| ');
if (defined($sone{$_})) { $r->print($sone{$_}."\n"); }
@@ -1164,104 +3318,648 @@ sub csv_samples_select_table {
+=item clean_excel_name($name)
+Returns a replacement for $name which does not contain any illegal characters.
+sub clean_excel_name {
+ my ($name) = @_;
+ $name =~ s/[:\*\?\/\\]//g;
+ if (length($name) > 31) {
+ $name = substr($name,0,31);
+ }
+ return $name;
+=item * check_if_partid_hidden($id,$symb,$udom,$uname)
+Returns either 1 or undef
+1 if the part is to be hidden, undef if it is to be shown
+Arguments are:
+$id the id of the part to be checked
+$symb, optional the symb of the resource to check
+$udom, optional the domain of the user to check for
+$uname, optional the username of the user to check for
+sub check_if_partid_hidden {
+ my ($id,$symb,$udom,$uname) = @_;
+ my $hiddenparts=&Apache::lonnet::EXT('resource.0.hiddenparts',
+ $symb,$udom,$uname);
+ my $truth=1;
+ #if the string starts with !, then the list is the list to show not hide
+ if ($hiddenparts=~s/^\s*!//) { $truth=undef; }
+ my @hiddenlist=split(/,/,$hiddenparts);
+ foreach my $checkid (@hiddenlist) {
+ if ($checkid =~ /^\s*\Q$id\E\s*$/) { return $truth; }
+ }
+ return !$truth;
+=head1 cgi-bin script and graphing routines
+=over 4
+=item get_cgi_id
+Inputs: none
+Returns an id which can be used to pass environment variables
+to various cgi-bin scripts. These environment variables will
+be removed from the users environment after a given time by
+the routine &Apache::lonnet::transfer_profile_to_env.
+my $uniq=0;
+sub get_cgi_id {
+ $uniq=($uniq+1)%100000;
+ return (time.'_'.$uniq);
+=item DrawBarGraph
+Facilitates the plotting of data in a (stacked) bar graph.
+Puts plot definition data into the users environment in order for
+graph.png to plot it. Returns an tag for the plot.
+The bars on the plot are labeled '1','2',...,'n'.
+=over 4
+=item $Title: string, the title of the plot
+=item $xlabel: string, text describing the X-axis of the plot
+=item $ylabel: string, text describing the Y-axis of the plot
+=item $Max: scalar, the maximum Y value to use in the plot
+If $Max is < any data point, the graph will not be rendered.
+=item $colors: array ref holding the colors to be used for the data sets when
+they are plotted. If undefined, default values will be used.
+=item $labels: array ref holding the labels to use on the x-axis for the bars.
+=item @Values: An array of array references. Each array reference holds data
+to be plotted in a stacked bar chart.
+=item If the final element of @Values is a hash reference the key/value
+pairs will be added to the graph definition.
-=head2 Access .tab File Data
+An tag which references graph.png and the appropriate identifying
+information for the plot.
