--- loncom/interface/lonblockingstatus.pm 2009/07/27 11:30:05 1.4
+++ loncom/interface/lonblockingstatus.pm 2020/09/03 14:06:06
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
# The LearningOnline Network with CAPA
# displays the blocking status table
-# $Id: lonblockingstatus.pm,v 1.4 2009/07/27 11:30:05 kalberla Exp $
+# $Id: lonblockingstatus.pm,v 2020/09/03 14:06:06 raeburn Exp $
# Copyright Michigan State University Board of Trustees
@@ -32,101 +32,241 @@ use strict;
use Apache::Constants qw(:common);
use Apache::loncommon();
use Apache::lonnet;
-use GDBM_File;
-use POSIX qw(strftime mktime);
-use Apache::lonmenu();
-use Apache::lonenc();
use Apache::lonlocal;
-use Apache::lonnet();
-use HTML::Entities;
-use Apache::lonhtmlcommon();
-use Apache::loncoursedata();
-use Apache::lontexconvert();
-use Apache::lonclonecourse();
use LONCAPA qw(:DEFAULT :match);
-use DateTime::TimeZone;
-use DateTime::Locale::Catalog;
sub handler {
my $r = shift;
- Apache::loncommon::no_cache($r);
- Apache::loncommon::content_type($r,'text/html');
+ &Apache::loncommon::no_cache($r);
+ &Apache::loncommon::content_type($r,'text/html');
return OK if $r->header_only;
- $r->print(
- Apache::loncommon::start_page(
- 'Communication Blocking Status Information',
- undef, {'only_body' => 1, }));
- Apache::loncommon::get_unprocessed_cgi($ENV{'QUERY_STRING'},['activity']);
- my ($blocked, $blocktext) = print_blocking_table($env{'form.activity'});
- $r->print($blocktext);
+ my (%activities,$activity,$origurl);
+ map { $activities{$_} = 1; } ('boards','chat','com','blogs','groups','port','printout','docs','passwd');
+ # determine what kind of blocking we want details for
+ &Apache::loncommon::get_unprocessed_cgi($ENV{'QUERY_STRING'},['activity','url']);
+ $activity = $env{'form.activity'};
+ my $title = 'Communication Blocking Status Information';
+ if (($activity eq 'docs') || ($activity eq 'printout') ||
+ ($activity eq 'passwd')) {
+ $title = 'Blocking Status Information';
+ if ($activity eq 'docs') {
+ $origurl = $env{'form.url'};
+ }
+ }
+ $r->print(&Apache::loncommon::start_page($title,undef,
+ {'only_body' => 1}));
+ if (($activity eq '') || (!$activities{$activity})) {
+ $r->print(''.&mt('Error: unknown activity type blocked').'');
+ } else {
+ $r->print(&blockpage($activity,$origurl));
+ }
+ $r->print(&Apache::loncommon::end_page());
- $r->print(Apache::loncommon::end_page());
return OK;
-sub print_blocking_table{
- my ($activity,$uname,$udom) = @_;
- my %setters;
- my ($blocked,$output,$ownitem,$is_course);
- my ($startblock,$endblock)=&Apache::loncommon::blockcheck(\%setters,$activity,$uname,$udom);
- if ($startblock && $endblock) {
- $blocked = 1;
- my $category;
- if ($activity eq 'boards') {
- $category = 'Discussion posts in this course';
- } elsif ($activity eq 'chat') {
- $category = 'Chat';
- } elsif ($activity eq 'msgdisplay') {
- $category = 'This message';
- } elsif ($activity eq 'blogs') {
- $category = 'Blogs';
- } elsif ($activity eq 'port') {
- if (defined($uname) && defined($udom)) {
- if ($uname eq $env{'user.name'} &&
- $udom eq $env{'user.domain'}) {
- $ownitem = 1;
- }
- }
- $is_course = &Apache::lonnet::is_course($udom,$uname);
- if ($ownitem) {
- $category = 'Your portfolio files';
- } elsif ($is_course) {
- my $coursedesc;
- foreach my $course (keys(%setters)) {
- my %courseinfo =
- &Apache::lonnet::coursedescription($course);
- $coursedesc = $courseinfo{'description'};
- }
- $category = "Group portfolio in the course '$coursedesc'";
- } else {
- $category = 'Portfolio files belonging to ';
- if ($env{'user.name'} eq 'public' &&
- $env{'user.domain'} eq 'public') {
- $category .= &plainname($uname,$udom);
- } else {
- $category .= &aboutmewrapper(&plainname($uname,$udom),$uname,$udom);
- }
- }
- } elsif ($activity eq 'groups') {
- $category = 'Groups in this course';
+sub blockpage {
+ my ($activity,$origurl) = @_;
+ # in case of a portfolio block we need to determine the owner of the files
+ # we're trying to look at. This information is passed via query string.
