--- loncom/interface/Attic/lonspreadsheet.pm	2000/12/12 16:48:21	1.15
+++ loncom/interface/Attic/lonspreadsheet.pm	2002/10/25 15:58:35	1.128
@@ -1,25 +1,98 @@
+# $Id: lonspreadsheet.pm,v 1.128 2002/10/25 15:58:35 matthew Exp $
+# Copyright Michigan State University Board of Trustees
+# This file is part of the LearningOnline Network with CAPA (LON-CAPA).
+# LON-CAPA is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# LON-CAPA is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with LON-CAPA; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+# /home/httpd/html/adm/gpl.txt
+# http://www.lon-capa.org/
 # The LearningOnline Network with CAPA
 # Spreadsheet/Grades Display Handler
-# 11/11,11/15,11/27,12/04,12/05,12/06,12/07,
-# 12/08,12/09,12/11,12/12 Gerd Kortemeyer
+# POD required stuff:
-package Apache::lonspreadsheet;
+=head1 NAME
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+Spreadsheet interface to internal LON-CAPA data
+Lonspreadsheet provides course coordinators the ability to manage their
+students grades online.  The students are able to view their own grades, but
+not the grades of their peers.  The spreadsheet is highly customizable,
+offering the ability to use Perl code to manipulate data, as well as many
+built-in functions.
+=head2 Functions available to user of lonspreadsheet
+=over 4
+package Apache::lonspreadsheet;
 use strict;
 use Safe;
 use Safe::Hole;
 use Opcode;
 use Apache::lonnet;
 use Apache::Constants qw(:common :http);
-use HTML::TokeParser;
 use GDBM_File;
+use HTML::TokeParser;
+use Apache::lonhtmlcommon;
+use Apache::loncoursedata;
+# Caches for coursewide information 
+my %Section;
+# Caches for previously calculated spreadsheets
+my %oldsheets;
+my %loadedcaches;
+my %expiredates;
+# Cache for stores of an individual user
+my $cachedassess;
+my %cachedstores;
 # These cache hashes need to be independent of user, resource and course
-# (user and course are in the keys)
+# (user and course can/should be in the keys)
-use vars qw(%spreadsheets %courserdatas %userrdatas);
+my %spreadsheets;
+my %courserdatas;
+my %userrdatas;
+my %defaultsheets;
+my %updatedata;
 # These global hashes are dependent on user, course and resource, 
 # and need to be initialized every time when a sheet is calculated
@@ -27,57 +100,39 @@ use vars qw(%spreadsheets %courserdatas
 my %courseopt;
 my %useropt;
 my %parmhash;
-my $csec;
-my $uname;
-my $udom;
-# =============================================================================
-# ===================================== Implements an instance of a spreadsheet
+# Some hashes for stats on timing and performance
-sub initsheet {
-    my $safeeval = new Safe;
-    my $safehole = new Safe::Hole;
-    $safeeval->permit("entereval");
-    $safeeval->permit(":base_math");
-    $safeeval->permit("sort");
-    $safeeval->deny(":base_io");
-    $safehole->wrap(\&Apache::lonnet::EXT,$safeeval,'&EXT');
-    my $code=<<'ENDDEFS';
-# ---------------------------------------------------- Inside of the safe space
+my %starttimes;
+my %usedtimes;
+my %numbertimes;
-# f: formulas
-# t: intermediate format (variable references expanded)
-# v: output values
-# c: preloaded constants (A-column)
-# rl: row label
+# Stuff that only the screen handler can know
+my $includedir;
+my $tmpdir;
+# =============================================================================
+# ===================================== Implements an instance of a spreadsheet
+## mask - used to reside in the safe space.  
 sub mask {
     my ($lower,$upper)=@_;
-    $lower=~/([A-Za-z]|\*)(\d+|\*)/;
-    my $la=$1;
-    my $ld=$2;
-    $upper=~/([A-Za-z]|\*)(\d+|\*)/;
-    my $ua=$1;
-    my $ud=$2;
+    #
+    my ($la,$ld) = ($lower=~/([A-Za-z]|\*)(\d+|\*)/);
+    my ($ua,$ud) = ($upper=~/([A-Za-z]|\*)(\d+|\*)/);
+    #
     my $alpha='';
     my $num='';
+    #
     if (($la eq '*') || ($ua eq '*')) {
     } else {
        if (($la=~/[A-Z]/) && ($ua=~/[A-Z]/) ||
            ($la=~/[a-z]/) && ($ua=~/[a-z]/)) {
@@ -85,27 +140,28 @@ sub mask {
     if (($ld eq '*') || ($ud eq '*')) {
     } else {
         if (length($ld)!=length($ud)) {
-	   map {
+	   foreach ($ld=~m/\d/g) {
-           } ($ld=~m/\d/g);
+	   }
            if (length($ud)-length($ld)>1) {
-           map {
+           foreach ($ud=~m/\d/g) {
-           } ($ud=~m/\d/g);
+           }
        } else {
            my @lda=($ld=~m/\d/g);
            my @uda=($ud=~m/\d/g);
-           my $i; $j=0; $notdone=1;
+           my $i; 
+           my $j=0; 
+           my $notdone=1;
            for ($i=0;($i<=$#lda)&&($notdone);$i++) {
                if ($lda[$i]==$uda[$i]) {
@@ -129,8 +185,8 @@ sub mask {
            } else {
-               if ($lda[$#lda]!=$uda[$#uda]) {
-                  $num.='['.$lda[$#lda].'-'.$uda[$#uda].']';
+               if ($lda[-1]!=$uda[-1]) {
+                  $num.='['.$lda[-1].'-'.$uda[-1].']';
@@ -138,12 +194,358 @@ sub mask {
     return '^'.$alpha.$num."\$";
+sub initsheet {
+    my $safeeval = new Safe(shift);
+    my $safehole = new Safe::Hole;
+    $safeeval->permit("entereval");
+    $safeeval->permit(":base_math");
+    $safeeval->permit("sort");
+    $safeeval->deny(":base_io");
+    $safehole->wrap(\&Apache::lonnet::EXT,$safeeval,'&EXT');
+    $safehole->wrap(\&Apache::lonspreadsheet::mask,$safeeval,'&mask');
+    $safeeval->share('$@');
+    my $code=<<'ENDDEFS';
+# ---------------------------------------------------- Inside of the safe space
+# f: formulas
+# t: intermediate format (variable references expanded)
+# v: output values
+# c: preloaded constants (A-column)
+# rl: row label
+# os: other spreadsheets (for student spreadsheet only)
+undef %sheet_values;   # Holds the (computed, final) values for the sheet
+    # This is only written to by &calc, the spreadsheet computation routine.
+    # It is read by many functions
+undef %t; # Holds the values of the spreadsheet temporarily. Set in &sett, 
+    # which does the translation of strings like C5 into the value in C5.
+    # Used in &calc - %t holds the values that are actually eval'd.
+undef %f;    # Holds the formulas for each cell.  This is the users
+    # (spreadsheet authors) data for each cell.
+    # set by &setformulas and returned by &getformulas
+    # &setformulas is called by &readsheet, &tmpread, &updateclasssheet,
+    # &updatestudentassesssheet, &loadstudent, &loadcourse
+    # &getformulas is called by &writesheet, &tmpwrite, &updateclasssheet,
+    # &updatestudentassesssheet, &loadstudent, &loadcourse, &loadassessment, 
+undef %c; # Holds the constants for a sheet.  In the assessment
+    # sheets, this is the A column.  Used in &MINPARM, &MAXPARM, &expandnamed,
+    # &sett, and &setconstants.  There is no &getconstants.
+    # &setconstants is called by &loadstudent, &loadcourse, &load assessment,
+undef @os;  # Holds the names of other spreadsheets - this is used to specify
+    # the spreadsheets that are available for the assessment sheet.
+    # Set by &setothersheets.  &setothersheets is called by &handler.  A
+    # related subroutine is &othersheets.
+$maxrow = 0;
+$sheettype = '';
+# filename/reference of the sheet
+$filename = '';
+# user data
+$uname = '';
+$uhome = '';
+$udom  = '';
+# course data
+$csec = '';
+$chome= '';
+$cnum = '';
+$cdom = '';
+$cid  = '';
+$coursefilename  = '';
+# symb
+$usymb = '';
+# error messages
+$errormsg = '';
+=item UWCALC(hashname,modules,units,date) 
+returns the proportion of the module 
+weights not previously completed by the student.
+=over 4
+=item hashname 
+name of the hash the module dates have been inserted into
+=item modules 
+reference to a cell which contains a comma deliminated list of modules 
+covered by the assignment.
+=item units 
+reference to a cell which contains a comma deliminated list of module 
+weights with respect to the assignment
+=item date 
+reference to a cell which contains the date the assignment was completed.
+sub UWCALC {
+    my ($hashname,$modules,$units,$date) = @_;
+    my @Modules = split(/,/,$modules);
+    my @Units   = split(/,/,$units);
+    my $total_weight;
+    foreach (@Units) {
+	$total_weight += $_;
+    }
+    my $usum=0;
+    for (my $i=0; $i<=$#Modules; $i++) {
+	if (&HASH($hashname,$Modules[$i]) eq $date) {
+	    $usum += $Units[$i];
+	}
+    }
+    return $usum/$total_weight;
+=item CDLSUM(list) 
+returns the sum of the elements in a cell which contains
+a Comma Deliminate List of numerical values.
+'list' is a reference to a cell which contains a comma deliminated list.
+sub CDLSUM {
+    my ($list)=@_;
+    my $sum;
+    foreach (split/,/,$list) {
+	$sum += $_;
+    }
+    return $sum;
+=item CDLITEM(list,index) 
+returns the item at 'index' in a Comma Deliminated List.
+=over 4
+=item list
+reference to a cell which contains a comma deliminated list.
+=item index 
+the Perl index of the item requested (first element in list has
+an index of 0) 
+sub CDLITEM {
+    my ($list,$index)=@_;
+    my @Temp = split/,/,$list;
+    return $Temp[$index];
+=item CDLHASH(name,key,value) 
+loads a comma deliminated list of keys into
+the hash 'name', all with a value of 'value'.
+=over 4
+=item name  
+name of the hash.
+=item key
+(a pointer to) a comma deliminated list of keys.
+=item value
+a single value to be entered for each key.
+sub CDLHASH {
+    my ($name,$key,$value)=@_;
+    my @Keys;
+    my @Values;
+    # Check to see if we have multiple $key values
+    if ($key =~ /[A-z](\-[A-z])?\d+(\-\d+)?/) {
+	my $keymask = &mask($key);
+	# Assume the keys are addresses
+	my @Temp = grep /$keymask/,keys(%sheet_values);
+	@Keys = $sheet_values{@Temp};
+    } else {
+	$Keys[0]= $key;
+    }
+    my @Temp;
+    foreach $key (@Keys) {
+	@Temp = (@Temp, split/,/,$key);
+    }
+    @Keys = @Temp;
+    if ($value =~ /[A-z](\-[A-z])?\d+(\-\d+)?/) {
+	my $valmask = &mask($value);
+	my @Temp = grep /$valmask/,keys(%sheet_values);
+	@Values =$sheet_values{@Temp};
+    } else {
+	$Values[0]= $value;
+    }
+    $value = $Values[0];
+    # Add values to hash
+    for (my $i = 0; $i<=$#Keys; $i++) {
+	my $key   = $Keys[$i];
+	if (! exists ($hashes{$name}->{$key})) {
+	    $hashes{$name}->{$key}->[0]=$value;
+	} else {
+	    my @Temp = sort(@{$hashes{$name}->{$key}},$value);
+	    $hashes{$name}->{$key} = \@Temp;
+	}
+    }
+    return "hash '$name' updated";
+=item GETHASH(name,key,index) 
+returns the element in hash 'name' 
+reference by the key 'key', at index 'index' in the values list.
+sub GETHASH {
+    my ($name,$key,$index)=@_;
+    if (! defined($index)) {
+	$index = 0;
+    }
+    if ($key =~ /^[A-z]\d+$/) {
+	$key = $sheet_values{$key};
+    }
+    return $hashes{$name}->{$key}->[$index];
+=item CLEARHASH(name) 
+clears all the values from the hash 'name'
+=item CLEARHASH(name,key) 
+clears all the values from the hash 'name' associated with the given key.
+    my ($name,$key)=@_;
+    if (defined($key)) {
+	if (exists($hashes{$name}->{$key})) {
+	    $hashes{$name}->{$key}=undef;
+	    return "hash '$name' key '$key' cleared";
+	}
+    } else {
+	if (exists($hashes{$name})) {
+	    $hashes{$name}=undef;
+	    return "hash '$name' cleared";
+	}
+    }
+    return "Error in clearing hash";
+=item HASH(name,key,value) 
+loads values into an internal hash.  If a key 
+already has a value associated with it, the values are sorted numerically.  
+=item HASH(name,key) 
+returns the 0th value in the hash 'name' associated with 'key'.
+sub HASH {
+    my ($name,$key,$value)=@_;
+    my @Keys;
+    undef @Keys;
+    my @Values;
+    # Check to see if we have multiple $key values
+    if ($key =~ /[A-z](\-[A-z])?\d+(\-\d+)?/) {
+	my $keymask = &mask($key);
+	# Assume the keys are addresses
+	my @Temp = grep /$keymask/,keys(%sheet_values);
+	@Keys = $sheet_values{@Temp};
+    } else {
+	$Keys[0]= $key;
+    }
+    # If $value is empty, return the first value associated 
+    # with the first key.
