--- loncom/interface/Attic/londropadd.pm	2004/02/20 19:44:59	1.102
+++ loncom/interface/Attic/londropadd.pm	2005/11/21 19:44:14	1.133
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 # The LearningOnline Network with CAPA
 # Handler to drop and add students in courses 
-# $Id: londropadd.pm,v 1.102 2004/02/20 19:44:59 matthew Exp $
+# $Id: londropadd.pm,v 1.133 2005/11/21 19:44:14 albertel Exp $
 # Copyright Michigan State University Board of Trustees
@@ -32,20 +32,22 @@
 package Apache::londropadd;
 use strict;
-use Apache::lonnet();
+use Apache::lonnet;
 use Apache::loncommon();
 use Apache::lonhtmlcommon();
 use Apache::Constants qw(:common :http REDIRECT);
 use Spreadsheet::WriteExcel;
+use Apache::lonstathelpers();
 use Apache::lonlocal;
 sub header {
+    my $html=&Apache::lonxml::xmlbegin();
     my $bodytag=&Apache::loncommon::bodytag('Enrollment Manager');
     my $title = &mt('LON-CAPA Enrollment Manager');
@@ -135,47 +137,82 @@ sub domain_form {
 #  Menu Phase One
 sub print_main_menu {
-    my $r=shift;
-    my %Text = &Apache::lonlocal::texthash
-        ('upload'    => 'Upload a class list',
-         'enrollone' => 'Enroll a single student',
-         'modify'    => 'Modify student data',
-         'view'      => 'View Class List',
-         'drop'      => 'Drop Students',
-         'populate'  => 'Automated Enrollment Manager');
-    my %help=();
-    foreach ('Course_Drop_Student','Course_Add_Student',
-	     'Course_Modify_Student_Data','Course_View_Class_List',
-	     'Course_Create_Class_List') {
-	$help{$_}=&Apache::loncommon::help_open_topic($_);
+    my ($r,$enrl_permission,$view_permission,$grp_manage_permission,
+        $grp_view_permission)=@_;
+    #
+    my ($cdom,$cnum) = split/_/,$env{'request.course.id'};
+    my @menu = 
+        ( 
+          { text => 'Upload a class list', 
+            help => 'Course_Create_Class_List',
+            action => 'upload',
+            permission => $enrl_permission,
+            },
+          { text => 'Enroll a single student', 
+            help => 'Course_Add_Student',
+            action => 'enrollstudent',
+            permission => $enrl_permission,
+            },
+          { text => 'Modify student data', 
+            help => 'Course_Modify_Student_Data',
+            action => 'modifystudent',
+            permission => $enrl_permission,
+            },
+          { text => 'View Class List', 
+            help => 'Course_View_Class_List',
+            action => 'classlist',
+            permission => $view_permission,
+            },
+          { text => 'Drop Students', 
+            help => 'Course_Drop_Student',
+            action => 'drop',
+            permission => $enrl_permission,
+            },
+          { text => 'Automated Enrollment Manager', 
+            permission => &Apache::lonnet::auto_run($cnum,$cdom),
+            url  => '/adm/populate',
+            },
+#          { text => 'Create a new group',
+#            help => 'Course_Create_Group',
+#            permission => $grp_manage_permission,
+#            url => '/adm/coursegroups?refpage=enrl&action=create',
+#            },
+#          { text => 'Modify an existing group',
+#            help => 'Course_Modify_Group',
+#            permission => $grp_manage_permission,
+#            url => '/adm/coursegroups?refpage=enrl&action=modify',
+#            },
+#          { text => 'Delete an existing group',
+#            help => 'Course_Delete_Group',
+#            permission => $grp_manage_permission,
+#            url => '/adm/coursegroups?refpage=enrl&action=delete',
+#            },
+#          { text => 'Enter an existing group',
+#            help => 'Course_Display_Group',
+#            permission => $grp_view_permission,
+#            url => '/adm/coursegroups?refpage=enrl&action=view',
+#            },
+          );
+    my $menu_html = '';
+    foreach my $menu_item (@menu) {
+        next if (! $menu_item->{'permission'});
+        $menu_html.='<p>';
+        $menu_html.='<font size="+1">';
+        if (exists($menu_item->{'url'})) {
+            $menu_html.=qq{<a href="$menu_item->{'url'}">};
+        } else {
+            $menu_html.=
+                qq{<a href="/adm/dropadd?action=$menu_item->{'action'}">};
+        }
+        $menu_html.= &mt($menu_item->{'text'}).'</a></font>';
+        if (exists($menu_item->{'help'})) {
+            $menu_html.=
+                &Apache::loncommon::help_open_topic($menu_item->{'help'});
+        }
+        $menu_html.='</p>'.$/;
-    $r->print(<<END);
-<font size="+1">
-<a href="/adm/dropadd?action=upload">$Text{'upload'}</a>
-<font size="+1">
-    <a href="/adm/dropadd?action=enrollstudent">$Text{'enrollone'}</a>
-    </font>$help{'Course_Add_Student'}
-<font size="+1">
-    <a href="/adm/dropadd?action=modifystudent">$Text{'modify'}</a>
-    </font>$help{'Course_Modify_Student_Data'}
-<font size="+1">
-    <a href="/adm/dropadd?action=classlist">$Text{'view'}</a>
-    </font>$help{'Course_View_Class_List'}
-<font size="+1">
-    <a href="/adm/dropadd?action=drop">$Text{'drop'}</a>
-    </font>$help{'Course_Drop_Student'}
-<font size="+1">
-    <a href="/adm/populate">$Text{'populate'}</a>
+    $r->print($menu_html);
+    return;
@@ -189,17 +226,17 @@ sub print_upload_manager_header {
     my ($r,$datatoken,$distotal,$krbdefdom)=@_;
     my $javascript;
-    if (! exists($ENV{'form.upfile_associate'})) {
-        $ENV{'form.upfile_associate'} = 'forward';
+    if (! exists($env{'form.upfile_associate'})) {
+        $env{'form.upfile_associate'} = 'forward';
-    if ($ENV{'form.associate'} eq 'Reverse Association') {
-        if ( $ENV{'form.upfile_associate'} ne 'reverse' ) {
-            $ENV{'form.upfile_associate'} = 'reverse';
+    if ($env{'form.associate'} eq 'Reverse Association') {
+        if ( $env{'form.upfile_associate'} ne 'reverse' ) {
+            $env{'form.upfile_associate'} = 'reverse';
         } else {
-            $ENV{'form.upfile_associate'} = 'forward';
+            $env{'form.upfile_associate'} = 'forward';
-    if ($ENV{'form.upfile_associate'} eq 'reverse') {
+    if ($env{'form.upfile_associate'} eq 'reverse') {
     } else {
@@ -207,8 +244,8 @@ sub print_upload_manager_header {
     # Deal with restored settings
     my $password_choice = '';
-    if (exists($ENV{'form.ipwd_choice'}) &&
-        $ENV{'form.ipwd_choice'} ne '') {
+    if (exists($env{'form.ipwd_choice'}) &&
+        $env{'form.ipwd_choice'} ne '') {
         # If a column was specified for password, assume it is for an
         # internal password.  This is a bug waiting to be filed (could be
         # local or krb auth instead of internal) but I do not have the 
@@ -218,7 +255,7 @@ sub print_upload_manager_header {
     my $javascript_validations=&javascript_validations('auth',$krbdefdom,
-    my $checked=(($ENV{'form.noFirstLine'})?' checked="1"':'');
+    my $checked=(($env{'form.noFirstLine'})?' checked="1"':'');
     $r->print('<h3>'.&mt('Uploading Class List')."</h3>\n".
               '<h3>'.&mt('Identify fields')."</h3>\n");
@@ -231,14 +268,14 @@ sub print_upload_manager_header {
-              &hidden_input('fileupload',$ENV{'form.fileupload'}).
-              &hidden_input('upfiletype',$ENV{'form.upfiletype'}).
-              &hidden_input('upfile_associate',$ENV{'form.upfile_associate'}));
+              &hidden_input('fileupload',$env{'form.fileupload'}).
+              &hidden_input('upfiletype',$env{'form.upfiletype'}).
+              &hidden_input('upfile_associate',$env{'form.upfile_associate'}));
     $r->print('<input type="button" value="Reverse Association" '.
               'name="'.&mt('Reverse Association').'" '.
               'onClick="javascript:this.form.associate.value=\'Reverse Association\';submit(this.form);" />');
-    $r->print('<input type="checkbox" name="noFirstLine" $checked />'.
-              &mt('Ignore First Line'));
+    $r->print('<label><input type="checkbox" name="noFirstLine" $checked />'.
+              &mt('Ignore First Line').'</label>');
     $r->print("<hr />\n".
