Annotation of loncom/html/htmlarea/plugins/TableOperations/table-operations.js, revision 1.1

1.1     ! www         1: // Table Operations Plugin for HTMLArea-3.0
        !             2: // Implementation by Mihai Bazon.  Sponsored by
        !             3: //
        !             4: // htmlArea v3.0 - Copyright (c) 2002, inc.
        !             5: // This notice MUST stay intact for use (see license.txt).
        !             6: //
        !             7: // A free WYSIWYG editor replacement for <textarea> fields.
        !             8: // For full source code and docs, visit
        !             9: //
        !            10: // Version 3.0 developed by Mihai Bazon for InteractiveTools.
        !            11: //
        !            12: //
        !            13: // $Id: table-operations.js,v 1.2 2003/08/10 15:56:35 mishoo Exp $
        !            14: 
        !            15: // Object that will encapsulate all the table operations provided by
        !            16: // HTMLArea-3.0 (except "insert table" which is included in the main file)
        !            17: function TableOperations(editor) {
        !            18: 	this.editor = editor;
        !            19: 
        !            20: 	var cfg = editor.config;
        !            21: 	var tt = TableOperations.I18N;
        !            22: 	var bl = TableOperations.btnList;
        !            23: 	var self = this;
        !            24: 
        !            25: 	// register the toolbar buttons provided by this plugin
        !            26: 	var toolbar = ["linebreak"];
        !            27: 	for (var i in bl) {
        !            28: 		var btn = bl[i];
        !            29: 		if (!btn) {
        !            30: 			toolbar.push("separator");
        !            31: 		} else {
        !            32: 			var id = "TO-" + btn[0];
        !            33: 			cfg.registerButton(id, tt[id], "plugins/TableOperations/img/" + btn[0] + ".gif", false,
        !            34: 					   function(editor, id) {
        !            35: 						   // dispatch button press event
        !            36: 						   self.buttonPress(editor, id);
        !            37: 					   }, btn[1]);
        !            38: 			toolbar.push(id);
        !            39: 		}
        !            40: 	}
        !            41: 
        !            42: 	// add a new line in the toolbar
        !            43: 	cfg.toolbar.push(toolbar);
        !            44: };
        !            45: 
        !            46: /************************
        !            47:  * UTILITIES
        !            48:  ************************/
        !            49: 
        !            50: // retrieves the closest element having the specified tagName in the list of
        !            51: // ancestors of the current selection/caret.
        !            52: TableOperations.prototype.getClosest = function(tagName) {
        !            53: 	var editor = this.editor;
        !            54: 	var ancestors = editor.getAllAncestors();
        !            55: 	var ret = null;
        !            56: 	tagName = ("" + tagName).toLowerCase();
        !            57: 	for (var i in ancestors) {
        !            58: 		var el = ancestors[i];
        !            59: 		if (el.tagName.toLowerCase() == tagName) {
        !            60: 			ret = el;
        !            61: 			break;
        !            62: 		}
        !            63: 	}
        !            64: 	return ret;
        !            65: };
        !            66: 
        !            67: // this function requires the file PopupDiv/PopupWin to be loaded from browser
        !            68: TableOperations.prototype.dialogTableProperties = function() {
        !            69: 	var i18n = TableOperations.I18N;
        !            70: 	// retrieve existing values
        !            71: 	var table = this.getClosest("table");
        !            72: 	// this.editor.selectNodeContents(table);
        !            73: 	// this.editor.updateToolbar();
        !            74: 
        !            75: 	var dialog = new PopupWin(this.editor, i18n["Table Properties"], function(dialog, params) {
        !            76: 		TableOperations.processStyle(params, table);
        !            77: 		for (var i in params) {
        !            78: 			var val = params[i];
        !            79: 			switch (i) {
        !            80: 			    case "f_caption":
        !            81: 				if (/\S/.test(val)) {
        !            82: 					// contains non white-space characters
        !            83: 					var caption = table.getElementsByTagName("caption")[0];
        !            84: 					if (!caption) {
        !            85: 						caption = dialog.editor._doc.createElement("caption");
        !            86: 						table.insertBefore(caption, table.firstChild);
        !            87: 					}
        !            88: 					caption.innerHTML = val;
        !            89: 				} else {
        !            90: 					// search for caption and delete it if found
        !            91: 					var caption = table.getElementsByTagName("caption")[0];
        !            92: 					if (caption) {
        !            93: 						caption.parentNode.removeChild(caption);
        !            94: 					}
        !            95: 				}
        !            96: 				break;
        !            97: 			    case "f_summary":
        !            98: 				table.summary = val;
        !            99: 				break;
        !           100: 			    case "f_width":
        !           101: = ("" + val) + params.f_unit;
        !           102: 				break;
        !           103: 			    case "f_align":
        !           104: 				table.align = val;
        !           105: 				break;
        !           106: 			    case "f_spacing":
        !           107: 				table.cellSpacing = val;
        !           108: 				break;
        !           109: 			    case "f_padding":
        !           110: 				table.cellPadding = val;
        !           111: 				break;
        !           112: 			    case "f_borders":
        !           113: 				table.border = val;
        !           114: 				break;
        !           115: 			    case "f_frames":
        !           116: 				table.frame = val;
        !           117: 				break;
        !           118: 			    case "f_rules":
        !           119: 				table.rules = val;
        !           120: 				break;
        !           121: 			}
        !           122: 		}
        !           123: 		// various workarounds to refresh the table display (Gecko,
        !           124: 		// what's going on?! do not disappoint me!)
