// The LearningOnline Network with CAPA // bookmarklib.js // // $Id: bookmarklib.js,v 1.23 2009/04/23 10:31:28 bisitz Exp $ // // Copyright Michigan State University Board of Trustees // // This file is part of the LearningOnline Network with CAPA (LON-CAPA). // // LON-CAPA is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // LON-CAPA is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with LON-CAPA; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA // // /home/httpd/html/adm/gpl.txt // // http://www.lon-capa.org/ // // // This is a rewritten version of bookmarklib.js // // Functions to be combined with the HTML code found in // admbookmarks.pm. The combination will provide a complete // functionality for the bookmarkmenu in accordance to defined // requirements. // // For further information and documentation regarding this program, // please refer to bookmarkmenu_OOD.txt, the design documentation for // bookmarkmenu. // // // // The perl module admbookmarks.pm interacts with this library by // generating a page that includes bookmarklib.js and a JavaScript // function initializeTree() that builds the the tree using successive // newLink() and newFolder() calls and one cache=new newCache() call. // The entire newLink()/newFolder() succession is the string that is // stored in the userspace on Lon-Capa as bookmarks. // // // Created on: 12-28-2000 by Benjamin Tyszka // Edited: 12-29-2000 by Benjamin Tyszka // mm-dd-yyyy by Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxx //clienttitle="Enter title here";//debug //clienthref="Enter url here"; //debug //function ugh_oh( msg, url, ln ) { // alert("Error: "+msg+" in "+url+" at line: "+ln); // return true; //} //alert("Does alert even work?"); //window.onerror=ugh_oh; //this.onerror=ugh_oh; //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // Tree object //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // Basis for user's bookmarks and folders - All properties and methods // pertaining to a user in general are found here. Refer to // bookmarkmenu_OOD.txt for further documenation. function newTree() { this.redraw = redraw; this.treeSave = treeSave; this.bookmarks = new newFolder("bookmarks",true); this.cache = new newCache(); } //------------------------------------------refresh folder/link display function redraw() { image_num = -1; // reset to before (-1 not 0) the first image with(frames[4].document) { open(); //--------for 'compliant' browsers clear(); //----------for Mozilla (Netscape6) write("\n" ); write("\n" ); write("\n" ); } // bendebugger=window.open('','HTML_DUMP','scrollbars'); //debug // bendebugger.document.clear(); //debug // bendebugger.document.write('TEXT DOCUMENT: NONE OF THE TAGS SHOULD WORK\n'); //debug var objPath="top.tree.bookmarks"; depth=0; for(var i=0;i\n\n"); top.frames[4].document.close(); // bendebugger.document.close(); //debug // return false; //debug } //-----------------generate 'save-string' and submit to admbookmarks.pm function treeSave() { saveStrng=""; var objPath="window.tree.bookmarks"; var n=0; for(var i=0;i\n"+saveStrng); //debug // bendebugger.document.close(); // END OF DEBUG STUFF // NOW SUBMIT THE STRING TO PERL MODULE -CHECK ADDRESS CHECK ADDRESS top.frames[7].document.saveBookmarks.hiddenbookmarks.value=saveStrng; top.frames[7].document.saveBookmarks.submit; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // Folder object //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // Pertains to a userdefined folder. Refer to // bookmarkmenu_OOD.txt for further documentation. function newFolder(name,opened) { // Folder Properties this.state = "folder"; this.name = name; this.opened = opened; if (this.opened) { this.icon = "/res/adm/pages/bookmarkmenu/folder_open.gif"; } else { this.icon = "/res/adm/pages/bookmarkmenu/folder_close.gif"; } this.exists = true; this.highlited = false; this.p = new Array(); // ---- ordered folder contents // Folder Methods this.addLink = addLink; this.addFolder = addFolder; this.insertLink = insertLink; this.swapState = swapState; this.moveTo = moveTo; this.bump = bump; this.folderEdit = folderEdit; this.folderDraw = folderDraw; this.folderWriteSave = folderWriteSave; this.folderHover = folderHover; this.folderClick = folderClick; this.linkClick = linkClick;//--Folder method, because of 'bump' } //------------------------------Add link to last position within folder function addLink(name,url) { // if (this.length!