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Tue Oct 9 21:29:34 2007 UTC (17 years, 4 months ago) by
CVS tags:
- jsMath 3.4e
* jsMath: Mathematics on the Web
* This jsMath package makes it possible to display mathematics in HTML pages
* that are viewable by a wide range of browsers on both the Mac and the IBM PC,
* including browsers that don't process MathML. See
* for the latest version, and for documentation on how to use jsMath.
* Copyright 2004-2007 by Davide P. Cervone
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* Prevent running everything again if this file is loaded twice
if (!window.jsMath || !window.jsMath.loaded) {
var jsMath_old = window.jsMath; // save user customizations
// debugging routine
* function ShowObject (obj,spaces) {
* var s = ''; if (!spaces) {spaces = ""}
* for (var i in obj) {
* if (obj[i] != null) {
* if (typeof(obj[i]) == "object") {
* s += spaces + i + ": {\n"
* + ShowObject(obj[i],spaces + ' ')
* + spaces + "}\n";
* } else if (typeof(obj[i]) != "function") {
* s += spaces + i + ': ' + obj[i] + "\n";
* }
* }
* }
* return s;
* }
// Check for DOM support
if (!document.getElementById || !document.childNodes || !document.createElement) {
alert('The mathematics on this page requires W3C DOM support in its JavaScript. '
+ 'Unfortunately, your browser doesn\'t seem to have this.');
} else {
window.jsMath = {
version: "3.4e", // change this if you edit the file, but don't edit this file
document: document, // the document loading jsMath
window: window, // the window of the of loading document
platform: (navigator.platform.match(/Mac/) ? "mac" :
navigator.platform.match(/Win/) ? "pc" : "unix"),
// Font sizes for \tiny, \small, etc. (must match styles below)
sizes: [50, 60, 70, 85, 100, 120, 144, 173, 207, 249],
// The styles needed for the TeX fonts
styles: {
'.math': 'font-family:serif; font-style:normal; font-weight:normal',
'.typeset': 'font-family:serif; font-style:normal; font-weight:normal; line-height:normal',
'div.typeset': 'text-align:center; margin:1em 0px;',
'span.typeset': 'text-align:left',
'.typeset span': 'text-align:left; border:0px; margin:0px; padding:0px',
'.typeset .normal': 'font-family:serif; font-style:normal; font-weight:normal',
'.typeset .size0': 'font-size:50%', // tiny (\scriptscriptsize)
'.typeset .size1': 'font-size:60%', // (50% of \large for consistency)
'.typeset .size2': 'font-size:70%', // scriptsize
'.typeset .size3': 'font-size:85%', // small (70% of \large for consistency)
'.typeset .size4': 'font-size:100%', // normalsize
'.typeset .size5': 'font-size:120%', // large
'.typeset .size6': 'font-size:144%', // Large
'.typeset .size7': 'font-size:173%', // LARGE
'.typeset .size8': 'font-size:207%', // huge
'.typeset .size9': 'font-size:249%', // Huge
'.typeset .cmr10': 'font-family:jsMath-cmr10, serif',
'.typeset .cmbx10': 'font-family:jsMath-cmbx10, jsMath-cmr10',
'.typeset .cmti10': 'font-family:jsMath-cmti10, jsMath-cmr10',
'.typeset .cmmi10': 'font-family:jsMath-cmmi10',
'.typeset .cmsy10': 'font-family:jsMath-cmsy10',
'.typeset .cmex10': 'font-family:jsMath-cmex10',
'.typeset .textit': 'font-family:serif; font-style:italic',
'.typeset .textbf': 'font-family:serif; font-weight:bold',
'.typeset .link': 'text-decoration:none',
'.typeset .error': 'font-size:10pt; font-style:italic; '
+ 'background-color:#FFFFCC; padding:1px; '
+ 'border:1px solid #CC0000',
'.typeset .blank': 'display:inline-block; overflow:hidden; border:0px none; width:0px; height:0px;',
'.typeset .spacer': 'display:inline-block',
'#jsMath_hiddenSpan': 'visibility:hidden; position:absolute; top:0px;left:0px; '
+ 'line-height:normal; text-indent:0px',
'#jsMath_message': 'position:fixed; bottom:1px; left:2px; background-color:#E6E6E6; '
+ 'border:solid 1px #959595; margin:0px; padding:1px 8px; '
+ 'z-index:102; color: black; font-size:small; width:auto;',
'#jsMath_panel': 'position:fixed; bottom:1.5em; right:1.5em; padding:.8em 1.6em; '
+ 'background-color:#DDDDDD; border:outset 2px; '
+ 'z-index:103; width:auto; color:black; font-size:10pt; font-style:normal',
'#jsMath_panel .disabled': 'color:#888888',
'#jsMath_panel .infoLink': 'font-size:85%',
'#jsMath_panel *': 'font-size:inherit; font-style:inherit; font-family:inherit; line-height:normal',
'#jsMath_panel div': 'background-color:inherit; color:inherit;',
'#jsMath_panel span': 'background-color:inherit; color:inherit;',
'#jsMath_panel td': 'border:0px; padding:0px; margin:0px; background-color:inherit; color:inherit;',
'#jsMath_panel tr': 'border:0px; padding:0px; margin:0px; background-color:inherit; color:inherit;',
'#jsMath_panel table': 'border:0px; padding:0px; margin:0px; background-color:inherit; color:inherit;',
'#jsMath_button': 'position:fixed; bottom:1px; right:2px; background-color:white; '
+ 'border:solid 1px #959595; margin:0px; padding:0px 3px 1px 3px; '
+ 'z-index:102; color:black; text-decoration:none; font-size:x-small; '
+ 'width:auto; cursor:hand;',
'#jsMath_button *': 'padding:0px; border:0px; margin:0px; line-height:normal; '
+ 'font-size:inherit; font-style:inherit; font-family:inherit',
'#jsMath_global': 'font-style:italic;',
'#jsMath_float': 'position:absolute; top:0px; left:0px; max-width:80%; '
+ 'z-index:101; width:auto; height:auto;',
'#jsMath_float .drag': 'background-color:#DDDDDD; border:outset 1px; height:12px; font-size:1px;',
'#jsMath_float .close': 'background-color:#E6E6E6; border:inset 1px; width:8px; height:8px; margin:1px 2px;',
'#jsMath_float .source': 'background-color:#E2E2E2; border:outset 1px; '
+ 'width:auto; height:auto; padding:8px 15px; '
+ 'font-family:courier, fixed; font-size:90%',
'#jsMath_noFont .message': 'text-align: center; padding:.8em 1.6em; border:3px solid #DD0000; '
+ 'background-color:#FFF8F8; color: #AA0000; font-size:small; width:auto;',
'#jsMath_noFont .link': 'padding:0px 5px 2px 5px; border:2px outset; background-color:#E8E8E8; '
+ 'color:black; font-size:80%; width:auto; cursor:hand;',
'#jsMath_PrintWarning .message':
'text-align:center; padding:.8em 1.6em; border:3px solid #DD0000; '
+ 'background-color: #FFF8F8; color: #AA0000; font-size:x-small; width:auto;',
'@media print': '#jsMath_button {display:none}\n' +
'#jsMath_Warning {display:none}',
'@media screen': '#jsMath_PrintWarning {display:none}'
* Get a jsMath DOM element
Element: function (name) {return jsMath.document.getElementById('jsMath_'+name)},
* Get the width and height (in pixels) of an HTML string
BBoxFor: function (s) {
this.hidden.innerHTML =
'<nobr><span class="typeset"><span class="scale">'+s+'</span></span></nobr>';
var bbox = {w: this.hidden.offsetWidth, h: this.hidden.offsetHeight};
this.hidden.innerHTML = '';
return bbox;
* Get the width and height (in ems) of an HTML string.
* Check the cache first to see if we've already measured it.
EmBoxFor: function (s) {
var cache = jsMath.Global.cache.R;
if (!cache[this.em]) {cache[this.em] = {}}
if (!cache[this.em][s]) {
var bbox = this.BBoxFor(s);
cache[this.em][s] = {w: bbox.w/this.em, h: bbox.h/this.em};
return cache[this.em][s];
* For browsers that don't handle sizes of italics properly (MSIE).
* Check the cache first to see if we've already measured it.
EmBoxForItalics: function (s) {
var cache = jsMath.Global.cache.R;
if (!cache[this.em]) {cache[this.em] = {}}
if (!cache[this.em][s]) {
var bbox = this.BBoxFor(s);
if (s.match(/<i>|class=\"(icm|italic|igreek|iaccent)/i)) {
bbox.w = bbox.Mw = this.BBoxFor(s+jsMath.Browser.italicString).w
- jsMath.Browser.italicCorrection;
cache[this.em][s] = {w: bbox.w/this.em, h: bbox.h/this.em};
return cache[this.em][s];
* Initialize jsMath. This determines the em size, and a variety
* of other parameters used throughout jsMath.
Init: function () {
if (jsMath.Setup.inited != 1) {
if (!jsMath.Setup.inited) {jsMath.Setup.Body()}
if (jsMath.Setup.inited != 1) {
if (jsMath.Setup.inited == -100) return;
alert("It looks like jsMath failed to set up properly (error code "
+ jsMath.Setup.inited + "). "
+ "I will try to keep going, but it could get ugly.");
jsMath.Setup.inited = 1;
this.em = this.BBoxFor('<span style="'+jsMath.Browser.block+';width:13em;height:1em"></span>').w/13;
if (this.em == 0) {
// handle older browsers
this.em = this.BBoxFor('<img src="'+jsMath.blank+'" style="width:13em;height:1em"/>').w/13;
var cache = jsMath.Global.cache.B;
if (!cache[this.em]) {
cache[this.em] = {};
cache[this.em].bb = this.BBoxFor('x'); var hh = cache[this.em].bb.h;
cache[this.em].d = this.BBoxFor('x'+jsMath.HTML.Rule(1,hh/jsMath.em)).h - hh;
if (jsMath.Browser.italicString)
{cache[this.em].ic = jsMath.BBoxFor(jsMath.Browser.italicString).w}
jsMath.Browser.italicCorrection = cache[this.em].ic;
var bb = cache[this.em].bb; var h = bb.h; var d = cache[this.em].d
this.h = (h-d)/this.em; this.d = d/this.em;
this.hd = this.h + this.d;
this.xWidth = bb.w; // used to tell if scale has changed
var x_height = this.EmBoxFor('<span class="cmr10">M</span>').w/2;
this.TeX.M_height = x_height*(26/14);
this.TeX.h = this.h; this.TeX.d = this.d; this.TeX.hd = this.hd;
if (!this.initialized) {
// factor for \big and its brethren
this.p_height = (this.TeX.cmex10[0].h + this.TeX.cmex10[0].d) / .85;
this.initialized = 1;
* Get the xWidth size and if it has changed, reinitialize the sizes
ReInit: function () {
var w = this.BBoxFor('x').w;
if (w != this.xWidth) {this.Init()}
* Mark jsMath as loaded and copy any user-provided overrides
Loaded: function () {
if (jsMath_old) {
var override = ['Process', 'ProcessBeforeShowing',
'CustomSearch', 'Synchronize', 'Macro', 'document'];
for (var i = 0; i < override.length; i++) {
if (jsMath_old[override[i]]) {delete jsMath_old[override[i]]}
if (jsMath_old) {this.Insert(jsMath,jsMath_old)}
jsMath_old = null;
jsMath.loaded = 1;
* Manage JavaScript objects:
* Add: add/replace items in an object
* Insert: add items to an object
* Package: add items to an object prototype
Add: function (dst,src) {for (var id in src) {dst[id] = src[id]}},
Insert: function (dst,src) {
for (var id in src) {
if (dst[id] && typeof(src[id]) == 'object'
&& (typeof(dst[id]) == 'object'
|| typeof(dst[id]) == 'function')) {
} else {
dst[id] = src[id];
Package: function (obj,def) {this.Insert(obj.prototype,def)}
* Implements items associated with the global cache.
* This object will be replaced by a global version when
* (and if) jsMath-global.html is loaded.
jsMath.Global = {
isLocal: 1, // a local copy if jsMath-global.html hasn't been loaded
cache: {T: {}, D: {}, R: {}, B: {}},
* Clear the global (or local) cache
ClearCache: function () {jsMath.Global.cache = {T: {}, D: {}, R: {}, B: {}}},
* Initiate global mode
GoGlobal: function (cookie) {
var url = String(jsMath.window.location);
var c = (jsMath.isCHMmode ? '#' : '?');
if (cookie) {url = url.replace(/\?.*/,'') + '?' + cookie}
jsMath.Controls.Reload(jsMath.root + "jsMath-global.html" + c +escape(url));
* Check if we need to go to global mode
Init: function () {
if ( == "always" && !jsMath.noGoGlobal) {
if (navigator.accentColorName) return; // OmniWeb crashes on GoGlobal
if (!jsMath.window) {jsMath.window = window}
jsMath.Controls.loaded = 1;
jsMath.Controls.defaults.hiddenGlobal = null;
* Try to register with a global.html window that contains us
Register: function () {
var parent = jsMath.window.parent;
if (!jsMath.isCHMode)
{jsMath.isCHMmode = (jsMath.window.location.protocol == 'mk:')}
try {
if (!jsMath.isCHMmode) this.Domain();
if (parent.jsMath && parent.jsMath.isGlobal)
} catch (err) {jsMath.noGoGlobal = 1}
* If we're not the parent window, try to set the domain to
* match the parent's domain (so we can use the Global data
* if the surrounding frame is a Global frame.
Domain: function () {
// MSIE/Mac can't do domain changes, so don't bother trying
if (navigator.appName == 'Microsoft Internet Explorer' &&
jsMath.platform == 'mac' && navigator.userProfile != null) return;
if (window == parent) return;
var oldDomain = jsMath.document.domain;
try {
while (true) {
try {if (parent.document.title != null) return} catch (err) {}
if (!document.domain.match(/\..*\./)) break;
jsMath.document.domain = jsMath.document.domain.replace(/^[^.]*\./,'');
} catch (err) {}
jsMath.document.domain = oldDomain;
* Implement loading of remote scripts using XMLHttpRequest, if
* possible, otherwise use a hidden IFRAME and fake it. That
* method runs asynchronously, which causes lots of headaches.
* Solve these using Push command, which queues actions
* until files have loaded.
jsMath.Script = {
request: null, // the XMLHttpRequest object
* Create the XMLHttpRequest object, if we can.
* Otherwise, use the iframe-based fallback method.
Init: function () {
if (!(jsMath.Controls.cookie.asynch && jsMath.Controls.cookie.progress)) {
if (window.XMLHttpRequest &&
// MSIE can't use xmlRequest on local files, but we don't have
// jsMath.browser yet to tell, so use this check
!(jsMath.document.URL && jsMath.document.URL.match(/^file:\/\/.*\\/))) {
try {this.request = new XMLHttpRequest} catch (err) {}
if (!this.request && window.ActiveXObject) {
var xml = ["MSXML2.XMLHTTP.5.0","MSXML2.XMLHTTP.4.0","MSXML2.XMLHTTP.3.0",
for (var i = 0; i < xml.length && !this.request; i++) {
try {this.request = new ActiveXObject(xml[i])} catch (err) {}
// Use the delayed-script fallback for MSIE/Mac and old versions
// of several browsers (Opera 7.5, OmniWeb 4.5).
if (!this.request || jsMath.Setup.domainChanged)
{this.Load = this.delayedLoad; this.needsBody = 1}
* Load a script and evaluate it in the window's context
Load: function (url,show) {
if (show) {
jsMath.Message.Set("Loading "+url);
} else {
* Load a URL and run the contents of the file
xmlRequest: function (url) {
this.blocking = 1;
// this.debug('xmlRequest: '+url);
try {"GET",url,false);
} catch (err) {
this.blocking = 0;
if (jsMath.Translate.restart && jsMath.Translate.asynchronous) {return ""}
throw "jsMath can't load the file '"+url+"'\n"
+ "Message: "+err.message;
if (this.request.status && this.request.status >= 400) {
// Do we need to deal with redirected links?
this.blocking = 0;
if (jsMath.Translate.restart && jsMath.Translate.asynchronous) {return ""}
throw "jsMath can't load the file '"+url+"'\n"
+ "Error status: "+this.request.status;
if (!url.match(/\.js$/)) {return(this.request.responseText)}
var tmpQueue = this.queue; this.queue = [];
// this.debug('xml Eval ['+tmpQueue.length+']');
// this.debug('xml Done ['+this.queue.length+' + '+tmpQueue.length+']');
this.blocking = 0; this.queue = this.queue.concat(tmpQueue);
return "";
* Implement asynchronous loading and execution of scripts
* (via hidden IFRAME) interleved with other JavaScript commands
* that must be synchronized with the file loading. (Basically, this
* is for MSIE/Mac and Opera 7.5, which don't have XMLHttpRequest.)
cancelTimeout: 30*1000, // delay for canceling load (30 sec)
iframe: null, // the hidden iframe
blocking: 0, // true when an asynchronous action is being performed
cancelTimer: null, // timer to cancel load if it takes too long
needsBody: 0, // true if loading files requires BODY to be present
queue: [], // the stack of pending actions
* Provide mechanism for synchronizing with the asynchronous jsMath
* file-loading mechanism. 'code' can be a string or a function.
Synchronize: function (code,data) {
if (typeof(code) != 'string') {jsMath.Script.Push(null,code,data)}
else {jsMath.Script.Push(jsMath.window,'eval',code)}
* Queue a function to be processed.
* If nothing is being loaded, do the pending commands.
Push: function (object,method,data) {
// this.debug('Pushing: '+method+' at '+this.queue.length); // debug
this.queue[this.queue.length] = [object,method,data];
if (!(this.blocking || (this.needsBody && !jsMath.document.body))) this.Process();
* Do any pending functions (stopping if a file load is started)
Process: function () {
while (this.queue.length && !this.blocking) {
var call = this.queue[0]; this.queue = this.queue.slice(1);
var savedQueue = this.SaveQueue();
var object = call[0]; var method = call[1]; var data = call[2];
// this.debug('Calling: '+method+' ['+savedQueue.length+']'); // debug
if (object) {object[method](data)} else if (method) {method(data)}
// this.debug('Done: '+method+' ['+this.queue.length+' + '+savedQueue.length+'] ('+this.blocking+')'); // debug
* Allows pushes to occur at the FRONT of the queue
* (so a command acts as a single unit, including anything
* that it pushes on to the command stack)
SaveQueue: function () {
var queue = this.queue;
this.queue = [];
return queue;
RestoreQueue: function (queue) {
this.queue = this.queue.concat(queue);
* Handle loading of scripts that run asynchronously
delayedLoad: function (url) {
// this.debug('Loading: '+url);
startLoad: function (url) {
this.iframe = jsMath.document.createElement('iframe'); = 'hidden'; = 'absolute'; = '0px'; = '0px';
if (jsMath.document.body.firstChild) {
} else {
this.blocking = 1; this.url = url;
if (!url.match(/\.js$/)) {this.iframe.src = url}
else {this.iframe.src = jsMath.root+"jsMath-loader.html"}
if (url.substr(0,jsMath.root.length) == jsMath.root)
{url = url.substr(jsMath.root.length)}
jsMath.Message.Set("Loading "+url);
this.cancelTimer = setTimeout('jsMath.Script.cancelLoad()',this.cancelTimeout);
endLoad: function (action) {
if (this.cancelTimer) {clearTimeout(this.cancelTimer); this.cancelTimer = null;}
if (action != 'cancel') {this.blocking = 0; this.Process()}
Start: function () {
// this.debug('Starting: ['+this.queue.length+'] '+this.url);
this.tmpQueue = this.queue; this.queue = [];
End: function () {
// this.debug('Ending: ['+this.queue.length+' + '+this.tmpQueue.length+'] '+this.url);
this.queue = this.queue.concat(this.tmpQueue); delete this.tmpQueue;
* If the loading takes too long, cancel it and end the load.
cancelLoad: function () {
this.cancelTimer = null;
jsMath.Message.Set("Can't load file");
* Perform a delay (to let the browser catch up)
Delay: function (time) {
this.blocking = 1;
endDelay: function () {
// this.debug('endDelay');
this.blocking = 0;
* Load an image and wait for it
* (so MSIE won't load extra copies of it)
imageCount: 0,
WaitForImage: function (file) {
this.blocking = 1; this.imageCount++;
if (this.img == null) {this.img = []}
var img = new Image(); this.img[this.img.length] = img;
img.onload = function () {if (--jsMath.Script.imageCount == 0) jsMath.Script.endDelay()}
img.onerror = img.onload; img.onabort = img.onload;
img.src = file;
* The code uncompressor
Uncompress: function (data) {
for (var k = 0; k < data.length; k++) {
var d = data[k]; var n = d.length;
for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) {if (typeof(d[i]) == 'number') {d[i] = d[d[i]]}}
data[k] = d.join('');
* for debugging the event queue
* ,debug: function (message) {
* if (jsMath.document.body && jsMath.window.debug) {jsMath.window.debug(message)}
* else {alert(message)}
* }
* Message and screen blanking facility
jsMath.Message = {
blank: null, // the div to blank out the screen
message: null, // the div for the messages
text: null, // the text node for messages
clear: null, // timer for clearing message
* Create the elements needed for the message box
Init: function () {
if (!jsMath.document.body || !jsMath.Controls.cookie.progress) return;
if (jsMath.Setup.stylesReady) {
this.message = jsMath.Setup.DIV('message',{visibility:'hidden'});
} else {
this.message = jsMath.Setup.DIV('message',{
visibility:'hidden', position:'absolute', bottom:'1px', left:'2px',
backgroundColor:'#E6E6E6', border:'solid 1px #959595',
margin:'0px', padding:'1px 8px', zIndex:102,
color:'black', fontSize:'small', width:'auto'
this.text = jsMath.document.createTextNode('');
this.message.onmousedown = jsMath.Translate.Cancel;
* Set the contents of the message box, or use the window status line
Set: function (text,canCancel) {
if (this.clear) {clearTimeout(this.clear); this.clear = null}
if (jsMath.Controls.cookie.progress) {
if (!this.text) {this.Init(); if (!this.text) return}
if (jsMath.Browser.textNodeBug) {this.message.innerHTML = text}
else {this.text.nodeValue = text} = 'visible';
if (canCancel) { = 'pointer';
if (! { = 'hand'}
this.message.title = ' Cancel Processing of Math ';
} else { = '';
this.message.title = '';
} else {
if (text.substr(0,8) != "Loading ") {jsMath.window.status = text}
* Clear the message box or status line
Clear: function () {
if (this.clear) {clearTimeout(this.clear)}
this.clear = setTimeout("jsMath.Message.doClear()",1000);
doClear: function () {
if (this.clear) {
this.clear = null;
jsMath.window.status = '';
if (this.text) {this.text.nodeValue = ''}
if (this.message) { = 'hidden'}
* Put up a DIV that covers the window so that the
* "flicker" of processing the mathematics will not be visible
Blank: function () {
if (this.blank || !jsMath.document.body) return;
this.blank = jsMath.Setup.DIV("blank",{
position:(jsMath.Browser.msiePositionFixedBug? 'absolute': 'fixed'),
top:'0px', left:'0px', bottom:'0px', right:'0px',
zIndex:101, backgroundColor:'white'
if (jsMath.Browser.msieBlankBug) {
this.blank.innerHTML = ' '; = "110%"; = "110%";
UnBlank: function () {
if (this.blank) {jsMath.document.body.removeChild(this.blank)}
this.blank = null;
* Miscellaneous setup and initialization
jsMath.Setup = {
loaded: [], // array of files already loaded
* Insert a DIV at the top of the page with given ID,
* attributes, and style settings
DIV: function (id,styles) {
var div = jsMath.document.createElement('div'); = 'jsMath_'+id;
for (var i in styles) {[i]= styles[i]}
if (!jsMath.document.body.hasChildNodes) {jsMath.document.body.appendChild(div)}
else {jsMath.document.body.insertBefore(div,jsMath.document.body.firstChild)}
return div;
* Source a jsMath JavaScript file (only load any given file once)
Script: function (file,show) {
if (this.loaded[file]) {return} else {this.loaded[file] = 1}
if (!file.match('^([a-zA-Z]+:/?)?/')) {file = jsMath.root + file}
* Use a hidden <DIV> for measuring the BBoxes of things
Hidden: function () {
jsMath.hidden = this.DIV("Hidden",{
visibility: 'hidden', position:"absolute",
top:0, left:0, border:0, padding:0, margin:0
jsMath.hiddenTop = jsMath.hidden;
* Find the root URL for the jsMath files (so we can load
* the other .js and .gif files)
Source: function () {
if (jsMath.Autoload && jsMath.Autoload.root) {
jsMath.root = jsMath.Autoload.root;
} else {
jsMath.root = '';
var script = jsMath.document.getElementsByTagName('script');
if (script) {
for (var i = 0; i < script.length; i++) {
var src = script[i].src;
if (src && src.match('(^|/|\\\\)jsMath.js$')) {
jsMath.root = src.replace(/jsMath.js$/,'');
if (jsMath.root.charAt(0) == '\\') {jsMath.root = jsMath.root.replace(/\\/g,'/')}
if (jsMath.root.charAt(0) == '/') {
if (jsMath.root.charAt(1) != '/') {
if (jsMath.document.location.port)
{jsMath.root = ':' + jsMath.document.location.port + jsMath.root}
jsMath.root = '//' + + jsMath.root;
jsMath.root = jsMath.document.location.protocol + jsMath.root;
} else if (!jsMath.root.match(/^[a-z]+:/i)) {
var src = new String(jsMath.document.location);
var pattern = new RegExp('/[^/]*/\\.\\./')
jsMath.root = src.replace(new RegExp('[^/]*$'),'') + jsMath.root;
while (jsMath.root.match(pattern))
{jsMath.root = jsMath.root.replace(pattern,'/')}
jsMath.Img.root = jsMath.root + "fonts/";
jsMath.blank = jsMath.root + "blank.gif";
* Find the most restricted common domain for the main
* page and jsMath. Report an error if jsMath is outside
* the domain of the calling page.
Domain: function () {
try {jsMath.document.domain} catch (err) {return}
var jsDomain = ''; var pageDomain = jsMath.document.domain;
if (jsMath.root.match('://([^/]*)/')) {jsDomain = RegExp.$1}
jsDomain = jsDomain.replace(/:\d+$/,'');
if (jsDomain == "" || jsDomain == pageDomain) return;
// MSIE on the Mac can't change jsMath.document.domain and 'try' won't
// catch the error (Grrr!), so exit for them.
if (navigator.appName == 'Microsoft Internet Explorer' &&
jsMath.platform == 'mac' && navigator.onLine &&
navigator.userProfile && jsMath.document.all) return;
jsDomain = jsDomain.split(/\./); pageDomain = pageDomain.split(/\./);
if (jsDomain.length < 2 || pageDomain.length < 2 ||
jsDomain[jsDomain.length-1] != pageDomain[pageDomain.length-1] ||
jsDomain[jsDomain.length-2] != pageDomain[pageDomain.length-2]) {
var domain = jsDomain[jsDomain.length-2] + '.' + jsDomain[jsDomain.length-1];
for (var i = 3; i <= jsDomain.length && i <= pageDomain.length; i++) {
if (jsDomain[jsDomain.length-i] != pageDomain[pageDomain.length-i]) break;
domain = jsDomain[jsDomain.length-i] + '.' + domain;
jsMath.document.domain = domain;
this.domainChanged = 1;
DomainWarning: function () {
alert("In order for jsMath to be able to load the additional "
+ "components that it may need, the jsMath.js file must be "
+ "loaded from a server in the same domain as the page that "
+ "contains it. Because that is not the case for this page, "
+ "the mathematics displayed here may not appear correctly.");
* Initialize a font's encoding array
EncodeFont: function (name) {
var font = jsMath.TeX[name];
if (font[0].c != null) return;
for (var k = 0; k < 128; k++) {
var data = font[k]; font[k] = data[3];
if (font[k] == null) {font[k] = {}};
font[k].w = data[0]; font[k].h = data[1];
if (data[2] != null) {font[k].d = data[2]}
font[k].c = jsMath.TeX.encoding[k];
* Initialize the encodings for all fonts
Fonts: function () {
for (var i = 0; i < jsMath.TeX.fam.length; i++) {
var name = jsMath.TeX.fam[i];
if (name) {this.EncodeFont(name)}
* Look up the default height and depth for a TeX font
* and set the skewchar
TeXfont: function (name) {
var font = jsMath.TeX[name]; if (font == null) return;
var WH = jsMath.EmBoxFor('<span class="'+name+'">'+font[65].c+'</span>');
font.hd = WH.h; font.dh = .05;
font.d = jsMath.EmBoxFor('<span class="'+name+'">'+ font[65].c +
jsMath.HTML.Rule(1,font.hd) + '</span>').h - font.hd;
font.h = font.hd - font.d;
if (name == 'cmmi10') {font.skewchar = 0177}
else if (name == 'cmsy10') {font.skewchar = 060}
* Init all the TeX fonts
TeXfonts: function () {
for (var i = 0; i < jsMath.TeX.fam.length; i++)
{if (jsMath.TeX.fam[i]) {this.TeXfont(jsMath.TeX.fam[i])}}
* Compute font parameters for various sizes
Sizes: function () {
jsMath.TeXparams = []; var i; var j;
for (j=0; j < jsMath.sizes.length; j++) {jsMath.TeXparams[j] = {}}
for (i in jsMath.TeX) {
if (typeof(jsMath.TeX[i]) != 'object') {
for (j=0; j < jsMath.sizes.length; j++) {
jsMath.TeXparams[j][i] = jsMath.sizes[j]*jsMath.TeX[i]/100;
* Send the style definitions to the browser (these may be adjusted
* by the browser-specific code)
Styles: function (styles) {
if (!styles) {
styles = jsMath.styles;
styles['.typeset .scale'] = 'font-size:'+jsMath.Controls.cookie.scale+'%';
this.stylesReady = 1;
if (jsMath.Browser.styleChangeDelay) {jsMath.Script.Push(jsMath.Script,'Delay',1)}
AddStyleSheet: function (styles) {
var head = jsMath.document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
var string = ''; for (var id in styles) {string += id + ' {'+styles[id]+"}\n"}
if (jsMath.document.createStyleSheet) {// check for MSIE
'<span style="display:none">x</span>' // MSIE needs this for some reason
+ '<style type="text/css">'+string+'</style>');
} else {
var style = jsMath.document.createElement('style'); style.type = "text/css";
* Do the initialization that requires the <body> to be in place.
