--- loncom/interface/loncreateuser.pm	2001/03/17 15:42:24	1.8
+++ loncom/interface/loncreateuser.pm	2002/08/07 18:49:36	1.38
@@ -1,6 +1,30 @@
-# The LearningOnline Network
+# The LearningOnline Network with CAPA
 # Create a user
+# $Id: loncreateuser.pm,v 1.38 2002/08/07 18:49:36 matthew Exp $
+# Copyright Michigan State University Board of Trustees
+# This file is part of the LearningOnline Network with CAPA (LON-CAPA).
+# LON-CAPA is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# LON-CAPA is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with LON-CAPA; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+# /home/httpd/html/adm/gpl.txt
+# http://www.lon-capa.org/
 # (Create a course
 # (My Desk
@@ -10,26 +34,60 @@
 # 5/21/99,5/22,5/25,5/26,5/31,6/2,6/10,7/12,7/14,
 # 1/14/00,5/29,5/30,6/1,6/29,7/1,11/9 Gerd Kortemeyer)
+# YEAR=2001
 # 3/1/1 Gerd Kortemeyer)
 # 3/1 Gerd Kortemeyer)
 # 2/14 Gerd Kortemeyer)
-# 2/14,2/17,2/19,2/20,2/21,2/22,2/23,3/2,3/17 Gerd Kortemeyer
+# 2/14,2/17,2/19,2/20,2/21,2/22,2/23,3/2,3/17,3/24,04/12 Gerd Kortemeyer
+# April Guy Albertelli
+# 05/10,10/16 Gerd Kortemeyer 
+# 11/12,11/13,11/15 Scott Harrison
+# 02/11/02 Matthew Hall
+# $Id: loncreateuser.pm,v 1.38 2002/08/07 18:49:36 matthew Exp $
 package Apache::loncreateuser;
 use strict;
 use Apache::Constants qw(:common :http);
 use Apache::lonnet;
+my $loginscript; # piece of javascript used in two separate instances
+my $generalrule;
+my $authformnop;
+my $authformkrb;
+my $authformint;
+my $authformfsys;
+my $authformloc;
+    $ENV{'SERVER_NAME'}=~/(\w+\.\w+)$/;
+    my $krbdefdom=$1;
+    $krbdefdom=~tr/a-z/A-Z/;
+    my %param = ( formname => 'document.cu',
+                  kerb_def_dom => $krbdefdom 
+                  );
+    $loginscript  = &Apache::loncommon::authform_header(%param);
+    $generalrule  = &Apache::loncommon::authform_authorwarning(%param);
+    $authformnop  = &Apache::loncommon::authform_nochange(%param);
+    $authformkrb  = &Apache::loncommon::authform_kerberos(%param);
+    $authformint  = &Apache::loncommon::authform_internal(%param);
+    $authformfsys = &Apache::loncommon::authform_filesystem(%param);
+    $authformloc  = &Apache::loncommon::authform_local(%param);
 # =================================================================== Phase one
 sub phase_one {
     my $r=shift;
     my $defdom=$ENV{'user.domain'};
-    $r->print(<<ENDDOCUMENT);
+    my @domains = &Apache::loncommon::get_domains();
+    my $domform = &Apache::loncommon::select_dom_form($defdom,'ccdomain');
+    $r->print(<<"ENDDOCUMENT");
 <title>The LearningOnline Network with CAPA</title>
@@ -38,8 +96,10 @@ sub phase_one {
 <h1>Create User, Change User Privileges</h1>
 <form action=/adm/createuser method=post>
 <input type=hidden name=phase value=two>
 Username: <input type=text size=15 name=ccuname><br>
-Domain: <input type=text size=15 name=ccdomain value=$defdom><p>
+Domain: $domform 
 <input type=submit value="Continue">
@@ -48,7 +108,6 @@ ENDDOCUMENT
 # =================================================================== Phase two
 sub phase_two {
     my $r=shift;
     my $ccuname=$ENV{'form.ccuname'};
@@ -57,16 +116,20 @@ sub phase_two {
     my $krbdefdom=$1;
+    my %param = ( formname => 'document.cu',
+                  kerb_def_dom => $krbdefdom 
+                  );
+    $loginscript  = &Apache::loncommon::authform_header(%param);
     my $defdom=$ENV{'user.domain'};
-    $r->print(<<ENDENHEAD);
+    my $dochead =<<"ENDDOCHEAD";
 <title>The LearningOnline Network with CAPA</title>
+<script type="text/javascript" language="Javascript">
     function pclose() {
@@ -92,152 +155,308 @@ sub phase_two {
 <body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
-<img align=right src=/adm/lonIcons/lonlogos.gif>
-<h1>Create User, Change User Privileges</h1>
-<form action=/adm/createuser method=post name=cu>
-<input type=hidden name=phase value=three>
-<input type=hidden name=ccuname value=$ccuname>
-<input type=hidden name=ccdomain value=$ccdomain>
-<input type="hidden" value='' name="pres_value">
-<input type="hidden" value='' name="pres_type">
-<input type="hidden" value='' name="pres_marker">
-<input type=hidden name=cuname value="$ccuname">
-<input type=hidden name=cdomain value="$ccdomain">
+<img align="right" src="/adm/lonIcons/lonlogos.gif">
+    my $forminfo =<<"ENDFORMINFO";
+<form action="/adm/createuser" method="post" name="cu">
+<input type="hidden" name="phase"       value="three">
+<input type="hidden" name="ccuname"     value="$ccuname">
+<input type="hidden" name="ccdomain"    value="$ccdomain">
+<input type="hidden" name="pres_value"  value="" >
+<input type="hidden" name="pres_type"   value="" >
+<input type="hidden" name="pres_marker" value="" >
     my $uhome=&Apache::lonnet::homeserver($ccuname,$ccdomain);
     my %incdomains; 
     my %inccourses;
-    $incdomains{$ENV{'user.domain'}}=1;
-    map {
+    foreach (%Apache::lonnet::hostdom) {
+       $incdomains{$_}=1;
+    }
+    foreach (keys(%ENV)) {
 	if ($_=~/^user\.priv\.cm\.\/(\w+)\/(\w+)/) {
-    } %ENV;
+    }
     if ($uhome eq 'no_host') {
-	$r->print(<<ENDNUSER);
-<h2>New user $ccuname at $ccdomain</h2>
-function setkrb(vf) {
-    if (vf.krbdom.value!='') {
-       vf.login[0].checked=true;
-       vf.krbdom.value=vf.krbdom.value.toUpperCase();
-       vf.intpwd.value='';
-   }
-function setint(vf) {
-    if (vf.intpwd.value!='') {
-       vf.login[1].checked=true;
-       vf.krbdom.value='';
-   }
-function clickkrb(vf) {
-    vf.krbdom.value='$krbdefdom';
-    vf.intpwd.value='';
-function clickint(vf) {
-    vf.krbdom.value='';
+        my $home_server_list=
+            '<option value="default" selected>default</option>'."\n".