+    if (! $value) {
+	return $hashes{$name}->{$Keys[0]}->[0];
+    }
+    # Check to see if we have multiple $value(s) 
+    if ($value =~ /[A-z](\-[A-z])?\d+(\-\d+)?/) {
+	my $valmask = &mask($value);
+	my @Temp = grep /$valmask/,keys(%sheet_values);
+	@Values =$sheet_values{@Temp};
+    } else {
+	$Values[0]= $value;
+    }
+    # Add values to hash
+    for (my $i = 0; $i<=$#Keys; $i++) {
+	my $key   = $Keys[$i];
+	my $value = ($i<=$#Values ? $Values[$i] : $Values[0]);
+	if (! exists ($hashes{$name}->{$key})) {
+	    $hashes{$name}->{$key}->[0]=$value;
+	} else {
+	    my @Temp = sort(@{$hashes{$name}->{$key}},$value);
+	    $hashes{$name}->{$key} = \@Temp;
+	}
+    }
+    return $Values[-1];
+=item NUM(range)
+returns the number of items in the range.
 sub NUM {
     my $mask=mask(@_);
-    my $num=0;
-    map {
-        $num++;
-    } grep /$mask/,keys %v;
+    my $num= $#{@{grep(/$mask/,keys(%sheet_values))}}+1;
     return $num;   
@@ -151,31 +553,49 @@ sub BIN {
     my ($low,$high,$lower,$upper)=@_;
     my $mask=mask($lower,$upper);
     my $num=0;
-    map {
-        if (($v{$_}>=$low) && ($v{$_}<=$high)) {
+    foreach (grep /$mask/,keys(%sheet_values)) {
+        if (($sheet_values{$_}>=$low) && ($sheet_values{$_}<=$high)) {
-    } grep /$mask/,keys %v;
+    }
     return $num;   
+=item SUM(range)
+returns the sum of items in the range.
 sub SUM {
     my $mask=mask(@_);
     my $sum=0;
-    map {
-        $sum+=$v{$_};
-    } grep /$mask/,keys %v;
+    foreach (grep /$mask/,keys(%sheet_values)) {
+        $sum+=$sheet_values{$_};
+    }
     return $sum;   
+=item MEAN(range)
+compute the average of the items in the range.
 sub MEAN {
     my $mask=mask(@_);
     my $sum=0; my $num=0;
-    map {
-        $sum+=$v{$_};
+    foreach (grep /$mask/,keys(%sheet_values)) {
+        $sum+=$sheet_values{$_};
-    } grep /$mask/,keys %v;
+    }
     if ($num) {
        return $sum/$num;
     } else {
@@ -183,58 +603,106 @@ sub MEAN {
+=item STDDEV(range)
+compute the standard deviation of the items in the range.
 sub STDDEV {
     my $mask=mask(@_);
     my $sum=0; my $num=0;
-    map {
-        $sum+=$v{$_};
+    foreach (grep /$mask/,keys(%sheet_values)) {
+        $sum+=$sheet_values{$_};
-    } grep /$mask/,keys %v;
+    }
     unless ($num>1) { return undef; }
     my $mean=$sum/$num;
-    map {
-        $sum+=($v{$_}-$mean)**2;
-    } grep /$mask/,keys %v;
+    foreach (grep /$mask/,keys(%sheet_values)) {
+        $sum+=($sheet_values{$_}-$mean)**2;
+    }
     return sqrt($sum/($num-1));    
+=item PROD(range)
+compute the product of the items in the range.
 sub PROD {
     my $mask=mask(@_);
     my $prod=1;
-    map {
-        $prod*=$v{$_};
-    } grep /$mask/,keys %v;
+    foreach (grep /$mask/,keys(%sheet_values)) {
+        $prod*=$sheet_values{$_};
+    }
     return $prod;   
+=item MAX(range)
+compute the maximum of the items in the range.
 sub MAX {
     my $mask=mask(@_);
     my $max='-';
-    map {
-        unless ($max) { $max=$v{$_}; }
-        if (($v{$_}>$max) || ($max eq '-')) { $max=$v{$_}; }
-    } grep /$mask/,keys %v;
+    foreach (grep /$mask/,keys(%sheet_values)) {
+        unless ($max) { $max=$sheet_values{$_}; }
+        if (($sheet_values{$_}>$max) || ($max eq '-')) { $max=$sheet_values{$_}; }
+    } 
     return $max;   
+=item MIN(range)
+compute the minimum of the items in the range.
 sub MIN {
     my $mask=mask(@_);
     my $min='-';
-    map {
-        unless ($max) { $max=$v{$_}; }
-        if (($v{$_}<$min) || ($min eq '-')) { $min=$v{$_}; }
-    } grep /$mask/,keys %v;
+    foreach (grep /$mask/,keys(%sheet_values)) {
+        unless ($max) { $max=$sheet_values{$_}; }
+        if (($sheet_values{$_}<$min) || ($min eq '-')) { 
+            $min=$sheet_values{$_}; 
+        }
+    }
     return $min;   
+=item SUMMAX(num,lower,upper)
+compute the sum of the largest 'num' items in the range from
+'lower' to 'upper'
 sub SUMMAX {
     my ($num,$lower,$upper)=@_;
     my $mask=mask($lower,$upper);
     my @inside=();
-    map {
-	$inside[$#inside+1]=$v{$_};
-    } grep /$mask/,keys %v;
+    foreach (grep /$mask/,keys(%sheet_values)) {
+	push (@inside,$sheet_values{$_});
+    }
     my $sum=0; my $i;
     for ($i=$#inside;(($i>$#inside-$num) && ($i>=0));$i--) { 
@@ -243,13 +711,23 @@ sub SUMMAX {
     return $sum;   
+=item SUMMIN(num,lower,upper)
+compute the sum of the smallest 'num' items in the range from
+'lower' to 'upper'
 sub SUMMIN {
     my ($num,$lower,$upper)=@_;
     my $mask=mask($lower,$upper);
     my @inside=();
-    map {
-	$inside[$#inside+1]=$v{$_};
-    } grep /$mask/,keys %v;
+    foreach (grep /$mask/,keys(%sheet_values)) {
+	$inside[$#inside+1]=$sheet_values{$_};
+    }
     my $sum=0; my $i;
     for ($i=0;(($i<$num) && ($i<=$#inside));$i++) { 
@@ -258,282 +736,779 @@ sub SUMMIN {
     return $sum;   
+=item MINPARM(parametername)
+Returns the minimum value of the parameters matching the parametername.
+parametername should be a string such as 'duedate'.
+sub MINPARM {
+    my ($expression) = @_;
+    my $min = undef;
+    study($expression);
+    foreach $parameter (keys(%c)) {
+        next if ($parameter !~ /$expression/);
+        if ((! defined($min)) || ($min > $c{$parameter})) {
+            $min = $c{$parameter} 
+        }
+    }
+    return $min;
+=item MAXPARM(parametername)
+Returns the maximum value of the parameters matching the input parameter name.
+parametername should be a string such as 'duedate'.
+sub MAXPARM {
+    my ($expression) = @_;
+    my $max = undef;
+    study($expression);
+    foreach $parameter (keys(%c)) {
+        next if ($parameter !~ /$expression/);
+        if ((! defined($min)) || ($max < $c{$parameter})) {
+            $max = $c{$parameter} 
+        }
+    }
+    return $max;
+sub expandnamed {
+    my $expression=shift;
+    if ($expression=~/^\&/) {
+	my ($func,$var,$formula)=($expression=~/^\&(\w+)\(([^\;]+)\;(.*)\)/);
+	my @vars=split(/\W+/,$formula);
+        my %values=();
+        undef %values;
+	foreach ( @vars ) {
+            my $varname=$_;
+            if ($varname=~/\D/) {
+               $formula=~s/$varname/'$c{\''.$varname.'\'}'/ge;
+               $varname=~s/$var/\(\\w\+\)/g;
+	       foreach (keys(%c)) {
+		  if ($_=~/$varname/) {
+		      $values{$1}=1;
+                  }
+               }
+	    }
+        }
+        if ($func eq 'EXPANDSUM') {
+            my $result='';
+	    foreach (keys(%values)) {
+                my $thissum=$formula;
+                $thissum=~s/$var/$_/g;
+                $result.=$thissum.'+';
+            } 
+            $result=~s/\+$//;
+            return $result;
+        } else {
+	    return 0;
+        }
+    } else {
+        # it is not a function, so it is a parameter name
+        # We should do the following:
+        #    1. Take the list of parameter names
+        #    2. look through the list for ones that match the parameter we want
+        #    3. If there are no collisions, return the one that matches
+        #    4. If there is a collision, return 'bad parameter name error'
+        my $returnvalue = '';
+        my @matches = ();
+        $#matches = -1;
+        study $expression;
+        foreach $parameter (keys(%c)) {
+            push @matches,$parameter if ($parameter =~ /$expression/);
+        }
+        if (scalar(@matches )== 0) {
+            return;
+        } elsif (scalar(@matches) == 1) {
+            $returnvalue = '$c{\''.$matches[0].'\'}';
+        } elsif (scalar(@matches) > 0) {
+            # more than one match.  Look for a concise one
+            $returnvalue =  "'non-unique parameter name : $expression'";
+            foreach (@matches) {
+                if (/^$expression$/) {
+                    $returnvalue = '$c{\''.$_.'\'}';
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        return $returnvalue;
+    }
 sub sett {
-    map {
-	if ($f{$_}) {
-            if ($_=~/^A/) {
+    my $pattern='';
+    if ($sheettype eq 'assesscalc') {
+	$pattern='A';
+    } else {
+        $pattern='[A-Z]';
+    }
+    # Deal with the template row
+    foreach (keys(%f)) {
+	next if ($_!~/template\_(\w)/);
+        my $col=$1;
+        next if ($col=~/^$pattern/);
+        foreach (keys(%f)) {
+            next if ($_!~/A(\d+)/);
+            my $trow=$1;
+            next if (! $trow);
+            # Get the name of this cell
+            my $lb=$col.$trow;
+            # Grab the template declaration
+            $t{$lb}=$f{'template_'.$col};
+            # Replace '#' with the row number
+            $t{$lb}=~s/\#/$trow/g;
+            # Replace '....' with ','
+            $t{$lb}=~s/\.\.+/\,/g;
+            # Replace 'A0' with the value from 'A0'
+            $t{$lb}=~s/(^|[^\"\'])([A-Za-z]\d+)/$1\$sheet_values\{\'$2\'\}/g;
+            # Replace parameters
+            $t{$lb}=~s/(^|[^\"\'])\[([^\]]+)\]/$1.&expandnamed($2)/ge;
+        }
+    }
+    # Deal with the normal cells
+    foreach (keys(%f)) {
+	if (exists($f{$_}) && ($_!~/template\_/)) {
+            my $matches=($_=~/^$pattern(\d+)/);
+            if  (($matches) && ($1)) {
 	        unless ($f{$_}=~/^\!/) {
             } else {
-               $t{$_}=~s/(^|[^\"\'])([A-Za-z]\d+)/$1\$v\{\'$2\'\}/g;
+               $t{$_}=~s/(^|[^\"\'])([A-Za-z]\d+)/$1\$sheet_values\{\'$2\'\}/g;
+               $t{$_}=~s/(^|[^\"\'])\[([^\]]+)\]/$1.&expandnamed($2)/ge;
-    } keys %f;
+    }
+    # For inserted lines, [B-Z] is also valid
+    unless ($sheettype eq 'assesscalc') {
+       foreach (keys(%f)) {
+	   if ($_=~/[B-Z](\d+)/) {
+	       if ($f{'A'.$1}=~/^[\~\-]/) {
+  	          $t{$_}=$f{$_};
+                  $t{$_}=~s/\.\.+/\,/g;
+                  $t{$_}=~s/(^|[^\"\'])([A-Za-z]\d+)/$1\$sheet_values\{\'$2\'\}/g;
+                  $t{$_}=~s/(^|[^\"\'])\[([^\]]+)\]/$1.&expandnamed($2)/ge;
+               }
+           }
+       }
+    }
+    # For some reason 'A0' gets special treatment...  This seems superfluous
+    # but I imagine it is here for a reason.
+    $t{'A0'}=$f{'A0'};
+    $t{'A0'}=~s/\.\.+/\,/g;
+    $t{'A0'}=~s/(^|[^\"\'])([A-Za-z]\d+)/$1\$sheet_values\{\'$2\'\}/g;
+    $t{'A0'}=~s/(^|[^\"\'])\[([^\]]+)\]/$1.&expandnamed($2)/ge;
 sub calc {
-    %v=();
+    undef %sheet_values;
     my $notfinished=1;
+    my $lastcalc='';
     my $depth=0;
     while ($notfinished) {
-        map {
-            my $old=$v{$_};
-            $v{$_}=eval($t{$_});
+        foreach (keys(%t)) {
+            my $old=$sheet_values{$_};
+            $sheet_values{$_}=eval $t{$_};
 	    if ($@) {
-		%v=();
-                return $@;
+		undef %sheet_values;
+                return $_.': '.$@;
-	    if ($v{$_} ne $old) { $notfinished=1; }
-        } keys %t;
+	    if ($sheet_values{$_} ne $old) { $notfinished=1; $lastcalc=$_; }
+        }
         if ($depth>100) {
-	    %v=();
-            return 'Maximum calculation depth exceeded';
+	    undef %sheet_values;
+            return $lastcalc.': Maximum calculation depth exceeded';
     return '';
+# ------------------------------------------- End of "Inside of the safe space"
+    $safeeval->reval($code);
+    return $safeeval;
+# This is actually used for the student spreadsheet, not the assessment sheet
+# Do not be fooled by the name!
