn: {'127': 0.0278}, tclass: 'greek'},
{c: 'φ', a:.1, d:.2, krn: {'127': 0.0833}, tclass: 'greek'},
{c: 'χ', a:0, d:.2, krn: {'127': 0.0556}, tclass: 'greek'},
// 20 - 2F
{c: 'ψ', a:.1, d:.2, ic: 0.0359, krn: {'127': 0.111}, tclass: 'greek'},
{c: 'ω', a:0, ic: 0.0359, tclass: 'greek'},
{c: 'ε', a:0, krn: {'127': 0.0833}, tclass: 'greek'},
{c: 'ϑ', krn: {'127': 0.0833}, tclass: 'lucida'},
{c: 'ϖ', a:0, ic: 0.0278, tclass: 'lucida'},
{c: 'ϱ', a:0, d:.2, krn: {'127': 0.0833}, tclass: 'lucida'},
{c: 'ς', a:0, d:.2, ic: 0.0799, krn: {'127': 0.0833}, tclass: 'lucida'},
{c: 'ϕ', a:.1, d:.2, krn: {'127': 0.0833}, tclass: 'lucida'},
{c: '↼', a:0, d:-.2, tclass: 'arrows'},
{c: '↽', a:0, d:-.1, tclass: 'arrows'},
{c: '⇀', a:0, d:-.2, tclass: 'arrows'},
{c: '⇁', a:0, d:-.1, tclass: 'arrows'},
{c: '<span style="position:relative; top:-.1em">˓</span>', a:.1, tclass: 'symbol'},
{c: '<span style="position:relative; top:-.1em">˒</span>', a:.1, tclass: 'symbol'},
{c: '▹', tclass: 'symbol'},
{c: '◃', tclass: 'symbol'},
// 30 - 3F
{c: '0', tclass: 'normal'},
{c: '1', tclass: 'normal'},
{c: '2', tclass: 'normal'},
{c: '3', tclass: 'normal'},
{c: '4', tclass: 'normal'},
{c: '5', tclass: 'normal'},
{c: '6', tclass: 'normal'},
{c: '7', tclass: 'normal'},
{c: '8', tclass: 'normal'},
{c: '9', tclass: 'normal'},
{c: '.', a:-.3, tclass: 'normal'},
{c: ',', a:-.3, d:.2, tclass: 'normal'},
{c: '<', a:.1, tclass: 'normal'},
{c: '<span style="font-size:133%; position:relative; top:.1em">/</span>', d:.1, krn: {'1': -0.0556, '65': -0.0556, '77': -0.0556, '78': -0.0556, '89': 0.0556, '90': -0.0556}, tclass: 'normal'},
{c: '>', a:.1, tclass: 'normal'},
{c: '⋆', a:0, tclass: 'arial'},
// 40 - 4F
{c: '∂', ic: 0.0556, krn: {'127': 0.0833}, tclass: 'normal'},
{c: 'A', krn: {'127': 0.139}, tclass: 'italic'},
{c: 'B', ic: 0.0502, krn: {'127': 0.0833}, tclass: 'italic'},
{c: 'C', ic: 0.0715, krn: {'61': -0.0278, '59': -0.0556, '58': -0.0556, '127': 0.0833}, tclass: 'italic'},
{c: 'D', ic: 0.0278, krn: {'127': 0.0556}, tclass: 'italic'},
{c: 'E', ic: 0.0576, krn: {'127': 0.0833}, tclass: 'italic'},
{c: 'F', ic: 0.139, krn: {'61': -0.0556, '59': -0.111, '58': -0.111, '127': 0.0833}, tclass: 'italic'},
{c: 'G', krn: {'127': 0.0833}, tclass: 'italic'},
{c: 'H', ic: 0.0812, krn: {'61': -0.0556, '59': -0.0556, '58': -0.0556, '127': 0.0556}, tclass: 'italic'},
{c: 'I', ic: 0.0785, krn: {'127': 0.111}, tclass: 'italic'},
{c: 'J', ic: 0.0962, krn: {'61': -0.0556, '59': -0.111, '58': -0.111, '127': 0.167}, tclass: 'italic'},
{c: 'K', ic: 0.0715, krn: {'61': -0.0556, '59': -0.0556, '58': -0.0556, '127': 0.0556}, tclass: 'italic'},
{c: 'L', krn: {'127': 0.0278}, tclass: 'italic'},
{c: 'M', ic: 0.109, krn: {'61': -0.0556, '59': -0.0556, '58': -0.0556, '127': 0.0833}, tclass: 'italic'},
{c: 'N', ic: 0.109, krn: {'61': -0.0833, '61': -0.0278, '59': -0.0556, '58': -0.0556, '127': 0.0833}, tclass: 'italic'},
{c: 'O', ic: 0.0278, krn: {'127': 0.0833}, tclass: 'italic'},
// 50 - 5F
{c: 'P', ic: 0.139, krn: {'61': -0.0556, '59': -0.111, '58': -0.111, '127': 0.0833}, tclass: 'italic'},
{c: 'Q', d:.2, krn: {'127': 0.0833}, tclass: 'italic'},
{c: 'R', ic: 0.00773, krn: {'127': 0.0833}, tclass: 'italic'},
{c: 'S', ic: 0.0576, krn: {'61': -0.0556, '59': -0.0556, '58': -0.0556, '127': 0.0833}, tclass: 'italic'},
{c: 'T', ic: 0.139, krn: {'61': -0.0278, '59': -0.0556, '58': -0.0556, '127': 0.0833}, tclass: 'italic'},
{c: 'U', ic: 0.109, krn: {'59': -0.111, '58': -0.111, '61': -0.0556, '127': 0.0278}, tclass: 'italic'},
{c: 'V', ic: 0.222, krn: {'59': -0.167, '58': -0.167, '61': -0.111}, tclass: 'italic'},
{c: 'W', ic: 0.139, krn: {'59': -0.167, '58': -0.167, '61': -0.111}, tclass: 'italic'},
{c: 'X', ic: 0.0785, krn: {'61': -0.0833, '61': -0.0278, '59': -0.0556, '58': -0.0556, '127': 0.0833}, tclass: 'italic'},
{c: 'Y', ic: 0.222, krn: {'59': -0.167, '58': -0.167, '61': -0.111}, tclass: 'italic'},
{c: 'Z', ic: 0.0715, krn: {'61': -0.0556, '59': -0.0556, '58': -0.0556, '127': 0.0833}, tclass: 'italic'},
{c: '♭', tclass: 'symbol'},
{c: '♮', tclass: 'symbol'},
{c: '♯', tclass: 'symbol'},
{c: '<span style="position: relative; top:-.3em; font-size:75%">‿</span>', a:0, d:-.1, tclass: 'arial'},
{c: '<span style="position: relative; top:.4em; font-size:75%">⁀</span>', a:0, d:-.1, tclass: 'arial'},
// 60 - 6F
{c: 'ℓ', krn: {'127': 0.111}, tclass: 'italic'},
{c: 'a', a:0, tclass: 'italic'},
{c: 'b', tclass: 'italic'},
{c: 'c', a:0, krn: {'127': 0.0556}, tclass: 'italic'},
{c: 'd', krn: {'89': 0.0556, '90': -0.0556, '106': -0.111, '102': -0.167, '127': 0.167}, tclass: 'italic'},
