Annotation of loncom/html/res/adm/pages/bookmarkmenu/bookmarklib.js, revision 1.23

1.19      albertel    1: // The LearningOnline Network with CAPA
1.1       tyszkabe    2: // bookmarklib.js
1.19      albertel    3: // 
1.23    ! bisitz      4: // $Id: bookmarklib.js,v 1.22 2009/02/13 20:20:23 schafran Exp $
1.19      albertel    5: // 
                      6: // Copyright Michigan State University Board of Trustees
                      7: // 
                      8: // This file is part of the LearningOnline Network with CAPA (LON-CAPA).
                      9: // 
                     10: // LON-CAPA is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
                     11: // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
                     12: // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
                     13: // (at your option) any later version.
                     14: // 
                     15: // LON-CAPA is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
                     16: // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
                     17: // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the
                     18: // GNU General Public License for more details.
                     19: // 
                     20: // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
                     21: // along with LON-CAPA; if not, write to the Free Software
                     22: // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
                     23: //
                     24: // /home/httpd/html/adm/gpl.txt
                     25: //
                     26: // 
                     27: //
1.1       tyszkabe   28: //
1.12      tyszkabe   29: // This is a rewritten version of bookmarklib.js
1.1       tyszkabe   30: //
1.12      tyszkabe   31: // Functions to be combined with the HTML code found in
                     32: // The combination will provide a complete
                     33: // functionality for the bookmarkmenu in accordance to defined
                     34: // requirements.
                     35: //
                     36: // For further information and documentation regarding this program,
                     37: // please refer to bookmarkmenu_OOD.txt, the design documentation for
                     38: // bookmarkmenu.
                     39: //
                     40: //
                     41: //
                     42: // The perl module interacts with this library by
                     43: // generating a page that includes bookmarklib.js and a JavaScript
                     44: // function initializeTree() that builds the the tree using successive
                     45: // newLink() and newFolder() calls and one cache=new newCache() call.
                     46: // The entire newLink()/newFolder() succession is the string that is
                     47: // stored in the userspace on Lon-Capa as bookmarks.
                     48: //
                     49: //
                     50: //                          Created on: 12-28-2000   by Benjamin Tyszka
                     51: //                              Edited: 12-29-2000   by Benjamin Tyszka
                     52: //                                      mm-dd-yyyy   by Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxx
1.18      tyszkabe   55: //clienttitle="Enter title here";//debug
                     56: //clienthref="Enter url here"; //debug
                     58: //function ugh_oh( msg, url, ln ) {
                     59: //   alert("Error: "+msg+" in "+url+" at line: "+ln);
                     60: //   return true; 
                     61: //}
                     63: //alert("Does alert even work?");
                     65: //window.onerror=ugh_oh;
                     66: //this.onerror=ugh_oh;
1.12      tyszkabe   69: 
                     70: //---------------------------------------------------------------------
                     71: // Tree object
                     72: //---------------------------------------------------------------------
                     73: // Basis for user's bookmarks and folders - All properties and methods
                     74: // pertaining to a user in general are found here. Refer to
                     75: // bookmarkmenu_OOD.txt for further documenation.
                     76: function newTree() {
                     77: 	this.redraw = redraw;
                     78: 	this.treeSave = treeSave;
                     79: 	this.bookmarks = new newFolder("bookmarks",true);
                     80: 	this.cache = new newCache();
                     81: }
                     83: //------------------------------------------refresh folder/link display
                     84: function redraw() {
                     85:    image_num = -1; // reset to before (-1 not 0) the first image
                     86:    with(frames[4].document) {
                     87:       open();                        //--------for 'compliant' browsers
