1: # The LearningOnline Network with CAPA
2: # generate frame-based help system
3: #
4: # $Id: lonhelpmenu.pm,v 1.50 2025/02/20 03:05:34 raeburn Exp $
5: #
6: # Copyright Michigan State University Board of Trustees
7: #
8: # This file is part of the LearningOnline Network with CAPA (LON-CAPA).
9: #
10: # LON-CAPA is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
11: # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
12: # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
13: # (at your option) any later version.
14: #
15: # LON-CAPA is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
16: # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
18: # GNU General Public License for more details.
19: #
20: # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
21: # along with LON-CAPA; if not, write to the Free Software
22: # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
23: #
24: # /home/httpd/html/adm/gpl.txt
25: #
26: # http://www.lon-capa.org/
27: #
29: package Apache::lonhelpmenu;
31: use strict;
32: use lib qw(/home/httpd/lib/perl);
33: use Apache::Constants qw(:common);
34: use Apache::loncommon();
35: use Apache::lonlocal;
36: use Apache::lonnet;
37: use lib '/home/httpd/lib/perl/';
38: use LONCAPA;
39: use HTML::Entities();
41: sub handler {
42: my ($r) = @_;
43: &Apache::loncommon::get_unprocessed_cgi($ENV{'QUERY_STRING'},['page','faq','bug','topic','component_help','origurl','stayonpage']);
44: &Apache::loncommon::content_type($r,'text/html');
45: $r->send_http_header;
47: if ($r->header_only) {
48: return OK;
49: }
50: my $faq = $env{'form.faq'};
51: my $bug = $env{'form.bug'};
52: my $topic = $env{'form.topic'};
53: my $component_help = $env{'form.component_help'};
54: my $origurl = $env{'form.origurl'};
55: my $stayOnPage = $env{'form.stayonpage'};
56: my $component_url = $component_help;
57: if ($component_url) {
58: $component_url = '/adm/help/'.$component_url.'.hlp';
59: }
60: my $bugurl = $Apache::lonnet::perlvar{'BugzillaHost'};
61: $bugurl .= 'enter_bug.cgi?product=LON-CAPA&bug_file_loc='.$origurl;
62: if ($bug) {
63: $bugurl .= '&component='.$bug;
64: }
65: my $faqbaseurl = $Apache::lonnet::perlvar{'FAQHost'};
66: my $origmail = $Apache::lonnet::perlvar{'lonSupportEMail'};
67: $origurl = &unescape($origurl);
68: my $defdom;
69: if ($env{'request.course.id'}) {
70: $defdom = $env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.domain'};
71: } elsif ($env{'request.role.domain'}) {
72: $defdom = $env{'request.role.domain'};
73: } else {
74: $defdom = &Apache::lonnet::default_login_domain();
75: }
76: my $requestmail = &Apache::loncommon::build_recipient_list(undef,'helpdeskmail',
77: $defdom,$origmail);
78: if ($env{'form.page'} eq 'banner') {
79: &display_help_banner($r,$faq,$bug,$topic,$component_url,$origurl,$bugurl,$faqbaseurl,$requestmail,$stayOnPage);
80: } elsif ($env{'form.page'} eq 'body') {
81: &display_help_mainpage($r,$faq,$bug,$topic,$component_url,$origurl,$bugurl,$faqbaseurl,$requestmail,$stayOnPage);
