+ my $active = '';
+# does this user have privileges to modify docs?
+ my $allowed=&Apache::lonnet::allowed('mdc',$env{'request.course.id'});
+ my $onclick;
+ my $href;
+ if ($allowed) {
+ $r->print('
+# End tabs
+sub endContentScreen {
+ my ($r)=@_;
+ $r->print('
+sub supplemental_base {
+ return 'supplemental&'.&escape(&mt('Supplemental '.&Apache::loncommon::course_type().' Documents'));
sub handler {
my $r = shift;
@@ -2620,7 +2782,7 @@ sub handler {
return OK if $r->header_only;
my $crstype = &Apache::loncommon::course_type();
# --------------------------------------------- Initialize help topics for this
foreach my $topic ('Adding_Course_Doc','Main_Course_Documents',
@@ -2665,45 +2827,83 @@ sub handler {
&init_breadcrumbs('exportcourse','IMS Export');
} else {
-# is this a standard course?
+# Done catching special calls
+# The whole rest is for course and supplemental documents
+# Get the parameters that may be needed
+ &Apache::loncommon::get_unprocessed_cgi($ENV{'QUERY_STRING'},
+ ['folderpath','pagepath',
+ 'pagesymb','forcesupplement','forcestandard']);
+# standard=1: this is a "new-style" course with an uploaded map as top level
+# standard=2: this is a "old-style" course, and there is nothing we can do
my $standard=($env{'request.course.uri'}=~/^\/uploaded\//);
- my $forcestandard = 0;
- my $forcesupplement;
+# Decide whether this should display supplemental or main content
+# supplementalflag=1: show supplemental documents
+# supplementalflag=0: show standard documents
+ my $supplementalflag=($env{'form.folderpath'}=~/^supplemental/);
+ if (($env{'form.folderpath'}=~/^default/) || $env{'form.folderpath'} eq "" || ($env{'form.pagepath'})) {
+ $supplementalflag=0;
+ }
+ if ($env{'form.forcesupplement'}) { $supplementalflag=1; }
+ if ($env{'form.forcestandard'}) { $supplementalflag=0; }
+ unless ($allowed) { $supplementalflag=1; }
+ unless ($standard) { $supplementalflag=1; }
my $script='';
my $showdoc=0;
my $containertag;
my $uploadtag;
- &Apache::loncommon::get_unprocessed_cgi($ENV{'QUERY_STRING'},
- ['folderpath','pagepath',
- 'pagesymb']);
+# Where do we store these for when we come back?
+ my $stored_folderpath='docs_folderpath';
+ if ($supplementalflag) {
+ $stored_folderpath='docs_sup_folderpath';
+ }
# No folderpath, no pagepath, see if we have something stored
if ((!$env{'form.folderpath'}) && (!$env{'form.pagepath'})) {
- &Apache::loncommon::restore_course_settings('docs_folderpath',
+ &Apache::loncommon::restore_course_settings($stored_folderpath,
{'folderpath' => 'scalar'});
+# If we are not allowed to make changes, all we can see are supplemental docs
if (!$allowed) {
- unless($env{'form.folderpath'} =~ /^supplemental/) {
- $env{'form.folderpath'} = '';
+ $env{'form.pagepath'}='';
+ unless ($env{'form.folderpath'} =~ /^supplemental/) {
+ $env{'form.folderpath'} = &supplemental_base();
+# If we still not have a folderpath, see if we can resurrect at pagepath
if (!$env{'form.folderpath'} && $allowed) {
- &Apache::loncommon::restore_course_settings('docs_folderpath',
+ &Apache::loncommon::restore_course_settings($stored_folderpath,
{'pagepath' => 'scalar'});
- if ($env{'form.pagepath'}) {
- $env{'form.folderpath'}='';
- }
+# Make the zeroth entry in supplemental docs page paths, so we can get to top level
if ($env{'form.folderpath'} =~ /^supplemental_\d+/) {
- $env{'form.folderpath'} = 'supplemental&'.
- &escape(&mt('Supplemental '.$crstype.' Documents')).'&'.
+ $env{'form.folderpath'} = &supplemental_base()
+ .'&'.
