@@ -10676,7 +9115,7 @@ sub modify_login {
my ($r,$dom,$confname,$lastactref,%domconfig) = @_;
my ($resulttext,$errors,$colchgtext,%changes,%colchanges,%newfile,%newurl,
- %currsaml,%saml,%samltext,%samlimg,%samlalt,%samlurl,%samltitle,%samlwindow,%samlnotsso);
+ %currsaml,%saml,%samltext,%samlimg,%samlalt,%samlurl,%samltitle,%samlnotsso);
%title = ( coursecatalog => 'Display course catalog',
adminmail => 'Display administrator E-mail address',
helpdesk => 'Display "Contact Helpdesk" link',
@@ -10700,7 +9139,6 @@ sub modify_login {
$samlalt{$lonhost} = $domconfig{login}{'saml'}{$lonhost}{'alt'};
$samlimg{$lonhost} = $domconfig{login}{'saml'}{$lonhost}{'img'};
$samltitle{$lonhost} = $domconfig{login}{'saml'}{$lonhost}{'title'};
- $samlwindow{$lonhost} = $domconfig{login}{'saml'}{$lonhost}{'window'};
$samlnotsso{$lonhost} = $domconfig{login}{'saml'}{$lonhost}{'notsso'};
@@ -10843,16 +9281,13 @@ sub modify_login {
if ($addedfile ne '') {
- my $modified = [];
foreach my $lang (@allnew) {
my $formelem = 'loginhelpurl_'.$lang;
if ($lang eq $env{'form.loginhelpurl_add_lang'}) {
$formelem = 'loginhelpurl_add_file';
- (my $result,$newurl{$lang}) =
- &Apache::lonconfigsettings::publishlogo($r,'upload',$formelem,$dom,$confname,
- "help/$lang",'','',$newfile{$lang},
- $modified);
+ (my $result,$newurl{$lang}) = &publishlogo($r,'upload',$formelem,$dom,$confname,
+ "help/$lang",'','',$newfile{$lang});
if ($result eq 'ok') {
$loginhash{'login'}{'helpurl'}{$lang} = $newurl{$lang};
$changes{'helpurl'}{$lang} = 1;
@@ -10865,7 +9300,6 @@ sub modify_login {
- &update_modify_urls($r,$modified);
} else {
$error = &mt("Upload of custom log-in help file(s) failed because an author role could not be assigned to a Domain Configuration user ([_1]) in domain: [_2]. Error was: [_3].",$confname,$dom,$author_ok);
@@ -10923,14 +9357,11 @@ sub modify_login {
if ($switchserver) {
$error = &mt("Upload of custom markup is not permitted to this server: [_1]",$switchserver);
} elsif ($author_ok eq 'ok') {
- my $modified = [];
foreach my $lonhost (@newhosts) {
my $formelem = 'loginheadtag_'.$lonhost;
- (my $result,$newheadtagurls{$lonhost}) =
- &Apache::lonconfigsettings::publishlogo($r,'upload',$formelem,$dom,$confname,
- "login/headtag/$lonhost",'','',
- $env{'form.loginheadtag_'.$lonhost.'.filename'},
- $modified);
+ (my $result,$newheadtagurls{$lonhost}) = &publishlogo($r,'upload',$formelem,$dom,$confname,
+ "login/headtag/$lonhost",'','',
+ $env{'form.loginheadtag_'.$lonhost.'.filename'});
if ($result eq 'ok') {
$loginhash{'login'}{'headtag'}{$lonhost}{'url'} = $newheadtagurls{$lonhost};
$changes{'headtag'}{$lonhost} = 1;
@@ -10947,7 +9378,6 @@ sub modify_login {
- &update_modify_urls($r,$modified);
} else {
