+ $r->print(''.
&mt('[quant,_1,error]',$errorcount).' ');
if ($warningcount) {
@@ -2146,7 +2228,7 @@ List Symbs
sub list_symbs {
my ($r) = @_;
- my $type = &Apache::loncommon::course_type();
+ my $crstype = &Apache::loncommon::course_type();
$r->print(&Apache::loncommon::start_page('Symb List'));
$r->print(&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::breadcrumbs('Symb List'));
my $navmap = Apache::lonnavmaps::navmap->new();
@@ -2155,7 +2237,7 @@ sub list_symbs {
&mt('Unable to retrieve information about course contents').
- &Apache::lonnet::logthis('Symb list failed - could not create navmap object in '.lc($type).':'.$env{'request.course.id'});
+ &Apache::lonnet::logthis('Symb list failed - could not create navmap object in '.lc($crstype).':'.$env{'request.course.id'});
} else {
foreach my $res ($navmap->retrieveResources()) {
@@ -2169,11 +2251,11 @@ sub list_symbs {
sub verifycontent {
my ($r) = @_;
- my $type = &Apache::loncommon::course_type();
+ my $crstype = &Apache::loncommon::course_type();
my $loaderror=&Apache::lonnet::overloaderror($r);
if ($loaderror) { return $loaderror; }
- $r->print(&Apache::loncommon::start_page('Verify '.$type.' Documents'));
- $r->print(&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::breadcrumbs('Verify '.$type.' Documents'));
+ $r->print(&Apache::loncommon::start_page('Verify '.$crstype.' Documents'));
+ $r->print(&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::breadcrumbs('Verify '.$crstype.' Documents'));
undef %alreadyseen;
@@ -2182,7 +2264,7 @@ sub verifycontent {
if ($hash{$key}=~/\.(page|sequence)$/) {
if (($key=~/^src_/) && ($alreadyseen{&unescape($hash{$key})})) {
- &mt('The following sequence or page is included more than once in your '.$type.': ').
+ &mt('The following sequence or page is included more than once in your '.$crstype.': ').
&unescape($hash{$key}).' '.
&mt('Note that grading records for problems included in this sequence or folder will overlap. '));
@@ -2205,9 +2287,9 @@ sub devalidateversioncache {
sub checkversions {
my ($r) = @_;
- my $type = &Apache::loncommon::course_type();
- $r->print(&Apache::loncommon::start_page("Check $type Document Versions"));
- $r->print(&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::breadcrumbs("Check $type Document Versions"));
+ my $crstype = &Apache::loncommon::course_type();
+ $r->print(&Apache::loncommon::start_page("Check $crstype Document Versions"));
+ $r->print(&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::breadcrumbs("Check $crstype Document Versions"));
my $header='';
my $startsel='';
my $monthsel='';
@@ -2258,7 +2340,7 @@ sub checkversions {
if ($haschanged) {
if (&Apache::lonnet::put('resourceversions',\%newsetversions,
- $env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.num'}) eq 'ok') {
+ $env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.num'}) eq 'ok') {
$r->print(''.&mt('Your Version Settings have been Saved').' ');
} else {
$r->print(''.&mt('An Error Occured while Attempting to Save your Version Settings').' ');
@@ -2268,7 +2350,7 @@ sub checkversions {
if ($env{'form.timerange'} eq 'all') {
# show all documents
- $header=&mt('All Documents in '.$type);
+ $header=&mt('All Documents in '.$crstype);
foreach my $key (keys(%hash)) {
if ($key=~/^ids\_(\/res\/.+)$/) {
@@ -2313,7 +2395,7 @@ sub checkversions {
my %lt=&Apache::lonlocal::texthash
- ('st' => 'Version changes since start of '.$type,
+ ('st' => 'Version changes since start of '.$crstype,
'lm' => 'Version changes since last Month',
'lw' => 'Version changes since last Week',
'sy' => 'Version changes since Yesterday',
@@ -2322,9 +2404,9 @@ sub checkversions {
'fi' => 'File',
'md' => 'Modification Date',
'mr' => 'Most recently published Version',
- 've' => 'Version used in '.$type,
- 'vu' => 'Set Version to be used in '.$type,
-'sv' => 'Set Versions to be used in '.$type.' according to Selections below',
+ 've' => 'Version used in '.$crstype,
+ 'vu' => 'Set Version to be used in '.$crstype,
+'sv' => 'Set Versions to be used in '.$crstype.' according to Selections below',
'sm' => 'Keep all Resources up-to-date with most recent Versions (default)',
'sc' => 'Set all Resource Versions to current Version (Fix Versions)',
'di' => 'Differences');
@@ -2371,7 +2453,7 @@ ENDHEADERS
'Most Recent: '.
