--- loncom/interface/domainprefs.pm 2007/04/05 21:36:15 1.8
+++ loncom/interface/domainprefs.pm 2007/06/07 23:19:42 1.21
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
# The LearningOnline Network with CAPA
# Handler to set domain-wide configuration settings
-# $Id: domainprefs.pm,v 1.8 2007/04/05 21:36:15 raeburn Exp $
+# $Id: domainprefs.pm,v 1.21 2007/06/07 23:19:42 raeburn Exp $
# Copyright Michigan State University Board of Trustees
@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ use Apache::lonhtmlcommon();
use Apache::lonlocal;
use LONCAPA();
use LONCAPA::Enrollment;
+use File::Copy;
sub handler {
my $r=shift;
@@ -111,6 +112,7 @@ sub handler {
text=>"Domain Configuration"});
+ my $confname = $dom.'-domainconfig';
if ($phase eq 'process') {
@@ -118,7 +120,8 @@ sub handler {
foreach my $item (@prefs) {
&print_footer($r,$phase,'display','Back to actions menu');
@@ -130,30 +133,56 @@ sub handler {
my %helphash;
my $numprefs = @prefs;
+ if (keys(%domconfig) == 0) {
+ my $primarylibserv = &Apache::lonnet::domain($dom,'primary');
+ my $perlvarref = &LONCAPA::Configuration::read_conf('loncapa.conf');
+ my $hostid = $perlvarref->{'lonHostID'};
+ if ($hostid ne $primarylibserv) {
+ my %designhash = &Apache::loncommon::get_domainconf($dom);
+ my @loginimages = ('img','logo','domlogo');
+ my $custom_img_count = 0;
+ foreach my $img (@loginimages) {
+ if ($designhash{$dom.'.login.'.$img} ne '') {
+ $custom_img_count ++;
+ }
+ }
+ foreach my $role (@roles) {
+ if ($designhash{$dom.'.'.$role.'.img'} ne '') {
+ $custom_img_count ++;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($custom_img_count > 0) {
+ my $switch_server = &check_switchserver($dom,$confname);
+ $r->print(&mt('Domain configuration settings have yet to be saved for this domain via the web-based domain preferences interface.').'
'.&mt("While this remains so, you must switch to the domain's primary library server in order to update settings.").'
'.&mt("Thereafter, you will be able to update settings from this screen when logged in to any server in the LON-CAPA network (with a DC role selected in the domain), although you will still need to switch to the domain's primary library server to upload new images or logos.").'
'.$switch_server.' '.&mt('to primary library server for domain: [_1]',$dom));
+ return OK;
+ }
+ }
+ }
''.&mt('Notification messages - sender').
' | '.
@@ -822,10 +878,11 @@ sub print_autoupdate {
if (keys(%{$usertypes}) > 0) {
$othertitle = &mt('Other users');
- my @fields = ('lastname','firstname','middlename','gen','email','id');
+ my @fields = ('lastname','firstname','middlename','gen',
+ 'permanentemail','id');
my %fieldtitles = &Apache::lonlocal::texthash (
id => 'Student/Employee ID',
- email => 'E-mail address',
+ permanentemail => 'E-mail address',
lastname => 'Last Name',
firstname => 'First Name',
middlename => 'Middle Name',
@@ -894,14 +951,14 @@ sub usertype_update_row {
sub modify_login {
- my ($r,$dom,%domconfig) = @_;
+ my ($r,$dom,$confname,%domconfig) = @_;
my ($resulttext,$errors,$colchgtext,%changes,%colchanges);
my %title = ( coursecatalog => 'Display course catalog',
adminmail => 'Display administrator E-mail address');
my @offon = ('off','on');
my %loginhash;
- ($errors,%colchanges) = &modify_colors($r,$dom,['login'],\%domconfig,
- \%loginhash);
+ ($errors,%colchanges) = &modify_colors($r,$dom,$confname,['login'],
+ \%domconfig,\%loginhash);
$loginhash{login}{coursecatalog} = $env{'form.coursecatalog'};
$loginhash{login}{adminmail} = $env{'form.adminmail'};
if (ref($colchanges{'login'}) eq 'HASH') {
@@ -937,10 +994,11 @@ sub modify_login {
$resulttext = &mt('No changes made to log-in page settings');
} else {
- $resulttext = &mt('An error occurred: [_1]',$putresult);
+ $resulttext = ''.
