version 1.12, 2002/08/27 13:01:26
version 1.114, 2004/04/07 20:36:54
Line 29
Line 29
package Apache::londocs; |
package Apache::londocs; |
use strict; |
use strict; |
use Apache::Constants qw(:common); |
use Apache::Constants qw(:common :http); |
use Apache::lonnet; |
use Apache::lonnet; |
use Apache::loncommon; |
use Apache::loncommon; |
use Apache::lonratedt; |
use Apache::lonratedt; |
use Apache::lonratsrv; |
use Apache::lonratsrv; |
use Apache::lonxml; |
use Apache::loncreatecourse; |
use HTML::Entities; |
use GDBM_File; |
use Apache::lonlocal; |
my $iconpath; |
my $iconpath; |
my %hash; |
my $hashtied; |
my %alreadyseen=(); |
my $hadchanges; |
# Available help topics |
my %help=(); |
# Mapread read maps into lonratedt::global arrays |
# Mapread read maps into lonratedt::global arrays |
# @order and @resources, determines status |
# @order and @resources, determines status |
# sets @order - pointer to resources in right order |
# sets @order - pointer to resources in right order |
Line 52 sub mapread {
Line 68 sub mapread {
sub storemap { |
sub storemap { |
my ($coursenum,$coursedom,$map)=@_; |
my ($coursenum,$coursedom,$map)=@_; |
return |
my ($outtext,$errtext)= |
&Apache::lonratedt::storemap('/uploaded/'.$coursedom.'/'.$coursenum.'/'. |
&Apache::lonratedt::storemap('/uploaded/'.$coursedom.'/'.$coursenum.'/'. |
$map); |
$map,1); |
if ($errtext) { return ($errtext,2); } |
$hadchanges=1; |
return ($errtext,0); |
} |
# ----------------------------------------- Return hash with valid author names |
sub authorhosts { |
my %outhash=(); |
my $home=0; |
my $other=0; |
foreach (keys %ENV) { |
if ($_=~/^user\.role\.(au|ca)\.(.+)$/) { |
my $role=$1; |
my $realm=$2; |
my ($start,$end)=split(/\./,$ENV{$_}); |
if (($start) && ($start>time)) { next; } |
if (($end) && (time>$end)) { next; } |
my $ca; my $cd; |
if ($1 eq 'au') { |
$ca=$ENV{''}; |
$cd=$ENV{'user.domain'}; |
} else { |
($cd,$ca)=($realm=~/^\/(\w+)\/(\w+)$/); |
} |
my $allowed=0; |
my $myhome=&Apache::lonnet::homeserver($ca,$cd); |
my @ids=&Apache::lonnet::current_machine_ids(); |
foreach my $id (@ids) { if ($id eq $myhome) { $allowed=1; } } |
if ($allowed) { |
$home++; |
$outhash{'home_'.$ca.'@'.$cd}=1; |
} else { |
$outhash{'otherhome_'.$ca.'@'.$cd}=$myhome; |
$other++; |
} |
} |
} |
return ($home,$other,%outhash); |
} |
# ------------------------------------------------------ Generate "dump" button |
sub dumpbutton { |
my ($home,$other,%outhash)=&authorhosts(); |
if ($home+$other==0) { return ''; } |
my $output='</td><td bgcolor="#DDDDCC">'; |
if ($home) { |
return '</td><td bgcolor="#DDDDCC">'. |
'<input type="submit" name="dumpcourse" value="'. |
&mt('Dump Course DOCS to Construction Space').'" />'; |
} else { |
return'</td><td bgcolor="#DDDDCC">'. |
&mt('Dump Course DOCS to Construction Space: available on other servers'); |
} |
} |
# -------------------------------------------------------- Actually dump course |
sub dumpcourse { |
my $r=shift; |
$r->print('<html><head><title>Dump DOCS</title></head>'. |
&Apache::loncommon::bodytag('Dump Course DOCS to Construction Space'). |
'<form name="dumpdoc" method="post">'); |
my ($home,$other,%outhash)=&authorhosts(); |
unless ($home) { return ''; } |
my $origcrsid=$ENV{''}; |
my %origcrsdata=&Apache::lonnet::coursedescription($origcrsid); |
if (($ENV{'form.authorspace'}) && ($ENV{'form.authorfolder'}=~/\w/)) { |
# Do the dumping |
unless ($outhash{'home_'.$ENV{'form.authorspace'}}) { return ''; } |
my ($ca,$cd)=split(/\@/,$ENV{'form.authorspace'}); |
$r->print('<h3>'.&mt('Copying Files').'</h3>'); |
my $title=$ENV{'form.authorfolder'}; |
$title=~s/[^\w\/]+/\_/g; |
my %replacehash=(); |
foreach (keys %ENV) { |
if ($_=~/^form\.namefor\_(.+)/) { |
$replacehash{$1}=$ENV{$_}; |
} |
} |
my $crs='/uploaded/'.$ENV{''}.'/'; |
$crs=~s/\_/\//g; |
foreach (keys %replacehash) { |
my $newfilename=$title.'/'.$replacehash{$_}; |
$newfilename=~s/[^\w\/\.]+/\_/g; |
my @dirs=split(/\//,$newfilename); |
my $path='/home/'.$ca.'/public_html'; |
my $makepath=$path; |
my $fail=0; |
for (my $i=0;$i<$#dirs;$i++) { |
$makepath.='/'.$dirs[$i]; |
unless (-e $makepath) { |
unless(mkdir($makepath,0777)) { $fail=1; } |
} |
} |
$r->print('<br /><tt>'.$_.'</tt> => <tt>'.$newfilename.'</tt>: '); |
if (my $fh=Apache::File->new('>'.$path.'/'.$newfilename)) { |
if ($_=~/\.(sequence|page|html|htm|xml|xhtml)$/) { |
print $fh &Apache::loncreatecourse::rewritefile( |
&Apache::loncreatecourse::readfile($ENV{''},$_), |
(%replacehash,$crs => '') |
); |
} else { |
print $fh |
&Apache::loncreatecourse::readfile($ENV{''},$_); |
} |
$fh->close(); |
} else { |
$fail=1; |
} |
if ($fail) { |
$r->print('<font color="red">fail</font>'); |
} else { |
$r->print('<font color="green">ok</font>'); |
} |
} |
} else { |
# Input form |
unless ($home==1) { |
$r->print( |
'<h3>'.&mt('Select the Construction Space').'</h3><select name="authorspace">'); |
} |
foreach (sort keys %outhash) { |
if ($_=~/^home_(.+)$/) { |
if ($home==1) { |
$r->print( |
'<input type="hidden" name="authorspace" value="'.$1.'" />'); |
} else { |
$r->print('<option value="'.$1.'">'.$_.'</option>'); |
} |
} |
} |
unless ($home==1) { |
$r->print('</select>'); |
} |
my $title=$origcrsdata{'description'}; |
$title=~s/\s+/\_/gs; |
$title=~s/\W//gs; |
$r->print('<h3>'.&mt('Folder in Construction Space').'</h3><input type="text" size="50" name="authorfolder" value="'.$title.'" /><br />'); |
&tiehash(); |
$r->print('<h3>'.&mt('Filenames in Construction Space').'</h3><table border="2"><tr><th>'.&mt('Internal Filename').'</th><th>'.&mt('Title').'</th><th>'.&mt('Save as ...').'</th></tr>'); |
foreach (&Apache::loncreatecourse::crsdirlist($origcrsid,'userfiles')) { |
$r->print('<tr><td>'.$_.'</td>'); |
my ($ext)=($_=~/\.(\w+)$/); |
my $title=$hash{'title_'.$hash{ |
'ids_/uploaded/'.$origcrsdata{'domain'}.'/'.$origcrsdata{'num'}.'/'.$_}}; |
$r->print('<td>'.($title?$title:' ').'</td>'); |
unless ($title) { |
$title=$_; |
} |
$title=~s/\.(\w+)$//; |
$title=~s/\W+/\_/gs; |
$title.='.'.$ext; |
$r->print("\n<td><input type='text' size='60' name='namefor_".$_."' value='".$title."' /></td></tr>\n"); |
} |
$r->print("</table>\n"); |
&untiehash(); |
$r->print( |
'<p><input type="submit" name="dumpcourse" value="'.&mt('Dump Course DOCS').'" /></p></form>'); |
} |
} |
# Imports the given (name, url) resources into the course |
# coursenum, coursedom, and folder must precede the list |
sub group_import { |
my $coursenum = shift; |