+                &Apache::loncommon::home_server_option_list($ccdomain);
+	$r->print(<<ENDNEWUSER);
+<h1>Create New User</h1>
+<h2>New user "$ccuname" in domain $ccdomain</h2>
+<script type="text/javascript" language="Javascript">
-<input type=hidden name=makeuser value=1>
+<input type='hidden' name='makeuser' value='1' />
 <h3>Personal Data</h3>
-First Name: <input type=text name=cfirst size=15><br>
-Middle Name: <input type=text name=cmiddle size=15><br>
-Last Name: <input type=text name=clast size=15><br>
-Generation: <input type=text name=cgen size=5><p>
-ID/Student Number: <input type=text name=cstid size=10><p>
+<tr><td>First Name  </td>
+    <td><input type='text' name='cfirst'  size='15' /></td></tr>
+<tr><td>Middle Name </td> 
+    <td><input type='text' name='cmiddle' size='15' /></td></tr>
+<tr><td>Last Name   </td>
+    <td><input type='text' name='clast'   size='15' /></td></tr>
+<tr><td>Generation  </td>
+    <td><input type='text' name='cgen'    size='5'  /></td></tr>
+ID/Student Number <input type='text' name='cstid'   size='15' /></p>
+Home Server: <select name="hserver" size="1"> $home_server_list </select>
+<hr />
 <h3>Login Data</h3>
-<input type=radio name=login value=krb onClick="clickkrb(this.form);">
-Kerberos authenticated with domain
-<input type=text size=10 name=krbdom onChange="setkrb(this.form);"><p>
-<input type=radio name=login value=int onClick="clickint(this.form);"> 
-Internally authenticated (with initial password 
-<input type=text size=10 name=intpwd onChange="setint(this.form);">)
-    } else {
-	$r->print('<h2>Existing user '.$ccuname.' at '.$ccdomain.'</h2>');
-        my $rolesdump=&Apache::lonnet::reply(
-                                  "dump:$ccdomain:$ccuname:roles",$uhome);
-        unless ($rolesdump eq 'con_lost') { 
+<p>$generalrule </p>
+<p>$authformkrb </p>
+<p>$authformint </p>
+<p>$authformloc </p>
+    } else { # user already exists
+	$r->print(<<ENDCHANGEUSER);
+<h1>Change User Privileges</h1>
+<h2>User "$ccuname" in domain $ccdomain </h2>
+        # Get the users information
+        my %userenv = &Apache::lonnet::get('environment',
+                          ['firstname','middlename','lastname','generation'],
+                          $ccdomain,$ccuname);
+        my %rolesdump=&Apache::lonnet::dump('roles',$ccdomain,$ccuname);
+        $r->print(<<END);
+<hr />
+<table border="2">
+<th>first name</th><th>middle name</th><th>last name</th><th>generation</th>
+        foreach ('firstname','middlename','lastname','generation') {
+           if (&Apache::lonnet::allowed('mau',$ccdomain)) {
+              $r->print(<<"END");            
+<td><input type="text" name="c$_" value="$userenv{$_}" size="15"/></td>
+           } else {
+               $r->print('<td>'.$userenv{$_}.'</td>');
+           }
+        }
+        $r->print(<<END);
+        # Build up table of user roles to allow revocation of a role.
+        my ($tmp) = keys(%rolesdump);
+        unless ($tmp =~ /^(con_lost|error)/i) {
            my $now=time;
-           $r->print('<h4>Revoke Existing Roles</h4>'.
-             '<table border=2><tr><th>Revoke</th><th>Role</th><th>Extent</th>'.
