1: # The LearningOnline Network
2: # Documents
3: #
4: # $Id: lonextresedit.pm,v 1.35 2025/02/03 22:52:36 raeburn Exp $
5: #
6: # Copyright Michigan State University Board of Trustees
7: #
8: # This file is part of the LearningOnline Network with CAPA (LON-CAPA).
9: #
10: # LON-CAPA is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
11: # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
12: # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
13: # (at your option) any later version.
14: #
15: # LON-CAPA is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
16: # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
18: # GNU General Public License for more details.
19: #
20: # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
21: # along with LON-CAPA; if not, write to the Free Software
22: # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
23: #
24: # /home/httpd/html/adm/gpl.txt
25: #
26: # http://www.lon-capa.org/
27: #
29: package Apache::lonextresedit;
31: use strict;
32: use Apache::Constants qw(:common :http);
33: use HTML::Entities;
34: use Apache::lonlocal;
35: use Apache::lonnet;
36: use Apache::loncommon;
37: use Apache::lonhtmlcommon;
38: use Apache::lonuserstate;
39: use LONCAPA::map();
40: use LONCAPA qw(:DEFAULT :match);
42: sub handler {
43: my $r=shift;
44: &Apache::loncommon::content_type($r,'text/html');
45: $r->send_http_header;
47: return OK if $r->header_only;
49: # Check for access
50: if (! &Apache::lonnet::allowed('mdc',$env{'request.course.id'})) {
51: $env{'user.error.msg'}=
52: $r->uri.":mdc:0:0:Cannot modify course content.";
54: }
56: my $cdom = $env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.domain'};
57: my $cnum = $env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.num'};
58: my $chome = $env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.home'};
59: my ($supplementalflag,$updated,$output,$errormsg,$residx,$url,$title,
60: $symb,$type);
61: if (($env{'form.folderpath'} =~ /^supplemental/) && ($env{'form.suppurl'})) {
62: $supplementalflag = 1;
63: if (&unescape($env{'form.suppurl'}) =~ m{^/adm/$cdom/$cnum/\d+/ext\.tool$}) {
64: $type = 'tool';
65: }
66: }
67: if (($supplementalflag) || ($env{'form.symb'} =~ /^uploaded/)) {
68: ($updated,$output,$errormsg,$residx,$url,$title,$symb) =
69: &process_changes($supplementalflag,$cdom,$cnum,$chome);
70: if ($supplementalflag) {
71: if ($url ne &unescape($env{'form.suppurl'})) {
72: $env{'form.suppurl'} = $url;
73: }
74: if ($title ne $env{'form.title'}) {
75: $env{'form.title'} = $title;
76: }
77: $env{'form.idx'} = $residx;
78: } else {
79: if ($symb ne $env{'form.symb'}) {
80: $env{'form.symb'} = $symb;
81: }
82: if ($url =~ m{/adm/$cdom/$cnum/\d+/ext\.tool$}) {
83: $type = 'tool';
84: }
85: }
86: } else {
87: $errormsg = &mt('Information about external resource to edit is missing.');
88: }
89: if ($updated) {
90: my $msg = &mt('External Resource updated');
91: if ($type eq 'tool') {
92: $msg = &mt('External Tool updated');
93: }
94: $output = &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::confirm_success($msg);
95: }
96: if ($errormsg) {
97: $errormsg = '<p class="LC_error">'.$errormsg.'</p>';
98: }
99: my %ltitools;
100: if ($type eq 'tool') {
101: my (%domtools,%crstools);
102: my %tooltypes = &Apache::loncommon::usable_exttools();
103: if ($tooltypes{'dom'}) {
104: %domtools = &Apache::lonnet::get_domain_lti($cdom,'consumer');
105: }
106: if ($tooltypes{'crs'}) {
107: %crstools = &Apache::lonnet::get_course_lti($cnum,$cdom,'consumer');
108: }
109: %ltitools = (
110: dom => \%domtools,
111: crs => \%crstools,
112: );
113: }
114: my $js = &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::scripttag(&extedit_javascript());
115: my $pathitem = '<input type="hidden" name="folderpath" value="'.
116: &HTML::Entities::encode($env{'form.folderpath'},'<>&"').'" />';
117: my $description = 'External Resource Editor';
118: if ($type eq 'tool') {
119: $description = 'External Tool Editor';
120: }
121: $r->print(&Apache::loncommon::start_page($description,$js).
122: '<div class="LC_left_float">'.
123: $output.
124: $errormsg.
125: &extedit_form($supplementalflag,$residx,$url,$title,$pathitem,undef,
126: 'direct',$env{'form.symb'},$type,$cdom,$cnum,\%ltitools).
127: '</div>'.&Apache::loncommon::end_page());
128: return OK;
129: }
131: sub process_changes {
132: my ($supplementalflag,$cdom,$cnum,$chome) = @_;
133: my ($folder,$container,$output,$errormsg,$updated,$symb,$oldidx,$oldurl,$type,
134: $oldtitle,$newidx,$newurl,$newtitle,$residx,$url,$title,$marker,$args);
135: if ($env{'form.symb'}) {
136: $symb = $env{'form.symb'};
137: (my $map,$oldidx,$oldurl)=&Apache::lonnet::decode_symb($symb);
138: if ($map =~ m{^uploaded/$cdom/$cnum/(default(_\d+|))\.(sequence|page)$}) {
139: $folder = $1;
140: $container = $3;
141: }
142: $oldtitle = &Apache::lonnet::gettitle($env{'form.symb'});
143: if ($oldurl =~ m{^ext/(.+)$}) {
144: my $external = $1;
145: if ($external =~ m{^https://}) {
146: $oldurl = $external;
147: } else {
148: $oldurl = 'http://'.$oldurl;
149: }
150: $type = 'ext';
151: } else {
152: $type = 'tool';
153: }
154: } elsif ($env{'form.folderpath'}) {
155: $folder = &unescape( (split('&',$env{'form.folderpath'}))[-2] );
156: $oldurl = &unescape($env{'form.suppurl'});
157: $oldtitle = &unescape($env{'form.title'});
158: $container = 'sequence';
159: $supplementalflag = 1;
160: if ($oldurl =~ m{^/adm/$cdom/$cnum/\d+/ext\.tool$}) {
161: $type = 'tool';
162: } else {
163: $type = 'ext';
164: }
165: }
166: $url = $oldurl;
167: $title = $oldtitle;
168: if ($env{'form.importdetail'}) {
169: ($newtitle,$newurl,$newidx) =
170: map {&unescape($_)} split(/\=/,$env{'form.importdetail'});
171: if ($newurl =~ m{^(/adm/$cdom/$cnum/(\d+)/ext\.tool)\:?(.*)$}) {
172: $newurl = $1;
173: $marker = $2;
174: $args = $3;
175: if ((!$symb) && (!$supplementalflag)) {
176: $symb = "uploaded/$cdom/$cnum/$folder.$container"."___$newidx"."___adm/$cdom/$cnum/$marker/ext.tool";
177: }
178: }
179: }
180: if ($supplementalflag) {
181: $residx = $newidx;
182: } else {
183: $residx = $oldidx;
184: }
185: if ($folder && $container) {
186: if ($env{'form.importdetail'}) {
187: my ($errtext,$fatal,$mismatchedid,$needreload,$newgradable,@imports);
188: if (!$supplementalflag) {
189: if (($oldidx) && ($oldidx != $newidx)) {
190: $mismatchedid = 1;
191: }
192: }
193: if ($mismatchedid) {
194: $errormsg = 'Wrong item identifier';
195: } elsif (($newtitle eq $oldtitle) && ($newurl eq $oldurl)) {
196: if ($type eq 'tool') {
197: if ($args) {
198: ($updated,$newgradable,$errormsg) = &update_exttool($marker,$cdom,$cnum,
199: $supplementalflag,$args);
200: if ($updated) {
201: if ($newgradable) {
202: my $map = "/uploaded/$cdom/$cnum/$folder.$container";
203: my ($errtext,$fatal) = &LONCAPA::map::mapread($map);
204: if ($fatal) {
205: $errormsg = &mt('Update failed: [_1].',$errtext);
206: } else {
207: &LONCAPA::map::storeparameter($residx,'parameter_0_gradable',
208: $newgradable,'string_yesno');
209: my ($outtext,$errtext) = &LONCAPA::map::storemap($map,1,1);
210: if ($errtext) {
211: $errormsg = &mt('Update failed: [_1].',$errtext);
212: } else {
213: $needreload = 1;
214: }
215: }
216: }
217: } else {
218: $output = &mt('No change');
219: }
220: } else {
221: $output = &mt('No change');
222: }
223: } else {
224: $output = &mt('No change');
225: }
226: } else {
227: my $map = "/uploaded/$cdom/$cnum/$folder.$container";
228: my ($errtext,$fatal) = &LONCAPA::map::mapread($map);
229: if ($fatal) {
230: $errormsg = &mt('Update failed: [_1].',$errtext);
