--- loncom/interface/Attic/londropadd.pm	2002/04/04 20:41:17	1.23
+++ loncom/interface/Attic/londropadd.pm	2002/09/26 14:04:34	1.55
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 # The LearningOnline Network with CAPA
 # Handler to drop and add students in courses 
-# $Id: londropadd.pm,v 1.23 2002/04/04 20:41:17 albertel Exp $
+# $Id: londropadd.pm,v 1.55 2002/09/26 14:04:34 matthew Exp $
 # Copyright Michigan State University Board of Trustees
@@ -31,258 +31,223 @@
 # (TeX Content Handler
-# YEAR=2000
-# 05/29/00,05/30,10/11 Gerd Kortemeyer)
-# 10/11,10/12,10/16 Gerd Kortemeyer)
-# 11/20,11/21,11/22,11/23,11/24,11/25,11/27,11/28,
-# 12/08,12/12 Gerd Kortemeyer)
-# 12/26,12/27,12/28,
-# YEAR=2001
-# 01/01/01,01/15,02/10,02/13,02/14,02/22 Gerd Kortemeyer
-# 8/6 Scott Harrison
-# Guy Albertelli
-# 9/25 Gerd Kortemeyer
-# 12/19 Guy Albertelli
-# YEAR=2002
-# 1/4 Gerd Kortemeyer
 package Apache::londropadd;
 use strict;
-use Apache::lonnet;
+use Apache::lonnet();
+use Apache::loncommon();
+use Apache::lonhtmlcommon();
 use Apache::Constants qw(:common :http REDIRECT);
-# ================================================================ Print header
 sub header {
-    my $r=shift;
-    $r->print(<<ENDHEAD);
+    my $bodytag=&Apache::loncommon::bodytag('Enrollment Manager');
+    return(<<ENDHEAD);
-<title>LON-CAPA Student Drop/Add</title>
+<title>LON-CAPA Enrollment Manager</title>
-<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
-<img align=right src=/adm/lonIcons/lonlogos.gif>
-<h1>Drop/Add Students</h1>
-<form method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"
-action="/adm/dropadd" name="studentform">
-<h2>Course: $ENV{'course.'.$ENV{'request.course.id'}.'.description'}</h2>
+<form method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"  
+      action="/adm/dropadd" name="studentform">
-# ========================================================= Store uploaded file
-# needs $ENV{'form.upfile'}
-# return $datatoken to be put into hidden field
-sub upfile_store {
-    my $r=shift;
-    $ENV{'form.upfile'}=~s/\r/\n/gs;
-    $ENV{'form.upfile'}=~s/\f/\n/gs;
-    $ENV{'form.upfile'}=~s/\n+/\n/gs;
-    $ENV{'form.upfile'}=~s/\n+$//gs;
-    my $datatoken=$ENV{'user.name'}.'_'.$ENV{'user.domain'}.
-		  '_enroll_'.$ENV{'request.course.id'}.'_'.time.'_'.$$;
-    {
-       my $fh=Apache::File->new('>'.$r->dir_config('lonDaemons').
-                                   '/tmp/'.$datatoken.'.tmp');
-       print $fh $ENV{'form.upfile'};
-    }
-    return $datatoken;
-# ================================================= Load uploaded file from tmp
-# needs $ENV{'form.datatoken'}
-# sets $ENV{'form.upfile'}
-sub load_tmp_file {
-    my $r=shift;
-    my @studentdata=();
-    {
-      my $fh;
-      if ($fh=Apache::File->new($r->dir_config('lonDaemons').
-	  '/tmp/'.$ENV{'form.datatoken'}.'.tmp')) {
-	     @studentdata=<$fh>;
-      }
+# Drop student from all sections of a course, except optional $csec
+sub modifystudent {
+    my ($udom,$unam,$courseid,$csec,$desiredhost)=@_;
+    # if $csec is undefined, drop the student from all the courses matching
+    # this one.  If $csec is defined, drop them from all other sections of 
+    # this course and add them to section $csec
+    $courseid=~s/\_/\//g;
+    $courseid=~s/^(\w)/\/$1/;
+    my %roles = &Apache::lonnet::dump('roles',$udom,$unam);
+    my ($tmp) = keys(%roles);
+    # Bail out if we were unable to get the students roles
+    return "$1" if ($tmp =~ /^(con_lost|error|no_such_host)/i);
+    # Go through the roles looking for enrollment in this course
+    my $result = '';
+    foreach my $course (keys(%roles)) {
+        if ($course=~/^$courseid(?:\/)*(?:\s+)*(\w+)*\_st$/) {
+            # We are in this course
+            my $section=$1;
+            $section='' if ($course eq $courseid.'_st');
+            if ( ((!$section) && (!$csec)) || ($section ne $csec) ) {
+                my (undef,$end,$start)=split(/\_/,$roles{$course});
+                my $now=time;
+                # if this is an active role 
+                if (!($start && ($now<$start)) || !($end && ($now>$end))) {
+                    my $reply=&Apache::lonnet::modifystudent
+                        ($udom,$unam,'','','','','','','',
+                         $section,time,undef,undef,$desiredhost);
+                    $result .= $reply.':';
+                }
+            }
+        }
-    $ENV{'form.upfile'}=join('',@studentdata);
-# ========================================= Separate uploaded file into records
-# returns array of records
-sub upfile_record_sep {
-    if ($ENV{'form.upfiletype'} eq 'xml') {
+    if ($result eq '') {
+        $result eq 'Unable to find section for this student';
     } else {
-       return split(/\n/,$ENV{'form.upfile'});
+        $result =~ s/(ok:)+/ok/g;
+    return $result;
-# =============================================== Separate a record into fields
-sub record_sep {
-    my $record=shift;
-    my %components=();
-    if ($ENV{'form.upfiletype'} eq 'xml') {
-    } elsif ($ENV{'form.upfiletype'} eq 'space') {
-        my $i=0;
-        foreach (split(/\s+/,$record)) {
-            my $field=$_;
-            $field=~s/^(\"|\')//;
-            $field=~s/(\"|\')$//;
-            $components{$i}=$field;
-            $i++;
-        }
-    } elsif ($ENV{'form.upfiletype'} eq 'tab') {
-        my $i=0;
-        foreach (split(/\t+/,$record)) {
-            my $field=$_;
-            $field=~s/^(\"|\')//;
-            $field=~s/(\"|\')$//;
-            $components{$i}=$field;
-            $i++;
-        }
-    } else {
-        my @allfields=split(/\,/,$record);
-        my $i=0;
-        my $j;
-        for ($j=0;$j<=$#allfields;$j++) {
-            my $field=$allfields[$j];
-            if ($field=~/^\s*(\"|\')/) {
-		my $delimiter=$1;
-                while (($field!~/$delimiter$/) && ($j<$#allfields)) {
-		    $j++;
-		    $field.=','.$allfields[$j];
-		}
-                $field=~s/^\s*$delimiter//;
-                $field=~s/$delimiter\s*$//;
-            }
-            $components{$i}=$field;
-	    $i++;
+# build a domain and server selection form
+sub domain_form {
+    my ($defdom) = @_;
+    # Set up domain and server selection forms
+    #
+    # Get the domains
+    my @domains = &Apache::loncommon::get_domains();
+    # build up the menu information to be passed to 
+    # &Apache::loncommon::linked_select_forms
+    my %select_menus;
+    foreach my $dom (@domains) {
+        # set up the text for this domain
+        $select_menus{$dom}->{'text'}= $dom;
+        # we want a choice of 'default' as the default in the second menu
+        $select_menus{$dom}->{'default'}= 'default';
+        $select_menus{$dom}->{'select2'}->{'default'} = 'default';
+        # Now build up the other items in the second menu
+        my %servers = &Apache::loncommon::get_library_servers($dom);
+        foreach my $server (keys(%servers)) {
+            $select_menus{$dom}->{'select2'}->{$server} 
+                                            = "$server $servers{$server}";
-    return %components;
+    my $result  = &Apache::loncommon::linked_select_forms
+        ('studentform',' with home server ',$defdom,
+         'lcdomain','lcserver',\%select_menus);
+    return $result;
-# =========== Drop student from all sections of a course, except optional $csec
-sub dropstudent {
-     my ($udom,$unam,$courseid,$csec)=@_;
-     $courseid=~s/\_/\//g;
-     $courseid=~s/^(\w)/\/$1/;
-     foreach (split(/\&/,
-		    &Apache::lonnet::reply('dump:'.$udom.':'.$unam.':roles',
-			     &Apache::lonnet::homeserver($unam,$udom)))) {
-        my ($key,$value)=split(/\=/,$_);
-        $key=&Apache::lonnet::unescape($key);
-        if ($key=~/^$courseid(?:\/)*(\w+)*\_st$/) {
-          my $section=$1;
-          if ($key eq $courseid.'_st') { $section=''; }
-          if (((!$section) && (!$csec)) || ($section ne $csec)) {
-	    my ($dummy,$end,$start)=split(/\_/,
-                                    &Apache::lonnet::unescape($value));
-            my $now=time;
-            my $notactive=0;
-            if ($start) {
-		if ($now<$start) { $notactive=1; }
-            }
-            if ($end) {
-                if ($now>$end) { $notactive=1; }
-            } 
-            unless ($notactive) {
-                my $reply=&Apache::lonnet::modifystudent(
-                                   $udom,$unam,'','','',
-			           '','','','',$section,time);
-            }
-	  }
-        }
-    }
-# ============================================================== Menu Phase One
-sub menu_phase_one {
+#  Menu Phase One
+sub print_main_menu {