Body: function () {
if (this.inited) return;
this.inited = -1;
jsMath.Setup.Hidden(); this.inited = -2;
jsMath.Browser.Init(); this.inited = -3;
// blank screen if necessary
if (jsMath.Controls.cookie.blank) {jsMath.Message.Blank()}; this.inited = -4;
jsMath.Setup.Styles(); this.inited = -5;
jsMath.Controls.Init(); this.inited = -6;
// do user-specific initialization
jsMath.Script.Push(jsMath.Setup,'User','pre-font'); this.inited = -7;
// make sure browser-specific loads are done before this
if (jsMath.Font.register.length)
this.inited = 1;
* Web page author can override the entries to the UserEvent hash
* functions that will be run at various times during jsMath's setup
* process.
User: function (when) {
if (jsMath.Setup.UserEvent[when]) {(jsMath.Setup.UserEvent[when])()}
UserEvent: {
"pre-font": null, // after browser is set up but before fonts are tested
"onload": null // after jsMath.js is loaded and finished running
jsMath.Update = {
* Update specific parameters for a limited number of font entries
TeXfonts: function (change) {
for (var font in change) {
for (var code in change[font]) {
for (var id in change[font][code]) {
jsMath.TeX[font][code][id] = change[font][code][id];
* Update the character code for every character in a list
* of fonts
TeXfontCodes: function (change) {
for (var font in change) {
for (var i = 0; i < change[font].length; i++) {
jsMath.TeX[font][i].c = change[font][i];
* Implement browser-specific checks
jsMath.Browser = {
allowAbsolute: 1, // tells if browser can nest absolutely positioned
// SPANs inside relative SPANs
allowAbsoluteDelim: 0, // OK to use absolute placement for building delims?
separateSkips: 0, // MSIE doesn't do negative left margins, and
// Netscape doesn't combine skips well
valignBug: 0, // Konqueror doesn't nest vertical-align
operaHiddenFix: '', // for Opera to fix bug with math in tables
msieCenterBugFix: '', // for MSIE centering bug with image fonts
msieInlineBlockFix: '', // for MSIE alignment bug in non-quirks mode
msieSpaceFix: '', // for MSIE to avoid dropping empty spans
imgScale: 1, // MSI scales images for 120dpi screens, so compensate
renameOK: 1, // tells if brower will find a tag whose name
// has been set via setAttributes
styleChangeDelay: 0, // true if style changes need a delay in order
// for them to be available
delay: 1, // delay for asynchronous math processing
version: 0, // browser version number (when needed)
* Determine if the "top" of a <SPAN> is always at the same height
* or varies with the height of the rest of the line (MSIE).
TestSpanHeight: function () {
jsMath.hidden.innerHTML = '<span><span style="'+this.block+';height:2em;width:1px"></span></span>';
var span = jsMath.hidden.firstChild;
var img = span.firstChild;
this.spanHeightVaries = (span.offsetHeight >= img.offsetHeight && span.offsetHeight > 0);
this.spanHeightTooBig = (span.offsetHeight > img.offsetHeight);
jsMath.hidden.innerHTML = '';
* Determine if an inline-block with 0 width is OK or not
* and decide whether to use spans or images for spacing
TestInlineBlock: function () {
this.block = "display:-moz-inline-box";
this.hasInlineBlock = jsMath.BBoxFor('<span style="'+this.block+';width:10px;height:5px"></span>').w > 0;
if (this.hasInlineBlock) {
jsMath.styles['.typeset .blank'] = jsMath.styles['.typeset .blank'].replace(/display:inline-block/,this.block);
jsMath.styles['.typeset .spacer'] = jsMath.styles['.typeset .spacer'].replace(/display:inline-block/,'');
} else {
this.block = "display:inline-block";
this.hasInlineBlock = jsMath.BBoxFor('<span style="'+this.block+';width:10px;height:5px"></span>').w > 0;
if (!this.hasInlineBlock) return;
this.block += ';overflow:hidden';
var h = jsMath.BBoxFor('x').h;
this.mozInlineBlockBug = jsMath.BBoxFor(
'<span style="'+this.block+';height:'+h+'px;width:1px"></span>x'+
'<span style="'+this.block+';height:'+h+'px;width:1px;vertical-align:-'+h+'px"></span>').h > 2*h;
this.widthAddsBorder = jsMath.BBoxFor('<span style="'+this.block+
';overflow:hidden;height:1px;width:10px;border-left:10px solid"></span>').w > 10;
this.msieBorderBug =
jsMath.BBoxFor('<span style="'+this.block+';height:'+h+'px;width:1px"></span>x').h !=
jsMath.BBoxFor('<span style="'+this.block+';height:'+h+'px;width:1px;border-left:1px solid"></span>x').h;
this.blankWidthBug = this.msieBorderBug ||
jsMath.BBoxFor('<span style="'+this.block+';height:2em;width:0px"></span>').h == 0;
* Determine if the NAME attribute of a tag can be changed
* using the setAttribute function, and then be properly
* returned by getElementByName.
TestRenameOK: function () {
jsMath.hidden.innerHTML = '<span></span>';
var test = jsMath.hidden.firstChild;
this.renameOK = (jsMath.document.getElementsByName('jsMath_test').length > 0);
jsMath.hidden.innerHTML = '';
* See if style changes occur immediately, or if we need to delay
* in order to let them take effect.
TestStyleChange: function () {
jsMath.hidden.innerHTML = '<span ID="jsMath_test">x</span>';
var span = jsMath.hidden.firstChild;
var w = span.offsetWidth;
jsMath.Setup.AddStyleSheet({'#jsMath_test': 'font-size:200%'});
this.styleChangeDelay = (span.offsetWidth == w);
jsMath.hidden.innerHTML = '';
* Perform a version check on a standard version string
VersionAtLeast: function (v) {
var bv = new String(this.version).split('.');
v = new String(v).split('.'); if (v[1] == null) {v[1] = '0'}
return bv[0] > v[0] || (bv[0] == v[0] && bv[1] >= v[1]);
* Test for browser characteristics, and adjust things
* to overcome specific browser bugs
Init: function () {
jsMath.browser = 'unknown';
// Change some routines depending on the browser
if (this.allowAbsoluteDelim) {
jsMath.Box.DelimExtend = jsMath.Box.DelimExtendAbsolute;
jsMath.Box.Layout = jsMath.Box.LayoutAbsolute;
} else {
jsMath.Box.DelimExtend = jsMath.Box.DelimExtendRelative;
jsMath.Box.Layout = jsMath.Box.LayoutRelative;
if (this.separateSkips) {
jsMath.HTML.Place = jsMath.HTML.PlaceSeparateSkips;
jsMath.Typeset.prototype.Place = jsMath.Typeset.prototype.PlaceSeparateSkips;
// Handle bug-filled Internet Explorer
MSIE: function () {
if (this.spanHeightVaries && !this.spanHeightTooBig) {
jsMath.browser = 'MSIE';
if (jsMath.platform == 'pc') {
this.IE7 = (window.XMLHttpRequest != null);
this.quirks = (jsMath.document.compatMode == "BackCompat");
this.msieStandard6 = !this.quirks && !this.IE7;
this.allowAbsoluteDelim = 1; this.separateSkips = 1;
this.buttonCheck = 1; this.msieBlankBug = 1;
this.msieAccentBug = 1; this.msieRelativeClipBug = 1;
this.msieDivWidthBug = 1; this.msiePositionFixedBug = 1;
this.msieIntegralBug = 1; this.waitForImages = 1;
this.msieAlphaBug = !this.IE7; this.alphaPrintBug = !this.IE7;
this.msieCenterBugFix = 'position:relative; ';
this.msieInlineBlockFix = ' display:inline-block;';
this.msieTeXfontBaselineBug = !jsMath.Browser.quirks;
if (!this.IE7) {this.msieSpaceFix = '<span style="display:inline-block"></span>'}
jsMath.Parser.prototype.mathchardef.mapstocharOrig = jsMath.Parser.prototype.mathchardef.mapstochar;
delete jsMath.Parser.prototype.mathchardef.mapstochar;
jsMath.styles['.typeset .arial'] = "font-family: 'Arial unicode MS'";
if (!this.IE7 || this.quirks) {
// MSIE doesn't implement fixed positioning, so use absolute
jsMath.styles['#jsMath_message'] =
jsMath.styles['#jsMath_panel'] =
jsMath.styles['#jsMath_button'] = 'width:1px; '
+ jsMath.styles['#jsMath_button'].replace(/position:fixed/,"position:absolute").replace(/width:auto/,"");
if (this.IE7) jsMath.window.attachEvent("onresize",jsMath.Controls.MoveButton);
this.msieMoveButtonHack = this.IE7;
// Make MSIE put borders around the whole button
jsMath.styles['#jsMath_noFont .link'] += " display: inline-block;";
// MSIE needs this NOT to be inline-block
jsMath.styles['.typeset .spacer'] =
jsMath.styles['.typeset .spacer'].replace(/display:inline-block/,'');
// MSIE can't insert DIV's into text nodes, so tex2math must use SPAN's to fake DIV's
jsMath.styles['.tex2math_div'] = jsMath.styles['div.typeset'] + '; width: 100%; display: inline-block';
// MSIE will rescale images if the DPIs differ
if (screen.deviceXDPI && screen.logicalXDPI
&& screen.deviceXDPI != screen.logicalXDPI) {
this.imgScale *= screen.logicalXDPI/screen.deviceXDPI;
jsMath.Controls.cookie.alpha = 0;
// Handle bug with getting width of italic text
this.italicString = '<i>x</i>';
jsMath.EmBoxFor = jsMath.EmBoxForItalics;
} else if (jsMath.platform == 'mac') {
this.msieAbsoluteBug = 1; this.msieButtonBug = 1;
this.msieDivWidthBug = 1; this.msieBlankBug = 1;
this.quirks = 1;
jsMath.Parser.prototype.macros.angle = ['Replace','ord','<font face="Symbol">‹</font>','normal'];
jsMath.styles['#jsMath_panel'] = 'width:42em; ' + jsMath.styles['#jsMath_panel'].replace(/width:auto/,"");
jsMath.Controls.cookie.printwarn = 0; // MSIE/Mac doesn't handle '@media screen'
// Handle Netscape/Mozilla (any flavor)
Mozilla: function () {
if (jsMath.hidden.ATTRIBUTE_NODE) {
jsMath.browser = 'Mozilla';
if (jsMath.platform == 'pc') {this.alphaPrintBug = 1}
this.allowAbsoluteDelim = 1;
jsMath.styles['#jsMath_button'] = jsMath.styles['#jsMath_button'].replace(/cursor:hand/,'cursor:pointer');
jsMath.styles['#jsMath_noFont .link'] = jsMath.styles['#jsMath_noFont .link'].replace(/cursor:hand/,'cursor:pointer');
if (navigator.vendor == 'Firefox') {
this.version = navigator.vendorSub;
} else if (navigator.userAgent.match(' Firefox/([0-9.]+)( |$)')) {
this.version = RegExp.$1;
// Handle OmniWeb
OmniWeb: function () {
if (navigator.accentColorName) {
jsMath.browser = 'OmniWeb';
this.allowAbsolute = this.hasInlineBlock;
this.allowAbsoluteDelim = this.allowAbsolute;
this.valignBug = !this.allowAbsolute;
this.buttonCheck = 1; this.textNodeBug = 1;
jsMath.noChangeGlobal = 1; // OmniWeb craches on GoGlobal
if (!this.hasInlineBlock) {jsMath.Setup.Script('jsMath-old-browsers.js')}
// Handle Opera
Opera: function () {
if (this.spanHeightTooBig) {
jsMath.browser = 'Opera';
var isOld = navigator.userAgent.match("Opera 7");
this.allowAbsolute = 0;
this.delay = 10;
this.operaHiddenFix = '[Processing]';
if (isOld) {jsMath.Setup.Script('jsMath-old-browsers.js')}
// Handle Safari
Safari: function () {
if (navigator.appVersion.match(/Safari\//)) {
jsMath.browser = 'Safari';
var version = navigator.userAgent.match("Safari/([0-9]+)");
version = (version)? version[1] : 400;
for (var i = 0; i < jsMath.TeX.fam.length; i++) {
if (jsMath.TeX.fam[i] && jsMath.TeX[jsMath.TeX.fam[i]])
{jsMath.TeX[jsMath.TeX.fam[i]].dh = .1}
jsMath.TeX.axis_height += .05;
jsMath.TeX.default_rule_thickness += .025;
this.allowAbsoluteDelim = version >= 125;
this.safariIFRAMEbug = version >= 312 && version < 412;
this.safariButtonBug = version < 412;
this.safariImgBug = 1; this.textNodeBug = 1;
this.buttonCheck = 1;
this.styleChangeDelay = 1;
// Handle Konqueror
Konqueror: function () {
if (navigator.product && navigator.product.match("Konqueror")) {
jsMath.browser = 'Konqueror';
this.allowAbsolute = 0;
this.allowAbsoluteDelim = 0;
if (navigator.userAgent.match(/Konqueror\/(\d+)\.(\d+)/)) {
if (RegExp.$1 < 3 || (RegExp.$1 == 3 && RegExp.$2 < 3)) {
this.separateSkips = 1;
this.valignBug = 1;
// Apparently, Konqueror wants the names without the hyphen
'.typeset .cmr10': 'font-family: jsMath-cmr10, jsMath cmr10, serif',
'.typeset .cmbx10': 'font-family: jsMath-cmbx10, jsMath cmbx10, jsMath-cmr10, jsMath cmr10',
'.typeset .cmti10': 'font-family: jsMath-cmti10, jsMath cmti10, jsMath-cmr10, jsMath cmr10',
'.typeset .cmmi10': 'font-family: jsMath-cmmi10, jsMath cmmi10',
'.typeset .cmsy10': 'font-family: jsMath-cmsy10, jsMath cmsy10',
'.typeset .cmex10': 'font-family: jsMath-cmex10, jsMath cmex10'
jsMath.Font.testFont = "jsMath-cmex10, jsMath cmex10";
* Implement font check and messages
jsMath.Font = {
testFont: "jsMath-cmex10",
fallback: "symbol", // the default fallback method
register: [], // list of fonts registered before jsMath.Init()
// the HTML for the missing font message
'<b>No jsMath TeX fonts found</b> -- using image fonts instead.<br/>\n'
+ 'These may be slow and might not print well.<br/>\n'
+ 'Use the jsMath control panel to get additional information.',
'Extra TeX fonts not found: <b><span id="jsMath_ExtraFonts"></span></b><br/>'
+ 'Using image fonts instead. This may be slow and might not print well.<br/>\n'
+ 'Use the jsMath control panel to get additional information.',
'To print higher-resolution math symbols, click the<br/>\n'
+ '<b>Hi-Res Fonts for Printing</b> button on the jsMath control panel.<br/>\n',
'If the math symbols print as black boxes, turn off <b>image alpha channels</b><br/>\n'
+ 'using the <B>Options</B> pane of the jsMath control panel.<br/>\n',
* Look to see if a font is found.
* Check the character in a given position, and see if it is
* wider than the usual one in that position.
Test1: function (name,n,factor,prefix) {
if (n == null) {n = 0x7C}; if (factor == null) {factor = 2}; if (prefix == null) {prefix = ''}
var wh1 = jsMath.BBoxFor('<span style="font-family: '+prefix+name+', serif">'+jsMath.TeX[name][n].c+'</span>');
var wh2 = jsMath.BBoxFor('<span style="font-family: serif">'+jsMath.TeX[name][n].c+'</span>');
return (wh1.w > factor*wh2.w && wh1.h != 0);
Test2: function (name,n,factor,prefix) {
if (n == null) {n = 0x7C}; if (factor == null) {factor = 2}; if (prefix == null) {prefix = ''}
var wh1 = jsMath.BBoxFor('<span style="font-family: '+prefix+name+', serif">'+jsMath.TeX[name][n].c+'</span>');
var wh2 = jsMath.BBoxFor('<span style="font-family: serif">'+jsMath.TeX[name][n].c+'</span>');
return (wh2.w > factor*wh1.w && wh1.h != 0);
* Check for the new jsMath versions of the fonts (blacker with
* different encoding) and if not found, look for old-style fonts.
* If they are found, load the BaKoMa encoding information.
CheckTeX: function () {
var wh = jsMath.BBoxFor('<span style="font-family: '+jsMath.Font.testFont+', serif">'+jsMath.TeX.cmex10[1].c+'</span>');
jsMath.nofonts = ((wh.w*3 > wh.h || wh.h == 0) && !this.Test1('cmr10',null,null,'jsMath-'));
if (jsMath.nofonts && (jsMath.platform != "mac" ||
jsMath.browser != 'Mozilla' || !jsMath.Browser.VersionAtLeast(1.5))) {
wh = jsMath.BBoxFor('<span style="font-family: cmex10, serif">'+jsMath.TeX.cmex10[1].c+'</span>');
jsMath.nofonts = ((wh.w*3 > wh.h || wh.h == 0) && !this.Test1('cmr10'));
if (!jsMath.nofonts) {jsMath.Setup.Script("jsMath-BaKoMa-fonts.js")}
* Check for the availability of TeX fonts. We do this by looking at
* the width and height of a character in the cmex10 font. The cmex10
* font has depth considerably greater than most characters' widths (the
* whole font has the depth of the character with greatest depth). This
* is not the case for most fonts, so if we can access cmex10, the
* height of a character should be much bigger than the width.
* Otherwise, if we don't have cmex10, we'll get a character in another
* font with normal height and width. In this case, we insert a message
* pointing the user to the jsMath site, and load one of the fallback
* definitions.
Check: function () {
var cookie = jsMath.Controls.cookie;
if (jsMath.nofonts) {
if (cookie.autofont || cookie.font == 'tex') {
cookie.font = this.fallback;
if (cookie.warn) {
jsMath.nofontMessage = 1;
cookie.warn = 0; jsMath.Controls.SetCookie(0);
if (jsMath.window.NoFontMessage) {jsMath.window.NoFontMessage()}
else {this.Message(this.message)}
} else {
if (cookie.autofont) {cookie.font = 'tex'}
if (cookie.font == 'tex') return;
if (jsMath.noImgFonts) {cookie.font = 'unicode'}
if (cookie.font == 'unicode') {
jsMath.Box.TeXnonfallback = jsMath.Box.TeX;
jsMath.Box.TeX = jsMath.Box.TeXfallback;
if (!cookie.print && cookie.printwarn) {
(jsMath.Browser.alphaPrintBug && jsMath.Controls.cookie.alpha) ?
this.print_message + this.alpha_message : this.print_message);
if (jsMath.Browser.waitForImages) {
if (cookie.font == 'symbol') {
jsMath.Box.TeXnonfallback = jsMath.Box.TeX;
jsMath.Box.TeX = jsMath.Box.TeXfallback;
cmr10: ['all'], cmmi10: ['all'], cmsy10: ['all'],
cmex10: ['all'], cmbx10: ['all'], cmti10: ['all']
* The message for when no TeX fonts. You can eliminate this message
* by including
* <script>jsMath = {Font: {Message: function () {}}}</script>
* in your HTML file, before loading jsMath.js, if you want. But this
* means the user may not know that he or she can get a better version
* of your page.
Message: function (message) {
if (jsMath.Element("Warning")) return;
var div = jsMath.Setup.DIV("Warning",{});
div.innerHTML =
+ '<div id="jsMath_noFont"><div class="message">' + message
+ '<div style="text-align:left"><span style="float:left; margin: 8px 0px 0px 20px">'
+ '<span onclick="jsMath.Controls.Panel()" title=" Open the jsMath Control Panel " class="link">jsMath Control Panel</span>'
+ '</span><span style="margin: 8px 20px 0px 0px; float:right">'
+ '<span onclick="jsMath.Font.HideMessage()" title=" Remove this font warning message " class="link">Hide this Message</span>'
+ '</span></div><div style="height:6px"></div><br clear="all"/></div></div>'
+ '<div style="width:22em; height:1px"></div>'
+ '</td></tr></table></center><hr/>';
HideMessage: function () {
var message = jsMath.Element("Warning");
if (message) { = "none"}
PrintMessage: function (message) {
if (jsMath.Element("PrintWarning")) return;
var div = jsMath.Setup.DIV("PrintWarning",{});
div.innerHTML =
+ '<div class="message">' + message + '</div>'
+ '<div style="width:22em; height:1px"></div>'
+ '</td></tr></table></center><hr/>';
* Register an extra font so jsMath knows about it
Register: function (data,force) {
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if (!jsMath.Setup.inited && !force) {
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* Register font family
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data.macros[name] = ['HandleFont',fontfam];
* Set up styles
data.styles['.typeset .'+fontname] =;
if (jsMath.initialized) {jsMath.Script.Push(jsMath.Setup,'TeXfont',fontname)}
* Check for font and give message if missing
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if (hasTeXfont && cookie.font == 'tex') {
if (data.tex) {data.tex(fontname,fontfam,data)}
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cookie.fonts += fontname + "/"; jsMath.Controls.SetCookie(0);
if (!jsMath.Element("Warning")) this.Message(this.extra_message);
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extra.innerHTML += " " + data.prefix+fontname;
if (cookie.font == 'unicode' || jsMath.noImgFonts) {
if (data.fallback) {data.fallback(fontname,fontfam,data)}
// Image fonts
var font = {}; font[fontname] = ['all'];
if (jsMath.initialized) {
* If fonts are registered before jsMath.Init() is called, jsMath.em
* will not be available, so they need to be delayed.
LoadRegistered: function () {
var i = 0;
while (i < this.register.length) {this.Register(this.register[i++],1)}
this.register = [];
* Load a font
Load: function (name) {jsMath.Setup.Script(this.URL(name))},
URL: function (name) {return jsMath.Img.root+name+'/def.js'}
* Implements the jsMath control panel.
* Much of the code is in jsMath-controls.html, which is
* loaded into a hidden IFRAME on demand
jsMath.Controls = {
// Data stored in the jsMath cookie
cookie: {
scale: 100,
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cookiePath: '/', // can also set cookieDomain
noCookiePattern: /^(file|mk):$/, // pattern for handling cookies locally
* Create the HTML needed for control panel
Init: function () {
this.panel = jsMath.Setup.DIV("panel",{display:'none'});
if (!jsMath.Browser.msieButtonBug) {this.Button()}
else {setTimeout("jsMath.Controls.Button()",500)}
* Load the control panel
Panel: function () {
if (this.loaded) {this.Main()}
else {jsMath.Script.delayedLoad(jsMath.root+"jsMath-controls.html")}
* Create the control panel button
Button: function () {
var button = jsMath.Setup.DIV("button",{});
button.title = ' Open jsMath Control Panel ';
button.innerHTML =
'<span onclick="jsMath.Controls.Panel()">jsMath</span>';
if (!jsMath.Global.isLocal && !jsMath.noShowGlobal) {
button.innerHTML +=
'<span id="jsMath_global" title=" Open jsMath Global Panel " '
+ 'onclick="jsMath.Global.Show(1)">Global </span>';
if (button.offsetWidth < 30) { = "auto"}
if (!this.cookie.button) { = "none"}
* Since MSIE doesn't handle position:float, we need to have the
* window repositioned every time the window scrolls. We do that
* by hiding then showing the window, which apparently causes MSIE
* to recompute its location. In MSIE7, that doesn't work anymore,
* so we have to move the window by hand.
MoveButton: function () {
var controls = jsMath.Controls;
if (!controls.button) {controls.button = jsMath.Element("button")}
if (controls.button) controls.MoveElement(controls.button,3,2);
var dx = 20; var dy = 20;
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MoveElement: function (obj,dx,dy) {
if (jsMath.Browser.IE7) {
var body = document.body; = "auto"; = "auto";
// This position can't be overridden by CSS (grr)
// (Perhaps we can look up the current position and which sides it's
// attached to and use those. What a pain.)
