--- loncom/interface/londocs.pm 2004/09/09 18:56:01 1.141
+++ loncom/interface/londocs.pm 2024/12/22 03:12:53 1.713
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
# The LearningOnline Network
# Documents
-# $Id: londocs.pm,v 1.141 2004/09/09 18:56:01 albertel Exp $
+# $Id: londocs.pm,v 1.713 2024/12/22 03:12:53 raeburn Exp $
# Copyright Michigan State University Board of Trustees
@@ -30,16 +30,32 @@ package Apache::londocs;
use strict;
use Apache::Constants qw(:common :http);
+use Apache::imsexport;
use Apache::lonnet;
use Apache::loncommon;
-use Apache::lonratedt;
-use Apache::lonratsrv;
+use Apache::lonhtmlcommon;
+use LONCAPA::map();
+use Apache::lonratedt();
use Apache::lonxml;
-use Apache::loncreatecourse;
+use Apache::lonclonecourse;
use Apache::lonnavmaps;
+use Apache::lonnavdisplay();
+use Apache::lonextresedit();
+use Apache::lontemplate();
+use Apache::lonsimplepage();
+use Apache::lonhomework();
+use Apache::lonpublisher();
+use Apache::loncourserespicker();
use HTML::Entities;
+use HTML::TokeParser;
+use HTML::LCParser;
use GDBM_File;
+use File::MMagic;
+use File::Copy;
use Apache::lonlocal;
+use Cwd;
+use UUID::Tiny ':std';
+use LONCAPA qw(:DEFAULT :match);
my $iconpath;
@@ -49,846 +65,5819 @@ my $hashtied;
my %alreadyseen=();
my $hadchanges;
+my $suppchanges;
-# Available help topics
my %help=();
-# Mapread read maps into lonratedt::global arrays
-# @order and @resources, determines status
-# sets @order - pointer to resources in right order
-# sets @resources - array with the resources with correct idx
sub mapread {
my ($coursenum,$coursedom,$map)=@_;
- &Apache::lonratedt::mapread('/uploaded/'.$coursedom.'/'.$coursenum.'/'.
- $map);
+ &LONCAPA::map::mapread('/uploaded/'.$coursedom.'/'.$coursenum.'/'.
+ $map);
sub storemap {
- my ($coursenum,$coursedom,$map)=@_;
+ my ($coursenum,$coursedom,$map,$contentchg)=@_;
+ my $report;
+ if (($contentchg) && ($map =~ /^default/)) {
+ $report = 1;
+ }
my ($outtext,$errtext)=
- &Apache::lonratedt::storemap('/uploaded/'.$coursedom.'/'.$coursenum.'/'.
- $map,1);
+ &LONCAPA::map::storemap('/uploaded/'.$coursedom.'/'.$coursenum.'/'.
