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Current directory: [LON-CAPA] / loncom / interface

File Rev. Age Author Last log entry
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[TXT] coursecatalog.pm 1.106 5 days raeburn - Satisfy w3c xhtml validation.
[TXT] courseclassifier.pm 1.30 19 months raeburn - Remove debugging line
[TXT] courseprefs.pm 1.133 6 weeks raeburn - Bug 5917. Course preference to disable anonymous posts to discussion.
[TXT] createaccount.pm 1.90 2 days raeburn - Following changes in rev. 1.73, if account creation available for both insti...
[TXT] domainprefs.pm 1.450 5 weeks raeburn - Domain configuration for availability of "directory" and "non-directory" use...
[TXT] domainstatus.pm 1.8 8 years raeburn - Use Server Name Indication (SNI) and SSL when replicating content from /raw/...
[TXT] entities.pm 1.23 5 years raeburn - Bug 6899
[TXT] filecategories.tab 1.4 8 years raeburn - Course "Authoring" Space "Import a File" and "Image" blocks in Colorful Edit...
[TXT] filetypes.tab 1.39 7 years raeburn - Additional Microsoft file extensions for 11 macro-enabled file types (includ...
[TXT] groupboards.pm 1.23 4 years raeburn - Prevent localization of group description in breadcrumbs for group tools.
[TXT] grouproster.pm 1.11 4 years raeburn - Prevent localization of group description in breadcrumbs for group tools.
[TXT] groupsort.pm 1.77 7 years raeburn - Remove trailing white space. (No code changes).
[TXT] lonaboutme.pm 1.170 3 weeks raeburn - WCAG 2 compliance
[TXT] lonaccesstimes.pm 1.2 8 years raeburn - Remove unused code (previously commented out). - Include full path to &show_ti...
[TXT] lonannounce.pm 1.88 8 years damieng fixed bug 6846 (bad regexp to match part id)
[TXT] lonblockingmenu.pm 1.32 7 weeks raeburn - For IP-based access control set in a domain, blocked functionality in a cour...
[TXT] lonblockingstatus.pm 1.23 7 weeks raeburn - For IP-based access control set in a domain, blocked functionality in a cour...
[TXT] lonbulletin.pm 1.70 3 weeks raeburn - WCAG 2 compliance
[TXT] lonchat.pm 1.20 15 years raeburn - Bug 6082. - Enlarge width of pop-up chat window to 480. - Reduce text box wi...
[TXT] lonchatfetch.pm 1.40 3 years raeburn - Bug 6955 IP-based blocking. Pass user'sIP address as third arg to loncommon:...
[TXT] lonclonecourse.pm 1.19 2 months raeburn - Don't copy linkprot_passback_pending.db file when cloning.
[TXT] loncommon.pm 1.1459 16 hours raeburn - WCAG 2 compliance.
[TXT] loncommunicate.pm 1.48 3 years raeburn Bug 6955 - If IP-based blocking set in domain config is in effect for user's ...
[TXT] lonconfigsettings.pm 1.73 7 months raeburn - Satisfy w3c validation.
[TXT] loncourseauthor.pm 1.4 8 weeks raeburn - Checking if this is user's homeserver only applicable if role is author, and...
[TXT] loncoursedata.pm 1.209 15 months raeburn - Bug 5273. Authors can show which unexpired co-author roles are managers via: ...
[TXT] loncoursegroups.pm 1.132 18 months raeburn - Domain configuration for default cumulative quota for all group portfolio sp...
[TXT] loncoursequeueadmin.pm 1.69 18 months raeburn - Bug 6982. Processing of course requests for "officiali" courses. Co-ownershi...
[TXT] loncourserespicker.pm 1.21 8 weeks raeburn - Use correct endpoint for loop to populate parents array.
[TXT] loncourseuser.pm 1.1 22 months raeburn - Bug 6979 - Shortcut to student's view of problem etc. from 'View As' item in...
[TXT] loncreatecourse.pm 1.177 22 months raeburn - Accommodate argument changes in &selectbox() and &prettyinput() in lonmeta.pm ...
[TXT] loncreateuser.pm 1.483 5 weeks raeburn - Data shown when modifying user roles for a single user or when listing multi...
[TXT] loncss.pm 1.9 13 years raeburn - Response header generation that works with Apache 1.3 (RHEL4) and Apache 2.
[TXT] londependencies.pm 1.5 7 years raeburn - Sanity checking.
[TXT] londocs.pm 1.723 2 weeks raeburn - WCAG 2 compliance
[TXT] lonerrorhandler.pm 1.24 11 years raeburn - Domain Configuration (Contacts) - Enable/Disable e-mail sent to LON-CAPA whe...
[TXT] lonevaluate.pm 1.31 6 years raeburn - Bug 6754 LON-CAPA as LTI Provider - Original LTI launch of LON-CAPA is for a...
