--- loncom/interface/londocs.pm 2002/07/24 20:40:58 1.2
+++ loncom/interface/londocs.pm 2006/04/10 19:59:53 1.225
@@ -1,41 +1,2873 @@
# The LearningOnline Network
# Documents
-# (Internal Server Error Handler
+# $Id: londocs.pm,v 1.225 2006/04/10 19:59:53 albertel Exp $
-# (Login Screen
-# 5/21/99,5/22,5/25,5/26,5/31,6/2,6/10,7/12,7/14,
-# 1/14/00,5/29,5/30,6/1,6/29,7/1,11/9 Gerd Kortemeyer)
+# Copyright Michigan State University Board of Trustees
-# 3/1/1 Gerd Kortemeyer)
+# This file is part of the LearningOnline Network with CAPA (LON-CAPA).
-# 3/1 Gerd Kortemeyer
+# LON-CAPA is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# LON-CAPA is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with LON-CAPA; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+# /home/httpd/html/adm/gpl.txt
+# http://www.lon-capa.org/
package Apache::londocs;
use strict;
-use Apache::Constants qw(:common);
+use Apache::Constants qw(:common :http);
+use Apache::imsexport;
+use Apache::lonnet;
+use Apache::loncommon;
+use Apache::lonratedt;
+use Apache::lonratsrv;
+use Apache::lonxml;
+use Apache::loncreatecourse;
+use Apache::lonnavmaps;
+use HTML::Entities;
+use GDBM_File;
+use Apache::lonlocal;
+use Cwd;
+my $iconpath;
+my %hash;
+my $hashtied;
+my %alreadyseen=();
+my $hadchanges;
+# Available help topics
+my %help=();
+# Mapread read maps into lonratedt::global arrays
+# @order and @resources, determines status
+# sets @order - pointer to resources in right order
+# sets @resources - array with the resources with correct idx
+sub mapread {
+ my ($coursenum,$coursedom,$map)=@_;
+ return
+ &Apache::lonratedt::mapread('/uploaded/'.$coursedom.'/'.$coursenum.'/'.
+ $map);
+sub storemap {
+ my ($coursenum,$coursedom,$map)=@_;
+ my ($outtext,$errtext)=
+ &Apache::lonratedt::storemap('/uploaded/'.$coursedom.'/'.$coursenum.'/'.
+ $map,1);
+ if ($errtext) { return ($errtext,2); }
+ $hadchanges=1;
+ return ($errtext,0);
+# ----------------------------------------- Return hash with valid author names
+sub authorhosts {
+ my %outhash=();
+ my $home=0;
+ my $other=0;
+ foreach (keys %env) {
+ if ($_=~/^user\.role\.(au|ca)\.(.+)$/) {
+ my $role=$1;
+ my $realm=$2;
+ my ($start,$end)=split(/\./,$env{$_});
+ if (($start) && ($start>time)) { next; }
+ if (($end) && (time>$end)) { next; }
+ my $ca; my $cd;
+ if ($1 eq 'au') {
+ $ca=$env{'user.name'};
+ $cd=$env{'user.domain'};
+ } else {
+ ($cd,$ca)=($realm=~/^\/(\w+)\/(\w+)$/);
+ }
+ my $allowed=0;
+ my $myhome=&Apache::lonnet::homeserver($ca,$cd);
+ my @ids=&Apache::lonnet::current_machine_ids();
+ foreach my $id (@ids) { if ($id eq $myhome) { $allowed=1; } }
+ if ($allowed) {
+ $home++;
+ $outhash{'home_'.$ca.'@'.$cd}=1;
+ } else {
+ $outhash{'otherhome_'.$ca.'@'.$cd}=$myhome;
+ $other++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return ($home,$other,%outhash);
+# ------------------------------------------------------ Generate "dump" button
+sub dumpbutton {
+ my ($home,$other,%outhash)=&authorhosts();
+ if ($home+$other==0) { return ''; }
+ my $output='
+ &mt('Dump Course DOCS to Construction Space: available on other servers');
+ }
+sub clean {
+ my ($title)=@_;
+ $title=~s/[^\w\/\!\$\%\^\*\-\_\=\+\;\:\,\\\|\`\~]+/\_/gs;
+ return $title;
+# -------------------------------------------------------- Actually dump course
+sub dumpcourse {
+ my ($r) = @_;
+ $r->print(&Apache::loncommon::start_page('Dump Course DOCS to Construction Space').
+ '');
+ }
+# ------------------------------------------------------ Generate "export" button
+sub exportbutton {
+ return '
+ ''.
+ &Apache::loncommon::help_open_topic('Docs_Export_Course_Docs');
+sub exportcourse {
+ my $r=shift;
+ my %discussiontime = &Apache::lonnet::dump('discussiontimes',
+ $env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.domain'}, $env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.num'});
+ my $numdisc = keys %discussiontime;
+ my $navmap = Apache::lonnavmaps::navmap->new();
+ my $it=$navmap->getIterator(undef,undef,undef,1,undef,undef);
+ my $curRes;
+ my $outcome;
+ &Apache::loncommon::get_unprocessed_cgi($ENV{'QUERY_STRING'},
+ ['finishexport']);
+ if ($env{'form.finishexport'}) {
+ &Apache::loncommon::get_unprocessed_cgi($ENV{'QUERY_STRING'},
+ ['archive','discussion']);
+ my @exportitems = &Apache::loncommon::get_env_multiple('form.archive');
+ my @discussions = &Apache::loncommon::get_env_multiple('form.discussion');
+ if (@exportitems == 0 && @discussions == 0) {
+ $outcome = ' As you did not select any content items or discussions for export, an IMS package has not been created. Please go back to select either content items or discussions for export';
+ } else {
+ my $now = time;
+ my %symbs;
+ my $manifestok = 0;
+ my $imsresources;
+ my $tempexport;
+ my $copyresult;
+ my $ims_manifest = &create_ims_store($now,\$manifestok,\$outcome,\$tempexport);
+ if ($manifestok) {
+ &build_package($now,$navmap,\@exportitems,\@discussions,\$outcome,$tempexport,\$copyresult,$ims_manifest);
+ close($ims_manifest);
+#Create zip file in prtspool
+ my $imszipfile = '/prtspool/'.