               '<script type="text/javascript" language="Javascript">'."\n".
@@ -303,7 +340,7 @@ END
     // alert('current.radiovalue = '+current.radiovalue);
-    if (current.radiovalue == null || current.radiovalue == 'nochange') {
+    if (current.radiovalue == null || current.radiovalue == '' || current.radiovalue == 'nochange') {
         // They did not check any of the login radiobuttons.
@@ -575,9 +612,9 @@ sub print_upload_manager_footer {
                   kerb_def_dom => $krbdefdom,
                   kerb_def_auth => $krbdef
-    if (exists($ENV{'form.ipwd_choice'}) &&
-        defined($ENV{'form.ipwd_choice'}) &&
-        $ENV{'form.ipwd_choice'} ne '') {
+    if (exists($env{'form.ipwd_choice'}) &&
+        defined($env{'form.ipwd_choice'}) &&
+        $env{'form.ipwd_choice'} ne '') {
         $param{'curr_authtype'} = 'int';
     my $krbform = &Apache::loncommon::authform_kerberos(%param);
@@ -591,6 +628,7 @@ sub print_upload_manager_footer {
     $Str .= '<h3>'.&mt('Login Type')."</h3>\n";
     $Str .= "<p>\n".
         &mt('Note: this will not take effect if the user already exists').
+	&Apache::loncommon::help_open_topic('Auth_Options').
     $Str .= $krbform."\n</p><p>\n".
@@ -600,14 +638,14 @@ sub print_upload_manager_footer {
     $Str .= "<h3>".&mt('Starting and Ending Dates')."</h3>\n";
     $Str .= "<p>\n".$date_table."</p>\n";
     $Str .= "<h3>".&mt('Full Update')."</h3>\n";
-    $Str .= '<input type="checkbox" name="fullup" value="yes">'.
+    $Str .= '<label><input type="checkbox" name="fullup" value="yes">'.
         ' '.&mt('Full update (also print list of users not enrolled anymore)').
-        "</p>\n";
+        "</label></p>\n";
     $Str .= "<h3>".&mt('Student Number')."</h3>\n";
-    $Str .= "<p>\n".'<input type="checkbox" name="forceid" value="yes">';
+    $Str .= "<p>\n".'<label><input type="checkbox" name="forceid" value="yes">';
     $Str .= &mt('Disable ID/Student Number Safeguard and Force Change '.
                 'of Conflicting IDs (only do if you know what you are doing)').
-                "\n</p><p>\n";
+                "</label>\n</p><p>\n";
     $Str .= '<input type="button" onClick="javascript:verify(this.form)" '.
         'value="Update Class List" />'."<br />\n";
     $Str .= &mt('Note: for large courses, this operation may be time '.
@@ -623,14 +661,14 @@ sub print_upload_manager_form {
     my $firstLine;
     my $datatoken;
-    if (!$ENV{'form.datatoken'}) {
+    if (!$env{'form.datatoken'}) {
     } else {
-        $datatoken=$ENV{'form.datatoken'};
+        $datatoken=$env{'form.datatoken'};
     my @records=&Apache::loncommon::upfile_record_sep();
-    if($ENV{'form.noFirstLine'}){
+    if($env{'form.noFirstLine'}){
     my $total=$#records;
@@ -653,7 +691,7 @@ sub print_upload_manager_form {
     # Determine kerberos parameters as appropriate
-    my $defdom=$ENV{'course.'.$ENV{'request.course.id'}.'.domain'};
+    my $defdom=$env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.domain'};
     my ($krbdef,$krbdefdom) =
@@ -662,17 +700,17 @@ sub print_upload_manager_form {
     my $keyfields;
     if ($total>=0) {
         my @field=
-            (['username',&mt('Username'),     $ENV{'form.username_choice'}],
-             ['names',&mt('Last Name, First Names'),$ENV{'form.names_choice'}],
-             ['fname',&mt('First Name'),      $ENV{'form.fname_choice'}],
-             ['mname',&mt('Middle Names/Initials'),$ENV{'form.mname_choice'}],
-             ['lname',&mt('Last Name'),       $ENV{'form.lname_choice'}],
-             ['gen',  &mt('Generation'),      $ENV{'form.gen_choice'}],
-             ['id',   &mt('ID/Student Number'),$ENV{'form.id_choice'}],
-             ['sec',  &mt('Group/Section'),   $ENV{'form.sec_choice'}],
-             ['ipwd', &mt('Initial Password'),$ENV{'form.ipwd_choice'}],
-             ['email',&mt('EMail Address'),   $ENV{'form.email_choice'}]);
-	if ($ENV{'form.upfile_associate'} eq 'reverse') {	
+            (['username',&mt('Username'),     $env{'form.username_choice'}],
+             ['names',&mt('Last Name, First Names'),$env{'form.names_choice'}],
+             ['fname',&mt('First Name'),      $env{'form.fname_choice'}],
+             ['mname',&mt('Middle Names/Initials'),$env{'form.mname_choice'}],
+             ['lname',&mt('Last Name'),       $env{'form.lname_choice'}],
+             ['gen',  &mt('Generation'),      $env{'form.gen_choice'}],
+             ['id',   &mt('ID/Student Number'),$env{'form.id_choice'}],
+             ['sec',  &mt('Group/Section'),   $env{'form.sec_choice'}],
+             ['ipwd', &mt('Initial Password'),$env{'form.ipwd_choice'}],
+             ['email',&mt('EMail Address'),   $env{'form.email_choice'}]);
+	if ($env{'form.upfile_associate'} eq 'reverse') {	
@@ -696,25 +734,25 @@ sub print_upload_manager_form {
 sub enroll_single_student {
     my $r=shift;
     # Remove non alphanumeric values from section
-    $ENV{'form.csec'}=~s/\W//g;
+    $env{'form.csec'}=~s/\W//g;
     # We do the dates first because the action of making them the defaul
-    # in the course is entirely seperate from the action of enrolling the
+    # in the course is entirely separate from the action of enrolling the
     # student.  Also, a failure in setting the dates as default is not fatal
     # to the process of enrolling / modifying a student.
     my ($startdate,$enddate) = &get_dates_from_form();
-    if ($ENV{'form.makedatesdefault'}) {
+    if ($env{'form.makedatesdefault'}) {
     $r->print('<h3>'.&mt('Enrolling Student').'</h3>');
-    $r->print('<p>'.&mt('Enrolling').' '.$ENV{'form.cuname'}." \@ ".
-              $ENV{'form.lcdomain'}.'</p>');
-    if (($ENV{'form.cuname'})&&($ENV{'form.cuname'}!~/\W/)&&
-        ($ENV{'form.lcdomain'})&&($ENV{'form.lcdomain'}!~/\W/)) {
+    $r->print('<p>'.&mt('Enrolling').' '.$env{'form.cuname'}." \@ ".
+              $env{'form.lcdomain'}.'</p>');
+    if (($env{'form.cuname'})&&($env{'form.cuname'}!~/\W/)&&
+        ($env{'form.lcdomain'})&&($env{'form.lcdomain'}!~/\W/)) {
         # Deal with home server selection
-        my $domain=$ENV{'form.lcdomain'};
-        my $desiredhost = $ENV{'form.lcserver'};
+        my $domain=$env{'form.lcdomain'};
+        my $desiredhost = $env{'form.lcserver'};
         if (lc($desiredhost) eq 'default') {
             $desiredhost = undef;
         } else {
@@ -729,33 +767,33 @@ sub enroll_single_student {
         # End of home server selection logic
 	my $amode='';
         my $genpwd='';
-        if ($ENV{'form.login'} eq 'krb') {
+        if ($env{'form.login'} eq 'krb') {
-	   $amode.=$ENV{'form.krbver'};
-           $genpwd=$ENV{'form.krbarg'};
-        } elsif ($ENV{'form.login'} eq 'int') {
+	   $amode.=$env{'form.krbver'};
+           $genpwd=$env{'form.krbarg'};
+        } elsif ($env{'form.login'} eq 'int') {
-           $genpwd=$ENV{'form.intarg'};
-        }  elsif ($ENV{'form.login'} eq 'loc') {
+           $genpwd=$env{'form.intarg'};
+        }  elsif ($env{'form.login'} eq 'loc') {
-	    $genpwd=$ENV{'form.locarg'};
+	    $genpwd=$env{'form.locarg'};
 	    if (!$genpwd) { $genpwd=" "; }
-        my $home = &Apache::lonnet::homeserver($ENV{'form.cuname'},
-                                                   $ENV{'form.lcdomain'});
+        my $home = &Apache::lonnet::homeserver($env{'form.cuname'},
+                                                   $env{'form.lcdomain'});
