for (my $k=0; $k<=$maxnum; $k++) {
@@ -3762,9 +4151,12 @@ sub print_ltitools {
''.$lt{'url'}.': '.
(' 'x2).
- ''.$lt{'key'}.
+ ''.$lt{'key'}.':'.
' '.
(' 'x2).
+ ''.$lt{'lifetime'}.':'.
+ ' '.
+ (' 'x2).
' '.
' '.&mt('Visible input').' '.
@@ -3808,21 +4200,36 @@ sub print_ltitools {
''.$lt{'explanation'}.' '.
- $datatable .= ' ';
+ my %units = (
+ 'passback' => 'days',
+ 'roster' => 'seconds',
+ );
foreach my $extra ('passback','roster') {
+ my $validsty = 'none';
+ my $currvalid;
my $checkedon = '';
my $checkedoff = ' checked="checked"';
if ($settings->{$item}->{$extra}) {
$checkedon = $checkedoff;
$checkedoff = '';
- }
- $datatable .= $lt{$extra}.' '.
- ' '.
- &mt('Yes').' '.(' 'x2).
- ' '.
- &mt('No').' '.(' 'x4);
+ $validsty = 'inline-block';
+ if ($settings->{$item}->{$extra.'valid'} =~ /^\d+\.?\d*$/) {
+ $currvalid = $settings->{$item}->{$extra.'valid'};
+ }
+ }
+ my $onclick = ' onclick="toggleLTITools(this.form,'."'$extra','$i'".');"';
+ $datatable .= ''.$lt{$extra}.' '.
+ ' '.
+ &mt('No').' '.(' 'x2).
+ ' '.
+ &mt('Yes').'
+ '
- $datatable .= ''.$lt{'icon'}.': ';
+ $datatable .= ''.$lt{'icon'}.': ';
if ($imgsrc) {
$datatable .= $imgsrc.
- foreach my $item ('label','title','target','linktext','explanation') {
+ foreach my $item ('label','title','target','linktext','explanation','append') {
my $checked;
if ($courseconfig{$item}) {
$checked = ' checked="checked"';
@@ -3922,7 +4329,7 @@ sub print_ltitools {
$css_class = $itemcount%2?' class="LC_odd_row"':'';
- my $chgstr = ' onchange="javascript:reorderLTI(this.form,'."'ltitools_add_pos'".');"';
+ my $chgstr = ' onchange="javascript:reorderLTITools(this.form,'."'ltitools_add_pos'".');"';
$datatable .= ''."\n".
' '."\n".
@@ -3950,6 +4357,8 @@ sub print_ltitools {
(' 'x2).
''.$lt{'key'}.': '."\n".
(' 'x2).
+ ''.$lt{'lifetime'}.': '."\n".
+ (' 'x2).
''.$lt{'secret'}.': '.
' '.&mt('Visible input').' '."\n".
@@ -3973,14 +4382,28 @@ sub print_ltitools {
''.$lt{'explanation'}.' '.
+ my %units = (
+ 'passback' => 'days',
+ 'roster' => 'seconds',
+ );
+ my %defaulttimes = (
+ 'passback' => '7',
+ 'roster' => '300',
+ );
foreach my $extra ('passback','roster') {
- $datatable .= $lt{$extra}.' '.
- ' '.
- &mt('Yes').' '.(' 'x2).
- ' '.
- &mt('No').' '.(' 'x4);
+ my $onclick = ' onclick="toggleLTITools(this.form,'."'$extra','add'".');"';
+ $datatable .= ''.$lt{$extra}.' '.
+ ' '.
+ &mt('No').' '.(' 'x2).''.
+ ' '.
+ &mt('Yes').'
+ '
- $datatable .= ''.$lt{'icon'}.': '.
+ $datatable .= ''.$lt{'icon'}.': '.
'('.&mt('if larger than 21x21 pixels, image will be scaled').') ';
if ($switchserver) {
$datatable .= &mt('Upload to library server: [_1]',$switchserver);
@@ -4010,7 +4433,7 @@ sub print_ltitools {
$datatable .= ' '.
''.&mt('Configurable in course').' ';
- foreach my $item ('label','title','target','linktext','explanation') {
+ foreach my $item ('label','title','target','linktext','explanation','append') {
$datatable .= ''.
' '.