{c: 'e', a:0, krn: {'127': 0.0556}, tclass: 'italic'},
{c: 'f', d:.2, ic: 0.108, krn: {'59': -0.0556, '58': -0.0556, '127': 0.167}, tclass: 'italic'},
{c: 'g', a:0, d:.2, ic: 0.0359, krn: {'127': 0.0278}, tclass: 'italic'},
{c: 'h', krn: {'127': -0.0278}, tclass: 'italic'},
{c: 'i', tclass: 'italic'},
{c: 'j', d:.2, ic: 0.0572, krn: {'59': -0.0556, '58': -0.0556}, tclass: 'italic'},
{c: 'k', ic: 0.0315, tclass: 'italic'},
{c: 'l', ic: 0.0197, krn: {'127': 0.0833}, tclass: 'italic'},
{c: 'm', a:0, tclass: 'italic'},
{c: 'n', a:0, tclass: 'italic'},
{c: 'o', a:0, krn: {'127': 0.0556}, tclass: 'italic'},
// 70 - 7F
{c: 'p', a:0, d:.2, krn: {'127': 0.0833}, tclass: 'italic'},
{c: 'q', a:0, d:.2, ic: 0.0359, krn: {'127': 0.0833}, tclass: 'italic'},
{c: 'r', a:0, ic: 0.0278, krn: {'59': -0.0556, '58': -0.0556, '127': 0.0556}, tclass: 'italic'},
{c: 's', a:0, krn: {'127': 0.0556}, tclass: 'italic'},
{c: 't', krn: {'127': 0.0833}, tclass: 'italic'},
{c: 'u', a:0, krn: {'127': 0.0278}, tclass: 'italic'},
{c: 'v', a:0, ic: 0.0359, krn: {'127': 0.0278}, tclass: 'italic'},
{c: 'w', a:0, ic: 0.0269, krn: {'127': 0.0833}, tclass: 'italic'},
{c: 'x', a:0, krn: {'127': 0.0278}, tclass: 'italic'},
{c: 'y', a:0, d:.2, ic: 0.0359, krn: {'127': 0.0556}, tclass: 'italic'},
{c: 'z', a:0, ic: 0.044, krn: {'127': 0.0556}, tclass: 'italic'},
{c: 'ı', a:0, krn: {'127': 0.0278}, tclass: 'italic'},
{c: 'j', d:.2, krn: {'127': 0.0833}, tclass: 'italic'},
{c: '℘', a:0, d:.2, krn: {'127': 0.111}, tclass: 'arial'},
{c: '<span style="position:relative; left: .3em; top: -.65em; font-size: 67%">→</span>', ic: 0.154, tclass: 'symbol'},
{c: '̑', ic: 0.399, tclass: 'normal'}
cmsy10: [
// 00 - 0F
{c: '<span style="position:relative; top:.1em">−</span>', a:.1, tclass: 'symbol'},
{c: '·', a:0, d:-.2, tclass: 'normal'},
{c: '×', a:0, tclass: 'normal'},
{c: '<span style="position:relative; top:.3em">*</span>', a:0, tclass: 'normal'},
{c: '÷', a:0, tclass: 'normal'},
{c: '◊', tclass: 'symbol'},
{c: '±', a:.1, tclass: 'normal'},
{c: '∓', tclass: 'symbol'},
{c: '⊕', tclass: 'symbol'},
{c: '⊖', tclass: 'symbol'},
{c: '⊗', tclass: 'symbol'},
{c: '⊘', tclass: 'symbol'},
{c: '⊙', tclass: 'symbol'},
{c: '◯', tclass: 'arial'},
{c: '∘', a:0, d:-.1, tclass: 'symbol2'},
{c: '•', a:0, d:-.2, tclass: 'symbol'},
// 10 - 1F
{c: '≍', a:.1, tclass: 'symbol2'},
{c: '≡', a:.1, tclass: 'symbol2'},
{c: '⊆', tclass: 'symbol'},
{c: '⊇', tclass: 'symbol'},
{c: '≤', tclass: 'symbol'},
{c: '≥', tclass: 'symbol'},
{c: '≼', tclass: 'symbol'},
{c: '≽', tclass: 'symbol'},
{c: '~', a:0, d: -.2, tclass: 'normal'},
{c: '≈', a:.1, d:-.1, tclass: 'symbol'},
{c: '⊂', tclass: 'symbol'},
{c: '⊃', tclass: 'symbol'},
{c: '≪', tclass: 'symbol'},
{c: '≫', tclass: 'symbol'},
{c: '≺', tclass: 'symbol'},
{c: '≻', tclass: 'symbol'},
// 20 - 2F
{c: '←', a:-.1, tclass: 'arrow1'},
{c: '→', a:-.1, tclass: 'arrow1'},
{c: '↑', a:.2, d:0, tclass: 'arrow1a'},
{c: '↓', a:.2, d:0, tclass: 'arrow1a'},
{c: '↔', a:-.1, tclass: 'arrow1'},
{c: '↗', a:.1, tclass: 'arrows'},
{c: '↘', a:.1, tclass: 'arrows'},
{c: '≃', a: .1, tclass: 'symbol2'},
{c: '⇐', a:-.1, tclass: 'arrow2'},
{c: '⇒', a:-.1, tclass: 'arrow2'},
{c: '⇑', a:.2, d:.1, tclass: 'arrow1a'},
{c: '⇓', a:.2, d:.1, tclass: 'arrow1a'},
{c: '⇔', a:-.1, tclass: 'arrow2'},
{c: '↖', a:.1, tclass: 'arrows'},
{c: '↙', a:.1, tclass: 'arrows'},
{c: '∝', a:.1, tclass: 'normal'},
// 30 - 3F
{c: '<span style="font-size: 133%; margin-right: -.1em; position: relative; top:.4em">′</span>', a: 0, tclass: 'lucida'},
{c: '∞', a:.1, tclass: 'symbol'},
{c: '∈', tclass: 'symbol'},
{c: '∋', tclass: 'symbol'},
{c: '<span style="font-size: 150%; position:relative; top:.2em">△</span>', tclass: 'symbol'},
{c: '<span style="font-size: 150%; position:relative; top:.2em">▽</span>', tclass: 'symbol'},
{c: '<span style="font-size: 133%; position:relative; top:.2em">/</span>', d:.2, tclass: 'normal'},
{c: '<span style="font-size: 67%; position: relative; top:-.15em; margin-right:-.3em">⊢</span>', tclass: 'symbol'},
{c: '∀', tclass: 'symbol'},
{c: '∃', tclass: 'symbol'},
{c: '¬', a:0, d:-.1, tclass: 'symbol'},
{c: '∅', tclass: 'symbol'},
{c: 'ℜ', tclass: 'symbol'},
{c: 'ℑ', tclass: 'symbol'},
{c: '⊤', tclass: 'symbol'},
{c: '⊥', tclass: 'symbol'},
// 40 - 4F
{c: 'ℵ', tclass: 'symbol'},
{c: 'A', krn: {'48': 0.194}, tclass: 'cal'},
{c: 'B', ic: 0.0304, krn: {'48': 0.139}, tclass: 'cal'},
{c: 'C', ic: 0.0583, krn: {'48': 0.139}, tclass: 'cal'},
{c: 'D', ic: 0.0278, krn: {'48': 0.0833}, tclass: 'cal'},
{c: 'E', ic: 0.0894, krn: {'48': 0.111}, tclass: 'cal'},