     my $r=shift;
-    $r->print(<<ENDUPFORM);
-<input type=hidden name=phase value=two>
-<h3>Upload a courselist</h3>
-<input type=file name=upfile size=50>
-<br>Type: <select name=upfiletype>
-<option value=csv>CSV (comma separated values, spreadsheet)</option>
-<option value=space>Space separated</option>
-<option value=tab>Tabulator separated</option>
-<option value=xml>HTML/XML</option>
-<p><input type=submit name=fileupload value="Upload Courselist">
-<h3>Enroll a single student</h3>
-<p><input type=submit name=enroll value="Enroll Student">
-<h3>Drop students</h3>
-<p><input type=submit name=drop value="Selection List">
+    $r->print(<<END);
+<font size="+1">
+    <a href="/adm/dropadd?action=upload">Upload a course list</a>
+<font size="+1">
+    <a href="/adm/dropadd?action=enrollstudent">Enroll a single student</a>
+<font size="+1">
+    <a href="/adm/dropadd?action=modifystudent">Modify student data</a>
+<font size="+1">
+    <a href="/adm/dropadd?action=classlist">View Classlist</a>
+<font size="+1">
+    <a href="/adm/dropadd?action=drop">Drop Students</a>
-sub phase_two_header {
+sub print_upload_manager_header {
     my ($r,$datatoken,$distotal,$krbdefdom)=@_;
+    my $javascript;
+    if (! exists($ENV{'form.upfile_associate'})) {
+        $ENV{'form.upfile_associate'} = 'forward';
+    }
+    if ($ENV{'form.associate'} eq 'Reverse Association') {
+        if ( $ENV{'form.upfile_associate'} ne 'reverse' ) {
+            $ENV{'form.upfile_associate'} = 'reverse';
+        } else {
+            $ENV{'form.upfile_associate'} = 'forward';
+        }
+    }
+    if ($ENV{'form.upfile_associate'} eq 'reverse') {
+	$javascript=&upload_manager_javascript_reverse_associate();
+    } else {
+	$javascript=&upload_manager_javascript_forward_associate();
+    }
+    my $javascript_validations=&javascript_validations($krbdefdom);
-<input type=hidden name=phase value=three>
-<input type=hidden name=datatoken value="$datatoken">
-<input type=hidden name=upfiletype value=$ENV{'form.upfiletype'}>
+<h3>Uploading Class List</h3>
 <h3>Identify fields</h3>
 Total number of records found in file: $distotal <hr />
 Enter as many fields as you can. The system will inform you and bring you back
 to this page if the data selected is insufficient to run your class.<hr />
-function verify(vf) {
-    var founduname=0;
-    var foundpwd=0;
-    var foundname=0;
-    var foundid=0;
-    var foundsec=0;
+<input type="button" value="Reverse Association" onClick="javascript:this.form.associate.value='Reverse Association';submit(this.form);" />
+<input type="hidden" name="action"     value="upload" />
+<input type="hidden" name="state"      value="got_file" />
+<input type="hidden" name="associate"  value="" />
+<input type="hidden" name="datatoken"  value="$datatoken" />
+<input type="hidden" name="fileupload" value="$ENV{'form.fileupload'}" />
+<input type="hidden" name="upfiletype" value="$ENV{'form.upfiletype'}" />
+<input type="hidden" name="upfile_associate" 
+                                       value="$ENV{'form.upfile_associate'}" />
+<hr />
+<script type="text/javascript" language="Javascript">
+sub javascript_validations {
+    my ($krbdefdom)=@_;
+    my %param = ( formname => 'studentform',
+                  kerb_def_dom => $krbdefdom );
+    my $authheader = &Apache::loncommon::authform_header(%param);
+    return (<<ENDPICK);
+function verify_message (vf,founduname,foundpwd,foundname,foundid,foundsec) {
     var foundatype=0;
-    var tw;
     var message='';
-    for (i=0;i<=vf.nfields.value;i++) {
-        tw=eval('vf.f'+i+'.selectedIndex');
-        if (tw==1) { founduname=1; }
-        if ((tw>=2) && (tw<=6)) { foundname=1; }
-        if (tw==7) { foundid=1; }
-        if (tw==8) { foundsec=1; } 
-        if (tw==9) { foundpwd=1; }
-    }
     if (founduname==0) {
-	alert('You need to specify at least the username field');
+	alert('You need to specify the username field');
-    if (vf.login[0].checked) {
-	foundatype=1;
-        if (vf.krbdom.value=='') {
-	    alert('You need to specify the Kerberos domain');
-            return;
-        }
+    if (current.radiovalue == null || current.radiovalue == 'nochange') {
+        // They did not check any of the login radiobuttons.
+        alert('You must choose an authentication type');
+        return;
-    if (vf.login[1].checked) {
-	foundatype=1;
-        if ((vf.intpwd.value=='') && (foundpwd==0)) {
-	    alert('You need to specify the initial password');
+    foundatype=1;
+    if (current.argfield == null || current.argfield == '') {
+        var alertmsg = '';
+        switch (current.value) {
+            case 'krb': 
+                alertmsg = 'You need to specify the Kerberos domain';
+                break;
+            case 'loc':
+            case 'fsys':
+                alertmsg = 'You need to specify the initial password';
+                break;
+            case 'fsys':
+                alertmsg = '';
+                break;
+            default: 
+                alertmsg = '';
+        }
+        if (alertmsg != '') {
+            alert(alertmsg);
-    if (vf.login[2].checked) {
-	foundatype=1;
-	//An argument is not required
-    }
-    if (foundatype==0) {
-	alert('You need to set the login type');
-        return;
-    }
     if (foundname==0) { message='No name fields specified. '; }
     if (foundid==0) { message+='No ID or student number field specified. '; }
     if (foundsec==0) { message+='No section or group field specified. '; }
@@ -302,44 +267,125 @@ function verify(vf) {
        message+='Continue enrollment?';
        if (confirm(message)) {
+          vf.state.value='enrolling';
     } else {
+      vf.state.value='enrolling';
-    }   
+    }
+    function pclose() {
+        parmwin=window.open("/adm/rat/empty.html","LONCAPAparms",
+                 "height=350,width=350,scrollbars=no,menubar=no");
+        parmwin.close();
+    }
+    function pjump(type,dis,value,marker,ret,call) {
+        parmwin=window.open("/adm/rat/parameter.html?type="+escape(type)
+                 +"&value="+escape(value)+"&marker="+escape(marker)
+                 +"&return="+escape(ret)
+                 +"&call="+escape(call)+"&name="+escape(dis),"LONCAPAparms",
+                 "height=350,width=350,scrollbars=no,menubar=no");
+    }
+    function dateset() {
+        if (document.studentform.pres_marker.value=='end') {
+           document.studentform.enddate.value=
+	       document.studentform.pres_value.value;
+        }
+        if (document.studentform.pres_marker.value=='start') {
+           document.studentform.startdate.value=
+	       document.studentform.pres_value.value;
+        }
+        pclose();
+    }
+sub upload_manager_javascript_forward_associate {
+    return(<<ENDPICK);
+function verify(vf) {
+    var founduname=0;
+    var foundpwd=0;
+    var foundname=0;
+    var foundid=0;
+    var foundsec=0;
+    var tw;
+    for (i=0;i<=vf.nfields.value;i++) {
+        tw=eval('vf.f'+i+'.selectedIndex');
+        if (tw==1) { founduname=1; }
+        if ((tw>=2) && (tw<=6)) { foundname=1; }
+        if (tw==7) { foundid=1; }
+        if (tw==8) { foundsec=1; }
+        if (tw==9) { foundpwd=1; }
+    }
+    verify_message(vf,founduname,foundpwd,foundname,foundid,foundsec);
+// vf = this.form
+// tf = column number
+// values of nw
+// 0 = none
+// 1 = username
+// 2 = names (lastname, firstnames)
+// 3 = fname (firstname)
+// 4 = mname (middlename)
+// 5 = lname (lastname)
+// 6 = gen   (generation)
+// 7 = id
+// 8 = section
+// 9 = ipwd  (password)
 function flip(vf,tf) {
    var nw=eval('vf.f'+tf+'.selectedIndex');
    var i;
+   // make sure no other columns are labeled the same as this one
    for (i=0;i<=vf.nfields.value;i++) {
       if ((i!=tf) && (eval('vf.f'+i+'.selectedIndex')==nw)) {
-          eval('vf.f'+i+'.selectedIndex=0;')      
-      } 
+          eval('vf.f'+i+'.selectedIndex=0;')
+      }
+   // If we set this to 'lastname, firstnames', clear out all the ones
+   // set to 'fname','mname','lname','gen' (3,4,5,6) currently.
    if (nw==2) {
       for (i=0;i<=vf.nfields.value;i++) {
          if ((eval('vf.f'+i+'.selectedIndex')>=3) &&
              (eval('vf.f'+i+'.selectedIndex')<=6)) {
-      }      
+      }
+   // If we set this to one of 'fname','mname','lname','gen' (3,4,5,6),
+   // clear out any that are set to 'lastname, firstnames' (2)
    if ((nw>=3) && (nw<=6)) {
       for (i=0;i<=vf.nfields.value;i++) {
          if (eval('vf.f'+i+'.selectedIndex')==2) {
-      }      
+      }
+   // If we set the password, make the password form below correspond to 
+   // the new value.
