--- loncom/interface/londocs.pm 2002/10/20 18:42:53 1.34
+++ loncom/interface/londocs.pm 2010/12/07 21:34:04 1.444
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
# The LearningOnline Network
# Documents
-# $Id: londocs.pm,v 1.34 2002/10/20 18:42:53 www Exp $
+# $Id: londocs.pm,v 1.444 2010/12/07 21:34:04 www Exp $
# Copyright Michigan State University Board of Trustees
@@ -26,16 +26,26 @@
# http://www.lon-capa.org/
package Apache::londocs;
use strict;
use Apache::Constants qw(:common :http);
+use Apache::imsexport;
use Apache::lonnet;
use Apache::loncommon;
-use Apache::lonratedt;
-use Apache::lonratsrv;
+use Apache::lonhtmlcommon;
+use LONCAPA::map();
+use Apache::lonratedt();
use Apache::lonxml;
+use Apache::lonclonecourse;
+use Apache::lonnavmaps;
+use HTML::Entities;
use GDBM_File;
+use Apache::lonlocal;
+use Cwd;
+use LONCAPA qw(:DEFAULT :match);
my $iconpath;
@@ -44,211 +54,2113 @@ my %hash;
my $hashtied;
my %alreadyseen=();
-# Mapread read maps into lonratedt::global arrays
-# @order and @resources, determines status
-# sets @order - pointer to resources in right order
-# sets @resources - array with the resources with correct idx
+my $hadchanges;
+my %help=();
sub mapread {
my ($coursenum,$coursedom,$map)=@_;
- &Apache::lonratedt::mapread('/uploaded/'.$coursedom.'/'.$coursenum.'/'.
- $map);
+ &LONCAPA::map::mapread('/uploaded/'.$coursedom.'/'.$coursenum.'/'.
+ $map);
sub storemap {
my ($coursenum,$coursedom,$map)=@_;
- return
- &Apache::lonratedt::storemap('/uploaded/'.$coursedom.'/'.$coursenum.'/'.
- $map,1);
+ my ($outtext,$errtext)=
+ &LONCAPA::map::storemap('/uploaded/'.$coursedom.'/'.$coursenum.'/'.
+ $map,1);
+ if ($errtext) { return ($errtext,2); }
+ $hadchanges=1;
+ return ($errtext,0);
+sub authorhosts {
+ my %outhash=();
+ my $home=0;
+ my $other=0;
+ foreach my $key (keys(%env)) {
+ if ($key=~/^user\.role\.(au|ca)\.(.+)$/) {
+ my $role=$1;
+ my $realm=$2;
+ my ($start,$end)=split(/\./,$env{$key});
+ if (($start) && ($start>time)) { next; }
+ if (($end) && (time>$end)) { next; }
+ my ($ca,$cd);
+ if ($1 eq 'au') {
+ $ca=$env{'user.name'};
+ $cd=$env{'user.domain'};
+ } else {
+ ($cd,$ca)=($realm=~/^\/($match_domain)\/($match_username)$/);
+ }
+ my $allowed=0;
+ my $myhome=&Apache::lonnet::homeserver($ca,$cd);
+ my @ids=&Apache::lonnet::current_machine_ids();
+ foreach my $id (@ids) { if ($id eq $myhome) { $allowed=1; } }
+ if ($allowed) {
+ $home++;
+ $outhash{'home_'.$ca.'@'.$cd}=1;
+ } else {
+ $outhash{'otherhome_'.$ca.'@'.$cd}=$myhome;
+ $other++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return ($home,$other,%outhash);
+sub dumpbutton {
+ my ($home,$other,%outhash)=&authorhosts();
+ my $crstype = &Apache::loncommon::course_type();
+ if ($home+$other==0) { return ''; }
+ if ($home) {
+ my $link =
+ ""
+ .&mt('Dump '.$crstype.' Documents to Construction Space')
+ .'';
+ return
+ $link.' '
+ .&Apache::loncommon::help_open_topic('Docs_Dump_Course_Docs')
+ .' ';
+ } else {
+ return
+ &mt('Dump '.$crstype.' Documents to Construction Space: available on other servers');
+ }
+sub clean {
+ my ($title)=@_;
+ $title=~s/[^\w\/\!\$\%\^\*\-\_\=\+\;\:\,\\\|\`\~]+/\_/gs;
+ return $title;
+sub dumpcourse {
+ my ($r) = @_;
+ my $crstype = &Apache::loncommon::course_type();
+ $r->print(&Apache::loncommon::start_page('Dump '.$crstype.' Documents to Construction Space').