{c: 'F', ic: 0.0993, krn: {'48': 0.111}, tclass: 'cal'},
{c: 'G', d:.2, ic: 0.0593, krn: {'48': 0.111}, tclass: 'cal'},
{c: 'H', ic: 0.00965, krn: {'48': 0.111}, tclass: 'cal'},
{c: 'I', ic: 0.0738, krn: {'48': 0.0278}, tclass: 'cal'},
{c: 'J', d:.2, ic: 0.185, krn: {'48': 0.167}, tclass: 'cal'},
{c: 'K', ic: 0.0144, krn: {'48': 0.0556}, tclass: 'cal'},
{c: 'L', krn: {'48': 0.139}, tclass: 'cal'},
{c: 'M', krn: {'48': 0.139}, tclass: 'cal'},
{c: 'N', ic: 0.147, krn: {'48': 0.0833}, tclass: 'cal'},
{c: 'O', ic: 0.0278, krn: {'48': 0.111}, tclass: 'cal'},
// 50 - 5F
{c: 'P', ic: 0.0822, krn: {'48': 0.0833}, tclass: 'cal'},
{c: 'Q', d:.2, krn: {'48': 0.111}, tclass: 'cal'},
{c: 'R', krn: {'48': 0.0833}, tclass: 'cal'},
{c: 'S', ic: 0.075, krn: {'48': 0.139}, tclass: 'cal'},
{c: 'T', ic: 0.254, krn: {'48': 0.0278}, tclass: 'cal'},
{c: 'U', ic: 0.0993, krn: {'48': 0.0833}, tclass: 'cal'},
{c: 'V', ic: 0.0822, krn: {'48': 0.0278}, tclass: 'cal'},
{c: 'W', ic: 0.0822, krn: {'48': 0.0833}, tclass: 'cal'},
{c: 'X', ic: 0.146, krn: {'48': 0.139}, tclass: 'cal'},
{c: 'Y', ic: 0.0822, krn: {'48': 0.0833}, tclass: 'cal'},
{c: 'Z', ic: 0.0794, krn: {'48': 0.139}, tclass: 'cal'},
{c: '⋃', tclass: 'symbol'},
{c: '⋂', tclass: 'symbol'},
{c: '⊎', tclass: 'symbol'},
{c: '⋀', tclass: 'symbol'},
{c: '⋁', tclass: 'symbol'},
// 60 - 6F
{c: '⊢', tclass: 'symbol'},
{c: '⊣', tclass: 'symbol'},
{c: '⌈', a:.3, d:.2, tclass: 'arial'},
{c: '⌉', a:.3, d:.2, tclass: 'arial'},
{c: '⌊', a:.3, d:.2, tclass: 'arial'},
{c: '⌋', a:.3, d:.2, tclass: 'arial'},
{c: '{', d:.2, tclass: 'normal'},
{c: '}', d:.2, tclass: 'normal'},
{c: '〈', a:.3, d:.2, tclass: 'symbol'},
{c: '〉', a:.3, d:.2, tclass: 'symbol'},
{c: '∣', d:.1, tclass: 'symbol'},
{c: '∥', d:.1, tclass: 'symbol'},
{c: '↕', a:.2, d:0, tclass: 'arrow1a'},
{c: '⇕', a:.3, d:0, tclass: 'arrow1a'},
{c: '∖', a:.3, d:.1, tclass: 'symbol'},
{c: '≀', tclass: 'symbol'},
// 70 - 7F
{c: '<span style="position:relative; top: .8em">√</span>', h:.04, d:.8, tclass: 'symbol'},
{c: '∐', a:.4, tclass: 'symbol'},
{c: '∇', tclass: 'symbol'},
{c: '<span style="font-size: 85%; left:-.1em; margin-right:-.2em">∫</span>', a:.4, d:.1, ic: 0.111, tclass: 'lucida'},
{c: '⊔', tclass: 'symbol'},
{c: '⊓', tclass: 'symbol'},
{c: '⊑', tclass: 'symbol'},
{c: '⊒', tclass: 'symbol'},
{c: '§', d:.1, tclass: 'normal'},
{c: '†', d:.1, tclass: 'normal'},
{c: '‡', d:.1, tclass: 'normal'},
{c: '¶', a:.3, d:.1, tclass: 'lucida'},
{c: '♣', tclass: 'arial'},
{c: '♢', tclass: 'arial'},
{c: '♡', tclass: 'arial'},
{c: '♠', tclass: 'arial'}
cmex10: [
// 00 - 0F
{c: '(', h: 0.04, d: 1.16, n: 16, tclass: 'delim1'},
{c: ')', h: 0.04, d: 1.16, n: 17, tclass: 'delim1'},
{c: '[', h: 0.04, d: 1.16, n: 104, tclass: 'delim1'},
{c: ']', h: 0.04, d: 1.16, n: 105, tclass: 'delim1'},
{c: '⌈', h: 0.04, d: 1.16, n: 106, tclass: 'delim1a'},
{c: '⌉', h: 0.04, d: 1.16, n: 107, tclass: 'delim1a'},
{c: '⌊', h: 0.04, d: 1.16, n: 108, tclass: 'delim1a'},
{c: '⌋', h: 0.04, d: 1.16, n: 109, tclass: 'delim1a'},
{c: '<span style="margin-left:-.1em">{</span>', h: 0.04, d: 1.16, n: 110, tclass: 'delim1'},
{c: '<span style="margin-right:-.1em">}</span>', h: 0.04, d: 1.16, n: 111, tclass: 'delim1'},
{c: '〈', h: 0.04, d: 1.16, n: 68, tclass: 'delim1b'},
{c: '〉', h: 0.04, d: 1.16, n: 69, tclass: 'delim1b'},
{c: '∣', h:.7, d:.1, delim: {rep: 12}, tclass: 'symbol'},
{c: '∥', h:.7, d:.1, delim: {rep: 13}, tclass: 'symbol'},
{c: '/', h: 0.04, d: 1.16, n: 46, tclass: 'delim1a'},
{c: '∖', h: 0.04, d: 1.16, n: 47, tclass: 'delim1a'},
// 10 - 1F
{c: '(', h: 0.04, d: 1.76, n: 18, tclass: 'delim2'},
{c: ')', h: 0.04, d: 1.76, n: 19, tclass: 'delim2'},
{c: '(', h: 0.04, d: 2.36, n: 32, tclass: 'delim3'},
{c: ')', h: 0.04, d: 2.36, n: 33, tclass: 'delim3'},
{c: '[', h: 0.04, d: 2.36, n: 34, tclass: 'delim3'},
{c: ']', h: 0.04, d: 2.36, n: 35, tclass: 'delim3'},
{c: '⌈', h: 0.04, d: 2.36, n: 36, tclass: 'delim3a'},
{c: '⌉', h: 0.04, d: 2.36, n: 37, tclass: 'delim3a'},
{c: '⌊', h: 0.04, d: 2.36, n: 38, tclass: 'delim3a'},
{c: '⌋', h: 0.04, d: 2.36, n: 39, tclass: 'delim3a'},
{c: '<span style="position:relative; left:-.1em; margin-right:-.1em">{</span>', h: 0.04, d: 2.36, n: 40, tclass: 'delim3'},
{c: '<span style="position:relative; left:-.05em; margin-right:-.1em">}</span>', h: 0.04, d: 2.36, n: 41, tclass: 'delim3'},
{c: '〈', h: 0.04, d: 2.36, n: 42, tclass: 'delim3b'},
{c: '〉', h: 0.04, d: 2.36, n: 43, tclass: 'delim3b'},
{c: '/', h: 0.04, d: 2.36, n: 44, tclass: 'delim3a'},
{c: '∖', h: 0.04, d: 2.36, n: 45, tclass: 'delim3a'},
// 20 - 2F
{c: '(', h: 0.04, d: 2.96, n: 48, tclass: 'delim4'},