231: } else {
232: my $saveurl = &LONCAPA::map::qtunescape($newurl);
233: my $savetitle = &LONCAPA::map::qtunescape($newtitle);
234: my $ext = 'true';
235: if ($type eq 'tool') {
236: if ($args) {
237: ($updated,$newgradable,$errormsg) = &update_exttool($marker,$cdom,$cnum,
238: $supplementalflag,$args);
239: if ($newgradable) {
240: &LONCAPA::map::storeparameter($residx,'parameter_0_gradable',$newgradable,
241: 'string_yesno');
242: $needreload = 1;
243: }
244: }
245: $ext = 'false';
246: }
247: my $dotimeupdate;
248: unless ($supplementalflag) {
249: if (($newgradable) || ($newurl ne $oldurl)) {
250: $dotimeupdate = 1;
251: }
252: }
253: $LONCAPA::map::resources[$residx] =
254: join(':', ($savetitle,$saveurl,$ext,'normal','res'));
255: my ($outtext,$errtext) = &LONCAPA::map::storemap($map,1,$dotimeupdate);
256: if ($errtext) {
257: $errormsg = &mt('Update failed: [_1].',$errtext);
258: } else {
259: $updated = 1;
260: $title = $newtitle;
261: if ($newurl ne $oldurl) {
262: $url = $newurl;
263: if ($ext eq 'true') {
264: $newurl =~ s{^http://}{};
265: $newurl = "ext/$newurl";
266: }
267: }
268: if (!$supplementalflag) {
269: if ($newurl ne $oldurl) {
270: $symb = &Apache::lonnet::encode_symb($map,$residx,$newurl);
271: } else {
272: $symb = $env{'form.symb'};
273: if ($symb) {
274: &Apache::lonnet::devalidate_title_cache($symb);
275: }
276: }
277: $needreload = 1;
278: }
279: }
280: }
281: }
282: if ($needreload) {
283: my ($furl,$ferr) = &Apache::lonuserstate::readmap("$cdom/$cnum");
284: if ($ferr) {
285: $errormsg = &mt('Reload failed: [_1].',$ferr);
286: } else {
287: &Apache::loncommon::update_content_constraints($cdom,$cnum,$chome,
288: $cdom.'_'.$cnum);
289: }
290: }
291: if (($type eq 'tool') && ($newgradable)) {
292: my $uri = &Apache::lonnet::declutter($url);
293: &Apache::lonnet::devalidate_cache_new('meta',$uri);
294: }
295: } else {
296: $output = &mt('No change');
297: }
298: } else {
299: if ($type eq 'tool') {
300: $errormsg = &mt('Information about current external tool is incomplete.');
301: } else {
302: $errormsg = &mt('Information about current external resource is incomplete.');
303: }
304: }
305: return ($updated,$output,$errormsg,$residx,$url,$title,$symb);
306: }
308: sub update_exttool {
309: my ($marker,$cdom,$cnum,$supplementalflag,$args) = @_;
310: my (%newhash,$changed,$newgradable,@deleted,$errormsg);
311: ($newhash{'target'},$newhash{'width'},$newhash{'height'},$newhash{'linktext'},$newhash{'explanation'},
312: $newhash{'crslabel'},$newhash{'crstitle'},$newhash{'crsappend'},$newhash{'gradable'}) = split(/:/,$args);
313: foreach my $item ('linktext','explanation','crslabel','crstitle','crsappend') {
314: $newhash{$item} = &unescape($newhash{$item});
315: }
316: my %toolhash=&Apache::lonnet::dump('exttool_'.$marker,$cdom,$cnum);
317: foreach my $item ('target','width','height','linktext','explanation','crslabel','crstitle','crsappend','gradable') {
318: $newhash{$item} =~ s/^\s+//;
319: $newhash{$item} =~ s/\s+$//;
320: if (($item eq 'width') || ($item eq 'height') || ($item eq 'linktext') || ($item eq 'explanation')) {
321: if ($newhash{'target'} eq 'iframe') {
322: $newhash{$item} = '';
323: } elsif ($newhash{'target'} eq 'tab') {
324: if (($item eq 'width') || ($item eq 'height')) {
325: $newhash{$item} = '';
326: }
327: }
328: } elsif ($item eq 'gradable') {
329: unless ($newhash{$item} == 1) {
330: $newhash{$item} = '';
331: }
332: }
333: if ($toolhash{$item} ne $newhash{$item}) {
334: if (($item eq 'gradable') && (!$supplementalflag)) {
335: if ($newhash{$item}) {
336: $newgradable = 'yes';
337: } else {
338: $newgradable = 'no';
339: }
340: }
341: if ($newhash{$item} eq '') {
342: unless (($item eq 'target') ||
343: ((($item eq 'width') || ($item eq 'height')) &&
344: (($newhash{'target'} eq 'window') ||
345: (($newhash{'target'} eq '') && ($toolhash{'target'} eq 'window')))) ||
346: ((($item eq 'linktext') || ($item eq 'explanation')) &&
347: ((($newhash{'target'} =~ /^(window|tab)$/)) ||
348: (($newhash{'target'} eq '') && ($toolhash{'target'} =~ /^(window|tab)$/))))) {
349: delete($toolhash{$item});
350: push(@deleted,$item);
351: $changed = 1;
352: }
353: } else {
354: $toolhash{$item} = $newhash{$item};
355: $changed = 1;
356: }
357: }
358: }
359: if ($changed) {
360: my $putres = &Apache::lonnet::put('exttool_'.$marker,\%toolhash,$cdom,$cnum);
361: unless ($putres eq 'ok') {
362: $errormsg = &mt('Failed to save updated settings.').' '.&mt('Error: [_1].',$putres);
363: }
364: }
365: if (@deleted) {
366: &Apache::lonnet::del('exttool_'.$marker,\@deleted,$cdom,$cnum);
367: }
368: return ($changed,$newgradable,$errormsg);
369: }
371: sub extedit_form {
372: my ($supplementalflag,$residx,$orig_url,$orig_title,$pathitem,$helpitem,$caller,
373: $symb,$type,$cdom,$cnum,$ltitools,$disabled) = @_;
374: if ($type ne 'tool') {
375: $type = 'ext';
376: }
377: my %lt = &Apache::lonlocal::texthash(
378: ex => 'External Resource',
379: et => 'External Tool',
380: ed => 'Edit',
381: ee => 'External Resource Editor',
382: te => 'External Tool Editor',
383: pr => 'Preview',
384: sv => 'Save',
385: ul => 'URL',
386: ti => 'Title',
387: al => 'Add Link',
388: at => 'Add Tool',
389: dd => 'Defined in domain',
390: dc => 'Defined in course',
391: );
392: my $tabid = 'aa';
393: my $size = 60;
394: if ($supplementalflag) {
395: $tabid = 'ee';
396: }
397: my ($formname,$formid,$toggle,$fieldsetid,$urlid,$subdivid,$dispdivstyle,$dimendivstyle,
398: $windivstyle,$linktextstyle,$explanationstyle,$labelstyle,$titlestyle,
399: $appendstyle,$gradablestyle,$subdivstyle,$legend,$urlelem,$toolelem,%toolattr);
400: $formname = 'new'.$type;
401: $toggle = $type;
402: $fieldsetid = 'external'.$type.'form';
403: $urlid = $type.'url';
404: map { $toolattr{$_} = $type.$_; } ('dispdiv','dimendiv','dimenwidth','dimenheight',
405: 'crstitlediv','crslabeldiv','crsappenddiv',
406: 'gradablediv','crstitle','crslabel','crsappend',
407: 'windiv','linktextdiv','explanationdiv',
408: 'linktext','explanation','providerurl');
409: $dispdivstyle = 'display:none';
410: $dimendivstyle = 'display:none';
411: $windivstyle = 'display:none';
412: $linktextstyle = 'display:none';
413: $explanationstyle = 'display:none';
414: $labelstyle = 'display:none';
415: $titlestyle = 'display:none';
416: $appendstyle = 'display:none';
417: $gradablestyle = 'display:none';
418: $subdivstyle = 'display:block';
419: if ($supplementalflag) {
420: $formname = 'newsupp'.$type;
421: $toggle = 'supp'.$type;
422: $fieldsetid = 'externalsupp'.$type.'form';
423: $urlid = 'supp'.$type.'url';
424: map { $toolattr{$_} = 'supp'.$toolattr{$_}; } (keys(%toolattr));
425: }
426: my ($link,$legend,$active,$srcclass,$extsrc,$preview,$title,$save,$crstitle,$crslabel,
427: $crsappend,$fieldsetstyle,$action,$hiddenelem,$form,$width,$height,$tooltarget,
428: $linktext,$explanation,$providerurl,$chkgrd,$chknogrd,%chkstate);
429: $fieldsetstyle = 'display: none;';
430: $action = '/adm/coursedocs';
431: my $protocol = ($ENV{'SERVER_PORT'} == 443?'https':'http');
432: my $rows = 2;
433: my $cols = 20;
434: if ($residx) {
435: if ($caller eq 'direct') {
436: $fieldsetstyle = 'display: block;';
437: $action = '/adm/extresedit';
438: $rows = 10;
439: $cols = 45;
440: if ($type eq 'tool') {
441: $legend = $lt{'te'};
442: } else {
443: $legend = $lt{'ee'};
444: }
445: $legend = '<legend>'.$legend.'</legend>';
446: if ($symb) {
447: $hiddenelem = '<input type="hidden" name="symb" value="'.$symb.'" />';
448: } elsif ($supplementalflag) {
449: $hiddenelem = '<input type="hidden" name="suppurl" value="'.