                     88:       clear();                       //----------for Mozilla (Netscape6)
                     89:       write("<html>\n"                                            );
1.23    ! bisitz     90:       write("<body link=\"#000000\" vlink=\"000000\" " );
        !            91:       write("style=\"background-color: #DDDDDD; color: #000000; margin: 0px;\">\n"                   );
        !            92:       write("<table border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\">\n"   );
1.12      tyszkabe   93:    }
1.16      tyszkabe   94: //'','HTML_DUMP','scrollbars');  //debug
                     95: //   bendebugger.document.clear(); //debug
                     96: //   bendebugger.document.write('TEXT DOCUMENT: NONE OF THE TAGS SHOULD WORK\n'); //debug
1.12      tyszkabe   97:    var objPath="top.tree.bookmarks";
                     98:    depth=0;
                     99:    for(var i=0;i<this.bookmarks.p.length;i++) {
                    100:       if (this.bookmarks.p[i].exists) {
                    101:          if (this.bookmarks.p[i].state=="folder") {
                    102:             var tmpObjPath=objPath+".p["+i+"]";
                    103:             this.bookmarks.p[i].folderDraw(depth+1,tmpObjPath);
                    104:          } else {
                    105: 	    this.bookmarks.p[i].linkDraw(depth+1,objPath,i); // ----- Can't use
                    106: 	                        // tmpObjPath because of later 'bump'
                    107:          }
                    108:       }
                    109:    }
                    110: //   this.bookmarks.folderDraw(0,"top.tree.bookmarks");
                    111:    top.frames[4].document.write("</table>\n</body>\n</html>");
                    112:    top.frames[4].document.close();
1.16      tyszkabe  113: //   bendebugger.document.close(); //debug
                    114: //   return false; //debug
1.12      tyszkabe  115: }
                    117: //-----------------generate 'save-string' and submit to
                    118: function treeSave() {
                    119:    saveStrng="";
                    120:    var objPath="window.tree.bookmarks";
                    121:    var n=0;
                    122:    for(var i=0;i<this.bookmarks.p.length;i++) {
                    123:       if (this.bookmarks.p[i].exists) {
                    124:          if (this.bookmarks.p[i].state=="folder") {
                    125: 	    this.bookmarks.p[i].folderWriteSave("window.tree.bookmarks",n);
                    126:          } else {
                    127: 	    this.bookmarks.p[i].linkWriteSave("window.tree.bookmarks");
                    128:          }
                    129:          n++;
                    130:       }
                    131:    }
1.15      tyszkabe  132:    
1.12      tyszkabe  133: //   this.bookmarks.folderWriteSave("window.tree.bookmarks",0);
                    134: // THE FOLLOWING IS DEBUG INFORMATION
1.15      tyszkabe  135: //'','HTML_DUMP','scrollbars');  //debug
                    136: //   bendebugger.document.clear(); //debug
                    137: //   bendebugger.document.write("THE FOLLOWING STRING WILL BE POSTED TO THE PERL MOD:<br>\n"+saveStrng); //debug
                    138: //   bendebugger.document.close();
1.12      tyszkabe  139: // END OF DEBUG STUFF
1.14      tyszkabe  141:    top.frames[7].document.saveBookmarks.hiddenbookmarks.value=saveStrng;
                    142:    top.frames[7].document.saveBookmarks.submit;
1.12      tyszkabe  143: }
1.1       tyszkabe  144: 
1.12      tyszkabe  146: //---------------------------------------------------------------------
                    147: // Folder object
                    148: //---------------------------------------------------------------------
                    149: // Pertains to a userdefined folder. Refer to
                    150: // bookmarkmenu_OOD.txt for further documentation.
                    151: function newFolder(name,opened) {
                    152:  // Folder Properties
                    153:       this.state       = "folder";
                    154:        = name;
                    155:       this.opened      = opened;
                    156: 	if (this.opened) {
1.13      tyszkabe  157: 	   this.icon   = "/res/adm/pages/bookmarkmenu/folder_open.gif";
1.12      tyszkabe  158: 	} else {
1.13      tyszkabe  159: 	   this.icon   = "/res/adm/pages/bookmarkmenu/folder_close.gif";
1.12      tyszkabe  160: 	}
                    161:       this.exists      = true;
                    162:       this.highlited   = false;
                    163:       this.p           = new Array(); // ---- ordered folder contents
                    164:  // Folder Methods
                    165:       this.addLink     = addLink;
                    166:       this.addFolder   = addFolder;
                    167:       this.insertLink  = insertLink;
                    168:       this.swapState   = swapState;