{c: ')', h: 0.04, d: 2.96, n: 49, tclass: 'delim4'},
{c: '[', h: 0.04, d: 2.96, n: 50, tclass: 'delim4'},
{c: ']', h: 0.04, d: 2.96, n: 51, tclass: 'delim4'},
{c: '⌈', h: 0.04, d: 2.96, n: 52, tclass: 'delim4a'},
{c: '⌉', h: 0.04, d: 2.96, n: 53, tclass: 'delim4a'},
{c: '⌊', h: 0.04, d: 2.96, n: 54, tclass: 'delim4a'},
{c: '⌋', h: 0.04, d: 2.96, n: 55, tclass: 'delim4a'},
{c: '<span style="position:relative; left:-.1em; margin-right:-.1em">{</span>', h: 0.04, d: 2.96, n: 56, tclass: 'delim4'},
{c: '<span style="position:relative; left:-.1em; margin-right:-.1em">}</span>', h: 0.04, d: 2.96, n: 57, tclass: 'delim4'},
{c: '〈', h: 0.04, d: 2.96, tclass: 'delim4b'},
{c: '〉', h: 0.04, d: 2.96, tclass: 'delim4b'},
{c: '/', h: 0.04, d: 2.96, tclass: 'delim4a'},
{c: '∖', h: 0.04, d: 2.96, tclass: 'delim4a'},
{c: '/', h: 0.04, d: 1.76, n: 30, tclass: 'delim2a'},
{c: '∖', h: 0.04, d: 1.76, n: 31, tclass: 'delim2a'},
// 30 - 3F
{c: 'æ', h: .8, d: .2, delim: {top: 48, bot: 64, rep: 66}, tclass: 'delimx'},
{c: 'ö', h: .8, d: .2, delim: {top: 49, bot: 65, rep: 67}, tclass: 'delimx'},
{c: 'é', h: .8, d: .2, delim: {top: 50, bot: 52, rep: 54}, tclass: 'delimx'},
{c: 'ù', h: .8, d: .2, delim: {top: 51, bot: 53, rep: 55}, tclass: 'delimx'},
{c: 'ë', h: .8, d: .2, delim: {bot: 52, rep: 54}, tclass: 'delimx'},
{c: 'û', h: .8, d: .2, delim: {bot: 53, rep: 55}, tclass: 'delimx'},
{c: 'ê', h: .8, d: .2, delim: {top: 50, rep: 54}, tclass: 'delimx'},
{c: 'ú', h: .8, d: .2, delim: {top: 51, rep: 55}, tclass: 'delimx'},
{c: 'ì', h: .8, d: .2, delim: {top: 56, mid: 60, bot: 58, rep: 62}, tclass: 'delimx'},
{c: 'ü', h: .8, d: .2, delim: {top: 57, mid: 61, bot: 59, rep: 62}, tclass: 'delimx'},
{c: 'î', h: .8, d: .2, delim: {top: 56, bot: 58, rep: 62}, tclass: 'delimx'},
{c: 'þ', h: .8, d: .2, delim: {top: 57, bot: 59, rep: 62}, tclass: 'delimx'},
{c: 'í', h: .8, d: .2, delim: {rep: 63}, tclass: 'delimx'},
{c: 'ý', h: .8, d: .2, delim: {rep: 119}, tclass: 'delimx'},
{c: 'ï', h: .8, d: .2, delim: {rep: 62}, tclass: 'delimx'},
{c: '<span style="margin:.125em">|</span>', h: .8, d: 0, delim: {top: 120, bot: 121, rep: 63}, tclass: 'normal'},
// 40 - 4F
{c: 'è', h: .8, d: .2, delim: {top: 56, bot: 59, rep: 62}, tclass: 'delimx'},
{c: 'ø', h: .8, d: .2, delim: {top: 57, bot: 58, rep: 62}, tclass: 'delimx'},
{c: 'ç', h: .8, d: .2, delim: {rep: 66}, tclass: 'delimx'},
{c: '÷', h: .8, d: .2, delim: {rep: 67}, tclass: 'delimx'},
{c: '〈', h: 0.04, d: 1.76, n: 28, tclass: 'delim2b'},
{c: '〉', h: 0.04, d: 1.76, n: 29, tclass: 'delim2b'},
{c: '⊔', h: 0, d: 1, n: 71, tclass: 'bigop1'},
{c: '⊔', h: 0.1, d: 1.5, tclass: 'bigop2'},
{c: '∮', h: 0, d: 1.11, ic: 0.095, n: 73, tclass: 'bigop1c'},
{c: '∮', h: 0, d: 2.22, ic: 0.222, tclass: 'bigop2c'},
{c: '⊙', h: 0, d: 1, n: 75, tclass: 'bigop1'},
{c: '⊙', h: 0.1, d: 1.5, tclass: 'bigop2'},
{c: '⊕', h: 0, d: 1, n: 77, tclass: 'bigop1'},
{c: '⊕', h: 0.1, d: 1.5, tclass: 'bigop2'},
{c: '⊗', h: 0, d: 1, n: 79, tclass: 'bigop1'},
{c: '⊗', h: 0.1, d: 1.5, tclass: 'bigop2'},
// 50 - 5F
{c: '∑', h: 0, d: 1, n: 88, tclass: 'bigop1a'},
{c: '∏', h: 0, d: 1, n: 89, tclass: 'bigop1a'},
{c: '∫', h: 0, d: 1.11, ic: 0.095, n: 90, tclass: 'bigop1c'},
{c: '∪', h: 0, d: 1, n: 91, tclass: 'bigop1b'},
{c: '∩', h: 0, d: 1, n: 92, tclass: 'bigop1b'},
{c: '⊎', h: 0, d: 1, n: 93, tclass: 'bigop1b'},
{c: '⋀', h: 0, d: 1, n: 94, tclass: 'bigop1'},
{c: '⋁', h: 0, d: 1, n: 95, tclass: 'bigop1'},
{c: '∑', h: 0.1, d: 1.6, tclass: 'bigop2a'},
{c: '∏', h: 0.1, d: 1.5, tclass: 'bigop2a'},
{c: '∫', h: 0, d: 2.22, ic: 0.222, tclass: 'bigop2c'},
{c: '∪', h: 0.1, d: 1.5, tclass: 'bigop2b'},
{c: '∩', h: 0.1, d: 1.5, tclass: 'bigop2b'},
{c: '⊎', h: 0.1, d: 1.5, tclass: 'bigop2b'},
{c: '⋀', h: 0.1, d: 1.5, tclass: 'bigop2'},
{c: '⋁', h: 0.1, d: 1.5, tclass: 'bigop2'},
// 60 - 6F
{c: '∐', h: 0, d: 1, n: 97, tclass: 'bigop1a'},
{c: '∐', h: 0.1, d: 1.5, tclass: 'bigop2a'},
{c: '︿', h: 0.722, w: .65, n: 99, tclass: 'wide1'},
{c: '︿', h: 0.85, w: 1.1, n: 100, tclass: 'wide2'},
{c: '︿', h: 0.99, w: 1.65, tclass: 'wide3'},
{c: '~', h: 0.722, w: .5, n: 102, tclass: 'wide1a'},
{c: '~', h: 0.8, w: .8, n: 103, tclass: 'wide2a'},
{c: '~', h: 0.99, w: 1.3, tclass: 'wide3a'},
{c: '[', h: 0.04, d: 1.76, n: 20, tclass: 'delim2'},
{c: ']', h: 0.04, d: 1.76, n: 21, tclass: 'delim2'},
{c: '⌈', h: 0.04, d: 1.76, n: 22, tclass: 'delim2a'},
{c: '⌉', h: 0.04, d: 1.76, n: 23, tclass: 'delim2a'},
{c: '⌊', h: 0.04, d: 1.76, n: 24, tclass: 'delim2a'},
{c: '⌋', h: 0.04, d: 1.76, n: 25, tclass: 'delim2a'},
