--- loncom/interface/Attic/lonwizard.pm 2003/02/28 23:47:37 1.16
+++ loncom/interface/Attic/lonwizard.pm 2003/03/21 18:36:40 1.19
@@ -19,12 +19,12 @@ All classes are in the Apache::lonwizard
-# To prevent runaway file counts, this file has lonwizard,
-# lonwizstate, and other wizard classes.
use strict;
use HTML::Entities;
use Apache::loncommon;
+use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_hex);
+use Apache::File;
@@ -76,6 +76,45 @@ sub new {
$self->{STATE} = "START";
+ $self->{TOKEN} = $ENV{'form.TOKEN'};
+ # If a token was passed, we load that in. Otherwise, we need to create a
+ # new storage file
+ # Tried to use standard Tie'd hashes, but you can't seem to take a
+ # reference to a tied hash and write to it. I'd call that a wart.
+ if ($self->{TOKEN}) {
+ # Validate the token before trusting it
+ if ($self->{TOKEN} !~ /^[a-f0-9]{32}$/) {
+ # Not legit. Return nothing and let all hell break loose.
+ # User shouldn't be doing that!
+ return undef;
+ }
+ # Get the hash.
+ $self->{FILENAME} = $Apache::lonnet::tmpdir . md5_hex($self->{TOKEN}); # Note the token is not the literal file
+ my $file = Apache::File->new($self->{FILENAME});
+ my $contents = <$file>;
+ &Apache::loncommon::get_unprocessed_cgi($contents);
+ $file->close();
+ # Marks whether this is a new wizard.
+ $self->{NEW_WIZARD} = 0;
+ } else {
+ # Only valid if we're just starting.
+ if ($self->{STATE} ne 'START') {
+ return undef;
+ }
+ # Must create the storage
+ $self->{TOKEN} = md5_hex($ENV{'user.name'} . $ENV{'user.domain'} .
+ time() . rand());
+ $self->{FILENAME} = $Apache::lonnet::tmpdir . md5_hex($self->{TOKEN});
+ # Marks whether this is a new wizard.
+ $self->{NEW_WIZARD} = 1;
+ }
+ # OK, we now have our persistent storage.
if (defined $ENV{"form.RETURN_PAGE"})
$self->{RETURN_PAGE} = $ENV{"form.RETURN_PAGE"};
@@ -86,7 +125,6 @@ sub new {
$self->{STATES} = {};
- $self->{VARS} = {};
$self->{HISTORY} = {};
$self->{DONE} = 0;
@@ -129,14 +167,15 @@ sub declareVars {
foreach my $element ( @{$varlist} )
# assign the var the default of ""
- $self->{VARS}{$element} = "";
+ $self->{VARS}->{$element} = "";
- # if there's a form in the env, use that instead
- my $envname = "form." . $element;
- if (defined ($ENV{$envname})) {
- $self->{VARS}->{$element} = $ENV{$envname};
- }
+ my $envname;
+ $envname = "form." . $element;
+ if (defined ($ENV{$envname})) {
+ $self->{VARS}->{$element} = $ENV{$envname};
+ }
# If there's an incoming form submission, use that
$envname = "form." . $element . ".forminput";
if (defined ($ENV{$envname})) {
@@ -145,29 +184,33 @@ sub declareVars {
-# Private function; takes all of the declared vars and returns a string
-# corresponding to the hidden input fields that will re-construct the
-# variables.
+# Private function; returns a string to construct the hidden fields
+# necessary to have the wizard track state.
sub _saveVars {
my $self = shift;
my $result = "";
- foreach my $varname (keys %{$self->{VARS}})
- {
- $result .= '\n";
- }
- # also save state & return page
$result .= '' . "\n";
+ HTML::Entities::encode($self->{STATE}) . "\" />\n";
+ $result .= '\n";
$result .= '' . "\n";
+ HTML::Entities::encode($self->{RETURN_PAGE}) . "\" />\n";
return $result;
+# Private function: Create the querystring-like representation of the stored
+# data to write to disk.
+sub _varsInFile {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my @vars = ();
+ for my $key (keys %{$self->{VARS}}) {
+ push @vars, &Apache::lonnet::escape($key) . '=' .
+ &Apache::lonnet::escape($self->{VARS}->{$key});
+ }
+ return join ('&', @vars);
=item B(referenceToStateObj): Registers a state as part of the wizard, so the wizard can use it. The 'referenceToStateObj' should be a reference to an instantiated lonwizstate object. This is normally called at the end of the lonwizard::state constructor, so you should not normally need it as a user.
@@ -195,8 +238,8 @@ sub changeState {
-=item B(): This is the main method that the handler using the wizard calls.
+=item B(): This is the main method that the handler using the wizard calls. It must always be called, and called last, because it takes care of closing a hash that needs to be closed.
# Done in four phases
@@ -291,6 +334,10 @@ HEADER