--- loncom/interface/domainprefs.pm	2020/05/22 22:29:56
+++ loncom/interface/domainprefs.pm	2014/08/06 17:16:29	1.251
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 # The LearningOnline Network with CAPA
 # Handler to set domain-wide configuration settings
-# $Id: domainprefs.pm,v 2020/05/22 22:29:56 raeburn Exp $
+# $Id: domainprefs.pm,v 1.251 2014/08/06 17:16:29 raeburn Exp $
 # Copyright Michigan State University Board of Trustees
@@ -19,8 +19,7 @@
 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 # along with LON-CAPA; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA#
 # /home/httpd/html/adm/gpl.txt
 # http://www.lon-capa.org/
@@ -216,27 +215,13 @@ sub handler {
-                'requestauthor','selfenrollment','inststatus',
-                'ltitools'],$dom);
-    if (ref($domconfig{'ltitools'}) eq 'HASH') {
-        my %encconfig =
-            &Apache::lonnet::get_dom('encconfig',['ltitools'],$dom);
-        if (ref($encconfig{'ltitools'}) eq 'HASH') {
-            foreach my $id (keys(%{$domconfig{'ltitools'}})) {
-                if (ref($domconfig{'ltitools'}{$id}) eq 'HASH') {
-                    foreach my $item ('key','secret') {
-                        $domconfig{'ltitools'}{$id}{$item} = $encconfig{'ltitools'}{$id}{$item};
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
+                'requestauthor','selfenrollment','inststatus'],$dom);
     my @prefs_order = ('rolecolors','login','defaults','quotas','autoenroll',
-                       'serverstatuses','helpsettings','coursedefaults',
-                       'ltitools','selfenrollment','usersessions');
+                       'serverstatuses','helpsettings',
+                       'coursedefaults','selfenrollment','usersessions');
     my %existing;
     if (ref($domconfig{'loadbalancing'}) eq 'HASH') {
         %existing = %{$domconfig{'loadbalancing'}};
@@ -265,8 +250,6 @@ sub handler {
                       header => [{col1 => 'Log-in Page Items',
                                   col2 => '',},
                                  {col1 => 'Log-in Help',
-                                  col2 => 'Value'},
-                                 {col1 => 'Custom HTML in document head',
                                   col2 => 'Value'}],
                       print => \&print_login,
                       modify => \&modify_login,
@@ -276,8 +259,6 @@ sub handler {
                       help => 'Domain_Configuration_LangTZAuth',
                       header => [{col1 => 'Setting',
                                   col2 => 'Value'},
-                                 {col1 => 'Internal Authentication',
-                                  col2 => 'Value'},
                                  {col1 => 'Institutional user types',
                                   col2 => 'Assignable to e-mail usernames'}],
                       print => \&print_defaults,
@@ -321,24 +302,18 @@ sub handler {
                      modify => \&modify_autocreate,
         'directorysrch' => 
-                  { text => 'Directory searches',
+                  { text => 'Institutional directory searches',
                     help => 'Domain_Configuration_InstDirectory_Search',
-                    header => [{col1 => 'Institutional Directory Setting',
-                                col2 => 'Value',},
-                               {col1 => 'LON-CAPA Directory Setting',
+                    header => [{col1 => 'Setting',
                                 col2 => 'Value',}],
                     print => \&print_directorysrch,
                     modify => \&modify_directorysrch,
         'contacts' =>
-                  { text => 'E-mail addresses and helpform',
+                  { text => 'Contact Information',
                     help => 'Domain_Configuration_Contact_Info',
-                    header => [{col1 => 'Default e-mail addresses',
-                                col2 => 'Value',},
-                               {col1 => 'Recipient(s) for notifications',
-                                col2 => 'Value',},
-                               {col1 => 'Ask helpdesk form settings',
-                                col2 => 'Value',},],
+                    header => [{col1 => 'Setting',
+                                col2 => 'Value',}],
                     print => \&print_contacts,
                     modify => \&modify_contacts,
@@ -435,12 +410,10 @@ sub handler {
                   modify => \&modify_serverstatuses,
         'helpsettings' =>
-                 {text   => 'Support settings',
+                 {text   => 'Help page settings',
                   help   => 'Domain_Configuration_Help_Settings',
-                  header => [{col1 => 'Help Page Settings (logged-in users)',
-                              col2 => 'Value'},
-                             {col1 => 'Helpdesk Roles',
-                              col2 => 'Settings'},],
+                  header => [{col1 => 'Help Settings (logged-in users)',
+                              col2 => 'Value'}],
                   print  => \&print_helpsettings,
                   modify => \&modify_helpsettings,
@@ -466,6 +439,14 @@ sub handler {
                   print => \&print_selfenrollment,
                   modify => \&modify_selfenrollment,
+        'privacy' => 
+                 {text   => 'User Privacy',
+                  help   => 'Domain_Configuration_User_Privacy',
+                  header => [{col1 => 'Setting',
+                              col2 => 'Value',}],
+                  print => \&print_privacy,
+                  modify => \&modify_privacy,
+                 },
         'usersessions' =>
                  {text  => 'User session hosting/offloading',
                   help  => 'Domain_Configuration_User_Sessions',
@@ -478,7 +459,7 @@ sub handler {
                   print => \&print_usersessions,
                   modify => \&modify_usersessions,
-        'loadbalancing' =>
+         'loadbalancing' =>
                  {text  => 'Dedicated Load Balancer(s)',
                   help  => 'Domain_Configuration_Load_Balancing',
                   header => [{col1 => 'Balancers',
@@ -489,14 +470,6 @@ sub handler {
                   print => \&print_loadbalancing,
                   modify => \&modify_loadbalancing,
-        'ltitools' =>
-                 {text => 'External Tools (LTI)',
-                  help => 'Domain_Configuration_LTI_Tools',
-                  header => [{col1 => 'Setting',
-                              col2 => 'Value',}],
-                  print => \&print_ltitools,
-                  modify => \&modify_ltitools,
-                 },
     if (keys(%servers) > 1) {
         $prefs{'login'}  = { text   => 'Log-in page options',
@@ -506,8 +479,6 @@ sub handler {
                                        {col1 => 'Log-in Page Items',
                                         col2 => ''},
                                        {col1 => 'Log-in Help',
-                                        col2 => 'Value'},
-                                       {col1 => 'Custom HTML in document head',
                                         col2 => 'Value'}],
                             print => \&print_login,
                             modify => \&modify_login,
@@ -550,9 +521,6 @@ $javascript_validations
-        if (grep(/^contacts$/,@actions)) {
-            $js .= &contacts_javascript();
-        }
     } else {
 # check if domconfig user exists for the domain.
@@ -642,7 +610,7 @@ sub process_changes {
     } elsif ($action eq 'autocreate') {
         $output = &modify_autocreate($dom,%domconfig);
     } elsif ($action eq 'directorysrch') {
-        $output = &modify_directorysrch($dom,$lastactref,%domconfig);
+        $output = &modify_directorysrch($dom,%domconfig);
     } elsif ($action eq 'usercreation') {
         $output = &modify_usercreation($dom,%domconfig);
     } elsif ($action eq 'selfcreation') {
@@ -664,7 +632,7 @@ sub process_changes {
     } elsif ($action eq 'requestauthor') {
         $output = &modify_quotas($r,$dom,$action,$lastactref,%domconfig);
     } elsif ($action eq 'helpsettings') {
-        $output = &modify_helpsettings($r,$dom,$confname,$lastactref,%domconfig);
+        $output = &modify_helpsettings($r,$dom,$confname,%domconfig);
     } elsif ($action eq 'coursedefaults') {
         $output = &modify_coursedefaults($dom,$lastactref,%domconfig);
     } elsif ($action eq 'selfenrollment') {
@@ -673,8 +641,6 @@ sub process_changes {
         $output = &modify_usersessions($dom,$lastactref,%domconfig);
     } elsif ($action eq 'loadbalancing') {
         $output = &modify_loadbalancing($dom,%domconfig);
-    } elsif ($action eq 'ltitools') {
-        $output = &modify_ltitools($r,$dom,$action,$lastactref,%domconfig);
     return $output;
@@ -687,24 +653,6 @@ sub print_config_box {
         $output = &coursecategories_javascript($settings);
     } elsif ($action eq 'defaults') {
         $output = &defaults_javascript($settings); 
-    } elsif ($action eq 'helpsettings') {
-        my (%privs,%levelscurrent);
-        my %full=();
-        my %levels=(
-                     course => {},
-                     domain => {},
-                     system => {},
-                   );
-        my $context = 'domain';
-        my $crstype = 'Course';
-        my $formname = 'display';
-        &Apache::lonuserutils::custom_role_privs(\%privs,\%full,\%levels,\%levelscurrent);
-        my @templateroles = &Apache::lonuserutils::custom_template_roles($context,$crstype);
-        $output =
-            &Apache::lonuserutils::custom_roledefs_js($context,$crstype,$formname,\%full,
-                                                      \@templateroles);
-    } elsif ($action eq 'ltitools') {
-        $output .= &ltitools_javascript($settings);
     $output .=
          '<table class="LC_nested_outer">
@@ -722,8 +670,7 @@ sub print_config_box {
         my $colspan = '';
         my $rightcolspan = '';
         if (($action eq 'rolecolors') || ($action eq 'defaults') ||
-            ($action eq 'directorysrch') ||
-            (($action eq 'login') && ($numheaders < 4))) {
+            (($action eq 'login') && ($numheaders < 3))) {
             $colspan = ' colspan="2"';
         if ($action eq 'usersessions') {
@@ -740,13 +687,12 @@ sub print_config_box {
         $rowtotal ++;
         if (($action eq 'autoupdate') || ($action eq 'usercreation') || ($action eq 'selfcreation') ||
             ($action eq 'usermodification') || ($action eq 'defaults') || ($action eq 'coursedefaults') ||
-            ($action eq 'selfenrollment') || ($action eq 'usersessions') || ($action eq 'directorysrch') ||
-            ($action eq 'helpsettings') || ($action eq 'contacts')) {
+            ($action eq 'selfenrollment') || ($action eq 'usersessions')) {
             $output .= $item->{'print'}->('top',$dom,$settings,\$rowtotal);
         } elsif ($action eq 'coursecategories') {
             $output .= $item->{'print'}->('top',$dom,$item,$settings,\$rowtotal);
         } elsif ($action eq 'login') {
-            if ($numheaders == 4) {
+            if ($numheaders == 3) {
                 $colspan = ' colspan="2"';
                 $output .= &print_login('service',$dom,$confname,$phase,$settings,\$rowtotal);
             } else {
@@ -771,8 +717,7 @@ sub print_config_box {
             $rowtotal ++;
         if (($action eq 'autoupdate') || ($action eq 'usercreation') ||
             ($action eq 'selfcreation') || ($action eq 'selfenrollment') ||
-            ($action eq 'usersessions') || ($action eq 'coursecategories') ||
-            ($action eq 'contacts') || ($action eq 'defaults')) {
+            ($action eq 'usersessions') || ($action eq 'coursecategories')) {
             if ($action eq 'coursecategories') {
                 $output .= &print_coursecategories('middle',$dom,$item,$settings,\$rowtotal);
                 $colspan = ' colspan="2"';
@@ -797,11 +742,10 @@ sub print_config_box {
             $rowtotal ++;
         } elsif (($action eq 'usermodification') || ($action eq 'coursedefaults') ||
-                 ($action eq 'defaults') || ($action eq 'directorysrch') ||
-                 ($action eq 'helpsettings')) {
+                  ($action eq 'defaults')) {
             $output .= $item->{'print'}->('bottom',$dom,$settings,\$rowtotal);
         } elsif ($action eq 'login') {
-            if ($numheaders == 4) {
+            if ($numheaders == 3) {
                 $output .= &print_login('page',$dom,$confname,$phase,$settings,\$rowtotal).'
@@ -817,27 +761,6 @@ sub print_config_box {
             } else {
                 $output .= &print_login('help',$dom,$confname,$phase,$settings,\$rowtotal);
-            $output .= '
-           </table>
-          </td>
-         </tr>
-         <tr>
-           <td>
-            <table class="LC_nested">
-             <tr class="LC_info_row">';
-            if ($numheaders == 4) {
-                $output .= '
-              <td class="LC_left_item"'.$colspan.'>'.&mt($item->{'header'}->[3]->{'col1'}).'</td>
-              <td class="LC_right_item"'.$colspan.'>'.&mt($item->{'header'}->[3]->{'col2'}).'</td>
-             </tr>';
-            } else {
-                $output .= '
-              <td class="LC_left_item"'.$colspan.'>'.&mt($item->{'header'}->[2]->{'col1'}).'</td>
-              <td class="LC_right_item"'.$colspan.'>'.&mt($item->{'header'}->[2]->{'col2'}).'</td>
-             </tr>';
-            }
-            $rowtotal ++;
-            $output .= &print_login('headtag',$dom,$confname,$phase,$settings,\$rowtotal);
         } elsif ($action eq 'requestcourses') {
             $output .= &print_requestmail($dom,$action,$settings,\$rowtotal);
             $rowtotal ++;
@@ -911,7 +834,7 @@ sub print_config_box {
             <table class="LC_nested">
              <tr class="LC_info_row">';
-        if ($action eq 'login') {
+        if (($action eq 'login') || ($action eq 'directorysrch')) {
             $output .= '  
               <td class="LC_left_item" colspan="2">'.&mt($item->{'header'}->[0]->{'col1'}).'</td>';
         } elsif ($action eq 'serverstatuses') {
@@ -955,12 +878,13 @@ sub print_config_box {
         $rowtotal ++;
         if ($action eq 'quotas') {
             $output .= &print_quotas($dom,$settings,\$rowtotal,$action);
-        } elsif (($action eq 'autoenroll') || ($action eq 'autocreate') || 
-                 ($action eq 'serverstatuses') || ($action eq 'loadbalancing') ||
-                 ($action eq 'ltitools')) {
+        } elsif (($action eq 'autoenroll') || ($action eq 'autocreate') || ($action eq 'directorysrch') ||
+                 ($action eq 'contacts') || ($action eq 'serverstatuses') || ($action eq 'loadbalancing')) {
             $output .= $item->{'print'}->($dom,$settings,\$rowtotal);
         } elsif ($action eq 'scantron') {
             $output .= &print_scantronformat($r,$dom,$confname,$settings,\$rowtotal);
+        } elsif ($action eq 'helpsettings') {
+            $output .= &print_helpsettings($dom,$confname,$settings,\$rowtotal);
     $output .= '
@@ -1257,57 +1181,6 @@ sub print_login {
             $itemcount ++;
         $datatable .= &captcha_choice('login',$settings,$itemcount);
-    } elsif ($caller eq 'headtag') {
-        my %domservers = &Apache::lonnet::get_servers($dom);
-        my $choice = $choices{'headtag'};
-        $css_class = ' class="LC_odd_row"';
-        $datatable .= '<tr'.$css_class.'><td colspan="2">'.$choice.'</td>'.
-                      '<td align="left"><table><tr><th>'.$choices{'hostid'}.'</th>'.
-                      '<th>'.$choices{'current'}.'</th>'.
-                      '<th>'.$choices{'action'}.'</th>'.
-                      '<th>'.$choices{'exempt'}.'</th></tr>'."\n";
-        my (%currurls,%currexempt);
-        if (ref($settings) eq 'HASH') {
-            if (ref($settings->{'headtag'}) eq 'HASH') {
-                foreach my $lonhost (keys(%{$settings->{'headtag'}})) {
-                    if (ref($settings->{'headtag'}{$lonhost}) eq 'HASH') {
-                        $currurls{$lonhost} = $settings->{'headtag'}{$lonhost}{'url'};
-                        $currexempt{$lonhost} = $settings->{'headtag'}{$lonhost}{'exempt'};
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        my %lt = &Apache::lonlocal::texthash(
-                                               del  => 'Delete?',
-                                               rep  => 'Replace:',
-                                               upl  => 'Upload:',
-                                               curr => 'View contents',
-                                               none => 'None',
-        );
-        my $switchserver = &check_switchserver($dom,$confname);
-        foreach my $lonhost (sort(keys(%domservers))) {
-            my $exempt = &check_exempt_addresses($currexempt{$lonhost});
-            $datatable .= '<tr><td>'.$domservers{$lonhost}.'</td>';
-            if ($currurls{$lonhost}) {
-                $datatable .= '<td class="LC_right_item"><a href="'.
-                              "javascript:void(open('$currurls{$lonhost}?inhibitmenu=yes','Custom_HeadTag',
-                              'menubar=0,toolbar=1,scrollbars=1,width=600,height=500,resizable=yes'))".
-                              '">'.$lt{'curr'}.'</a></td>'.
-                              '<td><span class="LC_nobreak"><label>'.
-                              '<input type="checkbox" name="loginheadtag_del" value="'.$lonhost.'" />'.
-                              $lt{'del'}.'</label>&nbsp;'.$lt{'rep'}.'</span>';
-            } else {
-                $datatable .= '<td class="LC_right_item">'.$lt{'none'}.'</td><td>'.$lt{'upl'};
-            }
-            $datatable .='<br />';
-            if ($switchserver) {
-                $datatable .= &mt('Upload to library server: [_1]',$switchserver);
-            } else {
-                $datatable .= '<input type="file" name="loginheadtag_'.$lonhost.'" />';
-            }
-            $datatable .= '</td><td><input type="textbox" name="loginheadtagexempt_'.$lonhost.'" value="'.$exempt.'" /></td></tr>';
-        }
-        $datatable .= '</table></td></tr>';
     return $datatable;
@@ -1341,9 +1214,6 @@ sub login_choices {
             link          => "Link",
             alink         => "Active link",
             vlink         => "Visited link",
-            headtag       => "Custom markup",
-            action        => "Action",
-            current       => "Current",
     return %choices;
@@ -2464,112 +2334,10 @@ $jstext{'templates'};
-sub ltitools_javascript {
-    my ($settings) = @_;
-    my $togglejs = &ltitools_toggle_js();
-    unless (ref($settings) eq 'HASH') {
-        return $togglejs;
-    }
-    my (%ordered,$total,%jstext);
-    $total = 0;
-    foreach my $item (keys(%{$settings})) {
-        if (ref($settings->{$item}) eq 'HASH') {
-            my $num = $settings->{$item}{'order'};
-            $ordered{$num} = $item;
-        }
-    }
-    $total = scalar(keys(%{$settings}));
-    my @jsarray = ();
-    foreach my $item (sort {$a <=> $b } (keys(%ordered))) {
-        push(@jsarray,$ordered{$item});
-    }
-    my $jstext = '    var ltitools = Array('."'".join("','",@jsarray)."'".');'."\n";
-    return <<"ENDSCRIPT";
-<script type="text/javascript">
-// <![CDATA[
-function reorderLTITools(form,item) {
-    var changedVal;
-    var newpos = 'ltitools_add_pos';
-    var maxh = 1 + $total;
-    var current = new Array;
-    var newitemVal = form.elements[newpos].options[form.elements[newpos].selectedIndex].value;
-    if (item == newpos) {
-        changedVal = newitemVal;
-    } else {
-        changedVal = form.elements[item].options[form.elements[item].selectedIndex].value;
-        current[newitemVal] = newpos;
-    }
-    for (var i=0; i<ltitools.length; i++) {
-        var elementName = 'ltitools_'+ltitools[i];
-        if (elementName != item) {
-            if (form.elements[elementName]) {
-                var currVal = form.elements[elementName].options[form.elements[elementName].selectedIndex].value;
-                current[currVal] = elementName;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    var oldVal;
-    for (var j=0; j<maxh; j++) {
-        if (current[j] == undefined) {
-            oldVal = j;
-        }
-    }
-    if (oldVal < changedVal) {
-        for (var k=oldVal+1; k<=changedVal ; k++) {
-           var elementName = current[k];
-           form.elements[elementName].selectedIndex = form.elements[elementName].selectedIndex - 1;
-        }
-    } else {
-        for (var k=changedVal; k<oldVal; k++) {
-            var elementName = current[k];
-            form.elements[elementName].selectedIndex = form.elements[elementName].selectedIndex + 1;
-        }
-    }
-    return;
-// ]]>
-sub ltitools_toggle_js {
-    return <<"ENDSCRIPT";
-<script type="text/javascript">
-// <![CDATA[
-function toggleLTITools(form,setting,item) {
-    var radioname = '';
-    var divid = '';
-    if (setting == 'user') {
-        divid = 'ltitools_'+setting+'_div_'+item;
-        var checkid = 'ltitools_'+setting+'_field_'+item;
-        if (document.getElementById(divid)) {
-            if (document.getElementById(checkid)) {
-                if (document.getElementById(checkid).checked) {
-                    document.getElementById(divid).style.display = 'inline-block';
-                } else {
-                    document.getElementById(divid).style.display = 'none';
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    return;
-// ]]>
 sub print_autoenroll {
     my ($dom,$settings,$rowtotal) = @_;
     my $autorun = &Apache::lonnet::auto_run(undef,$dom),
-    my ($defdom,$runon,$runoff,$coownerson,$coownersoff,$failsafe);
+    my ($defdom,$runon,$runoff,$coownerson,$coownersoff);
     if (ref($settings) eq 'HASH') {
         if (exists($settings->{'run'})) {
             if ($settings->{'run'} eq '0') {
@@ -2603,9 +2371,6 @@ sub print_autoenroll {
         if (exists($settings->{'sender_domain'})) {
             $defdom = $settings->{'sender_domain'};
-        if (exists($settings->{'autofailsafe'})) {
-            $failsafe = $settings->{'autofailsafe'};
-        }
     } else {
         if ($autorun) {
             $runon = ' checked="checked" ';
@@ -2641,12 +2406,8 @@ sub print_autoenroll {
                   $coownerson.' value="1" />'.&mt('Yes').'</label>&nbsp;'.
                   '<label><input type="radio" name="autoassign_coowners"'.
                   $coownersoff.' value="0" />'.&mt('No').'</label></span></td>'.
-                  '</tr><tr>'.
-                  '<td>'.&mt('Failsafe for no drops when institutional data missing').'</td>'.
-                  '<td class="LC_right_item"><span class="LC_nobreak">'.
-                  '<input type="text" name="autoenroll_failsafe"'.
-                  ' value="'.$failsafe.'" size="4" /></td></tr>';
-    $$rowtotal += 4;
+                  '</tr>';
+    $$rowtotal += 3;
     return $datatable;
@@ -2775,788 +2536,236 @@ sub print_autocreate {
 sub print_directorysrch {
-    my ($position,$dom,$settings,$rowtotal) = @_;
-    my $datatable;
-    if ($position eq 'top') {
-        my $instsrchon = ' ';
-        my $instsrchoff = ' checked="checked" ';
-        my ($exacton,$containson,$beginson);
-        my $instlocalon = ' ';
-        my $instlocaloff = ' checked="checked" ';
-        if (ref($settings) eq 'HASH') {
-            if ($settings->{'available'} eq '1') {
-                $instsrchon = $instsrchoff;
-                $instsrchoff = ' ';
-            }
-            if ($settings->{'localonly'} eq '1') {
-                $instlocalon = $instlocaloff;
-                $instlocaloff = ' ';
-            }
-            if (ref($settings->{'searchtypes'}) eq 'ARRAY') {
-                foreach my $type (@{$settings->{'searchtypes'}}) {
-                    if ($type eq 'exact') {
-                        $exacton = ' checked="checked" ';
-                    } elsif ($type eq 'contains') {
-                        $containson = ' checked="checked" ';
-                    } elsif ($type eq 'begins') {
-                        $beginson = ' checked="checked" ';
-                    }
-                }
-            } else {
-                if ($settings->{'searchtypes'} eq 'exact') {
-                    $exacton = ' checked="checked" ';
-                } elsif ($settings->{'searchtypes'} eq 'contains') {
-                    $containson = ' checked="checked" ';
-                } elsif ($settings->{'searchtypes'} eq 'specify') {
+    my ($dom,$settings,$rowtotal) = @_;
+    my $srchon = ' ';
+    my $srchoff = ' checked="checked" ';
+    my ($exacton,$containson,$beginson);
+    my $localon = ' ';
+    my $localoff = ' checked="checked" ';
+    if (ref($settings) eq 'HASH') {
+        if ($settings->{'available'} eq '1') {
+            $srchon = $srchoff;
+            $srchoff = ' ';
+        }
+        if ($settings->{'localonly'} eq '1') {
+            $localon = $localoff;
+            $localoff = ' ';
+        }
+        if (ref($settings->{'searchtypes'}) eq 'ARRAY') {
+            foreach my $type (@{$settings->{'searchtypes'}}) {
+                if ($type eq 'exact') {
                     $exacton = ' checked="checked" ';
+                } elsif ($type eq 'contains') {
                     $containson = ' checked="checked" ';
+                } elsif ($type eq 'begins') {
+                    $beginson = ' checked="checked" ';
-        }
-        my ($searchtitles,$titleorder) = &sorted_searchtitles();
-        my ($othertitle,$usertypes,$types) = &Apache::loncommon::sorted_inst_types($dom);
-        my $numinrow = 4;
-        my $cansrchrow = 0;
-        $datatable='<tr class="LC_odd_row">'.
-                   '<td colspan="2"><span class ="LC_nobreak">'.&mt('Institutional directory search available?').'</span></td>'.
-                   '<td class="LC_right_item"><span class="LC_nobreak"><label>'.
-                   '<input type="radio" name="dirsrch_available"'.
-                   $instsrchon.' value="1" />'.&mt('Yes').'</label>&nbsp;'.
-                   '<label><input type="radio" name="dirsrch_available"'.
-                   $instsrchoff.' value="0" />'.&mt('No').'</label></span></td>'.
-                   '</tr><tr>'.
-                   '<td colspan="2"><span class ="LC_nobreak">'.&mt('Other domains can search institution?').'</span></td>'.
-                   '<td class="LC_right_item"><span class="LC_nobreak"><label>'.
-                   '<input type="radio" name="dirsrch_instlocalonly"'.
-                   $instlocaloff.' value="0" />'.&mt('Yes').'</label>&nbsp;'.
-                   '<label><input type="radio" name="dirsrch_instlocalonly"'.
-                   $instlocalon.' value="1" />'.&mt('No').'</label></span></td>'.
-                   '</tr>';
-        $$rowtotal += 2;
-        if (ref($usertypes) eq 'HASH') {
-            if (keys(%{$usertypes}) > 0) {
-                $datatable .= &insttypes_row($settings,$types,$usertypes,$dom,
-                                             $numinrow,$othertitle,'cansearch');
-                $cansrchrow = 1;
+        } else {
+            if ($settings->{'searchtypes'} eq 'exact') {
+                $exacton = ' checked="checked" ';
+            } elsif ($settings->{'searchtypes'} eq 'contains') {
+                $containson = ' checked="checked" ';
+            } elsif ($settings->{'searchtypes'} eq 'specify') {
+                $exacton = ' checked="checked" ';
+                $containson = ' checked="checked" ';
-        if ($cansrchrow) {
-            $$rowtotal ++;
-            $datatable .= '<tr>';
-        } else {
-            $datatable .= '<tr class="LC_odd_row">';
+    }
+    my ($searchtitles,$titleorder) = &sorted_searchtitles();
+    my ($othertitle,$usertypes,$types) = &Apache::loncommon::sorted_inst_types($dom);
+    my $numinrow = 4;
+    my $cansrchrow = 0;
+    my $datatable='<tr class="LC_odd_row">'.
+                  '<td colspan="2"><span class ="LC_nobreak">'.&mt('Directory search available?').'</span></td>'.
+                  '<td class="LC_right_item"><span class="LC_nobreak"><label>'.
+                  '<input type="radio" name="dirsrch_available"'.
+                  $srchon.' value="1" />'.&mt('Yes').'</label>&nbsp;'.
+                  '<label><input type="radio" name="dirsrch_available"'.
+                  $srchoff.' value="0" />'.&mt('No').'</label></span></td>'.
+                  '</tr><tr>'.
+                  '<td colspan="2"><span class ="LC_nobreak">'.&mt('Other domains can search?').'</span></td>'.
+                  '<td class="LC_right_item"><span class="LC_nobreak"><label>'.
+                  '<input type="radio" name="dirsrch_localonly"'.
+                  $localoff.' value="0" />'.&mt('Yes').'</label>&nbsp;'.
+                  '<label><input type="radio" name="dirsrch_localonly"'.
+                  $localon.' value="1" />'.&mt('No').'</label></span></td>'.
+                  '</tr>';
+    $$rowtotal += 2;
+    if (ref($usertypes) eq 'HASH') {
+        if (keys(%{$usertypes}) > 0) {
+            $datatable .= &insttypes_row($settings,$types,$usertypes,$dom,
+                                         $numinrow,$othertitle,'cansearch');
+            $cansrchrow = 1;
-        $datatable .= '<td><span class ="LC_nobreak">'.&mt('Supported search methods').
-                      '</span></td><td class="LC_left_item" colspan="2"><table><tr>';
-        foreach my $title (@{$titleorder}) {
-            if (defined($searchtitles->{$title})) {
-                my $check = ' ';
-                if (ref($settings) eq 'HASH') {
-                    if (ref($settings->{'searchby'}) eq 'ARRAY') {
-                        if (grep(/^\Q$title\E$/,@{$settings->{'searchby'}})) {
-                            $check = ' checked="checked" ';
-                        }
+    }
+    if ($cansrchrow) {
+        $$rowtotal ++;
+        $datatable .= '<tr>';
+    } else {
+        $datatable .= '<tr class="LC_odd_row">';
+    }
+    $datatable .= '<td><span class ="LC_nobreak">'.&mt('Supported search methods').
+                  '</span></td><td class="LC_left_item" colspan="2"><table><tr>';
+    foreach my $title (@{$titleorder}) {
+        if (defined($searchtitles->{$title})) {
+            my $check = ' ';
+            if (ref($settings) eq 'HASH') {
+                if (ref($settings->{'searchby'}) eq 'ARRAY') {
+                    if (grep(/^\Q$title\E$/,@{$settings->{'searchby'}})) {
+                        $check = ' checked="checked" ';
-                $datatable .= '<td class="LC_left_item">'.
-                              '<span class="LC_nobreak"><label>'.
-                              '<input type="checkbox" name="searchby" '.
-                              'value="'.$title.'"'.$check.'/>'.
-                              $searchtitles->{$title}.'</label></span></td>';
+            $datatable .= '<td class="LC_left_item">'.
+                          '<span class="LC_nobreak"><label>'.
+                          '<input type="checkbox" name="searchby" '.
+                          'value="'.$title.'"'.$check.'/>'.
