Annotation of loncom/html/res/adm/pages/menu.html, revision 1.33

1.1       www         1: <html>
                      2: <!--
                      3: The LearningOnline Network with CAPA
                      4: Remote Control
                      5: 6/12/00,6/13,6/14,6/15 Gerd Kortemeyer
1.5       www         6: Sept Ben Tyszka
1.15      www         7: 10/2,10/3,10/4,10/17,10/19,3/1/1 Gerd Kortemeyer
1.18      www         8: Jan Guy Albertelli
                      9: 5/1/1 Gerd Kortemeyer
1.19      albertel   10: 2/19 Guy Albertelli
1.23      www        11: 3/21 Gerd Kortemeyer
1.24      tyszkabe   12: 4/30 Ben Tyszka
1.28      www        13: 5/2 Scott Harrison
1.33    ! www        14: 5/4,5/9,5/28,5/30,6/1,6/2,6/3 Gerd Kortemeyer
1.1       www        15: -->
                     16: <head>
                     17: <title>LON-CAPA Remote</title>
                     18: </head>
1.23      www        21: <body bgcolor="#BBBBBB" 
                     22:       background="remotebg.gif"
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                     24:       onUnload="logout();">
1.19      albertel   25: <basefont size="1" />
1.1       www        26: 
1.19      albertel   27: <script type="text/javascript">
1.22      harris41   28: <!--
1.1       www        29: statustop='';
                     30: statusbot='';
1.23      www        31: active=0;
1.1       www        32: 
1.31      www        33: imgpath='/res/adm/pages/';
1.27      harris41   35: var currentURL='';
1.28      www        36: var currentStale=1;
1.33    ! www        37: var menucltim;
1.26      harris41   38: 
1.25      harris41   39: // not used (yet)
                     40: // var w_Annotator;
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                     42: // var w_BookmarkPal;
                     43: // var w_LONcatInfo;
                     45: //////////////////////////////////////
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                     49: var w_LONcatInfo_flag=-1;
                     50:  // 1 means currently open
                     51:  // 0 means closed (but has been open)
                     52:  // -1 means never yet opened/defined
                     53: ///////////////////////////////////////
1.31      www        55: hr=new Array;
                     56: db=new Array;
                     57: dt=new Array;
1.1       www        59:;
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                     62: function windowcheck() {
                     63:    if (clientwindow.closed) {
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1.7       www        66:'loncapaclient';
1.1       www        67: }
1.5       www        69: function logout () {
1.10      www        70:    windowcheck();
                     71:    if (clientwindow.status!='MenuControl:nologout')
                     72:    {   
1.25      harris41   73:       if (w_Annotator_flag!=-1 && annotator && !annotator.closed) {
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                     75:       }
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                     82:       if (w_LONcatInfo_flag!=-1 && loncatinfo && !loncatinfo.closed) {
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                     84:       }
1.9       www        85:       clientwindow.window.location.href="http://"+clienthost+"/adm/logout";
                     86:    }
1.1       www        87: }
1.23      www        89: function activate () {
1.31      www        90:    opener.menuloaded=1;
1.23      www        91:    setTimeout('active=1;',2000);
                     92: }
                     94: function deactivate () {
                     95:    active=0;
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1.1       www        98: function display(utext,ltext) {
1.23      www        99:   var i; var ch;
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1.31      www       101:   if (utext==undefined) { utext=''; }
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1.23      www       107:   if (active) { 
1.1       www       108:    for (i=0;i<=7;i++) {
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1.31      www       114:       this.document['i'+i].src=imgpath+ch+'.gif';
1.1       www       115:    }
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1.31      www       122:       this.document['j'+i].src=imgpath+ch+'.gif';
1.1       www       123:    }
1.23      www       124:   }
1.1       www       125: }
                    127: function defdis() {
                    128:    this.window.focus();
                    129:    display(statustop,statusbot);
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1.31      www       132: function switchbutton(row,col,imgsrc,texttop,textbot,action) {
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                    135:    hr[idx]=action;
                    136:    dt[idx]=texttop;
                    137:    db[idx]=textbot;
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                    141:    var idx=10*row+col;
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                    143:    hr[idx]='javascript:defdis();';
                    144:    dt[idx]='';
                    145:    db[idx]='';
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1.1       www       148: function setstatus(tp,bt) {
                    149:    this.document['led'].src="ledblink.gif";
                    150:    statustop=tp;
                    151:    statusbot=bt;