    if (nw==9) {
-       vf.login[1].checked=true;
-       vf.intpwd.value='';
-       vf.krbdom.value='';
+       changed_radio('int',document.studentform);
+       set_auth_radio_buttons('int',document.studentform);
+       vf.intarg.value='';
+       vf.krbarg.value='';
 function clearpwd(vf) {
@@ -348,70 +394,76 @@ function clearpwd(vf) {
         if (eval('vf.f'+i+'.selectedIndex')==9) {
-    }      
-function setkrb(vf) {
-    if (vf.krbdom.value!='') {
-       clearpwd(vf);
-       vf.login[0].checked=true;
-       vf.krbdom.value=vf.krbdom.value.toUpperCase();
-       vf.intpwd.value='';
-   }
+    }
-function setint(vf) {
-    if (vf.intpwd.value!='') {
-       clearpwd(vf);
-       vf.login[1].checked=true;
-       vf.krbdom.value='';
-   }
-function clickkrb(vf) {
-    vf.krbdom.value='$krbdefdom';
-    clearpwd(vf);
-    vf.intpwd.value='';
+sub upload_manager_javascript_reverse_associate {
+    return(<<ENDPICK);
+function verify(vf) {
+    var founduname=0;
+    var foundpwd=0;
+    var foundname=0;
+    var foundid=0;
+    var foundsec=0;
+    var tw;
+    for (i=0;i<=vf.nfields.value;i++) {
+        tw=eval('vf.f'+i+'.selectedIndex');
+        if (i==0 && tw!=0) { founduname=1; }
+        if (((i>=1) && (i<=5)) && tw!=0 ) { foundname=1; }
+        if (i==6 && tw!=0) { foundid=1; }
+        if (i==7 && tw!=0) { foundsec=1; }
+        if (i==8 && tw!=0) { foundpwd=1; }
+    }
+    verify_message(vf,founduname,foundpwd,foundname,foundid,foundsec);
-function clickint(vf) {
-    vf.krbdom.value='';
+function flip(vf,tf) {
+   var nw=eval('vf.f'+tf+'.selectedIndex');
+   var i;
+   // picked the all one one name field, reset the other name ones to blank
+   if (tf==1 && nw!=0) {
+      for (i=2;i<=5;i++) {
+         eval('vf.f'+i+'.selectedIndex=0;')
+      }
+   }
+   //picked one of the piecewise name fields, reset the all in
+   //one field to blank
+   if ((tf>=2) && (tf<=5) && (nw!=0)) {
+      eval('vf.f1.selectedIndex=0;')
+   }
+   // intial password specified, pick internal authentication
+   if (tf==8 && nw!=0) {
+       changed_radio('int',document.studentform);
+       set_auth_radio_buttons('int',document.studentform);
+       vf.krbarg.value='';
+       vf.intarg.value='';
+       vf.locarg.value='';
+   }
-    function pclose() {
-        parmwin=window.open("/adm/rat/empty.html","LONCAPAparms",
-                 "height=350,width=350,scrollbars=no,menubar=no");
-        parmwin.close();
-    }
-    function pjump(type,dis,value,marker,ret,call) {
-        parmwin=window.open("/adm/rat/parameter.html?type="+escape(type)
-                 +"&value="+escape(value)+"&marker="+escape(marker)
-                 +"&return="+escape(ret)
-                 +"&call="+escape(call)+"&name="+escape(dis),"LONCAPAparms",
-                 "height=350,width=350,scrollbars=no,menubar=no");
-    }
-    function dateset() {
-        if (document.studentform.pres_marker.value=='end') {
-           document.studentform.enddate.value=
-	       document.studentform.pres_value.value;
-        }
-        if (document.studentform.pres_marker.value=='start') {
-           document.studentform.startdate.value=
-	       document.studentform.pres_value.value;
-        }
-        pclose();
+function clearpwd(vf) {
+    var i;
+    if (eval('vf.f8.selectedIndex')!=0) {
+        eval('vf.f8.selectedIndex=0;')
-<table border=2><tr><th>Field</th><th>Samples</th></tr>
-sub phase_two_end {
+sub print_upload_manager_footer {
     my ($r,$i,$keyfields,$defdom,$today,$halfyear)=@_;
+    my %param = ( formname => 'document.studentform');
+    my $krbform = &Apache::loncommon::authform_kerberos(%param);
+    my $intform = &Apache::loncommon::authform_internal(%param);
+    my $locform = &Apache::loncommon::authform_local(%param);
+    my $domform = &domain_form($defdom);
 <input type=hidden name=nfields value=$i>
@@ -419,28 +471,22 @@ sub phase_two_end {
 <h3>Login Type</h3>
 <p>Note: this will not take effect if the user already exists</p>
-<input type=radio name=login value=krb onClick="clickkrb(this.form);" />
-Kerberos authenticated with domain
-<input type=text size=10 name=krbdom onChange="setkrb(this.form);" />
-<input type=radio name=login value=int onClick="clickint(this.form);" />
-Internally authenticated (with initial password 
-<input type=text size=10 name=intpwd onChange="setint(this.form);" />)
-<input type=radio name=login value=loc onClick="clickloc(this.form);" />
-Local Authentication with argument
-<input type=text size=10 name=locarg onChange="setloc(this.form);" />
 <h3>LON-CAPA Domain for Students</h3>
-LON-CAPA domain: <input type=text size=10 value=$defdom name=lcdomain><p>
+LON-CAPA domain: $domform <p>
 <h3>Starting and Ending Dates</h3>
-<input type="hidden" value='' name="pres_value">
-<input type="hidden" value='' name="pres_type">
-<input type="hidden" value='' name="pres_marker">
-<input type="hidden" value='$today' name=startdate>
-<input type="hidden" value='$halfyear' name=enddate>
+<input type="hidden" value=''          name="pres_value"  >
+<input type="hidden" value=''          name="pres_type"   >
+<input type="hidden" value=''          name="pres_marker" >
+<input type="hidden" value='$today'    name="startdate"   >
+<input type="hidden" value='$halfyear' name="enddate"     >
  href="javascript:pjump('date_start','Enrollment Starting Date',document.studentform.startdate.value,'start','studentform.pres','dateset');"
 >Set Starting Date</a><p>
@@ -455,108 +501,122 @@ LON-CAPA domain: <input type=text size=1
 <input type=checkbox name=forceid value=yes> 
 Disable ID/Student Number Safeguard and Force Change of Conflicting IDs
 (only do if you know what you are doing)<p>
-<input type=button onClick="verify(this.form)" value="Update Courselist"><br>
-Note: for large courses, this operation might be time consuming.
+<input type="button" onClick="javascript:verify(this.form)" value="Update Courselist" /><br />
+Note: for large courses, this operation may be time consuming.
-# ======================================================= Menu Phase Two Upload
-sub menu_phase_two_upload {
+# ======================================================= Menu Phase Two Upload
+sub print_upload_manager_form {
     my $r=shift;
-    my $datatoken=&upfile_store($r);
-    my @records=&upfile_record_sep();
+    my $datatoken;
+    if (!$ENV{'form.datatoken'}) {
+      $datatoken=&Apache::loncommon::upfile_store($r);
+    } else {
+      $datatoken=$ENV{'form.datatoken'};
+      &Apache::loncommon::load_tmp_file($r);
+    }
+    my @records=&Apache::loncommon::upfile_record_sep();
     my $total=$#records;
     my $distotal=$total+1;
     my $krbdefdom=$1;
     my $today=time;
     my $halfyear=$today+15552000;
     my $defdom=$r->dir_config('lonDefDomain');
-    &phase_two_header($r,$datatoken,$distotal,$krbdefdom);
-    my %sone; my %stwo; my %sthree;
-    my $i=0;
+    &print_upload_manager_header($r,$datatoken,$distotal,$krbdefdom);
+    my $i;
+    my $keyfields;
     if ($total>=0) {
-	%sone=&record_sep($records[0]);
-	if ($total>=1) {
-	    %stwo=&record_sep($records[1]);
-	}
-	if ($total>=2) {
-	    %sthree=&record_sep($records[2]);
-	}
-	foreach (sort keys %sone) {
-	    $r->print('<tr><td><select name=f'.$i.
-		      ' onChange="flip(this.form,'.$i.');">');
-	    foreach ('none: ','username:Username',
-		     'names:Last Name, First Names',
-		     'fname:First Name','mname:Middle Names/Initials',
-		     'lname:Last Name','gen:Generation',
-		     'id:ID/Student Number','sec:Group/Section',
-		     'ipwd:Initial Password') {
-		my ($value,$display)=split(/\:/,$_);
-		$r->print('<option value='.$value.'>'.$display.
-			  '</option>');
-	    }
-	    $r->print('</select></td><td>');
-	    if (defined($sone{$_})) { 
-		$r->print($sone{$_}."</br>\n"); 
-	    }
-	    if (defined($stwo{$_})) { 
-		$r->print($stwo{$_}."</br>\n"); 
-	    }
-	    if (defined($sthree{$_})) { 
-		$r->print($sthree{$_}."</br>\n"); 
-	    }
-	    $r->print('</td></tr>');
-	    $i++;
+	my @d=(['username','Username'],
+               ['names','Last Name, First Names'],
+	       ['fname','First Name'],
+               ['mname','Middle Names/Initials'],
+	       ['lname','Last Name'],
+               ['gen','Generation'],
+	       ['id','ID/Student Number'],
+               ['sec','Group/Section'],
+	       ['ipwd','Initial Password']);
+	if ($ENV{'form.upfile_associate'} eq 'reverse') {	
+	    &Apache::loncommon::csv_print_samples($r,\@records);
+	    $i=&Apache::loncommon::csv_print_select_table($r,\@records,\@d);
+	    foreach (@d) { $keyfields.=$_->[0].','; }
+	    chop($keyfields);
+	} else {
+	    unshift(@d,['none','']);
+	    $i=&Apache::loncommon::csv_samples_select_table($r,\@records,\@d);
+	    my %sone=&Apache::loncommon::record_sep($records[0]);
+	    $keyfields=join(',',sort(keys(%sone)));
-	$i--;
-    my $keyfields=join(',',sort keys %sone);
-    &phase_two_end($r,$i,$keyfields,$defdom,$today,$halfyear);
+    &print_upload_manager_footer($r,$i,$keyfields,$defdom,$today,$halfyear);
 # ======================================================= Enroll single student
 sub enroll_single_student {
     my $r=shift;
     $r->print('<h3>Enrolling Student</h3>');
+    $r->print('<p>Enrolling '.$ENV{'form.cuname'}." \@ ".
+              $ENV{'form.lcdomain'}.'</p>');
     if (($ENV{'form.cuname'})&&($ENV{'form.cuname'}!~/\W/)&&
-        ($ENV{'form.cdomain'})&&($ENV{'form.cdomain'}!~/\W/)) {
+        ($ENV{'form.lcdomain'})&&($ENV{'form.lcdomain'}!~/\W/)) {
+        # Deal with home server selection
+        my $domain=$ENV{'form.lcdomain'};
+        my $desiredhost = $ENV{'form.lcserver'};
+        if (lc($desiredhost) eq 'default') {
+            $desiredhost = undef;
+        } else {
+            my %home_servers =&Apache::loncommon::get_library_servers($domain);
+            if (! exists($home_servers{$desiredhost})) {
+                $r->print('<font color="#ff0000">Error:</font>'.
+                          'Invalid home server specified');
+                return;
+            }
+        }
+        $r->print(" with server $desiredhost :") if (defined($desiredhost));
+        # End of home server selection logic
 	my $amode='';
         my $genpwd='';
         if ($ENV{'form.login'} eq 'krb') {
-           $amode='krb4';
-           $genpwd=$ENV{'form.krbdom'};
+           $amode='krb';
+	   $amode.=$ENV{'form.krbver'};
+           $genpwd=$ENV{'form.krbarg'};
         } elsif ($ENV{'form.login'} eq 'int') {
-           $genpwd=$ENV{'form.intpwd'};
+           $genpwd=$ENV{'form.intarg'};
         }  elsif ($ENV{'form.login'} eq 'loc') {
 	    if (!$genpwd) { $genpwd=" "; }
-        if (($amode) && ($genpwd)) {
- 	  &dropstudent($ENV{'form.cdomain'},$ENV{'form.cuname'},
-		       $ENV{'request.course.id'},$ENV{'form.csec'});
-          $r->print(&Apache::lonnet::modifystudent(
-                      $ENV{'form.cdomain'},$ENV{'form.cuname'},
-                      $ENV{'form.cstid'},$amode,$genpwd,
- 	              $ENV{'form.cfirst'},$ENV{'form.cmiddle'},
-                      $ENV{'form.clast'},$ENV{'form.cgen'},
-                      $ENV{'form.csec'},$ENV{'form.enddate'},
-                      $ENV{'form.startdate'},$ENV{'form.forceid'}));
+        my $home = &Apache::lonnet::homeserver($ENV{'form.cuname'},
+                                                   $ENV{'form.lcdomain'});
+        if ((($amode) && ($genpwd)) || ($home ne 'no_host')) {
+            # Clean out any old roles the student has in this class.