+sub templaterow {
+    my $sheet = shift;
+    my @cols=();
+    $cols[0]='<b><font size=+1>Template</font></b>';
+    foreach ('A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','J','K','L','M',
+	     'N','O','P','Q','R','S','T','U','V','W','X','Y','Z',
+	     'a','b','c','d','e','f','g','h','i','j','k','l','m',
+	     'n','o','p','q','r','s','t','u','v','w','x','y','z') {
+        my $fm=$sheet->{'f'}->{'template_'.$_};
+        $fm=~s/[\'\"]/\&\#34;/g;
+        push(@cols,"'template_$_','$fm'".'___eq___'.$fm);
+    }
+    return @cols;
+sub outrowassess {
+    # $n is the current row number
+    my $sheet = shift;
+    my $n=shift; 
+    my $csv = $ENV{'form.showcsv'};
+    my @cols=();
+    if ($n) {
+        my ($usy,$ufn)=split(/__&&&\__/,$sheet->{'f'}->{'A'.$n});
+        if ($sheet->{'rowlabel'}->{$usy}) {
+            $cols[0]=&format_rowlabel($sheet->{'rowlabel'}->{$usy});
+            if (! $csv) {
+                $cols[0].='<br>'.
+                '<select name="sel_'.$n.'" onChange="changesheet('.$n.')">'.
+                    '<option name="default">Default</option>';
+            }
+        } else { 
+            $cols[0]=''; 
+        }
+        if (! $csv) {
+            foreach (@{$sheet->{'othersheets'}}) {
+                $cols[0].='<option name="'.$_.'"';
+                if ($ufn eq $_) {
+                    $cols[0].=' selected';
+                }
+                $cols[0].='>'.$_.'</option>';
+            }
+            $cols[0].='</select>';
+        }
+    } else {
+        $cols[0]='<b><font size=+1>Export</font></b>';
+    }
+    foreach ('A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','J','K','L','M',
+	     'N','O','P','Q','R','S','T','U','V','W','X','Y','Z',
+	     'a','b','c','d','e','f','g','h','i','j','k','l','m',
+	     'n','o','p','q','r','s','t','u','v','w','x','y','z') {
+        my $fm=$sheet->{'f'}->{$_.$n};
+        $fm=~s/[\'\"]/\&\#34;/g;
+        push(@cols,"'$_$n','$fm'".'___eq___'.$sheet->{'values'}->{$_.$n});
+    }
+    return @cols;
 sub outrow {
+    my $sheet=shift;
     my $n=shift;
     my @cols=();
     if ($n) {
-       $cols[0]=$rl{$f{'A'.$n}};
+        $cols[0]=&format_rowlabel($sheet->{'rowlabel'}->{$sheet->{'f'}->{'A'.$n}});
     } else {
        $cols[0]='<b><font size=+1>Export</font></b>';
-    map {
-        my $fm=$f{$_.$n};
+    foreach ('A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','J','K','L','M',
+	     'N','O','P','Q','R','S','T','U','V','W','X','Y','Z',
+	     'a','b','c','d','e','f','g','h','i','j','k','l','m',
+	     'n','o','p','q','r','s','t','u','v','w','x','y','z') {
+        my $fm=$sheet->{'f'}->{$_.$n};
-        $cols[$#cols+1]="'$_$n','$fm'".'___eq___'.$v{$_.$n};
-    } ('A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','J','K','L','M',
-       'N','O','P','Q','R','S','T','U','V','W','X','Y','Z',
-       'a','b','c','d','e','f','g','h','i','j','k','l','m',
-       'n','o','p','q','r','s','t','u','v','w','x','y','z');
+        push(@cols,"'$_$n','$fm'".'___eq___'.$sheet->{'values'}->{$_.$n});
+    }
     return @cols;
-sub exportrowa {
-    my $rowa='';
-    map {
-	$rowa.=$v{$_.'0'}."','";
-    } ('A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','J','K','L','M',
-       'N','O','P','Q','R','S','T','U','V','W','X','Y','Z');
-    $rowa=~s/\'\,\'$//;
-    return $rowa;
-# ------------------------------------------- End of "Inside of the safe space"
-    $safeeval->reval($code);
-    return $safeeval;
 # ------------------------------------------------ Add or change formula values
 sub setformulas {
-    my ($safeeval,@f)=@_;
-    $safeeval->reval('%f='."('".join("','",@f)."');");
+    my ($sheet)=shift;
+    %{$sheet->{'safe'}->varglob('f')}=%{$sheet->{'f'}};
 # ------------------------------------------------ Add or change formula values
 sub setconstants {
-    my ($safeeval,@c)=@_;
-    $safeeval->reval('%c='."('".join("','",@c)."');");
+    my ($sheet)=shift;
+    my ($constants) = @_;
+    if (! ref($constants)) {
+        my %tmp = @_;
+        $constants = \%tmp;
+    }
+    $sheet->{'constants'} = $constants;
+    return %{$sheet->{'safe'}->varglob('c')}=%{$sheet->{'constants'}};
-# ------------------------------------------------ Add or change formula values
+# --------------------------------------------- Set names of other spreadsheets
+sub setothersheets {
+    my $sheet = shift;
+    my @othersheets = @_;
+    $sheet->{'othersheets'} = \@othersheets;
+    @{$sheet->{'safe'}->varglob('os')}=@othersheets;
+    return;
+# ------------------------------------------------ Add or change formula values
 sub setrowlabels {
-    my ($safeeval,@rl)=@_;
-    $safeeval->reval('%rl='."('".join("','",@rl)."');");
+    my $sheet=shift;
+    my ($rowlabel) = @_;
+    if (! ref($rowlabel)) {
+        my %tmp = @_;
+        $rowlabel = \%tmp;
+    }
+    $sheet->{'rowlabel'}=$rowlabel;
 # ------------------------------------------------------- Calculate spreadsheet
 sub calcsheet {
-    my $safeeval=shift;
-    $safeeval->reval('&calc();');
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------ Get values
-sub getvalues {
-    my $safeeval=shift;
-    return $safeeval->reval('%v');
+    my $sheet=shift;
+    my $result =  $sheet->{'safe'}->reval('&calc();');
+    %{$sheet->{'values'}} = %{$sheet->{'safe'}->varglob('sheet_values')};
+    return $result;
 # ---------------------------------------------------------------- Get formulas
 sub getformulas {
-    my $safeeval=shift;
-    return $safeeval->reval('%f');
-# -------------------------------------------------------------------- Set type
-sub settype {
-    my ($safeeval,$type)=@_;
-    $safeeval->reval('$sheettype="'.$type.'";');
+    my $sheet = shift;
+    return %{$sheet->{'safe'}->varglob('f')};
-# -------------------------------------------------------------------- Get type
-sub gettype {
-    my $safeeval=shift;
-    return $safeeval->reval('$sheettype');
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------ Set maxrow
-sub setmaxrow {
-    my ($safeeval,$row)=@_;
-    $safeeval->reval('$maxrow='.$row.';');
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------ Get maxrow
-sub getmaxrow {
-    my $safeeval=shift;
-    return $safeeval->reval('$maxrow');
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------- Set filename
-sub setfilename {
-    my ($safeeval,$fn)=@_;
-    $safeeval->reval('$filename="'.$fn.'";');
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------- Get filename
-sub getfilename {
-    my $safeeval=shift;
-    return $safeeval->reval('$filename');
+# ----------------------------------------------------- Get value of $f{'A'.$n}
+sub getfa {
+    my $sheet = shift;
+    my ($n)=@_;
+    return $sheet->{'safe'}->reval('$f{"A'.$n.'"}');
 # ------------------------------------------------------------- Export of A-row
-sub exportrow {
-    my $safeeval=shift;
-    return $safeeval->reval('&exportrowa()');
+sub exportdata {
+    my $sheet=shift;
+    my @exportarray=();
+    foreach ('A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','J','K','L','M',
+	     'N','O','P','Q','R','S','T','U','V','W','X','Y','Z') {
+	push(@exportarray,$sheet->{'values'}->{$_.'0'});
+    } 
+    return @exportarray;
 # ========================================================== End of Spreadsheet
 # =============================================================================
+# Procedures for screen output
 # --------------------------------------------- Produce output row n from sheet
 sub rown {
-    my ($safeeval,$n)=@_;
-    my $defaultbg=((($n-1)/5)==int(($n-1)/5))?'#E0E0':'#FFFF';
-    my $rowdata="\n<tr><td><b><font size=+1>$n</font></b></td>";
+    my ($sheet,$n)=@_;
+    my $defaultbg;
+    my $rowdata='';
+    my $dataflag=0;
+    unless ($n eq '-') {
+        $defaultbg=((($n-1)/5)==int(($n-1)/5))?'#E0E0':'#FFFF';
+    } else {
+        $defaultbg='#E0FF';
+    }
+    unless ($ENV{'form.showcsv'}) {
+        $rowdata.="\n<tr><td><b><font size=+1>$n</font></b></td>";
+    } else {
+        $rowdata.="\n".'"'.$n.'"';
+    }
     my $showf=0;
-    map {
-       my $bgcolor=$defaultbg.((($showf-1)/5==int(($showf-1)/5))?'99':'DD');
-       my ($fm,$vl)=split(/\_\_\_eq\_\_\_/,$_);
-       if ($showf==0) { $vl=$_; }
-       if ($showf<=1) { $bgcolor='#FFDDDD'; }
-       if (($n==0) && ($showf<=26)) { $bgcolor='#CCCCFF'; } 
-       if ($showf>1) {
-	   if ($vl eq '') {
-	       $vl='<font size=+2 color='.$bgcolor.'>&#35;</font>';
-           }
-           $rowdata.=
-       '<td bgcolor='.$bgcolor.'><a href="javascript:celledit('.$fm.');">'.$vl.
-	       '</a></td>';
-       } else {
-           $rowdata.='<td bgcolor='.$bgcolor.'>&nbsp;'.$vl.'&nbsp;</td>';
-       }
-       $showf++;
-    } $safeeval->reval('&outrow('.$n.')');
-    return $rowdata.'</tr>';
+    #
+    # Determine how many pink (uneditable) cells there are in this sheet.
+    my $maxred=1;
+    my $sheettype=$sheet->{'sheettype'};
+    if ($sheettype eq 'studentcalc') {
+        $maxred=26;
+    } elsif ($sheettype eq 'assesscalc') {
+        $maxred=1;
+    } else {
+        $maxred=26;
+    }
+    $maxred=1 if (&getfa($sheet,$n)=~/^[\~\-]/);
+    #
+    # Get the proper row
+    my @rowdata;
+    if ($n eq '-') { 
+        @rowdata = &templaterow($sheet);
+        $n=-1; 
+        $dataflag=1; 
+    } elsif ($sheettype eq 'studentcalc') {
+        @rowdata = &outrowassess($sheet,$n);
+    } else {
+        @rowdata = &outrow($sheet,$n);
+    }
+    #
+    foreach (@rowdata) {
+        my $bgcolor=$defaultbg.((($showf-1)/5==int(($showf-1)/5))?'99':'DD');
+        my ($fm,$vl)=split(/\_\_\_eq\_\_\_/,$_);
+        if ((($vl ne '') || ($vl eq '0')) &&
+            (($showf==1) || ($sheettype ne 'studentcalc'))) { $dataflag=1; }
+        if ($showf==0) { $vl=$_; }
+        unless ($ENV{'form.showcsv'}) {
+            if ($showf<=$maxred) { $bgcolor='#FFDDDD'; }
+            if (($n==0) && ($showf<=26)) { $bgcolor='#CCCCFF'; } 
+            if (($showf>$maxred) || ((!$n) && ($showf>0))) {
+                if ($vl eq '') {
+                    $vl='<font size=+2 color='.$bgcolor.'>&#35;</font>';
+                }
+                $rowdata.='<td bgcolor='.$bgcolor.'>';
+                if ($ENV{'request.role'} =~ /^st\./) {
+                    $rowdata.=$vl;
+                } else {
+                    $rowdata.='<a href="javascript:celledit('.$fm.');">'.
+                        $vl.'</a>';
+                }
+                $rowdata.='</td>';
+            } else {
+                $rowdata.='<td bgcolor='.$bgcolor.'>&nbsp;'.$vl.'&nbsp;</td>';
+            }
+        } else {
+            $rowdata.=',"'.$vl.'"';
+        }
+        $showf++;
+    }  # End of foreach($safeval...)
+    if ($ENV{'form.showall'} || ($dataflag)) {
+        return $rowdata.($ENV{'form.showcsv'}?'':'</tr>');
+    } else {
+        return '';
+    }
 # ------------------------------------------------------------- Print out sheet
 sub outsheet {
-    my $safeeval=shift;
-    my $tabledata='<table border=2><tr><td colspan=2>&nbsp;</td>'.
-                  '<td bgcolor=#FFDDDD><b>A Import</b></td>';
-    map {
-        $tabledata.="<td><b><font size=+1>$_</font></b></td>";
-    } ('B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','J','K','L','M',
-       'N','O','P','Q','R','S','T','U','V','W','X','Y','Z',
-       'a','b','c','d','e','f','g','h','i','j','k','l','m',
-       'n','o','p','q','r','s','t','u','v','w','x','y','z');
-    $tabledata.='</tr>';
+    my ($r,$sheet)=@_;
+    my $maxred = 26;    # The maximum number of cells to show as 
+                        # red (uneditable) 
+                        # To make student sheets uneditable could we 
+                        # set $maxred = 52?
+                        #
+    my $realm='Course'; # 'assessment', 'user', or 'course' sheet
+    if ($sheet->{'sheettype'} eq 'assesscalc') {
+        $maxred=1;
+        $realm='Assessment';
+    } elsif ($sheet->{'sheettype'} eq 'studentcalc') {
+        $maxred=26;
+        $realm='User';
+    }
+    #
+    # Column label
+    my $tabledata;
+    if ($ENV{'form.showcsv'}) {
+        $tabledata='<pre>';
+    } else { 
+        $tabledata='<table border=2><tr><th colspan=2 rowspan=2>'.
+            '<font size=+2>'.$realm.'</font></th>'.
+                  '<td bgcolor=#FFDDDD colspan='.$maxred.
+                  '><b><font size=+1>Import</font></b></td>'.
+                  '<td colspan='.(52-$maxred).
