File:  [LON-CAPA] / loncom / interface /
Revision 1.108: download - view: text, annotated - select for diffs
Mon Feb 24 23:20:17 2025 UTC (3 days, 17 hours ago) by raeburn
Branches: MAIN
CVS tags: version_2_12_X, HEAD
- WCAG 2 compliance.

# The LearningOnline Network with CAPA
# Handler for displaying the course catalog interface
# $Id:,v 1.108 2025/02/24 23:20:17 raeburn Exp $
# Copyright Michigan State University Board of Trustees
# This file is part of the LearningOnline Network with CAPA (LON-CAPA).
# LON-CAPA is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# LON-CAPA is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with LON-CAPA; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
# /home/httpd/html/adm/gpl.txt

package Apache::coursecatalog;

use strict;
use lib qw(/home/httpd/lib/perl);
use Apache::Constants qw(:common);
use Apache::loncommon;
use Apache::lonhtmlcommon;
use Apache::lonnet;
use Apache::lonlocal;
use Apache::courseclassifier;
use Apache::lonacc;
use HTML::Entities();
use LONCAPA::lonauthcgi;

sub handler {
    my ($r) = @_;
    if ($r->header_only) {
        return OK;
    my $handle = &Apache::lonnet::check_for_valid_session($r);
    my $lonidsdir=$r->dir_config('lonIDsDir');
    if ($handle ne '') {

    my $serverdefdom = &Apache::lonnet::default_login_domain();
    my $codedom = $serverdefdom;
    my $hostname = $r->hostname();

    if (($env{'user.domain'} ne '') && ($env{'user.domain'} ne 'public')) { 
        $codedom = $env{'user.domain'};
        if ($env{'request.role.domain'} ne '') {
            $codedom = $env{'request.role.domain'};
    my $formname = 'coursecatalog';
    if ($env{'form.showdom'} ne '') {
        $env{'form.showdom'} = &LONCAPA::clean_domain($env{'form.showdom'});
        if (&Apache::lonnet::domain($env{'form.showdom'}) ne '') {
            $codedom = $env{'form.showdom'};
        } else {
            $env{'form.showdom'} = '';
    my $domdesc = &Apache::lonnet::domain($serverdefdom,'description');
    unless (($serverdefdom eq $codedom) ||
            (&Apache::lonnet::will_trust('catalog',$serverdefdom,$codedom))) {
        my $serverdomdesc = &Apache::lonnet::domain($serverdefdom,'description');
        $r->print(&Apache::loncommon::start_page('Course/Community Catalog'));
              text=>"Course/Community Catalog"});
        $r->print(&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::breadcrumbs('Course/Community Catalog'));
        $r->print('<div role="main">'.&mt('Access to catalog LON-CAPA courses/communities unavailable for: "[_1]" on servers run by: "[_2]".',
        return OK;
    my $crscats = &Apache::lonnet::get_dom_cats($codedom);
    my %domdefaults = &Apache::lonnet::get_domain_defaults($codedom);
    my $knownuser = &user_is_known();
    my $canviewall = &canview_all($knownuser,$codedom);
    my ($cathash,$cattype);
    if (ref($crscats) eq 'HASH') {
        %{$cathash} = %{$crscats};
    } else {
        $cathash = {};
    if ($knownuser || $canviewall) {
        $cattype = $domdefaults{'catauth'};
    } else {
        $cattype = $domdefaults{'catunauth'};
    if ($cattype eq '') {
        $cattype = 'std';
    if ($cattype eq 'none') {
        $r->print(&Apache::loncommon::start_page('Course/Community Catalog'));
          text=>"Course/Community Catalog"});
        $r->print(&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::breadcrumbs('Course/Community Catalog'));
        if ($knownuser || $canviewall) {
            $r->print('<div role="main">'.&mt('No catalog of LON-CAPA courses/communities is provided for: [_1]',$domdesc).'</div>');
        } else {
            if ($domdefaults{'catauth'} eq 'none') {
                $r->print('<div role="main">'.&mt('No catalog of LON-CAPA courses/communities is provided for: [_1]',$domdesc).'</div>');
            } else {
                $r->print('<div role="main">'.&mt('The catalog of LON-CAPA courses/communities provided for: "[_1]" is only available to users who are logged in.',$domdesc).'</div>');
        return OK;

    for (my $i=0; $i<=$env{'form.catalog_maxdepth'}; $i++) {
        if ($env{'form.currcat_'.$i} eq '-1') {
            $env{'form.currcat_'.$i} = '';
        if (exists($env{'form.initialcurrcat_'.$i})) {
            if ($env{'form.currcat_'.$i} ne $env{'form.initialcurrcat_'.$i}) {
                $env{'form.catalog_maxdepth'} = $i;

    my $cnum;
    if ($cattype eq 'codesrch') {
        my ($uniquecode,$codemsg,$brtext);
        if ($env{'form.uniquecode'}) {
            $uniquecode = $env{'form.uniquecode'};
            $uniquecode =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
        my $js = '<script type="text/javascript">'."\n".
                 '// <![CDATA['."\n".
                 '// ]]>'."\n".
        $r->print(&Apache::loncommon::start_page('Search for a Course/Community',$js));
        if ($uniquecode =~ /^\w{6}$/) {
              text=>"Course/Community Catalog"});
            $brtext = 'Search Result';
        } else {
            $brtext = 'Course/Community Catalog';
        $r->print(&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::breadcrumbs('Course/Community Catalog'));
        if ($uniquecode =~ /^\w{6}$/) {
            $r->print('<hr />');
            my $confname = $codedom.'-domainconfig';
            my %codes = &Apache::lonnet::get('uniquecodes',[$uniquecode],$codedom,$confname);
            if ($codes{$uniquecode}) {
                $cnum = $codes{$uniquecode};
                my %courses = &Apache::lonnet::courseiddump($codedom,'.',1,'.','.',
                if (keys(%courses)) {
                    $env{'form.coursenum'} = $cnum;
                    my %courseinfo = &build_courseinfo_hash(\%courses,$knownuser,$codedom,$canviewall);
                    if (ref($courseinfo{$codedom.'_'.$cnum}) eq 'HASH') {
                        my @cols = ('title','ownerlastnames','seclist','access');
                        my %lt = &Apache::lonlocal::texthash(
                                     title          => 'Title',
                                     ownerlastnames => 'Owner & Co-owner(s)',
                                     seclist        => 'Sections',
                                     access         => 'Default Access Dates for Students',
                        my @shown;
                        foreach my $item (@cols) {
                            if ($courseinfo{$codedom.'_'.$cnum}{$item}) {
                        my $num = 0;
                        foreach my $item (@shown) {
                            $num ++;
                            if ($item eq 'title') {
                                if ($courseinfo{$codedom.'_'.$cnum}{'showsyllabus'}) {
                                    my $usehttp = 0;
                                    if (($ENV{'SERVER_PORT'} == 443) && ($courseinfo{$codedom.'_'.$cnum}{'extsyllplain'})) {
                                        unless ((&Apache::lonnet::uses_sts()) ||
                                                (&Apache::lonnet::waf_allssl($hostname))) {
                                            $usehttp = 1;
                                    $r->print('&nbsp;<font size="-2">'.
                                              '<a href="javascript:ToSyllabus('."'$codedom','$cnum','$usehttp'".')">'.
                            my $arg = ( $num == scalar(@shown) ? 1 : '' );
                        my $selfenroll = &selfenroll_status($courseinfo{$codedom.'_'.$cnum},$codedom.'_'.$cnum);
                        if ($selfenroll) {
                            $r->print('<br />'.$selfenroll);
                        $r->print('<form name="linklaunch" method="post" action="">'."\n".
                                  '<input type="hidden" name="backto" value="coursecatalog" />'."\n".
                                  '<input type="hidden" name="courseid" value="" />'."\n".

                    } else {
                        $codemsg = &mt('Code matched, but course ID to which this mapped is invalid.');
                } else {
                    $codemsg = &mt('Code matched, but course ID to which this mapped is invalid.');              
            } else {
                $codemsg = &mt('No match');
        $r->print('<br />'.&Apache::loncommon::end_page());
        return OK;
    } else {
        if ($env{'form.coursenum'} ne '') {
            if ($env{'form.coursenum'} =~ /^$LONCAPA::match_courseid$/) {
                $cnum = $env{'form.coursenum'};
            } else {

    my (@cats,@trails,%allitems,%idx,@jsarray,%subcathash,$subcats,%maxd,
    if ($env{'form.withsubcats'}) {
        $subcats = \%subcathash;
    if (ref($cats[0]) eq 'ARRAY') {
        foreach my $item (@{$cats[0]}) {
            $toplevelstr .= "'".&js_escape($item)."::0',";
            $maxdepthstr .= "'$maxd{$item}',";
        $toplevelstr =~ s/,$//;
        $maxdepthstr =~ s/,$//;
    my ($numtitles,@codetitles);
    if (($env{'form.coursenum'} ne '') && ($knownuser)) {
    } else {
        my ($catlinks,$has_subcats,$selitem) = &category_breadcrumbs($codedom,@cats);
        my $wasacctext = &get_wasactive_text();
        my %js_lt = &Apache::lonlocal::texthash(
                                                 'noch' => 'No changes made in drop-down lists',
                                                 'chsu' => 'Choose a subcategory to display',
                                                 'chca' => 'Choose a category to display',
        my $catjs = <<"ENDSCRIPT";

function changeSort(caller) {
    document.$formname.sortby.value = caller;

function setCourseId(caller) {
    document.$formname.coursenum.value = caller;

