--- loncom/interface/courseprefs.pm 2009/11/23 21:45:18 1.12
+++ loncom/interface/courseprefs.pm 2011/05/24 04:56:45
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
# The LearningOnline Network with CAPA
# Handler to set configuration settings for a course
-# $Id: courseprefs.pm,v 1.12 2009/11/23 21:45:18 raeburn Exp $
+# $Id: courseprefs.pm,v 2011/05/24 04:56:45 raeburn Exp $
# Copyright Michigan State University Board of Trustees
@@ -28,6 +28,185 @@
+=head1 NAME
+courseprefs- Handler to set/modify course configuration
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+courseprefs provides an interface for setting general course configuration
+This module is used for configuration of a course
+=item get_allitems()
+=item print_config_box()
+=item process_changes()
+=item get_sec_str()
+=item check_clone()
+=item store_changes()
+=item update_env()
+=item display_disallowed()
+=item get_course()
+=item get_jscript()
+=item cloners_javascript()
+=item print_courseinfo()
+=item new_cloners_dom_row()
+=item can_modify_catsettings()
+=item assign_course_categories()
+=item print_localization()
+=item get_lang_choices()
+=item print_feedback()
+=item user_table()
+=item select_recipient()
+=item select_sections()
+=item print_discussion()
+=item role_checkboxes()
+=item print_classlists()
+=item print_appearance()
+=item print_grading()
+=item print_printouts()
+=item print_spreadsheet()
+=item print_bridgetasks()
+=item print_other()
+=item get_other_items()
+=item item_table_row_start()
+=item item_table_row_end()
+=item yes_no_radio()
+=item select_from_options()
+=item make_item_rows()
+Creates table used to display and set course configuration items.
+Inputs: $cdom,$items,$ordered,$settings,$rowtotal,$crstype
+where $cdom is course's domain, $items is HASH ref for current config
+item, $ordered is ARRAY ref of items to include in row in
+display order, $settings is HASH ref of current values forrow,
+$rowtotal is SCALAR ref used to accumulate row count, $crstype is
+course type.
+Returns: $datatable
+HTML mark-up of data table which accumulates individual rows.
+=item nothidepriv_row()
+Creates row containing form elements used to display and set
+whether Domain coordinators who are currently included in
+advanced course user .db file for a course are to be hidden (e.g.,
+in syllabus, or from course user lists).
+Inputs: $cdom,$item,$settings,$crstype
+where $cdom is course domain, item is nothideprivileged, $settings is
+HASH ref of the current values for nothideprivileged, $crstype is
+course type (Course or Community).
+Return: $datatable
+HTML mark-up for Privileged users (Domain Coordinators) in staff listing.
+=item print_hdrfmt_row()
+Creates row containing form elements used to display and set
+substitution items and text to be used in the header included
+on printouts.
+Inputs: $item,$settings
+where $item is print_header_format, and $settings is a HASH ref
+of the current values stored for print_header_format.
+Returns: $output
+HTML mark-up containing Javascript functions: reOrder() and getIndexByName()
+used to dynamically update position selectboxes, and HTML table elements
+for the "Print header format" row.
+=item position_selector()
+Creates a select box which can be used to reorder substitutions
+and text included in a printout header.
+Inputs: $pos,$num,$maxnum
+where $pos is current position, $num is the unique identifier,
+and $maxnum is the total number of items (both substitutions
+and text in the printout header.
+Returns: $output
+HTML mark-up for the selectbox and a hidden form element containing
+the current position.
+=item substitution_selector()
+Creates a combination of select box for choosing an item
+(student name, course ID or assignment note) to substitute,
+and a corresponding size limit in the header used for printouts.
+Inputs: $num,$subst,$limit,$crstype
+where $num is the unique identifier, $subst is the current
+substitution (n,c or a, for name, course or note respectively,
+$limit is the current size limit (integer), and $crstype is
+course type - course or community.
+Returns: $output
+HTML mark-up for selectbox and textbox (separate table cells).
+=item change_clone()
+Modifies the list of courses a user can clone (stored
+in the user's environment.db file), called when a
+change is made to the list of users allowed to clone
+a course.
+Inputs: $action,$cloner
+where $action is add or drop, and $cloner is identity of
+user for whom cloning ability is to be changed in course.