+		  '><b><font size=+1>Calculations</font></b></td></tr><tr>';
+        my $showf=0;
+        foreach ('A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','J','K','L','M',
+                 'N','O','P','Q','R','S','T','U','V','W','X','Y','Z',
+                 'a','b','c','d','e','f','g','h','i','j','k','l','m',
+                 'n','o','p','q','r','s','t','u','v','w','x','y','z') {
+            $showf++;
+            if ($showf<=$maxred) { 
+                $tabledata.='<td bgcolor="#FFDDDD">'; 
+            } else {
+                $tabledata.='<td>';
+            }
+            $tabledata.="<b><font size=+1>$_</font></b></td>";
+        }
+        $tabledata.='</tr>'.&rown($sheet,'-').
+            &rown($sheet,0);
+    }
+    $r->print($tabledata);
+    #
+    # Prepare to output rows
     my $row;
-    my $maxrow=&getmaxrow($safeeval);
-    for ($row=0;$row<=$maxrow;$row++) {
-        $tabledata.=&rown($safeeval,$row);
+    #
+    # Sort the rows in some manner
+    #
+    my @sortby=();
+    my @sortidx=();
+    for ($row=1;$row<=$sheet->{'maxrow'};$row++) {
+        push (@sortby, $sheet->{'safe'}->reval('$f{"A'.$row.'"}'));
+        push (@sortidx, $row-1);
+    }
+    @sortidx=sort { lc($sortby[$a]) cmp lc($sortby[$b]); } @sortidx;
+    #
+    # Determine the type of child spreadsheets
+    my $what='Student';
+    if ($sheet->{'sheettype'} eq 'assesscalc') {
+        $what='Item';
+    } elsif ($sheet->{'sheettype'} eq 'studentcalc') {
+        $what='Assessment';
-    $tabledata.='</table>';
+    #
+    # Loop through the rows and output them one at a time
+    my $n=0;
+    for ($row=0;$row<$sheet->{'maxrow'};$row++) {
+        my $thisrow=&rown($sheet,$sortidx[$row]+1);
+        if ($thisrow) {
+            if (($n/25==int($n/25)) && (!$ENV{'form.showcsv'})) {
+                $r->print("</table>\n<br>\n");
+                $r->rflush();
+                $r->print('<table border=2><tr><td>&nbsp;<td>'.$what.'</td>');
+                $r->print('<td>'.
+                          join('</td><td>',
+                               (split(//,'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'.
+                                      'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'))).
+                          "</td></tr>\n");
+            }
+            $n++;
+            $r->print($thisrow);
+        }
+    }
+    $r->print($ENV{'form.showcsv'}?'</pre>':'</table>');
+# ----------------------------------------------- Read list of available sheets
+sub othersheets {
+    my ($sheet,$stype)=@_;
+    $stype = $sheet->{'sheettype'} if (! defined($stype));
+    #
+    my $cnum  = $sheet->{'cnum'};
+    my $cdom  = $sheet->{'cdom'};
+    my $chome = $sheet->{'chome'};
+    #
+    my @alternatives=();
+    my %results=&Apache::lonnet::dump($stype.'_spreadsheets',$cdom,$cnum);
+    my ($tmp) = keys(%results);
+    unless ($tmp =~ /^(con_lost|error|no_such_host)/i) {
+        @alternatives = sort (keys(%results));
+    }
+    return @alternatives; 
-# --------------------------------------- Read spreadsheet formulas from a file
+# -------------------------------------- Parse a spreadsheet
+sub parse_sheet {
+    # $sheetxml is a scalar reference or a scalar
+    my ($sheetxml) = @_;
+    if (! ref($sheetxml)) {
+        my $tmp = $sheetxml;
+        $sheetxml = \$tmp;
+    }
+    my %f;
+    my $parser=HTML::TokeParser->new($sheetxml);
+    my $token;
+    while ($token=$parser->get_token) {
+        if ($token->[0] eq 'S') {
+            if ($token->[1] eq 'field') {
+                $f{$token->[2]->{'col'}.$token->[2]->{'row'}}=
+                    $parser->get_text('/field');
+            }
+            if ($token->[1] eq 'template') {
+                $f{'template_'.$token->[2]->{'col'}}=
+                    $parser->get_text('/template');
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return \%f;
+# -------------------------------------- Read spreadsheet formulas for a course
 sub readsheet {
-    my ($safeeval,$fn)=@_;
-    &setfilename($safeeval,$fn);
-    $fn=~/\.(\w+)/;
-    &settype($safeeval,$1);
-    my %f=();
-    unless ($spreadsheets{$fn}) {
-       $spreadsheets{$fn}='';
-       {
-         my $fh;
-         if ($fh=Apache::File->new($fn)) {
-            $spreadsheets{$fn}=join('',<$fh>);
-         }
-       }
+    my ($sheet,$fn)=@_;
+    #
+    my $stype = $sheet->{'sheettype'};
+    my $cnum  = $sheet->{'cnum'};
+    my $cdom  = $sheet->{'cdom'};
+    my $chome = $sheet->{'chome'};
+    #
+    if (! defined($fn)) {
+        # There is no filename. Look for defaults in course and global, cache
+        unless ($fn=$defaultsheets{$cnum.'_'.$cdom.'_'.$stype}) {
+            my %tmphash = &Apache::lonnet::get('environment',
+                                               ['spreadsheet_default_'.$stype],
+                                               $cdom,$cnum);
+            my ($tmp) = keys(%tmphash);
+            if ($tmp =~ /^(con_lost|error|no_such_host)/i) {
+                $fn = 'default_'.$stype;
+            } else {
+                $fn = $tmphash{'spreadsheet_default_'.$stype};
+            } 
+            unless (($fn) && ($fn!~/^error\:/)) {
+                $fn='default_'.$stype;
+            }
+            $defaultsheets{$cnum.'_'.$cdom.'_'.$stype}=$fn; 
+        }
+    }
+    # $fn now has a value
+    $sheet->{'filename'} = $fn;
+    # see if sheet is cached
+    my $fstring='';
+    if ($fstring=$spreadsheets{$cnum.'_'.$cdom.'_'.$stype.'_'.$fn}) {
+        my %tmp = split(/___;___/,$fstring);
+        $sheet->{'f'} = \%tmp;
+        &setformulas($sheet);
+    } else {
+        # Not cached, need to read
+        my %f=();
+        if ($fn=~/^default\_/) {
+            my $sheetxml='';
+            my $fh;
+            my $dfn=$fn;
+            $dfn=~s/\_/\./g;
+            if ($fh=Apache::File->new($includedir.'/'.$dfn)) {
+                $sheetxml=join('',<$fh>);
+            } else {
+                $sheetxml='<field row="0" col="A">"Error"</field>';
+            }
+            %f=%{&parse_sheet(\$sheetxml)};
+        } elsif($fn=~/\/*\.spreadsheet$/) {
+            my $sheetxml=&Apache::lonnet::getfile
+                (&Apache::lonnet::filelocation('',$fn));
+            if ($sheetxml == -1) {
+                $sheetxml='<field row="0" col="A">"Error loading spreadsheet '
+                    .$fn.'"</field>';
+            }
+            %f=%{&parse_sheet(\$sheetxml)};
+        } else {
+            my $sheet='';
+            my %tmphash = &Apache::lonnet::dump($fn,$cdom,$cnum);
+            my ($tmp) = keys(%tmphash);
+            unless ($tmp =~ /^(con_lost|error|no_such_host)/i) {
+                foreach (keys(%tmphash)) {
+                    $f{$_}=$tmphash{$_};
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        # Cache and set
+        $spreadsheets{$cnum.'_'.$cdom.'_'.$stype.'_'.$fn}=join('___;___',%f);  
+        $sheet->{'f'}=\%f;
+        &setformulas($sheet);
-    {
-      my $parser=HTML::TokeParser->new(\$spreadsheets{$fn});
-      my $token;
-      while ($token=$parser->get_token) {
-         if ($token->[0] eq 'S') {
-	     if ($token->[1] eq 'field') {
-		 $f{$token->[2]->{'col'}.$token->[2]->{'row'}}=
-		     $parser->get_text('/field');
-	     }
-         }
-      }
+# -------------------------------------------------------- Make new spreadsheet
+sub makenewsheet {
+    my ($uname,$udom,$stype,$usymb)=@_;
+    my $sheet={};
+    $sheet->{'uname'} = $uname;
+    $sheet->{'udom'}  = $udom;
+    $sheet->{'sheettype'} = $stype;
+    $sheet->{'usymb'} = $usymb;
+    $sheet->{'cid'}   = $ENV{'request.course.id'};
+    $sheet->{'csec'}  = $Section{$uname.':'.$udom};
+    $sheet->{'coursefilename'}   = $ENV{'request.course.fn'};
+    $sheet->{'cnum'}  = $ENV{'course.'.$ENV{'request.course.id'}.'.num'};
+    $sheet->{'cdom'}  = $ENV{'course.'.$ENV{'request.course.id'}.'.domain'};
+    $sheet->{'chome'} = $ENV{'course.'.$ENV{'request.course.id'}.'.home'};
+    $sheet->{'uhome'} = &Apache::lonnet::homeserver($uname,$udom);
+    #
+    #
+    $sheet->{'f'} = {};
+    $sheet->{'constants'} = {};
+    $sheet->{'othersheets'} = [];
+    $sheet->{'rowlabel'} = {};
+    #
+    #
+    $sheet->{'safe'}=&initsheet($sheet->{'sheettype'});
+    #
+    # Place all the %$sheet items into the safe space except the safe space
+    # itself
+    my $initstring = '';
+    foreach (qw/uname udom sheettype usymb cid csec coursefilename
+             cnum cdom chome uhome/) {
+        $initstring.= qq{\$$_="$sheet->{$_}";};
-    &setformulas($safeeval,%f);
+    $sheet->{'safe'}->reval($initstring);
+    return $sheet;
-# ----------------------------------------------- Make a temp copy of the sheet
+# ------------------------------------------------------------ Save spreadsheet
+sub writesheet {
+    my ($sheet,$makedef)=@_;
+    my $cid=$sheet->{'cid'};
+    if (&Apache::lonnet::allowed('opa',$cid)) {
+        my %f=&getformulas($sheet);
+        my $stype= $sheet->{'sheettype'};
+        my $cnum = $sheet->{'cnum'};
+        my $cdom = $sheet->{'cdom'};
+        my $chome= $sheet->{'chome'};
+        my $fn   = $sheet->{'filename'};
+        # Cache new sheet
+        $spreadsheets{$cnum.'_'.$cdom.'_'.$stype.'_'.$fn}=join('___;___',%f);
+        # Write sheet
+        my $sheetdata='';
+        foreach (keys(%f)) {
+            unless ($f{$_} eq 'import') {
+                $sheetdata.=&Apache::lonnet::escape($_).'='.
+                    &Apache::lonnet::escape($f{$_}).'&';
+            }
+        }
+        $sheetdata=~s/\&$//;
+        my $reply=&Apache::lonnet::reply('put:'.$cdom.':'.$cnum.':'.$fn.':'.
+                                         $sheetdata,$chome);
+        if ($reply eq 'ok') {
+            $reply=&Apache::lonnet::reply('put:'.$cdom.':'.$cnum.':'.
+                                          $stype.'_spreadsheets:'.
+                                          &Apache::lonnet::escape($fn).
+                                          '='.$ENV{'user.name'}.'@'.
+                                          $ENV{'user.domain'},
+                                          $chome);
+            if ($reply eq 'ok') {
+                if ($makedef) { 
+                    return &Apache::lonnet::reply('put:'.$cdom.':'.$cnum.
+                                                  ':environment:'.
+                                                  'spreadsheet_default_'.
+                                                  $stype.'='.
+                                                  &Apache::lonnet::escape($fn),
+                                                  $chome);
+                } 
+                return $reply;
+            } 
+            return $reply;
+        } 
+        return $reply;
+    }
+    return 'unauthorized';
+# ----------------------------------------------- Make a temp copy of the sheet
+# "Modified workcopy" - interactive only
 sub tmpwrite {
-    my ($safeeval,$tmpdir,$symb)=@_;
-    my $fn=$uname.'_'.$udom.'_spreadsheet_'.&getfilename($safeeval);
+    my ($sheet) = @_;
+    my $fn=$ENV{'user.name'}.'_'.
+        $ENV{'user.domain'}.'_spreadsheet_'.$sheet->{'usymb'}.'_'.
+           $sheet->{'filename'};
     my $fh;
     if ($fh=Apache::File->new('>'.$fn)) {
-	print $fh join("\n",&getformulas($safeeval));
+	print $fh join("\n",&getformulas($sheet));
 # ---------------------------------------------------------- Read the temp copy
 sub tmpread {
-    my ($safeeval,$tmpdir,$symb,$nfield,$nform)=@_;
-    my $fn=$uname.'_'.$udom.'_spreadsheet_'.&getfilename($safeeval);
+    my ($sheet,$nfield,$nform)=@_;
+    my $fn=$ENV{'user.name'}.'_'.
+           $ENV{'user.domain'}.'_spreadsheet_'.$sheet->{'usymb'}.'_'.