+ &mt('An error occurred: [_1]',$putresult).'';
if ($errors) {
- $resulttext .= &mt('The following errors occurred: ').''.
+ $resulttext .= ' '.&mt('The following errors occurred: ').'';
return $resulttext;
@@ -964,10 +1022,10 @@ sub color_font_choices {
sub modify_rolecolors {
- my ($r,$dom,$roles,%domconfig) = @_;
+ my ($r,$dom,$confname,$roles,%domconfig) = @_;
my ($resulttext,%rolehash);
$rolehash{'rolecolors'} = {};
- my ($errors,%changes) = &modify_colors($r,$dom,$roles,
+ my ($errors,%changes) = &modify_colors($r,$dom,$confname,$roles,
my $putresult = &Apache::lonnet::put_dom('configuration',\%rolehash,
@@ -979,7 +1037,8 @@ sub modify_rolecolors {
$resulttext = &mt('No changes made to default color schemes');
} else {
- $resulttext = &mt('An error occurred: [_1]',$putresult);
+ $resulttext = ''.
+ &mt('An error occurred: [_1]',$putresult).'';
if ($errors) {
$resulttext .= &mt('The following errors occurred: ').''.
@@ -989,16 +1048,20 @@ sub modify_rolecolors {
sub modify_colors {
- my ($r,$dom,$roles,$domconfig,$confhash) = @_;
- my %changes;
+ my ($r,$dom,$confname,$roles,$domconfig,$confhash) = @_;
+ my (%changes,%choices);
my @bgs = ('pgbg','mainbg','sidebg');
my @links = ('link','alink','vlink');
my @images;
- my $configuname = $dom.'-domainconfig';
my $servadm = $r->dir_config('lonAdmEMail');
my $errors;
foreach my $role (@{$roles}) {
if ($role eq 'login') {
+ %choices = &login_choices();
+ } else {
+ %choices = &color_font_choices();
+ }
+ if ($role eq 'login') {
@images = ('img','logo','domlogo');
} else {
@images = ('img');
@@ -1007,38 +1070,71 @@ sub modify_colors {
foreach my $item (@bgs,@links) {
$confhash->{$role}{$item} = $env{'form.'.$role.'_'.$item};
+ my ($configuserok,$author_ok,$switchserver,%currroles);
+ my $uhome = &Apache::lonnet::homeserver($confname,$dom,1);
+ ($configuserok,%currroles) = &check_configuser($uhome,$dom,
+ $confname,$servadm);
+ if ($configuserok eq 'ok') {
+ $switchserver = &check_switchserver($dom,$confname);
+ if ($switchserver eq '') {
+ $author_ok = &check_authorstatus($dom,$confname,%currroles);
+ }
+ }
+ my ($width,$height) = &thumb_dimensions();
foreach my $img (@images) {
+ if ( ! $env{'form.'.$role.'_'.$img.'.filename'}
+ && !defined($domconfig->{$role}{$img})
+ && !$env{'form.'.$role.'_del_'.$img}
+ && $env{'form.'.$role.'_import_'.$img}) {
+ # import the old configured image from the .tab setting
+ # if they haven't provided a new one
+ $domconfig->{$role}{$img} =
+ $env{'form.'.$role.'_import_'.$img};
+ }
if ($env{'form.'.$role.'_'.$img.'.filename'} ne '') {
- my $configuserok;
- if (&Apache::lonnet::homeserver($configuname,$dom) eq 'no_host') {
- srand( time() ^ ($$ + ($$ << 15)) ); # Seed rand.