+            &modifystudent($ENV{'form.lcdomain'},$ENV{'form.cuname'},
+                           $ENV{'request.course.id'},$ENV{'form.csec'},
+                            $desiredhost);
+            my $login_result = &Apache::lonnet::modifystudent
+                ($ENV{'form.lcdomain'},$ENV{'form.cuname'},
+                 $ENV{'form.cstid'},$amode,$genpwd,
+                 $ENV{'form.cfirst'},$ENV{'form.cmiddle'},
+                 $ENV{'form.clast'},$ENV{'form.cgen'},
+                 $ENV{'form.csec'},$ENV{'form.enddate'},
+                 $ENV{'form.startdate'},$ENV{'form.forceid'},
+                 $desiredhost);
+            if ($login_result =~ /^ok/) {
+                $r->print($login_result);
+                $r->print("<p> If active, the new role will be available ".
+                          "when the student next logs in to LON-CAPA.</p>");
+            } else {
+                $r->print("unable to enroll: ".$login_result);
+            }
 	} else {
-           $r->print('Invalid login mode or password');    
+            $r->print('<p><font color="#ff0000">ERROR</font>&nbsp;'.
+                      'Invalid login mode or password.  '.
+                      'Unable to enroll '.$ENV{'form.cuname'}.'.</p>');
     } else {
         $r->print('Invalid username or domain');
@@ -564,36 +624,41 @@ sub enroll_single_student {
 # ======================================================= Menu Phase Two Enroll
-sub menu_phase_two_enroll {
+sub print_enroll_single_student_form {
     my $r=shift;
-    $ENV{'SERVER_NAME'}=~/(\w+\.\w+)$/;
-    my $krbdefdom=$1;
+    $r->print("<h3>Enroll One Student</h3>");
+    my ($krbdefdom) = $ENV{'SERVER_NAME'}=~/(\w+\.\w+)$/;
-    my $today=time;
-    my $halfyear=$today+15552000;
+    my $today    = time;
+    my $halfyear = $today+15552000;
     my $defdom=$r->dir_config('lonDefDomain');
+    my $javascript_validations=&javascript_validations($krbdefdom);
+    # Set up authentication forms
+    my %param = ( formname => 'document.studentform');
+    my $krbform = &Apache::loncommon::authform_kerberos(%param);
+    my $intform = &Apache::loncommon::authform_internal(%param);
+    my $locform = &Apache::loncommon::authform_local(%param);
+    # Set up domain selection form
+    my $domform = &domain_form($defdom);
+    # Print it all out
+    $r->print(<<END);
+<input type="hidden" name="action" value="enrollstudent">
+<input type="hidden" name="state"  value="done">
-    $r->print(<<ENDSENROLL);
+<script type="text/javascript" language="Javascript">
 function verify(vf) {
     var founduname=0;
     var foundpwd=0;
     var foundname=0;
     var foundid=0;
     var foundsec=0;
-    var foundatype=0;
     var tw;
-    var message='';
-    if ((typeof(vf.cuname.value)!="undefined") && (vf.cuname.value!='') && 
-	(typeof(vf.cdomain.value)!="undefined") && (vf.cdomain.value!='')) {
+    if ((typeof(vf.cuname.value) !="undefined") && (vf.cuname.value!='') && 
+	(typeof(vf.lcdomain.value)!="undefined") && (vf.lcdomain.value!='')) {
     if ((typeof(vf.cfirst.value)!="undefined") && (vf.cfirst.value!='') &&
-	(typeof(vf.clast.value)!="undefined") && (vf.clast.value!='')) {
+	(typeof(vf.clast.value) !="undefined") && (vf.clast.value!='')) {
     if ((typeof(vf.csec.value)!="undefined") && (vf.csec.value!='')) {
@@ -606,338 +671,719 @@ function verify(vf) {
 	alert('You need to specify at least the username and domain fields');
-    if (vf.login[0].checked) {
-	foundatype=1;
-        if (vf.krbdom.value=='') {
-	    alert('You need to specify the Kerberos domain');
-            return;
-        }
-    }
-    if (vf.login[1].checked) {
-	foundatype=1;
-        if ((vf.intpwd.value=='') && (foundpwd==0)) {
-	    alert('You need to specify the initial password');
-            return;
-        }
-    }
-    if (vf.login[2].checked) {
-	foundatype=1;
-	//An argument is not required
-    }
-    if (foundatype==0) {
-	alert('You need to set the login type');
-        return;
-    }
-    if (foundname==0) { message='No first and last name specified. '; }
-    if (foundid==0) { message+='No ID or student number field specified. '; }
-    if (foundsec==0) { message+='No section or group field specified. '; }
-    if (vf.startdate.value=='') {
-	message+='No starting date set. ';
-    }
-    if (vf.enddate.value=='') {
-        message+='No ending date set. ';
-    }
-    if ((vf.enddate.value!='') && (vf.startdate.value!='')) {
-       if (Math.round(vf.enddate.value)<Math.round(vf.startdate.value)) {
-          alert('Ending date is before starting date');
-          return;
-       }
-    }
-    if (message!='') {
-       message+='Continue enrollment?';
-       if (confirm(message)) {
-	  pclose();
-	  vf.submit();
-       }
-    } else {
-      pclose();
-      vf.submit();
-    }   
+    verify_message(vf,founduname,foundpwd,foundname,foundid,foundsec);
-function setkrb(vf) {
-    if (vf.krbdom.value!='') {
-       vf.login[0].checked=true;
-       vf.krbdom.value=vf.krbdom.value.toUpperCase();
-       vf.intpwd.value='';
-       vf.locarg.value='';
-   }
-function setint(vf) {
-    if (vf.intpwd.value!='') {
-       vf.login[1].checked=true;
-       vf.krbdom.value='';
-       vf.locarg.value='';
-   }
+function clearpwd(vf) {
+    //nothing else needs clearing
-function setloc(vf) {
-    if (vf.locarg.value!='') {
-       vf.login[2].checked=true;
-       vf.krbdom.value='';
-       vf.intpwd.value='';
-   }
+<h3>Personal Data</h3>
+<tr><td>First Name:</td><td> <input type="text" name="cfirst"  size="15"></td></tr>
+<tr><td>Middle Name:</td><td> <input type="text" name="cmiddle" size="15"></td></tr>
+<tr><td>Last Name: </td><td><input type="text" name="clast"   size="15"></td></tr>
+<tr><td>Generation: </td><td><input type="text" name="cgen"    size="5"> </td></tr>
-function clickkrb(vf) {
-    vf.krbdom.value='$krbdefdom';
-    vf.intpwd.value='';
-    vf.locarg.value='';
+<h3>Login Data</h3>
+<p>Username: <input type="text" name="cuname"  size="15"></p>
+<p>Domain:   $domform</p>
+<p>Note: login settings below  will not take effect if the user already exists
-function clickint(vf) {
-    vf.krbdom.value='';
-    vf.locarg.value='';
+<h3>Course Data</h3>
+<p>Group/Section: <input type="text" name="csec" size="5" />
+<!-- Date setting form elements -->
+<input type="hidden" name="pres_value"  value='' />
+<input type="hidden" name="pres_type"   value='' />
+<input type="hidden" name="pres_marker" value='' />
+<input type="hidden" name="startdate"   value='$today'    />
+<input type="hidden" name="enddate"     value='$halfyear' />
+ href="javascript:pjump('date_start','Enrollment Starting Date',document.studentform.startdate.value,'start','studentform.pres','dateset');"
+>Set Starting Date</a>
+ href="javascript:pjump('date_end','Enrollment Ending Date',document.studentform.enddate.value,'end','studentform.pres','dateset');"
+>Set Ending Date</a>
+<h3>ID/Student Number</h3>
+ID/Student Number: <input type="text" name="cstid" size="10">
+<input type="checkbox" name="forceid" value="yes"> 
+Disable ID/Student Number Safeguard and Force Change of Conflicting IDs
+(only do if you know what you are doing)
+<input type="button" onClick="verify(this.form)" value="Enroll as student">
+    return;
-function clickloc(vf) {
-    vf.krbdom.value='';
-    vf.intpwd.value='';
+# =================================================== get the current classlist
+sub get_current_classlist {
+    my $r = shift;
+    # Call DownloadClasslist
+    my $cid = $ENV{'request.course.id'};
+    my $c = $r->connection;
+    my $classlisthash = &Apache::loncoursedata::DownloadClasslist
+        ($cid,'Not downloaded',$c);
+    # Call ProcessClasslist
+    my %cache;
+    my @students = &Apache::loncoursedata::ProcessClasslist(\%cache,
+                                                            $classlisthash,
+                                                            $cid,$c);
+    return (\@students,\%cache);
-    function pclose() {
-        parmwin=window.open("/adm/rat/empty.html","LONCAPAparms",
-                 "height=350,width=350,scrollbars=no,menubar=no");
-        parmwin.close();
+# ========================================================= Menu Phase Two Drop
+sub print_drop_menu {
+    my $r=shift;
+    $r->print("<h3>Drop Students</h3>");
+    my $cid=$ENV{'request.course.id'};
+    my ($student_array,$student_data)=&get_current_classlist($r);
+    if (! scalar(@$student_array)) {
+        $r->print("There are no students currently enrolled.\n");
+        return;
+    # Print out the available choices
+    &show_drop_list($student_array,$student_data,$r);
+    return;
-    function pjump(type,dis,value,marker,ret,call) {
-        parmwin=window.open("/adm/rat/parameter.html?type="+escape(type)
-                 +"&value="+escape(value)+"&marker="+escape(marker)
-                 +"&return="+escape(ret)
-                 +"&call="+escape(call)+"&name="+escape(dis),"LONCAPAparms",
-                 "height=350,width=350,scrollbars=no,menubar=no");
+# ============================================== view classlist
+sub print_html_classlist {
+    my $r=shift;
+    $r->print(<<END);
+<font size="+1">Current Classlist</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
+<font size="+1"><a href="/adm/dropadd?action=classlist&state=csv">CSV format</a></font>
+    my $cid=$ENV{'request.course.id'};
+    my ($student_array,$student_data)=&get_current_classlist($r);
+    if (! scalar(@$student_array)) {
+        $r->print("There are no students currently enrolled.\n");
+    } else {
+        # Print out the available choices
+        if ($ENV{'form.action'} eq 'modifystudent') {
+            &show_class_list($r,'view','modify','modifystudent',
+                             'any',$student_array,$student_data);
+        } else {
+            &show_class_list($r,'view','aboutme','classlist',
+                             'any',$student_array,$student_data);
+        }
+    }
+# ============================================== view classlist
+sub print_csv_classlist {
+    my $r=shift;
+    my $cid=$ENV{'request.course.id'};
+    my ($student_array,$student_data)=&get_current_classlist($r);
+    if (! scalar(@$student_array)) {
+        $r->print("There are no students currently enrolled.\n");
+    } else {
+        &show_class_list($r,'csv','nolink','csv',
+                         'any',$student_array,$student_data);
-    function dateset() {
-        if (document.studentform.pres_marker.value=='end') {
-           document.studentform.enddate.value=
-	       document.studentform.pres_value.value;
+# =================================================== Show student list to drop
+sub show_class_list {
+    my ($r,$mode,$linkto,$action,$statusmode,$students,$s_data)=@_;
+    my $cid=$ENV{'request.course.id'};
+    &Apache::loncommon::get_unprocessed_cgi($ENV{'QUERY_STRING'},
+                                            ['sortby']);
+    my $sortby = $ENV{'form.sortby'};
+    if ($sortby !~ /^(username|domain|section|fullname|id)$/) {
+        $sortby = 'username';
+    }
+    # Print out header 
+    if ($mode eq 'view') {
+        if ($linkto eq 'aboutme') {
+            $r->print('Select a user name to view the users page.');
+        } elsif ($linkto eq 'modify') {
+            $r->print('Select a user name to modify the students information');
-        if (document.studentform.pres_marker.value=='start') {
-           document.studentform.startdate.value=
-	       document.studentform.pres_value.value;
+        $r->print(<<END);
+<input type="hidden" name="sortby" value="$sortby" />
+<table border=2>
+       <a href="/adm/dropadd?action=$action&sortby=username">username</a>
+    </th><th>
+       <a href="/adm/dropadd?action=$action&sortby=domain">domain</a>
+    </th><th>
+       <a href="/adm/dropadd?action=$action&sortby=id">ID</a>
+    </th><th>
+       <a href="/adm/dropadd?action=$action&sortby=fullname">student name</a>
+    </th><th>
+       <a href="/adm/dropadd?action=$action&sortby=section">section</a>
+    </th>
+    } elsif ($mode eq 'csv') {
+        $r->print('"'.join('","',("username","domain","ID","student name",
+                                  "section")).'"'."\n");
+    }
+    my @Sorted_Students = sort {
+            lc($s_data->{$a.':'.$sortby})  cmp lc($s_data->{$b.':'.$sortby})
+                ||
+            lc($s_data->{$a.':username'}) cmp lc($s_data->{$b.':username'})
+                ||
+            lc($s_data->{$a.':domain'})   cmp lc($s_data->{$b.':domain'})
+        } @$students;
+    foreach my $student (@Sorted_Students) {
+        my $error;
+        if (exists($s_data->{$student.':error'})) {
+            $error = $s_data->{$student.':error'};
+        }
+        if ($error) {
+            $r->print('<tr><td colspan="6">'.