my $coursedom = shift; |
my $folder = shift; |
while (@_) { |
my $name = shift; |
my $url = shift; |
if ($url) { |
my $idx = $#Apache::lonratedt::resources + 1; |
$Apache::lonratedt::order[$#Apache::lonratedt::order+1]=$idx; |
my $ext = 'false'; |
if ($url=~/^http:\/\//) { $ext = 'true'; } |
$url =~ s/:/\:/g; |
$name =~ s/:/\:/g; |
$Apache::lonratedt::resources[$idx] = |
join ':', ($name, $url, $ext, 'normal', 'res'); |
} |
} |
return &storemap($coursenum, $coursedom, $folder.'.sequence'); |
} |
sub breadcrumbs { |
my ($where)=@_; |
&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::clear_breadcrumbs(); |
if ($where =~ /^default/) { |
&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::add_breadcrumb({'href'=>'/adm/coursedocs', |
'title'=>'Main Course Documents', |
'text' =>'Main Course Documents'}); |
} elsif ($where =~ /^supplemental/) { |
&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::add_breadcrumb({'href'=>'/adm/coursedocs', |
'title'=>'Supplemental Course Documents', |
'text' =>'Supplemental Course Documents'}); |
} else { |
&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::add_breadcrumb({'href'=>'/adm/coursedocs', |
'title'=>$where, |
'text' =>$where}); |
} |
if ($ENV{'form.foldername'}) { |
my @folders; |
if (defined($ENV{'form.folders'})) { |
@folders=@{$ENV{'form.folders'}}; |
} |
@folders=(@folders,$ENV{'form.folder'}, |
&Apache::lonnet::escape($ENV{'form.foldername'})); |
my $folderpath; |
while (@folders) { |
my $folder=shift(@folders); |
my $foldername=shift(@folders); |
if ($folderpath) {$folderpath.='&';} |
$folderpath.=$folder.'&'.$foldername; |
my $url='/adm/coursedocs?folderpath='. |
&Apache::lonnet::escape($folderpath); |
&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::add_breadcrumb( |
{'href'=>$url, |
'title'=>&Apache::lonnet::unescape($foldername), |
'text'=>&Apache::lonnet::unescape($foldername)}); |
} |
} |
return &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::breadcrumbs(); |
} |
} |
sub editor { |
sub editor { |
my ($r,$coursenum,$coursedom,$folder,$allowed)=@_; |
my ($r,$coursenum,$coursedom,$folder,$allowed)=@_; |
$r->print(&breadcrumbs($folder)); |
my $errtext=''; |
my $errtext=''; |
my $fatal=0; |
my $fatal=0; |
($errtext,$fatal)= |
($errtext,$fatal)= |
&mapread($coursenum,$coursedom,$folder.'.sequence'); |
&mapread($coursenum,$coursedom,$folder.'.sequence'); |
if ($#Apache::lonratedt::order<1) { |
$Apache::lonratedt::order[0]=1; |
$Apache::lonratedt::resources[1]=''; |
} |
if ($fatal) { |
if ($fatal) { |
$r->print('<p><font color="red">'.$errtext.'</font></p>'); |
$r->print('<p><font color="red">'.$errtext.'</font></p>'); |
} else { |
} else { |
# ------------------------------------------------------------ Process commands |
# ------------------------------------------------------------ Process commands |
if ($allowed) { |
# ---------------- if they are for this folder and user allowed to make changes |
if (($allowed) && ($ENV{'form.folder'} eq $folder)) { |
# upload a file, if present |
# upload a file, if present |
if (($ENV{'form.uploaddoc.filename'}) && |
if (($ENV{'form.uploaddoc.filename'}) && |
($ENV{'form.cmd'}=~/^upload_(\w+)/)) { |
($ENV{'form.cmd'}=~/^upload_(\w+)/)) { |
if ($folder=~/^$1/) { |
if ( ($folder=~/^$1/) || ($1 eq 'default') ) { |
# this is for a course, not a user, so set coursedoc flag |
# this is for a course, not a user, so set coursedoc flag |
# probably the only place in the system where this should be "1" |
# probably the only place in the system where this should be "1" |
my $url=&Apache::lonnet::userfileupload('uploaddoc',1); |
my $url=&Apache::lonnet::userfileupload('uploaddoc',1); |
Line 82 sub editor {
Line 334 sub editor {
$comment=~s/\</\<\;/g; |
$comment=~s/\</\<\;/g; |
$comment=~s/\>/\>\;/g; |
$comment=~s/\>/\>\;/g; |
$comment=~s/\:/\:/g; |
$comment=~s/\:/\:/g; |
if ($folder=~/^supplemental/) { |
$comment=time.'___&&&___'.$ENV{''}.'___&&&___'. |
$ENV{'user.domain'}.'___&&&___'.$comment; |
} |
my $newidx=$#Apache::lonratedt::resources+1; |
my $newidx=$#Apache::lonratedt::resources+1; |
$Apache::lonratedt::resources[$newidx]= |
$Apache::lonratedt::resources[$newidx]= |
$comment.':'.$url.':'.$ext.':normal:res'; |
$comment.':'.$url.':'.$ext.':normal:res'; |
$Apache::lonratedt::order[$#Apache::lonratedt::order+1]= |
$Apache::lonratedt::order[$#Apache::lonratedt::order+1]= |
$newidx; |
$newidx; |
&storemap($coursenum,$coursedom,$folder.'.sequence'); |
($errtext,$fatal)=&storemap($coursenum,$coursedom,$folder.'.sequence'); |
if ($fatal) { |
$r->print('<p><font color="red">'.$errtext.'</font></p>'); |
return; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
if ($ENV{'form.cmd'}) { |
if ($ENV{'form.cmd'}) { |
Line 99 sub editor {
Line 360 sub editor {
} |
} |
$#Apache::lonratedt::order--; |
$#Apache::lonratedt::order--; |
} elsif ($cmd eq 'up') { |
} elsif ($cmd eq 'up') { |
if (($idx) && (defined($Apache::lonratedt::order[$idx-1]))) { |
my $i=$Apache::lonratedt::order[$idx-1]; |
my $i=$Apache::lonratedt::order[$idx-1]; |
$Apache::lonratedt::order[$idx-1]= |
$Apache::lonratedt::order[$idx-1]= |
$Apache::lonratedt::order[$idx]; |
$Apache::lonratedt::order[$idx]; |
$Apache::lonratedt::order[$idx]=$i; |
$Apache::lonratedt::order[$idx]=$i; |
} |
} elsif ($cmd eq 'down') { |
} elsif ($cmd eq 'down') { |
if (defined($Apache::lonratedt::order[$idx+1])) { |
my $i=$Apache::lonratedt::order[$idx+1]; |
my $i=$Apache::lonratedt::order[$idx+1]; |
$Apache::lonratedt::order[$idx+1]= |
$Apache::lonratedt::order[$idx+1]= |
$Apache::lonratedt::order[$idx]; |
$Apache::lonratedt::order[$idx]; |
$Apache::lonratedt::order[$idx]=$i; |
$Apache::lonratedt::order[$idx]=$i; |
} |
} elsif ($cmd eq 'rename') { |
my ($rtitle,@rrest)=split(/\:/, |
$Apache::lonratedt::resources[ |
$Apache::lonratedt::order[$idx]]); |
my $comment= |
&HTML::Entities::decode($ENV{'form.title'}); |
$comment=~s/\</\<\;/g; |
$comment=~s/\>/\>\;/g; |
$comment=~s/\:/\:/g; |
$Apache::lonratedt::resources[ |
$Apache::lonratedt::order[$idx]]= |
$comment.':'.join(':',@rrest); |
} |
} |
# Store the changed version |
# Store the changed version |
&storemap($coursenum,$coursedom,$folder.'.sequence'); |
($errtext,$fatal)=&storemap($coursenum,$coursedom, |
$folder.'.sequence'); |
if ($fatal) { |
$r->print('<p><font color="red">'.$errtext.'</font></p>'); |
return; |
} |
} |
} |
# Group import/search |
# Group import/search |
if ($ENV{'form.importdetail'}) { |
if ($ENV{'form.importdetail'}) { |