-		     '<th>Start</th><th>End</th>');
-           map {
-             if ($_!~/^rolesdef\&/) {
-              my ($area,$role)=split(/=/,$_);
-              my $thisrole=$area;
-              $area=~s/\_\w\w$//;
-              my ($trole,$tend,$tstart)=split(/_/,$role);
-              my $bgcol='ffffff';
-              my $allows=0;
-              if ($area=~/^\/(\w+)\/(\d\w+)/) {
-                 my %coursedata=&Apache::lonnet::coursedescription($1.'_'.$2);
-                 my $carea='Course: '.$coursedata{'description'};
-                 $inccourses{$1.'_'.$2}=1;
-                 if (&Apache::lonnet::allowed('c'.$trole,$1.'/'.$2)) {
-		     $allows=1;
-                 }
-                 $bgcol=$1.'_'.$2;
-                 $bgcol=~s/[^8-9b-e]//g;
-                 $bgcol=substr($bgcol.$bgcol.$bgcol.'ffffff',0,6);
-                 if ($area=~/^\/(\w+)\/(\d\w+)\/(\w+)/) {
-                     $carea.='<br>Section/Group: '.$3;
-		 }
-                 $area=$carea;
-	      } else {
-                 if ($area=~/^\/(\w+)\//) {
-		     $incdomains{$1}=1;
-                     if (&Apache::lonnet::allowed('c'.$trole,$1)) {
-			 $allows=1;
-                     }
-                 } else {
-                     if (&Apache::lonnet::allowed('c'.$trole,'/')) {
-			 $allows=1;
-                     }
-                 }
-	      }
-              my $active=1;
-              if (($tend) && ($now>$tend)) { $active=0; }
-              $r->print('<tr bgcolor=#'.$bgcol.'><td>');
-              if ($active) {
-                  if ($allows) {
-		     $r->print(
-                             '<input type=checkbox name="rev:'.$thisrole.'">');
-		 } else {
-                     $r->print('&nbsp;');
-                 }
-              } else {
-                  $r->print('&nbsp;');
-              }
-              $r->print('</td><td>'.&Apache::lonnet::plaintext($trole).
-                        '</td><td>'.$area.'</td><td>'.
-                        ($tstart?localtime($tstart):'&nbsp;').'</td><td>'.
-                        ($tend?localtime($tend):'&nbsp;')."</td></tr>\n");
-	     }
-	   } split(/&/,$rolesdump);
+           $r->print(<<END);
+<hr />
+<h3>Revoke Existing Roles</h3>
+<table border=2>
+	   foreach my $area (keys(%rolesdump)) {
+               next if ($area =~ /^rolesdef/);
+               my $role = $rolesdump{$area};
+               my $thisrole=$area;
+               $area =~ s/\_\w\w$//;
+               my ($role_code,$role_end_time,$role_start_time) = 
+                   split(/_/,$role);
+               my $bgcol='ffffff';
+               my $allowed=0;
+               if ($area =~ /^\/(\w+)\/(\d\w+)/ ) {
+                   my %coursedata=
+                       &Apache::lonnet::coursedescription($1.'_'.$2);
+                   my $carea='Course: '.$coursedata{'description'};
+                   $inccourses{$1.'_'.$2}=1;
+                   if (&Apache::lonnet::allowed('c'.$role_code,$1.'/'.$2)) {
+                       $allowed=1;
+                   }
+                   # Compute the background color based on $area
+                   $bgcol=$1.'_'.$2;
+                   $bgcol=~s/[^8-9b-e]//g;
+                   $bgcol=substr($bgcol.$bgcol.$bgcol.'ffffff',0,6);
+                   if ($area=~/^\/(\w+)\/(\d\w+)\/(\w+)/) {
+                       $carea.='<br>Section/Group: '.$3;
+                   }
+                   $area=$carea;
+               } else {
+                   # Determine if current user is able to revoke privileges
+                   if ($area=~ /^\/(\w+)\//) {
+                       if (&Apache::lonnet::allowed('c'.$role_code,$1)) {
+                           $allowed=1;
+                       }
+                   } else {
+                       if (&Apache::lonnet::allowed('c'.$role_code,'/')) {
+                           $allowed=1;
+                       }
+                   }
+               }
+               # I have no idea what the hell the above code does
+               # So the following is a check:
+               if ($allowed) {
+                   # If we are looking at a co-author role, make sure it is 
+                   # for the current users construction space before we let 
+                   # them revoke it.
+                   if (($role_code eq 'ca') && 
+                       ($ENV{'request.role'} !~ /^dc/)) {
+                       if ($area !~ 
+                           /^\/$ENV{'user.domain'}\/$ENV{'user.name'}/) {
+                           $allowed = 0;
+                       }
+                   }
+               }
+               my $row = '';
+               $row.='<tr bgcolor=#"'.$bgcol.'"><td>';
+               my $active=1;
+               $active=0 if (($role_end_time) && ($now>$role_end_time));
+               if (($active) && ($allowed)) {
+                   $row.= '<input type="checkbox" name="rev:'.$thisrole.'">';
+               } else {
+                   $row.='&nbsp;';
+               }
+               $row.= '</td><td>'.&Apache::lonnet::plaintext($role_code).
+                      '</td><td>'.$area.
+                      '</td><td>'.($role_start_time?localtime($role_start_time)
+                                                   : '&nbsp;' ).