+ '
+ }
+sub exportbutton {
+ my $crstype = &Apache::loncommon::course_type();
+ return "".&mt('IMS Export')."".
+ &Apache::loncommon::help_open_topic('Docs_Export_Course_Docs').' ';
+sub exportcourse {
+ my $r=shift;
+ my $crstype = &Apache::loncommon::course_type();
+ my %discussiontime = &Apache::lonnet::dump('discussiontimes',
+ $env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.domain'}, $env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.num'});
+ my $numdisc = keys(%discussiontime);
+ my $navmap = Apache::lonnavmaps::navmap->new();
+ if (!defined($navmap)) {
+ $r->print(&Apache::loncommon::start_page('Export '.$crstype.' to IMS Package').
+ '
'.&mt('IMS Export Failed').'
+ '
+ if ($crstype eq 'Community') {
+ $r->print(&mt('Unable to retrieve information about community contents'));
+ } else {
+ $r->print(&mt('Unable to retrieve information about course contents'));
+ }
+ $r->print('
+ if ($crstype eq 'Community') {
+ $r->print(&mt('Return to Community Editor'));
+ } else {
+ $r->print(&mt('Return to Course Editor'));
+ }
+ $r->print('');
+ &Apache::lonnet::logthis('IMS export failed - could not create navmap object in '.lc($crstype).':'.$env{'request.course.id'});
+ return;
+ }
+ my $it=$navmap->getIterator(undef,undef,undef,1,undef,undef);
+ my $curRes;
+ my $outcome;
+ &Apache::loncommon::get_unprocessed_cgi($ENV{'QUERY_STRING'},
+ ['finishexport']);
+ if ($env{'form.finishexport'}) {
+ &Apache::loncommon::get_unprocessed_cgi($ENV{'QUERY_STRING'},
+ ['archive','discussion']);
+ my @exportitems = &Apache::loncommon::get_env_multiple('form.archive');
+ my @discussions = &Apache::loncommon::get_env_multiple('form.discussion');
+ if (@exportitems == 0 && @discussions == 0) {
+ $outcome =
+ '
+ .&mt('As you did not select any content items or discussions'
+ .' for export, an IMS package has not been created.')
+ .'
+ .'
+ .&mt('Please [_1]go back[_2] to select either content items'
+ .' or discussions for export.'
+ ,''
+ ,'')
+ .'
+ } else {
+ my $now = time;
+ my %symbs;
+ my $manifestok = 0;
+ my $imsresources;
+ my $tempexport;
+ my $copyresult;
+ my $ims_manifest = &create_ims_store($now,\$manifestok,\$outcome,\$tempexport);
+ if ($manifestok) {
+ &build_package($now,$navmap,\@exportitems,\@discussions,\$outcome,$tempexport,\$copyresult,$ims_manifest);
+ close($ims_manifest);
+#Create zip file in prtspool
+ my $imszipfile = '/prtspool/'.
+ $env{'user.name'}.'_'.$env{'user.domain'}.'_'.
+ time.'_'.rand(1000000000).'.zip';
+ my $cwd = &Cwd::getcwd();
+ my $imszip = '/home/httpd/'.$imszipfile;
+ chdir $tempexport;
+ open(OUTPUT, "zip -r $imszip * 2> /dev/null |");
+ close(OUTPUT);
+ chdir $cwd;
+ $outcome .= '
+ .&mt('[_1]Your IMS package[_2] is ready for download.'
+ ,'','')
+ .'
+ if ($copyresult) {
+ $outcome .= '
+ .&mt('The following errors occurred during export - [_1]'
+ ,$copyresult)
+ .'
+ }
+ } else {
+ $outcome = '
+ .&mt('Unfortunately you will not be able to retrieve'
+ .' an IMS archive of your course at this time,'
+ .' because there was a problem creating a'
+ .' manifest file.')
+ .'