''.$currentversion.' '.
' '.
- 'In '.$type.': '.
+ ' In '.$crstype.': '.
# Used in course
my $usedversion=$hash{'version_'.$linkurl};
@@ -2388,7 +2470,7 @@ ENDHEADERS
('select_form_order' =>
'' => '',
- 'mostrecent' => 'most recent',
+ 'mostrecent' => &mt('most recent'),
map {$_,$_} (1..$currentversion))));
$r->print(' ');
my $lastold=1;
@@ -2399,7 +2481,7 @@ ENDHEADERS
- #
+ #
# Code to figure out how many version entries should go in
# each of the four columns
my $entries_per_col = 0;
@@ -2410,7 +2492,7 @@ ENDHEADERS
$entries_per_col = $num_entries/4 + 1;
my $entries_count = 0;
- $r->print('');
+ $r->print(' ');
my $cols_output = 1;
for (my $prevvers=$lastold;$prevvers<$currentversion;$prevvers++) {
my $url=$root.'.'.$prevvers.'.'.$extension;
@@ -2489,14 +2571,18 @@ sub changewarning {
$message='Changes will become active for your current session after [_1], or the next time you log in.';
+ &mt('re-initializing '.$course_type).'" onclick="reinit(this.form)" />').
@@ -2504,7 +2590,7 @@ sub init_breadcrumbs {
my ($form,$text)=@_;
- text=>"Edit ".&Apache::loncommon::course_type(),
+ text=>&Apache::loncommon::course_type().' Editor',
bug=>'Instructor Interface',
help => 'Docs_Adding_Course_Doc'});
@@ -2522,16 +2608,8 @@ sub handler {
return OK if $r->header_only;
- my $type = &Apache::loncommon::course_type();
+ my $crstype = &Apache::loncommon::course_type();
- my $coursedom=$env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.domain'};
- if ($coursedom eq 'gcitest') {
- my $allowed=&Apache::lonnet::allowed('mdc',$env{'request.course.id'});
- if ($allowed) {
- &concept_test_builder($r);
- return OK;
- }
- }
# --------------------------------------------- Initialize help topics for this
foreach my $topic ('Adding_Course_Doc','Main_Course_Documents',
@@ -2551,9 +2629,9 @@ sub handler {
$help{'Bulletin Board'} = &Apache::loncommon::help_open_topic(
- $help{'My Personal Info'} = &Apache::loncommon::help_open_topic(
+ $help{'My Personal Information Page'} = &Apache::loncommon::help_open_topic(
- $help{'Group Files'} = &Apache::loncommon::help_open_topic('Docs_About_Group_Files');
+ $help{'Group Portfolio'} = &Apache::loncommon::help_open_topic('Docs_About_Group_Files');
$help{'Caching'} = &Apache::loncommon::help_open_topic('Caching');
# does this user have privileges to modify docs
@@ -2574,7 +2652,7 @@ sub handler {
&init_breadcrumbs('dumpcourse','Dump '.&Apache::loncommon::course_type().' DOCS to Construction Space');
} elsif ($allowed && $env{'form.exportcourse'}) {
- &init_breadcrumbs('exportcourse','Export '.&Apache::loncommon::course_type().' to IMS');
+ &init_breadcrumbs('exportcourse','IMS Export');
} else {
# is this a standard course?
@@ -2586,6 +2664,8 @@ sub handler {
my $showdoc=0;
my $containertag;
my $uploadtag;
@@ -2594,7 +2674,12 @@ sub handler {
{'folderpath' => 'scalar'});
- if (!$env{'form.folderpath'}) {
+ if (!$allowed) {
+ unless($env{'form.folderpath'} =~ /^supplemental/) {
+ $env{'form.folderpath'} = '';
+ }
+ }
+ if (!$env{'form.folderpath'} && $allowed) {
{'pagepath' => 'scalar'});
@@ -2603,7 +2688,7 @@ sub handler {
if ($env{'form.folderpath'} =~ /^supplemental_\d+/) {
$env{'form.folderpath'} = 'supplemental&'.