+                      '</td><td>'.($role_end_time  ?localtime($role_end_time)
+                                                   : '&nbsp;' )
+                      ."</td></tr>\n";
+               $r->print($row);
+           } # end of foreach        (table building loop)
-         }   
+        }  # End of unless
+	my $currentauth=&Apache::lonnet::queryauthenticate($ccuname,$ccdomain);
+	if ($currentauth=~/^krb4:/) {
+	    $currentauth=~/^krb4:(.*)/;
+	    my $krbdefdom2=$1;
+            my %param = ( formname => 'document.cu',
+                          kerb_def_dom => $krbdefdom 
+                          );
+            $loginscript  = &Apache::loncommon::authform_header(%param);
+	}
+	# Check for a bad authentication type
+        unless ($currentauth=~/^krb4:/ or
+		$currentauth=~/^unix:/ or
+		$currentauth=~/^internal:/ or
+		$currentauth=~/^localauth:/
+		) { # bad authentication scheme
+	    if (&Apache::lonnet::allowed('mau',$ENV{'user.domain'})) {
+		$r->print(<<ENDBADAUTH);
+<hr />
+<script type="text/javascript" language="Javascript">
+<font color='#ff0000'>ERROR:</font>
+This user has an unrecognized authentication scheme ($currentauth).
+Please specify login data below.
+<h3>Login Data</h3>
+            } else { 
+                # This user is not allowed to modify the users 
+                # authentication scheme, so just notify them of the problem
+		$r->print(<<ENDBADAUTH);
+<hr />
+<script type="text/javascript" language="Javascript">
+<font color="#ff0000"> ERROR: </font>
+This user has an unrecognized authentication scheme ($currentauth).
+Please alert a domain coordinator of this situation.
+<hr />
+            }
+        } else { # Authentication type is valid
+	    my $authformcurrent='';
+	    my $authform_other='';
+	    if ($currentauth=~/^krb4:/) {
+		$authformcurrent=$authformkrb;
+		$authform_other="<p>$authformint</p>\n".
+                    "<p>$authformfsys</p><p>$authformloc</p>";
+	    }
+	    elsif ($currentauth=~/^internal:/) {
+		$authformcurrent=$authformint;
+		$authform_other="<p>$authformkrb</p>".
+                    "<p>$authformfsys</p><p>$authformloc</p>";
+	    }
+	    elsif ($currentauth=~/^unix:/) {
+		$authformcurrent=$authformfsys;
+		$authform_other="<p>$authformkrb</p>".
+                    "<p>$authformint</p><p>$authformloc;</p>";
+	    }
+	    elsif ($currentauth=~/^localauth:/) {
+		$authformcurrent=$authformloc;
+		$authform_other="<p>$authformkrb</p>".
+                    "<p>$authformint</p><p>$authformfsys</p>";
+	    }
+	    $authformcurrent=<<ENDCURRENTAUTH;
+<table border='1'>
+<td><font color='#ff0000'>* * * WARNING * * *</font></td>
+<td><font color='#ff0000'>* * * WARNING * * *</font></td>
+<tr><td bgcolor='#cbbcbb'>$authformcurrent</td>
+<td bgcolor='#cbbcbb'>Changing this value will overwrite existing authentication for the user; you should notify the user of this change.</td></tr>
+            if (&Apache::lonnet::allowed('mau',$ENV{'user.domain'})) {
+		# Current user has login modification privileges
+		$r->print(<<ENDOTHERAUTHS);
+<hr />
+<script type="text/javascript" language="Javascript">
+<h3>Change Current Login Data</h3>
+<h3>Enter New Login Data</h3>
+            }
+        }  ## End of "check for bad authentication type" logic
+    } ## End of new user/old user logic
+    $r->print('<hr /><h3>Add Roles</h3>');
+# Co-Author
+    if (&Apache::lonnet::allowed('cca',$ENV{'user.domain'})) {
+	my $cuname=$ENV{'user.name'};
+        my $cudom=$ENV{'user.domain'};
+       $r->print(<<ENDCOAUTH);
+<h4>Construction Space</h4>
+<table border=2><tr><th>Activate</th><th>Role</th><th>Extent</th>
+<td><input type=checkbox name="act_$cudom\_$cuname\_ca"></td>
+<td><input type=hidden name="start_$cudom\_$cuname\_ca" value=''>
+<a href=
+"javascript:pjump('date_start','Start Date Co-Author',document.cu.start_$cudom\_$cuname\_ca.value,'start_$cudom\_$cuname\_ca','cu.pres','dateset')">Set Start Date</a></td>
+<td><input type=hidden name="end_$cudom\_$cuname\_ca" value=''>
+<a href=
+"javascript:pjump('date_end','End Date Co-Author',document.cu.end_$cudom\_$cuname\_ca.value,'end_$cudom\_$cuname\_ca','cu.pres','dateset')">Set End Date</a></td>
-    $r->print('<hr><h3>Add Roles</h3><h4>System Level</h4>');
 # Domain level
     $r->print('<h4>Domain Level</h4>'.
     '<table border=2><tr><th>Activate</th><th>Role</th><th>Extent</th>'.
-    map {
+    foreach ( sort( keys(%incdomains))) {
 	my $thisdomain=$_;
-        map {
+        foreach ('dc','li','dg','au') {
             if (&Apache::lonnet::allowed('c'.$_,$thisdomain)) {
                my $plrole=&Apache::lonnet::plaintext($_);
@@ -254,132 +473,294 @@ ENDNUSER
-        } ('dc','cc','li','dg','au');
-    } sort keys %incdomains;
+        } 
+    }
 # Course level
-    $r->print('<h4>Course Level</h4>'.
-    '<table border=2><tr><th>Activate</th><th>Role</th><th>Extent</th>'.