+                          $searchtitles->{$title}.'</label></span></td>';
-        $datatable .= '</tr></table></td></tr>';
-        $$rowtotal ++;
-        if ($cansrchrow) {
-            $datatable .= '<tr class="LC_odd_row">';
-        } else {
-            $datatable .= '<tr>';
-        }
-        $datatable .= '<td><span class ="LC_nobreak">'.&mt('Search latitude').'</span></td>'.   
-                      '<td class="LC_left_item" colspan="2">'.
-                      '<span class="LC_nobreak"><label>'.
-                      '<input type="checkbox" name="searchtypes" '.
-                      $exacton.' value="exact" />'.&mt('Exact match').
-                      '</label>&nbsp;'.
-                      '<label><input type="checkbox" name="searchtypes" '.
-                      $beginson.' value="begins" />'.&mt('Begins with').
-                      '</label>&nbsp;'.
-                      '<label><input type="checkbox" name="searchtypes" '.
-                      $containson.' value="contains" />'.&mt('Contains').
-                      '</label></span></td></tr>';
-        $$rowtotal ++;
+    }
+    $datatable .= '</tr></table></td></tr>';
+    $$rowtotal ++;
+    if ($cansrchrow) {
+        $datatable .= '<tr class="LC_odd_row">';
     } else {
-        my $domsrchon = ' checked="checked" ';
-        my $domsrchoff = ' ';
-        my $domlocalon = ' ';
-        my $domlocaloff = ' checked="checked" ';
-        if (ref($settings) eq 'HASH') {
-            if ($settings->{'lclocalonly'} eq '1') {
-                $domlocalon = $domlocaloff;
-                $domlocaloff = ' ';
-            }
-            if ($settings->{'lcavailable'} eq '0') {
-                $domsrchoff = $domsrchon;
-                $domsrchon = ' ';
-            }
-        }
-        $datatable='<tr class="LC_odd_row">'.
-                      '<td colspan="2"><span class ="LC_nobreak">'.&mt('LON-CAPA directory search available?').'</span></td>'.
-                      '<td class="LC_right_item"><span class="LC_nobreak"><label>'.
-                      '<input type="radio" name="dirsrch_domavailable"'.
-                      $domsrchon.' value="1" />'.&mt('Yes').'</label>&nbsp;'.
-                      '<label><input type="radio" name="dirsrch_domavailable"'.
-                      $domsrchoff.' value="0" />'.&mt('No').'</label></span></td>'.
-                      '</tr><tr>'.
-                      '<td colspan="2"><span class ="LC_nobreak">'.&mt('Other domains can search LON-CAPA domain?').'</span></td>'.
-                      '<td class="LC_right_item"><span class="LC_nobreak"><label>'.
-                      '<input type="radio" name="dirsrch_domlocalonly"'.
-                      $domlocaloff.' value="0" />'.&mt('Yes').'</label>&nbsp;'.
-                      '<label><input type="radio" name="dirsrch_domlocalonly"'.
-                      $domlocalon.' value="1" />'.&mt('No').'</label></span></td>'.
-                      '</tr>';
-        $$rowtotal += 2;
+        $datatable .= '<tr>';
+    $datatable .= '<td><span class ="LC_nobreak">'.&mt('Search latitude').'</span></td>'.   
+                  '<td class="LC_left_item" colspan="2">'.
+                  '<span class="LC_nobreak"><label>'.
+                  '<input type="checkbox" name="searchtypes" '.
+                  $exacton.' value="exact" />'.&mt('Exact match').
+                  '</label>&nbsp;'.
+                  '<label><input type="checkbox" name="searchtypes" '.
+                  $beginson.' value="begins" />'.&mt('Begins with').
+                  '</label>&nbsp;'.
+                  '<label><input type="checkbox" name="searchtypes" '.
+                  $containson.' value="contains" />'.&mt('Contains').
+                  '</label></span></td></tr>';
+    $$rowtotal ++;
     return $datatable;
 sub print_contacts {
-    my ($position,$dom,$settings,$rowtotal) = @_;
+    my ($dom,$settings,$rowtotal) = @_;
     my $datatable;
     my @contacts = ('adminemail','supportemail');
-    my (%checked,%to,%otheremails,%bccemails,%includestr,%includeloc,%currfield,
-        $maxsize,$fields,$fieldtitles,$fieldoptions,$possoptions,@mailings);
-    if ($position eq 'top') {
-        if (ref($settings) eq 'HASH') {
-            foreach my $item (@contacts) {
-                if (exists($settings->{$item})) {
-                    $to{$item} = $settings->{$item};
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    } elsif ($position eq 'middle') {
-        @mailings = ('errormail','packagesmail','lonstatusmail','requestsmail',
-                     'updatesmail','idconflictsmail');
-        foreach my $type (@mailings) {
-            $otheremails{$type} = '';
-        }
-    } else {
-        @mailings = ('helpdeskmail','otherdomsmail');
-        foreach my $type (@mailings) {
-            $otheremails{$type} = '';
-        }
-        $bccemails{'helpdeskmail'} = '';
-        $bccemails{'otherdomsmail'} = '';
-        $includestr{'helpdeskmail'} = '';
-        $includestr{'otherdomsmail'} = '';
-        ($fields,$fieldtitles,$fieldoptions,$possoptions) = &helpform_fields();
+    my (%checked,%to,%otheremails,%bccemails);
+    my @mailings = ('errormail','packagesmail','lonstatusmail','helpdeskmail',
+                    'requestsmail','updatesmail','idconflictsmail');
+    foreach my $type (@mailings) {
+        $otheremails{$type} = '';
+    $bccemails{'helpdeskmail'} = '';
     if (ref($settings) eq 'HASH') {
-        unless ($position eq 'top') {
-            foreach my $type (@mailings) {
-                if (exists($settings->{$type})) {
-                    if (ref($settings->{$type}) eq 'HASH') {
-                        foreach my $item (@contacts) {
-                            if ($settings->{$type}{$item}) {
-                                $checked{$type}{$item} = ' checked="checked" ';
-                            }
-                        }
-                        $otheremails{$type} = $settings->{$type}{'others'};
-                        if (($type eq 'helpdeskmail') || ($type eq 'otherdomsmail')) {
-                            $bccemails{$type} = $settings->{$type}{'bcc'};
-                            if ($settings->{$type}{'include'} ne '') {
-                                ($includeloc{$type},$includestr{$type}) = split(/:/,$settings->{$type}{'include'},2);
-                                $includestr{$type} = &unescape($includestr{$type});
-                            }
-                        }
-                    }
-                } elsif ($type eq 'lonstatusmail') {
-                    $checked{'lonstatusmail'}{'adminemail'} = ' checked="checked" ';
-                }
+        foreach my $item (@contacts) {
+            if (exists($settings->{$item})) {
+                $to{$item} = $settings->{$item};
-        if ($position eq 'bottom') {
-            foreach my $type (@mailings) {
-                $bccemails{$type} = $settings->{$type}{'bcc'};
-                if ($settings->{$type}{'include'} ne '') {
-                    ($includeloc{$type},$includestr{$type}) = split(/:/,$settings->{$type}{'include'},2);
-                    $includestr{$type} = &unescape($includestr{$type});
-                }
-            }
-            if (ref($settings->{'helpform'}) eq 'HASH') {
-                if (ref($fields) eq 'ARRAY') {
-                    foreach my $field (@{$fields}) {
-                        $currfield{$field} = $settings->{'helpform'}{$field};
+        foreach my $type (@mailings) {
+            if (exists($settings->{$type})) {
+                if (ref($settings->{$type}) eq 'HASH') {
+                    foreach my $item (@contacts) {
+                        if ($settings->{$type}{$item}) {
+                            $checked{$type}{$item} = ' checked="checked" ';
+                        }
-                }
-                if (exists($settings->{'helpform'}{'maxsize'})) {
-                    $maxsize = $settings->{'helpform'}{'maxsize'};
-                } else {
-                    $maxsize = '1.0';
-                }
-            } else {
-                if (ref($fields) eq 'ARRAY') {
-                    foreach my $field (@{$fields}) {
-                        $currfield{$field} = 'yes';
+                    $otheremails{$type} = $settings->{$type}{'others'};
+                    if ($type eq 'helpdeskmail') {
+                        $bccemails{$type} = $settings->{$type}{'bcc'};
-                $maxsize = '1.0';
+            } elsif ($type eq 'lonstatusmail') {
+                $checked{'lonstatusmail'}{'adminemail'} = ' checked="checked" ';
     } else {
-        if ($position eq 'top') {
-            $to{'supportemail'} = $Apache::lonnet::perlvar{'lonSupportEMail'};
-            $to{'adminemail'} = $Apache::lonnet::perlvar{'lonAdmEMail'};
-            $checked{'errormail'}{'adminemail'} = ' checked="checked" ';
-            $checked{'packagesmail'}{'adminemail'} = ' checked="checked" ';
-            $checked{'lonstatusmail'}{'adminemail'} = ' checked="checked" ';
-            $checked{'requestsmail'}{'adminemail'} = ' checked="checked" ';
-            $checked{'updatesmail'}{'adminemail'} = ' checked="checked" ';
-            $checked{'idconflictsmail'}{'adminemail'} = ' checked="checked" ';
-        } elsif ($position eq 'bottom') {
-            $checked{'helpdeskmail'}{'supportemail'} = ' checked="checked" ';
-            $checked{'otherdomsmail'}{'supportemail'} = ' checked="checked" ';
-            if (ref($fields) eq 'ARRAY') {
-                foreach my $field (@{$fields}) {
-                    $currfield{$field} = 'yes';
-                }
-            }
-            $maxsize = '1.0';
-        }
+        $to{'supportemail'} = $Apache::lonnet::perlvar{'lonSupportEMail'};
+        $to{'adminemail'} = $Apache::lonnet::perlvar{'lonAdmEMail'};
+        $checked{'errormail'}{'adminemail'} = ' checked="checked" ';
+        $checked{'packagesmail'}{'adminemail'} = ' checked="checked" ';
+        $checked{'helpdeskmail'}{'supportemail'} = ' checked="checked" ';
+        $checked{'lonstatusmail'}{'adminemail'} = ' checked="checked" '; 
+        $checked{'requestsmail'}{'adminemail'} = ' checked="checked" ';
+        $checked{'updatesmail'}{'adminemail'} = ' checked="checked" ';
+        $checked{'idconflictsmail'}{'adminemail'} = ' checked="checked" ';
     my ($titles,$short_titles) = &contact_titles();
     my $rownum = 0;
     my $css_class;
-    if ($position eq 'top') {
-        foreach my $item (@contacts) {
-            $css_class = $rownum%2?' class="LC_odd_row"':'';
-            $datatable .= '<tr'.$css_class.'>'. 
-                          '<td><span class="LC_nobreak">'.$titles->{$item}.
-                          '</span></td><td class="LC_right_item">'.
-                          '<input type="text" name="'.$item.'" value="'.
-                          $to{$item}.'" /></td></tr>';
-            $rownum ++;
-        }
-    } else {
-        foreach my $type (@mailings) {
-            $css_class = $rownum%2?' class="LC_odd_row"':'';
-            $datatable .= '<tr'.$css_class.'>'.
-                          '<td><span class="LC_nobreak">'.
-                          $titles->{$type}.': </span></td>'.
-                          '<td class="LC_left_item">';
-            if (($type eq 'helpdeskmail') || ($type eq 'otherdomsmail')) {
-                $datatable .= '<fieldset><legend>'.&mt('E-mail recipient(s)').'</legend>';
-            }
-            $datatable .= '<span class="LC_nobreak">';
-            foreach my $item (@contacts) {
-                $datatable .= '<label>'.
-                              '<input type="checkbox" name="'.$type.'"'.
-                              $checked{$type}{$item}.
-                              ' value="'.$item.'" />'.$short_titles->{$item}.
-                              '</label>&nbsp;';
-            }
-            $datatable .= '</span><br />'.&mt('Others').':&nbsp;&nbsp;'.
-                          '<input type="text" name="'.$type.'_others" '.
-                          'value="'.$otheremails{$type}.'"  />';
-            my %locchecked;
-            if (($type eq 'helpdeskmail') || ($type eq 'otherdomsmail')) {
-                foreach my $loc ('s','b') {
-                    if ($includeloc{$type} eq $loc) {
-                        $locchecked{$loc} = ' checked="checked"';
-                        last;
-                    }
-                }
-                $datatable .= '<br />'.&mt('Bcc:').('&nbsp;'x6).
-                              '<input type="text" name="'.$type.'_bcc" '.
-                              'value="'.$bccemails{$type}.'"  /></fieldset>'.
-                              '<fieldset><legend>'.&mt('Optional added text').'</legend>'.
-                              &mt('Text automatically added to e-mail:').' '.
-                              '<input type="text" name="'.$type.'_includestr" value="'.$includestr{$type}.'" /><br >'.
-                              '<span class="LC_nobreak">'.&mt('Location:').'&nbsp;'.
-                              '<label><input type="radio" name="'.$type.'_includeloc" value="s"'.$locchecked{'s'}.' />'.&mt('in subject').'</label>'.
-                              ('&nbsp;'x2).
-                              '<label><input type="radio" name="'.$type.'_includeloc" value="b"'.$locchecked{'b'}.' />'.&mt('in body').'</label>'.
-                              '</span></fieldset>';
-            }
-            $datatable .= '</td></tr>'."\n";
-            $rownum ++;
-        }
+    foreach my $item (@contacts) {
+        $css_class = $rownum%2?' class="LC_odd_row"':'';
+        $datatable .= '<tr'.$css_class.'>'. 
+                  '<td><span class="LC_nobreak">'.$titles->{$item}.
+                  '</span></td><td class="LC_right_item">'.
+                  '<input type="text" name="'.$item.'" value="'.
+                  $to{$item}.'" /></td></tr>';
+        $rownum ++;
-    if ($position eq 'middle') {
-        my %choices;
-        $choices{'reporterrors'} = &mt('E-mail error reports to [_1]',
-                                       &Apache::loncommon::modal_link('http://loncapa.org/core.html',
-                                       &mt('LON-CAPA core group - MSU'),600,500));
-        $choices{'reportupdates'} = &mt('E-mail record of completed LON-CAPA updates to [_1]',
-                                        &Apache::loncommon::modal_link('http://loncapa.org/core.html',
-                                        &mt('LON-CAPA core group - MSU'),600,500));
-        my @toggles = ('reporterrors','reportupdates');
-        my %defaultchecked = ('reporterrors'  => 'on',
-                              'reportupdates' => 'on');
-        (my $reports,$rownum) = &radiobutton_prefs($settings,\@toggles,\%defaultchecked,
-                                                   \%choices,$rownum);
-        $datatable .= $reports;
-    } elsif ($position eq 'bottom') {
+    foreach my $type (@mailings) {
         $css_class = $rownum%2?' class="LC_odd_row"':'';
         $datatable .= '<tr'.$css_class.'>'.
-                      '<td>'.&mt('Extra helpdesk form fields:').'<br />'.
-                      &mt('(e-mail, subject, and description always shown)').
-                      '</td><td class="LC_left_item">';
-        if ((ref($fields) eq 'ARRAY') && (ref($fieldtitles) eq 'HASH') &&
-            (ref($fieldoptions) eq 'HASH') && (ref($possoptions) eq 'HASH')) {
-            $datatable .= '<table><tr><th>'.&mt('Field').'</th><th>'.&mt('Status').'</th></tr>';
-            foreach my $field (@{$fields}) {
-                $datatable .= '<tr><td>'.$fieldtitles->{$field};
-                if (($field eq 'screenshot') || ($field eq 'cc')) {
-                    $datatable .= ' '.&mt('(logged-in users)');
-                }
-                $datatable .='</td><td>';
-                my $clickaction;
-                if ($field eq 'screenshot') {
-                    $clickaction = ' onclick="screenshotSize(this);"';
-                }
-                if (ref($possoptions->{$field}) eq 'ARRAY') {
-                    foreach my $option (@{$possoptions->{$field}}) {
-                        my $checked;
-                        if ($currfield{$field} eq $option) {
-                            $checked = ' checked="checked"';
-                        }
-                        $datatable .= '<span class="LC_nobreak"><label>'.
-                                      '<input type="radio" name="helpform_'.$field.'" '.
-                                      'value="'.$option.'"'.$checked.$clickaction.' />'.$fieldoptions->{$option}.
-                                      '</label></span>'.('&nbsp;'x2);
-                    }
-                }
-                if ($field eq 'screenshot') {
-                    my $display;
-                    if ($currfield{$field} eq 'no') {
-                        $display = ' style="display:none"';
-                    }
-                    $datatable .= '</td></tr><tr id="help_screenshotsize"'.$display.' />'.
-                                  '<td>'.&mt('Maximum size for upload (MB)').'</td><td>'.
-                                  '<input type="text" size="5" name="helpform_maxsize" value="'.$maxsize.'" />';
-                }
-                $datatable .= '</td></tr>';
-            }
-            $datatable .= '</table>';
+                      '<td><span class="LC_nobreak">'.
+                      $titles->{$type}.': </span></td>'.
+                      '<td class="LC_left_item">'.
+                      '<span class="LC_nobreak">';
+        foreach my $item (@contacts) {
+            $datatable .= '<label>'.
+                          '<input type="checkbox" name="'.$type.'"'.
+                          $checked{$type}{$item}.
+                          ' value="'.$item.'" />'.$short_titles->{$item}.
+                          '</label>&nbsp;';
+        }
+        $datatable .= '</span><br />'.&mt('Others').':&nbsp;&nbsp;'.
+                      '<input type="text" name="'.$type.'_others" '.
+                      'value="'.$otheremails{$type}.'"  />';
+        if ($type eq 'helpdeskmail') {
+            $datatable .= '<br />'.&mt('Bcc:').('&nbsp;'x6).
+                          '<input type="text" name="'.$type.'_bcc" '.
+                          'value="'.$bccemails{$type}.'"  />';
         $datatable .= '</td></tr>'."\n";
         $rownum ++;
+    my %choices;
+    $choices{'reporterrors'} = &mt('E-mail error reports to [_1]',
+                                   &Apache::loncommon::modal_link('http://loncapa.org/core.html',
+                                   &mt('LON-CAPA core group - MSU'),600,500));
+    $choices{'reportupdates'} = &mt('E-mail record of completed LON-CAPA updates to [_1]',
+                                    &Apache::loncommon::modal_link('http://loncapa.org/core.html',
+                                    &mt('LON-CAPA core group - MSU'),600,500));
+    my @toggles = ('reporterrors','reportupdates');
+    my %defaultchecked = ('reporterrors'  => 'on',
+                          'reportupdates' => 'on');
+    (my $reports,$rownum) = &radiobutton_prefs($settings,\@toggles,\%defaultchecked,
+                                               \%choices,$rownum);
+    $datatable .= $reports;
     $$rowtotal += $rownum;
     return $datatable;
-sub contacts_javascript {
-    return <<"ENDSCRIPT";
-<script type="text/javascript">
-// <![CDATA[
-function screenshotSize(field) {
-    if (document.getElementById('help_screenshotsize')) {
-        if (field.value == 'no') {
-            document.getElementById('help_screenshotsize').style.display="none";
-        } else {
-            document.getElementById('help_screenshotsize').style.display="";
-        }
-    }
-    return;
-// ]]>
 sub print_helpsettings {
-    my ($position,$dom,$settings,$rowtotal) = @_;
-    my $confname = $dom.'-domainconfig';
-    my $formname = 'display';
+    my ($dom,$confname,$settings,$rowtotal) = @_;
     my ($datatable,$itemcount);
-    if ($position eq 'top') {
-        $itemcount = 1;
-        my (%choices,%defaultchecked,@toggles);
-        $choices{'submitbugs'} = &mt('Display link to: [_1]?',
-                                     &Apache::loncommon::modal_link('http://bugs.loncapa.org',
-                                     &mt('LON-CAPA bug tracker'),600,500));
-        %defaultchecked = ('submitbugs' => 'on');
-        @toggles = ('submitbugs');
-        ($datatable,$itemcount) = &radiobutton_prefs($settings,\@toggles,\%defaultchecked,
-                                                     \%choices,$itemcount);
-        $$rowtotal ++;
-    } else {
-        my $css_class;
-        my %existing=&Apache::lonnet::dump('roles',$dom,$confname,'rolesdef_');
-        my (%customroles,%ordered,%current);
-        if (ref($settings) eq 'HASH') {
-            if (ref($settings->{'adhoc'}) eq 'HASH') {
-                %current = %{$settings->{'adhoc'}};
-            }
-        }
-        my $count = 0;
-        foreach my $key (sort(keys(%existing))) {
-            if ($key=~/^rolesdef\_(\w+)$/) {
-                my $rolename = $1;
-                my (%privs,$order);
-                ($privs{'system'},$privs{'domain'},$privs{'course'}) = split(/\_/,$existing{$key});
-                $customroles{$rolename} = \%privs;
-                if (ref($current{$rolename}) eq 'HASH') {
-                    $order = $current{$rolename}{'order'};
-                }
-                if ($order eq '') {
-                    $order = $count;
-                }
-                $ordered{$order} = $rolename;
-                $count++;
-            }
-        }
-        my $maxnum = scalar(keys(%ordered));
-        my @roles_by_num = ();
-        foreach my $item (sort {$a <=> $b } (keys(%ordered))) {
-            push(@roles_by_num,$item);
-        }
-        my $context = 'domprefs';
-        my $crstype = 'Course';
-        my ($othertitle,$usertypes,$types) = &Apache::loncommon::sorted_inst_types($dom);
-        my @accesstypes = ('all','dh','da','none');
-        my ($numstatustypes,@jsarray);
-        if (ref($types) eq 'ARRAY') {
-            if (@{$types} > 0) {
-                $numstatustypes = scalar(@{$types});
-                push(@accesstypes,'status');
-                @jsarray = ('bystatus');
-            }
-        }
-        my %domhelpdesk = &Apache::lonnet::get_active_domroles($dom,['dh','da']);
-        if (keys(%domhelpdesk)) {
-            push(@accesstypes,('inc','exc'));
-            push(@jsarray,('notinc','notexc'));
-        }
-        my $hiddenstr = join("','",@jsarray);
-        $datatable .= &helpsettings_javascript(\@roles_by_num,$maxnum,$hiddenstr,$formname);
-        my $context = 'domprefs';
-        my $crstype = 'Course';
-        my $prefix = 'helproles_';
-        my $add_class = 'LC_hidden';
-        foreach my $num (@roles_by_num) {
-            my $role = $ordered{$num};
-            my ($desc,$access,@statuses);
-            if (ref($current{$role}) eq 'HASH') {
-                $desc = $current{$role}{'desc'};
-                $access = $current{$role}{'access'};
-                if (ref($current{$role}{'insttypes'}) eq 'ARRAY') {
-                    @statuses = @{$current{$role}{'insttypes'}};
-                }
-            }
-            if ($desc eq '') {
-                $desc = $role;
-            }
-            my $identifier = 'custhelp'.$num;
-            my %full=();
-            my %levels= (
-                         course => {},
-                         domain => {},
-                         system => {},
-                        );
-            my %levelscurrent=(
-                               course => {},
-                               domain => {},
-                               system => {},
-                              );
-            &Apache::lonuserutils::custom_role_privs($customroles{$role},\%full,\%levels,\%levelscurrent);
-            my @templateroles = &Apache::lonuserutils::custom_template_roles($context,$crstype);
-            $css_class = $itemcount%2?' class="LC_odd_row"':'';
-            my $chgstr = ' onchange="javascript:reorderHelpRoles(this.form,'."'helproles_".$num."_pos'".');"';
-            $datatable .= '<tr '.$css_class.'><td valign="top"><b>'.$role.'</b><br />'.
-                          '<select name="helproles_'.$num.'_pos"'.$chgstr.'>';
-            for (my $k=0; $k<=$maxnum; $k++) {
-                my $vpos = $k+1;
-                my $selstr;
-                if ($k == $num) {
-                    $selstr = ' selected="selected" ';
-                }
-                $datatable .= '<option value="'.$k.'"'.$selstr.'>'.$vpos.'</option>';
-            }
-            $datatable .= '</select>'.('&nbsp;'x2).
-                          '<input type="hidden" name="helproles_'.$num.'" value="'.$role.'" />'.
-                          '</td>'.
-                          '<td><fieldset><legend>'.&mt('Role name').'</legend>'.
-                          &mt('Name shown to users:').
-                          '<input type="text" name="helproles_'.$num.'_desc" value="'.$desc.'" />'.
-                          '</fieldset>'.
-                          &helpdeskroles_access($dom,$prefix,$num,$add_class,$current{$role},\@accesstypes,
-                                                $othertitle,$usertypes,$types,\%domhelpdesk).
-                          '<fieldset>'.
-                          '<legend>'.&mt('Role privileges').&adhocbutton($prefix,$num,'privs','show').'</legend>'.
-                          &Apache::lonuserutils::custom_role_table($crstype,\%full,\%levels,
-                                                                   \%levelscurrent,$identifier,
-                                                                   'LC_hidden',$prefix.$num.'_privs').
-                          '</fieldset></td>';
-            $itemcount ++;
-        }
-        $css_class = $itemcount%2?' class="LC_odd_row"':'';
-        my $newcust = 'custhelp'.$count;
-        my (%privs,%levelscurrent);
-        my %full=();
-        my %levels= (
-                     course => {},
-                     domain => {},
-                     system => {},
-                    );
-        &Apache::lonuserutils::custom_role_privs(\%privs,\%full,\%levels,\%levelscurrent);
-        my @templateroles = &Apache::lonuserutils::custom_template_roles($context,$crstype);
-        my $chgstr = ' onchange="javascript:reorderHelpRoles(this.form,'."'helproles_".$count."_pos'".');"';
-        $datatable .= '<tr '.$css_class.'><td valign="top"><span class="LC_nobreak"><label>'.
-                      '<input type="hidden" name="helproles_maxnum" value="'.$maxnum.'" />'."\n".
-                      '<select name="helproles_'.$count.'_pos"'.$chgstr.'>';
-        for (my $k=0; $k<$maxnum+1; $k++) {
-            my $vpos = $k+1;
-            my $selstr;
-            if ($k == $maxnum) {
-                $selstr = ' selected="selected" ';
-            }
-            $datatable .= '<option value="'.$k.'"'.$selstr.'>'.$vpos.'</option>';
-        }
-        $datatable .= '</select>&nbsp;'."\n".
-                      '<input type="checkbox" name="newcusthelp" value="'.$count.'" />'. &mt('Add').
-                      '</label></span></td>'.
-                      '<td><fieldset><legend>'.&mt('Role name').'</legend>'.
-                      '<span class="LC_nobreak">'.
-                      &mt('Internal name:').
-                      '<input type="text" size="10" name="custhelpname'.$count.'" value="" />'.
-                      '</span>'.('&nbsp;'x4).
-                      '<span class="LC_nobreak">'.
-                      &mt('Name shown to users:').
-                      '<input type="text" size="20" name="helproles_'.$count.'_desc" value="" />'.
-                      '</span></fieldset>'.
-                       &helpdeskroles_access($dom,$prefix,$count,'',undef,\@accesstypes,$othertitle,
-                                             $usertypes,$types,\%domhelpdesk).
-                      '<fieldset><legend>'.&mt('Role privileges').'</legend>'.
-                      &Apache::lonuserutils::custom_role_header($context,$crstype,
-                                                                \@templateroles,$newcust).
-                      &Apache::lonuserutils::custom_role_table('Course',\%full,\%levels,
-                                                               \%levelscurrent,$newcust).
-                      '</fieldset></td></tr>';
-        $count ++;
-        $$rowtotal += $count;
-    }
-    return $datatable;
-sub adhocbutton {
-    my ($prefix,$num,$field,$visibility) = @_;
-    my %lt = &Apache::lonlocal::texthash(
-                                          show => 'Show details',
-                                          hide => 'Hide details',
-                                        );
-    return '<span style="text-decoration:line-through; font-weight: normal;">'.('&nbsp;'x10).
-           '</span>'.('&nbsp;'x2).'<input type="button" id="'.$prefix.$num.'_'.$field.'_vis"'.
-           ' value="'.$lt{$visibility}.'" style="height:20px;" '.