- &escape(&mt('Supplemental '.$type.' Documents')).'&'.
+ &escape(&mt('Supplemental '.$crstype.' Documents')).'&'.
@@ -2626,26 +2711,46 @@ sub handler {
if ($r->uri=~/^\/adm\/coursedocs\/showdoc\/(.*)$/) {
- unless ($showdoc) { # got called from remote
- if (($env{'form.folder'}=~/^(?:group|default)_/) ||
+ if ($showdoc) { # got called in sequence from course
+ $allowed=0;
+ } else {
+ if (($env{'form.folder'}=~/^(?:group|default)_/) ||
($env{'form.folder'} =~ m:^\d+/(pages|sequences)/:)) {
$forcestandard = 1;
- }
+ }
- if ($allowed) {
+ if ($allowed) {
- $script=&Apache::lonratedt::editscript('simple');
+ $script=&Apache::lonratedt::editscript('simple');
- } else { # got called in sequence from course
- $allowed=0;
+# subroutine to list form elements
+sub create_list_elements {
+ my @formarr = @_;
+ my $list = '';
+ for my $button (@formarr){
+ for my $picture(keys %$button) {
+ #my $link = Apache::lonhtmlcommon::htmltag('a' ,$button->{$picture}, {href => "test"});
+ $list .= Apache::lonhtmlcommon::htmltag('li', $picture.' '.$button->{$picture}, {class => 'LC_menubuttons_inline_text'});
+ }
+ }
+ return $list;
+# subroutine to create ul from list elements
+sub create_form_ul {
+ my $list = shift;
+ my $ul = Apache::lonhtmlcommon::htmltag('ul',$list, {class => 'LC_ListStyleNormal'});
+ return $ul;
# get course data
my $coursenum=$env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.num'};
my $coursedom=$env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.domain'};
-# get personal data
+# get personal data
my $uname=$env{'user.name'};
my $udom=$env{'user.domain'};
my $plainname=&escape(&Apache::loncommon::plainname($uname,$udom));
@@ -2658,20 +2763,46 @@ sub handler {
$script .= &editing_js($udom,$uname);
# -------------------------------------------------------------------- Body tag
- $script = '';
- my $brcrum = [{href=>"/adm/createuser",text=>"$type Documents"}];
- $r->print(&Apache::loncommon::start_page("$type Documents", $script,
- {'force_register' => $showdoc,
- 'bread_crumbs' => $brcrum}).
- &Apache::loncommon::help_open_menu('','',273,'RAT'));
+ $script = ''."\n";
+ # Breadcrumbs
+ &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::clear_breadcrumbs();
+ if ($allowed) {
+ &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::add_breadcrumb({
+ href=>"/adm/coursedocs",text=>"$crstype Editor"});
+ $r->print(&Apache::loncommon::start_page("$crstype Editor", $script,
+ {'force_register' => $showdoc,})
+ .&Apache::loncommon::help_open_menu('','',273,'RAT')
+ .&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::breadcrumbs(
+ 'Editing the Table of Contents for your '.$crstype,
+ 'Docs_Adding_Course_Doc')
+ );
+ } elsif ($showdoc) {
+ $r->print(&Apache::loncommon::start_page("$crstype documents",undef,
+ {'force_register' => $showdoc,}));
+ } else {
+ my $folder=$env{'form.folder'};
+ if ($folder eq '' || $folder eq 'supplemental') {
+ $env{'form.folderpath'} = 'supplemental&'.
+ &escape(&mt('Supplemental '.$crstype.' Documents'));
+ }
+ my ($breadcrumbtrail) = &breadcrumbs($allowed,$crstype);
+ $r->print(&Apache::loncommon::start_page("Supplemental documents").
+ $breadcrumbtrail);
+ }
my %allfiles = ();
my %codebase = ();
my ($upload_result,$upload_output);
if ($allowed) {
if (($env{'form.uploaddoc.filename'}) &&
($env{'form.cmd'}=~/^upload_(\w+)/)) {
-# Process file upload - phase one - upload and parse primary file.
