--- loncom/interface/lonhtmlcommon.pm	2011/12/08 21:37:46	1.295
+++ loncom/interface/lonhtmlcommon.pm	2024/08/22 18:43:03	1.358.
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 # The LearningOnline Network with CAPA
 # a pile of common html routines
-# $Id: lonhtmlcommon.pm,v 1.295 2011/12/08 21:37:46 www Exp $
+# $Id: lonhtmlcommon.pm,v 1.358. 2024/08/22 18:43:03 raeburn Exp $
 # Copyright Michigan State University Board of Trustees
@@ -61,18 +61,28 @@ use Time::HiRes;
 use Apache::lonlocal;
 use Apache::lonnet;
 use HTML::Entities();
+use LONCAPA qw(:DEFAULT :match);
 sub java_not_enabled {
-   return "\n".'<span class="LC_error">'.
-          &mt('The required Java applet could not be started. Please make sure to have Java installed and active in your browser.').
-          "</span>\n";
+    if (($env{'browser.mobile'}) && ($env{'browser.mobile'} =~ /^ipad|ipod|iphone$/i)) {
+        return "\n".'<span class="LC_error">'.
+               &mt('The required Java applet could not be started, because Java is not supported by your mobile device.').
+               "</span>\n";
+    } else {
+        return "\n".'<span class="LC_error">'.
+               &mt('The required Java applet could not be started. Please make sure to have Java installed and active in your browser.').
+               "</span>\n";
+    }
 sub coursepreflink {
    my ($text,$category)=@_;
    if (&Apache::lonnet::allowed('opa',$env{'request.course.id'})) {
-      return '<a href="'.&HTML::Entities::encode("/adm/courseprefs?phase=display&actions=$category",'<>&"').'"><span class="LC_setting">'.$text.'</span></a>';
+      my $target =' target="_top"';
+      if (($env{'request.deeplink.login'}) && ($env{'request.deeplink.target'} eq '_self')) {
+          $target = '';
+      }
+      return '<a'.$target.' href="'.&HTML::Entities::encode("/adm/courseprefs?phase=display&actions=$category",'<>&"').'"><span class="LC_setting">'.$text.'</span></a>';
    } else {
       return '';
@@ -86,7 +96,7 @@ sub raw_href_to_link {
 sub entity_encode {
     my ($text)=@_;
-    return &HTML::Entities::encode($text, '<>&"');
+    return &HTML::Entities::encode($text, '\'<>&"');
 sub direct_parm_link {
@@ -95,7 +105,11 @@ sub direct_parm_link {
     if (($symb) && (&Apache::lonnet::allowed('opa')) && ($target ne 'tex')) {
-       return "<a href='/adm/parmset?symb=$symb&filter=$filter&part=$part'><span class='LC_setting'>$linktext</span></a>";
+        my $target=' target="_top"';
+        if (($env{'request.deeplink.login'}) && ($env{'request.deeplink.target'} eq '_self')) {
+            $target = '';
+        }
+       return "<a".$target." href='/adm/parmset?symb=$symb&amp;filter=$filter&amp;part=$part'><span class='LC_setting'>$linktext</span></a>";
     } else {
        return $linktext;
@@ -103,7 +117,7 @@ sub direct_parm_link {
-=item confirm_success
+=item &confirm_success()
 Successful completion of an operation message
@@ -129,7 +143,7 @@ sub confirm_success {
-=item dragmath_button
+=item &dragmath_button()
 Creates a button that launches a dragmath popup-window, in which an 
 expression can be edited and pasted as LaTeX into a specified textarea. 
@@ -155,10 +169,11 @@ ENDDRAGMATH
-=item dragmath_js
+=item &dragmath_js()
 Javascript used to open pop-up window containing dragmath applet which 
 can be used to paste LaTeX into a textarea.
 sub dragmath_js {
@@ -169,7 +184,7 @@ sub dragmath_js {
                   function mathedit(textarea, doc) {
                      targetEntry = textarea;
                      targetDoc   = doc;
-                     newwin  = window.open("/adm/dragmath/applet/$popup.html","","width=565,height=500,resizable");
+                     newwin  = window.open("/adm/dragmath/$popup.html","","width=565,height=500,resizable");
                 // ]]>
@@ -177,13 +192,69 @@ sub dragmath_js {
+=item &dependencies_button()
+Creates a button that launches a popup-window, in which dependencies  
+for the web page in the main window can be added to, replaced or deleted.  
+sub dependencies_button {
+    my $buttontext=&mt('Manage Dependencies');
+    return <<"END";
+                <input type="button" value="$buttontext" onclick="javascript:dependencycheck();" />
+=item &dependencycheck_js()
+Javascript used to open pop-up window containing interface to manage 
+dependencies for a web page uploaded diretcly to a course.
+sub dependencycheck_js {
+    my ($symb,$title,$url,$folderpath,$uri) = @_;
+    my $link;
+    if ($symb) {
+        $link = '/adm/dependencies?symb='.&HTML::Entities::encode($symb,'<>&"');
+    } elsif ($folderpath) {
+        $link = '/adm/dependencies?folderpath='.&HTML::Entities::encode($folderpath,'<>&"');
+         $url = $uri;
+    } elsif ($uri =~ m{^/public/$match_domain/$match_courseid/syllabus$}) {
+        $link = '/adm/dependencies';
+    }
+    $link .= (($link=~/\?/)?'&amp;':'?').'title='.
+             &HTML::Entities::encode($title,'<>&"');
+    if ($url) {
+        $link .= '&url='.&HTML::Entities::encode($url,'<>&"');
+    }
+    return <<ENDJS;
+                <script type="text/javascript">
+                // <![CDATA[
+                  function dependencycheck() {
+                     depwin  = window.open("$link","","width=750,height=500,resizable,scrollbars=yes");
+                  }
+                // ]]>
+                </script>
-=item authorbombs
+=item &authorbombs()
@@ -317,7 +388,7 @@ sub get_recent_frozen {
-=item textbox
+=item &textbox()
@@ -337,14 +408,14 @@ sub textbox {
-=item checkbox
+=item &checkbox()
 sub checkbox {
-    my ($name,$checked,$value) = @_;
+    my ($name,$checked,$value,$special) = @_;
     my $Str = '<input type="checkbox" name="'.$name.'" ';
     if (defined($value)) {
         $Str .= 'value="'.$value.'"';
@@ -352,14 +423,14 @@ sub checkbox {
     if ($checked) {
         $Str .= ' checked="checked"';
-    $Str .= ' />';
+    $Str .= $special.' />';
     return $Str;
-=item radiobutton
+=item &radiobutton()
@@ -383,10 +454,10 @@ sub radio {
-=item &date_setter
+=item &date_setter()
 &date_setter returns html and javascript for a compact date-setting form.
-To retrieve values from it, use &get_date_from_form().
+To retrieve values from it, use &get_date_from_form.
@@ -419,7 +490,36 @@ the date/time fields are left empty.
 =item $state
 Specifies the initial state of the form elements.  Either 'disabled' or empty.
-Defaults to empty, which indiciates the form elements are not disabled. 
+Defaults to empty, which indicates the form elements are not disabled.
+=item $no_hh_mm_ss
+If true, text boxes for hours, minutes and seconds are omitted.
+=item $defhour
+Default value for hours (a default of 0 is used otherwise).
+=item $defmin
+Default value for minutes (a default of 0 is used otherwise).
+=item defsec
+Default value for seconds (a default of 0 is used otherwise).
+=item $nolink
+If true, a "Select calendar" link (to pop-up a calendar) is not displayed
+to the right of the items.
+=item $no_mm_ss
+If true, text boxes for minutes and seconds are omitted.
+=item $no_ss
+If true, text boxes for seconds are omitted.
@@ -433,7 +533,7 @@ The method used to restrict user input w
 sub date_setter {
     my ($formname,$dname,$currentvalue,$special,$includeempty,$state,
-        $no_hh_mm_ss,$defhour,$defmin,$defsec,$nolink) = @_;
+        $no_hh_mm_ss,$defhour,$defmin,$defsec,$nolink,$no_mm_ss,$no_ss) = @_;
     my $now = time;
     my $tzname;
@@ -442,6 +542,8 @@ sub date_setter {
     if (! defined($state) || $state ne 'disabled') {
         $state = '';
+    } else {
+        $state = 'disabled="disabled"';
     if (! defined($no_hh_mm_ss)) {
         $no_hh_mm_ss = 0;
@@ -577,7 +679,7 @@ ENDJS
     my $minuteselector = qq{<input type="text" name="$dname\_minute" $special $state value="$min" size="3" />};
     my $secondselector= qq{<input type="text" name="$dname\_second" $special $state value="$sec" size="3" />};
     my $cal_link;
-    if (!$nolink) {
+    unless (($nolink) || ($state eq 'disabled')) {
         $cal_link = qq{<a href="javascript:$dname\_opencalendar()">};
@@ -586,17 +688,24 @@ ENDJS
         $result .= &mt('[_1] [_2] [_3] ',
-        if (!$nolink) {
-            $result .= &mt('[_1]Select Date[_2]',$cal_link,'</a>');
-        }
+    } elsif ($no_mm_ss) {
+        $result .= &mt('[_1] [_2] [_3] [_4]',
+                      $monthselector,$dayselector,$yearselector,
+                      $hourselector).
+                   $tzone;
+    } elsif ($no_ss) {
+        $result .= &mt('[_1] [_2] [_3] [_4] [_5]m',
+                      $monthselector,$dayselector,$yearselector,
+                      $hourselector,$minuteselector).
+                   $tzone;
     } else {
         $result .= &mt('[_1] [_2] [_3] [_4] [_5]m [_6]s ',
-        if (!$nolink) {
-            $result .= &mt('[_1]Select Date[_2]',$cal_link,'</a>');
-        }
+    }
+    unless (($nolink) || ($state eq 'disabled')) {
+        $result .= &mt('[_1]Select Date[_2]',$cal_link,'</a>');
     $result .= "</span>\n<!-- end $dname date setting form -->\n";
     return $result;
@@ -636,7 +745,7 @@ sub build_url {
-=item &get_date_from_form
+=item &get_date_from_form()
 get_date_from_form retrieves the date specified in an &date_setter form.