+ $env{'user.name'}.'_'.$env{'user.domain'}.'_'.
+ time.'_'.rand(1000000000).'.zip';
+ my $cwd = &Cwd::getcwd();
+ my $imszip = '/home/httpd/'.$imszipfile;
+ chdir $tempexport;
+ open(OUTPUT, "zip -r $imszip * 2> /dev/null |");
+ close(OUTPUT);
+ chdir $cwd;
+ $outcome .= 'Download the zip file from IMS course archive ';
+ if ($copyresult) {
+ $outcome .= 'The following errors occurred during export - '.$copyresult;
+ }
+ } else {
+ $outcome = ' Unfortunately you will not be able to retrieve an IMS archive of this posts at this time, because there was a problem creating a manifest file. ';
+ }
+ }
+ $r->print(&Apache::loncommon::start_page('Export course to IMS content package'));
+ $r->print($outcome);
+ $r->print(&Apache::loncommon::end_page());
+ } else {
+ my $display;
+ $display = ''.
+ &Apache::loncommon::end_page());
+ }
+sub create_ims_store {
+ my ($now,$manifestok,$outcome,$tempexport) = @_;
+ $$tempexport = $Apache::lonnet::perlvar{'lonDaemons'}.'/tmp/ims_exports';
+ my $ims_manifest;
+ if (!-e $$tempexport) {
+ mkdir($$tempexport,0700);
+ }
+ $$tempexport .= '/'.$now;
+ if (!-e $$tempexport) {
+ mkdir($$tempexport,0700);
+ }
+ $$tempexport .= '/'.$env{'user.domain'}.'_'.$env{'user.name'};
+ if (!-e $$tempexport) {
+ mkdir($$tempexport,0700);
+ }
+ if (!-e "$$tempexport/resources") {
+ mkdir("$$tempexport/resources",0700);
+ }
+# open manifest file
+ my $manifest = '/imsmanifest.xml';
+ my $manifestfilename = $$tempexport.$manifest;
+ if ($ims_manifest = Apache::File->new('>'.$manifestfilename)) {
+ $$manifestok=1;
+ print $ims_manifest
+ '.$env{'request.course.id'}.'
+ '.$env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.description'}.'
+ '."\n".
+' '."\n".
+' '."\n".
+' '.$env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.description'}.''
+ } else {
+ $$outcome .= 'An error occurred opening the IMS manifest file. '
+ }
+ return $ims_manifest;
+sub build_package {
+ my ($now,$navmap,$exportitems,$discussions,$outcome,$tempexport,$copyresult,$ims_manifest) = @_;
+# first iterator to look for dependencies
+ my $it = $navmap->getIterator(undef,undef,undef,1,undef,undef);
+ my $curRes;
+ my $count = 0;
+ my $depth = 0;
+ my $lastcontainer = 0;
+ my %parent = ();
+ my @dependencies = ();
+ my $cnum = $env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.num'};
+ my $cdom = $env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.domain'};
+ while ($curRes = $it->next()) {
+ if (ref($curRes)) {
+ $count ++;
+ }
+ if ($curRes == $it->BEGIN_MAP()) {
+ $depth++;
+ $parent{$depth} = $lastcontainer;
+ }
+ if ($curRes == $it->END_MAP()) {
+ $depth--;
+ $lastcontainer = $parent{$depth};
+ }
+ if (ref($curRes)) {
+ if ($curRes->is_sequence() || $curRes->is_page()) {
+ $lastcontainer = $count;
+ }
+ if (grep/^$count$/,@$exportitems) {
+ &get_dependencies($exportitems,\%parent,$depth,\@dependencies);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+# second iterator to build manifest and store resources
+ $it = $navmap->getIterator(undef,undef,undef,1,undef,undef);
+ $depth = 0;
+ my $prevdepth;
+ $count = 0;
+ my $imsresources;
+ my $pkgdepth;
+ while ($curRes = $it->next()) {
+ if ($curRes == $it->BEGIN_MAP()) {
+ $prevdepth = $depth;
+ $depth++;
+ }
+ if ($curRes == $it->END_MAP()) {
+ $prevdepth = $depth;
+ $depth--;
+ }
+ if (ref($curRes)) {
+ $count ++;
+ if ((grep/^$count$/,@$exportitems) || (grep/^$count$/,@dependencies)) {
+ my $symb = $curRes->symb();
+ my $isvisible = 'true';
+ my $resourceref;
+ if ($curRes->randomout()) {
+ $isvisible = 'false';
+ }
+ unless ($curRes->is_sequence()) {
+ $resourceref = 'identifierref="RES-'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'-'.$count.'"';
+ }
+ my $step = $prevdepth - $depth;
+ if (($step >= 0) && ($count > 1)) {
+ while ($step >= 0) {
+ print $ims_manifest "\n".' '."\n";
+ $step --;
+ }
+ }
+ $prevdepth = $depth;
+ my $itementry =
+ ''.