[TXT] lonextresedit.pm 1.35 2 weeks raeburn - WCAG 2 compliance
[TXT] lonexttool.pm 1.25 20 months raeburn - Bugs 6754 and 6907 - Return of grades to launcher CMS supported for resource...
[TXT] lonexturlcheck.pm 1.4 5 years raeburn - "use LONCAPA::LWPReq" not needed because "use Apache::loncommon" is used.
[TXT] lonfeedback.pm 1.393 17 months raeburn - Bug 6929
[TXT] longroup.pm 1.32 20 months raeburn - Support case where assignment of roles in a different domain is queued pendi...
[TXT] longroupchat.pm 1.10 16 years hauer edited: live chatroom => chat room chatroom => chat room chatrooms => chat rooms...
[TXT] lonhelp.pm 1.49 22 months raeburn - Bug 6698 When displaying help files online (which use tth) prevent inclusion...
[TXT] lonhelper.pm 1.204 2 years raeburn - Bug 6907 - Support printout option: "Selected Resources from selected folder...
[TXT] lonhelpmenu.pm 1.50 16 hours raeburn - WCAG 2 compliance.
[TXT] lonhtmlcommon.pm 1.418 2 days raeburn - WCAG 2 compliance.
[TXT] lonhtmlgateway.pm 1.5 14 years raeburn - 'tth' is sixth arg in lontexconvert::algebra().
[TXT] lonindexcourse.pm 1.5 7 weeks raeburn - For IP-based access control set in a domain, blocked functionality in a cour...
[TXT] lonindexer.pm 1.230 4 years raeburn - Improve readability in modal pop-up for .js, .css, .txt, and .tab files.
[TXT] lonmainmenu.pm 1.13 3 years raeburn - Bug 6907 In course context menu collection use can impact display of Main Me...
[TXT] lonmanagekeys.pm 1.27 10 years raeburn - Coding style: keys()
[TXT] lonmenu.pm 1.560 6 weeks raeburn - Eliminate "Community Editor" link for course personnel from secondary menu i...
[TXT] lonmeta.pm 1.257 15 months raeburn - Support domain default or user override in new metadata file for: Default Co...
[TXT] lonmodifycourse.pm 1.107 2 months raeburn - Report OK when the PerlCleanupHandler has successfully finished execution.
[TXT] lonmsg.pm 1.251 12 months raeburn - Typo
[TXT] lonmsgdisplay.pm 1.202 3 weeks raeburn - WCAG 2 compliance
[TXT] lonmysql.pm 1.41 5 years raeburn - Bug 6825
[TXT] lonnavdisplay.pm 1.45 12 days raeburn - Possible values of first item returned byloncommon::needs_coursereinit() cha...
[TXT] lonnavmaps.pm 1.571 2 weeks raeburn - WCAG 2 compliance. Replace <table> used for layout with <div>.
[TXT] lonnotify.pm 1.44 3 years raeburn - Missing localization call added.
[TXT] lonparmset.pm 1.621 14 months raeburn - .tex file in Resource Space or uploaded to Main Content area: - texdisplay p...
[TXT] lonpdfupload.pm 1.25 9 years damieng fixed bug 6782, and escaped most localized messages used in Javascript blocks to...
[TXT] lonpickauthor.pm 1.7 7 years raeburn - lonroles::check_for_adhoc() expects four args.
[TXT] lonpickcode.pm 1.17 6 years raeburn - &get_scantronformat_file() and &get_scantron_config() moved from grades.pm t...
[TXT] lonpickcourse.pm 1.127 7 years raeburn - Hide role selection text used in modal window until needed.
[TXT] lonpickresource.pm 1.3 11 years bisitz XHTML: JavaScript event handlers in lower case
[TXT] lonpickstudent.pm 1.34 16 months raeburn - Bug 6979 Work in progress. Reduce width of "View As" form in Functions menu ...
[TXT] lonpickuser.pm 1.6 8 years raeburn - Domain Configuration for LON-CAPA Directory searches for user information fo...
[TXT] lonplacementtest.pm 1.5 8 years raeburn - Bug 6808. New course container -- "Placement" for Placement Tests. - Student...
[TXT] lonpopulate.pm 1.92 3 years raeburn - Typo
[TXT] lonpreferences.pm 1.245 11 months raeburn - Starting state of standard LON-CAPA menus (collapsed or expanded) when using...
[TXT] lonprintout.pm 1.707 5 weeks raeburn - Remove some traling white space.
[TXT] lonquickgrades.pm 1.128 2 months raeburn - Change in args that can be passed to navmap->new(). Third arg is now user's ...
[TXT] lonrelrequtils.pm 1.8 2 years raeburn - Bug 6975 Folders and Resources in Supplemental Content area can be hidden us...