+# Process file upload - phase one - upload and parse primary file.
$upload_result = &process_file_upload(\$upload_output,$coursenum,
@@ -2696,8 +2827,8 @@ sub handler {
$newname{$i} = &process_secondary_uploads(\$upload_output,$coursedom,$coursenum,'embedded_item_',$i,$residx);
$origname{$i} = &unescape($env{'form.embedded_orig_'.$i});
if (exists($env{'form.embedded_codebase_'.$i})) {
- $javacodebase = &unescape($env{'form.embedded_codebase_'.$i});
- $origname{$i} =~ s#^\Q$javacodebase\E/##;
+ $javacodebase = &unescape($env{'form.embedded_codebase_'.$i});
+ $origname{$i} =~ s#^\Q$javacodebase\E/##;
my @attributes = ();
if ($env{'form.embedded_attrib_'.$i} =~ /:/) {
@@ -2733,8 +2864,8 @@ sub handler {
$attrib_regexp = $attribs{$item}[0];
if ($content =~ m#($attrib_regexp\s*=\s*['"]?)\Q$origname{$item}\E(['"]?)#) {
- }
- $content =~ s#($attrib_regexp\s*=\s*['"]?)\Q$origname{$item}\E(['"]?)#$1$newname{$item}$2#gi;
+ }
+ $content =~ s#($attrib_regexp\s*=\s*['"]?)\Q$origname{$item}\E(['"]?)#$1$newname{$item}$2#gi;
if (exists($codebase{$item})) {
$content =~ s/(codebase\s*=\s*["']?)\Q$codebase{$item}\E(["']?)/$1.$2/i; #' stupid emacs
@@ -2746,7 +2877,7 @@ sub handler {
my $docudom=$env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.domain'};
my $url = &Apache::lonnet::store_edited_file($primary_url,$content,$docudom,$docuname,\$saveresult);
} else {
- &Apache::lonnet::logthis('retrieval of uploaded file - '.$primary_url.' - for editing, failed: '.$getstatus);
+ &Apache::lonnet::logthis('retrieval of uploaded file - '.$primary_url.' - for editing, failed: '.$getstatus);
@@ -2755,13 +2886,11 @@ sub handler {
unless ($showdoc || $upload_result eq 'phasetwo') {
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
my %lt=&Apache::lonlocal::texthash(
- 'uplm' => 'Upload a new main '.lc($type).' document',
- 'upls' => 'Upload a new supplemental '.lc($type).' document',
+ 'uplm' => 'Upload a new main '.lc($crstype).' document',
+ 'upls' => 'Upload a new supplemental '.lc($crstype).' document',
'impp' => 'Import a document',
- 'pubd' => 'Published documents',
'copm' => 'All documents out of a published map into this folder',
- 'spec' => 'Special documents',
- 'upld' => 'Upload Document',
+ 'upld' => 'Import Document',
'srch' => 'Search',
'impo' => 'Import',
'book' => 'Import Bookmarks',
@@ -2779,20 +2908,90 @@ sub handler {
'scuf' => 'Score Upload Form',
'bull' => 'Discussion Board',
'mypi' => 'My Personal Information Page',
- 'grpo' => 'Group Portfolios',
+ 'grpo' => 'Group Portfolio',
'rost' => 'Course Roster',
- 'abou' => 'About User',
- 'imsf' => 'Import IMS package',
+ 'abou' => 'Personal Information Page for a User',
+ 'imsf' => 'IMS Import',
+ 'imsl' => 'Import IMS package',
'file' => 'File',
'title' => 'Title',
'comment' => 'Comment',
- 'parse' => 'If HTML file, upload embedded images/multimedia files'
+ 'parse' => 'Upload embedded images/multimedia files if HTML file',
+ 'nd' => 'Upload Document',
+ 'pm' => 'Published Map',
+ 'sd' => 'Special Document',
+ 'mo' => 'More Options',
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ my $fileupload=(<
+ my $checkbox=(<$lt{'parse'}?