        !           125: 		dialog.editor.forceRedraw();
        !           126: 		dialog.editor.focusEditor();
        !           127: 		dialog.editor.updateToolbar();
        !           128: 		var save_collapse =;
        !           129: = "collapse";
        !           130: = "separate";
        !           131: = save_collapse;
        !           132: 	},
        !           133: 
        !           134: 	// this function gets called when the dialog needs to be initialized
        !           135: 	function (dialog) {
        !           136: 
        !           137: 		var f_caption = "";
        !           138: 		var capel = table.getElementsByTagName("caption")[0];
        !           139: 		if (capel) {
        !           140: 			f_caption = capel.innerHTML;
        !           141: 		}
        !           142: 		var f_summary = table.summary;
        !           143: 		var f_width = parseInt(;
        !           144: 		isNaN(f_width) && (f_width = "");
        !           145: 		var f_unit = /%/.test( ? 'percent' : 'pixels';
        !           146: 		var f_align = table.align;
        !           147: 		var f_spacing = table.cellSpacing;
        !           148: 		var f_padding = table.cellPadding;
        !           149: 		var f_borders = table.border;
        !           150: 		var f_frames = table.frame;
        !           151: 		var f_rules = table.rules;
        !           152: 
        !           153: 		function selected(val) {
        !           154: 			return val ? " selected" : "";
        !           155: 		};
        !           156: 
        !           157: 		// dialog contents
        !           158: = "400px";
        !           159: 		dialog.content.innerHTML = " \
        !           160: <div class='title'\
        !           161:  style='background: url(" + dialog.baseURL + dialog.editor.imgURL("table-prop.gif", "TableOperations") + ") #fff 98% 50% no-repeat'>" + i18n["Table Properties"] + "\
        !           162: </div> \
        !           163: <table style='width:100%'> \
        !           164:   <tr> \
        !           165:     <td> \
        !           166:       <fieldset><legend>" + i18n["Description"] + "</legend> \
        !           167:        <table style='width:100%'> \
        !           168:         <tr> \
        !           169:           <td class='label'>" + i18n["Caption"] + ":</td> \
        !           170:           <td class='value'><input type='text' name='f_caption' value='" + f_caption + "'/></td> \
        !           171:         </tr><tr> \
        !           172:           <td class='label'>" + i18n["Summary"] + ":</td> \
        !           173:           <td class='value'><input type='text' name='f_summary' value='" + f_summary + "'/></td> \
        !           174:         </tr> \
        !           175:        </table> \
        !           176:       </fieldset> \
        !           177:     </td> \
        !           178:   </tr> \
        !           179:   <tr><td id='--HA-layout'></td></tr> \
        !           180:   <tr> \
        !           181:     <td> \
        !           182:       <fieldset><legend>" + i18n["Spacing and padding"] + "</legend> \
        !           183:        <table style='width:100%'> \
        !           184: "+//        <tr> \
        !           185: //           <td class='label'>" + i18n["Width"] + ":</td> \
        !           186: //           <td><input type='text' name='f_width' value='" + f_width + "' size='5' /> \
        !           187: //             <select name='f_unit'> \
        !           188: //               <option value='%'" + selected(f_unit == "percent") + ">" + i18n["percent"] + "</option> \
        !           189: //               <option value='px'" + selected(f_unit == "pixels") + ">" + i18n["pixels"] + "</option> \
        !           190: //             </select> &nbsp;&nbsp;" + i18n["Align"] + ": \
        !           191: //             <select name='f_align'> \
        !           192: //               <option value='left'" + selected(f_align == "left") + ">" + i18n["Left"] + "</option> \
        !           193: //               <option value='center'" + selected(f_align == "center") + ">" + i18n["Center"] + "</option> \
        !           194: //               <option value='right'" + selected(f_align == "right") + ">" + i18n["Right"] + "</option> \
        !           195: //             </select> \
        !           196: //           </td> \
        !           197: //         </tr> \
        !           198: "        <tr> \
        !           199:           <td class='label'>" + i18n["Spacing"] + ":</td> \
        !           200:           <td><input type='text' name='f_spacing' size='5' value='" + f_spacing + "' /> &nbsp;" + i18n["Padding"] + ":\
        !           201:             <input type='text' name='f_padding' size='5' value='" + f_padding + "' /> &nbsp;&nbsp;" + i18n["pixels"] + "\
        !           202:           </td> \
        !           203:         </tr> \
        !           204:        </table> \
        !           205:       </fieldset> \
        !           206:     </td> \
        !           207:   </tr> \
        !           208:   <tr> \
        !           209:     <td> \
        !           210:       <fieldset><legend>Frame and borders</legend> \
        !           211:         <table width='100%'> \
        !           212:           <tr> \
        !           213:             <td class='label'>" + i18n["Borders"] + ":</td> \
        !           214:             <td><input name='f_borders' type='text' size='5' value='" + f_borders + "' /> &nbsp;&nbsp;" + i18n["pixels"] + "</td> \
        !           215:           </tr> \
        !           216:           <tr> \
        !           217:             <td class='label'>" + i18n["Frames"] + ":</td> \
        !           218:             <td> \
        !           219:               <select name='f_frames'> \
        !           220:                 <option value='void'" + selected(f_frames == "void") + ">" + i18n["No sides"] + "</option> \
        !           221:                 <option value='above'" + selected(f_frames == "above") + ">" + i18n["The top side only"] + "</option> \
        !           222:                 <option value='below'" + selected(f_frames == "below") + ">" + i18n["The bottom side only"] + "</option> \
        !           223:                 <option value='hsides'" + selected(f_frames == "hsides") + ">" + i18n["The top and bottom sides only"] + "</option> \
        !           224:                 <option value='vsides'" + selected(f_frames == "vsides") + ">" + i18n["The right and left sides only"] + "</option> \
        !           225:                 <option value='lhs'" + selected(f_frames == "lhs") + ">" + i18n["The left-hand side only"] + "</option> \
        !           226:                 <option value='rhs'" + selected(f_frames == "rhs") + ">" + i18n["The right-hand side only"] + "</option> \
        !           227:                 <option value='box'" + selected(f_frames == "box") + ">" + i18n["All four sides"] + "</option> \
        !           228:               </select> \
        !           229:             </td> \
        !           230:           </tr> \
        !           231:           <tr> \
        !           232:             <td class='label'>" + i18n["Rules"] + ":</td> \
        !           233:             <td> \
        !           234:               <select name='f_rules'> \
        !           235:                 <option value='none'" + selected(f_rules == "none") + ">" + i18n["No rules"] + "</option> \
        !           236:                 <option value='rows'" + selected(f_rules == "rows") + ">" + i18n["Rules will appear between rows only"] + "</option> \
        !           237:                 <option value='cols'" + selected(f_rules == "cols") + ">" + i18n["Rules will appear between columns only"] + "</option> \
        !           238:                 <option value='all'" + selected(f_rules == "all") + ">" + i18n["Rules will appear between all rows and columns"] + "</option> \
        !           239:               </select> \
        !           240:             </td> \
        !           241:           </tr> \
        !           242:         </table> \
        !           243:       </fieldset> \
        !           244:     </td> \
        !           245:   </tr> \
        !           246:   <tr> \
        !           247:     <td id='--HA-style'></td> \
        !           248:   </tr> \
        !           249: </table> \
        !           250: ";
        !           251: 		var st_prop = TableOperations.createStyleFieldset(dialog.doc, dialog.editor, table);
        !           252: 		var p = dialog.doc.getElementById("--HA-style");
        !           253: 		p.appendChild(st_prop);
        !           254: 		var st_layout = TableOperations.createStyleLayoutFieldset(dialog.doc, dialog.editor, table);
        !           255: 		p = dialog.doc.getElementById("--HA-layout");
        !           256: 		p.appendChild(st_layout);
        !           257: 		dialog.modal = true;
        !           258: 		dialog.addButtons("ok", "cancel");
        !           259: 		dialog.showAtElement(dialog.editor._iframe, "c");
        !           260: 	});
        !           261: };
        !           262: 
        !           263: // this function requires the file PopupDiv/PopupWin to be loaded from browser
        !           264: TableOperations.prototype.dialogRowCellProperties = function(cell) {
        !           265: 	var i18n = TableOperations.I18N;
        !           266: 	// retrieve existing values
        !           267: 	var element = this.getClosest(cell ? "td" : "tr");
        !           268: 	var table = this.getClosest("table");
        !           269: 	// this.editor.selectNodeContents(element);
        !           270: 	// this.editor.updateToolbar();
        !           271: 
        !           272: 	var dialog = new PopupWin(this.editor, i18n[cell ? "Cell Properties" : "Row Properties"], function(dialog, params) {
        !           273: 		TableOperations.processStyle(params, element);
        !           274: 		for (var i in params) {
        !           275: 			var val = params[i];
        !           276: 			switch (i) {
        !           277: 			    case "f_align":
        !           278: 				element.align = val;
        !           279: 				break;
        !           280: 			    case "f_char":
        !           281: = val;
        !           282: 				break;
        !           283: 			    case "f_valign":
        !           284: 				element.vAlign = val;
        !           285: 				break;
        !           286: 			}
        !           287: 		}
        !           288: 		// various workarounds to refresh the table display (Gecko,
        !           289: 		// what's going on?! do not disappoint me!)