450: &HTML::Entities::encode(&escape($orig_url),'<>&"').'" />'."\n".
451: '<input type="hidden" name="title" value="'.
452: &HTML::Entities::encode(&escape($orig_title),'<>&"').'" />';
453: }
454: } else {
455: $link = '<a class="LC_docs_ext_edit" href="javascript:editext('."'$residx','$type'".');">'.$lt{'ed'}.'</a> '."\n";
456: $size = 40;
457: $active = '<input type="hidden" name="active" value="'.$tabid.'" />';
458: }
459: $formname = 'edit'.$type.'_'.$residx;
460: $fieldsetid = 'external'.$type.$residx;
461: $urlid = $type.'url_'.$residx;
462: map { $toolattr{$_} .= '_'.$residx; } (keys(%toolattr));
463: $srcclass = ' class="LC_nobreak"';
464: if ($type eq 'ext') {
465: $extsrc = '<span class="LC_docs_ext_edit">'.$lt{'ul'}.' </span>';
466: $preview = ' <a class="LC_docs_ext_edit" href="javascript:extUrlPreview('."'$urlid','$protocol'".');">'.$lt{'pr'}.'</a>';
467: }
468: $title = '<span class="LC_docs_ext_edit">'.$lt{'ti'}.' </span>';
469: $save = $lt{'sv'};
470: } else {
471: $link = $lt{'ex'};
472: if ($type eq 'tool') {
473: $link = $lt{'et'};
474: }
475: $link = '<a class="LC_menubuttons_link" href="javascript:toggleExternal('."'$toggle'".');">'.$link.'</a>'.$helpitem;
476: if ($type eq 'tool') {
477: $legend = $lt{'te'};
478: } else {
479: $legend = $lt{'ee'};
480: }
481: $legend = '<legend>'.$legend.'</legend>';
482: $title = $lt{'ti'}.':<br />';
483: $residx = 0;
484: if ($type eq 'ext') {
485: $orig_url = 'http://';
486: $orig_title = $lt{'ex'};
487: $extsrc = $lt{'ul'}.':<br />';
488: $preview = '<input type="button" name="view" value="'.$lt{'pr'}.'" onclick="javascript:extUrlPreview('."'$urlid','$protocol'".');"'.$disabled.' />';
489: $save = $lt{'al'};
490: } else {
491: $orig_title = $lt{'et'};
492: $save = $lt{'at'};
493: $orig_url = "/adm/$cdom/$cnum/new/ext\.tool";
494: }
495: $pathitem .= '<br />';
496: }
497: $formid = $formname;
498: if ($type eq 'ext') {
499: $urlelem = '<input type="text" size="'.$size.'" name="exturl" id="'.$urlid.'" value="'.$orig_url.'"'.$disabled.' />';
500: } else {
501: my $class = 'LC_nobreak';
502: if ($residx) {
503: $class = 'LC_docs_ext_edit LC_nobreak';
504: if ($orig_url =~ m{^/adm/$cdom/$cnum/(\d+)/ext\.tool$}) {
505: my $marker = $1;
506: my %toolhash=&Apache::lonnet::dump('exttool_'.$marker,$cdom,$cnum);
507: my ($tooltype,$tool,$ltihash);
508: if ($toolhash{'id'} =~/^c(\d+)$/) {
509: $tool = $1;
510: $tooltype = 'crs';
511: if (ref($ltitools) eq 'HASH') {
512: if (ref($ltitools->{'crs'}) eq 'HASH') {
513: $ltihash = $ltitools->{'crs'}->{$tool};
514: }
515: }
516: } elsif ($toolhash{'id'} =~/^\d+$/) {
517: $tooltype = 'dom';
518: $tool = $toolhash{'id'};
519: if (ref($ltitools) eq 'HASH') {
520: if (ref($ltitools->{'dom'}) eq 'HASH') {
521: $ltihash = $ltitools->{'dom'}->{$tool};
522: }
523: }
524: }
525: if (($tool ne '') && (ref($ltihash) eq 'HASH')) {
526: my $tooltitle = $ltihash->{'title'};
527: my $icon = $ltihash->{'image'};
528: my $image;
529: if ($icon) {
530: $image = '<img src="'.$icon.'" alt="'.$tooltitle.'" />';
531: }
532: if ($ltihash->{'url'} =~ m{://}) {
533: (my $prot,my $host,$providerurl) = ($ltihash->{'url'} =~ m{^([^/]+)://([^/]+)(|/.+)$});
534: } else {
535: $providerurl = $ltihash->{'url'};
536: }
537: $tooltarget = $toolhash{'target'};
538: if ($tooltarget eq 'window') {
539: $dimendivstyle = 'display:block';
540: $windivstyle = 'display:block';
541: $chkstate{'window'} = 'checked="checked" ';
542: } elsif ($tooltarget eq 'tab') {
543: $windivstyle = 'display:block';
544: $chkstate{'tab'} = 'checked="checked" ';
545: } else {
546: $chkstate{'iframe'} = 'checked="checked" ';
547: }
548: $width = $toolhash{'width'};
549: $height = $toolhash{'height'};
550: $linktext = $toolhash{'linktext'};
551: $explanation = $toolhash{'explanation'};
552: if ($toolhash{'gradable'}) {
553: $chkgrd = ' checked="checked"';
554: } else {
555: $chknogrd = ' checked="checked"';
556: }
557: if (ref($ltihash->{'crsconf'}) eq 'HASH') {
558: if ($ltihash->{'crsconf'}->{'title'}) {
559: $crstitle = $toolhash{'crstitle'};
560: $titlestyle = 'display:inline';
561: }
562: if ($ltihash->{'crsconf'}->{'label'}) {
563: $crslabel = $toolhash{'crslabel'};
564: $labelstyle = 'display:inline';
565: }
566: if ($ltihash->{'crsconf'}->{'append'}) {
567: $crsappend = $toolhash{'crsappend'};
568: $appendstyle = 'display:inline';
569: }
570: if ($ltihash->{'crsconf'}->{'target'}) {
571: $dispdivstyle = 'display:block';
572: }
573: if ($ltihash->{'crsconf'}->{'linktext'}) {
574: $linktextstyle = 'padding:0;display:inline';
575: }
576: if ($ltihash->{'crsconf'}->{'explanation'}) {
577: $explanationstyle = 'padding:0;display:inline';
578: }
579: }
580: $toolelem = '<span class="LC_nobreak">'.$image.' '.$tooltitle.'</span><br />';
581: $gradablestyle = 'display:inline';
582: }
583: }
584: } else {
585: $subdivstyle = 'display:none';
586: my $toolradio = 'exttooltype';
587: my $exttypeon = 'LC_exttoolon';
588: my $exttypeoff = 'LC_exttooloff';
589: my $exttypeonsty = 'display:none';
590: my $exttypeoffsty = 'display:none';
591: my $exttypeofftext;
592: if ($supplementalflag) {
593: $toolradio = 'suppexttooltype';
594: $exttypeon = 'LC_exttoolonsupp';
595: $exttypeoff = 'LC_exttooloffsupp';
596: }
597: my ($numcrstools,$numdomtools,$typeclick,%defcheck,%typedesc);
598: %typedesc = (
599: crs => 'Defined in course',
600: dom => 'Defined in domain',
601: );
602: #FIXME need crstype
603: my $seloptions;
604: $subdivid = 'LC_addtool';
605: if ($supplementalflag) {
606: $subdivid = 'LC_addtoolsupp';
607: }
608: if (ref($ltitools) eq 'HASH') {
609: if (ref($ltitools->{'crs'}) eq 'HASH') {
610: $numcrstools = scalar(keys(%{$ltitools->{'crs'}}));
611: }
612: if (ref($ltitools->{'dom'}) eq 'HASH') {
613: $numdomtools = scalar(keys(%{$ltitools->{'dom'}}));
614: }
615: if ($numcrstools || $numdomtools) {
616: $typeclick = ' onclick="'.
