--- loncom/interface/londocs.pm 2002/07/24 20:40:58 1.2
+++ loncom/interface/londocs.pm 2003/05/01 02:20:17 1.53
@@ -1,40 +1,841 @@
# The LearningOnline Network
# Documents
-# (Internal Server Error Handler
+# $Id: londocs.pm,v 1.53 2003/05/01 02:20:17 www Exp $
-# (Login Screen
-# 5/21/99,5/22,5/25,5/26,5/31,6/2,6/10,7/12,7/14,
-# 1/14/00,5/29,5/30,6/1,6/29,7/1,11/9 Gerd Kortemeyer)
+# Copyright Michigan State University Board of Trustees
-# 3/1/1 Gerd Kortemeyer)
+# This file is part of the LearningOnline Network with CAPA (LON-CAPA).
-# 3/1 Gerd Kortemeyer
+# LON-CAPA is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# LON-CAPA is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with LON-CAPA; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+# /home/httpd/html/adm/gpl.txt
+# http://www.lon-capa.org/
package Apache::londocs;
use strict;
-use Apache::Constants qw(:common);
+use Apache::Constants qw(:common :http);
+use Apache::lonnet;
+use Apache::loncommon;
+use Apache::lonratedt;
+use Apache::lonratsrv;
+use Apache::lonxml;
+use HTML::Entities;
+use GDBM_File;
+my $iconpath;
+my %hash;
+my $hashtied;
+my %alreadyseen=();
+my $hadchanges;
+# Available help topics
+my %help=();
+# Mapread read maps into lonratedt::global arrays
+# @order and @resources, determines status
+# sets @order - pointer to resources in right order
+# sets @resources - array with the resources with correct idx
+sub mapread {
+ my ($coursenum,$coursedom,$map)=@_;
+ return
+ &Apache::lonratedt::mapread('/uploaded/'.$coursedom.'/'.$coursenum.'/'.
+ $map);
+sub storemap {
+ my ($coursenum,$coursedom,$map)=@_;
+ $hadchanges=1;
+ return
+ &Apache::lonratedt::storemap('/uploaded/'.$coursedom.'/'.$coursenum.'/'.
+ $map,1);
+sub editor {
+ my ($r,$coursenum,$coursedom,$folder,$allowed)=@_;
+ if ($ENV{'form.foldername'}) {
+ $r->print('
Folder: '.$ENV{'form.foldername'}.'
+ }
+ my $errtext='';
+ my $fatal=0;
+ ($errtext,$fatal)=
+ &mapread($coursenum,$coursedom,$folder.'.sequence');
+ if ($#Apache::lonratedt::order<1) {
+ $Apache::lonratedt::order[0]=1;
+ $Apache::lonratedt::resources[1]='';
+ }
+ if ($fatal) {
+ $r->print('
+ } else {
+# ------------------------------------------------------------ Process commands
+# ---------------- if they are for this folder and user allowed to make changes
+ if (($allowed) && ($ENV{'form.folder'} eq $folder)) {
+# upload a file, if present
+ if (($ENV{'form.uploaddoc.filename'}) &&
+ ($ENV{'form.cmd'}=~/^upload_(\w+)/)) {
+ if ($folder=~/^$1/) {
+# this is for a course, not a user, so set coursedoc flag
+# probably the only place in the system where this should be "1"
+ my $url=&Apache::lonnet::userfileupload('uploaddoc',1);
+ my $ext='false';
+ if ($url=~/^http\:\/\//) { $ext='true'; }
+ $url=~s/\:/\:/g;
+ my $comment=$ENV{'form.comment'};
+ $comment=~s/\\<\;/g;
+ $comment=~s/\>/\>\;/g;
+ $comment=~s/\:/\:/g;
+ if ($folder=~/^supplemental/) {
+ $comment=time.'___&&&___'.$ENV{'user.name'}.'___&&&___'.