        !           290: 		dialog.editor.forceRedraw();
        !           291: 		dialog.editor.focusEditor();
        !           292: 		dialog.editor.updateToolbar();
        !           293: 		var save_collapse =;
        !           294: = "collapse";
        !           295: = "separate";
        !           296: = save_collapse;
        !           297: 	},
        !           298: 
        !           299: 	// this function gets called when the dialog needs to be initialized
        !           300: 	function (dialog) {
        !           301: 
        !           302: 		var f_align = element.align;
        !           303: 		var f_valign = element.vAlign;
        !           304: 		var f_char =;
        !           305: 
        !           306: 		function selected(val) {
        !           307: 			return val ? " selected" : "";
        !           308: 		};
        !           309: 
        !           310: 		// dialog contents
        !           311: = "400px";
        !           312: 		dialog.content.innerHTML = " \
        !           313: <div class='title'\
        !           314:  style='background: url(" + dialog.baseURL + dialog.editor.imgURL(cell ? "cell-prop.gif" : "row-prop.gif", "TableOperations") + ") #fff 98% 50% no-repeat'>" + i18n[cell ? "Cell Properties" : "Row Properties"] + "</div> \
        !           315: <table style='width:100%'> \
        !           316:   <tr> \
        !           317:     <td id='--HA-layout'> \
        !           318: "+//      <fieldset><legend>" + i18n["Layout"] + "</legend> \
        !           319: //        <table style='width:100%'> \
        !           320: //         <tr> \
        !           321: //           <td class='label'>" + i18n["Align"] + ":</td> \
        !           322: //           <td> \
        !           323: //             <select name='f_align'> \
        !           324: //               <option value='left'" + selected(f_align == "left") + ">" + i18n["Left"] + "</option> \
        !           325: //               <option value='center'" + selected(f_align == "center") + ">" + i18n["Center"] + "</option> \
        !           326: //               <option value='right'" + selected(f_align == "right") + ">" + i18n["Right"] + "</option> \
        !           327: //               <option value='char'" + selected(f_align == "char") + ">" + i18n["Char"] + "</option> \
        !           328: //             </select> \
        !           329: //             &nbsp;&nbsp;" + i18n["Char"] + ": \
        !           330: //             <input type='text' style='font-family: monospace; text-align: center' name='f_char' size='1' value='" + f_char + "' /> \
        !           331: //           </td> \
        !           332: //         </tr><tr> \
        !           333: //           <td class='label'>" + i18n["Vertical align"] + ":</td> \
        !           334: //           <td> \
        !           335: //             <select name='f_valign'> \
        !           336: //               <option value='top'" + selected(f_valign == "top") + ">" + i18n["Top"] + "</option> \
        !           337: //               <option value='middle'" + selected(f_valign == "middle") + ">" + i18n["Middle"] + "</option> \
        !           338: //               <option value='bottom'" + selected(f_valign == "bottom") + ">" + i18n["Bottom"] + "</option> \
        !           339: //               <option value='baseline'" + selected(f_valign == "baseline") + ">" + i18n["Baseline"] + "</option> \
        !           340: //             </select> \
        !           341: //           </td> \
        !           342: //         </tr> \
        !           343: //        </table> \
        !           344: //       </fieldset> \
        !           345: "    </td> \
        !           346:   </tr> \
        !           347:   <tr> \
        !           348:     <td id='--HA-style'></td> \
        !           349:   </tr> \
        !           350: </table> \
        !           351: ";
        !           352: 		var st_prop = TableOperations.createStyleFieldset(dialog.doc, dialog.editor, element);
        !           353: 		var p = dialog.doc.getElementById("--HA-style");
        !           354: 		p.appendChild(st_prop);
        !           355: 		var st_layout = TableOperations.createStyleLayoutFieldset(dialog.doc, dialog.editor, element);
        !           356: 		p = dialog.doc.getElementById("--HA-layout");
        !           357: 		p.appendChild(st_layout);
        !           358: 		dialog.modal = true;
        !           359: 		dialog.addButtons("ok", "cancel");
        !           360: 		dialog.showAtElement(dialog.editor._iframe, "c");
        !           361: 	});
        !           362: };
        !           363: 
        !           364: // this function gets called when some button from the TableOperations toolbar
        !           365: // was pressed.