                    152:    defdis();
                    153:    endsend();
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                    156: function go(url) {
1.10      www       157:    windowcheck();
1.1       www       158:    this.document['led'].src="ledsend.gif";
                    159:    if (url!='') {
1.7       www       160:        clientwindow.window.location.href="http://"+clienthost+url;
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                    164: function gopost(url,postdata) {
1.10      www       165:    windowcheck();
1.7       www       166:    this.document['led'].src="ledsend.gif";
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1.8       www       169:       this.document.server.postdata.value=postdata;
1.7       www       170:       this.document.server.submit();
1.1       www       171:    }
                    172: }
1.2       tyszkabe  174: function annotate() {
1.25      harris41  175:    w_Annotator_flag=1;
1.11      tyszkabe  176:'','Annotator','width=365,height=265,scrollbars=0');
1.14      www       177:    annotator.document.write(
                    178:    "<html><body onload='Javascript:document.goannotate.submit();'>"
                    179:   +"<form name='goannotate' target='Annotator' method='post' "
                    180:   +"action='/adm/annotations'>"
                    181:   +"<input type='hidden' name='urlnew' value='"+clientwindow.location.href+"'>"
                    182:   +"</form></body></html>");
                    183:    annotator.document.close();
1.2       tyszkabe  184: }
                    186: function set_bookmark() {
                    187:    go('');
1.24      tyszkabe  188:    clienttitle="Enter Title";
                    189:    clienthref="Enter Address";
1.25      harris41  190:    w_bmquery_flag=1;
1.24      tyszkabe  191:'','bmquery','width=365,height=165,scrollbars=0');
                    192:    bmquery.document.write(
                    193:    "<html><body bgcolor='bbbbbb'><center><form method='post'"
                    194:    +" name='newlink' action='/adm/bookmarks' target='bmquery' "
                    195:    +">\n <table width=340 height=150 "
                    196:    +"bgcolor='ffffff' align=center><tr><td>Link Name:<br><input "
                    197:    +"type='text' name='title' size=45 value='"+clienttitle+"'>"
                    198:    +"<br>Address:<br><input type='text' name='address' size='45' "
                    199:    +"value='"+clienthref+"'><br><center><input type='submit' "
                    200:    +"value='Save'> <input type='button' value='Close (no save)' "
                    201:    +"onclick='javascript:window.close();'></center></td>"
                    202:    +"</tr></table></form></center></body></html>");
                    203:    bmquery.document.close();
1.2       tyszkabe  204: }
                    206: function edit_bookmarks() {
                    207:    go('');
1.25      harris41  208:    w_BookmarkPal_flag=1;
1.6       www       210:                "BookmarkPal", "width=400,height=505,scrollbars=0");
1.2       tyszkabe  211: }
1.14      www       213: function catalog_info() {
                    214:    go('');
1.25      harris41  215:    w_LONcatInfo_flag=1;
1.14      www       217: }
1.22      harris41  218: // -->
1.1       www       219: </script>
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1.31      www       222: <table border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="0">
1.1       www       223: <tr><td>
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1.19      albertel  226: ><img border="0" src="title.gif"></img></a>
1.1       www       227: </td><td>
1.19      albertel  228: <img border="0" name="led" src="ledoff.gif"> </img>
1.1       www       229: </td></tr>
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1.17      albertel  231: <br />
1.19      albertel  232: <table border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1">
1.1       www       233: <tr><td bgcolor="#666666">
1.19      albertel  234: <table border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="0"> 
1.1       www       235: <tr>
1.19      albertel  236: <td><img name="i0" src="l.gif"></img></td>
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1.1       www       244: </tr>
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1.19      albertel  246: <td><img name="j0" src="space.gif"></img></td>
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1.1       www       254: </tr>
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1.17      albertel  258: </table><br />
1.1       www       259: 
1.31      www       260: <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
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1.1       www       306: 
1.31      www       307: <tr>
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1.1       www       311: 
1.31      www       312: </table>
1.1       www       313: 
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1.19      albertel  317: ><img border="0" src="spacer.gif"></img></a><br />
1.1       www       318: 
1.7       www       319: <form name='server' action='/adm/logout' method='post' target='loncapaclient'>
1.17      albertel  320: <input type='hidden' name='postdata' value='none'></input>
1.7       www       321: </form>
1.31      www       322: </center>
1.1       www       323: </body>
1.20      www       324: </html>

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