82: }
83: return OK;
84: }
86: sub display_help_banner {
87: my ($r,$faq,$bug,$topic,$component_url,$origurl,$bugurl,$faqbaseurl,$requestmail,$stayOnPage) = @_;
88: my $dom = $env{'request.role.domain'};
89: my $scripttag = '';
90: if ($requestmail) {
91: my $displayurl = &escape($origurl);
92: $scripttag = (<<"SCRIPT_ONE");
93: <script type="text/javascript">
94: // <![CDATA[
95: function gohelpdesk() {
96: var actiontype = null;
97: try {
98: actiontype = parent.bodyframe.document.logproblem.action.value;
99: }
100: catch(error) {
101: parent.bodyframe.location = "/adm/support?origurl=$displayurl";
102: return;
103: }
104: if (actiontype) {
105: var loc = parent.bodyframe.location.href;
106: if (loc.indexOf("/adm/support") > -1) {
107: if (parent.bodyframe.document.logproblem.action.value == "process") {
108: if (validmail(parent.bodyframe.document.logproblem.email) == false) {
109: alert("The e-mail address you entered: "+parent.bodyframe.document.logproblem.email.value+" is not a valid e-mail address.");
110: return;
111: }
112: parent.bodyframe.document.logproblem.submit();
113: return;
114: }
115: }
116: parent.bodyframe.location = "/adm/support?origurl=$displayurl";
117: return;
118: }
119: }
122: $scripttag .= (<<'SCRIPT_TWO');
123: function validmail(field) {
124: var str = field.value;
125: if (window.RegExp) {
126: var reg1str = "(@.*@)|(\\.\\.)|(@\\.)|(\\.@)|(^\\.)";
127: var reg2str = "^.+\\@(\\[?)[a-zA-Z0-9\\-\\.]+\\.([a-zA-Z]{2,3}|[0-9]{1,3})(\\]?)$"; //"
128: var reg1 = new RegExp(reg1str);
129: var reg2 = new RegExp(reg2str);
130: if (!reg1.test(str) && reg2.test(str)) {
131: return true;
132: }
133: return false;
134: }
135: else
136: {
138: if(str.indexOf("@") >= 0) {
139: return true;
140: }
141: return false;
142: }
143: }
145: // ]]>
146: </script>
148: }
150: if ($stayOnPage) {
151: $r->print(&Apache::loncommon::start_page('Help',$scripttag,
152: {'no_secondary_menu' => 1,}));
153: } else {
154: $r->print(&Apache::loncommon::start_page('Help',$scripttag,
155: {'only_body' => 1,}));
156: }
157: my $menu = &helpmenu_items($dom,$faq,$bug,$topic,$component_url,$origurl,$bugurl,$faqbaseurl,$requestmail,$stayOnPage);
158: $r->print('<div class="LC_landmark" role="main">'."\n");
159: if ($menu) {
160: $r->print("<ul id=\"LC_secondary_menu\">$menu</ul>");
161: }
162: if ($stayOnPage && $env{'user.adv'}) {
163: $r->print('<br />');
164: }
165: $r->print('</div>'.&Apache::loncommon::end_page());
166: }
168: sub helpmenu_items {
169: my ($dom,$faq,$bug,$topic,$component_url,$origurl,$bugurl,$faqbaseurl,$requestmail,$stayOnPage) = @_;
170: my $location=&Apache::loncommon::lonhttpdurl("/adm");
171: my $general_help = &Apache::loncommon::general_help();
172: my %helpconfig = &Apache::lonnet::get_dom('configuration',['helpsettings'],$dom);
173: my %lt = &Apache::lonlocal::texthash(
174: general => 'General help',
175: component => 'Topic help',
176: faq => 'FAQ',
177: helpdesk => 'Ask helpdesk',
178: bugs => 'Report a bug',
