@@ -1262,110 +1576,111 @@ ENDSCRIPT
- }
+# ---------------------- Make sure that this gets out, even if user hits "stop"
# ---------------------------------------- Read new sheet or modified worksheet
- my $sheetone=initsheet();
- &settype($sheetone,$1);
+ my $asheet=&makenewsheet($aname,$adom,$1,$ENV{'form.usymb'});
+# ------------------------ If a new formula had been entered, go from work copy
if ($ENV{'form.unewfield'}) {
$r->print('Modified Workcopy
$r->print('New formula: '.$ENV{'form.unewfield'}.'='.
- &setfilename($sheetone,$ENV{'form.ufn'});
- &tmpread($sheetone,$r->dir_config('lonDaemons').'/tmp/',
- $ENV{'form.usymb'},
+ &setfilename($asheet,$ENV{'form.ufn'});
+ &tmpread($asheet,
- } elsif ($ENV{'form.saveas'}) {
- &setfilename($sheetone,$ENV{'form.ufn'});
- &tmpread($sheetone,$r->dir_config('lonDaemons').'/tmp/',
- $ENV{'form.usymb'});
+ } elsif ($ENV{'form.saveas'}) {
+ &setfilename($asheet,$ENV{'form.ufn'});
+ &tmpread($asheet);
} else {
- &readsheet($sheetone,$ENV{'form.ufn'},$r);
- $ENV{'form.ufn'}=&getfilename($sheetone);
+ &readsheet($asheet,$ENV{'form.ufn'});
- if (&gettype($sheetone) eq 'classcalc') {
-# ---------------------------------- For course view: get courselist and update
- &updatestudentrows($sheetone);
- } else {
-# ----------------- For assessment and student: See if all import rows uptodate
+# -------------------------------------------------- Print out user information
+ unless (&gettype($asheet) eq 'classcalc') {
+ $r->print('
User: '.&getuname($asheet).
+ '
Domain: '.&getudom($asheet));
+ if (&getcsec($asheet) eq '-1') {
+ $r->print('
+ 'Not a student in this course
+ } else {
+ $r->print('
Section/Group: '.&getcsec($asheet));
+ }
+ }
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------- Course title
+ $r->print(''.
+ $ENV{'course.'.$ENV{'request.course.id'}.'.description'}.'
- if (tie(%parmhash,'GDBM_File',
- $ENV{'request.course.fn'}.'_parms.db',&GDBM_READER,0640)) {
- $csec=&Apache::lonnet::usection($udom,$uname,$ENV{'request.course.id'});
- if ($csec eq '-1') {
- $r->print(''.
- "User '$uname' at domain '$udom' not a student in this course
- }
- &updaterows($sheetone);
- untie(%parmhash);
- } else {
- $r->print(''.
- 'Could not initialize import fields (not in a course)
- }
- }
# ---------------------------------------------------- See if something to save
if (&Apache::lonnet::allowed('opa',$ENV{'request.course.id'})) {
my $fname='';
if ($ENV{'form.saveas'} && ($fname=$ENV{'form.newfn'})) {
if ($fname eq 'default') { $fname='course_default'; }
- $fname.='_'.&gettype($sheetone);
- &setfilename($sheetone,$fname);
+ $fname.='_'.&gettype($asheet);
+ &setfilename($asheet,$fname);
- my $reply=&writesheet($sheetone);
- unless ($reroute) {
- $r->print('Saving spreadsheet: '.$reply.'
- }
- }
+ $r->print('
Saving spreadsheet: '.
+ &writesheet($asheet,$ENV{'form.makedefufn'}).'
+ }
# ------------------------------------------------ Write the modified worksheet
- &tmpwrite($sheetone,$r->dir_config('lonDaemons').'/tmp/',
- $ENV{'form.usymb'});
+ $r->print('Current sheet: '.&getfilename($asheet).'
+ &tmpwrite($asheet);
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------- Save dialog
-# ----------------------------------------------------- Print user, course, etc
- unless ($reroute) {
if (&Apache::lonnet::allowed('opa',$ENV{'request.course.id'})) {
my $fname=$ENV{'form.ufn'};
if ($fname eq 'default') { $fname='course_default'; }
- '
- }
- $r->print(&hiddenfield('ufn',$ENV{'form.ufn'}));
- unless (&gettype($sheetone) eq 'classcalc') {
- $r->print('
User: '.$uname.'
Domain: '.$udom);
+ ' (make default: )
- $r->print('
- $ENV{'course.'.$ENV{'request.course.id'}.'.description'}.'
- if ($csec) {
- $r->print('Group/Section: '.$csec.'
- }
- }
-# -------------------------------------------------------- Import and calculate
- if (&gettype($sheetone) eq 'assesscalc') {
- &rowaassess($sheetone,$ENV{'form.usymb'});
- } elsif (&gettype($sheetone) eq 'studentcalc') {
- &rowazstudent($sheetone);
- }
- my $calcoutput=&calcsheet($sheetone);
- unless ($reroute) {
- $r->print(''.$calcoutput.'
- }
+ $r->print(&hiddenfield('ufn',&getfilename($asheet)));
+# ----------------------------------------------------- Update sheet, load rows
+ $r->print("Loaded sheet, updating rows ...
+ $r->rflush();
+ &updatesheet($asheet);
+ $r->print("Updated rows, loading row data ...
+ $r->rflush();
-# ------------------------------------------------------- Print or export sheet
- unless ($reroute) {
- &outsheet($r,$sheetone);
+ &loadrows($asheet,$r);
+ $r->print("Loaded row data, calculating sheet ...
+ $r->rflush();
+ my $calcoutput=&calcsheet($asheet);
+ $r->print(''.$calcoutput.'
+ &outsheet($r,$asheet);
- } else {
- $r->print(&exportrow($sheetone));
- }
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Done
} else {
# ----------------------------- Not in a course, or not allowed to modify parms
@@ -1374,6 +1689,7 @@ ENDSCRIPT
return OK;