+ ''.$curRes->title().'';
+ print $ims_manifest "\n".$itementry;
+ unless ($curRes->is_sequence()) {
+ my $content_file;
+ my @hrefs = ();
+ &process_content($count,$curRes,$cdom,$cnum,$symb,\$content_file,\@hrefs,$copyresult,$tempexport);
+ if ($content_file) {
+ $imsresources .= "\n".
+ ' '."\n".
+ ' '."\n";
+ foreach (@hrefs) {
+ $imsresources .=
+ ' '."\n";
+ }
+ if (grep/^$count$/,@$discussions) {
+ my $ressymb = $symb;
+ my $mode;
+ if ($ressymb =~ m|adm/(\w+)/(\w+)/(\d+)/bulletinboard$|) {
+ unless ($ressymb =~ m|adm/wrapper/adm|) {
+ $ressymb = 'bulletin___'.$3.'___adm/wrapper/adm/'.$1.'/'.$2.'/'.$3.'/bulletinboard';
+ }
+ $mode = 'board';
+ }
+ my %extras = (
+ caller => 'imsexport',
+ tempexport => $tempexport.'/resources',
+ count => $count
+ );
+ my $discresult = &Apache::lonfeedback::list_discussion($mode,undef,$ressymb,\%extras);
+ }
+ $imsresources .= ' '."\n";
+ }
+ }
+ $pkgdepth = $depth;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ while ($pkgdepth > 0) {
+ print $ims_manifest " \n";
+ $pkgdepth --;
+ }
+ my $resource_text = qq|
+ $imsresources
+ |;
+ print $ims_manifest $resource_text;
+sub get_dependencies {
+ my ($exportitems,$parent,$depth,$dependencies) = @_;
+ if ($depth > 1) {
+ if ((!grep/^$$parent{$depth}$/,@$exportitems) && (!grep/^$$parent{$depth}$/,@$dependencies)) {
+ push @$dependencies, $$parent{$depth};
+ if ($depth > 2) {
+ &get_dependencies($exportitems,$parent,$depth-1,$dependencies);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+sub process_content {
+ my ($count,$curRes,$cdom,$cnum,$symb,$content_file,$href,$copyresult,$tempexport) = @_;
+ my $content_type;
+ my $message;
+ my @uploads = ();
+ if ($curRes->is_sequence()) {
+ $content_type = 'sequence';
+ } elsif ($curRes->is_page()) {
+ $content_type = 'page'; # need to handle individual items in pages.
+ } elsif ($symb =~ m-public/$cdom/$cnum/syllabus$-) {
+ $content_type = 'syllabus';
+ my $contents = &Apache::imsexport::templatedpage($content_type);
+ if ($contents) {
+ $$content_file = &store_template($contents,$tempexport,$count,$content_type);
+ }
+ } elsif ($symb =~ m-\.sequence___\d+___ext-) {
+ $content_type = 'external';
+ my $title = $curRes->title;
+ my $contents = &Apache::imsexport::external($symb,$title);
+ if ($contents) {
+ $$content_file = &store_template($contents,$tempexport,$count,$content_type);
+ }
+ } elsif ($symb =~ m-adm/navmaps$-) {
+ $content_type = 'navmap';
+ } elsif ($symb =~ m-adm/[^/]+/[^/]+/(\d+)/smppg$-) {
+ $content_type = 'simplepage';
+ my $contents = &Apache::imsexport::templatedpage($content_type,$1,$count,\@uploads);
+ if ($contents) {
+ $$content_file = &store_template($contents,$tempexport,$count,$content_type);
+ }
+ } elsif ($symb =~ m-lib/templates/simpleproblem\.problem$-) {
+ $content_type = 'simpleproblem';
+ my $contents = &Apache::imsexport::simpleproblem($symb);
+ if ($contents) {
+ $$content_file = &store_template($contents,$tempexport,$count,$content_type);
+ }
+ } elsif ($symb =~ m-lib/templates/examupload\.problem$-) {
+ $content_type = 'examupload';
+ } elsif ($symb =~ m-adm/(\w+)/(\w+)/(\d+)/bulletinboard$-) {
+ $content_type = 'bulletinboard';
+ my $contents = &Apache::imsexport::templatedpage($content_type,$3,$count,\@uploads,$1,$2);
+ if ($contents) {
+ $$content_file = &store_template($contents,$tempexport,$count,$content_type);
+ }
+ } elsif ($symb =~ m-adm/([^/]+)/([^/]+)/aboutme$-) {
+ $content_type = 'aboutme';
+ my $contents = &Apache::imsexport::templatedpage($content_type,undef,$count,\@uploads,$1,$2);
+ if ($contents) {
+ $$content_file = &store_template($contents,$tempexport,$count,$content_type);
+ }
+ } elsif ($symb =~ m-\.(sequence|page)___\d+___uploaded/$cdom/$cnum/-) {
+ $$content_file = &replicate_content($cdom,$cnum,$tempexport,$symb,$count,\$message,$href,'uploaded');
+ } elsif ($symb =~ m-\.(sequence|page)___\d+___([^/]+)/([^/]+)-) {
+ my $canedit = 0;
+ if ($2 eq $env{'user.domain'} && $3 eq $env{'user.name'}) {
+ $canedit= 1;
+ }
+# only include problem code where current user is author