        $catjs .= &courselink_javascript($hostname);
        if (&user_is_dc($codedom) || $canviewall) {
            $catjs .= <<ENDTOGGJS

function toggleStatuses() {
    if (document.$formname.showdetails.checked) {
        document.getElementById('statuscell').style.borderLeft='1px solid'; 
    } else {

function toggleWasActive() {
    if (document.getElementById('counts_Previous')) {
        if (document.getElementById('counts_Previous').checked) {
            document.getElementById('choosewasacctext').innerHTML = '$wasacctext';
        } else {
            document.getElementById('choosewasacctext').innerHTML = '';

        if ($env{'form.currcat_0'} eq 'instcode::0') {
            $numtitles = &instcode_course_selector($r,$codedom,$formname,$domdesc,
            if ($env{'form.state'} eq 'listing') {
        } else {
            my (%add_entries);
            my ($currdepth,$deeper) = &get_depth_values();
            my $alert = $js_lt{'chsu'};
            if (!$deeper) {
                $alert = $js_lt{'chca'};
            $catjs .= <<"ENDJS";
function check_selected() {
    var currdepth = parseInt('$currdepth');
    var countchanged = 0;
    for (var i=0; i<=currdepth; i++) {
        var selidx = document.coursecats.elements['currcat_'+i].selectedIndex;
        var selvalue = document.coursecats.elements['currcat_'+i].options[selidx].value;
        if (i<currdepth) {
            var initialvalue = document.coursecats.elements['initialcurrcat_'+i].value;
            if (selvalue != initialvalue) {
                countchanged ++;
        } else {
            if (countchanged == 0) {
                if (selvalue == "") {
                    return false;
                } else {
                    countchanged ++;
    if (countchanged == 0) {
        return false;
            my $js = '<script type="text/javascript">'."\n".
                     '// <![CDATA['."\n".
                     '// ]]>'."\n".
            if ($env{'form.currcat_0'} ne '') {
                $r->print('<form name="'.$formname.
                          '" method="post" action="/adm/coursecatalog">'.
                $r->print('<input type="hidden" name="catalog_maxdepth" value="'.
                          $deeper.'" />'."\n");
                for (my $i=0; $i<$deeper; $i++) {
                    $r->print('<input type="hidden" name="currcat_'.$i.'" value="'.$env{'form.currcat_'.$i}.'" />'."\n");
                my $display_button;
                if ($env{'form.currcat_0'} eq 'communities::0') {
                    $display_button = &mt('Display communities');
                } elsif ($env{'form.currcat_0'} eq 'placement::0') {
                    $display_button = &mt('Display placement tests');
                } else {
                    $display_button = &mt('Display courses');
                $r->print('<input type="hidden" name="coursenum" value="" />'."\n".
                          '<input type="hidden" name="sortby" value="" />'."\n".
                          '<input type="hidden" name="state" value="listing" />'."\n".
                          '<input type="hidden" name="showdom" value="'.
                          $env{'form.showdom'}.'" />'.
                          '<input type="submit" name="catalogfilter" value="'.
                          $display_button.'" /></form><br /><br />');
            if ($env{'form.state'} eq 'listing') {
    return OK;

sub validate_input {
    my ($codedom,$cats,$maxd,$crscatsref) = @_;
    my $currcat = '';
    my $depth = 0;
    if ($env{'form.catalog_maxdepth'} ne '') {
        $env{'form.catalog_maxdepth'} =~ s{\D}{}g;
    if ((ref($cats) eq 'ARRAY') && (ref($maxd) eq 'HASH')) {
        if (ref($cats->[0]) eq 'ARRAY') {
            if (@{$cats->[0]} == 1) {
                if ($cats->[0][0] eq 'instcode') {
                    $currcat = 'instcode::0';
                } elsif ($cats->[0][0] eq 'communities') {
                    $currcat = 'communities::0';
                } elsif ($cats->[0][0] eq 'placement') {
                    $currcat = 'placement::0';
                } else {
                    my $name = $cats->[0][0];
                    $currcat = &escape($name).'::0';
                if (exists($maxd->{$cats->[0][0]})) {
                    if ($env{'form.catalog_maxdepth'} <= $maxd->{$cats->[0][0]}) {
                        $depth = $env{'form.catalog_maxdepth'};
                    } else {
                        $depth = $maxd->{$cats->[0][0]};
            } elsif ((@{$cats->[0]} > 1) && ($env{'form.currcat_0'} ne '')) {
                my ($escname) = ($env{'form.currcat_0'} =~ /^([^:]+)\:\:0$/);
                if ($escname =~ /^instcode|communities|placement$/) {
                    $currcat = $env{'form.currcat_0'};
                    if (exists($maxd->{$escname})) {
                        if ($env{'form.catalog_maxdepth'} <= $maxd->{$escname}) {
                            $depth = $env{'form.catalog_maxdepth'};
                        } else {
                            $depth = $maxd->{$escname};
                    } else {
                        $depth = 1;
                } elsif ($escname ne '') {
                    my $name = &unescape($escname);
                    if (grep(/^\Q$name\E$/,@{$cats->[0]})) {
                        $currcat = $env{'form.currcat_0'};
                        if (exists($maxd->{$name})) {
                            if ($env{'form.catalog_maxdepth'} <= $maxd->{$name}) {
                                $depth = $env{'form.catalog_maxdepth'};
                            } else {
                                $depth = $maxd->{$name};
    $env{'form.currcat_0'} = $currcat;
    $env{'form.catalog_maxdepth'} = $depth;

    my %possibles = (
        backto => 1,
        catalogfilter => 1,
        catalog_maxdepth => 1,
        courseid => 1,
        coursenum => 1,
        currcat_0 => 1,
        numtitles => 1,
        Year => 1,
        Semester => 1,
        Department => 1,
        Number => 1,
        showdom => 1,
        sortby => 1,
        showcounts => 1,
        showdetails => 1,
        showhidden => 1,
        showselfenroll => 1,
        state => 1,
        uniquecode => 1,
        wasactive => 1,
        wasactiveon_day => 1,
        wasactiveon_month => 1,
        wasactiveon_year => 1,
        withsubcats => 1,
    my %currcats;
    if ($env{'form.catalog_maxdepth'} > 0) {
        for (my $i=1; $i<=$env{'form.catalog_maxdepth'}; $i++) {
            $currcats{'currcat_'.$i} = 1;
            $possibles{'currcat_'.$i} = 1;

    foreach my $key (sort(keys(%env))) {
        if ($key =~ /^form\.currcat_(.+)$/) {
            unless ($possibles{'currcat_'.$1}) {
    if (exists($env{'form.backto'})) {
        unless ($env{'form.backto'} eq 'coursecatalog') {
    if (exists($env{'form.catalogfilter'})) {
        unless (($env{'form.catalogfilter'} eq &mt('Display courses')) ||
                ($env{'form.catalogfilter'} eq &mt('Display communities')) ||
                ($env{'form.catalogfilter'} eq &mt('Display placement tests'))) {
    if (exists($env{'form.courseid'})) {
        if ($env{'form.courseid'} ne '') {
            unless ($env{'form.courseid'} =~ /^\Q$codedom\E_$LONCAPA::match_courseid$/) {
                $env{'form.courseid'} = '';
    if (exists($env{'form.coursenum'})) {
        unless ($env{'form.coursenum'} =~ /^$LONCAPA::match_courseid$/) {
            $env{'form.coursenum'} = '';
    if (exists($env{'form.currcat_0'})) {
        unless ($env{'form.currcat_0'} =~ /^(instcode|communities|placement)\Q::0\E$/) {
            if ($env{'form.currcat_0'} =~ /^.+\Q::0\E$/) {
                if (ref($crscatsref) eq 'HASH') {
                    unless (exists($crscatsref->{$env{'form.currcat_0'}})) {
                } else {
            } else {
    if (exists($env{'form.numtitles'})) {
        unless ($env{'form.numtitles'} =~ /^\d+$/) {
    my ($gotcodes,%possvals);
    foreach my $item ('Year','Semester','Department','Number') {
        if (exists($env{'form.'.$item})) {
            unless ($env{'form.'.$item} eq '0') {
                unless ($gotcodes) {
                    $gotcodes = &get_instcode_allowable($codedom,\%possvals);
                if (ref($possvals{$item}) eq 'HASH') {
                    unless (exists($possvals{$item}{$env{'form.'.$item}})) {
                } else {
    if (exists($env{'form.showdom'})) {
        unless ($env{'form.showdom'} =~ /^$LONCAPA::match_domain$/) {
    if (exists($env{'form.sortby'})) {
        unless ($env{'form.sortby'} =~ /^(title|code|owner|cats)$/) {
    if (exists($env{'form.showcounts'})) {
        if (ref($env{'form.showcounts'}) eq 'ARRAY') {
            foreach my $item (@{$env{'form.showcounts'}}) {
                unless ($item =~ /^(Active|Future|Previous)$/) {
        } else {
            unless ($env{'form.showcounts'} =~ /^(Active|Future|Previous)$/) {
    foreach my $item ('showhidden','showdetails','showselfenroll','withsubcats') {
        if (exists($env{'form.'.$item})) {
            unless ($env{'form.'.$item} eq '1') {
    if (exists($env{'form.state'})) {
        unless ($env{'form.state'} eq 'listing') {
    if (exists($env{'form.uniquecode'})) {
        unless ($env{'form.uniquecode'} =~ /^\w{6}$/) {
    if (exists($env{'form.wasactive'})) {
        unless (($env{'form.wasactive'} eq 'accessend') || ($env{'form.wasactive'} eq 'enrollend')) {
    if (exists($env{'form.wasactiveon_day'})) {
        my $tmpday = $env{'form.wasactiveon_day'};
        unless (($tmpday =~ /^\d+$/) && ($tmpday > 0) && ($tmpday < 32)) {
    if (exists($env{'form.wasactiveon_month'})) {
        my $tmpmonth = $env{'form.wasactiveon_month'};
        unless (($tmpmonth =~ /^\d+$/) && ($tmpmonth > 0) && ($tmpmonth < 13)) {
    if (exists($env{'form.wasactiveon_year'})) {
        my $tmpyear = $env{'form.wasactiveon_year'};
        unless (($tmpyear =~ /^\d+$/) && ($tmpyear >= 1970)) {
    if (keys(%currcats)) {
        foreach my $key (keys(%currcats)) {
            if ($env{'form.'.$key} eq '') {
            } elsif (ref($crscatsref) eq 'HASH') {
                unless (exists($crscatsref->{$env{'form.'.$key}})) {
            } else {