-           'onclick="toggleHelpdeskItem('."'$num','$field'".');" />'.('&nbsp;'x2);
-sub helpsettings_javascript {
-    my ($roles_by_num,$total,$hiddenstr,$formname) = @_;
-    return unless(ref($roles_by_num) eq 'ARRAY');
-    my %html_js_lt = &Apache::lonlocal::texthash(
-                                          show => 'Show details',
-                                          hide => 'Hide details',
-                                        );
-    &html_escape(\%html_js_lt);
-    my $jstext = '    var helproles = Array('."'".join("','",@{$roles_by_num})."'".');'."\n";
-    return <<"ENDSCRIPT";
-<script type="text/javascript">
-// <![CDATA[
-function reorderHelpRoles(form,item) {
-    var changedVal;
-    var newpos = 'helproles_${total}_pos';
-    var maxh = 1 + $total;
-    var current = new Array();
-    var newitemVal = form.elements[newpos].options[form.elements[newpos].selectedIndex].value;
-    if (item == newpos) {
-        changedVal = newitemVal;
-    } else {
-        changedVal = form.elements[item].options[form.elements[item].selectedIndex].value;
-        current[newitemVal] = newpos;
-    }
-    for (var i=0; i<helproles.length; i++) {
-        var elementName = 'helproles_'+helproles[i]+'_pos';
-        if (elementName != item) {
-            if (form.elements[elementName]) {
-                var currVal = form.elements[elementName].options[form.elements[elementName].selectedIndex].value;
-                current[currVal] = elementName;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    var oldVal;
-    for (var j=0; j<maxh; j++) {
-        if (current[j] == undefined) {
-            oldVal = j;
-        }
-    }
-    if (oldVal < changedVal) {
-        for (var k=oldVal+1; k<=changedVal ; k++) {
-           var elementName = current[k];
-           form.elements[elementName].selectedIndex = form.elements[elementName].selectedIndex - 1;
-        }
-    } else {
-        for (var k=changedVal; k<oldVal; k++) {
-            var elementName = current[k];
-            form.elements[elementName].selectedIndex = form.elements[elementName].selectedIndex + 1;
-        }
-    }
-    return;
-function helpdeskAccess(num) {
-    var curraccess = null;
-    if (document.$formname.elements['helproles_'+num+'_access'].length) {
-        for (var i=0; i<document.$formname.elements['helproles_'+num+'_access'].length; i++) {
-            if (document.$formname.elements['helproles_'+num+'_access'][i].checked) {
-                curraccess = document.$formname.elements['helproles_'+num+'_access'][i].value;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    var shown = Array();
-    var hidden = Array();
-    if (curraccess == 'none') {
-        hidden = Array('$hiddenstr');
-    } else {
-        if (curraccess == 'status') {
-            shown = Array('bystatus');
-            hidden = Array('notinc','notexc');
-        } else {
-            if (curraccess == 'exc') {
-                shown = Array('notexc');
-                hidden = Array('notinc','bystatus');
-            }
-            if (curraccess == 'inc') {
-                shown = Array('notinc');
-                hidden = Array('notexc','bystatus');
-            }
-            if ((curraccess == 'all') || (curraccess == 'dh') || (curraccess == 'da')) {
-                hidden = Array('notinc','notexc','bystatus');
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    if (hidden.length > 0) {
-        for (var i=0; i<hidden.length; i++) {
-            if (document.getElementById('helproles_'+num+'_'+hidden[i])) {
-                document.getElementById('helproles_'+num+'_'+hidden[i]).style.display = 'none';
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    if (shown.length > 0) {
-        for (var i=0; i<shown.length; i++) {
-            if (document.getElementById('helproles_'+num+'_'+shown[i])) {
-                if (shown[i] == 'privs') {
-                    document.getElementById('helproles_'+num+'_'+shown[i]).style.display = 'block';
-                } else {
-                    document.getElementById('helproles_'+num+'_'+shown[i]).style.display = 'inline-block';
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    return;
+    $itemcount = 1;
+    my (%choices,%defaultchecked,@toggles);
+    $choices{'submitbugs'} = &mt('Display link to: [_1]?',
+                                 &Apache::loncommon::modal_link('http://bugs.loncapa.org',
+                                 &mt('LON-CAPA bug tracker'),600,500));
+    %defaultchecked = ('submitbugs' => 'on');
+    @toggles = ('submitbugs',);
-function toggleHelpdeskItem(num,field) {
-    if (document.getElementById('helproles_'+num+'_'+field)) {
-        if (document.getElementById('helproles_'+num+'_'+field).className.match(/(?:^|\\s)LC_hidden(?!\\S)/)) {
-            document.getElementById('helproles_'+num+'_'+field).className =
-                document.getElementById('helproles_'+num+'_'+field).className.replace(/(?:^|\\s)LC_hidden(?!\\S)/g ,'');
-            if (document.getElementById('helproles_'+num+'_'+field+'_vis')) {
-                document.getElementById('helproles_'+num+'_'+field+'_vis').value = '$html_js_lt{hide}';
-            }
-        } else {
-            document.getElementById('helproles_'+num+'_'+field).className += ' LC_hidden';
-            if (document.getElementById('helproles_'+num+'_'+field+'_vis')) {
-                document.getElementById('helproles_'+num+'_'+field+'_vis').value = '$html_js_lt{show}';
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    return;
-// ]]>
-sub helpdeskroles_access {
-    my ($dom,$prefix,$num,$add_class,$current,$accesstypes,$othertitle,
-        $usertypes,$types,$domhelpdesk) = @_;
-    return unless ((ref($accesstypes) eq 'ARRAY') && (ref($domhelpdesk) eq 'HASH'));
-    my %lt = &Apache::lonlocal::texthash(
-                    'rou'    => 'Role usage',
-                    'whi'    => 'Which helpdesk personnel may use this role?',
-                    'all'    => 'All with domain helpdesk or helpdesk assistant role',
-                    'dh'     => 'All with domain helpdesk role',
-                    'da'     => 'All with domain helpdesk assistant role',
-                    'none'   => 'None',
-                    'status' => 'Determined based on institutional status',
-                    'inc'    => 'Include all, but exclude specific personnel',
-                    'exc'    => 'Exclude all, but include specific personnel',
-                  );
-    my %usecheck = (
-                     all => ' checked="checked"',
-                   );
-    my %displaydiv = (
-                      status => 'none',
-                      inc    => 'none',
-                      exc    => 'none',
-                      priv   => 'block',
-                     );
-    my $output;
-    if (ref($current) eq 'HASH') {
-        if (($current->{'access'} ne '') && ($current->{'access'} ne 'all')) {
-            if (grep(/^\Q$current->{access}\E$/,@{$accesstypes})) {
-                $usecheck{$current->{access}} = $usecheck{'all'};
-                delete($usecheck{'all'});
-                if ($current->{access} =~ /^(status|inc|exc)$/) {
-                    my $access = $1;
-                    $displaydiv{$access} = 'inline';
-                } elsif ($current->{access} eq 'none') {
-                    $displaydiv{'priv'} = 'none';
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    $output = '<fieldset id="'.$prefix.$num.'_usage"><legend>'.$lt{'rou'}.'</legend>'.
-              '<p>'.$lt{'whi'}.'</p>';
-    foreach my $access (@{$accesstypes}) {
-        $output .= '<p><label><input type="radio" name="'.$prefix.$num.'_access" value="'.$access.'" '.$usecheck{$access}.
-                   ' onclick="helpdeskAccess('."'$num'".');" />'.
-                   $lt{$access}.'</label>';
-        if ($access eq 'status') {
-            $output .= '<div id="'.$prefix.$num.'_bystatus" style="display:'.$displaydiv{$access}.'">'.
-                       &Apache::lonuserutils::adhoc_status_types($dom,$prefix,$num,$current->{$access},
-                                                                 $othertitle,$usertypes,$types).
-                       '</div>';
-        } elsif (($access eq 'inc') && (keys(%{$domhelpdesk}) > 0)) {
-            $output .= '<div id="'.$prefix.$num.'_notinc" style="display:'.$displaydiv{$access}.'">'.
-                       &Apache::lonuserutils::adhoc_staff($access,$prefix,$num,$current->{$access},$domhelpdesk).
-                       '</div>';
-        } elsif (($access eq 'exc') && (keys(%{$domhelpdesk}) > 0)) {
-            $output .= '<div id="'.$prefix.$num.'_notexc" style="display:'.$displaydiv{$access}.'">'.
-                       &Apache::lonuserutils::adhoc_staff($access,$prefix,$num,$current->{$access},$domhelpdesk).
-                       '</div>';
-        }
-        $output .= '</p>';
-    }
-    $output .= '</fieldset>';
-    return $output;
+    ($datatable,$itemcount) = &radiobutton_prefs($settings,\@toggles,\%defaultchecked,
+                                                 \%choices,$itemcount);
+    return $datatable;
 sub radiobutton_prefs {
     my ($settings,$toggles,$defaultchecked,$choices,$itemcount,$onclick,
-        $additional,$align) = @_;
+        $additional) = @_;
     return unless ((ref($toggles) eq 'ARRAY') && (ref($defaultchecked) eq 'HASH') &&
                    (ref($choices) eq 'HASH'));
@@ -3590,14 +2799,8 @@ sub radiobutton_prefs {
         $datatable .=
             '<tr'.$css_class.'><td valign="top">'.
             '<span class="LC_nobreak">'.$choices->{$item}.
-            '</span></td>';
-        if ($align eq 'left') {
-            $datatable .= '<td class="LC_left_item">';
-        } else {
-            $datatable .= '<td class="LC_right_item">';
-        }
-        $datatable .=
-            '<span class="LC_nobreak">'.
+            '</span></td>'.
+            '<td class="LC_right_item"><span class="LC_nobreak">'.
             '<label><input type="radio" name="'.
             $item.'" '.$checkedon{$item}.' value="1"'.$onclick.' />'.&mt('Yes').
             '</label>&nbsp;<label><input type="radio" name="'.$item.'" '.
@@ -3610,517 +2813,30 @@ sub radiobutton_prefs {
     return ($datatable,$itemcount);
-sub print_ltitools {
-    my ($dom,$settings,$rowtotal) = @_;
-    my $rownum = 0;
-    my $css_class;
-    my $itemcount = 1;
-    my $maxnum = 0;
-    my %ordered;
-    if (ref($settings) eq 'HASH') {
-        foreach my $item (keys(%{$settings})) {
-            if (ref($settings->{$item}) eq 'HASH') {
-                my $num = $settings->{$item}{'order'};
-                $ordered{$num} = $item;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    my $confname = $dom.'-domainconfig';
-    my $switchserver = &check_switchserver($dom,$confname);
-    my $maxnum = scalar(keys(%ordered));
-    my $datatable;
-    my %lt = &ltitools_names();
-    my @courseroles = ('cc','in','ta','ep','st');
-    my @ltiroles = qw(Instructor ContentDeveloper TeachingAssistant Learner);
-    my @fields = ('fullname','firstname','lastname','email','roles','user');
-    if (keys(%ordered)) {
-        my @items = sort { $a <=> $b } keys(%ordered);
-        for (my $i=0; $i<@items; $i++) {
-            $css_class = $itemcount%2?' class="LC_odd_row"':'';
-            my $item = $ordered{$items[$i]};
-            my ($title,$key,$secret,$url,$lifetime,$imgsrc,%sigsel);
-            if (ref($settings->{$item}) eq 'HASH') {
-                $title = $settings->{$item}->{'title'};
-                $url = $settings->{$item}->{'url'};
-                $key = $settings->{$item}->{'key'};
-                $secret = $settings->{$item}->{'secret'};
-                $lifetime = $settings->{$item}->{'lifetime'};
-                my $image = $settings->{$item}->{'image'};
-                if ($image ne '') {
-                    $imgsrc = '<img src="'.$image.'" alt="'.&mt('Tool Provider icon').'" />';
-                }
-                if ($settings->{$item}->{'sigmethod'} eq 'HMAC-256') {
-                    $sigsel{'HMAC-256'} = ' selected="selected"';
-                } else {
-                    $sigsel{'HMAC-SHA1'} = ' selected="selected"';
-                }
-            }
-            my $chgstr = ' onchange="javascript:reorderLTITools(this.form,'."'ltitools_".$item."'".');"';
-            $datatable .= '<tr '.$css_class.'><td><span class="LC_nobreak">'
-                         .'<select name="ltitools_'.$item.'"'.$chgstr.'>';
-            for (my $k=0; $k<=$maxnum; $k++) {
-                my $vpos = $k+1;
-                my $selstr;
-                if ($k == $i) {
-                    $selstr = ' selected="selected" ';
-                }
-                $datatable .= '<option value="'.$k.'"'.$selstr.'>'.$vpos.'</option>';
-            }
-            $datatable .= '</select>'.('&nbsp;'x2).
-                '<label><input type="checkbox" name="ltitools_del" value="'.$item.'" />'.
-                &mt('Delete?').'</label></span></td>'.
-                '<td colspan="2">'.
-                '<fieldset><legend>'.&mt('Required settings').'</legend>'.
-                '<span class="LC_nobreak">'.$lt{'title'}.':<input type="text" size="20" name="ltitools_title_'.$i.'" value="'.$title.'" /></span> '.
-                ('&nbsp;'x2).
-                '<span class="LC_nobreak">'.$lt{'version'}.':<select name="ltitools_version_'.$i.'">'.
-                '<option value="LTI-1p0" selected="selected">1.1</option></select></span> '.
-                ('&nbsp;'x2).
-                '<span class="LC_nobreak">'.$lt{'msgtype'}.':<select name="ltitools_msgtype_'.$i.'">'.
-                '<option value="basic-lti-launch-request" selected="selected">Launch</option></select></span> '.
-                ('&nbsp;'x2).
-                '<span class="LC_nobreak">'.$lt{'sigmethod'}.':<select name="ltitools_sigmethod_'.$i.'">'.
-                '<option value="HMAC-SHA1"'.$sigsel{'HMAC-SHA1'}.'>HMAC-SHA1</option>'.
-                '<option value="HMAC-SHA256"'.$sigsel{'HMAC-SHA256'}.'>HMAC-SHA256</option></select></span>'.
-                '<br /><br />'.
-                '<span class="LC_nobreak">'.$lt{'url'}.':<input type="text" size="40" name="ltitools_url_'.$i.'"'.
-                ' value="'.$url.'" /></span>'.
-                ('&nbsp;'x2).
-                '<span class="LC_nobreak">'.$lt{'key'}.':'.
-                '<input type="text" size="25" name="ltitools_key_'.$i.'" value="'.$key.'" /></span> '.
-                ('&nbsp;'x2).
-                '<span class="LC_nobreak">'.$lt{'lifetime'}.':'.
-                '<input type="text" size="5" name="ltitools_lifetime_'.$i.'" value="'.$lifetime.'" /></span> '.
-                ('&nbsp;'x2).
-                '<span class="LC_nobreak">'.$lt{'secret'}.':'.
-                '<input type="password" size="20" name="ltitools_secret_'.$i.'" value="'.$secret.'" />'.
-                '<label><input type="checkbox" name="visible" onclick="if (this.checked) { this.form.ltitools_secret_'.$i.'.type='."'text'".' } else { this.form.ltitools_secret_'.$i.'.type='."'password'".' }" />'.&mt('Visible input').'</label>'.
-                '<input type="hidden" name="ltitools_id_'.$i.'" value="'.$item.'" /></span>'.
-                '</fieldset>'.
-                '<fieldset><legend>'.&mt('Optional settings').'</legend>'.
-                '<span class="LC_nobreak">'.&mt('Display target:');
-            my %currdisp;
-            if (ref($settings->{$item}->{'display'}) eq 'HASH') {
-                if ($settings->{$item}->{'display'}->{'target'} eq 'window') {
-                    $currdisp{'window'} = ' checked="checked"';
-                } elsif ($settings->{$item}->{'display'}->{'target'} eq 'tab') {
-                    $currdisp{'tab'} = ' checked="checked"';
-                } else {
-                    $currdisp{'iframe'} = ' checked="checked"';
-                }
-                if ($settings->{$item}->{'display'}->{'width'} =~ /^(\d+)$/) {
-                    $currdisp{'width'} = $1;
-                }
-                if ($settings->{$item}->{'display'}->{'height'} =~ /^(\d+)$/) {
-                     $currdisp{'height'} = $1;
-                }
-                $currdisp{'linktext'} = $settings->{$item}->{'display'}->{'linktext'};
-                $currdisp{'explanation'} = $settings->{$item}->{'display'}->{'explanation'};
-            } else {
-                $currdisp{'iframe'} = ' checked="checked"';
-            }
-            foreach my $disp ('iframe','tab','window') {
-                $datatable .= '<label><input type="radio" name="ltitools_target_'.$i.'" value="'.$disp.'"'.$currdisp{$disp}.' />'.
-                              $lt{$disp}.'</label>'.('&nbsp;'x2);
-            }
-            $datatable .= ('&nbsp;'x4);
-            foreach my $dimen ('width','height') {
-                $datatable .= '<label>'.$lt{$dimen}.'&nbsp;'.
-                              '<input type="text" name="ltitools_'.$dimen.'_'.$i.'" size="5" value="'.$currdisp{$dimen}.'" /></label>'.
-                              ('&nbsp;'x2);
-            }
-            $datatable .= '</span><br />'.
-                          '<div class="LC_left_float">'.$lt{'linktext'}.'<br />'.
-                          '<input type="text" name="ltitools_linktext_'.$i.'" size="25" value="'.$currdisp{'linktext'}.'" /></div>'.
-                          '<div class="LC_left_float">'.$lt{'explanation'}.'<br />'.
-                          '<textarea name="ltitools_explanation_'.$i.'" rows="5" cols="40">'.$currdisp{'explanation'}.
-                          '</textarea></div><div style=""></div>'.
-                          '<div style="padding:0;clear:both;margin:0;border:0"></div>';
-            $datatable .= '<span class="LC_nobreak">'.$lt{'icon'}.':&nbsp;';
-            if ($imgsrc) {
-                $datatable .= $imgsrc.
-                              '<label><input type="checkbox" name="ltitools_image_del"'.
-                              ' value="'.$item.'" />'.&mt('Delete?').'</label></span> '.
-                              '<span class="LC_nobreak">&nbsp;'.&mt('Replace:').'&nbsp;';
-            } else {
-                $datatable .= '('.&mt('if larger than 21x21 pixels, image will be scaled').')&nbsp;';
-            }
-            if ($switchserver) {
-                $datatable .= &mt('Upload to library server: [_1]',$switchserver);
-            } else {
-                $datatable .= '<input type="file" name="ltitools_image_'.$i.'" value="" />';
-            }
-            $datatable .= '</span></fieldset>';
-            my (%checkedfields,%rolemaps,$userincdom);
-            if (ref($settings->{$item}) eq 'HASH') {
-                if (ref($settings->{$item}->{'fields'}) eq 'HASH') {
-                    %checkedfields = %{$settings->{$item}->{'fields'}};
-                }
-                $userincdom = $settings->{$item}->{'incdom'};
-                if (ref($settings->{$item}->{'roles'}) eq 'HASH') {
-                    %rolemaps = %{$settings->{$item}->{'roles'}};
-                    $checkedfields{'roles'} = 1;
-                }
-            }
-            $datatable .= '<fieldset><legend>'.&mt('User data sent on launch').'</legend>'.
-                          '<span class="LC_nobreak">';
-            my $userfieldstyle = 'display:none;';
-            my $seluserdom = '';
-            my $unseluserdom = ' selected="selected"';
-            foreach my $field (@fields) {
-                my ($checked,$onclick,$id,$spacer);
-                if ($checkedfields{$field}) {
-                    $checked = ' checked="checked"';
-                }
-                if ($field eq 'user') {
-                    $id = ' id="ltitools_user_field_'.$i.'"';
-                    $onclick = ' onclick="toggleLTITools(this.form,'."'$field','$i'".')"';
-                    if ($checked) {
-                        $userfieldstyle = 'display:inline-block';
-                        if ($userincdom) {
-                            $seluserdom = $unseluserdom;
-                            $unseluserdom = '';
-                        }
-                    }
-                } else {
-                    $spacer = ('&nbsp;' x2);
-                }
-                $datatable .= '<label>'.
-                              '<input type="checkbox" name="ltitools_fields_'.$i.'" value="'.$field.'"'.$id.$checked.$onclick.' />'.
-                              $lt{$field}.'</label>'.$spacer;
-            }
-            $datatable .= '</span>';
-            $datatable .= '<div style="'.$userfieldstyle.'" id="ltitools_user_div_'.$i.'">'.
-                          '<span class="LC_nobreak"> : '.
-                          '<select name="ltitools_userincdom_'.$i.'">'.
-                          '<option value="">'.&mt('Select').'</option>'.
-                          '<option value="0"'.$unseluserdom.'>'.&mt('username').'</option>'.
-                          '<option value="1"'.$seluserdom.'>'.&mt('username:domain').'</option>'.
-                          '</select></span></div>';
-            $datatable .= '</fieldset>'.
-                          '<fieldset><legend>'.&mt('Role mapping').'</legend><table><tr>';
-            foreach my $role (@courseroles) {
-                my ($selected,$selectnone);
-                if (!$rolemaps{$role}) {
-                    $selectnone = ' selected="selected"';
-                }
-                $datatable .= '<td align="center">'.
-                              &Apache::lonnet::plaintext($role,'Course').'<br />'.
-                              '<select name="ltitools_roles_'.$role.'_'.$i.'">'.
-                              '<option value=""'.$selectnone.'>'.&mt('Select').'</option>';
-                foreach my $ltirole (@ltiroles) {
-                    unless ($selectnone) {
-                        if ($rolemaps{$role} eq $ltirole) {
-                            $selected = ' selected="selected"';
-                        } else {
-                            $selected = '';
-                        }
-                    }
-                    $datatable .= '<option value="'.$ltirole.'"'.$selected.'>'.$ltirole.'</option>';
-                }
-                $datatable .= '</select></td>';
-            }
-            $datatable .= '</tr></table></fieldset>';
-            my %courseconfig;
-            if (ref($settings->{$item}) eq 'HASH') {
-                if (ref($settings->{$item}->{'crsconf'}) eq 'HASH') {
-                    %courseconfig = %{$settings->{$item}->{'crsconf'}};
-                }
-            }
-            $datatable .= '<fieldset><legend>'.&mt('Configurable in course').'</legend><span class="LC_nobreak">';
-            foreach my $item ('label','title','target','linktext','explanation','append') {
-                my $checked;
-                if ($courseconfig{$item}) {
-                    $checked = ' checked="checked"';
-                }
-                $datatable .= '<label>'.
-                       '<input type="checkbox" name="ltitools_courseconfig_'.$i.'" value="'.$item.'"'.$checked.' />'.
-                       $lt{'crs'.$item}.'</label>'.('&nbsp;' x2)."\n";
-            }
-            $datatable .= '</span></fieldset>'.
-                          '<fieldset><legend>'.&mt('Custom items sent on launch').'</legend>'.
-                          '<table><tr><th>'.&mt('Action').'</th><th>'.&mt('Name').'</th><th>'.&mt('Value').'</th></tr>';
-            if (ref($settings->{$item}->{'custom'}) eq 'HASH') {
-                my %custom = %{$settings->{$item}->{'custom'}};
-                if (keys(%custom) > 0) {
-                    foreach my $key (sort(keys(%custom))) {
-                        $datatable .= '<tr><td><span class="LC_nobreak">'.
-                                      '<label><input type="checkbox" name="ltitools_customdel_'.$i.'" value="'.
-                                      $key.'" />'.&mt('Delete').'</label></span></td><td>'.$key.'</td>'.
-                                      '<td><input type="text" name="ltitools_customval_'.$key.'_'.$i.'"'.
-                                      ' value="'.$custom{$key}.'" /></td></tr>';
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-            $datatable .= '<tr><td><span class="LC_nobreak">'.
-                          '<label><input type="checkbox" name="ltitools_customadd" value="'.$i.'" />'.
-                          &mt('Add').'</label></span></td><td><input type="text" name="ltitools_custom_name_'.$i.'" />'.
-                          '</td><td><input type="text" name="ltitools_custom_value_'.$i.'" /></td></tr>';
-            $datatable .= '</table></fieldset></td></tr>'."\n";
-            $itemcount ++;
-        }
-    }
-    $css_class = $itemcount%2?' class="LC_odd_row"':'';
-    my $chgstr = ' onchange="javascript:reorderLTITools(this.form,'."'ltitools_add_pos'".');"';
-    $datatable .= '<tr '.$css_class.'><td><span class="LC_nobreak">'."\n".
-                  '<input type="hidden" name="ltitools_maxnum" value="'.$maxnum.'" />'."\n".
-                  '<select name="ltitools_add_pos"'.$chgstr.'>';
-    for (my $k=0; $k<$maxnum+1; $k++) {
-        my $vpos = $k+1;
-        my $selstr;
-        if ($k == $maxnum) {
-            $selstr = ' selected="selected" ';
-        }
-        $datatable .= '<option value="'.$k.'"'.$selstr.'>'.$vpos.'</option>';
-    }
-    $datatable .= '</select>&nbsp;'."\n".
-                  '<input type="checkbox" name="ltitools_add" value="1" />'.&mt('Add').'</span></td>'."\n".
-                  '<td colspan="2">'.
-                  '<fieldset><legend>'.&mt('Required settings').'</legend>'.
-                  '<span class="LC_nobreak">'.$lt{'title'}.':<input type="text" size="20" name="ltitools_add_title" value="" /></span> '."\n".
-                  ('&nbsp;'x2).
-                  '<span class="LC_nobreak">'.$lt{'version'}.':<select name="ltitools_add_version">'.
-                  '<option value="LTI-1p0" selected="selected">1.1</option></select></span> '."\n".
-                  ('&nbsp;'x2).
-                  '<span class="LC_nobreak">'.$lt{'msgtype'}.':<select name="ltitools_add_msgtype">'.
-                  '<option value="basic-lti-launch-request" selected="selected">Launch</option></select></span> '.
-                  '<span class="LC_nobreak">'.$lt{'sigmethod'}.':<select name="ltitools_add_sigmethod">'.
-                  '<option value="HMAC-SHA1" selected="selected">HMAC-SHA1</option>'.
-                  '<option value="HMAC-SHA256">HMAC-SHA256</option></select></span>'.
-                  '<br />'.
-                  '<span class="LC_nobreak">'.$lt{'url'}.':<input type="text" size="40" name="ltitools_add_url" value="" /></span> '."\n".
-                  ('&nbsp;'x2).
-                  '<span class="LC_nobreak">'.$lt{'key'}.':<input type="text" size="25" name="ltitools_add_key" value="" /></span> '."\n".
-                  ('&nbsp;'x2).
-                  '<span class="LC_nobreak">'.$lt{'lifetime'}.':<input type="text" size="5" name="ltitools_add_lifetime" value="300" /></span> '."\n".
-                  ('&nbsp;'x2).
-                  '<span class="LC_nobreak">'.$lt{'secret'}.':<input type="password" size="20" name="ltitools_add_secret" value="" />'.
-                  '<label><input type="checkbox" name="visible" onclick="if (this.checked) { this.form.ltitools_add_secret.type='."'text'".' } else { this.form.ltitools_add_secret.type='."'password'".' }" />'.&mt('Visible input').'</label></span> '."\n".
-                  '</fieldset>'.
-                  '<fieldset><legend>'.&mt('Optional settings').'</legend>'.
-                  '<span class="LC_nobreak">'.&mt('Display target:');
-    my %defaultdisp;
-    $defaultdisp{'iframe'} = ' checked="checked"';
-    foreach my $disp ('iframe','tab','window') {
-        $datatable .= '<label><input type="radio" name="ltitools_add_target" value="'.$disp.'"'.$defaultdisp{$disp}.' />'.
-                      $lt{$disp}.'</label>'.('&nbsp;'x2);
-    }
-    $datatable .= ('&nbsp;'x4);
-    foreach my $dimen ('width','height') {
-        $datatable .= '<label>'.$lt{$dimen}.'&nbsp;'.
-                      '<input type="text" name="ltitools_add_'.$dimen.'" size="5" /></label>'.
-                      ('&nbsp;'x2);
-    }
-    $datatable .= '</span><br />'.
-                  '<div class="LC_left_float">'.$lt{'linktext'}.'<br />'.
-                  '<input type="text" name="ltitools_add_linktext" size="5" /></div>'.
-                  '<div class="LC_left_float">'.$lt{'explanation'}.'<br />'.
-                  '<textarea name="ltitools_add_explanation" rows="5" cols="40"></textarea>'.
-                  '</div><div style=""></div>'.
-                  '<div style="padding:0;clear:both;margin:0;border:0"></div>';
-    $datatable .= '<span class="LC_nobreak">'.$lt{'icon'}.':&nbsp;'.
-                  '('.&mt('if larger than 21x21 pixels, image will be scaled').')&nbsp;';
-    if ($switchserver) {
-        $datatable .= &mt('Upload to library server: [_1]',$switchserver);
-    } else {
-        $datatable .= '<input type="file" name="ltitools_add_image" value="" />';
-    }
-    $datatable .= '</span></fieldset>'.
-                  '<fieldset><legend>'.&mt('User data sent on launch').'</legend>'.
-                  '<span class="LC_nobreak">';
-    foreach my $field (@fields) {
-        my ($id,$onclick,$spacer);
-        if ($field eq 'user') {
-            $id = ' id="ltitools_user_field_add"';
-            $onclick = ' onclick="toggleLTITools(this.form,'."'$field','add'".')"';
-        } else {
-            $spacer = ('&nbsp;' x2);
-        }
-        $datatable .= '<label>'.
-                      '<input type="checkbox" name="ltitools_add_fields" value="'.$field.'"'.$id.$onclick.' />'.
-                      $lt{$field}.'</label>'.$spacer;
-    }
-    $datatable .= '</span>'.
-                  '<div style="display:none;" id="ltitools_user_div_add">'.
-                  '<span class="LC_nobreak"> : '.
-                  '<select name="ltitools_userincdom_add">'.
-                  '<option value="" selected="selected">'.&mt('Select').'</option>'.
-                  '<option value="0">'.&mt('username').'</option>'.
-                  '<option value="1">'.&mt('username:domain').'</option>'.
-                  '</select></span></div></fieldset>';
-    $datatable .= '<fieldset><legend>'.&mt('Role mapping').'</legend><table><tr>';
-    foreach my $role (@courseroles) {
-        my ($checked,$checkednone);
-        $datatable .= '<td align="center">'.
-                      &Apache::lonnet::plaintext($role,'Course').'<br />'.
-                      '<select name="ltitools_add_roles_'.$role.'">'.
-                      '<option value="" selected="selected">'.&mt('Select').'</option>';
-        foreach my $ltirole (@ltiroles) {
-            $datatable .= '<option value="'.$ltirole.'">'.$ltirole.'</option>';
-        }
-        $datatable .= '</select></td>';
-    }
-    $datatable .= '</tr></table></fieldset>'.
-                  '<fieldset><legend>'.&mt('Configurable in course').'</legend><span class="LC_nobreak">';
-    foreach my $item ('label','title','target','linktext','explanation','append') {
-        $datatable .= '<label>'.
-                      '<input type="checkbox" name="ltitools_courseconfig" value="'.$item.'" checked="checked" />'.
-                      $lt{'crs'.$item}.'</label>'.('&nbsp;' x2)."\n";
-    }
-    $datatable .= '</span></fieldset>'.
-                  '<fieldset><legend>'.&mt('Custom items sent on launch').'</legend>'.
-                  '<table><tr><th>'.&mt('Action').'</th><th>'.&mt('Name').'</th><th>'.&mt('Value').'</th></tr>'.
-                  '<tr><td><span class="LC_nobreak">'.
-                  '<label><input type="checkbox" name="ltitools_add_custom" value="1" />'.
-                  &mt('Add').'</label></span></td><td><input type="text" name="ltitools_add_custom_name" />'.
-                  '</td><td><input type="text" name="ltitools_add_custom_value" /></td></tr>'.
-                  '</table></fieldset>'."\n".
-                  '</td>'."\n".