=0) { var location=this.p.length; // alert("THE ADD link:"+name+", location:"+location); // } this.p[location]=new newLink(name,url); // var location=this.length+1; // tree.treeRedraw(); //commented so that we can make tree. one more below } //----------------------Add empty folder to last position within folder function addFolder(name,opened) { // if (this.length!=0) { var location=this.p.length; // alert("THE ADD FOLDER:"+name+", location:"+location); // } this.p[location]=new newFolder(name,opened); // var location=this.length+1; // tree.treeRedraw(); } //----------------------------------------Places folder within a folder function insertLink(location,name,url) { this.bump(location); this.p[location]=new newLink(name,url); tree.redraw(); } //----------------------------------Swap folder between open and closed function swapState() { this.opened=(!this.opened); if (this.opened) { this.icon = "/res/adm/pages/bookmarkmenu/folder_open.gif"; } else { this.icon = "/res/adm/pages/bookmarkmenu/folder_close.gif"; } top.tree.redraw(); } //-------------------recursive, Moves folder and contents to new object // Don't forget to 'bump' before calling moveTo! function moveTo(object1) { object1=new newFolder(this.name,this.opened); for (var i=0;i=location;i--) { if (this.p[i].exists) { //saves time by not moving non-existing items if (this.p[i].state=="folder") { this.p[i+1]=this.p[i].moveTo(this.p[i+1]); } else { var name=this.p[i].name; var url =this.p[i].url; this.p[i+1]=new newLink(name,url); this.p[i+1].exists=this.p[i].exists; } // this.p[i].exists=false; // may not be neccessary if I'm careful } else { if (i!=this.p.length-1) { this.p[i+1].exists=false; } } } } function folderEdit() { } //------------------generates folder HTML and recurses through contents function folderDraw(depth,objPath) { image_num+=3; if (this.opened) { with (parent.frames[4].document) { write("" ); } // with (bendebugger.document) { // write("

|-tr-||-td-||-a href=JavaScript:"+objPath+".swapState();-|\n" ); // write("|-img src=/res/adm/pages/bookmarkmenu/folder_pointer_opened.gif border=0-||-/a-|\n" ); // write("|-a href='JavaScript:"+objPath+".folderClick();'\n" ); // write("onmouseover="+objPath+".folderHover("+image_num+");-|\n" ); // write("|-img src=/res/adm/pages/bookmarkmenu/pix.gif height=25 width="+20*(depth)+" border=0-||-/a-|\n"); // write("|-a href='javaScript:"+objPath+".folderClick();'" ); // write("onmouseover='"+objPath+".folderHover("+image_num+");'-|\n" ); // write("|-img src="+this.icon+" border=0-||-/a-|\n" ); // write( this.name ); // write("|-/td-||-/tr-|\n" ); // } //whole thing is a debug for(var i=0;i

" ); } // with (bendebugger.document) { // write("

|-tr-||-td-||-a href=JavaScript:"+objPath+".swapState();-|\n" ); // write("|-img src=/res/adm/pages/bookmarkmenu/folder_pointer_closed.gif border=0-||-/a-|\n" ); // write("|-a href='JavaScript:"+objPath+".folderClick();'" ); // write(" onmouseover="+objPath+".folderHover("+image_num+");-|\n" ); // write("|-img src=/res/adm/pages/bookmarkmenu/pix.gif height=25 width="+20*(depth)+" border=0-||-/a-|\n"); // write("|-a href=JavaScript:"+objPath+".folderClick();-|\n" ); // write("|-img src="+this.icon+" border=0-||-/a-|\n" ); // write( this.name ); // write("|-/td-||-/tr-|\n" ); // } } } //-------------generate folder save string and recurse through contents function folderWriteSave(objPath,pos) { saveStrng += objPath+".addFolder('"+this.name+"',"+this.opened+");\n"; var n=0; //-----alt. counter doesn't count non-exists links/marks // alert(saveStrng+" with a length: "+this.p.length); //DEBUG for(var i=0;i=0) { frames[4].document.images[window.tree.cache.lastImg].src=window.tree.cache.icon; } } } window.tree.cache.lastImg=image_num; window.tree.cache.icon=this.icon; frames[4].document.images[image_num].src="/res/adm/pages/bookmarkmenu/folder_drag.gif"; } } //------------------------insert's