- my $configpass = &LONCAPA::Enrollment::create_password();
- $configuserok = &Apache::lonnet::modifyuser($dom,$configuname,'','internal',$configpass,'','','','','',undef,$servadm);
- } else {
- $configuserok = 'ok';
- }
+ my $error;
if ($configuserok eq 'ok') {
- my $result =
- &Apache::lonnet::userfileupload($role.'_'.$img,'',
- 'portfolio/'.$img,'','','',$configuname,$dom,'200','50');
- if ($result =~ m|(^/uploaded/.+)/([^/]+)$|) {
- my $urldir = $1;
- my $filename = $2;
- my $allowresult = &Apache::lonnet::make_public_indefinitely($result);
- if ($allowresult eq 'ok') {
- &Apache::lonnet::make_public_indefinitely($urldir.'/tn-'.$filename);
- $confhash->{$role}{$img} = $result;
- $changes{$role}{$img} = 1;
+ if ($switchserver) {
+ $error = &mt("Upload of [_1] image for $role page(s) is not permitted to this server: [_2]",$choices{$img},$switchserver);
+ } else {
+ if ($author_ok eq 'ok') {
+ my ($result,$logourl) =
+ &publishlogo($r,'upload',$role.'_'.$img,
+ $dom,$confname,$img,$width,$height);
+ if ($result eq 'ok') {
+ $confhash->{$role}{$img} = $logourl;
+ $changes{$role}{'images'}{$img} = 1;
+ } else {
+ $error = &mt("Upload of [_1] image for $role page(s) failed because an error occurred publishing the file in RES space. Error was: [_2].",$choices{img},$result);
+ }
+ } else {
+ $error = &mt("Upload of [_1] image for $role page(s) failed because an author role could not be assigned to a Domain Configuation user ([_2]) in domain: [_3]. Error was: [_4].",$choices{$img},$confname,$dom,$author_ok);
} else {
- my $error = &mt("Upload of image [_1] for $role page(s) failed because a Domain Configuation user ([_2]) could not be created in domain: [_3]. Error was: [_4].",$img,$configuname,$dom,$configuserok);
+ $error = &mt("Upload of [_1] image for $role page(s) failed because a Domain Configuation user ([_2]) could not be created in domain: [_3]. Error was: [_4].",$choices{$img},$confname,$dom,$configuserok);
+ }
+ if ($error) {
- $errors .= '- '.$error.'
+ $errors .= '- '.$error.'
} elsif ($domconfig->{$role}{$img} ne '') {
- if ($domconfig->{$role}{$img} !~ m|^/uploaded/\Q$dom\E/\Q$dom\E\-domainconfig/portfolio/\$img/.+|) {
- #FIXME copy file to target directory
+ if ($domconfig->{$role}{$img} !~ m-^(/res/\Q$dom\E/\Q$confname\E/\Q$img\E)/([^/]+)$-) {
+ my $error;
+ if ($configuserok eq 'ok') {
+# is confname an author?
+ if ($switchserver eq '') {
+ if ($author_ok eq 'ok') {
+ my ($result,$logourl) =
+ &publishlogo($r,'copy',$domconfig->{$role}{$img},
+ $dom,$confname,$img,$width,$height);
+ if ($result eq 'ok') {
+ $confhash->{$role}{$img} = $logourl;
+ $changes{$role}{'images'}{$img} = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
@@ -1048,14 +1144,16 @@ sub modify_colors {
if ($domconfig->{$role}{$img} ne '') {
if ($env{'form.'.$role.'_del_'.$img}) {
$confhash->{$role}{$img} = '';
- $changes{$role}{$img} = 1;
+ $changes{$role}{'images'}{$img} = 1;
} else {
- $confhash->{$role}{$img} = $domconfig->{$role}{$img};
+ if ($confhash->{$role}{$img} eq '') {
+ $confhash->{$role}{$img} = $domconfig->{$role}{$img};
+ }
} else {
if ($env{'form.'.$role.'_del_'.$img}) {
$confhash->{$role}{$img} = '';
- $changes{$role}{$img} = 1;
+ $changes{$role}{'images'}{$img} = 1;
@@ -1117,7 +1215,7 @@ sub default_change_checker {
foreach my $img (@{$images}) {
if ($env{'form.'.$role.'_del_'.$img}) {
$confhash->{$role}{$img} = '';
- $changes->{$role}{$img} = 1;
+ $changes->{$role}{'images'}{$img} = 1;
if ($confhash->{$role}{'font'}) {
@@ -1154,7 +1252,11 @@ sub display_colorchgs {
if ($confhash->{$role}{$item} eq '') {
$resulttext .= '- '.&mt("$choices{$item} set to default").'