sub get_instcode_allowable {
    my ($codedom,$possvalref) = @_;
    return 1 unless (ref($possvalref) eq 'HASH');
    my $instcats = &Apache::lonnet::get_dom_instcats($codedom);
    if (ref($instcats) eq 'HASH') {
        if ((ref($instcats->{'codetitles'}) eq 'ARRAY') && (ref($instcats->{'codes'}) eq 'HASH')) {
            my %codes = %{$instcats->{'codes'}};
            my @codetitles = @{$instcats->{'codetitles'}};
            my @standardnames = &Apache::loncommon::get_standard_codeitems();
            my %local_to_standard;
            for (my $i=0; $i<@codetitles; $i++) {
                $local_to_standard{$codetitles[$i]} = $standardnames[$i];
                $possvalref->{$standardnames[$i]} = {};
            foreach my $cid (sort(keys(%codes))) {
                if (ref($codes{$cid}) eq 'HASH') {
                    foreach my $item (keys(%{$codes{$cid}})) {
                        $possvalref->{$local_to_standard{$item}}{$codes{$cid}{$item}} = 1;
    return 1;

sub course_details {
    my ($r,$codedom,$formname,$domdesc,$hostname,$trails,$allitems,$codetitles) = @_;
    my $output;
    my %add_entries = (topmargin    => "0",
                       marginheight => "0",);
    my $js = '<script type="text/javascript">'."\n".
    my $start_page =
        &Apache::loncommon::start_page('Course/Community Catalog',$js,
                                       {'add_entries' => \%add_entries, });
    if ($env{'form.numtitles'} > 0) {
                  text=>"Course/Community Catalog"});
    my $brtextone = 'Course listing';
    my $brtexttwo = 'Course details';
    my $textthree = &mt('Detailed course information:');
    my $textfour = &mt('Back to course listing');
    if ($env{'form.currcat_0'} eq 'communities::0') {
        $brtextone = 'Community listing';
        $brtexttwo = 'Community details';
        $textthree = &mt('Detailed community information:');
        $textfour = &mt('Back to community listing');
    } elsif ($env{'form.currcat_0'} eq 'placement::0') {
        $brtextone = 'Placement test listing';
        $brtexttwo = 'Placement test details';
        $textthree = &mt('Detailed placement test information:');
        $textfour = &mt('Back to placement test listing');
        &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::breadcrumbs('Course/Community Catalog').
        '<div role="main">'.
        '<br />'.
        '<form name="'.$formname.'" method="post" action="/adm/coursecatalog">'.
            '<a href = "javascript:document.coursecatalog.submit()">'.$textfour.'</a>']).

sub coursesearch {
    my ($codedom,$domdesc,$uniquecode) = @_;
    my %lt = &Apache::lonlocal::texthash (
                                           crlk => 'Course look-up',  
                                           code => 'Code',
                                           ifyo => 'Enter the course code (six letters and numbers)',
                                           srch => 'Find course',
    return <<"END";
<h3>$lt{'crlk'} ($domdesc)</h3>
<form name="searchbycode" method="post" action="">
<span class="LC_nobreak">
<input type="text" value="$uniquecode" size="6" name="uniquecode" />&nbsp;
<br />
<input type="submit" value="$lt{'srch'}" name="srch" /></span>

sub courselink_javascript {
    my ($hostname) = @_;
    return <<"END";

function ToSyllabus(cdom,cnum,usehttp) {
    if (cdom == '' || cdom == null) {
    if (cnum == '' || cnum == null) {
    document.linklaunch.action = "/public/"+cdom+"/"+cnum+"/syllabus";
    if (usehttp == 1) {
        var hostname = '$hostname';
        if (hostname != '') {
            document.linklaunch.action = 'http://'+hostname+document.linklaunch.action;
        document.linklaunch.action += '?usehttp=1';

function ToSelfenroll(courseid) {
    if (courseid == '') {
    document.linklaunch.action = "/adm/selfenroll";
    document.linklaunch.courseid.value = courseid;


sub instcode_course_selector {
    my ($r,$codedom,$formname,$domdesc,$catlinks,$catjs,$codetitles,$cattype,$canviewall) = @_;
    my %cat_titles = ();
    my %cat_order = ();
    my %cat_items = ();
    my %add_entries = (topmargin    => "0",
                       marginheight => "0",);
    my ($jscript,$totcodes,$numtitles,$lasttitle) = 
    my $js = '<script type="text/javascript">'."\n".
             '// <![CDATA['."\n".
             '// ]]>'."\n".
    if ($totcodes) {
        if (($env{'form.state'} eq 'listing') && ($numtitles > 0)) {
            $add_entries{'onload'} = 'setElements();';
        if (&user_is_dc($codedom) || $canviewall) {
            $add_entries{'onload'} .= ' toggleStatuses();toggleWasActive();'
        my $cat_maxdepth = $env{'form.catalog_maxdepth'};
        $r->print('<form name="'.$formname.'" method="post" action="/adm/coursecatalog">'.
                  '<input type="hidden" name="catalog_maxdepth" value="'.$cat_maxdepth.'" />'."\n".
                  '<input type="hidden" name="showdom" value="'.$env{'form.showdom'}.'" />'."\n".
                  '<input type="hidden" name="currcat_0" value="instcode::0" />'.
        if ($numtitles > 0) {
            $r->print('<b>'.&mt('Choose which course(s) to list.').'</b><br />'.
        $r->print('<input type="hidden" name="coursenum" value="" />'."\n".
                  '<input type="hidden" name="sortby" value="" />'."\n".
                  '<input type="hidden" name="state" value="listing" />'."\n".
                  '<input type="submit" name="catalogfilter" value="'.
                  &mt('Display courses').'" />'.
                  '<input type="hidden" name="numtitles" value="'.$numtitles.
                  '" /></form><br /><br />');
    } else {
        $js = '<script type="text/javascript">'."\n".
              '// <![CDATA['."\n".
              '// ]]>'."\n".
        my $cat_maxdepth = $env{'form.catalog_maxdepth'};
        $r->print('<form name="'.$formname.'" method="post" action="/adm/coursecatalog">'.
                  '<input type="hidden" name="catalog_maxdepth" value="'.$cat_maxdepth.'" />'.
                  '<input type="hidden" name="showdom" value="'.$env{'form.showdom'}.'" />'.
                  '<input type="hidden" name="currcat_0" value="instcode::0" />');
        $r->print('<br />'.&mt('No official courses to display for [_1].',$domdesc).'</form>');
    return $numtitles;

sub cat_header {
    my ($r,$codedom,$js,$add_entries,$catlinks,$numtitles,$cattype) = @_;
    my $start_page =
        &Apache::loncommon::start_page('Course/Community Catalog',$js,
                                       { 'add_entries' => $add_entries, });
    my $brtext = 'Course listing';
    if ($env{'form.currcat_0'} eq 'communities::0') {
        $brtext = 'Community listing';
    } elsif ($env{'form.currcat_0'} eq 'placement::0') {
        $brtext = 'Placement test listing';
    if ($env{'form.state'} eq 'listing') {
        if ($numtitles > 0) {
                  text=>"Course/Community Catalog"},
        } else {
    } else {
          text=>"Course/Community Catalog"});
    $r->print(&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::breadcrumbs('Course/Community Catalog').
              '<div role="main">');
    if ($cattype eq 'std') {
        $r->print('<form name="coursecatdom" method="post" action="/adm/coursecatalog">'.
                  '<table border="0"><tr><th align="left"><label for="showdom">'.&mt('Domain:').'</label></th><td>'.
                  '&nbsp;<input type="submit" name="godom" value="'.&mt('Change').'" />'."\n".
                  '<input type="hidden" name="initialshowdom" value="'.$codedom.'" />'."\n".
    my $onsubmit;
    unless ($env{'form.currcat_0'} eq 'instcode::0') {
        $onsubmit = ' onsubmit="return check_selected();"';
    $r->print('<form name="coursecats" method="post" action="/adm/coursecatalog"'.$onsubmit.'>'.
              '<table border="0"><tr>'.$catlinks.'</tr></table></form>');