$lt{'crs'.$item}.' '.(' ' x2)."\n";
@@ -4036,6 +4459,7 @@ sub ltitools_names {
'msgtype' => 'Message Type',
'url' => 'URL',
'key' => 'Key',
+ 'lifetime' => 'Nonce lifetime (s)',
'secret' => 'Secret',
'icon' => 'Icon',
'user' => 'Username:domain',
@@ -4058,10 +4482,332 @@ sub ltitools_names {
'crstitle' => 'Course title',
'crslinktext' => 'Link Text',
'crsexplanation' => 'Explanation',
+ 'crsappend' => 'Provider URL',
+ );
+ return %lt;
+sub print_lti {
+ my ($dom,$settings,$rowtotal) = @_;
+ my $itemcount = 1;
+ my $maxnum = 0;
+ my $css_class;
+ my %ordered;
+ if (ref($settings) eq 'HASH') {
+ foreach my $item (keys(%{$settings})) {
+ if (ref($settings->{$item}) eq 'HASH') {
+ my $num = $settings->{$item}{'order'};
+ $ordered{$num} = $item;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ my $maxnum = scalar(keys(%ordered));
+ my $datatable = <i_javascript($settings);
+ my %lt = <i_names();
+ if (keys(%ordered)) {
+ my @items = sort { $a <=> $b } keys(%ordered);
+ for (my $i=0; $i<@items; $i++) {
+ $css_class = $itemcount%2?' class="LC_odd_row"':'';
+ my $item = $ordered{$items[$i]};
+ my ($key,$secret,$lifetime,$consumer,$current);
+ if (ref($settings->{$item}) eq 'HASH') {
+ $key = $settings->{$item}->{'key'};
+ $secret = $settings->{$item}->{'secret'};
+ $lifetime = $settings->{$item}->{'lifetime'};
+ $consumer = $settings->{$item}->{'consumer'};
+ $current = $settings->{$item};
+ }
+ my $chgstr = ' onchange="javascript:reorderLTI(this.form,'."'lti_pos_".$item."'".');"';
+ $datatable .= ''
+ .'';
+ for (my $k=0; $k<=$maxnum; $k++) {
+ my $vpos = $k+1;
+ my $selstr;
+ if ($k == $i) {
+ $selstr = ' selected="selected" ';
+ }
+ $datatable .= ''.$vpos.' ';
+ }
+ $datatable .= ' '.(' 'x2).
+ ' '.
+ &mt('Delete?').' '.
+ ''.
+ ''.&mt('Required settings').' '.
+ ''.$lt{'consumer'}.
+ ': '.
+ (' 'x2).
+ ''.$lt{'version'}.':'.
+ '1.1 '.
+ (' 'x2).
+ ''.$lt{'lifetime'}.': '.
+ ' '.
+ ''.$lt{'key'}.
+ ': '.
+ (' 'x2).
+ ''.$lt{'secret'}.':'.
+ ' '.
+ ' '.&mt('Visible input').' '.
+ ' '.
+ ' '.<i_options($i,$current,%lt).' ';
+ $itemcount ++;
+ }
+ }
+ $css_class = $itemcount%2?' class="LC_odd_row"':'';
+ my $chgstr = ' onchange="javascript:reorderLTI(this.form,'."'lti_pos_add'".');"';
+ $datatable .= ''."\n".
+ ' '."\n".
+ '';
+ for (my $k=0; $k<$maxnum+1; $k++) {
+ my $vpos = $k+1;
+ my $selstr;
+ if ($k == $maxnum) {
+ $selstr = ' selected="selected" ';
+ }
+ $datatable .= ''.$vpos.' ';
+ }
+ $datatable .= ' '."\n".
+ ' '.&mt('Add').' '."\n".
+ ''.
+ ''.&mt('Required settings').' '.
+ ''.$lt{'consumer'}.
+ ': '."\n".
+ (' 'x2).
+ ''.$lt{'version'}.':'.
+ '1.1 '."\n".
+ (' 'x2).
+ ''.$lt{'lifetime'}.': '."\n".
+ ' '.
+ ''.$lt{'key'}.': '."\n".
+ (' 'x2).
+ ''.$lt{'secret'}.': '.
+ ' '.&mt('Visible input').' '."\n".
+ ' '.<i_options('add',undef,%lt).
+ ' '."\n".