foreach (split(/\&/,$ENV{'form.importdetail'})) { |
my @imports; |
if (defined($_)) { |
foreach (split(/\&/,$ENV{'form.importdetail'})) { |
my ($name,$url)=split(/\=/,$_); |
if (defined($_)) { |
$name=&Apache::lonnet::unescape($name); |
my ($name,$url)=split(/\=/,$_); |
$url=&Apache::lonnet::unescape($url); |
$name=&Apache::lonnet::unescape($name); |
if ($url) { |
$url=&Apache::lonnet::unescape($url); |
my $idx=$#Apache::lonratedt::resources+1; |
push @imports, $name, $url; |
$Apache::lonratedt::order |
} |
[$#Apache::lonratedt::order+1]=$idx; |
} |
my $ext='false'; |
if ($url=~/^http\:\/\//) { $ext='true'; } |
$url=~s/\:/\:/g; |
$Apache::lonratedt::resources[$idx]= |
$name.':'.$url.':'.$ext.':normal:res'; |
} |
} |
} |
# Store the changed version |
# Store the changed version |
&storemap($coursenum,$coursedom,$folder.'.sequence'); |
($errtext,$fatal)=group_import($coursenum, $coursedom, $folder, |
@imports); |
if ($fatal) { |
$r->print('<p><font color="red">'.$errtext.'</font></p>'); |
return; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
# Loading a complete map |
if (($ENV{'form.importmap'}) && ($ENV{'form.loadmap'})) { |
foreach (&Apache::lonsequence::attemptread(&Apache::lonnet::filelocation('',$ENV{'form.importmap'}))) { |
my $idx=$#Apache::lonratedt::resources; |
$idx++; |
$Apache::lonratedt::resources[$idx]=$_; |
$Apache::lonratedt::order |
[$#Apache::lonratedt::order+1]=$idx; |
} |
# Store the changed version |
($errtext,$fatal)=&storemap($coursenum,$coursedom, |
$folder.'.sequence'); |
if ($fatal) { |
$r->print('<p><font color="red">'.$errtext.'</font></p>'); |
return; |
} |
} |
} |
# ---------------------------------------------------------------- End commands |
# ---------------------------------------------------------------- Print screen |
# ---------------------------------------------------------------- Print screen |
my $idx=0; |
my $idx=0; |
$r->print('<table>'); |
$r->print('<table>'); |
foreach (@Apache::lonratedt::order) { |
foreach (@Apache::lonratedt::order) { |
my ($name,$url)=split(/\:/,$Apache::lonratedt::resources[$_]); |
my ($name,$url)=split(/\:/,$Apache::lonratedt::resources[$_]); |
unless ($name) { $name=(split(/\//,$url))[-1]; } |
unless ($name) { $name=(split(/\//,$url))[-1]; } |
unless ($name) { $name='EMPTY'; } |
unless ($name) { next; } |
$r->print(&entryline($idx,$name,$url,$folder,$allowed)); |
$r->print(&entryline($idx,$name,$url,$folder,$allowed,$_,$coursenum)); |
$idx++; |
$idx++; |
} |
} |
$r->print('</table>'); |
$r->print('</table>'); |
Line 152 sub editor {
Line 451 sub editor {
# --------------------------------------------------------------- An entry line |
# --------------------------------------------------------------- An entry line |
sub entryline { |
sub entryline { |
my ($index,$title,$url,$folder,$allowed)=@_; |
my ($index,$title,$url,$folder,$allowed,$residx,$coursenum)=@_; |
$title=~s/\&colon\;/\:/g; |
$title=&HTML::Entities::encode(&HTML::Entities::decode( |
&Apache::lonnet::unescape($title)),'"<>&\''); |
my $renametitle=$title; |
my $foldertitle=$title; |
if ($title=~ /^(\d+)___&&&___(\w+)___&&&___(\w+)___&&&___(.*)$/ ) { |
$foldertitle=&Apache::lontexconvert::msgtexconverted($4); |
$renametitle=$4; |
$title='<i>'.&Apache::lonlocal::locallocaltime($1).'</i> '. |
&Apache::loncommon::plainname($2,$3).': <br />'. |
$foldertitle; |
} |
$renametitle=~s/\"\;/\\\"/g; |
my $line='<tr>'; |
my $line='<tr>'; |
# Edit commands |
# Edit commands |
if ($allowed) { |
if ($allowed) { |
$line.=(<<END); |
my %lt=('up' => 'Move Up', |
<td><table border='0' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0'> |
'dw' => 'Move Down', |
<tr><td><a href='/adm/coursedocs?folder=$folder&cmd=up_$index'> |
'rm' => 'Remove', |
<img src="${iconpath}move_up.gif" alt='UP' border='0' /></a></td></tr> |
'rn' => 'Rename'); |
<tr><td><a href='/adm/coursedocs?folder=$folder&cmd=down_$index'> |
my ($foldername,$htmlfoldername); |
<img src="${iconpath}move_down.gif" alt='DOWN' border='0' /></a></td></tr> |
if ($ENV{'form.foldername'}) { |
</table></td><td> |
$foldername='&foldername='. |
<a href='/adm/coursedocs?folder=$folder&cmd=del_$index'>Remove</td> |
&Apache::lonnet::escape($ENV{'form.foldername'}); |
$htmlfoldername=&HTML::Entities::encode($ENV{'form.foldername'},'<>&"'); |
} |
$line.=(<<END); |
<td><table border='0' cellspacing='2' cellpadding='0'> |
<tr><td bgcolor="#DDDDDD"> |
<a href='/adm/coursedocs?folder=$folder&cmd=up_$index$foldername'> |
<img src="${iconpath}move_up.gif" alt='$lt{'up'}' border='0' /></a></td></tr> |
<tr><td bgcolor="#DDDDDD"> |
<a href='/adm/coursedocs?folder=$folder&cmd=down_$index$foldername'> |
<img src="${iconpath}move_down.gif" alt='$lt{'dw'}' border='0' /></a></td></tr> |
</table></td><td bgcolor="#DDDDDD"> |
<a href='javascript:removeres("$folder","$index","$renametitle","$htmlfoldername");'> |
<font size="-2" color="#990000">$lt{'rm'}</font></a> |
<a href='javascript:changename("$folder","$index","$renametitle","$htmlfoldername");'> |
<font size="-2" color="#009900">$lt{'rn'}</font></a></td> |
} |
} |
# URL |
# Figure out what kind of a resource this is |
if ($url=~/^\/*uploaded\//) { |
my ($extension)=($url=~/\.(\w+)$/); |
$url=&Apache::lonnet::tokenwrapper($url); |
my $uploaded=($url=~/^\/*uploaded\//); |
} |
my $icon=&Apache::loncommon::icon($url); |
$line.='<td><a href="'.$url.'">View</a></td>'; |
my $isfolder=0; |
# Title |
my $folderarg; |
$title=&Apache::lonnet::unescape($title); |
if ($uploaded) { |
if ($title=~ |
if ($extension eq 'sequence') { |
/^(\d+)\_\_\_\&\&\&\_\_\_(\w+)\_\_\_\&\&\&\_\_\_(\w+)\_\_\_\&\&\&\_\_\_(.*)$/ |
$icon=$iconpath.'/folder_closed.gif'; |
) { $title='<i>'.localtime($1).'</i> '.$2.' at '.$3.': <br>'. |
$url=~/$coursenum\/([\/\w]+)\.sequence$/; |
&Apache::lontexconvert::msgtexconverted($4); |
$url='/adm/coursedocs?'; |
} |
$folderarg=$1; |
$line.="<td>$title</td>"; |
$isfolder=1; |
$line.='</tr>'; |
} else { |
$url=&Apache::lonnet::tokenwrapper($url); |
} |
} |
$url=~s/^http\&colon\;\/\//\/adm\/wrapper\/ext\//; |
if ((!$isfolder) && ($residx) && ($folder!~/supplemental/)) { |
my $symb=&Apache::lonnet::symbclean( |
&Apache::lonnet::declutter('uploaded/'. |
$ENV{'course.'.$ENV{''}.'.domain'}.'/'. |
$ENV{'course.'.$ENV{''}.'.num'}.'/'.$folder. |
'.sequence'). |
'___'.$residx.'___'. |
&Apache::lonnet::declutter($url)); |
(undef,undef,$url)=&Apache::lonnet::decode_symb($symb); |
$url=&Apache::lonnet::clutter($url); |