sub category_breadcrumbs {
    my ($dom,@cats) = @_;
    my $crumbsymbol = ' &#x25b6; ';
    my ($currdepth,$deeper) = &get_depth_values();
    my $currcat_str = 
        '<input type="hidden" name="catalog_maxdepth" value="'.$deeper.'" />'.
        '<input type="hidden" name="showdom" value="'.$dom.'" />';
    my $catlinks = '<th class="LC_middle LC_left">'.&mt('Catalog:').'</th><td><div class="LC_leftfloat">';
    my $has_subcats;
    my $selitem;
    my $update_button;
    if (ref($cats[0]) eq 'ARRAY') {
        if (@{$cats[0]} == 0) {
            $catlinks .= &mt('No categories defined in this domain'); 
        } elsif (@{$cats[0]} == 1) {
            if ($cats[0][0] eq 'instcode') {
                $catlinks .= &mt('Official courses (with institutional codes)');
                $env{'form.currcat_0'} = 'instcode::0';
            } elsif ($cats[0][0] eq 'communities') {
                $catlinks .= &mt('Communities');
                $env{'form.currcat_0'} = 'communities::0';
            } elsif ($cats[0][0] eq 'placement') {
                $catlinks .= &mt('Placement Tests');
                $env{'form.currcat_0'} = 'placement::0';
            } else {
                my $name = $cats[0][0];
                my $item = &escape($name).'::0';
                $catlinks .= $name;
                $env{'form.currcat_0'} = $item;
            $currcat_str .= '<input type="hidden" name="currcat_0" value="'.$env{'form.currcat_0'}.'" />';
        } else {
            $update_button = 1;
            $catlinks .= &main_category_selector(@cats);
            if (($env{'form.currcat_0'} ne '') && 
                ($env{'form.currcat_0'} ne 'instcode::0')) {
                $catlinks .= $crumbsymbol;
    } else {
        $catlinks .= &mt('Official courses (with institutional codes)');
                     $env{'form.currcat_0'} = 'instcode::0';
        $currcat_str .= '<input type="hidden" name="currcat_0" value="'.$env{'form.currcat_0'}.'" />';
    if ($deeper) {
        for (my $i=1; $i<=$deeper; $i++) {
            my $shallower = $i-1;
            next if ($shallower == 0);
            my ($cat,$container,$depth) = map { &unescape($_); } split(/:/,$env{'form.currcat_'.$shallower});
            if ($cat ne '') {
                my $labeltext = &HTML::Entities::encode(&mt('Level [_1] category',$shallower),'<>&"');
                $catlinks .= '<select name="currcat_'.$shallower.'" aria-label="'.$labeltext.'">';
                if (ref($cats[$shallower]{$container}) eq 'ARRAY') {
                    $catlinks .= '<option value="-1">'.&mt('De-select').'</option>';
                    for (my $j=0; $j<@{$cats[$shallower]{$container}}; $j++) {
                        my $name = $cats[$shallower]{$container}[$j];
                        my $item = &escape($name).':'.&escape($container).':'.$shallower;
                        my $selected = '';
                        if ($item eq $env{'form.currcat_'.$shallower}) {
                            $selected = ' selected="selected"';
                        $catlinks .= 
                           '<option value="'.$item.'"'.$selected.'>'.$name.'</option>';
                $catlinks .= '</select>'.
                             '<input type="hidden" name="initialcurrcat_'.$shallower.'" value="'.$env{'form.currcat_'.$shallower}.'" />';
            unless ($i == $deeper) {
                $catlinks .= $crumbsymbol;
        my ($cat,$container,$depth);
        if ($env{'form.currcat_'.$currdepth} eq '') {
            my $shallower = $currdepth - 1;
            ($cat,$container,$depth) = map { &unescape($_); } split(/:/,$env{'form.currcat_'.$shallower});
        } else {
            ($cat,$container,$depth) = map { &unescape($_); } split(/:/,$env{'form.currcat_'.$currdepth});
        my $deeperlevel = $depth +1;
        if (ref($cats[$deeperlevel]{$cat}) eq 'ARRAY') {
            $has_subcats = 1;
            my $buttontext = &mt('Show subcategories');
            my $selitem = 'currcat_'.$deeperlevel;
            my $labeltext = &HTML::Entities::encode(&mt('Level [_1] category',$deeperlevel),'<>&"');
            $catlinks .= '&nbsp;<select name="'.$selitem.'" aria-label="'.$labeltext.'">';
            if (@{$cats[$deeperlevel]{$cat}}) {
                $catlinks .= '<option value="" selected="selected">'.
                             &mt('Subcategory ...').'</option>';
            for (my $k=0; $k<@{$cats[$deeperlevel]{$cat}}; $k++) {
                my $name = $cats[$deeperlevel]{$cat}[$k];
                my $item = &escape($name).':'.&escape($cat).':'.$deeperlevel;
                $catlinks .= '<option value="'.$item.'">'.$name.'</option>'."\n";
            $catlinks .= '</select>'."\n";
        } elsif ($cat ne 'instcode') {
            $catlinks .= '&nbsp;'.&mt('(No subcategories)');
    } else {
        $selitem = 'currcat_0';
    $catlinks .= $currcat_str;
    if ($update_button) {
        $catlinks .= '&nbsp;<input type="submit" name="gocat" value="'.&mt('Update').'" />'."\n";
    $catlinks .= '</div></td>';
    return ($catlinks,$has_subcats,$selitem);

sub main_category_selector {
    my (@cats) = @_;
    my $labeltext = &HTML::Entities::encode(&mt('Top level category'),'<>&"');
    my $maincatlinks = '<select name="currcat_0" aria-label="'.$labeltext.'">'."\n";
    if (ref($cats[0]) eq 'ARRAY') {
        if (@{$cats[0]} > 1) {
            my $selected = '';
            if ($env{'form.currcat_0'} eq '') {
                $selected = ' selected="selected"';    
            $maincatlinks .= 
                '<option value=""'.$selected.'>'.&mt('Select').'</option>'."\n";
        for (my $i=0; $i<@{$cats[0]}; $i++) {
            my $name = $cats[0][$i];
            my $item = &escape($name).'::0';
            my $selected;
            if ($env{'form.currcat_0'} eq $item) {
                $selected = ' selected="selected"';
            $maincatlinks .= '<option value="'.$item.'"'.$selected.'>';
            if ($name eq 'instcode') {
                $maincatlinks .= &mt('Official courses (with institutional codes)');
            } elsif ($name eq 'communities') {
                $maincatlinks .= &mt('Communities');
            } elsif ($name eq 'placement') {
                $maincatlinks .= &mt('Placement Tests');
            } else {
                $maincatlinks .= $name;
            $maincatlinks .= '</option>'."\n";
        $maincatlinks .= '</select>'."\n".
                         '<input type="hidden" name="initialcurrcat_0" value="'.$env{'form.currcat_0'}.'" />'."\n";
    return $maincatlinks;

sub get_depth_values {
    my $currdepth = 0;
    my $deeper = 0;
    if ($env{'form.catalog_maxdepth'} ne '') {
        $currdepth = $env{'form.catalog_maxdepth'};
        if ($env{'form.currcat_'.$currdepth} eq '') {
            $deeper = $currdepth;
        } else {
            $deeper = $currdepth + 1;
    return ($currdepth,$deeper);