+sub DrawBarGraph {
+ my ($Title,$xlabel,$ylabel,$Max,$colors,$labels,@Values)=@_;
+ #
+ if (! defined($colors)) {
+ $colors = ['#33ff00',
+ '#0033cc', '#990000', '#aaaa66', '#663399', '#ff9933',
+ '#66ccff', '#ff9999', '#cccc33', '#660000', '#33cc66',
+ ];
+ }
+ my $extra_settings = {};
+ if (ref($Values[-1]) eq 'HASH') {
+ $extra_settings = pop(@Values);
+ }
+ #
+ my $identifier = &get_cgi_id();
+ my $id = 'cgi.'.$identifier;
+ if (! @Values || ref($Values[0]) ne 'ARRAY') {
+ return '';
+ }
+ #
+ my @Labels;
+ if (defined($labels)) {
+ @Labels = @$labels;
+ } else {
+ for (my $i=0;$i<@{$Values[0]};$i++) {
+ push (@Labels,$i+1);
+ }
+ }
+ #
+ my $NumBars = scalar(@{$Values[0]});
+ if ($NumBars < scalar(@Labels)) { $NumBars = scalar(@Labels); }
+ my %ValuesHash;
+ my $NumSets=1;
+ foreach my $array (@Values) {
+ next if (! ref($array));
+ $ValuesHash{$id.'.data.'.$NumSets++} =
+ join(',',@$array);
+ }
+ #
+ my ($height,$width,$xskip,$bar_width) = (200,120,1,15);
+ if ($NumBars < 3) {
+ $width = 120+$NumBars*32;
+ $xskip = 1;
+ $bar_width = 30;
+ } elsif ($NumBars < 5) {
+ $width = 120+$NumBars*20;
+ $xskip = 1;
+ $bar_width = 20;
+ } elsif ($NumBars < 10) {
+ $width = 120+$NumBars*15;
+ $xskip = 1;
+ $bar_width = 15;
+ } elsif ($NumBars <= 25) {
+ $width = 120+$NumBars*11;
+ $xskip = 5;
+ $bar_width = 8;
+ } elsif ($NumBars <= 50) {
+ $width = 120+$NumBars*8;
+ $xskip = 5;
+ $bar_width = 4;
+ } else {
+ $width = 120+$NumBars*8;
+ $xskip = 5;
+ $bar_width = 4;
+ }
+ #
+ $Max = 1 if ($Max < 1);
+ if ( int($Max) < $Max ) {
+ $Max++;
+ $Max = int($Max);
+ }
+ $Title = '' if (! defined($Title));
+ $xlabel = '' if (! defined($xlabel));
+ $ylabel = '' if (! defined($ylabel));
+ $ValuesHash{$id.'.title'} = &Apache::lonnet::escape($Title);
+ $ValuesHash{$id.'.xlabel'} = &Apache::lonnet::escape($xlabel);
+ $ValuesHash{$id.'.ylabel'} = &Apache::lonnet::escape($ylabel);
+ $ValuesHash{$id.'.y_max_value'} = $Max;
+ $ValuesHash{$id.'.NumBars'} = $NumBars;
+ $ValuesHash{$id.'.NumSets'} = $NumSets;
+ $ValuesHash{$id.'.PlotType'} = 'bar';
+ $ValuesHash{$id.'.Colors'} = join(',',@{$colors});
+ $ValuesHash{$id.'.height'} = $height;
+ $ValuesHash{$id.'.width'} = $width;
+ $ValuesHash{$id.'.xskip'} = $xskip;
+ $ValuesHash{$id.'.bar_width'} = $bar_width;
+ $ValuesHash{$id.'.labels'} = join(',',@Labels);
+ #
+ # Deal with other parameters
+ while (my ($key,$value) = each(%$extra_settings)) {
+ $ValuesHash{$id.'.'.$key} = $value;
+ }
+ #
+ &Apache::lonnet::appenv(%ValuesHash);
+ return '';
+=item DrawXYGraph
+Facilitates the plotting of data in an XY graph.
+Puts plot definition data into the users environment in order for
+graph.png to plot it. Returns an tag for the plot.
=over 4
-=item languageids()
+=item $Title: string, the title of the plot
-returns list of all language ids
+=item $xlabel: string, text describing the X-axis of the plot
-=item languagedescription()
+=item $ylabel: string, text describing the Y-axis of the plot
-returns description of a specified language id
+=item $Max: scalar, the maximum Y value to use in the plot
+If $Max is < any data point, the graph will not be rendered.
-=item copyrightids()
+=item $colors: Array ref containing the hex color codes for the data to be
+plotted in. If undefined, default values will be used.
-returns list of all copyrights
+=item $Xlabels: Array ref containing the labels to be used for the X-axis.
-=item copyrightdescription()
+=item $Ydata: Array ref containing Array refs.
+Each of the contained arrays will be plotted as a separate curve.
-returns description of a specified copyright id
+=item %Values: hash indicating or overriding any default values which are
+passed to graph.png.
+Possible values are: width, xskip, x_ticks, x_tick_offset, among others.
-=item filecategories()
-returns list of all file categories
-=item filecategorytypes()
+An tag which references graph.png and the appropriate identifying
+information for the plot.