+Returns: nothing
package Apache::courseprefs;
use strict;
@@ -93,6 +272,8 @@ sub handler {
gens => 'General community settings',
idnu => 'Community ID or number',
desc => 'Community Description',
+ ownr => 'Community Owner',
+ cown => 'Community Co-owners',
catg => 'Categorize community',
excc => 'Exclude from community catalog',
clon => 'Users allowed to clone community',
@@ -101,7 +282,7 @@ sub handler {
date => 'Locale used for community calendar',
coco => 'Community Content',
copo => 'Community Policy',
- priv => 'Domain Coodinators in community',
+ priv => 'Domain Coordinators in community',
defd => 'Default dates for member access',
stuv => 'Member-viewable membership list options',
stul => 'Member agreement needed to be listed',
@@ -118,6 +299,8 @@ sub handler {
gens => 'General course settings',
idnu => 'Course ID or number',
desc => 'Course Description',
+ ownr => 'Course Owner',
+ cown => 'Course Co-owners',
catg => 'Categorize course',
excc => 'Exclude from course catalog',
clon => 'Users allowed to clone course',
@@ -126,7 +309,7 @@ sub handler {
date => 'Locale used for course calendar',
coco => 'Course Content',
copo => 'Course Policy',
- priv => 'Domain Coodinators in course',
+ priv => 'Domain Coordinators in course',
defd => 'Default dates for student access',
stuv => 'Student-viewable classlist options',
stul => 'Student agreement needed to be listed',
@@ -137,6 +320,7 @@ sub handler {
seme => 'Send message to student when clicking Done on Tasks',
+ $lt{'lcrv'} = 'Required LON-CAPA version';
my $breadcrumbs =
@@ -152,6 +336,14 @@ sub handler {
return OK;
+ if ($phase eq 'releaseinfo') {
+ my $loncaparev = $env{'course.'.$cid.'.internal.releaserequired'};
+ if ($loncaparev) {
+ &display_loncaparev_constraints($r,$navmap,$loncaparev,$crstype);
+ return OK;
+ }
+ }
my %values=&Apache::lonnet::dump('environment',$cdom,$cnum);
my @prefs_order = ('courseinfo','localization','feedback','discussion',
@@ -163,22 +355,25 @@ sub handler {
help => 'Course_Environment',
header => [{col1 => 'Setting',
col2 => 'Value'}],
- ordered => ['description','courseid','categories',
- 'hidefromcat','cloners','externalsyllabus',
- 'url','rolenames'],
+ ordered => ['owner','co-owners','loncaparev','description',
+ 'courseid','categories','hidefromcat',
+ 'externalsyllabus','cloners','url','rolenames'],
itemtext => {
- description => $lt{'desc'},
- courseid => $lt{'idnu'},
- categories => $lt{'catg'},
- hidefromcat => $lt{'excc'},
- cloners => $lt{'clon'},
- externalsyllabus => 'URL of Syllabus',
- url => 'Top Level Map',
- rolenames => $lt{'rept'},
+ 'owner' => $lt{'ownr'},
+ 'co-owners' => $lt{'cown'},
+ 'description' => $lt{'desc'},
+ 'courseid' => $lt{'idnu'},
+ 'categories' => $lt{'catg'},
+ 'hidefromcat' => $lt{'excc'},
+ 'cloners' => $lt{'clon'},
+ 'externalsyllabus' => 'URL of Syllabus',
+ 'url' => 'Top Level Map',
+ 'rolenames' => $lt{'rept'},
+ 'loncaparev' => $lt{'lcrv'},
'localization' =>
- { text => 'Language/TimeZone/Locale',
+ { text => 'Language and Time Localization',
help => 'Course_Environment',
header => [{col1 => 'Setting',
col2 => 'Value',}],
@@ -206,18 +401,16 @@ sub handler {
'discussion' =>
{ text => 'Discussion and Chat',
help => 'Course_Environment',
- header => [{col1 => 'Setting',
- col2 => 'Value',}],
- ordered => ['plc.roles.denied','plc.users.denied',
- 'pch.roles.denied','pch.users.denied',
+ ordered => ['pch.roles.denied','pch.users.denied',
+ 'plc.roles.denied','plc.users.denied',
itemtext => {
- 'plc.roles.denied' => 'No Resource Discussion',
- 'plc.users.denied' => 'No Resource Discussion',
- 'pch.roles.denied' => 'No Chat room use',
- 'pch.users.denied' => 'No Chat room use',
- allow_limited_html_in_feedback => 'Allow limited HTML in discussion posts',
+ 'pch.roles.denied' => 'No Resource Discussion',
+ 'pch.users.denied' => 'No Resource Discussion',
+ 'plc.roles.denied' => 'No Chat room use',
+ 'plc.users.denied' => 'No Chat room use',
+ allow_limited_html_in_feedback => 'Allow limited HTML in discussion',
allow_discussion_post_editing => 'Users can edit/delete own discussion posts',
@@ -233,13 +426,13 @@ sub handler {
ordered => ['default_enrollment_start_date',
- 'student_opt_in','student_classlist_portfiles'],
+ 'student_classlist_opt_in','student_classlist_portfiles'],
itemtext => {
default_enrollment_start_date => 'Start date',
default_enrollment_end_date => 'End date',
nothideprivileged => $lt{'priv'},
student_classlist_view => $lt{'stuv'},
- student_opt_in => $lt{'stul'},
+ student_classlist_opt_in => $lt{'stul'},
student_classlist_portfiles => 'Include link to accessible portfolio files',
@@ -247,12 +440,12 @@ sub handler {
{ text => 'Display of resources ',
help => 'Course_Environment',
header => [{col1 => 'Setting',
- col2 => 'Value'}],
+ col2 => 'Value',}],
ordered => ['default_xml_style','pageseparators',
itemtext => {
- default_xml_style => 'Default XML Style File',
+ default_xml_style => 'Default XML style file',
pageseparators => 'Visibly Separate Items on Pages',
disable_receipt_display => 'Disable display of problem receipts',
texengine => 'Force use of a specific math rendering engine',
@@ -288,6 +481,7 @@ sub handler {
default_paper_size => 'Default paper type',
print_header_format => 'Print header format',
disableexampointprint => 'Disable automatically printing point values on exams',
+ canuse_pdfforms => 'Users can print problems as PDF forms and upload later for grading',
'spreadsheet' =>
@@ -332,7 +526,7 @@ sub handler {
} elsif ($phase eq 'display') {
- my $jscript = &get_jscript($cdom,$phase,$crstype);
+ my $jscript = &get_jscript($cid,$cdom,$phase,$crstype);
my @allitems = &get_allitems(%prefs);
@@ -367,7 +561,7 @@ sub print_config_box {
my $output =