+# Before
+ for (my $idx=0;$idx<=$docslog{$id}{'logentry'}{'maxidx'};$idx++) {
+ my $oldname=(split(/\:/,$docslog{$id}{'logentry'}{'before_resources_'.$idx}))[0];
+ my $newname=(split(/\:/,$docslog{$id}{'logentry'}{'after_resources_'.$idx}))[0];
+ if ($oldname ne $newname) {
+ $r->print(&LONCAPA::map::qtescape($oldname));
+ }
+ }
+ $r->print('
+ for (my $idx=0;$idx<=$docslog{$id}{'logentry'}{'maxidx'};$idx++) {
+ if ($docslog{$id}{'logentry'}{'before_order_res_'.$idx}) {
+ $r->print('
+ $shown++;
+ if (!($env{'form.show'} eq &mt('all')
+ || $shown<=$env{'form.show'})) { last; }
+ }
+ $r->print(&Apache::loncommon::end_data_table());
+sub update_paste_buffer {
+ my ($coursenum,$coursedom) = @_;
+ return if (!defined($env{'form.markcopy'}));
+ return if (!defined($env{'form.copyfolder'}));
+ return if ($env{'form.markcopy'} < 0);
+ my ($errtext,$fatal) = &mapread($coursenum,$coursedom,
+ $env{'form.copyfolder'});
+ return if ($fatal);
+# Mark for copying
+ my ($title,$url)=split(':',$LONCAPA::map::resources[$LONCAPA::map::order[$env{'form.markcopy'}]]);
+ if (&is_supplemental_title($title)) {
+ &Apache::lonnet::appenv({'docs.markedcopy_supplemental' => $title});
+ ($title) = &parse_supplemental_title($title);
+ } elsif ($env{'docs.markedcopy_supplemental'}) {
+ &Apache::lonnet::delenv('docs.markedcopy_supplemental');
+ }
+ $url=~s{http(:|:)//https(:|:)//}{https$2//};
+ &Apache::lonnet::appenv({'docs.markedcopy_title' => $title,
+ 'docs.markedcopy_url' => $url});
+ delete($env{'form.markcopy'});
+sub print_paste_buffer {
+ my ($r,$container) = @_;
+ return if (!defined($env{'docs.markedcopy_url'}));
+ $r->print('');
+sub do_paste_from_buffer {
+ my ($coursenum,$coursedom,$folder) = @_;
+ if (!$env{'form.pastemarked'}) {
+ return;
+ }
+# paste resource to end of list
+ my $url=&LONCAPA::map::qtescape($env{'docs.markedcopy_url'});
+ my $title=&LONCAPA::map::qtescape($env{'docs.markedcopy_title'});
+# Maps need to be copied first
+ if (($url=~/\.(page|sequence)$/) && ($url=~/^\/uploaded\//)) {
+ $title=&mt('Copy of').' '.$title;
+ my $newid=$$.int(rand(100)).time;
+ my ($oldid,$ext) = ($url=~/^(.+)\.(\w+)$/);
+ if ($oldid =~ m{^(/uploaded/\Q$coursedom\E/\Q$coursenum\E/)(\D+)(\d+)$}) {
+ my $path = $1;
+ my $prefix = $2;
+ my $ancestor = $3;
+ if (length($ancestor) > 10) {
+ $ancestor = substr($ancestor,-10,10);
+ }
+ $oldid = $path.$prefix.$ancestor;
+ }
+ my $counter = 0;
+ my $newurl=$oldid.$newid.'.'.$ext;
+ my $is_unique = &uniqueness_check($newurl);
+ while (!$is_unique && $counter < 100) {
+ $counter ++;
+ $newid ++;
+ $newurl = $oldid.$newid;
+ $is_unique = &uniqueness_check($newurl);
+ }
+ if (!$is_unique) {
+ if ($url=~/\.page$/) {
+ return &mt('Paste failed: an error occurred creating a unique URL for the composite page');
+ } else {
+ return &mt('Paste failed: an error occurred creating a unique URL for the folder');
+ }
+ }
+ my $storefn=$newurl;
+ $storefn=~s{^/\w+/$match_domain/$match_username/}{};
+ my $paste_map_result =
+ &Apache::lonclonecourse::writefile($env{'request.course.id'},$storefn,
+ &Apache::lonnet::getfile($url));
+ if ($paste_map_result eq '/adm/notfound.html') {
+ if ($url=~/\.page$/) {
+ return &mt('Paste failed: an error occurred saving the composite page');
+ } else {
+ return &mt('Paste failed: an error occurred saving the folder');
+ }
+ }
+ $url = $newurl;
+ }
+# published maps can only exists once, so remove it from paste buffer when done
+ if (($url=~/\.(page|sequence)$/) && ($url=~m {^/res/})) {
+ &Apache::lonnet::delenv('docs.markedcopy');
+ }
+ if ($url=~ m{/smppg$}) {
+ my $db_name = &Apache::lonsimplepage::get_db_name($url);
+ if ($db_name =~ /^smppage_/) {
+ #simple pages, need to copy the db contents to a new one.