} else {
- $resulttext .= '- '.&mt("$choices{$item} set to [_1]",$confhash->{$role}{$item}).'
+ my $newitem = $confhash->{$role}{$item};
+ if ($key eq 'images') {
+ $newitem = ' ';
+ }
+ $resulttext .= '- '.&mt("$choices{$item} set to [_1]",$newitem).'
if ($role ne 'login') {
@@ -1176,6 +1278,279 @@ sub display_colorchgs {
return $resulttext;
+sub thumb_dimensions {
+ return ('200','50');
+sub check_dimensions {
+ my ($inputfile) = @_;
+ my ($fullwidth,$fullheight);
+ if ($inputfile =~ m|^[/\w.\-]+$|) {
+ if (open(PIPE,"identify $inputfile 2>&1 |")) {
+ my $imageinfo = ;
+ if (!close(PIPE)) {
+ &Apache::lonnet::logthis("Failed to close PIPE opened to retrieve image information for $inputfile");
+ }
+ chomp($imageinfo);
+ my ($fullsize) =
+ ($imageinfo =~ /^\Q$inputfile\E\s+\w+\s+(\d+x\d+)/);
+ if ($fullsize) {
+ ($fullwidth,$fullheight) = split(/x/,$fullsize);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return ($fullwidth,$fullheight);
+sub check_configuser {
+ my ($uhome,$dom,$confname,$servadm) = @_;
+ my ($configuserok,%currroles);
+ if ($uhome eq 'no_host') {
+ srand( time() ^ ($$ + ($$ << 15)) ); # Seed rand.
+ my $configpass = &LONCAPA::Enrollment::create_password();
+ $configuserok =
+ &Apache::lonnet::modifyuser($dom,$confname,'','internal',
+ $configpass,'','','','','',undef,$servadm);
+ } else {
+ $configuserok = 'ok';
+ %currroles =
+ &Apache::lonnet::get_my_roles($confname,$dom,'userroles');
+ }
+ return ($configuserok,%currroles);
+sub check_authorstatus {
+ my ($dom,$confname,%currroles) = @_;
+ my $author_ok;
+ if (!$currroles{':'.$dom.':au'}) {
+ my $start = time;
+ my $end = 0;
+ $author_ok =
+ &Apache::lonnet::assignrole($dom,$confname,'/'.$dom.'/',
+ 'au',$end,$start);
+ } else {
+ $author_ok = 'ok';
+ }
+ return $author_ok;
+sub publishlogo {
+ my ($r,$action,$formname,$dom,$confname,$subdir,$thumbwidth,$thumbheight) = @_;
+ my ($output,$fname,$logourl);
+ if ($action eq 'upload') {
+ $fname=$env{'form.'.$formname.'.filename'};
+ chop($env{'form.'.$formname});
+ } else {
+ ($fname) = ($formname =~ /([^\/]+)$/);
+ }
+ $fname=&Apache::lonnet::clean_filename($fname);
+# See if there is anything left
+ unless ($fname) { return ('error: no uploaded file'); }
+ $fname="$subdir/$fname";
+ my $filepath='/home/'.$confname.'/public_html';
+ my ($fnamepath,$file,$fetchthumb);
+ $file=$fname;
+ if ($fname=~m|/|) {
+ ($fnamepath,$file) = ($fname =~ m|^(.*)/([^/]+)$|);
+ }
+ my @parts=split(/\//,$filepath.'/'.$fnamepath);
+ my $count;
+ for ($count=4;$count<=$#parts;$count++) {
+ $filepath.="/$parts[$count]";
+ if ((-e $filepath)!=1) {
+ mkdir($filepath,02770);
+ }
+ }
+ # Check for bad extension and disallow upload
+ if ($file=~/\.(\w+)$/ &&
+ (&Apache::loncommon::fileembstyle($1) eq 'hdn')) {
+ $output =
+ &mt('Invalid file extension ([_1]) - reserved for LONCAPA use.',$1);
+ } elsif ($file=~/\.(\w+)$/ &&
+ !defined(&Apache::loncommon::fileembstyle($1))) {
+ $output = &mt('Unrecognized file extension ([_1]) - rename the file with a proper extension and re-upload.',$1);
+ } elsif ($file=~/\.(\d+)\.(\w+)$/) {
+ $output = &mt('File name not allowed a rename the file to remove the number immediately before the file extension([_1]) and re-upload.',$2);
+ } elsif (-d "$filepath/$file") {
+ $output = &mt('File name is a directory name - rename the file and re-upload');
+ } else {
+ my $source = $filepath.'/'.$file;
+ my $logfile;
+ if (!open($logfile,">>$source".'.log')) {
+ return (&mt('No write permission to Construction Space'));
+ }
+ print $logfile
+"\n================= Publish ".localtime()." ================\n".