+           $sheet->{'filename'};
     my $fh;
     my %fo=();
+    my $countrows=0;
     if ($fh=Apache::File->new($fn)) {
         my $name;
         while ($name=<$fh>) {
@@ -541,299 +1516,567 @@ sub tmpread {
             my $value=<$fh>;
+            if ($name=~/^A(\d+)$/) {
+		if ($1>$countrows) {
+		    $countrows=$1;
+                }
+            }
-    $fo{$nfield}=$nform;
-    &setformulas($safeeval,%fo);
-# --------------------------------------------------------------- Read metadata
-sub readmeta {
-    my $fn=shift;
-    unless ($fn=~/\.meta$/) { $fn.='meta'; }
-    my $content;
-    my %returnhash=();
-    {
-      my $fh=Apache::File->new($fn);
-      $content=join('',<$fh>);
-    }
-   my $parser=HTML::TokeParser->new(\$content);
-   my $token;
-   while ($token=$parser->get_token) {
-      if ($token->[0] eq 'S') {
-         my $entry=$token->[1];
-         if (($entry eq 'stores') || ($entry eq 'parameter')) {
-             my $unikey=$entry;
-             $unikey.='_'.$token->[2]->{'part'}; 
-             $unikey.='_'.$token->[2]->{'name'}; 
-             $returnhash{$unikey}=$token->[2]->{'display'};
-         }
-     }
-  }
-    return %returnhash;
+    if ($nform eq 'changesheet') {
+        $fo{'A'.$nfield}=(split(/__&&&\__/,$fo{'A'.$nfield}))[0];
+        unless ($ENV{'form.sel_'.$nfield} eq 'Default') {
+	    $fo{'A'.$nfield}.='__&&&__'.$ENV{'form.sel_'.$nfield};
+        }
+    } elsif ($nfield eq 'insertrow') {
+        $countrows++;
+        my $newrow=substr('000000'.$countrows,-7);
+        if ($nform eq 'top') {
+	    $fo{'A'.$countrows}='--- '.$newrow;
+        } else {
+            $fo{'A'.$countrows}='~~~ '.$newrow;
+        }
+    } else {
+       if ($nfield) { $fo{$nfield}=$nform; }
+    }
+    $sheet->{'f'}=\%fo;
+    &setformulas($sheet);
-# ================================================================== Parameters
-# -------------------------------------------- Figure out a cascading parameter
-sub parmval {
-    my ($what,$symb)=@_;
-    unless ($symb) { return ''; }
-    my $result='';
-    my ($mapname,$id,$fn)=split(/\_\_\_/,$symb);
-# ----------------------------------------------------- Cascading lookup scheme
-       my $rwhat=$what;
-       $what=~s/^parameter\_//;
-       $what=~s/\_/\./;
-       my $symbparm=$symb.'.'.$what;
-       my $mapparm=$mapname.'___(all).'.$what;
-       my $seclevel=
-            $ENV{'request.course.id'}.'.['.
-		$csec.'].'.$what;
-       my $seclevelr=
-            $ENV{'request.course.id'}.'.['.
-		$csec.'].'.$symbparm;
-       my $seclevelm=
-            $ENV{'request.course.id'}.'.['.
-		$csec.'].'.$mapparm;
-       my $courselevel=
-            $ENV{'request.course.id'}.'.'.$what;
-       my $courselevelr=
-            $ENV{'request.course.id'}.'.'.$symbparm;
-       my $courselevelm=
-            $ENV{'request.course.id'}.'.'.$mapparm;
-# ---------------------------------------------------------- fourth, check user
-      if ($uname) { 
-       if ($useropt{$courselevelr}) { return $useropt{$courselevelr}; }
-       if ($useropt{$courselevelm}) { return $useropt{$courselevelm}; }
-       if ($useropt{$courselevel}) { return $useropt{$courselevel}; }
-      }
+=item &parmval()
-# --------------------------------------------------------- third, check course
-       if ($csec) {
-        if ($courseopt{$seclevelr}) { return $courseopt{$seclevelr}; }
+Determine the value of a parameter.
-        if ($courseopt{$seclevelm}) { return $courseopt{$seclevelm}; }  
+Inputs: $what, the parameter needed, $sheet, the safe space
-        if ($courseopt{$seclevel}) { return $courseopt{$seclevel}; }
-      }
+Returns: The value of a parameter, or '' if none.
-       if ($courseopt{$courselevelr}) { return $courseopt{$courselevelr}; }
+This function cascades through the possible levels searching for a value for
+a parameter.  The levels are checked in the following order:
+user, course (at section level and course level), map, and lonnet::metadata.
+This function uses %parmhash, which must be tied prior to calling it.
+This function also requires %courseopt and %useropt to be initialized for
+this user and course.
-       if ($courseopt{$courselevelm}) { return $courseopt{$courselevelm}; }
-       if ($courseopt{$courselevel}) { return $courseopt{$courselevel}; }
-# ----------------------------------------------------- second, check map parms
-       my $thisparm=$parmhash{$symbparm};
-       if ($thisparm) { return $thisparm; }
-# -------------------------------------------------------- first, check default
-       return &Apache::lonnet::metadata($fn,$rwhat.'.default');
+sub parmval {
+    my ($what,$sheet)=@_;
+    my $symb  = $sheet->{'usymb'};
+    unless ($symb) { return ''; }
+    #
+    my $cid   = $sheet->{'cid'};
+    my $csec  = $sheet->{'csec'};
+    my $uname = $sheet->{'uname'};
+    my $udom  = $sheet->{'udom'};
+    my $result='';
+    #
+    my ($mapname,$id,$fn)=split(/\_\_\_/,$symb);
+    # Cascading lookup scheme
+    my $rwhat=$what;
+    $what =~ s/^parameter\_//;
+    $what =~ s/\_([^\_]+)$/\.$1/;
+    #
+    my $symbparm = $symb.'.'.$what;
+    my $mapparm  = $mapname.'___(all).'.$what;
+    my $usercourseprefix = $uname.'_'.$udom.'_'.$cid;
+    #
+    my $seclevel  = $usercourseprefix.'.['.$csec.'].'.$what;
+    my $seclevelr = $usercourseprefix.'.['.$csec.'].'.$symbparm;
+    my $seclevelm = $usercourseprefix.'.['.$csec.'].'.$mapparm;
+    #
+    my $courselevel  = $usercourseprefix.'.'.$what;
+    my $courselevelr = $usercourseprefix.'.'.$symbparm;
+    my $courselevelm = $usercourseprefix.'.'.$mapparm;
+    # fourth, check user
+    if (defined($uname)) {
+        return $useropt{$courselevelr} if (defined($useropt{$courselevelr}));
+        return $useropt{$courselevelm} if (defined($useropt{$courselevelm}));
+        return $useropt{$courselevel}  if (defined($useropt{$courselevel}));
+    }
+    # third, check course
+    if (defined($csec)) {
+        return $courseopt{$seclevelr} if (defined($courseopt{$seclevelr}));
+        return $courseopt{$seclevelm} if (defined($courseopt{$seclevelm}));
+        return $courseopt{$seclevel}  if (defined($courseopt{$seclevel}));
+    }
+    #
+    return $courseopt{$courselevelr} if (defined($courseopt{$courselevelr}));
+    return $courseopt{$courselevelm} if (defined($courseopt{$courselevelm}));
+    return $courseopt{$courselevel}  if (defined($courseopt{$courselevel}));
+    # second, check map parms
+    my $thisparm = $parmhash{$symbparm};
+    return $thisparm if (defined($thisparm));
+    # first, check default
+    return &Apache::lonnet::metadata($fn,$rwhat.'.default');
+sub format_rowlabel {
+    my $rowlabel = shift;
+    my ($type,$labeldata) = split(':',$rowlabel,2);
+    my $result = '';
+    if ($type eq 'symb') {
+        my ($symb,$uname,$udom,$title) = split(':',$labeldata);
+        $symb = &Apache::lonnet::unescape($symb);
+        if ($ENV{'form.showcsv'}) {
+            $result = $title;
+        } else {
+            $result = '<a href="/adm/assesscalc?usymb='.$symb.
+                '&uname='.$uname.'&udom='.$udom.'">'.$title.'</a>';
+        }
+    } elsif ($type eq 'student') {
+        my ($sname,$sdom,$fullname,$section,$id) = split(':',$labeldata);
+        if ($ENV{'form.showcsv'}) {
+            $result = '"'.
+                join('","',($sname,$sdom,$fullname,$section,$id).'"');
+        } else {
+            $result ='<a href="/adm/studentcalc?uname='.$sname.
+                '&udom='.$sdom.'">';
+            $result.=$section.'&nbsp;'.$id."&nbsp;".$fullname.'</a>';
+        }
+    } elsif ($type eq 'parameter') {
+        if ($ENV{'form.showcsv'}) {
+            $labeldata =~ s/<br>/ /g;
+        }
+        $result = $labeldata;
+    } else {
+        &Apache::lonnet::logthis("lonspreadsheet:bogus rowlabel type: $type");
+    }
+    return $result;
+# ---------------------------------------------- Update rows for course listing
+sub updateclasssheet {
+    my ($sheet) = @_;
+    my $cnum  =$sheet->{'cnum'};
+    my $cdom  =$sheet->{'cdom'};
+    my $cid   =$sheet->{'cid'};
+    my $chome =$sheet->{'chome'};
+    #
+    %Section = ();
+    #
+    # Read class list and row labels
+    my $classlist = &Apache::loncoursedata::get_classlist();
+    if (! defined($classlist)) {
+        return 'Could not access course classlist';
+    } 
+    #
+    my %currentlist=();
+    foreach my $student (keys(%$classlist)) {
+        my ($studentDomain,$studentName,$end,$start,$id,$studentSection,
+            $fullname,$status)   =   @{$classlist->{$student}};
+        if ($ENV{'form.Status'} eq $status || $ENV{'form.Status'} eq 'Any') {
+            $currentlist{$student}=join(':',('student',$studentName,
+                                             $studentDomain,$fullname,
+                                             $studentSection,$id));
+        }
+    }
+    #
+    # Find discrepancies between the course row table and this
+    #
+    my %f=&getformulas($sheet);
+    my $changed=0;
+    #
+    $sheet->{'maxrow'}=0;
+    my %existing=();
+    #
+    # Now obsolete rows
+    foreach (keys(%f)) {
+        if ($_=~/^A(\d+)/) {
+            if ($1 > $sheet->{'maxrow'}) {
+                $sheet->{'maxrow'}= $1;
+            }
+            $existing{$f{$_}}=1;
+            unless ((defined($currentlist{$f{$_}})) || (!$1) ||
+                    ($f{$_}=~/^(~~~|---)/)) {
+                $f{$_}='!!! Obsolete';
+                $changed=1;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    #
+    # New and unknown keys
+    foreach my $student (sort keys(%currentlist)) {
+        unless ($existing{$student}) {
+            $changed=1;
+            $sheet->{'maxrow'}++;
+            $f{'A'.$sheet->{'maxrow'}}=$student;
+        }
+    }
+    if ($changed) { 
+        $sheet->{'f'} = \%f;
+        &setformulas($sheet,%f); 
+    }
+    #
+    &setrowlabels($sheet,\%currentlist);
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------- Update rows
-sub updaterows {
-    my $safeeval=shift;
+# ----------------------------------- Update rows for student and assess sheets
+sub updatestudentassesssheet {
+    my ($sheet) = @_;
+    #
     my %bighash;
-# -------------------------------------------------------------------- Tie hash
-      if (tie(%bighash,'GDBM_File',$ENV{'request.course.fn'}.'.db',
-                       &GDBM_READER,0640)) {
-# --------------------------------------------------------- Get all assessments
-	my %allkeys=();
-        my %allassess=();
-        my $stype=&gettype($safeeval);
-        map {
-	    if ($_=~/^src\_(\d+)\.(\d+)$/) {
-	       my $mapid=$1;
-               my $resid=$2;
-               my $id=$mapid.'.'.$resid;
-               my $srcf=$bighash{$_};
-               if ($srcf=~/\.(problem|exam|quiz|assess|survey|form)$/) {
-                 my $symb=
-                     &Apache::lonnet::declutter($bighash{'map_id_'.$mapid}).
-			    '___'.$resid.'___'.
-			    &Apache::lonnet::declutter($srcf);
-		 $allassess{$symb}=$bighash{'title_'.$id};
-                 if ($stype eq 'assesscalc') {
-                   map {
-                       if (($_=~/^stores\_(.*)/) || ($_=~/^parameter\_(.*)/)) {
-			  my $key=$_;
-                          my $display=
-			      &Apache::lonnet::metadata($srcf,$key.'.display');
-                          unless ($display) {
-                              $display=
-			         &Apache::lonnet::metadata($srcf,$key.'.name');
-                          }
-                          $allkeys{$key}=$display;
-		       }
-                   } split(/\,/,&Apache::lonnet::metadata($srcf,'keys'));
-	         }
-	      }
-	   }
-        } keys %bighash;
+    #
+    my $stype = $sheet->{'sheettype'};
+    my $uname = $sheet->{'uname'};
+    my $udom  = $sheet->{'udom'};
+    $sheet->{'rowlabel'} = {};
+    my $identifier =$sheet->{'coursefilename'}.'_'.$stype.'_'.$uname.'_'.$udom;
+    if  ($updatedata{$identifier}) {
+        %{$sheet->{'rowlabel'}}=split(/___;___/,$updatedata{$identifier});
+    } else {
+        # Tie hash
+        tie(%bighash,'GDBM_File',$sheet->{'coursefilename'}.'.db',
+            &GDBM_READER(),0640);
+        if (! tied(%bighash)) {
+            return 'Could not access course data';
+        }
+        # Get all assessments
+        #
+        # parameter_labels is used in the assessment sheets to provide labels
+        # for the parameters.
+        my %parameter_labels=
+            ('timestamp' => 
+                 'parameter:Timestamp of Last Transaction<br>timestamp',
+             'subnumber' =>
+                 'parameter:Number of Submissions<br>subnumber',
+             'tutornumber' =>
+                 'parameter:Number of Tutor Responses<br>tutornumber',
+             'totalpoints' =>
+                 'parameter:Total Points Granted<br>totalpoints');
+        #
+        # assesslist holds the descriptions of all assessments
+        my %assesslist;
+        foreach ('Feedback','Evaluation','Tutoring','Discussion') {
+            my $symb = '_'.lc($_);
+            $assesslist{$symb} = join(':',('symb',$symb,$uname,$udom,$_));
+        }
+        while (($_,undef) = each(%bighash)) {
+            next if ($_!~/^src\_(\d+)\.(\d+)$/);
+            my $mapid=$1;
+            my $resid=$2;
+            my $id=$mapid.'.'.$resid;
+            my $srcf=$bighash{$_};
+            if ($srcf=~/\.(problem|exam|quiz|assess|survey|form)$/) {
+                my $symb=
+                    &Apache::lonnet::declutter($bighash{'map_id_'.$mapid}).