+                      '<font color="#FF8888">Error</font>'.
+                      'Error retrieving data for '.
+                      join('@',split(/:/,$student)).
+                      ', '.$error.'</td></tr>'."\n");
+            next;
+        }
+        my $username = $s_data->{$student.':username'};
+        my $domain   = $s_data->{$student.':domain'};
+        my $section  = $s_data->{$student.':section'};
+        my $name     = $s_data->{$student.':fullname'};
+        my $status   = $s_data->{$student.':Status'};
+        my $id       = $s_data->{$student.':id'};
+        next if (($statusmode ne 'any') && ($status ne $statusmode));
+        if ($mode eq 'view') {
+            $r->print("<tr>\n    <td>\n        ");
+            if ($linkto eq 'nothing') {
+                $r->print($username);
+            } elsif ($linkto eq 'aboutme') {
+                $r->print(&Apache::loncommon::aboutmewrapper($username,
+                                                             $username,
+                                                             $domain));
+            } elsif ($linkto eq 'modify') {
+                $r->print('<a href="/adm/dropadd?action=modifystudent'.
+                          '&state=selected'.'&sname='.$username.
+                          '&sdom='.$domain.'&sortby='.$sortby.'">'.
+                          $username."</a>\n");
+            }
+            $r->print(<<"END");
+    </td>
+    <td>$domain</td>
+    <td>$id</td>
+    <td>$name</td>
+    <td>$section</td>
+        } elsif ($mode eq 'csv') {
+            # no need to bother with $linkto
+            my @line = ();
+            foreach ($username,$domain,$id,$name,$section) {
+                push @line,&Apache::loncommon::csv_translate($_);
+            }
+            my $tmp = $";
+            $" = '","';
+            $r->print("\"@line\"\n");
+            $" = $tmp;
-        pclose();
+    $r->print('</table><br>') if ($mode eq 'view');
-<h3>Personal Data</h3>
-First Name: <input type=text name=cfirst size=15><br>
-Middle Name: <input type=text name=cmiddle size=15><br>
-Last Name: <input type=text name=clast size=15><br>
-Generation: <input type=text name=cgen size=5><p>
-ID/Student Number: <input type=text name=cstid size=10><p>
-Group/Section: <input type=text name=csec size=5><p>
-<h3>Login Data</h3>
-Username: <input type=text name=cuname size=15><p>
-Domain: <input type=text size=10 value=$defdom name=cdomain><p>
-Note: login settings below  will not take effect if the user already exists<p>
-<input type=radio name=login value=krb onClick="clickkrb(this.form);">
-Kerberos authenticated with domain
-<input type=text size=10 name=krbdom onChange="setkrb(this.form);"><p>
-<input type=radio name=login value=int onClick="clickint(this.form);"> 
-Internally authenticated (with initial password 
-<input type=text size=10 name=intpwd onChange="setint(this.form);">)
+# print out form for modification of a single students data
+sub print_modify_student_form {
+    my $r = shift();
+    &Apache::loncommon::get_unprocessed_cgi($ENV{'QUERY_STRING'},
+                                            ['sdom','sname','sortby']);    
+    my $sname  = $ENV{'form.sname'};
+    my $sdom   = $ENV{'form.sdom'};
+    my $sortby = $ENV{'form.sortby'};
+    # determine the students name information
+    my %info=&Apache::lonnet::get('environment',
+                                  ['firstname','middlename',
+                                   'lastname','generation','id'],
+                                  $sdom, $sname);
+    my ($tmp) = keys(%info);
+    if ($tmp =~ /^(con_lost|error|no_such_host)/i) {
+        $r->print('<font color="#ff0000" size="+2">Error</font>'.
+                  '<p>'.
+                  'Unable to retrieve environment data for '.$sname.
+                  'in domain '.$sdom.'</p><p>'.
+                  'Please contact your LON-CAPA administrator '.
+                  'regarding this situation.</p></body></html>');
+        return;
+    }
+    # determine the students starting and ending times and section
+    my ($starttime,$endtime,$section) = &get_enrollment_data($sname,$sdom);
+    # Deal with date forms
+    my $startdateform = &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::date_setter('studentform',
+                                                            'startdate',
+                                                            $starttime);
+    my $enddateform = &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::date_setter('studentform',
+                                                          'enddate',
+                                                          $endtime);
+    # Make sure student is enrolled in course    
+    $r->print(<<END);
-<input type=radio name=login value=loc onClick="clickloc(this.form);" />
-Local Authentication with argument
-<input type=text size=10 name=locarg onChange="setloc(this.form);" />
+<font size="+1">
+Only domain coordinators can change a users password.
-<h3>Starting and Ending Dates</h3>
-<input type="hidden" value='' name="pres_value">
-<input type="hidden" value='' name="pres_type">
-<input type="hidden" value='' name="pres_marker">
-<input type="hidden" value='$today' name=startdate>
-<input type="hidden" value='$halfyear' name=enddate>
- href="javascript:pjump('date_start','Enrollment Starting Date',document.studentform.startdate.value,'start','studentform.pres','dateset');"
->Set Starting Date</a><p>
- href="javascript:pjump('date_end','Enrollment Ending Date',document.studentform.enddate.value,'end','studentform.pres','dateset');"
->Set Ending Date</a><p>
-<h3>ID/Student Number</h3>
-<input type=checkbox name=forceid value=yes> 
+<input type="hidden" name="slogin"  value="$sname"  />
+<input type="hidden" name="sdomain" value="$sdom" />
+<input type="hidden" name="action"  value="modifystudent" />
+<input type="hidden" name="state"   value="done" />
+<input type="hidden" name="sortby"  value="$sortby" />
+<h2>Modify Enrollment for $info{'firstname'} $info{'middlename'} 
+$info{'lastname'} $info{'generation'}, $sname\@$sdom</h2>
+<b>Student Name</b>
+<input type="text" name="firstname"  value="$info{'firstname'}"  /></td><td>
+<input type="text" name="middlename" value="$info{'middlename'}" /></td><td>
+<input type="text" name="lastname"   value="$info{'lastname'}"   /></td><td>
+<input type="text" name="generation" value="$info{'generation'}" /></td></tr>
+<b>Student ID</b>: <input type="text" name="id" value="$info{'id'}" size="12"/>
+<input type="checkbox" name="forceid" > 
 Disable ID/Student Number Safeguard and Force Change of Conflicting IDs
-(only do if you know what you are doing)<p>
-<input type=button onClick="verify(this.form)" value="Enroll as student"><br>
-<input type=hidden name=phase value=five>
+(only do if you know what you are doing)
+<b>Section</b>: <input type="text" name="section" value="$section" size="4"/>
+<tr><td align="right"><b>Starting Date:</b></td><td>$startdateform</td></tr>
+<tr><td align="right"><b>Ending Date:</b></td><td>$enddateform</td></tr>
+<input type="submit" value="Submit Modifications" />
+    return;
-# ========================================================= Menu Phase Two Drop
-sub menu_phase_two_drop {
-    my $r=shift;
-    my $cid=$ENV{'request.course.id'};
-                 my $classlst=&Apache::lonnet::reply
-                 ('dump:'.$ENV{'course.'.$cid.'.domain'}.':'.
-	                  $ENV{'course.'.$cid.'.num'}.':classlist',
-	                  $ENV{'course.'.$cid.'.home'});
-                 my %currentlist=();
-                 my $now=time;
-                 unless ($classlst=~/^error\:/) {
-                     foreach (split(/\&/,$classlst)) {
-                        my ($name,$value)=split(/\=/,$_);
-                        my ($end,$start)=split(/\:/,
-                                            &Apache::lonnet::unescape($value));
-                        my $active=1;
-                        if (($end) && ($now>$end)) { $active=0; }
-                        if ($active) {
-		           $currentlist{&Apache::lonnet::unescape($name)}=1;
-                        }
-                     }
-# ----------------------------------------------------------- Print out choices
-                     &show_drop_list($r,%currentlist);
-	         } else {
-                     $r->print(
-                  '<font color=red><h3>Could not access classlist: '.$classlst.