179: manuals_web => 'Online manuals',
180: manuals_pdf => 'Printable manuals',
181: lastloc => 'Go back',
182: close => 'Close',
183: );
184: my %alt = &Apache::lonlocal::texthash(
185: general => 'Intro help icon',
186: component => 'Topic icon',
187: faq => 'FAQ icon',
188: helpdesk => 'Helpdesk form icon',
189: bugs => 'Bug reporting icon',
190: manuals_web => 'HTML manuals icon',
191: manuals_pdf => 'PDF manuals icon',
192: lastloc => 'Return icon',
193: close => 'Close help icon',
194: );
195: my ($target,$bugs_target);
196: if ((($env{'request.lti.login'}) && ($env{'request.lti.target'} eq 'iframe')) ||
197: (($env{'request.deeplink.login'}) && ($env{'request.deeplink.target'} eq '_self'))) {
198: $target = '_parent';
199: $bugs_target = '_blank';
200: } else {
201: $target = '_top';
202: $bugs_target = '_top';
203: }
204: my %items = (
205: general => {
206: href => '/adm/help/'.$general_help.'.hlp',
207: img => $location.'/help/help.png',
208: alt => $alt{'general'},
209: text => $lt{'general'},
210: },
211: component => {
212: href => $component_url,
213: img => $location.'/help/help.png',
214: alt => $alt{'component'},
215: text => $topic,
216: },
217: faq => {
218: href => $faqbaseurl.'fom/cache/'.$faq.'.html',
219: img => $location.'/lonMisc/smallFAQ.gif',
220: alt => $alt{'faq'},
221: text => $lt{'faq'},
222: },
223: helpdesk => {
224: href => '#',
225: onclick => 'gohelpdesk()',
226: img => $location.'/lonIcons/helpdesk.gif',
227: alt => $alt{'helpdesk'},
228: text => $lt{'helpdesk'},
229: },
230: bugs => {
231: href => $bugurl,
232: img => $location.'/lonMisc/smallBug.gif',
233: alt => $alt{'bugs'},
234: text => $lt{'bugs'},
235: target => $bugs_target,
236: },
237: manuals_web => {
238: href => '',
239: img => $location.'/lonIcons/html.gif',
240: alt => $alt{'manuals_web'},
241: text => $lt{'manuals_web'},
242: },
243: manuals_pdf => {
244: href => '',
245: img => $location.'/lonIcons/pdf.gif',
246: alt => $alt{'manuals_pdf'},
247: text => $lt{'manuals_pdf'},
248: },
249: lastloc => {
250: href => &HTML::Entities::encode($origurl,'"&<>'),
251: img => '/res/adm/pages/tolastloc.png',
252: alt => $alt{'lastloc'},
253: text => $lt{'lastloc'},
254: target => $target,
255: },
256: close => {
257: href => 'javascript:window.close()',
258: img => $location.'/lonIcons/close.gif',
259: alt => $alt{'close'},
260: text => $lt{'close'},
261: target => $target,
262: },
263: );
264: my %help_submenu = (
265: manuals_web => [
266: ['/adm/help/course.manual.access.hlp','Course Coordination','course'],
267: ['/adm/help/author.manual.access.hlp','Authoring','author'],
268: ],
269: manuals_pdf => [
270: ['/adm/help/course.manual.pdf','Course Coordination','course'],
271: ['/adm/help/author.manual.pdf','Authoring','author'],
272: ],
273: );
274: my @order = ('general');
275: if ($component_url) {
276: push(@order,'component');
277: }
278: if ($requestmail) {
279: push(@order,'helpdesk');
280: }
281: if ($env{'user.adv'} && $faq) {
282: push(@order,'faq');