+                        '___'.$resid.'___'.&Apache::lonnet::declutter($srcf);
+                $assesslist{$symb}='symb:'.&Apache::lonnet::escape($symb).':'
+                    .$uname.':'.$udom.':'.$bighash{'title_'.$id};
+                next if ($stype ne 'assesscalc');
+                foreach my $key (split(/\,/,
+                                       &Apache::lonnet::metadata($srcf,'keys')
+                                       )) {
+                    next if ($key !~ /^(stores|parameter)_/);
+                    my $display=
+                        &Apache::lonnet::metadata($srcf,$key.'.display');
+                    unless ($display) {
+                        $display.=
+                            &Apache::lonnet::metadata($srcf,$key.'.name');
+                    }
+                    $display.='<br>'.$key;
+                    $parameter_labels{$key}='parameter:'.$display;
+                } # end of foreach
+            }
+        } # end of foreach (keys(%bighash))
-# %allkeys has a list of storage and parameter displays by unikey
-# %allassess has a list of all resource displays by symb
-# -------------------- Find discrepancies between the course row table and this
-        my %f=&getformulas($safeeval);
-        my $changed=0;
-        my %current=();
+        #
+        # %parameter_labels has a list of storage and parameter displays by 
+        # unikey
+        # %assesslist has a list of all resource, by symb
+        #
         if ($stype eq 'assesscalc') {
-	    %current=%allkeys;
+            $sheet->{'rowlabel'} = \%parameter_labels;
         } elsif ($stype eq 'studentcalc') {
-            %current=%allassess;
+            $sheet->{'rowlabel'} = \%assesslist;
+        }
+        $updatedata{$sheet->{'coursefilename'}.'_'.$stype.'_'
+                        .$uname.'_'.$udom}=
+                            join('___;___',%{$sheet->{'rowlabel'}});
+        # Get current from cache
+    }
+    # Find discrepancies between the course row table and this
+    #
+    my %f=&getformulas($sheet);
+    my $changed=0;
+    $sheet->{'maxrow'} = 0;
+    my %existing=();
+    # Now obsolete rows
+    foreach (keys(%f)) {
+        next if ($_!~/^A(\d+)/);
+        if ($1 > $sheet->{'maxrow'}) {
+            $sheet->{'maxrow'} = $1;
+        my ($usy,$ufn)=split(/__&&&\__/,$f{$_});
+        $existing{$usy}=1;
+        unless ((exists($sheet->{'rowlabel'}->{$usy}) && 
+                 (defined($sheet->{'rowlabel'}->{$usy})) || (!$1) ||
+                ($f{$_}=~/^(~~~|---)/))){
+            $f{$_}='!!! Obsolete';
+            $changed=1;
+        } elsif ($ufn) {
+            $sheet->{'rowlabel'}->{$usy}
+                =~s/assesscalc\?usymb\=/assesscalc\?ufn\=$ufn\&usymb\=/;
+        }
+    }
+    # New and unknown keys
+    foreach (keys(%{$sheet->{'rowlabel'}})) {
+        unless ($existing{$_}) {
+            $changed=1;
+            $sheet->{'maxrow'}++;
+            $f{'A'.$sheet->{'maxrow'}}=$_;
+        }
+    }
+    if ($changed) { 
+        $sheet->{'f'} = \%f;
+        &setformulas($sheet); 
+    }
+    #
+    undef %existing;
-        my $maxrow=0;
-        my %existing=();
+# ------------------------------------------------ Load data for one assessment
-# ----------------------------------------------------------- Now obsolete rows
-	map {
-	    if ($_=~/^A(\d+)/) {
-                $maxrow=($1>$maxrow)?$1:$maxrow;
-                $existing{$f{$_}}=1;
-		unless (defined($current{$f{$_}})) {
-		   $f{$_}='!!! Obsolete';
-                   $changed=1;
+sub loadstudent {
+    my ($sheet)=@_;
+    my %c=();
+    my %f=&getformulas($sheet);
+    $cachedassess=$sheet->{'uname'}.':'.$sheet->{'udom'};
+    # Get ALL the student preformance data
+    my @tmp = &Apache::lonnet::dump($sheet->{'cid'},
+                                    $sheet->{'udom'},
+                                    $sheet->{'uname'},
+                                    undef);
+    if ($tmp[0] !~ /^error:/) {
+        %cachedstores = @tmp;
+    }
+    undef @tmp;
+    # 
+    my @assessdata=();
+    foreach (keys(%f)) {
+	next if ($_!~/^A(\d+)/);
+        my $row=$1;
+        next if (($f{$_}=~/^[\!\~\-]/) || ($row==0));
+        my ($usy,$ufn)=split(/__&&&\__/,$f{$_});
+        @assessdata=&exportsheet($sheet,$sheet->{'uname'},
+                                 $sheet->{'udom'},
+                                 'assesscalc',$usy,$ufn);
+        my $index=0;
+        foreach ('A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','J','K','L','M',
+                 'N','O','P','Q','R','S','T','U','V','W','X','Y','Z') {
+            if ($assessdata[$index]) {
+                my $col=$_;
+                if ($assessdata[$index]=~/\D/) {
+                    $c{$col.$row}="'".$assessdata[$index]."'";
+                } else {
+                    $c{$col.$row}=$assessdata[$index];
+                }
+                unless ($col eq 'A') { 
+                    $f{$col.$row}='import';
-        } keys %f;
+            $index++;
+        }
+    }
+    $cachedassess='';
+    undef %cachedstores;
+    $sheet->{'f'} = \%f;
+    &setformulas($sheet);
+    &setconstants($sheet,\%c);
-# -------------------------------------------------------- New and unknown keys
-        map {
-            unless ($existing{$_}) {
-		$changed=1;
-                $maxrow++;
-                $f{'A'.$maxrow}=$_;
+# --------------------------------------------------- Load data for one student
+sub loadcourse {
+    my ($sheet,$r)=@_;
+    my %c=();
+    my %f=&getformulas($sheet);
+    my $total=0;
+    foreach (keys(%f)) {
+	if ($_=~/^A(\d+)/) {
+	    unless ($f{$_}=~/^[\!\~\-]/) { $total++; }
+        }
+    }
+    my $now=0;
+    my $since=time;
+    $r->print(<<ENDPOP);
+    popwin=open('','popwin','width=400,height=100');
+    popwin.document.writeln('<html><body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">'+
+      '<h3>Spreadsheet Calculation Progress</h3>'+
+      '<form name=popremain>'+
+      '<input type=text size=35 name=remaining value=Starting></form>'+
+      '</body></html>');
+    popwin.document.close();
+    $r->rflush();
+    foreach (keys(%f)) {
+	next if ($_!~/^A(\d+)/);
+        my $row=$1;
+        next if (($f{$_}=~/^[\!\~\-]/)  || ($row==0));
+        my @studentdata=&exportsheet($sheet,split(/\:/,$f{$_}),
+                                     'studentcalc');
+        undef %userrdatas;
+        $now++;
+        $r->print('<script>popwin.document.popremain.remaining.value="'.
+                  $now.'/'.$total.': '.int((time-$since)/$now*($total-$now)).
+                  ' secs remaining";</script>');
+        $r->rflush(); 
+        #
+        my $index=0;
+        foreach ('A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','J','K','L','M',
+                 'N','O','P','Q','R','S','T','U','V','W','X','Y','Z') {
+            if ($studentdata[$index]) {
+                my $col=$_;
+                if ($studentdata[$index]=~/\D/) {
+                    $c{$col.$row}="'".$studentdata[$index]."'";
+                } else {
+                    $c{$col.$row}=$studentdata[$index];
+                }
+                unless ($col eq 'A') { 
+                    $f{$col.$row}='import';
+                }
+                $index++;
-        } keys %current;        
-        if ($changed) { &setformulas($safeeval,%f); }
-        &setmaxrow($safeeval,$maxrow);
-        &setrowlabels($safeeval,%current);
-    } else {
-        return 'Could not access course data';
+        }
+    $sheet->{'f'}=\%f;
+    &setformulas($sheet);
+    &setconstants($sheet,\%c);
+    $r->print('<script>popwin.close()</script>');
+    $r->rflush(); 
 # ------------------------------------------------ Load data for one assessment
+sub loadassessment {
+    my ($sheet)=@_;
-sub rowaassess {
-    my ($safeeval,$symb)=@_;
-    my $uhome=&Apache::lonnet::homeserver($uname,$udom);
-    my $namespace;
-    unless ($namespace=$ENV{'request.course.id'}) { return ''; }
+    my $uhome = $sheet->{'uhome'};
+    my $uname = $sheet->{'uname'};
+    my $udom  = $sheet->{'udom'};
+    my $symb  = $sheet->{'usymb'};
+    my $cid   = $sheet->{'cid'};
+    my $cnum  = $sheet->{'cnum'};
+    my $cdom  = $sheet->{'cdom'};
+    my $chome = $sheet->{'chome'};
-# ----------------------------------------------------------- Get stored values
-    my $answer=&Apache::lonnet::reply(
-       "restore:$udom:$uname:".
-       &Apache::lonnet::escape($namespace).":".
-       &Apache::lonnet::escape($symb),$uhome);
+    my $namespace;
+    unless ($namespace=$cid) { return ''; }
+    # Get stored values
     my %returnhash=();
-    map {
-	my ($name,$value)=split(/\=/,$_);
-        $returnhash{&Apache::lonnet::unescape($name)}=
-                    &Apache::lonnet::unescape($value);
-    } split(/\&/,$answer);
-    my $version;
-    for ($version=1;$version<=$returnhash{'version'};$version++) {
-       map {
-          $returnhash{$_}=$returnhash{$version.':'.$_};
-       } split(/\:/,$returnhash{$version.':keys'});
-    }
-# ----------------------------- returnhash now has all stores for this resource
-# ---------------------------- initialize coursedata and userdata for this user
-    %courseopt=();
-    %useropt=();
-    my $uhome=&Apache::lonnet::homeserver($uname,$udom);
-    unless ($uhome eq 'no_host') { 
-# -------------------------------------------------------------- Get coursedata
-      unless
-        ((time-$courserdatas{$ENV{'request.course.id'}.'.last_cache'})<120) {
-         my $reply=&Apache::lonnet::reply('dump:'.
-              $ENV{'course.'.$ENV{'request.course.id'}.'.domain'}.':'.
-              $ENV{'course.'.$ENV{'request.course.id'}.'.num'}.':resourcedata',
-              $ENV{'course.'.$ENV{'request.course.id'}.'.home'});
-         if ($reply!~/^error\:/) {
-            $courserdatas{$ENV{'request.course.id'}}=$reply;
-            $courserdatas{$ENV{'request.course.id'}.'.last_cache'}=time;
-         }
-      }
-      map {
-         my ($name,$value)=split(/\=/,$_);
-         $courseopt{&Apache::lonnet::unescape($name)}=
-                    &Apache::lonnet::unescape($value);  
-      } split(/\&/,$courserdatas{$ENV{'request.course.id'}});
-# --------------------------------------------------- Get userdata (if present)
-      unless
-        ((time-$userrdatas{$uname.'___'.$udom.'.last_cache'})<120) {
-         my $reply=
-       &Apache::lonnet::reply('dump:'.$udom.':'.$uname.':resourcedata',$uhome);
-         if ($reply!~/^error\:/) {
-	     $userrdatas{$uname.'___'.$udom}=$reply;
-	     $userrdatas{$uname.'___'.$udom.'.last_cache'}=time;
-         }
-      }
-      map {
-         my ($name,$value)=split(/\=/,$_);
-         $useropt{&Apache::lonnet::unescape($name)}=
-	          &Apache::lonnet::unescape($value);
-      } split(/\&/,$userrdatas{$uname.'___'.$udom});
-   }
-# -- now courseopt, useropt initialized for this user and course (used parmval)
+    if ($cachedassess eq $uname.':'.$udom) {
+        #
+        # get data out of the dumped stores
+        # 
+        my $version=$cachedstores{'version:'.$symb};
+        my $scope;
+        for ($scope=1;$scope<=$version;$scope++) {
+            foreach (split(/\:/,$cachedstores{$scope.':keys:'.$symb})) {
+                $returnhash{$_}=$cachedstores{$scope.':'.$symb.':'.$_};
+            } 
+        }
+    } else {
+        #
+        # restore individual
+        #
+        %returnhash = &Apache::lonnet::restore($symb,$namespace,$udom,$uname);
+        for (my $version=1;$version<=$returnhash{'version'};$version++) {
+            foreach (split(/\:/,$returnhash{$version.':keys'})) {
+                $returnhash{$_}=$returnhash{$version.':'.$_};
+            } 
+        }
+    }
+    #
+    # returnhash now has all stores for this resource
+    # convert all "_" to "." to be able to use libraries, multiparts, etc
+    #
+    # This is dumb.  It is also necessary :(
+    my @oldkeys=keys %returnhash;
+    #
+    foreach my $name (@oldkeys) {
+        my $value=$returnhash{$name};
+        delete $returnhash{$name};
+        $name=~s/\_/\./g;
+        $returnhash{$name}=$value;
+    }
+    # initialize coursedata and userdata for this user
+    undef %courseopt;
+    undef %useropt;
+    my $userprefix=$uname.'_'.$udom.'_';
+    unless ($uhome eq 'no_host') { 
+        # Get coursedata
+        unless ((time-$courserdatas{$cid.'.last_cache'})<240) {
+            my %Tmp = &Apache::lonnet::dump('resourcedata',$cdom,$cnum);
+            $courserdatas{$cid}=\%Tmp;
+            $courserdatas{$cid.'.last_cache'}=time;
+        }
+        while (my ($name,$value) = each(%{$courserdatas{$cid}})) {
+            $courseopt{$userprefix.$name}=$value;
+        }
+        # Get userdata (if present)
+        unless ((time-$userrdatas{$uname.'@'.$udom.'.last_cache'})<240) {
+            my %Tmp = &Apache::lonnet::dump('resourcedata',$udom,$uname);
+            $userrdatas{$cid} = \%Tmp;
+            # Most of the time the user does not have a 'resourcedata.db' 
+            # file.  We need to cache that we got nothing instead of bothering
+            # with requesting it every time.
