Annotation of loncom/html/res/adm/pages/bookmarkmenu/bookmarkpal.html, revision 1.2
1.1 tyszkabe 1: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//IETF//DTD HTML//EN">
2: <html>
3: <head>
1.2 ! tyszkabe 4: <title>
! 5: My Framed Annotations
! 6: </title>
! 7:
! 8: <script LANGUAGE="JavaScript">
! 9:
! 10: // This stuff is supplied by the perl mod. It contains all of the user defined bookmarks
! 11: // The builds the object of the users bookmarks.
! 12: function buildUserTree() {
! 13:
! 14: this.bookmarks = new addFolder("Stuff", 6, "none");
! 15: this.bookmarks.p[1] = new addLink("MSU Engine3ering", "", "bookmarks.p[1]");
! 16: this.bookmarks.p[2] = new addLink("MSU Engine2ering", "", "bookmarks.p[2]");
! 17: this.bookmarks.p[3] = new addFolder("more crap", 5, "bookmarks.p[3]");
! 18: this.bookmarks.p[3].p[1] = new addLink("more of a test actually", "", "bookmarks.p[3].p[1]");
! 19: this.bookmarks.p[3].p[2] = new addLink("ALL CAPS PLEASE!", "", "bookmarks.p[3].p[2]");
! 20: this.bookmarks.p[3].p[3] = new addFolder("double nested", 2, "bookmarks.p[3].p[3]");
! 21: this.bookmarks.p[3].p[3].p[1] = new addLink("Test 12alphbravotango", "", "bookmarks.p[3].p[3].p[1]");
! 22: this.bookmarks.p[3].p[3].p[2] = new addFolder("empty folder", 1, "bookmarks.p[3].p[3].p[2]");
! 23: this.bookmarks.p[3].p[3].p[2].p[1] = new addLink("buried deeply", "", "bookmarks.p[3].p[3].p[2].p[1]");
! 24: this.bookmarks.p[3].p[4] = new addLink("simon and Garfunkle", "", "bookmarks.p[3].p[4]");
! 25: this.bookmarks.p[3].p[5] = new addLink("garbage in garbage out", "", "bookmarks.p[3].p[5]");
! 26: this.bookmarks.p[4] = new addLink("MSU Engin4eering", "st4uffcom", "bookmarks.p[4]");
! 27: this.bookmarks.p[5] = new addFolder("more x2", 3, "bookmarks.p[5]");
! 28: this.bookmarks.p[5].p[1] = new addLink("Whack a holy mole", "", "bookmarks.p[5].p[1]");
! 29: this.bookmarks.p[5].p[2] = new addLink("molly moldy mole", "", "bookmarks.p[5].p[2]");
! 30: this.bookmarks.p[5].p[3] = new addLink("Thou art even more holy", "", "bookmarks.p[5].p[3]");
! 31: this.bookmarks.p[6] = new addLink("Google", "", "bookmarks.p[6]");
! 32: }
! 33:
! 34:
! 35: // Adds a link to an object.
! 36: function addLink(name, link, address) {
! 37: = name;
! 38: = link;
! 39: this.address = address;
! 40: this.state = "link";
! 41: }
! 42:
! 43:
! 44: // Adds a folder to an object.
! 45: function addFolder(name, size, address) {
! 46: this.p = new Array(size);
! 47: = name;
! 48: this.address = address;
! 49: this.state = "opened";
! 50: }
! 51:
! 52:
! 53: // Swaps folder state from open to closed.
! 54: // There's probably a better way to do this.
! 55: function clickOnFolder(folder) {
! 56: if (folder.state == "closed") {
! 57: folder.state = "opened";
! 58: } else {
! 59: folder.state = "closed";
! 60: }
! 61: redrawTree(1, bookmarkpal.bookmarks.p);
! 62: }
! 63:
! 64:
! 65:
! 66: // Recursive function to generate the Tree HTML code
! 67: function drawTree(depth, folder) {
! 68: for ( var i = 1; i < folder.length; i++) {
! 69: if ( i == folder.length - 1) {
! 70: var shape = "L";
! 71: } else {
! 72: var shape = "T";
! 73: }
! 74: if ( folder[i].state == "link") {
! 75: drawLink(depth, folder[i], shape);
! 76: } else {
! 77: drawFolder(depth, folder[i], shape);
! 78: if ( folder[i].state == "opened" && folder[i].p.length >= 0 ) {
! 79: drawTree( depth+1, folder[i].p);
! 80: }
! 81: }
! 82: }
! 83: }
! 84:
! 85:
! 86:
! 87: // Writes HTML code for individual folder.