[TXT] lonrequestcourse.pm 1.118 5 weeks raeburn - Value(s) set for "E-mail from course requests requiring approval" in "E-mail...
[TXT] lonrss.pm 1.62 3 years raeburn - Simplify localization by reusing existing phrases.
[TXT] lonsearchcat.pm 1.360 13 months raeburn - Wording Change
[TXT] lonsearchcourse.pm 1.15 2 weeks raeburn - WCAG 2 compliance.
[TXT] lonselstudent.pm 1.17 8 years raeburn - Users with vgr priv can display first access times for students for course, ...
[TXT] lonsimplepage.pm 1.108 3 weeks raeburn - WCAG 2 compliance
[TXT] lonsource.pm 1.40 5 years raeburn - "View Source" icon/link shown for section-specific roles with vxc priv.
[TXT] lonspeller.pm 1.17 18 years raeburn Removing debug line.
[TXT] lonstatistics.pm 1.165 4 years raeburn - Load CSS file(s) for resource when using (a) Student Submission Reports (onl...
[TXT] lonsupportreq.pm 1.107 3 days raeburn - WCAG 2 compliance.
[TXT] lonsyllabus.pm 1.156 3 weeks raeburn - WCAG 2 compliance
[TXT] lontemplate.pm 1.52 3 weeks raeburn - WCAG 2 compliance
[TXT] lontest.pm 1.23 10 years raeburn - Coding style: - keys(), sort() - for readability eliminate use of $_
[TXT] lontiny.pm 1.24 12 days raeburn - If user already has an active session on the current server and follows a de...
[TXT] lontrackstudent.pm 1.41 3 months raeburn - Where session launch was via LTI-mediated deep-linking from another CMS and ...
[TXT] lonuserutils.pm 1.225 5 weeks raeburn - Data shown when modifying user roles for a single user or when listing multi...
[TXT] lonviewclasslist.pm 1.21 15 months raeburn - Remove duplicate declaration.
[TXT] lonviewcoauthors.pm 1.6 5 months raeburn - Bug 5273 When listing co-authors skip display of records with no username or...
[TXT] lonwhatsnew.pm 1.130 5 months raeburn - WCAG 2 compliance
[TXT] lonwishlist.pm 1.27 6 years raeburn - Bug 6754 LON-CAPA as LTI Provider - Original LTI launch of LON-CAPA is for a...
[TXT] lonwishlistdisplay.pm 1.7 3 years raeburn - Bug 6955 IP-based blocking. - Course search, Stored links, and Resource Anno...
[TXT] multidownload.pl 1.43 4 years raeburn - If problem has file upload items (in essayresponse) in multiple parts can se...
[TXT] mydesk.tab 1.185 6 weeks raeburn - 'Course Editor' restored to secondary menu. (Reverse change in 1.142 and app...
[TXT] portfolio.pm 1.271 5 months raeburn - Help link to right of "Current Access Status" column header points at Portfo...
[TXT] printout.pl 1.177 3 months raeburn - Bug 6880 - Reduce amount of vertical space at top of each page for RHEL/Oracle...
[TXT] resetpw.pm 1.54 5 days raeburn - WCAG 2 compliance.
[TXT] selfenroll.pm 1.37 3 years raeburn - Support customization in localenroll.pm to eliminate ambiguity in extraction ...
[TXT] slotrequest.pm 1.147 19 months raeburn - Remove trailing whitespace. No code changes.
[TXT] spellcheck.pm 1.4 12 years foxr bz838 - add spellchecking to <input type='text'> and <textarea>
[TXT] timezone.tab 1.1 16 years www branches: 1.1.10; Timezone selector
[TXT] graph.gif (in the Attic) [hide] 1.2 23 years minaeibi *** empty log message ***
[TXT] lonassignments.pm (in the Attic) [hide] 1.3 20 years albertel - dead code
[TXT] lonchart.pm (in the Attic) [hide] 1.61 22 years stredwic lonchart has now merged with lonstudentassessment.
[TXT] londropadd.pm (in the Attic) [hide] 1.180 12 years raeburn - londropadd.pm was superceded by lonuserutils.pm in LON-CAPA 2.6.0 - moving l...
[TXT] lonmydesk.pm (in the Attic) [hide] 1.3 23 years www My Desk functionality goes into Remote Control
[TXT] lonremote.pm (in the Attic) [hide] 1.35 14 years droeschl In process of removing remote control, remote navmap and different icon modes co...
[TXT] lonspreadsheet.pm (in the Attic) [hide] 1.181 21 years matthew Remove lonspreadsheet.pm from interface/. Replacement is interface/spreadsheet/...
[TXT] lonwizard.pm (in the Attic) [hide] 1.21 21 years bowersj2 This file is now useless.

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