                    169:       this.moveTo      = moveTo;
                    170:       this.bump        = bump;
                    171:       this.folderEdit  = folderEdit;
                    172:       this.folderDraw  = folderDraw;
                    173:       this.folderWriteSave = folderWriteSave;
                    174:       this.folderHover = folderHover;
                    175:       this.folderClick = folderClick;
                    176:       this.linkClick   = linkClick;//--Folder method, because of 'bump'
                    177: }
                    179: //------------------------------Add link to last position within folder
                    180: function addLink(name,url) {
                    181: //   if (this.length!=0) {
                    182:       var location=this.p.length;
                    183: //      alert("THE ADD link:"+name+", location:"+location);
                    184: //   }
                    185:    this.p[location]=new newLink(name,url);
                    186: //   var location=this.length+1;
                    187: //   tree.treeRedraw(); //commented so that we can make tree. one more below
                    188: }
                    190: //----------------------Add empty folder to last position within folder
                    191: function addFolder(name,opened) {
                    192: //   if (this.length!=0) {
                    193:       var location=this.p.length;
                    194: //      alert("THE ADD FOLDER:"+name+", location:"+location);
                    195: //   }
                    196:    this.p[location]=new newFolder(name,opened);
                    197: //   var location=this.length+1;
                    198: //   tree.treeRedraw();
                    199: }
                    201: //----------------------------------------Places folder within a folder
                    202: function insertLink(location,name,url) {
                    203:    this.bump(location);
                    204:    this.p[location]=new newLink(name,url);
                    205:    tree.redraw();
1.1       tyszkabe  206: }
1.12      tyszkabe  208: //----------------------------------Swap folder between open and closed
1.1       tyszkabe  209: function swapState() {
1.12      tyszkabe  210:    this.opened=(!this.opened);
                    211:    if (this.opened) {
1.13      tyszkabe  212:       this.icon = "/res/adm/pages/bookmarkmenu/folder_open.gif";
1.12      tyszkabe  213:    } else {
1.13      tyszkabe  214:       this.icon = "/res/adm/pages/bookmarkmenu/folder_close.gif";
1.12      tyszkabe  215:    }
                    216:    top.tree.redraw();
1.1       tyszkabe  217: }
1.12      tyszkabe  219: //-------------------recursive, Moves folder and contents to new object
                    220: //                        Don't forget to 'bump' before calling moveTo!
                    221: function moveTo(object1) {
                    222:    object1=new newFolder(,this.opened);
                    223:    for (var i=0;i<this.p.length;i++) {
                    224:      if (this.p[i].exists) {
                    225:          if (this.p[i].state=="folder") {
                    226:             object1.p[i]=this.p[i].moveTo(object1.p[i]);
                    227:          } else {
                    228:             object1.p[i]=new newLink(this.p[i].name,this.p[i].url);        
                    229:          }
                    230:          object1.p[i].exists=this.p[i].exists;
                    231:       }
                    232:    }
                    233:    return object1;
1.1       tyszkabe  234: }
1.12      tyszkabe  236: //---------------------------------------bump all folder/links within a
                    237: //                                     folder up one from 'location' up
                    238: function bump(location) {
                    239:    for (var i=this.p.length-1;i>=location;i--) {
                    240:       if (this.p[i].exists) { //saves time by not moving non-existing items
                    241:          if (this.p[i].state=="folder") {
                    242:             this.p[i+1]=this.p[i].moveTo(this.p[i+1]);
                    243:          } else {
                    244:             var name=this.p[i].name;
                    245:             var url =this.p[i].url;
                    246:             this.p[i+1]=new newLink(name,url);
                    247:             this.p[i+1].exists=this.p[i].exists;
                    248:          }
                    249: //         this.p[i].exists=false; // may not be neccessary if I'm careful
                    250:       } else {
                    251:          if (i!=this.p.length-1) {
                    252: 	    this.p[i+1].exists=false;
                    253: 	 }
                    254:       }
                    255:    }
                    256: }
1.1       tyszkabe  257: 
1.12      tyszkabe  258: function folderEdit() {
1.1       tyszkabe  259: 