// = body.clientWidth + body.scrollLeft - obj.offsetWidth - dx + "px"; = body.clientHeight + body.scrollTop - obj.offsetHeight - dy + "px";
} else { = "hidden"; = "visible";
* Get the cookie data from the browser
* (for file: references, use url '?' syntax)
GetCookie: function () {
// save the current cookie settings as the defaults
if (this.defaults == null) {this.defaults = {}}
jsMath.Add(this.defaults,this.cookie); this.userSet = {};
// get the browser's cookie data
var cookies = jsMath.document.cookie;
if (jsMath.window.location.protocol.match(this.noCookiePattern)) {
cookies = this.localGetCookie();
this.isLocalCookie = 1;
if (cookies.match(/jsMath=([^;]+)/)) {
var data = unescape(RegExp.$1).split(/,/);
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
var x = data[i].match(/(.*):(.*)/);
if (x[2].match(/^\d+$/)) {x[2] = 1*x[2]} // convert from string
this.cookie[x[1]] = x[2];
this.userSet[x[1]] = 1;
localGetCookie: function () {
* Save the cookie data in the browser
* (for file: urls, append data like CGI reference)
SetCookie: function (warn) {
var cookie = [];
for (var id in this.cookie) {
if (this.defaults[id] == null || this.cookie[id] != this.defaults[id])
{cookie[cookie.length] = id + ':' + this.cookie[id]}
cookie = cookie.join(',');
if (this.isLocalCookie) {
if (warn == 2) {return 'jsMath='+escape(cookie)}
} else {
cookie = escape(cookie);
if (cookie == '') {warn = 0}
if (this.cookiePath) {cookie += '; path='+this.cookiePath}
if (this.cookieDomain) {cookie += '; domain='+this.cookieDomain}
if (this.cookie.keep != '0D') {
var ms = {
D: 1000*60*60*24,
W: 1000*60*60*24*7,
M: 1000*60*60*24*30,
Y: 1000*60*60*24*365
var exp = new Date;
exp.setTime(exp.getTime() +
this.cookie.keep.substr(0,1) * ms[this.cookie.keep.substr(1,1)]);
cookie += '; expires=' + exp.toGMTString();
if (cookie != '') {
jsMath.document.cookie = 'jsMath='+cookie;
var cookies = jsMath.document.cookie;
if (warn && !cookies.match(/jsMath=/))
{alert("Cookies must be enabled in order to save jsMath options")}
return null;
localSetCookie: function (cookie,warn) {
if (!warn) return;
var href = String(jsMath.window.location).replace(/\?.*/,"");
if (cookie != '') {href += '?jsMath=' + escape(cookie)}
if (href != jsMath.window.location.href) {this.Reload(href)}
* Reload the page (with the given URL)
Reload: function (url) {
if (!this.loaded) return;
this.loaded = 0; jsMath.Setup.inited = -100;
if (url) {jsMath.window.location.replace(url)}
else {jsMath.window.location.reload()}
* Implements the actions for clicking and double-clicking
* on math formulas
jsMath.Click = {
* Handle clicking on math to get control panel
CheckClick: function (event) {
if (!event) {event = jsMath.window.event}
if (event.altKey) jsMath.Controls.Panel();
* Handle double-click for seeing TeX code
CheckDblClick: function (event) {
if (!event) {event = jsMath.window.event}
if (!jsMath.Click.DblClick) {
// Firefox clears the event, so copy it
var tmpEvent = event; event = {};
for (var id in tmpEvent) {event[id] = tmpEvent[id]}
* The TeX font information
jsMath.TeX = {
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delimiterfactor: 901,
delimitershortfall: .5,
scale: 1, // scaling factor for font dimensions
// The TeX math atom types (see Appendix G of the TeXbook)
atom: ['ord', 'op', 'bin', 'rel', 'open', 'close', 'punct', 'ord'],
// The TeX font families
fam: ['cmr10','cmmi10','cmsy10','cmex10','cmti10','','cmbx10',''],
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// Encoding used by jsMath fonts
encoding: [
'À', 'Á', 'Â', 'Ã', 'Ä', 'Å', 'Æ', 'Ç',
'È', 'É', 'Ê', 'Ë', 'Ì', 'Í', 'Î', 'Ï',
'°', 'Ñ', 'Ò', 'Ó', 'Ô', 'Õ', 'Ö', '·',
'Ø', 'Ù', 'Ú', 'Û', 'Ü', 'µ', '¶', 'ß',
'ï', '!', '"', '#', '$', '%', '&', ''',
'(', ')', '*', '+', ',', '-', '.', '/',
'0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7',
'8', '9', ':', ';', '<', '=', '>', '?',
'@', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G',
'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O',
'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W',
'X', 'Y', 'Z', '[', '\', ']', '^', '_',
'`', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g',
'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o',
'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w',
'x', 'y', 'z', '{', '|', '}', '~', 'ÿ'
* The following are the TeX font mappings and metrics. The metric
* information comes directly from the TeX .tfm files. Browser-specific
* adjustments are made to these tables in the Browser.Init() routine
cmr10: [
[0.625,0.683], [0.833,0.683], [0.778,0.683], [0.694,0.683],
[0.667,0.683], [0.75,0.683], [0.722,0.683], [0.778,0.683],
[0.722,0.683], [0.778,0.683], [0.722,0.683],
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[0.556,0.694], [0.556,0.694], [0.833,0.694], [0.833,0.694],
[0.278,0.431], [0.306,0.431,0.194], [0.5,0.694], [0.5,0.694],
[0.5,0.628], [0.5,0.694], [0.5,0.568], [0.75,0.694],
[0.444,0,0.17], [0.5,0.694], [0.722,0.431], [0.778,0.431],
[0.5,0.528,0.0972], [0.903,0.683], [1.01,0.683], [0.778,0.732,0.0486],
[0.278,0.431,0,{krn: {'108': -0.278, '76': -0.319}}],
[0.278,0.694,0,{lig: {'96': 60}}],
[0.5,0.694], [0.833,0.694,0.194], [0.5,0.75,0.0556],
[0.833,0.75,0.0556], [0.778,0.694],
[0.278,0.694,0,{krn: {'63': 0.111, '33': 0.111}, lig: {'39': 34}}],
[0.389,0.75,0.25], [0.389,0.75,0.25], [0.5,0.75],
[0.778,0.583,0.0833], [0.278,0.106,0.194],
[0.333,0.431,0,{lig: {'45': 123}}],
[0.278,0.106], [0.5,0.75,0.25],
[0.5,0.644], [0.5,0.644], [0.5,0.644], [0.5,0.644],
[0.5,0.644], [0.5,0.644], [0.5,0.644], [0.5,0.644],
[0.5,0.644], [0.5,0.644], [0.278,0.431], [0.278,0.431,0.194],
[0.278,0.5,0.194], [0.778,0.367,-0.133], [0.472,0.5,0.194],
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[0.708,0.683], [0.722,0.683],
[0.764,0.683,0,{krn: {'88': -0.0278, '87': -0.0278, '65': -0.0278, '86': -0.0278, '89': -0.0278}}],
[0.653,0.683,0,{krn: {'111': -0.0833, '101': -0.0833, '117': -0.0833, '114': -0.0833, '97': -0.0833, '65': -0.111, '79': -0.0278, '67': -0.0278, '71': -0.0278, '81': -0.0278}}],
[0.785,0.683], [0.75,0.683], [0.361,0.683,0,{krn: {'73': 0.0278}}],
[0.778,0.683,0,{krn: {'79': -0.0278, '67': -0.0278, '71': -0.0278, '81': -0.0278}}],
[0.625,0.683,0,{krn: {'84': -0.0833, '89': -0.0833, '86': -0.111, '87': -0.111}}],
[0.917,0.683], [0.75,0.683],
[0.778,0.683,0,{krn: {'88': -0.0278, '87': -0.0278, '65': -0.0278, '86': -0.0278, '89': -0.0278}}],
[0.681,0.683,0,{krn: {'65': -0.0833, '111': -0.0278, '101': -0.0278, '97': -0.0278, '46': -0.0833, '44': -0.0833}}],
[0.736,0.683,0,{krn: {'116': -0.0278, '67': -0.0278, '79': -0.0278, '71': -0.0278, '85': -0.0278, '81': -0.0278, '84': -0.0833, '89': -0.0833, '86': -0.111, '87': -0.111}}],
[0.722,0.683,0,{krn: {'121': -0.0278, '101': -0.0833, '111': -0.0833, '114': -0.0833, '97': -0.0833, '65': -0.0833, '117': -0.0833}}],
[0.75,0.683,0,{ic: 0.0139, krn: {'111': -0.0833, '101': -0.0833, '117': -0.0833, '114': -0.0833, '97': -0.0833, '65': -0.111, '79': -0.0278, '67': -0.0278, '71': -0.0278, '81': -0.0278}}],
[1.03,0.683,0,{ic: 0.0139, krn: {'111': -0.0833, '101': -0.0833, '117': -0.0833, '114': -0.0833, '97': -0.0833, '65': -0.111, '79': -0.0278, '67': -0.0278, '71': -0.0278, '81': -0.0278}}],
[0.75,0.683,0,{krn: {'79': -0.0278, '67': -0.0278, '71': -0.0278, '81': -0.0278}}],
[0.75,0.683,0,{ic: 0.025, krn: {'101': -0.0833, '111': -0.0833, '114': -0.0833, '97': -0.0833, '65': -0.0833, '117': -0.0833}}],
[0.611,0.683], [0.278,0.75,0.25], [0.5,0.694],
[0.278,0.75,0.25], [0.5,0.694], [0.278,0.668],
[0.278,0.694,0,{lig: {'96': 92}}],
[0.5,0.431,0,{krn: {'118': -0.0278, '106': 0.0556, '121': -0.0278, '119': -0.0278}}],
[0.556,0.694,0,{krn: {'101': 0.0278, '111': 0.0278, '120': -0.0278, '100': 0.0278, '99': 0.0278, '113': 0.0278, '118': -0.0278, '106': 0.0556, '121': -0.0278, '119': -0.0278}}],
[0.444,0.431,0,{krn: {'104': -0.0278, '107': -0.0278}}],
[0.556,0.694], [0.444,0.431],
[0.306,0.694,0,{ic: 0.0778, krn: {'39': 0.0778, '63': 0.0778, '33': 0.0778, '41': 0.0778, '93': 0.0778}, lig: {'105': 12, '102': 11, '108': 13}}],
[0.5,0.431,0.194,{ic: 0.0139, krn: {'106': 0.0278}}],
[0.556,0.694,0,{krn: {'116': -0.0278, '117': -0.0278, '98': -0.0278, '121': -0.0278, '118': -0.0278, '119': -0.0278}}],
[0.278,0.668], [0.306,0.668,0.194],
[0.528,0.694,0,{krn: {'97': -0.0556, '101': -0.0278, '97': -0.0278, '111': -0.0278, '99': -0.0278}}],
[0.833,0.431,0,{krn: {'116': -0.0278, '117': -0.0278, '98': -0.0278, '121': -0.0278, '118': -0.0278, '119': -0.0278}}],
[0.556,0.431,0,{krn: {'116': -0.0278, '117': -0.0278, '98': -0.0278, '121': -0.0278, '118': -0.0278, '119': -0.0278}}],
[0.5,0.431,0,{krn: {'101': 0.0278, '111': 0.0278, '120': -0.0278, '100': 0.0278, '99': 0.0278, '113': 0.0278, '118': -0.0278, '106': 0.0556, '121': -0.0278, '119': -0.0278}}],
[0.556,0.431,0.194,{krn: {'101': 0.0278, '111': 0.0278, '120': -0.0278, '100': 0.0278, '99': 0.0278, '113': 0.0278, '118': -0.0278, '106': 0.0556, '121': -0.0278, '119': -0.0278}}],
[0.528,0.431,0.194], [0.392,0.431], [0.394,0.431],
[0.389,0.615,0,{krn: {'121': -0.0278, '119': -0.0278}}],
[0.556,0.431,0,{krn: {'119': -0.0278}}],
[0.528,0.431,0,{ic: 0.0139, krn: {'97': -0.0556, '101': -0.0278, '97': -0.0278, '111': -0.0278, '99': -0.0278}}],
[0.722,0.431,0,{ic: 0.0139, krn: {'101': -0.0278, '97': -0.0278, '111': -0.0278, '99': -0.0278}}],
[0.528,0.431,0.194,{ic: 0.0139, krn: {'111': -0.0278, '101': -0.0278, '97': -0.0278, '46': -0.0833, '44': -0.0833}}],
[0.444,0.431], [0.5,0.431,0,{ic: 0.0278, lig: {'45': 124}}],
[1,0.431,0,{ic: 0.0278}], [0.5,0.694], [0.5,0.668], [0.5,0.668]
cmmi10: [
[0.615,0.683,0,{ic: 0.139, krn: {'61': -0.0556, '59': -0.111, '58': -0.111, '127': 0.0833}}],
[0.833,0.683,0,{krn: {'127': 0.167}}],
[0.763,0.683,0,{ic: 0.0278, krn: {'127': 0.0833}}],
[0.694,0.683,0,{krn: {'127': 0.167}}],
[0.742,0.683,0,{ic: 0.0757, krn: {'127': 0.0833}}],
[0.831,0.683,0,{ic: 0.0812, krn: {'61': -0.0556, '59': -0.0556, '58': -0.0556, '127': 0.0556}}],
[0.78,0.683,0,{ic: 0.0576, krn: {'127': 0.0833}}],
[0.583,0.683,0,{ic: 0.139, krn: {'61': -0.0556, '59': -0.111, '58': -0.111, '127': 0.0556}}],
[0.667,0.683,0,{krn: {'127': 0.0833}}],
[0.612,0.683,0,{ic: 0.11, krn: {'61': -0.0556, '59': -0.0556, '58': -0.0556, '127': 0.0556}}],
[0.772,0.683,0,{ic: 0.0502, krn: {'127': 0.0833}}],
[0.64,0.431,0,{ic: 0.0037, krn: {'127': 0.0278}}],
[0.566,0.694,0.194,{ic: 0.0528, krn: {'127': 0.0833}}],
[0.518,0.431,0.194,{ic: 0.0556}],
[0.444,0.694,0,{ic: 0.0378, krn: {'59': -0.0556, '58': -0.0556, '127': 0.0556}}],
[0.406,0.431,0,{krn: {'127': 0.0556}}],
[0.438,0.694,0.194,{ic: 0.0738, krn: {'127': 0.0833}}],
[0.497,0.431,0.194,{ic: 0.0359, krn: {'127': 0.0556}}],
[0.469,0.694,0,{ic: 0.0278, krn: {'127': 0.0833}}],
[0.354,0.431,0,{krn: {'127': 0.0556}}],
[0.576,0.431], [0.583,0.694],
[0.603,0.431,0.194,{krn: {'127': 0.0278}}],
[0.494,0.431,0,{ic: 0.0637, krn: {'59': -0.0556, '58': -0.0556, '127': 0.0278}}],
[0.438,0.694,0.194,{ic: 0.046, krn: {'127': 0.111}}],
[0.57,0.431,0,{ic: 0.0359}],
[0.517,0.431,0.194,{krn: {'127': 0.0833}}],
[0.571,0.431,0,{ic: 0.0359, krn: {'59': -0.0556, '58': -0.0556}}],
[0.437,0.431,0,{ic: 0.113, krn: {'59': -0.0556, '58': -0.0556, '127': 0.0278}}],
[0.54,0.431,0,{ic: 0.0359, krn: {'127': 0.0278}}],
[0.596,0.694,0.194,{krn: {'127': 0.0833}}],
[0.626,0.431,0.194,{krn: {'127': 0.0556}}],
[0.651,0.694,0.194,{ic: 0.0359, krn: {'127': 0.111}}],
[0.622,0.431,0,{ic: 0.0359}],
[0.466,0.431,0,{krn: {'127': 0.0833}}],
[0.591,0.694,0,{krn: {'127': 0.0833}}],
[0.828,0.431,0,{ic: 0.0278}],
[0.517,0.431,0.194,{krn: {'127': 0.0833}}],
[0.363,0.431,0.0972,{ic: 0.0799, krn: {'127': 0.0833}}],
[0.654,0.431,0.194,{krn: {'127': 0.0833}}],
[1,0.367,-0.133], [1,0.367,-0.133], [1,0.367,-0.133], [1,0.367,-0.133],
[0.278,0.464,-0.0363], [0.278,0.464,-0.0363], [0.5,0.465,-0.0347], [0.5,0.465,-0.0347],
[0.5,0.431], [0.5,0.431], [0.5,0.431], [0.5,0.431,0.194],
[0.5,0.431,0.194], [0.5,0.431,0.194], [0.5,0.644], [0.5,0.431,0.194],
[0.5,0.644], [0.5,0.431,0.194], [0.278,0.106], [0.278,0.106,0.194],
[0.5,0.75,0.25,{krn: {'1': -0.0556, '65': -0.0556, '77': -0.0556, '78': -0.0556, '89': 0.0556, '90': -0.0556}}],
[0.778,0.539,0.0391], [0.5,0.465,-0.0347],
[0.531,0.694,0,{ic: 0.0556, krn: {'127': 0.0833}}],
[0.75,0.683,0,{krn: {'127': 0.139}}],
[0.759,0.683,0,{ic: 0.0502, krn: {'127': 0.0833}}],
[0.715,0.683,0,{ic: 0.0715, krn: {'61': -0.0278, '59': -0.0556, '58': -0.0556, '127': 0.0833}}],
[0.828,0.683,0,{ic: 0.0278, krn: {'127': 0.0556}}],
[0.738,0.683,0,{ic: 0.0576, krn: {'127': 0.0833}}],
[0.643,0.683,0,{ic: 0.139, krn: {'61': -0.0556, '59': -0.111, '58': -0.111, '127': 0.0833}}],
[0.786,0.683,0,{krn: {'127': 0.0833}}],
[0.831,0.683,0,{ic: 0.0812, krn: {'61': -0.0556, '59': -0.0556, '58': -0.0556, '127': 0.0556}}],
[0.44,0.683,0,{ic: 0.0785, krn: {'127': 0.111}}],
[0.555,0.683,0,{ic: 0.0962, krn: {'61': -0.0556, '59': -0.111, '58': -0.111, '127': 0.167}}],
[0.849,0.683,0,{ic: 0.0715, krn: {'61': -0.0556, '59': -0.0556, '58': -0.0556, '127': 0.0556}}],
[0.681,0.683,0,{krn: {'127': 0.0278}}],
[0.97,0.683,0,{ic: 0.109, krn: {'61': -0.0556, '59': -0.0556, '58': -0.0556, '127': 0.0833}}],
[0.803,0.683,0,{ic: 0.109, krn: {'61': -0.0833, '61': -0.0278, '59': -0.0556, '58': -0.0556, '127': 0.0833}}],
[0.763,0.683,0,{ic: 0.0278, krn: {'127': 0.0833}}],
[0.642,0.683,0,{ic: 0.139, krn: {'61': -0.0556, '59': -0.111, '58': -0.111, '127': 0.0833}}],
[0.791,0.683,0.194,{krn: {'127': 0.0833}}],
[0.759,0.683,0,{ic: 0.00773, krn: {'127': 0.0833}}],
[0.613,0.683,0,{ic: 0.0576, krn: {'61': -0.0556, '59': -0.0556, '58': -0.0556, '127': 0.0833}}],
[0.584,0.683,0,{ic: 0.139, krn: {'61': -0.0278, '59': -0.0556, '58': -0.0556, '127': 0.0833}}],
[0.683,0.683,0,{ic: 0.109, krn: {'59': -0.111, '58': -0.111, '61': -0.0556, '127': 0.0278}}],
[0.583,0.683,0,{ic: 0.222, krn: {'59': -0.167, '58': -0.167, '61': -0.111}}],
[0.944,0.683,0,{ic: 0.139, krn: {'59': -0.167, '58': -0.167, '61': -0.111}}],
[0.828,0.683,0,{ic: 0.0785, krn: {'61': -0.0833, '61': -0.0278, '59': -0.0556, '58': -0.0556, '127': 0.0833}}],
[0.581,0.683,0,{ic: 0.222, krn: {'59': -0.167, '58': -0.167, '61': -0.111}}],
[0.683,0.683,0,{ic: 0.0715, krn: {'61': -0.0556, '59': -0.0556, '58': -0.0556, '127': 0.0833}}],
[0.389,0.75], [0.389,0.694,0.194], [0.389,0.694,0.194],
[1,0.358,-0.142], [1,0.358,-0.142],
[0.417,0.694,0,{krn: {'127': 0.111}}],
[0.529,0.431], [0.429,0.694], [0.433,0.431,0,{krn: {'127': 0.0556}}],
[0.52,0.694,0,{krn: {'89': 0.0556, '90': -0.0556, '106': -0.111, '102': -0.167, '127': 0.167}}],
[0.466,0.431,0,{krn: {'127': 0.0556}}],
[0.49,0.694,0.194,{ic: 0.108, krn: {'59': -0.0556, '58': -0.0556, '127': 0.167}}],
[0.477,0.431,0.194,{ic: 0.0359, krn: {'127': 0.0278}}],
[0.576,0.694,0,{krn: {'127': -0.0278}}], [0.345,0.66],
[0.412,0.66,0.194,{ic: 0.0572, krn: {'59': -0.0556, '58': -0.0556}}],
[0.521,0.694,0,{ic: 0.0315}], [0.298,0.694,0,{ic: 0.0197, krn: {'127': 0.0833}}],
[0.878,0.431], [0.6,0.431], [0.485,0.431,0,{krn: {'127': 0.0556}}],
[0.503,0.431,0.194,{krn: {'127': 0.0833}}],
[0.446,0.431,0.194,{ic: 0.0359, krn: {'127': 0.0833}}],
[0.451,0.431,0,{ic: 0.0278, krn: {'59': -0.0556, '58': -0.0556, '127': 0.0556}}],
[0.469,0.431,0,{krn: {'127': 0.0556}}], [0.361,0.615,0,{krn: {'127': 0.0833}}],
[0.572,0.431,0,{krn: {'127': 0.0278}}],
[0.485,0.431,0,{ic: 0.0359, krn: {'127': 0.0278}}],
[0.716,0.431,0,{ic: 0.0269, krn: {'127': 0.0833}}],
[0.572,0.431,0,{krn: {'127': 0.0278}}],
[0.49,0.431,0.194,{ic: 0.0359, krn: {'127': 0.0556}}],
[0.465,0.431,0,{ic: 0.044, krn: {'127': 0.0556}}],
[0.322,0.431,0,{krn: {'127': 0.0278}}],
[0.384,0.431,0.194,{krn: {'127': 0.0833}}],
[0.636,0.431,0.194,{krn: {'127': 0.111}}],
[0.5,0.714,0,{ic: 0.154}], [0.278,0.694,0,{ic: 0.399}]
cmsy10: [
[0.778,0.583,0.0833], [0.278,0.444,-0.0556], [0.778,0.583,0.0833],
[0.5,0.465,-0.0347], [0.778,0.583,0.0833], [0.5,0.444,-0.0556],
[0.778,0.583,0.0833], [0.778,0.583,0.0833], [0.778,0.583,0.0833],
[0.778,0.583,0.0833], [0.778,0.583,0.0833], [0.778,0.583,0.0833],
[0.778,0.583,0.0833], [1,0.694,0.194], [0.5,0.444,-0.0556], [0.5,0.444,-0.0556],
[0.778,0.464,-0.0363], [0.778,0.464,-0.0363], [0.778,0.636,0.136],
[0.778,0.636,0.136], [0.778,0.636,0.136], [0.778,0.636,0.136],
[0.778,0.636,0.136], [0.778,0.636,0.136], [0.778,0.367,-0.133],
[0.778,0.483,-0.0169], [0.778,0.539,0.0391], [0.778,0.539,0.0391],
[1,0.539,0.0391], [1,0.539,0.0391], [0.778,0.539,0.0391], [0.778,0.539,0.0391],
[1,0.367,-0.133], [1,0.367,-0.133], [0.5,0.694,0.194], [0.5,0.694,0.194],
[1,0.367,-0.133], [1,0.694,0.194], [1,0.694,0.194], [0.778,0.464,-0.0363],
[1,0.367,-0.133], [1,0.367,-0.133], [0.611,0.694,0.194], [0.611,0.694,0.194],
[1,0.367,-0.133], [1,0.694,0.194], [1,0.694,0.194], [0.778,0.431],
[0.275,0.556], [1,0.431], [0.667,0.539,0.0391], [0.667,0.539,0.0391],
[0.889,0.694,0.194], [0.889,0.694,0.194], [0,0.694,0.194], [0,0.367,-0.133],
[0.556,0.694], [0.556,0.694], [0.667,0.431], [0.5,0.75,0.0556],
[0.722,0.694], [0.722,0.694], [0.778,0.694], [0.778,0.694],
[0.611,0.694], [0.798,0.683,0,{krn: {'48': 0.194}}],
[0.657,0.683,0,{ic: 0.0304, krn: {'48': 0.139}}],
[0.527,0.683,0,{ic: 0.0583, krn: {'48': 0.139}}],
[0.771,0.683,0,{ic: 0.0278, krn: {'48': 0.0833}}],
[0.528,0.683,0,{ic: 0.0894, krn: {'48': 0.111}}],
[0.719,0.683,0,{ic: 0.0993, krn: {'48': 0.111}}],
[0.595,0.683,0.0972,{ic: 0.0593, krn: {'48': 0.111}}],
[0.845,0.683,0,{ic: 0.00965, krn: {'48': 0.111}}],
[0.545,0.683,0,{ic: 0.0738, krn: {'48': 0.0278}}],
[0.678,0.683,0.0972,{ic: 0.185, krn: {'48': 0.167}}],
[0.762,0.683,0,{ic: 0.0144, krn: {'48': 0.0556}}],
[0.69,0.683,0,{krn: {'48': 0.139}}], [1.2,0.683,0,{krn: {'48': 0.139}}],
[0.82,0.683,0,{ic: 0.147, krn: {'48': 0.0833}}],
[0.796,0.683,0,{ic: 0.0278, krn: {'48': 0.111}}],
[0.696,0.683,0,{ic: 0.0822, krn: {'48': 0.0833}}],
[0.817,0.683,0.0972,{krn: {'48': 0.111}}],
[0.848,0.683,0,{krn: {'48': 0.0833}}],
[0.606,0.683,0,{ic: 0.075, krn: {'48': 0.139}}],
[0.545,0.683,0,{ic: 0.254, krn: {'48': 0.0278}}],
[0.626,0.683,0,{ic: 0.0993, krn: {'48': 0.0833}}],
[0.613,0.683,0,{ic: 0.0822, krn: {'48': 0.0278}}],
[0.988,0.683,0,{ic: 0.0822, krn: {'48': 0.0833}}],
[0.713,0.683,0,{ic: 0.146, krn: {'48': 0.139}}],
[0.668,0.683,0.0972,{ic: 0.0822, krn: {'48': 0.0833}}],
[0.725,0.683,0,{ic: 0.0794, krn: {'48': 0.139}}],
[0.667,0.556], [0.667,0.556], [0.667,0.556], [0.667,0.556], [0.667,0.556],
[0.611,0.694], [0.611,0.694], [0.444,0.75,0.25], [0.444,0.75,0.25],
[0.444,0.75,0.25], [0.444,0.75,0.25], [0.5,0.75,0.25], [0.5,0.75,0.25],
[0.389,0.75,0.25], [0.389,0.75,0.25], [0.278,0.75,0.25], [0.5,0.75,0.25],
[0.5,0.75,0.25], [0.611,0.75,0.25], [0.5,0.75,0.25], [0.278,0.694,0.194],
[0.833,0.04,0.96], [0.75,0.683], [0.833,0.683], [0.417,0.694,0.194,{ic: 0.111}],
[0.667,0.556], [0.667,0.556], [0.778,0.636,0.136], [0.778,0.636,0.136],
[0.444,0.694,0.194], [0.444,0.694,0.194], [0.444,0.694,0.194],
[0.611,0.694,0.194], [0.778,0.694,0.13], [0.778,0.694,0.13],
[0.778,0.694,0.13], [0.778,0.694,0.13]
cmex10: [
[0.458,0.04,1.16,{n: 16}], [0.458,0.04,1.16,{n: 17}],
[0.417,0.04,1.16,{n: 104}], [0.417,0.04,1.16,{n: 105}],
[0.472,0.04,1.16,{n: 106}], [0.472,0.04,1.16,{n: 107}],
[0.472,0.04,1.16,{n: 108}], [0.472,0.04,1.16,{n: 109}],
[0.583,0.04,1.16,{n: 110}], [0.583,0.04,1.16,{n: 111}],
[0.472,0.04,1.16,{n: 68}], [0.472,0.04,1.16,{n: 69}],
[0.333,0,0.6,{delim: {rep: 12}}], [0.556,0,0.6,{delim: {rep: 13}}],
[0.578,0.04,1.16,{n: 46}], [0.578,0.04,1.16,{n: 47}],
[0.597,0.04,1.76,{n: 18}], [0.597,0.04,1.76,{n: 19}],
[0.736,0.04,2.36,{n: 32}], [0.736,0.04,2.36,{n: 33}],
[0.528,0.04,2.36,{n: 34}], [0.528,0.04,2.36,{n: 35}],
[0.583,0.04,2.36,{n: 36}], [0.583,0.04,2.36,{n: 37}],
[0.583,0.04,2.36,{n: 38}], [0.583,0.04,2.36,{n: 39}],
[0.75,0.04,2.36,{n: 40}], [0.75,0.04,2.36,{n: 41}],
[0.75,0.04,2.36,{n: 42}], [0.75,0.04,2.36,{n: 43}],
[1.04,0.04,2.36,{n: 44}], [1.04,0.04,2.36,{n: 45}],
[0.792,0.04,2.96,{n: 48}], [0.792,0.04,2.96,{n: 49}],
[0.583,0.04,2.96,{n: 50}], [0.583,0.04,2.96,{n: 51}],
[0.639,0.04,2.96,{n: 52}], [0.639,0.04,2.96,{n: 53}],
[0.639,0.04,2.96,{n: 54}], [0.639,0.04,2.96,{n: 55}],
[0.806,0.04,2.96,{n: 56}], [0.806,0.04,2.96,{n: 57}],
[0.806,0.04,2.96], [0.806,0.04,2.96],
[1.28,0.04,2.96], [1.28,0.04,2.96],
[0.811,0.04,1.76,{n: 30}], [0.811,0.04,1.76,{n: 31}],
[0.875,0.04,1.76,{delim: {top: 48, bot: 64, rep: 66}}],
[0.875,0.04,1.76,{delim: {top: 49, bot: 65, rep: 67}}],
[0.667,0.04,1.76,{delim: {top: 50, bot: 52, rep: 54}}],
[0.667,0.04,1.76,{delim: {top: 51, bot: 53, rep: 55}}],
[0.667,0.04,1.76,{delim: {bot: 52, rep: 54}}],
[0.667,0.04,1.76,{delim: {bot: 53, rep: 55}}],
[0.667,0,0.6,{delim: {top: 50, rep: 54}}],
[0.667,0,0.6,{delim: {top: 51, rep: 55}}],
[0.889,0,0.9,{delim: {top: 56, mid: 60, bot: 58, rep: 62}}],
[0.889,0,0.9,{delim: {top: 57, mid: 61, bot: 59, rep: 62}}],
[0.889,0,0.9,{delim: {top: 56, bot: 58, rep: 62}}],
[0.889,0,0.9,{delim: {top: 57, bot: 59, rep: 62}}],
[0.889,0,1.8,{delim: {rep: 63}}],
[0.889,0,1.8,{delim: {rep: 119}}],
[0.889,0,0.3,{delim: {rep: 62}}],
[0.667,0,0.6,{delim: {top: 120, bot: 121, rep: 63}}],
[0.875,0.04,1.76,{delim: {top: 56, bot: 59, rep: 62}}],
[0.875,0.04,1.76,{delim: {top: 57, bot: 58, rep: 62}}],
[0.875,0,0.6,{delim: {rep: 66}}], [0.875,0,0.6,{delim: {rep: 67}}],
[0.611,0.04,1.76,{n: 28}], [0.611,0.04,1.76,{n: 29}],
[0.833,0,1,{n: 71}], [1.11,0.1,1.5], [0.472,0,1.11,{ic: 0.194, n: 73}],
[0.556,0,2.22,{ic: 0.444}], [1.11,0,1,{n: 75}], [1.51,0.1,1.5],
[1.11,0,1,{n: 77}], [1.51,0.1,1.5], [1.11,0,1,{n: 79}], [1.51,0.1,1.5],
[1.06,0,1,{n: 88}], [0.944,0,1,{n: 89}], [0.472,0,1.11,{ic: 0.194, n: 90}],
[0.833,0,1,{n: 91}], [0.833,0,1,{n: 92}], [0.833,0,1,{n: 93}],
[0.833,0,1,{n: 94}], [0.833,0,1,{n: 95}], [1.44,0.1,1.5],
[1.28,0.1,1.5], [0.556,0,2.22,{ic: 0.444}], [1.11,0.1,1.5],