        !           366: TableOperations.prototype.buttonPress = function(editor, button_id) {
        !           367: 	this.editor = editor;
        !           368: 	var mozbr = HTMLArea.is_gecko ? "<br />" : "";
        !           369: 	var i18n = TableOperations.I18N;
        !           370: 
        !           371: 	// helper function that clears the content in a table row
        !           372: 	function clearRow(tr) {
        !           373: 		var tds = tr.getElementsByTagName("td");
        !           374: 		for (var i = tds.length; --i >= 0;) {
        !           375: 			var td = tds[i];
        !           376: 			td.rowSpan = 1;
        !           377: 			td.innerHTML = mozbr;
        !           378: 		}
        !           379: 	};
        !           380: 
        !           381: 	function splitRow(td) {
        !           382: 		var n = parseInt("" + td.rowSpan);
        !           383: 		var nc = parseInt("" + td.colSpan);
        !           384: 		td.rowSpan = 1;
        !           385: 		tr = td.parentNode;
        !           386: 		var itr = tr.rowIndex;
        !           387: 		var trs = tr.parentNode.rows;
        !           388: 		var index = td.cellIndex;
        !           389: 		while (--n > 0) {
        !           390: 			tr = trs[++itr];
        !           391: 			var otd = editor._doc.createElement("td");
        !           392: 			otd.colSpan = td.colSpan;
        !           393: 			otd.innerHTML = mozbr;
        !           394: 			tr.insertBefore(otd, tr.cells[index]);
        !           395: 		}
        !           396: 		editor.forceRedraw();
        !           397: 		editor.updateToolbar();
        !           398: 	};
        !           399: 
        !           400: 	function splitCol(td) {
        !           401: 		var nc = parseInt("" + td.colSpan);
        !           402: 		td.colSpan = 1;
        !           403: 		tr = td.parentNode;
        !           404: 		var ref = td.nextSibling;
        !           405: 		while (--nc > 0) {
        !           406: 			var otd = editor._doc.createElement("td");
        !           407: 			otd.rowSpan = td.rowSpan;
        !           408: 			otd.innerHTML = mozbr;
        !           409: 			tr.insertBefore(otd, ref);
        !           410: 		}
        !           411: 		editor.forceRedraw();
        !           412: 		editor.updateToolbar();
        !           413: 	};
        !           414: 
        !           415: 	function splitCell(td) {
        !           416: 		var nc = parseInt("" + td.colSpan);
        !           417: 		splitCol(td);
        !           418: 		var items = td.parentNode.cells;
        !           419: 		var index = td.cellIndex;
        !           420: 		while (nc-- > 0) {
        !           421: 			splitRow(items[index++]);
        !           422: 		}
        !           423: 	};
        !           424: 
        !           425: 	function selectNextNode(el) {
        !           426: 		var node = el.nextSibling;
        !           427: 		while (node && node.nodeType != 1) {
        !           428: 			node = node.nextSibling;
        !           429: 		}
        !           430: 		if (!node) {
        !           431: 			node = el.previousSibling;
        !           432: 			while (node && node.nodeType != 1) {
        !           433: 				node = node.previousSibling;
        !           434: 			}
        !           435: 		}
        !           436: 		if (!node) {
        !           437: 			node = el.parentNode;
        !           438: 		}
        !           439: 		editor.selectNodeContents(node);
        !           440: 	};
        !           441: 
        !           442: 	switch (button_id) {
        !           443: 		// ROWS
        !           444: 
        !           445: 	    case "TO-row-insert-above":
        !           446: 	    case "TO-row-insert-under":
        !           447: 		var tr = this.getClosest("tr");
        !           448: 		if (!tr) {
        !           449: 			break;
        !           450: 		}
        !           451: 		var otr = tr.cloneNode(true);
        !           452: 		clearRow(otr);
        !           453: 		tr.parentNode.insertBefore(otr, /under/.test(button_id) ? tr.nextSibling : tr);
        !           454: 		editor.forceRedraw();
        !           455: 		editor.focusEditor();
        !           456: 		break;
        !           457: 	    case "TO-row-delete":
        !           458: 		var tr = this.getClosest("tr");
        !           459: 		if (!tr) {
        !           460: 			break;
        !           461: 		}
        !           462: 		var par = tr.parentNode;
        !           463: 		if (par.rows.length == 1) {
        !           464: 			alert(i18n["not-del-last-row"]);
        !           465: 			break;
        !           466: 		}
        !           467: 		// set the caret first to a position that doesn't
        !           468: 		// disappear.
        !           469: 		selectNextNode(tr);
        !           470: 		par.removeChild(tr);
        !           471: 		editor.forceRedraw();
        !           472: 		editor.focusEditor();
        !           473: 		editor.updateToolbar();
        !           474: 		break;
        !           475: 	    case "TO-row-split":
        !           476: 		var td = this.getClosest("td");
        !           477: 		if (!td) {
        !           478: 			break;
        !           479: 		}
        !           480: 		splitRow(td);
        !           481: 		break;
        !           482: 
        !           483: 		// COLUMNS
        !           484: 
        !           485: 	    case "TO-col-insert-before":
        !           486: 	    case "TO-col-insert-after":
        !           487: 		var td = this.getClosest("td");
        !           488: 		if (!td) {
        !           489: 			break;
        !           490: 		}
        !           491: 		var rows = td.parentNode.parentNode.rows;
        !           492: 		var index = td.cellIndex;
        !           493: 		for (var i = rows.length; --i >= 0;) {
        !           494: 			var tr = rows[i];
        !           495: 			var ref = tr.cells[index + (/after/.test(button_id) ? 1 : 0)];
        !           496: 			var otd = editor._doc.createElement("td");
        !           497: 			otd.innerHTML = mozbr;
        !           498: 			tr.insertBefore(otd, ref);
        !           499: 		}
        !           500: 		editor.focusEditor();
        !           501: 		break;
        !           502: 	    case "TO-col-split":
        !           503: 		var td = this.getClosest("td");
        !           504: 		if (!td) {
        !           505: 			break;
        !           506: 		}
        !           507: 		splitCol(td);
        !           508: 		break;
        !           509: 	    case "TO-col-delete":
        !           510: 		var td = this.getClosest("td");
        !           511: 		if (!td) {
        !           512: 			break;
        !           513: 		}
        !           514: 		var index = td.cellIndex;
        !           515: 		if (td.parentNode.cells.length == 1) {
        !           516: 			alert(i18n["not-del-last-col"]);
        !           517: 			break;
        !           518: 		}
        !           519: 		// set the caret first to a position that doesn't disappear
        !           520: 		selectNextNode(td);
        !           521: 		var rows = td.parentNode.parentNode.rows;
        !           522: 		for (var i = rows.length; --i >= 0;) {
        !           523: 			var tr = rows[i];
        !           524: 			tr.removeChild(tr.cells[index]);
        !           525: 		}
        !           526: 		editor.forceRedraw();
        !           527: 		editor.focusEditor();
        !           528: 		editor.updateToolbar();
        !           529: 		break;
        !           530: 
        !           531: 		// CELLS
        !           532: 
        !           533: 	    case "TO-cell-split":
        !           534: 		var td = this.getClosest("td");
        !           535: 		if (!td) {
        !           536: 			break;
        !           537: 		}
        !           538: 		splitCell(td);
        !           539: 		break;
        !           540: 	    case "TO-cell-insert-before":
        !           541: 	    case "TO-cell-insert-after":
        !           542: 		var td = this.getClosest("td");
        !           543: 		if (!td) {
        !           544: 			break;
        !           545: 		}
        !           546: 		var tr = td.parentNode;
        !           547: 		var otd = editor._doc.createElement("td");
        !           548: 		otd.innerHTML = mozbr;
        !           549: 		tr.insertBefore(otd, /after/.test(button_id) ? td.nextSibling : td);
        !           550: 		editor.forceRedraw();
        !           551: 		editor.focusEditor();
        !           552: 		break;
        !           553: 	    case "TO-cell-delete":
        !           554: 		var td = this.getClosest("td");
        !           555: 		if (!td) {
        !           556: 			break;
        !           557: 		}
        !           558: 		if (td.parentNode.cells.length == 1) {
        !           559: 			alert(i18n["not-del-last-cell"]);
        !           560: 			break;
        !           561: 		}
        !           562: 		// set the caret first to a position that doesn't disappear
        !           563: 		selectNextNode(td);
        !           564: 		td.parentNode.removeChild(td);
        !           565: 		editor.forceRedraw();
        !           566: 		editor.updateToolbar();
        !           567: 		break;
        !           568: 	    case "TO-cell-merge":
        !           569: 		// !! FIXME: Mozilla specific !!