+ my %contents=&Apache::lonnet::dump($db_name,$coursedom,$coursenum);
+ my $now = time();
+ $db_name =~ s{_\d*$ }{_$now}x;
+ my $result=&Apache::lonnet::put($db_name,\%contents,
+ $coursedom,$coursenum);
+ $url =~ s{/(\d*)/smppg$ }{/$now/smppg}x;
+ $title=&mt('Copy of').' '.$title;
+ }
+ }
+ $title = &LONCAPA::map::qtunescape($title);
+ my $ext='false';
+ if ($url=~m{^http(|s)://}) { $ext='true'; }
+ $url = &LONCAPA::map::qtunescape($url);
+# Now insert the URL at the bottom
+ my $newidx = &LONCAPA::map::getresidx($url);
+ if ($env{'docs.markedcopy_supplemental'}) {
+ if ($folder =~ /^supplemental/) {
+ $title = $env{'docs.markedcopy_supplemental'};
+ } else {
+ (undef,undef,$title) =
+ &parse_supplemental_title($env{'docs.markedcopy_supplemental'});
+ }
+ } else {
+ if ($folder=~/^supplemental/) {
+ $title=time.'___&&&___'.$env{'user.name'}.'___&&&___'.
+ $env{'user.domain'}.'___&&&___'.$title;
+ }
+ }
+ $LONCAPA::map::resources[$newidx]= $title.':'.$url.':'.$ext.':normal:res';
+ push(@LONCAPA::map::order, $newidx);
+ return 'ok';
+# Store the result
+sub uniqueness_check {
+ my ($newurl) = @_;
+ my $unique = 1;
+ foreach my $res (@LONCAPA::map::order) {
+ my ($name,$url)=split(/\:/,$LONCAPA::map::resources[$res]);
+ $url=&LONCAPA::map::qtescape($url);
+ if ($newurl eq $url) {
+ $unique = 0;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ return $unique;
+my %parameter_type = ( 'randompick' => 'int_pos',
+ 'hiddenresource' => 'string_yesno',
+ 'encrypturl' => 'string_yesno',
+ 'randomorder' => 'string_yesno',);
+my $valid_parameters_re = join('|',keys(%parameter_type));
+# set parameters
+sub update_parameter {
+ return 0 if ($env{'form.changeparms'} !~ /^($valid_parameters_re)$/);
+ my $which = $env{'form.changeparms'};
+ my $idx = $env{'form.setparms'};
+ if ($env{'form.'.$which.'_'.$idx}) {
+ my $value = ($which eq 'randompick') ? $env{'form.'.$which.'_'.$idx}
+ : 'yes';
+ &LONCAPA::map::storeparameter($idx, 'parameter_'.$which, $value,
+ $parameter_type{$which});
+ &remember_parms($idx,$which,'set',$value);
+ } else {
+ &LONCAPA::map::delparameter($idx,'parameter_'.$which);
+ &remember_parms($idx,$which,'del');
+ }
+ return 1;
+sub handle_edit_cmd {
+ my ($coursenum,$coursedom) =@_;
+ my ($cmd,$idx)=split('_',$env{'form.cmd'});
+ my $ratstr = $LONCAPA::map::resources[$LONCAPA::map::order[$idx]];
+ my ($title, $url, @rrest) = split(':', $ratstr);
+ if ($cmd eq 'del') {
+ if (($url=~m|/+uploaded/\Q$coursedom\E/\Q$coursenum\E/|) &&
+ ($url!~/\.(page|sequence|problem|exam|quiz|assess|survey|form|library|task)$/)) {
+ &Apache::lonnet::removeuploadedurl($url);
+ } else {
+ &LONCAPA::map::makezombie($LONCAPA::map::order[$idx]);
+ }
+ splice(@LONCAPA::map::order, $idx, 1);
+ } elsif ($cmd eq 'cut') {
