--- loncom/interface/lonhtmlcommon.pm 2024/10/21 15:06:06 1.358.2.23
+++ loncom/interface/lonhtmlcommon.pm 2021/06/07 06:15:55 1.399
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
# The LearningOnline Network with CAPA
# a pile of common html routines
-# $Id: lonhtmlcommon.pm,v 1.358.2.23 2024/10/21 15:06:06 raeburn Exp $
+# $Id: lonhtmlcommon.pm,v 1.399 2021/06/07 06:15:55 raeburn Exp $
# Copyright Michigan State University Board of Trustees
@@ -78,7 +78,11 @@ sub java_not_enabled {
sub coursepreflink {
my ($text,$category)=@_;
if (&Apache::lonnet::allowed('opa',$env{'request.course.id'})) {
- return '&"').'">'.$text.'';
+ my $target =' target="_top"';
+ if (($env{'request.lti.login'}) && ($env{'request.lti.target'} eq 'iframe')) {
+ $target ='';
+ }
+ return '&"').'">'.$text.'';
} else {
return '';
@@ -101,9 +105,13 @@ sub direct_parm_link {
if (($symb) && (&Apache::lonnet::allowed('opa')) && ($target ne 'tex')) {
- return "$linktext";
+ my $target=' target="_top"';
+ if (($env{'request.lti.login'}) && ($env{'request.lti.target'} eq 'iframe')) {
+ $target='';
+ }
+ return "$linktext";
} else {
- return $linktext;
+ return $linktext;
@@ -451,10 +459,12 @@ sub radio {
&date_setter returns html and javascript for a compact date-setting form.
To retrieve values from it, use &get_date_from_form.
=over 4
+=item Inputs
=item $dname
The name to prepend to the form elements.
@@ -515,10 +525,12 @@ If true, text boxes for seconds are omit
+=item Bugs
The method used to restrict user input will fail in the year 2400.
@@ -685,11 +697,13 @@ ENDJS
} elsif ($no_ss) {
$result .= &mt('[_1] [_2] [_3] [_4] [_5]m',
} else {
$result .= &mt('[_1] [_2] [_3] [_4] [_5]m [_6]s ',
@@ -741,7 +755,9 @@ sub build_url {
get_date_from_form retrieves the date specified in an &date_setter form.
+=item Inputs:
=over 4
@@ -755,6 +771,8 @@ The unix time to use as the default in c
Returns: Unix time represented in the form.
@@ -848,13 +866,14 @@ parameter setting wizard.
sub pjump_javascript_definition {
my $Str = <
@@ -1307,6 +1353,68 @@ $(document).ready(function(){
+sub countdown {
+ # Code to put a due date countdown in 'duedatecountdown' span.
+ # This is currently located in the breadcrumb headers.
+ # note that the dueDateLayout is internatinoalized below.
+ # Here document is used to support the substitution into the javascript below.
+ # ..which unforunately necessitates escaping the $'s in the javascript.
+ # There are several times of importance
+ #
+ # serverDueDate - The absolute time at which the problem expires.
+ # serverTime - The server's time when the problem finished computing.
+ # clientTime - The client's time...as close to serverTime as possible.
+ # The clientTime will be slightly later due to
+ # 1. The latency between problem computation and
+ # the first network action.
+ # 2. The time required between the page load-start and the actual
+ # initial javascript execution that got clientTime.
+ # These are used as follows:
+ # The difference between clientTime and serverTime are used to
+ # correct for differences in clock settings between the browser's system and the
+ # server's.
+ #
+ # The difference between clientTime and the time at which the ready() method
+ # starts executing is used to estimate latencies for page load and submission.
+ # Since this is an estimate, it is doubled. The latency estimate + one minute
+ # is used to determine when the countdown timer turns red to warn the user
+ # to think about submitting.