sub additional_filters {
    my ($codedom,$has_subcats,$canviewall) = @_;
    my $is_dc = &user_is_dc($codedom);
    my $output = '<div class="LC_left_float">';
    if ($is_dc || $canviewall) {
        $output .= '<fieldset><legend>'.&mt('Options').'</legend>';
    $output .= '<div class="LC_floatleft" style="text-align: top">';
    if (($env{'form.currcat_0'} ne 'instcode::0') &&
        ($env{'form.currcat_0'} ne '') && ($has_subcats)) {
        my $include_subcat_status;
        if ($env{'form.withsubcats'}) {
            $include_subcat_status = 'checked="checked" ';
        my $counter = $env{'form.catalog_maxdepth'};
        if ($counter > 0) {
            if ($env{'form.state'} eq 'listing') {
                $counter --;
            } elsif ($env{'form.currcat_'.$counter} eq '') {
                $counter --;
        my ($catname) = split(/:/,$env{'form.currcat_'.$counter});
        if ($catname ne '') {
            $output .= '<span class="LC_nobreak"><label>'.
                       '<input type="checkbox" name="withsubcats" value="1" '.
                       &mt('Include subcategories within "[_1]"',
                           &unescape($catname)).'</label></span><br />';
    my $show_selfenroll_status;
    if ($env{'form.showselfenroll'}) {
        $show_selfenroll_status = 'checked="checked" ';
    my $selfenroll_text;
    if ($env{'form.currcat_0'} eq 'communities::0') {
        $selfenroll_text = &mt('Only show communities which currently allow self-enrollment (or will allow it in the future)');
    } elsif ($env{'form.currcat_0'} eq 'placement::0') {
        $selfenroll_text = &mt('Only show placement tests which currently allow self-enrollment (or will allow it in the future)');
    } else {
        $selfenroll_text = &mt('Only show courses which currently allow self-enrollment (or will allow it in the future)');
    $output .= '<span class="LC_nobreak">'.
               '<label><input type="checkbox" name="showselfenroll" value="1" '.
               '</label></span><br />';
    if ($is_dc || $canviewall) {
        my ($titlesref,$orderref) = &get_statustitles('filters');
        my $showdetails_status;
        if ($env{'form.showdetails'}) {
            $showdetails_status = 'checked="checked" ';
        my $showhidden_status;
        if ($env{'form.showhidden'}) {
            $showhidden_status = 'checked="checked" ';
        my @currstatuses = &Apache::loncommon::get_env_multiple('form.showcounts');
        my ($details_text,$hidden_text,$statusdisplay,$cellborder);
        my $wasactivedisplay = 'none';
        if ($env{'form.showdetails'}) {
            $statusdisplay = 'block';
            $cellborder = 'border-left: 1px solid;';
            if (grep(/^Previous$/,@currstatuses)) {
                $wasactivedisplay = 'block';
        } else {
            $statusdisplay = 'none';
            $cellborder = 'border-left: 0px;';
        $cellborder .= ' vertical-align: top;';
        if ($env{'form.currcat_0'} eq 'communities::0') {
            $details_text = &mt('Show full details for each community (domain staff only)');
            $hidden_text = &mt('Include communities set to be hidden from catalog (domain staff only)');
        } elsif ($env{'form.currcat_0'} eq 'placement::0') {
            $details_text = &mt('Show full details for each placement test (domain staff only)');
            $hidden_text = &mt('Include placement tests set to be hidden from catalog (domain staff only)');
        } else {
            $details_text = &mt('Show full details for each course (domain staff only)');
            $hidden_text = &mt('Include courses set to be hidden from catalog (domain staff only)');
        if ($is_dc) {
            $output .= '<span class="LC_nobreak">'.
                       '<label><input type="checkbox" name="showhidden" value="1" '.
                       '</label></span><br />'."\n";
        $output .= '<span class="LC_nobreak">'.
                   '<label><input type="checkbox" name="showdetails" value="1" '.
                   $showdetails_status.'onclick="toggleStatuses();" />'.
                   '<div class="LC_floatleft" id="statuscell" style="'.$cellborder.'">'.
                   '<div class="LC_floatleft" id="statuschoice" style="display:'.$statusdisplay.'; margin-left: 10px">';
        if (ref($orderref) eq 'ARRAY') {
            if (@{$orderref} > 0) {
                foreach my $type (@{$orderref}) {
                    my $checked;
                    if (grep(/^\Q$type\E$/,@currstatuses)) {
                        $checked = ' checked="checked"';
                    my $title;
                    if (ref($titlesref) eq 'HASH') {
                        $title = $titlesref->{$type};
                    unless ($title) {
                        $title = &mt($type);
                    my $onclick;
                    if ($type eq 'Previous') {
                        $onclick = ' onclick="toggleWasActive();"'; 
                    $output .= '<span class="LC_nobreak">'.
                               '<label><input type="checkbox" id="counts_'.$type.'"'.
                               ' name="showcounts" value="'.$type.'"'.$checked.$onclick.
                               ' />'.$title.'</label></span>';
                    if ($type eq 'Previous') {
                        my %milestonetext = &Apache::lonlocal::texthash (
                            accessend => 'immediately prior to default end access date',
                            enrollend => 'immediately prior to end date for auto-enrollment',
                            date      => 'immediately prior to specific date:',
                        my @statuses = &Apache::loncommon::get_env_multiple('form.showcounts');
                        my $wasactivetext;
                        if ($checked) {
                            $wasactivetext = &get_wasactive_text();
                        $output .= '<div id="choosewasactive" style="display:'.$wasactivedisplay.'">'."\n".
                                   '<fieldset style="margin-left: 4px">'."\n".
                                   '<legend id="choosewasacctext" style="font-weight: normal">'."\n".
                        my @milestones = ('accessend');
                        if (&Apache::lonnet::auto_run(undef,$codedom)) {
                        foreach my $item (@milestones) {
                            my $checked;
                            if ($env{'form.state'} eq 'listing') {
                                if ($env{'form.wasactive'} eq $item) {
                                    $checked = ' checked="checked"';
                            } elsif ($item eq 'accessend') {
                                $checked = ' checked="checked"';
                            $output .=
                                '<span class="LC_nobreak" style="padding-left:10px;"><label>'.
                                '<input type="radio" value="'.$item.'" name="wasactive"'.$checked.' />'.
                            if ($item eq 'date') {
                                my $wasactiveon;
                                if (grep(/^Previous$/,@currstatuses)) {
                                    $wasactiveon =
                                } else {
                                    $wasactiveon = 'now';
                                $output .= ' '.
                            $output .= '<br />';
                        $output .= '</fieldset></div>';
                    $output .= '<br />';
        $output .= '</div></div>';
    } else {
        $output .= '</div>';  
    $output .= '</fieldset></div>'.
               '<div style="clear:both;margin:0;"></div>';  
    return $output;

sub user_is_dc {
    my ($codedom) = @_;
    if (exists($env{'user.role.dc./'.$codedom.'/'})) {
        my $livedc = 1;
        my $now = time;
        my ($start,$end)=split(/\./,$env{'user.role.dc./'.$codedom.'/'});
        if ($start && $start>$now) { $livedc = 0; }
        if ($end   && $end  <$now) { $livedc = 0; }
        return $livedc;

sub canview_all {
    my ($knownuser,$codedom) = @_;
    my $canviewall = 0;
    my $page = 'coursecatalog';
    if (&LONCAPA::lonauthcgi::can_view($page)) {
        $canviewall = 1;
    } elsif (&LONCAPA::lonauthcgi::check_ipbased_access($page)) {
        $canviewall= 1;
    } elsif (($knownuser) && ($codedom ne '')) {
        if (&Apache::lonnet::allowed('dcd',$codedom)) {
            $canviewall = 1;
    return $canviewall;

sub get_statustitles {
    my ($caller) = @_;
    my @status_order = ('Active','Future','Previous');
    my %status_title;
    if ($caller eq 'filters') {
        %status_title = &Apache::lonlocal::texthash(
                           Previous => 'Show count for past access',
                           Active => 'Show count for current student access',
                           Future => 'Show count for future student access',
        if ($env{'form.currcat_0'} eq 'communities::0') {
            $status_title{'Active'} = 'Show count for current member access';
            $status_title{'Future'} = 'Show count for future member access'; 
    } else {    
        %status_title = &Apache::lonlocal::texthash(
                           Previous => 'Previous access',
                           Active => 'Current access',
                           Future => 'Future access',
    return (\%status_title,\@status_order);

sub get_wasactive_text {
    my $wasacctext;
    if ($env{'form.currcat_0'} eq 'communities::0') {
        $wasacctext .= &mt('count where member access status was current ...');
    } else {
        $wasacctext .= &mt('count where student access status was current ...');
    return $wasacctext;

sub search_official_courselist {
    my ($domain,$numtitles,$codetitles) = @_;
    my $instcode = &Apache::courseclassifier::instcode_search_str($domain,$numtitles,$codetitles);
    my $showhidden;
    if (&user_is_dc($domain)) {
        $showhidden = $env{'form.showhidden'};
    my %courses = 
    return %courses;

sub search_courselist {
    my ($domain,$subcats) = @_;
    my $cat_maxdepth = $env{'form.catalog_maxdepth'};
    my $filter = $env{'form.currcat_'.$cat_maxdepth};
    if (($filter eq '') && ($cat_maxdepth > 0)) {
        my $shallower = $cat_maxdepth - 1;
        $filter = $env{'form.currcat_'.$shallower};
    my %courses;
    my $filterstr;
    if ($filter ne '') {
        if ($env{'form.withsubcats'}) {
            if (ref($subcats) eq 'HASH') {
                if (ref($subcats->{$filter}) eq 'ARRAY') {
                    $filterstr = join('&',@{$subcats->{$filter}});
                    if ($filterstr ne '') {
                        $filterstr = $filter.'&'.$filterstr;
                } else {
                    $filterstr = $filter;
            } else {
                $filterstr = $filter;
        } else {
            $filterstr = $filter; 
        my ($showhidden,$typefilter);
        if (&user_is_dc($domain)) {
            $showhidden = $env{'form.showhidden'};
        if ($env{'form.currcat_0'} eq 'communities::0') {
            $typefilter = 'Community';
        } elsif ($env{'form.currcat_0'} eq 'placement::0') {
            $typefilter = 'Placement';
        } else {
            $typefilter = '.';
        %courses = 
    return %courses;