         if ((($amode) && ($genpwd)) || ($home ne 'no_host')) {
             # Clean out any old roles the student has in this class.
-            &modifystudent($ENV{'form.lcdomain'},$ENV{'form.cuname'},
-                           $ENV{'request.course.id'},$ENV{'form.csec'},
+            &modifystudent($env{'form.lcdomain'},$env{'form.cuname'},
+                           $env{'request.course.id'},$env{'form.csec'},
             my $login_result = &Apache::lonnet::modifystudent
-                ($ENV{'form.lcdomain'},$ENV{'form.cuname'},
-                 $ENV{'form.cstid'},$amode,$genpwd,
-                 $ENV{'form.cfirst'},$ENV{'form.cmiddle'},
-                 $ENV{'form.clast'},$ENV{'form.cgen'},
-                 $ENV{'form.csec'},$enddate,
-                 $startdate,$ENV{'form.forceid'},
-                 $desiredhost);
+                ($env{'form.lcdomain'},$env{'form.cuname'},
+                 $env{'form.cstid'},$amode,$genpwd,
+                 $env{'form.cfirst'},$env{'form.cmiddle'},
+                 $env{'form.clast'},$env{'form.cgen'},
+                 $env{'form.csec'},$enddate,
+                 $startdate,$env{'form.forceid'},
+                 $desiredhost,$env{'form.emailaddress'});
             if ($login_result =~ /^ok/) {
                 $r->print("<p> ".&mt('If active, the new role will be available when the student next logs in to LON-CAPA.')."</p>");
@@ -769,7 +807,7 @@ sub enroll_single_student {
             } else {
                 $r->print(&mt('Invalid login mode or password.').'  ');
-            $r->print('<b>'.&mt('Unable to enroll').' '.$ENV{'form.cuname'}.'.</b></p>');
+            $r->print('<b>'.&mt('Unable to enroll').' '.$env{'form.cuname'}.'.</b></p>');
     } else {
         $r->print(&mt('Invalid username or domain'));
@@ -780,10 +818,10 @@ sub setup_date_selectors {
     my ($starttime,$endtime,$mode) = @_;
     if (! defined($starttime)) {
         $starttime = time;
-        unless ($mode eq 'createcourse') {
-            if (exists($ENV{'course.'.$ENV{'request.course.id'}.
+        unless ($mode eq 'create_enrolldates' || $mode eq 'create_defaultdates') {
+            if (exists($env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.
                             '.default_enrollment_start_date'})) {
-                $starttime = $ENV{'course.'.$ENV{'request.course.id'}.
+                $starttime = $env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.
@@ -791,9 +829,9 @@ sub setup_date_selectors {
     if (! defined($endtime)) {
         $endtime = time+(6*30*24*60*60); # 6 months from now, approx
         unless ($mode eq 'createcourse') {
-            if (exists($ENV{'course.'.$ENV{'request.course.id'}.
+            if (exists($env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.
                             '.default_enrollment_end_date'})) {
-                $endtime = $ENV{'course.'.$ENV{'request.course.id'}.
+                $endtime = $env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.
@@ -804,12 +842,20 @@ sub setup_date_selectors {
     my $enddateform = &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::date_setter('studentform',
-    if ($mode eq 'createcourse') {
+    if ($mode eq 'create_enrolldates') {
         $startdateform = &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::date_setter('ccrs',
-                                                            'startdate',
+                                                            'startenroll',
         $enddateform = &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::date_setter('ccrs',
-                                                          'enddate',
+                                                          'endenroll',
+                                                          $endtime);
+    }
+    if ($mode eq 'create_defaultdates') {
+        $startdateform = &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::date_setter('ccrs',
+                                                            'startaccess',
+                                                            $starttime);
+        $enddateform = &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::date_setter('ccrs',
+                                                          'endaccess',
     return ($startdateform,$enddateform);
@@ -818,7 +864,7 @@ sub setup_date_selectors {
 sub get_dates_from_form {
     my $startdate = &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::get_date_from_form('startdate');
     my $enddate   = &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::get_date_from_form('enddate');
-    if ($ENV{'form.no_end_date'}) {
+    if ($env{'form.no_end_date'}) {
         $enddate = 0;
     return ($startdate,$enddate);
@@ -828,16 +874,19 @@ sub date_setting_table {
     my ($starttime,$endtime,$mode) = @_;
     my ($startform,$endform)=&setup_date_selectors($starttime,$endtime,$mode);
     my $dateDefault = '<nobr>'.
-        '<input type="checkbox" name="makedatesdefault" /> '.
-        &mt('make these dates the default for future enrollment');
-    if ($mode eq 'createcourse') {
+        '<label><input type="checkbox" name="makedatesdefault" /> '.
+        &mt('make these dates the default for future enrollment').'</label>';
+    if ($mode eq 'create_enrolldates' || $mode eq 'create_defaultdates') {
         $dateDefault = '&nbsp;';
-    my $perpetual = '<nobr><input type="checkbox" name="no_end_date"';
+    my $perpetual = '<nobr><label><input type="checkbox" name="no_end_date"';
     if (defined($endtime) && $endtime == 0) {
         $perpetual .= ' checked';
-    $perpetual.= ' /> '.&mt('no ending date').'</nobr>';
+    $perpetual.= ' /> '.&mt('no ending date').'</label></nobr>';
+    if ($mode eq 'create_enrolldates') {
+        $perpetual = '&nbsp;';
+    }
     my $result = '';
     $result .= "<table>\n";
     $result .= '<tr><td align="right">'.&mt('Starting Date').'</td>'.
@@ -853,8 +902,8 @@ sub date_setting_table {
 sub make_dates_default {
     my ($startdate,$enddate) = @_;
     my $result = '';
-    my $dom = $ENV{'course.'.$ENV{'request.course.id'}.'.domain'};
-    my $crs = $ENV{'course.'.$ENV{'request.course.id'}.'.num'};
+    my $dom = $env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.domain'};
+    my $crs = $env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.num'};
     my $put_result = &Apache::lonnet::put('environment',
              'default_enrollment_end_date'  =>$enddate},$dom,$crs);
@@ -862,7 +911,7 @@ sub make_dates_default {
         $result .= "Set default start and end dates for course<br />";
         # Refresh the course environment
-        &Apache::lonnet::coursedescription($ENV{'request.course.id'});
+        &Apache::lonnet::coursedescription($env{'request.course.id'});
     } else {
         $result .= &mt('Unable to set default dates for course').":".$put_result.