+ &LONCAPA::map::makezombie($LONCAPA::map::order[$idx]);
+ splice(@LONCAPA::map::order, $idx, 1);
+ } elsif ($cmd eq 'up'
+ && ($idx) && (defined($LONCAPA::map::order[$idx-1]))) {
+ @LONCAPA::map::order[$idx-1,$idx] = @LONCAPA::map::order[$idx,$idx-1];
+ } elsif ($cmd eq 'down'
+ && defined($LONCAPA::map::order[$idx+1])) {
+ @LONCAPA::map::order[$idx+1,$idx] = @LONCAPA::map::order[$idx,$idx+1];
+ } elsif ($cmd eq 'rename') {
+ my $comment = &LONCAPA::map::qtunescape($env{'form.title'});
+ if ($comment=~/\S/) {
+ $LONCAPA::map::resources[$LONCAPA::map::order[$idx]]=
+ $comment.':'.join(':', $url, @rrest);
+ }
+# Devalidate title cache
+ my $renamed_url=&LONCAPA::map::qtescape($url);
+ &Apache::lonnet::devalidate_title_cache($renamed_url);
+ } else {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return 1;
sub editor {
- my ($r,$coursenum,$coursedom,$folder,$allowed)=@_;
- if ($ENV{'form.foldername'}) {
- $r->print('
Folder: '.$ENV{'form.foldername'}.'
- }
- my $errtext='';
- my $fatal=0;
- ($errtext,$fatal)=
- &mapread($coursenum,$coursedom,$folder.'.sequence');
- if ($#Apache::lonratedt::order<1) {
- $Apache::lonratedt::order[0]=1;
- $Apache::lonratedt::resources[1]='';
+ my ($r,$coursenum,$coursedom,$folder,$allowed,$upload_output,$crstype)=@_;
+ my $container= ($env{'form.pagepath'}) ? 'page'
+ : 'sequence';
+ my ($errtext,$fatal) = &mapread($coursenum,$coursedom,
+ $folder.'.'.$container);
+ return $errtext if ($fatal);
+ if ($#LONCAPA::map::order<1) {
+ my $idx=&LONCAPA::map::getresidx();
+ if ($idx<=0) { $idx=1; }
+ $LONCAPA::map::order[0]=$idx;
+ $LONCAPA::map::resources[$idx]='';
- if ($fatal) {
- $r->print('
+ my ($breadcrumbtrail,$randompick,$ishidden,$isencrypted,$plain,$is_random_order);
+ if ($allowed) {
+ ($breadcrumbtrail,$randompick,$ishidden,$isencrypted,$plain,$is_random_order) =
+ &breadcrumbs($allowed,$crstype);
+ $r->print($breadcrumbtrail);
} else {
+ $randompick = -1;
+ }
# ------------------------------------------------------------ Process commands
# ---------------- if they are for this folder and user allowed to make changes
- if (($allowed) && ($ENV{'form.folder'} eq $folder)) {
-# upload a file, if present
- if (($ENV{'form.uploaddoc.filename'}) &&
- ($ENV{'form.cmd'}=~/^upload_(\w+)/)) {
- if ($folder=~/^$1/) {
-# this is for a course, not a user, so set coursedoc flag
-# probably the only place in the system where this should be "1"
- my $url=&Apache::lonnet::userfileupload('uploaddoc',1);
- my $ext='false';
- if ($url=~/^http\:\/\//) { $ext='true'; }
- $url=~s/\:/\:/g;
- my $comment=$ENV{'form.comment'};
- $comment=~s/\\<\;/g;
- $comment=~s/\>/\>\;/g;
- $comment=~s/\:/\:/g;
- if ($folder=~/^supplemental/) {
- $comment=time.'___&&&___'.$ENV{'user.name'}.'___&&&___'.