+ if ($canedit) {
+ $$content_file = &replicate_content($cdom,$cnum,$tempexport,$symb,$count,\$message,$href,'resource');
+ } else {
+ $$content_file = &replicate_content($cdom,$cnum,$tempexport,$symb,$count,\$message,$href,'noedit');
+ }
+ } elsif ($symb =~ m-uploaded/$cdom/$cnum-) {
+ $$content_file = &replicate_content($cdom,$cnum,$tempexport,$symb,$count,\$message,$href,'uploaded');
+ }
+ if (@uploads > 0) {
+ foreach my $item (@uploads) {
+ my $uploadmsg = '';
+ &replicate_content($cdom,$cnum,$tempexport,$item,$count,\$uploadmsg,$href,'templateupload');
+ if ($uploadmsg) {
+ $$copyresult .= $uploadmsg."\n";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($message) {
+ $$copyresult .= $message."\n";
+ }
+sub replicate_content {
+ my ($cdom,$cnum,$tempexport,$symb,$count,$message,$href,$caller) = @_;
+ my ($map,$ind,$url);
+ if ($caller eq 'templateupload') {
+ $url = $symb;
+ $url =~ s#//#/#g;
+ } else {
+ ($map,$ind,$url)=&Apache::lonnet::decode_symb($symb);
+ }
+ my $content;
+ my $filename;
+ my $repstatus;
+ my $content_name;
+ if ($url =~ m-/([^/]+)$-) {
+ $filename = $1;
+ if (!-e $tempexport.'/resources') {
+ mkdir($tempexport.'/resources',0700);
+ }
+ if (!-e $tempexport.'/resources/'.$count) {
+ mkdir($tempexport.'/resources/'.$count,0700);
+ }
+ my $destination = $tempexport.'/resources/'.$count.'/'.$filename;
+ my $copiedfile;
+ if ($copiedfile = Apache::File->new('>'.$destination)) {
+ my $content;
+ if ($caller eq 'resource') {
+ my $respath = $Apache::lonnet::perlvar{'lonDocRoot'}.'/res';
+ my $filepath = &Apache::lonnet::filelocation($respath,$url);
+ $content = &Apache::lonnet::getfile($filepath);
+ if ($content eq -1) {
+ $$message = 'Could not copy file '.$filename;
+ } else {
+ &extract_media($url,$cdom,$cnum,\$content,$count,$tempexport,$href,$message,'resource');
+ $repstatus = 'ok';
+ }
+ } elsif ($caller eq 'uploaded' || $caller eq 'templateupload') {
+ my $rtncode;
+ $repstatus = &Apache::lonnet::getuploaded('GET',$url,$cdom,$cnum,\$content,$rtncode);
+ if ($repstatus eq 'ok') {
+ if ($url =~ /\.html?$/i) {
+ &extract_media($url,$cdom,$cnum,\$content,$count,$tempexport,$href,$message,'uploaded');
+ }
+ } else {
+ $$message = 'Could not render '.$url.' server message - '.$rtncode." \n";
+ }
+ } elsif ($caller eq 'noedit') {
+# Need to render the resource without the LON-CAPA Internal header and the Post discussion footer, and then set $content equal to this.
+ $repstatus = 'ok';
+ $content = 'Not the owner of this resource';
+ }
+ if ($repstatus eq 'ok') {
+ print $copiedfile $content;
+ }
+ close($copiedfile);
+ } else {
+ $$message = 'Could not open destination file for '.$filename." \n";
+ }
+ } else {
+ $$message = 'Could not determine name of file for '.$symb." \n";
+ }
+ if ($repstatus eq 'ok') {
+ $content_name = 'resources/'.$count.'/'.$filename;
+ }
+ return $content_name;
+sub extract_media {
+ my ($url,$cdom,$cnum,$content,$count,$tempexport,$href,$message,$caller) = @_;
+ my ($dirpath,$container);
+ my %allfiles = ();
+ my %codebase = ();
+ if ($url =~ m-(.*/)([^/]+)$-) {
+ $dirpath = $1;
+ $container = $2;
+ } else {
+ $dirpath = $url;
+ $container = '';
+ }
+ &Apache::lonnet::extract_embedded_items(undef,undef,\%allfiles,\%codebase,$content);
+ foreach my $embed_file (keys(%allfiles)) {
+ my $filename;
+ if ($embed_file =~ m#([^/]+)$#) {
+ $filename = $1;
+ } else {
+ $filename = $embed_file;
+ }
+ my $newname = 'res/'.$filename;
+ my ($rtncode,$embed_content,$repstatus);
+ my $embed_url;
+ if ($embed_file =~ m-^/-) {
+ $embed_url = $embed_file; # points to absolute path
+ } else {
+ if ($embed_file =~ m-https?://-) {
+ next; # points to url
+ } else {
+ $embed_url = $dirpath.$embed_file; # points to relative path
+ }
+ }
+ if ($caller eq 'resource') {
+ my $respath = $Apache::lonnet::perlvar{'lonDocRoot'}.'/res';
+ my $embed_path = &Apache::lonnet::filelocation($respath,$embed_url);
+ $embed_content = &Apache::lonnet::getfile($embed_path);
+ unless ($embed_content eq -1) {
+ $repstatus = 'ok';
+ }
+ } elsif ($caller eq 'uploaded') {
