+ $("#LC_rt_"+id).click(editorHandler);
+ });
+ });
+ $output .= &color_picker;
+ # Code to put a due date countdown in 'duedatecountdown' span.
+ # This is currently located in the breadcrumb headers.
+ # note that the dueDateLayout is internatinoalized below.
+ # Here document is used to support the substitution into the javascript below.
+ # ..which unforunately necessitates escaping the $'s in the javascript.
+ # There are several times of importance
+ #
+ # serverDueDate - The absolute time at which the problem expires.
+ # serverTime - The server's time when the problem finished computing.
+ # clientTime - The client's time...as close to serverTime as possible.
+ # The clientTime will be slightly later due to
+ # 1. The latency between problem computation and
+ # the first network action.
+ # 2. The time required between the page load-start and the actual
+ # initial javascript execution that got clientTime.
+ # These are used as follows:
+ # The difference between clientTime and serverTime are used to
+ # correct for differences in clock settings between the browser's system and the
+ # server's.
+ #
+ # The difference between clientTime and the time at which the ready() method
+ # starts executing is used to estimate latencies for page load and submission.
+ # Since this is an estimate, it is doubled. The latency estimate + one minute
+ # is used to determine when the countdown timer turns red to warn the user
+ # to think about submitting.
+ my $dueDateLayout = &mt('Due in: {dn} {dl} {hnn}{sep}{mnn}{sep}{snn} [_1]',
+ "");
+ my $early = '- '.&mt('Submit Early').'';
+ my $pastdue = '- '.&mt('Past Due').'';
+ $output .= <'."\n"
+ .'// ]]>'."\n"
+ .'';
return $output;
@@ -1257,34 +1669,173 @@ sub htmlareabrowser {
return 1;
+# Should the "return to content" link be shown?
+sub show_return_link {
+ unless ($env{'request.course.id'}) { return 0; }
+ if ($env{'request.noversionuri'}=~m{^/priv/} ||
+ $env{'request.uri'}=~m{^/priv/}) { return 1; }
+ return if ($env{'request.noversionuri'} eq '/adm/supplemental');
+ if (($env{'request.noversionuri'} =~ m{^/adm/viewclasslist($|\?)})
+ || ($env{'request.noversionuri'} =~ m{^/adm/.*/aboutme($|\?)})) {
+ return if ($env{'form.register'});
+ }
+ return (($env{'request.noversionuri'}=~m{^/(res|public)/} &&
+ $env{'request.symb'} eq '')
+ ||
+ ($env{'request.noversionuri'}=~ m{^/cgi-bin/printout.pl})
+ ||
+ (($env{'request.noversionuri'}=~/^\/adm\//) &&
+ ($env{'request.noversionuri'}!~/^\/adm\/wrapper\//) &&
+ ($env{'request.noversionuri'}!~
+ m{^/adm/.*/(smppg|bulletinboard)($|\?)})
+ ));
+# Set the dueDate variable...note this is done in the timezone
+# of the browser.
+# @param epoch relative time at which the problem is due.
+# @return the javascript fragment to set the date:
+sub set_due_date {
+ my $dueStamp = shift;
+ my $duems = $dueStamp * 1000; # Javascript Date object needs ms not seconds.
+ my $now = time()*1000;
+ # This slightly obscure bit of javascript sets the dueDate variable
+ # to the time in the browser at which the problem was due.
+ # The code should correct for gross differences between the server
+ # and client's time setting
+ return <<"END";
+# Sets the time at which the problem finished computing.
+# This just updates the serverTime and clientTime variables above.
+# Calling this in e.g. end_problem provides a better estimate of the
+# difference beetween the server and client time setting as
+# the difference contains less of the latency/problem compute time.
+sub set_compute_end_time {
+ my $now = time()*1000; # Javascript times are in ms.
+ return <<"END";
+# Client-side javascript to convert any dashes in text pasted
+# into textbox(es) for numericalresponse item(s) to a standard
+# minus, i.e., - . Calls to dash_to_minus_js() in end_problem()
+# and in loncommon::endbodytag() for a .page (arg: dashjs => 1)
+# Will apply to any input tag with class: LC_numresponse_text.