- $ENV{'user.domain'}.'___&&&___'.$comment;
- }
- my $newidx=$#Apache::lonratedt::resources+1;
- $Apache::lonratedt::resources[$newidx]=
- $comment.':'.$url.':'.$ext.':normal:res';
- $Apache::lonratedt::order[$#Apache::lonratedt::order+1]=
- $newidx;
- &storemap($coursenum,$coursedom,$folder.'.sequence');
- }
- }
- if ($ENV{'form.cmd'}) {
- my ($cmd,$idx)=split(/\_/,$ENV{'form.cmd'});
- if ($cmd eq 'del') {
- for (my $i=$idx;$i<$#Apache::lonratedt::order;$i++) {
- $Apache::lonratedt::order[$i]=
- $Apache::lonratedt::order[$i+1];
- }
- $#Apache::lonratedt::order--;
- } elsif ($cmd eq 'up') {
- my $i=$Apache::lonratedt::order[$idx-1];
- $Apache::lonratedt::order[$idx-1]=
- $Apache::lonratedt::order[$idx];
- $Apache::lonratedt::order[$idx]=$i;
- } elsif ($cmd eq 'down') {
- my $i=$Apache::lonratedt::order[$idx+1];
- $Apache::lonratedt::order[$idx+1]=
- $Apache::lonratedt::order[$idx];
- $Apache::lonratedt::order[$idx]=$i;
- }
-# Store the changed version
- &storemap($coursenum,$coursedom,$folder.'.sequence');
+ if (($allowed) && ($env{'form.folder'} eq $folder)) {
+# set parameters and change order
+ &snapshotbefore();
+ if (&update_parameter()) {
+ ($errtext,$fatal)=&storemap($coursenum,$coursedom,$folder.'.'.$container);
+ return $errtext if ($fatal);
+ }
+ if ($env{'form.newpos'} && $env{'form.currentpos'}) {
+# change order
+ my $res = splice(@LONCAPA::map::order,$env{'form.currentpos'}-1,1);
+ splice(@LONCAPA::map::order,$env{'form.newpos'}-1,0,$res);
+ ($errtext,$fatal)=&storemap($coursenum,$coursedom,$folder.'.'.$container);
+ return $errtext if ($fatal);
+ }
+ if ($env{'form.pastemarked'}) {
+ my $paste_res =
+ &do_paste_from_buffer($coursenum,$coursedom,$folder);
+ if ($paste_res eq 'ok') {
+ ($errtext,$fatal) = &storemap($coursenum,$coursedom,$folder.'.'.$container);
+ return $errtext if ($fatal);
+ } elsif ($paste_res ne '') {
+ $r->print('
+ }
+ $r->print($upload_output);
+ if (&handle_edit_cmd()) {
+ ($errtext,$fatal)=&storemap($coursenum,$coursedom,$folder.'.'.$container);
+ return $errtext if ($fatal);
+ }
# Group import/search
- if ($ENV{'form.importdetail'}) {
- foreach (split(/\&/,$ENV{'form.importdetail'})) {
- if (defined($_)) {
- my ($name,$url)=split(/\=/,$_);
- $name=&Apache::lonnet::unescape($name);
- $url=&Apache::lonnet::unescape($url);
- if ($url) {
- my $idx=$#Apache::lonratedt::resources+1;
- $Apache::lonratedt::order
- [$#Apache::lonratedt::order+1]=$idx;
- my $ext='false';
- if ($url=~/^http\:\/\//) { $ext='true'; }
- $url=~s/\:/\:/g;
- $Apache::lonratedt::resources[$idx]=
- $name.':'.$url.':'.$ext.':normal:res';
- }
- }
- }
-# Store the changed version
- &storemap($coursenum,$coursedom,$folder.'.sequence');
- }
- }
+ if ($env{'form.importdetail'}) {
+ my @imports;
+ foreach my $item (split(/\&/,$env{'form.importdetail'})) {
+ if (defined($item)) {
+ my ($name,$url,$residx)=
+ map {&unescape($_)} split(/\=/,$item);
+ push(@imports, [$name, $url, $residx]);
+ }
+ }
+ ($errtext,$fatal)=&group_import($coursenum, $coursedom, $folder,
+ $container,'londocs',@imports);
+ return $errtext if ($fatal);
+ }
+# Loading a complete map
+ if ($env{'form.loadmap'}) {
+ if ($env{'form.importmap'}=~/\w/) {
+ foreach my $res (&Apache::lonsequence::attemptread(&Apache::lonnet::filelocation('',$env{'form.importmap'}))) {
+ my ($title,$url,$ext,$type)=split(/\:/,$res);
+ my $idx=&LONCAPA::map::getresidx($url);
+ $LONCAPA::map::resources[$idx]=$res;
+ $LONCAPA::map::order[$#LONCAPA::map::order+1]=$idx;
+ }
+ ($errtext,$fatal)=&storemap($coursenum,$coursedom,
+ $folder.'.'.$container);
+ return $errtext if ($fatal);
+ } else {
+ $r->print('
+ '');
+ if ($randompick>=0) {
+ $r->print('
+ .&mt('Caution: this folder is set to randomly pick a subset'
+ .' of resources. Adding or removing resources from this'
+ .' folder will change the set of resources that the'
+ .' students see, resulting in spurious or missing credit'
+ .' for completed problems, not limited to ones you'
+ .' modify. Do not modify the contents of this folder if'
+ .' it is in active student use.')