1.12      tyszkabe  260: }
1.1       tyszkabe  261: 
1.12      tyszkabe  262: //------------------generates folder HTML and recurses through contents
                    263: function folderDraw(depth,objPath) {
                    264:    image_num+=3;
                    265:    if (this.opened) {
                    266:       with (parent.frames[4].document) {
                    267: 	 write("<tr><td><a href=JavaScript:"+objPath+".swapState();>"   );
1.23    ! bisitz    268:          write("<img src=\"/res/adm/pages/bookmarkmenu/folder_pointer_opened.gif\" border=\"0\"></a>");
1.12      tyszkabe  269: 	 write("<a href='JavaScript:"+objPath+".folderClick();'"        );
                    270: 	 write("onmouseover="+objPath+".folderHover("+image_num+");>"   );
1.23    ! bisitz    271: 	 write("<img src=\"/res/adm/pages/bookmarkmenu/pix.gif\" height=\"25\" width=\""+20*(depth)+"\" border=\"0\"></a>");
1.12      tyszkabe  272: 	 write("<a href='javaScript:"+objPath+".folderClick();'"        );
                    273:          write("onmouseover='"+objPath+".folderHover("+image_num+");'>" );
1.23    ! bisitz    274: 	 write("<img src=\""+this.icon+"\" border=\"0\"></a>"           );
1.12      tyszkabe  275: 	 write("</td></tr>"                                  );
                    276:       }
1.16      tyszkabe  277: //       with (bendebugger.document) {
                    278: //	 write("<p>|-tr-||-td-||-a href=JavaScript:"+objPath+".swapState();-|\n"   );
                    279: //         write("|-img src=/res/adm/pages/bookmarkmenu/folder_pointer_opened.gif border=0-||-/a-|\n"       );
                    280: //	 write("|-a href='JavaScript:"+objPath+".folderClick();'\n"        );
                    281: //	 write("onmouseover="+objPath+".folderHover("+image_num+");-|\n"   );
                    282: //	 write("|-img src=/res/adm/pages/bookmarkmenu/pix.gif height=25 width="+20*(depth)+" border=0-||-/a-|\n");
                    283: //	 write("|-a href='javaScript:"+objPath+".folderClick();'"        );
                    284: //         write("onmouseover='"+objPath+".folderHover("+image_num+");'-|\n" );
                    285: //	 write("|-img src="+this.icon+" border=0-||-/a-|\n"                   );
                    286: //	 write(                                               );
                    287: //	 write("|-/td-||-/tr-|\n"                                             );
                    288: //      }             //whole thing is a debug
1.12      tyszkabe  289:       for(var i=0;i<this.p.length;i++) {
                    290: 	 if (this.p[i].exists) {                                            // PROGRAM DIED HERE ONCE
                    291:             if (this.p[i].state=="folder") {
                    292:                var tmpObjPath=objPath+".p["+i+"]";
                    293:                this.p[i].folderDraw(depth+1,tmpObjPath);
                    294: 	    } else {
                    295: 	       this.p[i].linkDraw(depth+1,objPath,i); // ----- Can't use
                    296: 		                   // tmpObjPath because of later 'bump'
                    297:             }
                    298: 	 }
                    299:       }
                    300:    } else {
                    301:       with (parent.frames[4].document) {
                    302: 	 write("<tr><td><a href=JavaScript:"+objPath+".swapState();>"   );
1.23    ! bisitz    303:          write("<img src=\"/res/adm/pages/bookmarkmenu/folder_pointer_closed.gif\" border=\"0\"></a>"       );
1.12      tyszkabe  304: 	 write("<a href='JavaScript:"+objPath+".folderClick();'"        );
                    305: 	 write(" onmouseover="+objPath+".folderHover("+image_num+");>"  );
1.23    ! bisitz    306: 	 write("<img src=\"/res/adm/pages/bookmarkmenu/pix.gif\" height=\"25\" width=\""+20*(depth)+"\" border=\"0\"></a>");
1.12      tyszkabe  307: 	 write("<a href=JavaScript:"+objPath+".folderClick();>"         );
1.23    ! bisitz    308: 	 write("<img src=\""+this.icon+"\" border=\"0\"></a>"           );
1.12      tyszkabe  309: 	 write("</td></tr>"                                  );
                    310:       }
1.16      tyszkabe  311: //      with (bendebugger.document) {
                    312: //	 write("<p>|-tr-||-td-||-a href=JavaScript:"+objPath+".swapState();-|\n"   );
                    313: //         write("|-img src=/res/adm/pages/bookmarkmenu/folder_pointer_closed.gif border=0-||-/a-|\n"       );
                    314: //	 write("|-a href='JavaScript:"+objPath+".folderClick();'"        );
                    315: //	 write(" onmouseover="+objPath+".folderHover("+image_num+");-|\n"  );
                    316: //	 write("|-img src=/res/adm/pages/bookmarkmenu/pix.gif height=25 width="+20*(depth)+" border=0-||-/a-|\n");
                    317: //	 write("|-a href=JavaScript:"+objPath+".folderClick();-|\n"         );
                    318: //	 write("|-img src="+this.icon+" border=0-||-/a-|\n"                   );