+ my $dueDateLayout = &mt('Due in: {dn} {dl} {hnn}{sep}{mnn}{sep}{snn} [_1]',
+ "");
+ my $early = '- '.&mt('Submit Early').'';
+ my $pastdue = '- '.&mt('Past Due').'';
+ return <<"JAVASCRIPT";
+ var documentReadyTime;
+\$(document).ready(function() {
+ if (typeof(dueDate) != "undefined") {
+ documentReadyTime = (new Date()).getTime();
+ \$("#duedatecountdown").countdown({until: dueDate, compact: true,
+ layout: "$dueDateLayout",
+ onTick: function (periods) {
+ var latencyEstimate = (documentReadyTime - clientTime) * 2;
+ if(\$.countdown.periodsToSeconds(periods) < (300 + latencyEstimate)) {
+ \$("#submitearly").html("$early");
+ if (\$.countdown.periodsToSeconds(periods) < 1) {
+ \$("#submitearly").html("$pastdue");
+ }
+ }
+ if(\$.countdown.periodsToSeconds(periods) < (60 + latencyEstimate)) {
+ \$(this).css("color", "red"); //Highlight last minute.
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ }
# ----------------------------------------- Script to activate only some fields
sub htmlareaselectactive {
@@ -1530,62 +1638,11 @@ sub htmlareaselectactive {
- $output .= &color_picker;
- # Code to put a due date countdown in 'duedatecountdown' span.
- # This is currently located in the breadcrumb headers.
- # note that the dueDateLayout is internatinoalized below.
- # Here document is used to support the substitution into the javascript below.
- # ..which unforunately necessitates escaping the $'s in the javascript.
- # There are several times of importance
- #
- # serverDueDate - The absolute time at which the problem expires.
- # serverTime - The server's time when the problem finished computing.
- # clientTime - The client's time...as close to serverTime as possible.
- # The clientTime will be slightly later due to
- # 1. The latency between problem computation and
- # the first network action.
- # 2. The time required between the page load-start and the actual
- # initial javascript execution that got clientTime.
- # These are used as follows:
- # The difference between clientTime and serverTime are used to
- # correct for differences in clock settings between the browser's system and the
- # server's.
- #
- # The difference between clientTime and the time at which the ready() method
- # starts executing is used to estimate latencies for page load and submission.
- # Since this is an estimate, it is doubled. The latency estimate + one minute
- # is used to determine when the countdown timer turns red to warn the user
- # to think about submitting.
- my $dueDateLayout = &mt('Due in: {dn} {dl} {hnn}{sep}{mnn}{sep}{snn} [_1]',
- "");
- my $early = '- '.&mt('Submit Early').'';
- my $pastdue = '- '.&mt('Past Due').'';
- $output .= < 1)
-# Will apply to any input tag with class: LC_numresponse_text.
-# Currently set in start_textline for numericalresponse items.
-sub dash_to_minus_js {
- return <<'ENDJS';
@@ -1815,19 +1825,54 @@ A link to help for the component will be
All inputs can be undef without problems.
-Inputs: $component (the text on the right side of the breadcrumbs trail),
- $component_help (the help item filename (without .tex extension).
- $menulink (boolean, controls whether to include a link to /adm/menu)
- $helplink (if 'nohelp' don't include the orange help link)
- $css_class (optional name for the class to apply to the table for CSS)
- $no_mt (optional flag, 1 if &mt() is _not_ to be applied to $component
- when including the text on the right.
- $CourseBreadcrumbs (optional flag, 1 if &breadcrumbs called from &docs_breadcrumbs,
- because breadcrumbs are being)
- $topic_help (optional help item to be displayed on right side of the breadcrumbs
- row, using loncommon::help_open_topic() to generate the link.
- $topic_help_text (text to include in the link in the optional help item
- on the right side of the breadcrumbs row.
+=item Inputs:
+=item $component
+the text on the right side of the breadcrumbs trail
+=item $component_help
+the help item filename (without .tex extension).