$url.=(($url=~/\?/)?'&':'?').'symb='.&Apache::lonnet::escape($symb); |
} |
if ($isfolder) { |
my $foldername=&Apache::lonnet::escape($foldertitle); |
my $folderpath=$ENV{'form.folderpath'}; |
if ($folderpath) { $folderpath.='&' }; |
$folderpath.=$folderarg.'&'.$foldername; |
$url.='folderpath='.&Apache::lonnet::escape($folderpath); |
} |
$line.='<td bgcolor="#FFFFBB"><a href="'.$url.'"><img src="'.$icon. |
'" border="0"></a></td>'. |
"<td bgcolor='#FFFFBB'><a href='$url'>$title</a></td></tr>"; |
return $line; |
return $line; |
} |
} |
# ---------------------------------------------------------------- tie the hash |
sub tiehash { |
$hashtied=0; |
if ($ENV{'request.course.fn'}) { |
if (tie(%hash,'GDBM_File',$ENV{'request.course.fn'}.".db", |
&GDBM_READER(),0640)) { |
$hashtied=1; |
} |
} |
} |
sub untiehash { |
if ($hashtied) { untie %hash; } |
$hashtied=0; |
} |
# --------------------------------------------------------------- check on this |
sub checkonthis { |
my ($r,$url,$level,$title)=@_; |
$alreadyseen{$url}=1; |
$r->rflush(); |
if (($url) && ($url!~/^\/uploaded\//) && ($url!~/\*$/)) { |
$r->print("\n<br />"); |
for (my $i=0;$i<=$level*5;$i++) { |
$r->print(' '); |
} |
$r->print('<a href="'.$url.'" target="cat">'. |
($title?$title:$url).'</a> '); |
if ($url=~/^\/res\//) { |
my $result=&Apache::lonnet::repcopy( |
&Apache::lonnet::filelocation('',$url)); |
if ($result==OK) { |
$r->print('<font color="green">'.&mt('ok').'</font>'); |
$r->rflush(); |
&Apache::lonnet::countacc($url); |
$url=~/\.(\w+)$/; |
if (&Apache::loncommon::fileembstyle($1) eq 'ssi') { |
$r->print('<br />'); |
$r->rflush(); |
for (my $i=0;$i<=$level*5;$i++) { |
$r->print(' '); |
} |
$r->print('- '.&mt('Rendering').': '); |
my $oldpath=$ENV{'request.filename'}; |
$ENV{'request.filename'}=&Apache::lonnet::filelocation('',$url); |
&Apache::lonxml::xmlparse($r,'web', |
&Apache::lonnet::getfile( |
&Apache::lonnet::filelocation('',$url))); |
undef($Apache::lonhomework::parsing_a_problem); |
$ENV{'request.filename'}=$oldpath; |
if (($Apache::lonxml::errorcount) || |
($Apache::lonxml::warningcount)) { |
if ($Apache::lonxml::errorcount) { |
$r->print('<img src="/adm/lonMisc/bomb.gif" /><font color="red"><b>'. |
$Apache::lonxml::errorcount.' '. |
&mt('error(s)').'</b></font> '); |
} |
if ($Apache::lonxml::warningcount) { |
$r->print('<font color="blue">'. |
$Apache::lonxml::warningcount.' '. |
&mt('warning(s)').'</font>'); |
} |
} else { |
$r->print('<font color="green">'.&mt('ok').'</font>'); |
} |
$r->rflush(); |
} |
my $dependencies= |
&Apache::lonnet::metadata($url,'dependencies'); |
foreach (split(/\,/,$dependencies)) { |
if (($_=~/^\/res\//) && (!$alreadyseen{$_})) { |
&checkonthis($r,$_,$level+1); |
} |
} |
} elsif ($result==HTTP_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE) { |
$r->print('<font color="red"><b>'.&mt('connection down').'</b></font>'); |
} elsif ($result==HTTP_NOT_FOUND) { |
unless ($url=~/\$/) { |
$r->print('<font color="red"><b>'.&mt('not found').'</b></font>'); |
} else { |
$r->print('<font color="yellow"><b>'.&mt('unable to verify variable URL').'</b></font>'); |
} |
} else { |
$r->print('<font color="red"><b>'.&mt('access denied').'</b></font>'); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
# |
# -------------------------------------------------------------- Verify Content |
# |
sub verifycontent { |
my $r=shift; |
my $loaderror=&Apache::lonnet::overloaderror($r); |
if ($loaderror) { return $loaderror; } |
$r->print('<html><head><title>Verify Content</title></head>'. |
&Apache::loncommon::bodytag('Verify Course Documents')); |
$hashtied=0; |
undef %alreadyseen; |
%alreadyseen=(); |
&tiehash(); |
foreach (keys %hash) { |
if (($_=~/^src\_(.+)$/) && (!$alreadyseen{$hash{$_}})) { |
&checkonthis($r,$hash{$_},0,$hash{'title_'.$1}); |
} |
} |
&untiehash(); |
$r->print('<h1>'.&mt('Done').'.</h1>'.'<a href="/adm/coursedocs">'. |
&mt('Return to DOCS').'</a>'); |
} |
# -------------------------------------------------------------- Check Versions |
sub checkversions { |
my $r=shift; |
$r->print('<html><head><title>Check Versions</title></head>'. |
&Apache::loncommon::bodytag('Check Course Document Versions')); |
my $header=''; |
my $startsel=''; |
my $monthsel=''; |
my $weeksel=''; |
my $daysel=''; |
my $allsel=''; |
my %changes=(); |
my $starttime=0; |
my $haschanged=0; |
my %setversions=&Apache::lonnet::dump('resourceversions', |
$ENV{'course.'.$ENV{''}.'.domain'}, |
$ENV{'course.'.$ENV{''}.'.num'}); |
$hashtied=0; |
&tiehash(); |
my %newsetversions=(); |
if ($ENV{'form.setmostrecent'}) { |
$haschanged=1; |
foreach (keys %hash) { |
if ($_=~/^ids\_(\/res\/.+)$/) { |
$newsetversions{$1}='mostrecent'; |
} |
} |
} elsif ($ENV{'form.setcurrent'}) { |
$haschanged=1; |
foreach (keys %hash) { |
if ($_=~/^ids\_(\/res\/.+)$/) { |
my $getvers=&Apache::lonnet::getversion($1); |
if ($getvers>0) { |
$newsetversions{$1}=$getvers; |
} |
} |
} |
} elsif ($ENV{'form.setversions'}) { |
$haschanged=1; |
foreach (keys %ENV) { |
if ($_=~/^form\.set_version_(.+)$/) { |
my $src=$1; |
&Apache::lonnet::logthis('Found: '.$1.' '.$ENV{$_}); |
if (($ENV{$_}) && ($ENV{$_} ne $setversions{$src})) { |
$newsetversions{$src}=$ENV{$_}; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
if ($haschanged) { |
if (&Apache::lonnet::put('resourceversions',\%newsetversions, |
$ENV{'course.'.$ENV{''}.'.domain'}, |
$ENV{'course.'.$ENV{''}.'.num'}) eq 'ok') { |
$r->print('<h1>'.&mt('Your Version Settings have been Stored').'</h1>'); |
} else { |
$r->print('<h1><font color="red">'.&mt('An Error Occured while Attempting to Store your Version Settings').'</font></h1>'); |
} |
&changewarning($r,''); |
} |
if ($ENV{'form.timerange'} eq 'all') { |
# show all documents |
$header=&mt('All Documents in Course'); |
$allsel=1; |
foreach (keys %hash) { |
if ($_=~/^ids\_(\/res\/.+)$/) { |
my $src=$1; |
$changes{$src}=1; |
} |
} |
} else { |
# show documents which changed |
%changes=&Apache::lonnet::dump |
('versionupdate',$ENV{'course.'.$ENV{''}.'.domain'}, |
$ENV{'course.'.$ENV{''}.'.num'}); |
my $firstkey=(keys %changes)[0]; |
unless ($firstkey=~/^error\:/) { |
unless ($ENV{'form.timerange'}) { |
$ENV{'form.timerange'}=604800; |
} |
my $seltext=&mt('during the last').' '.$ENV{'form.timerange'}.' ' |
.&mt('seconds'); |
if ($ENV{'form.timerange'}==-1) { |
$seltext='since start of course'; |
$startsel='selected'; |
$ENV{'form.timerange'}=time; |
} |
$starttime=time-$ENV{'form.timerange'}; |
