File:  [LON-CAPA] / loncom / interface /
Revision 1.70: download - view: text, annotated - select for diffs
Tue Jan 28 19:49:20 2025 UTC (3 weeks, 2 days ago) by raeburn
Branches: MAIN
CVS tags: version_2_12_X, HEAD
- WCAG 2 compliance

    1: # The LearningOnline Network
    2: # Bulletin Board Handler
    3: #
    4: # $Id:,v 1.70 2025/01/28 19:49:20 raeburn Exp $
    5: #
    6: # Copyright Michigan State University Board of Trustees
    7: #
    8: # This file is part of the LearningOnline Network with CAPA (LON-CAPA).
    9: #
   10: # LON-CAPA is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
   11: # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
   12: # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
   13: # (at your option) any later version.
   14: #
   15: # LON-CAPA is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   16: # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   18: # GNU General Public License for more details.
   19: #
   20: # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
   21: # along with LON-CAPA; if not, write to the Free Software
   22: # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
   23: #
   24: # /home/httpd/html/adm/gpl.txt
   25: #
   26: #
   27: #
   29: package Apache::lonbulletin;
   31: use strict;
   32: use Apache::Constants qw(:common);
   33: use Apache::loncommon;
   34: use Apache::lonnet;
   35: use Apache::lontexconvert;
   36: use Apache::lonfeedback; 
   37: use Apache::lonhtmlgateway;
   38: use Apache::lonlocal;
   39: use Apache::lonhtmlcommon;
   40: use Apache::longroup;
   41: use Apache::lonnavmaps;
   42: use HTML::Entities();
   43: use LONCAPA;
   45: sub handler {
   46:     my $r = shift;
   47:     &Apache::loncommon::content_type($r,'text/html');
   48:     $r->send_http_header;
   49:     return OK if $r->header_only;
   50:     my $target=$env{'form.grade_target'};
   52: # ------------------------------------------------------------ Print the screen
   53:     if ($target eq 'tex') {
   54:         $r->print(&Apache::lonprintout::print_latex_header($env{'form.latex_type'}));
   55:     }
   56:     my (undef,undef,undef,undef,$marker)=split(/\//,$r->uri);
   57: # Is this even in a course?
   58:     if (!$env{''}) {
   59:         &Apache::loncommon::simple_error_page($r,'Not in a course',
   60:                                               'Not in a course');
   61:         return OK;
   62:     }
   64:     $marker=~s/\D//g;
   66:     if (!$marker) {
   67:         &Apache::loncommon::simple_error_page($r,'Invalid Call',
   68:                                               'Invalid Call');
   69:         return OK;
   70:     }
   72:     my $dom = $env{'course.'.$env{''}.'.domain'};
   73:     my $crs = $env{'course.'.$env{''}.'.num'};
   74:     my ($group,$grp_desc);
   76: # --------------------------------------------------------- The syllabus fields
   77:     my %syllabusfields=&Apache::lonlocal::texthash(
   78:        'aaa_title'         => 'Topic',
   79:        'bbb_content'       => 'Task',
   80:        'ccc_webreferences' => 'Web References');
   82: # ------------------------------------------------------------ Get Query String
   83:     &Apache::loncommon::get_unprocessed_cgi
   84:                 ($ENV{'QUERY_STRING'},['forceedit','register','todocs',
   85:                                        'origpage','group','ref']);
   86: # ----------------------------------------------------- Force menu registration
   87:     my %addentries;
   88:     if ($env{'form.origpage'}) {
   89:         $addentries{'onload'} = "document.location='#newpost';";
   90:     }
   91: # --------------------------------------------------------------- Force Student
   92:     my ($forceedit,$forcestudent);
   93:     $forceedit = $env{'form.forceedit'};
   94:     if (!$forceedit) {
   95:         $forcestudent=1;
   96:     }
   97:     my $refarg = '';
   98:     if (exists($env{'form.ref'})) { $refarg = 'ref='.$env{'form.ref'}; }
  100:     my %syllabus=&Apache::lonnet::dump('bulletinpage_'.$marker,$dom,$crs);
  102:     my $boardurl = $r->uri;
  103:     if ($boardurl =~ m|/adm/\Q$dom\E/\Q$crs\E/\d+/bulletinboard|) {
