Chemical Reaction Editor


  • Reactants are separated from products by '->'.
  • Individual reactants and products are separated by '  +' (leading space is obligatory).
  • Numbers preceding the first symbol of a chemical specie are considered to be stoichiometric coefficients.
  • Numbers appearing after the first symbol of a chemical specie are considered to be subscripts.
  • Superscripts are initialized by '^' and terminated by a space.
  • Ionic charges are superscripts composed of a number followed by a sign (i.e. '^2+').

  • Press the 'Check' button to view your reaction before you submit it!


  • Ca(NO3)2 is written as:
  • OH- + H3O+ $\rightarrow$ 2H2O is written as:
        OH^- + H3O^+ -> 2H2O
  • [Co(H2O)6]2+ + 4Cl- $\rightarrow$ [CoCl4]2- + 6H2O is written as:
        [Co(H2O)6]^2+ + 4Cl^- -> [CoCl4]^2- + 6H2O
  • 31H + 21H $\rightarrow$ 42He + 10n is written as:
        ^3 1H + ^2 1H -> ^4 2He + ^1 0n