-returns list of file types belonging to a given file
+sub DrawXYGraph {
+ my ($Title,$xlabel,$ylabel,$Max,$colors,$Xlabels,$Ydata,%Values)=@_;
+ #
+ # Create the identifier for the graph
+ my $identifier = &get_cgi_id();
+ my $id = 'cgi.'.$identifier;
+ #
+ $Title = '' if (! defined($Title));
+ $xlabel = '' if (! defined($xlabel));
+ $ylabel = '' if (! defined($ylabel));
+ my %ValuesHash =
+ (
+ $id.'.title' => &Apache::lonnet::escape($Title),
+ $id.'.xlabel' => &Apache::lonnet::escape($xlabel),
+ $id.'.ylabel' => &Apache::lonnet::escape($ylabel),
+ $id.'.y_max_value'=> $Max,
+ $id.'.labels' => join(',',@$Xlabels),
+ $id.'.PlotType' => 'XY',
+ );
+ #
+ if (defined($colors) && ref($colors) eq 'ARRAY') {
+ $ValuesHash{$id.'.Colors'} = join(',',@{$colors});
+ }
+ #
+ if (! ref($Ydata) || ref($Ydata) ne 'ARRAY') {
+ return '';
+ }
+ my $NumSets=1;
+ foreach my $array (@{$Ydata}){
+ next if (! ref($array));
+ $ValuesHash{$id.'.data.'.$NumSets++} = join(',',@$array);
+ }
+ $ValuesHash{$id.'.NumSets'} = $NumSets-1;
+ #
+ # Deal with other parameters
+ while (my ($key,$value) = each(%Values)) {
+ $ValuesHash{$id.'.'.$key} = $value;
+ }
+ #
+ &Apache::lonnet::appenv(%ValuesHash);
+ return '';
-=item fileembstyle()
-returns embedding style for a specified file type
-=item filedescription()
+=item DrawXYYGraph
-returns description for a specified file type
+Facilitates the plotting of data in an XY graph with two Y axes.
+Puts plot definition data into the users environment in order for
+graph.png to plot it. Returns an tag for the plot.
-=item filedescriptionex()
-returns description for a specified file type with
-extra formatting
+=over 4
+=item $Title: string, the title of the plot
+=item $xlabel: string, text describing the X-axis of the plot
+=item $ylabel: string, text describing the Y-axis of the plot
+=item $colors: Array ref containing the hex color codes for the data to be
+plotted in. If undefined, default values will be used.
+=item $Xlabels: Array ref containing the labels to be used for the X-axis.
+=item $Ydata1: The first data set
+=item $Min1: The minimum value of the left Y-axis
+=item $Max1: The maximum value of the left Y-axis
+=item $Ydata2: The second data set
+=item $Min2: The minimum value of the right Y-axis
+=item $Max2: The maximum value of the left Y-axis
+=item %Values: hash indicating or overriding any default values which are
+passed to graph.png.
+Possible values are: width, xskip, x_ticks, x_tick_offset, among others.
-=head2 Alternate Problem Views
+An tag which references graph.png and the appropriate identifying
+information for the plot.
+sub DrawXYYGraph {
+ my ($Title,$xlabel,$ylabel,$colors,$Xlabels,$Ydata1,$Min1,$Max1,
+ $Ydata2,$Min2,$Max2,%Values)=@_;
+ #
+ # Create the identifier for the graph
+ my $identifier = &get_cgi_id();
+ my $id = 'cgi.'.$identifier;
+ #
+ $Title = '' if (! defined($Title));
+ $xlabel = '' if (! defined($xlabel));
+ $ylabel = '' if (! defined($ylabel));
+ my %ValuesHash =
+ (
+ $id.'.title' => &Apache::lonnet::escape($Title),
+ $id.'.xlabel' => &Apache::lonnet::escape($xlabel),
+ $id.'.ylabel' => &Apache::lonnet::escape($ylabel),
+ $id.'.labels' => join(',',@$Xlabels),
+ $id.'.PlotType' => 'XY',
+ $id.'.NumSets' => 2,
+ $id.'.two_axes' => 1,
+ $id.'.y1_max_value' => $Max1,
+ $id.'.y1_min_value' => $Min1,
+ $id.'.y2_max_value' => $Max2,
+ $id.'.y2_min_value' => $Min2,
+ );
+ #
+ if (defined($colors) && ref($colors) eq 'ARRAY') {
+ $ValuesHash{$id.'.Colors'} = join(',',@{$colors});
+ }
+ #
+ if (! ref($Ydata1) || ref($Ydata1) ne 'ARRAY' ||
+ ! ref($Ydata2) || ref($Ydata2) ne 'ARRAY'){
+ return '';
+ }
+ my $NumSets=1;
+ foreach my $array ($Ydata1,$Ydata2){
+ next if (! ref($array));
+ $ValuesHash{$id.'.data.'.$NumSets++} = join(',',@$array);
+ }
+ #
+ # Deal with other parameters
+ while (my ($key,$value) = each(%Values)) {
+ $ValuesHash{$id.'.'.$key} = $value;
+ }
+ #
+ &Apache::lonnet::appenv(%ValuesHash);
+ return '';
+=head1 Statistics helper routines?