+ .'
+ .&mt('Caution: this folder is set to randomly order its'
+ .' contents. Adding or removing resources from this folder'
+ .' will change the order of resources shown.')
+ .'
+ if (($allowed) && ($folder!~/^supplemental/)) {
+ my %lt=&Apache::lonlocal::texthash(
+ 'hd' => 'Hidden',
+ 'ec' => 'URL hidden');
+ my $enctext=
+ ((&LONCAPA::map::getparameter($orderidx,'parameter_encrypturl'))[0]=~/^yes$/i?' checked="checked"':'');
+ my $hidtext=
+ ((&LONCAPA::map::getparameter($orderidx,'parameter_hiddenresource'))[0]=~/^yes$/i?' checked="checked"':'');
+ $line.=(<
+ $form_start
+ $form_end
+ $form_start
+ $form_end
$form_start $rand_order_text $form_end
$form_start $parameterset $form_end
+ }
+ $line.=&Apache::loncommon::end_data_table_row();
return $line;
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------- tie the hash
+=item tiehash()
+tie the hash
sub tiehash {
+ my ($mode)=@_;
- if ($ENV{'request.course.fn'}) {
- if (tie(%hash,'GDBM_File',$ENV{'request.course.fn'}.".db",
- &GDBM_READER(),0640)) {
+ if ($env{'request.course.fn'}) {
+ if ($mode eq 'write') {
+ if (tie(%hash,'GDBM_File',$env{'request.course.fn'}.".db",
+ &GDBM_WRCREAT(),0640)) {
+ $hashtied=2;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (tie(%hash,'GDBM_File',$env{'request.course.fn'}.".db",
+ &GDBM_READER(),0640)) {
- }
- }
+ }
+ }
+ }
sub untiehash {
if ($hashtied) { untie %hash; }
+ return OK;
-# --------------------------------------------------------------- check on this
sub checkonthis {
my ($r,$url,$level,$title)=@_;
+ $url=&unescape($url);
- if ($url) {
- $r->print(' ');
+ if (($url) && ($url!~/^\/uploaded\//) && ($url!~/\*$/)) {
+ $r->print("\n ");
+ if ($level==0) {
+ $r->print(" ");
+ }
for (my $i=0;$i<=$level*5;$i++) {
$r->print(' ');
@@ -257,467 +2169,1822 @@ sub checkonthis {
if ($url=~/^\/res\//) {
my $result=&Apache::lonnet::repcopy(
- if ($result==OK) {
- $r->print('ok');
+ if ($result eq 'ok') {
+ $r->print(''.&mt('ok').'');
if (&Apache::loncommon::fileembstyle($1) eq 'ssi') {
$r->print(' ');
- my $default='';
- if ($1=~/(problem|exam|quiz|assess|survey|form|library)/) {
- $default=&Apache::lonnet::getfile(
- '/home/httpd/html/res/adm/includes/default_homework.lcpm');
- }
for (my $i=0;$i<=$level*5;$i++) {
$r->print(' ');
- $r->print('- Rendering: ');
- &Apache::lonxml::xmlparse($r,'web',
- &Apache::lonnet::getfile(
- &Apache::lonnet::filelocation('',$url)),$default);
- if (($Apache::lonxml::errorcount) ||
- ($Apache::lonxml::warningcount)) {
- if ($Apache::lonxml::errorcount) {
- $r->print(''.
- $Apache::lonxml::errorcount.' error(s) ');
+ $r->print('- '.&mt('Rendering:').' ');
+ my ($errorcount,$warningcount)=split(/:/,
+ &Apache::lonnet::ssi_body($url,
+ ('grade_target'=>'web',
+ 'return_only_error_and_warning_counts' => 1)));
+ if (($errorcount) ||
+ ($warningcount)) {
+ if ($errorcount) {
+ $r->print(''.