sub print_course_listing {
    my ($domain,$numtitles,$trails,$allitems,$subcats,$codetitles,$canviewall,$hostname) = @_;
    my $output;
    my %courses;
    my $knownuser = &user_is_known();
    my $canviewall = &canview_all();
    my $details = $env{'form.coursenum'};
    if (&user_is_dc($domain) || $canviewall) {
        if ($env{'form.showdetails'}) {
            $details = 1;
    if ($env{'form.coursenum'} ne '') {
        %courses = &Apache::lonnet::courseiddump($domain,'.',1,'.','.',
        if (keys(%courses) == 0) {
            $output = '<p class="LC_error">';
            if ($env{'form.currcat_0'} eq 'communities::0') {
                $output .= &mt('The courseID provided does not match a community in this domain.');
            } elsif ($env{'form.currcat_0'} eq 'placement::0') {
                $output .= &mt('The courseID provided does not match a placement test in this domain.');
            } else {
                $output .= &mt('The courseID provided does not match a course in this domain.');
            $output .= '</p>';
            return $output;
    } else {
        if ($env{'form.currcat_0'} eq 'instcode::0') {
            %courses = &search_official_courselist($domain,$numtitles,$codetitles);
        } else {
            %courses = &search_courselist($domain,$subcats);
        if (keys(%courses) == 0) {
            $output = '<p class="LC_info">';
            if ($env{'form.currcat_0'} eq 'communities::0') {
                $output .= &mt('No communities match the criteria you selected.');
            } elsif ($env{'form.currcat_0'} eq 'placement::0') {
                $output .= &mt('No placement tests match the criteria you selected.');
            } else {
                $output .= &mt('No courses match the criteria you selected.');
            $output .= '</p>';
            return $output;
        if (($knownuser) && (!$env{'form.showdetails'}) && (!&user_is_dc($domain)) && (!$canviewall)) {
            $output = '<b>'.&mt('Note for students:').'</b> '
                     .&mt('If you are officially enrolled in a course but the course is not listed in your LON-CAPA courses, click the "Show more details" link for the specific course and check the default access dates and/or automated enrollment settings.')
                     .'<br /><br />';
    my $now = time;
    $output .= &construct_data_table($knownuser,$domain,\%courses,$details,undef,
    $output .= "\n".'<form name="linklaunch" method="post" action="">'.
               '<input type="hidden" name="backto" value="coursecatalog" />'.
               '<input type="hidden" name="courseid" value="" />'.
    return $output;

sub construct_data_table {
    my ($knownuser,$domain,$courses,$details,$usersections,$now,
        $trails,$allitems,$canviewall,$hostname) = @_;
    my %sortname;
    if (($details eq '') || ($env{'form.showdetails'})) {
        $sortname{'Code'} = 'code';
        $sortname{'Categories'} = 'cats';
        $sortname{'Title'} = 'title';
        $sortname{'Owner & Co-owner(s)'} = 'owner';
    my $output = &Apache::loncommon::start_data_table().
    my @coltitles = ('Count');
    if ($env{'form.currcat_0'} eq 'instcode::0') {
    } else {
    push(@coltitles,('Sections','Crosslisted','Title','Owner & Co-owner(s)'));
    if (ref($usersections) eq 'HASH') {
       $coltitles[1] = 'Your Section';
    foreach my $item (@coltitles) {
        $output .= '<th>';
        if (defined($sortname{$item})) {
            $output .= '<a href="javascript:changeSort('."'$sortname{$item}'".')">'.&mt($item).'</a>';
        } elsif ($item eq 'Count') {
            $output .= '#';
        } else {
            $output .= &mt($item);
        $output .= '</th>';
    my (@fields,%fieldtitles,$wasactiveon);
    if ($knownuser || ($canviewall && $details)) {
        if ($details) {
            if ($env{'form.currcat_0'} eq 'communities::0') {
                $output .= '<th>'.&mt('Default Access Dates for Members').'</th>'.
                           '<th>'.&mt('Member Counts').'</th>';
            } elsif ($env{'form.currcat_0'} eq 'placement::0') {
                $output .=
                    '<th>'.&mt('Default Access Dates for Students').'</th>'.
                    '<th>'.&mt('Student Counts').'</th>';               
            } else {
                $output .=
                    '<th>'.&mt('Default Access Dates for Students').'</th>'.
                    '<th>'.&mt('Student Counts').'</th>'.
                    '<th>'.&mt('Auto-enrollment of[_1]registered students','<br />').'</th>';
            my ($titlesref,$orderref) = &get_statustitles();
            my @statuses;
            if (&user_is_dc($domain) || $canviewall) {
                @statuses = &Apache::loncommon::get_env_multiple('form.showcounts');
                if (grep(/^Previous$/,@statuses)) {
                    if ($env{'form.wasactive'} eq 'date') { 
                        $wasactiveon = 
                    } else {
                        $wasactiveon = $env{'form.wasactive'};
                if (ref($orderref) eq 'ARRAY') {
                    foreach my $status (@{$orderref}) {
                        if (grep(/^\Q$status\E$/,@statuses)) {
            } else {
                @fields = ('Active','Future');
            foreach my $status (@fields) {
                my $title;
                if (ref($titlesref) eq 'HASH') {
                    $title = $titlesref->{$status};
                unless ($title) {
                    $title = &mt($status);
                $fieldtitles{$status} = $title;
        } else {
            $output .= '<th>'.&mt('Details').'</th>';
    $output .= '<th>'.&mt('Self-enroll (if permitted)').'</th>';
    my (%numbers,%creditsum);
    my ($showcredits,$defofficial,$defunofficial,$deftextbook);
    my %domdefaults = &Apache::lonnet::get_domain_defaults($domain);
    unless (($env{'form.currcat_0'} eq 'communities::0') || ($env{'form.currcat_0'} eq 'placement::0')) {
        if ($domdefaults{'officialcredits'} || $domdefaults{'unofficialcredits'} || $domdefaults{'textbookcredits'}) {
            $showcredits = 1;
            $defofficial = $domdefaults{'officialcredits'};
            $defunofficial = $domdefaults{'unofficialcredits'};
            $deftextbook = $domdefaults{'textbookcredits'};
    my %courseinfo = &build_courseinfo_hash($courses,$knownuser,$domain,$canviewall,$details,
    my %Sortby;
    foreach my $course (sort(keys(%{$courses}))) {
        if ($env{'form.sortby'} eq 'code') {
        } elsif ($env{'form.sortby'} eq 'cats') {
        } elsif ($env{'form.sortby'} eq 'owner') {
        } else {
            my $clean_title = $courseinfo{$course}{'title'};
            $clean_title =~ s/\W+//g;
            if ($clean_title eq '') {
                $clean_title = $courseinfo{$course}{'title'};
    my @sorted_courses;
    if (($env{'form.sortby'} eq 'code') || ($env{'form.sortby'} eq 'owner') ||
        ($env{'form.sortby'} eq 'cats')) {
        @sorted_courses = sort(keys(%Sortby));
    } else {
        @sorted_courses = sort { lc($a) cmp lc($b) } (keys(%Sortby));
    my $count = 1;
    my $totalsec = 0;
    my %clutteredxlists;
    foreach my $course (keys(%courseinfo)) {
        if (ref($courseinfo{$course}) eq 'HASH') {
            if ($courseinfo{$course}{'xlist'} ne '') {
                my $crskey = $courseinfo{$course}{'cnum'}.':'.$courseinfo{$course}{'code'};
                my @xlists = split(/,\s/,$courseinfo{$course}{'xlist'});
                $clutteredxlists{$crskey} = \@xlists;
    if (keys(%clutteredxlists)) {
        my %reformattedxlists = &Apache::lonnet::auto_instsec_reformat($domain,'declutter',\%clutteredxlists);
        foreach my $crskey (keys(%reformattedxlists)) {
            if (ref($reformattedxlists{$crskey}) eq 'ARRAY') {
                my $course = $domain.'_'.(split(/:/,$crskey))[0];
                $courseinfo{$course}{'xlist'} = join(', ',@{$reformattedxlists{$crskey}});
    foreach my $item (@sorted_courses) {
        foreach my $course (@{$Sortby{$item}}) {
    if (($knownuser || $canviewall) && ($count > 1) && $env{'form.showdetails'}) {
        if (&user_is_dc($domain) || $canviewall) {
            my %lt = &Apache::lonlocal::texthash (
                                                     'Active'   => 'Total current students',
                                                     'Future'   => 'Total future students',
                                                     'Previous' => 'Total previous students',
                                                     'courses'  => 'Total unique codes and courses without codes',
                                                     'sections' => 'Total sections',
                                                     'xlists'   => 'Total cross-listings',
            if ($showcredits) {
                $lt{'cr_Active'} = &mt('Total current student credit hours');
                $lt{'cr_Future'} = &mt('Total future student credit hours');
                $lt{'cr_Previous'} = &mt('Total previous student credit hours');
            if ($env{'form.currcat_0'} eq 'communities::0') {
                $lt{'courses'} = &mt('Total communities');
                $lt{'Active'} = &mt('Total current members'); 
                $lt{'Future'} = &mt('Total future members');
                $lt{'Previous'} = &mt('Total previous members');
            } elsif ($env{'form.currcat_0'} eq 'placement::0') {
                $lt{'courses'} = &mt('Total placement tests');
            my $colspan = 8;
            if ($showcredits) {
                $colspan = 4;
            $output .= '<tr class="LC_footer_row">'.
                       '<td colspan="2">&nbsp;</td>'.
                       '<td colspan="'.$colspan.'">'.
                       '<table border="0">';
            foreach my $item ('courses','sections','xlists') {
                $output .= '<tr>'.
                           '<td align="right">'.$numbers{$item}.'</td>'.
            if (@fields > 0) { 
                foreach my $status (@fields) {
                    $output .= '<tr>'.
                               '<td align="right">'.$numbers{$status}.'</td>'.
            $output .= '</table></td>';
            if ($showcredits) {
                $output .= '<td colspan="'.$colspan.'" valign="bottom"><table>';
                foreach my $status (@fields) {
                    $output .= '<tr>'.
                               '<td align="right">'.$creditsum{$status}.'</td></tr>';
                $output .= '</table></td></tr>';
    $output .= &Apache::loncommon::end_data_table();
    return $output;