[1.11,0.1,1.5], [1.11,0.1,1.5], [1.11,0.1,1.5], [1.11,0.1,1.5],
[0.944,0,1,{n: 97}], [1.28,0.1,1.5], [0.556,0.722,0,{n: 99}],
[1,0.75,0,{n: 100}], [1.44,0.75], [0.556,0.722,0,{n: 102}],
[1,0.75,0,{n: 103}], [1.44,0.75], [0.472,0.04,1.76,{n: 20}],
[0.472,0.04,1.76,{n: 21}], [0.528,0.04,1.76,{n: 22}],
[0.528,0.04,1.76,{n: 23}], [0.528,0.04,1.76,{n: 24}],
[0.528,0.04,1.76,{n: 25}], [0.667,0.04,1.76,{n: 26}],
[0.667,0.04,1.76,{n: 27}],
[1,0.04,1.16,{n: 113}], [1,0.04,1.76,{n: 114}], [1,0.04,2.36,{n: 115}],
[1,0.04,2.96,{n: 116}], [1.06,0,1.8,{delim: {top: 118, bot: 116, rep: 117}}],
[1.06,0,0.6], [1.06,0.04,0.56],
[0.778,0,0.6,{delim: {top: 126, bot: 127, rep: 119}}],
[0.667,0,0.6,{delim: {top: 120, rep: 63}}],
[0.667,0,0.6,{delim: {bot: 121, rep: 63}}],
[0.45,0.12], [0.45,0.12], [0.45,0.12], [0.45,0.12],
[0.778,0,0.6,{delim: {top: 126, rep: 119}}],
[0.778,0,0.6,{delim: {bot: 127, rep: 119}}]
cmti10: [
[0.627,0.683,0,{ic: 0.133}], [0.818,0.683], [0.767,0.683,0,{ic: 0.094}],
[0.692,0.683], [0.664,0.683,0,{ic: 0.153}], [0.743,0.683,0,{ic: 0.164}],
[0.716,0.683,0,{ic: 0.12}], [0.767,0.683,0,{ic: 0.111}],
[0.716,0.683,0,{ic: 0.0599}], [0.767,0.683,0,{ic: 0.111}],
[0.716,0.683,0,{ic: 0.103}],
[0.613,0.694,0.194,{ic: 0.212, krn: {'39': 0.104, '63': 0.104, '33': 0.104, '41': 0.104, '93': 0.104}, lig: {'105': 14, '108': 15}}],
[0.562,0.694,0.194,{ic: 0.103}], [0.588,0.694,0.194,{ic: 0.103}],
[0.882,0.694,0.194,{ic: 0.103}], [0.894,0.694,0.194,{ic: 0.103}],
[0.307,0.431,0,{ic: 0.0767}], [0.332,0.431,0.194,{ic: 0.0374}],
[0.511,0.694], [0.511,0.694,0,{ic: 0.0969}], [0.511,0.628,0,{ic: 0.083}],
[0.511,0.694,0,{ic: 0.108}], [0.511,0.562,0,{ic: 0.103}], [0.831,0.694],
[0.46,0,0.17], [0.537,0.694,0.194,{ic: 0.105}], [0.716,0.431,0,{ic: 0.0751}],
[0.716,0.431,0,{ic: 0.0751}], [0.511,0.528,0.0972,{ic: 0.0919}],
[0.883,0.683,0,{ic: 0.12}], [0.985,0.683,0,{ic: 0.12}],
[0.767,0.732,0.0486,{ic: 0.094}],
[0.256,0.431,0,{krn: {'108': -0.256, '76': -0.321}}],
[0.307,0.694,0,{ic: 0.124, lig: {'96': 60}}],
[0.514,0.694,0,{ic: 0.0696}], [0.818,0.694,0.194,{ic: 0.0662}],
[0.769,0.694], [0.818,0.75,0.0556,{ic: 0.136}],
[0.767,0.694,0,{ic: 0.0969}],
[0.307,0.694,0,{ic: 0.124, krn: {'63': 0.102, '33': 0.102}, lig: {'39': 34}}],
[0.409,0.75,0.25,{ic: 0.162}], [0.409,0.75,0.25,{ic: 0.0369}],
[0.511,0.75,0,{ic: 0.149}], [0.767,0.562,0.0567,{ic: 0.0369}],
[0.307,0.106,0.194], [0.358,0.431,0,{ic: 0.0283, lig: {'45': 123}}],
[0.307,0.106], [0.511,0.75,0.25,{ic: 0.162}],
[0.511,0.644,0,{ic: 0.136}], [0.511,0.644,0,{ic: 0.136}],
[0.511,0.644,0,{ic: 0.136}], [0.511,0.644,0,{ic: 0.136}],
[0.511,0.644,0.194,{ic: 0.136}], [0.511,0.644,0,{ic: 0.136}],
[0.511,0.644,0,{ic: 0.136}], [0.511,0.644,0.194,{ic: 0.136}],
[0.511,0.644,0,{ic: 0.136}], [0.511,0.644,0,{ic: 0.136}],
[0.307,0.431,0,{ic: 0.0582}], [0.307,0.431,0.194,{ic: 0.0582}],
[0.307,0.5,0.194,{ic: 0.0756}], [0.767,0.367,-0.133,{ic: 0.0662}],
[0.511,0.5,0.194], [0.511,0.694,0,{ic: 0.122, lig: {'96': 62}}],
[0.767,0.694,0,{ic: 0.096}],
[0.743,0.683,0,{krn: {'110': -0.0256, '108': -0.0256, '114': -0.0256, '117': -0.0256, '109': -0.0256, '116': -0.0256, '105': -0.0256, '67': -0.0256, '79': -0.0256, '71': -0.0256, '104': -0.0256, '98': -0.0256, '85': -0.0256, '107': -0.0256, '118': -0.0256, '119': -0.0256, '81': -0.0256, '84': -0.0767, '89': -0.0767, '86': -0.102, '87': -0.102, '101': -0.0511, '97': -0.0511, '111': -0.0511, '100': -0.0511, '99': -0.0511, '103': -0.0511, '113': -0.0511}}],
[0.704,0.683,0,{ic: 0.103}], [0.716,0.683,0,{ic: 0.145}],
[0.755,0.683,0,{ic: 0.094, krn: {'88': -0.0256, '87': -0.0256, '65': -0.0256, '86': -0.0256, '89': -0.0256}}],
[0.678,0.683,0,{ic: 0.12}],
[0.653,0.683,0,{ic: 0.133, krn: {'111': -0.0767, '101': -0.0767, '117': -0.0767, '114': -0.0767, '97': -0.0767, '65': -0.102, '79': -0.0256, '67': -0.0256, '71': -0.0256, '81': -0.0256}}],
[0.774,0.683,0,{ic: 0.0872}], [0.743,0.683,0,{ic: 0.164}],
[0.386,0.683,0,{ic: 0.158}], [0.525,0.683,0,{ic: 0.14}],
[0.769,0.683,0,{ic: 0.145, krn: {'79': -0.0256, '67': -0.0256, '71': -0.0256, '81': -0.0256}}],
[0.627,0.683,0,{krn: {'84': -0.0767, '89': -0.0767, '86': -0.102, '87': -0.102, '101': -0.0511, '97': -0.0511, '111': -0.0511, '100': -0.0511, '99': -0.0511, '103': -0.0511, '113': -0.0511}}],
[0.897,0.683,0,{ic: 0.164}], [0.743,0.683,0,{ic: 0.164}],
[0.767,0.683,0,{ic: 0.094, krn: {'88': -0.0256, '87': -0.0256, '65': -0.0256, '86': -0.0256, '89': -0.0256}}],
[0.678,0.683,0,{ic: 0.103, krn: {'65': -0.0767}}],
[0.767,0.683,0.194,{ic: 0.094}],
[0.729,0.683,0,{ic: 0.0387, krn: {'110': -0.0256, '108': -0.0256, '114': -0.0256, '117': -0.0256, '109': -0.0256, '116': -0.0256, '105': -0.0256, '67': -0.0256, '79': -0.0256, '71': -0.0256, '104': -0.0256, '98': -0.0256, '85': -0.0256, '107': -0.0256, '118': -0.0256, '119': -0.0256, '81': -0.0256, '84': -0.0767, '89': -0.0767, '86': -0.102, '87': -0.102, '101': -0.0511, '97': -0.0511, '111': -0.0511, '100': -0.0511, '99': -0.0511, '103': -0.0511, '113': -0.0511}}],
[0.562,0.683,0,{ic: 0.12}],
[0.716,0.683,0,{ic: 0.133, krn: {'121': -0.0767, '101': -0.0767, '111': -0.0767, '114': -0.0767, '97': -0.0767, '117': -0.0767, '65': -0.0767}}],
[0.743,0.683,0,{ic: 0.164}],
[0.743,0.683,0,{ic: 0.184, krn: {'111': -0.0767, '101': -0.0767, '117': -0.0767, '114': -0.0767, '97': -0.0767, '65': -0.102, '79': -0.0256, '67': -0.0256, '71': -0.0256, '81': -0.0256}}],
[0.999,0.683,0,{ic: 0.184, krn: {'65': -0.0767}}],
[0.743,0.683,0,{ic: 0.158, krn: {'79': -0.0256, '67': -0.0256, '71': -0.0256, '81': -0.0256}}],
[0.743,0.683,0,{ic: 0.194, krn: {'101': -0.0767, '111': -0.0767, '114': -0.0767, '97': -0.0767, '117': -0.0767, '65': -0.0767}}],
[0.613,0.683,0,{ic: 0.145}], [0.307,0.75,0.25,{ic: 0.188}],
[0.514,0.694,0,{ic: 0.169}], [0.307,0.75,0.25,{ic: 0.105}],
[0.511,0.694,0,{ic: 0.0665}], [0.307,0.668,0,{ic: 0.118}],
[0.307,0.694,0,{ic: 0.124, lig: {'96': 92}}], [0.511,0.431,0,{ic: 0.0767}],
[0.46,0.694,0,{ic: 0.0631, krn: {'101': -0.0511, '97': -0.0511, '111': -0.0511, '100': -0.0511, '99': -0.0511, '103': -0.0511, '113': -0.0511}}],
[0.46,0.431,0,{ic: 0.0565, krn: {'101': -0.0511, '97': -0.0511, '111': -0.0511, '100': -0.0511, '99': -0.0511, '103': -0.0511, '113': -0.0511}}],
[0.511,0.694,0,{ic: 0.103, krn: {'108': 0.0511}}],
[0.46,0.431,0,{ic: 0.0751, krn: {'101': -0.0511, '97': -0.0511, '111': -0.0511, '100': -0.0511, '99': -0.0511, '103': -0.0511, '113': -0.0511}}],
[0.307,0.694,0.194,{ic: 0.212, krn: {'39': 0.104, '63': 0.104, '33': 0.104, '41': 0.104, '93': 0.104}, lig: {'105': 12, '102': 11, '108': 13}}],
[0.46,0.431,0.194,{ic: 0.0885}], [0.511,0.694,0,{ic: 0.0767}],
[0.307,0.655,0,{ic: 0.102}], [0.307,0.655,0.194,{ic: 0.145}],
[0.46,0.694,0,{ic: 0.108}], [0.256,0.694,0,{ic: 0.103, krn: {'108': 0.0511}}],
[0.818,0.431,0,{ic: 0.0767}], [0.562,0.431,0,{ic: 0.0767, krn: {'39': -0.102}}],
[0.511,0.431,0,{ic: 0.0631, krn: {'101': -0.0511, '97': -0.0511, '111': -0.0511, '100': -0.0511, '99': -0.0511, '103': -0.0511, '113': -0.0511}}],
[0.511,0.431,0.194,{ic: 0.0631, krn: {'101': -0.0511, '97': -0.0511, '111': -0.0511, '100': -0.0511, '99': -0.0511, '103': -0.0511, '113': -0.0511}}],
[0.46,0.431,0.194,{ic: 0.0885}],
[0.422,0.431,0,{ic: 0.108, krn: {'101': -0.0511, '97': -0.0511, '111': -0.0511, '100': -0.0511, '99': -0.0511, '103': -0.0511, '113': -0.0511}}],
[0.409,0.431,0,{ic: 0.0821}], [0.332,0.615,0,{ic: 0.0949}],
[0.537,0.431,0,{ic: 0.0767}], [0.46,0.431,0,{ic: 0.108}],
[0.664,0.431,0,{ic: 0.108, krn: {'108': 0.0511}}],
[0.464,0.431,0,{ic: 0.12}], [0.486,0.431,0.194,{ic: 0.0885}],
[0.409,0.431,0,{ic: 0.123}], [0.511,0.431,0,{ic: 0.0921, lig: {'45': 124}}],
[1.02,0.431,0,{ic: 0.0921}], [0.511,0.694,0,{ic: 0.122}],
[0.511,0.668,0,{ic: 0.116}], [0.511,0.668,0,{ic: 0.105}]
cmbx10: [
[0.692,0.686], [0.958,0.686], [0.894,0.686], [0.806,0.686],
[0.767,0.686], [0.9,0.686], [0.831,0.686], [0.894,0.686],
[0.831,0.686], [0.894,0.686], [0.831,0.686],
[0.671,0.694,0,{ic: 0.109, krn: {'39': 0.109, '63': 0.109, '33': 0.109, '41': 0.109, '93': 0.109}, lig: {'105': 14, '108': 15}}],
[0.639,0.694], [0.639,0.694], [0.958,0.694], [0.958,0.694],
[0.319,0.444], [0.351,0.444,0.194], [0.575,0.694], [0.575,0.694],
[0.575,0.632], [0.575,0.694], [0.575,0.596], [0.869,0.694],
[0.511,0,0.17], [0.597,0.694], [0.831,0.444], [0.894,0.444],
[0.575,0.542,0.0972], [1.04,0.686], [1.17,0.686], [0.894,0.735,0.0486],
[0.319,0.444,0,{krn: {'108': -0.319, '76': -0.378}}],
[0.35,0.694,0,{lig: {'96': 60}}], [0.603,0.694], [0.958,0.694,0.194],
[0.575,0.75,0.0556], [0.958,0.75,0.0556], [0.894,0.694],
[0.319,0.694,0,{krn: {'63': 0.128, '33': 0.128}, lig: {'39': 34}}],
[0.447,0.75,0.25], [0.447,0.75,0.25], [0.575,0.75], [0.894,0.633,0.133],
[0.319,0.156,0.194], [0.383,0.444,0,{lig: {'45': 123}}],
[0.319,0.156], [0.575,0.75,0.25],
[0.575,0.644], [0.575,0.644], [0.575,0.644], [0.575,0.644],
[0.575,0.644], [0.575,0.644], [0.575,0.644], [0.575,0.644],
[0.575,0.644], [0.575,0.644], [0.319,0.444], [0.319,0.444,0.194],
[0.35,0.5,0.194], [0.894,0.391,-0.109], [0.543,0.5,0.194],
[0.543,0.694,0,{lig: {'96': 62}}],
[0.869,0.686,0,{krn: {'116': -0.0319, '67': -0.0319, '79': -0.0319, '71': -0.0319, '85': -0.0319, '81': -0.0319, '84': -0.0958, '89': -0.0958, '86': -0.128, '87': -0.128}}],
[0.818,0.686], [0.831,0.686],
[0.882,0.686,0,{krn: {'88': -0.0319, '87': -0.0319, '65': -0.0319, '86': -0.0319, '89': -0.0319}}],
[0.724,0.686,0,{krn: {'111': -0.0958, '101': -0.0958, '117': -0.0958, '114': -0.0958, '97': -0.0958, '65': -0.128, '79': -0.0319, '67': -0.0319, '71': -0.0319, '81': -0.0319}}],
[0.904,0.686], [0.9,0.686], [0.436,0.686,0,{krn: {'73': 0.0319}}],
[0.901,0.686,0,{krn: {'79': -0.0319, '67': -0.0319, '71': -0.0319, '81': -0.0319}}],
[0.692,0.686,0,{krn: {'84': -0.0958, '89': -0.0958, '86': -0.128, '87': -0.128}}],
[1.09,0.686], [0.9,0.686],
[0.864,0.686,0,{krn: {'88': -0.0319, '87': -0.0319, '65': -0.0319, '86': -0.0319, '89': -0.0319}}],
[0.786,0.686,0,{krn: {'65': -0.0958, '111': -0.0319, '101': -0.0319, '97': -0.0319, '46': -0.0958, '44': -0.0958}}],
[0.862,0.686,0,{krn: {'116': -0.0319, '67': -0.0319, '79': -0.0319, '71': -0.0319, '85': -0.0319, '81': -0.0319, '84': -0.0958, '89': -0.0958, '86': -0.128, '87': -0.128}}],
[0.8,0.686,0,{krn: {'121': -0.0319, '101': -0.0958, '111': -0.0958, '114': -0.0958, '97': -0.0958, '65': -0.0958, '117': -0.0958}}],
[0.869,0.686,0,{ic: 0.016, krn: {'111': -0.0958, '101': -0.0958, '117': -0.0958, '114': -0.0958, '97': -0.0958, '65': -0.128, '79': -0.0319, '67': -0.0319, '71': -0.0319, '81': -0.0319}}],
[1.19,0.686,0,{ic: 0.016, krn: {'111': -0.0958, '101': -0.0958, '117': -0.0958, '114': -0.0958, '97': -0.0958, '65': -0.128, '79': -0.0319, '67': -0.0319, '71': -0.0319, '81': -0.0319}}],
[0.869,0.686,0,{krn: {'79': -0.0319, '67': -0.0319, '71': -0.0319, '81': -0.0319}}],
[0.869,0.686,0,{ic: 0.0287, krn: {'101': -0.0958, '111': -0.0958, '114': -0.0958, '97': -0.0958, '65': -0.0958, '117': -0.0958}}],
[0.703,0.686], [0.319,0.75,0.25], [0.603,0.694], [0.319,0.75,0.25],
[0.575,0.694], [0.319,0.694],
[0.319,0.694,0,{lig: {'96': 92}}],
[0.559,0.444,0,{krn: {'118': -0.0319, '106': 0.0639, '121': -0.0319, '119': -0.0319}}],
[0.639,0.694,0,{krn: {'101': 0.0319, '111': 0.0319, '120': -0.0319, '100': 0.0319, '99': 0.0319, '113': 0.0319, '118': -0.0319, '106': 0.0639, '121': -0.0319, '119': -0.0319}}],
[0.511,0.444,0,{krn: {'104': -0.0319, '107': -0.0319}}],
[0.639,0.694], [0.527,0.444],
[0.351,0.694,0,{ic: 0.109, krn: {'39': 0.109, '63': 0.109, '33': 0.109, '41': 0.109, '93': 0.109}, lig: {'105': 12, '102': 11, '108': 13}}],
[0.575,0.444,0.194,{ic: 0.016, krn: {'106': 0.0319}}],
[0.639,0.694,0,{krn: {'116': -0.0319, '117': -0.0319, '98': -0.0319, '121': -0.0319, '118': -0.0319, '119': -0.0319}}],
[0.319,0.694], [0.351,0.694,0.194],
[0.607,0.694,0,{krn: {'97': -0.0639, '101': -0.0319, '97': -0.0319, '111': -0.0319, '99': -0.0319}}],
[0.958,0.444,0,{krn: {'116': -0.0319, '117': -0.0319, '98': -0.0319, '121': -0.0319, '118': -0.0319, '119': -0.0319}}],
[0.639,0.444,0,{krn: {'116': -0.0319, '117': -0.0319, '98': -0.0319, '121': -0.0319, '118': -0.0319, '119': -0.0319}}],
[0.575,0.444,0,{krn: {'101': 0.0319, '111': 0.0319, '120': -0.0319, '100': 0.0319, '99': 0.0319, '113': 0.0319, '118': -0.0319, '106': 0.0639, '121': -0.0319, '119': -0.0319}}],
[0.639,0.444,0.194,{krn: {'101': 0.0319, '111': 0.0319, '120': -0.0319, '100': 0.0319, '99': 0.0319, '113': 0.0319, '118': -0.0319, '106': 0.0639, '121': -0.0319, '119': -0.0319}}],
[0.607,0.444,0.194], [0.474,0.444], [0.454,0.444],
[0.447,0.635,0,{krn: {'121': -0.0319, '119': -0.0319}}],
[0.639,0.444,0,{krn: {'119': -0.0319}}],
[0.607,0.444,0,{ic: 0.016, krn: {'97': -0.0639, '101': -0.0319, '97': -0.0319, '111': -0.0319, '99': -0.0319}}],
[0.831,0.444,0,{ic: 0.016, krn: {'101': -0.0319, '97': -0.0319, '111': -0.0319, '99': -0.0319}}],
[0.607,0.444,0.194,{ic: 0.016, krn: {'111': -0.0319, '101': -0.0319, '97': -0.0319, '46': -0.0958, '44': -0.0958}}],
[0.511,0.444], [0.575,0.444,0,{ic: 0.0319, lig: {'45': 124}}],
[1.15,0.444,0,{ic: 0.0319}], [0.575,0.694], [0.575,0.694], [0.575,0.694]
* Implement image-based fonts for fallback method
jsMath.Img = {
// font sizes available
fonts: [50, 60, 70, 85, 100, 120, 144, 173, 207, 249, 298, 358, 430],
// em widths for the various font size directories
w: {'50': 6.9, '60': 8.3, '70': 9.7, '85': 11.8, '100': 13.9,
'120': 16.7, '144': 20.0, '173': 24.0, '207': 28.8, '249': 34.6,
'298': 41.4, '358': 49.8, '430': 59.8},
best: 4, // index of best font size in the fonts list
update: {}, // fonts to update (see UpdateFonts below)
factor: 1, // factor by which to shrink images (for better printing)
loaded: 0, // image fonts are loaded
// add characters to be drawn using images
SetFont: function (change) {
for (var font in change) {
if (!this.update[font]) {this.update[font] = []}
this.update[font] = this.update[font].concat(change[font]);
* Called by the exta-font definition files to add an image font
* into the mix
AddFont: function (size,def) {
if (!jsMath.Img[size]) {jsMath.Img[size] = {}};
* Update font(s) to use image data rather than native fonts
* It looks in the jsMath.Img.update array to find the names
* of the fonts to udpate, and the arrays of character codes
* to set (or 'all' to change every character);
UpdateFonts: function () {
var change = this.update; if (!this.loaded) return;
for (var font in change) {
for (var i = 0; i < change[font].length; i++) {
var c = change[font][i];
if (c == 'all') {for (c in jsMath.TeX[font]) {jsMath.TeX[font][c].img = {}}}
else {jsMath.TeX[font][c].img = {}}
this.update = {};
* Find the font size that best fits our current font
* (this is the directory name for the img files used
* in some fallback modes).
BestSize: function () {
var w = jsMath.em * this.factor;
var m = this.w[this.fonts[0]];
for (var i = 1; i < this.fonts.length; i++) {
if (w < (this.w[this.fonts[i]] + 2*m) / 3) {return i-1}
m = this.w[this.fonts[i]];
return i-1;
* Get the scaling factor for the image fonts
Scale: function () {
if (!this.loaded) return; = this.BestSize();
this.em = jsMath.Img.w[this.fonts[]];
this.scale = (jsMath.em/this.em);
if (Math.abs(this.scale - 1) < .12) {this.scale = 1}
* Get URL to directory for given font and size, based on the
* user's alpha/plain setting
URL: function (name,size,C) {
var type = (jsMath.Controls.cookie.alpha) ? '/alpha/': '/plain/';
if (C == null) {C = "def.js"} else {C = 'char'+C+'.png'}
if (size != "") {size += '/'}
return this.root+name+type+size+C;
* Laod the data for an image font
LoadFont: function (name) {
if (!this.loaded) this.Init();
* Setup for print mode, and create the hex code table
Init: function () {
if (jsMath.Controls.cookie.print || jsMath.Controls.cookie.stayhires) {
jsMath.Controls.cookie.print = jsMath.Controls.cookie.stayhires;
this.factor *= 3;
if (!jsMath.Controls.isLocalCookie || !jsMath.Global.isLocal) {jsMath.Controls.SetCookie(0)}
if (jsMath.Browser.alphaPrintBug) {jsMath.Controls.cookie.alpha = 0}
var codes = '0123456789ABCDEF';
this.HexCode = [];
for (var i = 0; i < 128; i++) {
var h = Math.floor(i/16); var l = i - 16*h;
this.HexCode[i] = codes.charAt(h)+codes.charAt(l);
this.loaded = 1;
* jsMath.HTML handles creation of most of the HTML needed for
* presenting mathematics in HTML pages.
jsMath.HTML = {
* Produce a string version of a measurement in ems,
* showing only a limited number of digits, and
* using 0 when the value is near zero.
Em: function (m) {
var n = 5; if (m < 0) {n++}
if (Math.abs(m) < .000001) {m = 0}
var s = String(m); s = s.replace(/(\.\d\d\d).+/,'$1');
return s+'em'
* Create a horizontal space of width w
Spacer: function (w) {
if (w == 0) {return ''};
return jsMath.Browser.msieSpaceFix+'<span class="spacer" style="margin-left:'+this.Em(w)+'"></span>';
* Create a blank rectangle of the given size
* If the height is small, it is converted to pixels so that it
* will not disappear at small font sizes.
Blank: function (w,h,d,isRule) {
var backspace = ''; var style = ''
if (isRule) {
style += 'border-left:'+this.Em(w)+' solid;';
if (jsMath.Browser.widthAddsBorder) {w = 0};
if (w == 0) {
if (jsMath.Browser.blankWidthBug) {
style += 'width:1px;';
backspace = '<span class="spacer" style="margin-right:-1px"></span>'
} else {style += 'width:'+this.Em(w)+';'}
if (d == null) {d = 0}
if (h) {
var H = this.Em(h+d);
if (isRule && h*jsMath.em < 1.5) {H = "1px"; h = 1/jsMath.em}
style += 'height:'+H+';';
if (jsMath.Browser.mozInlineBlockBug) {d = -h}
if (jsMath.Browser.msieBorderBug && !isRule) {d -= jsMath.d}
if (d) {style += 'vertical-align:'+this.Em(-d)}
return backspace+'<span class="blank" style="'+style+'"></span>';
* Create a rule line for fractions, etc.
Rule: function (w,h) {
if (h == null) {h = jsMath.TeX.default_rule_thickness}
return this.Blank(w,h,0,1);
* Add a <SPAN> tag to activate a specific CSS class
Class: function (tclass,html) {
return '<span class="'+tclass+'">'+html+'</span>';
* Use a <SPAN> to place some HTML at a specific position.
* (This can be replaced by the ones below to overcome
* some browser-specific bugs.)
Place: function (html,x,y) {
if (Math.abs(x) < .0001) {x = 0}
if (Math.abs(y) < .0001) {y = 0}
if (x || y) {
var span = '<span style="position: relative;';
if (x) {span += ' margin-left:'+this.Em(x)+';'}
if (y) {span += ' top:'+this.Em(-y)+';'}
html = span + '">' + html + '</span>';
return html;
* For MSIE on Windows, backspacing must be done in a separate
* <SPAN>, otherwise the contents will be clipped. Netscape
* also doesn't combine vertical and horizontal spacing well.
* Here the x and y positioning are done in separate <SPAN> tags
PlaceSeparateSkips: function (html,x,y,mw,Mw,w) {
if (Math.abs(x) < .0001) {x = 0}
if (Math.abs(y) < .0001) {y = 0}
if (y) {
var lw = 0; var rw = 0; var width = "";
if (mw != null) {
rw = Mw - w; lw = mw;
width = ' width:'+this.Em(Mw-mw)+';';
html =
this.Spacer(lw-rw) +
'<span style="position: relative; '
+ 'top:'+this.Em(-y)+';'
+ 'left:'+this.Em(rw)+';'
+ width + '">' +
this.Spacer(-lw) +
html +
this.Spacer(rw) +
if (x) {html = this.Spacer(x) + html}
return html;
* Place a SPAN with absolute coordinates
PlaceAbsolute: function (html,x,y,mw,Mw,w) {
if (Math.abs(x) < .0001) {x = 0}
if (Math.abs(y) < .0001) {y = 0}
var leftSpace = ""; var rightSpace = "";
if (jsMath.Browser.msieRelativeClipBug && mw != null) {
leftSpace = this.Spacer(-mw); x += mw;
rightSpace = this.Spacer(Mw-w);
html =
'<span style="position:absolute; left:'+this.Em(x)+'; '
+ 'top:'+this.Em(y)+';">' +
leftSpace + html + rightSpace +
' ' + // space normalizes line height in script styles
return html;
Absolute: function(html,w,h,d,y,H) {
if (y != "none") {
if (Math.abs(y) < .0001) {y = 0}
html = '<span style="position:absolute; '
+ 'top:'+jsMath.HTML.Em(y)+'; left:0em;">'
+ html + ' ' // space normalizes line height in script styles
+ '</span>';
if (d == "none") {d = 0}
html += this.Blank(w,h-d,d);
if (jsMath.Browser.msieAbsoluteBug) { // for MSIE (Mac)
html = '<span style="position:relative;">' + html + '</span>';
if (jsMath.Browser.spanHeightVaries) {
html = '<span style="position:relative;'
+ ' width:'+jsMath.HTML.Em(w)+';'
+ ' height:'+jsMath.HTML.Em(H)+';'
+ jsMath.Browser.msieInlineBlockFix
+ '">'
+ html
+ '</span>';
} else {
html = '<span style="position:relative">' + html + '</span>';
return html;
* jsMath.Box handles TeX's math boxes and jsMath's equivalent of hboxes.
jsMath.Box = function (format,text,w,h,d) {
if (d == null) {d = jsMath.d}
this.type = 'typeset';
this.w = w; this.h = h; this.d = d; = h; = d;
this.x = 0; this.y = 0; = 0; this.Mw = w;
this.html = text; this.format = format;
defaultH: 0, // default height for characters with none specified
* An empty box
Null: function () {return new jsMath.Box('null','',0,0,0)},
* A box containing only text whose class and style haven't been added
* yet (so that we can combine ones with the same styles). It gets
* the text dimensions, if needed. (In general, this has been
* replaced by TeX() below, but is still used in fallback mode.)
Text: function (text,tclass,style,size,a,d) {
var html = jsMath.Typeset.AddClass(tclass,text);
html = jsMath.Typeset.AddStyle(style,size,html);
var BB = jsMath.EmBoxFor(html); var TeX = jsMath.Typeset.TeX(style,size);
var bd = ((tclass == 'cmsy10' || tclass == 'cmex10')? BB.h-TeX.h: TeX.d*BB.h/TeX.hd);
var box = new jsMath.Box('text',text,BB.w,BB.h-bd,bd); = style; box.size = size; box.tclass = tclass;
if (d != null) {box.d = d*TeX.scale} else {box.d = 0}
if (a == null || a == 1) {box.h = .9*TeX.M_height}
else {box.h = 1.1*TeX.x_height + TeX.scale*a}
return box;
* Produce a box containing a given TeX character from a given font.
* The box is a text box (like the ones above), so that characters from
* the same font can be combined.