@@ -747,13 +856,14 @@ parameter setting wizard.
 sub pjump_javascript_definition {
     my $Str = <<END;
-    function pjump(type,dis,value,marker,ret,call,hour,min,sec) {
+    function pjump(type,dis,value,marker,ret,call,hour,min,sec,extra) {
-                 +"&defsec="+escape(sec)+"&modal=1",350,350,'no');
+                 +"&defsec="+escape(sec)+"&extra="+escape(extra)
+                 +"&modal=1",350,350,'no');
     return $Str;
@@ -895,7 +1005,7 @@ of items completed and an estimate of th
 =over 4
-=item &Create_PrgWin
+=item &Create_PrgWin()
 Writes javascript to the client to open a progress window and returns a
 data structure used for bookkeeping.
@@ -906,27 +1016,17 @@ Inputs
 =item $r Apache request
-=item $title The title of the progress window
-=item $heading A description (usually 1 line) of the process being initiated.
 =item $number_to_do The total number of items being processed.
-=item $type Either 'popup' or 'inline' (popup is assumed if nothing is
-       specified)
-=item $width Specify the width in charaters of the input field.
-=item $formname Only useful in the inline case, if a form already exists, this needs to be used and specfiy the name of the form, otherwise the Progress line will be created in a new form of it's own
-=item $inputname Only useful in the inline case, if a form and an input of type text exists, use this to specify the name of the input field 
+=item $preamble Optional HTML to display before the progress bar.
 Returns a hash containing the progress state data structure.
+If $number_to_do is zero or null, an indeterminate progress bar will
+be used.
-=item &Update_PrgWin
+=item &Update_PrgWin()
 Updates the text in the progress indicator.  Does not increment the count.
 See &Increment_PrgWin.
@@ -946,7 +1046,7 @@ Inputs:
 Returns: none
-=item Increment_PrgWin
+=item Increment_PrgWin()
 Increment the count of items completed for the progress window by $step or 1 if no step is provided.
@@ -968,7 +1068,7 @@ Inputs:
 Returns: none
-=item Close_PrgWin
+=item &Close_PrgWin()
 Closes the progress window.
@@ -991,82 +1091,23 @@ Returns: none
-my $uniq=0;
-sub get_uniq_name {
-    $uniq++;
-    return 'uniquename'.$uniq;
 # Create progress
 sub Create_PrgWin {
-    my ($r, $title, $heading, $number_to_do,$type,$width,$formname,
-	$inputname)=@_;
-    if (!defined($type)) { $type='popup'; }
-    if (!defined($width)) { $width=55; }
+    my ($r,$number_to_do,$preamble)=@_;
     my %prog_state;
-    $prog_state{'type'}=$type;
-    if ($type eq 'popup') {
-	$prog_state{'window'}='popwin';
-	my $start_page =
-	    &Apache::loncommon::start_page($title,undef,
-					   {'only_body' => 1,
-					    'bgcolor'   => '#88DDFF',
-					    'js_ready'  => 1});
-	my $end_page = &Apache::loncommon::end_page({'js_ready'  => 1});
-	#the whole function called through timeout is due to issues
-	#in mozilla Read BUG #2665 if you want to know the whole story
-	&r_print($r,&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::scripttag(
-        "var popwin;
-         function openpopwin () {
-         popwin=open(\'\',\'popwin\',\'width=400,height=100\');".
-        "popwin.document.writeln(\'".$start_page.
-              "<h4>".&mt("$heading")."<\/h4>".
-              "<form action=\"\" name=\"popremain\" method=\"post\">".
-              '<input type="text" size="'.$width.'" name="remaining" value="'.
-	      &mt('Starting').'" /><\\/form>'.$end_page.
-              "\');".
-        "popwin.document.close();}".
-        "\nwindow.setTimeout(openpopwin,0)"
-    ));
-	$prog_state{'formname'}='popremain';
-	$prog_state{'inputname'}="remaining";
-    } elsif ($type eq 'inline') {
-	$prog_state{'window'}='window';
-	if (!$formname) {
-	    $prog_state{'formname'}=&get_uniq_name();
-	    &r_print($r,'<form action="" name="'.$prog_state{'formname'}.'">');
-	} else {
-	    $prog_state{'formname'}=$formname;
-	}
-	if (!$inputname) {
-	    $prog_state{'inputname'}=&get_uniq_name();
-	    &r_print($r,&mt("$heading [_1]",' <input type="text" name="'.$prog_state{'inputname'}.'" size="'.$width.'" />'));
-	} else {
-	    $prog_state{'inputname'}=$inputname;
-	}
-	if (!$formname) { &r_print($r,'</form>'); }
-	&Update_PrgWin($r,\%prog_state,&mt('Starting'));
-    }
+    &Apache::loncommon::LCprogressbar($r,$prog_state{'max'},$preamble); 
     return %prog_state;
 # update progress
 sub Update_PrgWin {
     my ($r,$prog_state,$displayString)=@_;
-    &r_print($r,&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::scripttag(
-        $$prog_state{'window'}.'.document.'.
-        $$prog_state{'formname'}.'.'.
-        $$prog_state{'inputname'}.'.value="'.
-        $displayString.'";'
-    ));
+    &Apache::loncommon::LCprogressbarUpdate($r,undef,$displayString,$$prog_state{'max'});
@@ -1112,42 +1153,28 @@ sub Increment_PrgWin {
-    &r_print($r,&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::scripttag(
-        $$prog_state{'window'}.'.document.'.
-        $$prog_state{'formname'}.'.'.
-        $$prog_state{'inputname'}.'.value="'.$timeinfo.'";'
-    ));
+    my $percent=0;
+    if ($$prog_state{'max'}) {
+       $percent=int(100.*$current/$$prog_state{'max'});
+    }
+    &Apache::loncommon::LCprogressbarUpdate($r,$percent,$timeinfo,$$prog_state{'max'});
 # close Progress Line
 sub Close_PrgWin {
     my ($r,$prog_state)=@_;
-    if ($$prog_state{'type'} eq 'popup') {
-        &r_print($r,&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::scripttag(
-            'popwin.close()'
-        ));
-    } elsif ($$prog_state{'type'} eq 'inline') {
-	&Update_PrgWin($r,$prog_state,&mt('Done'));
-    }
+    &Apache::loncommon::LCprogressbarClose($r);
-sub r_print {
-    my ($r,$to_print)=@_;
-    if ($r) {
-	$r->print($to_print);
-	$r->rflush();
-    } else {
-	print($to_print);
-    }
 # ------------------------------------------------------- Puts directory header
 sub crumbs {
-    my ($uri,$target,$prefix,$form,$skiplast)=@_;
+    my ($uri,$target,$prefix,$form,$skiplast,$onclick)=@_;
+# You cannot crumbnify uploaded or adm resources
+    if ($uri=~/^\/*(uploaded|adm)\//) { return &mt('(Internal Course/Community Content)'); }
     if ($target) {
         $target = ' target="'.
@@ -1167,13 +1194,19 @@ sub crumbs {
             } else {
+            if ($path eq '/res/') {
+                unless (&Apache::lonnet::allowed('bre',$path)) {
+                    $output.="$dir/";
+                    next;
+                }
+            }
             my $href_path = &HTML::Entities::encode($path,'<>&"');
             if ($form) {
                 my $href = 'javascript:'.$form.".action='".$href_path."';".$form.'.submit();';
-                $output.=qq{<a href="$href"$target>$dir</a>/};
+                $output.=qq{<a href="$href"$onclick$target>$dir</a>/};
             } else {
-                $output.=qq{<a href="$href_path"$target>$dir</a>/};
+                $output.=qq{<a href="$href_path"$onclick$target>$dir</a>/};
     } else {
@@ -1185,6 +1218,7 @@ sub crumbs {
     if ($uri !~ m|/$|) { $output=~s|/$||; }
     return $output;
@@ -1243,9 +1277,19 @@ sub htmlareaheaders {
-<script type="text/javascript" src="/adm/jQuery/js/jquery-1.6.2.min.js"></script>
-<script type="text/javascript" src="/adm/jQuery/js/jquery-ui-1.8.16.custom.min.js"></script>
-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/adm/jQuery/css/smoothness/jquery-ui-1.8.16.custom.css" />
+<script type="text/javascript" src="/adm/jQuery/js/jquery-3.7.1.min.js"></script>
+<script type="text/javascript" src="/adm/jQuery/js/jquery-ui-1.13.3.custom.min.js"></script>
+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/adm/jQuery/css/smoothness/jquery-ui-1.13.3.custom.min.css" />
+<script type="text/javascript" src="/adm/jpicker/js/jpicker-1.1.6.min.js" >
+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/adm/jpicker/css/jPicker-1.1.6.min.css" />
+<script type="text/javascript" src="/adm/countdown/js/jquery.countdown.min.js"></script>
+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/adm/countdown/css/jquery.countdown.css" />
+<script type="text/javascript" src="/adm/spellchecker/js/jquery.spellchecker.min.js"></script>
+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/adm/spellchecker/css/spellchecker.css" />
+<script type="text/javascript" src="/adm/nicescroll/jquery.nicescroll.min.js"></script>
 	return $s;
@@ -1261,13 +1305,25 @@ sub htmlarea_lang {
     return $lang;
+# return javacsript to activate elements of .colorchooser with jpicker:
+# Caller is responsible for enclosing this in <script> tags:
+sub color_picker {
+    return '
+    $.fn.jPicker.defaults.images.clientPath="/adm/jpicker/images/";
+    $(".colorchooser").jPicker({window: { position: {x: "screenCenter", y: "bottom"}}});
 # ----------------------------------------- Script to activate only some fields
 sub htmlareaselectactive {
     my ($args) = @_; 
     unless (&htmlareabrowser()) { return ''; }
     my $output='<script type="text/javascript" defer="defer">'."\n"
-              .'// <![CDATA['."\n";
+              .'// <![CDATA['."\n"
+              .'//<!-- BEGIN LON-CAPA Internal'."\n";
     my $lang = &htmlarea_lang();
     my $fullpage = 'false';
     my ($dragmath_prefix,$dragmath_helpicon,$dragmath_whitespace);
@@ -1290,6 +1346,14 @@ sub htmlareaselectactive {
+    my %lt = &Apache::lonlocal::texthash(
+              'plain'       => 'Plain text',
+              'rich'        => 'Rich formatting',
+              'plain_title' => 'Disable rich text formatting and edit in plain text',
+              'rich_title'  => 'Enable rich text formatting (bold, italic, etc.)',
+          );
     function containsBlockHtml(id) {
@@ -1298,6 +1362,41 @@ sub htmlareaselectactive {
     function startRichEditor(id) {
+        // fix character entities inside <m>
+        // NOTE: this is not fixing characters inside <parse>
+        // NOTE: < and > inside <chem> should fix automatically because there should not be a letter after <.