                    319: //	 write(                                               );
                    320: //	 write("|-/td-||-/tr-|\n"                                             );
                    321: //     }
1.12      tyszkabe  322:    }
                    323: }
1.1       tyszkabe  324: 
1.12      tyszkabe  325: //-------------generate folder save string and recurse through contents
                    326: function folderWriteSave(objPath,pos) {
                    327:    saveStrng += objPath+".addFolder('""',"+this.opened+");\n";
                    328:    var n=0;        //-----alt. counter doesn't count non-exists links/marks
                    329: //   alert(saveStrng+" with a length: "+this.p.length); //DEBUG
                    330:    for(var i=0;i<this.p.length;i++) {
                    331:       if (this.p[i].exists) {
                    332: //        alert("something exists"); //DEBUG
                    333:         var tmpObjPath=objPath+".p["+pos+"]";
                    334:         if (this.p[i].state=="folder") {
                    335:            this.p[i].folderWriteSave(tmpObjPath,n);
                    336: 	} else {
                    337:            this.p[i].linkWriteSave(tmpObjPath);
                    338:         } 
                    339: 	n++;
                    340:       }
                    341:    }
                    342: }
1.1       tyszkabe  343: 
1.12      tyszkabe  344: //------------------------swaps icons around when hovering folder image
                    345: function folderHover(image_num) {
                    346:    if (window.tree.cache.isLoaded) {
                    347:       if (window.tree.cache.lastImg==-2) {
1.13      tyszkabe  348: 	frames[7].document.images[1].src='/res/adm/pages/bookmarkmenu/folder_trash.gif';
1.12      tyszkabe  349:       } else {
1.20      www       350:           if (typeof(window.tree.cache.lastImg)!='undefined') {
                    351:              if (window.tree.cache.lastImg>=0) {
                    352:                 frames[4].document.images[window.tree.cache.lastImg].src=window.tree.cache.icon;
                    353:              }
                    354:           }
1.1       tyszkabe  355:       }
1.12      tyszkabe  356:       window.tree.cache.lastImg=image_num;
                    357:       window.tree.cache.icon=this.icon;
1.13      tyszkabe  358:       frames[4].document.images[image_num].src="/res/adm/pages/bookmarkmenu/folder_drag.gif";
1.12      tyszkabe  359:    }
1.1       tyszkabe  360: }
1.12      tyszkabe  362: //------------------------insert's cache into folder or picks up folder
                    363: function folderClick() {
                    364:    if (window.tree.cache.isLoaded) {
                    365:       window.tree.cache.cacheEmpty(this,0);
                    366:  //     var location=this.p.length+1;      // empties cache into folder 
                    367:  //     this.p[location]=new newFolder('name');
                    368:  //     tree.cache.p[1].moveTo(this.p[location]);
                    369:  //     tree.cache.isLoaded = false;
                    370:    } else {
                    371:       window.tree.cache.cacheLoad(this);
                    372:    }
                    373: }
1.1       tyszkabe  374: 
1.12      tyszkabe  375: function linkClick(pstn) {
                    376:    if (window.tree.cache.isLoaded) {
                    377:       window.tree.cache.cacheEmpty(this,pstn)
                    378:    } else {
                    379:       window.tree.cache.cacheLoad(this.p[pstn]);
                    380:    }
1.1       tyszkabe  381: }
1.12      tyszkabe  384: //---------------------------------------------------------------------
                    385: // Link object
                    386: //---------------------------------------------------------------------
                    387: // Pertains to a userdefined link. Refer to
                    388: // bookmarkmenu_OOD.txt for further documentation.
                    389: function newLink(name, url) {
                    390:  // Link Properties
                    391:       this.state     = "link";
                    392:      = name;
                    393:       this.url       = url;
                    394:       this.exists    = true;
                    395:       this.highlited = false;
1.13      tyszkabe  396: 	this.icon    = "/res/adm/pages/bookmarkmenu/link.gif";
1.12      tyszkabe  397:  // Link Methods
                    398:       this.linkGoto  = linkGoto;
                    399:       this.linkEdit  = linkEdit;
                    400:       this.linkDraw  = linkDraw;
                    401:       this.linkWriteSave = linkWriteSave;
                    402:       this.linkHover = linkHover;
                    403: // this.linkClick = linkClick; --not a link method, now a folder method
                    404: }
                    406: function linkGoto() {
1.21      albertel  407:    if (typeof(self.opener.clientwindow) != 'undefined') {