             '<br />';
@@ -876,7 +925,7 @@ sub make_dates_default {
 sub get_student_username_domain_form {
     my $r = shift;
     my $domform = &Apache::loncommon::select_dom_form
-        ($ENV{'course.'.$ENV{'request.course.id'}.'.domain'},'cudomain',0);
+        ($env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.domain'},'cudomain',0);
     my %lt=&Apache::lonlocal::texthash(
 		    'eos'  => "Enroll One Student",
 		    'usr'  => "Username",
@@ -897,6 +946,10 @@ sub get_student_username_domain_form {
     <input type="submit" name="Begin Enrollment" value="$lt{'been'}" />
+<script type="text/javascript">
+// the if prevents the script error if the browser can not handle this
+if ( document.studentform.cuname ) { document.studentform.cuname.focus(); }
@@ -905,8 +958,10 @@ sub print_enroll_single_student_form {
     my $r=shift;
     $r->print("<h3>".&mt('Enroll One Student')."</h3>");
-    my $username = $ENV{'form.cuname'};
-    my $domain   = $ENV{'form.cudomain'};
+    my $username = $env{'form.cuname'};
+    my $domain   = $env{'form.cudomain'};
+    $username=~s/\W//gs;
+    $domain=~s/\W//gs;
     my $home = &Apache::lonnet::homeserver($username,$domain);
     # $new_user flags whether we are creating a new user or using an old one
     my $new_user = 1;
@@ -917,7 +972,7 @@ sub print_enroll_single_student_form {
     my $user_data_html = '';
     my $javascript_validations = '';
     if ($new_user) {
-        my $defdom=$ENV{'course.'.$ENV{'request.course.id'}.'.domain'};
+        my $defdom=$env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.domain'};
         # Set up authentication forms
         my ($krbdef,$krbdefdom) =
@@ -951,7 +1006,9 @@ sub print_enroll_single_student_form {
                        'hs'   => "Home Server",
                        'pswd' => "Password",
 		       'psam' => "Please select an authentication mechanism",
+                       'mail' => "Email Address"
+	my $authhelp=&Apache::loncommon::help_open_topic('Auth_Options');
         $user_data_html = <<END;
 <h3>$lt{'udf'} $username\@$domain</h3>
@@ -965,9 +1022,11 @@ sub print_enroll_single_student_form {
     <td><input type="text" name="cgen"    size="5"> </td></tr>
+    <td><input type="text" name="emailaddress" size="20" /></td></tr>
@@ -987,6 +1046,7 @@ END
                        'mn'   => "Middle Name",
                        'ln'   => "Last Name",
                        'gen'  => "Generation",
+                       'mail' => "Email Address",
         $user_data_html = <<END;
 <h3>$lt{'udf'} $username\@$domain</h3>
@@ -1008,6 +1068,10 @@ END
     <input type="text" name="cgen" value="$uenv{'generation'}" size="5" />
+    <td>
+    <input type="text" name="emailaddress" value="$uenv{'permanentemail'}" size="20" />
+    </td></tr>
@@ -1074,8 +1138,10 @@ $date_table
 $lt{'idsn'}: <input type="text" name="cstid" size="10">
 <input type="checkbox" name="forceid" value="yes"> 
 <input type="button" onClick="verify(this.form)" value="$lt{'eas'}">
@@ -1087,7 +1153,7 @@ END
 sub print_drop_menu {
     my $r=shift;
     $r->print("<h3>".&mt('Drop Students')."</h3>");
-    my $cid=$ENV{'request.course.id'};
+    my $cid=$env{'request.course.id'};
     my ($classlist,$keylist) = &Apache::loncoursedata::get_classlist();
     if (! defined($classlist)) {
         $r->print(&mt('There are no students currently enrolled.')."\n");
@@ -1100,119 +1166,144 @@ sub print_drop_menu {
 # ============================================== view classlist
 sub print_html_classlist {
-    my $r=shift;
-    if (! exists($ENV{'form.sortby'})) {
-        $ENV{'form.sortby'} = 'username';
+    my ($r,$mode) = @_;
+    if (! exists($env{'form.sortby'})) {
+        $env{'form.sortby'} = 'username';
-    if ($ENV{'form.Status'} !~ /^(Any|Expired|Active)$/) {
-        $ENV{'form.Status'} = 'Active';
+    if ($env{'form.Status'} !~ /^(Any|Expired|Active)$/) {
+        $env{'form.Status'} = 'Active';
     my $status_select = &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::StatusOptions
-        ($ENV{'form.Status'},'studentform');
-    my $cid=$ENV{'request.course.id'};
-    my $cdom=$ENV{'course.'.$cid.'.domain'};
-    my $cnum=$ENV{'course.'.$cid.'.num'};
-# -------------------------------------------------------- Get course personnel
+        ($env{'form.Status'});
+    my $cid=$env{'request.course.id'};
+    my $cdom=$env{'course.'.$cid.'.domain'};
+    my $cnum=$env{'course.'.$cid.'.num'};
+    #
+    # List course personnel
     my %coursepersonnel=&Apache::lonnet::get_course_adv_roles($cdom.'/'.$cnum);
-    $r->print('<table border="2">');
-    foreach (sort keys %coursepersonnel) {
-	$r->print('<tr><td>'.$_.'</td><td>');
-        foreach (split(/\,/,$coursepersonnel{$_})) {
-	    my ($puname,$pudom)=split(/\:/,$_);
+    #
+    if (! defined($env{'form.output'}) ||
+        $env{'form.output'} !~ /^(csv|excel|html)$/ ) {
+        $env{'form.output'} = 'html';
+    }
+    #
+    $r->print('<br /><table border="2">');
+    foreach my $role (sort keys %coursepersonnel) {
+        next if ($role =~ /^\s*$/);
+	$r->print('<tr><td>'.$role.'</td><td>');
+        foreach my $user (split(',',$coursepersonnel{$role})) {
+	    my ($puname,$pudom)=split(':',$user);
 	    $r->print(' '.&Apache::loncommon::aboutmewrapper(
-                          &Apache::loncommon::plainname($puname,
-                          $pudom),$puname,$pudom));
+                                    &Apache::loncommon::plainname($puname,
+                                                                  $pudom),
+                                                             $puname,$pudom));
-# --------------------------------------------------------------- Student roles
-    my $CCL=&mt('Current Class List');
-    $r->print(<<END);
-<input type="hidden" name="action" value="$ENV{'form.action'}" />
-<input type="hidden" name="state"  value="" />
-<font size="+1">$CCL</font>
-    if ($ENV{'form.action'} ne 'modifystudent') {
-	my %lt=&Apache::lonlocal::texthash(
-		   'ef'   => "Excel format",
-                   'ss'   => "Student Status",
-					   );
-        $r->print(<<END);
-<font size="+1">
-<a href="javascript:document.studentform.state.value='csv';document.studentform.submit();">CSV format</a>
-<a href="javascript:document.studentform.state.value='excel';document.studentform.submit();">$lt{'ef'}</a>
+    #
+    # Interface output
+    $r->print('<input type="hidden" name="action" value="'.
+              $env{'form.action'}.'" />');
+    $r->print("<p>\n");
+    if ($env{'form.action'} ne 'modifystudent') {
+	my %lt=&Apache::lonlocal::texthash('csv' => "CSV",
+                                           'excel' => "Excel",
+                                           'html'  => 'HTML');
+        my $output_selector = '<select size="1" name="output" >';
+        foreach my $outputformat ('html','csv','excel') {
+            my $option = '<option value="'.$outputformat.'" ';
+            if ($outputformat eq $env{'form.output'}) {
+                $option .= 'selected ';
+            }
+            $option .='>'.$lt{$outputformat}.'</option>';
+            $output_selector .= "\n".$option;
+        }
+        $output_selector .= '</select>';
+        $r->print(&mt('Output Format: [_1]',$output_selector).('&nbsp;'x3));
-    $r->print($status_select."</p>\n");
+    $r->print(&mt('Student Status: [_1]',$status_select)."\n");
+    $r->print('<input type="submit" value="'.&mt('Update Display').'" />'.
+              "\n</p>\n");
+    #
+    # Print the classlist
+    $r->print('<h2>'.&mt('Current Class List').'</h2>');
     my ($classlist,$keylist)=&Apache::loncoursedata::get_classlist();
     if (! defined($classlist)) {
         $r->print(&mt('There are no students currently enrolled.')."\n");
     } else {
         # Print out the available choices
-        if ($ENV{'form.action'} eq 'modifystudent') {
-            &show_class_list($r,'view','modify','modifystudent',
-                             $ENV{'form.Status'},$classlist,$keylist);
+        if ($env{'form.action'} eq 'modifystudent') {
+            &show_class_list($r,'view','modify',
+                             $env{'form.Status'},$classlist,$keylist);
         } else {
-            &show_class_list($r,'view','aboutme','classlist',
-                             $ENV{'form.Status'},$classlist,$keylist);
+            &show_class_list($r,$env{'form.output'},'aboutme',
+                             $env{'form.Status'},$classlist,$keylist);
-# ============================================== view classlist
-sub print_formatted_classlist {
-    my $r=shift;
-    my $mode = shift;
-    my $cid=$ENV{'request.course.id'};
-    my ($classlist,$keylist)=&Apache::loncoursedata::get_classlist();
-    if (! defined($classlist)) {
-        $r->print(&mt('There are no students currently enrolled.')."\n");
-    } else {
-        &show_class_list($r,$mode,'nolink','csv',
-                         $ENV{'form.Status'},$classlist,$keylist);
-    }
 # =================================================== Show student list to drop
 sub show_class_list {
-    my ($r,$mode,$linkto,$action,$statusmode,$classlist,$keylist)=@_;
-    my $cid=$ENV{'request.course.id'};
+    my ($r,$mode,$linkto,$statusmode,$classlist,$keylist)=@_;
+    my $cid=$env{'request.course.id'};
     # Variables for excel output
-    my ($excel_workbook, $excel_sheet, $excel_filename,$row);
+    my ($excel_workbook, $excel_sheet, $excel_filename,$row,$format);
-    my $sortby = $ENV{'form.sortby'};
-    if ($sortby !~ /^(username|domain|section|fullname|id)$/) {
+    # Variables for csv output
+    my ($CSVfile,$CSVfilename);
+    #
+    my $sortby = $env{'form.sortby'};
+    if ($sortby !~ /^(username|domain|section|fullname|id|start|end|type)$/) {
         $sortby = 'username';
     # Print out header 
-    if ($mode eq 'view') {
+    unless ($mode eq 'autoenroll') {
+        $r->print(<<END);
+<input type="hidden" name="state" value="$env{'form.state'}" />
+    }
+    $r->print(<<END);
+<input type="hidden" name="sortby" value="$sortby" />
+    if ($mode eq 'html' || $mode eq 'view' || $mode eq 'autoenroll') {
         if ($linkto eq 'aboutme') {
             $r->print(&mt('Select a user name to view the users personal page.'));
         } elsif ($linkto eq 'modify') {
             $r->print(&mt('Select a user name to modify the students information'));
 	my %lt=&Apache::lonlocal::texthash(
-	               'usrn'   => "username",
-                       'dom'    => "domain",
-                       'sn'     => "student name",
-                       'sec'    => "section",
+                                           'usrn'   => "username",
+                                           'dom'    => "domain",
+                                           'sn'     => "student name",
+                                           'sec'    => "section",
+                                           'start'  => "start date",
+                                           'end'    => "end date",
+                                           'type'   => "enroll type/action"
-        $r->print(<<END);
-<input type="hidden" name="sortby" value="$sortby" />
+        unless ($mode eq 'autoenroll') {
+            $r->print(<<END);
 <input type="hidden" name="sname"  value="" />
 <input type="hidden" name="sdom"   value="" />
+        }
+        $r->print("
 <table border=2>
+        ");
+        if ($mode eq 'autoenroll') {
+            $r->print("
+ <th><a href=\"javascript:document.studentform.sortby.value='type';document.studentform.submit();\">$lt{'type'}</a></th>
+            ");
+        } else {
+            $r->print("
+            ");
+        }
+        $r->print(<<END);
+    <th>
        <a href="javascript:document.studentform.sortby.value='username';document.studentform.submit();">$lt{'usrn'}</a>
        <a href="javascript:document.studentform.sortby.value='domain';document.studentform.submit();">$lt{'dom'}</a>
@@ -1222,37 +1313,57 @@ sub show_class_list {
        <a href="javascript:document.studentform.sortby.value='fullname';document.studentform.submit();">$lt{'sn'}</a>
        <a href="javascript:document.studentform.sortby.value='section';document.studentform.submit();">$lt{'sec'}</a>
+    </th><th>
+       <a href="javascript:document.studentform.sortby.value='start';document.studentform.submit();">$lt{'start'}</a>
+    </th><th>
+       <a href="javascript:document.studentform.sortby.value='end';document.studentform.submit();">$lt{'end'}</a>
+  </tr>
     } elsif ($mode eq 'csv') {
+	#
+	# Open a file
+	$CSVfilename = '/prtspool/'.