+ $repstatus = &Apache::lonnet::getuploaded('GET',$embed_url,$cdom,$cnum,\$embed_content,$rtncode);
+ }
+ if ($repstatus eq 'ok') {
+ my $destination = $tempexport.'/resources/'.$count.'/res';
+ if (!-e "$destination") {
+ mkdir($destination,0755);
+ }
+ $destination .= '/'.$filename;
+ my $copiedfile;
+ if ($copiedfile = Apache::File->new('>'.$destination)) {
+ print $copiedfile $embed_content;
+ push @{$href}, 'resources/'.$count.'/res/'.$filename;
+ my $attrib_regexp = '';
+ if (@{$allfiles{$embed_file}} > 1) {
+ $attrib_regexp = join('|',@{$allfiles{$embed_file}});
+ } else {
+ $attrib_regexp = $allfiles{$embed_file}[0];
+ }
+ $$content =~ s#($attrib_regexp\s*=\s*['"]?)\Q$embed_file\E(['"]?)#$1$newname$2#gi;
+ if ($caller eq 'resource' && $container =~ /\.(problem|library)$/) {
+ $$content =~ s#\Q$embed_file\E#$newname#gi;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ $$message .= 'replication of embedded file - '.$embed_file.' in '.$url.' failed, reason -'.$rtncode." \n";
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+sub store_template {
+ my ($contents,$tempexport,$count,$content_type) = @_;
+ if ($contents) {
+ if ($tempexport) {
+ if (!-e $tempexport.'/resources') {
+ mkdir($tempexport.'/resources',0700);
+ }
+ if (!-e $tempexport.'/resources/'.$count) {
+ mkdir($tempexport.'/resources/'.$count,0700);
+ }
+ my $destination = $tempexport.'/resources/'.$count.'/'.$content_type.'.xml';
+ my $storetemplate;
+ if ($storetemplate = Apache::File->new('>'.$destination)) {
+ print $storetemplate $contents;
+ close($storetemplate);
+ }
+ if ($content_type eq 'external') {
+ return 'resources/'.$count.'/'.$content_type.'.html';
+ } else {
+ return 'resources/'.$count.'/'.$content_type.'.xml';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+# Imports the given (name, url) resources into the course
+# coursenum, coursedom, and folder must precede the list
+sub group_import {
+ my $coursenum = shift;
+ my $coursedom = shift;
+ my $folder = shift;
+ my $container = shift;
+ my $caller = shift;
+ while (@_) {
+ my $name = shift;
+ my $url = shift;
+ if (($url =~ m#^/uploaded/$coursedom/$coursenum/(default_\d+\.)(page|sequence)$#) && ($caller eq 'londocs')) {
+ my $errtext = '';
+ my $fatal = 0;
+ my $newmapstr = '';
+ $env{'form.output'}=$newmapstr;
+ my $result=&Apache::lonnet::finishuserfileupload($coursenum,$coursedom,
+ 'output',$1.$2);
+ if ($result != m|^/uploaded/|) {
+ $errtext.='Map not saved: A network error occured when trying to save the new map. ';
+ $fatal = 2;
+ }
+ if ($fatal) {
+ return ($errtext,$fatal);
+ }
+ }
+ if ($url) {
+ my $idx = &Apache::lonratedt::getresidx($url);
+ $Apache::lonratedt::order[$#Apache::lonratedt::order+1]=$idx;
+ my $ext = 'false';
+ if ($url=~/^http:\/\//) { $ext = 'true'; }
+ $url =~ s/:/\:/g;
+ $name =~ s/:/\:/g;
+ $Apache::lonratedt::resources[$idx] =
+ join ':', ($name, $url, $ext, 'normal', 'res');
+ }
+ }
+ return &storemap($coursenum, $coursedom, $folder.'.'.$container);
+sub breadcrumbs {
+ my ($where)=@_;
+ &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::clear_breadcrumbs();
+ my (@folders);
+ if ($env{'form.pagepath'}) {
+ @folders = split('&',$env{'form.pagepath'});
+ } else {
+ @folders=split('&',$env{'form.folderpath'});
+ }
+ my $folderpath;
+ my $cpinfo='';
+ if ($env{'form.markedcopy_url'}) {
+ &Apache::lonnet::logthis('Found '.$env{'form.markedcopy_url'});
+ $cpinfo='&markedcopy_url='.
+ &Apache::lonnet::escape($env{'form.markedcopy_url'}).
+ '&markedcopy_title='.
+ &Apache::lonnet::escape($env{'form.markedcopy_title'});
+ }
+ while (@folders) {
+ my $folder=shift(@folders);
+ my $foldername=shift(@folders);
+ if ($folderpath) {$folderpath.='&';}
+ $folderpath.=$folder.'&'.$foldername;
+ my $url='/adm/coursedocs?folderpath='.
+ &Apache::lonnet::escape($folderpath);
+ &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::add_breadcrumb(
+ {'href'=>$url.$cpinfo,
+ 'title'=>&Apache::lonnet::unescape($foldername),
+ 'text'=>''.
+ &Apache::lonnet::unescape($foldername).''