617: 'javascript:updateExttoolSel(this.form,'."'$toolradio','$supplementalflag'".');"';
618: } else {
619: $exttypeoffsty = 'display:block';
620: $exttypeofftext = &mt('No external tools defined in either the domain or the course are available for selection.');
621: }
622: if ($numcrstools && !$numdomtools) {
623: $defcheck{'crs'} = ' checked="checked"';
624: $subdivstyle = 'display:block';
625: $exttypeonsty = 'display:block';
626: my $firstoption = '<option value="" selected="selected">'.&mt('Select').'</option>';
627: $seloptions = &ordered_tooloptions($ltitools->{'crs'});
628: if ($seloptions) {
629: $seloptions = "$firstoption\n$seloptions";
630: }
631: $exttypeofftext = &mt('No external tools defined in the domain are available for selection.');
632: } elsif (!$numcrstools && $numdomtools) {
633: $defcheck{'dom'} = ' checked="checked"';
634: $subdivstyle = 'display:block';
635: $exttypeonsty = 'display:block';
636: my $firstoption = '<option value="" selected="selected">'.&mt('Select').'</option>';
637: $seloptions = &ordered_tooloptions($ltitools->{'dom'});
638: if ($seloptions) {
639: $seloptions = "$firstoption\n$seloptions";
640: }
641: #FIXME need crstype
642: $exttypeofftext = &mt('No external tools defined in the course are available for selection.');
643: }
644: }
645: foreach my $type ('crs','dom') {
646: $toolelem .= '<span class="LC_nobreak"> <label>'.
647: '<input type="radio" name="'.$toolradio.'" value="'.$type.'"'.$defcheck{$type}.
648: $typeclick.$disabled.' />'.$typedesc{$type}.'</label></span> '."\n";
649: }
650: $toolelem .= '<div id="'.$exttypeon.'" style="'.$exttypeonsty.'">'.
651: '<select name="exttoolid" onchange="javascript:updateExttool(this,'.
652: 'this.form,'."'$supplementalflag'".');"'.$disabled.'>'."\n".
653: $seloptions.
654: '</select><br /></div>'."\n".
655: '<div id="'.$exttypeoff.'" style="'.$exttypeoffsty.'">'.
656: $exttypeofftext.
657: '<br /></div>'."\n";
658: $crslabel = $env{'course.'.$cdom.'_'.$cnum.'.internal.coursecode'};
659: $crstitle = $env{'course.'.$cdom.'_'.$cnum.'.description'};
660: $crsappend = '';
661: $chknogrd = ' checked="checked"';
662: }
663: $toolelem .= '<div id="'.$toolattr{'dispdiv'}.'" style="'.$dispdivstyle.'">'.
664: '<span class="'.$class.'">'.&mt('Display target:').' '.
665: '<label><input type="radio" name="exttooltarget" value="iframe" '.$chkstate{'iframe'}.'onclick="updateTooldim(this.form,'.
666: "'$toolattr{dimendiv}','$toolattr{windiv}','$toolattr{dimenwidth}','$toolattr{dimenheight}',
667: '$toolattr{linktext}','$toolattr{explanation}'".');"'.$disabled.' />'.&mt('iframe').'</label>'.(' 'x2).
668: '<label><input type="radio" name="exttooltarget" value="tab" '.$chkstate{'tab'}.'onclick="updateTooldim(this.form,'.
669: "'$toolattr{dimendiv}','$toolattr{windiv}','$toolattr{dimenwidth}','$toolattr{dimenheight}',
670: '$toolattr{linktext}','$toolattr{explanation}'".');"'.$disabled.' />'.&mt('tab').'</label>'.(' 'x2).
671: '<label><input type="radio" name="exttooltarget" value="window" '.$chkstate{'window'}.'onclick="updateTooldim(this.form,'.
672: "'$toolattr{dimendiv}','$toolattr{windiv}','$toolattr{dimenwidth}','$toolattr{dimenheight}',
673: '$toolattr{linktext}','$toolattr{explanation}'".');"'.$disabled.' />'.&mt('window').'</label></span>'.
674: '<div id="'.$toolattr{'dimendiv'}.'" style="'.$dimendivstyle.'"><span class="'.$class.'">'.
675: &mt('Width').': <input type="text" size="4" id="'.$toolattr{'dimenwidth'}.'" name="exttoolwidth" value="'.$width.'"'.$disabled.' />'.(' 'x2).
676: &mt('Height').': <input type="text" size="4" id="'.$toolattr{'dimenheight'}.'" name="exttoolheight" value="'.$height.'"'.$disabled.' /></span>'."\n".
677: '</div></div>';
678: $toolelem .= '<div id="'.$toolattr{'windiv'}.'" style="'.$windivstyle.'">'.
679: '<div id="'.$toolattr{'linktextdiv'}.'" class="LC_left_float" style="'.$linktextstyle.'">'.
680: '<span class="'.$class.'">'.&mt('Link Text').'</span><br /><input type="text" size="25" id="'.$toolattr{'linktext'}.
681: '" name="exttoollinktext" value="'.$linktext.'"'.$disabled.' />'.
682: '</div><div id="'.$toolattr{'explanationdiv'}.'" class="LC_left_float" style="'.$explanationstyle.'">'.
683: '<span class="'.$class.'">'.&mt('Explanation').'</span><br />'.
684: '<textarea rows="'.$rows.'" cols="'.$cols.'" id="'.$toolattr{'explanation'}.'" name="exttoolexplanation" '.$disabled.'>'.
685: $explanation.'</textarea></div><div style="padding:0;clear:both;margin:0;border:0"></div>'.
686: '</div>';
687: $toolelem .= '<div id="'.$toolattr{'crslabeldiv'}.'" style="'.$labelstyle.'">'.
688: '<span class="'.$class.'">'.&mt('Course label:').' '.
689: '<input type="text" id="'.$toolattr{'crslabel'}.'" name="exttoollabel" value="'.$crslabel.'"'.$disabled.' /></span><br />'.
690: '</div>'.
691: '<div id="'.$toolattr{'crstitlediv'}.'" style="'.$titlestyle.'">'.
692: '<span class="'.$class.'">'.&mt('Course title:').' '.
693: '<input type="text" id="'.$toolattr{'crstitle'}.'" name="exttooltitle" value="'.$crstitle.'"'.$disabled.' /></span><br />'.
694: '</div>'.
695: '<div id="'.$toolattr{'crsappenddiv'}.'" style="'.$appendstyle.'">'.
696: '<span class="'.$class.'">'.&mt('Append to URL[_1]',
697: '<span id="'.$toolattr{'providerurl'}.'"> ('.$providerurl.')<br /></span>').
698: '<input type="text" id="'.$toolattr{'crsappend'}.'" size="30" name="exttoolappend" value="'.$crsappend.'"'.$disabled.' /></span><br />'.
699: '</div>'.
700: '<div id="'.$toolattr{'gradablediv'}.'" style="'.$gradablestyle.'">'.
701: '<span class="'.$class.'">'.&mt('Gradable').' '.
702: '<label><input type="radio" name="exttoolgradable" value="1"'.$chkgrd.$disabled.
703: ' />'.&mt('Yes').'</label>'.(' 'x2).
704: '<label><input type="radio" name="exttoolgradable" value="0"'.$chknogrd.$disabled.