+            $userrdatas{$uname.'@'.$udom.'.last_cache'}=time;
+        }
+        while (my ($name,$value) = each(%{$userrdatas{$cid}})) {
+            $useropt{$userprefix.$name}=$value;
+        }
+    }
+    # now courseopt, useropt initialized for this user and course
+    # (used by parmval)
+    #
+    # Load keys for this assessment only
+    #
+    my %thisassess=();
+    my ($symap,$syid,$srcf)=split(/\_\_\_/,$symb);
+    foreach (split(/\,/,&Apache::lonnet::metadata($srcf,'keys'))) {
+        $thisassess{$_}=1;
+    } 
+    #
+    # Load parameters
+    #
     my %c=();
-    my %f=&getformulas($safeeval);
-    map {
-	if ($_=~/^A/) {
-            unless ($f{$_}=~/^\!/) {
-  	       if ($f{$_}=~/^parameter/) {
-	          $c{$_}=&parmval($f{$_},$symb);
-	       } else {
-		  my $key=$f{$_};
-                  $key=~s/^stores\_/resource\./;
-                  $key=~s/\_/\./;
- 	          $c{$_}=$returnhash{$key};
-	       }
-	   }
+    if (tie(%parmhash,'GDBM_File',
+            $sheet->{'coursefilename'}.'_parms.db',&GDBM_READER(),0640)) {
+        my %f=&getformulas($sheet);
+        foreach my $cell (keys(%f))  {
+            next if ($cell !~ /^A/);
+            next if  ($f{$cell} =~/^[\!\~\-]/);
+            if ($f{$cell}=~/^parameter/) {
+                if (defined($thisassess{$f{$cell}})) {
+                    my $val       = &parmval($f{$cell},$sheet);
+                    $c{$cell}     = $val;
+                    $c{$f{$cell}} = $val;
+                }
+            } else {
+                my $key=$f{$cell};
+                my $ckey=$key;
+                $key=~s/^stores\_/resource\./;
+                $key=~s/\_/\./g;
+                $c{$cell}=$returnhash{$key};
+                $c{$ckey}=$returnhash{$key};
+            }
-    } keys %f;
-    &setconstants($safeeval,%c);
+        untie(%parmhash);
+    }
+    &setconstants($sheet,\%c);
 # --------------------------------------------------------- Various form fields
@@ -841,7 +2084,7 @@ sub rowaassess {
 sub textfield {
     my ($title,$name,$value)=@_;
     return "\n<p><b>$title:</b><br>".
-           '<input type=text name="'.$name.'" size=80 value="'.$value.'">';
+        '<input type=text name="'.$name.'" size=80 value="'.$value.'">';
 sub hiddenfield {
@@ -852,181 +2095,537 @@ sub hiddenfield {
 sub selectbox {
     my ($title,$name,$value,%options)=@_;
     my $selout="\n<p><b>$title:</b><br>".'<select name="'.$name.'">';
-    map {
+    foreach (sort keys(%options)) {
         $selout.='<option value="'.$_.'"';
         if ($_ eq $value) { $selout.=' selected'; }
-    } sort keys %options;
+    }
     return $selout.'</select>';
-# ================================================================ Main handler
+# =============================================== Update information in a sheet
+# Add new users or assessments, etc.
-sub handler {
-    my $r=shift;
+sub updatesheet {
+    my ($sheet)=@_;
+    my $stype=$sheet->{'sheettype'};
+    if ($stype eq 'classcalc') {
+	return &updateclasssheet($sheet);
+    } else {
+        return &updatestudentassesssheet($sheet);
+    }
-    $uname='';
-    $udom='';
-    $csec='';
-   if ($r->header_only) {
-      $r->content_type('text/html');
-      $r->send_http_header;
-      return OK;
-   }
-# ----------------------------------------------------- Needs to be in a course
-  if (($ENV{'request.course.fn'}) || 
-      ($ENV{'request.state'} eq 'construct')) { 
-# --------------------------- Get query string for limited number of parameters
-    map {
-       my ($name, $value) = split(/=/,$_);
-       $value =~ tr/+/ /;
-       $value =~ s/%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])/pack("C",hex($1))/eg;
-       if (($name eq 'uname') || ($name eq 'udom') || ($name eq 'usymb')) {
-           unless ($ENV{'form.'.$name}) {
-              $ENV{'form.'.$name}=$value;
-	   }
-       }
-    } (split(/&/,$ENV{'QUERY_STRING'}));
+# =================================================== Load the rows for a sheet
+# Import the data for rows
+sub loadrows {
+    my ($sheet,$r)=@_;
+    my $stype=$sheet->{'sheettype'};
+    if ($stype eq 'classcalc') {
+	&loadcourse($sheet,$r);
+    } elsif ($stype eq 'studentcalc') {
+        &loadstudent($sheet);
+    } else {
+        &loadassessment($sheet);
+    }
-# ------------------------------------------- Nothing there? Must be login user
+# ======================================================= Forced recalculation?
-    unless ($ENV{'form.uname'}) {
-	$uname=$ENV{'user.name'};
-        $udom=$ENV{'user.domain'};
+sub checkthis {
+    my ($keyname,$time)=@_;
+    return ($time<$expiredates{$keyname});
+sub forcedrecalc {
+    my ($uname,$udom,$stype,$usymb)=@_;
+    my $key=$uname.':'.$udom.':'.$stype.':'.$usymb;
+    my $time=$oldsheets{$key.'.time'};
+    if ($ENV{'form.forcerecalc'}) { return 1; }
+    unless ($time) { return 1; }
+    if ($stype eq 'assesscalc') {
+        my $map=(split(/___/,$usymb))[0];
+        if (&checkthis('::assesscalc:',$time) ||
+            &checkthis('::assesscalc:'.$map,$time) ||
+            &checkthis('::assesscalc:'.$usymb,$time) ||
+            &checkthis($uname.':'.$udom.':assesscalc:',$time) ||
+            &checkthis($uname.':'.$udom.':assesscalc:'.$map,$time) ||
+            &checkthis($uname.':'.$udom.':assesscalc:'.$usymb,$time)) {
+            return 1;
+        } 
     } else {
-        $uname=$ENV{'form.uname'};
-        $udom=$ENV{'form.udom'};
+        if (&checkthis('::studentcalc:',$time) || 
+            &checkthis($uname.':'.$udom.':studentcalc:',$time)) {
+	    return 1;
+        }
+    }
+    return 0; 
+# ============================================================== Export handler
+# exportsheet
+# returns the export row for a spreadsheet.
+sub exportsheet {
+    my ($sheet,$uname,$udom,$stype,$usymb,$fn)=@_;
+    $uname = $uname || $sheet->{'uname'};
+    $udom  = $udom  || $sheet->{'udom'};
+    $stype = $stype || $sheet->{'sheettype'};
+    my @exportarr=();
+    if (defined($usymb) && ($usymb=~/^\_(\w+)/) && (!$fn)) {
+        $fn='default_'.$1;
+    }
+    #
+    # Check if cached
+    #
+    my $key=$uname.':'.$udom.':'.$stype.':'.$usymb;
+    my $found='';
+    if ($oldsheets{$key}) {
+        foreach (split(/___&\___/,$oldsheets{$key})) {
+            my ($name,$value)=split(/___=___/,$_);
+            if ($name eq $fn) {
+                $found=$value;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    unless ($found) {
+        &cachedssheets($sheet,$uname,$udom);
+        if ($oldsheets{$key}) {
+            foreach (split(/___&\___/,$oldsheets{$key})) {
+                my ($name,$value)=split(/___=___/,$_);
+                if ($name eq $fn) {
+                    $found=$value;
+                }
+            } 
+        }
+    }
+    #
+    # Check if still valid
+    #
+    if ($found) {
+        if (&forcedrecalc($uname,$udom,$stype,$usymb)) {
+            $found='';
+        }
+    }
+    if ($found) {
+        #
+        # Return what was cached
+        #
+        @exportarr=split(/___;___/,$found);
+        return @exportarr;
+    }
+    #
+    # Not cached
+    #        
+    my ($newsheet)=&makenewsheet($uname,$udom,$stype,$usymb);
+    &readsheet($newsheet,$fn);
+    &updatesheet($newsheet);
+    &loadrows($newsheet);
+    &calcsheet($newsheet); 
+    @exportarr=&exportdata($newsheet);
+    #
+    # Store now
+    #
+    my $cid=$newsheet->{'cid'};
+    my $current='';
+    if ($stype eq 'studentcalc') {
+        $current=&Apache::lonnet::reply('get:'.$sheet->{'cdom'}.':'.
+                                        $sheet->{'cnum'}.
+                                        ':nohist_calculatedsheets:'.
+                                        &Apache::lonnet::escape($key),
+                                        $sheet->{'chome'});
+    } else {
+        $current=&Apache::lonnet::reply('get:'.$sheet->{'udom'}.':'.
+                                        $sheet->{'uname'}.
+                                        ':nohist_calculatedsheets_'.
+                                        $sheet->{'cid'}.':'.
+                                        &Apache::lonnet::escape($key),
+                                        $sheet->{'uhome'});
+    }
+    my %currentlystored=();
+    unless ($current=~/^error\:/) {
+        foreach (split(/___&\___/,&Apache::lonnet::unescape($current))) {
+            my ($name,$value)=split(/___=___/,$_);
+            $currentlystored{$name}=$value;
+        }
+    }
+    $currentlystored{$fn}=join('___;___',@exportarr);
+    #
+    my $newstore='';
+    foreach (keys(%currentlystored)) {
+        if ($newstore) { $newstore.='___&___'; }
+        $newstore.=$_.'___=___'.$currentlystored{$_};
+    }
+    my $now=time;
+    if ($stype eq 'studentcalc') {
+        &Apache::lonnet::put('nohist_calculatedsheets',
+                             { $key => $newstore,
+                               $key.time => $now },
+                             $sheet->{'cid'},$sheet->{'cnum'});
+    } else {
+        &Apache::lonnet::put('nohist_calculatedsheets_'.$sheet->{'cid'},
+                             { $key => $newstore,
+                               $key.time => $now },
+                             $sheet->{'udom'},
+                             $sheet->{'uname'})
+    }
+    return @exportarr;
+# ============================================================ Expiration Dates
+# Load previously cached student spreadsheets for this course
+sub expirationdates {
+    undef %expiredates;
+    my $cid=$ENV{'request.course.id'};
+    my @tmp = &Apache::lonnet::dump('nohist_expirationdates',
+                                    $ENV{'course.'.$cid.'.domain'},
+                                    $ENV{'course.'.$cid.'.num'});
+    if (lc($tmp[0])!~/^error/){
+        %expiredates = @tmp;
+    }
+# ===================================================== Calculated sheets cache
+# Load previously cached student spreadsheets for this course
+sub cachedcsheets {
+    my $cid=$ENV{'request.course.id'};
+    my @tmp = &Apache::lonnet::dump('nohist_calculatedsheets',
+                                    $ENV{'course.'.$cid.'.domain'},
+                                    $ENV{'course.'.$cid.'.num'});
+    if ($tmp[0] !~ /^error/) {
+        my %StupidTempHash = @tmp;
+        while (my ($key,$value) = each %StupidTempHash) {
+            $oldsheets{$key} = $value;
+        }
+    }
+# ===================================================== Calculated sheets cache
+# Load previously cached assessment spreadsheets for this student
+sub cachedssheets {
+    my ($sheet,$uname,$udom) = @_;
+    $uname = $uname || $sheet->{'uname'};
+    $udom  = $udom  || $sheet->{'udom'};
+    if (! $loadedcaches{$sheet->{'uname'}.'_'.$sheet->{'udom'}}) {
+        my @tmp = &Apache::lonnet::dump('nohist_calculatedsheets',
+                                        $sheet->{'udom'},
+                                        $sheet->{'uname'});
+        if ($tmp[0] !~ /^error/) {
+            my %StupidTempHash = @tmp;
+            while (my ($key,$value) = each %StupidTempHash) {
+                $oldsheets{$key} = $value;
+            }
+            $loadedcaches{$sheet->{'uname'}.'_'.$sheet->{'udom'}}=1;
+        }
-# ----------------------------------------------------------- Change of target?
-    my $reroute=($ENV{'utarget'} eq 'export');
+# ===================================================== Calculated sheets cache
+# Load previously cached assessment spreadsheets for this student
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------- Open page
+# ================================================================ Main handler
+# Interactive call to screen
+sub handler {
+    my $r=shift;
+    if (! exists($ENV{'form.Status'})) {
+        $ENV{'form.Status'} = 'Active';
+    }
+    # Check this server
+    my $loaderror=&Apache::lonnet::overloaderror($r);
+    if ($loaderror) { return $loaderror; }
+    # Check the course homeserver
+    $loaderror= &Apache::lonnet::overloaderror($r,
+                      $ENV{'course.'.$ENV{'request.course.id'}.'.home'});
+    if ($loaderror) { return $loaderror; } 
+    if ($r->header_only) {
+        $r->content_type('text/html');
+        $r->send_http_header;
+        return OK;
+    }
+    # Global directory configs
+    $includedir = $r->dir_config('lonIncludes');
+    $tmpdir = $r->dir_config('lonDaemons').'/tmp/';
+    # Needs to be in a course
+    if (! $ENV{'request.course.fn'}) { 
+        # Not in a course, or not allowed to modify parms
+        $ENV{'user.error.msg'}=
+            $r->uri.":opa:0:0:Cannot modify spreadsheet";
+        return HTTP_NOT_ACCEPTABLE; 
+    }
+    # Get query string for limited number of parameters
+    &Apache::loncommon::get_unprocessed_cgi($ENV{'QUERY_STRING'},
+                                            ['uname','udom','usymb','ufn']);
+    if ($ENV{'request.role'} =~ /^st\./) {
+        delete $ENV{'form.unewfield'}   if (exists($ENV{'form.unewfield'}));
+        delete $ENV{'form.unewformula'} if (exists($ENV{'form.unewformula'}));
+    }
+    if (($ENV{'form.usymb'}=~/^\_(\w+)/) && (!$ENV{'form.ufn'})) {
+        $ENV{'form.ufn'}='default_'.$1;
+    }
+    # Interactive loading of specific sheet?