+ });
+ }
+ return &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::breadcrumbs(undef,undef,undef,undef,undef,
+ 0,'nohelp');
+sub editor {
+ my ($r,$coursenum,$coursedom,$folder,$allowed,$upload_output)=@_;
+ my $errtext='';
+ my $fatal=0;
+ my $container='sequence';
+ if ($env{'form.pagepath'}) {
+ $container='page';
+ }
+ ($errtext,$fatal)=
+ &mapread($coursenum,$coursedom,$folder.'.'.$container);
+ if ($#Apache::lonratedt::order<1) {
+ my $idx=&Apache::lonratedt::getresidx();
+ if ($idx<=0) { $idx=1; }
+ $Apache::lonratedt::order[0]=$idx;
+ $Apache::lonratedt::resources[$idx]='';
+ }
+ if (defined($env{'form.markcopy'})) {
+# Mark for copying
+ my ($title,$url)=split(':',$Apache::lonratedt::resources[$Apache::lonratedt::order[$env{'form.markcopy'}]]);
+ $env{'form.markedcopy_title'}=$title;
+ $env{'form.markedcopy_url'}=$url;
+ }
+ $r->print(&breadcrumbs($folder));
+ if ($fatal) {
+ $r->print('
+ } else {
+# ------------------------------------------------------------ Process commands
+# ---------------- if they are for this folder and user allowed to make changes
+ if (($allowed) && ($env{'form.folder'} eq $folder)) {
+# set parameters and change order
+ if (defined($env{'form.setparms'})) {
+ my $idx=$env{'form.setparms'};
+# set parameters
+ if ($env{'form.randpick_'.$idx}) {
+ &Apache::lonratedt::storeparameter($idx,'parameter_randompick',$env{'form.randpick_'.$idx},'int_pos');
+ } else {
+ &Apache::lonratedt::delparameter($idx,'parameter_randompick');
+ }
+ if ($env{'form.hidprs_'.$idx}) {
+ &Apache::lonratedt::storeparameter($idx,'parameter_hiddenresource','yes','string_yesno');
+ } else {
+ &Apache::lonratedt::delparameter($idx,'parameter_hiddenresource');
+ }
+ if ($env{'form.encprs_'.$idx}) {
+ &Apache::lonratedt::storeparameter($idx,'parameter_encrypturl','yes','string_yesno');
+ } else {
+ &Apache::lonratedt::delparameter($idx,'parameter_encrypturl');
+ }
+ if ($env{'form.newpos'}) {
+# change order
+ my $newpos=$env{'form.newpos'}-1;
+ my $currentpos=$env{'form.currentpos'}-1;
+ my $i;
+ my @neworder=();
+ if ($newpos>$currentpos) {
+# moving stuff up
+ for ($i=0;$i<$currentpos;$i++) {
+ $neworder[$i]=$Apache::lonratedt::order[$i];
+ }
+ for ($i=$currentpos;$i<$newpos;$i++) {
+ $neworder[$i]=$Apache::lonratedt::order[$i+1];
+ }
+ $neworder[$newpos]=$Apache::lonratedt::order[$currentpos];
+ for ($i=$newpos+1;$i<=$#Apache::lonratedt::order;$i++) {
+ $neworder[$i]=$Apache::lonratedt::order[$i];
+ }
+ } else {
+# moving stuff down
+ for ($i=0;$i<$newpos;$i++) {
+ $neworder[$i]=$Apache::lonratedt::order[$i];
+ }
+ $neworder[$newpos]=$Apache::lonratedt::order[$currentpos];
+ for ($i=$newpos+1;$i<$currentpos+1;$i++) {
+ $neworder[$i]=$Apache::lonratedt::order[$i-1];
+ }
+ for ($i=$currentpos+1;$i<=$#Apache::lonratedt::order;$i++) {
+ $neworder[$i]=$Apache::lonratedt::order[$i];
+ }
+ }
+ @Apache::lonratedt::order=@neworder;
+ }
+# store the changed version
+ ($errtext,$fatal)=&storemap($coursenum,$coursedom,$folder.'.'.$container);
+ if ($fatal) {
+ $r->print('
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($env{'form.pastemarked'}) {
+# paste resource to end of list
+ my $url=$env{'form.markedcopy_url'};
+ my $title=$env{'form.markedcopy_title'};
+# Maps need to be copied first
+ if (($url=~/\.(page|sequence)$/) || ($url=~/^\/uploaded\//)) {
+ $title=&mt('Copy of').' '.$title;
+ my $newid=$$.time;
+ $url=~/^(.+)\.(\w+)$/;
+ my $newurl=$1.$newid.'.'.$2;
+ my $storefn=$newurl;
+ $storefn=~s/^\/\w+\/\w+\/\w+\///;
+ &Apache::loncreatecourse::writefile
+ ($env{'request.course.id'},$storefn,
+ &Apache::lonnet::getfile($url));
+ $url=$newurl;
+ }
+ $title=~s/\\<\;/g;
+ $title=~s/\>/\>\;/g;
+ $title=~s/\:/\:/g;
+ my $ext='false';
+ if ($url=~/^http\:\/\//) { $ext='true'; }
+ $url=~s/\:/\:/g;
+# Now insert the URL at the bottom
+ my $newidx=&Apache::lonratedt::getresidx($url);
+ $Apache::lonratedt::resources[$newidx]=
+ $title.':'.$url.':'.$ext.':normal:res';
+ $Apache::lonratedt::order[1+$#Apache::lonratedt::order]=$newidx;
+# Store the result
+ ($errtext,$fatal)=&storemap($coursenum,$coursedom,$folder.'.'.$container);
+ if ($fatal) {
+ $r->print('
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ $r->print($upload_output);
+ if ($env{'form.cmd'}) {
+ my ($cmd,$idx)=split(/\_/,$env{'form.cmd'});
+ if ($cmd eq 'del') {
+ my (undef,$url)=split(':',$Apache::lonratedt::resources[$Apache::lonratedt::order[$idx]]);
+ if (($url=~m|/+uploaded/\Q$coursedom\E/\Q$coursenum\E/|) &&