-                  '</tr>'."\n";
-    $itemcount ++;
-    return $datatable;
-sub ltitools_names {
-    my %lt = &Apache::lonlocal::texthash(
-                                          'title'          => 'Title',
-                                          'version'        => 'Version',
-                                          'msgtype'        => 'Message Type',
-                                          'sigmethod'      => 'Signature Method',
-                                          'url'            => 'URL',
-                                          'key'            => 'Key',
-                                          'lifetime'       => 'Nonce lifetime (s)',
-                                          'secret'         => 'Secret',
-                                          'icon'           => 'Icon',
-                                          'user'           => 'User',
-                                          'fullname'       => 'Full Name',
-                                          'firstname'      => 'First Name',
-                                          'lastname'       => 'Last Name',
-                                          'email'          => 'E-mail',
-                                          'roles'          => 'Role',
-                                          'window'         => 'Window',
-                                          'tab'            => 'Tab',
-                                          'iframe'         => 'iFrame',
-                                          'height'         => 'Height',
-                                          'width'          => 'Width',
-                                          'linktext'       => 'Default Link Text',
-                                          'explanation'    => 'Default Explanation',
-                                          'crstarget'      => 'Display target',
-                                          'crslabel'       => 'Course label',
-                                          'crstitle'       => 'Course title',
-                                          'crslinktext'    => 'Link Text',
-                                          'crsexplanation' => 'Explanation',
-                                          'crsappend'      => 'Provider URL',
-                                        );
-    return %lt;
 sub print_coursedefaults {
     my ($position,$dom,$settings,$rowtotal) = @_;
     my ($css_class,$datatable,%checkedon,%checkedoff,%defaultchecked,@toggles);
     my $itemcount = 1;
     my %choices =  &Apache::lonlocal::texthash (
+        canuse_pdfforms      => 'Course/Community users can create/upload PDF forms',
         uploadquota          => 'Default quota for files uploaded directly to course/community using Course Editor (MB)',
         anonsurvey_threshold => 'Responder count needed before showing submissions for anonymous surveys',
         coursecredits        => 'Credits can be specified for courses',
-        uselcmath            => 'Math preview uses LON-CAPA previewer (javascript) in place of DragMath (Java)',
-        usejsme              => 'Molecule editor uses JSME (HTML5) in place of JME (Java)',
-        postsubmit           => 'Disable submit button/keypress following student submission',
-        canclone             => "People who may clone a course (besides course's owner and coordinators)",
-        mysqltables          => 'Lifetime (s) of "Temporary" MySQL tables (student performance data) on homeserver',
     my %staticdefaults = (
                            anonsurvey_threshold => 10,
                            uploadquota          => 500,
-                           postsubmit           => 60,
-                           mysqltables          => 172800,
     if ($position eq 'top') {
-        %defaultchecked = (
-                            'uselcmath'       => 'on',
-                            'usejsme'         => 'on',
-                            'canclone'        => 'none',
-                          );
-        @toggles = ('uselcmath','usejsme');
+        %defaultchecked = ('canuse_pdfforms' => 'off');
+        @toggles = ('canuse_pdfforms');
         ($datatable,$itemcount) = &radiobutton_prefs($settings,\@toggles,\%defaultchecked,
-                                                     \%choices,$itemcount);
-        $css_class = $itemcount%2?' class="LC_odd_row"':'';
-        $datatable .=
-            '<tr'.$css_class.'><td valign="top">'.
-            '<span class="LC_nobreak">'.$choices{'canclone'}.
-            '</span></td><td class="LC_left_item">';
-        my $currcanclone = 'none';
-        my $onclick;
-        my @cloneoptions = ('none','domain');
-        my %clonetitles = (
-                             none     => 'No additional course requesters',
-                             domain   => "Any course requester in course's domain",
-                             instcode => 'Course requests for official courses ...',
-                          );
-        my (%codedefaults,@code_order,@posscodes);
-        if (&Apache::lonnet::auto_instcode_defaults($dom,\%codedefaults,
-                                                    \@code_order) eq 'ok') {
-            if (@code_order > 0) {
-                push(@cloneoptions,'instcode');
-                $onclick = ' onclick="toggleDisplay(this.form,'."'cloneinstcode'".');"';
-            }
-        }
-        if (ref($settings) eq 'HASH') {
-            if ($settings->{'canclone'}) {
-                if (ref($settings->{'canclone'}) eq 'HASH') {
-                    if (ref($settings->{'canclone'}{'instcode'}) eq 'ARRAY') {
-                        if (@code_order > 0) {
-                            $currcanclone = 'instcode';
-                            @posscodes = @{$settings->{'canclone'}{'instcode'}};
-                        }
-                    }
-                } elsif ($settings->{'canclone'} eq 'domain') {
-                    $currcanclone = $settings->{'canclone'};
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        foreach my $option (@cloneoptions) {
-            my ($checked,$additional);
-            if ($currcanclone eq $option) {
-                $checked = ' checked="checked"';
-            }
-            if ($option eq 'instcode') {
-                if (@code_order) {
-                    my $show = 'none';
-                    if ($checked) {
-                        $show = 'block';
-                    }
-                    $additional = '<div id="cloneinstcode" style="display:'.$show.'" />'.
-                                  &mt('Institutional codes for new and cloned course have identical:').
-                                  '<br />';
-                    foreach my $item (@code_order) {
-                        my $codechk;
-                        if ($checked) {
-                            if (grep(/^\Q$item\E$/,@posscodes)) {
-                                $codechk = ' checked="checked"';
-                            }
-                        }
-                        $additional .= '<label>'.
-                                       '<input type="checkbox" name="clonecode" value="'.$item.'"'.$codechk.' />'.
-                                       $item.'</label>';
-                    }
-                    $additional .= ('&nbsp;'x2).'('.&mt('check as many as needed').')</div>';
-                }
-            }
-            $datatable .=
-                '<span class="LC_nobreak"><label><input type="radio" name="canclone"'.$checked.
-                ' value="'.$option.'"'.$onclick.' />'.$clonetitles{$option}.
-                '</label>&nbsp;'.$additional.'</span><br />';
-        }
-        $datatable .= '</td>'.
-                      '</tr>';
-        $itemcount ++;
+                                                 \%choices,$itemcount);
     } else {
         $css_class = $itemcount%2 ? ' class="LC_odd_row"' : '';
-        my ($currdefresponder,%defcredits,%curruploadquota,%deftimeout,%currmysql);
+        my ($currdefresponder,$def_official_credits,$def_unofficial_credits,$def_textbook_credits,
+            %curruploadquota);
         my $currusecredits = 0;
-        my $postsubmitclient = 1;
         my @types = ('official','unofficial','community','textbook');
         if (ref($settings) eq 'HASH') {
             $currdefresponder = $settings->{'anonsurvey_threshold'};
@@ -4130,50 +2846,13 @@ sub print_coursedefaults {
             if (ref($settings->{'coursecredits'}) eq 'HASH') {
-                foreach my $type (@types) {
-                    next if ($type eq 'community');
-                    $defcredits{$type} = $settings->{'coursecredits'}->{$type};
-                    if ($defcredits{$type} ne '') {
-                        $currusecredits = 1;
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-            if (ref($settings->{'postsubmit'}) eq 'HASH') {
-                if ($settings->{'postsubmit'}->{'client'} eq 'off') {
-                    $postsubmitclient = 0;
-                    foreach my $type (@types) {
-                        $deftimeout{$type} = $staticdefaults{'postsubmit'};
-                    }
-                } else {
-                    foreach my $type (@types) {
-                        if (ref($settings->{'postsubmit'}->{'timeout'}) eq 'HASH') {
-                            if ($settings->{'postsubmit'}->{'timeout'}->{$type} =~ /^\d+$/) {
-                                $deftimeout{$type} = $settings->{'postsubmit'}->{'timeout'}->{$type};
-                            } else {
-                                $deftimeout{$type} = $staticdefaults{'postsubmit'};
-                            }
-                        } else {
-                            $deftimeout{$type} = $staticdefaults{'postsubmit'};
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-            } else {
-                foreach my $type (@types) {
-                    $deftimeout{$type} = $staticdefaults{'postsubmit'};
-                }
-            }
-            if (ref($settings->{'mysqltables'}) eq 'HASH') {
-                foreach my $type (keys(%{$settings->{'mysqltables'}})) {
-                    $currmysql{$type} = $settings->{'mysqltables'}{$type};
+                $def_official_credits = $settings->{'coursecredits'}->{'official'};
+                $def_unofficial_credits = $settings->{'coursecredits'}->{'unofficial'};
+                $def_textbook_credits = $settings->{'coursecredits'}->{'textbook'};
+                if (($def_official_credits ne '') || ($def_unofficial_credits ne '') ||
+                    ($def_textbook_credits ne '')) {
+                    $currusecredits = 1;
-            } else {
-                foreach my $type (@types) {
-                    $currmysql{$type} = $staticdefaults{'mysqltables'};
-                }
-            }
-        } else {
-            foreach my $type (@types) {
-                $deftimeout{$type} = $staticdefaults{'postsubmit'};
         if (!$currdefresponder) {
@@ -4214,14 +2893,21 @@ sub print_coursedefaults {
             $display = 'block';
         my $additional = '<div id="credits" style="display: '.$display.'">'.
-                         '<i>'.&mt('Default credits').'</i><br /><table><tr>';
-        foreach my $type (@types) {
-            next if ($type eq 'community');
-            $additional .= '<td align="center">'.&mt($type).'<br />'.
-                           '<input type="text" name="'.$type.'_credits"'.
-                           ' value="'.$defcredits{$type}.'" size="3" /></td>';
-        }
-        $additional .= '</tr></table></div>'."\n";
+                         '<span class="LC_nobreak">'.
+                         &mt('Default credits for official courses [_1]',
+                         '<input type="text" name="official_credits" value="'.
+                         $def_official_credits.'" size="3" />').
+                         '</span><br />'.
+                         '<span class="LC_nobreak">'.
+                         &mt('Default credits for unofficial courses [_1]',
+                         '<input type="text" name="unofficial_credits" value="'.
+                         $def_unofficial_credits.'" size="3" />').
+                         '</span><br />'.
+                         '<span class="LC_nobreak">'.
+                         &mt('Default credits for textbook courses [_1]',
+                         '<input type="text" name="textbook_credits" value="'.
+                         $def_textbook_credits.'" size="3" />').
+                         '</span></div>'."\n";
         %defaultchecked = ('coursecredits' => 'off');
         @toggles = ('coursecredits');
         my $current = {
@@ -4229,46 +2915,9 @@ sub print_coursedefaults {
         (my $table,$itemcount) =
-                               \%choices,$itemcount,$onclick,$additional,'left');
+                               \%choices,$itemcount,$onclick,$additional);
         $datatable .= $table;
-        $onclick = "toggleDisplay(this.form,'studentsubmission');";
-        my $display = 'none';
-        if ($postsubmitclient) {
-            $display = 'block';
-        }
-        $additional = '<div id="studentsubmission" style="display: '.$display.'">'.
-                      &mt('Number of seconds submit is disabled').'<br />'.
-                      '<i>'.&mt('Enter 0 to remain disabled until page reload.').'</i><br />'.
-                      '<table><tr>';
-        foreach my $type (@types) {
-            $additional .= '<td align="center">'.&mt($type).'<br />'.
-                           '<input type="text" name="'.$type.'_timeout" value="'.
-                           $deftimeout{$type}.'" size="5" /></td>';
-        }
-        $additional .= '</tr></table></div>'."\n";
-        %defaultchecked = ('postsubmit' => 'on');
-        @toggles = ('postsubmit');
-        $current = {
-                       'postsubmit' => $postsubmitclient,
-                   };
-        ($table,$itemcount) =
-            &radiobutton_prefs($current,\@toggles,\%defaultchecked,
-                               \%choices,$itemcount,$onclick,$additional,'left');
-        $datatable .= $table;
-        $css_class = $itemcount%2 ? ' class="LC_odd_row"' : '';
-        $datatable .= '<tr'.$css_class.'><td><span class="LC_nobreak">'.
-                      $choices{'mysqltables'}.
-                      '</span></td>'.
-                      '<td align="right" class="LC_right_item">'.
-                      '<table><tr>';
-        foreach my $type (@types) {
-            $datatable .= '<td align="center">'.&mt($type).'<br />'.
-                           '<input type="text" name="mysqltables_'.$type.'"'.
-                           ' value="'.$currmysql{$type}.'" size="8" /></td>';
-        }
-        $datatable .= '</tr></table></td></tr>'."\n";
         $itemcount ++;
     $$rowtotal += $itemcount;
     return $datatable;
@@ -4513,13 +3162,7 @@ sub print_usersessions {
     if ($position eq 'top') {
         if (keys(%serverhomes) > 1) {
             my %spareid = &current_offloads_to($dom,$settings,\%servers);
-            my $curroffloadnow;
-            if (ref($settings) eq 'HASH') {
-                if (ref($settings->{'offloadnow'}) eq 'HASH') {
-                    $curroffloadnow = $settings->{'offloadnow'};
-                }
-            }
-            $datatable .= &spares_row($dom,\%servers,\%spareid,\%serverhomes,\%altids,$curroffloadnow,$rowtotal);
+            $datatable .= &spares_row($dom,\%servers,\%spareid,\%serverhomes,\%altids,$rowtotal);
         } else {
             $datatable .= '<tr'.$css_class.'><td colspan="2">'.
                           &mt('Nothing to set here, as the cluster to which this domain belongs only contains one server.');
@@ -4769,7 +3412,7 @@ sub current_offloads_to {
 sub spares_row {
-    my ($dom,$servers,$spareid,$serverhomes,$altids,$curroffloadnow,$rowtotal) = @_;
+    my ($dom,$servers,$spareid,$serverhomes,$altids,$rowtotal) = @_;
     my $css_class;
     my $numinrow = 4;
     my $itemcount = 1;
@@ -4789,21 +3432,12 @@ sub spares_row {
             next unless (ref($spareid->{$server}) eq 'HASH');
-            my $checkednow;
-            if (ref($curroffloadnow) eq 'HASH') {
-                if ($curroffloadnow->{$server}) {
-                    $checkednow = ' checked="checked"';
-                }
-            }
             $css_class = $itemcount%2 ? ' class="LC_odd_row"' : '';
             $datatable .= '<tr'.$css_class.'>
                            <td rowspan="2">
                             <span class="LC_nobreak">'.
                           &mt('[_1] when busy, offloads to:'
-                              ,'<b>'.$server.'</b>').'</span><br />'.
-                          '<span class="LC_nobreak">'."\n".
-                          '<label><input type="checkbox" name="offloadnow" value="'.$server.'"'.$checkednow.' />'.
-                          '&nbsp;'.&mt('Switch active users on next access').'</label></span>'.
+                              ,'<b>'.$server.'</b>').
             my (%current,%canselect);
             my @choices = 
@@ -5008,9 +3642,6 @@ sub print_loadbalancing {
         my ($numspares,@spares) = &count_servers($lonhost,%servers);
         my @sparestypes = ('primary','default');
         my %typetitles = &sparestype_titles();
-        my %hostherechecked = (
-                                  no => ' checked="checked"',
-                              );
         foreach my $sparetype (@sparestypes) {
             my $targettable;
             for (my $i=0; $i<$numspares; $i++) {
@@ -5030,10 +3661,9 @@ sub print_loadbalancing {
                     $disabled = ' disabled="disabled"';
                 $targettable .=
-                    '<td><span class="LC_nobreak"><label>'.
-                    '<input type="checkbox" name="loadbalancing_target_'.$balnum.'_'.$sparetype.'"'.
+                    '<td><label><input type="checkbox" name="loadbalancing_target_'.$balnum.'_'.$sparetype.'"'.
                     $checked.$disabled.' value="'.$chkboxval.'" id="loadbalancing_target_'.$balnum.'_'.$sparetype.'_'.$i.'" onclick="checkOffloads('."this,'$balnum','$sparetype'".');" /><span id="loadbalancing_targettxt_'.$balnum.'_'.$sparetype.'_'.$i.'">&nbsp;'.$chkboxval.
-                    '</span></label></span></td>';
+                    '</span></label></td>';
                 my $rem = $i%($numinrow);
                 if ($rem == 0) {
                     if (($i > 0) && ($i < $numspares-1)) {
@@ -5056,23 +3686,6 @@ sub print_loadbalancing {
                 $datatable .=  '<i>'.$typetitles{$sparetype}.'</i><br />'.
                                '<table><tr>'.$targettable.'</tr></table><br />';
-            $hostherechecked{$sparetype} = '';
-            if (ref($currtargets{$lonhost}) eq 'HASH') {
-                if (ref($currtargets{$lonhost}{$sparetype}) eq 'ARRAY') {
-                    if (grep(/^\Q$lonhost\E$/,@{$currtargets{$lonhost}{$sparetype}})) {
-                        $hostherechecked{$sparetype} = ' checked="checked"';
-                        $hostherechecked{'no'} = '';
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        $datatable .= &mt('Hosting on balancer itself').'<br />'.
-                      '<label><input type="radio" name="loadbalancing_target_'.$balnum.'_hosthere" value="no"'.
-                      $hostherechecked{'no'}.' />'.&mt('No').'</label><br />';
-        foreach my $sparetype (@sparestypes) {
-            $datatable .= '<label><input type="radio" name="loadbalancing_target_'.$balnum.'_hosthere" '.
-                          'value="'.$sparetype.'"'.$hostherechecked{$sparetype}.' /><i>'.$typetitles{$sparetype}.
-                          '</i></label><br />';
         $datatable .= '</div></td></tr>'.
@@ -5140,7 +3753,7 @@ sub loadbalancing_rules {
             if (ref($currrules) eq 'HASH') {
                 $current = $currrules->{$type};
-            if (($type eq '_LC_external') || ($type eq '_LC_internetdom')) {
+            if (($type eq '_LC_external') || ($type eq '_LC_internetdom') || ($type eq '_LC_ipchange')) {
                 if ($dom ne &Apache::lonnet::host_domain($lonhost)) {
                     $current = '';
@@ -5192,7 +3805,7 @@ sub loadbalance_rule_row {
     my @rulenames;
     my %ruletitles = &offloadtype_text();
     if (($type eq '_LC_ipchangesso') || ($type eq '_LC_ipchange')) {
-        @rulenames = ('balancer','offloadedto','specific');
+        @rulenames = ('balancer','offloadedto');
     } else {
         @rulenames = ('default','homeserver');
         if ($type eq '_LC_external') {
@@ -5203,7 +3816,7 @@ sub loadbalance_rule_row {
     my $style = $targets_div_style;
-    if (($type eq '_LC_external') || ($type eq '_LC_internetdom')) {
+    if (($type eq '_LC_external') || ($type eq '_LC_internetdom') || ($type eq '_LC_ipchange')) {
         $style = $homedom_div_style;
     my $space;
@@ -5254,13 +3867,8 @@ sub loadbalance_rule_row {
                    '<input type="radio" name="loadbalancing_rules_'.$balnum.'_'.$type.
                    '" id="loadbalancing_rules_'.$balnum.'_'.$type.'_'.$i.'" value="'.
                    $rule.'" onclick="balanceruleChange('."this.form,'$balnum','$type'".
-                   ')"'.$checked.' />&nbsp;';
-        if (($rulenames[$i] eq 'specific') && ($type =~ /^_LC_ipchange/)) {
-            $output .= $ruletitles{'particular'};
-        } else {
-            $output .= $ruletitles{$rulenames[$i]};
-        }
-        $output .= '</label>'.$extra.'</span><br />'."\n";
+                   ')"'.$checked.' />&nbsp;'.$ruletitles{$rulenames[$i]}.
+                   '</label>'.$extra.'</span><br />'."\n";
     $output .= '</div></td></tr>'."\n";
     return $output;
@@ -5275,7 +3883,6 @@ sub offloadtype_text {
            'none'             => 'No offload',
            'balancer'         => 'Session hosted on Load Balancer, after re-authentication',
            'offloadedto'      => 'Session hosted on offload server, after re-authentication',
-           'particular'       => 'Session hosted (after re-auth) on server:',
     return %ruletitles;
@@ -5290,15 +3897,14 @@ sub sparestype_titles {
 sub contact_titles {
     my %titles = &Apache::lonlocal::texthash (
-                   'supportemail'    => 'Support E-mail address',
-                   'adminemail'      => 'Default Server Admin E-mail address',
-                   'errormail'       => 'Error reports to be e-mailed to',
-                   'packagesmail'    => 'Package update alerts to be e-mailed to',
-                   'helpdeskmail'    => "Helpdesk requests for this domain's users",
-                   'otherdomsmail'   => 'Helpdesk requests for other (unconfigured) domains',
-                   'lonstatusmail'   => 'E-mail from nightly status check (warnings/errors)',
-                   'requestsmail'    => 'E-mail from course requests requiring approval',
-                   'updatesmail'     => 'E-mail from nightly check of LON-CAPA module integrity/updates',
+                   'supportemail' => 'Support E-mail address',
+                   'adminemail'   => 'Default Server Admin E-mail address',
+                   'errormail'    => 'Error reports to be e-mailed to',
+                   'packagesmail' => 'Package update alerts to be e-mailed to',
+                   'helpdeskmail' => 'Helpdesk requests to be e-mailed to',
+                   'lonstatusmail' => 'E-mail from nightly status check (warnings/errors)',
+                   'requestsmail' => 'E-mail from course requests requiring approval',
+                   'updatesmail'  => 'E-mail from nightly check of LON-CAPA module integrity/updates',
                    'idconflictsmail' => 'E-mail from bi-nightly check for multiple users sharing same student/employee ID',
     my %short_titles = &Apache::lonlocal::texthash (
@@ -5308,34 +3914,6 @@ sub contact_titles {
     return (\%titles,\%short_titles);
-sub helpform_fields {
-    my %titles =  &Apache::lonlocal::texthash (
-                       'username'   => 'Name',
-                       'user'       => 'Username/domain',
-                       'phone'      => 'Phone',
-                       'cc'         => 'Cc e-mail',
-                       'course'     => 'Course Details',
-                       'section'    => 'Sections',
-                       'screenshot' => 'File upload',
-    );
-    my @fields = ('username','phone','user','course','section','cc','screenshot');
-    my %possoptions = (
-                        username     => ['yes','no','req'],
-                        phone        => ['yes','no','req'],
-                        user         => ['yes','no'],
-                        cc           => ['yes','no'],
-                        course       => ['yes','no'],
-                        section      => ['yes','no'],
-                        screenshot   => ['yes','no'],
-                      );
-    my %fieldoptions = &Apache::lonlocal::texthash (
-                         'yes'  => 'Optional',
-                         'req'  => 'Required',
-                         'no'   => "Not shown",
-    );
-    return (\@fields,\%titles,\%fieldoptions,\%possoptions);
 sub tool_titles {
     my %titles = &Apache::lonlocal::texthash (
                      aboutme    => 'Personal web page',
@@ -5745,8 +4323,7 @@ sub email_as_username {
 sub captcha_choice {
     my ($context,$settings,$itemcount) = @_;
-    my ($keyentry,$currpub,$currpriv,%checked,$rowname,$pubtext,$privtext,
-        $vertext,$currver); 
+    my ($keyentry,$currpub,$currpriv,%checked,$rowname,$pubtext,$privtext);
     my %lt = &captcha_phrases();
     $keyentry = 'hidden';
     if ($context eq 'cancreate') {
@@ -5764,11 +4341,6 @@ sub captcha_choice {
             $pubtext = $lt{'pub'};
             $privtext = $lt{'priv'};
             $keyentry = 'text';
-            $vertext = $lt{'ver'};
-            $currver = $settings->{'recaptchaversion'};
-            if ($currver ne '2') {
-                $currver = 1;
-            }
         if (ref($settings->{'recaptchakeys'}) eq 'HASH') {
             $currpub = $settings->{'recaptchakeys'}{'public'};
@@ -5802,11 +4374,7 @@ sub captcha_choice {
                $currpub.'" size="40" /></span><br />'."\n".
                '<span class="LC_nobreak"><span id="'.$context.'_recaptchaprivtxt">'.$privtext.'</span>&nbsp;'."\n".
                '<input type="'.$keyentry.'" id="'.$context.'_recaptchapriv" name="'.$context.'_recaptchapriv" value="'.
-               $currpriv.'" size="40" /></span><br />'.
-               '<span class="LC_nobreak"><span id="'.$context.'_recaptchavertxt">'.$vertext.'</span>&nbsp;'."\n".
-               '<input type="'.$keyentry.'" id="'.$context.'_recaptchaversion" name="'.$context.'_recaptchaversion" value="'.
-               $currver.'" size="3" /></span><br />'.
-               '</td></tr></table>'."\n".
+               $currpriv.'" size="40" /></span></td></tr></table>'."\n".
     return $output;
@@ -5941,10 +4509,7 @@ sub print_usermodification {
 sub print_defaults {
     my ($position,$dom,$settings,$rowtotal) = @_;
     my $rownum = 0;
-    my ($datatable,$css_class,$titles);
-    unless ($position eq 'bottom') {
-        $titles = &defaults_titles($dom);
-    }
+    my ($datatable,$css_class);
     if ($position eq 'top') {
         my @items = ('auth_def','auth_arg_def','lang_def','timezone_def',
@@ -5957,6 +4522,7 @@ sub print_defaults {
                 $defaults{$item} = $domdefaults{$item};
+        my $titles = &defaults_titles($dom);
         foreach my $item (@items) {
             if ($rownum%2) {
                 $css_class = '';
@@ -5991,8 +4557,11 @@ sub print_defaults {
                 my $includeempty = 1;
                 $datatable .= &Apache::loncommon::select_datelocale($item,$defaults{$item},undef,$includeempty);
             } elsif ($item eq 'lang_def') {
-                my $includeempty = 1;
-                $datatable .= &Apache::loncommon::select_language($item,$defaults{$item},$includeempty);
+                my %langchoices = &get_languages_hash();
+                $langchoices{''} = 'No language preference';
+                %langchoices = &Apache::lonlocal::texthash(%langchoices);
+                $datatable .= &Apache::loncommon::select_form($defaults{$item},$item,
+                                                              \%langchoices);
             } else {
                 my $size;
                 if ($item eq 'portal_def') {
@@ -6004,87 +4573,8 @@ sub print_defaults {
             $datatable .= '</td></tr>';
             $rownum ++;
-    } elsif ($position eq 'middle') {
-        my @items = ('intauth_cost','intauth_check','intauth_switch');
-        my %defaults;
-        if (ref($settings) eq 'HASH') {
-            %defaults = %{$settings};
-            if ($defaults{'intauth_cost'} !~ /^\d+$/) {
-                $defaults{'intauth_cost'} = 10;
-            }
-            if ($defaults{'intauth_check'} !~ /^(0|1|2)$/) {
-                $defaults{'intauth_check'} = 0;
-            }
-            if ($defaults{'intauth_switch'} !~ /^(0|1|2)$/) {
-                $defaults{'intauth_switch'} = 0;
-            }
-        } else {
-            %defaults = (
-                          'intauth_cost'   => 10,
-                          'intauth_check'  => 0,
-                          'intauth_switch' => 0,
-                        );
-        }
-        foreach my $item (@items) {
-            if ($rownum%2) {
-                $css_class = '';
-            } else {
-                $css_class = ' class="LC_odd_row" ';
-            }
-            $datatable .= '<tr'.$css_class.'>'.
-                          '<td><span class="LC_nobreak">'.$titles->{$item}.
-                          '</span></td><td class="LC_left_item" colspan="3">';
-            if ($item eq 'intauth_switch') {
-                my @options = (0,1,2);
-                my %optiondesc = &Apache::lonlocal::texthash (
-                                   0 => 'No',
-                                   1 => 'Yes',
-                                   2 => 'Yes, and copy existing passwd file to passwd.bak file',
-                                 );
-                $datatable .= '<table width="100%">';
-                foreach my $option (@options) {
-                    my $checked = ' ';
-                    if ($defaults{$item} eq $option) {
-                        $checked = ' checked="checked"';
-                    }
-                    $datatable .= '<tr><td class="LC_left_item"><span class="LC_nobreak">'.
-                                  '<label><input type="radio" name="'.$item.
-                                  '" value="'.$option.'"'.$checked.' />'.
-                                  $optiondesc{$option}.'</label></span></td></tr>';
-                }
-                $datatable .= '</table>';
-            } elsif ($item eq 'intauth_check') {
-                my @options = (0,1,2);
-                my %optiondesc = &Apache::lonlocal::texthash (
-                                   0 => 'No',
-                                   1 => 'Yes, allow login then update passwd file using default cost (if higher)',
-                                   2 => 'Yes, disallow login if stored cost is less than domain default',
-                                 );
-                $datatable .= '<table wisth="100%">';
-                foreach my $option (@options) {
-                    my $checked = ' ';
-                    my $onclick;
-                    if ($defaults{$item} eq $option) {
-                        $checked = ' checked="checked"';
-                    }
-                    if ($option == 2) {
-                        $onclick = ' onclick="javascript:warnIntAuth(this);"';
-                    }
-                    $datatable .= '<tr><td class="LC_left_item"><span class="LC_nobreak">'.
-                                  '<label><input type="radio" name="'.$item.
-                                  '" value="'.$option.'"'.$checked.$onclick.' />'.
-                                  $optiondesc{$option}.'</label></span></td></tr>';
-                }
-                $datatable .= '</table>';
-            } else {
-                $datatable .= '<input type="text" name="'.$item.'" value="'.
-                              $defaults{$item}.'" size="3" onblur="javascript:warnIntAuth(this);" />';
-            }
-            $datatable .= '</td></tr>';
-            $rownum ++;
-        }
     } else {
-        my %defaults;
+        my (%defaults);
         if (ref($settings) eq 'HASH') {
             if ((ref($settings->{'inststatusorder'}) eq 'ARRAY') && (ref($settings->{'inststatustypes'}) eq 'HASH') &&
                 (ref($settings->{'inststatusguest'}) eq 'ARRAY')) {
@@ -6140,7 +4630,7 @@ sub print_defaults {
                     $datatable .= '<option value="'.$k.'"'.$selstr.'>'.$vpos.'</option>';
                 $datatable .= '</select>&nbsp;'.&mt('Internal ID:').
-                              '<input type="text" size="10" name="addinststatus" value="" />'.
+                              '<input type="text" size="10" name="addinststatus" value="" /></span>'.
                               '</span></td><td class="LC_left_item"><span class="LC_nobreak">'.
                               &mt('Name displayed:').