+ $ENV{'user.domain'}.'___&&&___'.$comment;
+ }
+ my $newidx=$#Apache::lonratedt::resources+1;
+ $Apache::lonratedt::resources[$newidx]=
+ $comment.':'.$url.':'.$ext.':normal:res';
+ $Apache::lonratedt::order[$#Apache::lonratedt::order+1]=
+ $newidx;
+ &storemap($coursenum,$coursedom,$folder.'.sequence');
+ }
+ }
+ if ($ENV{'form.cmd'}) {
+ my ($cmd,$idx)=split(/\_/,$ENV{'form.cmd'});
+ if ($cmd eq 'del') {
+ for (my $i=$idx;$i<$#Apache::lonratedt::order;$i++) {
+ $Apache::lonratedt::order[$i]=
+ $Apache::lonratedt::order[$i+1];
+ }
+ $#Apache::lonratedt::order--;
+ } elsif ($cmd eq 'up') {
+ if (($idx) && (defined($Apache::lonratedt::order[$idx-1]))) {
+ my $i=$Apache::lonratedt::order[$idx-1];
+ $Apache::lonratedt::order[$idx-1]=
+ $Apache::lonratedt::order[$idx];
+ $Apache::lonratedt::order[$idx]=$i;
+ }
+ } elsif ($cmd eq 'down') {
+ if (defined($Apache::lonratedt::order[$idx+1])) {
+ my $i=$Apache::lonratedt::order[$idx+1];
+ $Apache::lonratedt::order[$idx+1]=
+ $Apache::lonratedt::order[$idx];
+ $Apache::lonratedt::order[$idx]=$i;
+ }
+ } elsif ($cmd eq 'rename') {
+ my ($rtitle,@rrest)=split(/\:/,
+ $Apache::lonratedt::resources[
+ $Apache::lonratedt::order[$idx]]);
+ my $comment=
+ &HTML::Entities::decode($ENV{'form.title'});
+ $comment=~s/\\<\;/g;
+ $comment=~s/\>/\>\;/g;
+ $comment=~s/\:/\:/g;
+ $Apache::lonratedt::resources[
+ $Apache::lonratedt::order[$idx]]=
+ $comment.':'.join(':',@rrest);
+ }
+# Store the changed version
+ &storemap($coursenum,$coursedom,$folder.'.sequence');
+ }
+# Group import/search
+ if ($ENV{'form.importdetail'}) {
+ foreach (split(/\&/,$ENV{'form.importdetail'})) {
+ if (defined($_)) {
+ my ($name,$url)=split(/\=/,$_);
+ $name=&Apache::lonnet::unescape($name);
+ $url=&Apache::lonnet::unescape($url);
+ if ($url) {
+ my $idx=$#Apache::lonratedt::resources+1;
+ $Apache::lonratedt::order
+ [$#Apache::lonratedt::order+1]=$idx;
+ my $ext='false';
+ if ($url=~/^http\:\/\//) { $ext='true'; }
+ $url=~s/\:/\:/g;
+ $name=~s/\:/\:/g;
+ $Apache::lonratedt::resources[$idx]=
+ $name.':'.$url.':'.$ext.':normal:res';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+# Store the changed version
+ &storemap($coursenum,$coursedom,$folder.'.sequence');
+ }
+# Loading a complete map
+ if (($ENV{'form.importmap'}) && ($ENV{'form.loadmap'})) {
+ foreach
+(&Apache::lonsequence::attemptread(&Apache::lonnet::filelocation('',$ENV{'form.importmap'}))) {
+ my $idx=$#Apache::lonratedt::resources;
+ $idx++;
+ $Apache::lonratedt::resources[$idx]=$_;
+ $Apache::lonratedt::order
+ [$#Apache::lonratedt::order+1]=$idx;
+ }
+# Store the changed version
+ &storemap($coursenum,$coursedom,$folder.'.sequence');
+ }
+ }
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------- End commands
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------- Print screen
+ my $idx=0;
+ $r->print('