+# Currently set in start_textline for numericalresponse items.
+sub dash_to_minus_js {
+ return <<'ENDJS';
-=item breadcrumbs
+=item &breadcrumbs()
Compiles the previously registered breadcrumbs into an series of links.
-FAQ and BUG links will be placed on the left side of the table if they
-are defined for the last registered breadcrumb.
Additionally supports a 'component', which will be displayed on the
-right side of the table (without a link).
+right side of the breadcrumbs enclosing div (without a link).
A link to help for the component will be included if one is specified.
All inputs can be undef without problems.
-Inputs: $component (the large text on the right side of the table),
- $component_help
+Inputs: $component (the text on the right side of the breadcrumbs trail),
+ $component_help (the help item filename (without .tex extension).
$menulink (boolean, controls whether to include a link to /adm/menu)
$helplink (if 'nohelp' don't include the orange help link)
$css_class (optional name for the class to apply to the table for CSS)
+ $no_mt (optional flag, 1 if &mt() is _not_ to be applied to $component
+ when including the text on the right.
+ $CourseBreadcrumbs (optional flag, 1 if &breadcrumbs called from &docs_breadcrumbs,
+ because breadcrumbs are being)
+ $topic_help (optional help item to be displayed on right side of the breadcrumbs
+ row, using loncommon::help_open_topic() to generate the link.
+ $topic_help_text (text to include in the link in the optional help item
+ on the right side of the breadcrumbs row.
Returns a string containing breadcrumbs for the current page.
-=item clear_breadcrumbs
+=item &clear_breadcrumbs()
Clears the previously stored breadcrumbs.
-=item add_breadcrumb
+=item &add_breadcrumb()
Pushes a breadcrumb on the stack of crumbs.
@@ -1301,71 +1852,104 @@ returns: nothing
my @Crumbs;
+ my %tools = ();
sub breadcrumbs {
- my ($component,$component_help,$menulink,$helplink,$css_class) = @_;
- #
- $css_class ||= 'LC_breadcrumbs';
- my $Str = "\n".'
+ my ($component,$component_help,$menulink,$helplink,$css_class,$no_mt,
+ $CourseBreadcrumbs,$topic_help,$topic_help_text) = @_;
+ $css_class ||= 'LC_breadcrumbs';
# Make the faq and bug data cascade
- my $faq = '';
- my $bug = '';
- my $help='';
- # Crumb Symbol
- my $crumbsymbol = ' ▶ ';
+ my $faq = '';
+ my $bug = '';
+ my $help = '';
+ # Crumb Symbol
+ my $crumbsymbol = '»';
# The last breadcrumb does not have a link, so handle it separately.
my $last = pop(@Crumbs);
# The first one should be the course or a menu link
- if (!defined($menulink)) { $menulink=1; }
+ if (!defined($menulink)) { $menulink=1; }
if ($menulink) {
my $description = 'Menu';
my $no_mt_descr = 0;
- if (exists($env{'request.course.id'}) &&
- $env{'request.course.id'} ne '') {
+ if ((exists($env{'request.course.id'})) &&
+ ($env{'request.course.id'} ne '') &&
+ ($env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.description'} ne '')) {
$description =
$no_mt_descr = 1;
+ if ($env{'request.noversionuri'} =~
+ m{^/?public/($match_domain)/($match_courseid)/syllabus$}) {
+ unless (($env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.domain'} eq $1) &&
+ ($env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.num'} eq $2)) {
+ $description = 'Menu';
+ $no_mt_descr = 0;
+ }
+ }
- unshift(@Crumbs,{
- href =>'/adm/menu',
- title =>'Go to main menu',
- target =>'_top',
- text =>$description,
- no_mt =>$no_mt_descr,
- });
- }
- my $links .=
- join($crumbsymbol,
- map {
- $faq = $_->{'faq'} if (exists($_->{'faq'}));
- $bug = $_->{'bug'} if (exists($_->{'bug'}));
- $help = $_->{'help'} if (exists($_->{'help'}));
- my $result = '