+ &mt('[quant,_1,error]',$errorcount).'');
- if ($Apache::lonxml::warningcount) {
- $r->print(''.
- $Apache::lonxml::warningcount.' warning(s)');
+ if ($warningcount) {
+ $r->print(''.
+ &mt('[quant,_1,warning]',$warningcount).'');
} else {
- $r->print('ok');
+ $r->print(''.&mt('ok').'');
my $dependencies=
- foreach (split(/\,/,$dependencies)) {
- if (($_=~/^\/res\//) && (!$alreadyseen{$_})) {
- &checkonthis($r,$_,$level+1);
+ foreach my $dep (split(/\,/,$dependencies)) {
+ if (($dep=~/^\/res\//) && (!$alreadyseen{$dep})) {
+ &checkonthis($r,$dep,$level+1);
- } elsif ($result==HTTP_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE) {
- $r->print('connection down');
- } elsif ($result==HTTP_NOT_FOUND) {
- $r->print('not found');
+ } elsif ($result eq 'unavailable') {
+ $r->print(''.&mt('connection down').'');
+ } elsif ($result eq 'not_found') {
+ unless ($url=~/\$/) {
+ $r->print(''.&mt('not found').'');
+ } else {
+ $r->print(''.&mt('unable to verify variable URL').'');
+ }
} else {
- $r->print('access denied');
+ $r->print(''.&mt('access denied').'');
- }
- }
+ }
+ }
-# ================================================================ Main Handler
-sub handler {
- my $r = shift;
- $r->content_type('text/html');
- $r->send_http_header;
- return OK if $r->header_only;
- if ($ENV{'form.verify'}) {
- my $loaderror=&Apache::lonnet::overloaderror($r);
- if ($loaderror) { return $loaderror; }
- $r->print('Verify Content'.
- &Apache::loncommon::bodytag('Verify Course Documents'));
+=item list_symbs()
+List Symbs
+sub list_symbs {
+ my ($r) = @_;
+ my $crstype = &Apache::loncommon::course_type();
+ $r->print(&Apache::loncommon::start_page('Symb List'));
+ $r->print(&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::breadcrumbs('Symb List'));
+ &startContentScreen($r,'tools');
+ my $navmap = Apache::lonnavmaps::navmap->new();
+ if (!defined($navmap)) {
+ $r->print('
'.&mt('Retrieval of List Failed').'
+ '
+ &mt('Unable to retrieve information about course contents').
+ '
+ &Apache::lonnet::logthis('Symb list failed - could not create navmap object in '.lc($crstype).':'.$env{'request.course.id'});
+ } else {
+ $r->print("
- my $lastold=1;
- for (my $prevvers=1;$prevvers<$currentversion;$prevvers++) {
- my $url=$root.'.'.$prevvers.'.'.$extension;
- if (&Apache::lonnet::metadata($url,'lastrevisiondate')<
- $starttime) {
- $lastold=$prevvers;
- }
- }
+ foreach my $key (sort(keys(%changes))) {
+ if ($changes{$key}>$starttime) {
+ my ($root,$extension)=($key=~/^(.*)\.(\w+)$/);
+ my $currentversion=&Apache::lonnet::getversion($key);
+ if ($currentversion<0) {
+ $currentversion=&mt('Could not be determined.');
+ }
+ my $linkurl=&Apache::lonnet::clutter($key);
+ $r->print(
+ '
+ my $lastold=1;
+ for (my $prevvers=1;$prevvers<$currentversion;$prevvers++) {
+ my $url=$root.'.'.$prevvers.'.'.$extension;
+ if (&Apache::lonnet::metadata($url,'lastrevisiondate')<
+ $starttime) {
+ $lastold=$prevvers;
+ }
+ }
+ #
+ # Code to figure out how many version entries should go in
+ # each of the four columns
+ my $entries_per_col = 0;
+ my $num_entries = ($currentversion-$lastold);
+ if ($num_entries % 4 == 0) {
+ $entries_per_col = $num_entries/4;
+ } else {
+ $entries_per_col = $num_entries/4 + 1;
+ }
+ my $entries_count = 0;
+ $r->print('
+ my $active = '';
+# does this user have privileges to modify docs?
+ my $allowed=&Apache::lonnet::allowed('mdc',$env{'request.course.id'});
+ my $onclick;
+ my $href;
+ if ($allowed) {
+ $r->print('