@@ -6179,9 +4669,6 @@ sub defaults_titles {
                    'timezone_def'  => 'Default timezone',
                    'datelocale_def' => 'Default locale for dates',
                    'portal_def'     => 'Portal/Default URL',
-                   'intauth_cost'   => 'Encryption cost for bcrypt (positive integer)',
-                   'intauth_check'  => 'Check bcrypt cost if authenticated',
-                   'intauth_switch' => 'Existing crypt-based switched to bcrypt on authentication',
     if ($dom) {
         my $uprimary_id = &Apache::lonnet::domain($dom,'primary');
@@ -6680,40 +5167,12 @@ sub serverstatus_pages {
     return ('userstatus','lonstatus','loncron','server-status','codeversions',
-            'uniquecodes','diskusage','coursecatalog');
+            'uniquecodes','diskusage');
 sub defaults_javascript {
     my ($settings) = @_;
-    my $intauthcheck = &mt('Warning: disallowing login for an authenticated user if the stored cost is less than the default will require a password reset by/for the user.');
-    my $intauthcost = &mt('Warning: bcrypt encryption cost for internal authentication must be an integer.');
-    &js_escape(\$intauthcheck);
-    &js_escape(\$intauthcost);
-    my $intauthjs = <<"ENDSCRIPT";
-function warnIntAuth(field) {
-    if (field.name == 'intauth_check') {
-        if (field.value == '2') {
-            alert('$intauthcheck');
-        }
-    }
-    if (field.name == 'intauth_cost') {
-        field.value.replace(/\s/g,'');
-        if (field.value != '') {
-            var regexdigit=/^\\d+\$/;
-            if (!regexdigit.test(field.value)) {
-                alert('$intauthcost');
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    return;
-    if (ref($settings) ne 'HASH') {
-        return &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::scripttag($intauthjs);
-    }
+    return unless (ref($settings) eq 'HASH'); 
     if ((ref($settings->{'inststatusorder'}) eq 'ARRAY') && (ref($settings->{'inststatustypes'}) eq 'HASH')) {
         my $maxnum = scalar(@{$settings->{'inststatusorder'}});
         if ($maxnum eq '') {
@@ -6767,14 +5226,10 @@ $jstext
 // ]]>
-    } else {
-        return &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::scripttag($intauthjs);
@@ -6802,10 +5257,7 @@ sub coursecategories_javascript {
     my $instcode_reserved = &mt('The name: [_1] is a reserved category.','"instcode"');
     my $communities_reserved = &mt('The name: [_1] is a reserved category.','"communities"');
-    my $choose_again = "\n".&mt('Please use a different name for the new top level category.'); 
-    &js_escape(\$instcode_reserved);
-    &js_escape(\$communities_reserved);
-    &js_escape(\$choose_again);
+    my $choose_again = '\\n'.&mt('Please use a different name for the new top level category.'); 
     $output = <<"ENDSCRIPT";
 <script type="text/javascript">
 // <![CDATA[
@@ -7320,7 +5772,6 @@ sub modify_login {
     my %servers = &Apache::lonnet::internet_dom_servers($dom);
-    my %domservers = &Apache::lonnet::get_servers($dom);
     my @loginvia_attribs = ('serverpath','custompath','exempt');
     if (keys(%servers) > 1) {
         foreach my $lonhost (keys(%servers)) {
@@ -7363,7 +5814,22 @@ sub modify_login {
                             $changes{'loginvia'}{$lonhost} = 1;
                         if ($item eq 'exempt') {
-                            $new = &check_exempt_addresses($new);
+                            $new =~ s/^\s+//;
+                            $new =~ s/\s+$//;
+                            my @poss_ips = split(/\s*[,:]\s*/,$new);
+                            my @okips;
+                            foreach my $ip (@poss_ips) {
+                                if ($ip =~ /^\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}$/) {
+                                    if (($1 <= 255) && ($2 <= 255) && ($3 <= 255) && ($4 <= 255)) {
+                                        push(@okips,$ip); 
+                                    }
+                                }
+                            }
+                            if (@okips > 0) {
+                                $new = join(',',@okips); 
+                            } else {
+                                $new = ''; 
+                            }
                         $loginhash{login}{loginvia}{$lonhost}{$item} = $new;
@@ -7459,6 +5925,7 @@ sub modify_login {
                         $errors .= '<li><span class="LC_error">'.$puberror.'</span></li>';
                         if ((grep(/^\Q$lang\E$/,@currlangs)) &&
                             (!grep(/^\Q$lang\E$/,@delurls))) {
                             $loginhash{'login'}{'helpurl'}{$lang} = $domconfig{'login'}{'helpurl'}{$lang};
@@ -7474,84 +5941,6 @@ sub modify_login {
             $errors .= '<li><span class="LC_error">'.$error.'</span></li>';
-    my (%currheadtagurls,%currexempt,@newhosts,%newheadtagurls,%possexempt);
-    if (ref($domconfig{'login'}) eq 'HASH') {
-        if (ref($domconfig{'login'}{'headtag'}) eq 'HASH') {
-            foreach my $lonhost (keys(%{$domconfig{'login'}{'headtag'}})) {
-                if ($domservers{$lonhost}) {
-                    if (ref($domconfig{'login'}{'headtag'}{$lonhost}) eq 'HASH') {
-                        $currheadtagurls{$lonhost} = $domconfig{'login'}{'headtag'}{$lonhost}{'url'};
-                        $currexempt{$lonhost} = $domconfig{'login'}{'headtag'}{$lonhost}{'exempt'};
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    my @delheadtagurls = &Apache::loncommon::get_env_multiple('form.loginheadtag_del');
-    foreach my $lonhost (sort(keys(%domservers))) {
-        if (grep(/^\Q$lonhost\E$/,@delheadtagurls)) {
-            $changes{'headtag'}{$lonhost} = 1;
-        } else {
-            if ($env{'form.loginheadtagexempt_'.$lonhost}) {
-                $possexempt{$lonhost} = &check_exempt_addresses($env{'form.loginheadtagexempt_'.$lonhost});
-            }
-            if ($env{'form.loginheadtag_'.$lonhost.'.filename'}) {
-                push(@newhosts,$lonhost);
-            } elsif ($currheadtagurls{$lonhost}) {
-                $loginhash{'login'}{'headtag'}{$lonhost}{'url'} = $currheadtagurls{$lonhost};
-                if ($currexempt{$lonhost}) {
-                    if ((!exists($possexempt{$lonhost})) || ($possexempt{$lonhost} ne $currexempt{$lonhost})) {
-                        $changes{'headtag'}{$lonhost} = 1;
-                    }
-                } elsif ($possexempt{$lonhost}) {
-                    $changes{'headtag'}{$lonhost} = 1;
-                }
-                if ($possexempt{$lonhost}) {
-                    $loginhash{'login'}{'headtag'}{$lonhost}{'exempt'} = $possexempt{$lonhost};
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    if (@newhosts) {
-        my $error;
-        my ($configuserok,$author_ok,$switchserver) = &config_check($dom,$confname,$servadm);
-        if ($configuserok eq 'ok') {
-            if ($switchserver) {
-                $error = &mt("Upload of custom markup is not permitted to this server: [_1]",$switchserver);
-            } elsif ($author_ok eq 'ok') {
-                foreach my $lonhost (@newhosts) {
-                    my $formelem = 'loginheadtag_'.$lonhost;
-                    (my $result,$newheadtagurls{$lonhost}) = &publishlogo($r,'upload',$formelem,$dom,$confname,
-                                                                          "login/headtag/$lonhost",'','',
-                                                                          $env{'form.loginheadtag_'.$lonhost.'.filename'});
-                    if ($result eq 'ok') {
-                        $loginhash{'login'}{'headtag'}{$lonhost}{'url'} = $newheadtagurls{$lonhost};
-                        $changes{'headtag'}{$lonhost} = 1;
-                        if ($possexempt{$lonhost}) {
-                            $loginhash{'login'}{'headtag'}{$lonhost}{'exempt'} = $possexempt{$lonhost};
-                        }
-                    } else {
-                        my $puberror = &mt("Upload of [_1] failed because an error occurred publishing the file in RES space. Error was: [_2].",
-                                           $newheadtagurls{$lonhost},$result);
-                        $errors .= '<li><span class="LC_error">'.$puberror.'</span></li>';
-                        if ((grep(/^\Q$lonhost\E$/,keys(%currheadtagurls))) &&
-                            (!grep(/^\Q$lonhost\E$/,@delheadtagurls))) {
-                            $loginhash{'login'}{'headtag'}{$lonhost} = $currheadtagurls{$lonhost};
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-            } else {
-                $error = &mt("Upload of custom markup file(s) failed because an author role could not be assigned to a Domain Configuration user ([_1]) in domain: [_2].  Error was: [_3].",$confname,$dom,$author_ok);
-            }
-        } else {
-            $error = &mt("Upload of custom markup file(s) failed because a Domain Configuration user ([_1]) could not be created in domain: [_2].  Error was: [_3].",$confname,$dom,$configuserok);
-        }
-        if ($error) {
-            &Apache::lonnet::logthis($error);
-            $errors .= '<li><span class="LC_error">'.$error.'</span></li>';
-        }
-    }
     my $defaulthelpfile = '/adm/loginproblems.html';
@@ -7652,25 +6041,6 @@ sub modify_login {
-                } elsif ($item eq 'headtag') {
-                    if (ref($changes{$item}) eq 'HASH') {
-                        foreach my $lonhost (sort(keys(%{$changes{$item}}))) {
-                            if (grep(/^\Q$lonhost\E$/,@delheadtagurls)) {
-                                $resulttext .= '<li>'.&mt('custom markup file removed for [_1]',$domservers{$lonhost}).'</li>';
-                            } elsif (ref($loginhash{'login'}{'headtag'}{$lonhost}) eq 'HASH') {
-                                $resulttext .= '<li><a href="'.
-                                               "javascript:void(open('$loginhash{'login'}{'headtag'}{$lonhost}{'url'}?inhibitmenu=yes','Custom_HeadTag',
-                                               'menubar=0,toolbar=1,scrollbars=1,width=600,height=500,resizable=yes'))".
-                                               '">'.&mt('custom markup').'</a> '.&mt('(for [_1])',$servers{$lonhost}).' ';
-                                if ($possexempt{$lonhost}) {
-                                    $resulttext .= &mt('not included for client IP(s): [_1]',$possexempt{$lonhost});
-                                } else {
-                                    $resulttext .= &mt('included for any client IP');
-                                }
-                                $resulttext .= '</li>';
-                            }
-                        }
-                    }
                 } elsif ($item eq 'captcha') {
                     if (ref($loginhash{'login'}) eq 'HASH') {
                         my $chgtxt;
@@ -7707,13 +6077,6 @@ sub modify_login {
                         $chgtxt .= '</ul>';
                         $resulttext .= '<li>'.$chgtxt.'</li>';
-                } elsif ($item eq 'recaptchaversion') {
-                    if (ref($loginhash{'login'}) eq 'HASH') {
-                        if ($loginhash{'login'}{'captcha'} eq 'recaptcha') {
-                            $resulttext .= '<li>'.&mt('ReCAPTCHA for helpdesk form set to version [_1]',$loginhash{'login'}{'recaptchaversion'}).
-                                           '</li>';
-                        }
-                    }
                 } else {
                     $resulttext .= '<li>'.&mt("$title{$item} set to $offon[$env{'form.'.$item}]").'</li>';
@@ -7733,27 +6096,6 @@ sub modify_login {
     return $resulttext;
-sub check_exempt_addresses {
-    my ($iplist) = @_;
-    $iplist =~ s/^\s+//;
-    $iplist =~ s/\s+$//;
-    my @poss_ips = split(/\s*[,:]\s*/,$iplist);
-    my (@okips,$new);
-    foreach my $ip (@poss_ips) {
-        if ($ip =~ /^\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}$/) {
-            if (($1 <= 255) && ($2 <= 255) && ($3 <= 255) && ($4 <= 255)) {
-                push(@okips,$ip);
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    if (@okips > 0) {
-        $new = join(',',@okips);
-    } else {
-        $new = '';
-    }
-    return $new;
 sub color_font_choices {
     my %choices =
         &Apache::lonlocal::texthash (
@@ -8642,7 +6984,7 @@ sub modify_quotas {
                                     my $newpos = $env{'form.'.$itemid};
                                     $newpos =~ s/\D+//g;
                                     foreach my $item ('subject','title','publisher','author') {
-                                        next if ((($item eq 'author') || ($item eq 'publisher')) &&
+                                        next if ((($item eq 'author') || ($item eq 'publisher')) && 
                                                  ($type eq 'templates'));
                                         $confhash{$type}{$key}{$item} = $env{'form.'.$type.'_'.$item.'_'.$i};
                                         if ($domconfig{$action}{$type}{$key}{$item} ne $confhash{$type}{$key}{$item}) {
@@ -8739,14 +7081,10 @@ sub modify_quotas {
                         if (@{$confhash{'validation'}{$item}} > 0) {
                             @{$confhash{'validation'}{$item}} = sort(@{$confhash{'validation'}{$item}});
-                        if (ref($domconfig{'requestcourses'}) eq 'HASH') {
-                            if (ref($domconfig{'requestcourses'}{'validation'}) eq 'HASH') {
-                                if (ref($domconfig{'requestcourses'}{'validation'}{$item}) eq 'ARRAY') {
-                                    @changed = &Apache::loncommon::compare_arrays($confhash{'validation'}{$item},
-                                                                                  $domconfig{'requestcourses'}{'validation'}{$item});
-                                } else {
-                                    @changed = @{$confhash{'validation'}{$item}};
-                                }
+                        if (ref($domconfig{'requestcourses'}{'validation'}) eq 'HASH') {
+                            if (ref($domconfig{'requestcourses'}{'validation'}{$item}) eq 'ARRAY') {
+                                @changed = &Apache::loncommon::compare_arrays($confhash{'validation'}{$item},
+                                                                              $domconfig{'requestcourses'}{'validation'}{$item});
                             } else {
                                 @changed = @{$confhash{'validation'}{$item}};
@@ -8767,15 +7105,9 @@ sub modify_quotas {
                                 $env{'form.requestcourses_validation_'.$item} =~ s/[\n\r\f]+/\s/gs;
-                        if (ref($domconfig{'requestcourses'}) eq 'HASH') {
-                            if (ref($domconfig{'requestcourses'}{'validation'}) eq 'HASH') {
-                                if ($domconfig{'requestcourses'}{'validation'}{$item} ne $confhash{'validation'}{$item}) {
-                                    $changes{'validation'}{$item} = $confhash{'validation'}{$item};
-                                }
-                            } else {
-                                if ($confhash{'validation'}{$item} ne '') {
-                                    $changes{'validation'}{$item} = $confhash{'validation'}{$item};
-                                }
+                        if (ref($domconfig{'requestcourses'}{'validation'}) eq 'HASH') {
+                            if ($domconfig{'requestcourses'}{'validation'}{$item} ne $confhash{'validation'}{$item}) {
+                                $changes{'validation'}{$item} = $confhash{'validation'}{$item};
                         } else {
                             if ($confhash{'validation'}{$item} ne '') {
@@ -8787,24 +7119,20 @@ sub modify_quotas {
             if ($env{'form.validationdc'}) {
                 my $newval = $env{'form.validationdc'};
-                my %domcoords = &Apache::lonnet::get_active_domroles($dom,['dc']);
+                my %domcoords = &get_active_dcs($dom);
                 if (exists($domcoords{$newval})) {
                     $confhash{'validation'}{'dc'} = $newval;
             if (ref($confhash{'validation'}) eq 'HASH') {
-                if (ref($domconfig{'requestcourses'}) eq 'HASH') {
-                    if (ref($domconfig{'requestcourses'}{'validation'}) eq 'HASH') {
-                        if ($domconfig{'requestcourses'}{'validation'}{'dc'}) {
-                            unless ($confhash{'validation'}{'dc'} eq $domconfig{'requestcourses'}{'validation'}{'dc'}) {
-                                if ($confhash{'validation'}{'dc'} eq '') {
-                                    $changes{'validation'}{'dc'} = &mt('None');
-                                } else {
-                                    $changes{'validation'}{'dc'} = $confhash{'validation'}{'dc'};
-                                }
+                if (ref($domconfig{'requestcourses'}{'validation'}) eq 'HASH') {
+                    if ($domconfig{'requestcourses'}{'validation'}{'dc'}) {
+                        unless ($confhash{'validation'}{'dc'} eq $domconfig{'requestcourses'}{'validation'}{'dc'}) {
+                            if ($confhash{'validation'}{'dc'} eq '') {
+                                $changes{'validation'}{'dc'} = &mt('None');
+                            } else {
+                                $changes{'validation'}{'dc'} = $confhash{'validation'}{'dc'};
-                        } elsif ($confhash{'validation'}{'dc'} ne '') {
-                            $changes{'validation'}{'dc'} = $confhash{'validation'}{'dc'};
                     } elsif ($confhash{'validation'}{'dc'} ne '') {
                         $changes{'validation'}{'dc'} = $confhash{'validation'}{'dc'};
@@ -8812,13 +7140,9 @@ sub modify_quotas {
                 } elsif ($confhash{'validation'}{'dc'} ne '') {
                     $changes{'validation'}{'dc'} = $confhash{'validation'}{'dc'};
-            } else {
-                if (ref($domconfig{'requestcourses'}) eq 'HASH') {
-                    if (ref($domconfig{'requestcourses'}{'validation'}) eq 'HASH') {
-                        if ($domconfig{'requestcourses'}{'validation'}{'dc'}) {
-                            $changes{'validation'}{'dc'} = &mt('None');
-                        }
-                    }
+            } elsif (ref($domconfig{'requestcourses'}{'validation'}) eq 'HASH') {
+                if ($domconfig{'requestcourses'}{'validation'}{'dc'}) {
+                    $changes{'validation'}{'dc'} = &mt('None');
@@ -9214,612 +7538,6 @@ sub process_textbook_image {
     return ($url,$error);
-sub modify_ltitools {
-    my ($r,$dom,$action,$lastactref,%domconfig) = @_;
-    my %domdefaults = &Apache::lonnet::get_domain_defaults($dom,1);
-    my ($newid,@allpos,%changes,%confhash,%encconfig,$errors,$resulttext);
-    my $confname = $dom.'-domainconfig';
-    my $servadm = $r->dir_config('lonAdmEMail');
-    my ($configuserok,$author_ok,$switchserver) = &config_check($dom,$confname,$servadm);
-    my (%posslti,%possfield);
-    my @courseroles = ('cc','in','ta','ep','st');
-    my @ltiroles = qw(Instructor ContentDeveloper TeachingAssistant Learner);
-    map { $posslti{$_} = 1; } @ltiroles;
-    my @allfields = ('fullname','firstname','lastname','email','user','roles');
-    map { $possfield{$_} = 1; } @allfields;
-    my %lt = &ltitools_names();
-    if ($env{'form.ltitools_add'}) {
-        my $title = $env{'form.ltitools_add_title'};
-        $title =~ s/(`)/'/g;
-        ($newid,my $error) = &get_ltitools_id($dom,$title);
-        if ($newid) {
-            my $position = $env{'form.ltitools_add_pos'};
-            $position =~ s/\D+//g;
-            if ($position ne '') {
-                $allpos[$position] = $newid;
-            }
-            $changes{$newid} = 1;
-            foreach my $item ('title','url','key','secret','lifetime') {
-                $env{'form.ltitools_add_'.$item} =~ s/(`)/'/g;
-                if ($item eq 'lifetime') {
-                    $env{'form.ltitools_add_'.$item} =~ s/[^\d.]//g;
-                }
-                if ($env{'form.ltitools_add_'.$item}) {
-                    if (($item eq 'key') || ($item eq 'secret')) {
-                        $encconfig{$newid}{$item} = $env{'form.ltitools_add_'.$item};
-                    } else {
-                        $confhash{$newid}{$item} = $env{'form.ltitools_add_'.$item};
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-            if ($env{'form.ltitools_add_version'} eq 'LTI-1p0') {
-                $confhash{$newid}{'version'} = $env{'form.ltitools_add_version'};
-            }
-            if ($env{'form.ltitools_add_msgtype'} eq 'basic-lti-launch-request') {
-                $confhash{$newid}{'msgtype'} = $env{'form.ltitools_add_msgtype'};
-            }
-            if ($env{'form.ltitools_add_sigmethod'} eq 'HMAC-SHA256') {
-                $confhash{$newid}{'sigmethod'} = $env{'form.ltitools_add_sigmethod'};
-            } else {
-                $confhash{$newid}{'sigmethod'} = 'HMAC-SHA1';
-            }
-            foreach my $item ('width','height','linktext','explanation') {
-                $env{'form.ltitools_add_'.$item} =~ s/^\s+//;
-                $env{'form.ltitools_add_'.$item} =~ s/\s+$//;
-                if (($item eq 'width') || ($item eq 'height')) {
-                    if ($env{'form.ltitools_add_'.$item} =~ /^\d+$/) {
-                        $confhash{$newid}{'display'}{$item} = $env{'form.ltitools_add_'.$item};
-                    }
-                } else {
-                    if ($env{'form.ltitools_add_'.$item} ne '') {
-                        $confhash{$newid}{'display'}{$item} = $env{'form.ltitools_add_'.$item};
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-            if ($env{'form.ltitools_add_target'} eq 'window') {
-                $confhash{$newid}{'display'}{'target'} = $env{'form.ltitools_add_target'};
-            } elsif ($env{'form.ltitools_add_target'} eq 'tab') {
-                $confhash{$newid}{'display'}{'target'} = $env{'form.ltitools_add_target'};
-            } else {
-                $confhash{$newid}{'display'}{'target'} = 'iframe';
-            }
-            if ($env{'form.ltitools_add_image.filename'} ne '') {
-                my ($imageurl,$error) =
-                    &process_ltitools_image($r,$dom,$confname,'ltitools_add_image',$newid,
-                                            $configuserok,$switchserver,$author_ok);
-                if ($imageurl) {
-                    $confhash{$newid}{'image'} = $imageurl;
-                }
-                if ($error) {
-                    &Apache::lonnet::logthis($error);
-                    $errors .= '<li><span class="LC_error">'.$error.'</span></li>';
-                }
-            }
-            my @fields = &Apache::loncommon::get_env_multiple('form.ltitools_add_fields');
-            foreach my $field (@fields) {
-                if ($possfield{$field}) {
-                    if ($field eq 'roles') {
-                        foreach my $role (@courseroles) {
-                            my $choice = $env{'form.ltitools_add_roles_'.$role};
-                            if (($choice ne '') && ($posslti{$choice})) {
-                                $confhash{$newid}{'roles'}{$role} = $choice;
-                                if ($role eq 'cc') {
-                                    $confhash{$newid}{'roles'}{'co'} = $choice;
-                                }
-                            }
-                        }
-                    } else {
-                        $confhash{$newid}{'fields'}{$field} = 1;
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-            if (ref($confhash{$newid}{'fields'}) eq 'HASH') {
-                if ($confhash{$newid}{'fields'}{'user'}) {
-                    if ($env{'form.ltitools_userincdom_add'}) {
-                        $confhash{$newid}{'incdom'} = 1;
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-            my @courseconfig = &Apache::loncommon::get_env_multiple('form.ltitools_courseconfig');
-            foreach my $item (@courseconfig) {
-                $confhash{$newid}{'crsconf'}{$item} = 1;
-            }
-            if ($env{'form.ltitools_add_custom'}) {
-                my $name = $env{'form.ltitools_add_custom_name'};
-                my $value = $env{'form.ltitools_add_custom_value'};
-                $value =~ s/(`)/'/g;
-                $name =~ s/(`)/'/g;
-                $confhash{$newid}{'custom'}{$name} = $value;
-            }
-        } else {
-            my $error = &mt('Failed to acquire unique ID for new external tool');
-            $errors .= '<li><span class="LC_error">'.$error.'</span></li>';
-        }
-    }
-    if (ref($domconfig{$action}) eq 'HASH') {
-        my %deletions;
-        my @todelete = &Apache::loncommon::get_env_multiple('form.ltitools_del');
-        if (@todelete) {
-            map { $deletions{$_} = 1; } @todelete;
-        }
-        my %customadds;
-        my @newcustom = &Apache::loncommon::get_env_multiple('form.ltitools_customadd');
-        if (@newcustom) {
-            map { $customadds{$_} = 1; } @newcustom;
-        }
-        my %imgdeletions;
-        my @todeleteimages = &Apache::loncommon::get_env_multiple('form.ltitools_image_del');
-        if (@todeleteimages) {
-            map { $imgdeletions{$_} = 1; } @todeleteimages;
-        }
-        my $maxnum = $env{'form.ltitools_maxnum'};
-        for (my $i=0; $i<=$maxnum; $i++) {
-            my $itemid = $env{'form.ltitools_id_'.$i};
-            $itemid =~ s/\D+//g;
-            if (ref($domconfig{$action}{$itemid}) eq 'HASH') {
-                if ($deletions{$itemid}) {
-                    if ($domconfig{$action}{$itemid}{'image'}) {
-                        #FIXME need to obsolete item in RES space
-                    }
-                    $changes{$itemid} = $domconfig{$action}{$itemid}{'title'};
-                    next;
-                } else {
-                    my $newpos = $env{'form.ltitools_'.$itemid};
-                    $newpos =~ s/\D+//g;
-                    foreach my $item ('title','url','lifetime') {
-                        $confhash{$itemid}{$item} = $env{'form.ltitools_'.$item.'_'.$i};
-                        if ($domconfig{$action}{$itemid}{$item} ne $confhash{$itemid}{$item}) {
-                            $changes{$itemid} = 1;
-                        }
-                    }
-                    foreach my $item ('key','secret') {
-                        $encconfig{$itemid}{$item} = $env{'form.ltitools_'.$item.'_'.$i};
-                        if ($domconfig{$action}{$itemid}{$item} ne $encconfig{$itemid}{$item}) {
-                            $changes{$itemid} = 1;
-                        }
-                    }
-                    if ($env{'form.ltitools_version_'.$i} eq 'LTI-1p0') {
-                        $confhash{$itemid}{'version'} = $env{'form.ltitools_version_'.$i};
-                    }
-                    if ($env{'form.ltitools_msgtype_'.$i} eq 'basic-lti-launch-request') {
-                        $confhash{$itemid}{'msgtype'} = $env{'form.ltitools_msgtype_'.$i};
-                    }
-                    if ($env{'form.ltitools_sigmethod_'.$i} eq 'HMAC-SHA256') {
-                        $confhash{$itemid}{'sigmethod'} = $env{'form.ltitools_sigmethod_'.$i};
-                    } else {
-                        $confhash{$itemid}{'sigmethod'} = 'HMAC-SHA1';
-                    }
-                    if ($domconfig{$action}{$itemid}{'sigmethod'} eq '') {
-                        if ($confhash{$itemid}{'sigmethod'} ne 'HMAC-SHA1') {
-                            $changes{$itemid} = 1;
-                        }
-                    } elsif ($domconfig{$action}{$itemid}{'sigmethod'} ne $confhash{$itemid}{'sigmethod'}) {
-                        $changes{$itemid} = 1;
-                    }
-                    foreach my $size ('width','height') {
-                        $env{'form.ltitools_'.$size.'_'.$i} =~ s/^\s+//;
-                        $env{'form.ltitools_'.$size.'_'.$i} =~ s/\s+$//;
-                        if ($env{'form.ltitools_'.$size.'_'.$i} =~ /^\d+$/) {
-                            $confhash{$itemid}{'display'}{$size} = $env{'form.ltitools_'.$size.'_'.$i};
-                            if (ref($domconfig{$action}{$itemid}{'display'}) eq 'HASH') {
-                                if ($domconfig{$action}{$itemid}{'display'}{$size} ne $confhash{$itemid}{'display'}{$size}) {
-                                    $changes{$itemid} = 1;
-                                }
-                            } else {
-                                $changes{$itemid} = 1;
-                            }
-                        } elsif (ref($domconfig{$action}{$itemid}{'display'}) eq 'HASH') {
-                            if ($domconfig{$action}{$itemid}{'display'}{$size} ne '') {
-                                $changes{$itemid} = 1;
-                            }
-                        }
-                    }
-                    foreach my $item ('linktext','explanation') {
-                        $env{'form.ltitools_'.$item.'_'.$i} =~ s/^\s+//;
-                        $env{'form.ltitools_'.$item.'_'.$i} =~ s/\s+$//;
-                        if ($env{'form.ltitools_'.$item.'_'.$i} ne '') {
-                            $confhash{$itemid}{'display'}{$item} = $env{'form.ltitools_'.$item.'_'.$i};
-                            if (ref($domconfig{$action}{$itemid}{'display'}) eq 'HASH') {
-                                if ($domconfig{$action}{$itemid}{'display'}{$item} ne $confhash{$itemid}{'display'}{$item}) {
-                                    $changes{$itemid} = 1;
-                                }
-                            } else {
-                                $changes{$itemid} = 1;
-                            }
-                        } elsif (ref($domconfig{$action}{$itemid}{'display'}) eq 'HASH') {
-                            if ($domconfig{$action}{$itemid}{'display'}{$item} ne '') {
-                                $changes{$itemid} = 1;
-                            }
-                        }
-                    }
-                    if ($env{'form.ltitools_target_'.$i} eq 'window') {
-                        $confhash{$itemid}{'display'}{'target'} = $env{'form.ltitools_target_'.$i};
-                    } elsif ($env{'form.ltitools_target_'.$i} eq 'tab') {
-                        $confhash{$itemid}{'display'}{'target'} = $env{'form.ltitools_target_'.$i};
-                    } else {
-                        $confhash{$itemid}{'display'}{'target'} = 'iframe';
-                    }
-                    if (ref($domconfig{$action}{$itemid}{'display'}) eq 'HASH') {
-                        if ($domconfig{$action}{$itemid}{'display'}{'target'} ne $confhash{$itemid}{'display'}{'target'}) {
-                            $changes{$itemid} = 1;
-                        }
-                    } else {
-                        $changes{$itemid} = 1;
-                    }
-                    my @courseconfig = &Apache::loncommon::get_env_multiple('form.ltitools_courseconfig_'.$i);
-                    foreach my $item ('label','title','target','linktext','explanation','append') {
-                        if (grep(/^\Q$item\E$/,@courseconfig)) {
-                            $confhash{$itemid}{'crsconf'}{$item} = 1;
-                            if (ref($domconfig{$action}{$itemid}{'crsconf'}) eq 'HASH') {
-                                if ($domconfig{$action}{$itemid}{'crsconf'}{$item} ne $confhash{$itemid}{'crsconf'}{$item}) {
-                                    $changes{$itemid} = 1;
-                                }
-                            } else {
-                                $changes{$itemid} = 1;
-                            }
-                        }
-                    }
-                    my @fields = &Apache::loncommon::get_env_multiple('form.ltitools_fields_'.$i);
-                    foreach my $field (@fields) {
-                        if ($possfield{$field}) {
-                            if ($field eq 'roles') {
-                                foreach my $role (@courseroles) {
-                                    my $choice = $env{'form.ltitools_roles_'.$role.'_'.$i};
-                                    if (($choice ne '') && ($posslti{$choice})) {
-                                        $confhash{$itemid}{'roles'}{$role} = $choice;
-                                        if ($role eq 'cc') {
-                                            $confhash{$itemid}{'roles'}{'co'} = $choice;
-                                        }
-                                    }
-                                    if (ref($domconfig{$action}{$itemid}{'roles'}) eq 'HASH') {
-                                        if ($domconfig{$action}{$itemid}{'roles'}{$role} ne $confhash{$itemid}{'roles'}{$role}) {
-                                            $changes{$itemid} = 1;
-                                        }
-                                    } elsif ($confhash{$itemid}{'roles'}{$role}) {
-                                        $changes{$itemid} = 1;
-                                    }
-                                }
-                            } else {
-                                $confhash{$itemid}{'fields'}{$field} = 1;
-                                if (ref($domconfig{$action}{$itemid}{'fields'}) eq 'HASH') {
-                                    if ($domconfig{$action}{$itemid}{'fields'}{$field} ne $confhash{$itemid}{'fields'}{$field}) {
-                                        $changes{$itemid} = 1;
-                                    }
-                                } else {
-                                    $changes{$itemid} = 1;
-                                }
-                            }
-                        }
-                    }
-                    if (ref($confhash{$itemid}{'fields'}) eq 'HASH') {
-                        if ($confhash{$itemid}{'fields'}{'user'}) {
-                            if ($env{'form.ltitools_userincdom_'.$i}) {
-                                $confhash{$itemid}{'incdom'} = 1;
-                            }
-                            if ($domconfig{$action}{$itemid}{'incdom'} ne $confhash{$itemid}{'incdom'}) {
-                                $changes{$itemid} = 1;
-                            }
-                        }
-                    }
-                    $allpos[$newpos] = $itemid;
-                }
-                if ($imgdeletions{$itemid}) {
-                    $changes{$itemid} = 1;
-                    #FIXME need to obsolete item in RES space
-                } elsif ($env{'form.ltitools_image_'.$i.'.filename'}) {
-                    my ($imgurl,$error) = &process_ltitools_image($r,$dom,$confname,'ltitools_image_'.$i,
-                                                                 $itemid,$configuserok,$switchserver,
-                                                                 $author_ok);
-                    if ($imgurl) {
-                        $confhash{$itemid}{'image'} = $imgurl;
-                        $changes{$itemid} = 1;
-                    }
-                    if ($error) {
-                        &Apache::lonnet::logthis($error);
-                        $errors .= '<li><span class="LC_error">'.$error.'</span></li>';
-                    }
-                } elsif ($domconfig{$action}{$itemid}{'image'}) {
-                    $confhash{$itemid}{'image'} =
-                       $domconfig{$action}{$itemid}{'image'};
-                }
-                if ($customadds{$i}) {
-                    my $name = $env{'form.ltitools_custom_name_'.$i};
-                    $name =~ s/(`)/'/g;
-                    $name =~ s/^\s+//;
-                    $name =~ s/\s+$//;
-                    my $value = $env{'form.ltitools_custom_value_'.$i};
-                    $value =~ s/(`)/'/g;
-                    $value =~ s/^\s+//;
-                    $value =~ s/\s+$//;
-                    if ($name ne '') {
-                        $confhash{$itemid}{'custom'}{$name} = $value;
-                        $changes{$itemid} = 1;
-                    }
-                }
-                my %customdels;
-                my @customdeletions = &Apache::loncommon::get_env_multiple('form.ltitools_customdel_'.$i);
-                if (@customdeletions) {
-                    $changes{$itemid} = 1;
-                }
-                map { $customdels{$_} = 1; } @customdeletions;
-                if (ref($domconfig{$action}{$itemid}{'custom'}) eq 'HASH') {
-                    foreach my $key (keys(%{$domconfig{$action}{$itemid}{'custom'}})) {
-                        unless ($customdels{$key}) {
-                            if ($env{'form.ltitools_customval_'.$key.'_'.$i} ne '') {
-                                $confhash{$itemid}{'custom'}{$key} = $env{'form.ltitools_customval_'.$key.'_'.$i};
-                            }
-                            if ($domconfig{$action}{$itemid}{'custom'}{$key} ne $env{'form.ltitools_customval_'.$key.'_'.$i}) {
-                                $changes{$itemid} = 1;
-                            }
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-                unless ($changes{$itemid}) {
-                    foreach my $key (keys(%{$domconfig{$action}{$itemid}})) {
-                        if (ref($domconfig{$action}{$itemid}{$key}) eq 'HASH') {
-                            if (ref($confhash{$itemid}{$key}) eq 'HASH') {
-                                foreach my $innerkey (keys(%{$domconfig{$action}{$itemid}{$key}})) {
-                                    unless (exists($confhash{$itemid}{$key}{$innerkey})) {
-                                        $changes{$itemid} = 1;
-                                        last;
-                                    }
-                                }
-                            } elsif (keys(%{$domconfig{$action}{$itemid}{$key}}) > 0) {
-                                $changes{$itemid} = 1;
-                            }
-                        }
-                        last if ($changes{$itemid});
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    if (@allpos > 0) {
-        my $idx = 0;
-        foreach my $itemid (@allpos) {
-            if ($itemid ne '') {
-                $confhash{$itemid}{'order'} = $idx;
-                if (ref($domconfig{$action}) eq 'HASH') {
-                    if (ref($domconfig{$action}{$itemid}) eq 'HASH') {
-                        if ($domconfig{$action}{$itemid}{'order'} ne $idx) {
-                            $changes{$itemid} = 1;
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-                $idx ++;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    my %ltitoolshash = (
-                          $action => { %confhash }
-                       );
-    my $putresult = &Apache::lonnet::put_dom('configuration',\%ltitoolshash,
-                                             $dom);
-    if ($putresult eq 'ok') {
-        my %ltienchash = (
-                             $action => { %encconfig }
-                         );
-        &Apache::lonnet::put_dom('encconfig',\%ltienchash,$dom);
-        if (keys(%changes) > 0) {
-            my $cachetime = 24*60*60;
-            my %ltiall = %confhash;
-            foreach my $id (keys(%ltiall)) {
-                if (ref($encconfig{$id}) eq 'HASH') {
-                    foreach my $item ('key','secret') {
-                        $ltiall{$id}{$item} = $encconfig{$id}{$item};
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-            &Apache::lonnet::do_cache_new('ltitools',$dom,\%ltiall,$cachetime);
-            if (ref($lastactref) eq 'HASH') {
-                $lastactref->{'ltitools'} = 1;
-            }
-            $resulttext = &mt('Changes made:').'<ul>';
-            my %bynum;
-            foreach my $itemid (sort(keys(%changes))) {
-                my $position = $confhash{$itemid}{'order'};
-                $bynum{$position} = $itemid;
-            }
-            foreach my $pos (sort { $a <=> $b } keys(%bynum)) {
-                my $itemid = $bynum{$pos};
-                if (ref($confhash{$itemid}) ne 'HASH') {
-                    $resulttext .= '<li>'.&mt('Deleted: [_1]',$changes{$itemid}).'</li>';
-                } else {
-                    $resulttext .= '<li><b>'.$confhash{$itemid}{'title'}.'</b>';
-                    if ($confhash{$itemid}{'image'}) {
-                        $resulttext .= '&nbsp;'.