+    if (($ENV{'form.load'}) && ($ENV{'form.loadthissheet'} ne 'Default')) {
+        $ENV{'form.ufn'}=$ENV{'form.loadthissheet'};
+    }
+    #
+    # Determine the user name and domain for the sheet.
+    my $aname;
+    my $adom;
+    unless ($ENV{'form.uname'}) {
+        $aname=$ENV{'user.name'};
+        $adom=$ENV{'user.domain'};
+    } else {
+        $aname=$ENV{'form.uname'};
+        $adom=$ENV{'form.udom'};
+    }
+    #
+    # Open page
-# --------------------------------------------------------------- Screen output
-  unless ($reroute) {
+    # Screen output
     $r->print('<html><head><title>LON-CAPA Spreadsheet</title>');
-    $r->print(<<ENDSCRIPT);
+    if ($ENV{'request.role'} !~ /^st\./) {
+        $r->print(<<ENDSCRIPT);
 <script language="JavaScript">
     function celledit(cn,cf) {
         var cnf=prompt(cn,cf);
-	if (cnf!=null) {
-	    document.sheet.unewfield.value=cn;
+        if (cnf!=null) {
+            document.sheet.unewfield.value=cn;
-    $r->print('</head><body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">'.
-       '<form action="'.$r->uri.'" name=sheet method=post>'.
-       &hiddenfield('uname',$ENV{'form.uname'}).
-       &hiddenfield('udom',$ENV{'form.udom'}).
-       &hiddenfield('usymb',$ENV{'form.usymb'}).
-       &hiddenfield('unewfield','').
-       &hiddenfield('unewformula',''));
-  }
+    function changesheet(cn) {
+	document.sheet.unewfield.value=cn;
+        document.sheet.unewformula.value='changesheet';
+        document.sheet.submit();
+    }
-# ---------------------------------------- Read new sheet or modified worksheet
+    function insertrow(cn) {
+	document.sheet.unewfield.value='insertrow';
+        document.sheet.unewformula.value=cn;
+        document.sheet.submit();
+    }
-    my $sheetone=initsheet();
+    }
+    $r->print('</head>'.&Apache::loncommon::bodytag('Grades Spreadsheet').
+              '<form action="'.$r->uri.'" name=sheet method=post>');
+    $r->print(&hiddenfield('uname',$ENV{'form.uname'}).
+              &hiddenfield('udom',$ENV{'form.udom'}).
+              &hiddenfield('usymb',$ENV{'form.usymb'}).
+              &hiddenfield('unewfield','').
+              &hiddenfield('unewformula',''));
+    $r->rflush();
+    #
+    # Full recalc?
+    if ($ENV{'form.forcerecalc'}) {
+        $r->print('<h4>Completely Recalculating Sheet ...</h4>');
+        undef %spreadsheets;
+        undef %courserdatas;
+        undef %userrdatas;
+        undef %defaultsheets;
+        undef %updatedata;
+    }
+    # Read new sheet or modified worksheet
+    $r->uri=~/\/(\w+)$/;
+    my ($sheet)=&makenewsheet($aname,$adom,$1,$ENV{'form.usymb'});
+    #
+    # If a new formula had been entered, go from work copy
     if ($ENV{'form.unewfield'}) {
         $r->print('<h2>Modified Workcopy</h2>');
-        $r->print('New formula: '.$ENV{'form.unewfield'}.'='.
-                  $ENV{'form.unewformula'}.'<br>');
-	&tmpread($sheetone,$r->dir_config('lonDaemons').'/tmp/',
-                 $ENV{'form.usymb'},
-                 $ENV{'form.unewfield'},$ENV{'form.unewformula'});
-        &setfilename($sheetone,$r->filename);
-        $r->filename=~/\.(\w+)/;
-        &settype($sheetone,$1);
+        $r->print('<p>New formula: '.$ENV{'form.unewfield'}.'='.
+                  $ENV{'form.unewformula'}.'<p>');
+        $sheet->{'filename'} = $ENV{'form.ufn'};
+        &tmpread($sheet,$ENV{'form.unewfield'},$ENV{'form.unewformula'});
+    } elsif ($ENV{'form.saveas'}) {
+        $sheet->{'filename'} = $ENV{'form.ufn'};
+        &tmpread($sheet);
     } else {
-        &readsheet($sheetone,$r->filename);
+        &readsheet($sheet,$ENV{'form.ufn'});
-# --------------------------------------------- See if all import rows uptodate
-    if (tie(%parmhash,'GDBM_File',
-       $ENV{'request.course.fn'}.'_parms.db',&GDBM_READER,0640)) {
-       $csec=&Apache::lonnet::usection($udom,$uname,$ENV{'request.course.id'});
-       if ($csec eq '-1') {
-          $r->print('<h3><font color=red>'.
-   "User '$uname' at domain '$udom' not a student in this course</font></h3>");
-       }
-       &updaterows($sheetone);
-       untie(%parmhash);
-   } else {
-       $r->print('<h3><font color=red>'.
-	   'Could not initialize import fields (not in a course)</font></h3>');
-   }
-# ------------------------------------------------ Write the modified worksheet
-   &tmpwrite($sheetone,$r->dir_config('lonDaemons').'/tmp/',
-              $ENV{'form.usymb'});
-# ----------------------------------------------------- Print user, course, etc
-   unless ($reroute) {
-    $r->print("<b>User '$uname' at domain '$udom' for '".
-              $ENV{'course.'.$ENV{'request.course.id'}.'.description'}."'");
-    if ($csec) {
-       $r->print(", group/section '$csec'");
-    }
-    $r->print("</b>\n");
-   }
-# -------------------------------------------------------- Import and calculate
-    if (&gettype($sheetone) eq 'assesscalc') {
-	&rowaassess($sheetone,$ENV{'form.usymb'});
-    }
-    &calcsheet($sheetone);
-# ------------------------------------------------------- Print or export sheet
-   unless ($reroute) {   
-    $r->print(&outsheet($sheetone));
+    # Print out user information
+    if ($sheet->{'sheettype'} ne 'classcalc') {
+        $r->print('<p><b>User:</b> '.$sheet->{'uname'}.
+                  '<br><b>Domain:</b> '.$sheet->{'udom'});
+        $r->print('<br><b>Section/Group:</b> '.$sheet->{'csec'});
+        if ($ENV{'form.usymb'}) {
+            $r->print('<br><b>Assessment:</b> <tt>'.
+                      $ENV{'form.usymb'}.'</tt>');
+        }
+    }
+    #
+    # Check user permissions
+    if (($sheet->{'sheettype'} eq 'classcalc'       ) || 
+        ($sheet->{'uname'}     ne $ENV{'user.name'} ) ||
+        ($sheet->{'udom'}      ne $ENV{'user.domain'})) {
+        unless (&Apache::lonnet::allowed('vgr',$sheet->{'cid'})) {
+            $r->print('<h1>Access Permission Denied</h1>'.
+                      '</form></body></html>');
+            return OK;
+        }
+    }
+    # Additional options
+    $r->print('<br />'.
+              '<input type="submit" name="forcerecalc" '.
+              'value="Completely Recalculate Sheet"><p>');
+    if ($sheet->{'sheettype'} eq 'assesscalc') {
+        $r->print('<p><font size=+2>'.
+                  '<a href="/adm/studentcalc?'.
+                  'uname='.$sheet->{'uname'}.
+                  '&udom='.$sheet->{'udom'}.'">'.
+                  'Level up: Student Sheet</a></font><p>');
+    }
+    if (($sheet->{'sheettype'} eq 'studentcalc') && 
+        (&Apache::lonnet::allowed('vgr',$sheet->{'cid'}))) {
+        $r->print ('<p><font size=+2><a href="/adm/classcalc">'.
+                   'Level up: Course Sheet</a></font><p>');
+    }
+    # Save dialog
+    if (&Apache::lonnet::allowed('opa',$ENV{'request.course.id'})) {
+        my $fname=$ENV{'form.ufn'};
+        $fname=~s/\_[^\_]+$//;
+        if ($fname eq 'default') { $fname='course_default'; }
+        $r->print('<input type=submit name=saveas value="Save as ...">'.
+                  '<input type=text size=20 name=newfn value="'.$fname.'">'.
+                  'make default: <input type=checkbox name="makedefufn"><p>');
+    }
+    $r->print(&hiddenfield('ufn',$sheet->{'filename'}));
+    # Load dialog
+    if (&Apache::lonnet::allowed('opa',$ENV{'request.course.id'})) {
+        $r->print('<p><input type=submit name=load value="Load ...">'.
+                  '<select name="loadthissheet">'.
+                  '<option name="default">Default</option>');
+        foreach (&othersheets($sheet)) {
+            $r->print('<option name="'.$_.'"');
+            if ($ENV{'form.ufn'} eq $_) {
+                $r->print(' selected');
+            }
+            $r->print('>'.$_.'</option>');
+        } 
+        $r->print('</select><p>');
+        if ($sheet->{'sheettype'} eq 'studentcalc') {
+            &setothersheets($sheet,
+                            &othersheets($sheet,'assesscalc'));
+        }
+    }
+    # Cached sheets
+    &expirationdates();
+    undef %oldsheets;
+    undef %loadedcaches;
+    if ($sheet->{'sheettype'} eq 'classcalc') {
+        $r->print("Loading previously calculated student sheets ...\n");
+        $r->rflush();
+        &cachedcsheets();
+    } elsif ($sheet->{'sheettype'} eq 'studentcalc') {
+        $r->print("Loading previously calculated assessment sheets ...\n");
+        $r->rflush();
+        &cachedssheets($sheet);
+    }
+    # Update sheet, load rows
+    $r->print("Loaded sheet(s), updating rows ...<br>\n");
+    $r->rflush();
+    #
+    &updatesheet($sheet);
+    $r->print("Updated rows, loading row data ...\n");
+    $r->rflush();
+    #
+    &loadrows($sheet,$r);
+    $r->print("Loaded row data, calculating sheet ...<br>\n");
+    $r->rflush();
+    #
+    my $calcoutput=&calcsheet($sheet);
+    $r->print('<h3><font color=red>'.$calcoutput.'</h3></font>');
+    # See if something to save
+    if (&Apache::lonnet::allowed('opa',$ENV{'request.course.id'})) {
+        my $fname='';
+        if ($ENV{'form.saveas'} && ($fname=$ENV{'form.newfn'})) {
+            $fname=~s/\W/\_/g;
+            if ($fname eq 'default') { $fname='course_default'; }
+            $fname.='_'.$sheet->{'sheettype'};
+            $sheet->{'filename'} = $fname;
+            $ENV{'form.ufn'}=$fname;
+            $r->print('<p>Saving spreadsheet: '.
+                      &writesheet($sheet,$ENV{'form.makedefufn'}).
+                      '<p>');
+        }
+    }
+    #
+    # Write the modified worksheet
+    $r->print('<b>Current sheet:</b> '.$sheet->{'filename'}.'<p>');
+    &tmpwrite($sheet);
+    if ($sheet->{'sheettype'} eq 'studentcalc') {
+        $r->print('<br>Show rows with empty A column: ');
+    } else {
+        $r->print('<br>Show empty rows: ');
+    }
+    #
+    $r->print(&hiddenfield('userselhidden','true').
+              '<input type="checkbox" name="showall" onClick="submit()"');
+    #
+    if ($ENV{'form.showall'}) { 
+        $r->print(' checked'); 
+    } else {
+        unless ($ENV{'form.userselhidden'}) {
+            unless 
+                ($ENV{'course.'.$sheet->{'cid'}.'.hideemptyrows'} eq 'yes') {
+                    $r->print(' checked');
+                    $ENV{'form.showall'}=1;
+                }
+        }
+    }
+    $r->print('>');
+    #
+    # CSV format checkbox (classcalc sheets only)
+    $r->print(' Output CSV format: <input type="checkbox" '.
+              'name="showcsv" onClick="submit()"');
+    $r->print(' checked') if ($ENV{'form.showcsv'});
+    $r->print('>');
+    if ($sheet->{'sheettype'} eq 'classcalc') {
+        $r->print('&nbsp;Student Status: '.
+                  &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::StatusOptions
+                  ($ENV{'form.Status'},'sheet'));
+    }
+    #
+    # Buttons to insert rows
+    $r->print(<<ENDINSERTBUTTONS);
+<input type='button' onClick='insertrow("top");' 
+value='Insert Row Top'>
+<input type='button' onClick='insertrow("bottom");' 
+value='Insert Row Bottom'><br>
+    # Print out sheet
+    &outsheet($r,$sheet);
-  } else {
-      $r->print(&exportrow($sheetone));
-  }
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Done
-  } else {
-# ----------------------------- Not in a course, or not allowed to modify parms
-      $ENV{'user.error.msg'}=
-        $r->uri.":opa:0:0:Cannot modify spreadsheet";
-      return HTTP_NOT_ACCEPTABLE; 
-  }
+    #  Done
     return OK;