if ($ENV{'form.timerange'}==2592000) { |
$seltext=&mt('during the last month').' ('.&Apache::lonlocal::locallocaltime($starttime).')'; |
$monthsel='selected'; |
} elsif ($ENV{'form.timerange'}==604800) { |
$seltext=&mt('during the last week').' ('.&Apache::lonlocal::locallocaltime($starttime).')'; |
$weeksel='selected'; |
} elsif ($ENV{'form.timerange'}==86400) { |
$seltext=&mt('since yesterday').' ('.&Apache::lonlocal::locallocaltime($starttime).')'; |
$daysel='selected'; |
} |
$header=&mt('Content changed').' '.$seltext; |
} else { |
$header=&mt('No content modifications yet.'); |
} |
} |
%setversions=&Apache::lonnet::dump('resourceversions', |
$ENV{'course.'.$ENV{''}.'.domain'}, |
$ENV{'course.'.$ENV{''}.'.num'}); |
my %lt=&Apache::lonlocal::texthash |
('st' => 'Version changes since start of Course', |
'lm' => 'Version changes since last Month', |
'lw' => 'Version changes since last Week', |
'sy' => 'Version changes since Yesterday', |
'al' => 'All Resources (possibly large output)', |
'sd' => 'Display', |
'fi' => 'File', |
'md' => 'Modification Date', |
'mr' => 'Most recently published Version', |
've' => 'Version used in Course', |
'vu' => 'Set Version to be used in Course', |
'sv' => 'Set Versions to be used in Course according to Selections below', |
'sm' => 'Keep all Resources up-to-date with most recent Versions (default)', |
'sc' => 'Set all Resource Versions to current Version (Fix Versions)', |
'di' => 'Differences'); |
$r->print(<<ENDHEADERS); |
<form action="/adm/coursedocs" method="post"> |
<input type="hidden" name="versions" value="1" /> |
<input type="submit" name="setmostrecent" value="$lt{'sm'}" /> |
<input type="submit" name="setcurrent" value="$lt{'sc'}" /><hr /> |
<select name="timerange"> |
<option value='all' $allsel>$lt{'al'}</option> |
<option value="-1" $startsel>$lt{'st'}</option> |
<option value="2592000" $monthsel>$lt{'lm'}</option> |
<option value="604800" $weeksel>$lt{'lw'}</option> |
<option value="86400" $daysel>$lt{'sy'}</option> |
</select> |
<input type="submit" name="display" value="$lt{'sd'}" /> |
<h3>$header</h3> |
<input type="submit" name="setversions" value="$lt{'sv'}" /> |
<table border="0"> |
foreach (sort keys %changes) { |
if ($changes{$_}>$starttime) { |
my ($root,$extension)=($_=~/^(.*)\.(\w+)$/); |
my $currentversion=&Apache::lonnet::getversion($_); |
if ($currentversion<0) { |
$currentversion=&mt('Could not be determined.'); |
} |
my $linkurl=&Apache::lonnet::clutter($_); |
$r->print( |
'<tr><td colspan="5"><br /><br /><font size="+1"><b>'. |
&Apache::lonnet::gettitle($linkurl). |
'</b></font></td></tr>'. |
'<tr><td> </td>'. |
'<td colspan="4">'. |
'<a href="'.$linkurl.'" target="cat">'.$linkurl. |
'</a></td></tr>'. |
'<tr><td></td>'. |
'<td title="'.$lt{'md'}.'">'. |
&Apache::lonlocal::locallocaltime( |
&Apache::lonnet::metadata($root.'.'.$extension, |
'lastrevisiondate') |
). |
'</td>'. |
'<td title="'.$lt{'mr'}.'"><nobr>Most Recent: '. |
'<font size="+1">'.$currentversion.'</font>'. |
'</nobr></td>'. |
'<td title="'.$lt{'ve'}.'"><nobr>In Course: '. |
'<font size="+1">'); |
# Used in course |
my $usedversion=$hash{'version_'.$linkurl}; |
if (($usedversion) && ($usedversion ne 'mostrecent')) { |
$r->print($usedversion); |
} else { |
$r->print($currentversion); |
} |
$r->print('</font></nobr></td><td title="'.$lt{'vu'}.'">'. |
'<nobr>Use: '); |
# Set version |
$r->print(&Apache::loncommon::select_form($setversions{$linkurl}, |
'set_version_'.$linkurl, |
('' => '', |
'mostrecent' => 'most recent', |
map {$_,$_} (1..$currentversion)))); |
$r->print('</nobr></td></tr><tr><td></td>'); |
my $lastold=1; |
for (my $prevvers=1;$prevvers<$currentversion;$prevvers++) { |
my $url=$root.'.'.$prevvers.'.'.$extension; |
if (&Apache::lonnet::metadata($url,'lastrevisiondate')< |
$starttime) { |
$lastold=$prevvers; |
} |
} |
# |
# Code to figure out how many version entries should go in |
# each of the four columns |
my $entries_per_col = 0; |
my $num_entries = ($currentversion-$lastold); |
if ($num_entries % 4 == 0) { |
$entries_per_col = $num_entries/4; |
} else { |
$entries_per_col = $num_entries/4 + 1; |
} |
my $entries_count = 0; |
$r->print('<td valign="top"><font size="-2">'); |
my $cols_output = 1; |
for (my $prevvers=$lastold;$prevvers<$currentversion;$prevvers++) { |
my $url=$root.'.'.$prevvers.'.'.$extension; |
$r->print('<nobr><a href="'.&Apache::lonnet::clutter($url). |
'">'.&mt('Version').' '.$prevvers.'</a> ('. |
&Apache::lonlocal::locallocaltime( |
&Apache::lonnet::metadata($url, |
'lastrevisiondate') |
). |
')'); |
if (&Apache::loncommon::fileembstyle($extension) eq 'ssi') { |
$r->print(' <a href="/adm/diff?filename='. |
&Apache::lonnet::clutter($root.'.'.$extension). |
'&versionone='.$prevvers. |
'">'.&mt('Diffs').'</a>'); |
} |
$r->print('</nobr><br />'); |
if (++$entries_count % $entries_per_col == 0) { |
$r->print('</font></td>'); |
if ($cols_output != 4) { |
$r->print('<td valign="top"><font size="-2">'); |
$cols_output++; |
} |
} |
} |
while($cols_output++ < 4) { |
$r->print('</font></td><td><font>') |
} |
$r->print('</font></td></tr>'."\n"); |
} |
} |
$r->print('</table></form>'); |
$r->print('<h1>'.&mt('Done').'.</h1>'); |
&untiehash(); |
} |
sub changewarning { |
my ($r,$postexec)=@_; |
$r->print( |
'<script>function reinit(tf) { tf.submit();'.$postexec.' }</script>'. |
'<form method="post" action="/adm/roles" target="loncapaclient">'. |
'<input type="hidden" name="orgurl" value="/adm/coursedocs" /><input type="hidden" name="selectrole" value="1" /><h3><font color="red">'. |
&mt('Changes will become active for your current session after'). |
' <input type="hidden" name="'. |
$ENV{'request.role'}.'" value="1" /><input type="button" value="'. |
&mt('re-initializing course').'" onClick="reinit(this.form)"/>'.&mt(', or the next time you log in.'). |
$help{'Caching'}.'</font></h3></form>'); |
} |
# ================================================================ Main Handler |
# ================================================================ Main Handler |
sub handler { |
sub handler { |
my $r = shift; |
my $r = shift; |
$r->content_type('text/html'); |
&Apache::loncommon::content_type($r,'text/html'); |
$r->send_http_header; |
$r->send_http_header; |
return OK if $r->header_only; |
return OK if $r->header_only; |
# --------------------------------------------- Initialize help topics for this |
foreach ('Adding_Course_Doc','Main_Course_Documents', |