{c: '<span style="position:relative; left:-.1em; margin-right:-.1em">{</span>', h: 0.04, d: 1.76, n: 26, tclass: 'delim2'},
{c: '<span style="position:relative; margin-right:-.1em; left:-.05em">}</span>', h: 0.04, d: 1.76, n: 27, tclass: 'delim2'},
// 70 - 7F
{c: '<span style="font-size: 150%; position:relative; top:.8em">√</span>', h: 0.04, d: 1.16, n: 113, tclass: 'root'},
{c: '<span style="font-size: 220%; position:relative; top:.8em">√</span>', h: 0.04, d: 1.76, n: 114, tclass: 'root'},
{c: '<span style="font-size: 310%; position:relative; top:.8em; margin-right:-.01em">√</span>', h: 0.06, d: 2.36, n: 115, tclass: 'root'},
{c: '<span style="font-size: 400%; position:relative; top:.8em; margin-right:-.025em">√</span>', h: 0.08, d: 2.96, n: 116, tclass: 'root'},
{c: '<span style="font-size: 490%; position:relative; top:.8em; margin-right:-.03em">√</span>', h: 0.1, d: 3.75, n: 117, tclass: 'root'},
{c: '<span style="font-size: 580%; position:relative; top:.775em; margin-right:-.04em">√</span>', h: .12, d: 4.5, n: 118, tclass: 'root'},
{c: '<span style="font-size: 750%; position:relative; top:.775em;margin-right:-.04em">√</span>', h: .14, d: 5.7, tclass: 'root'},
{c: '<span style="margin-left:.02em">|</span><span style="margin-left:.08em; margin-right:.125em">|</span>', h:.8, d:0, delim: {top: 126, bot: 127, rep: 119}, tclass: 'normal'},
{c: '↑', h:.7, d:0, delim: {top: 120, rep: 63}, tclass: 'arrow1a'},
{c: '↓', h:.65, d:0, delim: {bot: 121, rep: 63}, tclass: 'arrow1a'},
{c: '<span style="margin-left:-.1em"></span><span style="position:relative; top:.55em; margin-right:-.3em">◜</span>', h: 0.05, tclass: 'symbol'},
{c: '<span style="margin-left:-.3em"></span><span style="position:relative; top:.55em; margin-right:-.1em">◝</span>', h: 0.05, tclass: 'symbol'},
{c: '<span style="margin-left:-.1em"></span><span style="position:relative; top:.15em; margin-right:-.3em">◟</span>', h: 0.05, tclass: 'symbol'},
{c: '<span style="margin-left:-.3em"></span><span style="position:relative; top:.15em; margin-right:-.1em">◞</span>', h: 0.05, tclass: 'symbol'},
{c: '⇑', h: .7, d:0, delim: {top: 126, rep: 119}, tclass: 'arrow1a'},
{c: '⇓', h: .7, d:0, delim: {bot: 127, rep: 119}, tclass: 'arrow1a'}
cmti10: [
// 00 - 0F
{c: 'Γ', ic: 0.133, tclass: 'igreek'},
{c: 'Δ', tclass: 'igreek'},
{c: 'Θ', ic: 0.094, tclass: 'igreek'},
{c: 'Λ', tclass: 'igreek'},
{c: 'Ξ', ic: 0.153, tclass: 'igreek'},
{c: 'Π', ic: 0.164, tclass: 'igreek'},
{c: 'Σ', ic: 0.12, tclass: 'igreek'},
{c: 'Υ', ic: 0.111, tclass: 'igreek'},
{c: 'Φ', ic: 0.0599, tclass: 'igreek'},
{c: 'Ψ', ic: 0.111, tclass: 'igreek'},
{c: 'Ω', ic: 0.103, tclass: 'igreek'},
{c: 'ff', ic: 0.212, krn: {'39': 0.104, '63': 0.104, '33': 0.104, '41': 0.104, '93': 0.104}, lig: {'105': 14, '108': 15}, tclass: 'italic'},
{c: 'fi', ic: 0.103, tclass: 'italic'},
{c: 'fl', ic: 0.103, tclass: 'italic'},
{c: 'ffi', ic: 0.103, tclass: 'italic'},
{c: 'ffl', ic: 0.103, tclass: 'italic'},
// 10 - 1F
{c: 'ı', a:0, ic: 0.0767, tclass: 'italic'},
{c: 'j', d:.2, ic: 0.0374, tclass: 'italic'},
{c: 'ˋ', tclass: 'iaccent'},
{c: 'ˊ', ic: 0.0969, tclass: 'iaccent'},
{c: 'ˇ', ic: 0.083, tclass: 'iaccent'},
{c: '˘', ic: 0.108, tclass: 'iaccent'},
{c: 'ˉ', ic: 0.103, tclass: 'iaccent'},
{c: '˚', tclass: 'iaccent'},
{c: '?', d: 0.17, w: 0.46, tclass: 'italic'},
{c: 'ß', ic: 0.105, tclass: 'italic'},
{c: 'æ', a:0, ic: 0.0751, tclass: 'italic'},
{c: 'œ', a:0, ic: 0.0751, tclass: 'italic'},
{c: 'ø', ic: 0.0919, tclass: 'italic'},
{c: 'Æ', ic: 0.12, tclass: 'italic'},
{c: 'Œ', ic: 0.12, tclass: 'italic'},
{c: 'Ø', ic: 0.094, tclass: 'italic'},
// 20 - 2F
{c: '?', krn: {'108': -0.256, '76': -0.321}, tclass: 'italic'},
{c: '!', ic: 0.124, lig: {'96': 60}, tclass: 'italic'},
{c: '”', ic: 0.0696, tclass: 'italic'},
{c: '#', ic: 0.0662, tclass: 'italic'},
{c: '$', tclass: 'italic'},
{c: '%', ic: 0.136, tclass: 'italic'},
{c: '&', ic: 0.0969, tclass: 'italic'},
{c: '’', ic: 0.124, krn: {'63': 0.102, '33': 0.102}, lig: {'39': 34}, tclass: 'italic'},
{c: '(', d:.2, ic: 0.162, tclass: 'italic'},
{c: ')', d:.2, ic: 0.0369, tclass: 'italic'},
{c: '*', ic: 0.149, tclass: 'italic'},
{c: '+', a:.1, ic: 0.0369, tclass: 'italic'},
{c: ',', a:-.3, d:.2, w: 0.278, tclass: 'italic'},
{c: '-', a:0, ic: 0.0283, lig: {'45': 123}, tclass: 'italic'},
{c: '.', a:-.25, tclass: 'italic'},
{c: '/', ic: 0.162, tclass: 'italic'},
// 30 - 3F
{c: '0', ic: 0.136, tclass: 'italic'},
{c: '1', ic: 0.136, tclass: 'italic'},
{c: '2', ic: 0.136, tclass: 'italic'},
{c: '3', ic: 0.136, tclass: 'italic'},
{c: '4', ic: 0.136, tclass: 'italic'},
{c: '5', ic: 0.136, tclass: 'italic'},