+	    $env{'user.name'}.'_'.$env{'user.domain'}.'_'.
+            time.'_'.rand(1000000000).'.csv';
+	unless ($CSVfile = Apache::File->new('>/home/httpd'.$CSVfilename)) {
+	    $r->log_error("Couldn't open $CSVfilename for output $!");
+	    $r->print("Problems occured in writing the csv file.  ".
+		      "This error has been logged.  ".
+		      "Please alert your LON-CAPA administrator.");
+	    $CSVfile = undef;
+	}
+	#
+	# Write headers and data to file
         if($statusmode eq 'Expired') {
-            $r->print(&mt('Students with expired roles'));
+            print $CSVfile '"'.&mt('Students with expired roles').'"'."\n";
         if ($statusmode eq 'Any') {
-            $r->print('"'.join('","',(&mt("username"),&mt("domain"),"ID",
-                      &mt("student name"),&mt("section"),&mt("status"))).
-                      '"'."\n");
+            print $CSVfile '"'.join('","',map {
+		&Apache::loncommon::csv_translate(&mt($_))
+                } ("username","domain","ID","student name",
+                   "section","start date","end date","status")).'"'."\n";
         } else {
-            $r->print('"'.join('","',(&mt("username"),&mt("domain"),"ID",
-                      &mt("student name"),&mt("section"))).'"'."\n");
+            print $CSVfile '"'.join('","',map {
+		&Apache::loncommon::csv_translate(&mt($_))
+                } ("username","domain","ID","student name",
+                   "section","start date","end date")).'"'."\n";
     } elsif ($mode eq 'excel') {
         # Create the excel spreadsheet
-        $excel_filename = '/prtspool/'.
-            $ENV{'user.name'}.'_'.$ENV{'user.domain'}.'_'.
-                time.'_'.rand(1000000000).'.xls';
-        $excel_workbook = Spreadsheet::WriteExcel->new('/home/httpd'.
-                                                       $excel_filename);
-        $excel_workbook->set_tempdir('/home/httpd/perl/tmp');
+        ($excel_workbook,$excel_filename,$format) = 
+            &Apache::loncommon::create_workbook($r);
+        return if (! defined($excel_workbook));
         $excel_sheet = $excel_workbook->addworksheet('classlist');
         my $description = 'Class List for '.
-            $ENV{'course.'.$ENV{'request.course.id'}.'.description'};
-        $excel_sheet->write($row++,0,$description);
+            $env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.description'};
+        $excel_sheet->write($row++,0,$description,$format->{'h1'});
-                                      "student name","section","status"]);
+                                      "student name","section",
+                                      "start date","end date","status"],
+                            $format->{'bold'});
     # Sort the students
@@ -1271,16 +1382,58 @@ END
         lc($classlist->{$a}->[$third]) cmp lc($classlist->{$b}->[$third])
         } (keys(%$classlist));
+    my $studentcount = 0;
+    my $autocount = 0;
+    my $manualcount = 0;
+    my $unlockcount = 0;
+    my $lockcount = 0;
     foreach my $student (@Sorted_Students) {
-        my $username = $classlist->{$student}->[$index{'username'}];
-        my $domain   = $classlist->{$student}->[$index{'domain'}];
-        my $section  = $classlist->{$student}->[$index{'section'}];
-        my $name     = $classlist->{$student}->[$index{'fullname'}];
-        my $id       = $classlist->{$student}->[$index{'id'}];
-        my $status   = $classlist->{$student}->[$index{'status'}];
+        my $sdata = $classlist->{$student};
+        my $username = $sdata->[$index{'username'}];
+        my $domain   = $sdata->[$index{'domain'}];
+        my $section  = $sdata->[$index{'section'}];
+        my $name     = $sdata->[$index{'fullname'}];
+        my $id       = $sdata->[$index{'id'}];
+        my $status   = $sdata->[$index{'status'}];
+        my $start    = $sdata->[$index{'start'}];
+        my $end      = $sdata->[$index{'end'}];
+        my $type     = $sdata->[$index{'type'}];
         next if (($statusmode ne 'Any') && ($status ne $statusmode));
-        if ($mode eq 'view') {
-            $r->print("<tr>\n    <td>\n        ");
+        if ($mode eq 'view' || $mode eq 'html' || $mode eq 'autoenroll') {
+            if (! defined($start) || $start == 0) {
+                $start = &mt('none');
+            } else {
+                $start = &Apache::lonlocal::locallocaltime($start);
+            }
+            if (! defined($end) || $end == 0) {
+                $end = &mt('none');
+            } else {
+                $end = &Apache::lonlocal::locallocaltime($end);
+            }
+            $r->print("<tr>\n    ");
+            if ($mode eq 'autoenroll') {
+                my $lockedtype = $sdata->[$index{'lockedtype'}];
+                $studentcount++;
+                my $cellentry;
+                if ($type eq 'auto') {
+                    $cellentry = '<b>'.&mt('auto').'</b>&nbsp;<label><input type="checkbox" name="chgauto" value="'.$username.':'.$domain.'" />&nbsp;Change</label>';
+                    $autocount ++;
+                } else {
+                    $cellentry = '<table border="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td rowspan="2"><b>'.&mt('manual').'</b></td><td><nobr><label><input type="checkbox" name="chgmanual" value="'.$username.':'.$domain.'" />&nbsp;Change</label></nobr></td></tr><tr><td><nobr>';
+                    $manualcount ++;
+                    if ($lockedtype) {
+                        $cellentry .= '<label><input type="checkbox" name="unlockchg" value="'.$username.':'.$domain.'" />&nbsp;'.&mt('Unlock').'</label>';
+                        $unlockcount ++;
+                    } else {
+                        $cellentry .= '<label><input type="checkbox" name="lockchg" value="'.$username.':'.$domain.'" />&nbsp;'.&mt('Lock').'</label>';
+                        $lockcount ++;
+                    }
+                    $cellentry .= '</nobr></td></tr></table>';
+                }
+                $r->print("<td>$cellentry<td>\n    ");
+            } else {
+                $r->print("<td>".(++$studentcount)."</td><td>\n    ");
+            }
             if ($linkto eq 'nothing') {
             } elsif ($linkto eq 'aboutme') {
@@ -1302,33 +1455,65 @@ END
+    <td>$start</td>
+    <td>$end</td>
+   </tr>
         } elsif ($mode eq 'csv') {
+            next if (! defined($CSVfile));
             # no need to bother with $linkto
+            if (! defined($start) || $start == 0) {
+                $start = &mt('none');
+            } else {
+                $start = &Apache::lonlocal::locallocaltime($start);
+            }
+            if (! defined($end) || $end == 0) {
+                $end = &mt('none');
+            } else {
+                $end = &Apache::lonlocal::locallocaltime($end);
+            }
             my @line = ();
-            foreach ($username,$domain,$id,$name,$section) {
+            foreach ($username,$domain,$id,$name,$section,$start,$end) {
                 push @line,&Apache::loncommon::csv_translate($_);
             if ($statusmode eq 'Any') {
                 push @line,&Apache::loncommon::csv_translate($status);
-            my $tmp = $";
-            $" = '","';
-            $r->print("\"@line\"\n");
-            $" = $tmp;
+            print $CSVfile '"'.join('","',@line).'"'."\n";
         } elsif ($mode eq 'excel') {
-            $excel_sheet->write($row++,0,[$username,$domain,$id,
-                                          $name,$section,$status]);
+            $excel_sheet->write($row,0,[$username,$domain,$id,
+                                          $name,$section]);
+            my $col = 5;
+            foreach my $time ($start,$end) {
+                if (defined($time) && $time != 0) {
+                    $excel_sheet->write($row,$col++,
+                                   &Apache::lonstathelpers::calc_serial($time),
+                                    $format->{'date'});
+                } else {
+                    $excel_sheet->write($row,$col++,'none');
+                }                    
+            }
+            $excel_sheet->write($row,$col++,$status);
+            $row++;
-    if ($mode eq 'view') {
+    if ($mode eq 'view' || $mode eq 'html' || $mode eq 'autoenroll') {
     } elsif ($mode eq 'excel') {
         $r->print('<p><a href="'.$excel_filename.'">'.