-                                       '<img src="'.$confhash{$itemid}{'image'}.'"'.
-                                       ' alt="'.&mt('Tool Provider icon').'" />';
-                    }
-                    $resulttext .= '</li><ul>';
-                    my $position = $pos + 1;
-                    $resulttext .= '<li>'.&mt('Order: [_1]',$position).'</li>';
-                    foreach my $item ('version','msgtype','sigmethod','url','lifetime') {
-                        if ($confhash{$itemid}{$item} ne '') {
-                            $resulttext .= '<li>'.$lt{$item}.':&nbsp;'.$confhash{$itemid}{$item}.'</li>';
-                        }
-                    }
-                    if ($encconfig{$itemid}{'key'} ne '') {
-                        $resulttext .= '<li>'.$lt{'key'}.':&nbsp;'.$encconfig{$itemid}{'key'}.'</li>';
-                    }
-                    if ($encconfig{$itemid}{'secret'} ne '') {
-                        $resulttext .= '<li>'.$lt{'secret'}.':&nbsp;';
-                        my $num = length($encconfig{$itemid}{'secret'});
-                        $resulttext .= ('*'x$num).'</li>';
-                    }
-                    $resulttext .= '<li>'.&mt('Configurable in course:');
-                    my @possconfig = ('label','title','target','linktext','explanation','append');
-                    my $numconfig = 0;
-                    if (ref($confhash{$itemid}{'crsconf'}) eq 'HASH') {
-                        foreach my $item (@possconfig) {
-                            if ($confhash{$itemid}{'crsconf'}{$item}) {
-                                $numconfig ++;
-                                $resulttext .= ' "'.$lt{'crs'.$item}.'"';
-                            }
-                        }
-                    }
-                    if (!$numconfig) {
-                        $resulttext .= &mt('None');
-                    }
-                    $resulttext .= '</li>';
-                    if (ref($confhash{$itemid}{'display'}) eq 'HASH') {
-                        my $displaylist;
-                        if ($confhash{$itemid}{'display'}{'target'}) {
-                            $displaylist = &mt('Display target').':&nbsp;'.
-                                           $confhash{$itemid}{'display'}{'target'}.',';
-                        }
-                        foreach my $size ('width','height') {
-                            if ($confhash{$itemid}{'display'}{$size}) {
-                                $displaylist .= ('&nbsp;'x2).$lt{$size}.':&nbsp;'.
-                                                $confhash{$itemid}{'display'}{$size}.',';
-                            }
-                        }
-                        if ($displaylist) {
-                            $displaylist =~ s/,$//;
-                            $resulttext .= '<li>'.$displaylist.'</li>';
-                        }
-                        foreach my $item ('linktext','explanation') {
-                            if ($confhash{$itemid}{'display'}{$item}) {
-                                $resulttext .= '<li>'.$lt{$item}.':&nbsp;'.$confhash{$itemid}{'display'}{$item}.'</li>';
-                            }
-                        }
-                    }
-                    if (ref($confhash{$itemid}{'fields'}) eq 'HASH') {
-                        my $fieldlist;
-                        foreach my $field (@allfields) {
-                            if ($confhash{$itemid}{'fields'}{$field}) {
-                                $fieldlist .= ('&nbsp;'x2).$lt{$field}.',';
-                            }
-                        }
-                        if ($fieldlist) {
-                            $fieldlist =~ s/,$//;
-                            if ($confhash{$itemid}{'fields'}{'user'}) {
-                                if ($confhash{$itemid}{'incdom'}) {
-                                    $fieldlist .= ' ('.&mt('username:domain').')';
-                                } else {
-                                    $fieldlist .= ' ('.&mt('username').')';
-                                }
-                            }
-                            $resulttext .= '<li>'.&mt('Data sent').':'.$fieldlist.'</li>';
-                        }
-                    }
-                    if (ref($confhash{$itemid}{'roles'}) eq 'HASH') {
-                        my $rolemaps;
-                        foreach my $role (@courseroles) {
-                            if ($confhash{$itemid}{'roles'}{$role}) {
-                                $rolemaps .= ('&nbsp;'x2).&Apache::lonnet::plaintext($role,'Course').'='.
-                                             $confhash{$itemid}{'roles'}{$role}.',';
-                            }
-                        }
-                        if ($rolemaps) {
-                            $rolemaps =~ s/,$//;
-                            $resulttext .= '<li>'.&mt('Role mapping:').$rolemaps.'</li>';
-                        }
-                    }
-                    if (ref($confhash{$itemid}{'custom'}) eq 'HASH') {
-                        my $customlist;
-                        if (keys(%{$confhash{$itemid}{'custom'}})) {
-                            foreach my $key (sort(keys(%{$confhash{$itemid}{'custom'}}))) {
-                                $customlist .= $key.':'.$confhash{$itemid}{'custom'}{$key}.('&nbsp;'x2);
-                            }
-                        }
-                        if ($customlist) {
-                            $resulttext .= '<li>'.&mt('Custom items').': '.$customlist.'</li>';
-                        }
-                    }
-                    $resulttext .= '</ul></li>';
-                }
-            }
-            $resulttext .= '</ul>';
-        } else {
-            $resulttext = &mt('No changes made.');
-        }
-    } else {
-        $errors .= '<li><span class="LC_error">'.&mt('Failed to save changes').'</span></li>';
-    }
-    if ($errors) {
-        $resulttext .= &mt('The following errors occurred: ').'<ul>'.
-                       $errors.'</ul>';
-    }
-    return $resulttext;
-sub process_ltitools_image {
-    my ($r,$dom,$confname,$caller,$itemid,$configuserok,$switchserver,$author_ok) = @_;
-    my $filename = $env{'form.'.$caller.'.filename'};
-    my ($error,$url);
-    my ($width,$height) = (21,21);
-    if ($configuserok eq 'ok') {
-        if ($switchserver) {
-            $error = &mt('Upload of Tool Provider (LTI) icon is not permitted to this server: [_1]',
-                         $switchserver);
-        } elsif ($author_ok eq 'ok') {
-            my ($result,$imageurl,$madethumb) =
-                &publishlogo($r,'upload',$caller,$dom,$confname,
-                             "ltitools/$itemid/icon",$width,$height);
-            if ($result eq 'ok') {
-                if ($madethumb) {
-                    my ($path,$imagefile) = ($imageurl =~ m{^(.+)/([^/]+)$});
-                    my $imagethumb = "$path/tn-".$imagefile;
-                    $url = $imagethumb;
-                } else {
-                    $url = $imageurl;
-                }
-            } else {
-                $error = &mt("Upload of [_1] failed because an error occurred publishing the file in RES space. Error was: [_2].",$filename,$result);
-            }
-        } else {
-            $error = &mt("Upload of [_1] failed because an author role could not be assigned to a Domain Configuration user ([_2]) in domain: [_3].  Error was: [_4].",$filename,$confname,$dom,$author_ok);
-        }
-    } else {
-        $error = &mt("Upload of [_1] failed because a Domain Configuration user ([_2]) could not be created in domain: [_3].  Error was: [_4].",$filename,$confname,$dom,$configuserok);
-    }
-    return ($url,$error);
-sub get_ltitools_id {
-    my ($cdom,$title) = @_;
-    # get lock on ltitools db
-    my $lockhash = {
-                      lock => $env{'user.name'}.
-                              ':'.$env{'user.domain'},
-                   };
-    my $tries = 0;
-    my $gotlock = &Apache::lonnet::newput_dom('ltitools',$lockhash,$cdom);
-    my ($id,$error);
-    while (($gotlock ne 'ok') && ($tries<10)) {
-        $tries ++;
-        sleep (0.1);
-        $gotlock = &Apache::lonnet::newput_dom('ltitools',$lockhash,$cdom);
-    }
-    if ($gotlock eq 'ok') {
-        my %currids = &Apache::lonnet::dump_dom('ltitools',$cdom);
-        if ($currids{'lock'}) {
-            delete($currids{'lock'});
-            if (keys(%currids)) {
-                my @curr = sort { $a <=> $b } keys(%currids);
-                if ($curr[-1] =~ /^\d+$/) {
-                    $id = 1 + $curr[-1];
-                }
-            } else {
-                $id = 1;
-            }
-            if ($id) {
-                unless (&Apache::lonnet::newput_dom('ltitools',{ $id => $title },$cdom) eq 'ok') {
-                    $error = 'nostore';
-                }
-            } else {
-                $error = 'nonumber';
-            }
-        }
-        my $dellockoutcome = &Apache::lonnet::del_dom('ltitools',['lock'],$cdom);
-    } else {
-        $error = 'nolock';
-    }
-    return ($id,$error);
 sub modify_autoenroll {
     my ($dom,$lastactref,%domconfig) = @_;
     my ($resulttext,%changes);
@@ -9832,8 +7550,7 @@ sub modify_autoenroll {
     my $autorun = &Apache::lonnet::auto_run(undef,$dom),
     my %title = ( run => 'Auto-enrollment active',
                   sender => 'Sender for notification messages',
-                  coowners => 'Automatic assignment of co-ownership to instructors of record (institutional data)',
-                  failsafe => 'Failsafe for no drops if institutional data missing for a section');
+                  coowners => 'Automatic assignment of co-ownership to instructors of record (institutional data)');
     my @offon = ('off','on');
     my $sender_uname = $env{'form.sender_uname'};
     my $sender_domain = $env{'form.sender_domain'};
@@ -9843,17 +7560,11 @@ sub modify_autoenroll {
         $sender_domain = '';
     my $coowners = $env{'form.autoassign_coowners'};
-    my $failsafe = $env{'form.autoenroll_failsafe'};
-    $failsafe =~ s{^\s+|\s+$}{}g;
-    if ($failsafe =~ /\D/) {
-        undef($failsafe);
-    }
     my %autoenrollhash =  (
                        autoenroll => { 'run' => $env{'form.autoenroll_run'},
                                        'sender_uname' => $sender_uname,
                                        'sender_domain' => $sender_domain,
                                        'co-owners' => $coowners,
-                                       'autofailsafe' => $failsafe,
     my $putresult = &Apache::lonnet::put_dom('configuration',\%autoenrollhash,
@@ -9880,10 +7591,7 @@ sub modify_autoenroll {
         } elsif ($coowners) {
             $changes{'coowners'} = 1;
-        }
-        if ($currautoenroll{'autofailsafe'} ne $failsafe) {
-            $changes{'autofailsafe'} = 1;
-        }
+        }      
         if (keys(%changes) > 0) {
             $resulttext = &mt('Changes made:').'<ul>';
             if ($changes{'run'}) {
@@ -9903,17 +7611,6 @@ sub modify_autoenroll {
                     $lastactref->{'domainconfig'} = 1;
-            if ($changes{'autofailsafe'}) {
-                if ($failsafe ne '') {
-                    $resulttext .= '<li>'.&mt('Failsafe for no drops if institutional data missing for a section set to: [_1]',$failsafe).'</li>';
-                } else {
-                    $resulttext .= '<li>'.&mt('Failsafe for no drops if institutional data missing for a section: deleted');
-                }
-                &Apache::lonnet::get_domain_defaults($dom,1);
-                if (ref($lastactref) eq 'HASH') {
-                    $lastactref->{'domdefaults'} = 1;
-                }
-            }
             $resulttext .= '</ul>';
         } else {
             $resulttext = &mt('No changes made to auto-enrollment settings');
@@ -10129,7 +7826,7 @@ sub modify_autocreate {
         $newvals{$item} = 0 if ($newvals{$item} eq '');
     $newvals{'xmldc'} = $env{'form.autocreate_xmldc'};
-    my %domcoords = &Apache::lonnet::get_active_domroles($dom,['dc']);
+    my %domcoords = &get_active_dcs($dom);
     unless (exists($domcoords{$newvals{'xmldc'}})) {
         $newvals{'xmldc'} = '';
@@ -10186,7 +7883,7 @@ sub modify_autocreate {
 sub modify_directorysrch {
-    my ($dom,$lastactref,%domconfig) = @_;
+    my ($dom,%domconfig) = @_;
     my ($resulttext,%changes);
     my %currdirsrch;
     if (ref($domconfig{'directorysrch'}) eq 'HASH') {
@@ -10194,10 +7891,8 @@ sub modify_directorysrch {
             $currdirsrch{$key} = $domconfig{'directorysrch'}{$key};
-    my %title = ( available => 'Institutional directory search available',
-                  localonly => 'Other domains can search institution',
-                  lcavailable => 'LON-CAPA directory search available',
-                  lclocalonly => 'Other domains can search LON-CAPA domain',
+    my %title = ( available => 'Directory search available',
+                  localonly => 'Other domains can search',
                   searchby => 'Search types',
                   searchtypes => 'Search latitude');
     my @offon = ('off','on');
@@ -10271,9 +7966,7 @@ sub modify_directorysrch {
     my %dirsrch_hash =  (
             directorysrch => { available => $env{'form.dirsrch_available'},
                                cansearch => \@cansearch,
-                               localonly => $env{'form.dirsrch_instlocalonly'},
-                               lclocalonly => $env{'form.dirsrch_domlocalonly'},
-                               lcavailable => $env{'form.dirsrch_domavailable'},
+                               localonly => $env{'form.dirsrch_localonly'},
                                searchby => \@searchby,
                                searchtypes => \@searchtypes,
@@ -10290,47 +7983,24 @@ sub modify_directorysrch {
                 $changes{'available'} = 1;
-        if (exists($currdirsrch{'lcavailable'})) {
-            if ($currdirsrch{'lcavailable'} ne $env{'form.dirsrch_domavailable'}) {
-                $changes{'lcavailable'} = 1;
-            }
-        } else {
-            if ($env{'form.dirsrch_lcavailable'} eq '1') {
-                $changes{'lcavailable'} = 1;
-            }
-        }
         if (exists($currdirsrch{'localonly'})) {
-            if ($currdirsrch{'localonly'} ne $env{'form.dirsrch_instlocalonly'}) {
-                $changes{'localonly'} = 1;
-            }
+             if ($currdirsrch{'localonly'} ne $env{'form.dirsrch_localonly'}) {
+                 $changes{'localonly'} = 1;
+             }
         } else {
-            if ($env{'form.dirsrch_instlocalonly'} eq '1') {
+            if ($env{'form.dirsrch_localonly'} eq '1') {
                 $changes{'localonly'} = 1;
-        if (exists($currdirsrch{'lclocalonly'})) {
-            if ($currdirsrch{'lclocalonly'} ne $env{'form.dirsrch_domlocalonly'}) {
-                $changes{'lclocalonly'} = 1;
-            }
-        } else {
-            if ($env{'form.dirsrch_domlocalonly'} eq '1') {
-                $changes{'lclocalonly'} = 1;
-            }
-        }
         if (keys(%changes) > 0) {
             $resulttext = &mt('Changes made:').'<ul>';
             if ($changes{'available'}) {
                 $resulttext .= '<li>'.&mt("$title{'available'} set to: $offon[$env{'form.dirsrch_available'}]").'</li>';
-            if ($changes{'lcavailable'}) {
-                $resulttext .= '<li>'.&mt("$title{'lcavailable'} set to: $offon[$env{'form.dirsrch_domavailable'}]").'</li>';
-            }
             if ($changes{'localonly'}) {
-                $resulttext .= '<li>'.&mt("$title{'localonly'} set to: $otherdoms[$env{'form.dirsrch_instlocalonly'}]").'</li>';
-            }
-            if ($changes{'lclocalonly'}) {
-                $resulttext .= '<li>'.&mt("$title{'lclocalonly'} set to: $otherdoms[$env{'form.dirsrch_domlocalonly'}]").'</li>';
+                $resulttext .= '<li>'.&mt("$title{'localonly'} set to: $otherdoms[$env{'form.dirsrch_localonly'}]").'</li>';
             if (ref($changes{'cansearch'}) eq 'ARRAY') {
                 my $chgtext;
                 if (ref($usertypes) eq 'HASH') {
@@ -10380,12 +8050,8 @@ sub modify_directorysrch {
                 $resulttext .= '<li>'.&mt($title{'searchtypes'}.' set to: "[_1]"',$chgtext).'</li>';
             $resulttext .= '</ul>';
-            &Apache::lonnet::do_cache_new('directorysrch',$dom,$dirsrch_hash{'directorysrch'},3600);
-            if (ref($lastactref) eq 'HASH') {
-                $lastactref->{'directorysrch'} = 1;
-            }
         } else {
-            $resulttext = &mt('No changes made to directory search settings');
+            $resulttext = &mt('No changes made to institution directory search settings');
     } else {
         $resulttext = '<span class="LC_error">'.
@@ -10402,12 +8068,11 @@ sub modify_contacts {
             $currsetting{$key} = $domconfig{'contacts'}{$key};
-    my (%others,%to,%bcc,%includestr,%includeloc);
+    my (%others,%to,%bcc);
     my @contacts = ('supportemail','adminemail');
-    my @mailings = ('errormail','packagesmail','helpdeskmail','otherdomsmail',
-                    'lonstatusmail','requestsmail','updatesmail','idconflictsmail');
+    my @mailings = ('errormail','packagesmail','helpdeskmail','lonstatusmail',
+                    'requestsmail','updatesmail','idconflictsmail');
     my @toggles = ('reporterrors','reportupdates');
-    my ($fields,$fieldtitles,$fieldoptions,$possoptions) = &helpform_fields();
     foreach my $type (@mailings) {
         @{$newsetting{$type}} = 
@@ -10417,17 +8082,12 @@ sub modify_contacts {
             } else {
                 $contacts_hash{contacts}{$type}{$item} = 0;
-        }
+        }  
         $others{$type} = $env{'form.'.$type.'_others'};
         $contacts_hash{contacts}{$type}{'others'} = $others{$type};
-        if (($type eq 'helpdeskmail') || ($type eq 'otherdomsmail')) {
+        if ($type eq 'helpdeskmail') {
             $bcc{$type} = $env{'form.'.$type.'_bcc'};
             $contacts_hash{contacts}{$type}{'bcc'} = $bcc{$type};
-            if (($env{'form.'.$type.'_includestr'} ne '') && ($env{'form.'.$type.'_includeloc'} =~ /^s|b$/)) {
-                $includestr{$type} = $env{'form.'.$type.'_includestr'};
-                $includeloc{$type} = $env{'form.'.$type.'_includeloc'};
-                $contacts_hash{contacts}{$type}{'include'} = $includeloc{$type}.':'.&escape($includestr{$type});
-            }
     foreach my $item (@contacts) {
@@ -10439,23 +8099,6 @@ sub modify_contacts {
             $contacts_hash{'contacts'}{$item} = $env{'form.'.$item};
-    if ((ref($fields) eq 'ARRAY') && (ref($possoptions) eq 'HASH')) {
-        foreach my $field (@{$fields}) {
-            if (ref($possoptions->{$field}) eq 'ARRAY') {
-                my $value = $env{'form.helpform_'.$field};
-                $value =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
-                if (grep(/^\Q$value\E$/,@{$possoptions->{$field}})) {
-                    $contacts_hash{contacts}{'helpform'}{$field} = $value;
-                    if ($field eq 'screenshot') {
-                        $env{'form.helpform_maxsize'} =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
-                        if ($env{'form.helpform_maxsize'} =~ /^\d+\.?\d*$/) {
-                            $contacts_hash{contacts}{'helpform'}{'maxsize'} = $env{'form.helpform_maxsize'};
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
     if (keys(%currsetting) > 0) {
         foreach my $item (@contacts) {
             if ($to{$item} ne $currsetting{$item}) {
@@ -10475,39 +8118,10 @@ sub modify_contacts {
             if ($others{$type} ne $currsetting{$type}{'others'}) {
-            if (($type eq 'helpdeskmail') || ($type eq 'otherdomsmail')) {
+            if ($type eq 'helpdeskmail') {   
                 if ($bcc{$type} ne $currsetting{$type}{'bcc'}) {
-                my ($currloc,$currstr) = split(/:/,$currsetting{$type}{'include'},2);
-                if (($includeloc{$type} ne $currloc) || (&escape($includestr{$type}) ne $currstr)) {
-                    push(@{$changes{$type}},'include');
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        if (ref($fields) eq 'ARRAY') {
-            if (ref($currsetting{'helpform'}) eq 'HASH') {
-                foreach my $field (@{$fields}) {
-                    if ($currsetting{'helpform'}{$field} ne $contacts_hash{'contacts'}{'helpform'}{$field}) {
-                        push(@{$changes{'helpform'}},$field);
-                    }
-                    if (($field eq 'screenshot') && ($contacts_hash{'contacts'}{'helpform'}{'screenshot'} ne 'no')) {
-                        if ($currsetting{'helpform'}{'maxsize'} ne $contacts_hash{'contacts'}{'helpform'}{'maxsize'}) {
-                            push(@{$changes{'helpform'}},'maxsize');
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-            } else {
-                foreach my $field (@{$fields}) {
-                    if ($contacts_hash{'contacts'}{'helpform'}{$field} ne 'yes') {
-                        push(@{$changes{'helpform'}},$field);
-                    }
-                    if (($field eq 'screenshot') && ($contacts_hash{'contacts'}{'helpform'}{'screenshot'} ne 'no')) {
-                        if ($contacts_hash{'contacts'}{'helpform'}{'maxsize'} != 1) {
-                            push(@{$changes{'helpform'}},'maxsize');
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
     } else {
@@ -10517,41 +8131,26 @@ sub modify_contacts {
         $default{'errormail'} = 'adminemail';
         $default{'packagesmail'} = 'adminemail';
         $default{'helpdeskmail'} = 'supportemail';
-        $default{'otherdomsmail'} = 'supportemail';
         $default{'lonstatusmail'} = 'adminemail';
         $default{'requestsmail'} = 'adminemail';
         $default{'updatesmail'} = 'adminemail';
         foreach my $item (@contacts) {
            if ($to{$item} ne $default{$item}) {
-               $changes{$item} = 1;
+              $changes{$item} = 1;
         foreach my $type (@mailings) {
             if ((@{$newsetting{$type}} != 1) || ($newsetting{$type}[0] ne $default{$type})) {
             if ($others{$type} ne '') {
-            if (($type eq 'helpdeskmail') || ($type eq 'otherdomsmail')) {
+            if ($type eq 'helpdeskmail') {
                 if ($bcc{$type} ne '') {
-                if (($includeloc{$type} =~ /^b|s$/) && ($includestr{$type} ne '')) {
-                    push(@{$changes{$type}},'include');
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        if (ref($fields) eq 'ARRAY') {
-            foreach my $field (@{$fields}) {
-                if ($contacts_hash{'contacts'}{'helpform'}{$field} ne 'yes') {
-                    push(@{$changes{'helpform'}},$field);
-                }
-                if (($field eq 'screenshot') && ($contacts_hash{'contacts'}{'helpform'}{'screenshot'} ne 'no')) {
-                    if ($contacts_hash{'contacts'}{'helpform'}{'maxsize'} != 1) {
-                        push(@{$changes{'helpform'}},'maxsize');
-                    }
-                }
@@ -10583,11 +8182,7 @@ sub modify_contacts {
             foreach my $type (@mailings) {
                 if (ref($changes{$type}) eq 'ARRAY') {
-                    if (($type eq 'helpdeskmail') || ($type eq 'otherdomsmail')) {
-                        $resulttext .= '<li>'.$titles->{$type}.' -- '.&mt('sent to').': ';
-                    } else {
-                        $resulttext .= '<li>'.$titles->{$type}.': ';
-                    }
+                    $resulttext .= '<li>'.$titles->{$type}.': ';
                     my @text;
                     foreach my $item (@{$newsetting{$type}}) {
@@ -10595,31 +8190,12 @@ sub modify_contacts {
                     if ($others{$type} ne '') {
-                    if (@text) {
-                        $resulttext .= '<span class="LC_cusr_emph">'.
-                                       join(', ',@text).'</span>';
-                    }
-                    if (($type eq 'helpdeskmail') || ($type eq 'otherdomsmail')) {
+                    $resulttext .= '<span class="LC_cusr_emph">'.