+ ($url!~/\.(page|sequence|problem|exam|quiz|assess|survey|form|library|task)$/)) {
+ &Apache::lonnet::removeuploadedurl($url);
+ } else {
+ &Apache::lonratedt::makezombie($Apache::lonratedt::order[$idx]);
+ }
+ for (my $i=$idx;$i<$#Apache::lonratedt::order;$i++) {
+ $Apache::lonratedt::order[$i]=
+ $Apache::lonratedt::order[$i+1];
+ }
+ $#Apache::lonratedt::order--;
+ } elsif ($cmd eq 'cut') {
+ my (undef,$url)=split(':',$Apache::lonratedt::resources[$Apache::lonratedt::order[$idx]]);
+ &Apache::lonratedt::makezombie($Apache::lonratedt::order[$idx]);
+ for (my $i=$idx;$i<$#Apache::lonratedt::order;$i++) {
+ $Apache::lonratedt::order[$i]=
+ $Apache::lonratedt::order[$i+1];
+ }
+ $#Apache::lonratedt::order--;
+ } elsif ($cmd eq 'up') {
+ if (($idx) && (defined($Apache::lonratedt::order[$idx-1]))) {
+ my $i=$Apache::lonratedt::order[$idx-1];
+ $Apache::lonratedt::order[$idx-1]=
+ $Apache::lonratedt::order[$idx];
+ $Apache::lonratedt::order[$idx]=$i;
+ }
+ } elsif ($cmd eq 'down') {
+ if (defined($Apache::lonratedt::order[$idx+1])) {
+ my $i=$Apache::lonratedt::order[$idx+1];
+ $Apache::lonratedt::order[$idx+1]=
+ $Apache::lonratedt::order[$idx];
+ $Apache::lonratedt::order[$idx]=$i;
+ }
+ } elsif ($cmd eq 'rename') {
+ my $ratstr = $Apache::lonratedt::resources[$Apache::lonratedt::order[$idx]];
+ my ($rtitle,@rrest)=split(/\:/,
+ $Apache::lonratedt::resources[
+ $Apache::lonratedt::order[$idx]]);
+ my $comment=
+ &HTML::Entities::decode($env{'form.title'});
+ $comment=~s/\\<\;/g;
+ $comment=~s/\>/\>\;/g;
+ $comment=~s/\:/\:/g;
+ if ($comment=~/\S/) {
+ $Apache::lonratedt::resources[
+ $Apache::lonratedt::order[$idx]]=
+ $comment.':'.join(':',@rrest);
+ }
+ }
+# Store the changed version
+ ($errtext,$fatal)=&storemap($coursenum,$coursedom,
+ $folder.'.'.$container);
+ if ($fatal) {
+ $r->print('
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+# Group import/search
+ if ($env{'form.importdetail'}) {
+ my @imports;
+ foreach (split(/\&/,$env{'form.importdetail'})) {
+ if (defined($_)) {
+ my ($name,$url)=split(/\=/,$_);
+ $name=&Apache::lonnet::unescape($name);
+ $url=&Apache::lonnet::unescape($url);
+ push @imports, $name, $url;
+ }
+ }
+# Store the changed version
+ ($errtext,$fatal)=group_import($coursenum, $coursedom, $folder,
+ $container,'londocs',@imports);
+ if ($fatal) {
+ $r->print('
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+# Loading a complete map
+ if ($env{'form.loadmap'}) {
+ if ($env{'form.importmap'}=~/\w/) {
+ foreach (&Apache::lonsequence::attemptread(&Apache::lonnet::filelocation('',$env{'form.importmap'}))) {
+ my ($title,$url,$ext,$type)=split(/\:/,$_);
+ my $idx=&Apache::lonratedt::getresidx($url);
+ $Apache::lonratedt::resources[$idx]=$_;
+ $Apache::lonratedt::order
+ [$#Apache::lonratedt::order+1]=$idx;
+ }
+# Store the changed version
+ ($errtext,$fatal)=&storemap($coursenum,$coursedom,
+ $folder.'.'.$container);
+ if ($fatal) {
+ $r->print('
+ return;
+ }
+ } else {
+ $r->print('
'.&mt('No map selected.').'
+ }
+ }
+ }
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------- End commands
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------- Print screen
+ my $idx=0;
+ my $shown=0;
+ $r->print('
+ $r->print(''.&mt('Return to DOCS').'');
+# -------------------------------------------------------------- Verify Content
+sub verifycontent {
+ my ($r) = @_;
+ my $loaderror=&Apache::lonnet::overloaderror($r);
+ if ($loaderror) { return $loaderror; }
+ $r->print(&Apache::loncommon::start_page('Verify Course Documents'));
+ $hashtied=0;
+ undef %alreadyseen;
+ %alreadyseen=();
+ &tiehash();
+ foreach (keys %hash) {
+ if ($hash{$_}=~/\.(page|sequence)$/) {
+ if (($_=~/^src_/) && ($alreadyseen{&Apache::lonnet::unescape($hash{$_})})) {
+ $r->print(''.
+ &mt('The following sequence or page is included more than once in your course: ').
+ &Apache::lonnet::unescape($hash{$_}).' '.
+ &mt('Note that grading records for problems included in this sequence or folder will overlap.'));
+ }
+ }
+ if (($_=~/^src\_(.+)$/) && (!$alreadyseen{&Apache::lonnet::unescape($hash{$_})})) {
+ &checkonthis($r,$hash{$_},0,$hash{'title_'.$1});
+ }
+ }
+ &untiehash();
+ $r->print('
+ &mt('Return to DOCS').'');
+# -------------------------------------------------------------- Check Versions
+sub devalidateversioncache {
+ my $src=shift;
+ &Apache::lonnet::devalidate_cache_new('courseresversion',$env{'request.course.id'}.'_'.