                   &mt('Your Excel spreadsheet').'</a> '.&mt('is ready for download').'.</p>'."\n");
+    } elsif ($mode eq 'csv') {
+        close($CSVfile);
+        $r->print('<a href="'.$CSVfilename.'">'.
+                  &mt('Your CSV file').'</a> is ready for download.'.
+                  "\n");
+        $r->rflush();
+    }
+    if ($mode eq 'autoenroll') {
+        return ($studentcount,$autocount,$manualcount,$lockcount,$unlockcount);
+    return;
@@ -1339,9 +1524,9 @@ sub print_modify_student_form {
     my $r = shift();
-    my $sname  = $ENV{'form.sname'};
-    my $sdom   = $ENV{'form.sdom'};
-    my $sortby = $ENV{'form.sortby'};
+    my $sname  = $env{'form.sname'};
+    my $sdom   = $env{'form.sdom'};
+    my $sortby = $env{'form.sortby'};
     # determine the students name information
     my %info=&Apache::lonnet::get('environment',
@@ -1387,9 +1572,9 @@ sub print_modify_student_form {
     my $date_table = &date_setting_table($starttime,$endtime);
-    if (! exists($ENV{'form.Status'}) || 
-        $ENV{'form.Status'} !~ /^(Any|Expired|Active)$/) {
-        $ENV{'form.Status'} = 'crap';
+    if (! exists($env{'form.Status'}) || 
+        $env{'form.Status'} !~ /^(Any|Expired|Active)$/) {
+        $env{'form.Status'} = 'crap';
     # Make sure student is enrolled in course
     my %lt=&Apache::lonlocal::texthash(
@@ -1416,7 +1601,7 @@ $lt{'odcc'}
 <input type="hidden" name="action"  value="modifystudent" />
 <input type="hidden" name="state"   value="done" />
 <input type="hidden" name="sortby"  value="$sortby" />
-<input type="hidden" name="Status"  value="$ENV{'form.Status'}" />
+<input type="hidden" name="Status"  value="$env{'form.Status'}" />
 <h2>$lt{'mef'} $info{'firstname'} $info{'middlename'} 
 $info{'lastname'} $info{'generation'}, $sname\@$sdom</h2>
@@ -1432,8 +1617,10 @@ $info{'lastname'} $info{'generation'}, $
 <b>$lt{'sid'}</b>: <input type="text" name="id" value="$info{'id'}" size="12"/>
 <input type="checkbox" name="forceid" > 
 <b>$lt{'sec'}</b>: <input type="text" name="section" value="$section" size="14"/>
@@ -1452,21 +1639,21 @@ sub modify_single_student {
     my $r = shift;
     # Remove non alphanumeric values from the section
-    $ENV{'form.section'} =~ s/\W//g;
+    $env{'form.section'} =~ s/\W//g;
     # Do the date defaults first
     my ($starttime,$endtime) = &get_dates_from_form();
-    if ($ENV{'form.makedatesdefault'}) {
+    if ($env{'form.makedatesdefault'}) {
     # Get the 'sortby' and 'Status' variables so the user goes back to their
     # previous screen
-    my $sortby = $ENV{'form.sortby'};
-    my $status = $ENV{'form.Status'};
+    my $sortby = $env{'form.sortby'};
+    my $status = $env{'form.Status'};
     # We always need this information
-    my $slogin     = $ENV{'form.slogin'};
-    my $sdom       = $ENV{'form.sdomain'};
+    my $slogin     = $env{'form.slogin'};
+    my $sdom       = $env{'form.sdomain'};
     # Get the old data
     my %old=&Apache::lonnet::get('environment',
@@ -1474,7 +1661,7 @@ sub modify_single_student {
                                  $sdom, $slogin);
     $old{'section'} = &Apache::lonnet::getsection($sdom,$slogin,
-                                                  $ENV{'request.course.id'});
+                                                  $env{'request.course.id'});
     my ($tmp) = keys(%old);
     if ($tmp =~ /^(con_lost|error|no_such_host)/i) {
         $r->print(&mt('There was an error determining the environment values for')." $slogin \@ $sdom.");
@@ -1483,19 +1670,19 @@ sub modify_single_student {
     undef $tmp;
     # Get the new data
-    my $firstname  = $ENV{'form.firstname'};
-    my $middlename = $ENV{'form.middlename'};
-    my $lastname   = $ENV{'form.lastname'};
-    my $generation = $ENV{'form.generation'};
-    my $section    = $ENV{'form.section'};
-    my $courseid   = $ENV{'request.course.id'};
-    my $sid        = $ENV{'form.id'};
+    my $firstname  = $env{'form.firstname'};
+    my $middlename = $env{'form.middlename'};
+    my $lastname   = $env{'form.lastname'};
+    my $generation = $env{'form.generation'};
+    my $section    = $env{'form.section'};
+    my $courseid   = $env{'request.course.id'};
+    my $sid        = $env{'form.id'};
     my $displayable_starttime = localtime($starttime);
     my $displayable_endtime   = localtime($endtime);
     # check for forceid override
     if ((defined($old{'id'})) && ($old{'id'} ne '') && 
-        ($sid ne $old{'id'}) && (! exists($ENV{'form.forceid'}))) {
+        ($sid ne $old{'id'}) && (! exists($env{'form.forceid'}))) {
         $r->print("<font color=\"ff0000\">".&mt('You changed the students id but did not disable the ID change safeguard. The students id will not be changed.')."</font>");
         $sid = $old{'id'};
@@ -1562,14 +1749,14 @@ END
     # Send request(s) to modify data (final undef is for 'desiredhost',
     # which is a moot point because the student already has an account.
     my $modify_section_results = &modifystudent($sdom,$slogin,
-                                                $ENV{'request.course.id'},
+                                                $env{'request.course.id'},
     if ($modify_section_results !~ /^ok/) {
         $r->print(&mt('An error occured during the attempt to change the section for this student.')."<br />");
     my $roleresults = &Apache::lonnet::modifystudent
-         $generation,$section,$endtime,$starttime,$ENV{'form.forceid'});
+         $generation,$section,$endtime,$starttime,$env{'form.forceid'});
     if ($roleresults eq 'refused' ) {
         $r->print(&mt('Your request to change the role information for this student was refused. You do not appear to have sufficient authority to change student information.'));
     } elsif ($roleresults !~ /ok/) {
@@ -1578,7 +1765,7 @@ END
         &Apache::lonnet::logthis("londropadd:failed attempt to modify student".
                                  " data for ".$slogin." \@ ".$sdom." by ".
-                                 $ENV{'user.name'}." \@ ".$ENV{'user.domain'}.
+                                 $env{'user.name'}." \@ ".$env{'user.domain'}.
     } else { # everything is okay!
         $r->print(&mt('Student information updated successfully.')." <br />".