+Bad place for them but what the hell.
=over 4
-=item get_previous_attempt()
+=item &chartlink
-return string with previous attempt on problem
+Returns a link to the chart for a specific student.
-=item get_student_view()
-show a snapshot of what student was looking at
+=over 4
-=item get_student_answers()
+=item $linktext: The text of the link
-show a snapshot of how student was answering problem
+=item $sname: The students username
+=item $sdomain: The students domain
-=head2 HTTP Helper
+sub chartlink {
+ my ($linktext, $sname, $sdomain) = @_;
+ my $link = ''.$linktext.'';
+=head1 Course Environment Routines
=over 4
-=item get_unprocessed_cgi($query,$possible_names)
+=item &restore_course_settings
-Modify the %ENV hash to contain unprocessed CGI form parameters held in
-$query. The parameters listed in $possible_names (an array reference),
-will be set in $ENV{'form.name'} if they do not already exist.
+=item &store_course_settings
-Typically called with $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'} as the first parameter.
-$possible_names is an ref to an array of form element names. As an example:
-will result in $ENV{'form.uname'} and $ENV{'form.udom'} being set.
+Restores/Store indicated form parameters from the course environment.
+Will not overwrite existing values of the form parameters.
-=item cacheheader()
+a scalar describing the data (e.g. 'chart', 'problem_analysis')
+a hash ref describing the data to be stored. For example:
+%Save_Parameters = ('Status' => 'scalar',
+ 'chartoutputmode' => 'scalar',
+ 'chartoutputdata' => 'scalar',
+ 'Section' => 'array',
+ 'StudentData' => 'array',
+ 'Maps' => 'array');
-returns cache-controlling header code
+Returns: both routines return nothing
-=item nocache()
-specifies header code to not have cache
+sub store_course_settings {
+ # save to the environment
+ # appenv the same items, just to be safe
+ my $courseid = $ENV{'request.course.id'};
+ my $coursedom = $ENV{'course.'.$courseid.'.domain'};
+ my ($prefix,$Settings) = @_;
+ my %SaveHash;
+ my %AppHash;
+ while (my ($setting,$type) = each(%$Settings)) {
+ my $basename = 'internal.'.$prefix.'.'.$setting;
+ my $envname = 'course.'.$courseid.'.'.$basename;
+ if (exists($ENV{'form.'.$setting})) {
+ # Save this value away
+ if ($type eq 'scalar' &&
+ (! exists($ENV{$envname}) ||
+ $ENV{$envname} ne $ENV{'form.'.$setting})) {
+ $SaveHash{$basename} = $ENV{'form.'.$setting};
+ $AppHash{$envname} = $ENV{'form.'.$setting};
+ } elsif ($type eq 'array') {
+ my $stored_form;
+ if (ref($ENV{'form.'.$setting})) {
+ $stored_form = join(',',
+ map {
+ &Apache::lonnet::escape($_);
+ } sort(@{$ENV{'form.'.$setting}}));
+ } else {
+ $stored_form =
+ &Apache::lonnet::escape($ENV{'form.'.$setting});
+ }
+ # Determine if the array contents are the same.