+ $map,1,$report);
if ($errtext) { return ($errtext,2); }
- $hadchanges=1;
+ if ($map =~ /^default/) {
+ $hadchanges=1;
+ } elsif ($contentchg) {
+ $suppchanges=1;
+ }
return ($errtext,0);
-# ----------------------------------------- Return hash with valid author names
sub authorhosts {
my %outhash=();
my $home=0;
my $other=0;
- foreach (keys %ENV) {
- if ($_=~/^user\.role\.(au|ca)\.(.+)$/) {
+ my @ids=&Apache::lonnet::current_machine_ids();
+ foreach my $key (keys(%env)) {
+ if ($key=~/^user\.role\.(au|ca)\.(.+)$/) {
my $role=$1;
my $realm=$2;
- my ($start,$end)=split(/\./,$ENV{$_});
+ my ($start,$end)=split(/\./,$env{$key});
if (($start) && ($start>time)) { next; }
if (($end) && (time>$end)) { next; }
- my $ca; my $cd;
+ my ($ca,$cd);
if ($1 eq 'au') {
- $ca=$ENV{'user.name'};
- $cd=$ENV{'user.domain'};
+ $ca=$env{'user.name'};
+ $cd=$env{'user.domain'};
} else {
- ($cd,$ca)=($realm=~/^\/(\w+)\/(\w+)$/);
+ ($cd,$ca)=($realm=~/^\/($match_domain)\/($match_username)$/);
my $allowed=0;
my $myhome=&Apache::lonnet::homeserver($ca,$cd);
- my @ids=&Apache::lonnet::current_machine_ids();
- foreach my $id (@ids) { if ($id eq $myhome) { $allowed=1; } }
+ foreach my $id (@ids) {
+ if ($id eq $myhome) {
+ $allowed=1;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
if ($allowed) {
- $outhash{'home_'.$ca.'@'.$cd}=1;
+ $outhash{'home_'.$ca.':'.$cd}=1;
} else {
- $outhash{'otherhome_'.$ca.'@'.$cd}=$myhome;
+ $outhash{'otherhome_'.$ca.':'.$cd}=$myhome;
return ($home,$other,%outhash);
-# ------------------------------------------------------ Generate "dump" button
-sub dumpbutton {
- my ($home,$other,%outhash)=&authorhosts();
- if ($home+$other==0) { return ''; }
- my $output='
- if ($home) {
- return ' | '.
- ''.
- &Apache::loncommon::help_open_topic('Docs_Dump_Course_Docs');
+sub clean {
+ my ($title)=@_;
+ $title=~s/[^\w\/\!\$\%\^\*\-\_\=\+\;\:\,\\\|\`\~]+/\_/gs;
+ return $title;
+sub default_folderpath {
+ my ($coursenum,$coursedom,$navmapref) = @_;
+ return unless ($coursenum && $coursedom && ref($navmapref));
+# Check if entire course is hidden and/or encrypted
+ my ($hiddenmap,$encryptmap,$folderpath,$hiddentop);
+ my $toplevel = "uploaded/$coursedom/$coursenum/default.sequence";
+ unless (ref($$navmapref)) {
+ $$navmapref = Apache::lonnavmaps::navmap->new();
+ }
+ if (ref($$navmapref)) {
+ if (lc($$navmapref->get_mapparam(undef,$toplevel,"0.hiddenresource")) eq 'yes') {
+ my $filterFunc = sub { my $res = shift; return (!$res->randomout() && !$res->is_map()) };
+ my @resources = $$navmapref->retrieveResources($toplevel,$filterFunc,1,1);
+ unless (@resources) {
+ $hiddenmap = 1;
+ unless ($env{'request.role.adv'}) {
+ $hiddentop = 1;
+ if ($env{'form.folder'}) {
+ undef($env{'form.folder'});
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (lc($$navmapref->get_mapparam(undef,$toplevel,"0.encrypturl")) eq 'yes') {
+ $encryptmap = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ unless ($hiddentop) {
+ $folderpath='default&'.&escape(&mt('Main Content')).
+ '::'.$hiddenmap.':'.$encryptmap.'::';
+ }
+ if (wantarray) {
+ return ($folderpath,$hiddentop);
} else {
- return' | '.
