--- loncom/interface/loncreateuser.pm 2001/02/21 20:38:35 1.3
+++ loncom/interface/loncreateuser.pm 2002/02/08 19:40:42 1.24
@@ -1,6 +1,30 @@
-# The LearningOnline Network
+# The LearningOnline Network with CAPA
# Create a user
+# $Id: loncreateuser.pm,v 1.24 2002/02/08 19:40:42 matthew Exp $
+# Copyright Michigan State University Board of Trustees
+# This file is part of the LearningOnline Network with CAPA (LON-CAPA).
+# LON-CAPA is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# LON-CAPA is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with LON-CAPA; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+# /home/httpd/html/adm/gpl.txt
+# http://www.lon-capa.org/
# (Create a course
# (My Desk
@@ -10,20 +34,154 @@
# 5/21/99,5/22,5/25,5/26,5/31,6/2,6/10,7/12,7/14,
# 1/14/00,5/29,5/30,6/1,6/29,7/1,11/9 Gerd Kortemeyer)
+# YEAR=2001
# 3/1/1 Gerd Kortemeyer)
# 3/1 Gerd Kortemeyer)
# 2/14 Gerd Kortemeyer)
-# 2/14,2/17,2/19,2/20,2/21 Gerd Kortemeyer
+# 2/14,2/17,2/19,2/20,2/21,2/22,2/23,3/2,3/17,3/24,04/12 Gerd Kortemeyer
+# April Guy Albertelli
+# 05/10,10/16 Gerd Kortemeyer
+# 11/12,11/13,11/15 Scott Harrison
+# $Id: loncreateuser.pm,v 1.24 2002/02/08 19:40:42 matthew Exp $
package Apache::loncreateuser;
use strict;
use Apache::Constants qw(:common :http);
use Apache::lonnet;
+my $loginscript; # piece of javascript used in two separate instances
+my $generalrule;
+my $authformnop;
+my $authformkrb;
+my $authformint;
+my $authformfsys;
+my $authformloc;
+ $ENV{'SERVER_NAME'}=~/(\w+\.\w+)$/;
+ my $krbdefdom=$1;
+ $krbdefdom=~tr/a-z/A-Z/;
+ $authformnop=(<
+Do not change login data
+ my $currentauth=&Apache::lonnet::queryauthenticate($ccuname,$ccdomain);
+ if ($currentauth=~/^krb4:/) {
+ $currentauth=~/^krb4:(.*)/;
+ my $krbdefdom2=$1;
+ $loginscript=~s/vf\.krbdom\.value='.*?';/vf.krbdom.value='$krbdefdom2';/;
+ }
+ # minor script hack here
+# $loginscript=~s/login\[3\]/login\[4\]/; # loc
+# $loginscript=~s/login\[2\]/login\[3\]/; # fsys
+# $loginscript=~s/login\[1\]/login\[2\]/; # int
+# $loginscript=~s/login\[0\]/login\[1\]/; # krb4
+ unless ($currentauth=~/^krb4:/ or
+ $currentauth=~/^unix:/ or
+ $currentauth=~/^internal:/ or
+ $currentauth=~/^localauth:/
+ ) {
+ $r->print(<
+This user has an unrecognized authentication scheme ($currentauth).
+Please specify login data below.
Login Data
+ }
+ else {
+ my $authformcurrent='';
+ my $authformother='';
+ if ($currentauth=~/^krb4:/) {
+ $authformcurrent=$authformkrb;
+ $authformother=$authformint.$authformfsys.$authformloc;
+ # embarrassing script hack here
+ $loginscript=~s/login\[3\]/login\[4\]/; # loc
+ $loginscript=~s/login\[2\]/login\[3\]/; # fsys
+ $loginscript=~s/login\[1\]/login\[2\]/; # int
+ $loginscript=~s/login\[0\]/login\[1\]/; # krb4
+ }
+ elsif ($currentauth=~/^internal:/) {
+ $authformcurrent=$authformint;
+ $authformother=$authformkrb.$authformfsys.$authformloc;
+ # embarrassing script hack here
+ $loginscript=~s/login\[3\]/login\[4\]/; # loc
+ $loginscript=~s/login\[2\]/login\[3\]/; # fsys
+ $loginscript=~s/login\[1\]/login\[1\]/; # int
+ $loginscript=~s/login\[0\]/login\[2\]/; # krb4
+ }
+ elsif ($currentauth=~/^unix:/) {
+ $authformcurrent=$authformfsys;
+ $authformother=$authformkrb.$authformint.$authformloc;
+ # embarrassing script hack here
+ $loginscript=~s/login\[3\]/login\[4\]/; # loc
+ $loginscript=~s/login\[1\]/login\[3\]/; # int
+ $loginscript=~s/login\[2\]/login\[1\]/; # fsys
+ $loginscript=~s/login\[0\]/login\[2\]/; # krb4
+ }
+ elsif ($currentauth=~/^localauth:/) {
+ $authformcurrent=$authformloc;
+ $authformother=$authformkrb.$authformint.$authformfsys;
+ # embarrassing script hack here
+ $loginscript=~s/login\[3\]/login\[loc\]/; # loc
+ $loginscript=~s/login\[2\]/login\[4\]/; # fsys
+ $loginscript=~s/login\[1\]/login\[3\]/; # int
+ $loginscript=~s/login\[0\]/login\[2\]/; # krb4
+ $loginscript=~s/login\[loc\]/login\[1\]/; # loc
+ }
+ $authformcurrent=<
* * * WARNING * * *
* * * WARNING * * *
Changing this value will overwrite existing authentication for the user; you should notify the user of this change.
+ $r->print(<
Change Current Login Data
Enter New Login Data
+ }
+ }
+ $r->print('
Add Roles
+# Co-Author
+ if (&Apache::lonnet::allowed('cca',$ENV{'user.domain'})) {
+ my $cuname=$ENV{'user.name'};
+ my $cudom=$ENV{'user.domain'};
+ $r->print(<Construction Space
- map {
+ foreach (sort( keys(%inccourses))) {
my $thiscourse=$_;
+ my $protectedcourse=$_;
+ $thiscourse=~s:_:/:g;
my %coursedata=&Apache::lonnet::coursedescription($thiscourse);
my $area=$coursedata{'description'};
my $bgcol=$thiscourse;
- map {
+ foreach ('st','ta','ep','ad','in','cc') {
if (&Apache::lonnet::allowed('c'.$_,$thiscourse)) {
my $plrole=&Apache::lonnet::plaintext($_);
- $r->print(<print("
+ if ($_ ne 'cc') {
+ $r->print("");
+ } else { $r->print(" "); }
+ $r->print(<Set Start Date
+"javascript:pjump('date_start','Start Date $plrole',document.cu.start_$protectedcourse\_$_.value,'start_$protectedcourse\_$_','cu.pres','dateset')">Set Start Date
+"javascript:pjump('date_end','End Date $plrole',document.cu.end_$protectedcourse\_$_.value,'end_$protectedcourse\_$_','cu.pres','dateset')">Set End Date