+ -->
+ $lt{'parse'}
+ my $fileuploada = " $help{'Uploading_From_Harddrive'}";
+ my $fileuploadform=(<
+ $fileupload
+ $lt{'title'}:
+ $uploadtag
+ $checkbox
+ #$list .= Apache::lonhtmlcommon::htmltag('li', $picture.' '.$button->{$picture}, {class => 'LC_menubuttons_inline_text'});
+ #$fileuploadform .= create_form_ul(create_list_elements(@fileuploada));
+ $fileuploadform .= create_form_ul(Apache::lonhtmlcommon::htmltag('li',$fileuploada,{class => 'LC_menubuttons_inline_text'}));
+ $fileuploadform .= (<
+ my $simpleeditdefaultform=(<
+ my @simpleeditdefaultforma = (
+ { ' ' => "$uploadtag$lt{'srch'} " },
+ { ' ' => "$lt{'impo'} $help{'Importing_LON-CAPA_Resource'}" },
+ { ' ' => "$lt{'book'} " },
+ );
+ $simpleeditdefaultform .= create_form_ul(create_list_elements(@simpleeditdefaultforma));
+ $simpleeditdefaultform .=(<
+ $lt{'copm'}
+ $help{'Load_Map'}
+ my $extresourcesform=(<
+ $uploadtag
+ $lt{'extr'} $help{'Adding_External_Resource'}
if ($allowed) {
- my $dumpbut=&dumpbutton();
- my $exportbut=&exportbutton();
my %lt=&Apache::lonlocal::texthash(
'vc' => 'Verify Content',
'cv' => 'Check/Set Resource Versions',
@@ -2805,81 +3004,90 @@ sub handler {
if ($env{'form.folder'} eq '' ||
$env{'form.folder'} eq 'supplemental') {
- &escape(&mt('Main '.$type.' Documents'));
+ &escape(&mt('Main '.$crstype.' Documents'));
unless ($env{'form.pagepath'}) {
$containertag = ' ';
$uploadtag = ' ';
- $r->print(<
- $containertag
- $r->print(&Apache::loncommon::help_open_topic('Docs_Adding_Course_Doc',
- &mt('Editing the Table of Contents for your '.$type)));
+ $r->print(<
+ $containertag
+ }
+# --------------------------------------------------------- Main tab structure
+ my $activeClass = 1;
+ my $active = '';
+ my %tabtitles = (
+ main => {
+ Course => &mt('Main Course Documents'),
+ Community => &mt('Main Community Documents'),
+ },
+ supplemental => {
+ Course => &mt('Supplemental Course Documents'),
+ Community => &mt('Supplemental Community Documents'),
+ },
+ );
+ if ($allowed) {
+ $r->print('');
+ if (($standard) && ($allowed) && (!$forcesupplement) && (($env{'form.folderpath'}=~/^default/) || $env{'form.folderpath'}eq"" || ($env{'form.pagepath'}))) {
+ if($activeClass == 1){
+ $active = 'class="active"';
+ $activeClass = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ $r->print(''.$tabtitles{'main'}{$crstype}.' ');
+ $active = '';
+ if (!$forcestandard || ($env{'form.folderpath'}=~/^supplemental/)) {
+ if($activeClass == 1){
+ $active = 'class="active"';
+ }
+ }
+ $r->print(''.$tabtitles{'supplemental'}{$crstype}.' ');
+ $r->print(' ');
+ } else {
+ $r->print(' ');
+ $r->print(''
+ .'
# --------------------------------------------------------- Standard documents
- $r->print('
- if (($standard) && ($allowed) && (!$forcesupplement)) {
- $r->print('');
-# ''.&mt('Main Course Documents').
-# ($allowed?' '.$help{'Main_Course_Documents'}:'').' ');
+ my $savefolderpath;
+ $active = 'style="display: none;"';
+ if($activeClass == 0){
+ $active = 'style="display: block;"';
+ }
+ if ($allowed) {
+ $r->print('');
my $folder=$env{'form.folder'};
- if ($folder eq '' || $folder eq 'supplemental') {
+ if ($folder eq '' || $folder=~/^supplemental/) {
- $env{'form.folderpath'}='default&'.&escape(&mt('Main '.$type.' Documents'));
+ $savefolderpath = $env{'form.folderpath'};
+ $env{'form.folderpath'}='default&'.&escape($tabtitles{'main'}{$crstype});
$uploadtag = '
my $postexec='';
if ($folder eq 'default') {
- $r->print('');
+ $r->print(''."\n"
+ );
} else {
- $hadchanges=0;
- my $error = &editor($r,$coursenum,$coursedom,$folder,$allowed,
- $upload_output,$type);
- if ($error) {
- $r->print('
- }
- if ($hadchanges) {
- &mark_hash_old();
- }
- &changewarning($r,$postexec);
my $folderseq='/uploaded/'.$coursedom.'/'.$coursenum.'/default_'.time.
my $pageseq = '/uploaded/'.$coursedom.'/'.$coursenum.'/default_'.time.