- &mt('Dump Course DOCS to Construction Space: available on other servers');
+ return $folderpath;
-# -------------------------------------------------------- Actually dump course
+sub validate_supppath {
+ my ($coursenum,$coursedom) = @_;
+ my $backto;
+ if ($env{'form.supppath'} ne '') {
+ my @items = split(/\&/,$env{'form.supppath'});
+ my ($badpath,$got_supp,$supppath,%supphidden,%suppids);
+ for (my $i=0; $i<@items; $i++) {
+ my $odd = $i%2;
+ if ((!$odd) && ($items[$i] !~ /^supplemental(|_\d+)$/)) {
+ $badpath = 1;
+ last;
+ } elsif ($odd) {
+ my $suffix;
+ my $idx = $i-1;
+ if ($items[$i] =~ /^([^:]*)::(|1):::$/) {
+ $backto .= '&'.$1;
+ } elsif ($items[$idx] eq 'supplemental') {
+ $backto .= '&'.$items[$i];
+ } else {
+ $backto .= '&'.$items[$i];
+ my $is_hidden;
+ unless ($got_supp) {
+ my ($supplemental) = &Apache::loncommon::get_supplemental($coursenum,$coursedom);
+ if (ref($supplemental) eq 'HASH') {
+ if (ref($supplemental->{'hidden'}) eq 'HASH') {
+ %supphidden = %{$supplemental->{'hidden'}};
+ }
+ if (ref($supplemental->{'ids'}) eq 'HASH') {
+ %suppids = %{$supplemental->{'ids'}};
+ }
+ }
+ $got_supp = 1;
+ }
+ if (ref($suppids{"/uploaded/$coursedom/$coursenum/$items[$idx].sequence"}) eq 'ARRAY') {
+ my $mapid = $suppids{"/uploaded/$coursedom/$coursenum/$items[$idx].sequence"}->[0];
+ if ($supphidden{$mapid}) {
+ $is_hidden = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ $suffix = '::'.$is_hidden.':::';
+ }
+ $supppath .= '&'.$items[$i].$suffix;
+ } else {
+ $supppath .= '&'.$items[$i];
+ $backto .= '&'.$items[$i];
+ }
+ }
+ if ($badpath) {
+ delete($env{'form.supppath'});
+ } else {
+ $supppath =~ s/^\&//;
+ $backto =~ s/^\&//;
+ $env{'form.supppath'} = $supppath;
+ }
+ }
+ return $backto;
sub dumpcourse {
- my $r=shift;
- $r->print('Dump DOCS'.
- &Apache::loncommon::bodytag('Dump Course DOCS to Construction Space').
- ' | '.
- ''.
- &Apache::loncommon::help_open_topic('Docs_Export_Course_Docs');
+ $addtoenv{'docs.markedcopy_title_'.$suffix} = $title,
+ $addtoenv{'docs.markedcopy_url_'.$suffix} = $url,
+ $addtoenv{'docs.markedcopy_cmd_'.$suffix} = $cmd,
+ $addtoenv{'docs.markedcopy_crs_'.$suffix} = $env{'request.course.id'};
+ $addtoenv{'docs.markedcopy_map_'.$suffix} = $mapidx;
+ if ($url =~ m{^/uploaded/$match_domain/$match_courseid/(default|supplemental)_?(\d*)\.(page|sequence)$}) {
+ my $prefix = $1;
+ my $subdir =$2;
+ if ($subdir eq '') {
+ $subdir = $prefix;
+ }
+ my (%addedmaps,%removefrommap,%removeparam,%hierarchy,%titles,%allmaps);
+ &contained_map_check($url,$folder,$coursenum,$coursedom,\%removefrommap,
+ \%removeparam,\%addedmaps,\%hierarchy,\%titles,\%allmaps);
+ if (ref($hierarchy{$url}) eq 'HASH') {
+ my ($nested,$nestednames);
+ &recurse_uploaded_maps($url,$subdir,\%hierarchy,\%titles,\$nested,\$nestednames);
+ $nested =~ s/\&$//;
+ $nestednames =~ s/\Q___&&&___\E$//;
+ if ($nested ne '') {
+ $addtoenv{'docs.markedcopy_nested_'.$suffix} = $nested;
+ }
+ if ($nestednames ne '') {
+ $addtoenv{'docs.markedcopy_nestednames_'.$suffix} = $nestednames;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($locknotfreed) {
+ $output = $locknotfreed;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ if (@newpaste) {