@@ -1598,7 +1785,7 @@ END
 sub get_enrollment_data {
     my ($sname,$sdomain) = @_;
-    my $courseid = $ENV{'request.course.id'};
+    my $courseid = $env{'request.course.id'};
     $courseid =~ s:_:/:g;
     my %roles = &Apache::lonnet::dump('roles',$sdomain,$sname);
     my ($tmp) = keys(%roles);
@@ -1657,13 +1844,13 @@ which describes the order elements are s
 sub show_drop_list {
     my ($r,$classlist,$keylist,$nosort)=@_;
-    my $cid=$ENV{'request.course.id'};
-    if (! exists($ENV{'form.sortby'})) {
+    my $cid=$env{'request.course.id'};
+    if (! exists($env{'form.sortby'})) {
-    my $sortby = $ENV{'form.sortby'};
-    if ($sortby !~ /^(username|domain|section|fullname|id)$/) {
+    my $sortby = $env{'form.sortby'};
+    if ($sortby !~ /^(username|domain|section|fullname|id|start|end)$/) {
         $sortby = 'username';
@@ -1687,13 +1874,14 @@ function uncheckAll(field) {
 <input type="hidden" name="phase" value="four">
+my %lt=&Apache::lonlocal::texthash('usrn'   => "username",
+                                   'dom'    => "domain",
+                                   'sn'     => "student name",
+                                   'sec'    => "section",
+                                   'start'  => "start date",
+                                   'end'    => "end date",
+                                   );
     if ($nosort) {
-	my %lt=&Apache::lonlocal::texthash(
-	               'usrn'   => "username",
-                       'dom'    => "domain",
-                       'sn'     => "student name",
-                       'sec'    => "section",
-					   );
 <table border=2>
@@ -1703,16 +1891,12 @@ END
+    <th>$lt{'start'}</th>
+    <th>$lt{'end'}</th>
     } else  {
-	my %lt=&Apache::lonlocal::texthash(
-	               'usrn'   => "username",
-                       'dom'    => "domain",
-                       'sn'     => "student name",
-                       'sec'    => "section",
-					   );
 <table border=2>
@@ -1726,6 +1910,10 @@ END
        <a href="/adm/dropadd?action=$action&sortby=fullname">$lt{'sn'}</a>
        <a href="/adm/dropadd?action=$action&sortby=section">$lt{'sec'}</a>
+    </th><th>
+       <a href="/adm/dropadd?action=$action&sortby=start">$lt{'start'}</a>
+    </th><th>
+       <a href="/adm/dropadd?action=$action&sortby=end">$lt{'end'}</a>
@@ -1749,12 +1937,25 @@ END
         } (keys(%$classlist));
     foreach my $student (@Sorted_Students) {
         my $error;
-        my $username = $classlist->{$student}->[$index{'username'}];
-        my $domain   = $classlist->{$student}->[$index{'domain'}];
-        my $section  = $classlist->{$student}->[$index{'section'}];
-        my $name     = $classlist->{$student}->[$index{'fullname'}];
-        my $id       = $classlist->{$student}->[$index{'id'}];
-        my $status   = $classlist->{$student}->[$index{'status'}];
+        my $sdata = $classlist->{$student};
+        my $username = $sdata->[$index{'username'}];
+        my $domain   = $sdata->[$index{'domain'}];
+        my $section  = $sdata->[$index{'section'}];
+        my $name     = $sdata->[$index{'fullname'}];
+        my $id       = $sdata->[$index{'id'}];
+        my $start    = $sdata->[$index{'start'}];
+        my $end      = $sdata->[$index{'end'}];
+        if (! defined($start) || $start == 0) {
+            $start = &mt('none');
+        } else {
+            $start = &Apache::lonlocal::locallocaltime($start);
+        }
+        if (! defined($end) || $end == 0) {
+            $end = &mt('none');
+        } else {
+            $end = &Apache::lonlocal::locallocaltime($end);
+        }
+        my $status   = $sdata->[$index{'status'}];
         next if ($status ne 'Active');
@@ -1765,11 +1966,13 @@ END
+    <td>$start</td>
+    <td>$end</td>
-    my %lt=&Apache::lonlocal::texthash(
+    %lt=&Apache::lonlocal::texthash(
 	               'dp'   => "Drop Students",
                        'ca'   => "check all",
                        'ua'   => "uncheck all",
@@ -1797,8 +2000,8 @@ sub print_first_courselist_upload_form {
     $str .= "<p>\n";
     $str .= '<input type="submit" name="fileupload" value="'.
         &mt('Upload class list').'">'."\n";
-    $str .= '<input type="checkbox" name="noFirstLine" /> '.
-        &mt('Ignore First Line')."</p>\n";
+    $str .= '<label><input type="checkbox" name="noFirstLine" /> '.
+        &mt('Ignore First Line')."</label></p>\n";
     $str .= &Apache::loncommon::help_open_topic("Course_Create_Class_List",
                          &mt("How do I create a class list from a spreadsheet")).
                              "<br />\n";
@@ -1815,24 +2018,24 @@ sub upfile_drop_add {
     my $r=shift;
     my @studentdata=&Apache::loncommon::upfile_record_sep();
-    if($ENV{'form.noFirstLine'}){shift(@studentdata);}
-    my @keyfields = split(/\,/,$ENV{'form.keyfields'});
-    my $cid = $ENV{'request.course.id'};
+    if($env{'form.noFirstLine'}){shift(@studentdata);}
+    my @keyfields = split(/\,/,$env{'form.keyfields'});
+    my $cid = $env{'request.course.id'};
     my %fields=();
-    for (my $i=0; $i<=$ENV{'form.nfields'}; $i++) {
-        if ($ENV{'form.upfile_associate'} eq 'reverse') {
-            if ($ENV{'form.f'.$i} ne 'none') {
-                $fields{$keyfields[$i]}=$ENV{'form.f'.$i};
+    for (my $i=0; $i<=$env{'form.nfields'}; $i++) {
+        if ($env{'form.upfile_associate'} eq 'reverse') {
+            if ($env{'form.f'.$i} ne 'none') {
+                $fields{$keyfields[$i]}=$env{'form.f'.$i};
         } else {
-            $fields{$ENV{'form.f'.$i}}=$keyfields[$i];
+            $fields{$env{'form.f'.$i}}=$keyfields[$i];
     # Store the field choices away
     foreach my $field (qw/username names 
                        fname mname lname gen id sec ipwd email/) {
-        $ENV{'form.'.$field.'_choice'}=$fields{$field};
+        $env{'form.'.$field.'_choice'}=$fields{$field};
                                               { 'username_choice' => 'scalar',
@@ -1848,12 +2051,12 @@ sub upfile_drop_add {
     my ($startdate,$enddate) = &get_dates_from_form();
-    if ($ENV{'form.makedatesdefault'}) {
+    if ($env{'form.makedatesdefault'}) {
     # Determine domain and desired host (home server)
-    my $domain=$ENV{'form.lcdomain'};
-    my $desiredhost = $ENV{'form.lcserver'};
+    my $domain=$env{'form.lcdomain'};
+    my $desiredhost = $env{'form.lcserver'};
     if (lc($desiredhost) eq 'default') {
         $desiredhost = undef;
     } else {
@@ -1868,19 +2071,19 @@ sub upfile_drop_add {
     # Determine authentication mechanism
     my $amode  = '';
     my $genpwd = '';
-    if ($ENV{'form.login'} eq 'krb') {
+    if ($env{'form.login'} eq 'krb') {
-	$amode.=$ENV{'form.krbver'};
-        $genpwd=$ENV{'form.krbarg'};
-    } elsif ($ENV{'form.login'} eq 'int') {
+	$amode.=$env{'form.krbver'};
+        $genpwd=$env{'form.krbarg'};
+    } elsif ($env{'form.login'} eq 'int') {
-        if ((defined($ENV{'form.intarg'})) && ($ENV{'form.intarg'})) {
-            $genpwd=$ENV{'form.intarg'};
+        if ((defined($env{'form.intarg'})) && ($env{'form.intarg'})) {
+            $genpwd=$env{'form.intarg'};
-    } elsif ($ENV{'form.login'} eq 'loc') {
+    } elsif ($env{'form.login'} eq 'loc') {
-        if ((defined($ENV{'form.locarg'})) && ($ENV{'form.locarg'})) {
-            $genpwd=$ENV{'form.locarg'};
+        if ((defined($env{'form.locarg'})) && ($env{'form.locarg'})) {
+            $genpwd=$env{'form.locarg'};
     if ($amode =~ /^krb/) {
@@ -1971,13 +2174,13 @@ sub upfile_drop_add {
                              \$lname,\$gen,\$sec) {
                         $$_ =~ s/(\s+$|^\s+)//g;
-                    if ($password || $ENV{'form.login'} eq 'loc') {
+                    if ($password || $env{'form.login'} eq 'loc') {
                         my $reply=&Apache::lonnet::modifystudent
-                             $startdate,$ENV{'form.forceid'},$desiredhost,
+                             $startdate,$env{'form.forceid'},$desiredhost,
                         if ($reply ne 'ok') {
                             $reply =~ s/^error://;
@@ -2008,7 +2211,7 @@ sub upfile_drop_add {
         #           Drop students           #
-        if ($ENV{'form.fullup'} eq 'yes') {
+        if ($env{'form.fullup'} eq 'yes') {
             $r->print('<h3>'.&mt('Dropping Students')."</h3>\n");
             #  Get current classlist
             my ($classlist,$keylist)=&Apache::loncoursedata::get_classlist();
@@ -2036,16 +2239,11 @@ sub upfile_drop_add {
 sub drop_student_list {
     my $r=shift;
     my $count=0;
-    my @droplist;
-    if (ref($ENV{'form.droplist'})) {
-        @droplist = @{$ENV{'form.droplist'}};
-    } else {
-        @droplist = ($ENV{'form.droplist'});
-    }
+    my @droplist = &Apache::loncommon::get_env_multiple('form.droplist');
     foreach (@droplist) {
         my ($uname,$udom)=split(/\:/,$_);
         # drop student
-        my $result = &modifystudent($udom,$uname,$ENV{'request.course.id'});
+        my $result = &modifystudent($udom,$uname,$env{'request.course.id'});
         if ($result eq 'ok' || $result eq 'ok:') {
             $r->print(&mt('Dropped [_1]',$uname.'@'.$udom).'<br>');
@@ -2109,45 +2307,59 @@ sub handler {
           text=>"Enrollment Manager",
           faq=>9,bug=>'Instructor Interface',});
     #  Needs to be in a course
-    if (! (($ENV{'request.course.fn'}) &&
-          (&Apache::lonnet::allowed('cst',$ENV{'request.course.id'})))) {
-        # Not in a course, or not allowed to modify parms
-        $ENV{'user.error.msg'}=
-            "/adm/dropadd:cst:0:0:Cannot drop or add students";
+    if (! ($env{'request.course.fn'})) {
+        # Not in a course
+        $env{'user.error.msg'}=
+            "/adm/dropadd:cst:0:0:Cannot manage or view course groups, ".