TeX: function (C,font,style,size) {
var c = jsMath.TeX[font][C];
if (c.d == null) {c.d = 0}; if (c.h == null) {c.h = 0}
if (c.img != null && c.c != '') this.TeXIMG(font,C,jsMath.Typeset.StyleSize(style,size));
var scale = jsMath.Typeset.TeX(style,size).scale;
var h = c.h + jsMath.TeX[font].dh
var box = new jsMath.Box('text',c.c,c.w*scale,h*scale,c.d*scale); = style; box.size = size;
if (c.tclass) {
box.tclass = c.tclass;
if (c.img) { =; =}
else { = scale*jsMath.h; = scale*jsMath.d}
} else {
box.tclass = font; = scale*jsMath.TeX[font].h; = scale*jsMath.TeX[font].d;
if (jsMath.Browser.msieFontBug && box.html.match(/&#/)) {
// hack to avoid font changing back to the default
// font when a unicode reference is not followed
// by a letter or number
box.html += '<span style="display:none">x</span>';
return box;
* In fallback modes, handle the fact that we don't have the
* sizes of the characters precomputed
TeXfallback: function (C,font,style,size) {
var c = jsMath.TeX[font][C]; if (!c.tclass) {c.tclass = font}
if (c.img != null) {return this.TeXnonfallback(C,font,style,size)}
if (c.h != null && c.a == null) {c.a = c.h-1.1*jsMath.TeX.x_height}
var a = c.a; var d = c.d; // avoid Firefox warnings
var box = this.Text(c.c,c.tclass,style,size,a,d);
var scale = jsMath.Typeset.TeX(style,size).scale;
if ( != null) { =*scale; =*scale;
} else {
var h =;
var html = jsMath.Typeset.AddClass(box.tclass,box.html);
html = jsMath.Typeset.AddStyle(style,size,html); = jsMath.EmBoxFor(html+jsMath.HTML.Blank(1,h)).h - h; = h -;
if (scale == 1) { =; =}
if (jsMath.msieFontBug && box.html.match(/&#/))
{box.html += '<span style="display:none">x</span>'}
return box;
* Set the character's string to the appropriate image file
TeXIMG: function (font,C,size) {
var c = jsMath.TeX[font][C];
if (c.img.size != null && c.img.size == size && != null && == return;
var mustScale = (jsMath.Img.scale != 1);
var id = + size - 4;
if (id < 0) {id = 0; mustScale = 1} else
if (id >= jsMath.Img.fonts.length) {id = jsMath.Img.fonts.length-1; mustScale = 1}
var imgFont = jsMath.Img[jsMath.Img.fonts[id]];
var img = imgFont[font][C];
var scale = 1/jsMath.Img.w[jsMath.Img.fonts[id]];
if (id != + size - 4) {
if (c.w != null) {scale = c.w/img[0]} else {
scale *= jsMath.Img.fonts[size]/jsMath.Img.fonts[4]
* jsMath.Img.fonts[]/jsMath.Img.fonts[id];
var w = img[0]*scale; var h = img[1]*scale; var d = -img[2]*scale; var v;
var wadjust = (c.w == null || Math.abs(c.w-w) < .01)? "" : " margin-right:"+jsMath.HTML.Em(c.w-w)+';';
var resize = ""; C = jsMath.Img.HexCode[C];
if (!mustScale && !jsMath.Controls.cookie.scaleImg) {
if (2*w < h || (jsMath.Browser.msieAlphaBug && jsMath.Controls.cookie.alpha))
{resize = "height:"+(img[1]*jsMath.Browser.imgScale)+'px;'}
resize += " width:"+(img[0]*jsMath.Browser.imgScale)+'px;'
v = -img[2]+'px';
} else {
if (2*w < h || (jsMath.Browser.msieAlphaBug && jsMath.Controls.cookie.alpha))
{resize = "height:"+jsMath.HTML.Em(h*jsMath.Browser.imgScale)+';'}
resize += " width:"+jsMath.HTML.Em(w*jsMath.Browser.imgScale)+';'
v = jsMath.HTML.Em(d);
var vadjust = (Math.abs(d) < .01 && !jsMath.Browser.valignBug)?
"": " vertical-align:"+v+';';
var URL = jsMath.Img.URL(font,jsMath.Img.fonts[id],C);
if (jsMath.Browser.msieAlphaBug && jsMath.Controls.cookie.alpha) {
c.c = '<img src="'+jsMath.blank+'" '
+ 'style="'+jsMath.Browser.msieCenterBugFix
+ resize + vadjust + wadjust
+ ' filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src=' + "'"
+ URL + "', sizingMethod='scale'" + ');" />';
} else {
c.c = '<img src="'+URL+'" style="'+jsMath.Browser.msieCenterBugFix
+ resize + vadjust + wadjust + '" />';
c.tclass = "normal"; = h+d; = -d;
c.img.size = size; =;
* A box containing a spacer of a specific width
Space: function (w) {
return new jsMath.Box('html',jsMath.HTML.Spacer(w),w,0,0);
* A box containing a horizontal rule
Rule: function (w,h) {
if (h == null) {h = jsMath.TeX.default_rule_thickness}
var html = jsMath.HTML.Rule(w,h);
return new jsMath.Box('html',html,w,h,0);
* Get a character from a TeX font, and make sure that it has
* its metrics specified.
GetChar: function (code,font) {
var c = jsMath.TeX[font][code];
if (c.img != null) {this.TeXIMG(font,code,4)}
if (c.tclass == null) {c.tclass = font}
if (!c.computedW) {
c.w = jsMath.EmBoxFor(jsMath.Typeset.AddClass(c.tclass,c.c)).w;
if (c.h == null) {c.h = jsMath.Box.defaultH}; if (c.d == null) {c.d = 0}
c.computedW = 1;
return c;
* Locate the TeX delimiter character that matches a given height.
* Return the character, font, style and actual height used.
DelimBestFit: function (H,c,font,style) {
if (c == 0 && font == 0) return null;
var C; var h; font = jsMath.TeX.fam[font];
var isSS = (style.charAt(1) == 'S');
var isS = (style.charAt(0) == 'S');
while (c != null) {
C = jsMath.TeX[font][c];
if (C.h == null) {C.h = jsMath.Box.defaultH}; if (C.d == null) {C.d = 0}
h = C.h+C.d;
if (C.delim) {return [c,font,'',H]}
if (isSS && .5*h >= H) {return [c,font,'SS',.5*h]}
if (isS && .7*h >= H) {return [c,font,'S',.7*h]}
if (h >= H || C.n == null) {return [c,font,'T',h]}
c = C.n;
return null;
* Create the HTML needed for a stretchable delimiter of a given height,
* either centered or not. This version uses relative placement (i.e.,
* backspaces, not line-breaks). This works with more browsers, but
* if the font size changes, the backspacing may not be right, so the
* delimiters may become jagged.
DelimExtendRelative: function (H,c,font,a,nocenter) {
var C = jsMath.TeX[font][c];
var top = this.GetChar( C.delim.rep,font);
var rep = this.GetChar(C.delim.rep,font);
var bot = this.GetChar( C.delim.rep,font);
var ext = jsMath.Typeset.AddClass(rep.tclass,rep.c);
var w = rep.w; var h = rep.h+rep.d
var y; var Y; var html; var dx; var i; var n;
if (C.delim.mid) {// braces
var mid = this.GetChar(C.delim.mid,font);
n = Math.ceil((H-(top.h+top.d)-(mid.h+mid.d)-(bot.h+bot.d))/(2*(rep.h+rep.d)));
H = 2*n*(rep.h+rep.d) + (top.h+top.d) + (mid.h+mid.d) + (bot.h+bot.d);
if (nocenter) {y = 0} else {y = H/2+a}; Y = y;
html = jsMath.HTML.Place(jsMath.Typeset.AddClass(top.tclass,top.c),0,y-top.h)
+ jsMath.HTML.Place(jsMath.Typeset.AddClass(bot.tclass,bot.c),-(top.w+bot.w)/2,y-(H-bot.d))
+ jsMath.HTML.Place(jsMath.Typeset.AddClass(mid.tclass,mid.c),-(bot.w+mid.w)/2,y-(H+mid.h-mid.d)/2);
dx = (w-mid.w)/2; if (Math.abs(dx) < .0001) {dx = 0}
if (dx) {html += jsMath.HTML.Spacer(dx)}
y -= top.h+top.d + rep.h;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {html += jsMath.HTML.Place(ext,-w,y-i*h)}
y -= H/2 - rep.h/2;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {html += jsMath.HTML.Place(ext,-w,y-i*h)}
} else {// everything else
n = Math.ceil((H - (top.h+top.d) - (bot.h+bot.d))/(rep.h+rep.d));
// make sure two-headed arrows have an extender
if (top.h+top.d < .9*(rep.h+rep.d)) {n = Math.max(1,n)}
H = n*(rep.h+rep.d) + (top.h+top.d) + (bot.h+bot.d);
if (nocenter) {y = 0} else {y = H/2+a}; Y = y;
html = jsMath.HTML.Place(jsMath.Typeset.AddClass(top.tclass,top.c),0,y-top.h)
dx = (w-top.w)/2; if (Math.abs(dx) < .0001) {dx = 0}
if (dx) {html += jsMath.HTML.Spacer(dx)}
y -= top.h+top.d + rep.h;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {html += jsMath.HTML.Place(ext,-w,y-i*h)}
html += jsMath.HTML.Place(jsMath.Typeset.AddClass(bot.tclass,bot.c),-(w+bot.w)/2,Y-(H-bot.d));
if (nocenter) {h = top.h} else {h = H/2+a}
var box = new jsMath.Box('html',html,rep.w,h,H-h); = jsMath.TeX[font].h; = jsMath.TeX[font].d;
return box;
* Create the HTML needed for a stretchable delimiter of a given height,
* either centered or not. This version uses absolute placement (i.e.,
* line-breaks, not backspacing). This gives more reliable results,
* but doesn't work with all browsers.
DelimExtendAbsolute: function (H,c,font,a,nocenter) {
var Font = jsMath.TeX[font];
var C = Font[c]; var html;
var top = this.GetChar( C.delim.rep,font);
var rep = this.GetChar(C.delim.rep,font);
var bot = this.GetChar( C.delim.rep,font);
var n; var h; var y; var ext; var i;
if (C.delim.mid) {// braces
var mid = this.GetChar(C.delim.mid,font);
n = Math.ceil((H-(top.h+top.d)-(mid.h+mid.d-.05)-(bot.h+bot.d-.05))/(2*(rep.h+rep.d-.05)));
H = 2*n*(rep.h+rep.d-.05) + (top.h+top.d) + (mid.h+mid.d-.05) + (bot.h+bot.d-.05);
html = jsMath.HTML.PlaceAbsolute(jsMath.Typeset.AddClass(top.tclass,top.c),0,0);
h = rep.h+rep.d - .05; y = top.d-.05 + rep.h;
ext = jsMath.Typeset.AddClass(font,rep.c)
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {html += jsMath.HTML.PlaceAbsolute(ext,0,y+i*h)}
html += jsMath.HTML.PlaceAbsolute(jsMath.Typeset.AddClass(mid.tclass,mid.c),0,y+n*h-rep.h+mid.h);
y += n*h + mid.h+mid.d - .05;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {html += jsMath.HTML.PlaceAbsolute(ext,0,y+i*h)}
html += jsMath.HTML.PlaceAbsolute(jsMath.Typeset.AddClass(bot.tclass,bot.c),0,y+n*h-rep.h+bot.h);
} else {// all others
n = Math.ceil((H - (top.h+top.d) - (bot.h+bot.d-.05))/(rep.h+rep.d-.05));
H = n*(rep.h+rep.d-.05) + (top.h+top.d) + (bot.h+bot.d-.05);
html = jsMath.HTML.PlaceAbsolute(jsMath.Typeset.AddClass(top.tclass,top.c),0,0);
h = rep.h+rep.d-.05; y = top.d-.05 + rep.h;
ext = jsMath.Typeset.AddClass(rep.tclass,rep.c);
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {html += jsMath.HTML.PlaceAbsolute(ext,0,y+i*h)}
html += jsMath.HTML.PlaceAbsolute(jsMath.Typeset.AddClass(bot.tclass,bot.c),0,y+n*h-rep.h+bot.h);
var w = top.w;
if (nocenter) {h = top.h; y = 0} else {h = H/2 + a; y = h - top.h}
// html = jsMath.HTML.Absolute(html,w,Font.h,"none",-y,top.h);
html = jsMath.HTML.Absolute(html,w,Font.h,"none",-y,jsMath.h);
var box = new jsMath.Box('html',html,rep.w,h,H-h); = jsMath.TeX[font].h; = jsMath.TeX[font].d;
return box;
* Get the HTML for a given delimiter of a given height.
* It will return either a single character, if one exists, or the
* more complex HTML needed for a stretchable delimiter.
Delimiter: function (H,delim,style,nocenter) {
var size = 4; //### pass this?
var TeX = jsMath.Typeset.TeX(style,size);
if (!delim) {return this.Space(TeX.nulldelimiterspace)}
var CFSH = this.DelimBestFit(H,delim[2],delim[1],style);
if (CFSH == null || CFSH[3] < H)
{CFSH = this.DelimBestFit(H,delim[4],delim[3],style)}
if (CFSH == null) {return this.Space(TeX.nulldelimiterspace)}
if (CFSH[2] == '')
{return this.DelimExtend(H,CFSH[0],CFSH[1],TeX.axis_height,nocenter)}
var box = jsMath.Box.TeX(CFSH[0],CFSH[1],CFSH[2],size).Styled();
if (nocenter) {box.y = -jsMath.TeX[CFSH[1]].dh*TeX.scale}
else {box.y = -((box.h+box.d)/2 - box.d - TeX.axis_height)}
if (Math.abs(box.y) < .0001) {box.y = 0}
if (box.y) {box = jsMath.Box.SetList([box],CFSH[2],size)}
return box;
* Get a character by its TeX charcode, and make sure its width
* is specified.
GetCharCode: function (code) {
var font = jsMath.TeX.fam[code[0]];
var Font = jsMath.TeX[font];
var c = Font[code[1]];
if (c.img != null) {this.TeXIMG(font,code[1],4)}
if (c.w == null) {c.w = jsMath.EmBoxFor(jsMath.Typeset.AddClass(c.tclass,c.c)).w}
if (c.font == null) {c.font = font}
return c;
* Add the class to the html, and use the font if there isn't one
* specified already
AddClass: function (tclass,html,font) {
if (tclass == null) {tclass = font}
return jsMath.Typeset.AddClass(tclass,html);
* Create the HTML for an alignment (e.g., array or matrix)
* Since the widths are not really accurate (they are based on pixel
* widths not the sub-pixel widths of the actual characters), there
* is some drift involved. We lay out the table column by column
* to help reduce the problem.
* ### still need to allow users to specify row and column attributes,
* and do things like \span and \multispan ###
LayoutRelative: function (size,table,align,cspacing,rspacing,vspace,useStrut,addWidth) {
if (align == null) {align = []}
if (cspacing == null) {cspacing = []}
if (rspacing == null) {rspacing = []}
if (useStrut == null) {useStrut = 1}
if (addWidth == null) {addWidth = 1}
// get row and column maximum dimensions
var scale = jsMath.sizes[size]/100;
var W = []; var H = []; var D = [];
var unset = -1000; var bh = unset; var bd = unset;
var i; var j; var row;
for (i = 0; i < table.length; i++) {
if (rspacing[i] == null) {rspacing[i] = 0}
row = table[i];
H[i] = useStrut*jsMath.h*scale; D[i] = useStrut*jsMath.d*scale;
for (j = 0; j < row.length; j++) {
row[j] = row[j].Remeasured();
if (row[j].h > H[i]) {H[i] = row[j].h}
if (row[j].d > D[i]) {D[i] = row[j].d}
if (j >= W.length) {W[j] = row[j].w}
else if (row[j].w > W[j]) {W[j] = row[j].w}
if (row[j].bh > bh) {bh = row[j].bh}
if (row[j].bd > bd) {bd = row[j].bd}
if (rspacing[table.length] == null) {rspacing[table.length] = 0}
if (bh == unset) {bh = 0}; if (bd == unset) {bd = 0}
// lay out the columns
var HD = useStrut*(jsMath.hd-.01)*scale;
var dy = (vspace || 1) * scale/6;
var html = ''; var pW = 0; var cW = 0;
var w; var h; var y;
var box; var mlist; var entry;
for (j = 0; j < W.length; j++) {
mlist = []; y = -H[0]-rspacing[0]; pW = 0;
for (i = 0; i < table.length; i++) {
entry = table[i][j];
if (entry && entry.format != 'null') {
if (align[j] == 'l') {w = 0} else
if (align[j] == 'r') {w = W[j] - entry.w} else
{w = (W[j] - entry.w)/2}
entry.x = w - pW; pW = entry.w + w; entry.y = y;
mlist[mlist.length] = entry;
if (i+1 < table.length) {y -= Math.max(HD,D[i]+H[i+1]) + dy + rspacing[i+1]}
if (cspacing[j] == null) cspacing[j] = scale;
if (mlist.length > 0) {
box = jsMath.Box.SetList(mlist,'T',size);
html += jsMath.HTML.Place(box.html,cW,0);
cW = W[j] - box.w + cspacing[j];
} else {cW += cspacing[j]}
// get the full width and height
w = -cspacing[W.length-1]; y = (H.length-1)*dy + rspacing[0];
for (i = 0; i < W.length; i++) {w += W[i] + cspacing[i]}
for (i = 0; i < H.length; i++) {y += Math.max(HD,H[i]+D[i]) + rspacing[i+1]}
h = y/2 + jsMath.TeX.axis_height; var d = y-h;
// adjust the final row width, and vcenter the table
// (add 1/6em at each side for the \,)
html += jsMath.HTML.Spacer(cW-cspacing[W.length-1] + addWidth*scale/6);
html = jsMath.HTML.Place(html,addWidth*scale/6,h);
box = new jsMath.Box('html',html,w+addWidth*scale/3,h,d); = bh; = bd;
return box;
* Create the HTML for an alignment (e.g., array or matrix)
* Use absolute position for elements in the array.
* ### still need to allow users to specify row and column attributes,
* and do things like \span and \multispan ###
LayoutAbsolute: function (size,table,align,cspacing,rspacing,vspace,useStrut,addWidth) {
if (align == null) {align = []}
if (cspacing == null) {cspacing = []}
if (rspacing == null) {rspacing = []}
if (useStrut == null) {useStrut = 1}
if (addWidth == null) {addWidth = 1}
// get row and column maximum dimensions
var scale = jsMath.sizes[size]/100;
var HD = useStrut*(jsMath.hd-.01)*scale;
var dy = (vspace || 1) * scale/6;
var W = []; var H = []; var D = [];
var w = 0; var h; var x; var y;
var i; var j; var row;
for (i = 0; i < table.length; i++) {
if (rspacing[i] == null) {rspacing[i] = 0}
row = table[i];
H[i] = useStrut*jsMath.h*scale; D[i] = useStrut*jsMath.d*scale;
for (j = 0; j < row.length; j++) {
row[j] = row[j].Remeasured();
if (row[j].h > H[i]) {H[i] = row[j].h}
if (row[j].d > D[i]) {D[i] = row[j].d}
if (j >= W.length) {W[j] = row[j].w}
else if (row[j].w > W[j]) {W[j] = row[j].w}
if (rspacing[table.length] == null) {rspacing[table.length] = 0}
// get the height and depth of the centered table
y = (H.length-1)*dy + rspacing[0];
for (i = 0; i < H.length; i++) {y += Math.max(HD,H[i]+D[i]) + rspacing[i+1]}
h = y/2 + jsMath.TeX.axis_height; var d = y - h;
// lay out the columns
var html = ''; var entry; w = addWidth*scale/6;
for (j = 0; j < W.length; j++) {
y = H[0]-h + rspacing[0];
for (i = 0; i < table.length; i++) {
entry = table[i][j];
if (entry && entry.format != 'null') {
if (align[j] && align[j] == 'l') {x = 0} else
if (align[j] && align[j] == 'r') {x = W[j] - entry.w} else
{x = (W[j] - entry.w)/2}
html += jsMath.HTML.PlaceAbsolute(entry.html,w+x,
if (i+1 < table.length) {y += Math.max(HD,D[i]+H[i+1]) + dy + rspacing[i+1]}
if (cspacing[j] == null) cspacing[j] = scale;
w += W[j] + cspacing[j];
// get the full width
w = -cspacing[W.length-1]+addWidth*scale/3;
for (i = 0; i < W.length; i++) {w += W[i] + cspacing[i]}
html = jsMath.HTML.Spacer(addWidth*scale/6)+html+jsMath.HTML.Spacer(addWidth*scale/6);
if (jsMath.Browser.spanHeightVaries) {y = h-jsMath.h} else {y = 0}
// html = jsMath.HTML.Absolute(html,w,h+d,d,y,H[0]);
html = jsMath.HTML.Absolute(html,w,h+d,d,y,h);
var box = new jsMath.Box('html',html,w+addWidth*scale/3,h,d);
return box;
* Look for math within \hbox and other non-math text
InternalMath: function (text,size) {
text = text.replace(/@\(([^)]*)\)/g,'<$1>');
if (!text.match(/\$|\\\(/)) {return this.Text(text,'normal','T',size).Styled()}
var i = 0; var k = 0; var c; var match = '';
var mlist = []; var parse;
while (i < text.length) {
c = text.charAt(i++);
if (c == '$') {
if (match == '$') {
parse = jsMath.Parse(text.slice(k,i-1),null,size);
if (parse.error) {
mlist[mlist.length] = this.Text(parse.error,'error','T',size,1,.2);
} else {
mlist[mlist.length] = parse.mlist.Typeset('T',size).Styled();
match = ''; k = i;
} else {
mlist[mlist.length] = this.Text(text.slice(k,i-1),'normal','T',size,1,.2);
match = '$'; k = i;
} else if (c == '\\') {
c = text.charAt(i++);
if (c == '(' && match == '') {
mlist[mlist.length] = this.Text(text.slice(k,i-2),'normal','T',size,1,.2);
match = ')'; k = i;
} else if (c == ')' && match == ')') {
parse = jsMath.Parse(text.slice(k,i-2),null,size);
if (parse.error) {
mlist[mlist.length] = this.Text(parse.error,'error','T',size,1,.2);
} else {
mlist[mlist.length] = parse.mlist.Typeset('T',size).Styled();
match = ''; k = i;
mlist[mlist.length] = this.Text(text.slice(k),'normal','T',size,1,.2);
return this.SetList(mlist,'T',size);
* Convert an abitrary box to a typeset box. I.e., make an
* HTML version of the contents of the box, at its desired (x,y)
* position.
Set: function (box,style,size,addstyle) {
if (box && box.type) {
if (box.type == 'typeset') {return box}
if (box.type == 'mlist') {
return box.mlist.Typeset(style,size);
if (box.type == 'text') {
box = this.Text(box.text,box.tclass,style,size,box.ascend||null,box.descend||null);
if (addstyle != 0) {box.Styled()}
return box;
box = this.TeX(box.c,box.font,style,size);
if (addstyle != 0) {box.Styled()}
return box;
return jsMath.Box.Null();
* Convert a list of boxes to a single typeset box. I.e., finalize
* the HTML for the list of boxes, properly spaced and positioned.
SetList: function (boxes,style,size) {
var mlist = []; var box;
for (var i = 0; i < boxes.length; i++) {
box = boxes[i];
if (box.type == 'typeset') {box = jsMath.mItem.Typeset(box)}
mlist[mlist.length] = box;
var typeset = new jsMath.Typeset(mlist);
return typeset.Typeset(style,size);
* Add the class and style to a text box (i.e., finalize the
* unpositioned HTML for the box).
Styled: function () {
if (this.format == 'text') {
this.html = jsMath.Typeset.AddClass(this.tclass,this.html);
this.html = jsMath.Typeset.AddStyle(,this.size,this.html);
delete this.tclass; delete;
this.format = 'html';
return this;
* Recompute the box width to make it more accurate.
Remeasured: function () {
if (this.w > 0) {this.w = jsMath.EmBoxFor(this.html).w}
return this;
* mItems are the building blocks of mLists (math lists) used to
* store the information about a mathematical expression. These are
* basically the items listed in the TeXbook in Appendix G (plus some
* minor extensions).
jsMath.mItem = function (type,def) {
this.type = type;
* A general atom (given a nucleus for the atom)
Atom: function (type,nucleus) {
return new jsMath.mItem(type,{atom: 1, nuc: nucleus});
* An atom whose nucleus is a piece of text, in a given
* class, with a given additional height and depth
TextAtom: function (type,text,tclass,a,d) {
var atom = new jsMath.mItem(type,{
atom: 1,
nuc: {
type: 'text',
text: text,
tclass: tclass
if (a != null) {atom.nuc.ascend = a}
if (d != null) {atom.nuc.descend = d}
return atom;
* An atom whose nucleus is a TeX character in a specific font
TeXAtom: function (type,c,font) {
return new jsMath.mItem(type,{
atom: 1,
nuc: {
type: 'TeX',
c: c,
font: font
* A generalized fraction atom, with given delimiters, rule
* thickness, and a numerator and denominator.
Fraction: function (name,num,den,thickness,left,right) {
return new jsMath.mItem('fraction',{
from: name, num: num, den: den,
thickness: thickness, left: left, right: right
* An atom that inserts some glue
Space: function (w) {return new jsMath.mItem('space',{w: w})},
* An atom that contains a typeset box (like an hbox or vbox)
Typeset: function (box) {return new jsMath.mItem('ord',{atom:1, nuc: box})},
* An atom that contains some finished HTML (acts like a typeset box)
HTML: function (html) {return new jsMath.mItem('html',{html: html})}
* mLists are lists of mItems, and encode the contents of
* mathematical expressions and sub-expressions. They act as
* the expression "stack" as the mathematics is parsed, and
* contain some state information, like the position of the
* most recent open paren and \over command, and the current font.
jsMath.mList = function (list,font,size,style) {
if (list) {this.mlist = list} else {this.mlist = []}
if (style == null) {style = 'T'}; if (size == null) {size = 4} = {openI: null, overI: null, overF: null,
font: font, size: size, style: style};
this.init = {size: size, style: style};
* Add an mItem to the list
Add: function (box) {return (this.mlist[this.mlist.length] = box)},
* Get the i-th mItem from the list
Get: function (i) {return this.mlist[i]},
* Get the length of the list
Length: function() {return this.mlist.length},
* Get the tail mItem of the list
Last: function () {
if (this.mlist.length == 0) {return null}
return this.mlist[this.mlist.length-1]
* Get a sublist of an mList
Range: function (i,j) {
if (j == null) {j = this.mlist.length}
return new jsMath.mList(this.mlist.slice(i,j+1));
* Remove a range of mItems from the list.
Delete: function (i,j) {
if (j == null) {j = i}
if (this.mlist.splice) {this.mlist.splice(i,j-i+1)} else {
var mlist = [];
for (var k = 0; k < this.mlist.length; k++)
{if (k < i || k > j) {mlist[mlist.length] = this.mlist[k]}}
this.mlist = mlist;
* Add an open brace and maintain the stack information
* about the previous open brace so we can recover it
* when this one os closed.
Open: function (left) {
var box = this.Add(new jsMath.mItem('boundary',{data:}));
var olddata =; = {}; for (var i in olddata) {[i] = olddata[i]}
delete; delete; = this.mlist.length-1;
if (left != null) {box.left = left}
return box;
* Attempt to close a brace. Recover the stack information
* about previous open braces and \over commands. If there was an
* \over (or \above, etc) in this set of braces, create a fraction
* atom from the two halves, otherwise create an inner or ord
* from the contents of the braces.
* Remove the braced material from the list and add the newly
* created atom (the fraction, inner or ord).
Close: function (right) {
if (right != null) {right = new jsMath.mItem('boundary',{right: right})}
var atom; var open =;
var over =; var from =; = this.mlist[open].data;
if (over) {
atom = jsMath.mItem.Fraction(,
{type: 'mlist', mlist: this.Range(open+1,over-1)},
{type: 'mlist', mlist: this.Range(over)},
if (right) {
var mlist = new jsMath.mList([this.mlist[open],atom,right]);
atom = jsMath.mItem.Atom('inner',{type: 'mlist', mlist: mlist});
} else {
var openI = open+1; if (right) {this.Add(right); openI--}
atom = jsMath.mItem.Atom((right)?'inner':'ord',
{type: 'mlist', mlist: this.Range(openI)});
return this.Add(atom);
* Create a generalized fraction from an mlist that
* contains an \over (or \above, etc).
Over: function () {
var over =; var from =;
var atom = jsMath.mItem.Fraction(,
{type: 'mlist', mlist: this.Range(open+1,over-1)},
{type: 'mlist', mlist: this.Range(over)},
this.mlist = [atom];
* Take a raw mList (that has been produced by parsing some TeX
* expression), and perform the modifications outlined in
* Appendix G of the TeXbook.
Atomize: function (style,size) {
var mitem; var prev = ''; = style; this.size = size;
for (var i = 0; i < this.mlist.length; i++) {
mitem = this.mlist[i]; = 0;
if (mitem.type == 'choice')
{this.mlist = this.Atomize.choice(,mitem,i,this.mlist); i--}
else if (this.Atomize[mitem.type]) {
var f = this.Atomize[mitem.type]; // Opera needs separate name
prev = mitem;
if (mitem && mitem.type == 'bin') {mitem.type = 'ord'}
if (this.mlist.length >= 2 && mitem.type == 'boundary' &&
this.mlist[0].type == 'boundary') {this.AddDelimiters(style,size)}
* For a list that has boundary delimiters as its first and last
* entries, we replace the boundary atoms by open and close
* atoms whose nuclii are the specified delimiters properly sized
* for the contents of the list. (Rule 19)
AddDelimiters: function(style,size) {
var unset = -10000; var h = unset; var d = unset;
for (var i = 0; i < this.mlist.length; i++) {
var mitem = this.mlist[i];
if (mitem.atom || mitem.type == 'box') {
h = Math.max(h,mitem.nuc.h+mitem.nuc.y);
d = Math.max(d,mitem.nuc.d-mitem.nuc.y);
var TeX = jsMath.TeX; var a = jsMath.Typeset.TeX(style,size).axis_height;
var delta = Math.max(h-a,d+a);
var H = Math.max(Math.floor(TeX.integer*delta/500)*TeX.delimiterfactor,
var left = this.mlist[0]; var right = this.mlist[this.mlist.length-1];
left.nuc = jsMath.Box.Delimiter(H,left.left,style);
right.nuc = jsMath.Box.Delimiter(H,right.right,style);
left.type = 'open'; left.atom = 1; delete left.left;
right.type = 'close'; right.atom = 1; delete right.right;
* Typeset a math list to produce final HTML for the list.