+ ' '."\n";
+ $$rowtotal ++;
+ return $datatable;;
+sub lti_names {
+ my %lt = &Apache::lonlocal::texthash(
+ 'version' => 'LTI Version',
+ 'url' => 'URL',
+ 'key' => 'Key',
+ 'lifetime' => 'Nonce lifetime (s)',
+ 'consumer' => 'LTI Consumer',
+ 'secret' => 'Secret',
+ 'email' => 'Email address',
+ 'sourcedid' => 'User ID',
+ 'other' => 'Other',
+ 'passback' => 'Can return grades to Consumer:',
+ 'roster' => 'Can retrieve roster from Consumer:',
return %lt;
+sub lti_options {
+ my ($num,$current,%lt) = @_;
+ my (%checked,%rolemaps,$crssecsrc,$userfield,$cidfield);
+ $checked{'mapuser'}{'sourcedid'} = ' checked="checked"';
+ $checked{'mapcrs'}{'course_offering_sourcedid'} = ' checked="checked"';
+ $checked{'makecrs'}{'N'} = ' checked="checked"';
+ $checked{'mapcrstype'} = {};
+ $checked{'makeuser'} = {};
+ $checked{'selfenroll'} = {};
+ $checked{'crssec'} = {};
+ $checked{'crssecsrc'} = {};
+ my $userfieldsty = 'none';
+ my $crsfieldsty = 'none';
+ my $crssecfieldsty = 'none';
+ my $secsrcfieldsty = 'none';
+ if (ref($current) eq 'HASH') {
+ if (($current->{'mapuser'} ne '') && ($current->{'mapuser'} ne 'lis_person_sourcedid')) {
+ $checked{'mapuser'}{'sourcedid'} = '';
+ if ($current->{'mapuser'} eq 'lis_person_contact_email_primary') {
+ $checked{'mapuser'}{'email'} = ' checked="checked"';
+ } else {
+ $checked{'mapuser'}{'other'} = ' checked="checked"';
+ $userfield = $current->{'mapuser'};
+ $userfieldsty = 'inline-block';
+ }
+ }
+ if (($current->{'mapcrs'} ne '') && ($current->{'mapcrs'} ne 'course_offering_sourcedid')) {
+ $checked{'mapcrs'}{'course_offering_sourcedid'} = '';
+ if ($current->{'mapcrs'} eq 'context_id') {
+ $checked{'mapcrs'}{'context_id'} = ' checked="checked"';
+ } else {
+ $checked{'mapcrs'}{'other'} = ' checked="checked"';
+ $cidfield = $current->{'mapcrs'};
+ $crsfieldsty = 'inline-block';
+ }
+ }
+ if (ref($current->{'mapcrstype'}) eq 'ARRAY') {
+ foreach my $type (@{$current->{'mapcrstype'}}) {
+ $checked{'mapcrstype'}{$type} = ' checked="checked"';
+ }
+ }
+ if ($current->{'makecrs'}) {
+ $checked{'makecrs'}{'Y'} = ' checked="checked"';
+ }
+ if (ref($current->{'makeuser'}) eq 'ARRAY') {
+ foreach my $role (@{$current->{'makeuser'}}) {
+ $checked{'makeuser'}{$role} = ' checked="checked"';
+ }
+ }
+ if (ref($current->{'selfenroll'}) eq 'ARRAY') {
+ foreach my $role (@{$current->{'selfenroll'}}) {
+ $checked{'selfenroll'}{$role} = ' checked="checked"';
+ }
+ }
+ if (ref($current->{'maproles'}) eq 'HASH') {
+ %rolemaps = %{$current->{'maproles'}};
+ }
+ if ($current->{'section'} ne '') {
+ $checked{'crssec'}{'Y'} = ' checked="checked"';
+ $crssecfieldsty = 'inline-block';
+ if ($current->{'section'} eq 'course_section_sourcedid') {
+ $checked{'crssecsrc'}{'sourcedid'} = ' checked="checked"';
+ } else {
+ $checked{'crssecsrc'}{'other'} = ' checked="checked"';
+ $crssecsrc = $current->{'section'};
+ $secsrcfieldsty = 'inline-block';
+ }
+ } else {
+ $checked{'crssec'}{'N'} = ' checked="checked"';
+ }
+ } else {
+ $checked{'makecrs'}{'N'} = ' checked="checked"';
+ $checked{'crssec'}{'N'} = ' checked="checked"';
+ }
+ my @coursetypes = ('official','unofficial','community','textbook','placement');
+ my %coursetypetitles = &Apache::lonlocal::texthash (
+ official => 'Official',
+ unofficial => 'Unofficial',
+ community => 'Community',
+ textbook => 'Textbook',
+ placement => 'Placement Test',
+ );
+ my @ltiroles = qw(Learner Instructor ContentDeveloper TeachingAssistant Mentor Member Manager Administrator);
+ my @lticourseroles = qw(Learner Instructor TeachingAssistant Mentor);
+ my @courseroles = ('cc','in','ta','ep','st');
+ my $onclickuser = ' onclick="toggleLTI(this.form,'."'user','$num'".');"';
+ my $onclickcrs = ' onclick="toggleLTI(this.form,'."'crs','$num'".');"';
+ my $onclicksec = ' onclick="toggleLTI(this.form,'."'sec','$num'".');"';
+ my $onclicksecsrc = ' onclick="toggleLTI(this.form,'."'secsrc','$num'".')"';
+ my $output = ''.&mt('Mapping users').' '.