+# Save the file
+ if (!open(FH,'>'.$source)) {
+ &Apache::lonnet::logthis('Failed to create '.$source);
+ return (&mt('Failed to create file'));
+ }
+ if ($action eq 'upload') {
+ if (!print FH ($env{'form.'.$formname})) {
+ &Apache::lonnet::logthis('Failed to write to '.$source);
+ return (&mt('Failed to write file'));
+ }
+ } else {
+ my $original = &Apache::lonnet::filelocation('',$formname);
+ if(!copy($original,$source)) {
+ &Apache::lonnet::logthis('Failed to copy '.$original.' to '.$source);
+ return (&mt('Failed to write file'));
+ }
+ }
+ close(FH);
+ chmod(0660, $source); # Permissions to rw-rw---.
+ my $docroot=$r->dir_config('lonDocRoot');
+ my $targetdir=$docroot.'/res/'.$dom.'/'.$confname .'/'.$fnamepath;
+ my $copyfile=$targetdir.'/'.$file;
+ my @parts=split(/\//,$targetdir);
+ my $path="/$parts[1]/$parts[2]/$parts[3]/$parts[4]";
+ for (my $count=5;$count<=$#parts;$count++) {
+ $path.="/$parts[$count]";
+ if (!-e $path) {
+ print $logfile "\nCreating directory ".$path;
+ mkdir($path,02770);
+ }
+ }
+ my $versionresult;
+ if (-e $copyfile) {
+ $versionresult = &logo_versioning($targetdir,$file,$logfile);
+ } else {
+ $versionresult = 'ok';
+ }
+ if ($versionresult eq 'ok') {
+ if (copy($source,$copyfile)) {
+ print $logfile "\nCopied original source to ".$copyfile."\n";
+ $output = 'ok';
+ &write_metadata($dom,$confname,$formname,$targetdir,$file,$logfile);
+ $logourl = '/res/'.$dom.'/'.$confname.'/'.$fname;
+ } else {
+ print $logfile "\nUnable to write ".$copyfile.':'.$!."\n";
+ $output = &mt('Failed to copy file to RES space').", $!";
+ }
+ if (($thumbwidth =~ /^\d+$/) && ($thumbheight =~ /^\d+$/)) {
+ my $inputfile = $filepath.'/'.$file;
+ my $outfile = $filepath.'/'.'tn-'.$file;
+ my ($fullwidth,$fullheight) = &check_dimensions($inputfile);
+ if ($fullwidth ne '' && $fullheight ne '') {
+ if ($fullwidth > $thumbwidth && $fullheight > $thumbheight) {
+ my $thumbsize = $thumbwidth.'x'.$thumbheight;
+ system("convert -sample $thumbsize $inputfile $outfile");
+ chmod(0660, $filepath.'/tn-'.$file);
+ if (-e $outfile) {
+ my $copyfile=$targetdir.'/tn-'.$file;
+ if (copy($outfile,$copyfile)) {
+ print $logfile "\nCopied source to ".$copyfile."\n";
+ &write_metadata($dom,$confname,$formname,
+ $targetdir,'tn-'.$file,$logfile);
+ } else {
+ print $logfile "\nUnable to write ".$copyfile.