$error = &mt("Upload of custom markup file(s) failed because an author role could not be assigned to a Domain Configuration user ([_1]) in domain: [_2]. Error was: [_3].",$confname,$dom,$author_ok);
@@ -10966,13 +9396,10 @@ sub modify_login {
if ($env{'form.saml_img_'.$lonhost.'.filename'}) {
- foreach my $item ('text','alt','url','title','window','notsso') {
+ foreach my $item ('text','alt','url','title','notsso') {
$env{'form.saml_'.$item.'_'.$lonhost} =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
if ($saml{$lonhost}) {
- if ($env{'form.saml_window_'.$lonhost} ne '1') {
- $env{'form.saml_window_'.$lonhost} = '';
- }
if (grep(/^\Q$lonhost\E$/,@delsamlimg)) {
#FIXME Need to obsolete published image
@@ -10990,16 +9417,13 @@ sub modify_login {
if ($env{'form.saml_title_'.$lonhost} ne $samltitle{$lonhost}) {
$changes{'saml'}{$lonhost} = 1;
- if ($env{'form.saml_window_'.$lonhost} ne $samlwindow{$lonhost}) {
- $changes{'saml'}{$lonhost} = 1;
- }
if ($env{'form.saml_notsso_'.$lonhost} ne $samlnotsso{$lonhost}) {
$changes{'saml'}{$lonhost} = 1;
} else {
$changes{'saml'}{$lonhost} = 1;
- foreach my $item ('text','alt','url','title','window','notsso') {
+ foreach my $item ('text','alt','url','title','notsso') {
$currsaml{$lonhost}{$item} = $env{'form.saml_'.$item.'_'.$lonhost};
} else {
@@ -11022,14 +9446,11 @@ sub modify_login {
if ($switchserver) {
$error = &mt("Upload of SSO Button Image is not permitted to this server: [_1].",$switchserver);
} elsif ($author_ok eq 'ok') {
- my $modified = [];
foreach my $lonhost (@newsamlimgs) {
my $formelem = 'saml_img_'.$lonhost;
- my ($result,$imgurl) =
- &Apache::lonconfigsettings::publishlogo($r,'upload',$formelem,$dom,$confname,
- "login/saml/$lonhost",'','',
- $env{'form.saml_img_'.$lonhost.'.filename'},
- $modified);
+ my ($result,$imgurl) = &publishlogo($r,'upload',$formelem,$dom,$confname,
+ "login/saml/$lonhost",'','',
+ $env{'form.saml_img_'.$lonhost.'.filename'});
if ($result eq 'ok') {
$currsaml{$lonhost}{'img'} = $imgurl;
$loginhash{'login'}{'saml'}{$lonhost}{'img'} = $imgurl;
@@ -11040,7 +9461,6 @@ sub modify_login {
$errors .= '
- &update_modify_urls($r,$modified);
} else {
$error = &mt("Upload of SSO button image file(s) failed because an author role could not be assigned to a Domain Configuration user ([_1]) in domain: [_2]. Error was: [_3].",$confname,$dom,$author_ok);
@@ -11204,22 +9624,19 @@ sub modify_login {
alt => 'Alt text for button image',
url => 'SSO URL',
title => 'Tooltip for SSO link',
- window => 'Pop-up window if iframe',
notsso => 'Text for non-SSO log-in',
foreach my $lonhost (sort(keys(%{$changes{$item}}))) {
if (ref($currsaml{$lonhost}) eq 'HASH') {
$resulttext .= '
'.&mt("$title{$item} in use for [_1]","$lonhost").