+                                   join(', ',@text).'</span>';
+                    if ($type eq 'helpdeskmail') {
                         if ($bcc{$type} ne '') {
-                            my $bcctext;
-                            if (@text) {
-                                $bcctext = '&nbsp;'.&mt('with Bcc to');
-                            } else {
-                                $bcctext = '(Bcc)';
-                            }
-                            $resulttext .= $bcctext.': <span class="LC_cusr_emph">'.$bcc{$type}.'</span>';
-                        } elsif (!@text) {
-                            $resulttext .= &mt('No one');
+                            $resulttext .= '&nbsp;'.&mt('with Bcc to').': <span class="LC_cusr_emph">'.$bcc{$type}.'</span>';
-                        if ($includestr{$type} ne '') {
-                            if ($includeloc{$type} eq 'b') {
-                                $resulttext .= '<br />'.&mt('Text automatically added to e-mail body:').' '.$includestr{$type};
-                            } elsif ($includeloc{$type} eq 's') {
-                                $resulttext .= '<br />'.&mt('Text automatically added to e-mail subject:').' '.$includestr{$type};
-                            }
-                        }
-                    } elsif (!@text) {
-                        $resulttext .= &mt('No recipients');
                     $resulttext .= '</li>';
@@ -10641,50 +8217,9 @@ sub modify_contacts {
                                         &mt('LON-CAPA core group - MSU'),600,500)).
-            if ((ref($changes{'helpform'}) eq 'ARRAY') && (ref($fields) eq 'ARRAY')) {
-                my (@optional,@required,@unused,$maxsizechg);
-                foreach my $field (@{$changes{'helpform'}}) {
-                    if ($field eq 'maxsize') {
-                        $maxsizechg = 1;
-                        next;
-                    }
-                    if ($contacts_hash{'contacts'}{'helpform'}{$field} eq 'yes') {
-                        push(@optional,$field);
-                    } elsif ($contacts_hash{'contacts'}{'helpform'}{$field} eq 'no') {
-                        push(@unused,$field);
-                    } elsif ($contacts_hash{'contacts'}{'helpform'}{$field} eq 'req') {
-                        push(@required,$field);
-                    }
-                }
-                if (@optional) {
-                    $resulttext .= '<li>'.
-                                   &mt('Help form fields changed to "Optional": [_1].',
-                                       '<span class="LC_cusr_emph">'.join(', ',map { $fieldtitles->{$_}; } @optional)).'</span>'.
-                                   '</li>';
-                }
-                if (@required) {
-                    $resulttext .= '<li>'.
-                                   &mt('Help form fields changed to "Required": [_1].',
-                                       '<span class="LC_cusr_emph">'.join(', ',map { $fieldtitles->{$_}; } @required)).'</span>'.
-                                   '</li>';
-                }
-                if (@unused) {
-                    $resulttext .= '<li>'.
-                                   &mt('Help form fields changed to "Not shown": [_1].',
-                                       '<span class="LC_cusr_emph">'.join(', ',map { $fieldtitles->{$_}; } @unused)).'</span>'.
-                                   '</li>';
-                }
-                if ($maxsizechg) {
-                    $resulttext .= '<li>'.
-                                   &mt('Max size for file uploaded to help form by logged-in user set to [_1] MB.',
-                                       $contacts_hash{'contacts'}{'helpform'}{'maxsize'}).
-                                   '</li>';
-                }
-            }
             $resulttext .= '</ul>';
         } else {
-            $resulttext = &mt('No changes made to contacts and form settings');
+            $resulttext = &mt('No changes made to contact information');
     } else {
         $resulttext = '<span class="LC_error">'.
@@ -10703,8 +8238,7 @@ sub modify_usercreation {
                 if (ref($domconfig{'usercreation'}{$key}) eq 'HASH') {
                     foreach my $item (keys(%{$domconfig{'usercreation'}{$key}})) {
                         if (($item eq 'selfcreate') || ($item eq 'statustocreate') ||
-                            ($item eq 'captcha') || ($item eq 'recaptchakeys') ||
-                            ($item eq 'recaptchaversion')) {
+                            ($item eq 'captcha') || ($item eq 'recaptchakeys')) {
                             $save_usercreate{$key}{$item} = $domconfig{'usercreation'}{$key}{$item};
                         } else {
                             $curr_usercreation{$key}{$item} = $domconfig{'usercreation'}{$key}{$item};
@@ -10928,7 +8462,6 @@ sub modify_selfcreation {
                     foreach my $item (keys(%{$domconfig{'usercreation'}{$key}})) {
                         if (($item eq 'selfcreate') || ($item eq 'statustocreate') ||
                             ($item eq 'captcha') || ($item eq 'recaptchakeys') || 
-                            ($item eq 'recaptchaversion') ||
                             ($item eq 'emailusername') || ($item eq 'notify') ||
                             ($item eq 'selfcreateprocessing') || ($item eq 'shibenv')) {
                             $curr_usercreation{$key}{$item} = $domconfig{'usercreation'}{$key}{$item};
@@ -11258,7 +8791,6 @@ sub modify_selfcreation {
     $save_usercreate{'cancreate'}{'captcha'} = $savecaptcha{'captcha'};
     $save_usercreate{'cancreate'}{'recaptchakeys'} = $savecaptcha{'recaptchakeys'};
-    $save_usercreate{'cancreate'}{'recaptchaversion'} = $savecaptcha{'recaptchaversion'};
     $save_usercreate{'cancreate'}{'selfcreate'} = $cancreate{'selfcreate'};
     if (ref($cancreate{'notify'}) eq 'HASH') {
         $save_usercreate{'cancreate'}{'notify'} = $cancreate{'notify'};
@@ -11420,10 +8952,6 @@ sub modify_selfcreation {
                             $chgtext .= '<li>'.&mt('Private key set to [_1]',$pubkey).'</li>';
                         $chgtext .= '</ul>';
-                    } elsif ($type eq 'recaptchaversion') {
-                        if ($savecaptcha{'captcha'} eq 'recaptcha') {
-                            $chgtext .= &mt('ReCAPTCHA set to version [_1]',$savecaptcha{$type});
-                        }
                     } elsif ($type eq 'emailusername') {
                         if (ref($cancreate{'emailusername'}) eq 'HASH') {
                             if (ref($types) eq 'ARRAY') {
@@ -11544,7 +9072,7 @@ sub process_captcha {
             $changes->{'captcha'} = 1;
-    my ($newpub,$newpriv,$currpub,$currpriv,$newversion,$currversion);
+    my ($newpub,$newpriv,$currpub,$currpriv);
     if ($newsettings->{'captcha'} eq 'recaptcha') {
         $newpub = $env{'form.'.$container.'_recaptchapub'};
         $newpriv = $env{'form.'.$container.'_recaptchapriv'};
@@ -11554,12 +9082,6 @@ sub process_captcha {
                                              public  => $newpub,
                                              private => $newpriv,
-        $newversion = $env{'form.'.$container.'_recaptchaversion'};
-        $newversion =~ s/\D//g;
-        if ($newversion ne '2') {
-            $newversion = 1;
-        }
-        $newsettings->{'recaptchaversion'} = $newversion;
     if (ref($current->{'recaptchakeys'}) eq 'HASH') {
         $currpub = $current->{'recaptchakeys'}{'public'};
@@ -11571,23 +9093,6 @@ sub process_captcha {
-    if ($current->{'captcha'} eq 'recaptcha') {
-        $currversion = $current->{'recaptchaversion'};
-        if ($currversion ne '2') {
-            $currversion = 1;
-        }
-    }
-    if ($currversion ne $newversion) {
-        if ($container eq 'cancreate') {
-            if (ref($changes->{'cancreate'}) eq 'ARRAY') {
-                push(@{$changes->{'cancreate'}},'recaptchaversion');
-            } elsif (!defined($changes->{'cancreate'})) {
-                $changes->{'cancreate'} = ['recaptchaversion'];
-            }
-        } else {
-            $changes->{'recaptchaversion'} = 1;
-        }
-    }
     if (($newpub ne $currpub) || ($newpriv ne $currpriv)) {
         if ($container eq 'cancreate') {
             if (ref($changes->{'cancreate'}) eq 'ARRAY') {
@@ -11709,8 +9214,7 @@ sub modify_defaults {
     my ($dom,$lastactref,%domconfig) = @_;
     my ($resulttext,$mailmsgtxt,%newvalues,%changes,@errors);
     my %domdefaults = &Apache::lonnet::get_domain_defaults($dom,1);
-    my @items = ('auth_def','auth_arg_def','lang_def','timezone_def','datelocale_def',
-                 'portal_def','intauth_cost','intauth_check','intauth_switch');
+    my @items = ('auth_def','auth_arg_def','lang_def','timezone_def','datelocale_def','portal_def');
     my @authtypes = ('internal','krb4','krb5','localauth');
     foreach my $item (@items) {
         $newvalues{$item} = $env{'form.'.$item};
@@ -11752,24 +9256,6 @@ sub modify_defaults {
-        } elsif ($item eq 'intauth_cost') {
-            if ($newvalues{$item} ne '') {
-                if ($newvalues{$item} =~ /\D/) {
-                    push(@errors,$item);
-                }
-            }
-        } elsif ($item eq 'intauth_check') {
-            if ($newvalues{$item} ne '') {
-                unless ($newvalues{$item} =~ /^(0|1|2)$/) {
-                    push(@errors,$item);
-                }
-            }
-        } elsif ($item eq 'intauth_switch') {
-            if ($newvalues{$item} ne '') {
-                unless ($newvalues{$item} =~ /^(0|1|2)$/) {
-                    push(@errors,$item);
-                }
-            }
         if (grep(/^\Q$item\E$/,@errors)) {
             $newvalues{$item} = $domdefaults{$item};
@@ -11924,28 +9410,6 @@ sub modify_defaults {
                                           localauth  => 'loc',
                         $value = $authnames{$shortauth{$value}};
-                    } elsif ($item eq 'intauth_switch') {
-                        my %optiondesc = &Apache::lonlocal::texthash (
-                                            0 => 'No',
-                                            1 => 'Yes',
-                                            2 => 'Yes, and copy existing passwd file to passwd.bak file',
-                                         );
-                        if ($value =~ /^(0|1|2)$/) {
-                            $value = $optiondesc{$value};
-                        } else {
-                            $value = &mt('none -- defaults to No');
-                        }
-                    } elsif ($item eq 'intauth_check') {
-                        my %optiondesc = &Apache::lonlocal::texthash (
-                                             0 => 'No',
-                                             1 => 'Yes, allow login then update passwd file using default cost (if higher)',
-                                             2 => 'Yes, disallow login if stored cost is less than domain default',
-                                         );
-                        if ($value =~ /^(0|1|2)$/) {
-                            $value = $optiondesc{$value};
-                        } else {
-                            $value = &mt('none -- defaults to No');
-                        }
                     $resulttext .= '<li>'.&mt('[_1] set to "[_2]"',$title->{$item},$value).'</li>';
                     $mailmsgtext .= "$title->{$item} set to $value\n";  
@@ -12461,210 +9925,32 @@ sub modify_serverstatuses {
 sub modify_helpsettings {
-    my ($r,$dom,$confname,$lastactref,%domconfig) = @_;
+    my ($r,$dom,$confname,%domconfig) = @_;
     my ($resulttext,$errors,%changes,%helphash);
     my %defaultchecked = ('submitbugs' => 'on');
     my @offon = ('off','on');
     my @toggles = ('submitbugs');
-    my %current = ('submitbugs' => '',
-                   'adhoc'      => {},
-                  );
     if (ref($domconfig{'helpsettings'}) eq 'HASH') {
-        %current = %{$domconfig{'helpsettings'}};
-    }
-    my %domdefaults = &Apache::lonnet::get_domain_defaults($dom,1);
-    foreach my $item (@toggles) {
-        if ($defaultchecked{$item} eq 'on') { 
-            if ($current{$item} eq '') {
-                if ($env{'form.'.$item} eq '0') {
-                    $changes{$item} = 1;
-                }
-            } elsif ($current{$item} ne $env{'form.'.$item}) {
-                $changes{$item} = 1;
-            }
-        } elsif ($defaultchecked{$item} eq 'off') {
-            if ($current{$item} eq '') {
-                if ($env{'form.'.$item} eq '1') {
-                    $changes{$item} = 1;
-                }
-            } elsif ($current{$item} ne $env{'form.'.$item}) {
-                $changes{$item} = 1;
-            }
-        }
-        if (($env{'form.'.$item} eq '0') || ($env{'form.'.$item} eq '1')) {
-            $helphash{'helpsettings'}{$item} = $env{'form.'.$item};
-        }
-    }
-    my $maxnum = $env{'form.helproles_maxnum'};
-    my $confname = $dom.'-domainconfig';
-    my %existing=&Apache::lonnet::dump('roles',$dom,$confname,'rolesdef_');
-    my (@allpos,%newsettings,%changedprivs,$newrole);
-    my ($othertitle,$usertypes,$types) = &Apache::loncommon::sorted_inst_types($dom);
-    my @accesstypes = ('all','dh','da','none','status','inc','exc');
-    my %domhelpdesk = &Apache::lonnet::get_active_domroles($dom,['dh','da']);
-    my %lt = &Apache::lonlocal::texthash(
-                    s      => 'system',
-                    d      => 'domain',
-                    order  => 'Display order',
-                    access => 'Role usage',
-                    all    => 'All with domain helpdesk or helpdesk assistant role',
-                    dh     => 'All with domain helpdesk role',
-                    da     => 'All with domain helpdesk assistant role',
-                    none   => 'None',
-                    status => 'Determined based on institutional status',
-                    inc    => 'Include all, but exclude specific personnel',
-                    exc    => 'Exclude all, but include specific personnel',
-    );
-    for (my $num=0; $num<=$maxnum; $num++) {
-        my ($prefix,$identifier,$rolename,%curr);
-        if ($num == $maxnum) {
-            next unless ($env{'form.newcusthelp'} == $maxnum);
-            $identifier = 'custhelp'.$num;
-            $prefix = 'helproles_'.$num;
-            $rolename = $env{'form.custhelpname'.$num};
-            $rolename=~s/[^A-Za-z0-9]//gs;
-            next if ($rolename eq '');
-            next if (exists($existing{'rolesdef_'.$rolename}));
-            my %newprivs = &Apache::lonuserutils::custom_role_update($rolename,$identifier);
-            my $result = &Apache::lonnet::definerole($rolename,$newprivs{'s'},$newprivs{'d'},
-                                                     $newprivs{'c'},$confname,$dom);
-            if ($result ne 'ok') {
-                $errors .= '<li><span class="LC_error">'.
-                           &mt('An error occurred storing the new custom role: [_1]',
-                           $result).'</span></li>';
-                next;
-            } else {
-                $changedprivs{$rolename} = \%newprivs;
-                $newrole = $rolename;
-            }
-        } else {
-            $prefix = 'helproles_'.$num;
-            $rolename = $env{'form.'.$prefix};
-            next if ($rolename eq '');
-            next unless (exists($existing{'rolesdef_'.$rolename}));
-            $identifier = 'custhelp'.$num;
-            my %newprivs = &Apache::lonuserutils::custom_role_update($rolename,$identifier);
-            my %currprivs;
-            ($currprivs{'s'},$currprivs{'d'},$currprivs{'c'}) =
-                split(/\_/,$existing{'rolesdef_'.$rolename});
-            foreach my $level ('c','d','s') {
-                if ($newprivs{$level} ne $currprivs{$level}) {
-                    my $result = &Apache::lonnet::definerole($rolename,$newprivs{'s'},$newprivs{'d'},
-                                                             $newprivs{'c'},$confname,$dom);
-                    if ($result ne 'ok') {
-                        $errors .= '<li><span class="LC_error">'.
-                                   &mt('An error occurred storing privileges for existing role [_1]: [_2]',
-                                       $rolename,$result).'</span></li>';
-                    } else {
-                        $changedprivs{$rolename} = \%newprivs;
-                    }
-                    last;
-                }
-            }
-            if (ref($current{'adhoc'}) eq 'HASH') {
-                if (ref($current{'adhoc'}{$rolename}) eq 'HASH') {
-                    %curr = %{$current{'adhoc'}{$rolename}};
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        my $newpos = $env{'form.'.$prefix.'_pos'};
-        $newpos =~ s/\D+//g;
-        $allpos[$newpos] = $rolename;
-        my $newdesc = $env{'form.'.$prefix.'_desc'};
-        $helphash{'helpsettings'}{'adhoc'}{$rolename}{'desc'} = $newdesc;
-        if ($curr{'desc'}) {
-            if ($curr{'desc'} ne $newdesc) {
-                $changes{'customrole'}{$rolename}{'desc'} = 1;
-                $newsettings{$rolename}{'desc'} = $newdesc;
-            }
-        } elsif ($newdesc ne '') {
-            $changes{'customrole'}{$rolename}{'desc'} = 1;
-            $newsettings{$rolename}{'desc'} = $newdesc;
-        }
-        my $access = $env{'form.'.$prefix.'_access'};
-        if (grep(/^\Q$access\E$/,@accesstypes)) {
-            $helphash{'helpsettings'}{'adhoc'}{$rolename}{'access'} = $access;
-            if ($access eq 'status') {
-                my @statuses = &Apache::loncommon::get_env_multiple('form.'.$prefix.'_status');
-                if (scalar(@statuses) == 0) {
-                    $helphash{'helpsettings'}{'adhoc'}{$rolename}{'access'} = 'none';
-                } else {
-                    my (@shownstatus,$numtypes);
-                    $helphash{'helpsettings'}{'adhoc'}{$rolename}{$access} = [];
-                    if (ref($types) eq 'ARRAY') {
-                        $numtypes = scalar(@{$types});
-                        foreach my $type (sort(@statuses)) {
-                            if ($type eq 'default') {
-                                push(@{$helphash{'helpsettings'}{'adhoc'}{$rolename}{$access}},$type);
-                            } elsif (grep(/^\Q$type\E$/,@{$types})) {
-                                push(@{$helphash{'helpsettings'}{'adhoc'}{$rolename}{$access}},$type);
-                                push(@shownstatus,$usertypes->{$type});
-                            }
-                        }
-                    }
-                    if (grep(/^default$/,@statuses)) {
-                        push(@shownstatus,$othertitle);
-                    }
-                    if (scalar(@shownstatus) == 1+$numtypes) {
-                        $helphash{'helpsettings'}{'adhoc'}{$rolename}{'access'} = 'all';
-                        delete($helphash{'helpsettings'}{'adhoc'}{$rolename}{'status'});
-                    } else {
-                        $newsettings{$rolename}{'status'} = join(' '.&mt('or').' ',@shownstatus);
-                        if (ref($curr{'status'}) eq 'ARRAY') {
-                            my @diffs = &Apache::loncommon::compare_arrays($helphash{'helpsettings'}{'adhoc'}{$rolename}{$access},$curr{$access});
-                            if (@diffs) {
-                                $changes{'customrole'}{$rolename}{$access} = 1;
-                            }
-                        } elsif (@{$helphash{'helpsettings'}{'adhoc'}{$rolename}{$access}}) {
-                            $changes{'customrole'}{$rolename}{$access} = 1;
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-            } elsif (($access eq 'inc') || ($access eq 'exc')) {
-                my @personnel = &Apache::loncommon::get_env_multiple('form.'.$prefix.'_staff_'.$access);
-                my @newspecstaff;
-                $helphash{'helpsettings'}{'adhoc'}{$rolename}{$access} = [];
-                foreach my $person (sort(@personnel)) {
-                    if ($domhelpdesk{$person}) {
-                        push(@{$helphash{'helpsettings'}{'adhoc'}{$rolename}{$access}},$person);
+        foreach my $item (@toggles) {
+            if ($defaultchecked{$item} eq 'on') { 
+                if ($domconfig{'helpsettings'}{$item} eq '') {
+                    if ($env{'form.'.$item} eq '0') {
+                        $changes{$item} = 1;
+                } elsif ($domconfig{'helpsettings'}{$item} ne $env{'form.'.$item}) {
+                    $changes{$item} = 1;
-                if (ref($curr{$access}) eq 'ARRAY') {
-                    my @diffs = &Apache::loncommon::compare_arrays($helphash{'helpsettings'}{'adhoc'}{$rolename}{$access},$curr{$access});
-                    if (@diffs) {
-                        $changes{'customrole'}{$rolename}{$access} = 1;
+            } elsif ($defaultchecked{$item} eq 'off') {
+                if ($domconfig{'helpsettings'}{$item} eq '') {
+                    if ($env{'form.'.$item} eq '1') {
+                        $changes{$item} = 1;
-                } elsif (@{$helphash{'helpsettings'}{'adhoc'}{$rolename}{$access}}) {
-                    $changes{'customrole'}{$rolename}{$access} = 1;
-                }
-                foreach my $person (@{$helphash{'helpsettings'}{'adhoc'}{$rolename}{$access}}) {
-                    my ($uname,$udom) = split(/:/,$person);
-                        push(@newspecstaff,&Apache::loncommon::aboutmewrapper(&Apache::loncommon::plainname($uname,$udom,'lastname'),$uname,$udom));
+                } elsif ($domconfig{'helpsettings'}{$item} ne $env{'form.'.$item}) {
+                    $changes{$item} = 1;
-                $newsettings{$rolename}{$access} = join(', ',sort(@newspecstaff));
-        } else {
-            $helphash{'helpsettings'}{'adhoc'}{$rolename}{'access'}= 'all';
-        }
-        unless ($curr{'access'} eq $access) {
-            $changes{'customrole'}{$rolename}{'access'} = 1;
-            $newsettings{$rolename}{'access'} = $lt{$helphash{'helpsettings'}{'adhoc'}{$rolename}{'access'}};
-        }
-    }
-    if (@allpos > 0) {
-        my $idx = 0;
-        foreach my $rolename (@allpos) {
-            if ($rolename ne '') {
-                $helphash{'helpsettings'}{'adhoc'}{$rolename}{'order'} = $idx;
-                if (ref($current{'adhoc'}) eq 'HASH') {
-                    if (ref($current{'adhoc'}{$rolename}) eq 'HASH') {
-                        if ($current{'adhoc'}{$rolename}{'order'} ne $idx) {
-                            $changes{'customrole'}{$rolename}{'order'} = 1;
-                            $newsettings{$rolename}{'order'} = $idx+1;
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-                $idx ++;
+            if (($env{'form.'.$item} eq '0') || ($env{'form.'.$item} eq '1')) {
+                $helphash{'helpsettings'}{$item} = $env{'form.'.$item};
@@ -12672,115 +9958,25 @@ sub modify_helpsettings {
     if (keys(%changes) > 0) {
         $putresult = &Apache::lonnet::put_dom('configuration',\%helphash,$dom);
         if ($putresult eq 'ok') {
-            if (ref($helphash{'helpsettings'}) eq 'HASH') {
-                $domdefaults{'submitbugs'} = $helphash{'helpsettings'}{'submitbugs'};
-                if (ref($helphash{'helpsettings'}{'adhoc'}) eq 'HASH') {
-                    $domdefaults{'adhocroles'} = $helphash{'helpsettings'}{'adhoc'};
-                }
-            }
-            my $cachetime = 24*60*60;
-            &Apache::lonnet::do_cache_new('domdefaults',$dom,\%domdefaults,$cachetime);
-            if (ref($lastactref) eq 'HASH') {
-                $lastactref->{'domdefaults'} = 1;
-            }
-        } else {
-            $errors .= '<li><span class="LC_error">'.
-                       &mt('An error occurred storing the settings: [_1]',
-                           $putresult).'</span></li>';
-        }
-    }
-    if ((keys(%changes) && ($putresult eq 'ok')) || (keys(%changedprivs))) {
-        $resulttext = &mt('Changes made:').'<ul>';
-        my (%shownprivs,@levelorder);
-        @levelorder = ('c','d','s');
-        if ((keys(%changes)) && ($putresult eq 'ok')) {
+            $resulttext = &mt('Changes made:').'<ul>';
             foreach my $item (sort(keys(%changes))) {
                 if ($item eq 'submitbugs') {
                     $resulttext .= '<li>'.&mt('Display link to: [_1] set to "'.$offon[$env{'form.'.$item}].'".',
                                               &mt('LON-CAPA bug tracker'),600,500)).'</li>';
-                } elsif ($item eq 'customrole') {
-                    if (ref($changes{'customrole'}) eq 'HASH') {
-                        my @keyorder = ('order','desc','access','status','exc','inc');
-                        my %keytext = &Apache::lonlocal::texthash(
-                                                                   order  => 'Order',
-                                                                   desc   => 'Role description',
-                                                                   access => 'Role usage',
-                                                                   status => 'Allowed institutional types',
-                                                                   exc    => 'Allowed personnel',
-                                                                   inc    => 'Disallowed personnel',
-                        );
-                        foreach my $role (sort(keys(%{$changes{'customrole'}}))) {
-                            if (ref($changes{'customrole'}{$role}) eq 'HASH') {
-                                if ($role eq $newrole) {
-                                    $resulttext .= '<li>'.&mt('New custom role added: [_1]',
-                                                              $role).'<ul>';
-                                } else {
-                                    $resulttext .= '<li>'.&mt('Existing custom role modified: [_1]',
-                                                              $role).'<ul>';
-                                }
-                                foreach my $key (@keyorder) {
-                                    if ($changes{'customrole'}{$role}{$key}) {
-                                        $resulttext .= '<li>'.&mt("[_1] set to: [_2]",
-                                                                  $keytext{$key},$newsettings{$role}{$key}).
-                                                       '</li>';
-                                    }
-                                }
-                                if (ref($changedprivs{$role}) eq 'HASH') {
-                                    $shownprivs{$role} = 1;
-                                    $resulttext .= '<li>'.&mt('Privileges set to :').'<ul>';
-                                    foreach my $level (@levelorder) {
-                                        foreach my $item (split(/\:/,$changedprivs{$role}{$level})) {
-                                            next if ($item eq '');
-                                            my ($priv) = split(/\&/,$item,2);
-                                            if (&Apache::lonnet::plaintext($priv)) {
-                                                $resulttext .= '<li>'.&Apache::lonnet::plaintext($priv);
-                                                unless ($level eq 'c') {
-                                                    $resulttext .= ' ('.$lt{$level}.')';
-                                                }
-                                                $resulttext .= '</li>';
-                                            }
-                                        }
-                                    }
-                                    $resulttext .= '</ul>';
-                                }
-                                $resulttext .= '</ul></li>';
-                            }
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        if (keys(%changedprivs)) {
-            foreach my $role (sort(keys(%changedprivs))) {
-                unless ($shownprivs{$role}) {
-                    $resulttext .= '<li>'.&mt('Existing custom role modified: [_1]',
-                                              $role).'<ul>'.
-                                   '<li>'.&mt('Privileges set to :').'<ul>';
-                    foreach my $level (@levelorder) {
-                        foreach my $item (split(/\:/,$changedprivs{$role}{$level})) {
-                            next if ($item eq '');
-                            my ($priv) = split(/\&/,$item,2);
-                            if (&Apache::lonnet::plaintext($priv)) {
-                                $resulttext .= '<li>'.&Apache::lonnet::plaintext($priv);
-                                unless ($level eq 'c') {
-                                    $resulttext .= ' ('.$lt{$level}.')';
-                                }
-                                $resulttext .= '</li>';
-                            }
-                        }
-                    }
-                    $resulttext .= '</ul></li></ul></li>';
+            $resulttext .= '</ul>';
+        } else {
+            $resulttext = &mt('No changes made to help settings');
+            $errors .= '<li><span class="LC_error">'.
+                       &mt('An error occurred storing the settings: [_1]',
+                           $putresult).'</span></li>';
-        $resulttext .= '</ul>';
-    } else {
-        $resulttext = &mt('No changes made to help settings');
     if ($errors) {
         $resulttext .= '<br />'.&mt('The following errors occurred: ').'<ul>'.