+                                  "or drop or add students";
         return HTTP_NOT_ACCEPTABLE; 
+    my $view_permission = 
+        &Apache::lonnet::allowed('vcl',$env{'request.course.id'});
+    my $enrl_permission = 
+        &Apache::lonnet::allowed('cst',$env{'request.course.id'});
+    my $grp_view_permission =
+        &Apache::lonnet::allowed('vcg',$env{'request.course.id'});
+    my $grp_manage_permission =
+        &Apache::lonnet::allowed('mdg',$env{'request.course.id'});
+    if (! $grp_view_permission && ! $grp_manage_permission && 
+                                  ! $view_permission && ! $enrl_permission) {
+        $env{'user.error.msg'}=
+     "/adm/coursegroups:cst:0:0:Cannot manage or view course groups, ".
+                                 "or drop or add students";
+        return HTTP_NOT_ACCEPTABLE;
+    }
+    #
     # Only output the header information if they did not request csv format
-    &Apache::loncommon::get_unprocessed_cgi($ENV{'QUERY_STRING'},
-                                            ['state','action']);
-    if (exists($ENV{'form.state'}) && ($ENV{'form.state'} eq 'csv')) {
-        $r->content_type('text/csv');
-    } else {
-        # Start page
-        &Apache::loncommon::content_type($r,'text/html');
-        $r->send_http_header;
-        $r->print(&header());
-    }
+    # Start page
+    &Apache::loncommon::content_type($r,'text/html');
+    $r->send_http_header;
+    $r->print(&header());
     # Main switch on form.action and form.state, as appropriate
-    if (! exists($ENV{'form.action'})) {
+    if (! exists($env{'form.action'})) {
                   (undef,'Enrollment Manager'));
-        &print_main_menu($r);
-    } elsif ($ENV{'form.action'} eq 'upload') {
+        &print_main_menu($r,$enrl_permission,$view_permission,$grp_manage_permission,
+                         $grp_view_permission);
+    } elsif ($env{'form.action'} eq 'upload' && $enrl_permission) {
-              text=>"Upload Classlist",
-              faq=>9,bug=>'Instructor Interface',});
+              text=>"Upload Classlist"});
-                  (undef,'Upload Classlist'));
-        if (! exists($ENV{'form.state'})) {
+                  (undef,'Upload Classlist','Course_Create_Class_List'));
+        if (! exists($env{'form.state'})) {
-        } elsif ($ENV{'form.state'} eq 'got_file') {
+        } elsif ($env{'form.state'} eq 'got_file') {
-        } elsif ($ENV{'form.state'} eq 'enrolling') {
-            if ($ENV{'form.datatoken'}) {
+        } elsif ($env{'form.state'} eq 'enrolling') {
+            if ($env{'form.datatoken'}) {
             } else {
                 # Hmmm, this is an error
@@ -2155,64 +2367,60 @@ sub handler {
         } else {
-    } elsif ($ENV{'form.action'} eq 'drop') {
+    } elsif ($env{'form.action'} eq 'drop' && $enrl_permission) {
-              text=>"Drop Students",
-              faq=>9,bug=>'Instructor Interface',});
+              text=>"Drop Students"});
-                  (undef,'Drop Students'));
-        if (! exists($ENV{'form.state'})) {
+                  (undef,'Drop Students','Course_Drop_Student'));
+        if (! exists($env{'form.state'})) {
-        } elsif ($ENV{'form.state'} eq 'done') {
+        } elsif ($env{'form.state'} eq 'done') {
         } else {
-    } elsif ($ENV{'form.action'} eq 'enrollstudent') {
+    } elsif ($env{'form.action'} eq 'enrollstudent' && $enrl_permission) {
-              text=>"Enroll Student",
-              faq=>9,bug=>'Instructor Interface',});
+              text=>"Enroll Student"});
-                  (undef,'Enroll Student'));
-        if (! exists($ENV{'form.state'})) {
+                  (undef,'Enroll Student','Course_Add_Student'));
+        if (! exists($env{'form.state'})) {
-        } elsif ($ENV{'form.state'} eq 'gotusername') {
+        } elsif ($env{'form.state'} eq 'gotusername') {
-        } elsif ($ENV{'form.state'} eq 'enrolling') {
+        } elsif ($env{'form.state'} eq 'enrolling') {
         } else {
-    } elsif ($ENV{'form.action'} eq 'classlist') {
+    } elsif ($env{'form.action'} eq 'classlist' && $view_permission) {
-              text=>"View Classlist",
-              faq=>9,bug=>'Instructor Interface',});
+              text=>"View Classlist"});
-                  (undef,'View Classlist'));
-        if (! exists($ENV{'form.state'})) {
-            &print_html_classlist($r);
-        } elsif ($ENV{'form.state'} eq 'csv') {
-            &print_formatted_classlist($r,'csv');
-        } elsif ($ENV{'form.state'} eq 'excel') {
-            &print_formatted_classlist($r,'excel');
+                  (undef,'View Classlist','Course_View_Class_List'));
+        if (! exists($env{'form.state'})) {
+            &print_html_classlist($r,undef);
+        } elsif ($env{'form.state'} eq 'csv') {
+            &print_html_classlist($r,'csv');
+        } elsif ($env{'form.state'} eq 'excel') {
+            &print_html_classlist($r,'excel');
         } else {
-            &print_html_classlist($r);
+            &print_html_classlist($r,undef);
-    } elsif ($ENV{'form.action'} eq 'modifystudent') {
+    } elsif ($env{'form.action'} eq 'modifystudent' && $enrl_permission) {
-              text=>"Modify Student Data",
-              faq=>9,bug=>'Instructor Interface',});
+              text=>"Modify Student Data"});
-                  (undef,'Modify Student Data'));
-        if (! exists($ENV{'form.state'})) {
+                  (undef,'Modify Student Data','Course_Modify_Student_Data'));
+        if (! exists($env{'form.state'})) {
-        } elsif ($ENV{'form.state'} eq 'selected') {
+        } elsif ($env{'form.state'} eq 'selected') {
-        } elsif ($ENV{'form.state'} eq 'done') {
+        } elsif ($env{'form.state'} eq 'done') {
         } else {
@@ -2220,19 +2428,15 @@ sub handler {
     } else {
         # We should not end up here, but I guess it is possible
         &Apache::lonnet::logthis("Undetermined state in londropadd.pm.  ".
-                                 "form.action = ".$ENV{'form.action'}.
+                                 "form.action = ".$env{'form.action'}.
                                  "Someone should fix this.");
                   (undef,'Enrollment Manager'));
-        &print_main_menu($r);
+        &print_main_menu($r,$enrl_permission,$view_permission);
     # Finish up
-    if (exists($ENV{'form.state'}) && ($ENV{'form.state'} eq 'csv')) {
-        $r->print("\n");
-    } else {
-        $r->print('</form></body></html>');
-    }
+    $r->print('</form></body></html>');
     return OK;