+        var ta = document.getElementById(id);
+        var value = ta.value;
+        var in_m = false; // in the m element
+        var in_text = false; // in the text inside the m element
+        var im = -1; // position of <m>
+        var it = -1; // position of the text inside
+        for (var i=0; i<value.length; i++) {
+            if (value.substr(i, 2) == "<m") {
+                // ignore previous <m> if found twice
+                in_m = true;
+                in_text = false;
+                im = i;
+                it = -1;
+            } else if (in_m) {
+                if (!in_text) {
+                    if (value.charAt(i) == ">") {
+                        in_text = true;
+                        it = i+1;
+                    }
+                } else if (value.substr(i, 4) == "</m>") {
+                    in_m = false;
+                    var text = value.substr(it, i-it);
+                    var l1 = text.length;
+                    text = text.replace(/</g, "&lt;");
+                    text = text.replace(/>/g, "&gt;");
+                    var l2 = text.length;
+                    value = value.substr(0, it) + text + "</m>" + value.substr(i+4);
+                    i = i + (l2-l1);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        ta.value = value;
     			customConfig: "/ckeditor/loncapaconfig.js",
@@ -1309,6 +1408,68 @@ sub htmlareaselectactive {
     function destroyRichEditor(id) {
+        // replace character entities &lt; and &gt; in <m> and <chem>
+        // and "&amp;fctname(" by "&fctname("
+        // and the quotes inside functions: "&fct(1, &quot;a&quot;)" -> "&fct(1, "a")"
+        var ta = document.getElementById(id);
+        var value = ta.value;
+        var in_element = false; // in the m or chem element
+        var tagname = ""; // m or chem
+        var in_text = false; // in the text inside the element
+        var im = -1; // position of start tag
+        var it = -1; // position of the text inside
+        for (var i=0; i<value.length; i++) {
+            if (value.substr(i, 2) == "<m" || value.substr(i, 5) == "<chem") {
+                // ignore previous tags if found twice
+                in_element = true;
+                if (value.substr(i, 2) == "<m")
+                    tagname = "m";
+                else
+                    tagname = "chem";
+                in_text = false;
+                im = i;
+                it = -1;
+            } else if (in_element) {
+                if (!in_text) {
+                    if (value.charAt(i) == ">") {
+                        in_text = true;
+                        it = i+1;
+                    }
+                } else if (value.substr(i, 3+tagname.length) == "</"+tagname+">") {
+                    in_element = false;
+                    var text = value.substr(it, i-it);
+                    var l1 = text.length;
+                    text = text.replace(/&lt;/g, "<");
+                    text = text.replace(/&gt;/g, ">");
+                    var l2 = text.length;
+                    value = value.substr(0, it) + text + value.substr(i);
+                    i = i + (l2-l1);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        // fix function names
+        value = value.replace(/&amp;([a-zA-Z_]+)\(/g, "&$1(");
+        // fix quotes in functions
+        var pos_next_fct = value.search(/&[a-zA-Z_]+\(/);
+        var depth = 0;
+        for (var i=0; i<value.length; i++) {
+            if (i == pos_next_fct) {
+                depth++;
+                var sub = value.substring(i+1);
+                var pos2 = sub.search(/&[a-zA-Z_]+\(/);
+                if (pos2 == -1)
+                    pos_next_fct = -1;
+                else
+                    pos_next_fct = i + 1 + pos2;
+            } else if (depth > 0) {
+                if (value.charAt(i) == ")")
+                    depth--;
+                else if (value.substr(i, 6) == "&quot;")
+                    value = value.substr(0, i) + "\"" + value.substr(i+6);
+            }
+        }
+        // replace the text value
+        ta.value = value;
     function editorHandler(event) {
@@ -1318,14 +1479,14 @@ sub htmlareaselectactive {
     	var rt_enabled  = $(this).hasClass("LC_enable_rt");
         if (rt_enabled) {
-			$("#LC_rt_"+id).html("<b>&laquo; Plain text</b>");
-			$("#LC_rt_"+id).attr("title", "Disable rich text formatting and edit in plain text");
+			$("#LC_rt_"+id).html("<b>&laquo; '.$lt{'plain'}.'</b>");
+			$("#LC_rt_"+id).attr("title", "'.$lt{'plain_title'}.'");
     	} else {
-			$("#LC_rt_"+id).html("<b>Rich formatting &raquo;</b>");
-			$("#LC_rt_"+id).attr("title", "Enable rich text formatting (bold, italic, etc.)");
+			$("#LC_rt_"+id).html("<b>'.$lt{'rich'}.' &raquo;</b>");
+			$("#LC_rt_"+id).attr("title", "'.$lt{'rich_title'}.'");
@@ -1346,12 +1507,12 @@ sub htmlareaselectactive {
 			var id = $(this).attr("id");
                         var rt_enabled = containsBlockHtml(id);
 			if(rt_enabled) {
-				$(this).before("<div><a href=\"#\" id=\"LC_rt_"+id+"\" title=\"Disable rich text formatting and edit in plain text\" class=\"LC_disable_rt\"><b>&laquo; Plain text</b></a></div>");				
+				$(this).before("<div><a href=\"#\" id=\"LC_rt_"+id+"\" title=\"'.$lt{'plain_title'}.'\" class=\"LC_disable_rt\"><b>&laquo; '.$lt{'plain'}.'</b></a></div>");				
 			else {
-				$(this).before("<div><a href=\"#\" id=\"LC_rt_"+id+"\" title=\"Enable rich text formatting (bold, italic, etc.)\" class=\"LC_enable_rt\"><b>Rich formatting &raquo;</b></a></div>");
+				$(this).before("<div><a href=\"#\" id=\"LC_rt_"+id+"\" title=\"'.$lt{'rich_title'}.'\" class=\"LC_enable_rt\"><b>'.$lt{'rich'}.' &raquo;</b></a></div>");
     if ($dragmath_prefix ne '') {
@@ -1365,17 +1526,110 @@ sub htmlareaselectactive {
 		$(".LC_richDefaultOn").each(function() {
 			var id = $(this).attr("id");
-			$(this).before("<div><a href=\"#\" id=\"LC_rt_"+id+"\" title=\"Disable rich text formatting and edit in plain text\" class=\"LC_disable_rt\"><b>&laquo; Plain text</b></a></div>");				
+			$(this).before("<div><a href=\"#\" id=\"LC_rt_"+id+"\" title=\"'.$lt{'plain_title'}.'\" class=\"LC_disable_rt\"><b>&laquo; '.$lt{'plain'}.'</b></a></div>");				
 		$(".LC_richDefaultOff").each(function() {
 			var id = $(this).attr("id");
-			$(this).before("<div><a href=\"#\" id=\"LC_rt_"+id+"\" title=\"Enable rich text formatting (bold, italic, etc.)\" class=\"LC_enable_rt\"><b>Rich formatting &raquo;</b></a></div>");
+			$(this).before("<div><a href=\"#\" id=\"LC_rt_"+id+"\" title=\"'.$lt{'rich_title'}.'\" class=\"LC_enable_rt\"><b>'.$lt{'rich'}.' &raquo;</b></a></div>");
+    $output .= &color_picker;
+    # Code to put a due date countdown in 'duedatecountdown' span.
+    # This is currently located in the breadcrumb headers.
+    # note that the dueDateLayout is internatinoalized below.
+    # Here document is used to support the substitution into the javascript below.
+    # ..which unforunately necessitates escaping the $'s in the javascript.
+    # There are several times of importance
+    #
+    # serverDueDate -  The absolute time at which the problem expires.
+    # serverTime    -  The server's time when the problem finished computing.
+    # clientTime    -  The client's time...as close to serverTime as possible.
+    #                  The clientTime will be slightly later due to
+    #                  1. The latency between problem computation and 
+    #                     the first network action.
+    #                  2. The time required between the page load-start and the actual
+    #                     initial javascript execution that got clientTime.
+    # These are used as follows:
+    #   The difference between clientTime and serverTime are used to 
+    #   correct for differences in clock settings between the browser's system and the
+    #   server's.
+    #
+    #   The difference between clientTime and the time at which the ready() method
+    #   starts executing is used to estimate latencies for page load and submission.
+    #   Since this is an estimate, it is doubled.  The latency estimate + one minute
+    #   is used to determine when the countdown timer turns red to warn the user
+    #   to think about submitting.