@@ -2889,230 +3097,233 @@ ENDCOURSEVERIFY
my $readfile='/uploaded/'.$coursedom.'/'.$coursenum.'/'.$folder.'.'.$container;
- $r->print(<
- unless ($env{'form.pagepath'}) {
- $r->print(<
- }
- $r->print(' ');
+ my $recoverform=(<
+ $lt{'reco'}
+ my $imspform=(<
+ $lt{'imsf'}
+ my $newnavform=(<
+ $uploadtag
+ $lt{'navc'}
+ $help{'Navigate_Content'}
+ my $newsmppageform=(<
+ $uploadtag
+ $lt{'sipa'}
+ $help{'Simple Page'}
+ my $newsmpproblemform=(<
+ $uploadtag
+ $lt{'sipr'}
+ $help{'Simple Problem'}
+ my $newdropboxform=(<
+ $uploadtag
+ $lt{'drbx'}
+ my $newexuploadform=(<
+ $uploadtag
+ $lt{'scuf'}
+ $help{'Score_Upload_Form'}
+ my $newbulform=(<
+ $uploadtag
+ $lt{'bull'}
+ $help{'Bulletin Board'}
+ my $newaboutmeform=(<
+ $uploadtag
+ $lt{'mypi'}
+ $help{'My Personal Information Page'}
+ my $newaboutsomeoneform=(<
+ $uploadtag
+ $lt{'abou'}
+ my $newrosterform=(<
+ $uploadtag
+ $lt{'rost'}
+ $help{'Course Roster'}
+my $specialdocumentsform;
+my @specialdocumentsforma;
+my $newfolderform;
+my $newfolderb;
unless ($env{'form.pagepath'}) {
my $path = &HTML::Entities::encode($env{'form.folderpath'},'<>&"');
- $r->print(<
+ my $newpageform=(<
+ $lt{'newp'}
+ $help{'Adding_Pages'}
+ $newfolderform=(<
+ $lt{'newf'} $help{'Adding_Folders'}
+ my $newsylform=(<
+ $uploadtag
+ $lt{'syll'}
+ $help{'Syllabus'}
+ my $newgroupfileform=(<
+ $uploadtag
+ $lt{'grpo'}
+ $help{'Group Portfolio'}
+ @specialdocumentsforma=(
+ {' '=>$newpageform},
+ {' '=>$newsylform},
+ {' '=>$newgroupfileform},
+ );
+ }
+ push @specialdocumentsforma, ({' '=>$newnavform},
+ {' '=>$newsmppageform},
+ {' '=>$newsmpproblemform},
+ {' '=>$newdropboxform},
+ {' '=>$newexuploadform},
+ {' '=>$newbulform},
+ {' '=>$newaboutmeform},
+ {' '=>$newaboutsomeoneform},
+ {' '=>$newrosterform},);
+ $specialdocumentsform = create_form_ul(create_list_elements(@specialdocumentsforma));
+if($env{'form.pagepath'}) {
+ @specialdocumentsforma=(
+ {' '=>$newsmpproblemform},
+ {' '=>$newexuploadform}
+ );
+ $specialdocumentsform= create_form_ul(create_list_elements(@specialdocumentsforma));
+my @tools = (
+# {' '=>$extresourcesform},
+# {' '=>$imspform},
+ {' '=>$recoverform},
+ );
+my @importdoc = (
+ {' '=>$extresourcesform},
+ {' '=>$imspform},
+$fileuploadform = create_form_ul(create_list_elements(@importdoc)) . ' ' . $fileuploadform;
+my %orderhash = (
+ '00' => ['Newfolder',$newfolderform],
+ 'aa' => ['Import Documents',$fileuploadform],
+ 'bb' => ['Published Resources',$simpleeditdefaultform],
+ 'cc' => ['Special Documents',$specialdocumentsform],
+ 'dd' => ['Tools', create_form_ul(create_list_elements(@tools)).&generate_admin_options($containertag,$uploadtag,\%help,\%env)],
+ );
+my $tid='1';
+ $hadchanges=0;
+ my $error = &editor($r,$coursenum,$coursedom,$folder,$allowed,'',$crstype);
+ if ($error) {
+ $r->print(''.$error.'