283: }
284: if (($env{'user.adv'}) && (($helpconfig{'helpsettings'}{'submitbugs'} eq '1') || ($helpconfig{'helpsettings'}{'submitbugs'} eq ''))) {
285: push(@order,'bugs');
286: }
287: if ($stayOnPage) {
288: push(@order,('manuals_web','manuals_pdf','lastloc'));
289: } else {
290: push(@order,'close');
291: }
292: my $menu;
293: foreach my $title (@order) {
294: my $menuitem = $items{$title};
295: next unless (ref($menuitem) eq 'HASH');
296: if (defined($help_submenu{$title})) {
297: my ($link,$target);
298: if ($menuitem->{href} ne '') {
299: $link = $menuitem->{href};
300: $target = 'bodyframe';
301: } else {
302: $link = '#';
303: }
304: my @helpsub;
305: if (ref($help_submenu{$title}) eq 'ARRAY') {
306: foreach my $item (@{$help_submenu{$title}}) {
307: if (ref($item) eq 'ARRAY') {
308: if (($item->[2] eq 'course') || ($item->[2] eq 'author')) {
309: next unless($env{'user.adv'});
310: }
311: push(@helpsub,$item);
312: }
313: }
314: if (@helpsub > 0) {
315: my $img;
316: if ($menuitem->{img}) {
317: $img = '<img class="LC_noBorder" style="vertical-align:top" src="'.$menuitem->{img}.'" alt="'.$menuitem->{alt}.'" />';
318: }
319: $menu .= &create_submenu($link,$img,$target,$menuitem->{text},\@helpsub,1);
320: } elsif ($link ne '#') {
321: $menu .= '<li><a href="'.$link.'" target="'.$target.'">'.$menuitem->{text}.'</a></li>';
322: }
323: }
324: } else {
325: $menu .= &build_menuitem($menuitem);
326: }
327: }
328: return $menu;
329: }
331: sub build_menuitem {
332: my ($menuitem) = @_;
333: return '' unless(ref($menuitem) eq 'HASH');
334: my $link;
335: if ($menuitem->{img}) {
336: $link = '<img style="vertical-align:top" class="LC_noBorder" src="'.$menuitem->{img}.'" alt="'.$menuitem->{alt}.'" /> ';
337: }
338: if ($menuitem->{text}) {
339: $link .= $menuitem->{text};
340: }
341: my $target;
342: if ($menuitem->{target}) {
343: $target = $menuitem->{target};
344: } else {
345: $target = 'bodyframe';
346: }
347: my $onclick;
348: if ($menuitem->{onclick}) {
349: $onclick = ' onclick="'.$menuitem->{onclick}.';return false"';
350: }
351: return '<li><a href="'.$menuitem->{href}.'" target="'.$target.'"'.$onclick.'>'.$link.'</a></li>',
352: }
354: sub create_submenu {
355: my ($link,$img,$target,$title,$submenu,$translate) = @_;
356: return unless (ref($submenu) eq 'ARRAY');
357: my $disptarget;
358: if ($target ne '') {
359: $disptarget = ' target="'.$target.'"';
360: }
361: my $menu = '<li class="LC_hoverable">'.$img.
362: '<a href="'.$link.'"'.$disptarget.'>'.
363: '<span class="LC_nobreak">'.$title.
364: '<span class="LC_fontsize_medium" style="font-weight:normal;">'.
365: ' ▼</span></span></a>'.
366: '<ul>';
367: my $count = 0;
368: my $numsub = scalar(@{$submenu});
369: foreach my $item (@{$submenu}) {
370: $count ++;
371: if (ref($item) eq 'ARRAY') {
372: my $href = $item->[0];
373: my $borderbot;
374: if ($count == $numsub) {
375: $borderbot = 'border-bottom:1px solid black;';
376: }
377: $menu .= '<li style="margin:0;padding:0;'.
