version 1.376, 2021/01/05 04:23:45
version 1.380, 2021/03/06 13:39:54
Line 3781 sub print_contacts {
Line 3781 sub print_contacts {
\%choices,$rownum); |
\%choices,$rownum); |
$datatable .= $reports; |
$datatable .= $reports; |
} elsif ($position eq 'lower') { |
} elsif ($position eq 'lower') { |
$css_class = $rownum%2?' class="LC_odd_row"':''; |
my (%current,%excluded,%weights); |
my ($threshold,$sysmail,%excluded,%weights); |
my ($defaults,$names) = &Apache::loncommon::lon_status_items(); |
my ($defaults,$names) = &Apache::loncommon::lon_status_items(); |
if ($lonstatus{'threshold'} =~ /^\d+$/) { |
if ($lonstatus{'threshold'} =~ /^\d+$/) { |
$threshold = $lonstatus{'threshold'}; |
$current{'errorthreshold'} = $lonstatus{'threshold'}; |
} else { |
} else { |
$threshold = $defaults->{'threshold'}; |
$current{'errorthreshold'} = $defaults->{'threshold'}; |
} |
} |
if ($lonstatus{'sysmail'} =~ /^\d+$/) { |
if ($lonstatus{'sysmail'} =~ /^\d+$/) { |
$sysmail = $lonstatus{'sysmail'}; |
$current{'errorsysmail'} = $lonstatus{'sysmail'}; |
} else { |
} else { |
$sysmail = $defaults->{'sysmail'}; |
$current{'errorsysmail'} = $defaults->{'sysmail'}; |
} |
} |
if (ref($lonstatus{'weights'}) eq 'HASH') { |
if (ref($lonstatus{'weights'}) eq 'HASH') { |
foreach my $type ('E','W','N','U') { |
foreach my $type ('E','W','N','U') { |
Line 3812 sub print_contacts {
Line 3811 sub print_contacts {
map {$excluded{$_} = 1; } @{$lonstatus{'excluded'}}; |
map {$excluded{$_} = 1; } @{$lonstatus{'excluded'}}; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
$datatable .= '<tr'.$css_class.'>'. |
foreach my $item ('errorthreshold','errorsysmail') { |
'<td class="LC_left_item"><span class="LC_nobreak">'. |
$css_class = $rownum%2?' class="LC_odd_row"':''; |
$titles->{'errorthreshold'}. |
$datatable .= '<tr'.$css_class.'>'. |
'</span></td><td class="LC_left_item">'. |
'<td class="LC_left_item"><span class="LC_nobreak">'. |
'<input type="text" name="errorthreshold" value="'. |
$titles->{$item}. |
$threshold.'" size="5" /></td></tr>'; |
'</span></td><td class="LC_left_item">'. |
$rownum ++; |
'<input type="text" name="'.$item.'" value="'. |
$current{$item}.'" size="5" /></td></tr>'; |
$rownum ++; |
} |
$css_class = $rownum%2?' class="LC_odd_row"':''; |
$css_class = $rownum%2?' class="LC_odd_row"':''; |
$datatable .= '<tr'.$css_class.'>'. |
$datatable .= '<tr'.$css_class.'>'. |
'<td class="LC_left_item">'. |
'<td class="LC_left_item">'. |
Line 3864 sub print_contacts {
Line 3866 sub print_contacts {
} |
} |
$datatable .= '</tr></table></td></tr>'; |
$datatable .= '</tr></table></td></tr>'; |
$rownum ++; |
$rownum ++; |
$css_class = $rownum%2?' class="LC_odd_row"':''; |
$datatable .= '<tr'.$css_class.'>'. |
'<td class="LC_left_item"><span class="LC_nobreak">'. |
$titles->{'errorsysmail'}. |
'</span></td><td class="LC_left_item">'. |
'<input type="text" name="errorsysmail" value="'. |
$sysmail.'" size="5" /></td></tr>'; |
$rownum ++; |
} elsif ($position eq 'bottom') { |
} elsif ($position eq 'bottom') { |
my ($othertitle,$usertypes,$types) = &Apache::loncommon::sorted_inst_types($dom); |
my ($othertitle,$usertypes,$types) = &Apache::loncommon::sorted_inst_types($dom); |
my (@posstypes,%usertypeshash); |
my (@posstypes,%usertypeshash); |
Line 6161 sub print_coursedefaults {
Line 6155 sub print_coursedefaults {
my $currcanclone = 'none'; |
my $currcanclone = 'none'; |
my $onclick; |
my $onclick; |
my @cloneoptions = ('none','domain'); |
my @cloneoptions = ('none','domain'); |
my %clonetitles = ( |
my %clonetitles = &Apache::lonlocal::texthash ( |
none => 'No additional course requesters', |
none => 'No additional course requesters', |
domain => "Any course requester in course's domain", |
domain => "Any course requester in course's domain", |
instcode => 'Course requests for official courses ...', |
instcode => 'Course requests for official courses ...', |
Line 8350 sub contact_titles {
Line 8344 sub contact_titles {
'updatesmail' => 'E-mail from nightly check of LON-CAPA module integrity/updates', |
'updatesmail' => 'E-mail from nightly check of LON-CAPA module integrity/updates', |
'idconflictsmail' => 'E-mail from bi-nightly check for multiple users sharing same student/employee ID', |
'idconflictsmail' => 'E-mail from bi-nightly check for multiple users sharing same student/employee ID', |
'hostipmail' => 'E-mail from nightly check of hostname/IP network changes', |
'hostipmail' => 'E-mail from nightly check of hostname/IP network changes', |