-                  '</h3></font>');
-                 }
+# modify a single students section 
+sub modify_single_student {
+    my $r = shift;
+    # Get the 'sortby' variable so the user does not need to re-sort
+    my $sortby = $ENV{'form.sortby'};
+    #
+    # We always need this information
+    my $slogin     = $ENV{'form.slogin'};
+    my $sdom       = $ENV{'form.sdomain'};
+    #
+    # Get the old data
+    my %old=&Apache::lonnet::get('environment',
+                                 ['firstname','middlename',
+                                  'lastname','generation','id'],
+                                 $sdom, $slogin);
+    my ($tmp) = keys(%old);
+    if ($tmp =~ /^(con_lost|error|no_such_host)/i) {
+        $r->print("There was an error determining the environment values ".
+                  " for $slogin \@ $sdom.");
+        return;
+    }
+    undef $tmp;
+    #
+    # Get the new data
+    my $firstname  = $ENV{'form.firstname'};
+    my $middlename = $ENV{'form.middlename'};
+    my $lastname   = $ENV{'form.lastname'};
+    my $generation = $ENV{'form.generation'};
+    my $section    = $ENV{'form.section'};
+    my $courseid   = $ENV{'request.course.id'};
+    my $sid        = $ENV{'form.id'};
+    my $starttime = &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::get_date_from_form('startdate',
+                                                               time);
+    my $endtime   = &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::get_date_from_form('enddate',
+                                                               time);
+    my $displayable_starttime = localtime($starttime);
+    my $displayable_endtime   = localtime($endtime);
+    # 
+    # check for forceid override
+    if (($sid ne $old{'id'}) && (! exists($ENV{'form.forceid'}))) {
+        $r->print("<font color=\"ff0000\">You changed the students id ".
+                  " but did not disable the ID change safeguard.".
+                  "  The students id will not be changed.</font>");
+        $sid = $old{'id'};
+    }
+    #
+    # talk to the user about what we are going to do
+    $r->print(<<END);
+    <h2>Modifying data for user $slogin \@ $sdom </h2>
+<h3>Student Information</h3>
+<table rules="rows" border="1" cellpadding="3" >
+    <th> Field </th>
+    <th> Old Value </th>
+    <th> New Value </th>
+    <td> <b>First name</b> </td>
+    <td> $old{'firstname'} </td>
+    <td> $firstname </td>
+    <td> <b>Middle name</b> </td>
+    <td> $old{'middlename'} </td>
+    <td> $middlename </td>
+    <td> <b>Last name</b> </td>
+    <td> $old{'lastname'} </td>
+    <td> $lastname </td>
+    <td> <b>Generation</b> </td>
+    <td> $old{'generation'} </td>
+    <td> $generation </td>
+    <td> <b>ID</b> </td>
+    <td> $old{'id'} </td>
+    <td> $sid </td>
+<h3>Role Information</h3>
+<tr><td>Section     </td><td> $section    </td></tr>
+<tr><td>Start Time  </td><td> $displayable_starttime </td></tr>
+<tr><td>End Time    </td><td> $displayable_endtime   </td></tr>
+    #
+    # Send request(s) to modify data
+    my $roleresults = &Apache::lonnet::modifystudent
+        ($sdom,$slogin,$sid,undef,undef,$firstname,$middlename,$lastname,
+         $generation,$section,$endtime,$starttime,$ENV{'form.forceid'});
+    if ($roleresults eq 'refused' ) {
+        $r->print("Your request to change the role information for this ".
+                  "student was refused.  You do not appear to have ".
+                  "sufficient authority to change student information.");
+    } elsif ($roleresults !~ /ok/) {
+        $r->print("An error occurred during the attempt to change the role".
+                  " information for this student.  <br />".
+                  "The error reported was ".
+                  $roleresults);
+        &Apache::lonnet::logthis("londropadd:failed attempt to modify student".
+                                 " data for ".$slogin." \@ ".$sdom." by ".
+                                 $ENV{'user.name'}." \@ ".$ENV{'user.domain'}.
+                                 ":".$roleresults);
+    } else { # everything is okay!
+        $r->print("Student information updated successfully. <br />".
+                  "The student must log out and log in again to see ".
+                  "these changes.");
+    }
+    $r->print(<<END);
+<a href="/adm/dropadd?action=modifystudent&sortby=$sortby">Modify another students data</a>
+    return;
+sub get_enrollment_data {
+    my ($sname,$sdomain) = @_;
+    my $courseid = $ENV{'request.course.id'};
+    $courseid =~ s:_:/:g;
+    my %roles = &Apache::lonnet::dump('roles',$sdomain,$sname);
+    my ($tmp) = keys(%roles);
+    # Bail out if we were unable to get the students roles
+    return "666" if ($tmp =~ /^(con_lost|error|no_such_host)/i);
+    # Go through the roles looking for enrollment in this course
+    my ($end,$start) = (undef,undef);
+    my $section = '';
+    my $count = scalar(keys(%roles));
+    while (my ($course,$role) = each(%roles)) {
+        &Apache::lonnet::logthis('course = '.$course.' role = '.$role);
+        if ($course=~ /^\/$courseid\/*\s*(\w+)*_st$/ ) {
+            #
+            # Get active role
+            $section=$1;
+            (undef,$end,$start)=split(/\_/,$role);
+            my $now=time;
+            my $notactive=0;
+            if ($start) {
+                if ($now<$start) { $notactive=1; }
+            }
+            if ($end) {
+                if ($now>$end) { $notactive=1; }
+            } 
+            unless ($notactive) { return ($start,$end,$section); }
+        }
+    }
+    return ($start,$end,$section);
 # =================================================== Show student list to drop
 sub show_drop_list {
-    my ($r,%currentlist)=@_;
+    my ($students,$s_data,$r)=@_;
     my $cid=$ENV{'request.course.id'};
+    &Apache::loncommon::get_unprocessed_cgi($ENV{'QUERY_STRING'},
+                                            ['sortby']);
+    my $sortby = $ENV{'form.sortby'};
+    if ($sortby !~ /^(username|domain|section|fullname|id)$/) {
+        $sortby = 'username';
+    }
+    my $action = "drop";
+    $r->print(<<END);
+<input type="hidden" name="sortby" value="$sortby" />
+<input type="hidden" name="action" value="$action" />
+<input type="hidden" name="state"  value="done" />
+function checkAll(field) {
+    for (i = 0; i < field.length; i++)
+        field[i].checked = true ;
-    $r->print('<input type=hidden name=phase value=four>');
-                     $r->print('<table border=2>');
-                     foreach (sort keys %currentlist) {
-                         my ($sname,$sdom)=split(/\:/,$_);
-                         my %reply=&Apache::lonnet::idrget($sdom,$sname);
-                         my $ssec=&Apache::lonnet::usection($sdom,$sname,$cid);
-                         my @reply=split(/[\&\=]/,&Apache::lonnet::reply(
-                           'get:'.$sdom.':'.$sname.
-		      ':environment:firstname&middlename&lastname&generation',
-                           &Apache::lonnet::homeserver($sname,$sdom)));
- 			 $r->print(
-                  '<tr><td><input type=checkbox name="drop:'.$_.'"></td><td>'.
-                                   $sname.'</td><td>'.$sdom.'</td><td>'.
-                                   $reply{$sname}.'</td><td>'.
-                                   &Apache::lonnet::unescape($reply[2]).' '.
-                                   &Apache::lonnet::unescape($reply[3]).', '.
-                                   &Apache::lonnet::unescape($reply[0]).' '.
-                                   &Apache::lonnet::unescape($reply[1]).
-                                   '</td><td>'.
-                                   $ssec."</td></tr>\n");
-                     }
-                     $r->print('</table><br>');
-                     $r->print('<input type=submit value="Drop Students">');
+function uncheckAll(field) {
+    for (i = 0; i < field.length; i++)
+        field[i].checked = false ;
+<input type="hidden" name="phase" value="four">
+<table border=2>
+    <th>
+       <a href="/adm/dropadd?action=$action&sortby=username">username</a>
+    </th><th>
+       <a href="/adm/dropadd?action=$action&sortby=domain">domain</a>
+    </th><th>
+       <a href="/adm/dropadd?action=$action&sortby=id">ID</a>
+    </th><th>
+       <a href="/adm/dropadd?action=$action&sortby=fullname">student name</a>
+    </th><th>
+       <a href="/adm/dropadd?action=$action&sortby=section">section</a>
+    </th>
+    my @Sorted_Students = sort {
+            lc($s_data->{$a.':'.$sortby})  cmp lc($s_data->{$b.':'.$sortby})
+                ||
+            lc($s_data->{$a.':username'}) cmp lc($s_data->{$b.':username'})
+                ||
+            lc($s_data->{$a.':domain'})   cmp lc($s_data->{$b.':domain'})
+        } @$students;
+    foreach my $student (@Sorted_Students) {
+        my $error;
+        if (exists($s_data->{$student.':error'})) {
+            $error = $s_data->{$student.':error'};
+        }
+        if ($error) {
+            $r->print('<tr><td colspan="6">'.
+                      '<font color="#FF8888">Error</font>'.
+                      'Error retrieving data for '.
+                      join('@',split(/:/,$student)).