  104:         if (!exists($syllabus{'group'})) {
  105:             &Apache::loncommon::simple_error_page($r,'Group information missing',
  106:                                                  'Group information missing');
  108:             return OK;
  109:         } else {
  110:             $group = $syllabus{'group'};
  111:             if ($group eq '') {
  112:                 &Apache::loncommon::simple_error_page($r,'Invalid group',
  113:                                                      'Invalid group');
  114:                 return OK;
  115:             }
  116:             my %curr_groups = &Apache::longroup::coursegroups($dom,$crs,$group);
  117:             if (!defined($curr_groups{$group})) {
  118:                 &Apache::loncommon::simple_error_page($r,'Invalid group',
  119:                                                      'Invalid group');
  120:                 return OK;
  121:             } else {
  122:                 my %content = &Apache::longroup::get_group_settings(
  123:                                                           $curr_groups{$group});
  124:                 $grp_desc = &unescape($content{'description'});
  125:             }
  126:         }
  127:     }
  129: # --------------------------------------- There is such a user, get environment
  130:     if ($target ne 'tex') {
  131:         my ($course_or_group,$brcrum);
  132:         if($group eq '') {
  133:             $course_or_group="Course";
  134:         } else {
  135:             $course_or_group="Group";
  136:         }
  137:         my $registered;
  138:         if ($group ne '' && $env{''} eq $group) {
  139:             unless ($env{'form.ref'} eq 'grouplist') {
  140:                 $registered = $env{'form.register'}; 
  141:             }
  142:             my $gpterm =  &Apache::loncommon::group_term();
  143:             my $ucgpterm = $gpterm;
  144:             $ucgpterm =~ s/^(\w)/uc($1)/e;
  145:             my ($groupboards,$boards) =
  146:                 &Apache::longroup::get_group_bbinfo($dom,$crs,$group,$boardurl);
  147:             my $boardtitle;
  148:             if ((ref($groupboards) eq 'ARRAY') && (@{$groupboards} > 0)) {
  149:                 $boardtitle = $$boards{$$groupboards[0]}{'title'};
  150:             }
  151:             $boardurl .= '?group='.$group;
  152:             if ($registered) {
  153:                 $boardurl .= '&register='.$env{'form.register'};
  154:             } else {
  155:                 $brcrum = 
  156:                     &groupboard_breadcrumbs($dom,$crs,$group,$refarg,$gpterm,
  157:                                             $ucgpterm,$grp_desc,$boardurl,
  158:                                             $boardtitle);
  159:             }
  160:         } else {
  161:             $registered = $env{'form.register'};
  162:             $brcrum = [];
  163:         }
  164:         my $start_page =
  165:             &Apache::loncommon::start_page("$course_or_group Discussion Board",undef,
  166:                                            {'add_entries'    => \%addentries,
  167:                                             'domain'         => $dom,
  168:                                             'bread_crumbs'   => $brcrum, 
  169:                                             'group'          => $group,
  170:                                             'force_register' => $registered}
  171:                                           );
  172:         $r->print($start_page);
  173:     }
  174:     my ($allowed);
  175:     if ($group ne '') {
  176:         $allowed=&Apache::lonnet::allowed('mdg',$env{''}.($env{'request.course.sec'}?'/'.$env{'request.course.sec'}:''));
  177:         if (!$allowed) {
  178:             $allowed = &Apache::lonnet::allowed('cgb',$env{''}.
  179:                                                 '/'.$group);
  180:         }
  181:         if (!$allowed) {
  182:             if ((!&Apache::lonnet::allowed('vcg',$env{''}.($env{'request.course.sec'}?'/'.$env{'request.course.sec'}:''))) &&
  183:                (!&Apache::lonnet::allowed('vgb',$env{''}.