'Adding_External_Resource','Navigate_Content', |
'Adding_Folders','Docs_Overview', 'Load_Map', |
'Supplemental', 'Score_Upload_Form', |
'Importing_LON-CAPA_Resource','Uploading_From_Harddrive') { |
$help{$_}=&Apache::loncommon::help_open_topic('Docs_'.$_); |
} |
# Composite help files |
$help{'Syllabus'} = &Apache::loncommon::help_open_topic( |
'Docs_About_Syllabus,Docs_Editing_Templated_Pages'); |
$help{'Simple Page'} = &Apache::loncommon::help_open_topic( |
'Docs_About_Simple_Page,Docs_Editing_Templated_Pages'); |
$help{'Simple Problem'} = &Apache::loncommon::help_open_topic( |
'Option_Response_Simple'); |
$help{'Bulletin Board'} = &Apache::loncommon::help_open_topic( |
'Docs_About_Bulletin_Board,Docs_Editing_Templated_Pages'); |
$help{'My Personal Info'} = &Apache::loncommon::help_open_topic( |
'Docs_About_My_Personal_Info,Docs_Editing_Templated_Pages'); |
$help{'Caching'} = &Apache::loncommon::help_open_topic('Caching'); |
if ($ENV{'form.verify'}) { |
&verifycontent($r); |
} elsif ($ENV{'form.versions'}) { |
&checkversions($r); |
} elsif ($ENV{'form.dumpcourse'}) { |
&dumpcourse($r); |
} else { |
# is this a standard course? |
# is this a standard course? |
&Apache::loncommon::get_unprocessed_cgi($ENV{'QUERY_STRING'},['folder']); |
my $standard=($ENV{'request.course.uri'}=~/^\/uploaded\//); |
my $standard=($ENV{'request.course.uri'}=~/^\/uploaded\//); |
my $forcestandard=($ENV{'form.folder'}=~/^default_/); |
my $forcestandard; |
my $forcesupplement=($ENV{'form.folder'}=~/^supplemental_/); |
my $forcesupplement; |
my $script=''; |
my $allowed; |
my $events=''; |
my $showdoc=0; |
&Apache::loncommon::get_unprocessed_cgi($ENV{'QUERY_STRING'}, |
['folderpath']); |
if ($ENV{'form.folderpath'}) { |
my (@folderpath)=split('&',$ENV{'form.folderpath'}); |
$ENV{'form.foldername'}=&Apache::lonnet::unescape(pop(@folderpath)); |
$ENV{'form.folder'}=pop(@folderpath); |
$ENV{'form.folders'}=\@folderpath; |
} |
if ($r->uri=~/^\/adm\/coursedocs\/showdoc\/(.*)$/) { |
$showdoc=$1; |
} |
unless ($showdoc) { # got called from remote |
$forcestandard=($ENV{'form.folder'}=~/^default_/); |
$forcesupplement=($ENV{'form.folder'}=~/^supplemental_/); |
# does this user have privileges to post, etc? |
# does this user have privileges to post, etc? |
my $allowed=&Apache::lonnet::allowed('srm',$ENV{''}); |
$allowed=&Apache::lonnet::allowed('mdc',$ENV{''}); |
my $script=''; |
if ($allowed) { |
if ($allowed) { |
&Apache::loncommon::get_unprocessed_cgi($ENV{'QUERY_STRING'},['cmd']); |
&Apache::loncommon::get_unprocessed_cgi($ENV{'QUERY_STRING'},['cmd']); |
$script=&Apache::lonratedt::editscript('simple'); |
$script=&Apache::lonratedt::editscript('simple'); |
} |
} else { # got called in sequence from course |
$allowed=0; |
$script='</script>'.&Apache::lonmenu::registerurl(1,undef).'<script>'; |
$events='onLoad="'.&Apache::lonmenu::loadevents. |
'" onUnload="'.&Apache::lonmenu::unloadevents.'"'; |
} |
} |
# get course data |
# get course data |
my $coursenum=$ENV{'course.'.$ENV{''}.'.num'}; |
my $coursenum=$ENV{'course.'.$ENV{''}.'.num'}; |
my $coursedom=$ENV{'course.'.$ENV{''}.'.domain'}; |
my $coursedom=$ENV{'course.'.$ENV{''}.'.domain'}; |
# get personal data |
my $uname=$ENV{''}; |
my $udom=$ENV{'user.domain'}; |
my $plainname=&Apache::lonnet::escape( |
&Apache::loncommon::plainname($uname,$udom)); |
# graphics settings |
# graphics settings |
$iconpath = $r->dir_config('lonIconsURL') . "/"; |
$iconpath = $r->dir_config('lonIconsURL') . "/"; |
my $now=time; |
# print screen |
# print screen |
$r->print(<<ENDDOCUMENT); |
$r->print(<<ENDDOCUMENT); |
<html> |
<html> |
<head> |
<head> |
<title>The LearningOnline Network with CAPA</title> |
<title>The LearningOnline Network with CAPA</title> |
<script>$script</script> |
<script> |
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$script |
</script> |
$r->print(&Apache::loncommon::bodytag('Course Documents')); |
if ($allowed) { |
# --------------------------------------------------0------ Standard documents |
$r->print(<<ENDNEWSCRIPT); |
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function makenewfolder(targetform,folderseq) { |
var foldername=prompt('Name of New Folder','New Folder'); |
if (foldername) { |
targetform.importdetail.value=foldername+"="+folderseq; |
targetform.submit(); |
} |
} |
function makenewext(targetname) { |
this.document.forms.extimport.useform.value=targetname; |
|'/adm/rat/extpickframe.html'); |
} |
function makeexamupload() { |
var title=prompt('Listed Title for the Uploaded Score'); |
if (title) { |
this.document.forms.newexamupload.importdetail.value= |
title+'=/res/lib/templates/examupload.problem'; |
this.document.forms.newexamupload.submit(); |
} |
} |
function makesmppage() { |
var title=prompt('Listed Title for the Page'); |
if (title) { |
this.document.forms.newsmppg.importdetail.value= |
title+'=/adm/$udom/$uname/$now/smppg'; |
this.document.forms.newsmppg.submit(); |
} |
} |
function makesmpproblem() { |
var title=prompt('Listed Title for the Problem'); |
if (title) { |
this.document.forms.newsmpproblem.importdetail.value= |
title+'=/res/lib/templates/simpleproblem.problem'; |
this.document.forms.newsmpproblem.submit(); |
} |
} |
function makebulboard() { |
var title=prompt('Listed Title for the Bulletin Board'); |
if (title) { |
this.document.forms.newbul.importdetail.value= |
title+'=/adm/$udom/$uname/$now/bulletinboard'; |
this.document.forms.newbul.submit(); |
} |
} |
function makeabout() { |
var user=prompt("Enter user\@domain for User's 'About Me' Page"); |
if (user) { |
var comp=new Array(); |
comp=user.split('\@'); |
if ((typeof(comp[0])!=undefined) && (typeof(comp[1])!=undefined)) { |
if ((comp[0]) && (comp[1])) { |
this.document.forms.newaboutsomeone.importdetail.value= |
'About '+user+'=/adm/'+comp[1]+'/'+comp[0]+'/aboutme'; |
this.document.forms.newaboutsomeone.submit(); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
function makeims() { |
var caller = document.forms.ims.folder.value |
var newlocation = "/adm/imsimportdocs?folder="+caller+"&phase=one" |
newWindow ="","IMSimport","HEIGHT=700,WIDTH=750,scrollbars=yes") |
newWindow.location.href = newlocation |
} |
function finishpick() { |
var title=this.document.forms.extimport.title.value; |
var url=this.document.forms.extimport.url.value; |
var form=this.document.forms.extimport.useform.value; |
eval |
('this.document.forms.'+form+'.importdetail.value="'+title+'='+url+ |