+ ''.&mt('LON-CAPA username').': ';
+ foreach my $option ('sourcedid','email','other') {
+ $output .= ' '.$lt{$option}.' '.
+ ($option eq 'other' ? '' : (' 'x2) );
+ }
+ $output .= '
+ ''.
+ '
+ ''.&mt('Mapping course roles').' ';
+ foreach my $ltirole (@lticourseroles) {
+ my ($selected,$selectnone);
+ if ($rolemaps{$ltirole} eq '') {
+ $selectnone = ' selected="selected"';
+ }
+ $output .= ''.$ltirole.' '.
+ ''.
+ ''.&mt('Select').' ';
+ foreach my $role (@courseroles) {
+ unless ($selectnone) {
+ if ($rolemaps{$ltirole} eq $role) {
+ $selected = ' selected="selected"';
+ } else {
+ $selected = '';
+ }
+ }
+ $output .= ''.
+ &Apache::lonnet::plaintext($role,'Course').
+ ' ';
+ }
+ $output .= ' ';
+ }
+ $output .= '
+ ''.&mt('Roles which may create user accounts').' ';
+ foreach my $ltirole (@ltiroles) {
+ $output .= ' '.$ltirole.' ';
+ }
+ $output .= ' '.
+ ''.&mt('Mapping courses').' '.
+ ''.
+ &mt('Unique course identifier').': ';
+ foreach my $option ('course_offering_sourcedid','context_id','other') {
+ $output .= ' '.$option.' '.
+ ($option eq 'other' ? '' : (' 'x2) );
+ }
+ $output .= '
+ ' '.
+ '
+ ''.&mt('LON-CAPA course type(s)').': ';
+ foreach my $type (@coursetypes) {
+ $output .= ' '.$coursetypetitles{$type}.' '.
+ (' 'x2);
+ }
+ $output .= ' '.
+ ''.&mt('Creating courses').' '.
+ ''.&mt('Course created (if absent) on Instructor access').': '.
+ ' '.&mt('No').' '.(' 'x2).
+ ' '.&mt('Yes').' '.
+ ' '.
+ ''.&mt('Roles which may self-enroll').' ';
+ foreach my $lticrsrole (@lticourseroles) {
+ $output .= ' '.$lticrsrole.' ';
+ }
+ $output .= ' '.
+ ''.&mt('Course options').' '.
+ ''.&mt('Assign users to sections').': '.
+ ' '.&mt('No').' '.(' 'x2).
+ ' '.&mt('Yes').'
+ ''.
+ ' '.
+ '
+ foreach my $extra ('passback','roster') {
+ my $checkedon = '';
+ my $checkedoff = ' checked="checked"';
+ if (ref($current) eq 'HASH') {
+ if (($current->{$extra})) {
+ $checkedon = $checkedoff;
+ $checkedoff = '';
+ }
+ }
+ $output .= $lt{$extra}.' '.
+ ' '.
+ &mt('No').' '.(' 'x2).
+ ' '.
+ &mt('Yes').' ';
+ }
+ $output .= ' ';
+# ''.&mt('Assigning author roles').' ';
+# $output .= ' '.