378: $borderbot.'"><a href="'.$href.'" target="bodyframe">';
379: if ($translate) {
380: $menu .= &mt($item->[1]);
381: } else {
382: $menu .= $item->[1];
383: }
384: $menu .= '</a></li>';
385: }
386: }
387: $menu .= '</ul></li>';
388: return $menu;
389: }
391: sub display_help_mainpage {
392: my ($r,$faq,$bug,$topic,$component_url,$origurl,$bugurl,$faqbaseurl,$requestmail,$stayOnPage) = @_;
394: my %lt =&Apache::lonlocal::texthash(
395: 'topp' => 'Topic Page',
396: 'chen' => 'Choose an entry below to go directly to a relevant help page',
397: 'orto' => 'or to submit a help request to the LON-CAPA support staff at your institution.',
398: 'vthp' => 'Visit the help page for ',
399: 'disp' => 'Display the page in the inline help system that covers this topic.',
400: 'crac' => 'Create an account for yourself in the LON-CAPA Bugzilla tracking system, if you wish to report bugs you have encountered in the LON-CAPA software, or if you have suggestions for improvements in LON-CAPA.',
401: 'cont' => 'Contact the LON-CAPA support team',
402: 'suhr' => 'Submit a help request to the team responsible for LON-CAPA support at this institution.',
403: 'faqo' => 'FAQ-O-Matic Help system',
404: 'tfaq' => 'The FAQ-O-Matic is a compendium of answers provided to common questions asked by users of LON-CAPA over the past couple of years.',
405: 'lbug' => 'LON-CAPA Bugzilla bug/feature request tracking system',
406: 'crea' => 'Create an account for yourself in the LON-CAPA Bugzilla tracking system, if you wish to report bugs you have encountered in the LON-CAPA software,or if you have suggestions for improvements in LON-CAPA.',
407: 'suim' => ' Suggested improvements may include additional functionality, improved usability, or changes to wording used in LON-CAPA pages, including the embedded help system.'
408: );
410: if ($stayOnPage) {
411: $r->print(&Apache::loncommon::start_page('Help Content',undef,
412: {'no_secondary_menu' => 1,}));
413: } else {
414: $r->print(&Apache::loncommon::start_page('Help Content',undef,
415: {'only_body' => 1,}));
416: }
417: my $target = '_top';
418: if ((($env{'request.lti.login'}) && ($env{'request.lti.target'} eq 'iframe')) ||
419: (($env{'request.deeplink.login'}) && ($env{'request.deeplink.target'} eq '_self'))) {
420: $target = '_parent';
421: }
422: if ($stayOnPage) {
423: $r->print('<div>');
424: }
425: $r->print('<b>'.$lt{'chen'});
426: if ($requestmail) {
427: $r->print(', '.$lt{'orto'});
428: } else {
429: $r->print(".");
430: }
431: $r->print('</b>');
432: if ($topic) {
433: if ( ($component_url) || ($env{'user.adv'}) ) {
434: if ($component_url) {
435: $r->print("
436: <ul>
437: <li><a href=\"$component_url\">$lt{'vthp'} $topic</a></li>
438: </ul>
439: <p>$lt{'disp'}</p>
440: ");
441: }
442: }
443: }
444: if ($requestmail) {
445: $r->print("
446: <ul>
447: <li><a href=\"/adm/support?origurl=".&escape($origurl)."\">$lt{'cont'}</a></li>
448: </ul>
449: <p>$lt{'suhr'}");
450: unless ($env{'user.adv'}) {
451: $r->print('<br />'.
452: &mt('[_1]Note[_2]: questions about course content should not be directed to the support team, but instead should be sent to the course instructor.').
453: ' '.
454: &mt('This can be done by clicking the [_1]Communicate[_2] link or the "Send Feedback" link when viewing a content page.',
455: '<a href="/adm/communicate" target="'.$target.'">','</a>'));
456: }
457: $r->print("</p>");
458: }
459: if ($faqbaseurl && $env{'user.adv'}) {
460: if (!defined($faq) ||$faq eq '') {
461: $faq = '1';
462: }
463: $r->print("
464: <ul>
465: <li><a href=\"$faqbaseurl/fom/cache/$faq.html\">$lt{'faqo'}</a></li>
466: </ul>
467: <p>$lt{'tfaq'}</p>
468: ");
469: }
470: if ($bugurl && $env{'user.adv'}) {
471: $bugurl .= '?'.$bug;
472: $r->print("
473: <ul>
474: <li><a href=\"$bugurl\">$lt{'lbug'}</a></li>
475: </ul>
476: <p>$lt{'crea'} $lt{'suim'}</p>
477: ");
478: }
479: if ($stayOnPage) {
480: $r->print('</div>');
481: }
482: $r->print(&Apache::loncommon::end_page());
483: }
485: 1;
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