sub build_courseinfo_hash {
    my ($courses,$knownuser,$domain,$canviewall,$details,$usersections,$fields,$fieldtitles,
        $wasactiveon,$numbers,$creditsum,$showcredits,$defofficial,$defunofficial) = @_;
    my %courseinfo;
    my $now = time;
    my $gettotals;
    if ((keys(%{$courses}) > 0) && (&user_is_dc($domain) || $canviewall) && ($details)) {
        $gettotals = 1;
    my (%uniquecodes,$nocodes,$defcreds);
    foreach my $course (keys(%{$courses})) {
        my $descr;
        if (ref($courses->{$course}) eq 'HASH') {
            $descr = $courses->{$course}{'description'}; 
        my $cleandesc=&HTML::Entities::encode($descr,'<>&"');
        $cleandesc =~ s/^\s+//;
        my ($cdom,$cnum)=split(/\_/,$course);
        my ($instcode,$singleowner,$ttype,$selfenroll_types,$extsyllplain,
        if (ref($courses->{$course}) eq 'HASH') {
            $descr = $courses->{$course}{'description'};
            $instcode =  $courses->{$course}{'inst_code'};
            $singleowner = $courses->{$course}{'owner'};
            $ttype =  $courses->{$course}{'type'};
            $selfenroll_types = $courses->{$course}{'selfenroll_types'};
            $selfenroll_start = $courses->{$course}{'selfenroll_start_date'};
            $selfenroll_end = $courses->{$course}{'selfenroll_end_date'};
            $categories = $courses->{$course}{'categories'};
            $extsyllplain = $courses->{$course}{'extsyllplain'};
            if ($courses->{$course}{'co-owners'} ne '') {
                foreach my $item (split(/,/,$courses->{$course}{'co-owners'})) {
        if ($instcode ne '') {
            $uniquecodes{$instcode} = 1;
        } else {
            $nocodes ++;
        foreach my $owner (@owners) {
            my ($ownername,$ownerdom); 
            if ($owner =~ /:/) {
                ($ownername,$ownerdom) = split(/:/,$owner);
            } else {
                $ownername = $owner;
                if ($owner ne '') {
                    $ownerdom = $cdom;
            if ($ownername ne '' && $ownerdom ne '') {
                my %namehash=&Apache::loncommon::getnames($ownername,$ownerdom);
                $ownernames{$ownername.':'.$ownerdom} = \%namehash; 
        $courseinfo{$course}{'cdom'} = $cdom;
        $courseinfo{$course}{'cnum'} = $cnum;
        $courseinfo{$course}{'code'} = $instcode;
        my @lastnames;
        foreach my $owner (keys(%ownernames)) {
            if (ref($ownernames{$owner}) eq 'HASH') {
        $courseinfo{$course}{'ownerlastnames'} = join(', ',sort(@lastnames));
        $courseinfo{$course}{'title'} = $cleandesc;
        $courseinfo{$course}{'owner'} = $singleowner;
        $courseinfo{$course}{'selfenroll_types'} = $selfenroll_types;
        $courseinfo{$course}{'selfenroll_start'} = $selfenroll_start;
        $courseinfo{$course}{'selfenroll_end'} = $selfenroll_end;
        $courseinfo{$course}{'categories'} = $categories;
        $courseinfo{$course}{'extsyllplain'} = $extsyllplain;

        my %coursehash = &Apache::lonnet::dump('environment',$cdom,$cnum);
        my @classids;
        my @crosslistings;
        my ($seclist,$numsec) = 
        $courseinfo{$course}{'seclist'} = $seclist;
        my ($xlist_items,$numxlist) = 
        if (ref($numbers) eq 'HASH') {
            $numbers->{'sections'} += $numsec; 
            $numbers->{'xlists'} += $numxlist;  
        my $showsyllabus = 1; # default is to include a syllabus link
        if (defined($coursehash{'showsyllabus'})) {
            $showsyllabus = $coursehash{'showsyllabus'};
        $courseinfo{$course}{'showsyllabus'} = $showsyllabus;
        if ($showcredits) {
            if ($coursehash{'internal.defaultcredits'}) {
                $courseinfo{$course}{'defaultcredits'} = $coursehash{'internal.defaultcredits'};
            } elsif ($instcode ne '') {
                $courseinfo{$course}{'defaultcredits'} = $defofficial;
            } else {
                $courseinfo{$course}{'defaultcredits'} = $defunofficial;
            $defcreds = $courseinfo{$course}{'defaultcredits'};
        if (((defined($env{'form.coursenum'}) && ($cnum eq $env{'form.coursenum'}))) ||
            (($knownuser || $canviewall) && ($details == 1))) {
            my $milestone;
            if ($wasactiveon eq 'accessend') {
                if ($coursehash{'default_enrollment_end_date'}) {
                    $milestone = $coursehash{'default_enrollment_end_date'};
                } else {
                    $milestone = time;
            } elsif ($wasactiveon eq 'enrollend') {
                if ($coursehash{'internal.autoend'}) {
                    $milestone = $coursehash{'internal.autoend'};
                } else {
                    $milestone = time;
            } else {
                $milestone = $wasactiveon;
            $courseinfo{$course}{'counts'} =  
            if ($instcode ne '') {
                $courseinfo{$course}{'autoenrollment'} =
            my $startaccess = '';
            my $endaccess = '';
            my $accessdates;
            if ( defined($coursehash{'default_enrollment_start_date'}) ) {
                $startaccess = &Apache::lonlocal::locallocaltime($coursehash{'default_enrollment_start_date'});
            if ( defined($coursehash{'default_enrollment_end_date'}) ) {
                $endaccess = &Apache::lonlocal::locallocaltime($coursehash{'default_enrollment_end_date'});
                if ($coursehash{'default_enrollment_end_date'} == 0) {
                    $endaccess = &mt('No ending date');
            if ($startaccess) {
                $accessdates .= '<i>'.&mt('From:[_1]','</i> '.$startaccess).'<br />';
            if ($endaccess) {
                $accessdates .= '<i>'.&mt('To:[_1]','</i> '.$endaccess).'<br />';
            if (($selfenroll_types ne '') && 
                ($selfenroll_end > 0 && $selfenroll_end > $now)) {
                my ($selfenroll_start_access,$selfenroll_end_access);
                if (($coursehash{'default_enrollment_start_date'} ne 
                     $coursehash{'internal.selfenroll_start_access'}) ||
                   ($coursehash{'default_enrollment_end_date'} ne 
                    $coursehash{'internal.selfenroll_end_access'})) {
                    if ( defined($coursehash{'internal.selfenroll_start_access'}) ) {
                        $selfenroll_start_access = &Apache::lonlocal::locallocaltime($coursehash{'internal.selfenroll_start_access'});
                    if ( defined($coursehash{'default_enrollment_end_date'}) ) {
                        $selfenroll_end_access = &Apache::lonlocal::locallocaltime($coursehash{'internal.selfenroll_end_access'});
                        if ($coursehash{'internal.selfenroll_end_access'} == 0) {
                            $selfenroll_end_access = &mt('No ending date');
                    if ($selfenroll_start_access || $selfenroll_end_access) {
                        $accessdates .= '<br/><br /><i>'.&mt('Self-enrollers:').'</i><br />';
                        if ($selfenroll_start_access) {
                            $accessdates .= '<i>'.&mt('From:[_1]','</i> '.$selfenroll_start_access).'<br />';
                        if ($selfenroll_end_access) {
                            $accessdates .= '<i>'.&mt('To:[_1]','</i> '.$selfenroll_end_access).'<br />';
            $courseinfo{$course}{'access'} = $accessdates;
        if ($xlist_items eq '') {
            $xlist_items = &mt('No');
        $courseinfo{$course}{'xlist'} = $xlist_items;
    if (ref($numbers) eq 'HASH') {
        $numbers->{'courses'} = $nocodes + scalar(keys(%uniquecodes));
    return %courseinfo;

sub count_students {
    my ($cdom,$cnum,$numsec,$fieldsref,$titlesref,$getcounts,$numbers,$creditsum,
        $showcredits,$defcreds,$wasactiveon) = @_;
    my $countslist = '<span class="LC_nobreak">'.
                     &mt('[quant,_1,section,sections,No sections]',$numsec).'</span>';
    my (@fields,%titles,$showexpired);
    if ((ref($fieldsref) eq 'ARRAY') && (ref($titlesref) eq 'HASH') &&
        (ref($numbers) eq 'HASH')) {
        @fields = @{$fieldsref};
        %titles = %{$titlesref};
        if (grep(/^Previous$/,@fields)) {
            $showexpired = 1;
    } else {
    my $classlist = &Apache::loncoursedata::get_classlist($cdom,$cnum);
    my (%student_count,%credit_count);
    %student_count = (
                           Active   => 0,
                           Future   => 0,
                           Previous => 0,
    if ($showcredits) {
        %credit_count = (
                          Active   => 0,
                          Future   => 0,
                          Previous => 0,
    my %idx;
    $idx{'status'} = &Apache::loncoursedata::CL_STATUS();
    $idx{'end'}    = &Apache::loncoursedata::CL_END();
    $idx{'credits'} = &Apache::loncoursedata::CL_CREDITS();
    while (my ($student,$data) = each(%$classlist)) {
        my $status = $data->[$idx{'status'}];
        my $credits = $data->[$idx{'credits'}];
        if ($credits eq '') {
            $credits = $defcreds;  
        if ($status eq 'Expired') {
            if (($showexpired) &&
                ($data->[$idx{'end'}] >= $wasactiveon)) {
                $student_count{'Previous'} ++;
                if ($showcredits) {
                    $credit_count{'Previous'} += $credits; 
        } else {
            $student_count{$status} ++;
            if ($showcredits) {
                $credit_count{$status} += $credits;
    if (@fields) {
        $countslist .= ':<br />';
        foreach my $status (@fields) {
            $countslist .= '<span class="LC_nobreak">'.$titles{$status}.': '.
                           $student_count{$status}.'</span><br />';
            $numbers->{$status} += $student_count{$status};
            if ($showcredits) {
                $creditsum->{$status} += $credit_count{$status};
    return $countslist;