-    '<th>Group/Section</th><th>Start</th><th>End</th></tr>');
-    map {
-	my $thiscourse=$_;
-        my %coursedata=&Apache::lonnet::coursedescription($thiscourse);
-        my $area=$coursedata{'description'};
-        my $bgcol=$thiscourse;
-        $bgcol=~s/[^8-9b-e]//g;
-        $bgcol=substr($bgcol.$bgcol.$bgcol.'ffffff',0,6);
-        map {
-            if (&Apache::lonnet::allowed('c'.$_,$thiscourse)) {
-               my $plrole=&Apache::lonnet::plaintext($_);
-               $r->print(<<ENDROW);
-<tr bgcolor=#$bgcol>
-<td><input type=checkbox name="act_$thiscourse\_$_"></td>
-<td><input type=text size=5 name="sec_$thiscourse\_$_"></td>
-<td><input type=hidden name="start_$thiscourse\_$_" value=''>
-<a href=
-"javascript:pjump('date_start','Start Date $plrole',document.cu.start_$thiscourse\_$_.value,'start_$thiscourse\_$_','cu.pres','dateset')">Set Start Date</a></td>
-<td><input type=hidden name="end_$thiscourse\_$_" value=''>
-<a href=
-"javascript:pjump('date_end','End Date $plrole',document.cu.end_$thiscourse\_$_.value,'end_$thiscourse\_$_','cu.pres','dateset')">Set End Date</a></td>
-            }
-        } ('st','ta','ep','ad','in');
-    } sort keys %inccourses;
-    $r->print('</table>');
-    $r->print('<input type=submit value="Modify User">');
-    $r->print('</form></body></html>');
+    $r->print(&course_level_table(%inccourses));
+    $r->print("<hr /><input type=submit value=\"Modify User\">\n");
+    $r->print("</form></body></html>");
 # ================================================================= Phase Three
 sub phase_three {
     my $r=shift;
+    my $uhome=&Apache::lonnet::homeserver($ENV{'form.ccuname'},
+                                          $ENV{'form.ccdomain'});
+    # Error messages
+    my $error     = '<font color="#ff0000">Error:</font>';
+    my $end       = '</body></html>';
+    # Print header
 <title>The LearningOnline Network with CAPA</title>
 <body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
-<img align=right src=/adm/lonIcons/lonlogos.gif>
-<h1>Create User, Change User Privileges</h1>
+<img align="right" src="/adm/lonIcons/lonlogos.gif">
-   $r->print('<h2>'.$ENV{'form.cuname'}.' at '.$ENV{'form.cdomain'}.'</h2>');
-   if ($ENV{'form.makeuser'}) {
-    $r->print('<h3>Creating User</h3>');
-    if (($ENV{'form.cuname'})&&($ENV{'form.cuname'}!~/\W/)&&
-        ($ENV{'form.cdomain'})&&($ENV{'form.cdomain'}!~/\W/)) {
-	my $amode='';
-        my $genpwd='';
-        if ($ENV{'form.login'} eq 'krb') {
-           $amode='krb4';
-           $genpwd=$ENV{'form.krbdom'};
-        } elsif ($ENV{'form.login'} eq 'int') {
-           $amode='internal';
-           $genpwd=$ENV{'form.intpwd'};
+    # Check Inputs
+    if (! $ENV{'form.ccuname'} ) {
+	$r->print($error.'No login name specified.'.$end);
+	return;
+    }
+    if (  $ENV{'form.ccuname'}  =~/\W/) {
+	$r->print($error.'Invalid login name.  '.
+		  'Only letters, numbers, and underscores are valid.'.
+		  $end);
+	return;
+    }
+    if (! $ENV{'form.ccdomain'}       ) {
+	$r->print($error.'No domain specified.'.$end);
+	return;
+    }
+    if (  $ENV{'form.ccdomain'} =~/\W/) {
+	$r->print($error.'Invalid domain name.  '.
+		  'Only letters, numbers, and underscores are valid.'.
+		  $end);
+	return;
+    }
+    if (! exists($ENV{'form.makeuser'})) {
+        # Modifying an existing user, so check the validity of the name
+        if ($uhome eq 'no_host') {
+            $r->print($error.'Unable to determine home server for '.
+                      $ENV{'form.ccuname'}.' in domain '.
+                      $ENV{'form.ccdomain'}.'.');
+            return;
-        if (($amode) && ($genpwd)) {
-          $r->print('Generating user: '.&Apache::lonnet::modifyuser(
-                      $ENV{'form.cdomain'},$ENV{'form.cuname'},
-                      $ENV{'form.cstid'},$amode,$genpwd,
- 	              $ENV{'form.cfirst'},$ENV{'form.cmiddle'},
-                      $ENV{'form.clast'},$ENV{'form.cgen'}));
-          $r->print('<br>Home server: '.&Apache::lonnet::homeserver
-                      ($ENV{'form.cuname'},$ENV{'form.cdomain'}));
-	} else {
-           $r->print('Invalid login mode or password');    
-        }          
+    }
+    # Determine authentication method and password for the user being modified
+    my $amode='';
+    my $genpwd='';
+    if ($ENV{'form.login'} eq 'krb') {
+	$amode='krb4';
+	$genpwd=$ENV{'form.krbarg'};
+    } elsif ($ENV{'form.login'} eq 'int') {
+	$amode='internal';
+	$genpwd=$ENV{'form.intarg'};
+    } elsif ($ENV{'form.login'} eq 'fsys') {
+	$amode='unix';
+	$genpwd=$ENV{'form.fsysarg'};
+    } elsif ($ENV{'form.login'} eq 'loc') {
+	$amode='localauth';
+	$genpwd=$ENV{'form.locarg'};
+	$genpwd=" " if (!$genpwd);
+    } elsif (($ENV{'form.login'} eq 'nochange') ||
+             ($ENV{'form.login'} eq ''        )) { 
+        # There is no need to tell the user we did not change what they
+        # did not ask us to change.