+ $addtoenv{'docs.markedcopies'} = join(',',(@currpaste,@newpaste));
+ }
+ &Apache::lonnet::appenv(\%addtoenv);
+ delete($env{'form.markcopy'});
+ return $output;
-sub exportcourse {
- my $r=shift;
- my %discussiontime = &Apache::lonnet::dump('discussiontimes',
- $ENV{'course.'.$ENV{'request.course.id'}.'.domain'}, $ENV{'course.'.$ENV{'request.course.id'}.'.num'});
- my $numdisc = keys %discussiontime;
- my $navmap = Apache::lonnavmaps::navmap->new();
- my $it=$navmap->getIterator(undef,undef,undef,1,undef,undef);
- my $curRes;
+sub recurse_uploaded_maps {
+ my ($url,$dir,$hierarchy,$titlesref,$nestref,$namesref) = @_;
+ if (ref($hierarchy->{$url}) eq 'HASH') {
+ my @maps = map { $hierarchy->{$url}{$_}; } sort { $a <=> $b } (keys(%{$hierarchy->{$url}}));
+ my @titles = map { $titlesref->{$url}{$_}; } sort { $a <=> $b } (keys(%{$titlesref->{$url}}));
+ my (@uploaded,@names,%shorter);
+ for (my $i=0; $i<@maps; $i++) {
+ my ($inner) = ($maps[$i] =~ m{^/uploaded/$match_domain/$match_courseid/(?:default|supplemental)_(\d+)\.(?:page|sequence)$});
+ if ($inner ne '') {
+ push(@uploaded,$inner);
+ push(@names,&escape($titles[$i]));
+ $shorter{$maps[$i]} = $inner;
+ }
+ }
+ $$nestref .= "$dir:".join(',',@uploaded).'&';
+ $$namesref .= "$dir:".(join(',',@names)).'___&&&___';
+ foreach my $map (@maps) {
+ if ($shorter{$map} ne '') {
+ &recurse_uploaded_maps($map,$shorter{$map},$hierarchy,$titlesref,$nestref,$namesref);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return;
- &Apache::loncommon::get_unprocessed_cgi($ENV{'QUERY_STRING'},
- ['finishexport']);
- if ($ENV{'form.finishexport'}) {
- &Apache::loncommon::get_unprocessed_cgi($ENV{'QUERY_STRING'},
- ['archive','discussion']);
+sub print_paste_buffer {
+ my ($r,$container,$folder,$coursedom,$coursenum) = @_;
+ return if (!defined($env{'docs.markedcopies'}));
+ unless (($env{'form.pastemarked'}) || ($env{'form.clearmarked'})) {
+ return if ($env{'docs.markedcopies'} eq '');
+ }
- my @exportitems = ();
- if (defined($ENV{'form.archive'})) {
- if (ref($ENV{'form.archive'}) eq 'ARRAY') {
- @exportitems = @{$ENV{'form.archive'}};
+ my @currpaste = split(/,/,$env{'docs.markedcopies'});
+ my ($pasteitems,@pasteable,$same_institution,$checkedsameinst);
+ my $clipboardcount = 0;
+# Construct identifiers for current contents of user's paste buffer
+ foreach my $suffix (@currpaste) {
+ next if ($suffix =~ /\D/);
+ my $cid = $env{'docs.markedcopy_crs_'.$suffix};
+ my $url = $env{'docs.markedcopy_url_'.$suffix};
+ my $mapidx = $env{'docs.markedcopy_map_'.$suffix};
+ if (($cid =~ /^$match_domain\_$match_courseid$/) &&
+ ($url ne '')) {
+ $clipboardcount ++;
+ my ($is_external,$othercourse,$fromsupp,$is_uploaded_map,$parent,
+ $canpaste,$nopaste,$othercrs,$areachange,$is_exttool,$toolcdom,
+ $toolcnum,$marker);
+ my $extension = (split(/\./,$env{'docs.markedcopy_url_'.$suffix}))[-1];
+ if ($url =~ m{^(?:/adm/wrapper/ext|(?:http|https)(?::|:))//} ) {
+ $is_external = 1;
+ } elsif ($url =~ m{^/adm/($match_domain)/($match_courseid)/(\d+)/ext\.tool$}) {
+ ($toolcdom,$toolcnum,$marker) = ($1,$2,$3);
+ $is_exttool = 1;
+ }
+ if ($folder =~ /^supplemental/) {