+ ':'.$!."\n";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ $output = $versionresult;
+ }
+ }
+ return ($output,$logourl);
+sub logo_versioning {
+ my ($targetdir,$file,$logfile) = @_;
+ my $target = $targetdir.'/'.$file;
+ my ($maxversion,$fn,$extn,$output);
+ $maxversion = 0;
+ if ($file =~ /^(.+)\.(\w+)$/) {
+ $fn=$1;
+ $extn=$2;
+ }
+ opendir(DIR,$targetdir);
+ while (my $filename=readdir(DIR)) {
+ if ($filename=~/\Q$fn\E\.(\d+)\.\Q$extn\E$/) {
+ $maxversion=($1>$maxversion)?$1:$maxversion;
+ }
+ }
+ $maxversion++;
+ print $logfile "\nCreating old version ".$maxversion."\n";
+ my $copyfile=$targetdir.'/'.$fn.'.'.$maxversion.'.'.$extn;
+ if (copy($target,$copyfile)) {
+ print $logfile "Copied old target to ".$copyfile."\n";
+ $copyfile=$copyfile.'.meta';
+ if (copy($target.'.meta',$copyfile)) {
+ print $logfile "Copied old target metadata to ".$copyfile."\n";
+ $output = 'ok';
+ } else {
+ print $logfile "Unable to write metadata ".$copyfile.':'.$!."\n";
+ $output = &mt('Failed to copy old meta').", $!, ";
+ }
+ } else {
+ print $logfile "Unable to write ".$copyfile.':'.$!."\n";
+ $output = &mt('Failed to copy old target').", $!, ";
+ }
+ return $output;
+sub write_metadata {
+ my ($dom,$confname,$formname,$targetdir,$file,$logfile) = @_;
+ my (%metadatafields,%metadatakeys,$output);
+ $metadatafields{'title'}=$formname;
+ $metadatafields{'creationdate'}=time;
+ $metadatafields{'lastrevisiondate'}=time;
+ $metadatafields{'copyright'}='public';
+ $metadatafields{'modifyinguser'}=$env{'user.name'}.':'.
+ $env{'user.domain'};
+ $metadatafields{'authorspace'}=$confname.':'.$dom;
+ $metadatafields{'domain'}=$dom;
+ {
+ print $logfile "\nWrite metadata file for ".$targetdir.'/'.$file;
+ my $mfh;
+ unless (open($mfh,'>'.$targetdir.'/'.$file.'.meta')) {
+ $output = &mt('Could not write metadata');
+ }
+ foreach (sort keys %metadatafields) {
+ unless ($_=~/\./) {
+ my $unikey=$_;
+ $unikey=~/^([A-Za-z]+)/;
+ my $tag=$1;
+ $tag=~tr/A-Z/a-z/;
+ print $mfh "\n\<$tag";
+ foreach (split(/\,/,$metadatakeys{$unikey})) {
+ my $value=$metadatafields{$unikey.'.'.$_};
+ $value=~s/\"/\'\'/g;
+ print $mfh ' '.$_.'="'.$value.'"';
+ }
+ print $mfh '>'.
+ &HTML::Entities::encode($metadatafields{$unikey},'<>&"')
+ .''.$tag.'>';
+ }
+ }
+ $output = 'ok';
+ print $logfile "\nWrote metadata";
+ close($mfh);
+ }
+sub check_switchserver {
+ my ($dom,$confname) = @_;
+ my ($allowed,$switchserver);
+ my $home = &Apache::lonnet::homeserver($confname,$dom);
+ if ($home eq 'no_host') {
+ $home = &Apache::lonnet::domain($dom,'primary');
+ }
+ my @ids=&Apache::lonnet::current_machine_ids();
+ foreach my $id (@ids) { if ($id eq $home) { $allowed=1; } }
+ if (!$allowed) {
+ $switchserver=''.&mt('Switch Server').'';
+ }
+ return $switchserver;
sub modify_quotas {
my ($dom,%domconfig) = @_;
my ($resulttext,%changes);
@@ -1187,6 +1562,7 @@ sub modify_quotas {
$formhash{$1} = $env{$key};
+ $formhash{'default'} = $env{'form.defaultquota'};
if (ref($domconfig{'quotas'}) eq 'HASH') {
foreach my $key (keys(%{$domconfig{'quotas'}})) {
if (exists($formhash{$key})) {
@@ -1221,7 +1597,8 @@ sub modify_quotas {
$resulttext = &mt('No changes made to default quotas');
} else {
- $resulttext = &mt('An error occurred: [_1]',$putresult);
+ $resulttext = ''.