+    my $dueDateLayout = &mt('Due in: {dn} {dl} {hnn}{sep}{mnn}{sep}{snn} [_1]',
+                            "<span id='submitearly'></span>");
+    my $early = '- <b>'.&mt('Submit Early').'</b>';
+    my $pastdue = '- <b>'.&mt('Past Due').'</b>';
+    $output .= <<JAVASCRIPT;
+    var documentReadyTime;
+\$(document).ready(function() {
+   if (typeof(dueDate) != "undefined") {
+       documentReadyTime = (new Date()).getTime();
+      \$("#duedatecountdown").countdown({until: dueDate, compact: true, 
+         layout: "$dueDateLayout",
+         onTick: function (periods) {
+	    var latencyEstimate = (documentReadyTime - clientTime) * 2;
+            if(\$.countdown.periodsToSeconds(periods) < (300 + latencyEstimate)) {
+               \$("#submitearly").html("$early");
+               if (\$.countdown.periodsToSeconds(periods) < 1) {
+                    \$("#submitearly").html("$pastdue");
+               }
+            }
+            if(\$.countdown.periodsToSeconds(periods) < (60 + latencyEstimate)) {
+               \$(this).css("color", "red");   //Highlight last minute.
+            }
+         }
+      });
+   }
+    /* This code describes the spellcheck options that will be used for
+       items with class 'spellchecked'.  It is necessary for those objects'
+       to explicitly request checking (e.g. onblur is a nice event for that).
+     */
+     \$(document).ready(function() {
+	 \$(".spellchecked").spellchecker({
+	   url: "/ajax/spellcheck",
+	   lang: "en",                      
+	   engine: "pspell",
+	   suggestionBoxPosition: "below",
+	   innerDocument: true
+					  });
+	 \$("textarea.spellchecked").spellchecker({
+	   url: "/ajax/spellcheck",
+	   lang: "en",                      
+	   engine: "pspell",
+	   suggestionBoxPosition: "below",
+	   innerDocument: true
+					  });
+			});
+    /* the muli colored editor can generate spellcheck with language 'none'
+       to disable spellcheck as well
+    */
+    function doSpellcheck(element, lang) {
+	if (lang != 'none') {
+ 	    \$(element).spellchecker('option', {lang: lang});
+	    \$(element).spellchecker('check');
+        }
+    }
     if ($dragmath_prefix ne '') {
         $output .= '
@@ -1405,6 +1659,7 @@ sub htmlareaselectactive {
     $output.="\nwindow.status='Activated Editfields';\n"
+            .'// END LON-CAPA Internal -->'."\n"
             .'// ]]>'."\n"
     return $output;
@@ -1431,13 +1686,30 @@ sub show_return_link {
     unless ($env{'request.course.id'}) { return 0; }
     if ($env{'request.noversionuri'}=~m{^/priv/} ||
-        $env{'request.uri'}=~m{^/~}) { return 1; }
-    if (($env{'request.noversionuri'} =~ m{^/adm/(viewclasslist|navmaps)($|\?)})
+        $env{'request.uri'}=~m{^/priv/}) { return 1; }
+    return if (($env{'request.noversionuri'} eq '/adm/supplemental') &&
+               ($env{'form.folder'} ne 'supplemental'));
+    return if (($env{'form.folderpath'} ne '') &&
+               (($env{'request.noversionuri'} =~ m{^/adm/$match_domain/$match_username/aboutme$}) ||
+                ($env{'request.noversionuri'} =~ m{^/public/$match_domain/$match_courseid/syllabus$})));
+    if (($env{'request.noversionuri'} =~ m{^/adm/viewclasslist($|\?)})
         || ($env{'request.noversionuri'} =~ m{^/adm/.*/aboutme($|\?)})) {
         return if ($env{'form.register'});
+    if ((($env{'request.symb'} ne '') || ($env{'form.folderpath'} ne '')) &&
+         ($env{'request.noversionuri'} =~m{^/adm/coursedocs/showdoc/uploaded/($match_domain)/($match_courseid)/(docs|supplemental)/})) {
+        my ($cdom,$cnum,$area) =  ($1,$2,$3);
+        if (($env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.domain'} eq $cdom) &&
+            ($env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.num'} eq $cnum)) {
+            if (($env{'request.symb'}) && ($area eq 'docs')) {
+                my ($map,$resid,$url) = &Apache::lonnet::decode_symb($env{'request.symb'});
+                return if ($env{'request.noversionuri'} eq '/adm/coursedocs/showdoc/'.$url);
+            } elsif (($env{'form.folderpath'}) && ($area eq 'supplemental')) {
+                return;
+            }
+        }
+    }
     return (($env{'request.noversionuri'}=~m{^/(res|public)/} &&
              $env{'request.symb'} eq '')
@@ -1446,17 +1718,120 @@ sub show_return_link {
             (($env{'request.noversionuri'}=~/^\/adm\//) &&
              ($env{'request.noversionuri'}!~/^\/adm\/wrapper\//) &&
-              m{^/adm/.*/(smppg|bulletinboard)($|\?)})
+              m{^/adm/.*/(smppg|bulletinboard|ext\.tool)($|\?)})
+#   Set the dueDate variable...note this is done in the timezone
+#   of the browser.
+# @param epoch relative time at which the problem is due.
+# @return the javascript fragment to set the date:
+sub set_due_date {
+    my $dueStamp = shift;
+    my $duems    = $dueStamp * 1000; # Javascript Date object needs ms not seconds.
+    my $now = time()*1000;
+    # This slightly obscure bit of javascript sets the dueDate variable
+    # to the time in the browser at which the problem was due.  
+    # The code should correct for gross differences between the server
+    # and client's time setting
+     return <<"END";
+<script type="text/javascript">
+  //<![CDATA[
+var serverDueDate = $duems;
+var serverTime    = $now;
+var clientTime    = (new Date()).getTime();
+var dueDate       = new Date(serverDueDate + (clientTime - serverTime));
+  //]]>
+# Sets the time at which the problem finished computing.
+# This just updates the serverTime and clientTime variables above.
+# Calling this in e.g. end_problem provides a better estimate of the
+# difference beetween the server and client time setting as 
+# the difference contains less of the latency/problem compute time.
+sub set_compute_end_time {
+    my $now = time()*1000;	# Javascript times are in ms.
+    return <<"END";
+<script type="text/javascript">
+serverTime = $now;
+clientTime = (new Date()).getTime();
+# Client-side javascript to convert any dashes in text pasted
+# into textbox(es) for numericalresponse item(s) to a standard
+# minus, i.e., - . Calls to dash_to_minus_js() in end_problem()
+# and in loncommon::endbodytag() for a .page (arg: dashjs => 1)
+# Will apply to any input tag with class: LC_numresponse_text.
+# Currently set in start_textline for numericalresponse items.
+sub dash_to_minus_js {
+    return <<'ENDJS';
+<script type="text/javascript">
+//<!-- BEGIN LON-CAPA Internal
+document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", (event) => {
+    const numresp = document.querySelectorAll("input.LC_numresponse_text");
+    if (numresp.length > 0) {
+        Array.from(numresp).forEach((el) => {
+            el.addEventListener("paste", (e) => {
+                e.preventDefault();
+                e.stopPropagation();
+                let p = (e.clipboardData || window.clipboardData).getData("text");
+                p.toString();
+                var regex;
+                try
+                {
+                    regex = new RegExp ("\\p{Dash}", "gu");
+                }
+                catch (e) { regex = new RegExp ("[\\u058A\\u05BE\\u1400\\u1806\\u2010-\\u2015\\u2E3A\\u2E3B\\u2E5D\\u301C\\uFE58\\uFE63\\uFF0D]","g"); }
+                p = p.replace(regex,'-');
+                putInText(p);
+            });
+        });
+    }
+    const putInText = (newText, el = document.activeElement) => {
+        const [start, end] = [el.selectionStart, el.selectionEnd];
+        el.setRangeText(newText, start, end, 'end');
+    }
+// END LON-CAPA Internal -->
-=item breadcrumbs
+=item &breadcrumbs()
 Compiles the previously registered breadcrumbs into an series of links.
 Additionally supports a 'component', which will be displayed on the
@@ -1466,19 +1841,27 @@ A link to help for the component will be
 All inputs can be undef without problems.
 Inputs: $component (the text on the right side of the breadcrumbs trail),
-        $component_help
+        $component_help (the help item filename (without .tex extension).
         $menulink (boolean, controls whether to include a link to /adm/menu)
         $helplink (if 'nohelp' don't include the orange help link)
         $css_class (optional name for the class to apply to the table for CSS)
         $no_mt (optional flag, 1 if &mt() is _not_ to be applied to $component
            when including the text on the right.
+        $CourseBreadcrumbs (optional flag, 1 if &breadcrumbs called from &docs_breadcrumbs,
+           because breadcrumbs are being)
+        $topic_help (optional help item to be displayed on right side of the breadcrumbs 
+           row, using loncommon::help_open_topic() to generate the link.
+        $topic_help_text (text to include in the link in the optional help item 
+           on the right side of the breadcrumbs row.
+        $links_target optionally includes the target (_top, _parent or _self)
 Returns a string containing breadcrumbs for the current page.
-=item clear_breadcrumbs
+=item &clear_breadcrumbs()
 Clears the previously stored breadcrumbs.
-=item add_breadcrumb
+=item &add_breadcrumb()
 Pushes a breadcrumb on the stack of crumbs.