- foreach my $key ('text','img','alt','url','title','window','notsso') {
+ foreach my $key ('text','img','alt','url','title','notsso') {
if ($currsaml{$lonhost}{$key} eq '') {
$resulttext .= '
- }
- return $resulttext;
-sub fetch_secrets {
- my ($dom,$context,$domconfig,$currsec,$secchanges,$newsec,$newkeyset) = @_;
- my %keyset;
- %{$currsec} = ();
- $newsec->{'private'}{'keys'} = [];
- $newsec->{'encrypt'} = {};
- $newsec->{'rules'} = {};
- if ($context eq 'ltisec') {
- $newsec->{'linkprot'} = {};
- }
- if (ref($domconfig->{$context}) eq 'HASH') {
- %{$currsec} = %{$domconfig->{$context}};
- if ($context eq 'ltisec') {
- if (ref($currsec->{'linkprot'}) eq 'HASH') {
- foreach my $id (keys(%{$currsec->{'linkprot'}})) {
- unless ($id =~ /^\d+$/) {
- delete($currsec->{'linkprot'}{$id});
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (ref($currsec->{'private'}) eq 'HASH') {
- if (ref($currsec->{'private'}{'keys'}) eq 'ARRAY') {
- $newsec->{'private'}{'keys'} = $currsec->{'private'}{'keys'};
- map { $keyset{$_} = 1; } @{$currsec->{'private'}{'keys'}};
- }
- }
- }
- my @items= ('crs','dom');
- if ($context eq 'ltisec') {
- push(@items,'consumers');
- }
- foreach my $item (@items) {
- my $formelement;
- if (($context eq 'toolsec') || ($item eq 'consumers')) {
- $formelement = 'form.'.$context.'_'.$item;
- } else {
- $formelement = 'form.'.$context.'_'.$item.'linkprot';
- }
- if ($env{$formelement}) {
- $newsec->{'encrypt'}{$item} = 1;
- if (ref($currsec->{'encrypt'}) eq 'HASH') {
- unless ($currsec->{'encrypt'}{$item}) {
- $secchanges->{'encrypt'} = 1;
- }
- } else {
- $secchanges->{'encrypt'} = 1;
- }
- } elsif (ref($currsec->{'encrypt'}) eq 'HASH') {
- if ($currsec->{'encrypt'}{$item}) {
- $secchanges->{'encrypt'} = 1;
- }
- }
- }
- my $secrets;
- if ($context eq 'ltisec') {
- $secrets = 'ltisecrets';
- } else {
- $secrets = 'toolsecrets';
- }
- unless (exists($currsec->{'rules'})) {
- $currsec->{'rules'} = {};
- }
- &password_rule_changes($secrets,$newsec->{'rules'},$currsec->{'rules'},$secchanges);
- my @ids=&Apache::lonnet::current_machine_ids();
- my %servers = &Apache::lonnet::get_servers($dom,'library');
- foreach my $hostid (keys(%servers)) {
- if (($hostid ne '') && (grep(/^\Q$hostid\E$/,@ids))) {
- my $keyitem = 'form.'.$context.'_privkey_'.$hostid;
- if (exists($env{$keyitem})) {
- $env{$keyitem} =~ s/(`)/'/g;
- if ($keyset{$hostid}) {
- if ($env{'form.'.$context.'_changeprivkey_'.$hostid}) {
- if ($env{$keyitem} ne '') {
- $secchanges->{'private'} = 1;
- $newkeyset->{$hostid} = $env{$keyitem};
- }
- }
- } elsif ($env{$keyitem} ne '') {
- unless (grep(/^\Q$hostid\E$/,@{$newsec->{'private'}{'keys'}})) {
- push(@{$newsec->{'private'}{'keys'}},$hostid);
- }
- $secchanges->{'private'} = 1;
- $newkeyset->{$hostid} = $env{$keyitem};
- }
- }
- }
- }
-sub store_security {
- my ($dom,$context,$secchanges,$newkeyset,$keystore) = @_;
- return unless ((ref($secchanges) eq 'HASH') && (ref($newkeyset) eq 'HASH') &&
- (ref($keystore) eq 'HASH'));
- if (keys(%{$secchanges})) {
- if ($secchanges->{'private'}) {
- my $who = &escape($env{'user.name'}.':'.$env{'user.domain'});
- foreach my $hostid (keys(%{$newkeyset})) {
- my $storehash = {
- key => $newkeyset->{$hostid},
- who => $env{'user.name'}.':'.$env{'user.domain'},
- };
- $keystore->{$hostid} = &Apache::lonnet::store_dom($storehash,$context,'private',
- $dom,$hostid);
- }
- }
- }
-sub lti_security_results {
- my ($dom,$context,$secchanges,$newsec,$newkeyset,$keystore) = @_;
- my $output;