Typeset: function (style,size) {
var typeset = new jsMath.Typeset(this.mlist);
return typeset.Typeset(style,size);
* These routines implement the main rules given in Appendix G of the
* TeXbook
* Handle \displaystyle, \textstyle, etc.
style: function (style,size,mitem,prev,mlist) { =;
* Handle \tiny, \small, etc.
size: function (style,size,mitem,prev,mlist) {
mlist.size = mitem.size;
* Create empty boxes of the proper sizes for the various
* phantom-type commands
phantom: function (style,size,mitem) {
var box = mitem.nuc = jsMath.Box.Set(mitem.phantom,style,size);
if (mitem.h) {box.Remeasured(); box.html = jsMath.HTML.Spacer(box.w)}
else {box.html = '', box.w = box.Mw = = 0;}
if (!mitem.v) {box.h = box.d = 0} = = 0;
delete mitem.phantom;
mitem.type = 'box';
* Create a box of zero height and depth containing the
* contents of the atom
smash: function (style,size,mitem) {
var box = mitem.nuc = jsMath.Box.Set(mitem.smash,style,size).Remeasured();
box.h = box.d = 0;
delete mitem.smash;
mitem.type = 'box';
* Move a box up or down vertically
raise: function (style,size,mitem) {
mitem.nuc = jsMath.Box.Set(mitem.nuc,style,size);
var y = mitem.raise;
mitem.nuc.html =
mitem.nuc.h += y; mitem.nuc.d -= y;
mitem.type = 'ord'; mitem.atom = 1;
* Hide the size of a box so that it laps to the left or right, or
* up or down.
lap: function (style,size,mitem) {
var box = jsMath.Box.Set(mitem.nuc,style,size).Remeasured();
var mlist = [box];
if (mitem.lap == 'llap') {box.x = -box.w} else
if (mitem.lap == 'rlap') {mlist[1] = jsMath.mItem.Space(-box.w)} else
if (mitem.lap == 'ulap') {box.y = box.d; box.h = box.d = 0} else
if (mitem.lap == 'dlap') {box.y = -box.h; box.h = box.d = 0}
mitem.nuc = jsMath.Box.SetList(mlist,style,size);
if (mitem.lap == 'ulap' || mitem.lap == 'dlap') {mitem.nuc.h = mitem.nuc.d = 0}
mitem.type = 'box'; delete mitem.atom;
* Handle a Bin atom. (Rule 5)
bin: function (style,size,mitem,prev) {
if (prev && prev.type) {
var type = prev.type;
if (type == 'bin' || type == 'op' || type == 'rel' ||
type == 'open' || type == 'punct' || type == '' ||
(type == 'boundary' && prev.left != '')) {mitem.type = 'ord'}
} else {mitem.type = 'ord'}
* Handle a Rel atom. (Rule 6)
rel: function (style,size,mitem,prev) {
if (prev.type && prev.type == 'bin') {prev.type = 'ord'}
* Handle a Close atom. (Rule 6)
close: function (style,size,mitem,prev) {
if (prev.type && prev.type == 'bin') {prev.type = 'ord'}
* Handle a Punct atom. (Rule 6)
punct: function (style,size,mitem,prev) {
if (prev.type && prev.type == 'bin') {prev.type = 'ord'}
* Handle an Open atom. (Rule 7)
open: function (style,size,mitem) {
* Handle an Inner atom. (Rule 7)
inner: function (style,size,mitem) {
* Handle a Vcent atom. (Rule 8)
vcenter: function (style,size,mitem) {
var box = jsMath.Box.Set(mitem.nuc,style,size);
var TeX = jsMath.Typeset.TeX(style,size);
box.y = TeX.axis_height - (box.h-box.d)/2;
mitem.nuc = box; mitem.type = 'ord';
* Handle an Over atom. (Rule 9)
overline: function (style,size,mitem) {
var TeX = jsMath.Typeset.TeX(style,size);
var box = jsMath.Box.Set(mitem.nuc,jsMath.Typeset.PrimeStyle(style),size).Remeasured();
var t = TeX.default_rule_thickness;
var rule = jsMath.Box.Rule(box.w,t);
rule.x = -rule.w; rule.y = box.h + 3*t;
mitem.nuc = jsMath.Box.SetList([box,rule],style,size);
mitem.nuc.h += t;
mitem.type = 'ord';
* Handle an Under atom. (Rule 10)
underline: function (style,size,mitem) {
var TeX = jsMath.Typeset.TeX(style,size);
var box = jsMath.Box.Set(mitem.nuc,jsMath.Typeset.PrimeStyle(style),size).Remeasured();
var t = TeX.default_rule_thickness;
var rule = jsMath.Box.Rule(box.w,t);
rule.x = -rule.w; rule.y = -box.d - 3*t - t;
mitem.nuc = jsMath.Box.SetList([box,rule],style,size);
mitem.nuc.d += t;
mitem.type = 'ord';
* Handle a Rad atom. (Rule 11 plus stuff for \root..\of)
radical: function (style,size,mitem) {
var TeX = jsMath.Typeset.TeX(style,size);
var Cp = jsMath.Typeset.PrimeStyle(style);
var box = jsMath.Box.Set(mitem.nuc,Cp,size).Remeasured();
var t = TeX.default_rule_thickness;
var p = t; if (style == 'D' || style == "D'") {p = TeX.x_height}
var r = t + p/4;
var surd = jsMath.Box.Delimiter(box.h+box.d+r+t,[0,2,0x70,3,0x70],style,1);
// if (surd.h > 0) {t = surd.h} // thickness of rule is height of surd character
if (surd.d > box.h+box.d+r) {r = (r+surd.d-box.h-box.d)/2}
surd.y = box.h+r;
var rule = jsMath.Box.Rule(box.w,t);
rule.y = surd.y-t/2; rule.h += 3*t/2; box.x = -box.w;
var Cr = jsMath.Typeset.UpStyle(jsMath.Typeset.UpStyle(style));
var root = jsMath.Box.Set(mitem.root || null,Cr,size).Remeasured();
if (mitem.root) {
root.y = .55*(box.h+box.d+3*t+r)-box.d;
surd.x = Math.max(root.w-(11/18)*surd.w,0);
rule.x = (7/18)*surd.w;
root.x = -(root.w+rule.x);
mitem.nuc = jsMath.Box.SetList([surd,root,rule,box],style,size);
mitem.type = 'ord';
* Handle an Acc atom. (Rule 12)
accent: function (style,size,mitem) {
var TeX = jsMath.Typeset.TeX(style,size);
var Cp = jsMath.Typeset.PrimeStyle(style);
var box = jsMath.Box.Set(mitem.nuc,Cp,size);
var u = box.w; var s; var Font; var ic = 0;
if (mitem.nuc.type == 'TeX') {
Font = jsMath.TeX[mitem.nuc.font];
if (Font[mitem.nuc.c].krn && Font.skewchar)
{s = Font[mitem.nuc.c].krn[Font.skewchar]}
ic = Font[mitem.nuc.c].ic; if (ic == null) {ic = 0}
if (s == null) {s = 0}
var c = mitem.accent[2];
var font = jsMath.TeX.fam[mitem.accent[1]]; Font = jsMath.TeX[font];
while (Font[c].n && Font[Font[c].n].w <= u) {c = Font[c].n}
var delta = Math.min(box.h,TeX.x_height);
if (mitem.nuc.type == 'TeX') {
var nitem = jsMath.mItem.Atom('ord',mitem.nuc);
nitem.sup = mitem.sup; nitem.sub = mitem.sub; = 0;
delta += (nitem.nuc.h - box.h);
box = mitem.nuc = nitem.nuc;
delete mitem.sup; delete mitem.sub;
var acc = jsMath.Box.TeX(c,font,style,size);
acc.y = box.h - delta; acc.x = -box.w + s + (u-acc.w)/2;
if (jsMath.Browser.msieAccentBug)
{acc.html += jsMath.HTML.Spacer(.1); acc.w += .1; acc.Mw += .1}
if (Font[c].ic || ic) {acc.x += (ic - (Font[c].ic||0)) * TeX.scale}
mitem.nuc = jsMath.Box.SetList([box,acc],style,size);
if (mitem.nuc.w != box.w) {
var space = jsMath.mItem.Space(box.w-mitem.nuc.w);
mitem.nuc = jsMath.Box.SetList([mitem.nuc,space],style,size);
mitem.type = 'ord';
* Handle an Op atom. (Rules 13 and 13a)
op: function (style,size,mitem) {
var TeX = jsMath.Typeset.TeX(style,size); var box; = 0; var isD = (style.charAt(0) == 'D');
if (mitem.limits == null && isD) {mitem.limits = 1}
if (mitem.nuc.type == 'TeX') {
var C = jsMath.TeX[mitem.nuc.font][mitem.nuc.c];
if (isD && C.n) {mitem.nuc.c = C.n; C = jsMath.TeX[mitem.nuc.font][C.n]}
box = mitem.nuc = jsMath.Box.Set(mitem.nuc,style,size);
if (C.ic) { = C.ic * TeX.scale;
if (mitem.limits || !mitem.sub || jsMath.Browser.msieIntegralBug) {
box = mitem.nuc = jsMath.Box.SetList([box,jsMath.mItem.Space(],style,size);
box.y = -((box.h+box.d)/2 - box.d - TeX.axis_height);
if (Math.abs(box.y) < .0001) {box.y = 0}
if (!box) {box = mitem.nuc = jsMath.Box.Set(mitem.nuc,style,size).Remeasured()}
if (mitem.limits) {
var W = box.w; var x = box.w;
var mlist = [box]; var dh = 0; var dd = 0;
if (mitem.sup) {
var sup = jsMath.Box.Set(mitem.sup,jsMath.Typeset.UpStyle(style),size).Remeasured();
sup.x = ((box.w-sup.w)/2 + - x; dh = TeX.big_op_spacing5;
W = Math.max(W,sup.w); x += sup.x + sup.w;
sup.y = box.h+sup.d + box.y +
mlist[mlist.length] = sup; delete mitem.sup;
if (mitem.sub) {
var sub = jsMath.Box.Set(mitem.sub,jsMath.Typeset.DownStyle(style),size).Remeasured();
sub.x = ((box.w-sub.w)/2 - - x; dd = TeX.big_op_spacing5;
W = Math.max(W,sub.w); x += sub.x + sub.w;
sub.y = -box.d-sub.h + box.y -
mlist[mlist.length] = sub; delete mitem.sub;
if (W > box.w) {box.x = (W-box.w)/2; x += box.x}
if (x < W) {mlist[mlist.length] = jsMath.mItem.Space(W-x)}
mitem.nuc = jsMath.Box.SetList(mlist,style,size);
mitem.nuc.h += dh; mitem.nuc.d += dd;
} else {
if (jsMath.Browser.msieIntegralBug && mitem.sub && C && C.ic)
{mitem.nuc = jsMath.Box.SetList([box,jsMath.Box.Space(-C.ic*TeX.scale)],style,size)}
else if (box.y) {mitem.nuc = jsMath.Box.SetList([box],style,size)}
* Handle an Ord atom. (Rule 14)
ord: function (style,size,mitem,prev,mList,i) {
if (mitem.nuc.type == 'TeX' && !mitem.sup && !mitem.sub) {
var nitem = mList.mlist[i+1];
if (nitem && nitem.atom && nitem.type &&
(nitem.type == 'ord' || nitem.type == 'op' || nitem.type == 'bin' ||
nitem.type == 'rel' || nitem.type == 'open' ||
nitem.type == 'close' || nitem.type == 'punct')) {
if (nitem.nuc.type == 'TeX' && nitem.nuc.font == mitem.nuc.font) {
mitem.textsymbol = 1;
var krn = jsMath.TeX[mitem.nuc.font][mitem.nuc.c].krn;
krn *= jsMath.Typeset.TeX(style,size).scale;
if (krn && krn[nitem.nuc.c]) {
for (var k = mList.mlist.length-1; k > i; k--)
{mList.mlist[k+1] = mList.mlist[k]}
mList.mlist[i+1] = jsMath.mItem.Space(krn[nitem.nuc.c]);
* Handle a generalized fraction. (Rules 15 to 15e)
fraction: function (style,size,mitem) {
var TeX = jsMath.Typeset.TeX(style,size); var t = 0;
if (mitem.thickness != null) {t = mitem.thickness}
else if (mitem.from.match(/over/)) {t = TeX.default_rule_thickness}
var isD = (style.charAt(0) == 'D');
var Cn = (style == 'D')? 'T': (style == "D'")? "T'": jsMath.Typeset.UpStyle(style);
var Cd = (isD)? "T'": jsMath.Typeset.DownStyle(style);
var num = jsMath.Box.Set(mitem.num,Cn,size).Remeasured();
var den = jsMath.Box.Set(mitem.den,Cd,size).Remeasured();
var u; var v; var w; var p; var r;
var H = (isD)? TeX.delim1 : TeX.delim2;
var mlist = [jsMath.Box.Delimiter(H,mitem.left,style)]
var right = jsMath.Box.Delimiter(H,mitem.right,style);
if (num.w < den.w) {
num.x = (den.w-num.w)/2;
den.x = -(num.w + num.x);
w = den.w; mlist[1] = num; mlist[2] = den;
} else {
den.x = (num.w-den.w)/2;
num.x = -(den.w + den.x);
w = num.w; mlist[1] = den; mlist[2] = num;
if (isD) {u = TeX.num1; v = TeX.denom1} else {
u = (t != 0)? TeX.num2: TeX.num3;
v = TeX.denom2;
if (t == 0) {// atop
p = (isD)? 7*TeX.default_rule_thickness: 3*TeX.default_rule_thickness;
r = (u - num.d) - (den.h - v);
if (r < p) {u += (p-r)/2; v += (p-r)/2}
} else {// over
p = (isD)? 3*t: t; var a = TeX.axis_height;
r = (u-num.d)-(a+t/2); if (r < p) {u += p-r}
r = (a-t/2)-(den.h-v); if (r < p) {v += p-r}
var rule = jsMath.Box.Rule(w,t); rule.x = -w; rule.y = a - t/2;
mlist[mlist.length] = rule;
num.y = u; den.y = -v;
mlist[mlist.length] = right;
mitem.nuc = jsMath.Box.SetList(mlist,style,size);
mitem.type = 'ord'; mitem.atom = 1;
delete mitem.num; delete mitem.den;
* Add subscripts and superscripts. (Rules 17-18f)
SupSub: function (style,size,mitem) {
var TeX = jsMath.Typeset.TeX(style,size);
var nuc = mitem.nuc;
var box = mitem.nuc = jsMath.Box.Set(mitem.nuc,style,size,0);
if (box.format == 'null')
{box = mitem.nuc = jsMath.Box.Text('','normal',style,size)}
if (nuc.type == 'TeX') {
if (!mitem.textsymbol) {
var C = jsMath.TeX[nuc.font][nuc.c];
if (C.ic) { = C.ic * TeX.scale;
if (!mitem.sub) {
box = mitem.nuc = jsMath.Box.SetList([box,jsMath.Box.Space(],style,size); = 0;
} else { = 0}
if (!mitem.sup && !mitem.sub) return;
var Cd = jsMath.Typeset.DownStyle(style);
var Cu = jsMath.Typeset.UpStyle(style);
var q = jsMath.Typeset.TeX(Cu,size).sup_drop;
var r = jsMath.Typeset.TeX(Cd,size).sub_drop;
var u = 0; var v = 0; var p;
if (nuc.type && nuc.type != 'text' && nuc.type != 'TeX' && nuc.type != 'null')
{u = box.h - q; v = box.d + r}
if (mitem.sub) {
var sub = jsMath.Box.Set(mitem.sub,Cd,size);
sub = jsMath.Box.SetList([sub,jsMath.mItem.Space(TeX.scriptspace)],style,size);
if (!mitem.sup) {
sub.y = -Math.max(v,TeX.sub1,sub.h-(4/5)*jsMath.Typeset.TeX(Cd,size).x_height);
mitem.nuc = jsMath.Box.SetList([box,sub],style,size).Styled(); delete mitem.sub;
var sup = jsMath.Box.Set(mitem.sup,Cu,size);
sup = jsMath.Box.SetList([sup,jsMath.mItem.Space(TeX.scriptspace)],style,size);
if (style == 'D') {p = TeX.sup1}
else if (style.charAt(style.length-1) == "'") {p = TeX.sup3}
else {p = TeX.sup2}
u = Math.max(u,p,sup.d+jsMath.Typeset.TeX(Cu,size).x_height/4);
if (!mitem.sub) {
sup.y = u;
mitem.nuc = jsMath.Box.SetList([box,sup],style,size); delete mitem.sup;
v = Math.max(v,jsMath.Typeset.TeX(Cd,size).sub2);
var t = TeX.default_rule_thickness;
if ((u-sup.d) - (sub.h -v) < 4*t) {
v = 4*t + sub.h - (u-sup.d);
p = (4/5)*TeX.x_height - (u-sup.d);
if (p > 0) {u += p; v -= p}
sup.Remeasured(); sub.Remeasured();
sup.y = u; sub.y = -v; sup.x =;
if (sup.w+sup.x > sub.w)
{sup.x -= sub.w; mitem.nuc = jsMath.Box.SetList([box,sub,sup],style,size)} else
{sub.x -= (sup.w+sup.x); mitem.nuc = jsMath.Box.SetList([box,sup,sub],style,size)}
delete mitem.sup; delete mitem.sub;
* The Typeset object handles most of the TeX-specific processing
jsMath.Typeset = function (mlist) {
this.type = 'typeset';
this.mlist = mlist;
* The "C-uparrow" style table (TeXbook, p. 441)
upStyle: {
D: "S", T: "S", "D'": "S'", "T'": "S'",
S: "SS", SS: "SS", "S'": "SS'", "SS'": "SS'"
* The "C-downarrow" style table (TeXbook, p. 441)
downStyle: {
D: "S'", T: "S'", "D'": "S'", "T'": "S'",
S: "SS'", SS: "SS'", "S'": "SS'", "SS'": "SS'"
* Get the various styles given the current style
* (see TeXbook, p. 441)
UpStyle: function (style) {return this.upStyle[style]},
DownStyle: function (style) {return this.downStyle[style]},
PrimeStyle: function (style) {
if (style.charAt(style.length-1) == "'") {return style}
return style + "'"
* A value scaled to the appropriate size for scripts
StyleValue: function (style,v) {
if (style == "S" || style == "S'") {return .7*v}
if (style == "SS" || style == "SS'") {return .5*v}
return v;
* Return the size associated with a given style and size
StyleSize: function (style,size) {
if (style == "S" || style == "S'") {size = Math.max(0,size-2)}
else if (style == "SS" || style == "SS'") {size = Math.max(0,size-4)}
return size;
* Return the font parameter table for the given style
TeX: function (style,size) {
if (style == "S" || style == "S'") {size = Math.max(0,size-2)}
else if (style == "SS" || style == "SS'") {size = Math.max(0,size-4)}
return jsMath.TeXparams[size];
* Add the CSS class for the given TeX style
AddStyle: function (style,size,html) {
if (style == "S" || style == "S'") {size = Math.max(0,size-2)}
else if (style == "SS" || style == "SS'") {size = Math.max(0,size-4)}
if (size != 4) {html = '<span class="size'+size+'">' + html + '</span>'}
return html;
* Add the font class, if needed
AddClass: function (tclass,html) {
if (tclass != '' && tclass != 'normal') {html = jsMath.HTML.Class(tclass,html)}
return html;
* The spacing tables for inter-atom spacing
* (See rule 20, and Chapter 18, p 170)
DTsep: {
ord: {op: 1, bin: 2, rel: 3, inner: 1},
op: {ord: 1, op: 1, rel: 3, inner: 1},
bin: {ord: 2, op: 2, open: 2, inner: 2},
rel: {ord: 3, op: 3, open: 3, inner: 3},
open: {},
close: {op: 1, bin:2, rel: 3, inner: 1},
punct: {ord: 1, op: 1, rel: 1, open: 1, close: 1, punct: 1, inner: 1},
inner: {ord: 1, op: 1, bin: 2, rel: 3, open: 1, punct: 1, inner: 1}
SSsep: {
ord: {op: 1},
op: {ord: 1, op: 1},
bin: {},
rel: {},
open: {},
close: {op: 1},
punct: {},
inner: {op: 1}
* The sizes used in the tables above
sepW: ['','thinmuskip','medmuskip','thickmuskip'],
* Find the amount of separation to use between two adjacent
* atoms in the given style
GetSeparation: function (l,r,style) {
if (l && l.atom && r.atom) {
var table = this.DTsep; if (style.charAt(0) == "S") {table = this.SSsep}
var row = table[l.type];
if (row && row[r.type] != null) {return jsMath.TeX[this.sepW[row[r.type]]]}
return 0;
* Typeset an mlist (i.e., turn it into HTML).
* Here, text items of the same class and style are combined
* to reduce the number of <SPAN> tags used (though it is still
* huge). Spaces are combined, when possible.
* ### More needs to be done with that. ###
* The width of the final box is recomputed at the end, since
* the final width is not necessarily the sum of the widths of
* the individual parts (widths are in pixels, but the browsers
* puts pieces together using sub-pixel accuracy).
Typeset: function (style,size) { = style; this.size = size; var unset = -10000
this.w = 0; = 0; this.Mw = 0;
this.h = unset; this.d = unset; = this.h; = this.d;
this.tbuf = ''; this.tx = 0; this.tclass = '';
this.cbuf = ''; this.hbuf = ''; this.hx = 0;
var mitem = null; var prev; this.x = 0; this.dx = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < this.mlist.length; i++) {
prev = mitem; mitem = this.mlist[i];
switch (mitem.type) {
case 'size':
this.size = mitem.size;
mitem = prev; // hide this from TeX
case 'style':
if ( == "'")
{ = + "'"} else { =}
mitem = prev; // hide this from TeX
case 'space':
if (typeof(mitem.w) == 'object') {
if ( == 'S') {mitem.w = .5*mitem.w[0]/18}
else if ( == 'S') {mitem.w = .7*mitem.w[0]/18}
else {mitem.w = mitem.w[0]/18}
this.dx += mitem.w-0; // mitem.w is sometimes a string?
mitem = prev; // hide this from TeX
case 'html':
if (this.hbuf == '') {this.hx = this.x}
this.hbuf += mitem.html;
mitem = prev; // hide this from TeX
default: // atom
if (!mitem.atom && mitem.type != 'box') break;
mitem.nuc.x += this.dx + this.GetSeparation(prev,mitem,;
if (mitem.nuc.x || mitem.nuc.y) mitem.nuc.Styled();
this.dx = 0; this.x = this.x + this.w;
if (this.x + mitem.nuc.x + <
{ = this.x + mitem.nuc.x +}
if (this.w + mitem.nuc.x + mitem.nuc.Mw > this.Mw)
{this.Mw = this.w + mitem.nuc.x + mitem.nuc.Mw}
this.w += mitem.nuc.w + mitem.nuc.x;
if (mitem.nuc.format == 'text') {
if (this.tclass != mitem.nuc.tclass && this.tclass != '') this.FlushText();
if (this.tbuf == '' && this.cbuf == '') {this.tx = this.x}
this.tbuf += mitem.nuc.html; this.tclass = mitem.nuc.tclass;
} else {
if (mitem.nuc.x || mitem.nuc.y) this.Place(mitem.nuc);
if (this.hbuf == '') {this.hx = this.x}
this.hbuf += mitem.nuc.html;
this.h = Math.max(this.h,mitem.nuc.h+mitem.nuc.y); = Math.max(,;
this.d = Math.max(this.d,mitem.nuc.d-mitem.nuc.y); = Math.max(,;
this.FlushClassed(); // make sure scaling is included
if (this.dx) {
this.hbuf += jsMath.HTML.Spacer(this.dx); this.w += this.dx;
if (this.w > this.Mw) {this.Mw = this.w}
if (this.w < { = this.w}
if (this.hbuf == '') {return jsMath.Box.Null()}
if (this.h == unset) {this.h = 0}
if (this.d == unset) {this.d = 0}
var box = new jsMath.Box('html',this.hbuf,this.w,this.h,this.d); =; =; =; box.Mw = this.Mw;
return box;
* Add the font to the buffered text and move it to the
* classed-text buffer.
FlushText: function () {
if (this.tbuf == '') return;
this.cbuf += jsMath.Typeset.AddClass(this.tclass,this.tbuf);
this.tbuf = ''; this.tclass = '';
* Add the script or scriptscript style to the text and
* move it to the HTML buffer
FlushClassed: function () {
if (this.cbuf == '') return;
if (this.hbuf == '') {this.hx = this.tx}
this.hbuf += jsMath.Typeset.AddStyle(,this.size,this.cbuf);
this.cbuf = '';
* Add a <SPAN> to position an item's HTML, and
* adjust the item's height and depth.
* (This may be replaced buy one of the following browser-specific
* versions by Browser.Init().)
Place: function (item) {
var html = '<span style="position: relative;';
if (item.x) {html += ' margin-left:'+jsMath.HTML.Em(item.x)+';'}
if (item.y) {html += ' top:'+jsMath.HTML.Em(-item.y)+';'}
item.html = html + '">' + item.html + '</span>';
item.h += item.y; item.d -= item.y;
item.x = 0; item.y = 0;
* For MSIE on Windows, backspacing must be done in a separate
* <SPAN>, otherwise the contents will be clipped. Netscape
* also doesn't combine vertical and horizontal spacing well.
* Here, the horizontal and vertical spacing are done separately.