                    408:        self.opener.clientwindow.location.href=this.url;
                    409:    } else {
                    410:        self.opener.location.href=this.url;
                    411:    }
1.12      tyszkabe  412: }
                    414: function linkEdit() {
1.1       tyszkabe  415: 
                    416: }
1.12      tyszkabe  418: //------------------------------------generate HTML for individual link
                    419: function linkDraw(depth,objPath,pstn) {
                    420:    var tmpObjPath = objPath+".p["+pstn+"]";
                    421:    image_num+=2;
                    422:    with (parent.frames[4].document) {
                    423:       write("<tr><td><a href='javaScript:"+objPath+".linkClick("+pstn+");'" );
                    424:       write(" onmouseover='"+objPath+".p["+pstn+"].linkHover("+image_num+");'>");
1.23    ! bisitz    425:       write("<img src=\"/res/adm/pages/bookmarkmenu/pix.gif\" height=\"25\" width=\""+(20*(depth)+15)+"\" border=\"0\"></a>");
1.12      tyszkabe  426:       write("<a href='javaScript:"+objPath+".linkClick("+pstn+");'");
                    427:       write(" onmouseover='"+objPath+".p["+pstn+"].linkHover("+image_num+");'>");
1.23    ! bisitz    428:       write("<img src=\"/res/adm/pages/bookmarkmenu/link.gif\" border=\"0\"></a>");
1.12      tyszkabe  429:       write("<a href='javaScript:"+objPath+".p["+pstn+"].linkGoto();'" );
                    430:       write(" onmouseover='"+objPath+".p["+pstn+"].linkHover("+image_num+");'>");
                    431:       write("</td></tr>"                                );
                    432:    }
1.16      tyszkabe  433: //   with (bendebugger.document) {
                    434: //      write("<P>|-tr-||-td-||-a href='javaScript:"+objPath+".linkClick("+pstn+");'\n" );
                    435: //      write(" onmouseover='"+objPath+".p["+pstn+"].linkHover("+image_num+");'-|\n");
                    436: //      write("|-img src=/res/adm/pages/bookmarkmenu/pix.gif height=25 width="+(20*(depth)+15)+" border=0-||-/a-|\n");
                    437: //      write("|-a href='javaScript:"+objPath+".linkClick("+pstn+");'");
                    438: //      write(" onmouseover='"+objPath+".p["+pstn+"].linkHover("+image_num+");'-|\n");
                    439: //      write("|-img src=/res/adm/pages/bookmarkmenu/link.gif border=0-||-/a-|"); //this.icon replaced with link.gif
                    440: //      write("|-a href='javaScript:"+objPath+".p["+pstn+"].linkGoto();'" );
                    441: //      write(" onmouseover='"+objPath+".p["+pstn+"].linkHover("+image_num+");'-|\n");
                    442: //      write("|-/td-||-/tr-|\n"                                );
                    443: //   } //debug
1.12      tyszkabe  444: }
                    446: //---------------------------generate link information for saving links
                    447: function linkWriteSave(objPath) {
                    448:    saveStrng+= objPath+".addLink('""','"+this.url+"');\n";
                    449: }
                    451: //--------------------------swaps icons around when hovering link image
                    452: function linkHover(img_num) {
                    453:    if (window.tree.cache.isLoaded) {
                    454:       if (window.tree.cache.lastImg==-2) {
1.13      tyszkabe  455:          frames[7].document.images[1].src='/res/adm/pages/bookmarkmenu/folder_trash.gif';
1.12      tyszkabe  456:       } else {
1.20      www       457:          if (typeof(window.tree.cache.lastImg)!='undefined') {
                    458:             if (window.tree.cache.lastImg>=0) {
1.12      tyszkabe  459: 	 frames[4].document.images[window.tree.cache.lastImg].src=window.tree.cache.icon;
1.20      www       460:             }
                    461:          }
1.12      tyszkabe  462:       }
                    463:       window.tree.cache.lastImg=img_num;
                    464:       window.tree.cache.icon=this.icon;
1.13      tyszkabe  465:       frames[4].document.images[img_num].src="/res/adm/pages/bookmarkmenu/link_drag.gif";
1.12      tyszkabe  466:    }
1.8       tyszkabe  467: }
1.1       tyszkabe  469: 
1.12      tyszkabe  470: //---------------------------------------------------------------------
                    471: // Cache object
                    472: //---------------------------------------------------------------------
                    473: // Contains everything related to dragging/dropping folers and links.
                    474: // Refer to bookmarkmenu_OOD.txt for further documentation.
                    475: function newCache() {
                    476:  // Cache Properties
                    477:       this.isLoaded = false;
                    478:       this.state = "";
                    479:       this.lastImg = -1; //I don't know if I can do this yet. 
                    480:                          //It doesn't seem to cause errors.