+ if ($hadchanges) {
+ &mark_hash_old();
+ }
+ &changewarning($r,'');
+ }
if ($env{'form.pagepath'}) {
- $r->print(<
- $help{'Simple Problem'}
- $r->print(' '."\n".
- $r->print('
- }
# ----------------------------------------------------- Supplemental documents
- if (!$forcestandard) {
- $r->print('');
-# ''.&mt('Supplemental Course Documents').
-# ($allowed?' '.$help{'Supplemental'}:'').' ');
+ $active = 'style="display: none;"';
+ if($activeClass == 1){
+ $active = 'style="display: block;"';
+ }
+ $r->print('
- }
+ my $supupdocformbtn = " $help{'Uploading_From_Harddrive'}";
+ my $supupdocform=(<
+ $fileupload
+ $checkbox
+ $lt{'comment'}:
+ $supupdocform .= create_form_ul(Apache::lonhtmlcommon::htmltag('li',$supupdocformbtn,{class => 'LC_menubuttons_inline_text'}))."";
+ my $supnewfolderform=(<
+ $lt{'newf'}
+ $help{'Adding_Folders'}
+ my $supnewextform=(<
+ $lt{'extr'} $help{'Adding_External_Resource'}
+ my $supnewsylform=(<
+ $lt{'syll'}
+ $help{'Syllabus'}
+ my $supnewaboutmeform=(<
+ $lt{'mypi'}
+ $help{'My Personal Information Page'}
+my @specialdocs = (
+ {' '
+ =>$supnewsylform},
+ {' '
+ =>$supnewaboutmeform},
+ );
+my @supimportdoc = (
+ {' '
+ =>$supnewextform},
+ );
+$supupdocform = create_form_ul(create_list_elements(@supimportdoc)) . ' ' . $supupdocform;
+my %suporderhash = (
+ '00' => ['Supnewfolder', $supnewfolderform],
+ 'ee' => ['Import Documents',$supupdocform],
+ 'ff' => ['Special Documents',create_form_ul(create_list_elements(@specialdocs))]
+ );
+ my $error = &editor($r,$coursenum,$coursedom,$folder,$allowed,'',$crstype);
+ if ($error) {
+ $r->print(''.$error.'
+ }
+ my $tid='2';
+ $r->print(&generate_edit_table($tid,\%suporderhash));
+ } else {
+ my $error = &editor($r,$coursenum,$coursedom,$folder,$allowed,'',$crstype);
+ if ($error) {
+ $r->print(''.$error.'
+ }
- $r->print('');
if ($allowed) {
@@ -3226,18 +3463,83 @@ ENDSUPFORM
return OK;
-sub concept_test_builder {
- my ($r) = @_;
- $r->print(&Apache::loncommon::start_page('Assemble Test'));
- &Apache::londocsgci::setdefaults();
- if ($env{'form.phase'} eq 'storemap') {
- &Apache::londocsgci::evaluate();
- &Apache::londocsgci::store($r);
- }
- &Apache::londocsgci::load();
- &Apache::londocsgci::listresources($r);
- $r->print(&Apache::loncommon::end_page());
- return;
+sub generate_admin_options {
+ my ($containertag,$uploadtag,$help_ref,$env_ref) = @_;
+ my %lt=&Apache::lonlocal::texthash(
+ 'vc' => 'Verify Content',
+ 'cv' => 'Check/Set Resource Versions',
+ 'ls' => 'List Symbs',
+ 'sl' => 'Show Log',
+ 'imse' => 'IMS Export',
+ 'dcd' => 'Dump Course DOCS to Construction Space: available on other servers'
+ );
+ my %help = %{$help_ref};
+ my %env = %{$env_ref};
+ my $dumpbut=&dumpbutton();
+ my $exportbut=&exportbutton();
+ my @list = (
+ {' '
+ => "$lt{'vc'} $help{'Verify_Content'}"},
+ {' '
+ =>"$lt{'cv'} $help{'Check_Resource_Versions'}"},
+ );
+ if($dumpbut ne ''){
+ push @list, {' '=>$dumpbut};
+ }
+ push @list, ({' '
+ =>$exportbut},
+ {' '
+ =>"$lt{'ls'} "},
+ {' '
+ =>"$lt{'sl'} "},
+ );
+ return ' '.create_form_ul(create_list_elements(@list)).' ';
+sub generate_edit_table {