        !           570: 		var sel = editor._getSelection();
        !           571: 		var range, i = 0;
        !           572: 		var rows = [];
        !           573: 		var row = null;
        !           574: 		var cells = null;
        !           575: 		if (!HTMLArea.is_ie) {
        !           576: 			try {
        !           577: 				while (range = sel.getRangeAt(i++)) {
        !           578: 					var td = range.startContainer.childNodes[range.startOffset];
        !           579: 					if (td.parentNode != row) {
        !           580: 						row = td.parentNode;
        !           581: 						(cells) && rows.push(cells);
        !           582: 						cells = [];
        !           583: 					}
        !           584: 					cells.push(td);
        !           585: 				}
        !           586: 			} catch(e) {/* finished walking through selection */}
        !           587: 			rows.push(cells);
        !           588: 		} else {
        !           589: 			// Internet Explorer "browser"
        !           590: 			var td = this.getClosest("td");
        !           591: 			if (!td) {
        !           592: 				alert(i18n["Please click into some cell"]);
        !           593: 				break;
        !           594: 			}
        !           595: 			var tr = td.parentElement;
        !           596: 			var no_cols = prompt(i18n["How many columns would you like to merge?"], 2);
        !           597: 			if (!no_cols) {
        !           598: 				// cancelled
        !           599: 				break;
        !           600: 			}
        !           601: 			var no_rows = prompt(i18n["How many rows would you like to merge?"], 2);
        !           602: 			if (!no_rows) {
        !           603: 				// cancelled
        !           604: 				break;
        !           605: 			}
        !           606: 			var cell_index = td.cellIndex;
        !           607: 			while (no_rows-- > 0) {
        !           608: 				td = tr.cells[cell_index];
        !           609: 				cells = [td];
        !           610: 				for (var i = 1; i < no_cols; ++i) {
        !           611: 					td = td.nextSibling;
        !           612: 					if (!td) {
        !           613: 						break;
        !           614: 					}
        !           615: 					cells.push(td);
        !           616: 				}
        !           617: 				rows.push(cells);
        !           618: 				tr = tr.nextSibling;
        !           619: 				if (!tr) {
        !           620: 					break;
        !           621: 				}
        !           622: 			}
        !           623: 		}
        !           624: 		var HTML = "";
        !           625: 		for (i = 0; i < rows.length; ++i) {
        !           626: 			// i && (HTML += "<br />");
        !           627: 			var cells = rows[i];
        !           628: 			for (var j = 0; j < cells.length; ++j) {
        !           629: 				// j && (HTML += "&nbsp;");
        !           630: 				var cell = cells[j];
        !           631: 				HTML += cell.innerHTML;
        !           632: 				(i || j) && (cell.parentNode.removeChild(cell));
        !           633: 			}
        !           634: 		}
        !           635: 		var td = rows[0][0];
        !           636: 		td.innerHTML = HTML;
        !           637: 		td.rowSpan = rows.length;
        !           638: 		td.colSpan = rows[0].length;
        !           639: 		editor.selectNodeContents(td);
        !           640: 		editor.forceRedraw();
        !           641: 		editor.focusEditor();
        !           642: 		break;
        !           643: 
        !           644: 		// PROPERTIES
        !           645: 
        !           646: 	    case "TO-table-prop":
        !           647: 		this.dialogTableProperties();
        !           648: 		break;
        !           649: 
        !           650: 	    case "TO-row-prop":
        !           651: 		this.dialogRowCellProperties(false);
        !           652: 		break;
        !           653: 
        !           654: 	    case "TO-cell-prop":
        !           655: 		this.dialogRowCellProperties(true);
        !           656: 		break;
        !           657: 
        !           658: 	    default:
        !           659: 		alert("Button [" + button_id + "] not yet implemented");
        !           660: 	}
        !           661: };
        !           662: 
        !           663: // the list of buttons added by this plugin
        !           664: TableOperations.btnList = [
        !           665: 	// table properties button
        !           666: 	["table-prop",       "table"],
        !           667: 	null,			// separator
        !           668: 
        !           669: 	// ROWS
        !           670: 	["row-prop",         "tr"],
        !           671: 	["row-insert-above", "tr"],
        !           672: 	["row-insert-under", "tr"],
        !           673: 	["row-delete",       "tr"],
        !           674: 	["row-split",        "td[rowSpan!=1]"],
        !           675: 	null,
        !           676: 
        !           677: 	// COLS
        !           678: 	["col-insert-before", "td"],
        !           679: 	["col-insert-after",  "td"],
        !           680: 	["col-delete",        "td"],
        !           681: 	["col-split",         "td[colSpan!=1]"],
        !           682: 	null,
        !           683: 
        !           684: 	// CELLS
        !           685: 	["cell-prop",          "td"],
        !           686: 	["cell-insert-before", "td"],
        !           687: 	["cell-insert-after",  "td"],
        !           688: 	["cell-delete",        "td"],
        !           689: 	["cell-merge",         "tr"],
        !           690: 	["cell-split",         "td[colSpan!=1,rowSpan!=1]"]
        !           691: 	];
        !           692: 
        !           693: 
        !           694: 
        !           695: //// GENERIC CODE [style of any element; this should be moved into a separate
        !           696: //// file as it'll be very useful]
        !           697: //// BEGIN GENERIC CODE -----------------------------------------------------
        !           698: 
        !           699: TableOperations.getLength = function(value) {
        !           700: 	var len = parseInt(value);
        !           701: 	if (isNaN(len)) {
        !           702: 		len = "";
        !           703: 	}
        !           704: 	return len;
        !           705: };
        !           706: 
        !           707: // Applies the style found in "params" to the given element.