                    481:       this.Icon = "";
                    482:       this.folder = new newFolder('cache',false);
                    483:  // Cache Methods
                    484:       this.cacheLoad = cacheLoad;
                    485:       this.cacheEmpty = cacheEmpty;
                    486: }
                    488: //----------------------------------------------Load cache for dragging
                    489: function cacheLoad(object1) {
                    490:    if (object1.state=="folder") {
                    491: //alert('cacheLoad11 '' is now: ';
1.13      tyszkabe  492:       frames[7].document.images[0].src = '/res/adm/pages/bookmarkmenu/folder_anim.gif';
1.12      tyszkabe  493:       object2=object1.moveTo(this.folder);
                    494:       this.folder=object2;
                    495: //alert('cacheLoad22 '' is now: ';
                    496:    } else {
1.13      tyszkabe  497:       frames[7].document.images[0].src = '/res/adm/pages/bookmarkmenu/link_anim.gif';
1.12      tyszkabe  498:       this.folder = new newLink(,object1.url);
                    499:    }
                    500:    this.isLoaded  = true;
                    501:    object1.exists = false;
1.10      tyszkabe  502: }
1.12      tyszkabe  504: //---------------------------Places Cache's contents in front of a link
                    505: function cacheEmpty(object1,position) {
                    506:    object1.bump(position);
                    507:    if (this.folder.state=="folder") {
                    508: //alert('cacheEmpty11 is emptying named: '' to: '+object1.p[position].name);
                    509:       object2=this.folder.moveTo(object1.p[position]);
                    510:       object1.p[position]=object2;
                    511: //alert('cacheEmpty22 is emptying named: '' to:'+object1.p[position].name);
                    512:    } else {
                    513:       object1.p[position] = new newLink(,this.folder.url);
                    514:    }
1.13      tyszkabe  515:    frames[7].document.images[0].src = '/res/adm/pages/bookmarkmenu/folder_static.gif';
1.12      tyszkabe  516:    this.isLoaded = false;
                    517:    this.lastImg  = -1;  //I don't know if I can do this yet. 
                    518:                         //It doesn't seem to cause errors
                    519:    tree.redraw();
1.8       tyszkabe  520: }
1.12      tyszkabe  527: //---------------------------------------------------------------------
                    528: // Functions not associated with an object
                    529: //---------------------------------------------------------------------
1.8       tyszkabe  530: 
1.12      tyszkabe  531: function clickTrash() {
                    532:    if (tree.cache.isLoaded) {
                    533:       tree.cache.isLoaded = false;
                    534:       tree.cache.lastImg   = -1; // I don't know if this works yet
                    535:       tree.redraw();
1.13      tyszkabe  536:       frames[7].document.images[0].src = '/res/adm/pages/bookmarkmenu/folder_static.gif';
                    537:       frames[7].document.images[1].src = '/res/adm/pages/bookmarkmenu/folder_trash.gif';
1.1       tyszkabe  538:    }
                    539: }
1.12      tyszkabe  541: function hoverTrash() {
1.20      www       542:    if (window.tree.cache.isLoaded) {         
                    543:       if (typeof(window.tree.cache.lastImg)!='undefined') {
                    544:          if (window.tree.cache.lastImg>=0) {
                    545:             frames[4].document.images[window.tree.cache.lastImg].src=window.tree.cache.icon;
                    546:          }
                    547:       }
1.12      tyszkabe  548:       window.tree.cache.lastImg=-2;
1.13      tyszkabe  549:       window.tree.cache.icon='/res/adm/pages/bookmarkmenu/folder_trash.gif';
                    550:       frames[7].document.images[1].src = '/res/adm/pages/bookmarkmenu/folder_trash_hover.gif';
1.12      tyszkabe  551:    }
1.8       tyszkabe  552: }
1.12      tyszkabe  555: //-----------------------------------------Generates HTML in each frame
                    556: function buildBookmarkMenu() {
                    557:    var frmHTML1 = "<html>\n<body background=";
                    558:    var frmHTML2 = ">\n</body>\n</html>";
1.13      tyszkabe  559:    frames[0].document.write(frmHTML1+"/res/adm/pages/bookmarkmenu/ul_corner.gif"+frmHTML2 );
                    560:    frames[1].document.write(frmHTML1+"/res/adm/pages/bookmarkmenu/upper_bar.gif"+frmHTML2 );
                    561:    frames[2].document.write(frmHTML1+"/res/adm/pages/bookmarkmenu/ur_corner.gif"+frmHTML2 );
                    562:    frames[3].document.write(frmHTML1+"/res/adm/pages/bookmarkmenu/left_bar.gif"+frmHTML2 );