+=item $menulink
+boolean, controls whether to include a link to /adm/menu
+=item $helplink
+if 'nohelp' don't include the orange help link
+=item $css_class
+optional name for the class to apply to the table for CSS
+=item $no_mt
+optional flag, 1 if &mt() is _not_ to be applied to $component when including the text on the right
+=item $CourseBreadcrumbs
+optional flag, 1 if &breadcrumbs called from &docs_breadcrumbs, because breadcrumbs are being
+used to display hierarchy for current folder shown in the Course Editor.
+=item $topic_help
+optional help item to be displayed on right side of the breadcrumbs row, using
+loncommon::help_open_topic() to generate the link.
+=item $topic_help_text
+text to include in the link in the optional help item ($topic_help) on the right
+side of the breadcrumbs row.
Returns a string containing breadcrumbs for the current page.
@@ -1856,7 +1901,7 @@ returns: nothing
sub breadcrumbs {
my ($component,$component_help,$menulink,$helplink,$css_class,$no_mt,
- $CourseBreadcrumbs,$topic_help,$topic_help_text) = @_;
+ $CourseBreadcrumbs,$topic_help,$topic_help_text,$crstype) = @_;
$css_class ||= 'LC_breadcrumbs';
@@ -1872,6 +1917,16 @@ returns: nothing
# The first one should be the course or a menu link
if (!defined($menulink)) { $menulink=1; }
if ($menulink) {
+ if ($env{'request.course.id'}) {
+ my ($menucoll,$deeplinkmenu,$menuref) = &Apache::loncommon::menucoll_in_effect();
+ if (($menucoll) && (ref($menuref) eq 'HASH')) {
+ if ($menuref->{'main'} eq 'n') {
+ undef($menulink);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($menulink) {
my $description = 'Menu';
my $no_mt_descr = 0;
if ((exists($env{'request.course.id'})) &&
@@ -1889,9 +1944,13 @@ returns: nothing
+ my $target = '_top';
+ if (($env{'request.lti.login'}) && ($env{'request.lti.target'} eq 'iframe')) {
+ $target='';
+ }
$menulink = { href =>'/adm/menu',
title =>'Go to main menu',
- target =>'_top',
+ target =>$target,
text =>$description,
no_mt =>$no_mt_descr, };
if($last) {
@@ -1910,7 +1969,10 @@ returns: nothing
class => 'LC_menubuttons_link',
if ($env{'request.noversionuri'} eq '/adm/searchcat') {
- $hashref->{'target'} = '_top';
+ $hashref->{'target'} = '_top';
+ if (($env{'request.lti.login'}) && ($env{'request.lti.target'} eq 'iframe')) {
+ $hashref->{'target'} = '';
+ }
$links=&htmltag( 'a','',
@@ -2034,7 +2096,9 @@ Adds $html to $category of the breadcrum
$html is usually a link to a page that invokes a function on the currently
displayed data (e.g. print when viewing a problem)
-Currently there are 3 possible values for $category:
+=item Currently there are 3 possible values for $category:
@@ -2048,7 +2112,9 @@ remaining items in right of breadcrumbs
advanced tools shown in a separate box below breadcrumbs line
returns: nothing
@@ -2097,8 +2163,17 @@ returns: a hash containing the current b
Creates html for breadcrumb tools (categories navigation and tools) and inserts
\$breadcrumbs at the correct position.
-input: \$breadcrumbs - a reference to the string containing prepared
+=item input:
+=item \$breadcrumbs - a reference to the string containing prepared breadcrumbs.
returns: nothing
@@ -2124,8 +2199,17 @@ returns: nothing
Creates html for advanced tools (category advtools) and inserts \$breadcrumbs
at the correct position.
-input: \$breadcrumbs - a reference to the string containing prepared
-breadcrumbs (after render_tools call).