  184:                                                 '/'.$group))) {
  185:                  &print_end_page($r,$target);
  186:                  return OK;
  187:             }
  188:         }
  189:     } else {
  190:         $allowed=&Apache::lonnet::allowed('mdc',$env{''});
  191:     }
  193:     if ($forcestudent or $target eq 'tex') { $allowed=0; }
  195:     if (($env{'form.uploaddoc.filename'}) &&
  196:         ($env{'form.storeupl'}) && ($allowed)) {
  197:         if ($env{'form.uploaddoc.filename'}=~/\.(gif|jpg|png|jpeg)$/i) {
  198:             if ($syllabus{'uploaded.photourl'}) {
  199:                 &Apache::lonnet::removeuploadedurl($syllabus{'uploaded.photourl'});
  200:             }
  201:             if ($group ne '') {
  202:                 $syllabus{'uploaded.photourl'}=
  203:                     &Apache::lonnet::userfileupload('uploaddoc','coursedoc',
  204:                                                     'bulletin/'.$group.'/'.$marker);
  205:             } else {
  206:                 $syllabus{'uploaded.photourl'}=
  207:                     &Apache::lonnet::userfileupload('uploaddoc','coursedoc',
  208:                                                       'bulletin/'.$marker);
  209:             }
  210:         }
  211:         $syllabus{'uploaded.lastmodified'}=time;
  212:         &Apache::lonnet::put('bulletinpage_'.$marker,\%syllabus,$dom,$crs);
  213:     }
  214:     if (($allowed) && ($env{'form.storesyl'})) {
  215:         foreach my $syl_field (keys(%syllabusfields)) {
  216:             my $field=$env{'form.'.$syl_field};
  217:             chomp($field);
  218:             my $gateway = Apache::lonhtmlgateway->new();
  219:             $field = $gateway->process_incoming_html($field,1);
  220:             $syllabus{$syl_field}=$field;
  221:         }
  222:         $syllabus{'uploaded.lastmodified'}=time;
  223:         &Apache::lonnet::put('bulletinpage_'.$marker,\%syllabus,$dom,$crs);
  224:     }
  226: # ---------------------------------------------------------------- Get discussion board
  227:     if (($syllabus{'uploaded.lastmodified'}) || ($allowed)) {
  228:         #Print Topic as Heading
  229:         my $titletext=&HTML::Entities::encode($syllabus{'aaa_title'},'<>&"');;
  230:         if ($target ne 'tex') {
  231:             $r->print('<h2>'.$titletext.'</h2>');
  232:         } else {
  233:             $r->print('\\\\\textbf{'.&Apache::lonxml::xmlparse($r,'tex',$titletext).'}\\\\');
  234:         }
  235:         #Outputbox and Inputbox for Topic
  236:         if ($allowed) {
  237:             $r->print('<form method="post" action="" enctype="multipart/form-data">');
  238:             &Apache::lontemplate::print_start_template($r,&mt('Title'),'LC_Box');
  239:             $r->print($titletext);
  240: 			$r->print("<br /><div>");
  241: 			&Apache::lontemplate::print_textarea_template($r, $syllabus{'aaa_title'},
  242: 				'aaa_title', $syllabusfields{'aaa_title'},
  243: 				Apache::lontemplate->RICH_TEXT_ALWAYS_OFF);
  244: 			&Apache::lontemplate::print_saveall_template($r);
  245: 			$r->print("</div>");
  246: 			&Apache::lontemplate::print_end_template($r);
  247:         }
  248:         if ($syllabus{'uploaded.photourl'}) {
  249:             &Apache::lonnet::allowuploaded('/adm/syllabus',
  250:                                            $syllabus{'uploaded.photourl'});
  251:         }
  252:         #Outputbox and Inputbox for Image upload
  253:         if ($allowed) {
  254:         	my $message = '<img src="'.$syllabus{'uploaded.photourl'}.'" alt="'.&mt('Image').'"/>';
  255:         	&Apache::lontemplate::print_start_template($r, &mt('Upload a Photo'),'LC_Box');
  256:             $r->print($message);
  257:             $r->print("<br /><br />");
  258:             $r->print(
  259:                 '<input type="hidden" name="forceedit" value="'.$env{'form.forceedit'}.'" />'.