@@ -1498,7 +1881,8 @@ returns: nothing
     my %tools = ();
     sub breadcrumbs {
-        my ($component,$component_help,$menulink,$helplink,$css_class,$no_mt, $CourseBreadcrumbs) = @_;
+        my ($component,$component_help,$menulink,$helplink,$css_class,$no_mt, 
+            $CourseBreadcrumbs,$topic_help,$topic_help_text,$links_target) = @_;
         $css_class ||= 'LC_breadcrumbs';
@@ -1514,6 +1898,16 @@ returns: nothing
         # The first one should be the course or a menu link
         if (!defined($menulink)) { $menulink=1; }
         if ($menulink) {
+            if ($env{'request.course.id'}) {
+                my ($menucoll,$deeplinkmenu,$menuref) = &Apache::loncommon::menucoll_in_effect();
+                if (($menucoll) && (ref($menuref) eq 'HASH')) {
+                    if ($menuref->{'main'} eq 'n') {
+                       undef($menulink);
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        if ($menulink) {
             my $description = 'Menu';
             my $no_mt_descr = 0;
             if ((exists($env{'request.course.id'})) && 
@@ -1522,10 +1916,24 @@ returns: nothing
                 $description = 
                 $no_mt_descr = 1;
+                if ($env{'request.noversionuri'} =~ 
+                    m{^/?public/($match_domain)/($match_courseid)/syllabus$}) {
+                    unless (($env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.domain'} eq $1) &&
+                            ($env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.num'} eq $2)) {
+                        $description = 'Menu';
+                        $no_mt_descr = 0;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            my $target = '_top';
+            if ($links_target) {
+                $target = $links_target;
+            } elsif (($env{'request.deeplink.login'}) && ($env{'request.deeplink.target'} eq '_self')) {
+                $target = '';
             $menulink =  {  href   =>'/adm/menu',
                             title  =>'Go to main menu',
-                            target =>'_top',
+                            target =>$target,
                             text   =>$description,
                             no_mt  =>$no_mt_descr, };
             if($last) {
@@ -1537,10 +1945,18 @@ returns: nothing
         my $links;
-        if ((&show_return_link) && (!$CourseBreadcrumbs)) {
-           $links=&htmltag( 'a',"<img src='/res/adm/pages/reload.png' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle;' />",
-                            { href => '/adm/flip?postdata=return:',
-                              title => &mt("Back to most recent content resource") });
+        if ((&show_return_link) && (!$CourseBreadcrumbs) && (ref($last) eq 'HASH')) {
+            my $alttext = &mt('Go Back');
+            my $hashref = { href => '/adm/flip?postdata=return:',
+                            title => &mt('Back to most recent content resource'),
+                            class => 'LC_menubuttons_link',
+                          };
+            if ($links_target) {
+                $hashref->{'target'} = $links_target;
+            }
+            $links=&htmltag( 'a','<img src="/res/adm/pages/tolastloc.png" alt="'.$alttext.'" class="LC_icon" />',
+                             $hashref);
+            $links=&htmltag('li',$links);
         $links.= join "", 
              map {
@@ -1567,8 +1983,11 @@ returns: nothing
         # last breadcrumb is the first order heading of a page
         # for course breadcrumbs it's just bold
-        $links .= &htmltag( 'li', htmltag($CourseBreadcrumbs ? 'b' : 'h1',
-                $lasttext), {title => $lasttext});
+        if ($lasttext ne '') {
+            $links .= &htmltag( 'li', htmltag($CourseBreadcrumbs ? 'b' : 'h1',
+                    $lasttext), {title => $lasttext});
+        }
         my $icons = '';
         $faq  = $last->{'faq'}  if (exists($last->{'faq'}));
@@ -1584,34 +2003,61 @@ returns: nothing
         if ($faq ne '' || $component_help ne '' || $bug ne '') {
             $icons .= &Apache::loncommon::help_open_menu($component,
-                                                         $faq,$bug);
+                                                         $faq,$bug,'','','','',
+                                                         $links_target);
+        }
+        if ($topic_help && $topic_help_text) {
+           $icons .= ' '.&Apache::loncommon::help_open_topic($topic_help,&mt($topic_help_text),'',
+                                                             undef,600,'',$links_target);
-        unless ($CourseBreadcrumbs) {
-            $links = &htmltag('ol',  $links, { id => "LC_MenuBreadcrumbs"   });
-        } else {
-            $links = &htmltag('ul',  $links, { class => "LC_CourseBreadcrumbs" });
+        if ($links ne '') {
+            unless ($CourseBreadcrumbs) {
+                $links = &htmltag('ol',  $links, { id => "LC_MenuBreadcrumbs"   });
+            } else {
+                $links = &htmltag('ul',  $links, { class => "LC_CourseBreadcrumbs" });
+            }
-        if ($component) {
+        if (($component) || ($topic_help && $topic_help_text)) {
             $links = &htmltag('span', 
                              ( $no_mt ? $component : mt($component) ).
                              ( $icons ? $icons : '' ),
                              { class => 'LC_breadcrumbs_component' } )
-                             .$links;
+                             .$links 
+        }
+        my $nav_and_tools = 0;
+        foreach my $item ('navigation','tools') {
+            if (ref($tools{$item}) eq 'ARRAY') {
+                $nav_and_tools += scalar(@{$tools{$item}})
+            }
+        }
+        if (($links ne '') || ($nav_and_tools)) {
+            &render_tools(\$links);
+            $links = &htmltag('div', $links, 
+                              { id => "LC_breadcrumbs" }) unless ($CourseBreadcrumbs) ;
+        }
+        my $adv_tools = 0;
+        if (ref($tools{'advtools'}) eq 'ARRAY') {
+            $adv_tools = scalar(@{$tools{'advtools'}});
+        }
+        if (($links ne '') || ($adv_tools)) {
+            &render_advtools(\$links);
-        &render_tools(\$links);
-        $links = &htmltag('div', $links, 
-                        { id => "LC_breadcrumbs" }) unless ($CourseBreadcrumbs) ;
-        &render_advtools(\$links);
         # Return the @Crumbs stack to what we started with
         # Return the breadcrumb's line
         return "$links";
@@ -1624,7 +2070,7 @@ returns: nothing
-=item add_breadcrumb_tool($category, $html)
+=item &add_breadcrumb_tool($category, $html)
 Adds $html to $category of the breadcrumb toolbar container.
@@ -1639,7 +2085,7 @@ Currently there are 3 possible values fo
 left of breadcrumbs line
 =item tools 
-right of breadcrumbs line
+remaining items in right of breadcrumbs line
 =item advtools 
 advanced tools shown in a separate box below breadcrumbs line 
@@ -1667,7 +2113,7 @@ returns: nothing
         push @{$tools{$category}}, @html;
-=item clear_breadcrumb_tools()
+=item &clear_breadcrumb_tools()
 Clears the breadcrumb toolbar container.
@@ -1679,7 +2125,17 @@ returns: nothing
-=item render_tools(\$breadcrumbs)
+=item &current_breadcrumb_tools()
+returns: a hash containing the current breadcrumb tools.
+    sub current_breadcrumb_tools {
+        return %tools;
+    }
+=item &render_tools(\$breadcrumbs)
 Creates html for breadcrumb tools (categories navigation and tools) and inserts 
 \$breadcrumbs at the correct position.
@@ -1688,6 +2144,7 @@ input: \$breadcrumbs - a reference to th
 returns: nothing
 #TODO might split this in separate functions for each category
@@ -1703,7 +2160,9 @@ returns: nothing
                    { listattr => { class=>'LC_breadcrumb_tools_outerlist' } });
-=item render_advtools(\$breadcrumbs)
+=item &render_advtools(\$breadcrumbs)
 Creates html for advanced tools (category advtools) and inserts \$breadcrumbs 
 at the correct position.
@@ -1712,6 +2171,7 @@ input: \$breadcrumbs - a reference to th
 breadcrumbs (after render_tools call).
 returns: nothing
     sub render_advtools {
@@ -1725,6 +2185,97 @@ returns: nothing
 } # End of scope for @Crumbs
+sub docs_breadcrumbs {
+    my ($allowed,$crstype,$contenteditor,$title,$precleared,$checklinkprot)=@_;
+    my ($folderpath,@folders,$supplementalflag);
+    @folders = split('&',$env{'form.folderpath'});
+    if ($env{'form.folderpath'} =~ /^supplemental/) {
+        $supplementalflag = 1;
+    }
+    my $plain='';
+    my $container = 'sequence';
+    my ($randompick,$isencrypted,$ishidden,$is_random_order) = (-1,0,0,0);
+    my @docs_crumbs;
+    while (@folders) {
+        my $folder=shift(@folders);
+        my $foldername=shift(@folders);
+        if ($folderpath) {$folderpath.='&';}
+        $folderpath.=$folder.'&'.$foldername;
+        my $url = $env{'request.use_absolute'};
+        if ($allowed) {
+            $url .= '/adm/coursedocs?folderpath=';
+        } else {
+            $url .= '/adm/supplemental?folderpath=';
+        }
+        $url .= &escape($folderpath);
+        my $name=&unescape($foldername);
+# each of randompick number, hidden, encrypted, random order, is_page 
+# are appended with ":"s to the foldername
+        $name=~s/\:(\d*)\:(\w*)\:(\w*):(\d*)\:?(\d*)$//;
+        if ($contenteditor) {
+            if ($supplementalflag) {
+                if ($2) { $ishidden=1; }
+            } else {
+                if ($1 ne '') {
+                    $randompick=$1;
+                } else {
+                    $randompick=-1;
+                }
+                if ($2) { $ishidden=1; }
+                if ($3) { $isencrypted=1; }
+                if ($4 ne '') { $is_random_order = 1; }
+                if ($5 == 1) {$container = 'page'; }
+            }
+        }
+        if ($folder eq 'supplemental') {
+            $name = &mt('Supplemental Content');
+        }
+        if ($contenteditor) {
+            $plain.=$name.' &gt; ';
+        }
+        push(@docs_crumbs,
+                          {'href'  => $url,
+                           'title' => $name,
+                           'text'  => $name,
+                           'no_mt' => 1,
+                          });
+    }
+    if ($title) {
+        push(@docs_crumbs,
+                          {'title' => $title,
+                           'text'  => $title,
+                           'no_mt' => 1,}
+                          );
+    }
+    if (wantarray) {
+        unless ($precleared) {
+            &clear_breadcrumbs();
+        }
+        &add_breadcrumb(@docs_crumbs);
+        if ($contenteditor) {
+            $plain=~s/\&gt\;\s*$//;
+        }
+        my $menulink = 0;
+        if (!$allowed && !$contenteditor && !$supplementalflag) {
+            $menulink = 1;
+        }
+        if ($checklinkprot) {
+            if ($env{'request.deeplink.login'}) {
+                my $linkprotout = &Apache::lonmenu::linkprot_exit();
+                if ($linkprotout) {
+                    &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::add_breadcrumb_tool('tools',$linkprotout);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        return (&breadcrumbs(undef,undef,$menulink,'nohelp',undef,undef,
+                             $contenteditor),
+                             $randompick,$ishidden,$isencrypted,$plain,
+                             $is_random_order,$container);
+    } else {
+        return \@docs_crumbs;
+    }
@@ -1785,15 +2336,19 @@ returns: nothing
 my @row_count;
 sub start_pick_box {
-    my ($css_class) = @_;
+    my ($css_class,$id) = @_;
     if (defined($css_class)) {
 	$css_class = 'class="'.$css_class.'"';
     } else {
 	$css_class= 'class="LC_pick_box"';
+    my $table_id;
+    if (defined($id)) {
+        $table_id = ' id="'.$id.'"';
+    }
     my $output = <<"END";
- <table $css_class>
+ <table $css_class $table_id>
     return $output;
@@ -1948,14 +2503,14 @@ sub course_selection {
     my $courseform='<b>'.&Apache::loncommon::selectcourse_link
-        $output .= '<input type="radio" name="coursepick" value="all" onclick="coursePick(this.form)" />'.$allcrs.'<br />';
+        $output .= '<label><input type="radio" name="coursepick" value="all" onclick="coursePick(this.form)" />'.$allcrs.'</label><br />';
     if ($totcodes > 0) {
         my $numtitles = @$codetitles;
         if ($numtitles > 0) {
-            $output .= '<input type="radio" name="coursepick" value="category" onclick="coursePick(this.form);alert('."'".&mt('Choose categories, from left to right')."'".')" />'.&mt('Pick courses by category:').' <br />';
+            $output .= '<label><input type="radio" name="coursepick" value="category" onclick="coursePick(this.form);alert('."'".&html_escape(&mt('Choose categories, from left to right'))."'".')" />'.&mt('Pick courses by category:').'</label><br />';
             $output .= '<table><tr><td>'.$$codetitles[0].'<br />'."\n".