        !           708: TableOperations.processStyle = function(params, element) {
        !           709: 	var style =;
        !           710: 	for (var i in params) {
        !           711: 		var val = params[i];
        !           712: 		switch (i) {
        !           713: 		    case "f_st_backgroundColor":
        !           714: 			style.backgroundColor = val;
        !           715: 			break;
        !           716: 		    case "f_st_color":
        !           717: 			style.color = val;
        !           718: 			break;
        !           719: 		    case "f_st_backgroundImage":
        !           720: 			if (/\S/.test(val)) {
        !           721: 				style.backgroundImage = "url(" + val + ")";
        !           722: 			} else {
        !           723: 				style.backgroundImage = "none";
        !           724: 			}
        !           725: 			break;
        !           726: 		    case "f_st_borderWidth":
        !           727: 			style.borderWidth = val;
        !           728: 			break;
        !           729: 		    case "f_st_borderStyle":
        !           730: 			style.borderStyle = val;
        !           731: 			break;
        !           732: 		    case "f_st_borderColor":
        !           733: 			style.borderColor = val;
        !           734: 			break;
        !           735: 		    case "f_st_borderCollapse":
        !           736: 			style.borderCollapse = val ? "collapse" : "";
        !           737: 			break;
        !           738: 		    case "f_st_width":
        !           739: 			if (/\S/.test(val)) {
        !           740: 				style.width = val + params["f_st_widthUnit"];
        !           741: 			} else {
        !           742: 				style.width = "";
        !           743: 			}
        !           744: 			break;
        !           745: 		    case "f_st_height":
        !           746: 			if (/\S/.test(val)) {
        !           747: 				style.height = val + params["f_st_heightUnit"];
        !           748: 			} else {
        !           749: 				style.height = "";
        !           750: 			}
        !           751: 			break;
        !           752: 		    case "f_st_textAlign":
        !           753: 			if (val == "char") {
        !           754: 				var ch = params["f_st_textAlignChar"];
        !           755: 				if (ch == '"') {
        !           756: 					ch = '\\"';
        !           757: 				}
        !           758: 				style.textAlign = '"' + ch + '"';
        !           759: 			} else {
        !           760: 				style.textAlign = val;
        !           761: 			}
        !           762: 			break;
        !           763: 		    case "f_st_verticalAlign":
        !           764: 			style.verticalAlign = val;
        !           765: 			break;
        !           766: 		    case "f_st_float":
        !           767: 			style.cssFloat = val;
        !           768: 			break;
        !           769: // 		    case "f_st_margin":
        !           770: // 			style.margin = val + "px";
        !           771: // 			break;
        !           772: // 		    case "f_st_padding":
        !           773: // 			style.padding = val + "px";
        !           774: // 			break;
        !           775: 		}
        !           776: 	}
        !           777: };
        !           778: 
        !           779: // Returns an HTML element for a widget that allows color selection.  That is,
        !           780: // a button that contains the given color, if any, and when pressed will popup
        !           781: // the sooner-or-later-to-be-rewritten select_color.html dialog allowing user
        !           782: // to select some color.  If a color is selected, an input field with the name
        !           783: // "f_st_"+name will be updated with the color value in #123456 format.
        !           784: TableOperations.createColorButton = function(doc, editor, color, name) {
        !           785: 	if (!color) {
        !           786: 		color = "";
        !           787: 	} else if (!/#/.test(color)) {
        !           788: 		color = HTMLArea._colorToRgb(color);
        !           789: 	}
        !           790: 
        !           791: 	var df = doc.createElement("span");
        !           792:  	var field = doc.createElement("input");
        !           793: 	field.type = "hidden";
        !           794: 	df.appendChild(field);
        !           795: = "f_st_" + name;
        !           796: 	field.value = color;
        !           797: 	var button = doc.createElement("span");
        !           798: 	button.className = "buttonColor";
        !           799: 	df.appendChild(button);
        !           800: 	var span = doc.createElement("span");
        !           801: 	span.className = "chooser";
        !           802: 	// span.innerHTML = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;";
        !           803: = color;
        !           804: 	button.appendChild(span);
        !           805: 	button.onmouseover = function() { if (!this.disabled) { this.className += " buttonColor-hilite"; }};
        !           806: 	button.onmouseout = function() { if (!this.disabled) { this.className = "buttonColor"; }};
        !           807: 	span.onclick = function() {
        !           808: 		if (this.parentNode.disabled) {
        !           809: 			return false;
        !           810: 		}
        !           811: 		editor._popupDialog("select_color.html", function(color) {
        !           812: 			if (color) {
        !           813: = "#" + color;
        !           814: 				field.value = "#" + color;
        !           815: 			}
        !           816: 		}, color);
        !           817: 	};
        !           818: 	var span2 = doc.createElement("span");
        !           819: 	span2.innerHTML = "&#x00d7;";
        !           820: 	span2.className = "nocolor";
        !           821: 	span2.title = TableOperations.I18N["Unset color"];
        !           822: 	button.appendChild(span2);
        !           823: 	span2.onmouseover = function() { if (!this.parentNode.disabled) { this.className += " nocolor-hilite"; }};
        !           824: 	span2.onmouseout = function() { if (!this.parentNode.disabled) { this.className = "nocolor"; }};
        !           825: 	span2.onclick = function() {
        !           826: = "";
        !           827: 		field.value = "";
        !           828: 	};
        !           829: 	return df;
        !           830: };
        !           831: 
        !           832: TableOperations.createStyleLayoutFieldset = function(doc, editor, el) {
        !           833: 	var i18n = TableOperations.I18N;
        !           834: 	var fieldset = doc.createElement("fieldset");
        !           835: 	var legend = doc.createElement("legend");
        !           836: 	fieldset.appendChild(legend);
        !           837: 	legend.innerHTML = i18n["Layout"];
        !           838: 	var table = doc.createElement("table");
        !           839: 	fieldset.appendChild(table);
        !           840: = "100%";
        !           841: 	var tbody = doc.createElement("tbody");
        !           842: 	table.appendChild(tbody);
        !           843: 
        !           844: 	var tagname = el.tagName.toLowerCase();
        !           845: 	var tr, td, input, select, option, options, i;
        !           846: 
        !           847: 	if (tagname != "td" && tagname != "tr" && tagname != "th") {
        !           848: 		tr = doc.createElement("tr");
        !           849: 		tbody.appendChild(tr);
        !           850: 		td = doc.createElement("td");
        !           851: 		td.className = "label";
        !           852: 		tr.appendChild(td);
        !           853: 		td.innerHTML = i18n["Float"] + ":";
        !           854: 		td = doc.createElement("td");
        !           855: 		tr.appendChild(td);
        !           856: 		select = doc.createElement("select");
        !           857: 		td.appendChild(select);
        !           858: = "f_st_float";
        !           859: 		options = ["None", "Left", "Right"];
        !           860: 		for (i in options) {
        !           861: 			var Val = options[i];
        !           862: 			var val = options[i].toLowerCase();
        !           863: 			option = doc.createElement("option");
        !           864: 			option.innerHTML = i18n[Val];
        !           865: 			option.value = val;
        !           866: 			option.selected = (("" + == val);
        !           867: 			select.appendChild(option);
        !           868: 		}