+        # If they are creating a new user but have not specified login
+        # information this will be caught below.
     } else {
-        $r->print('Invalid username or domain');
+	    $r->print($error.'Invalid login mode or password'.$end);    
+	    return;
-   }
-    my $now=time;
-    $r->print('<h3>Modifying Roles</h3>');
-    map {
-	if (($_=~/^form\.rev\:([^\_]+)\_([^\_]+)$/) && ($ENV{$_})) {
-           $r->print('Revoking '.$2.' in '.$1.': '.
-          &Apache::lonnet::assignrole($ENV{'form.cdomain'},$ENV{'form.cuname'},
-                                      $1,$2,$now).'<br>');
+    if ($ENV{'form.makeuser'}) {
+        # Create a new user
+	$r->print(<<ENDNEWUSERHEAD);
+<h1>Create User</h1>
+<h3>Creating user "$ENV{'form.ccuname'}" in domain "$ENV{'form.ccdomain'}"</h2>
+        # Check for the authentication mode and password
+        if (! $amode || ! $genpwd) {
+	    $r->print($error.'Invalid login mode or password'.$end);    
+	    return;
-    } keys %ENV;
-    map {
-	if (($_=~/^form\.act\_([^\_]+)\_([^\_]+)\_([^\_]+)$/) && ($ENV{$_})) {
-            my $url='/'.$1.'/'.$2;
-            if ($ENV{'form.sec_'.$1.'_'.$2.'_'.$3}) {
-		$url.='/'.$ENV{'form.sec_'.$1.'_'.$2.'_'.$3};
+        # Determine desired host
+        my $desiredhost = $ENV{'form.hserver'};
+        if (lc($desiredhost) eq 'default') {
+            $desiredhost = undef;
+        } else {
+            my %home_servers = &Apache::loncommon::get_home_servers
+                ($ENV{'form.ccdomain'});  
+            if (! exists($home_servers{$desiredhost})) {
+                $r->print($error.'Invalid home server specified');
+                return;
-            my $start=$now;
-            if ($ENV{'form.start_'.$1.'_'.$2.'_'.$3}) {
-		$start=$ENV{'form.start_'.$1.'_'.$2.'_'.$3};
-            }
-            my $end=0;
-            if ($ENV{'form.end_'.$1.'_'.$2.'_'.$3}) {
-		$end=$ENV{'form.end_'.$1.'_'.$2.'_'.$3};
-            }
-            $r->print('Assigning: '.$3.' in '.$url.': '.
-          &Apache::lonnet::assignrole($ENV{'form.cdomain'},$ENV{'form.cuname'},
-                                      $url,$3,$end,$start).'<br>');
-	} elsif (($_=~/^form\.act\_([^\_]+)\_([^\_]+)$/) && ($ENV{$_})) {
-            my $url='/'.$1.'/';
-            my $start=$now;
-            if ($ENV{'form.start_'.$1.'_'.$2}) {
-		$start=$ENV{'form.start_'.$1.'_'.$2};
-            }
-            my $end=0;
-            if ($ENV{'form.end_'.$1.'_'.$2}) {
-		$end=$ENV{'form.end_'.$1.'_'.$2};
+        }
+	# Call modifyuser
+	my $result = &Apache::lonnet::modifyuser
+	    ($ENV{'form.ccdomain'},$ENV{'form.ccuname'},$ENV{'form.cstid'},
+             $amode,$genpwd,$ENV{'form.cfirst'},
+             $ENV{'form.cmiddle'},$ENV{'form.clast'},$ENV{'form.cgen'},
+             undef,$desiredhost
+	     );
+	$r->print('Generating user: '.$result);
+        my $home = &Apache::lonnet::homeserver($ENV{'form.ccuname'},
+                                               $ENV{'form.ccdomain'});
+        $r->print('<br>Home server: '.$home.' '.
+                  $Apache::lonnet::libserv{$home});
+    } elsif (($ENV{'form.login'} ne 'nochange') &&
+             ($ENV{'form.login'} ne ''        )) {
+	# Modify user privileges
+<h1>Change User Privileges</h1>
+<h2>User "$ENV{'form.ccuname'}" in domain "$ENV{'form.ccdomain'}"</h2>
+        if (! $amode || ! $genpwd) {
+	    $r->print($error.'Invalid login mode or password'.$end);    
+	    return;
+	}
+	# Only allow authentification modification if the person has authority
+	if (&Apache::lonnet::allowed('mau',$ENV{'form.ccdomain'})) {
+	    $r->print('Modifying authentication: '.
+                      &Apache::lonnet::modifyuserauth(
+		       $ENV{'form.ccdomain'},$ENV{'form.ccuname'},
+                       $amode,$genpwd));
+            $r->print('<br>Home server: '.&Apache::lonnet::homeserver
+		  ($ENV{'form.ccuname'},$ENV{'form.ccdomain'}));
+	} else {
+	    # Okay, this is a non-fatal error.