+ $canpaste = &supp_pasteable($env{'docs.markedcopy_url_'.$suffix});
+ unless ($canpaste) {
+ $nopaste = &mt('Paste into Supplemental Content unavailable.');
+ }
} else {
- $exportitems[0] = $ENV{'form.archive'};
+ $canpaste = 1;
- }
- my @discussions = ();
- if (defined($ENV{'form.discussion'})) {
- if (ref($ENV{'form.discussion'}) eq 'ARRAY') {
- @discussions = $ENV{'form.discussion'};
+ if ($canpaste) {
+ if ($url =~ m{^/uploaded/($match_domain)/($match_courseid)/(.+)$}) {
+ my $srcdom = $1;
+ my $srcnum = $2;
+ my $rem = $3;
+ if (($srcdom ne $coursedom) || ($srcnum ne $coursenum)) {
+ $othercourse = 1;
+ if ($env{"user.priv.cm./$srcdom/$srcnum"} =~ /\Q:mdc&F\E/) {
+ $othercrs = ' '.&mt('(from another course)');
+ } else {
+ $canpaste = 0;
+ $nopaste = &mt('Paste from another course unavailable.');
+ }
+ }
+ if ($rem =~ m{^(default|supplemental)_?(\d*)\.(?:page|sequence)$}) {
+ my $prefix = $1;
+ $parent = $2;
+ if ($folder !~ /^\Q$prefix\E/) {
+ $areachange = 1;
+ }
+ $is_uploaded_map = 1;
+ }
+ } elsif (($url =~ m{^/res/lib/templates/\w+\.problem$}) ||
+ ($url =~ m{^/adm/($match_domain)/($match_username)/\d+/(bulletinboard|smppg|ext\.tool)$})) {
+ if ($cid ne $env{'request.course.id'}) {
+ my ($srcdom,$srcnum) = split(/_/,$cid);
+ if ($env{"user.priv.cm./$srcdom/$srcnum"} =~ /\Q:mdc&F\E/) {
+ if ($is_exttool) {
+ if ($toolcdom ne $coursedom) {
+ $canpaste = 0;
+ $nopaste = &mt('Paste from another domain unavailable.');
+ } elsif ($toolcnum ne $coursenum) {
+ my %toolsettings =
+ &Apache::lonnet::dump('exttool_'.$marker,$toolcdom,$toolcnum);
+ my %tooltypes = &Apache::loncommon::usable_exttools();
+ if ((($toolsettings{'id'} =~ /^c\d+$/) && (!$tooltypes{'crs'})) ||
+ (($toolsettings{'id'} =~ /^\d+$/) && (!$tooltypes{'dom'}))) {
+ $canpaste = 0;
+ $nopaste = &mt('Paste from another course unavailable.');
+ } elsif ($toolsettings{'id'} =~ /^c\d+$/) {
+ unless ($checkedsameinst) {
+ my $primary_id = &Apache::lonnet::domain($coursedom,'primary');
+ my $intdom = &Apache::lonnet::internet_dom($primary_id);
+ if ($intdom ne '') {
+ my $internet_names =
+ &Apache::lonnet::get_internet_names($Apache::lonnet::perlvar{'lonHostID'});
+ if (ref($internet_names) eq 'ARRAY') {
+ if (grep(/^\Q$intdom\E$/,@{$internet_names})) {
+ $same_institution = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $checkedsameinst = 1;
+ }
+ if ($same_institution) {
+ $othercrs = ' '.&mt('(from another course)');
+ } else {
+ $nopaste = &mt('Paste from another course unavailable.');
+ }
+ } else {
+ $othercrs = ' '.&mt('(from another course)');
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ $canpaste = 0;
+ $nopaste = &mt('Paste from another course unavailable.');
+ }
+ }
+ } elsif ($url =~ m{/res/($match_domain)/($match_username)/}) {
+ my ($audom,$auname) = ($1,$2);
+ unless (($auname eq $coursenum) && ($audom eq $coursedom)) {
+ if (&Apache::lonnet::is_course($audom,$auname)) {
+ $canpaste = 0;
+ $nopaste = &mt('Paste from another course unavailable.');
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($canpaste) {
+ push(@pasteable,$suffix);
+ }
+ }
+ my $buffer;
+ if ($is_external) {
+ $buffer = &mt('External Resource').': '.