  260:                 '<input type="file" name="uploaddoc" size="50" />'.
  261:                 '<input type="submit" name="storeupl" value="'.&mt('Upload').'" />');
  262:             &Apache::lontemplate::print_end_template($r);
  263:         }
  264:         #Image in Student view.
  265:         elsif($syllabus{'uploaded.photourl'} && $target ne 'tex'){
  266:             $r->print('<img src="'.$syllabus{'uploaded.photourl'}.'" alt="'.&mt('Image').'"/>');
  267:         }
  269:         my %custom_handlers = ( 'aaa_title' => sub {} );
  270: 		&Apache::lontemplate::print_template_fields($r, \%syllabus, \%syllabusfields, 
  271: 			$target, $allowed, Apache::lontemplate->RICH_TEXT_DETECT_HTML, \%custom_handlers);
  272:         if ($allowed) {
  273:             $r->print('</form>');
  274:         }
  275:         if ($target ne 'tex'){
  276:             $r->print('<br/><br/><hr/><br/>');
  277:         }
  278:         else {
  279:             $r->print(&Apache::lonxml::xmlparse($r,'tex','<br/><br/><hr/><br/>'));
  280:         }
  281:     } else {
  282:         if ($target ne 'tex') {
  283:            $r->print('<p>'.&mt('No page information provided.').'</p>');
  284:         }
  285:     }
  286:     #Lists discussion posts and box for a new discussion post.
  287:     if ($target ne 'tex') {
  288:         $r->print(&Apache::lonfeedback::list_discussion
  289:                       ('board','OPEN','bulletin___'.$marker.'___'.
  290:                        $r->uri,undef,$group));
  291:     } else {
  292:         $r->print('\\\\'.&Apache::lonxml::xmlparse($r,'tex',&Apache::lonfeedback::list_discussion
  293:                      ('board','OPEN','bulletin___'.$marker.'___'.
  294:                       $r->uri,undef,$group)));
  295:     }
  296:     &print_end_page($r,$target);
  297:     return OK;
  298: }
  300: sub print_end_page {
  301:     my ($r,$target) = @_;
  302:     if ($target ne 'tex') {
  303:         $r->print(&Apache::loncommon::end_page());
  304:     } else {
  305:         $r->print('\end{document}');
  306:     }
  307: }
  309: sub groupboard_breadcrumbs {
  310:     my ($cdom,$cnum,$group,$refarg,$gpterm,$ucgpterm,$description,$boardurl,
  311:         $boardtitle)= @_;
  312:     &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::clear_breadcrumbs();
  313:     my $brcrum = [];
  314:     if ($refarg ne '') {
  315:         push(@{$brcrum},
  316:               {href=>"/adm/coursegroups",
  317:                text=>"Groups",
  318:                title=>"View course groups"});
  319:     }
  320:     my $view_permission =
  321:           &Apache::lonnet::allowed('vcg',$env{''}.($env{'request.course.sec'}?'/'.$env{'request.course.sec'}:''));
  322:     my $navmap=Apache::lonnavmaps::navmap->new();
  323:     my $grouppagelink = &Apache::longroup::get_group_link($cdom,$cnum,$group,$navmap,$view_permission,$refarg);
  324:     if ($grouppagelink) {
  325:         push(@{$brcrum},
  326:             {href=>$grouppagelink,
  327:              text=>&mt('Group').": $description",
  328:              title=>&mt("Go to group's home page"),
  329:              no_mt=>1,},
  330:         );
  331:     } else {
  332:         push(@{$brcrum},
  333:             {text=>&mt('Group').": $description",
  334:              no_mt=>1,}
  335:         );
  336:     }
  337:     push(@{$brcrum},
  338:            {href=>"/adm/groupboards?group=$group&amp;$refarg",
  339:             text=>"Discussion Boards",
  340:             title=>"Display group discussion boards"},
  341:            {href=>"$boardurl",
  342:             text=>"$boardtitle",
  343:             title=>"$boardtitle",
  344:             no_mt=>1},
  345:         );
  346:     return $brcrum;
  347: }
  349: 1;
  350: __END__

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