705: ' />'.&mt('No').'</label></span></div>';
706: }
707: my $chooser = $toolelem;
708: if ($type eq 'ext') {
709: $chooser = "
710: <div>
711: <span$srcclass>
712: <label>
713: $extsrc
714: $urlelem
715: </label>
716: $preview
717: </span>
718: </div>
719: ";
720: }
721: my $idattr;
722: unless ($subdivid eq '') {
723: $idattr = 'id="'.$subdivid.'"';
724: }
725: $form = <<ENDFORM;
726: <form action="$action" method="post" name="$formname" id="$formid">
727: <fieldset id="$fieldsetid" style="$fieldsetstyle">
728: $legend
729: $active
730: $chooser
731: <div $idattr style="$subdivstyle">
732: <span$srcclass>
733: <label>
734: $title
735: <input type="text" size="$size" name="exttitle" value="$orig_title" $disabled />
736: </label>
737: <input type="hidden" name="importdetail" value="" />
738: $pathitem
739: $hiddenelem
740: <input type="button" value="$save" onclick="javascript:setExternal(this.form,'$residx','$type','$orig_url','$supplementalflag');" $disabled />
741: </span>
742: </div>
743: </fieldset>
744: </form>
746: if (wantarray) {
747: return ($link,$form);
748: } else {
749: return $link.$form;
750: }
751: }
753: sub ordered_tooloptions {
754: my ($toolsref) = @_;
755: my ($seloptions,@ids,@titles);
756: if (ref($toolsref) eq 'HASH') {
757: my %bynum;
758: foreach my $id (keys(%{$toolsref})) {
759: if (ref($toolsref->{$id}) eq 'HASH') {
760: my $order = $toolsref->{$id}->{'order'};
761: $bynum{$order} = [$id,$toolsref->{$id}];
762: }
763: }
764: foreach my $item (sort { $a <=> $b } keys(%bynum)) {
765: if (ref($bynum{$item}) eq 'ARRAY') {
766: if (ref($bynum{$item}->[1]) eq 'HASH') {
767: my $tooltitle = $bynum{$item}->[1]->{'title'};
768: push(@titles,$tooltitle);
769: push(@ids,$bynum{$item}->[0]);
770: $seloptions .= '<option value="'.$bynum{$item}->[0].'">'.$tooltitle.'</option>'."\n";
771: }
772: }
773: }
774: }
775: if (wantarray) {
776: return (\@ids,\@titles);
777: } else {
778: return $seloptions;
779: }
780: }
782: sub display_editor {
783: my ($url,$folderpath,$symb,$idx,$type,$cdom,$cnum,$hostname) = @_;
784: my ($residx,$supplementalflag,$title,$pathitem,$output,$js,$navmap);
785: if ($folderpath =~ /^supplemental/) {
786: $supplementalflag = 1;
787: $residx = $idx;
788: $title = &unescape($env{'form.title'});
789: $pathitem = '<input type="hidden" name="folderpath" value="'.&HTML::Entities::encode($folderpath,'<>&"').'" />';
790: } elsif ($symb =~ /^uploaded/) {
791: (my $map,$residx,my $res) =
792: &Apache::lonnet::decode_symb($symb);
793: $title = &Apache::lonnet::gettitle($symb);
794: my $path = &Apache::loncommon::symb_to_docspath($symb,\$navmap);
795: $pathitem = '<input type="hidden" name="folderpath" value="'.&HTML::Entities::encode($path,'<>&"').'" />';
796: }
797: my (%ltitools,%tooltypes);
798: if ($type eq 'tool') {
799: my (%domtools,%crstools);
800: %tooltypes = &Apache::loncommon::usable_exttools();
801: if ($tooltypes{'dom'}) {
802: %domtools = &Apache::lonnet::get_domain_lti($cdom,'consumer');
803: }
804: if ($tooltypes{'crs'}) {
805: %crstools = &Apache::lonnet::get_course_lti($cnum,$cdom,'consumer');
806: }
807: %ltitools = (
808: dom => \%domtools,
809: crs => \%crstools,
810: );
811: }
812: $js = &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::scripttag(&extedit_javascript());
813: my $args = { 'force_register' => $env{'form.register'} };
814: if ($hostname) {
815: $args->{'hostname'} = $hostname;
816: }
817: my $description = 'External Resource Editor';
818: if ($type eq 'tool') {
819: $description = 'External Tool Editor';
820: }
821: return &Apache::loncommon::start_page($description,$js,$args).
822: '<div class="LC_left_float">'.
823: &extedit_form($supplementalflag,$residx,$url,$title,$pathitem,undef,'direct',
824: $symb,$type,$cdom,$cnum,\%ltitools).
825: '</div>'.
826: &Apache::loncommon::end_page();
827: }
829: sub extedit_javascript {
830: my ($toolsref) = @_;
831: my ($toolsjs,$exttoolnums,$exttooloptions);
832: if (ref($toolsref) eq 'HASH') {
833: $toolsjs = " var ltitools = new Array();\n".
834: " var ltitoolsUrl = new Array();\n".
835: " var ltitoolsTarget = new Array();\n".
836: " var ltitoolsWidth = new Array();\n".
837: " var ltitoolsHeight = new Array();\n".
838: " var ltitoolsLinkDef = new Array();\n".
839: " var ltitoolsExplainDef = new Array();\n".
840: " var ltitoolsDisplay = new Array();\n".
841: " var ltitoolsLink = new Array();\n".
842: " var ltitoolsExplain = new Array();\n".
843: " var ltitoolsLabel = new Array();\n".
844: " var ltitoolsTitle = new Array();\n".
845: " var ltitoolsAppend = new Array();\n";
846: $exttoolnums = " var ltitoolsnum = new Array();\n".
847: " var tooloptval = new Array();\n".
848: " var toolopttxt = new Array();\n";
849: my $idx = 0;
850: foreach my $type ('crs','dom') {
851: if (ref($toolsref->{$type}) eq 'HASH') {
852: my $num = scalar(keys(%{$toolsref->{$type}}));
853: $toolsjs .= " ltitools[$idx] = new Array($num);\n".
854: " ltitoolsUrl[$idx] = new Array($num);\n".
855: " ltitoolsTarget[$idx] = new Array($num);\n".
856: " ltitoolsWidth[$idx] = new Array($num);\n".
857: " ltitoolsHeight[$idx] = new Array($num);\n".
858: " ltitoolsLinkDef[$idx] = new Array($num);\n".
859: " ltitoolsExplainDef[$idx] = new Array($num);\n".
860: " ltitoolsDisplay[$idx] = new Array($num);\n".
861: " ltitoolsLink[$idx] = new Array($num);\n".
862: " ltitoolsExplain[$idx] = new Array($num);\n".
863: " ltitoolsLabel[$idx] = new Array($num);\n".
864: " ltitoolsTitle[$idx] = new Array($num);\n".
865: " ltitoolsAppend[$idx] = new Array($num);\n";
866: my $i=0;
867: foreach my $key (sort { $a <=> $b } keys(%{$toolsref->{$type}})) {
868: if (ref($toolsref->{$type}->{$key}) eq 'HASH') {
869: if (ref($toolsref->{$type}->{$key}->{'display'}) eq 'HASH') {
870: my $target = $toolsref->{$type}->{$key}->{'display'}->{'target'};
871: my $width = $toolsref->{$type}->{$key}->{'display'}->{'width'};
872: my $height = $toolsref->{$type}->{$key}->{'display'}->{'height'};
873: my $linkdef = $toolsref->{$type}->{$key}->{'display'}->{'linktext'};
874: my $explaindef = $toolsref->{$type}->{$key}->{'display'}->{'explanation'};
875: my $providerurl;
876: if ($toolsref->{$type}->{$key}->{'url'} =~ m{://}) {
877: (my $prot,my $host,$providerurl) =
878: ($toolsref->{$type}->{$key}->{'url'} =~ m{^([^/]+)://([^/]+)(|/.+)$});
879: } else {
880: $providerurl = $toolsref->{$type}->{$key}->{'url'};
881: }
882: $providerurl = &LONCAPA::map::qtunescape($providerurl);
883: $toolsjs .= " ltitools[$idx][$i] = '$key';\n".
884: " ltitoolsTarget[$idx][$i] = '$target';\n".
885: " ltitoolsWidth[$idx][$i] = '$width';\n".
886: " ltitoolsHeight[$idx][$i] = '$height';\n".
887: " ltitoolsLinkDef[$idx][$i] = '$linkdef';\n".
888: " ltitoolsExplainDef[$idx][$i] = '$explaindef';\n".