- &Apache::loncommon::store_course_settings('docs_folderpath',
+# If after all of this, we still don't have any paths, make them
+ unless (($env{'form.pagepath'}) || ($env{'form.folderpath'})) {
+ if ($supplementalflag) {
+ $env{'form.folderpath'}=&supplemental_base();
+ } else {
+ $env{'form.folderpath'}='default';
+ }
+ }
+# Store this
+ &Apache::loncommon::store_course_settings($stored_folderpath,
{'pagepath' => 'scalar',
'folderpath' => 'scalar'});
if ($env{'form.folderpath'}) {
my (@folderpath)=split('&',$env{'form.folderpath'});
@@ -2737,38 +2937,12 @@ sub handler {
if ($showdoc) { # got called in sequence from course
} else {
- if (($env{'form.folder'}=~/^(?:group|default)_/) ||
- ($env{'form.folder'} =~ m:^\d+/(pages|sequences)/:)) {
- $forcestandard = 1;
- }
- $forcesupplement=($env{'form.folder'}=~/^supplemental_/);
if ($allowed) {
-# subroutine to list form elements
-sub create_list_elements {
- my @formarr = @_;
- my $list = '';
- for my $button (@formarr){
- for my $picture(keys %$button) {
- #my $link = Apache::lonhtmlcommon::htmltag('a' ,$button->{$picture}, {href => "test"});
- $list .= Apache::lonhtmlcommon::htmltag('li', $picture.' '.$button->{$picture}, {class => 'LC_menubuttons_inline_text'});
- }
- }
- return $list;
-# subroutine to create ul from list elements
-sub create_form_ul {
- my $list = shift;
- my $ul = Apache::lonhtmlcommon::htmltag('ul',$list, {class => 'LC_ListStyleNormal'});
- return $ul;
# get course data
my $coursenum=$env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.num'};
my $coursedom=$env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.domain'};
@@ -2794,29 +2968,20 @@ sub create_form_ul {
# Breadcrumbs
- if ($allowed) {
+ unless ($showdoc) {
- href=>"/adm/coursedocs",text=>"$crstype Editor"});
+ href=>"/adm/coursedocs",text=>"$crstype Contents"});
- $r->print(&Apache::loncommon::start_page("$crstype Editor", $script,
+ $r->print(&Apache::loncommon::start_page("$crstype Contents", $script,
{'force_register' => $showdoc,})
'Editing the Table of Contents for your '.$crstype,
- } elsif ($showdoc) {
+ } else {
$r->print(&Apache::loncommon::start_page("$crstype documents",undef,
{'force_register' => $showdoc,}));
- } else {
- my $folder=$env{'form.folder'};
- if ($folder eq '' || $folder eq 'supplemental') {
- $env{'form.folderpath'} = 'supplemental&'.
- &escape(&mt('Supplemental '.$crstype.' Documents'));
- }
- my ($breadcrumbtrail) = &breadcrumbs($allowed,$crstype);
- $r->print(&Apache::loncommon::start_page("Supplemental documents").
- $breadcrumbtrail);
my %allfiles = ();
@@ -2885,7 +3050,7 @@ sub create_form_ul {
'sipa' => 'Simple Course Page',
'sipr' => 'Simple Problem',
'drbx' => 'Drop Box',
- 'scuf' => 'Score Upload Form',
+ 'scuf' => 'External Scores (handgrade, upload, clicker)',
'bull' => 'Discussion Board',
'mypi' => 'My Personal Information Page',
'grpo' => 'Group Portfolio',
@@ -2932,12 +3097,7 @@ CHBO
- #$list .= Apache::lonhtmlcommon::htmltag('li', $picture.' '.$button->{$picture}, {class => 'LC_menubuttons_inline_text'});
- #$fileuploadform .= create_form_ul(create_list_elements(@fileuploada));
- $fileuploadform .= create_form_ul(Apache::lonhtmlcommon::htmltag('li',$fileuploada,{class => 'LC_menubuttons_inline_text'}));
- $fileuploadform .= (<
+ $fileuploadform .= &create_form_ul(&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::htmltag('li',$fileuploada,{class => 'LC_menubuttons_inline_text'})).'';
my $simpleeditdefaultform=(<
@@ -2948,7 +3108,7 @@ SEDFFORM
{ '' => "$lt{'impo'}$help{'Importing_LON-CAPA_Resource'}" },
{ '' => "$lt{'wish'}" },
- $simpleeditdefaultform .= create_form_ul(create_list_elements(@simpleeditdefaultforma));
+ $simpleeditdefaultform .= &create_form_ul(&create_list_elements(@simpleeditdefaultforma));
$simpleeditdefaultform .=(<
@@ -2962,14 +3122,15 @@ SEDFFORM
- my $extresourcesform=(<
- $uploadtag
- $lt{'extr'}$help{'Adding_External_Resource'}
+ my $extresourcesform=(<
+ $uploadtag
+ $lt{'extr'}$help{'Adding_External_Resource'}
if ($allowed) {
my %lt=&Apache::lonlocal::texthash(
@@ -2993,57 +3154,21 @@ ERFORM
-# --------------------------------------------------------- Main tab structure
- my $activeClass = 1;
- my $active = '';
- my %tabtitles = (
- main => {
- Course => &mt('Main Course Documents'),
- Community => &mt('Main Community Documents'),
- },
- supplemental => {
- Course => &mt('Supplemental Course Documents'),
- Community => &mt('Supplemental Community Documents'),
- },
- );
+# Generate the tabs
+ &startContentScreen($r,($supplementalflag?'supdocs':'docs'));
+ my $savefolderpath;
if ($allowed) {
- $r->print('