'";this.document.forms.'+form+'.submit();'); |
} |
function changename(folder,index,oldtitle,foldername) { |
var title=prompt('New Title',oldtitle); |
if (title) { |
this.document.forms.renameform.title.value=title; |
this.document.forms.renameform.cmd.value='rename_'+index; |
this.document.forms.renameform.folder.value=folder; |
this.document.forms.renameform.foldername.value=foldername; |
this.document.forms.renameform.submit(); |
} |
} |
function removeres(folder,index,oldtitle,foldername) { |
if (confirm('Remove "'+oldtitle+'"?')) { |
this.document.forms.renameform.cmd.value='del_'+index; |
this.document.forms.renameform.folder.value=folder; |
this.document.forms.renameform.foldername.value=foldername; |
this.document.forms.renameform.submit(); |
} |
} |
</script> |
} |
# -------------------------------------------------------------------- Body tag |
$r->print('</head>'. |
&Apache::loncommon::bodytag('Course Documents','',$events, |
'','',$showdoc). |
&Apache::loncommon::help_open_faq(273). |
&Apache::loncommon::help_open_bug('RAT')); |
unless ($showdoc) { |
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
my %lt=&Apache::lonlocal::texthash( |
'uplm' => 'Upload a new main course document', |
'upls' => 'Upload a new supplemental course document', |
'impp' => 'Import a published document', |
'spec' => 'Special documents', |
'upld' => 'Upload Document', |
'srch' => 'Search', |
'impo' => 'Import', |
'selm' => 'Select Map', |
'load' => 'Load Map', |
'newf' => 'New Folder', |
'extr' => 'External Resource', |
'syll' => 'Syllabus', |
'navc' => 'Navigate Contents', |
'sipa' => 'Simple Page', |
'sipr' => 'Simple Problem', |
'scuf' => 'Score Upload Form', |
'bull' => 'Bulletin Board', |
'mypi' => 'My Personal Info', |
'abou' => 'About User', |
'imsf' => 'Import IMS package', |
'file' => 'File', |
'title' => 'Title', |
'comment' => 'Comment' |
); |
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
if ($allowed) { |
my $dumpbut=&dumpbutton(); |
my %lt=&Apache::lonlocal::texthash( |
'vc' => 'Verify Content', |
'cv' => 'Check/Set Resource Versions', |
); |
$r->print(<<ENDCOURSEVERIFY); |
<form name="renameform" method="post" action="/adm/coursedocs"> |
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</td><td bgcolor="#DDDDCC"> |
<input type="submit" name="versions" value="$lt{'cv'}" /> |
$dumpbut |
</td></tr></table> |
</form> |
$r->print(&Apache::loncommon::help_open_topic('Docs_Adding_Course_Doc', |
&mt('Editing the Table of Contents for your Course'))); |
} |
# --------------------------------------------------------- Standard documents |
my $htmlfoldername=&HTML::Entities::encode($ENV{'form.foldername'},'<>&"'); |
$r->print('<table border=2 cellspacing=4 cellpadding=4>'); |
if (($standard) && ($allowed) && (!$forcesupplement)) { |
if (($standard) && ($allowed) && (!$forcesupplement)) { |
$r->print('<h2>Main Course Documents</h2>'); |
$r->print('<tr><td bgcolor="#BBBBBB"><h2>'.&mt('Main Course Documents'). |
($allowed?' '.$help{'Main_Course_Documents'}:'').'</h2>'); |
my $folder=$ENV{'form.folder'}; |
my $folder=$ENV{'form.folder'}; |
unless ($folder=~/^default/) { $folder='default'; } |
if ($folder eq '') { |
$folder='default'; |
} |
my $postexec=''; |
if ($folder eq 'default') { |
$r->print('<script>"loncapaclient";</script>'); |
} else { |
$postexec='self.close();'; |
} |
$hadchanges=0; |
&editor($r,$coursenum,$coursedom,$folder,$allowed); |
&editor($r,$coursenum,$coursedom,$folder,$allowed); |
if ($hadchanges) { |
&changewarning($r,$postexec); |
} |
my $folderseq='/uploaded/'.$coursedom.'/'.$coursenum.'/default_'.time. |
'.sequence'; |
$r->print(<<ENDFORM); |
$r->print(<<ENDFORM); |
<table><tr> |
<table cellspacing=4 cellpadding=4><tr> |
<th>Upload a new main course document</th> |
<th bgcolor="#DDDDDD">$lt{'uplm'}</th> |
<th>Import a published document</th> |
<th bgcolor="#DDDDDD">$lt{'impp'}</th> |
<th>Special documents</th> |
<th bgcolor="#DDDDDD">$lt{'spec'}</th> |
</tr> |
</tr> |
<tr><td> |
<tr><td bgcolor="#DDDDDD"> |
File:<br /> |
$lt{'file'}:<br /> |
<form action="/adm/coursedocs" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"> |
<form action="/adm/coursedocs" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"> |
<input type="file" name="uploaddoc" size="50"> |
<input type="file" name="uploaddoc" size="40"> |
<br /> |
<br /> |
Title:<br /> |
$lt{'title'}:<br /> |
<input type="text" size="50" name="comment"> |
<input type="text" size="50" name="comment"> |
<input type="hidden" name="folder" value="$folder"> |
<input type="hidden" name="folder" value="$folder"> |
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<input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="upload_default"> |
<input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="upload_default"> |
<input type="submit" value="Upload Document"> |
<input type="submit" value="$lt{'upld'}"> |
<nobr> |
$help{'Uploading_From_Harddrive'} |
</nobr> |
</form> |
</form> |
</td> |
</td> |
<td> |
<td bgcolor="#DDDDDD"> |
<form action="/adm/coursedocs" method="post" name="simpleedit"> |
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"javascript:groupsearch()" value="Group Search"> |
"javascript:document.forms.simpleedit.folder.value='$folder';groupsearch()" value="$lt{'srch'}"> |
<nobr> |
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<input type=button onClick= |
"javascript:groupimport();" value="Group Import"> |
"javascript:document.forms.simpleedit.folder.value='$folder';groupimport();" value="$lt{'impo'}"> |
$help{'Importing_LON-CAPA_Resource'} |
</nobr> |
<p> |
<hr /> |
<input type="text" size="20" name="importmap"><br /> |
<nobr><input type=button |
onClick="javascript:openbrowser('simpleeditdefault','importmap','sequence,page','')" |
value="$lt{'selm'}"> <input type="submit" name="loadmap" value="$lt{'load'}"> |
$help{'Load_Map'}</nobr> |
</p> |
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<form action="/adm/coursedocs" method="post" name="newfolder"> |
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value="New Folder" /> |
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<input type=hidden name="importdetail" value=""> |
<nobr> |
<input name="newfolder" type="button" |
onClick="javascript:makenewfolder(this.form,'$folderseq');" |
value="$lt{'newf'}" />$help{'Adding_Folders'} |
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<form action="/adm/coursedocs" method="post" name="newext"> |