+ my ($uname, $udom);
+ if (($activity eq 'port') ||
+ (($activity eq 'passwd') && ($env{'user.name'} eq 'public') && ($env{'user.domain'} eq 'public'))) {
+ &Apache::loncommon::get_unprocessed_cgi(
+ $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'}, ['udom', 'uname'] );
+ ($uname, $udom) = ($env{'form.uname'}, $env{'form.udom'});
+ if (($uname !~ /^$match_username$/) || ($udom !~ /^$match_domain$/)) {
+ if ($activity eq 'port') {
+ return ''.
+ &mt('Information about the owner of the portfolio files you were trying to view was missing or invalid.').
+ '
+ &mt('Without valid owner information, the reason why access is blocked can not be determined');
} else {
- $category = 'Communication';
+ return ''.
+ &mt('Information about the username and/or domain for which you were trying to reset a password was missing or invalid.').
+ '
+ &mt('Without valid information, the reason why access is blocked can not be determined');
- my $showstart = &Apache::lonlocal::locallocaltime($startblock);
- my $showend = &Apache::lonlocal::locallocaltime($endblock);
- $output = '
'.&mt('[_1] will be inaccessible between [_2] and [_3] because communication is being blocked.',$category,$showstart,$showend).'
- if (!($activity eq 'port' && !($ownitem) && !($is_course))) {
- $output .= &Apache::loncommon::build_block_table($startblock,$endblock,\%setters);
+ }
+ }
+ # retrieve start/end of possible active blocking
+ my %setters;
+ my ($startblock,$endblock,$triggerblock) =
+ &Apache::loncommon::blockcheck(\%setters,$activity,$uname,$udom,$origurl);
+ # nothing to do if there's no active blocking
+ unless ($startblock && $endblock) { return ''; }
+ # lookup $activity -> description
+ #possible activity #corresponding description
+ my %descs = (
+ boards => 'Discussion posts in this course',
+ chat => 'Chat Room',
+ com => 'This message',
+ blogs => 'Blogs',
+ groups => 'Groups in this course',
+ printout => 'Printout generation',
+ docs => 'Course Content',
+ passwd => 'Changing of passwords',
+ );
+ if ($activity eq 'groups' || $activity eq 'boards') {
+ if (&Apache::loncommon::course_type() eq 'Community') {
+ $descs{'boards'} = 'Discussion posts in this community',
+ $descs{'groups'} = 'Groups in this community',
+ $descs{'docs'} = 'Community Content',
+ }
+ }
+ my $description = $descs{$activity};
+ if ($activity eq 'port') {
+ $description = &get_portfolio_category($uname,$udom,\%setters);
+ }
+ if ($description eq '') {
+ $description = 'Communication';
+ }
+ my $showstart = Apache::lonlocal::locallocaltime($startblock);
+ my $showend = Apache::lonlocal::locallocaltime($endblock);
+ my $output;
+ if ( ref($description) ne 'ARRAY' ) {
+ #default: $description is one of the above descriptions
+ if ($activity eq 'docs') {
+ $output=&mt( 'Access to the content page you are attempting to'
+ . ' view will be unavailable between [_1] and [_2] because'
+ . ' access to selected '.$description.' is being blocked.'
+ ,$showstart, $showend);
+ } elsif (($activity eq 'printout') || ($activity eq 'passwd')) {
+ $output = mt( $description
+ . ' will be unavailable between [_1] and [_2] because'
+ . ' this functionality is being blocked.'
+ ,$showstart, $showend);
+ } else {
+ $output = mt( $description
+ . ' will be inaccessible between [_1] and [_2] because'
+ . ' communication is being blocked.'
+ ,$showstart, $showend);
+ }
+ } else {
+ # @$description is is the array returned from get_portfolio_category()
+ # and contains the description (e.g. "Portfolio files belonging to [_1]"
+ # and the value for [_1]
+ $output = mt( $$description[0]
+ . ' will be inaccessible between [_2] and [_3] because'
+ . ' communication is being blocked.'
+ ,$$description[1], $showstart, $showend)
+ }
+ $output = "
"; + + # show a table containing details, except if user is trying to look + # at a different user's portfolio files + if ( $activity ne 'port' # no portfolio + || ( $uname eq $env{'user.name'} # or own portfolio + && $udom eq $env{'user.domain'} ) + || Apache::lonnet::is_course($udom, $uname) ) # or portfolio of a course + { + $output .= &build_block_table(\%setters); + } + + return $output; +} + +sub build_block_table { + my ($setters) = @_; + my %lt = &Apache::lonlocal::texthash( + 'cacb' => 'Currently active communication/content blocks', + 'cour' => 'Course', + 'dura' => 'Duration', + 'blse' => 'Block set by' + ); + my $output; + $output = Apache::loncommon::start_data_table() + . Apache::loncommon::data_table_caption($lt{'cacb'}) + . Apache::loncommon::start_data_table_header_row() + . "