                '<select name="'.$standardnames->[0].
-               '" onChange="setPick(this.form);courseSet('."'$$codetitles[0]'".')">'."\n".
+               '" onchange="setPick(this.form);courseSet('."'$$codetitles[0]'".')">'."\n".
                ' <option value="-1" />Select'."\n";
             my @items = ();
             my @longitems = ();
@@ -1985,7 +2540,7 @@ sub course_selection {
             for (my $i=1; $i<$numtitles; $i++) {
                 $output .= '<td>'.$$codetitles[$i].'<br />'."\n".
                           '<select name="'.$standardnames->[$i].
-                          '" onChange="courseSet('."'$$codetitles[$i]'".')">'."\n".
+                          '" onchange="courseSet('."'$$codetitles[$i]'".')">'."\n".
                           '<option value="-1">&lt;-Pick '.$$codetitles[$i-1].'</option>'."\n".
@@ -1993,7 +2548,15 @@ sub course_selection {
             $output .= '</tr></table><br />';
-    $output .= '<input type="radio" name="coursepick" value="specific" onclick="coursePick(this.form);opencrsbrowser('."'".$formname."','dccourse','dcdomain','coursedesc','','1','$crstype'".')" />'.$pickspec.' '.$courseform.'&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type="text" value="0" size="4" name="coursetotal" /><input type="hidden" name="courselist" value="" />selected.<br />'."\n";
+    $output .=
+        '<label><input type="radio" name="coursepick" value="specific"'
+       .' onclick="coursePick(this.form);opencrsbrowser('."'".$formname."','dccourse','dcdomain','coursedesc','','1','$crstype'".')" />'
+       .$pickspec.'</label>'
+       .' '.$courseform.'&nbsp;&nbsp;'
+       .&mt('[_1] selected.',
+                '<input type="text" value="0" size="4" name="coursetotal" readonly="readonly" />'
+               .'<input type="hidden" name="courselist" value="" />')
+       .'<br />'."\n";
     return $output;
@@ -2077,26 +2640,88 @@ sub course_custom_roles {
 sub resource_info_box {
-   my ($symb,$onlyfolderflag)=@_;
+   my ($symb,$onlyfolderflag,$stuvcurrent,$stuvdisp,$divforres)=@_;
    my $return='';
+   if (($stuvcurrent ne '') || ($divforres)) {
+       $return = '<div class="LC_left_float">';
+   }
    if ($symb) {
-       $return=&Apache::loncommon::start_data_table();
+       $return.=&Apache::loncommon::start_data_table();
        my ($map,$id,$resource)=&Apache::lonnet::decode_symb($symb);
        my $folder=&Apache::lonnet::gettitle($map);
-                    '<th>'.&mt('Folder:').'</th><td>'.$folder.'</td>'.
+                    '<th align="left">'.&mt('Folder:').'</th><td>'.$folder.'</td>'.
        unless ($onlyfolderflag) {
-                    '<th>'.&mt('Resource:').'</th><td>'.&Apache::lonnet::gettitle($symb).'</td>'.
+                    '<th align="left">'.&mt('Resource:').'</th><td>'.&Apache::lonnet::gettitle($symb).'</td>'.
+                    &Apache::loncommon::end_data_table_row();
+       }
+       if ($stuvcurrent ne '') {
+           $return .= &Apache::loncommon::start_data_table_row().
+                    '<th align="left">'.&mt("Student's current version:").'</th><td>'.$stuvcurrent.'</td>'.
+                    &Apache::loncommon::end_data_table_row();
+       }
+       if ($stuvdisp ne '') {
+           $return .= &Apache::loncommon::start_data_table_row().
+                    '<th align="left">'.&mt("Student's version displayed:").'</th><td>'.$stuvdisp.'</td>'.
     } else {
        $return='<p><span class="LC_error">'.&mt('No context provided.').'</span></p>';
+    if (($stuvcurrent ne '') || ($divforres)) {
+        $return .= '</div>';
+    }
     return $return;
+# display_usage
+# Generates a div containing a block, filled to show percentage of current quota used
+# Quotas available for user portfolios, group portfolios, authoring spaces, and course
+# content stored directly within a course (i.e., excluding published content).
+sub display_usage {
+    my ($current_disk_usage,$disk_quota,$context) = @_;
+    my $usage = $current_disk_usage/1024;
+    my $quota = $disk_quota/1024;
+    my $percent;
+    if ($disk_quota == 0) {
+        $percent = 100.0;
+    } else {
+        $percent = 100*($current_disk_usage/$disk_quota);
+    }
+    $usage = sprintf("%.2f",$usage);
+    $quota = sprintf("%.2f",$quota);
+    $percent = sprintf("%.0f",$percent);
+    my ($color,$cssclass);
+    if ($percent <= 60) {
+        $color = '#00A000';
+    } elsif ($percent > 60 && $percent < 90) {
+        $color = '#FFD300';
+        $cssclass = 'class="LC_warning"';
+    } elsif( $percent >= 90) {
+        $color = '#FF0000';
+        $cssclass = 'class="LC_error"';
+    }
+    my $prog_width = $percent;
+    if ($prog_width > 100) {
+        $prog_width = 100;
+    }
+    my $display = 'block';
+    if ($context eq 'authoring') {
+        $display = 'inline';
+    }
+    return '
+  <div id="meter1" align="left" style="display:'.$display.'" '.$cssclass.'>'.&mt('Currently using [_1] of the [_2] available.',$usage.' MB <span style="font-weight:bold;">('.$percent.'%)</span>',$quota.' MB')."\n".
+'   <div id="meter2" style="display:block; margin-top:3px; margin-bottom:3px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; width:400px; border:1px solid #000000; height:10px;">'."\n".
+'    <div id="meter3" style="display:block; background-color:'.$color.'; width:'.$prog_width.'%; height:10px; color:#000000; margin:0px;"></div>'."\n".
+'   </div>'."\n".
+'  </div>';
@@ -2110,15 +2735,19 @@ sub resource_info_box {
 # 1. number to display.
 #    If input for number is empty only the title will be displayed. 
 # 2. title text to display.
+# 3. optional id for the <div>
 # Outputs - a scalar containing html mark-up for the div.
 sub topic_bar {
-    my ($num,$title) = @_;
+    my ($num,$title,$id) = @_;
     my $number = '';
     if ($num ne '') {
         $number = '<span>'.$num.'</span>';
-    return '<div class="LC_topic_bar">'.$number.$title.'</div>';
+    if ($id ne '') {
+        $id = 'id="'.$id.'"';
+    }
+    return '<div class="LC_topic_bar" '.$id.'>'.$number.$title.'</div>';
@@ -2339,10 +2968,12 @@ sub set_form_elements {
 sub file_submissionchk_js {
     my ($turninpaths,$multiples) = @_;
-    my $overwritewarn = &mt('File(s) you uploaded for your submission will overwrite existing file(s) submitted for this item').'\\n'.
+    my $overwritewarn = &mt('File(s) you uploaded for your submission will overwrite existing file(s) submitted for this item')."\n".
                       &mt('Continue submission and overwrite the file(s)?');
-    my $delfilewarn = &mt('You have indicated you wish to remove some files previously included in your submission.').'\\n'.
+    &js_escape(\$overwritewarn);
+    my $delfilewarn = &mt('You have indicated you wish to remove some files previously included in your submission.')."\n".