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value="External Resource" /> |
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<nobr> |
<input name="newext" type="button" onClick="javascript:makenewext('newext');" |
value="$lt{'extr'}" /> $help{'Adding_External_Resource'} |
</nobr> |
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value="Syllabus" /> |
<input type="hidden" name="foldername" value="$htmlfoldername"> |
<input type=hidden name="importdetail" |
value="Syllabus=/public/$coursedom/$coursenum/syllabus"> |
<nobr> |
<input name="newsyl" type="submit" value="$lt{'syll'}" /> |
$help{'Syllabus'} |
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value="Navigate Content=/adm/navmaps"> |
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$help{'Navigate_Content'} |
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onClick="javascript:makesmppage();" /> $help{'Simple Page'} |
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<nobr> |
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onClick="javascript:makesmpproblem();" />$help{'Simple Problem'} |
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<nobr> |
<input name="newexamupload" type="button" value="$lt{'scuf'}" |
onClick="javascript:makeexamupload();" /> |
$help{'Score_Upload_Form'} |
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<nobr> |
<input name="newbulletin" type="button" value="$lt{'bull'}" |
onClick="javascript:makebulboard();" /> |
$help{'Bulletin Board'} |
</nobr> |
</form> |
</form> |
<form action="/adm/coursedocs" method="post" name="newaboutme"> |
<form action="/adm/coursedocs" method="post" name="newaboutme"> |
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value="My Personal Info" /> |
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value="$plainname=/adm/$udom/$uname/aboutme"> |
<nobr> |
<input name="newaboutme" type="submit" value="$lt{'mypi'}" /> |
$help{'My Personal Info'} |
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<nobr> |
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onClick="javascript:makeabout();" /> |
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<form action="/adm/imsimportdocs" method="post" name="ims"> |
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</form> |
</td></tr> |
</td></tr> |
</table> |
</table> |
$r->print('<hr />'); |
$r->print('</td></tr>'); |
} |
} |
# ----------------------------------------------------- Supplemental documents |
# ----------------------------------------------------- Supplemental documents |
if (!$forcestandard) { |
if (!$forcestandard) { |
$r->print('<h2>Supplemental Course Documents</h2>'); |
$r->print( |
'<tr><td bgcolor="#BBBBBB"><h2>'.&mt('Supplemental Course Documents'). |
($allowed?' '.$help{'Supplemental'}:'').'</h2>'); |
my $folder=$ENV{'form.folder'}; |
my $folder=$ENV{'form.folder'}; |
unless ($folder=~/supplemental/) { $folder='supplemental'; } |
unless ($folder=~/supplemental/) { $folder='supplemental'; } |
&editor($r,$coursenum,$coursedom,$folder,$allowed); |
&editor($r,$coursenum,$coursedom,$folder,$allowed); |
if ($allowed) { |
if ($allowed) { |
my $folderseq= |
'/uploaded/'.$coursedom.'/'.$coursenum.'/supplemental_'.time. |
'.sequence'; |
$r->print(<<ENDSUPFORM); |
$r->print(<<ENDSUPFORM); |
<h3>Post a new supplemental course document</h3> |
<table cellspacing=4 cellpadding=4><tr> |
<th bgcolor="#DDDDDD">$lt{'upls'}</th> |
<th bgcolor="#DDDDDD">$lt{'spec'}</th> |
</tr> |
<tr><td bgcolor="#DDDDDD"> |
<form action="/adm/coursedocs" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"> |
<form action="/adm/coursedocs" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"> |
<input type="file" name="uploaddoc" size="50"> |
<input type="file" name="uploaddoc" size="40"> |
<br />Comment:<br /> |
<br />$lt{'comment'}:<br /> |
<textarea cols=50 rows=4 name='comment'> |
<textarea cols=50 rows=4 name='comment'> |
</textarea> |
</textarea> |
<input type="hidden" name="folder" value="$folder"> |
<input type="hidden" name="folder" value="$folder"> |
<input type="hidden" name="foldername" value="$htmlfoldername"> |
<input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="upload_supplemental"> |
<input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="upload_supplemental"> |
<input type="submit" value="Upload Document"> |
<nobr> |
<input type="submit" value="$lt{'upld'}"> |
$help{'Uploading_From_Harddrive'} |
</nobr> |
</form> |
</td> |
<td bgcolor="#DDDDDD"> |
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<nobr> |
<input name="newfolder" type="button" |
onClick="javascript:makenewfolder(this.form,'$folderseq');" |
value="$lt{'newf'}" /> $help{'Adding_Folders'} |
</nobr> |
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<nobr> |
<input name="newext" type="button" |
onClick="javascript:makenewext('supnewext');" |
value="$lt{'extr'}" /> $help{'Adding_External_Resource'} |
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<form action="/adm/coursedocs" method="post" name="supnewsyl"> |
<input type="hidden" name="folder" value="$folder"> |
<input type="hidden" name="foldername" value="$htmlfoldername"> |
<input type=hidden name="importdetail" |
value="Syllabus=/public/$coursedom/$coursenum/syllabus"> |
<nobr> |
<input name="newsyl" type="submit" value="$lt{'syll'}" /> |
$help{'Syllabus'} |
</nobr> |
</form> |
<form action="/adm/coursedocs" method="post" name="subnewaboutme"> |
<input type="hidden" name="folder" value="$folder"> |
<input type="hidden" name="foldername" value="$htmlfoldername"> |
<input type=hidden name="importdetail" |
value="$plainname=/adm/$udom/$uname/aboutme"> |
<nobr> |
<input name="newaboutme" type="submit" value="$lt{'mypi'}" /> |
$help{'My Personal Info'} |
</nobr> |
</form> |
</td></tr> |
</table></td></tr> |
} |
} |
} |
} |
if ($allowed) { |
$r->print('</body></html>'); |
$r->print('<form name="extimport"><input type="hidden" name="title"><input type="hidden" name="url"><input type="hidden" name="useform"></form>'); |
return OK; |
} |
$r->print('</table>'); |
} else { |
# -------------------------------------------------------- This is showdoc mode |
$r->print("<h1>".&mt('Uploaded Document').'</h1><p>'. |
&mt('It is recommended that you use an up-to-date virus scanner before handling this file.')."</p><p><table>". |
&entryline(0,&mt("Click to download or use your browser's Save Link function"),$showdoc).'</table></p>'); |
} |
} |
$r->print('</body></html>'); |
return OK; |
} |
} |
1; |
1; |