+ &mt('An error occurred: [_1]',$putresult).'';
return $resulttext;
@@ -1239,10 +1616,17 @@ sub modify_autoenroll {
my %title = ( run => 'Auto-enrollment active',
sender => 'Sender for notification messages');
my @offon = ('off','on');
+ my $sender_uname = $env{'form.sender_uname'};
+ my $sender_domain = $env{'form.sender_domain'};
+ if ($sender_domain eq '') {
+ $sender_uname = '';
+ } elsif ($sender_uname eq '') {
+ $sender_domain = '';
+ }
my %autoenrollhash = (
autoenroll => { run => $env{'form.autoenroll_run'},
- sender_uname => $env{'form.sender_uname'},
- sender_domain => $env{'form.sender_domain'},
+ sender_uname => $sender_uname,
+ sender_domain => $sender_domain,
@@ -1258,18 +1642,10 @@ sub modify_autoenroll {
$changes{'run'} = 1;
- if (exists($currautoenroll{sender_uname})) {
- if ($currautoenroll{'sender_uname'} ne $env{'form.sender_uname'}) {
- $changes{'sender'} = 1;
- }
- } else {
+ if ($currautoenroll{'sender_uname'} ne $sender_uname) {
$changes{'sender'} = 1;
- if (exists($currautoenroll{sender_domain})) {
- if ($currautoenroll{'sender_domain'} ne $env{'form.sender_domain'}) {
- $changes{'sender'} = 1;
- }
- } else {
+ if ($currautoenroll{'sender_domain'} ne $sender_domain) {
$changes{'sender'} = 1;
if (keys(%changes) > 0) {
@@ -1278,14 +1654,19 @@ sub modify_autoenroll {
$resulttext .= '- '.&mt("$title{'run'} set to $offon[$env{'form.autoenroll_run'}]").'
if ($changes{'sender'}) {
- $resulttext .= '- '.&mt("$title{'sender'} set to [_1]",$env{'form.sender_uname'}.':'.$env{'form.sender_domain'}).'
+ if ($sender_uname eq '' || $sender_domain eq '') {
+ $resulttext .= '- '.&mt("$title{'sender'} set to default (course owner).").'
+ } else {
+ $resulttext .= '- '.&mt("$title{'sender'} set to [_1]",$sender_uname.':'.$sender_domain).'
+ }
$resulttext .= ' ';
} else {
$resulttext = &mt('No changes made to auto-enrollment settings');
} else {
- $resulttext = &mt('An error occurred: [_1]',$putresult);
+ $resulttext = ''.
+ &mt('An error occurred: [_1]',$putresult).'';
return $resulttext;
@@ -1306,7 +1687,7 @@ sub modify_autoupdate {
my ($usertypes,$order) = &Apache::lonnet::retrieve_inst_usertypes($dom);
my %fieldtitles = &Apache::lonlocal::texthash (
id => 'Student/Employee ID',
- email => 'E-mail address',
+ permanentemail => 'E-mail address',
lastname => 'Last Name',
firstname => 'First Name',
middlename => 'Middle Name',
@@ -1404,7 +1785,8 @@ sub modify_autoupdate {
$resulttext = &mt('No changes made to autoupdates');
} else {
- $resulttext = &mt('An error occurred: [_1]',$putresult);
+ $resulttext = ''.
+ &mt('An error occurred: [_1]',$putresult).'';
return $resulttext;