889: " ltitoolsUrl[$idx][$i] = '$providerurl';\n";
890: }
891: if (ref($toolsref->{$type}->{$key}->{'crsconf'}) eq 'HASH') {
892: my $display = $toolsref->{$type}->{$key}->{'crsconf'}->{'target'};
893: $toolsjs .= " ltitoolsDisplay[$idx][$i] = '$display';\n";
894: my $linktext = $toolsref->{$type}->{$key}->{'crsconf'}->{'linktext'};
895: $toolsjs .= " ltitoolsLink[$idx][$i] = '$linktext';\n";
896: my $explanation = $toolsref->{$type}->{$key}->{'crsconf'}->{'explanation'};
897: $toolsjs .= " ltitoolsExplain[$idx][$i] = '$explanation';\n";
898: my $label = $toolsref->{$type}->{$key}->{'crsconf'}->{'label'};
899: $toolsjs .= " ltitoolsLabel[$idx][$i] = '$label';\n";
900: my $title = $toolsref->{$type}->{$key}->{'crsconf'}->{'title'};
901: $toolsjs .= " ltitoolsTitle[$idx][$i] = '$title';\n";
902: my $append = $toolsref->{$type}->{$key}->{'crsconf'}->{'append'};
903: $toolsjs .= " ltitoolsAppend[$idx][$i] = '$append';\n";
904: }
905: }
906: $i++;
907: }
908: my $firstoption = '<option value="" selected="selected">'.&mt('Select').'</option>';
909: my ($idsref,$titlesref) = &ordered_tooloptions($toolsref->{$type});
910: if ((ref($idsref) eq 'ARRAY') && (ref($titlesref) eq 'ARRAY')) {
911: my $count = scalar(@{$idsref});
912: $exttooloptions .= " tooloptval[$idx] = new Array($count);\n".
913: " toolopttxt[$idx] = new Array($count);\n";
914: for (my $n=0; $n<@{$idsref}; $n++) {
915: my $id = $idsref->[$n];
916: my $text = $titlesref->[$n];
917: $exttooloptions .= " tooloptval[$idx][$n] = '$id';\n".
918: " toolopttxt[$idx][$n] = '$text';\n";
919: }
920: }
921: $exttoolnums .= " ltitoolsnum[$idx] = $i;\n";
922: }
923: $idx ++;
924: }
925: }
926: my %js_lt = &Apache::lonlocal::texthash(
927: invurl => 'Invalid URL',
928: titbl => 'Title is blank',
929: invtool => 'Please select an external tool',
930: mixfra => 'Show preview in pop-up? (http in https page + no framing)',
931: mixonly => 'Show preview in pop-up? (http in https page)',
932: fraonly => 'Show preview in pop-up? (framing disallowed)',
933: nopopup => 'Pop-up blocked',
934: nopriv => 'Insufficient privileges to use preview',
935: badurl => 'URL is not: http://hostname/path or https://hostname/path',
936: sele => 'Select',
937: );
938: &js_escape(\%js_lt);
940: my $urlregexp = <<'ENDREGEXP';
941: /^([a-z]([a-z]|\d|\+|-|\.)*):(\/\/(((([a-z]|\d|-|\.|_|~|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(%[\da-f]{2})|[!\$&'\(\)\*\+,;=]|:)*@)?((\[(|(v[\da-f]{1,}\.(([a-z]|\d|-|\.|_|~)|[!\$&'\(\)\*\+,;=]|:)+))\])|((\d|[1-9]\d|1\d\d|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])\.(\d|[1-9]\d|1\d\d|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])\.(\d|[1-9]\d|1\d\d|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])\.(\d|[1-9]\d|1\d\d|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5]))|(([a-z]|\d|-|\.|_|~|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(%[\da-f]{2})|[!\$&'\(\)\*\+,;=])*)(:\d*)?)(\/(([a-z]|\d|-|\.|_|~|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(%[\da-f]{2})|[!\$&'\(\)\*\+,;=]|:|@)*)*|(\/((([a-z]|\d|-|\.|_|~|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(%[\da-f]{2})|[!\$&'\(\)\*\+,;=]|:|@)+(\/(([a-z]|\d|-|\.|_|~|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(%[\da-f]{2})|[!\$&'\(\)\*\+,;=]|:|@)*)*)?)|((([a-z]|\d|-|\.|_|~|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(%[\da-f]{2})|[!\$&'\(\)\*\+,;=]|:|@)+(\/(([a-z]|\d|-|\.|_|~|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(%[\da-f]{2})|[!\$&'\(\)\*\+,;=]|:|@)*)*)|((([a-z]|\d|-|\.|_|~|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(%[\da-f]{2})|[!\$&'\(\)\*\+,;=]|:|@)){0})(\?((([a-z]|\d|-|\.|_|~|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(%[\da-f]{2})|[!\$&'\(\)\*\+,;=]|:|@)|[\uE000-\uF8FF]|\/|\?)*)?(\#((([a-z]|\d|-|\.|_|~|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(%[\da-f]{2})|[!\$&'\(\)\*\+,;=]|:|@)|\/|\?)*)?$/i
944: return <<ENDJS;
946: var regexp = $urlregexp;
948: function setExternal(extform,residx,type,exttoolurl,supplementalflag) {
949: var title=extform.exttitle.value;
950: if (!String.trim) {
951: String.prototype.trim = function() {return this.replace(\/^\\s+|\\s+$\/g, "");}; }
952: if (title == null || title.trim()=="") {
953: alert("$js_lt{'titbl'}");
954: extform.exttitle.focus();
955: return;
956: }
957: if (type == 'ext') {
958: var url=extform.exturl.value;
959: if (!regexp.test(url)) {
960: alert("$js_lt{'invurl'}");
961: extform.exturl.focus();
962: return;
963: } else {
964: url = escape(url);
965: title = escape(title);
966: if (residx > 0) {
967: eval("extform.importdetail.value=title+'='+url+'='+residx;extform.submit();");
968: } else {
969: eval("extform.importdetail.value=title+'='+url;extform.submit();");
970: }
971: }
972: } else {
973: title = escape(title);
974: var info = exttoolurl;
975: var prefix = '';
976: if (supplementalflag == 1) {
977: prefix = 'supp';
978: }
979: if (residx == 0) {
980: var toolid = parseInt(extform.exttoolid.options[extform.exttoolid.selectedIndex].value);
981: if (isNaN(toolid)) {
982: alert("$js_lt{'invtool'}");
983: return;
984: }
985: var typeelem = extform.elements[prefix+'exttooltype'];
986: if (typeelem.length) {
987: for (var i=0; i<typeelem.length; i++) {
988: if (typeelem[i].checked) {
989: tooltype = typeelem[i].value;
990: }
991: }
992: }
993: if (tooltype == 'crs') {
994: info += ':c'+toolid;
995: } else {
996: info += ':'+toolid;
997: }
998: }
999: var dispdiv = prefix+'tooldispdiv';
1000: var windiv = prefix+'toolwindiv';
1001: if (residx > 0) {
1002: dispdiv += '_'+residx;
1003: windiv += '_'+residx;
1004: }
1005: if (document.getElementById(dispdiv)) {
1006: if (document.getElementById(dispdiv).style.display == 'block') {
1007: if (extform.exttooltarget.length) {
1008: for (var i=0; i<extform.exttooltarget.length; i++) {
1009: if (extform.exttooltarget[i].checked) {
1010: if (extform.exttooltarget[i].value == 'window') {
1011: var width = extform.exttoolwidth.value;
1012: width.trim();
1013: var height = extform.exttoolheight.value;
1014: height.trim();
1015: info += ':window:'+width+':'+height;
1016: } else if (extform.exttooltarget[i].value == 'tab') {
1017: info += ':tab::';
1018: } else {
1019: info += ':iframe::';
1020: }
1021: }
1022: }
1023: }
1024: } else {
1025: info += ':::';
1026: }
1027: } else {
1028: info += ':::';
1029: }
1030: if (document.getElementById(windiv)) {
1031: if (document.getElementById(windiv).style.display == 'block') {
1032: var linktextdiv = prefix+'toollinktextdiv';
1033: var explanationdiv = prefix+'toolexplanationdiv';
1034: if (residx > 0) {
1035: linktextdiv += '_'+residx;
1036: explanationdiv += '_'+residx;
1037: }
1038: if (document.getElementById(linktextdiv).style.display == 'inline') {
1039: var linktext = extform.exttoollinktext.value;
1040: linktext.trim();
1041: info += ':'+escape(linktext);
1042: } else {
1043: info += ':';
1044: }
1045: if (document.getElementById(explanationdiv).style.display == 'inline') {
1046: var explaintext = extform.exttoolexplanation.value;
1047: explaintext.trim();
1048: info += ':'+escape(explaintext);
1049: } else {
1050: info += ':';
1051: }
1052: } else {
1053: info += '::';
1054: }
1055: } else {
1056: info += '::';
1057: }