+ if ($stored_form ne $ENV{$envname}) {
+ $SaveHash{$basename} = $stored_form;
+ $AppHash{$envname} = $stored_form;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ my $put_result = &Apache::lonnet::put('environment',\%SaveHash,
+ $coursedom,
+ $ENV{'course.'.$courseid.'.num'});
+ if ($put_result !~ /^(ok|delayed)/) {
+ &Apache::lonnet::logthis('unable to save form parameters, '.
+ 'got error:'.$put_result);
+ }
+ # Make sure these settings stick around in this session, too
+ &Apache::lonnet::appenv(%AppHash);
+ return;
-=item add_to_env($name,$value)
+sub restore_course_settings {
+ my $courseid = $ENV{'request.course.id'};
+ my ($prefix,$Settings) = @_;
+ while (my ($setting,$type) = each(%$Settings)) {
+ next if (exists($ENV{'form.'.$setting}));
+ my $envname = 'course.'.$courseid.'.internal.'.$prefix.
+ '.'.$setting;
+ if (exists($ENV{$envname})) {
+ if ($type eq 'scalar') {
+ $ENV{'form.'.$setting} = $ENV{$envname};
+ } elsif ($type eq 'array') {
+ $ENV{'form.'.$setting} = [
+ map {
+ &Apache::lonnet::unescape($_);
+ } split(',',$ENV{$envname})
+ ];
+ }
+ }
+ }
-adds $name to the %ENV hash with value
-$value, if $name already exists, the entry is converted to an array
-reference and $value is added to the array.
+sub propath {
+ my ($udom,$uname)=@_;
+ $udom=~s/\W//g;
+ $uname=~s/\W//g;
+ my $subdir=$uname.'__';
+ $subdir =~ s/(.)(.)(.).*/$1\/$2\/$3/;
+ my $proname="$Apache::lonnet::perlvar{'lonUsersDir'}/$udom/$subdir/$uname";
+ return $proname;
+sub icon {
+ my ($file)=@_;
+ my $curfext = (split(/\./,$file))[-1];
+ my $iconname=$Apache::lonnet::perlvar{'lonIconsURL'}.'/unknown.gif';
+ my $embstyle = &Apache::loncommon::fileembstyle($curfext);
+ if (!(!defined($embstyle) || $embstyle eq 'unk' || $embstyle eq 'hdn')) {
+ if (-e $Apache::lonnet::perlvar{'lonDocRoot'}.'/'.
+ $Apache::lonnet::perlvar{'lonIconsURL'}.'/'.
+ $curfext.".gif") {
+ $iconname=$Apache::lonnet::perlvar{'lonIconsURL'}.'/'.
+ $curfext.".gif";
+ }
+ }
+ return $iconname;
+sub lonhttpdurl {
+ my ($url)=@_;
+ my $lonhttpd_port=$Apache::lonnet::perlvar{'lonhttpdPort'};
+ if (!defined($lonhttpd_port)) { $lonhttpd_port='8080'; }
+ return 'http://'.$ENV{'SERVER_NAME'}.':'.$lonhttpd_port.$url;
+sub connection_aborted {
+ my ($r)=@_;
+ $r->print(" ");$r->rflush();
+ my $c = $r->connection;
+ return $c->aborted();
+# Escapes strings that may have embedded 's that will be put into
+# strings as 'strings'.
+sub escape_single {
+ my ($input) = @_;
+ $input =~ s/\\/\\\\/g; # Escape the \'s..(must be first)>
+ $input =~ s/\'/\\\'/g; # Esacpe the 's....
+ return $input;
+# Same as escape_single, but escape's "'s This
+# can be used for "strings"
+sub escape_double {
+ my ($input) = @_;
+ $input =~ s/\\/\\\\/g; # Escape the /'s..(must be first)>
+ $input =~ s/\"/\\\"/g; # Esacpe the "s....
+ return $input;
+# Escapes the last element of a full URL.
+sub escape_url {
+ my ($url) = @_;
+ my @urlslices = split(/\//, $url,-1);
+ my $lastitem = &Apache::lonnet::escape(pop(@urlslices));
+ return join('/',@urlslices).'/'.$lastitem;