{c: '6', ic: 0.136, tclass: 'italic'},
{c: '7', ic: 0.136, tclass: 'italic'},
{c: '8', ic: 0.136, tclass: 'italic'},
{c: '9', ic: 0.136, tclass: 'italic'},
{c: ':', ic: 0.0582, tclass: 'italic'},
{c: ';', ic: 0.0582, tclass: 'italic'},
{c: '¡', ic: 0.0756, tclass: 'italic'},
{c: '=', a:0, d:-.1, ic: 0.0662, tclass: 'italic'},
{c: '¿', tclass: 'italic'},
{c: '?', ic: 0.122, lig: {'96': 62}, tclass: 'italic'},
// 40 - 4F
{c: '@', ic: 0.096, tclass: 'italic'},
{c: 'A', krn: {'110': -0.0256, '108': -0.0256, '114': -0.0256, '117': -0.0256, '109': -0.0256, '116': -0.0256, '105': -0.0256, '67': -0.0256, '79': -0.0256, '71': -0.0256, '104': -0.0256, '98': -0.0256, '85': -0.0256, '107': -0.0256, '118': -0.0256, '119': -0.0256, '81': -0.0256, '84': -0.0767, '89': -0.0767, '86': -0.102, '87': -0.102, '101': -0.0511, '97': -0.0511, '111': -0.0511, '100': -0.0511, '99': -0.0511, '103': -0.0511, '113': -0.0511}, tclass: 'italic'},
{c: 'B', ic: 0.103, tclass: 'italic'},
{c: 'C', ic: 0.145, tclass: 'italic'},
{c: 'D', ic: 0.094, krn: {'88': -0.0256, '87': -0.0256, '65': -0.0256, '86': -0.0256, '89': -0.0256}, tclass: 'italic'},
{c: 'E', ic: 0.12, tclass: 'italic'},
{c: 'F', ic: 0.133, krn: {'111': -0.0767, '101': -0.0767, '117': -0.0767, '114': -0.0767, '97': -0.0767, '65': -0.102, '79': -0.0256, '67': -0.0256, '71': -0.0256, '81': -0.0256}, tclass: 'italic'},
{c: 'G', ic: 0.0872, tclass: 'italic'},
{c: 'H', ic: 0.164, tclass: 'italic'},
{c: 'I', ic: 0.158, tclass: 'italic'},
{c: 'J', ic: 0.14, tclass: 'italic'},
{c: 'K', ic: 0.145, krn: {'79': -0.0256, '67': -0.0256, '71': -0.0256, '81': -0.0256}, tclass: 'italic'},
{c: 'L', krn: {'84': -0.0767, '89': -0.0767, '86': -0.102, '87': -0.102, '101': -0.0511, '97': -0.0511, '111': -0.0511, '100': -0.0511, '99': -0.0511, '103': -0.0511, '113': -0.0511}, tclass: 'italic'},
{c: 'M', ic: 0.164, tclass: 'italic'},
{c: 'N', ic: 0.164, tclass: 'italic'},
{c: 'O', ic: 0.094, krn: {'88': -0.0256, '87': -0.0256, '65': -0.0256, '86': -0.0256, '89': -0.0256}, tclass: 'italic'},
// 50 - 5F
{c: 'P', ic: 0.103, krn: {'65': -0.0767}, tclass: 'italic'},
{c: 'Q', d:.2, ic: 0.094, tclass: 'italic'},
{c: 'R', ic: 0.0387, krn: {'110': -0.0256, '108': -0.0256, '114': -0.0256, '117': -0.0256, '109': -0.0256, '116': -0.0256, '105': -0.0256, '67': -0.0256, '79': -0.0256, '71': -0.0256, '104': -0.0256, '98': -0.0256, '85': -0.0256, '107': -0.0256, '118': -0.0256, '119': -0.0256, '81': -0.0256, '84': -0.0767, '89': -0.0767, '86': -0.102, '87': -0.102, '101': -0.0511, '97': -0.0511, '111': -0.0511, '100': -0.0511, '99': -0.0511, '103': -0.0511, '113': -0.0511}, tclass: 'italic'},
{c: 'S', ic: 0.12, tclass: 'italic'},
{c: 'T', ic: 0.133, krn: {'121': -0.0767, '101': -0.0767, '111': -0.0767, '114': -0.0767, '97': -0.0767, '117': -0.0767, '65': -0.0767}, tclass: 'italic'},
{c: 'U', ic: 0.164, tclass: 'italic'},
{c: 'V', ic: 0.184, krn: {'111': -0.0767, '101': -0.0767, '117': -0.0767, '114': -0.0767, '97': -0.0767, '65': -0.102, '79': -0.0256, '67': -0.0256, '71': -0.0256, '81': -0.0256}, tclass: 'italic'},
{c: 'W', ic: 0.184, krn: {'65': -0.0767}, tclass: 'italic'},
{c: 'X', ic: 0.158, krn: {'79': -0.0256, '67': -0.0256, '71': -0.0256, '81': -0.0256}, tclass: 'italic'},
{c: 'Y', ic: 0.194, krn: {'101': -0.0767, '111': -0.0767, '114': -0.0767, '97': -0.0767, '117': -0.0767, '65': -0.0767}, tclass: 'italic'},
{c: 'Z', ic: 0.145, tclass: 'italic'},
{c: '[', d:.1, ic: 0.188, tclass: 'italic'},
{c: '“', ic: 0.169, tclass: 'italic'},
{c: ']', d:.1, ic: 0.105, tclass: 'italic'},
{c: 'ˆ', ic: 0.0665, tclass: 'iaccent'},
{c: '˙', ic: 0.118, tclass: 'iaccent'},
// 60 - 6F
{c: '‘', ic: 0.124, lig: {'96': 92}, tclass: 'italic'},
{c: 'a', a:0, ic: 0.0767, tclass: 'italic'},
{c: 'b', ic: 0.0631, krn: {'101': -0.0511, '97': -0.0511, '111': -0.0511, '100': -0.0511, '99': -0.0511, '103': -0.0511, '113': -0.0511}, tclass: 'italic'},
{c: 'c', a:0, ic: 0.0565, krn: {'101': -0.0511, '97': -0.0511, '111': -0.0511, '100': -0.0511, '99': -0.0511, '103': -0.0511, '113': -0.0511}, tclass: 'italic'},
{c: 'd', ic: 0.103, krn: {'108': 0.0511}, tclass: 'italic'},
{c: 'e', a:0, ic: 0.0751, krn: {'101': -0.0511, '97': -0.0511, '111': -0.0511, '100': -0.0511, '99': -0.0511, '103': -0.0511, '113': -0.0511}, tclass: 'italic'},
{c: 'f', ic: 0.212, krn: {'39': 0.104, '63': 0.104, '33': 0.104, '41': 0.104, '93': 0.104}, lig: {'105': 12, '102': 11, '108': 13}, tclass: 'italic'},
{c: 'g', a:0, d:.2, ic: 0.0885, tclass: 'italic'},
{c: 'h', ic: 0.0767, tclass: 'italic'},
{c: 'i', ic: 0.102, tclass: 'italic'},