1058: var labelinput = prefix+'toolcrslabel';
1059: var titleinput = prefix+'toolcrstitle';
1060: var appendinput = prefix+'toolcrsappend';
1061: if (residx > 0) {
1062: labelinput += '_'+residx;
1063: titleinput += '_'+residx;
1064: appendinput += '_'+residx;
1065: }
1066: if (document.getElementById(labelinput)) {
1067: var crslabel = document.getElementById(labelinput).value;
1068: crslabel.trim();
1069: info += ':'+escape(crslabel);
1070: } else {
1071: info += ':';
1072: }
1073: if (document.getElementById(titleinput)) {
1074: var crstitle = document.getElementById(titleinput).value;
1075: crstitle.trim();
1076: info += ':'+escape(crstitle);
1077: } else {
1078: info += ':';
1079: }
1080: if (document.getElementById(appendinput)) {
1081: var crsappend = document.getElementById(appendinput).value;
1082: crsappend.trim();
1083: info += ':'+escape(crsappend);
1084: } else {
1085: info += ':';
1086: }
1087: var gradablediv = prefix+'toolgradablediv';
1088: if (residx > 0) {
1089: gradablediv += '_'+residx;
1090: }
1091: if (document.getElementById(gradablediv)) {
1092: if (document.getElementById(gradablediv).style.display == 'inline') {
1093: if (extform.exttoolgradable.length) {
1094: for (var i=0; i<extform.exttoolgradable.length; i++) {
1095: if (extform.exttoolgradable[i].checked) {
1096: if (extform.exttoolgradable[i].value == '1') {
1097: info += ':1';
1098: } else {
1099: info += ':';
1100: }
1101: break;
1102: }
1103: }
1104: } else {
1105: info += ':';
1106: }
1107: } else {
1108: info += ':';
1109: }
1110: } else {
1111: info += ':';
1112: }
1113: info=escape(info);
1114: if (residx > 0) {
1115: eval("extform.importdetail.value=title+'='+info+'='+residx;extform.submit();");
1116: } else {
1117: eval("extform.importdetail.value=title+'='+info;extform.submit();");
1118: }
1119: }
1120: }
1122: function editext(residx,type) {
1123: if (document.getElementById('external'+type+residx)) {
1124: var curr = document.getElementById('external'+type+residx).style.display;
1125: if (curr == 'none') {
1126: disp = 'block';
1127: } else {
1128: disp = 'none';
1129: }
1130: document.getElementById('external'+type+residx).style.display=disp;
1131: }
1132: resize_scrollbox('contentscroll','1','1');
1133: return;
1134: }
1136: function extUrlPreview(caller,protocol) {
1137: if (document.getElementById(caller)) {
1138: var url = document.getElementById(caller).value;
1139: if (regexp.test(url)) {
1140: var http_regex = /^http\:\/\//gi;
1141: var mixed = 0;
1142: var noiframe = 0;
1143: var nopriv = 0;
1144: var badurl = 0;
1145: var name = "externalpreview";
1146: if ((protocol == 'https') && (http_regex.test(url))) {
1147: mixed = 1;
1148: }
1149: var http = new XMLHttpRequest();
1150: var lcurl = "/adm/exturlcheck";
1151: var params = "exturl="+url;
1152: http.open("POST",lcurl, true);
1153: http.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
1154: http.onreadystatechange = function() {
1155: if (http.readyState == 4) {
1156: if (http.status == 200) {
1157: if (http.responseText.length > 0) {
1158: if (http.responseText == 1) {
1159: noiframe = 1;
1160: } else if (http.responseText == -1) {
1161: nopriv = 1;
1162: } else if (http.responseText == 0) {
1163: badurl = 1;
1164: }
1165: }
1166: openPreviewWindow(url,name,noiframe,mixed,nopriv,badurl);
1167: }
1168: }
1169: }
1170: http.send(params);
1171: } else {
1172: alert("$js_lt{'invurl'}");
1173: }
1174: }
1175: }
1177: var previewLCWindow = null;
1178: function openPreviewWindow(url,name,noiframe,mixed,nopriv,badurl) {
1179: if (previewLCWindow !=null) {
1180: previewLCWindow.close();
1181: }
1182: if (badurl) {
1183: alert("$js_lt{'badurl'}");
1184: } else if (nopriv) {
1185: alert("$js_lt{'nopriv'}");
1186: } else if ((noiframe == 1) || (mixed == 1)) {
1187: var encurl = encodeURI(url);
1188: var msg;
1189: if (mixed == 1) {
1190: if (noiframe == 1) {
1191: msg = "$js_lt{'mixfra'}";
1192: } else {
1193: msg = "$js_lt{'mixonly'}";
1194: }
1195: } else {
1196: msg = "$js_lt{'fraonly'}";
1197: }
1198: if (confirm(msg)) {
1199: previewLCWindow = window.open(url,name,"height=400,width=500,scrollbars=1,resizable=1,menubar=0,location=1");
1200: if (previewLCWindow != null) {
1201: previewLCWindow.focus();
1202: } else {
1203: alert("$js_lt{'nopopup'}");
1204: }
1205: }
1206: } else {
1207: openMyModal(url,500,400,'yes');
1208: }
1209: }
1211: function updateExttoolSel(form,radioname,supplementalflag) {
1212: var prefix = '';
1213: var typepick;
1214: var radelem = form.elements[radioname];
1215: if (radelem.length) {
1216: for (var i=0; i<radelem.length; i++) {
1217: if (radelem[i].checked) {
1218: if (radelem[i].value == 'crs') {
1219: typepick = 0;
1220: } else if (radelem[i].value == 'dom') {
1221: typepick = 1;
1222: }
1223: break;
1224: }
1225: }
1226: }
1227: if (supplementalflag == 1) {
1228: prefix = 'supp';
1229: }
1230: $exttoolnums
1231: $exttooloptions
1232: if ((typepick == 0) || (typepick == 1)) {
1233: var selelem = form.elements['exttoolid'];
1234: var i, numopts = selelem.options.length -1;
1235: if (numopts >=0) {
1236: for (i = numopts; i >= 0; i--) {
1237: selelem.remove(i);
1238: }
1239: }
1240: if (ltitoolsnum[typepick]) {
1241: if ((Array.isArray(tooloptval[typepick])) && (Array.isArray(toolopttxt[typepick]))) {
1242: var len = tooloptval[typepick].length;
1243: if (len) {
1244: selelem.options[selelem.options.length] = new Option('$js_lt{sele}','',1,1);
1245: var j;
1246: for (j=0; j<len; j++) {
1247: selelem.options[selelem.options.length] = new Option(toolopttxt[typepick][j],tooloptval[typepick][j]);
1248: }
1249: selelem.selectedIndex = 0;
1250: }
1251: }
1252: if (document.getElementById('LC_exttoolon'+prefix)) {
1253: document.getElementById('LC_exttoolon'+prefix).style.display = 'block';
1254: }
1255: if (document.getElementById('LC_exttooloff'+prefix)) {
1256: document.getElementById('LC_exttooloff'+prefix).style.display = 'none';
1257: }
1258: if (document.getElementById('LC_addtool'+prefix)) {
1259: document.getElementById('LC_addtool'+prefix).style.display = 'block';
1260: }
1261: } else {
1262: if (document.getElementById('LC_exttoolon'+prefix)) {
1263: document.getElementById('LC_exttoolon'+prefix).style.display = 'none';
1264: }
1265: if (document.getElementById('LC_exttooloff'+prefix)) {
1266: document.getElementById('LC_exttooloff'+prefix).style.display = 'block';
1267: }
1268: if (document.getElementById('LC_addtool'+prefix)) {
1269: document.getElementById('LC_addtool'+prefix).style.display = 'none';
1270: }
1271: }
1272: if (selelem.options.length == 0) {
1273: selelem.options[selelem.options.length] = new Option('','');
1274: selelem.selectedIndex = 0;
1275: }
1276: updateExttool(selelem,form,supplementalflag);
1277: resize_scrollbox('contentscroll','1','1');
1278: }
1279: return;
1280: }
1282: function updateExttool(caller,form,supplementalflag) {
1283: var prefix = '';
1284: if (supplementalflag == 1) {
1285: prefix = 'supp';
1286: }
1287: dispdiv = prefix+'tooldispdiv';
1288: dimendiv = prefix+'tooldimendiv';
1289: widthinput = prefix+'tooldimenwidth';
1290: heightinput = prefix+'tooldimenheight';
1291: labeldiv = prefix+'toolcrslabeldiv';
1292: titlediv = prefix+'toolcrstitlediv';