+ &Apache::lonnet::clutter($src));
+sub checkversions {
+ my ($r) = @_;
+ $r->print(&Apache::loncommon::start_page('Check Course Document Versions'));
+ my $header='';
+ my $startsel='';
+ my $monthsel='';
+ my $weeksel='';
+ my $daysel='';
+ my $allsel='';
+ my %changes=();
+ my $starttime=0;
+ my $haschanged=0;
+ my %setversions=&Apache::lonnet::dump('resourceversions',
+ $env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.domain'},
+ $env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.num'});
+ $hashtied=0;
+ &tiehash();
+ my %newsetversions=();
+ if ($env{'form.setmostrecent'}) {
+ $haschanged=1;
+ foreach (keys %hash) {
+ if ($_=~/^ids\_(\/res\/.+)$/) {
+ $newsetversions{$1}='mostrecent';
+ &devalidateversioncache($1);
+ }
+ }
+ } elsif ($env{'form.setcurrent'}) {
+ $haschanged=1;
+ foreach (keys %hash) {
+ if ($_=~/^ids\_(\/res\/.+)$/) {
+ my $getvers=&Apache::lonnet::getversion($1);
+ if ($getvers>0) {
+ $newsetversions{$1}=$getvers;
+ &devalidateversioncache($1);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } elsif ($env{'form.setversions'}) {
+ $haschanged=1;
+ foreach (keys %env) {
+ if ($_=~/^form\.set_version_(.+)$/) {
+ my $src=$1;
+ if (($env{$_}) && ($env{$_} ne $setversions{$src})) {
+ $newsetversions{$src}=$env{$_};
+ &devalidateversioncache($src);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($haschanged) {
+ if (&Apache::lonnet::put('resourceversions',\%newsetversions,
+ $env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.domain'},
+ $env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.num'}) eq 'ok') {
+ $r->print('
'.&mt('Your Version Settings have been Stored').'
+ } else {
+ $r->print('
'.&mt('An Error Occured while Attempting to Store your Version Settings').'
+ }
+ &mark_hash_old();
+ }
+ &changewarning($r,'');
+ if ($env{'form.timerange'} eq 'all') {
+# show all documents
+ $header=&mt('All Documents in Course');
+ $allsel=1;
+ foreach (keys %hash) {
+ if ($_=~/^ids\_(\/res\/.+)$/) {
+ my $src=$1;
+ $changes{$src}=1;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+# show documents which changed
+ %changes=&Apache::lonnet::dump
+ ('versionupdate',$env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.domain'},
+ $env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.num'});
+ my $firstkey=(keys %changes)[0];
+ unless ($firstkey=~/^error\:/) {
+ unless ($env{'form.timerange'}) {
+ $env{'form.timerange'}=604800;
+ }
+ my $seltext=&mt('during the last').' '.$env{'form.timerange'}.' '
+ .&mt('seconds');
+ if ($env{'form.timerange'}==-1) {
+ $seltext='since start of course';
+ $startsel='selected';
+ $env{'form.timerange'}=time;
+ }
+ $starttime=time-$env{'form.timerange'};
+ if ($env{'form.timerange'}==2592000) {
+ $seltext=&mt('during the last month').' ('.&Apache::lonlocal::locallocaltime($starttime).')';
+ $monthsel='selected';
+ } elsif ($env{'form.timerange'}==604800) {
+ $seltext=&mt('during the last week').' ('.&Apache::lonlocal::locallocaltime($starttime).')';
+ $weeksel='selected';
+ } elsif ($env{'form.timerange'}==86400) {
+ $seltext=&mt('since yesterday').' ('.&Apache::lonlocal::locallocaltime($starttime).')';
+ $daysel='selected';
+ }
+ $header=&mt('Content changed').' '.$seltext;
+ } else {
+ $header=&mt('No content modifications yet.');
+ }
+ }
+ %setversions=&Apache::lonnet::dump('resourceversions',
+ $env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.domain'},
+ $env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.num'});
+ my %lt=&Apache::lonlocal::texthash
+ ('st' => 'Version changes since start of Course',
+ 'lm' => 'Version changes since last Month',
+ 'lw' => 'Version changes since last Week',
+ 'sy' => 'Version changes since Yesterday',
+ 'al' => 'All Resources (possibly large output)',
+ 'sd' => 'Display',
+ 'fi' => 'File',
+ 'md' => 'Modification Date',
+ 'mr' => 'Most recently published Version',
+ 've' => 'Version used in Course',
+ 'vu' => 'Set Version to be used in Course',
+'sv' => 'Set Versions to be used in Course according to Selections below',
+'sm' => 'Keep all Resources up-to-date with most recent Versions (default)',
+'sc' => 'Set all Resource Versions to current Version (Fix Versions)',
+ 'di' => 'Differences');
+ $r->print(<
+ foreach (sort keys %changes) {
+ if ($changes{$_}>$starttime) {
+ my ($root,$extension)=($_=~/^(.*)\.(\w+)$/);
+ my $currentversion=&Apache::lonnet::getversion($_);
+ if ($currentversion<0) {
+ $currentversion=&mt('Could not be determined.');
+ }
+ my $linkurl=&Apache::lonnet::clutter($_);
+ $r->print(
+ '
+ my $lastold=1;
+ for (my $prevvers=1;$prevvers<$currentversion;$prevvers++) {
+ my $url=$root.'.'.$prevvers.'.'.$extension;
+ if (&Apache::lonnet::metadata($url,'lastrevisiondate')<
+ $starttime) {
+ $lastold=$prevvers;
+ }
+ }
+ #
+ # Code to figure out how many version entries should go in
+ # each of the four columns
+ my $entries_per_col = 0;
+ my $num_entries = ($currentversion-$lastold);
+ if ($num_entries % 4 == 0) {
+ $entries_per_col = $num_entries/4;
+ } else {
+ $entries_per_col = $num_entries/4 + 1;
+ }
+ my $entries_count = 0;
+ $r->print('