+	    $r->print($error.'You do not have the authority to modify '.
+		      'this users authentification information.');    
+	}
+    }
+    ##
+    if (! $ENV{'form.makeuser'} ) {
+        # Check for need to change
+        my %userenv = &Apache::lonnet::get
+            ('environment',['firstname','middlename','lastname','generation'],
+             $ENV{'form.ccdomain'},$ENV{'form.ccuname'});
+        my ($tmp) = keys(%userenv);
+        if ($tmp =~ /^(con_lost|error)/i) { 
+            %userenv = ();
+        }
+        # Check to see if we need to change user information
+        foreach ('firstname','middlename','lastname','generation') {
+            # Strip leading and trailing whitespace
+            $ENV{'form.c'.$_} =~ s/(\s+$|^\s+)//g; 
+        }
+        if (&Apache::lonnet::allowed('mau',$ENV{'form.ccdomain'}) && 
+            ($ENV{'form.cfirstname'}  ne $userenv{'firstname'}  ||
+             $ENV{'form.cmiddlename'} ne $userenv{'middlename'} ||
+             $ENV{'form.clastname'}   ne $userenv{'lastname'}   ||
+             $ENV{'form.cgeneration'} ne $userenv{'generation'} )) {
+            # Make the change
+            my %changeHash;
+            $changeHash{'firstname'}  = $ENV{'form.cfirstname'};
+            $changeHash{'middlename'} = $ENV{'form.cmiddlename'};
+            $changeHash{'lastname'}   = $ENV{'form.clastname'};
+            $changeHash{'generation'} = $ENV{'form.cgeneration'};
+            my $putresult = &Apache::lonnet::put
+                ('environment',\%changeHash,
+                 $ENV{'form.ccdomain'},$ENV{'form.ccuname'});
+            if ($putresult eq 'ok') {
+            # Tell the user we changed the name
+                $r->print(<<"END");
+<table border="2">
+<caption>User Information Changed</caption>
+    <th>first</th>
+    <th>middle</th>
+    <th>last</th>
+    <th>generation</th></tr>
+    <td>$userenv{'firstname'}  </td>
+    <td>$userenv{'middlename'} </td>
+    <td>$userenv{'lastname'}   </td>
+    <td>$userenv{'generation'} </td></tr>
+<tr><td>Changed To</td>
+    <td>$ENV{'form.cfirstname'}  </td>
+    <td>$ENV{'form.cmiddlename'} </td>
+    <td>$ENV{'form.clastname'}   </td>
+    <td>$ENV{'form.cgeneration'} </td></tr>
+            } else { # error occurred
+                $r->print("<h2>Unable to successfully change environment for ".
+                      $ENV{'form.ccuname'}." in domain ".
+                      $ENV{'form.ccdomain'}."</h2>");
-            $r->print('Assigning: '.$2.' in '.$url.': '.
-          &Apache::lonnet::assignrole($ENV{'form.cdomain'},$ENV{'form.cuname'},
-                                      $url,$2,$end,$start).'<br>');
+        }  else { # End of if ($ENV ... ) logic
+            # They did not want to change the users name but we can
+            # still tell them what the name is
+                $r->print(<<"END");
+<h2>User "$ENV{'form.ccuname'}" in domain "$ENV{'form.ccdomain'}"</h2>
+<h4>$userenv{'firstname'} $userenv{'middlename'} $userenv{'lastname'} </h4>
+<h4>Generation: $userenv{'generation'}</h4>
-    } keys %ENV;
+    }
+    ##
+    my $now=time;
+    $r->print('<h3>Modifying Roles</h3>');
+    foreach (keys (%ENV)) {
+	next if (! $ENV{$_});
+	# Revoke roles
+	if ($_=~/^form\.rev/) {
+	    if ($_=~/^form\.rev\:([^\_]+)\_([^\_]+)$/) {
+	        $r->print('Revoking '.$2.' in '.$1.': '.
+                     &Apache::lonnet::assignrole($ENV{'form.ccdomain'},
+                     $ENV{'form.ccuname'},$1,$2,$now).'<br>');
+		if ($2 eq 'st') {
+		    $1=~/^\/(\w+)\/(\w+)/;
+		    my $cid=$1.'_'.$2;
+		    $r->print('Drop from classlist: '.
+			 &Apache::lonnet::critical('put:'.
+                             $ENV{'course.'.$cid.'.domain'}.':'.
+	                     $ENV{'course.'.$cid.'.num'}.':classlist:'.
+                         &Apache::lonnet::escape($ENV{'form.ccuname'}.':'.
+                             $ENV{'form.ccdomain'}).'='.
+                         &Apache::lonnet::escape($now.':'),
+	                     $ENV{'course.'.$cid.'.home'}).'<br>');
+		}
+	    } 
+	} elsif ($_=~/^form\.act/) {
+	    if ($_=~/^form\.act\_([^\_]+)\_([^\_]+)\_([^\_]+)$/) {
+		# Activate roles for sections with 3 id numbers
+		# set start, end times, and the url for the class
+		my $start = ( $ENV{'form.start_'.$1.'_'.$2} ? 
+			      $ENV{'form.start_'.$1.'_'.$2} : 
+			      $now );
+		my $end   = ( $ENV{'form.end_'.$1.'_'.$2} ? 