'errorthreshold' => 'Error/warning threshold for status e-mail', |
'errorthreshold' => 'Error count threshold for status e-mail to admin(s)', |
'errorsysmail' => 'Error threshold for e-mail to core group', |
'errorsysmail' => 'Error count threshold for e-mail to developer group', |
'errorweights' => 'Weights used to compute error count', |
'errorweights' => 'Weights used to compute error count', |
'errorexcluded' => 'Servers with unsent updates excluded from count', |
'errorexcluded' => 'Servers with unsent updates excluded from count', |
); |
); |
Line 9401 sub print_defaults {
Line 9395 sub print_defaults {
$datatable .= '</select> '.&mt('Internal ID:').' <b>'.$item.'</b> '. |
$datatable .= '</select> '.&mt('Internal ID:').' <b>'.$item.'</b> '. |
'<input type="checkbox" name="inststatus_delete" value="'.$item.'" />'. |
'<input type="checkbox" name="inststatus_delete" value="'.$item.'" />'. |
&mt('delete').'</span></td>'. |
&mt('delete').'</span></td>'. |
'<td class="LC_left_item" colspan="2"><span class="LC_nobreak">'.&mt('Name displayed:'). |
'<td class="LC_left_item" colspan="2"><span class="LC_nobreak">'.&mt('Name displayed').':'. |
'<input type="text" size="20" name="inststatus_title_'.$item.'" value="'.$title.'" />'. |
'<input type="text" size="20" name="inststatus_title_'.$item.'" value="'.$title.'" />'. |
'</span></td></tr>'; |
'</span></td></tr>'; |
} |
} |
Line 9421 sub print_defaults {
Line 9415 sub print_defaults {
'<input type="text" size="10" name="addinststatus" value="" />'. |
'<input type="text" size="10" name="addinststatus" value="" />'. |
' '.&mt('(new)'). |
' '.&mt('(new)'). |
'</span></td><td class="LC_left_item" colspan="2"><span class="LC_nobreak">'. |
'</span></td><td class="LC_left_item" colspan="2"><span class="LC_nobreak">'. |
&mt('Name displayed:'). |
&mt('Name displayed').':'. |
'<input type="text" size="20" name="addinststatus_title" value="" /></span></td>'. |
'<input type="text" size="20" name="addinststatus_title" value="" /></span></td>'. |
'</tr>'."\n"; |
'</tr>'."\n"; |
$rownum ++; |
$rownum ++; |
Line 10430 ENDSCRIPT
Line 10424 ENDSCRIPT
sub initialize_categories { |
sub initialize_categories { |
my ($itemcount) = @_; |
my ($itemcount) = @_; |
my ($datatable,$css_class,$chgstr); |
my ($datatable,$css_class,$chgstr); |
my %default_names = ( |
my %default_names = &Apache::lonlocal::texthash ( |
instcode => 'Official courses (with institutional codes)', |
instcode => 'Official courses (with institutional codes)', |
communities => 'Communities', |
communities => 'Communities', |
placement => 'Placement Tests', |
placement => 'Placement Tests', |
Line 15205 sub modify_contacts {
Line 15199 sub modify_contacts {
$contacts_hash{'contacts'}{'lonstatus'}{$item} = \@excluded; |
$contacts_hash{'contacts'}{'lonstatus'}{$item} = \@excluded; |
} |
} |
} elsif ($item eq 'weights') { |
} elsif ($item eq 'weights') { |
foreach my $type ('E','W','N') { |
foreach my $type ('E','W','N','U') { |
$env{'form.error'.$item.'_'.$type} =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g; |
$env{'form.error'.$item.'_'.$type} =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g; |
if ($env{'form.error'.$item.'_'.$type} =~ /^\d+$/) { |
if ($env{'form.error'.$item.'_'.$type} =~ /^\d+$/) { |
unless ($env{'form.error'.$item.'_'.$type} == $lonstatus_defs->{$type}) { |
unless ($env{'form.error'.$item.'_'.$type} == $lonstatus_defs->{$type}) { |
Line 16372 sub modify_passwords {
Line 16366 sub modify_passwords {
$resulttext .= '<li>'.&mt('E-mail address(es) in LON-CAPA used for verification will include: [_1]',join(', ',map { $titles{$_}; } @{$staticdefaults{'resetemail'}})).'</li>'; |
$resulttext .= '<li>'.&mt('E-mail address(es) in LON-CAPA used for verification will include: [_1]',join(', ',map { $titles{$_}; } @{$staticdefaults{'resetemail'}})).'</li>'; |
} |
} |
} else { |
} else { |
$resulttext .= '<li>'.&mt('E-mail address(es) in LON-CAPA usedfor verification will include: [_1]',join(', ',map { $titles{$_}; } @{$staticdefaults{'resetemail'}})).'</li>'; |
$resulttext .= '<li>'.&mt('E-mail address(es) in LON-CAPA used for verification will include: [_1]',join(', ',map { $titles{$_}; } @{$staticdefaults{'resetemail'}})).'</li>'; |
} |
} |
if ($confighash{'passwords'}{'resetremove'}) { |
if ($confighash{'passwords'}{'resetremove'}) { |
$resulttext .= '<li>'.&mt('Preamble to "Forgot Password" web form not shown').'</li>'; |
$resulttext .= '<li>'.&mt('Preamble to "Forgot Password" web form not shown').'</li>'; |