{c: 'j', d:.2, ic: 0.145, tclass: 'italic'},
{c: 'k', ic: 0.108, tclass: 'italic'},
{c: 'l', ic: 0.103, krn: {'108': 0.0511}, tclass: 'italic'},
{c: 'm', a:0, ic: 0.0767, tclass: 'italic'},
{c: 'n', a:0, ic: 0.0767, krn: {'39': -0.102}, tclass: 'italic'},
{c: 'o', a:0, ic: 0.0631, krn: {'101': -0.0511, '97': -0.0511, '111': -0.0511, '100': -0.0511, '99': -0.0511, '103': -0.0511, '113': -0.0511}, tclass: 'italic'},
// 70 - 7F
{c: 'p', a:0, d:.2, ic: 0.0631, krn: {'101': -0.0511, '97': -0.0511, '111': -0.0511, '100': -0.0511, '99': -0.0511, '103': -0.0511, '113': -0.0511}, tclass: 'italic'},
{c: 'q', a:0, d:.2, ic: 0.0885, tclass: 'italic'},
{c: 'r', a:0, ic: 0.108, krn: {'101': -0.0511, '97': -0.0511, '111': -0.0511, '100': -0.0511, '99': -0.0511, '103': -0.0511, '113': -0.0511}, tclass: 'italic'},
{c: 's', a:0, ic: 0.0821, tclass: 'italic'},
{c: 't', ic: 0.0949, tclass: 'italic'},
{c: 'u', a:0, ic: 0.0767, tclass: 'italic'},
{c: 'v', a:0, ic: 0.108, tclass: 'italic'},
{c: 'w', a:0, ic: 0.108, krn: {'108': 0.0511}, tclass: 'italic'},
{c: 'x', a:0, ic: 0.12, tclass: 'italic'},
{c: 'y', a:0, d:.2, ic: 0.0885, tclass: 'italic'},
{c: 'z', a:0, ic: 0.123, tclass: 'italic'},
{c: '–', a:.1, ic: 0.0921, lig: {'45': 124}, tclass: 'italic'},
{c: '—', a:.1, ic: 0.0921, tclass: 'italic'},
{c: '˝', ic: 0.122, tclass: 'iaccent'},
{c: '˜', ic: 0.116, tclass: 'iaccent'},
{c: '¨', tclass: 'iaccent'}
cmbx10: [
// 00 - 0F
{c: 'Γ', tclass: 'bgreek'},
{c: 'Δ', tclass: 'bgreek'},
{c: 'Θ', tclass: 'bgreek'},
{c: 'Λ', tclass: 'bgreek'},
{c: 'Ξ', tclass: 'bgreek'},
{c: 'Π', tclass: 'bgreek'},
{c: 'Σ', tclass: 'bgreek'},
{c: 'Υ', tclass: 'bgreek'},
{c: 'Φ', tclass: 'bgreek'},
{c: 'Ψ', tclass: 'bgreek'},
{c: 'Ω', tclass: 'bgreek'},
{c: 'ff', ic: 0.0778, krn: {'39': 0.0778, '63': 0.0778, '33': 0.0778, '41': 0.0778, '93': 0.0778}, lig: {'105': 14, '108': 15}, tclass: 'bold'},
{c: 'fi', tclass: 'bold'},
{c: 'fl', tclass: 'bold'},
{c: 'ffi', tclass: 'bold'},
{c: 'ffl', tclass: 'bold'},
// 10 - 1F
{c: 'ı', a:0, tclass: 'bold'},
{c: 'j', d:.2, tclass: 'bold'},
{c: 'ˋ', tclass: 'baccent'},
{c: 'ˊ', tclass: 'baccent'},
{c: 'ˇ', tclass: 'baccent'},
{c: '˘', tclass: 'baccent'},
{c: 'ˉ', tclass: 'baccent'},
{c: '˚', tclass: 'baccent'},
{c: '?', tclass: 'bold'},
{c: 'ß', tclass: 'bold'},
{c: 'æ', a:0, tclass: 'bold'},
{c: 'œ', a:0, tclass: 'bold'},
{c: 'ø', tclass: 'bold'},
{c: 'Æ', tclass: 'bold'},
{c: 'Œ', tclass: 'bold'},
{c: 'Ø', tclass: 'bold'},
// 20 - 2F
{c: '?', krn: {'108': -0.278, '76': -0.319}, tclass: 'bold'},
{c: '!', lig: {'96': 60}, tclass: 'bold'},
{c: '”', tclass: 'bold'},
{c: '#', tclass: 'bold'},
{c: '$', tclass: 'bold'},
{c: '%', tclass: 'bold'},
{c: '&', tclass: 'bold'},
{c: '’', krn: {'63': 0.111, '33': 0.111}, lig: {'39': 34}, tclass: 'bold'},
{c: '(', d:.2, tclass: 'bold'},
{c: ')', d:.2, tclass: 'bold'},
{c: '*', tclass: 'bold'},
{c: '+', a:.1, tclass: 'bold'},
{c: ',', a:-.3, d:.2, w: 0.278, tclass: 'bold'},
{c: '-', a:0, lig: {'45': 123}, tclass: 'bold'},
{c: '.', a:-.25, tclass: 'bold'},
{c: '/', tclass: 'bold'},
// 30 - 3F
{c: '0', tclass: 'bold'},
{c: '1', tclass: 'bold'},
{c: '2', tclass: 'bold'},
{c: '3', tclass: 'bold'},
{c: '4', tclass: 'bold'},
{c: '5', tclass: 'bold'},
{c: '6', tclass: 'bold'},
{c: '7', tclass: 'bold'},
{c: '8', tclass: 'bold'},
{c: '9', tclass: 'bold'},
{c: ':', tclass: 'bold'},
{c: ';', tclass: 'bold'},
{c: '¡', tclass: 'bold'},
{c: '=', a:0, d:-.1, tclass: 'bold'},
{c: '¿', tclass: 'bold'},
{c: '?', lig: {'96': 62}, tclass: 'bold'},
// 40 - 4F
{c: '@', tclass: 'bold'},
{c: 'A', krn: {'116': -0.0278, '67': -0.0278, '79': -0.0278, '71': -0.0278, '85': -0.0278, '81': -0.0278, '84': -0.0833, '89': -0.0833, '86': -0.111, '87': -0.111}, tclass: 'bold'},
{c: 'B', tclass: 'bold'},
{c: 'C', tclass: 'bold'},
{c: 'D', krn: {'88': -0.0278, '87': -0.0278, '65': -0.0278, '86': -0.0278, '89': -0.0278}, tclass: 'bold'},
{c: 'E', tclass: 'bold'},
{c: 'F', krn: {'111': -0.0833, '101': -0.0833, '117': -0.0833, '114': -0.0833, '97': -0.0833, '65': -0.111, '79': -0.0278, '67': -0.0278, '71': -0.0278, '81': -0.0278}, tclass: 'bold'},
{c: 'G', tclass: 'bold'},
{c: 'H', tclass: 'bold'},
{c: 'I', krn: {'73': 0.0278}, tclass: 'bold'},
{c: 'J', tclass: 'bold'},
{c: 'K', krn: {'79': -0.0278, '67': -0.0278, '71': -0.0278, '81': -0.0278}, tclass: 'bold'},
{c: 'L', krn: {'84': -0.0833, '89': -0.0833, '86': -0.111, '87': -0.111}, tclass: 'bold'},
{c: 'M', tclass: 'bold'},
{c: 'N', tclass: 'bold'},
{c: 'O', krn: {'88': -0.0278, '87': -0.0278, '65': -0.0278, '86': -0.0278, '89': -0.0278}, tclass: 'bold'},
// 50 - 5F