+=item input:
+=item \$breadcrumbs - a reference to the string containing prepared breadcrumbs (after render_tools call).
returns: nothing
@@ -3349,18 +3433,12 @@ PARAMSONE
if (itemid != null) {
itemh = itemid.offsetHeight;
- var primaryheight = 0;
- if (document.getElementById('LC_nav_bar') != null) {
- primaryheight = document.getElementById('LC_nav_bar').offsetHeight;
- }
- var secondaryheight = 0;
+ var primaryheight = document.getElementById('LC_nav_bar').offsetHeight;
+ var secondaryheight;
if (document.getElementById('LC_secondary_menu') != null) {
secondaryheight = document.getElementById('LC_secondary_menu').offsetHeight;
- var crumbsheight = 0;
- if (document.getElementById('LC_breadcrumbs') != null) {
- crumbsheight = document.getElementById('LC_breadcrumbs').offsetHeight;
- }
+ var crumbsheight = document.getElementById('LC_breadcrumbs').offsetHeight;
var dccidheight = 0;
if (document.getElementById('dccid') != null) {
dccidheight = document.getElementById('dccid').offsetHeight;
@@ -3433,10 +3511,7 @@ THIRD
sub javascript_jumpto_resource {
my $confirm_switch = &mt("Editing requires switching to the resource's home server.")."\n".
&mt('Switch server?');
- my $confirm_new_tab = &mt("Editing requires using the resource's home server.")."\n".
- &mt('Open a new browser tab?');
- &js_escape(\$confirm_new_tab);
return (<&');
- if ($shownsymb) {
- $cfile .= '&symb='.&HTML::Entities::encode($shownsymb,'"<>&');
- if ($resedit) {
- $cfile .= '&edit=1';
- }
+ if ($symb) {
+ $cfile .= '&symb='.&HTML::Entities::encode($symb,'"<>&');
} elsif ($folderpath) {
$cfile .= '&folderpath='.&HTML::Entities::encode($folderpath,'"<>&');
@@ -3509,7 +3564,7 @@ sub jump_to_editres {
if ($forcereg) {
$cfile .= '®ister=1';
- $jscall = "need_switchserver('".&Apache::loncommon::escape_single($cfile)."','$target');";
+ $jscall = "need_switchserver('".&Apache::loncommon::escape_single($cfile)."');";
} else {
unless ($cfile =~ m{^/priv/}) {
@@ -3526,7 +3581,7 @@ sub jump_to_editres {
if ($env{'request.use_absolute'} =~ m{^https://}) {
$usehttps = 1;
- }
+ }
} elsif ($cfile =~ m{^/?public/($match_domain)/($match_courseid)/syllabus}) {
if ($ENV{'SERVER_PORT'} == 443) {
my ($cdom,$cnum) = ($1,$2);
@@ -3726,7 +3781,9 @@ sub scripttag {
Constructs a XHTML list from \@array.
+=item input:
@@ -3740,7 +3797,9 @@ Attributes for
passed in a
See htmltag() for more details.
returns: XHTML list as String.
@@ -3859,13 +3918,19 @@ should be included in this list.
If the optional headline text is not provided, a default text will be used.
+=item Related routines:
-Related routines:
=over 4
+=item add_item_funclist
+=item end_funclist
Inputs: (optional) headline text
@@ -3892,10 +3957,18 @@ sub start_funclist {
Adds an item to the list of available functions
-Related routines:
+=item Related routines:
=over 4
+=item start_funclist
+=item end_funclist
Inputs: content item with text and link to function
@@ -3918,10 +3991,13 @@ sub add_item_funclist {
End list of available functions
-Related routines:
-=over 4
+=item Related routines:
+ start_funclist
+ add_item_funclist
Inputs: ./.
@@ -3954,7 +4030,7 @@ A string that's used as visually highlig
it's value evaluates to false.
returns: XHTML list as string.
@@ -3967,7 +4043,7 @@ sub funclist_from_array {
$args->{legend} ||= mt('Functions');
return list_from_array( [$args->{legend}, @$items],
{ listattr => {class => 'LC_funclist'} });
@@ -3989,8 +4065,8 @@ e.g. a file operation in Authoring Space
A reference to the array containing text. Details: sub funclist_from_array
-Returns: XHTML div as string.
+Returns: XHTML div as string.