                       &mt('Continue submission with these files removed?');
+    &js_escape(\$delfilewarn);
     my ($turninpathtext,$multtext,$arrayindexofjs);
     if (ref($turninpaths) eq 'HASH') {
         foreach my $key (sort(keys(%{$turninpaths}))) {
@@ -2582,18 +3213,463 @@ ENDSCRIPT
+sub resize_scrollbox_js {
+    my ($context,$tabidstr,$tid) = @_;
+    my (%names,$paddingwfrac,$offsetwfrac,$offsetv,$minw,$minv);
+    if ($context eq 'docs') {
+        %names = (
+                   boxw   => 'contenteditor',
+                   item   => 'contentlist',
+                   header => 'uploadfileresult',
+                   scroll => 'contentscroll',
+                   boxh   => 'contenteditor',
+                 );
+        $paddingwfrac = 0.09;
+        $offsetwfrac = 0.015;
+        $offsetv = 20;
+        $minw = 250;
+        $minv = 200;
+    } elsif ($context eq 'params') {
+        %names = (
+                   boxw   => 'parameditor',
+                   item   => 'mapmenuinner',
+                   header => 'parmstep1',
+                   scroll => 'mapmenuscroll',
+                   boxh   => 'parmlevel',
+                 );
+        $paddingwfrac = 0.2;
+        $offsetwfrac = 0.015;
+        $offsetv = 80;
+        $minw = 100;
+        $minv = 100; 
+    }
+    my $viewport_js = &Apache::loncommon::viewport_geometry_js();
+    my $output = '
+    if ($context eq 'docs') {
+        if ($env{'form.active'}) {
+            $output .= "\nvar activeTab = '$env{'form.active'}$tid';\n";
+        } else {
+            $output .= "\nvar activeTab = '';\n";
+        }
+    }
+    $output .=  <<"FIRST";
+function resize_scrollbox(scrollboxname,chkw,chkh) {
+    var scrollboxid = 'div_'+scrollboxname;
+    var scrolltableid = 'table_'+scrollboxname;
+    var scrollbox;
+    var scrolltable;
+    var ismobile = '$env{'browser.mobile'}';
+    if (document.getElementById("$names{'boxw'}") == null) {
+        return;
+    }
+    if (document.getElementById(scrollboxid) == null) {
+        return;
+    } else {
+        scrollbox = document.getElementById(scrollboxid);
+    }
+    if (document.getElementById(scrolltableid) == null) {
+        return;
+    } else {
+        scrolltable = document.getElementById(scrolltableid);
+    }
+    init_geometry();
+    var vph = Geometry.getViewportHeight();
+    var vpw = Geometry.getViewportWidth();
+    if ($context eq 'docs') {
+        $output .= "
+    var alltabs = ['$tabidstr'];
+    } elsif ($context eq 'params') {
+        $output .= "
+    if (document.getElementById('$names{'boxh'}') == null) {
+        return;
+    }
+    }
+    $output .= <<"SECOND";
+    var listwchange;
+    var scrollchange;
+    if (chkw == 1) {
+        var boxw = document.getElementById("$names{'boxw'}").offsetWidth;
+        var itemw;
+        var itemid = document.getElementById("$names{'item'}");
+        if (itemid != null) {
+            itemw = itemid.offsetWidth;
+        }
+        var itemwstart = itemw;
+        var scrollboxw = scrollbox.offsetWidth;
+        var scrollboxscrollw = scrollbox.scrollWidth;
+        var scrollstart = scrollboxw;
+        var offsetw = parseInt(vpw * $offsetwfrac);
+        var paddingw = parseInt(vpw * $paddingwfrac);
+        var minscrollboxw = $minw;
+        var maxcolw = 0;
+    if ($context eq 'docs') {
+        $output .= <<"DOCSONE";
+        var actabw = 0;
+        for (var i=0; i<alltabs.length; i++) {
+            if (activeTab == alltabs[i]) {
+                actabw = document.getElementById(alltabs[i]).offsetWidth;
+                if (actabw > maxcolw) {
+                    maxcolw = actabw;
+                }
+            } else {
+                if (document.getElementById(alltabs[i]) != null) {
+                    var thistab = document.getElementById(alltabs[i]);
+                    thistab.style.visibility = 'hidden';
+                    thistab.style.display = 'block';
+                    var tabw = document.getElementById(alltabs[i]).offsetWidth;
+                    thistab.style.display = 'none';
+                    thistab.style.visibility = '';
+                    if (tabw > maxcolw) {
+                        maxcolw = tabw;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    } elsif ($context eq 'params') {
+        $output .= <<"PARAMSONE";
+        var parmlevelrows = new Array();
+        var mapmenucells = new Array();
+        parmlevelrows = document.getElementById("$names{'boxh'}").rows;
+        var numrows = parmlevelrows.length;
+        if (numrows > 1) {
+            mapmenucells = parmlevelrows[2].getElementsByTagName('td');
+        }
+        maxcolw = mapmenucells[0].offsetWidth;
+    }
+    $output .= <<"THIRD";
+        if (maxcolw > 0) {
+            var newscrollboxw;
+            if (maxcolw+paddingw+scrollboxscrollw<boxw) {
+                newscrollboxw = boxw-paddingw-maxcolw;
+                if (newscrollboxw < minscrollboxw) {
+                    newscrollboxw = minscrollboxw;
+                }
+                scrollbox.style.width = newscrollboxw+"px";
+                if (newscrollboxw != scrollboxw) {
+                    var newitemw = newscrollboxw-offsetw;
+                    itemid.style.width = newitemw+"px";
+                }
+            } else {
+                newscrollboxw = boxw-paddingw-maxcolw;
+                if (newscrollboxw < minscrollboxw) {
+                    newscrollboxw = minscrollboxw;
+                }
+                scrollbox.style.width = newscrollboxw+"px";
+                if (newscrollboxw != scrollboxw) {
+                    var newitemw = newscrollboxw-offsetw;
+                    itemid.style.width = newitemw+"px";
+                }
+            }
+            if (newscrollboxw != scrollboxw) {
+                var newscrolltablew = newscrollboxw+offsetw;
+                scrolltable.style.width = newscrolltablew+"px";
+            }
+        }
+        if (newscrollboxw != scrollboxw) {
+            scrollchange = 1;
+        }
+        if (itemid.offsetWidth != itemwstart) {
+            listwchange = 1;
+        }
+    }
+    if ((chkh == 1) || (listwchange)) {
+        var itemid = document.getElementById("$names{'item'}");
+        if (itemid != null) {
+            itemh = itemid.offsetHeight;
+        }
+        var primaryheight = 0;
+        if (document.getElementById('LC_nav_bar') != null) {
+            primaryheight = document.getElementById('LC_nav_bar').offsetHeight;
+        }
+        var secondaryheight = 0;
+        if (document.getElementById('LC_secondary_menu') != null) { 
+            secondaryheight = document.getElementById('LC_secondary_menu').offsetHeight;
+        }
+        var crumbsheight = 0;
+        if (document.getElementById('LC_breadcrumbs') != null) {
+            crumbsheight = document.getElementById('LC_breadcrumbs').offsetHeight;
+        }
+        var dccidheight = 0;
+        if (document.getElementById('dccid') != null) {
+            dccidheight = document.getElementById('dccid').offsetHeight;
+        }
+        var headerheight = 0;
+        if (document.getElementById("$names{'header'}") != null) {
+            headerheight = document.getElementById("$names{'header'}").offsetHeight;
+        }
+        var tabbedheight = document.getElementById("tabbededitor").offsetHeight;
+        var boxheight = document.getElementById("$names{'boxh'}").offsetHeight;
+        var freevspace = vph-(primaryheight+secondaryheight+crumbsheight+dccidheight+headerheight+tabbedheight+boxheight);
+        var scrollboxheight = scrollbox.offsetHeight;
+        var scrollboxscrollheight = scrollbox.scrollHeight;
+        var scrollboxh = scrollboxheight;
+        var minvscrollbox = $minv;
+        var offsetv = $offsetv;
+        var newscrollboxheight;
+        if (freevspace < 0) {
+            newscrollboxheight = scrollboxheight+freevspace-offsetv;
+            if (newscrollboxheight < minvscrollbox) {
+                newscrollboxheight = minvscrollbox;
+            }
+            scrollbox.style.height = newscrollboxheight + "px";
+        } else {
+            if (scrollboxscrollheight > scrollboxheight) {
+                if (freevspace > offsetv) {
+                    newscrollboxheight = scrollboxheight+freevspace-offsetv;
+                    if (newscrollboxheight < minvscrollbox) {
+                        newscrollboxheight = minvscrollbox;
+                    }
+                    scrollbox.style.height = newscrollboxheight+"px";
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        scrollboxheight = scrollbox.offsetHeight;
+        var itemh = document.getElementById("$names{'item'}").offsetHeight;
+        if (scrollboxscrollheight <= scrollboxheight) {
+            if ((itemh+offsetv)<scrollboxheight) {
+                newscrollheight = itemh+offsetv;
+                scrollbox.style.height = newscrollheight+"px";
+            }
+        }
+        var newscrollboxh = scrollbox.offsetHeight;
+        if (scrollboxh != newscrollboxh) {
+            scrollchange = 1;
+        }
+    }
+    if (ismobile && scrollchange) {
+        \$("#div_$names{'scroll'}").getNiceScroll().onResize();
+    }
+    return;
+function callResize() {
+    var timer;
+    clearTimeout(timer);
+    timer=setTimeout('resize_scrollbox("$names{'scroll'}","1","1")',500);
+    return $output;
+sub javascript_jumpto_resource {
+    my $confirm_switch = &mt("Editing requires switching to the resource's home server.")."\n".
+                         &mt('Switch server?');
+    my $confirm_new_tab = &mt("Editing requires using the resource's home server.")."\n".