{c: 'P', krn: {'65': -0.0833, '111': -0.0278, '101': -0.0278, '97': -0.0278, '46': -0.0833, '44': -0.0833}, tclass: 'bold'},
{c: 'Q', d:.2, tclass: 'bold'},
{c: 'R', krn: {'116': -0.0278, '67': -0.0278, '79': -0.0278, '71': -0.0278, '85': -0.0278, '81': -0.0278, '84': -0.0833, '89': -0.0833, '86': -0.111, '87': -0.111}, tclass: 'bold'},
{c: 'S', tclass: 'bold'},
{c: 'T', krn: {'121': -0.0278, '101': -0.0833, '111': -0.0833, '114': -0.0833, '97': -0.0833, '65': -0.0833, '117': -0.0833}, tclass: 'bold'},
{c: 'U', tclass: 'bold'},
{c: 'V', ic: 0.0139, krn: {'111': -0.0833, '101': -0.0833, '117': -0.0833, '114': -0.0833, '97': -0.0833, '65': -0.111, '79': -0.0278, '67': -0.0278, '71': -0.0278, '81': -0.0278}, tclass: 'bold'},
{c: 'W', ic: 0.0139, krn: {'111': -0.0833, '101': -0.0833, '117': -0.0833, '114': -0.0833, '97': -0.0833, '65': -0.111, '79': -0.0278, '67': -0.0278, '71': -0.0278, '81': -0.0278}, tclass: 'bold'},
{c: 'X', krn: {'79': -0.0278, '67': -0.0278, '71': -0.0278, '81': -0.0278}, tclass: 'bold'},
{c: 'Y', ic: 0.025, krn: {'101': -0.0833, '111': -0.0833, '114': -0.0833, '97': -0.0833, '65': -0.0833, '117': -0.0833}, tclass: 'bold'},
{c: 'Z', tclass: 'bold'},
{c: '[', d:.1, tclass: 'bold'},
{c: '“', tclass: 'bold'},
{c: ']', d:.1, tclass: 'bold'},
{c: 'ˆ', tclass: 'baccent'},
{c: '˙', tclass: 'baccent'},
// 60 - 6F
{c: '‘', lig: {'96': 92}, tclass: 'bold'},
{c: 'a', a:0, krn: {'118': -0.0278, '106': 0.0556, '121': -0.0278, '119': -0.0278}, tclass: 'bold'},
{c: 'b', krn: {'101': 0.0278, '111': 0.0278, '120': -0.0278, '100': 0.0278, '99': 0.0278, '113': 0.0278, '118': -0.0278, '106': 0.0556, '121': -0.0278, '119': -0.0278}, tclass: 'bold'},
{c: 'c', a:0, krn: {'104': -0.0278, '107': -0.0278}, tclass: 'bold'},
{c: 'd', tclass: 'bold'},
{c: 'e', a:0, tclass: 'bold'},
{c: 'f', ic: 0.0778, krn: {'39': 0.0778, '63': 0.0778, '33': 0.0778, '41': 0.0778, '93': 0.0778}, lig: {'105': 12, '102': 11, '108': 13}, tclass: 'bold'},
{c: 'g', a:0, d:.2, ic: 0.0139, krn: {'106': 0.0278}, tclass: 'bold'},
{c: 'h', krn: {'116': -0.0278, '117': -0.0278, '98': -0.0278, '121': -0.0278, '118': -0.0278, '119': -0.0278}, tclass: 'bold'},
{c: 'i', tclass: 'bold'},
{c: 'j', d:.2, tclass: 'bold'},
{c: 'k', krn: {'97': -0.0556, '101': -0.0278, '97': -0.0278, '111': -0.0278, '99': -0.0278}, tclass: 'bold'},
{c: 'l', tclass: 'bold'},
{c: 'm', a:0, krn: {'116': -0.0278, '117': -0.0278, '98': -0.0278, '121': -0.0278, '118': -0.0278, '119': -0.0278}, tclass: 'bold'},
{c: 'n', a:0, krn: {'116': -0.0278, '117': -0.0278, '98': -0.0278, '121': -0.0278, '118': -0.0278, '119': -0.0278}, tclass: 'bold'},
{c: 'o', a:0, krn: {'101': 0.0278, '111': 0.0278, '120': -0.0278, '100': 0.0278, '99': 0.0278, '113': 0.0278, '118': -0.0278, '106': 0.0556, '121': -0.0278, '119': -0.0278}, tclass: 'bold'},
// 70 - 7F
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{c: 'q', a:0, d:.2, tclass: 'bold'},
{c: 'r', a:0, tclass: 'bold'},
{c: 's', a:0, tclass: 'bold'},
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{c: 'u', a:0, krn: {'119': -0.0278}, tclass: 'bold'},
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{c: 'w', a:0, ic: 0.0139, krn: {'101': -0.0278, '97': -0.0278, '111': -0.0278, '99': -0.0278}, tclass: 'bold'},
{c: 'x', a:0, tclass: 'bold'},
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{c: 'z', a:0, tclass: 'bold'},
{c: '–', a:.1, ic: 0.0278, lig: {'45': 124}, tclass: 'bold'},
{c: '—', a:.1, ic: 0.0278, tclass: 'bold'},
{c: '˝', tclass: 'baccent'},
{c: '˜', tclass: 'baccent'},
{c: '¨', tclass: 'baccent'}
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// adjust for Mozilla
if (jsMath.browser == 'Mozilla') {
cmex10: {
'48': {c: ''},
'49': {c: ''},
'50': {c: ''},
'51': {c: ''},
'52': {c: ''},
'53': {c: ''},
'54': {c: ''},
'55': {c: ''},
'56': {c: ''},
'57': {c: ''},
'58': {c: ''},
'59': {c: ''},
'60': {c: ''},
'61': {c: ''},
'62': {c: ''},
'64': {c: ''},
'65': {c: ''},
'66': {c: ''},
'67': {c: ''}
'.typeset .accent': 'font-family: Arial unicode MS; position:relative; top:.05em; left:.05em'
// adjust for MSIE
if (jsMath.browser == "MSIE") {
jsMath.Browser.msieFontBug = 1;
cmex10: {
'63': {c: '<span style="position:relative; left:.125em; margin-right:.125em">|</span>'},
'119': {c: '<span style="position:relative; left:.02em; margin-right=.08em">|</span><span style="margin-right:.125em">|</span>'}
* No access to TeX "not" character, so fake this
* Also ajust the bowtie spacing
jsMath.Macro('not','\\mathrel{\\rlap{\\kern 3mu/}}');
jsMath.Box.defaultH = 0.8;
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