+ &LONCAPA::map::qtescape($env{'docs.markedcopy_title_'.$suffix}).' ('.
+ &LONCAPA::map::qtescape($url).')';
+ } elsif ($is_exttool) {
+ $buffer = &mt('External Tool').': '.
+ &LONCAPA::map::qtescape($env{'docs.markedcopy_title_'.$suffix});
+ } else {
+ my $icon = &Apache::loncommon::icon($extension);
+ if ($extension eq 'sequence' &&
+ $url =~ m{/default_\d+\.sequence$}x) {
+ $icon = &Apache::loncommon::lonhttpdurl($r->dir_config('lonIconsURL'));
+ $icon .= '/navmap.folder.closed.gif';
+ }
+ my $title = $env{'docs.markedcopy_title_'.$suffix};
+ if ($title eq '') {
+ ($title) = ($url =~ m{/([^/]+)$});
+ }
+ $buffer = ' '.
+ ': '.
+ &Apache::loncommon::parse_supplemental_title(
+ &LONCAPA::map::qtescape($title));
+ }
+ $pasteitems .= '';
+ my ($options,$onclick);
+ if (($canpaste) && (!$areachange) && (!$othercourse) &&
+ ($env{'docs.markedcopy_cmd_'.$suffix} eq 'cut')) {
+ if (($is_uploaded_map) ||
+ ($url =~ /(bulletinboard|smppg)$/) ||
+ ($url =~ m{^/uploaded/$coursedom/$coursenum/(?:docs|supplemental)/(.+)$})) {
+ $options = &paste_options($suffix,$is_uploaded_map,$parent);
+ $onclick= 'onclick="showOptions(this,'."'$suffix'".');" ';
+ }
+ }
+ $pasteitems .= '';
+ if ($nopaste) {
+ $pasteitems .= ' '.$nopaste.'';
} else {
- $discussions[0] = $ENV{'form.discussion'};
+ if ($othercrs) {
+ $pasteitems .= $othercrs;
+ }
+ if ($options) {
+ $pasteitems .= $options;
+ }
+ $pasteitems .= ' ';
- my $curRes;
- my $count;
- my %symbs;
- my $display;
- while ($curRes = $it->next()) {
- if (ref($curRes)) {
- $count ++;
- $symbs{$count} = $curRes->symb();
- if (grep/^$count$/,@exportitems) {
- $display.= 'Export content item '.$curRes->title()." \n";
- }
- if (grep/^$count$/,@discussions) {
- $display.= 'Export discussion posts '.$curRes->title()." \n";
- }
+ }
+ if ($pasteitems eq '') {
+ &Apache::lonnet::delenv('docs.markedcopies');
+ }
+ my ($pasteform,$form_start,$buttons,$form_end);
+ if ($pasteitems) {
+ $pasteitems .= '';
+ $form_start = '';
+ } else {
+ $pasteitems = &mt('Clipboard is empty');
+ }
+ $r->print($form_start
+ .''