PlaceSeparateSkips: function (item) {
if (item.y) {
var rw = item.Mw - item.w; var lw =;
var W = item.Mw -;
item.html =
jsMath.HTML.Spacer(lw-rw) +
'<span style="position: relative; '
+ 'top:'+jsMath.HTML.Em(-item.y)+';'
+ 'left:'+jsMath.HTML.Em(rw)+'; width:'+jsMath.HTML.Em(W)+';">' +
jsMath.HTML.Spacer(-lw) +
item.html +
jsMath.HTML.Spacer(rw) +
if (item.x) {item.html = jsMath.HTML.Spacer(item.x) + item.html}
item.h += item.y; item.d -= item.y;
item.x = 0; item.y = 0;
* The Parse object handles the parsing of the TeX input string, and creates
* the mList to be typeset by the Typeset object above.
jsMath.Parse = function (s,font,size,style) {
var parse = new jsMath.Parser(s,font,size,style);
return parse;
jsMath.Parser = function (s,font,size,style) {
this.string = s; this.i = 0;
this.mlist = new jsMath.mList(null,font,size,style);
// special characters
cmd: '\\',
open: '{',
close: '}',
// patterns for letters and numbers
letter: /[a-z]/i,
number: /[0-9]/,
// pattern for macros to ^ and _ that should be read with arguments
scriptargs: /^((math|text)..|mathcal|[hm]box)$/,
// the \mathchar definitions (see Appendix B of the TeXbook).
mathchar: {
'!': [5,0,0x21],
'(': [4,0,0x28],
')': [5,0,0x29],
'*': [2,2,0x03], // \ast
'+': [2,0,0x2B],
',': [6,1,0x3B],
'-': [2,2,0x00],
'.': [0,1,0x3A],
'/': [0,1,0x3D],
':': [3,0,0x3A],
';': [6,0,0x3B],
'<': [3,1,0x3C],
'=': [3,0,0x3D],
'>': [3,1,0x3E],
'?': [5,0,0x3F],
'[': [4,0,0x5B],
']': [5,0,0x5D],
// '{': [4,2,0x66],
// '}': [5,2,0x67],
'|': [0,2,0x6A]
// handle special \catcode characters
special: {
'~': 'Tilde',
'^': 'HandleSuperscript',
'_': 'HandleSubscript',
' ': 'Space',
'\01': 'Space',
"\t": 'Space',
"\r": 'Space',
"\n": 'Space',
"'": 'Prime',
'%': 'HandleComment',
'&': 'HandleEntry',
'#': 'Hash'
// the \mathchardef table (see Appendix B of the TeXbook).
mathchardef: {
// brace parts
braceld: [0,3,0x7A],
bracerd: [0,3,0x7B],
bracelu: [0,3,0x7C],
braceru: [0,3,0x7D],
// Greek letters
alpha: [0,1,0x0B],
beta: [0,1,0x0C],
gamma: [0,1,0x0D],
delta: [0,1,0x0E],
epsilon: [0,1,0x0F],
zeta: [0,1,0x10],
eta: [0,1,0x11],
theta: [0,1,0x12],
iota: [0,1,0x13],
kappa: [0,1,0x14],
lambda: [0,1,0x15],
mu: [0,1,0x16],
nu: [0,1,0x17],
xi: [0,1,0x18],
pi: [0,1,0x19],
rho: [0,1,0x1A],
sigma: [0,1,0x1B],
tau: [0,1,0x1C],
upsilon: [0,1,0x1D],
phi: [0,1,0x1E],
chi: [0,1,0x1F],
psi: [0,1,0x20],
omega: [0,1,0x21],
varepsilon: [0,1,0x22],
vartheta: [0,1,0x23],
varpi: [0,1,0x24],
varrho: [0,1,0x25],
varsigma: [0,1,0x26],
varphi: [0,1,0x27],
Gamma: [7,0,0x00],
Delta: [7,0,0x01],
Theta: [7,0,0x02],
Lambda: [7,0,0x03],
Xi: [7,0,0x04],
Pi: [7,0,0x05],
Sigma: [7,0,0x06],
Upsilon: [7,0,0x07],
Phi: [7,0,0x08],
Psi: [7,0,0x09],
Omega: [7,0,0x0A],
// Ord symbols
aleph: [0,2,0x40],
imath: [0,1,0x7B],
jmath: [0,1,0x7C],
ell: [0,1,0x60],
wp: [0,1,0x7D],
Re: [0,2,0x3C],
Im: [0,2,0x3D],
partial: [0,1,0x40],
infty: [0,2,0x31],
prime: [0,2,0x30],
emptyset: [0,2,0x3B],
nabla: [0,2,0x72],
surd: [1,2,0x70],
top: [0,2,0x3E],
bot: [0,2,0x3F],
triangle: [0,2,0x34],
forall: [0,2,0x38],
exists: [0,2,0x39],
neg: [0,2,0x3A],
lnot: [0,2,0x3A],
flat: [0,1,0x5B],
natural: [0,1,0x5C],
sharp: [0,1,0x5D],
clubsuit: [0,2,0x7C],
diamondsuit: [0,2,0x7D],
heartsuit: [0,2,0x7E],
spadesuit: [0,2,0x7F],
// big ops
coprod: [1,3,0x60],
bigvee: [1,3,0x57],
bigwedge: [1,3,0x56],
biguplus: [1,3,0x55],
bigcap: [1,3,0x54],
bigcup: [1,3,0x53],
intop: [1,3,0x52],
prod: [1,3,0x51],
sum: [1,3,0x50],
bigotimes: [1,3,0x4E],
bigoplus: [1,3,0x4C],
bigodot: [1,3,0x4A],
ointop: [1,3,0x48],
bigsqcup: [1,3,0x46],
smallint: [1,2,0x73],
// binary operations
triangleleft: [2,1,0x2F],
triangleright: [2,1,0x2E],
bigtriangleup: [2,2,0x34],
bigtriangledown: [2,2,0x35],
wedge: [2,2,0x5E],
land: [2,2,0x5E],
vee: [2,2,0x5F],
lor: [2,2,0x5F],
cap: [2,2,0x5C],
cup: [2,2,0x5B],
ddagger: [2,2,0x7A],
dagger: [2,2,0x79],
sqcap: [2,2,0x75],
sqcup: [2,2,0x74],
uplus: [2,2,0x5D],
amalg: [2,2,0x71],
diamond: [2,2,0x05],
bullet: [2,2,0x0F],
wr: [2,2,0x6F],
div: [2,2,0x04],
odot: [2,2,0x0C],
oslash: [2,2,0x0B],
otimes: [2,2,0x0A],
ominus: [2,2,0x09],
oplus: [2,2,0x08],
mp: [2,2,0x07],
pm: [2,2,0x06],
circ: [2,2,0x0E],
bigcirc: [2,2,0x0D],
setminus: [2,2,0x6E], // for set difference A\setminus B
cdot: [2,2,0x01],
ast: [2,2,0x03],
times: [2,2,0x02],
star: [2,1,0x3F],
// Relations
propto: [3,2,0x2F],
sqsubseteq: [3,2,0x76],
sqsupseteq: [3,2,0x77],
parallel: [3,2,0x6B],
mid: [3,2,0x6A],
dashv: [3,2,0x61],
vdash: [3,2,0x60],
leq: [3,2,0x14],
le: [3,2,0x14],
geq: [3,2,0x15],
ge: [3,2,0x15],
lt: [3,1,0x3C], // extra since < and > are hard
gt: [3,1,0x3E], // to get in HTML
succ: [3,2,0x1F],
prec: [3,2,0x1E],
approx: [3,2,0x19],
succeq: [3,2,0x17],
preceq: [3,2,0x16],
supset: [3,2,0x1B],
subset: [3,2,0x1A],
supseteq: [3,2,0x13],
subseteq: [3,2,0x12],
'in': [3,2,0x32],
ni: [3,2,0x33],
owns: [3,2,0x33],
gg: [3,2,0x1D],
ll: [3,2,0x1C],
not: [3,2,0x36],
sim: [3,2,0x18],
simeq: [3,2,0x27],
perp: [3,2,0x3F],
equiv: [3,2,0x11],
asymp: [3,2,0x10],
smile: [3,1,0x5E],
frown: [3,1,0x5F],
// Arrows
Leftrightarrow: [3,2,0x2C],
Leftarrow: [3,2,0x28],
Rightarrow: [3,2,0x29],
leftrightarrow: [3,2,0x24],
leftarrow: [3,2,0x20],
gets: [3,2,0x20],
rightarrow: [3,2,0x21],
to: [3,2,0x21],
mapstochar: [3,2,0x37],
leftharpoonup: [3,1,0x28],
leftharpoondown: [3,1,0x29],
rightharpoonup: [3,1,0x2A],
rightharpoondown: [3,1,0x2B],
nearrow: [3,2,0x25],
searrow: [3,2,0x26],
nwarrow: [3,2,0x2D],
swarrow: [3,2,0x2E],
minuschar: [3,2,0x00], // for longmapsto
hbarchar: [0,0,0x16], // for \hbar
lhook: [3,1,0x2C],
rhook: [3,1,0x2D],
ldotp: [6,1,0x3A], // ldot as a punctuation mark
cdotp: [6,2,0x01], // cdot as a punctuation mark
colon: [6,0,0x3A], // colon as a punctuation mark
'#': [7,0,0x23],
'$': [7,0,0x24],
'%': [7,0,0x25],
'&': [7,0,0x26]
// The delimiter table (see Appendix B of the TeXbook)
delimiter: {
'(': [0,0,0x28,3,0x00],
')': [0,0,0x29,3,0x01],
'[': [0,0,0x5B,3,0x02],
']': [0,0,0x5D,3,0x03],
'<': [0,2,0x68,3,0x0A],
'>': [0,2,0x69,3,0x0B],
'\\lt': [0,2,0x68,3,0x0A], // extra since < and > are
'\\gt': [0,2,0x69,3,0x0B], // hard to get in HTML
'/': [0,0,0x2F,3,0x0E],
'|': [0,2,0x6A,3,0x0C],
'.': [0,0,0x00,0,0x00],
'\\': [0,2,0x6E,3,0x0F],
'\\lmoustache': [4,3,0x7A,3,0x40], // top from (, bottom from )
'\\rmoustache': [5,3,0x7B,3,0x41], // top from ), bottom from (
'\\lgroup': [4,6,0x28,3,0x3A], // extensible ( with sharper tips
'\\rgroup': [5,6,0x29,3,0x3B], // extensible ) with sharper tips
'\\arrowvert': [0,2,0x6A,3,0x3C], // arrow without arrowheads
'\\Arrowvert': [0,2,0x6B,3,0x3D], // double arrow without arrowheads
// '\\bracevert': [0,7,0x7C,3,0x3E], // the vertical bar that extends braces
'\\bracevert': [0,2,0x6A,3,0x3E], // we don't load tt, so use | instead
'\\Vert': [0,2,0x6B,3,0x0D],
'\\|': [0,2,0x6B,3,0x0D],
'\\vert': [0,2,0x6A,3,0x0C],
'\\uparrow': [3,2,0x22,3,0x78],
'\\downarrow': [3,2,0x23,3,0x79],
'\\updownarrow': [3,2,0x6C,3,0x3F],
'\\Uparrow': [3,2,0x2A,3,0x7E],
'\\Downarrow': [3,2,0x2B,3,0x7F],
'\\Updownarrow': [3,2,0x6D,3,0x77],
'\\backslash': [0,2,0x6E,3,0x0F], // for double coset G\backslash H
'\\rangle': [5,2,0x69,3,0x0B],
'\\langle': [4,2,0x68,3,0x0A],
'\\rbrace': [5,2,0x67,3,0x09],
'\\lbrace': [4,2,0x66,3,0x08],
'\\}': [5,2,0x67,3,0x09],
'\\{': [4,2,0x66,3,0x08],
'\\rceil': [5,2,0x65,3,0x07],
'\\lceil': [4,2,0x64,3,0x06],
'\\rfloor': [5,2,0x63,3,0x05],
'\\lfloor': [4,2,0x62,3,0x04],
'\\lbrack': [0,0,0x5B,3,0x02],
'\\rbrack': [0,0,0x5D,3,0x03]
* The basic macros for plain TeX.
* When the control sequence on the left is called, the JavaScript
* funtion on the right is called, with the name of the control sequence
* as its first parameter (this way, the same function can be called by
* several different control sequences to do similar actions, and the
* function can still tell which TeX command was issued). If the right
* is an array, the first entry is the routine to call, and the
* remaining entries in the array are parameters to pass to the function
* as the second parameter (they are in an array reference).
* Note: TeX macros as defined by the user are discussed below.
macros: {
displaystyle: ['HandleStyle','D'],
textstyle: ['HandleStyle','T'],
scriptstyle: ['HandleStyle','S'],
scriptscriptstyle: ['HandleStyle','SS'],
rm: ['HandleFont',0],
mit: ['HandleFont',1],
oldstyle: ['HandleFont',1],
cal: ['HandleFont',2],
it: ['HandleFont',4],
bf: ['HandleFont',6],
font: ['Extension','font'],
left: 'HandleLeft',
right: 'HandleRight',
arcsin: ['NamedOp',0],
arccos: ['NamedOp',0],
arctan: ['NamedOp',0],
arg: ['NamedOp',0],
cos: ['NamedOp',0],
cosh: ['NamedOp',0],
cot: ['NamedOp',0],
coth: ['NamedOp',0],
csc: ['NamedOp',0],
deg: ['NamedOp',0],
det: 'NamedOp',
dim: ['NamedOp',0],
exp: ['NamedOp',0],
gcd: 'NamedOp',
hom: ['NamedOp',0],
inf: 'NamedOp',
ker: ['NamedOp',0],
lg: ['NamedOp',0],
lim: 'NamedOp',
liminf: ['NamedOp',null,'lim<span style="margin-left: '+1/6+'em"></span>inf'],
limsup: ['NamedOp',null,'lim<span style="margin-left: '+1/6+'em"></span>sup'],
ln: ['NamedOp',0],
log: ['NamedOp',0],
max: 'NamedOp',
min: 'NamedOp',
Pr: 'NamedOp',
sec: ['NamedOp',0],
sin: ['NamedOp',0],
sinh: ['NamedOp',0],
sup: 'NamedOp',
tan: ['NamedOp',0],
tanh: ['NamedOp',0],
vcenter: ['HandleAtom','vcenter'],
overline: ['HandleAtom','overline'],
underline: ['HandleAtom','underline'],
over: 'HandleOver',
overwithdelims: 'HandleOver',
atop: 'HandleOver',
atopwithdelims: 'HandleOver',
above: 'HandleOver',
abovewithdelims: 'HandleOver',
brace: ['HandleOver','\\{','\\}'],
brack: ['HandleOver','[',']'],
choose: ['HandleOver','(',')'],
overbrace: ['Extension','leaders'],
underbrace: ['Extension','leaders'],
overrightarrow: ['Extension','leaders'],
underrightarrow: ['Extension','leaders'],
overleftarrow: ['Extension','leaders'],
underleftarrow: ['Extension','leaders'],
overleftrightarrow: ['Extension','leaders'],
underleftrightarrow: ['Extension','leaders'],
overset: ['Extension','underset-overset'],
underset: ['Extension','underset-overset'],
llap: 'HandleLap',
rlap: 'HandleLap',
ulap: 'HandleLap',
dlap: 'HandleLap',
raise: 'RaiseLower',
lower: 'RaiseLower',
moveleft: 'MoveLeftRight',
moveright: 'MoveLeftRight',
frac: 'Frac',
root: 'Root',
sqrt: 'Sqrt',
// TeX substitution macros
hbar: ['Macro','\\hbarchar\\kern-.5em h'],
ne: ['Macro','\\not='],
neq: ['Macro','\\not='],
notin: ['Macro','\\mathrel{\\rlap{\\kern2mu/}}\\in'],
cong: ['Macro','\\mathrel{\\lower2mu{\\mathrel{{\\rlap{=}\\raise6mu\\sim}}}}'],
bmod: ['Macro','\\mathbin{\\rm mod}'],
pmod: ['Macro','\\kern 18mu ({\\rm mod}\\,\\,#1)',1],
'int': ['Macro','\\intop\\nolimits'],
oint: ['Macro','\\ointop\\nolimits'],
doteq: ['Macro','\\buildrel\\textstyle.\\over='],
ldots: ['Macro','\\mathinner{\\ldotp\\ldotp\\ldotp}'],
cdots: ['Macro','\\mathinner{\\cdotp\\cdotp\\cdotp}'],
vdots: ['Macro','\\mathinner{\\rlap{\\raise8pt{.\\rule 0pt 6pt 0pt}}\\rlap{\\raise4pt{.}}.}'],
ddots: ['Macro','\\mathinner{\\kern1mu\\raise7pt{\\rule 0pt 7pt 0pt .}\\kern2mu\\raise4pt{.}\\kern2mu\\raise1pt{.}\\kern1mu}'],
joinrel: ['Macro','\\mathrel{\\kern-4mu}'],
relbar: ['Macro','\\mathrel{\\smash-}'], // \smash, because - has the same height as +
Relbar: ['Macro','\\mathrel='],
bowtie: ['Macro','\\mathrel\\triangleright\\joinrel\\mathrel\\triangleleft'],
models: ['Macro','\\mathrel|\\joinrel='],
mapsto: ['Macro','\\mathrel{\\mapstochar\\rightarrow}'],
rightleftharpoons: ['Macro','\\vcenter{\\mathrel{\\rlap{\\raise3mu{\\rightharpoonup}}}\\leftharpoondown}'],
hookrightarrow: ['Macro','\\lhook\\joinrel\\rightarrow'],
hookleftarrow: ['Macro','\\leftarrow\\joinrel\\rhook'],
Longrightarrow: ['Macro','\\Relbar\\joinrel\\Rightarrow'],
longrightarrow: ['Macro','\\relbar\\joinrel\\rightarrow'],
longleftarrow: ['Macro','\\leftarrow\\joinrel\\relbar'],
Longleftarrow: ['Macro','\\Leftarrow\\joinrel\\Relbar'],
longmapsto: ['Macro','\\mathrel{\\mapstochar\\minuschar\\joinrel\\rightarrow}'],
longleftrightarrow: ['Macro','\\leftarrow\\joinrel\\rightarrow'],
Longleftrightarrow: ['Macro','\\Leftarrow\\joinrel\\Rightarrow'],
iff: ['Macro','\\;\\Longleftrightarrow\\;'],
mathcal: ['Macro','{\\cal #1}',1],
mathrm: ['Macro','{\\rm #1}',1],
mathbf: ['Macro','{\\bf #1}',1],
mathbb: ['Macro','{\\bf #1}',1],
mathit: ['Macro','{\\it #1}',1],
textrm: ['Macro','\\mathord{\\hbox{#1}}',1],
textit: ['Macro','\\mathord{\\class{textit}{\\hbox{#1}}}',1],
textbf: ['Macro','\\mathord{\\class{textbf}{\\hbox{#1}}}',1],
pmb: ['Macro','\\rlap{#1}\\kern1px{#1}',1],
TeX: ['Macro','T\\kern-.1667em\\lower.5ex{E}\\kern-.125em X'],
limits: ['Limits',1],
nolimits: ['Limits',0],
',': ['Spacer',1/6],
':': ['Spacer',1/6], // for LaTeX
'>': ['Spacer',2/9],
';': ['Spacer',5/18],
'!': ['Spacer',-1/6],
enspace: ['Spacer',1/2],
quad: ['Spacer',1],
qquad: ['Spacer',2],
thinspace: ['Spacer',1/6],
negthinspace: ['Spacer',-1/6],
hskip: 'Hskip',
kern: 'Hskip',
rule: ['Rule','colored'],
space: ['Rule','blank'],
big: ['MakeBig','ord',0.85],
Big: ['MakeBig','ord',1.15],
bigg: ['MakeBig','ord',1.45],
Bigg: ['MakeBig','ord',1.75],
bigl: ['MakeBig','open',0.85],
Bigl: ['MakeBig','open',1.15],
biggl: ['MakeBig','open',1.45],
Biggl: ['MakeBig','open',1.75],
bigr: ['MakeBig','close',0.85],
Bigr: ['MakeBig','close',1.15],
biggr: ['MakeBig','close',1.45],
Biggr: ['MakeBig','close',1.75],
bigm: ['MakeBig','rel',0.85],
Bigm: ['MakeBig','rel',1.15],
biggm: ['MakeBig','rel',1.45],
Biggm: ['MakeBig','rel',1.75],
mathord: ['HandleAtom','ord'],
mathop: ['HandleAtom','op'],
mathopen: ['HandleAtom','open'],
mathclose: ['HandleAtom','close'],
mathbin: ['HandleAtom','bin'],
mathrel: ['HandleAtom','rel'],
mathpunct: ['HandleAtom','punct'],
mathinner: ['HandleAtom','inner'],
mathchoice: ['Extension','mathchoice'],
buildrel: 'BuildRel',
hbox: 'HBox',
text: 'HBox',
mbox: 'HBox',
fbox: ['Extension','fbox'],
strut: 'Strut',
mathstrut: ['Macro','\\vphantom{(}'],
phantom: ['Phantom',1,1],
vphantom: ['Phantom',1,0],
hphantom: ['Phantom',0,1],
smash: 'Smash',
acute: ['MathAccent', [7,0,0x13]],
grave: ['MathAccent', [7,0,0x12]],
ddot: ['MathAccent', [7,0,0x7F]],
tilde: ['MathAccent', [7,0,0x7E]],
bar: ['MathAccent', [7,0,0x16]],
breve: ['MathAccent', [7,0,0x15]],
check: ['MathAccent', [7,0,0x14]],
hat: ['MathAccent', [7,0,0x5E]],
vec: ['MathAccent', [0,1,0x7E]],
dot: ['MathAccent', [7,0,0x5F]],
widetilde: ['MathAccent', [0,3,0x65]],
widehat: ['MathAccent', [0,3,0x62]],
'_': ['Replace','ord','_','normal',-.4,.1],
' ': ['Replace','ord',' ','normal'],
angle: ['Replace','ord','∠','normal'],
matrix: 'Matrix',
array: 'Matrix', // ### still need to do alignment options ###
pmatrix: ['Matrix','(',')','c'],
cases: ['Matrix','\\{','.',['l','l'],null,2],
eqalign: ['Matrix',null,null,['r','l'],[5/18],3,'D'],
displaylines: ['Matrix',null,null,['c'],null,3,'D'],
cr: 'HandleRow',
'\\': 'HandleRow',
newline: 'HandleRow',
noalign: 'HandleNoAlign',
eqalignno: ['Matrix',null,null,['r','l','r'],[5/8,3],3,'D'],
leqalignno: ['Matrix',null,null,['r','l','r'],[5/8,3],3,'D'],
// LaTeX
begin: 'Begin',
end: 'End',
tiny: ['HandleSize',0],
Tiny: ['HandleSize',1], // non-standard
scriptsize: ['HandleSize',2],
small: ['HandleSize',3],
normalsize: ['HandleSize',4],
large: ['HandleSize',5],
Large: ['HandleSize',6],
LARGE: ['HandleSize',7],
huge: ['HandleSize',8],
Huge: ['HandleSize',9],
dots: ['Macro','\\ldots'],
newcommand: ['Extension','newcommand'],
newenvironment: ['Extension','newcommand'],
def: ['Extension','newcommand'],
// Extensions to TeX
color: ['Extension','HTML'],
href: ['Extension','HTML'],
'class': ['Extension','HTML'],
style: ['Extension','HTML'],
cssId: ['Extension','HTML'],
unicode: ['Extension','HTML'],
bbox: ['Extension','bbox'],
require: 'Require',
// debugging and test routines
'char': 'Char'
* LaTeX environments
environments: {
array: 'Array',
matrix: ['Array',null,null,'c'],
pmatrix: ['Array','(',')','c'],
bmatrix: ['Array','[',']','c'],
Bmatrix: ['Array','\\{','\\}','c'],
vmatrix: ['Array','\\vert','\\vert','c'],
Vmatrix: ['Array','\\Vert','\\Vert','c'],
cases: ['Array','\\{','.','ll',null,2],
eqnarray: ['Array',null,null,'rcl',[5/18,5/18],3,'D'],
align: ['Extension','AMSmath'],
'align*': ['Extension','AMSmath'],
multline: ['Extension','AMSmath'],
'multline*': ['Extension','AMSmath'],
split: ['Extension','AMSmath'],
gather: ['Extension','AMSmath'],
'gather*': ['Extension','AMSmath']
* Add special characters to list above. (This makes it possible
* to define them in a variable that the user can change.)
AddSpecial: function (obj) {
for (var id in obj) {
jsMath.Parser.prototype.special[jsMath.Parser.prototype[id]] = obj[id];
* Throw an error
Error: function (s) {
this.i = this.string.length;
if (s.error) {this.error = s.error} else {
if (!this.error) {this.error = s}
* Check if the next character is a space
nextIsSpace: function () {
return this.string.charAt(this.i) == ' ';
* Trim spaces from a string
trimSpaces: function (text) {
if (typeof(text) != 'string') {return text}
return text.replace(/^\s+|\s+/g,'');
* Parse a substring to get its mList, and return it.
* Check that no errors occured
Process: function (arg) {
var data =;
arg = jsMath.Parse(arg,data.font,data.size,;
if (arg.error) {this.Error(arg); return null}
if (arg.mlist.Length() == 0) {return null}
if (arg.mlist.Length() == 1) {
var atom = arg.mlist.Last();
if (atom.atom && atom.type == 'ord' && atom.nuc &&
!atom.sub && !atom.sup && (atom.nuc.type == 'text' || atom.nuc.type == 'TeX'))
{return atom.nuc}
return {type: 'mlist', mlist: arg.mlist};
* Get and return a control-sequence name from the TeX string
GetCommand: function () {
var letter = /^([a-z]+|.) ?/i;
var cmd = letter.exec(this.string.slice(this.i));
if (cmd) {this.i += cmd[1].length; return cmd[1]}
this.i++; return " ";
* Get and return a TeX argument (either a single character or control sequence,
* or the contents of the next set of braces).
GetArgument: function (name,noneOK) {
while (this.nextIsSpace()) {this.i++}
if (this.i >= this.string.length) {if (!noneOK) this.Error("Missing argument for "+name); return null}
if (this.string.charAt(this.i) == this.close) {if (!noneOK) this.Error("Extra close brace"); return null}
if (this.string.charAt(this.i) == this.cmd) {this.i++; return this.cmd+this.GetCommand()}
if (this.string.charAt(this.i) != {return this.string.charAt(this.i++)}
var j = ++this.i; var pcount = 1; var c = '';
while (this.i < this.string.length) {
c = this.string.charAt(this.i++);
if (c == this.cmd) {this.i++}
else if (c == {pcount++}
else if (c == this.close) {
if (pcount == 0) {this.Error("Extra close brace"); return null}
if (--pcount == 0) {return this.string.slice(j,this.i-1)}
this.Error("Missing close brace");
return null;
* Get an argument and process it into an mList
ProcessArg: function (name) {
var arg = this.GetArgument(name); if (this.error) {return null}
return this.Process(arg);
* Get and process an argument for a super- or subscript.
* (read extra args for \frac, \sqrt, \mathrm, etc.)
* This handles these macros as special cases, so is really
* rather a hack. A more general method for indicating
* how to handle macros in scripts needs to be developed.
ProcessScriptArg: function (name) {
var arg = this.GetArgument(name); if (this.error) {return null}
if (arg.charAt(0) == this.cmd) {
var csname = arg.substr(1);
if (csname == "frac") {
arg += '{'+this.GetArgument(csname)+'}'; if (this.error) {return null}
arg += '{'+this.GetArgument(csname)+'}'; if (this.error) {return null}
} else if (csname == "sqrt") {
arg += '['+this.GetBrackets(csname)+']'; if (this.error) {return null}
arg += '{'+this.GetArgument(csname)+'}'; if (this.error) {return null}
} else if (csname.match(this.scriptargs)) {
arg += '{'+this.GetArgument(csname)+'}'; if (this.error) {return null}
return this.Process(arg);
* Get the name of a delimiter (check it in the delimiter list).
GetDelimiter: function (name) {
while (this.nextIsSpace()) {this.i++}
var c = this.string.charAt(this.i);
if (this.i < this.string.length) {
if (c == this.cmd) {c = '\\'+this.GetCommand(name); if (this.error) return null}
if (this.delimiter[c] != null) {return this.delimiter[c]}
this.Error("Missing or unrecognized delimiter for "+name);
return null;
* Get a dimension (including its units).
* Convert the dimen to em's, except for mu's, which must be
* converted when typeset.
GetDimen: function (name,nomu) {
var rest; var advance = 0;
if (this.nextIsSpace()) {this.i++}
if (this.string.charAt(this.i) == '{') {
rest = this.GetArgument(name);
} else {
rest = this.string.slice(this.i);
advance = 1;
return this.ParseDimen(rest,name,advance,nomu);
ParseDimen: function (dimen,name,advance,nomu) {
var match = dimen.match(/^\s*([-+]?(\.\d+|\d+(\.\d*)?))(pt|em|ex|mu|px)/);
if (!match) {this.Error("Missing dimension or its units for "+name); return null}
if (advance) {
this.i += match[0].length;
if (this.nextIsSpace()) {this.i++}
var d = match[1]-0;
if (match[4] == 'px') {d /= jsMath.em}
else if (match[4] == 'pt') {d /= 10}
else if (match[4] == 'ex') {d *= jsMath.TeX.x_height}
else if (match[4] == 'mu') {if (nomu) {d = d/18} else {d = [d,'mu']}}
return d;
* Get the next non-space character
GetNext: function () {
while (this.nextIsSpace()) {this.i++}
return this.string.charAt(this.i);
* Get an optional LaTeX argument in brackets
GetBrackets: function (name) {
var c = this.GetNext(); if (c != '[') return '';
var start = ++this.i; var pcount = 0;
while (this.i < this.string.length) {
c = this.string.charAt(this.i++);
if (c == '{') {pcount++}
else if (c == '}') {
if (pcount == 0)
{this.Error("Extra close brace while looking for ']'"); return null}
pcount --;
} else if (c == this.cmd) {
} else if (c == ']') {
if (pcount == 0) {return this.string.slice(start,this.i-1)}
this.Error("Couldn't find closing ']' for argument to "+this.cmd+name);
return null;
* Get everything up to the given control sequence name (token)
GetUpto: function (name,token) {
while (this.nextIsSpace()) {this.i++}
var start = this.i; var pcount = 0;
while (this.i < this.string.length) {
var c = this.string.charAt(this.i++);
if (c == '{') {pcount++}
else if (c == '}') {
if (pcount == 0)
{this.Error("Extra close brace while looking for "+this.cmd+token); return null}
pcount --;
} else if (c == this.cmd) {
// really need separate counter for begin/end
// and it should really be a stack (new pcount for each begin)
if (this.string.slice(this.i,this.i+5) == "begin") {pcount++; this.i+=4}
else if (this.string.slice(this.i,this.i+3) == "end") {
if (pcount > 0) {pcount--; this.i += 2}
if (pcount == 0) {
if (this.string.slice(this.i,this.i+token.length) == token) {
c = this.string.charAt(this.i+token.length);
if (c.match(/[^a-z]/i) || !token.match(/[a-z]/i)) {
var arg = this.string.slice(start,this.i-1);
this.i += token.length;
return arg;
this.Error("Couldn't find "+this.cmd+token+" for "+name);
return null;
* Get a parameter delimited by a control sequence, and
* process it to get its mlist
ProcessUpto: function (name,token) {
var arg = this.GetUpto(name,token); if (this.error) return null;
return this.Process(arg);
* Get everything up to \end{env}
GetEnd: function (env) {
var body = ''; var name = '';
while (name != env) {
body += this.GetUpto('begin{'+env+'}','end'); if (this.error) return null;
name = this.GetArgument(this.cmd+'end'); if (this.error) return null;
return body;
* Ignore spaces
Space: function () {},
* Collect together any primes and convert them to a superscript
Prime: function (c) {
var base = this.mlist.Last();
if (base == null || (!base.atom && base.type != 'box' && base.type != 'frac'))
{base = this.mlist.Add(jsMath.mItem.Atom('ord',{type:null}))}
if (base.sup) {this.Error("Prime causes double exponent: use braces to clarify"); return}
var sup = '';
while (c == "'") {sup += this.cmd+'prime'; c = this.GetNext(); if (c == "'") {this.i++}}
base.sup = this.Process(sup);
base.sup.isPrime = 1;
* Raise or lower its parameter by a given amount
* @@@ Note that this is different from TeX, which requires an \hbox @@@
* ### make this work with mu's ###
RaiseLower: function (name) {
var h = this.GetDimen(this.cmd+name,1); if (this.error) return;
var box = this.ProcessScriptArg(this.cmd+name); if (this.error) return;
if (name == 'lower') {h = -h}
this.mlist.Add(new jsMath.mItem('raise',{nuc: box, raise: h}));
* Shift an expression to the right or left
* @@@ Note that this is different from TeX, which requires a \vbox @@@
* ### make this work with mu's ###
MoveLeftRight: function (name) {
var x = this.GetDimen(this.cmd+name,1); if (this.error) return;
var box = this.ProcessArg(this.cmd+name); if (this.error) return;
if (name == 'moveleft') {x = -x}
* Load an extension if it has not already been loaded
Require: function (name) {
var file = this.GetArgument(this.cmd+name); if (this.error) return;
file = jsMath.Extension.URL(file);
if (jsMath.Setup.loaded[file]) return;
* Load an extension file and restart processing the math
Extension: function (name,data) {
jsMath.Translate.restart = 1;
if (name != null) {delete jsMath.Parser.prototype[data[1]||'macros'][name]}
throw "restart";
* Implements \frac{num}{den}
Frac: function (name) {
var num = this.ProcessArg(this.cmd+name); if (this.error) return;
var den = this.ProcessArg(this.cmd+name); if (this.error) return;
* Implements \sqrt[n]{...}
Sqrt: function (name) {
var n = this.GetBrackets(this.cmd+name); if (this.error) return;
var arg = this.ProcessArg(this.cmd+name); if (this.error) return;
var box = jsMath.mItem.Atom('radical',arg);
if (n != '') {box.root = this.Process(n); if (this.error) return}
* Implements \root...\of{...}
Root: function (name) {
var n = this.ProcessUpto(this.cmd+name,'of'); if (this.error) return;
var arg = this.ProcessArg(this.cmd+name); if (this.error) return;
var box = jsMath.mItem.Atom('radical',arg);
box.root = n; this.mlist.Add(box);
* Implements \buildrel...\over{...}
BuildRel: function (name) {
var top = this.ProcessUpto(this.cmd+name,'over'); if (this.error) return;
var bot = this.ProcessArg(this.cmd+name); if (this.error) return;
var op = jsMath.mItem.Atom('op',bot);
op.limits = 1; op.sup = top;
* Create a delimiter of the type and size specified in the parameters
MakeBig: function (name,data) {
var type = data[0]; var h = data[1] * jsMath.p_height;
var delim = this.GetDelimiter(this.cmd+name); if (this.error) return;
* Insert the specified character in the given font.