-                                    $errors.'</ul>';
+                       $errors.'</ul>';
     return $resulttext;
@@ -12788,20 +9984,14 @@ sub modify_helpsettings {
 sub modify_coursedefaults {
     my ($dom,$lastactref,%domconfig) = @_;
     my ($resulttext,$errors,%changes,%defaultshash);
-    my %defaultchecked = (
-                           'uselcmath'       => 'on',
-                           'usejsme'         => 'on'
-                         );
-    my @toggles = ('uselcmath','usejsme');
+    my %defaultchecked = ('canuse_pdfforms' => 'off');
+    my @toggles = ('canuse_pdfforms');
     my @numbers = ('anonsurvey_threshold','uploadquota_official','uploadquota_unofficial',
-                   'uploadquota_community','uploadquota_textbook','mysqltables_official',
-                   'mysqltables_unofficial','mysqltables_community','mysqltables_textbook');
+                   'uploadquota_community','uploadquota_textbook');
     my @types = ('official','unofficial','community','textbook');
     my %staticdefaults = (
                            anonsurvey_threshold => 10,
                            uploadquota          => 500,
-                           postsubmit           => 60,
-                           mysqltables          => 172800,
     $defaultshash{'coursedefaults'} = {};
@@ -12842,12 +10032,12 @@ sub modify_coursedefaults {
                 $defaultshash{'coursedefaults'}{$item} = $newdef;
             } else {
-                my ($setting,$type) = ($item =~ /^(uploadquota|mysqltables)_(\w+)$/);
-                if (ref($domconfig{'coursedefaults'}{$setting}) eq 'HASH') {
-                    $currdef = $domconfig{'coursedefaults'}{$setting}{$type};
+                my ($type) = ($item =~ /^\Quploadquota_\E(\w+)$/);
+                if (ref($domconfig{'coursedefaults'}{'uploadquota'}) eq 'HASH') {
+                    $currdef = $domconfig{'coursedefaults'}{'uploadquota'}{$type};
                 $newdef =~ s/[^\w.\-]//g;
-                $defaultshash{'coursedefaults'}{$setting}{$type} = $newdef;
+                $defaultshash{'coursedefaults'}{'uploadquota'}{$type} = $newdef;
             if ($currdef ne $newdef) {
                 my $staticdef;
@@ -12855,125 +10045,34 @@ sub modify_coursedefaults {
                     unless (($currdef eq '') && ($newdef == $staticdefaults{$item})) {
                         $changes{$item} = 1;
-                } elsif ($item =~ /^(uploadquota|mysqltables)_/) {
-                    my $setting = $1;
-                    unless (($currdef eq '') && ($newdef == $staticdefaults{$setting})) {
-                        $changes{$setting} = 1;
+                } else {
+                    unless (($currdef eq '') && ($newdef == $staticdefaults{'uploadquota'})) {
+                        $changes{'uploadquota'} = 1;
-        my $currclone = $domconfig{'coursedefaults'}{'canclone'};
-        my @currclonecode;
-        if (ref($currclone) eq 'HASH') {
-            if (ref($currclone->{'instcode'}) eq 'ARRAY') {
-                @currclonecode = @{$currclone->{'instcode'}};
-            }
-        }
-        my $newclone;
-        if ($env{'form.canclone'} =~ /^(none|domain|instcode)$/) {
-            $newclone = $env{'form.canclone'};
-        }
-        if ($newclone eq 'instcode') {
-            my @newcodes = &Apache::loncommon::get_env_multiple('form.clonecode');
-            my (%codedefaults,@code_order,@clonecode);
-            &Apache::lonnet::auto_instcode_defaults($dom,\%codedefaults,
-                                                    \@code_order);
-            foreach my $item (@code_order) {
-                if (grep(/^\Q$item\E$/,@newcodes)) {
-                    push(@clonecode,$item);
-                }
-            }
-            if (@clonecode) {
-                $defaultshash{'coursedefaults'}{'canclone'} = { $newclone => \@clonecode };
-                my @diffs = &Apache::loncommon::compare_arrays(\@currclonecode,\@clonecode);
-                if (@diffs) {
-                    $changes{'canclone'} = 1;
-                }
-            } else {
-                $newclone eq '';
-            }
-        } elsif ($newclone ne '') {
-            $defaultshash{'coursedefaults'}{'canclone'} = $newclone;
-        }
-        if ($newclone ne $currclone) {
-            $changes{'canclone'} = 1;
-        }
-        my %credits;
-        foreach my $type (@types) {
-            unless ($type eq 'community') {
-                $credits{$type} = $env{'form.'.$type.'_credits'};
-                $credits{$type} =~ s/[^\d.]+//g;
-            }
-        }
-        if ((ref($domconfig{'coursedefaults'}{'coursecredits'}) ne 'HASH') &&
-            ($env{'form.coursecredits'} eq '1')) {
-            $changes{'coursecredits'} = 1;
-            foreach my $type (keys(%credits)) {
-                $defaultshash{'coursedefaults'}{'coursecredits'}{$type} = $credits{$type};
-            }
+        my $officialcreds = $env{'form.official_credits'};
+        $officialcreds =~ s/[^\d.]+//g;
+        my $unofficialcreds = $env{'form.unofficial_credits'};
+        $unofficialcreds =~ s/[^\d.]+//g;
+        my $textbookcreds = $env{'form.textbook_credits'};
+        $textbookcreds =~ s/[^\d.]+//g;
+        if (ref($domconfig{'coursedefaults'}{'coursecredits'} ne 'HASH') &&
+                ($env{'form.coursecredits'} eq '1')) {
+                $changes{'coursecredits'} = 1;
         } else {
-            if ($env{'form.coursecredits'} eq '1') {
-                foreach my $type (@types) {
-                    unless ($type eq 'community') {
-                        if ($domconfig{'coursedefaults'}{'coursecredits'}{$type} ne $credits{$type}) {
-                            $changes{'coursecredits'} = 1;
-                        }
-                        $defaultshash{'coursedefaults'}{'coursecredits'}{$type} = $credits{$type};
-                    }
-                }
-            } elsif (ref($domconfig{'coursedefaults'}{'coursecredits'}) eq 'HASH') {
-                foreach my $type (@types) {
-                    unless ($type eq 'community') {
-                        if ($domconfig{'coursedefaults'}{'coursecredits'}{$type}) {
-                            $changes{'coursecredits'} = 1;
-                            last;
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
+            if (($domconfig{'coursedefaults'}{'coursecredits'}{'official'} ne $officialcreds)  ||
+                ($domconfig{'coursedefaults'}{'coursecredits'}{'unofficial'} ne $unofficialcreds) ||
+                ($domconfig{'coursedefaults'}{'coursecredits'}{'textbook'} ne $textbookcreds)) {
+                $changes{'coursecredits'} = 1;
-        if ($env{'form.postsubmit'} eq '1') {
-            $defaultshash{'coursedefaults'}{'postsubmit'}{'client'} = 'on';
-            my %currtimeout;
-            if (ref($domconfig{'coursedefaults'}{'postsubmit'}) eq 'HASH') {
-                if ($domconfig{'coursedefaults'}{'postsubmit'}{'client'} eq 'off') {
-                    $changes{'postsubmit'} = 1;
-                }
-                if (ref($domconfig{'coursedefaults'}{'postsubmit'}{'timeout'}) eq 'HASH') {
-                    %currtimeout = %{$domconfig{'coursedefaults'}{'postsubmit'}{'timeout'}};
-                }
-            } else {
-                $changes{'postsubmit'} = 1;
-            }
-            foreach my $type (@types) {
-                my $timeout = $env{'form.'.$type.'_timeout'};
-                $timeout =~ s/\D//g;
-                if ($timeout == $staticdefaults{'postsubmit'}) {
-                    $timeout = '';
-                } elsif (($timeout eq '') || ($timeout =~ /^0+$/)) {
-                    $timeout = '0';
-                }
-                unless ($timeout eq '') {
-                    $defaultshash{'coursedefaults'}{'postsubmit'}{'timeout'}{$type} = $timeout;
-                }
-                if (exists($currtimeout{$type})) {
-                    if ($timeout ne $currtimeout{$type}) {
-                        $changes{'postsubmit'} = 1;
-                    }
-                } elsif ($timeout ne '') {
-                    $changes{'postsubmit'} = 1;
-                }
-            }
-        } else {
-            $defaultshash{'coursedefaults'}{'postsubmit'}{'client'} = 'off';
-            if (ref($domconfig{'coursedefaults'}{'postsubmit'}) eq 'HASH') {
-                if ($domconfig{'coursedefaults'}{'postsubmit'}{'client'} eq 'on') {
-                    $changes{'postsubmit'} = 1;
-                }
-            } else {
-                $changes{'postsubmit'} = 1;
-            }
+        $defaultshash{'coursedefaults'}{'coursecredits'} = {
+            official   => $officialcreds,
+            unofficial => $unofficialcreds,
+            textbook   => $textbookcreds,
     my $putresult = &Apache::lonnet::put_dom('configuration',\%defaultshash,
@@ -12981,31 +10080,19 @@ sub modify_coursedefaults {
     if ($putresult eq 'ok') {
         if (keys(%changes) > 0) {
             my %domdefaults = &Apache::lonnet::get_domain_defaults($dom,1);
-            if (($changes{'uploadquota'}) || ($changes{'postsubmit'}) ||
-                ($changes{'coursecredits'}) || ($changes{'uselcmath'}) || ($changes{'usejsme'}) ||
-                ($changes{'canclone'}) || ($changes{'mysqltables'})) {
-                foreach my $item ('uselcmath','usejsme') {
-                    if ($changes{$item}) {
-                        $domdefaults{$item}=$defaultshash{'coursedefaults'}{$item};
-                    }
+            if (($changes{'canuse_pdfforms'}) || ($changes{'coursecredits'}) || 
+                ($changes{'uploadquota'})) { 
+                if ($changes{'canuse_pdfforms'}) {
+                    $domdefaults{'canuse_pdfforms'}=$defaultshash{'coursedefaults'}{'canuse_pdfforms'};
                 if ($changes{'coursecredits'}) {
                     if (ref($defaultshash{'coursedefaults'}{'coursecredits'}) eq 'HASH') {
-                        foreach my $type (keys(%{$defaultshash{'coursedefaults'}{'coursecredits'}})) {
-                            $domdefaults{$type.'credits'} =
-                                $defaultshash{'coursedefaults'}{'coursecredits'}{$type};
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-                if ($changes{'postsubmit'}) {
-                    if (ref($defaultshash{'coursedefaults'}{'postsubmit'}) eq 'HASH') {
-                        $domdefaults{'postsubmit'} = $defaultshash{'coursedefaults'}{'postsubmit'}{'client'};
-                        if (ref($defaultshash{'coursedefaults'}{'postsubmit'}{'timeout'}) eq 'HASH') {
-                            foreach my $type (keys(%{$defaultshash{'coursedefaults'}{'postsubmit'}{'timeout'}})) {
-                                $domdefaults{$type.'postsubtimeout'} =
-                                    $defaultshash{'coursedefaults'}{'postsubmit'}{'timeout'}{$type};
-                            }
-                        }
+                        $domdefaults{'officialcredits'} =
+                            $defaultshash{'coursedefaults'}{'coursecredits'}{'official'};
+                        $domdefaults{'unofficialcredits'} =
+                            $defaultshash{'coursedefaults'}{'coursecredits'}{'unofficial'};
+                        $domdefaults{'textbookcredits'} =
+                            $domdefaults{'coursedefaults'}{'coursecredits'}{'textbook'};
                 if ($changes{'uploadquota'}) {
@@ -13015,18 +10102,6 @@ sub modify_coursedefaults {
-                if ($changes{'canclone'}) {
-                    if (ref($defaultshash{'coursedefaults'}{'canclone'}) eq 'HASH') {
-                        if (ref($defaultshash{'coursedefaults'}{'canclone'}{'instcode'}) eq 'ARRAY') {
-                            my @clonecodes = @{$defaultshash{'coursedefaults'}{'canclone'}{'instcode'}};
-                            if (@clonecodes) {
-                                $domdefaults{'canclone'} = join('+',@clonecodes);
-                            }
-                        }
-                    } else {
-                        $domdefaults{'canclone'}=$defaultshash{'coursedefaults'}{'canclone'};
-                    }
-                }
                 my $cachetime = 24*60*60;
                 if (ref($lastactref) eq 'HASH') {
@@ -13035,17 +10110,11 @@ sub modify_coursedefaults {
             $resulttext = &mt('Changes made:').'<ul>';
             foreach my $item (sort(keys(%changes))) {
-                if ($item eq 'uselcmath') {
+                if ($item eq 'canuse_pdfforms') {
                     if ($env{'form.'.$item} eq '1') {
-                        $resulttext .= '<li>'.&mt('Math preview uses LON-CAPA previewer (javascript), if supported by browser.').'</li>';
+                        $resulttext .= '<li>'.&mt("Course/Community users can create/upload PDF forms set to 'on'").'</li>';
                     } else {
-                        $resulttext .= '<li>'.&mt('Math preview uses DragMath (Java), if supported by client OS.').'</li>';
-                    }
-                } elsif ($item eq 'usejsme') {
-                    if ($env{'form.'.$item} eq '1') {
-                        $resulttext .= '<li>'.&mt('Molecule editor uses JSME (HTML5), if supported by browser.').'</li>';
-                    } else {
-                        $resulttext .= '<li>'.&mt('Molecule editor uses JME (Java), if supported by client OS.').'</li>';
+                        $resulttext .= '<li>'.&mt('Course/Community users can create/upload PDF forms set to "off"').'</li>';
                 } elsif ($item eq 'anonsurvey_threshold') {
                     $resulttext .= '<li>'.&mt('Responder count required for display of anonymous survey submissions set to [_1].',$defaultshash{'coursedefaults'}{'anonsurvey_threshold'}).'</li>';
@@ -13062,54 +10131,6 @@ sub modify_coursedefaults {
                     } else {
                         $resulttext .= '<li>'.&mt('Default quota for content uploaded via Course Editor remains default: [_1] MB',$staticdefaults{'uploadquota'}).'</li>';
-                } elsif ($item eq 'mysqltables') {
-                    if (ref($defaultshash{'coursedefaults'}{'mysqltables'}) eq 'HASH') {
-                        $resulttext .= '<li>'.&mt('Lifetime of "Temporary" MySQL tables (student performance data) on homeserver').'<ul>'.
-                                       '<li>'.&mt('Official courses: [_1] s','<b>'.$defaultshash{'coursedefaults'}{'mysqltables'}{'official'}.'</b>').'</li>'.
-                                       '<li>'.&mt('Unofficial courses: [_1] s','<b>'.$defaultshash{'coursedefaults'}{'mysqltables'}{'unofficial'}.'</b>').'</li>'.
-                                       '<li>'.&mt('Textbook courses: [_1] s','<b>'.$defaultshash{'coursedefaults'}{'mysqltables'}{'textbook'}.'</b>').'</li>'.
-                                       '<li>'.&mt('Communities: [_1] s','<b>'.$defaultshash{'coursedefaults'}{'mysqltables'}{'community'}.'</b>').'</li>'.
-                                       '</ul>'.
-                                       '</li>';
-                    } else {
-                        $resulttext .= '<li>'.&mt('Lifetime of "Temporary" MySQL tables (student performance data) on homeserver remains default: [_1] s',$staticdefaults{'uploadquota'}).'</li>';
-                    }
-                } elsif ($item eq 'postsubmit') {
-                    if ($domdefaults{'postsubmit'} eq 'off') {
-                        $resulttext .= '<li>'.&mt('Submit button(s) remain enabled on page after student makes submission.');
-                    } else {
-                        $resulttext .= '<li>'.&mt('Submit button(s) disabled on page after student makes submission').'; ';
-                        if (ref($defaultshash{'coursedefaults'}{'postsubmit'}) eq 'HASH') {
-                            $resulttext .= &mt('durations:').'<ul>';
-                            foreach my $type (@types) {
-                                $resulttext .= '<li>';
-                                my $timeout;
-                                if (ref($defaultshash{'coursedefaults'}{'postsubmit'}{'timeout'}) eq 'HASH') {
-                                    $timeout = $defaultshash{'coursedefaults'}{'postsubmit'}{'timeout'}{$type};
-                                }
-                                my $display;
-                                if ($timeout eq '0') {
-                                    $display = &mt('unlimited');
-                                } elsif ($timeout eq '') {
-                                    $display = &mt('[quant,_1,second] (default)',$staticdefaults{'postsubmit'});
-                                } else {
-                                    $display = &mt('[quant,_1,second]',$timeout);
-                                }
-                                if ($type eq 'community') {
-                                    $resulttext .= &mt('Communities');
-                                } elsif ($type eq 'official') {
-                                    $resulttext .= &mt('Official courses');
-                                } elsif ($type eq 'unofficial') {
-                                    $resulttext .= &mt('Unofficial courses');
-                                } elsif ($type eq 'textbook') {
-                                    $resulttext .= &mt('Textbook courses');
-                                }
-                                $resulttext .= ' -- '.$display.'</li>';
-                            }
-                            $resulttext .= '</ul>';
-                        }
-                        $resulttext .= '</li>';
-                    }
                 } elsif ($item eq 'coursecredits') {
                     if (ref($defaultshash{'coursedefaults'}{'coursecredits'}) eq 'HASH') {
                         if (($domdefaults{'officialcredits'} eq '') &&
@@ -13127,17 +10148,6 @@ sub modify_coursedefaults {
                     } else {
                         $resulttext .= '<li>'.&mt('Student credits not in use for courses in this domain').'</li>';
-                } elsif ($item eq 'canclone') {
-                    if (ref($defaultshash{'coursedefaults'}{'canclone'}) eq 'HASH') {
-                        if (ref($defaultshash{'coursedefaults'}{'canclone'}{'instcode'}) eq 'ARRAY') {
-                            my $clonecodes = join(' '.&mt('and').' ',@{$defaultshash{'coursedefaults'}{'canclone'}{'instcode'}});
-                            $resulttext .= '<li>'.&mt('By default, official courses can be cloned from existing courses with the same: [_1]','<b>'.$clonecodes.'</b>').'</li>';
-                        }
-                    } elsif ($defaultshash{'coursedefaults'}{'canclone'} eq 'domain') {
-                        $resulttext .= '<li>'.&mt('By default, a course requester can clone any course from his/her domain.').'</li>';
-                    } else {
-                        $resulttext .= '<li>'.&mt('By default, only course owner and coordinators may clone a course.').'</li>';
-                    }
             $resulttext .= '</ul>';
@@ -13556,23 +10566,7 @@ sub modify_usersessions {
             $changes{'spares'}{$lonhost} = \%spareschg;
-    $defaultshash{'usersessions'}{'offloadnow'} = {};
-    my @offloadnow = &Apache::loncommon::get_env_multiple('form.offloadnow');
-    my @okoffload;
-    if (@offloadnow) {
-        foreach my $server (@offloadnow) {
-            if (&Apache::lonnet::hostname($server) ne '') {
-                unless (grep(/^\Q$server\E$/,@okoffload)) {
-                    push(@okoffload,$server);
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        if (@okoffload) {
-            foreach my $lonhost (@okoffload) {
-                $defaultshash{'usersessions'}{'offloadnow'}{$lonhost} = 1;
-            }
-        }
-    }
     if (ref($domconfig{'usersessions'}) eq 'HASH') {
         if (ref($domconfig{'usersessions'}{'spares'}) eq 'HASH') {
             if (ref($changes{'spares'}) eq 'HASH') {
@@ -13583,27 +10577,8 @@ sub modify_usersessions {
         } else {
             $savespares = 1;
-        if (ref($domconfig{'usersessions'}{'offloadnow'}) eq 'HASH') {
-            foreach my $lonhost (keys(%{$domconfig{'usersessions'}{'offloadnow'}})) {
-                unless ($defaultshash{'usersessions'}{'offloadnow'}{$lonhost}) {
-                    $changes{'offloadnow'} = 1;
-                    last;
-                }
-            }
-            unless ($changes{'offloadnow'}) {
-                foreach my $lonhost (keys(%{$defaultshash{'usersessions'}{'offloadnow'}})) {
-                    unless ($domconfig{'usersessions'}{'offloadnow'}{$lonhost}) {
-                        $changes{'offloadnow'} = 1;
-                        last;
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        } elsif (@okoffload) {
-            $changes{'offloadnow'} = 1;
-        }
-    } elsif (@okoffload) {
-        $changes{'offloadnow'} = 1;
     my $nochgmsg = &mt('No changes made to settings for user session hosting/offloading.');
     if ((keys(%changes) > 0) || ($savespares)) {
         my $putresult = &Apache::lonnet::put_dom('configuration',\%defaultshash,
@@ -13616,16 +10591,11 @@ sub modify_usersessions {
                 if (ref($defaultshash{'usersessions'}{'hosted'}) eq 'HASH') {
                     $domdefaults{'hostedsessions'} = $defaultshash{'usersessions'}{'hosted'};
-                if (ref($defaultshash{'usersessions'}{'offloadnow'}) eq 'HASH') {
-                    $domdefaults{'offloadnow'} = $defaultshash{'usersessions'}{'offloadnow'};
-                }
             my $cachetime = 24*60*60;
-            &Apache::lonnet::do_cache_new('usersessions',$dom,$defaultshash{'usersessions'},3600);
             if (ref($lastactref) eq 'HASH') {
                 $lastactref->{'domdefaults'} = 1;
-                $lastactref->{'usersessions'} = 1;
             if (keys(%changes) > 0) {
                 my %lt = &usersession_titles();
@@ -13689,21 +10659,6 @@ sub modify_usersessions {
                         $resulttext .= '</ul>';
-                if ($changes{'offloadnow'}) {
-                    if (ref($defaultshash{'usersessions'}{'offloadnow'}) eq 'HASH') {
-                        if (keys(%{$defaultshash{'usersessions'}{'offloadnow'}}) > 0) {
-                            $resulttext .= '<li>'.&mt('Switch active users on next access, for server(s):').'<ul>';
-                            foreach my $lonhost (sort(keys(%{$defaultshash{'usersessions'}{'offloadnow'}}))) {
-                                $resulttext .= '<li>'.$lonhost.'</li>';
-                            }
-                            $resulttext .= '</ul>';
-                        } else {
-                            $resulttext .= '<li>'.&mt('No servers now set to switch active users on next access.');
-                        }
-                    } else {
-                        $resulttext .= '<li>'.&mt('No servers now set to switch active users on next access.').'</li>';
-                    }
-                }
                 $resulttext .= '</ul>';
             } else {
                 $resulttext = $nochgmsg;
@@ -13725,7 +10680,6 @@ sub modify_loadbalancing {
     my ($othertitle,$usertypes,$types) =
     my %servers = &Apache::lonnet::internet_dom_servers($dom);
-    my %libraryservers = &Apache::lonnet::get_servers($dom,'library');
     my @sparestypes = ('primary','default');
     my %typetitles = &sparestype_titles();
     my $resulttext;
@@ -13778,13 +10732,8 @@ sub modify_loadbalancing {
+                $defaultshash{'loadbalancing'}{$balancer}{'targets'}{$sparetype} = \@offloadto;
-            if ($env{'form.loadbalancing_target_'.$i.'_hosthere'} eq $sparetype) {
-                unless(grep(/^\Q$balancer\E$/,@offloadto)) {
-                    push(@offloadto,$balancer);
-                }
-            }
-            $defaultshash{'loadbalancing'}{$balancer}{'targets'}{$sparetype} = \@offloadto;
         if (ref($currtargets{$balancer}) eq 'HASH') {
             foreach my $sparetype (@sparestypes) {
@@ -13822,10 +10771,7 @@ sub modify_loadbalancing {
                     $rule = $env{'form.loadbalancing_rules_'.$i.'_'.$type};
                 if ($rule eq 'specific') {
-                    my $specifiedhost = $env{'form.loadbalancing_singleserver_'.$i.'_'.$type};
-                    if (exists($servers{$specifiedhost})) {
-                        $rule = $specifiedhost;
-                    }
+                    $rule = $env{'form.loadbalancing_singleserver_'.$i.'_'.$type};
                 $defaultshash{'loadbalancing'}{$balancer}{'rules'}{$type} = $rule;
                 if (ref($currrules{$balancer}) eq 'HASH') {
@@ -13847,22 +10793,20 @@ sub modify_loadbalancing {
         if ($putresult eq 'ok') {
             if (keys(%changes) > 0) {
-                my %toupdate;
                 if (ref($changes{'delete'}) eq 'ARRAY') {
                     foreach my $balancer (sort(@{$changes{'delete'}})) {
                         $resulttext .= '<li>'.&mt('Load Balancing discontinued for: [_1]',$balancer).'</li>';
-                        $toupdate{$balancer} = 1;
+                        my $cachekey = &escape('loadbalancing').':'.&escape($dom);
+                        &Apache::lonnet::remote_devalidate_cache($balancer,[$cachekey]);
                 if (ref($changes{'add'}) eq 'ARRAY') {
                     foreach my $balancer (sort(@{$changes{'add'}})) {
                         $resulttext .= '<li>'.&mt('Load Balancing enabled for: [_1]',$balancer);
-                        $toupdate{$balancer} = 1;
                 if (ref($changes{'curr'}) eq 'HASH') {
                     foreach my $balancer (sort(keys(%{$changes{'curr'}}))) {
-                        $toupdate{$balancer} = 1;
                         if (ref($changes{'curr'}{$balancer}) eq 'HASH') {
                             if ($changes{'curr'}{$balancer}{'targets'}) {
                                 my %offloadstr;
@@ -13899,38 +10843,8 @@ sub modify_loadbalancing {
                                         if ($rule eq '') {
                                             $balancetext =  $ruletitles{'default'};
                                         } elsif (($rule eq 'homeserver') || ($rule eq 'externalbalancer') ||
-                                                 ($type eq '_LC_ipchange') || ($type eq '_LC_ipchangesso')) {
-                                            if (($type eq '_LC_ipchange') || ($type eq '_LC_ipchangesso')) {
-                                                foreach my $sparetype (@sparestypes) {
-                                                    if (ref($defaultshash{'loadbalancing'}{$balancer}{'targets'}{$sparetype}) eq 'ARRAY') {
-                                                        map { $toupdate{$_} = 1; } (@{$defaultshash{'loadbalancing'}{$balancer}{'targets'}{$sparetype}});
-                                                    }
-                                                }
-                                                foreach my $item (@{$alltypes}) {
-                                                    next if ($item =~  /^_LC_ipchange/);
-                                                    my $hasrule = $defaultshash{'loadbalancing'}{$balancer}{'rules'}{$item};
-                                                    if ($hasrule eq 'homeserver') {
-                                                        map { $toupdate{$_} = 1; } (keys(%libraryservers));
-                                                    } else {
-                                                        unless (($hasrule eq 'default') || ($hasrule eq 'none') || ($hasrule eq 'externalbalancer')) {
-                                                            if ($servers{$hasrule}) {
-                                                                $toupdate{$hasrule} = 1;
-                                                            }
-                                                        }
-                                                    }
-                                                }
-                                                if (($rule eq 'balancer') || ($rule eq 'offloadedto')) {
-                                                    $balancetext =  $ruletitles{$rule};
-                                                } else {
-                                                    my $receiver = $defaultshash{'loadbalancing'}{$balancer}{'rules'}{$type};
-                                                    $balancetext = $ruletitles{'particular'}.' '.$receiver;
-                                                    if ($receiver) {
-                                                        $toupdate{$receiver};
-                                                    }
-                                                }
-                                            } else {
-                                                $balancetext =  $ruletitles{$rule};
-                                            }
+                                                 ($rule eq 'balancer') || ($rule eq 'offloadedto')) {
+                                            $balancetext =  $ruletitles{$rule};
                                         } else {
                                             $balancetext = &mt('offload to [_1]',$defaultshash{'loadbalancing'}{$balancer}{'rules'}{$type});
@@ -13939,25 +10853,8 @@ sub modify_loadbalancing {
-                        if (keys(%toupdate)) {
-                            my %thismachine;
-                            my $updatedhere;
-                            my $cachetime = 60*60*24;
-                            map { $thismachine{$_} = 1; } &Apache::lonnet::current_machine_ids();
-                            foreach my $lonhost (keys(%toupdate)) {
-                                if ($thismachine{$lonhost}) {
-                                    unless ($updatedhere) {
-                                        &Apache::lonnet::do_cache_new('loadbalancing',$dom,
-                                                                      $defaultshash{'loadbalancing'},
-                                                                      $cachetime);
-                                        $updatedhere = 1;
-                                    }
-                                } else {
-                                    my $cachekey = &escape('loadbalancing').':'.&escape($dom);
-                                    &Apache::lonnet::remote_devalidate_cache($lonhost,[$cachekey]);
-                                }
-                            }
-                        }
+                        my $cachekey = &escape('loadbalancing').':'.&escape($dom);
+                        &Apache::lonnet::remote_devalidate_cache($balancer,[$cachekey]);
                 if ($resulttext ne '') {
@@ -14018,9 +10915,24 @@ sub recurse_cat_deletes {
+sub get_active_dcs {
+    my ($dom) = @_;
+    my $now = time;
+    my %dompersonnel = &Apache::lonnet::get_domain_roles($dom,['dc'],$now,$now);
+    my %domcoords;
+    my $numdcs = 0;
+    foreach my $server (keys(%dompersonnel)) {
+        foreach my $user (sort(keys(%{$dompersonnel{$server}}))) {
+            my ($trole,$uname,$udom,$runame,$rudom,$rsec) = split(/:/,$user);
+            $domcoords{$uname.':'.$udom} = $dompersonnel{$server}{$user};
+        }
+    }
+    return %domcoords;
 sub active_dc_picker {
     my ($dom,$numinrow,$inputtype,$name,%currhash) = @_;
-    my %domcoords = &Apache::lonnet::get_active_domroles($dom,['dc']);
+    my %domcoords = &get_active_dcs($dom);
     my @domcoord = keys(%domcoords);
     if (keys(%currhash)) {
         foreach my $dc (keys(%currhash)) {
@@ -14584,8 +11496,6 @@ function updateCaptcha(caller,context) {
     var pubitem;
     var privtext;
     var pubtext;
-    var versionitem;
-    var versiontext;
     if (document.getElementById(context+'_recaptchapub')) {
         pubitem = document.getElementById(context+'_recaptchapub');
     } else {
@@ -14606,16 +11516,6 @@ function updateCaptcha(caller,context) {
     } else {
-    if (document.getElementById(context+'_recaptchaversion')) {
-        versionitem = document.getElementById(context+'_recaptchaversion');
-    } else {
-        return;
-    }
-    if (document.getElementById(context+'_recaptchavertxt')) {
-        versiontext = document.getElementById(context+'_recaptchavertxt');
-    } else {
-        return;
-    }
     if (caller.checked) {
         if (caller.value == 'recaptcha') {
             pubitem.type = 'text';
@@ -14624,16 +11524,11 @@ function updateCaptcha(caller,context) {
             privitem.size = '40';
             pubtext.innerHTML = "$lt{'pub'}";
             privtext.innerHTML = "$lt{'priv'}";
-            versionitem.type = 'text';
-            versionitem.size = '3';
-            versiontext.innerHTML = "$lt{'ver'}";
         } else {
             pubitem.type = 'hidden';
             privitem.type = 'hidden';
-            versionitem.type = 'hidden';
             pubtext.innerHTML = '';
             privtext.innerHTML = '';
-            versiontext.innerHTML = '';
@@ -14656,18 +11551,9 @@ function toggleDisplay(domForm,caller) {
     if (document.getElementById(caller)) {
         var divitem = document.getElementById(caller);
         var optionsElement = domForm.coursecredits;
-        var checkval = 1;
-        var dispval = 'block';
         if (caller == 'emailoptions') {
             optionsElement = domForm.cancreate_email; 
-        if (caller == 'studentsubmission') {
-            optionsElement = domForm.postsubmit;
-        }
-        if (caller == 'cloneinstcode') {
-            optionsElement = domForm.canclone;
-            checkval = 'instcode';
-        }
         if (optionsElement.length) {
             var currval;
             for (var i=0; i<optionsElement.length; i++) {
@@ -14675,8 +11561,8 @@ function toggleDisplay(domForm,caller) {
                    currval = optionsElement[i].value;
-            if (currval == checkval) {
-                divitem.style.display = dispval;
+            if (currval == 1) {
+                divitem.style.display = 'block';
             } else {
                 divitem.style.display = 'none';
@@ -14699,7 +11585,6 @@ sub captcha_phrases {
                  original  => 'original (CAPTCHA)',
                  recaptcha => 'successor (ReCAPTCHA)',
                  notused   => 'unused',
-                 ver => 'ReCAPTCHA version (1 or 2)',
@@ -14709,8 +11594,8 @@ sub devalidate_remote_domconfs {
     my %servers = &Apache::lonnet::internet_dom_servers($dom);
     my %thismachine;
     map { $thismachine{$_} = 1; } &Apache::lonnet::current_machine_ids();
-    my @posscached = ('domainconfig','domdefaults','ltitools','usersessions','directorysrch');
-    if (keys(%servers)) {
+    my @posscached = ('domainconfig','domdefaults');
+    if (keys(%servers) > 1) {
         foreach my $server (keys(%servers)) {
             next if ($thismachine{$server});
             my @cached;