! 88: function drawFolder(depth, folder, shape) {
! 89: parent.frames[4].document.write("<TABLE border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><TR><TD valign = middle nowrap>");
! 90: while ( depth > 1 ) {
! 91: parent.frames[4].document.write("<IMG src='line_vertical.gif' width=15 height=25>");
! 92: depth--;
! 93: }
! 94: if (shape == "L") {
! 95: parent.frames[4].document.write("<IMG src='line_l_shape.gif' width=15 height=25>");
! 96: } else {
! 97: parent.frames[4].document.write("<IMG src='line_side_T.gif' width=15 height=25>");
! 98: }
! 99: parent.frames[4].document.write("<A href=\"javascript:top.clickOnFolder(top.bookmarkpal."+folder.address+")\"><IMG src='folder_"+folder.state+".gif' width=25 height=25 border=noborder></A>");
! 100: parent.frames[4].document.write("<TD valign=middle align=left nowrap><FONT size=-1 face='Arial, Helvetica'>""</FONT></TABLE>");
! 101: }
! 102:
! 103:
! 104: // Writes HTML code for individual link
! 105: function drawLink(depth, folder, shape) {
! 106: parent.frames[4].document.write("<TABLE border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><TR><TD valign = middle nowrap>");
! 107: while ( depth > 1 ) {
! 108: parent.frames[4].document.write("<IMG src='line_vertical.gif' width=15 height=25>");
! 109: depth--;
! 110: }
! 111: if (shape == "L") {
! 112: parent.frames[4].document.write("<IMG src='line_l_shape.gif' width=15 height=25>");
! 113: } else {
! 114: parent.frames[4].document.write("<IMG src='line_side_T.gif' width=15 height=25>");
! 115: }
! 116: parent.frames[4].document.write("<A href=\"javascript:top.clickOnBookmark\( '""\' );\"><IMG src='link.gif' width=25 height=25 border=noborder></A>");
! 117: parent.frames[4].document.write("<TD valign=middle align=left nowrap><FONT size=-1 face='Arial, Helvetica'><A href=\"javascript:top.clickOnBookmark\( '""\' );\">""</a></FONT></TABLE>");
! 118: }
! 119:
! 120:
! 121: // function dragObject() {
! 122: // }
! 123:
! 124: // Opens a bookmark to the main window
! 125: function clickOnBookmark(url) {
! 126: opener.location.href=url;
! 127: }
! 128:
! 129: // function saveToLonCapa() {
! 130: // }
! 131:
! 132:
! 133: // Calls Build and draws functions. This function also takes
! 134: // care of housekeeping
! 135: function initializeTree() {
! 136: // The following is Javascript 1.2 stuff. I'm not supposed to
! 137: // use it and it doesn't seem to work anyways!
! 138: // top.captureEvents(events.RESIZE);
! 139: // top.onresize=redrawTree();
! 140: bookmarkpal = new buildUserTree();
! 141: parent.frames[4].document.write("<BODY>");
! 142: drawTree(1, bookmarkpal.bookmarks.p);
! 143: parent.frames[4].document.write("</BODY>");
! 144: }
! 145:
! 146: function redrawTree() {
! 147: parent.frames[4].document.clear();
! 148: parent.frames[4].document.write("<BODY>");
! 149: drawTree(1, bookmarkpal.bookmarks.p);
! 150: parent.frames[4].document.write("</BODY>");
! 151: }
! 152:
! 153:
! 154:
! 155: //var current_mode="preview"
! 156: //var available_mode="edit"
! 157: //var dumb_swap='change_this';
! 158:
! 159: //function swap_mode() {
! 160: // dumb_swap = available_mode;
! 161: // available_mode = current_mode;
! 162: // current_mode = dumb_swap;
! 163:
! 164: // update_button();
! 165: // update_content();
! 166:
! 167: //}
! 168:
! 169: //function update_button() {
! 170: // this.document['previewedit'].src = "button_" + available_mode + ".gif";
! 171: //}
! 172:
! 173: //function update_content() {
! 174: // parent.frames[4].location.href = "annotator_content_" + current_mode + ".html"
! 175: //}
! 176:
! 177: </script>
! 178:
! 179:
! 180:
1.1 tyszkabe 181: </head>
183: <FRAMESET rows="25, *, 30, 25" topmargin=0 leftmargin=0 marginheight=0 marginwidth=0 frameborder="0" border="0" framespacing="0" >
185: <FRAMESET cols="25, *, 25" frameborder="0" borders="0" framespacing="0">
186: <FRAME src="annotator_ul.html" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="no">
187: <FRAME src="annotator_uu.html" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="no">
188: <FRAME src="annotator_ur.html" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="no">
189: </FRAMESET>
192: <FRAMESET name="contentb" cols="25, *, 25" frameborder="0" borders="0" framespacing="0">
193: <FRAME src="annotator_left.html" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="no">
194: <FRAME name="content" src="loading_bookmarks.html" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="auto">
195: <FRAME src="annotator_right.html" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="no">
196: </FRAMESET>
199: <FRAMESET cols="25, *, 25" frameborder="0" borders="0" framespacing="0">
200: <FRAME src="annotator_left.html" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="no">
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207: <FRAME src="annotator_ll.html" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="no">
208: <FRAME src="annotator_bb.html" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="no">
209: <FRAME src="annotator_lr.html" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="no">
210: </FRAMESET>
213: </FRAMESET>
215: </html>
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