+# ''.&mt('Assigning domain roles').' ';
+ return $output;
sub print_coursedefaults {
my ($position,$dom,$settings,$rowtotal) = @_;
my ($css_class,$datatable,%checkedon,%checkedoff,%defaultchecked,@toggles);
@@ -4073,11 +4819,13 @@ sub print_coursedefaults {
coursecredits => 'Credits can be specified for courses',
uselcmath => 'Math preview uses LON-CAPA previewer (javascript) in place of DragMath (Java)',
usejsme => 'Molecule editor uses JSME (HTML5) in place of JME (Java)',
+ texengine => 'Default method to display mathematics',
postsubmit => 'Disable submit button/keypress following student submission',
canclone => "People who may clone a course (besides course's owner and coordinators)",
mysqltables => 'Lifetime (s) of "Temporary" MySQL tables (student performance data) on homeserver',
my %staticdefaults = (
+ texengine => 'MathJax',
anonsurvey_threshold => 10,
uploadquota => 500,
postsubmit => 60,
@@ -4091,8 +4839,36 @@ sub print_coursedefaults {
'canclone' => 'none',
@toggles = ('canuse_pdfforms','uselcmath','usejsme');
+ my $deftex = $staticdefaults{'texengine'};
+ if (ref($settings) eq 'HASH') {
+ if ($settings->{'texengine'}) {
+ if ($settings->{'texengine'} =~ /^(MathJax|mimetex|tth)$/) {
+ $deftex = $settings->{'texengine'};
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $css_class = $itemcount%2?' class="LC_odd_row"':'';
+ my $mathdisp = ''.
+ ''.$choices{'texengine'}.
+ ' '.
+ ''."\n";
+ my %texoptions = (
+ MathJax => 'MathJax',
+ mimetex => &mt('Convert to Images'),
+ tth => &mt('TeX to HTML'),
+ );
+ foreach my $renderer ('MathJax','mimetex','tth') {
+ my $selected = '';
+ if ($renderer eq $deftex) {
+ $selected = ' selected="selected"';
+ }
+ $mathdisp .= ''.$texoptions{$renderer}.' '."\n";
+ }
+ $mathdisp .= ' '."\n";
+ $itemcount ++;
($datatable,$itemcount) = &radiobutton_prefs($settings,\@toggles,\%defaultchecked,
+ $datatable = $mathdisp.$datatable;
$css_class = $itemcount%2?' class="LC_odd_row"':'';
$datatable .=
@@ -4139,7 +4915,7 @@ sub print_coursedefaults {
if ($checked) {
$show = 'block';
- $additional = '
+ $additional = '
&mt('Institutional codes for new and cloned course have identical:').
' ';
foreach my $item (@code_order) {
@@ -5454,7 +6230,7 @@ sub loadbalance_rule_row {
my $space;
if ($islast && $num == 1) {
- $space = '
+ $space = '
my $output =
' '.$space.
@@ -5540,8 +6316,8 @@ sub contact_titles {
'adminemail' => 'Default Server Admin E-mail address',
'errormail' => 'Error reports to be e-mailed to',
'packagesmail' => 'Package update alerts to be e-mailed to',
- 'helpdeskmail' => "Helpdesk requests for this domain's users",
- 'otherdomsmail' => 'Helpdesk requests for other (unconfigured) domains',
+ 'helpdeskmail' => "Helpdesk requests from all users in this domain",
+ 'otherdomsmail' => 'Helpdesk requests from users in other (unconfigured) domains',
'lonstatusmail' => 'E-mail from nightly status check (warnings/errors)',
'requestsmail' => 'E-mail from course requests requiring approval',
'updatesmail' => 'E-mail from nightly check of LON-CAPA module integrity/updates',
@@ -7746,6 +8522,7 @@ sub insttypes_row {
statustocreate => 'Institutional affiliation(s) able to create own account (login/SSO)',
lockablenames => 'User preference to lock name',
selfassign => 'Self-reportable affiliations',
+ overrides => "Override domain's helpdesk settings based on requester's affiliation",
my $showdom;
if ($context eq 'cansearch') {
@@ -7792,6 +8569,10 @@ sub insttypes_row {
if (grep(/^\Q$types->[$i]\E$/,@{$settings->{$context}})) {
$check = ' checked="checked" ';
+ } elsif (ref($settings->{$context}) eq 'HASH') {
+ if (ref($settings->{$context}->{$types->[$i]}) eq 'HASH') {
+ $check = ' checked="checked" ';
+ }
} elsif ($context eq 'statustocreate') {
$check = ' checked="checked" ';
@@ -7806,29 +8587,38 @@ sub insttypes_row {
$rem = @{$types}%($numinrow);
my $colsleft = $numinrow - $rem;
- if (($rem == 0) && (@{$types} > 0)) {
- $output .= ' ';
- }
- if ($colsleft > 1) {
- $output .= '';
+ if ($context eq 'overrides') {
+ if ($colsleft > 1) {
+ $output .= ' ';
+ } else {
+ $output .= ' ';
+ }
+ $output .= ' ';
} else {
- $output .= ' ';
- }
- my $defcheck = ' ';
- if (ref($settings) eq 'HASH') {
- if (ref($settings->{$context}) eq 'ARRAY') {
- if (grep(/^default$/,@{$settings->{$context}})) {
+ if (($rem == 0) && (@{$types} > 0)) {
+ $output .= ' ';
+ }
+ if ($colsleft > 1) {
+ $output .= '';
+ } else {
+ $output .= ' ';
+ }
+ my $defcheck = ' ';
+ if (ref($settings) eq 'HASH') {
+ if (ref($settings->{$context}) eq 'ARRAY') {
+ if (grep(/^default$/,@{$settings->{$context}})) {
+ $defcheck = ' checked="checked" ';
+ }
+ } elsif ($context eq 'statustocreate') {
$defcheck = ' checked="checked" ';
- } elsif ($context eq 'statustocreate') {
- $defcheck = ' checked="checked" ';
+ $output .= ''.