* (Try to load the font if it is not already available.)
Char: function (name) {
var font = this.GetArgument(this.cmd+name); if (this.error) return;
var n = this.GetArgument(this.cmd+name); if (this.error) return;
if (!jsMath.TeX[font]) {
jsMath.TeX[font] = [];
} else {
* Create an array or matrix.
Matrix: function (name,delim) {
var data =;
var arg = this.GetArgument(this.cmd+name); if (this.error) return;
var parse = new jsMath.Parser(arg+this.cmd+'\\',null,data.size,delim[5] || 'T');
parse.matrix = name; parse.row = []; parse.table = []; parse.rspacing = [];
parse.Parse(); if (parse.error) {this.Error(parse); return}
parse.HandleRow(name,1); // be sure the last row is recorded
var box = jsMath.Box.Layout(data.size,parse.table,delim[2]||null,delim[3]||null,parse.rspacing,delim[4]||null);
// Add parentheses, if needed
if (delim[0] && delim[1]) {
var left = jsMath.Box.Delimiter(box.h+box.d-jsMath.hd/4,this.delimiter[delim[0]],'T');
var right = jsMath.Box.Delimiter(box.h+box.d-jsMath.hd/4,this.delimiter[delim[1]],'T');
box = jsMath.Box.SetList([left,box,right],,data.size);
this.mlist.Add(jsMath.mItem.Atom((delim[0]? 'inner': 'ord'),box));
* When we see an '&', try to add a matrix entry to the row data.
* (Use all the data in the current mList, and then clear it)
HandleEntry: function (name) {
if (!this.matrix)
{this.Error(name+" can only appear in a matrix or array"); return}
if ( != null) {
var open = this.mlist.Get(;
if (open.left) {this.Error("Missing "+this.cmd+"right")}
else {this.Error("Missing close brace")}
if ( != null) {this.mlist.Over()}
var data =;
var box = this.mlist.Typeset(,data.size);
box.entry = data.entry; delete data.entry; if (!box.entry) {box.entry = {}};
this.row[this.row.length] = box;
this.mlist = new jsMath.mList(null,null,data.size,;
* When we see a \cr or \\, try to add a row to the table
HandleRow: function (name,last) {
var dimen;
if (!this.matrix) {this.Error(this.cmd+name+" can only appear in a matrix or array"); return}
if (name == "\\") {
dimen = this.GetBrackets(this.cmd+name); if (this.error) return;
if (dimen) {dimen = this.ParseDimen(dimen,this.cmd+name,0,1)}
if (!last || this.row.length > 1 || this.row[0].format != 'null')
{this.table[this.table.length] = this.row}
if (dimen) {this.rspacing[this.table.length] = dimen}
this.row = [];
* Look for \vskip or \vspace in \noalign parameters
HandleNoAlign: function (name) {
var arg = this.GetArgument(this.cmd+name); if (this.error) return;
var skip = arg.replace(/^.*(vskip|vspace)([^a-z])/i,'$2');
if (skip.length == arg.length) return;
var d = this.ParseDimen(skip,this.cmd+RegExp.$1,0,1); if (this.error) return;
this.rspacing[this.table.length] = (this.rspacing[this.table.length] || 0) + d;
* LaTeX array environment
Array: function (name,delim) {
var columns = delim[2]; var cspacing = delim[3];
if (!columns) {
columns = this.GetArgument(this.cmd+'begin{'+name+'}');
if (this.error) return;
columns = columns.replace(/[^clr]/g,'');
columns = columns.split('');
var data =; var style = delim[5] || 'T';
var arg = this.GetEnd(name); if (this.error) return;
var parse = new jsMath.Parser(arg+this.cmd+'\\',null,data.size,style);
parse.matrix = name; parse.row = []; parse.table = []; parse.rspacing = [];
parse.Parse(); if (parse.error) {this.Error(parse); return}
parse.HandleRow(name,1); // be sure the last row is recorded
var box = jsMath.Box.Layout(data.size,parse.table,columns,cspacing,parse.rspacing,delim[4],delim[6],delim[7]);
// Add parentheses, if needed
if (delim[0] && delim[1]) {
var left = jsMath.Box.Delimiter(box.h+box.d-jsMath.hd/4,this.delimiter[delim[0]],'T');
var right = jsMath.Box.Delimiter(box.h+box.d-jsMath.hd/4,this.delimiter[delim[1]],'T');
box = jsMath.Box.SetList([left,box,right],,data.size);
this.mlist.Add(jsMath.mItem.Atom((delim[0]? 'inner': 'ord'),box));
* LaTeX \begin{env}
Begin: function (name) {
var env = this.GetArgument(this.cmd+name); if (this.error) return;
if (env.match(/[^a-z*]/i)) {this.Error('Invalid environment name "'+env+'"'); return}
if (!this.environments[env]) {this.Error('Unknown environment "'+env+'"'); return}
var cmd = this.environments[env];
if (typeof(cmd) == "string") {cmd = [cmd]}
* LaTeX \end{env}
End: function (name) {
var env = this.GetArgument(this.cmd+name); if (this.error) return;
this.Error(this.cmd+name+'{'+env+'} without matching '+this.cmd+'begin');
* Add a fixed amount of horizontal space
Spacer: function (name,w) {
* Add horizontal space given by the argument
Hskip: function (name) {
var w = this.GetDimen(this.cmd+name); if (this.error) return;
* Typeset the argument as plain text rather than math.
HBox: function (name) {
var text = this.GetArgument(this.cmd+name); if (this.error) return;
var box = jsMath.Box.InternalMath(text,;
* Insert a rule of a particular width, height and depth
* This replaces \hrule and \vrule
* @@@ not a standard TeX command, and all three parameters must be given @@@
Rule: function (name,style) {
var w = this.GetDimen(this.cmd+name,1); if (this.error) return;
var h = this.GetDimen(this.cmd+name,1); if (this.error) return;
var d = this.GetDimen(this.cmd+name,1); if (this.error) return;
h += d; var html;
if (h != 0) {h = Math.max(1.05/jsMath.em,h)}
if (h == 0 || w == 0 || style == "blank")
{html = jsMath.HTML.Blank(w,h)} else {html = jsMath.HTML.Rule(w,h)}
if (d) {
html = '<span style="vertical-align:'+jsMath.HTML.Em(-d)+'">'
+ html + '</span>';
this.mlist.Add(jsMath.mItem.Typeset(new jsMath.Box('html',html,w,h-d,d)));
* Inserts an empty box of a specific height and depth
Strut: function () {
var size =;
var box = jsMath.Box.Text('','normal','T',size).Styled(); = = 0; box.h = .8; box.d = .3; box.w = box.Mw = 0;
* Handles \phantom, \vphantom and \hphantom
Phantom: function (name,data) {
var arg = this.ProcessArg(this.cmd+name); if (this.error) return;
this.mlist.Add(new jsMath.mItem('phantom',{phantom: arg, v: data[0], h: data[1]}));
* Implements \smash
Smash: function (name,data) {
var arg = this.ProcessArg(this.cmd+name); if (this.error) return;
this.mlist.Add(new jsMath.mItem('smash',{smash: arg}));
* Puts an accent on the following argument
MathAccent: function (name,accent) {
var c = this.ProcessArg(this.cmd+name); if (this.error) return;
var atom = jsMath.mItem.Atom('accent',c); atom.accent = accent[0];
* Handles functions and operators like sin, cos, sum, etc.
NamedOp: function (name,data) {
var a = (name.match(/[^acegm-su-z]/)) ? 1: 0;
var d = (name.match(/[gjpqy]/)) ? .2: 0;
if (data[1]) {name = data[1]}
var box = jsMath.mItem.TextAtom('op',name,'cmr10',a,d);
if (data[0] != null) {box.limits = data[0]}
* Implements \limits
Limits: function (name,data) {
var atom = this.mlist.Last();
if (!atom || atom.type != 'op')
{this.Error(this.cmd+name+" is allowed only on operators"); return}
atom.limits = data[0];
* Implements macros like those created by \def. The named control
* sequence is replaced by the string given as the first data value.
* If there is a second data value, this specifies how many arguments
* the macro uses, and in this case, those arguments are substituted
* for #1, #2, etc. within the replacement string.
* See the jsMath.Macro() command below for more details.
* The "newcommand" extension implements \newcommand and \def
* and are loaded automatically if needed.
Macro: function (name,data) {
var text = data[0];
if (data[1]) {
var args = [];
for (var i = 0; i < data[1]; i++)
{args[args.length] = this.GetArgument(this.cmd+name); if (this.error) return}
text = this.SubstituteArgs(args,text);
this.string = this.AddArgs(text,this.string.slice(this.i));
this.i = 0;
* Replace macro paramters with their values
SubstituteArgs: function (args,string) {
var text = ''; var newstring = ''; var c; var i = 0;
while (i < string.length) {
c = string.charAt(i++);
if (c == this.cmd) {text += c + string.charAt(i++)}
else if (c == '#') {
c = string.charAt(i++);
if (c == "#") {text += c} else {
if (!c.match(/[1-9]/) || c > args.length)
{this.Error("Illegal macro parameter reference"); return null}
newstring = this.AddArgs(this.AddArgs(newstring,text),args[c-1]);
text = '';
} else {text += c}
return this.AddArgs(newstring,text);
* Make sure that macros are followed by a space if their names
* could accidentally be continued into the following text.
AddArgs: function (s1,s2) {
if (s2.match(/^[a-z]/i) && s1.match(/(^|[^\\])(\\\\)*\\[a-z]+$/i)) {s1 += ' '}
return s1+s2;
* Replace the control sequence with the given text
Replace: function (name,data) {
* Error for # (must use \#)
Hash: function (name) {
this.Error("You can't use 'macro parameter character #' in math mode");
* Insert space for ~
Tilde: function (name) {
this.mlist.Add(jsMath.mItem.TextAtom('ord',' ','normal'));
* Implements \llap, \rlap, etc.
HandleLap: function (name) {
var box = this.ProcessArg(); if (this.error) return;
box = this.mlist.Add(new jsMath.mItem('lap',{nuc: box, lap: name}));
* Adds the argument as a specific type of atom (for commands like
* \overline, etc.)
HandleAtom: function (name,data) {
var arg = this.ProcessArg(this.cmd+name); if (this.error) return;
* Process the character associated with a specific \mathcharcode
HandleMathCode: function (name,code) {
* Add a specific character from a TeX font (use the current
* font if the type is 7 (variable) or the font is not specified)
* Load the font if it is not already loaded.
HandleTeXchar: function (type,font,code) {
if (type == 7 && != null) {font =}
font = jsMath.TeX.fam[font];
if (!jsMath.TeX[font]) {
jsMath.TeX[font] = [];
} else {
* Add a TeX variable character or number
HandleVariable: function (c) {this.HandleTeXchar(7,1,c.charCodeAt(0))},
HandleNumber: function (c) {this.HandleTeXchar(7,0,c.charCodeAt(0))},
* For unmapped characters, just add them in as normal
* (non-TeX) characters
HandleOther: function (c) {
* Ignore comments in TeX data
* ### Some browsers remove the newlines, so this might cause
* extra stuff to be ignored; look into this ###
HandleComment: function () {
var c;
while (this.i < this.string.length) {
c = this.string.charAt(this.i++);
if (c == "\r" || c == "\n") return;
* Add a style change (e.g., \displaystyle, etc)
HandleStyle: function (name,style) { = style[0];
this.mlist.Add(new jsMath.mItem('style',{style: style[0]}));
* Implements \small, \large, etc.
HandleSize: function (name,size) { = size[0];
this.mlist.Add(new jsMath.mItem('size',{size: size[0]}));
* Set the current font (e.g., \rm, etc)
HandleFont: function (name,font) { = font[0];
* Look for and process a control sequence
HandleCS: function () {
var cmd = this.GetCommand(); if (this.error) return;
if (this.macros[cmd]) {
var macro = this.macros[cmd];
if (typeof(macro) == "string") {macro = [macro]}
this[macro[0]](cmd,macro.slice(1)); return;
if (this.mathchardef[cmd]) {
if (this.delimiter[this.cmd+cmd]) {
this.Error("Unknown control sequence '"+this.cmd+cmd+"'");
* Process open and close braces
HandleOpen: function () {this.mlist.Open()},
HandleClose: function () {
if ( == null) {this.Error("Extra close brace"); return}
var open = this.mlist.Get(;
if (!open || open.left == null) {this.mlist.Close()}
else {this.Error("Extra close brace or missing "+this.cmd+"right"); return}
* Implements \left
HandleLeft: function (name) {
var left = this.GetDelimiter(this.cmd+name); if (this.error) return;
* Implements \right
HandleRight: function (name) {
var right = this.GetDelimiter(this.cmd+name); if (this.error) return;
var open = this.mlist.Get(;
if (open && open.left != null) {this.mlist.Close(right)}
else {this.Error("Extra open brace or missing "+this.cmd+"left");}
* Implements generalized fractions (\over, \above, etc.)
HandleOver: function (name,data) {
if ( != null)
{this.Error('Ambiguous use of '+this.cmd+name); return} = this.mlist.Length(); = {name: name};
if (data.length > 0) { = this.delimiter[data[0]]; = this.delimiter[data[1]];
} else if (name.match(/withdelims$/)) { = this.GetDelimiter(this.cmd+name); if (this.error) return; = this.GetDelimiter(this.cmd+name); if (this.error) return;
} else { = null; = null;
if (name.match(/^above/)) { = this.GetDimen(this.cmd+name,1);
if (this.error) return;
} else { = null;
* Add a superscript to the preceeding atom
HandleSuperscript: function () {
var base = this.mlist.Last();
if ( == this.mlist.Length()) {base = null}
if (base == null || (!base.atom && base.type != 'box' && base.type != 'frac'))
{base = this.mlist.Add(jsMath.mItem.Atom('ord',{type:null}))}
if (base.sup) {
if (base.sup.isPrime) {base = this.mlist.Add(jsMath.mItem.Atom('ord',{type:null}))}
else {this.Error("Double exponent: use braces to clarify"); return}
base.sup = this.ProcessScriptArg('superscript'); if (this.error) return;
* Add a subscript to the preceeding atom
HandleSubscript: function () {
var base = this.mlist.Last();
if ( == this.mlist.Length()) {base = null}
if (base == null || (!base.atom && base.type != 'box' && base.type != 'frac'))
{base = this.mlist.Add(jsMath.mItem.Atom('ord',{type:null}))}
if (base.sub) {this.Error("Double subscripts: use braces to clarify"); return}
base.sub = this.ProcessScriptArg('subscript'); if (this.error) return;
* Parse a TeX math string, handling macros, etc.
Parse: function () {
var c;
while (this.i < this.string.length) {
c = this.string.charAt(this.i++);
if (this.mathchar[c]) {this.HandleMathCode(c,this.mathchar[c])}
else if (this.special[c]) {this[this.special[c]](c)}
else if (this.letter.test(c)) {this.HandleVariable(c)}
else if (this.number.test(c)) {this.HandleNumber(c)}
else {this.HandleOther(c)}
if ( != null) {
var open = this.mlist.Get(;
if (open.left) {this.Error("Missing "+this.cmd+"right")}
else {this.Error("Missing close brace")}
if ( != null) {this.mlist.Over()}
* Perform the processing of Appendix G
Atomize: function () {
var data = this.mlist.init;
if (!this.error) this.mlist.Atomize(,data.size)
* Produce the final HTML.
* We have to wrap the HTML it appropriate <SPAN> tags to hide its
* actual dimensions when these don't match the TeX dimensions of the
* results. We also include an image to force the results to take up
* the right amount of space. The results may need to be vertically
* adjusted to make the baseline appear in the correct place.
Typeset: function () {
var data = this.mlist.init;
var box = this.typeset = this.mlist.Typeset(,data.size);
if (this.error) {return '<span class="error">'+this.error+'</span>'}
if (box.format == 'null') {return ''};
box.Styled().Remeasured(); var isSmall = 0; var isBig = 0;
if ( > box.h && > jsMath.h+.001) {isSmall = 1}
if ( > box.d && > jsMath.d+.001) {isSmall = 1}
if (box.h > jsMath.h || box.d > jsMath.d) {isBig = 1}
var html = box.html;
if (isSmall) {// hide the extra size
if (jsMath.Browser.allowAbsolute) {
var y = 0;
if ( > jsMath.h+.001) {y = jsMath.h -}
if (jsMath.Browser.msieTeXfontBaselineBug &&
jsMath.Controls.cookie.font == 'tex') {y -= jsMath.d}
html = jsMath.HTML.Absolute(html,box.w,jsMath.h,0,y,jsMath.h);
} else if (jsMath.Browser.valignBug) {
// remove line height
html = '<span style="line-height:'+jsMath.HTML.Em(jsMath.d)+';">'
+ html + '</span>';
} else {
// remove line height and try to hide the depth
var dy = jsMath.HTML.Em(Math.max(0,;
html = '<span style="line-height:'+jsMath.HTML.Em(jsMath.d)+';'
+ ' position:relative; top:'+dy+'; vertical-align:'+dy
+ '">' + html + '</span>';
isBig = 1;
if (isBig) {
// add height and depth to the line
// (force a little extra to separate lines if needed)
html += jsMath.HTML.Blank(0,box.h+.05,box.d+.05);
return '<nobr><span class="scale">'+html+'</span></nobr>';
* Make these characters special (and call the given routines)
cmd: 'HandleCS',
open: 'HandleOpen',
close: 'HandleClose'
* The web-page author can call jsMath.Macro to create additional
* TeX macros for use within his or her mathematics. See the
* author's documentation for more details.
Macro: function (name) {
var macro = jsMath.Parser.prototype.macros;
macro[name] = ['Macro'];
for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++)
{macro[name][macro[name].length] = arguments[i]}
* Use these commands to create macros that load
* JavaScript files and reprocess the mathematics when
* the file is loaded. This lets you to have macros or
* LaTeX environments that autoload their own definitions
* only when they are needed, saving initial download time
* on pages where they are not used. See the author's
* documentation for more details.
jsMath.Extension = {
safeRequire: 1, // disables access to files outside of jsMath/extensions
Macro: function (name,file) {
var macro = jsMath.Parser.prototype.macros;
if (file == null) {file = name}
macro[name] = ['Extension',file];
LaTeX: function (env,file) {
var latex = jsMath.Parser.prototype.environments;
latex[env] = ['Extension',file,'environments'];
Font: function (name,font) {
if (font == null) {font = name + "10"}
var macro = jsMath.Parser.prototype.macros;
macro[name] = ['Extension',jsMath.Font.URL(font)];
MathChar: function (font,defs) {
var fam = jsMath.TeX.famName[font];
if (fam == null) {
fam = jsMath.TeX.fam.length;
jsMath.TeX.fam[fam] = font;
jsMath.TeX.famName[font] = fam;
var mathchardef = jsMath.Parser.prototype.mathchardef;
for (var c in defs) {mathchardef[c] = [defs[c][0],fam,defs[c][1]]}
Require: function (file,show) {
if (this.safeRequire && (file.match(/\.\.\/|[^-a-z0-9.\/:_+=%~]/i) ||
(file.match(/:/) && file.substr(0,jsMath.root.length) != jsMath.root))) {
jsMath.Setup.loaded[file] = 1;
URL: function (file) {
file = file.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,'');
if (!file.match(/^([a-z]+:|\/|fonts|extensions\/)/i)) {file = 'extensions/'+file}
if (!file.match(/\.js$/)) {file += '.js'}
return file;
* These routines look through the web page for math elements to process.
* There are two main entry points you can call:
* <script> jsMath.Process() </script>
* or
* <script> jsMath.ProcessBeforeShowing() </script>
* The first will process the page asynchronously (so the user can start
* reading the top of the file while jsMath is still processing the bottom)
* while the second does not update until all the mathematics is typeset.
* Call this at the bottom of your HTML page to have the
* mathematics typeset asynchronously. This lets the user
* start reading the mathematics while the rest of the page
* is being processed.
Process: function (obj) {
* Call this at the bottom of your HTML page to have the
* mathematics typeset before the page is displayed.
* This can take a long time, so the user could cancel the
* page before it is complete; use it with caution, and only
* when there is a relatively small amount of math on the page.
ProcessBeforeShowing: function (obj) {
var method = (jsMath.Controls.cookie.asynch ? "Asynchronous": "Synchronous");
jsMath.Translate = {
element: [], // the list of math elements on the page
cancel: 0, // set to 1 to cancel asynchronous processing
* Parse a TeX string in Text or Display mode and return
* the HTML for it (taking it from the cache, if available)
Parse: function (style,s,noCache) {
var cache = jsMath.Global.cache[style];
if (!cache[jsMath.em]) {cache[jsMath.em] = {}}
var HTML = cache[jsMath.em][s];
if (!HTML || noCache) {
var parse = jsMath.Parse(s,null,null,style);
parse.Atomize(); HTML = parse.Typeset();
if (!noCache) {cache[jsMath.em][s] = HTML}
return HTML;
TextMode: function (s,noCache) {this.Parse('T',s,noCache)},
DisplayMode: function (s,noCache) {this.Parse('D',s,noCache)},
* Return the text of a given DOM element
GetElementText: function (element) {
var text = this.recursiveElementText(element);
element.alt = text;
if ('&') >= 0) {
text = text.replace(/</g,'<');
text = text.replace(/>/g,'>');
text = text.replace(/"/g,'"');
text = text.replace(/&/g,'&');
return text;
recursiveElementText: function (element) {
if (element.nodeValue != null) {return element.nodeValue}
if (element.childNodes.length == 0) {return " "}
var text = '';
for (var i = 0; i < element.childNodes.length; i++)
{text += this.recursiveElementText(element.childNodes[i])}
return text;
* Move hidden to the location of the math element to be
* processed and reinitialize sizes for that location.
ResetHidden: function (element) {
element.innerHTML =
'<span class="jsMath_hiddenSpan" style="position:absolute"></span>'
+ jsMath.Browser.operaHiddenFix; // needed by Opera in tables
element.className = '';
jsMath.hidden = element.firstChild;
if (!jsMath.BBoxFor("x").w) {jsMath.hidden = jsMath.hiddenTop}
* Typeset the contents of an element in \textstyle
ConvertText: function (element,noCache) {
var text = this.GetElementText(element);
if (text.match(/^\s*\\nocache([^a-zA-Z])/))
{noCache = true; text = text.replace(/\s*\\nocache/,'')}
text = this.Parse('T',text,noCache);
element.className = 'typeset';
element.innerHTML = text;
* Typeset the contents of an element in \displaystyle
ConvertDisplay: function (element,noCache) {
var text = this.GetElementText(element);
if (text.match(/^\s*\\nocache([^a-zA-Z])/))
{noCache = true; text = text.replace(/\s*\\nocache/,'')}
text = this.Parse('D',text,noCache);
element.className = 'typeset';
element.innerHTML = text;
* Process a math element
ProcessElement: function (element) {
this.restart = 0;
if (!element.className.match(/(^| )math( |$)/)) return; // don't reprocess elements
var noCache = (element.className.toLowerCase().match(/(^| )nocache( |$)/) != null);
try {
if (element.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'div') {
element.onclick = jsMath.Click.CheckClick;
element.ondblclick = jsMath.Click.CheckDblClick;
} else if (element.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'span') {
element.onclick = jsMath.Click.CheckClick;
element.ondblclick = jsMath.Click.CheckDblClick;
} catch (err) {
if (element.alt) {
var tex = element.alt;
tex = tex.replace(/&/g,'&');
tex = tex.replace(/</g,'<');
tex = tex.replace(/>/g,'>');
element.innerHTML = tex;
element.className = 'math';
if (noCache) {element.className += ' nocache'}
jsMath.hidden = jsMath.hiddenTop;
* Asynchronously process all the math elements starting with
* the k-th one
ProcessElements: function (k) {
jsMath.Script.blocking = 1;
if (k >= this.element.length || this.cancel) {
if (this.cancel) {
jsMath.Message.Set("Process Math: Canceled");
jsMath.Script.blocking = 0;
} else {
var savedQueue = jsMath.Script.SaveQueue();
if (this.restart) {
jsMath.Script.blocking = 0;
} else {
k++; var p = Math.floor(100 * k / this.element.length);
jsMath.Message.Set('Processing Math: '+p+'%');
* Start the asynchronous processing of mathematics
Asynchronous: function (obj) {
if (!jsMath.initialized) {jsMath.Init()}
this.element = this.GetMathElements(obj);
jsMath.Script.blocking = 1;
this.cancel = 0; this.asynchronous = 1;
jsMath.Message.Set('Processing Math: 0%',1);
* Do synchronous processing of mathematics
Synchronous: function (obj,i) {
if (i == null) {
if (!jsMath.initialized) {jsMath.Init()}
this.element = this.GetMathElements(obj);
i = 0;
this.asynchronous = 0;
while (i < this.element.length) {
if (this.restart) {
* Look up all the math elements on the page and
* put them in a list sorted from top to bottom of the page
GetMathElements: function (obj) {
var element = []; var k;
if (!obj) {obj = jsMath.document}
if (typeof(obj) == 'string') {obj = jsMath.document.getElementById(obj)}
if (!obj.getElementsByTagName) return null;
var math = obj.getElementsByTagName('div');
for (k = 0; k < math.length; k++) {
if (math[k].className && math[k].className.match(/(^| )math( |$)/)) {
if (jsMath.Browser.renameOK && obj.getElementsByName)
else {element[element.length] = math[k]}
math = obj.getElementsByTagName('span');
for (k = 0; k < math.length; k++) {
if (math[k].className && math[k].className.match(/(^| )math( |$)/)) {
if (jsMath.Browser.renameOK && obj.getElementsByName)
else {element[element.length] = math[k]}
// this gets the SPAN and DIV elements interleaved in order
if (jsMath.Browser.renameOK && obj.getElementsByName) {
element = obj.getElementsByName('_jsMath_');
} else if (jsMath.hidden.sourceIndex) {
element.sort(function (a,b) {return a.sourceIndex - b.sourceIndex});
return element;
* Remove the window message about processing math
* and clean up any marked <SPAN> or <DIV> tags
ProcessComplete: function (noMessage) {
if (jsMath.Browser.renameOK) {
var element = jsMath.document.getElementsByName('_jsMath_');
for (var i = element.length-1; i >= 0; i--) {
jsMath.hidden = jsMath.hiddenTop;
this.element = []; this.restart = null;
if (!noMessage) {
jsMath.Message.Set('Processing Math: Done');
if (jsMath.Browser.safariImgBug &&
(jsMath.Controls.cookie.font == 'symbol' ||
jsMath.Controls.cookie.font == 'image')) {
// For Safari, the images don't always finish
// updating, so nudge the window to cause a
// redraw. (Hack!)
if (this.timeout) {clearTimeout(this.timeout)}
this.timeout = setTimeout("jsMath.window.resizeBy(-1,0); "
+ "jsMath.window.resizeBy(1,0); "
+ "jsMath.Translate.timeout = null",2000);
* Cancel procesing elements
Cancel: function () {
jsMath.Translate.cancel = 1;
if (jsMath.Script.cancelTimer) {jsMath.Script.cancelLoad()}
// Synchronize these with the loading of the tex2math plugin.
ConvertTeX: function (element) {jsMath.Script.Push(jsMath.tex2math,'ConvertTeX',element)},
ConvertTeX2: function (element) {jsMath.Script.Push(jsMath.tex2math,'ConvertTeX2',element)},
ConvertLaTeX: function (element) {jsMath.Script.Push(jsMath.tex2math,'ConvertLaTeX',element)},
ConvertCustom: function (element) {jsMath.Script.Push(jsMath.tex2math,'ConvertCustom',element)},
CustomSearch: function (om,cm,od,cd) {jsMath.Script.Push(null,function () {jsMath.tex2math.CustomSearch(om,cm,od,cd)})},
tex2math: {
ConvertTeX: function () {},
ConvertTeX2: function () {},
ConvertLaTeX: function () {},
ConvertCustom: function () {},
CustomSearch: function () {}
jsMath.Synchronize = jsMath.Script.Synchronize;
* Initialize things
try {
if (window.parent != window && window.jsMathAutoload) {
window.parent.jsMath = jsMath;
jsMath.document = window.parent.document;
jsMath.window = window.parent;
} catch (err) {}
if (jsMath.document.body) {jsMath.Setup.Body()}
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