sub courseinfo_row {
    my ($info,$knownuser,$details,$countref,$now,$course,$trails,$allitems,
        $numbers,$canviewall,$hostname) = @_;
    my ($cdom,$cnum,$title,$ownerlast,$code,$owner,$seclist,$xlist_items,
    if (ref($info) eq 'HASH') {
        $cdom = $info->{'cdom'};
        $cnum = $info->{'cnum'};
        $title = $info->{'title'};
        $ownerlast = $info->{'ownerlastnames'};
        $code = $info->{'code'};
        $owner = $info->{'owner'};
        $seclist = $info->{'seclist'};
        $xlist_items = $info->{'xlist'};
        $accessdates = $info->{'access'};
        $counts = $info->{'counts'};
        $autoenrollment = $info->{'autoenrollment'};
        $showsyllabus = $info->{'showsyllabus'};
        $extsyllplain = $info->{'extsyllplain'};
        $categories = $info->{'categories'};
    } else {
        $output = '<td colspan="8">'.&mt('No information available for [_1].',
        return $output;
    $output .= '<td>'.$$countref.'</td>';
    if ($env{'form.currcat_0'} eq 'instcode::0') {
        $output .= '<td>'.$code.'</td>';
    } else {
        my ($categorylist,@cats);
        if ($categories ne '') {
            @cats = split('&',$categories);
        if ((ref($trails) eq 'ARRAY') && (ref($allitems) eq 'HASH')) {
            my @categories;
            foreach my $cat (@cats) {
                next if ($cat eq '');
                if (($allitems->{$cat} ne '') && ($trails->[$allitems->{$cat}] ne '')) {
            $categorylist = join('<br />',@categories);
        if ($categorylist eq '') {
            $categorylist = '&nbsp;';
        $output .= '<td>'.$categorylist.'</td>';
    $output .= '<td>'.$seclist.'</td>'.
               '<td>'.$title.'&nbsp;<font size="-2">';
    if ($showsyllabus) {
        my $usehttp = 0;
        if (($ENV{'SERVER_PORT'} == 443) && ($extsyllplain)) {
            unless ((&Apache::lonnet::uses_sts()) ||
                    (&Apache::lonnet::waf_allssl($hostname))) {
                $usehttp = 1;
        $output .= '<a href="javascript:ToSyllabus('."'$cdom','$cnum','$usehttp'".')">'.&mt('Syllabus').'</a>';
    } else {
        $output .= '&nbsp;';
    $output .= '</font></td>'.
    if (($knownuser) || ($canviewall && $details)) {
        if ($details) {
            $output .=
            unless (($env{'form.currcat_0'} eq 'communities::0') || ($env{'form.currcat_0'} eq 'placement::0')) {
                $output .= '<td>'.$autoenrollment.'</td>';
        } else {
            $output .= "<td><a href=\"javascript:setCourseId('$cnum')\">".&mt('Show more details').'</a></td>';
    my $selfenroll = &selfenroll_status($info,$course);
    if ($selfenroll) {
        $output .= '<td>'.$selfenroll.'</td>';
    } else {
        $output .= '<td>&nbsp;</td>';
    $$countref ++;
    return $output;

sub selfenroll_status {
    my ($info,$course) = @_;
    my $now = time;
    my $output;
    if (ref($info) eq 'HASH') {
        if ($info->{'selfenroll_types'}) {
            my $showstart = &Apache::lonlocal::locallocaltime($info->{'selfenroll_start'});
            my $showend = &Apache::lonlocal::locallocaltime($info->{'selfenroll_end'});
            if (($info->{'selfenroll_end'} > 0) && ($info->{'selfenroll_end'} > $now)) {
                if (($info->{'selfenroll_start'} > 0) && ($info->{'selfenroll_start'} > $now)) {
                    $output = &mt('Starts: [_1]','<span class="LC_cusr_emph">'.$showstart.'</span>').'<br />'.&mt('Ends: [_1]','<span class="LC_cusr_emph">'.$showend.'</span>');
                } else {
                    $output = '<a href="javascript:ToSelfenroll('."'$course'".')">'.
                              &mt('Enroll in course').'</a><br />';
                    if ($info->{'selfenroll_end'} == 0) {
                        $output .= &mt('Available permanently');
                    } elsif ($info->{'selfenroll_end'} > $now) {
                        $output .= &mt('Self-enrollment ends: [_1]','<span class="LC_cusr_emph">'.$showend.'</span>');
    return $output;

sub identify_sections {
    my ($seclist) = @_;
    my @secnums;
    if ($seclist =~ /,/) {
        my @sections = split(/,/,$seclist);
        foreach my $sec (@sections) {
            $sec =~ s/:[^:]*$//;
    } else {
        if ($seclist =~ m/^([^:]+):/) {
            my $sec = $1;
            if (!grep(/^\Q$sec\E$/,@secnums)) {
    @secnums = sort {$a <=> $b} @secnums;
    $seclist = join(', ',@secnums);
    my $numsec = @secnums;
    return ($seclist,$numsec);

sub get_valid_classes {
    my ($seclist,$xlist_items,$crscode,$owners,$cdom,$cnum) = @_;
    my $response;
    my (@sections,@format_sections,@xlists,%possclasses,%okclasses,%validations);
    @{$validations{'sections'}} = ();
    @{$validations{'xlists'}} = ();
    my $totalitems = 0;
    if ($seclist) {
        @sections = split(/,\s+/,$seclist);
        my $crskey = $cnum.':'.$crscode;
        my %formattedsec = &Apache::lonnet::auto_instsec_reformat($cdom,'clutter',
                                                                  {$crskey => \@sections});
        if (ref($formattedsec{$crskey}) eq 'ARRAY') {
            @format_sections = @{$formattedsec{$crskey}};
            map { $possclasses{$crscode.$_} = 1; } @format_sections;
    if ($xlist_items) {
        @xlists = split(/,\s+/,$xlist_items);
        map { $possclasses{$_} = 1; } @xlists;
    my %okclasses = &Apache::lonnet::auto_validate_instclasses($cdom,$cnum,$owners,
    if (keys(%okclasses)) {
        for (my $i=0; $i<@sections; $i++) {
            if ($okclasses{$crscode.$format_sections[$i]}) {
                my $sec = $sections[$i];
                if (!grep(/^\Q$sec\E$/,@{$validations{'sections'}})) {
                    $totalitems ++;
        foreach my $item (@xlists) {
            if ($okclasses{$item}) {
                if (!grep(/^\Q$item\E$/,@{$validations{'xlists'}})) {
                    $totalitems ++;
    if ($totalitems > 0) {
        if (@{$validations{'sections'}}) {
            $response = &mt('Sections:').' '.
                        join(', ',@{$validations{'sections'}}).'<br />';
        if (@{$validations{'xlists'}}) {
            my $crskey = $cnum.':'.$crscode;
            my %reformattedxlists =
                                                       {$crskey => $validations{'xlists'}});
            if (ref($reformattedxlists{$crskey}) eq 'ARRAY') {
                $validations{'xlists'} = $reformattedxlists{$crskey};
            $response .= &mt('Courses:').' '.
                        join(', ',@{$validations{'xlists'}});
    return $response;

sub autoenroll_info {
    my ($coursehash,$now,$seclist,$xlist_items,$code,$owners,$cdom,$cnum) = @_;
    my $autoenrolldates = &mt('Not enabled');
    if (defined($coursehash->{'internal.autoadds'}) && $coursehash->{'internal.autoadds'} == 1) {
        my ($autostart,$autoend);
        if ( defined($coursehash->{'internal.autostart'}) ) {
            $autostart = &Apache::lonlocal::locallocaltime($coursehash->{'internal.autostart'});
        if ( defined($coursehash->{'internal.autoend'}) ) {
            $autoend = &Apache::lonlocal::locallocaltime($coursehash->{'internal.autoend'});
        if ($coursehash->{'internal.autostart'} > $now) {
            if ($coursehash->{'internal.autoend'} && $coursehash->{'internal.autoend'} < $now) {
                $autoenrolldates = &mt('Not enabled');
            } else {
                my $valid_classes = 
                if ($valid_classes ne '') {
                    $autoenrolldates = &mt('Not enabled').'<br />'
                                      .&mt('Starts: [_1]',$autostart)
                                      .'<br />'.$valid_classes;
        } else {
            if ($coursehash->{'internal.autoend'} && $coursehash->{'internal.autoend'} < $now) {
                $autoenrolldates = &mt('Not enabled').'<br />'
                                  .&mt('Ended: [_1]',$autoend);
            } else {
                my $valid_classes = &get_valid_classes($seclist,$xlist_items,
                if ($valid_classes ne '') {
                    $autoenrolldates = &mt('Currently enabled').'<br />'.
    return $autoenrolldates;

sub user_is_known {
    my $known = 0;
    if ($env{''} ne '' && $env{''} ne 'public' 
        && $env{'user.domain'} ne '' && $env{'user.domain'} ne 'public') {
        $known = 1;
    return $known;


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