+ ' '.
+ $othertitle.' ';
- $output .= ''.
- ' '.
- $othertitle.' '.
- ' ';
+ $output .= '';
return $output;
@@ -8862,14 +9652,14 @@ sub publishlogo {
} else {
my $source = $filepath.'/'.$file;
my $logfile;
- if (!open($logfile,">>$source".'.log')) {
+ if (!open($logfile,">>",$source.'.log')) {
return (&mt('No write permission to Authoring Space'));
print $logfile
"\n================= Publish ".localtime()." ================\n".
# Save the file
- if (!open(FH,'>'.$source)) {
+ if (!open(FH,">",$source)) {
&Apache::lonnet::logthis('Failed to create '.$source);
return (&mt('Failed to create file'));
@@ -8930,7 +9720,8 @@ $env{'user.name'}.':'.$env{'user.domain'
if ($fullwidth ne '' && $fullheight ne '') {
if ($fullwidth > $thumbwidth && $fullheight > $thumbheight) {
my $thumbsize = $thumbwidth.'x'.$thumbheight;
- system("convert -sample $thumbsize $inputfile $outfile");
+ my @args = ('convert','-sample',$thumbsize,$inputfile,$outfile);
+ system({$args[0]} @args);
chmod(0660, $filepath.'/tn-'.$file);
if (-e $outfile) {
my $copyfile=$targetdir.'/tn-'.$file;
@@ -9010,7 +9801,7 @@ sub write_metadata {
print $logfile "\nWrite metadata file for ".$targetdir.'/'.$file;
my $mfh;
- if (open($mfh,'>'.$targetdir.'/'.$file.'.meta')) {
+ if (open($mfh,">",$targetdir.'/'.$file.'.meta')) {
foreach (sort(keys(%metadatafields))) {
unless ($_=~/\./) {
my $unikey=$_;
@@ -9044,7 +9835,7 @@ sub notifysubscribed {
next unless (ref($targetsource) eq 'ARRAY');
my ($target,$source)=@{$targetsource};
if ($source ne '') {
- if (open(my $logfh,'>>'.$source.'.log')) {
+ if (open(my $logfh,">>",$source.'.log')) {
print $logfh "\nCleanup phase: Notifications\n";
my @subscribed=&subscribed_hosts($target);
foreach my $subhost (@subscribed) {
@@ -9070,7 +9861,7 @@ sub notifysubscribed {
sub subscribed_hosts {
my ($target) = @_;
my @subscribed;
- if (open(my $fh,"<$target.subscription")) {
+ if (open(my $fh,"<","$target.subscription")) {
while (my $subline=<$fh>) {
if ($subline =~ /^($match_lonid):/) {
my $host = $1;
@@ -9269,17 +10060,21 @@ sub modify_quotas {
#FIXME need to obsolete item in RES space
} elsif ($env{'form.'.$type.'_image_'.$i.'.filename'}) {
my ($cdom,$cnum) = split(/_/,$key);
- my ($imgurl,$error) = &process_textbook_image($r,$dom,$confname,$type.'_image_'.$i,
- $cdom,$cnum,$type,$configuserok,
- $switchserver,$author_ok);
- if ($imgurl) {
- $confhash{$type}{$key}{'image'} = $imgurl;
- $changes{$type}{$key} = 1;
+ if (&Apache::lonnet::homeserver($cnum,$cdom) eq 'no_host') {
+ $errors .= '