cache into folder or picks up folder function folderClick() { if (window.tree.cache.isLoaded) { window.tree.cache.cacheEmpty(this,0); // var location=this.p.length+1; // empties cache into folder // this.p[location]=new newFolder('name'); // tree.cache.p[1].moveTo(this.p[location]); // tree.cache.isLoaded = false; } else { window.tree.cache.cacheLoad(this); } } function linkClick(pstn) { if (window.tree.cache.isLoaded) { window.tree.cache.cacheEmpty(this,pstn) } else { window.tree.cache.cacheLoad(this.p[pstn]); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // Link object //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // Pertains to a userdefined link. Refer to // bookmarkmenu_OOD.txt for further documentation. function newLink(name, url) { // Link Properties this.state = "link"; this.name = name; this.url = url; this.exists = true; this.highlited = false; this.icon = "/res/adm/pages/bookmarkmenu/link.gif"; // Link Methods this.linkGoto = linkGoto; this.linkEdit = linkEdit; this.linkDraw = linkDraw; this.linkWriteSave = linkWriteSave; this.linkHover = linkHover; // this.linkClick = linkClick; --not a link method, now a folder method } function linkGoto() { if (typeof(self.opener.clientwindow) != 'undefined') { self.opener.clientwindow.location.href=this.url; } else { self.opener.location.href=this.url; } } function linkEdit() { } //------------------------------------generate HTML for individual link function linkDraw(depth,objPath,pstn) { var tmpObjPath = objPath+".p["+pstn+"]"; image_num+=2; with (parent.frames[4].document) { write("

" ); } // with (bendebugger.document) { // write("

|-tr-||-td-||-a href='javaScript:"+objPath+".linkClick("+pstn+");'\n" ); // write(" onmouseover='"+objPath+".p["+pstn+"].linkHover("+image_num+");'-|\n"); // write("|-img src=/res/adm/pages/bookmarkmenu/pix.gif height=25 width="+(20*(depth)+15)+" border=0-||-/a-|\n"); // write("|-a href='javaScript:"+objPath+".linkClick("+pstn+");'"); // write(" onmouseover='"+objPath+".p["+pstn+"].linkHover("+image_num+");'-|\n"); // write("|-img src=/res/adm/pages/bookmarkmenu/link.gif border=0-||-/a-|"); //this.icon replaced with link.gif // write("|-a href='javaScript:"+objPath+".p["+pstn+"].linkGoto();'" ); // write(" onmouseover='"+objPath+".p["+pstn+"].linkHover("+image_num+");'-|\n"); // write(this.name+"|-/td-||-/tr-|\n" ); // } //debug } //---------------------------generate link information for saving links function linkWriteSave(objPath) { saveStrng+= objPath+".addLink('"+this.name+"','"+this.url+"');\n"; } //--------------------------swaps icons around when hovering link image function linkHover(img_num) { if (window.tree.cache.isLoaded) { if (window.tree.cache.lastImg==-2) { frames[7].document.images[1].src='/res/adm/pages/bookmarkmenu/folder_trash.gif'; } else { if (typeof(window.tree.cache.lastImg)!='undefined') { if (window.tree.cache.lastImg>=0) { frames[4].document.images[window.tree.cache.lastImg].src=window.tree.cache.icon; } } } window.tree.cache.lastImg=img_num; window.tree.cache.icon=this.icon; frames[4].document.images[img_num].src="/res/adm/pages/bookmarkmenu/link_drag.gif"; } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // Cache object //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // Contains everything related to dragging/dropping folers and links. // Refer to bookmarkmenu_OOD.txt for further documentation. function newCache() { // Cache Properties this.isLoaded = false; this.state = ""; this.lastImg = -1; //I don't know if I can do this yet. //It doesn't seem to cause errors. this.Icon = ""; this.folder = new newFolder('cache',false); // Cache Methods this.cacheLoad = cacheLoad; this.cacheEmpty = cacheEmpty; } //----------------------------------------------Load cache for dragging function cacheLoad(object1) { if (object1.state=="folder") { //alert('cacheLoad11 '+object1.name+' is now: '+this.folder.name); frames[7].document.images[0].src = '/res/adm/pages/bookmarkmenu/folder_anim.gif'; object2=object1.moveTo(this.folder); this.folder=object2; //alert('cacheLoad22 '+object1.name+' is now: '+this.folder.name); } else { frames[7].document.images[0].src = '/res/adm/pages/bookmarkmenu/link_anim.gif'; this.folder = new newLink(object1.name,object1.url); } this.isLoaded = true; object1.exists = false; } //---------------------------Places Cache's contents in front of a link function cacheEmpty(object1,position) { object1.bump(position); if (this.folder.state=="folder") { //alert('cacheEmpty11 is emptying named: '+this.folder.name+' to: '+object1.p[position].name); object2=this.folder.moveTo(object1.p[position]); object1.p[position]=object2; //alert('cacheEmpty22 is emptying named: '+this.folder.name+' to:'+object1.p[position].name); } else { object1.p[position] = new newLink(this.folder.name,this.folder.url); } frames[7].document.images[0].src = '/res/adm/pages/bookmarkmenu/folder_static.gif'; this.isLoaded = false; this.lastImg = -1; //I don't know if I can do this yet. //It doesn't seem to cause errors tree.redraw(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // Functions not associated with an object //--------------------------------------------------------------------- function clickTrash() { if (tree.cache.isLoaded) { tree.cache.isLoaded = false; tree.cache.lastImg = -1; // I don't know if this works yet tree.redraw(); frames[7].document.images[0].src = '/res/adm/pages/bookmarkmenu/folder_static.gif'; frames[7].document.images[1].src = '/res/adm/pages/bookmarkmenu/folder_trash.gif'; } } function hoverTrash() { if (window.tree.cache.isLoaded) { if (typeof(window.tree.cache.lastImg)!='undefined') { if (window.tree.cache.lastImg>=0) { frames[4].document.images[window.tree.cache.lastImg].src=window.tree.cache.icon; } } window.tree.cache.lastImg=-2; window.tree.cache.icon='/res/adm/pages/bookmarkmenu/folder_trash.gif'; frames[7].document.images[1].src = '/res/adm/pages/bookmarkmenu/folder_trash_hover.gif'; } } //-----------------------------------------Generates HTML in each frame function buildBookmarkMenu() { var frmHTML1 = "\n\n\n"; frames[0].document.write(frmHTML1+"/res/adm/pages/bookmarkmenu/ul_corner.gif"+frmHTML2 ); frames[1].document.write(frmHTML1+"/res/adm/pages/bookmarkmenu/upper_bar.gif"+frmHTML2 ); frames[2].document.write(frmHTML1+"/res/adm/pages/bookmarkmenu/ur_corner.gif"+frmHTML2 ); frames[3].document.write(frmHTML1+"/res/adm/pages/bookmarkmenu/left_bar.gif"+frmHTML2 ); frames[5].document.write(frmHTML1+"/res/adm/pages/bookmarkmenu/right_bar.gif"+frmHTML2 ); frames[6].document.write(frmHTML1+"/res/adm/pages/bookmarkmenu/left_bar.gif"+frmHTML2 ); frames[8].document.write(frmHTML1+"/res/adm/pages/bookmarkmenu/right_bar.gif"+frmHTML2 ); frames[9].document.write(frmHTML1+"/res/adm/pages/bookmarkmenu/ll_corner.gif"+frmHTML2 ); frames[10].document.write(frmHTML1+"/res/adm/pages/bookmarkmenu/lower_bar.gif"+frmHTML2); frames[11].document.write(frmHTML1+"/res/adm/pages/bookmarkmenu/lr_corner.gif"+frmHTML2); } //---------------------------- function queryNewLink() { add_link=window.open('','Link','width=360,height=165'); clienthref="[ENTER ADDRESS HERE]"; clienttitle="[ENTER NAME HERE]"; // this.onerror=ugh_oh; // this doesn't seem to work properly // clienthref=this.opener.clientwindow.window.location.pathname; // clienttitle=this.opener.clientwindow.title; with(add_link.document) { open(); clear(); write("

" ); write("
\n"); write("
" ); write(""); write("" ); write(""); write("" ); write("" ); write( this.name+"
" ); write("" ); write("" ); write(""); write("" ); write("" ); write( this.name+"
"); write(""); write(""); write(""); write(""); write(this.name+"
" ); write("
Link Name:
" ); write("
" ); write(""); write("
" ); write("
" ); close(); } } //---------------------------- function queryNewFolder() { add_link=window.open('','Link','width=360,height=165'); with(add_link.document) { open(); clear(); write("
" ); write("
\n"); write("" ); write("
Folder Name:
" ); write(""); write("
" ); write("
" ); close(); } } //--------------------------- function addNewLink(title,address) { tree.bookmarks.addLink(title,address); add_link.close(); tree.redraw(); return true; } //--------------------------- function addNewFolder(title) { tree.bookmarks.addFolder(title); add_link.close(); tree.redraw(); return true; }