+                          &mt('Open a new browser tab?');
+    &js_escape(\$confirm_switch);
+    &js_escape(\$confirm_new_tab);
+    return (<<ENDUTILITY)
+function go(url) {
+   if (url!='' && url!= null) {
+       currentURL = null;
+       currentSymb= null;
+       var lcHostname = setLCHost();
+       if (lcHostname!='' && lcHostname!= null) {
+           var RegExp = /^https?\:/;
+           if (RegExp.test(url)) {
+               window.location.href=url;
+           } else {
+               window.location.href=lcHostname+url;
+           }
+       } else {
+           window.location.href=url;
+       }
+   }
+function need_switchserver(url,target) {
+    if (url!='' && url!= null) {
+        if (target == '_blank') {
+            if (confirm("$confirm_new_tab")) {
+                window.open(url,target);
+            }
+        } else if (confirm("$confirm_switch")) {
+            go(url);
+        }
+    }
+    return;
+sub jump_to_editres {
+    my ($cfile,$home,$switchserver,$forceedit,$forcereg,$symb,$shownsymb,
+        $folderpath,$title,$hostname,$idx,$suppurl,$todocs,$suppanchor) = @_;
+    my ($jscall,$anchor,$usehttp,$usehttps,$is_ext,$target);
+    if ($switchserver) {
+        if ($home) {
+            my $resedit;
+            if ($cfile =~ m{^/priv/($match_domain)/($match_username)/}) {
+                my ($audom,$auname) = ($1,$2);
+                unless (&Apache::lonnet::is_course($audom,$auname)) {
+                    if (($symb ne '') && ($env{'request.course.id'}) &&
+                        (&Apache::lonnet::allowed('mdc',$env{'request.course.id'}))) {
+                        unless (&Apache::lonnet::can_switchserver($env{'user.domain'},$home)) {
+                            $target = '_blank';
+                            $resedit = 1;
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            $cfile = '/adm/switchserver?otherserver='.$home.'&amp;role='.
+                     &HTML::Entities::encode($env{'request.role'},'"<>&');
+            if ($shownsymb) {
+                $cfile .= '&amp;symb='.&HTML::Entities::encode($shownsymb,'"<>&');
+                if ($resedit) {
+                    $cfile .= '&amp;edit=1';
+                }
+            } elsif ($folderpath) {
+                $cfile .= '&amp;folderpath='.&HTML::Entities::encode($folderpath,'"<>&');
+            }
+            if ($forceedit) {
+                $cfile .= '&amp;forceedit=1';
+            }
+            if ($forcereg) {
+                $cfile .= '&amp;register=1';
+            }
+            $jscall = "need_switchserver('".&Apache::loncommon::escape_single($cfile)."','$target')";
+        }
+    } else {
+        unless ($cfile =~ m{^/priv/}) {
+            if ($cfile =~ m{^(/adm/wrapper/ext/([^#]+))(?:|#([^#]+))$}) {
+                $cfile = $1;
+                my $extlink = $2;
+                $anchor = $3;
+                $is_ext = 1;
+                if (($extlink !~ /^https:/) && ($ENV{'SERVER_PORT'} == 443)) {
+                    unless ((&Apache::lonnet::uses_sts()) || (&Apache::lonnet::waf_allssl($hostname))) {
+                        $usehttp = 1;
+                    }
+                } elsif ($env{'request.use_absolute'}) {
+                    if ($env{'request.use_absolute'} =~ m{^https://}) {
+                        $usehttps = 1;
+                    }
+                }
+            } elsif ($cfile =~ m{^/?public/($match_domain)/($match_courseid)/syllabus}) {
+                if ($ENV{'SERVER_PORT'} == 443) {
+                    my ($cdom,$cnum) = ($1,$2);
+                    if (($env{'request.course.id'}) &&
+                        ($env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.num'} eq $cnum) &&
+                        ($env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.domain'} eq $cdom)) {
+                        if ($env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.externalsyllabus'} =~ m{^http://}) {
+                            unless ((&Apache::lonnet::uses_sts()) || (&Apache::lonnet::waf_allssl($hostname))) {
+                                $usehttp = 1;
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
+                } elsif ($env{'request.use_absolute'}) {
+                    if ($env{'request.use_absolute'} =~ m{^https://}) {
+                        $usehttps = 1;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            if ($symb) {
+                if ($anchor ne '') {
+                    if ($symb =~ m{^([^#]+)\Q#$anchor\E$}) {
+                        $symb = $1.&escape(&escape('#')).$anchor;
+                    }
+                }
+                $cfile .= (($cfile=~/\?/)?'&amp;':'?')."symb=$symb";
+            } elsif ($folderpath) {
+                $cfile .= (($cfile=~/\?/)?'&amp;':'?').
+                          'folderpath='.&HTML::Entities::encode(&escape($folderpath),'"<>&');
+                if ($title) {
+                    $cfile .= (($cfile=~/\?/)?'&amp;':'?').
+                              'title='.&HTML::Entities::encode(&escape($title),'"<>&');
+                }
+                if ($idx) {
+                    $cfile .= (($cfile=~/\?/)?'&amp;':'?').'idx='.$idx;
+                }
+                if ($suppurl) {
+                    $cfile .= (($cfile=~/\?/)?'&amp;':'?').
+                              'suppurl='.&HTML::Entities::encode(&escape($suppurl));
+                }
+            }
+            if ($forceedit) {
+                $cfile .= (($cfile=~/\?/)?'&amp;':'?').'forceedit=1';
+                if ($usehttps) {
+                    $cfile = $env{'request.use_absolute'}.(($cfile =~ /^\//)? '':'/').$cfile;
+                }
+            } elsif ($usehttp) {
+                if ($hostname ne '') {
+                    $cfile = 'http://'.$hostname.(($cfile =~ /^\//)? '':'/').$cfile;
+                }
+                $cfile .= (($cfile=~/\?/)?'&amp;':'?').'usehttp=1';
+            } elsif ($usehttps) {
+                $cfile = $env{'request.use_absolute'}.(($cfile =~ /^\//)? '':'/').$cfile;
+            }
+            if ($forcereg) {
+                $cfile .= (($cfile=~/\?/)?'&amp;':'?').'register=1';
+            }
+            if ($todocs) {
+                $cfile .= (($cfile=~/\?/)?'&amp;':'?').'todocs=1';
+            }
+            if ($suppanchor ne '') {
+                $cfile .= (($cfile=~/\?/)?'&amp;':'?').'anchor='.
+                          &HTML::Entities::encode($suppanchor,'"<>&');
+            }
+        }
+        if ($anchor ne '') {
+            $cfile .= '#'.$anchor;
+        }
+        $jscall = "go('".&Apache::loncommon::escape_single($cfile)."')";
+    }
+    return $jscall;
 # javascript_valid_email
 # Generates javascript to validate an e-mail address.
-# Returns a javascript function which accetps a form field as argumnent, and
+# Returns a javascript function which accepts a form field as argument, and
 # returns false if field.value does not satisfy two regular expression matches
 # for a valid e-mail address.  Backwards compatible with old browsers without
 # support for javascript RegExp (just checks for @ in field.value in this case). 
 sub javascript_valid_email {
     my $scripttag .= <<'END';
-function validmail(field) {
+function validmail(field,suffix) {
     var str = field.value;
+    if (suffix != '' && suffix != undefined) {
+        str += suffix;
+    }
     if (window.RegExp) {
         var reg1str = "(@.*@)|(\\.\\.)|(@\\.)|(\\.@)|(^\\.)";
         var reg2str = "^.+\\@(\\[?)[a-zA-Z0-9\\-\\.]+\\.([a-zA-Z]{2,3}|[0-9]{1,3})(\\]?)$"; //"
@@ -2641,7 +3717,7 @@ END
 sub htmltag{
-        . join( '', map { qq| $_="${$_[2]}{$_}"| if ${$_[2]}{$_} } keys %{ $_[2] } )
+        . join( '', map { qq| $_="${$_[2]}{$_}"| if ${$_[2]}{$_} } keys(%{ $_[2] }) )
         . ($_[1] ? qq|>$_[1]</$_[0]>| : qq|/>|). "\n";
@@ -2697,8 +3773,9 @@ sub scripttag {
     return htmltag('script', $content, {type => 'text/javascript'});
-=item list_from_array( \@array, { listattr =>{}, itemattr =>{} } )
+=item &list_from_array( \@array, { listattr =>{}, itemattr =>{} } )
 Constructs a XHTML list from \@array.
@@ -2789,7 +3866,8 @@ sub generate_menu {
                                 $$link{alttext} : $$link{linktext})
                             }), {
                             href  => $$link{url},
-                            title => mt($$link{linktitle})
+                            title => mt($$link{linktitle}),
+                            class => 'LC_menubuttons_link'
                         $a->(mt($$link{linktext}), {
                             href  => $$link{url},
@@ -2823,7 +3901,7 @@ sub generate_menu {
-=item &start_funclist
+=item &start_funclist()
 Start list of available functions
@@ -2863,7 +3941,7 @@ sub start_funclist {
-=item &add_item_funclist
+=item &add_item_funclist()
 Adds an item to the list of available functions
@@ -2889,7 +3967,7 @@ sub add_item_funclist {
-=item &end_funclist
+=item &end_funclist()
 End list of available functions
@@ -2902,6 +3980,7 @@ add_item_funclist
 Inputs: ./.
 Returns: HTML code with function list end
 sub end_funclist {
@@ -2910,7 +3989,7 @@ sub end_funclist {
-=item funclist_from_array( \@array, {legend => 'text for legend'} )
+=item &funclist_from_array( \@array, {legend => 'text for legend'} )
 Constructs a XHTML list from \@array with the first item being visually
 highlighted and set to the value of legend or 'Functions' if legend is
@@ -2943,6 +4022,42 @@ sub funclist_from_array {
                { listattr => {class => 'LC_funclist'} });
+=item &actionbox( \@array )
+Constructs a XHTML list from \@array with the first item being visually
+highlighted and set to the value 'Actions'. The list is wrapped in a division.
+The actionlist is used to offer contextual actions, mostly at the bottom
+of a page, on which the outcome of an processed action is shown,
+e.g. a file operation in Authoring Space.
+=item \@array
+A reference to the array containing text. Details: sub funclist_from_array
+Returns: XHTML div as string.
+sub actionbox {
+    my ($items) = @_;
+    return unless(ref($items) eq 'ARRAY');
+    return
+        '<div class="LC_actionbox">'
+       .&funclist_from_array($items, {legend => &mt('Actions')})
+       .'</div>';