+ my ($tid,$orderhash_ref) = @_;
+ return unless(ref($orderhash_ref) eq 'HASH');
+ my %orderhash = %{$orderhash_ref};
+ my $form;
+ my $activetab;
+ my $active;
+ if($env{'form.active'} ne ''){
+ $activetab = $env{'form.active'};
+ }
+ $form = '';
+ $form .= '
+ foreach my $name (sort(keys(%orderhash))){
+ if($name ne '00'){
+ if($activetab eq '' || $activetab ne $name){
+ $active = '';
+ }elsif($activetab eq $name){
+ $active = 'class="active"';
+ }
+ $form .= ''.&mt(${$orderhash{$name}}[0]).' ';
+ } else {
+ $form .= ''.${$orderhash{$name}}[1].' ';
+ }
+ }
+ $form .= ' ';
+ $form .= '
+ foreach my $field (keys(%orderhash)){
+ if($field ne '00'){
+ if($activetab eq '' || $activetab ne $field){
+ $active = 'style="display: none;"';
+ }elsif($activetab eq $field){
+ $active = 'style="display:block;"';
+ }
+ $form .= '
+ .'
+ }
+ }
+ $form .= '
+ return $form;
sub editing_js {
@@ -3249,12 +3551,12 @@ sub editing_js {
p_mnp => 'Name of New Page',
t_mnp => 'New Page',
p_mxu => 'Title for the Uploaded Score',
- p_msp => 'Name of the Simple Course Page',
+ p_msp => 'Name of Simple Course Page',
p_msb => 'Title for the Problem',
p_mdb => 'Title for the Drop Box',
p_mbb => 'Title for the Discussion Board',
- p_mab => "Enter user:domain for User's 'About Me' Page",
- p_mab2 => "About [_99]",
+ p_mab => "Enter user:domain for User's Personal Information Page",
+ p_mab2 => 'Personal Information Page of ',
p_mab_alrt1 => 'Not a valid user:domain',
p_mab_alrt2 => 'Please enter both user and domain in the format user:domain',
p_chn => 'New Title',
@@ -3302,7 +3604,7 @@ function edittext(targetname,residx,titl
function makeexamupload() {
var title=prompt('$lt{"p_mxu"}');
- if (title) {
+ if (title) {
@@ -3311,7 +3613,7 @@ function makeexamupload() {
function makesmppage() {
var title=prompt('$lt{"p_msp"}');
- if (title) {
+ if (title) {
@@ -3320,7 +3622,7 @@ function makesmppage() {
function makesmpproblem() {
var title=prompt('$lt{"p_msb"}');
- if (title) {
+ if (title) {
@@ -3329,7 +3631,7 @@ function makesmpproblem() {
function makedropbox() {
var title=prompt('$lt{"p_mdb"}');
- if (title) {
+ if (title) {
@@ -3354,91 +3656,152 @@ function makeabout() {
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- this.document.forms.newaboutsomeone.submit();
- } else {
- alert("$lt{'p_mab_alrt1'}");
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+ alert("$lt{'p_mab_alrt1'}");
+} else {
+ alert("$lt{'p_mab_alrt2'}");
function makeims() {
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- var newlocation = "/adm/imsimportdocs?folder="+caller+"&phase=one";
- newWindow = window.open("","IMSimport","HEIGHT=700,WIDTH=750,scrollbars=yes");
- newWindow.location.href = newlocation;
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+ currentElement.value = value;
+ current.submit();
@@ -3466,7 +3829,7 @@ Available help topics
=item mapread()
-Mapread read maps into LONCAPA::map:: global arrays
+Mapread read maps into LONCAPA::map:: global arrays
@order and @resources, determines status
sets @order - pointer to resources in right order
sets @resources - array with the resources with correct idx