+ .$form_end);
+sub paste_options {
+ my ($suffix,$is_uploaded_map,$parent) = @_;
+ my ($copytext,$movetext);
+ if ($is_uploaded_map) {
+ $copytext = &mt('Copy to new folder');
+ $movetext = &mt('Move old');
+ } elsif ($env{'docs.markedcopy_url_'.$suffix} =~ /bulletinboard$/) {
+ $copytext = &mt('Copy to new board');
+ $movetext = &mt('Move (not posts)');
+ } elsif ($env{'docs.markedcopy_url_'.$suffix} =~ /smppg$/) {
+ $copytext = &mt('Copy to new page');
+ $movetext = &mt('Move');
+ } else {
+ $copytext = &mt('Copy to new file');
+ $movetext = &mt('Move');
+ }
+ my $output = ' '.
+ ''.
+ ''.(' 'x 4).
+ ''.(' 'x2).' '.
+ ' ';
+ if (($is_uploaded_map) && ($env{'docs.markedcopy_nested_'.$suffix})) {
+ $output .= ' ';
+ }
+ $output .= ' ';
+ return $output;
+sub recurse_print {
+ my ($outputref,$dir,$deps,$display) = @_;
+ $$outputref .= $display->{$dir}."\n";
+ if (ref($deps->{$dir}) eq 'ARRAY') {
+ foreach my $subdir (@{$deps->{$dir}}) {
+ &recurse_print($outputref,$subdir,$deps,$display);
+ }
+ }
+sub supp_pasteable {
+ my ($url) = @_;
+ if (($url =~ m{^(?:/adm/wrapper/ext|(?:http|https)(?::|:))//}) ||
+ (($url =~ /\.sequence$/) && ($url =~ m{^/uploaded/})) ||
+ ($url =~ m{^/uploaded/$match_domain/$match_courseid/(docs|supplemental)/(default|\d+)/\d+/}) ||
+ ($url =~ m{^/adm/$match_domain/$match_username/aboutme}) ||
+ ($url =~ m{^/public/$match_domain/$match_courseid/syllabus}) ||
+ ($url =~ m{^/adm/$match_domain/$match_courseid/\d+/ext\.tool$})) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return;
+sub paste_popup_js {
+ my %html_js_lt = &Apache::lonlocal::texthash(
+ show => 'Show Options',
+ hide => 'Hide Options',
+ );
+ my %js_lt = &Apache::lonlocal::texthash(
+ none => 'No items selected from clipboard.',
+ );
+ &html_escape(\%html_js_lt);
+ &js_escape(\%html_js_lt);
+ &js_escape(\%js_lt);
+ return <<"END";
+function showPasteOptions(suffix) {
+ document.getElementById('pasteoptions_'+suffix).style.display='block';
+ document.getElementById('pasteoptionstext_'+suffix).innerHTML = ' ';
+ return;
+function hidePasteOptions(suffix) {
+ document.getElementById('pasteoptions_'+suffix).style.display='none';
+ document.getElementById('pasteoptionstext_'+suffix).innerHTML =' ';
+ return;
+function showOptions(caller,suffix) {
+ if (document.getElementById('pasteoptionstext_'+suffix)) {
+ if (caller.checked) {
+ document.getElementById('pasteoptionstext_'+suffix).innerHTML =' ';
+ } else {
+ document.getElementById('pasteoptionstext_'+suffix).innerHTML ='';
+ }
+ if (document.getElementById('pasteoptions_'+suffix)) {
+ document.getElementById('pasteoptions_'+suffix).style.display='none';
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+function validateClipboard() {
+ var numchk = 0;
+ if (document.pasteform.pasting.length > 1) {
+ for (var i=0; i 0) {
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ alert("$js_lt{'none'}");
+ return false;
+ }
- $r->print('Export Course'.
- &Apache::loncommon::bodytag('Export course to IMS or SCORM content package'
+function checkClipboard() {
+ if (document.pasteform.pasting.length > 1) {
+ for (var i=0; iprint($display);
- $r->print(' |