+                      ', '.$error.'</td></tr>'."\n");
+            next;
+        }
+        my $username = $s_data->{$student.':username'};
+        my $domain   = $s_data->{$student.':domain'};
+        my $section  = $s_data->{$student.':section'};
+        my $name     = $s_data->{$student.':fullname'};
+        my $status   = $s_data->{$student.':Status'};
+        my $id       = $s_data->{$student.':id'};
+        next if ($status ne 'Active');
+        #
+        $r->print(<<"END");
+    <td><input type="checkbox" name="droplist" value="$student"></td>
+    <td>$username</td>
+    <td>$domain</td>
+    <td>$id</td>
+    <td>$name</td>
+    <td>$section</td>
+    }
+    $r->print('</table><br>');
+    $r->print(<<"END");
+<input type="button" value="check all" onclick="javascript:checkAll(document.studentform.droplist)"> &nbsp;
+<input type="button" value="uncheck all" onclick="javascript:uncheckAll(document.studentform.droplist)"> 
+<p><input type=submit value="Drop Students"></p>
+    return;
-# ================================================= Drop/Add from uploaded file
+# Print out the initial form to get the courselist file
+sub print_first_courselist_upload_form {
+    my $r=shift;
+    my $upfile_select=&Apache::loncommon::upfile_select_html();
+    my $create_classlist_help = 
+	&Apache::loncommon::help_open_topic("Course_Create_Class_List",
+           "How do I create a class list from a spreadsheet");
+    my $create_csv_help =
+	&Apache::loncommon::help_open_topic("Course_Convert_To_CSV",
+           "How do I create a CSV file from a spreadsheet");
+    $r->print(<<ENDUPFORM);
+<input type=hidden name=phase value=two>
+<h3>Upload a courselist</h3>
+<input type=submit name="fileupload" value="Upload Courselist">
+<input type="hidden" name="action" value="upload" />
+<input type="hidden" name="state"  value="got_file" />
+$create_classlist_help <br />
+    return;
+# ================================================= Drop/Add from uploaded file
 sub upfile_drop_add {
     my $r=shift;
-    &load_tmp_file($r);
-    my @studentdata=&upfile_record_sep();
-    my @keyfields=split(/\,/,$ENV{'form.keyfields'});
-    my $cid=$ENV{'request.course.id'};
-             my %fields=();
-             for (my $i=0;$i<=$ENV{'form.nfields'};$i++) {
-                 $fields{$ENV{'form.f'.$i}}=$keyfields[$i];
-             }
-             my $startdate=$ENV{'form.startdate'};
-             my $enddate=$ENV{'form.enddate'};
-             if ($startdate=~/\D/) { $startdate=''; }
-             if ($enddate=~/\D/) { $enddate=''; }
-             my $domain=$ENV{'form.lcdomain'};
-             my $amode='';
-             my $genpwd='';
-             if ($ENV{'form.login'} eq 'krb') {
-                 $amode='krb4';
-                 $genpwd=$ENV{'form.krbdom'};
-             } elsif ($ENV{'form.login'} eq 'int') {
-                 $amode='internal';
-                 if ((defined($ENV{'form.intpwd'})) && ($ENV{'form.intpwd'})) {
-		     $genpwd=$ENV{'form.intpwd'};
-                 }
-             } elsif ($ENV{'form.login'} eq 'loc') {
-		 $amode='localauth';
-		 if ((defined($ENV{'form.locarg'})) && ($ENV{'form.locarg'})) {
-		     $genpwd=$ENV{'form.locarg'};
-                 }
-	     }
-             unless (($domain=~/\W/) || ($amode eq '')) {
-              $r->print('<h3>Enrolling Students</h3>');
-              my $count=0;
-              my $flushc=0;
-              my %student=();
-# ----------------------------------------------------------- Get new classlist
-# --------------------------------------------------------- Enroll new students
-	      foreach (@studentdata) {
-		  my %entries=&record_sep($_);
-                unless (($entries{$fields{'username'}} eq '') ||
-                        (!defined($entries{$fields{'username'}}))) {
-                  my $fname=''; my $mname=''; my $lname=''; my $gen='';
-                  if (defined($fields{'names'})) {
-		      ($lname,$fname,$mname)=
-	            ($entries{$fields{'names'}}=~/([^\,]+)\,\s*(\w+)\s*(.*)$/);
-                  } else {
-                      if (defined($fields{'fname'})) {
-		         $fname=$entries{$fields{'fname'}};
-		      }
-                      if (defined($fields{'mname'})) {
-		         $mname=$entries{$fields{'mname'}};
-		      }
-                      if (defined($fields{'lname'})) {
-		         $lname=$entries{$fields{'lname'}};
-		      }
-                      if (defined($fields{'gen'})) {
-		         $gen=$entries{$fields{'gen'}};
-		      }
-                  }
-                  if ($entries{$fields{'username'}}=~/\W/) {
-                     $r->print('<p><b>Unacceptable username: '.
+    &Apache::loncommon::load_tmp_file($r);
+    my @studentdata=&Apache::loncommon::upfile_record_sep();
+    my @keyfields = split(/\,/,$ENV{'form.keyfields'});
+    my $cid = $ENV{'request.course.id'};
+    my %fields=();
+    for (my $i=0; $i<=$ENV{'form.nfields'}; $i++) {
+        if ($ENV{'form.upfile_associate'} eq 'reverse') {
+            if ($ENV{'form.f'.$i} ne 'none') {
+                $fields{$keyfields[$i]}=$ENV{'form.f'.$i};
+            }
+        } else {
+            $fields{$ENV{'form.f'.$i}}=$keyfields[$i];
+        }
+    }
+    #
+    my $startdate = $ENV{'form.startdate'};
+    my $enddate   = $ENV{'form.enddate'};
+    if ($startdate=~/\D/) { $startdate=''; }
+    if ($enddate=~/\D/)   { $enddate=''; }
+    # Determine domain and desired host (home server)
+    my $domain=$ENV{'form.lcdomain'};
+    my $desiredhost = $ENV{'form.lcserver'};
+    if (lc($desiredhost) eq 'default') {
+        $desiredhost = undef;
+    } else {
+        my %home_servers = &Apache::loncommon::get_library_servers($domain);
+        if (! exists($home_servers{$desiredhost})) {
+            $r->print('<font color="#ff0000">Error:</font>'.
+                      'Invalid home server specified');
+            return;
+        }
+    }
+    # Determine authentication mechanism
+    my $amode  = '';
+    my $genpwd = '';
+    if ($ENV{'form.login'} eq 'krb') {
+        $amode='krb';
+	$amode.=$ENV{'form.krbver'};
+        $genpwd=$ENV{'form.krbarg'};
+    } elsif ($ENV{'form.login'} eq 'int') {
+        $amode='internal';
+        if ((defined($ENV{'form.intarg'})) && ($ENV{'form.intarg'})) {
+            $genpwd=$ENV{'form.intarg'};
+        }
+    } elsif ($ENV{'form.login'} eq 'loc') {
+        $amode='localauth';
+        if ((defined($ENV{'form.locarg'})) && ($ENV{'form.locarg'})) {
+            $genpwd=$ENV{'form.locarg'};
+        }
+    }
+    unless (($domain=~/\W/) || ($amode eq '')) {
+        #######################################
+        ##         Enroll Students           ##
+        #######################################
+        $r->print('<h3>Enrolling Students</h3>');
+        my $count=0;
+        my $flushc=0;
+        my %student=();
+        # Get new classlist
+        foreach (@studentdata) {
+            my %entries=&Apache::loncommon::record_sep($_);
+            # Determine student name
+            unless (($entries{$fields{'username'}} eq '') ||
+                    (!defined($entries{$fields{'username'}}))) {
+                my ($fname, $mname, $lname,$gen) = ('','','','');
+                if (defined($fields{'names'})) {
+                    ($lname,$fname,$mname)=($entries{$fields{'names'}}=~
+                                            /([^\,]+)\,\s*(\w+)\s*(.*)$/);
+                } else {
+                    if (defined($fields{'fname'})) {
+                        $fname=$entries{$fields{'fname'}};
+                    }
+                    if (defined($fields{'mname'})) {
+                        $mname=$entries{$fields{'mname'}};
+                    }
+                    if (defined($fields{'lname'})) {
+                        $lname=$entries{$fields{'lname'}};
+                    }
+                    if (defined($fields{'gen'})) {
+                        $gen=$entries{$fields{'gen'}};
+                    }
+                }
+                if ($entries{$fields{'username'}}=~/\W/) {
+                    $r->print('<p><b>Unacceptable username: '.
                               $entries{$fields{'username'}}.' for user '.
                               $fname.' '.$mname.' '.$lname.' '.$gen.'</b><p>');
-		  } else {
-                      my $sec='';
-                      my $username=$entries{$fields{'username'}};
-                      if (defined($fields{'sec'})) {
-                         if (defined($entries{$fields{'sec'}})) {
-			     $sec=$entries{$fields{'sec'}};
-                         }
-                      }
-                      my $id='';
-                      if (defined($fields{'id'})) {
-                         if (defined($entries{$fields{'id'}})) {
-			     $id=$entries{$fields{'id'}};
-                         }
-                         $id=~tr/A-Z/a-z/;
-                      }
-                      my $password='';
-                      if ($genpwd) { 
-                         $password=$genpwd; 
-		      } else {
-                         if (defined($fields{'ipwd'})) {
-			     if ($entries{$fields{'ipwd'}}) {
-				 $password=$entries{$fields{'ipwd'}};
-                             }
-                         }
-                      }
-                      if ($password) {
-			 &dropstudent($domain,$username,$cid,$sec);
-                         my $reply=&Apache::lonnet::modifystudent(
-                          $domain,$username,$id,$amode,$password,
-			   $fname,$mname,$lname,$gen,$sec,$enddate,$startdate,
-                           $ENV{'form.forceid'});
-                         unless ($reply eq 'ok') {
-                            $r->print(
-                             "<p><b>Error enrolling $username: $reply</b><p>");
+                } else {
+                    # determine section number
+                    my $sec='';
+                    my $username=$entries{$fields{'username'}};
+                    if (defined($fields{'sec'})) {
+                        if (defined($entries{$fields{'sec'}})) {
+                            $sec=$entries{$fields{'sec'}};
+                        }
+                    }
+                    # determine student id number
+                    my $id='';
+                    if (defined($fields{'id'})) {
+                        if (defined($entries{$fields{'id'}})) {
+                            $id=$entries{$fields{'id'}};
+                        }
+                        $id=~tr/A-Z/a-z/;
+                    }
+                    # determine student password
+                    my $password='';
+                    if ($genpwd) { 
+                        $password=$genpwd; 
+                    } else {
+                        if (defined($fields{'ipwd'})) {
+                            if ($entries{$fields{'ipwd'}}) {
+                                $password=$entries{$fields{'ipwd'}};
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
+                    if ($password) {
+                        &modifystudent($domain,$username,$cid,$sec,
+                                       $desiredhost);
+                        my $reply=&Apache::lonnet::modifystudent
+                            ($domain,$username,$id,$amode,$password,
+                             $fname,$mname,$lname,$gen,$sec,$enddate,
+                             $startdate,$ENV{'form.forceid'},$desiredhost);
+                        if ($reply ne 'ok') {
+                            $r->print('<p><b>'.
+                                      'Error enrolling '.$username.': '.
+                                      $reply.'</b></p>');
          		} else {
                             $count++; $flushc++;
@@ -947,142 +1393,240 @@ sub upfile_drop_add {
-                     } else {
-                            $r->print(
-                             "<p><b>No password for $username</b><p>");
-                     }
-                  }
-                 }                 
-              }
-              $r->print('<p>Processed Students: '.$count);
-# --------------------------------------------------------------- Drop students
-              if ($ENV{'form.fullup'} eq 'yes') {
-		 $r->print('<h3>Dropping Students</h3>');
-# ------------------------------------------------------- Get current classlist
-                 my $classlst=&Apache::lonnet::reply
-                 ('dump:'.$ENV{'course.'.$cid.'.domain'}.':'.
