Annotation of loncom/html/htmlarea/plugins/SpellChecker/readme-tech.html, revision 1.2

1.1       www         1: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//IETF//DTD HTML 3.2//EN">
                      2: <html>
                      3:   <head>
                      4:     <title>HTMLArea Spell Checker</title>
                      5:   </head>
                      7:   <body>
                      8:     <h1>HTMLArea Spell Checker</h1>
                     10:     <p>The HTMLArea Spell Checker subsystem consists of the following
                     11:       files:</p>
                     13:     <ul>
                     15:       <li>spell-checker.js &mdash; the spell checker plugin interface for
                     16:         HTMLArea</li>
                     18:       <li>spell-checker-ui.html &mdash; the HTML code for the user
                     19:         interface</li>
                     21:       <li>spell-checker-ui.js &mdash; functionality of the user
                     22:         interface</li>
                     24:       <li>spell-checker-logic.cgi &mdash; Perl CGI script that checks a text
                     25:         given through POST for spelling errors</li>
                     27:       <li>spell-checker-style.css &mdash; style for mispelled words</li>
                     29:       <li>lang/en.js &mdash; main language file (English).</li>
                     31:     </ul>
                     33:     <h2>Process overview</h2>
                     35:     <p>
                     36:       When an end-user clicks the "spell-check" button in the HTMLArea
                     37:       editor, a new window is opened with the URL of "spell-check-ui.html".
                     38:       This window initializes itself with the text found in the editor (uses
                     39:       <tt>window.opener.SpellChecker.editor</tt> global variable) and it
                     40:       submits the text to the server-side script "spell-check-logic.cgi".
                     41:       The target of the FORM is an inline frame which is used both to
                     42:       display the text and correcting.
                     43:     </p>
                     45:     <p>
                     46:       Further, spell-check-logic.cgi calls Aspell for each portion of plain
                     47:       text found in the given HTML.  It rebuilds an HTML file that contains
                     48:       clear marks of which words are incorrect, along with suggestions for
                     49:       each of them.  This file is then loaded in the inline frame.  Upon
                     50:       loading, a JavaScript function from "spell-check-ui.js" is called.
                     51:       This function will retrieve all mispelled words from the HTML of the
                     52:       iframe and will setup the user interface so that it allows correction.
                     53:     </p>
                     55:     <h2>The server-side script (spell-check-logic.cgi)</h2>
                     57:     <p>
                     58:       <strong>Unicode safety</strong> &mdash; the program <em>is</em>
                     59:       Unicode safe.  HTML entities are expanded into their corresponding
                     60:       Unicode characters.  These characters will be matched as part of the
                     61:       word passed to Aspell.  All texts passed to Aspell are in Unicode
1.2     ! www        62:       (when appropriate).  <strike>However, Aspell seems to not support Unicode
1.1       www        63:       yet (<a
                     64:         href="">thread concerning Aspell and Unicode</a>).
                     65:       This mean that words containing Unicode
1.2     ! www        66:       characters that are not in 0..255 are likely to be reported as "mispelled" by Aspell.</strike>
1.1       www        67:     </p>
                     69:     <p>
1.2     ! www        70:       <strong style="font-variant: small-caps; color:
        !            71:       red;">Update:</strong> though I've never seen it mentioned
        !            72:       anywhere, it looks that Aspell <em>does</em>, in fact, speak
        !            73:       Unicode.  Or else, maybe <code>Text::Aspell</code> does
        !            74:       transparent conversion; anyway, this new version of our
        !            75:       SpellChecker plugin is, as tests show so far, fully
        !            76:       Unicode-safe... well, probably the <em>only</em> freeware
        !            77:       Web-based spell-checker which happens to have Unicode support.
1.1       www        78:     </p>
                     80:     <p>
                     81:       The Perl Unicode manual (man perluniintro) states:
                     82:     </p>
                     84:     <blockquote>
                     85:       <em>
                     86:         Starting from Perl 5.6.0, Perl has had the capacity to handle Unicode
                     87:         natively.  Perl 5.8.0, however, is the first recommended release for
                     88:         serious Unicode work.  The maintenance release 5.6.1 fixed many of the
                     89:         problems of the initial Unicode implementation, but for example regular
                     90:         expressions still do not work with Unicode in 5.6.1.
                     91:       </em>
                     92:     </blockquote>
                     94:     <p>In other words, do <em>not</em> assume that this script is
                     95:       Unicode-safe on Perl interpreters older than 5.8.0.</p>
                     97:     <p>The following Perl modules are required:</p>
                     99:     <ul>
                    100:       <li><a href="" target="_blank">Text::Aspell</a></li>
1.2     ! www       101:       <li><a href="" target="_blank">XML::DOM</a></li>
1.1       www       102:       <li><a href="" target="_blank">CGI</a></li>
                    103:     </ul>
                    105:     <p>Of these, only Text::Aspell might need to be installed manually.  The
                    106:       others are likely to be available by default in most Perl distributions.</p>
                    108:     <hr />
1.2     ! www       109:     <address><a href="">Mihai Bazon</a></address>
1.1       www       110: <!-- Created: Thu Jul 17 13:22:27 EEST 2003 -->
1.2     ! www       111: <!-- hhmts start --> Last modified: Fri Jan 30 19:14:11 EET 2004 <!-- hhmts end -->
1.1       www       112: <!-- doc-lang: English -->
                    113:   </body>
                    114: </html>

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