- my %domdefaults = &Apache::lonnet::get_domain_defaults($dom);
- my $needs_update;
- foreach my $item (keys(%{$secchanges})) {
- if ($item eq 'encrypt') {
- $needs_update = 1;
- my %encrypted;
- if ($context eq 'lti') {
- %encrypted = (
- crs => {
- on => &mt('Encryption of stored link protection secrets defined in courses enabled'),
- off => &mt('Encryption of stored link protection secrets defined in courses disabled'),
- },
- dom => {
- on => &mt('Encryption of stored link protection secrets defined in domain enabled'),
- off => &mt('Encryption of stored link protection secrets defined in domain disabled'),
- },
- consumers => {
- on => &mt('Encryption of stored consumer secrets defined in domain enabled'),
- off => &mt('Encryption of stored consumer secrets defined in domain disabled'),
- },
- );
- } else {
- %encrypted = (
- crs => {
- on => &mt('Encryption of stored external tool secrets defined in courses enabled'),
- off => &mt('Encryption of stored external tool secrets defined in courses disabled'),
- },
- dom => {
- on => &mt('Encryption of stored external tool secrets defined in domain enabled'),
- off => &mt('Encryption of stored external tool secrets defined in domain disabled'),
- },
- );
- }
- my @types= ('crs','dom');
- if ($context eq 'lti') {
- foreach my $type (@types) {
- undef($domdefaults{'linkprotenc_'.$type});
- }
- push(@types,'consumers');
- undef($domdefaults{'ltienc_consumers'});
- } elsif ($context eq 'ltitools') {
- foreach my $type (@types) {
- undef($domdefaults{'toolenc_'.$type});
- }
- }
- foreach my $type (@types) {
- my $shown = $encrypted{$type}{'off'};
- if (ref($newsec->{$item}) eq 'HASH') {
- if ($newsec->{$item}{$type}) {
- if ($context eq 'lti') {
- if ($type eq 'consumers') {
- $domdefaults{'ltienc_consumers'} = 1;
- } else {
- $domdefaults{'linkprotenc_'.$type} = 1;
- }
- } elsif ($context eq 'ltitools') {
- $domdefaults{'toolenc_'.$type} = 1;
- }
- $shown = $encrypted{$type}{'on'};
- }
- }
- $output .= '
- }
- } elsif ($item eq 'rules') {
- my %titles = &Apache::lonlocal::texthash(
- min => 'Minimum password length',
- max => 'Maximum password length',
- chars => 'Required characters',
- );
- foreach my $rule ('min','max') {
- if ($newsec->{rules}{$rule} eq '') {
- if ($rule eq 'min') {
- $output .= '
'.&mt('[_1] not set.',$titles{$rule});
- ' '.&mt('Default of [_1] will be used',
- $Apache::lonnet::passwdmin).'
- } else {
- $output .= '
'.&mt('[_1] set to none',$titles{$rule}).'
- }
- } else {
- $output .= '
'.&mt('[_1] set to [_2]',$titles{$rule},$newsec->{rules}{$rule}).'
- }
- }
- if (ref($newsec->{'rules'}{'chars'}) eq 'ARRAY') {
- if (@{$newsec->{'rules'}{'chars'}} > 0) {
- my %rulenames = &Apache::lonlocal::texthash(
- uc => 'At least one upper case letter',
- lc => 'At least one lower case letter',
- num => 'At least one number',
- spec => 'At least one non-alphanumeric',
- );
- my $needed = '
- }
- if (ref($confhash{$itemid}{'makeuser'}) eq 'ARRAY') {
- if (@{$confhash{$itemid}{'makeuser'}} > 0) {
- $resulttext .= '
'.&mt('Following roles may create user accounts: [_1]',
- join(', ',@{$confhash{$itemid}{'makeuser'}})).' ';
- if ($confhash{$itemid}{'lcauth'} eq 'lti') {
- $resulttext .= &mt('New users will only be able to authenticate via LTI').'
'.&mt('Institutional data will be used when creating a new user for: [_1]',
- join(', ',map { $fieldtitles{$_}; } @{$confhash{$itemid}{'instdata'}})).'
- } else {
- $resulttext .= '
'.&mt('No institutional data used when creating a new user.').'