                    563:    frames[5].document.write(frmHTML1+"/res/adm/pages/bookmarkmenu/right_bar.gif"+frmHTML2 );
                    564:    frames[6].document.write(frmHTML1+"/res/adm/pages/bookmarkmenu/left_bar.gif"+frmHTML2 );
                    565:    frames[8].document.write(frmHTML1+"/res/adm/pages/bookmarkmenu/right_bar.gif"+frmHTML2 );
                    566:    frames[9].document.write(frmHTML1+"/res/adm/pages/bookmarkmenu/ll_corner.gif"+frmHTML2 );
                    567:    frames[10].document.write(frmHTML1+"/res/adm/pages/bookmarkmenu/lower_bar.gif"+frmHTML2);
                    568:    frames[11].document.write(frmHTML1+"/res/adm/pages/bookmarkmenu/lr_corner.gif"+frmHTML2);
1.2       tyszkabe  569: }
1.12      tyszkabe  572: 
                    573: //----------------------------
                    574: function queryNewLink() {
1.18      tyszkabe  576:    clienthref="[ENTER ADDRESS HERE]";
                    577:    clienttitle="[ENTER NAME HERE]";
                    578: //   this.onerror=ugh_oh; // this doesn't seem to work properly
                    579: //   clienthref=this.opener.clientwindow.window.location.pathname;
                    580: //   clienttitle=this.opener.clientwindow.title;
1.12      tyszkabe  581:    with(add_link.document) {
                    582:       open();
                    583:       clear();
1.23    ! bisitz    584:       write("<html><body bgcolor=\"#BBBBBB\"><center>"                );
1.12      tyszkabe  585:       write("<form method='post' name='newLink' onSubmit='javascript:opener.addNewLink(newLink.title.value,newLink.address.value);'>\n");
1.23    ! bisitz    586:       write("<table width=\"340\" height=\"150\" bgcolor=\"#FFFFFF\" ");
        !           587:       write("align=\"center\"><tr><td>Link Name:<br />"               );
        !           588:       write("<input type='text' name='title' size=\"45\""             );
        !           589:       write("value=\""+clienttitle+"\"><br />Address:<br />"          );
        !           590:       write("<input type=\"text\" name=\"address\" size=\"45\" "      );
1.12      tyszkabe  591:       write("value='"+clienthref+"'>");
1.23    ! bisitz    592:       write("<br /><center><input type=\"submit\" value=\"Save\"> "   );
        !           593:       write("<input type=\"button\" value=\"Close\" title=\"Close without saving\" ");
        !           594:       write("onclick=\"javascript:window.close();\"></center></td>"   );
        !           595:       write("</tr></table></form></center></body></html>"             );
1.12      tyszkabe  596:       close();
                    597:    }
                    598: }
                    600: //----------------------------
                    601: function queryNewFolder() {
                    603:    with(add_link.document) {
                    604:       open();
                    605:       clear();
1.23    ! bisitz    606:       write("<html><body bgcolor=\"#BBBBBB\"><center>"                   );
        !           607:       write("<form method=\"post\" name=\"newLink\" onSubmit=\"javascript:opener.addNewFolder(newLink.title.value);\">\n");
        !           608:       write("<table width=\"340\" height=\"150\" bgcolor=\"#FFFFFF\" "   );
        !           609:       write("align=\"center\"><tr><td>Folder Name:<br />"                );
        !           610:       write("<input type=\"text\" name=\"title\" size=\"45\" value=\"\">");
        !           611:       write("<br /><center><input type=\"submit\" value=\"Save\">"       );
        !           612:       write("<input type=\"button\" value=\"Cancel\" "                   );
        !           613:       write("onclick=\"javascript:window.close();\"></center></td>"      );
        !           614:       write("</tr></table></form></center></body></html>"                );
1.12      tyszkabe  615:       close();
1.2       tyszkabe  616:    }
1.1       tyszkabe  617: }
1.2       tyszkabe  618: 
1.12      tyszkabe  619: //---------------------------
                    620: function addNewLink(title,address) {
                    621:    tree.bookmarks.addLink(title,address);
                    622:    add_link.close();
                    623:    tree.redraw();
                    624:    return true;
                    625: }
1.2       tyszkabe  626: 
1.12      tyszkabe  627: //---------------------------
                    628: function addNewFolder(title) {
                    629:    tree.bookmarks.addFolder(title);
                    630:    add_link.close();
                    631:    tree.redraw();
                    632:    return true;
1.2       tyszkabe  633: }

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