        !           869: 	}
        !           870: 
        !           871: 	tr = doc.createElement("tr");
        !           872: 	tbody.appendChild(tr);
        !           873: 	td = doc.createElement("td");
        !           874: 	td.className = "label";
        !           875: 	tr.appendChild(td);
        !           876: 	td.innerHTML = i18n["Width"] + ":";
        !           877: 	td = doc.createElement("td");
        !           878: 	tr.appendChild(td);
        !           879: 	input = doc.createElement("input");
        !           880: 	input.type = "text";
        !           881: 	input.value = TableOperations.getLength(;
        !           882: 	input.size = "5";
        !           883: = "f_st_width";
        !           884: = "0.5em";
        !           885: 	td.appendChild(input);
        !           886: 	select = doc.createElement("select");
        !           887: = "f_st_widthUnit";
        !           888: 	option = doc.createElement("option");
        !           889: 	option.innerHTML = i18n["percent"];
        !           890: 	option.value = "%";
        !           891: 	option.selected = /%/.test(;
        !           892: 	select.appendChild(option);
        !           893: 	option = doc.createElement("option");
        !           894: 	option.innerHTML = i18n["pixels"];
        !           895: 	option.value = "px";
        !           896: 	option.selected = /px/.test(;
        !           897: 	select.appendChild(option);
        !           898: 	td.appendChild(select);
        !           899: 
        !           900: = "0.5em";
        !           901: 	td.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(i18n["Text align"] + ":"));
        !           902: 	select = doc.createElement("select");
        !           903: = = "0.5em";
        !           904: 	td.appendChild(select);
        !           905: = "f_st_textAlign";
        !           906: 	options = ["Left", "Center", "Right", "Justify"];
        !           907: 	if (tagname == "td") {
        !           908: 		options.push("Char");
        !           909: 	}
        !           910: 	input = doc.createElement("input");
        !           911: = "f_st_textAlignChar";
        !           912: 	input.size = "1";
        !           913: = "monospace";
        !           914: 	td.appendChild(input);
        !           915: 	for (i in options) {
        !           916: 		var Val = options[i];
        !           917: 		var val = Val.toLowerCase();
        !           918: 		option = doc.createElement("option");
        !           919: 		option.value = val;
        !           920: 		option.innerHTML = i18n[Val];
        !           921: 		option.selected = ( == val);
        !           922: 		select.appendChild(option);
        !           923: 	}
        !           924: 	function setCharVisibility(value) {
        !           925: = value ? "visible" : "hidden";
        !           926: 		if (value) {
        !           927: 			input.focus();
        !           928:;
        !           929: 		}
        !           930: 	};
        !           931: 	select.onchange = function() { setCharVisibility(this.value == "char"); };
        !           932: 	setCharVisibility(select.value == "char");
        !           933: 
        !           934: 	tr = doc.createElement("tr");
        !           935: 	tbody.appendChild(tr);
        !           936: 	td = doc.createElement("td");
        !           937: 	td.className = "label";
        !           938: 	tr.appendChild(td);
        !           939: 	td.innerHTML = i18n["Height"] + ":";
        !           940: 	td = doc.createElement("td");
        !           941: 	tr.appendChild(td);
        !           942: 	input = doc.createElement("input");
        !           943: 	input.type = "text";
        !           944: 	input.value = TableOperations.getLength(;
        !           945: 	input.size = "5";
        !           946: = "f_st_height";
        !           947: = "0.5em";
        !           948: 	td.appendChild(input);
        !           949: 	select = doc.createElement("select");
        !           950: = "f_st_heightUnit";
        !           951: 	option = doc.createElement("option");
        !           952: 	option.innerHTML = i18n["percent"];
        !           953: 	option.value = "%";
        !           954: 	option.selected = /%/.test(;
        !           955: 	select.appendChild(option);
        !           956: 	option = doc.createElement("option");
        !           957: 	option.innerHTML = i18n["pixels"];
        !           958: 	option.value = "px";
        !           959: 	option.selected = /px/.test(;
        !           960: 	select.appendChild(option);
        !           961: 	td.appendChild(select);
        !           962: 
        !           963: = "0.5em";
        !           964: 	td.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(i18n["Vertical align"] + ":"));
        !           965: 	select = doc.createElement("select");
        !           966: = "f_st_verticalAlign";
        !           967: = "0.5em";
        !           968: 	td.appendChild(select);
        !           969: 	options = ["Top", "Middle", "Bottom", "Baseline"];
        !           970: 	for (i in options) {
        !           971: 		var Val = options[i];
        !           972: 		var val = Val.toLowerCase();
        !           973: 		option = doc.createElement("option");
        !           974: 		option.value = val;
        !           975: 		option.innerHTML = i18n[Val];
        !           976: 		option.selected = ( == val);
        !           977: 		select.appendChild(option);
        !           978: 	}
        !           979: 
        !           980: 	return fieldset;
        !           981: };
        !           982: 
        !           983: // Returns an HTML element containing the style attributes for the given
        !           984: // element.  This can be easily embedded into any dialog; the functionality is
        !           985: // also provided.
        !           986: TableOperations.createStyleFieldset = function(doc, editor, el) {
        !           987: 	var i18n = TableOperations.I18N;
        !           988: 	var fieldset = doc.createElement("fieldset");
        !           989: 	var legend = doc.createElement("legend");
        !           990: 	fieldset.appendChild(legend);
        !           991: 	legend.innerHTML = i18n["CSS Style"];
        !           992: 	var table = doc.createElement("table");
        !           993: 	fieldset.appendChild(table);
        !           994: = "100%";
        !           995: 	var tbody = doc.createElement("tbody");
        !           996: 	table.appendChild(tbody);
        !           997: 
        !           998: 	var tr, td, input, select, option, options, i;
        !           999: 
        !          1000: 	tr = doc.createElement("tr");
        !          1001: 	tbody.appendChild(tr);
        !          1002: 	td = doc.createElement("td");
        !          1003: 	tr.appendChild(td);
        !          1004: 	td.className = "label";
        !          1005: 	td.innerHTML = i18n["Background"] + ":";
        !          1006: 	td = doc.createElement("td");
        !          1007: 	tr.appendChild(td);
        !          1008: 	var df = TableOperations.createColorButton(doc, editor,, "backgroundColor");
        !          1009: = "0.5em";
        !          1010: 	td.appendChild(df);
        !          1011: 	td.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(i18n["Image URL"] + ": "));
        !          1012: 	input = doc.createElement("input");
        !          1013: 	input.type = "text";
        !          1014: = "f_st_backgroundImage";
        !          1015: 	if (\(\s*(.*?)\s*\)/)) {
        !          1016: 		input.value = RegExp.$1;
        !          1017: 	}
        !          1018: 	// = "100%";
        !          1019: 	td.appendChild(input);
        !          1020: 
        !          1021: 	tr = doc.createElement("tr");
        !          1022: 	tbody.appendChild(tr);
        !          1023: 	td = doc.createElement("td");
        !          1024: 	tr.appendChild(td);
        !          1025: 	td.className = "label";
        !          1026: 	td.innerHTML = i18n["FG Color"] + ":";
        !          1027: 	td = doc.createElement("td");
        !          1028: 	tr.appendChild(td);
        !          1029: 	td.appendChild(TableOperations.createColorButton(doc, editor,, "color"));
        !          1030: 
        !          1031: 	// for better alignment we include an invisible field.