1293: appenddiv = prefix+'toolcrsappenddiv';
1294: gradablediv = prefix+'toolgradablediv';
1295: providerurl = prefix+'toolproviderurl';
1296: labelinput = prefix+'toolcrslabel';
1297: titleinput = prefix+'toolcrstitle';
1298: appendinput = prefix+'toolcrsappend';
1299: windiv = prefix+'toolwindiv';
1300: linktextdiv = prefix+'toollinktextdiv';
1301: linktextinput = prefix+'toollinktext';
1302: explanationdiv = prefix+'toolexplanationdiv';
1303: explanationinput = prefix+'toolexplanation';
1304: if (document.getElementById(dispdiv)) {
1305: var toolpick = caller.options[caller.selectedIndex].value;
1306: $toolsjs
1307: if (toolpick == '') {
1308: if (document.getElementById(dispdiv)) {
1309: document.getElementById(dispdiv).style.display = 'none';
1310: }
1311: if (document.getElementById(dimendiv)) {
1312: document.getElementById(dimendiv).style.display = 'none';
1313: }
1314: if (document.getElementById(windiv)) {
1315: document.getElementById(windiv).style.display = 'none';
1316: }
1317: if (document.getElementById(linktextdiv)) {
1318: document.getElementById(linktextdiv).style.display = 'none';
1319: }
1320: if (document.getElementById(explanationdiv)) {
1321: document.getElementById(explanationdiv).style.display = 'none';
1322: }
1323: if (document.getElementById(labeldiv)) {
1324: document.getElementById(labeldiv).style.display = 'none';
1325: }
1326: if (document.getElementById(titlediv)) {
1327: document.getElementById(titlediv).style.display = 'none';
1328: }
1329: if (document.getElementById(appenddiv)) {
1330: document.getElementById(appenddiv).style.display = 'none';
1331: }
1332: if (document.getElementById(gradablediv)) {
1333: document.getElementById(gradablediv).style.display = 'none';
1334: }
1335: } else {
1336: var tooltype = '';
1337: var typeelem = form.elements[prefix+'exttooltype'];
1338: if (typeelem.length) {
1339: for (var i=0; i<typeelem.length; i++) {
1340: if (typeelem[i].checked) {
1341: tooltype = typeelem[i].value;
1342: }
1343: }
1344: }
1345: if ((tooltype == 'crs') || (tooltype == 'dom')) {
1346: var i = 0;
1347: if (tooltype == 'dom') {
1348: i = 1;
1349: }
1350: if (ltitools[i].length > 0) {
1351: for (var j=0; j<ltitools[i].length; j++) {
1352: if (ltitools[i][j] == toolpick) {
1353: if (document.getElementById(dispdiv)) {
1354: if (ltitoolsDisplay[i][j]) {
1355: document.getElementById(dispdiv).style.display = 'block';
1356: if (form.exttooltarget.length) {
1357: for (var k=0; k<form.exttooltarget.length; k++) {
1358: if (form.exttooltarget[k].value == ltitoolsTarget[i][j]) {
1359: form.exttooltarget[k].checked = true;
1360: break;
1361: }
1362: }
1363: }
1364: }
1365: var dimen = 'none';
1366: var dimenwidth = '';
1367: var dimenheight = '';
1368: if ((ltitoolsDisplay[i][j]) && (ltitoolsTarget[i][j] == 'window')) {
1369: dimen = 'block';
1370: dimenwidth = ltitoolsWidth[i][j];
1371: dimenheight = ltitoolsHeight[i][j];
1372: }
1373: if (document.getElementById(dimendiv)) {
1374: document.getElementById(dimendiv).style.display = dimen;
1375: }
1376: if (document.getElementById(widthinput)) {
1377: document.getElementById(widthinput).value = dimenwidth;
1378: }
1379: if (document.getElementById(heightinput)) {
1380: document.getElementById(heightinput).value = dimenheight;
1381: }
1382: }
1383: if (document.getElementById(windiv)) {
1384: if ((ltitoolsTarget[i][j] == 'window') || (ltitoolsTarget[i][j] == 'tab')) {
1385: document.getElementById(windiv).style.display = 'block';
1386: } else {
1387: document.getElementById(windiv).style.display = 'none';
1388: }
1389: if (document.getElementById(linktextdiv)) {
1390: if (ltitoolsLink[i][j]) {
1391: document.getElementById(linktextdiv).style.display = 'inline';
1392: } else {
1393: document.getElementById(linktextdiv).style.display = 'none';
1394: }
1395: }
1396: if (document.getElementById(linktextinput)) {
1397: if (ltitoolsLink[i][j]) {
1398: document.getElementById(linktextinput).value = ltitoolsLinkDef[i][j];
1399: } else {
1400: document.getElementById(linktextinput).value = '';
1401: }
1402: }
1403: if (document.getElementById(explanationdiv)) {
1404: if (ltitoolsExplain[i][j]) {
1405: document.getElementById(explanationdiv).style.display = 'inline';
1406: } else {
1407: document.getElementById(explanationdiv).style.display = 'none';
1408: }
1409: }
1410: if (document.getElementById(explanationinput)) {
1411: if (ltitoolsExplain[i][j]) {
1412: document.getElementById(explanationinput).value = ltitoolsExplainDef[i][j];
1413: } else {
1414: document.getElementById(explananationinput).value = '';
1415: }
1416: }
1417: }
1418: if (document.getElementById(labeldiv)) {
1419: if (ltitoolsLabel[i][j]) {
1420: document.getElementById(labeldiv).style.display = 'inline';
1421: } else {
1422: document.getElementById(labeldiv).style.display = 'none';
1423: }
1424: }
1425: if (document.getElementById(titlediv)) {
1426: if (ltitoolsTitle[i][j]) {
1427: document.getElementById(titlediv).style.display = 'inline';
1428: } else {
1429: document.getElementById(titlediv).style.display = 'none';
1430: }
1431: }
1432: if (document.getElementById(appenddiv)) {
1433: if (ltitoolsAppend[i][j]) {
1434: document.getElementById(appenddiv).style.display = 'inline';
1435: if (document.getElementById(providerurl)) {
1436: if ((ltitoolsUrl[i][j] != '') && (ltitoolsUrl[i][j] != null)) {
1437: document.getElementById(providerurl).innerHTML = ' ('+ltitoolsUrl[i][j]+')<br />';
1438: }
1439: }
1440: } else {
1441: document.getElementById(appenddiv).style.display = 'none';
1442: if (document.getElementById(providerurl)) {
1443: document.getElementById(providerurl).innerHTML = '';
1444: }
1445: }
1446: }
1447: if (document.getElementById(gradablediv)) {
1448: if (supplementalflag != 1) {
1449: document.getElementById(gradablediv).style.display = 'inline';
1450: }
1451: }
1452: break;
1453: }
1454: }
1455: }
1456: }
1457: }
1458: }
1459: }
1461: function updateTooldim(form,dimendiv,windiv,widthinput,heightinput,linkinput,explaininput) {
1462: if (form.exttooltarget.length) {
1463: for (var i=0; i<form.exttooltarget.length; i++) {
1464: if (form.exttooltarget[i].checked) {
1465: var dimen = 'none';
1466: var linkconf = 'none';
1467: if (form.exttooltarget[i].value == 'window') {
1468: dimen = 'block';
1469: linkconf = 'block';
1470: } else {
1471: if (form.exttooltarget[i].value == 'tab') {
1472: linkconf = 'block';
1473: } else {
1474: if (document.getElementById(widthinput)) {
1475: document.getElementById(widthinput).value = '';
1476: }
1477: if (document.getElementById(heightinput)) {
1478: document.getElementById(heightinput).value = '';
1479: }
1480: if (document.getElementById(linkinput)) {
1481: document.getElementById(linkinput).value = '';
1482: }
1483: if (document.getElementById(explaininput)) {
1484: document.getElementById(explaininput).value = '';
1485: }
1486: }
1487: }
1488: if (document.getElementById(dimendiv)) {
1489: document.getElementById(dimendiv).style.display = dimen;
1490: }
1491: if (document.getElementById(windiv)) {
1492: document.getElementById(windiv).style.display = linkconf;
1493: }
1494: break;
1495: }
1496: }
1497: }
1498: }
1500: ENDJS
1502: }
1504: 1;
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