+			      $ENV{'form.end_'.$1.'_'.$2} :
+			      0 );
+		my $url='/'.$1.'/'.$2;
+		if ($ENV{'form.sec_'.$1.'_'.$2.'_'.$3}) {
+		    $url.='/'.$ENV{'form.sec_'.$1.'_'.$2.'_'.$3};
+		}
+		# Assign the role and report it
+		$r->print('Assigning: '.$3.' in '.$url.': '.
+                          &Apache::lonnet::assignrole(
+                              $ENV{'form.ccdomain'},$ENV{'form.ccuname'},
+                              $url,$3,$end,$start).
+			  '<br>');
+		# Handle students differently
+		if ($3 eq 'st') {
+		    $url=~/^\/(\w+)\/(\w+)/;
+		    my $cid=$1.'_'.$2;
+		    $r->print('Add to classlist: '.
+			      &Apache::lonnet::critical(
+				  'put:'.$ENV{'course.'.$cid.'.domain'}.':'.
+	                           $ENV{'course.'.$cid.'.num'}.':classlist:'.
+                                   &Apache::lonnet::escape(
+                                       $ENV{'form.ccuname'}.':'.
+                                       $ENV{'form.ccdomain'} ).'='.
+                                   &Apache::lonnet::escape($end.':'.$start),
+				       $ENV{'course.'.$cid.'.home'})
+			      .'<br>');
+		}
+	    } elsif ($_=~/^form\.act\_([^\_]+)\_([^\_]+)$/) {
+		# Activate roles for sections with two id numbers
+		# set start, end times, and the url for the class
+		my $start = ( $ENV{'form.start_'.$1.'_'.$2} ? 
+			      $ENV{'form.start_'.$1.'_'.$2} : 
+			      $now );
+		my $end   = ( $ENV{'form.end_'.$1.'_'.$2} ? 
+			      $ENV{'form.end_'.$1.'_'.$2} :
+			      0 );
+		my $url='/'.$1.'/';
+		# Assign the role and report it.
+		$r->print('Assigning: '.$2.' in '.$url.': '.
+                          &Apache::lonnet::assignrole(
+                              $ENV{'form.ccdomain'},$ENV{'form.ccuname'},
+                              $url,$2,$end,$start)
+			  .'<br>');
+	    }
+	} 
+    } # End of foreach (keys(%ENV))
@@ -397,6 +778,7 @@ sub handler {
         (&Apache::lonnet::allowed('cin',$ENV{'request.course.id'})) || 
         (&Apache::lonnet::allowed('ccr',$ENV{'request.course.id'})) || 
         (&Apache::lonnet::allowed('cep',$ENV{'request.course.id'})) ||
+        (&Apache::lonnet::allowed('cca',$ENV{'user.domain'})) ||
         (&Apache::lonnet::allowed('mau',$ENV{'user.domain'}))) {
@@ -410,12 +792,72 @@ sub handler {
    } else {
-        "/adm/createcourse:mau:0:0:Cannot modify user data";
+        "/adm/createuser:mau:0:0:Cannot modify user data";
       return HTTP_NOT_ACCEPTABLE; 
    return OK;
+#-------------------------------------------------- functions for &phase_two
+sub course_level_table {
+    my %inccourses = @_;
+    my $table = '';
+    foreach (sort( keys(%inccourses))) {
+	my $thiscourse=$_;
+	my $protectedcourse=$_;
+	$thiscourse=~s:_:/:g;
+	my %coursedata=&Apache::lonnet::coursedescription($thiscourse);
+	my $area=$coursedata{'description'};
+	my $bgcol=$thiscourse;
+	$bgcol=~s/[^8-9b-e]//g;
+	$bgcol=substr($bgcol.$bgcol.$bgcol.'ffffff',0,6);
+	foreach  ('st','ta','ep','ad','in','cc') {
+	    if (&Apache::lonnet::allowed('c'.$_,$thiscourse)) {
+		my $plrole=&Apache::lonnet::plaintext($_);
+		$table .= <<ENDEXTENT;
+<tr bgcolor="#$bgcol">
+<td><input type="checkbox" name="act_$protectedcourse\_$_"></td>
+	        if ($_ ne 'cc') {
+		    $table .= <<ENDSECTION;
+<td><input type="text" size="5" name="sec_$protectedcourse\_$_"></td>
+                } else { 
+		    $table .= <<ENDSECTION;
+                }
+		$table .= <<ENDTIMEENTRY;
+<td><input type=hidden name="start_$protectedcourse\_$_" value=''>
+<a href=
+"javascript:pjump('date_start','Start Date $plrole',document.cu.start_$protectedcourse\_$_.value,'start_$protectedcourse\_$_','cu.pres','dateset')">Set Start Date</a></td>
+<td><input type=hidden name="end_$protectedcourse\_$_" value=''>
+<a href=
+"javascript:pjump('date_end','End Date $plrole',document.cu.end_$protectedcourse\_$_.value,'end_$protectedcourse\_$_','cu.pres','dateset')">Set End Date</a></td>
+                $table.= "</tr>\n";
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return '' if ($table eq ''); # return nothing if there is nothing 
+                                 # in the table
+    my $result = <<ENDTABLE;
+<h4>Course Level</h4>
+<table border=2><tr><th>Activate</th><th>Role</th><th>Extent</th>
+    return $result;
+#---------------------------------------------- end functions for &phase_two
+#--------------------------------- functions for &phase_two and &phase_three
+#--------------------------end of functions for &phase_two and &phase_three