        !          1032: 	input = doc.createElement("input");
        !          1033: = "hidden";
        !          1034: 	input.type = "text";
        !          1035: 	td.appendChild(input);
        !          1036: 
        !          1037: 	tr = doc.createElement("tr");
        !          1038: 	tbody.appendChild(tr);
        !          1039: 	td = doc.createElement("td");
        !          1040: 	tr.appendChild(td);
        !          1041: 	td.className = "label";
        !          1042: 	td.innerHTML = i18n["Border"] + ":";
        !          1043: 	td = doc.createElement("td");
        !          1044: 	tr.appendChild(td);
        !          1045: 
        !          1046: 	var colorButton = TableOperations.createColorButton(doc, editor,, "borderColor");
        !          1047: 	var btn = colorButton.firstChild.nextSibling;
        !          1048: 	td.appendChild(colorButton);
        !          1049: 	// borderFields.push(btn);
        !          1050: = "0.5em";
        !          1051: 
        !          1052: 	select = doc.createElement("select");
        !          1053: 	var borderFields = [];
        !          1054: 	td.appendChild(select);
        !          1055: = "f_st_borderStyle";
        !          1056: 	options = ["none", "dotted", "dashed", "solid", "double", "groove", "ridge", "inset", "outset"];
        !          1057: 	var currentBorderStyle =;
        !          1058: 	// Gecko reports "solid solid solid solid" for "border-style: solid".
        !          1059: 	// That is, "top right bottom left" -- we only consider the first
        !          1060: 	// value.
        !          1061: 	(currentBorderStyle.match(/([^\s]*)\s/)) && (currentBorderStyle = RegExp.$1);
        !          1062: 	for (i in options) {
        !          1063: 		var val = options[i];
        !          1064: 		option = doc.createElement("option");
        !          1065: 		option.value = val;
        !          1066: 		option.innerHTML = val;
        !          1067: 		(val == currentBorderStyle) && (option.selected = true);
        !          1068: 		select.appendChild(option);
        !          1069: 	}
        !          1070: = "0.5em";
        !          1071: 	function setBorderFieldsStatus(value) {
        !          1072: 		for (i in borderFields) {
        !          1073: 			var el = borderFields[i];
        !          1074: = value ? "hidden" : "visible";
        !          1075: 			if (!value && (el.tagName.toLowerCase() == "input")) {
        !          1076: 				el.focus();
        !          1077:;
        !          1078: 			}
        !          1079: 		}
        !          1080: 	};
        !          1081: 	select.onchange = function() { setBorderFieldsStatus(this.value == "none"); };
        !          1082: 
        !          1083: 	input = doc.createElement("input");
        !          1084: 	borderFields.push(input);
        !          1085: 	input.type = "text";
        !          1086: = "f_st_borderWidth";
        !          1087: 	input.value = TableOperations.getLength(;
        !          1088: 	input.size = "5";
        !          1089: 	td.appendChild(input);
        !          1090: = "0.5em";
        !          1091: 	var span = doc.createElement("span");
        !          1092: 	span.innerHTML = i18n["pixels"];
        !          1093: 	td.appendChild(span);
        !          1094: 	borderFields.push(span);
        !          1095: 
        !          1096: 	setBorderFieldsStatus(select.value == "none");
        !          1097: 
        !          1098: 	if (el.tagName.toLowerCase() == "table") {
        !          1099: 		// the border-collapse style is only for tables
        !          1100: 		tr = doc.createElement("tr");
        !          1101: 		tbody.appendChild(tr);
        !          1102: 		td = doc.createElement("td");
        !          1103: 		td.className = "label";
        !          1104: 		tr.appendChild(td);
        !          1105: 		input = doc.createElement("input");
        !          1106: 		input.type = "checkbox";
        !          1107: = "f_st_borderCollapse";
        !          1108: = "f_st_borderCollapse";
        !          1109: 		var val = (/collapse/i.test(;
        !          1110: 		input.checked = val ? 1 : 0;
        !          1111: 		td.appendChild(input);
        !          1112: 
        !          1113: 		td = doc.createElement("td");
        !          1114: 		tr.appendChild(td);
        !          1115: 		var label = doc.createElement("label");
        !          1116: 		label.htmlFor = "f_st_borderCollapse";
        !          1117: 		label.innerHTML = i18n["Collapsed borders"];
        !          1118: 		td.appendChild(label);
        !          1119: 	}
        !          1120: 
        !          1121: // 	tr = doc.createElement("tr");
        !          1122: // 	tbody.appendChild(tr);
        !          1123: // 	td = doc.createElement("td");
        !          1124: // 	td.className = "label";
        !          1125: // 	tr.appendChild(td);
        !          1126: // 	td.innerHTML = i18n["Margin"] + ":";
        !          1127: // 	td = doc.createElement("td");
        !          1128: // 	tr.appendChild(td);
        !          1129: // 	input = doc.createElement("input");
        !          1130: // 	input.type = "text";
        !          1131: // 	input.size = "5";
        !          1132: // = "f_st_margin";
        !          1133: // 	td.appendChild(input);
        !          1134: // = "0.5em";
        !          1135: // 	td.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(i18n["Padding"] + ":"));
        !          1136: 
        !          1137: // 	input = doc.createElement("input");
        !          1138: // 	input.type = "text";
        !          1139: // 	input.size = "5";
        !          1140: // = "f_st_padding";
        !          1141: // 	td.appendChild(input);
        !          1142: // = "0.5em";
        !          1143: // = "0.5em";
        !          1144: // 	td.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(i18n["pixels"]));
        !          1145: 
        !          1146: 	return fieldset;
        !          1147: };
        !          1148: 
        !          1149: //// END GENERIC CODE -------------------------------------------------------

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