-	                  $ENV{'course.'.$cid.'.num'}.':classlist',
-	                  $ENV{'course.'.$cid.'.home'});
-                 my %currentlist=();
-                 my $now=time;
-                 unless ($classlst=~/^error\:/) {
-                     foreach (split(/\&/,$classlst)) {
-                        my ($name,$value)=split(/\=/,$_);
-                        my ($end,$start)=split(/\:/,
-                                            &Apache::lonnet::unescape($value));
-                        my $active=1;
-                        if (($end) && ($now>$end)) { $active=0; }
-                        if ($active) {
-		           $currentlist{&Apache::lonnet::unescape($name)}=1;
-                        }
-                     }
-# ------------------------------------------------ Now got up-to-date classlist
-                     foreach (@studentdata) {
- 	                my %entries=&record_sep($_);
-                        unless (($entries{$fields{'username'}} eq '') ||
-                          (!defined($entries{$fields{'username'}}))) {
-			   delete($currentlist{
-                            $entries{$fields{'username'}}.':'.
-                            $domain});
-		        }
-                     }
-# ----------------------------------------------------------- Print out choices
-                     &show_drop_list($r,%currentlist);
-	         } else {
-                     $r->print(
-                  '<font color=red><h3>Could not access classlist: '.$classlst.
-                  '</h3></font>');
-                 }
-	     }
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Done
+                    } else {
+                        $r->print("<p><b>No password for $username</b><p>");
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        } # end of foreach (@studentdata)
+        $r->print('<p>Processed Students: '.$count.'</p>');
+        $r->print("<p>If active, the new role will be available when the ".
+                  "students next log in to LON-CAPA.</p>");
+        #####################################
+        #           Drop students           #
+        #####################################
+        if ($ENV{'form.fullup'} eq 'yes') {
+            $r->print('<h3>Dropping Students</h3>');
+            #  Get current classlist
+            my ($error,%currentlist)=&get_current_classlist($r);
+            if (defined($error)) {
+                $r->print('<pre>ERROR:$error</pre>');
+            }
+            if (defined(%currentlist)) {
+                # Drop the students
+                foreach (@studentdata) {
+                    my %entries=&Apache::loncommon::record_sep($_);
+                    unless (($entries{$fields{'username'}} eq '') ||
+                            (!defined($entries{$fields{'username'}}))) {
+                        delete($currentlist{$entries{$fields{'username'}}.
+                                                ':'.$domain});
+                    }
+                }
+                # Print out list of dropped students
+                &show_drop_list($r,%currentlist);
+            } else {
+                $r->print("There are no students currently enrolled.\n");
+            }
+        }
+    } # end of unless
-	  }
+=item &drop_students
+Inputs: \@droplist, a pointer to an array of students to drop.
+Students should be in format of studentname:studentdomain
+Returns: $errors, a string describing any errors encountered.
+$successes, a string describing the successful dropping of students.
+sub drop_students {
+    my @droplist = @{shift()};
+    my $courseid = $ENV{'request.course.id'};
+    my $successes = '';
+    my $errors = '';
+    foreach (@droplist) {
+        my ($sname,$sdom)=split(/:/,$_);
+        my $result = &drop_student($sname,$sdom,$courseid);
+        if ($result !~ /ok/) {
+            $errors .= "Error dropping $sname\@$sdom: $result\n";
+        } else {
+            $successes .= "Dropped $sname\@$sdom\n";
+        }
+    }
+    return ($errors,$successes);
-# ================================================================== Phase four
+# ================================================================== Phase four
 sub drop_student_list {
     my $r=shift;
     my $count=0;
-    foreach (keys %ENV) {
-	if ($_=~/^form\.drop\:/) {
-	    my ($dummy,$uname,$udom)=split(/\:/,$_);
-            &dropstudent($udom,$uname,$ENV{'request.course.id'});
-            $r->print('Dropped '.$uname.' at '.$udom.'<br>');
-            $count++;
+    my @droplist;
+    if (ref($ENV{'form.droplist'})) {
+        @droplist = @{$ENV{'form.droplist'}};
+    } else {
+        @droplist = ($ENV{'form.droplist'});
+    }
+    foreach (@droplist) {
+        my ($uname,$udom)=split(/\:/,$_);
+        my $result = &modifystudent($udom,$uname,$ENV{'request.course.id'});
+        if ($result eq 'ok' || $result eq 'ok:') {
+            $r->print('Dropped '.$uname.' @ '.$udom.'<br>');
+        } else {
+            $r->print('Error dropping '.$uname.' @ '.$udom.': '.$result.
+                      '<br />');
+        $count++;
     $r->print('<p><b>Dropped '.$count.' student(s).</b>');
     $r->print('<p>Re-enrollment will re-activate data.');
-# ================================================================ Main Handler
-sub handler {
-   my $r=shift;
-   if ($r->header_only) {
-      $r->content_type('text/html');
-      $r->send_http_header;
-      return OK;
-   }
-# ----------------------------------------------------- Needs to be in a course
-   if (($ENV{'request.course.fn'}) && 
-       (&Apache::lonnet::allowed('cst',$ENV{'request.course.id'}))) {
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------ Start page
-      $r->content_type('text/html');
-      $r->send_http_header;
-      &header($r);
-# --------------------------------------------------- Phase one, initial screen
-      unless ($ENV{'form.phase'}) {
-	  &menu_phase_one($r);
-      }
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------- Phase two
-      if ($ENV{'form.phase'} eq 'two') {
-	 if ($ENV{'form.fileupload'}) {
-	     &menu_phase_two_upload($r);
-         } elsif ($ENV{'form.enroll'}) {
-             &menu_phase_two_enroll($r);
-         } elsif ($ENV{'form.drop'}) {
-             &menu_phase_two_drop($r);
-         }
-      }
+=item &handler
+The typical handler you see in all these modules.  Takes $r, the
+http request, as an argument.  
+The response to the request is governed by two form variables
+ form.action      form.state     response
+ ---------------------------------------------------
+ undefined        undefined      print main menu
+ upload           undefined      print courselist upload menu
+ upload           got_file       deal with uploaded file,
+                                 print the upload managing menu
+ upload           enrolling      enroll students based on upload
+ drop             undefined      print the classlist ready to drop
+ drop             done           drop the selected students
+ enrollstudent    undefined      print single student enroll menu
+ enrollstudent    enrolling      enroll student
+ classlist        undefined      print html classlist
+ classlist        csv            print csv classlist
+ modifystudent    undefined      print classlist to select student to modify
+ modifystudent    selected       print modify student menu
+ modifystudent    done           make modifications to student record
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------- Phase three
-      if ($ENV{'form.phase'} eq 'three') {
-	  if ($ENV{'form.datatoken'}) {
-	      &upfile_drop_add($r);
-          }
-      }
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------ Phase four
-      if ($ENV{'form.phase'} eq 'four') {
-	  &drop_student_list($r);
-      }
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------ Phase four
-      if ($ENV{'form.phase'} eq 'five') {
-	  &enroll_single_student($r);
-      }
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------------- End
-      $r->print('</form></body></html>');
-   } else {
-# ----------------------------- Not in a course, or not allowed to modify parms
-      $ENV{'user.error.msg'}=
-        "/adm/dropadd:cst:0:0:Cannot drop or add students";
-      return HTTP_NOT_ACCEPTABLE; 
-   }
-   return OK;
+sub handler {
+    my $r=shift;
+    if ($r->header_only) {
+        $r->content_type('text/html');
+        $r->send_http_header;
+        return OK;
+    }
+    &Apache::loncommon::get_unprocessed_cgi($ENV{'QUERY_STRING'},
+                                            ['action','state']);
+    #  Needs to be in a course
+    if (! (($ENV{'request.course.fn'}) &&
+          (&Apache::lonnet::allowed('cst',$ENV{'request.course.id'})))) {
+        # Not in a course, or not allowed to modify parms
+        $ENV{'user.error.msg'}=
+            "/adm/dropadd:cst:0:0:Cannot drop or add students";
+        return HTTP_NOT_ACCEPTABLE; 
+    }
+    #
+    # Only output the header information if they did not request csv format
+    #
+    if (exists($ENV{'form.state'}) && ($ENV{'form.state'} eq 'csv')) {
+        $r->content_type('text/csv');
+    } else {
+        # Start page
+        $r->content_type('text/html');
+        $r->send_http_header;
+        $r->print(&header());
+    }
+    #
+    # Main switch on form.action and form.state, as appropriate
+    if (! exists($ENV{'form.action'})) {
+        &print_main_menu($r);
+    } elsif ($ENV{'form.action'} eq 'upload') {
+        if (! exists($ENV{'form.state'})) {
+            &print_first_courselist_upload_form($r);            
+        } elsif ($ENV{'form.state'} eq 'got_file') {
+            &print_upload_manager_form($r);
+        } elsif ($ENV{'form.state'} eq 'enrolling') {
+            if ($ENV{'form.datatoken'}) {
+                &upfile_drop_add($r);
+            } else {
+                # Hmmm, this is an error
+            }
+        } else {
+            &print_first_courselist_upload_form($r);            
+        }
+    } elsif ($ENV{'form.action'} eq 'drop') {
+        if (! exists($ENV{'form.state'})) {
+            &print_drop_menu($r);
+        } elsif ($ENV{'form.state'} eq 'done') {
+            &drop_student_list($r);
+        } else {
+            &print_drop_menu($r);
+        }
+    } elsif ($ENV{'form.action'} eq 'enrollstudent') {
+        if (! exists($ENV{'form.state'})) {
+            &print_enroll_single_student_form($r);
+        } elsif ($ENV{'form.state'} eq 'enrolling') {
+            &enroll_single_student($r);
+        } else {
+            &print_enroll_single_student_form($r);
+        }
+    } elsif ($ENV{'form.action'} eq 'classlist') {
+        if (! exists($ENV{'form.state'})) {
+            &print_html_classlist($r);
+        } elsif ($ENV{'form.state'} eq 'csv') {
+            &print_csv_classlist($r);
+        } else {
+            &print_html_classlist($r);
+        }
+    } elsif ($ENV{'form.action'} eq 'modifystudent') {
+        if (! exists($ENV{'form.state'})) {
+            &print_html_classlist($r);
+        } elsif ($ENV{'form.state'} eq 'selected') {
+            &print_modify_student_form($r);
+        } elsif ($ENV{'form.state'} eq 'done') {
+            &modify_single_student($r);
+        } else {
+            &print_html_classlist($r);
+        }        
+    } else {
+        # We should not end up here, but I guess it is possible
+        &Apache::lonnet::logthis("Undetermined state in londropadd.pm.  ".
+                                 "form.action = ".$ENV{'form.action'}.
+                                 "Someone should fix this.");
+        &print_main_menu($r);
+    }
+    #
+    # Finish up
+    if (exists($ENV{'form.state'}) && ($ENV{'form.state'} eq 'csv')) {
+        $r->print("\n");
+    } else {
+        $r->print('</form></body></html>');
+    }
+    return OK;