+ }
+ if (($stuvcurrent ne '') || ($divforres)) {
+ $return .= '
+ }
+ return $return;
+# display_usage
+# Generates a div containing a block, filled to show percentage of current quota used
+# Quotas available for user portfolios, group portfolios, authoring spaces, and course
+# content stored directly within a course (i.e., excluding published content).
+sub display_usage {
+ my ($current_disk_usage,$disk_quota,$context) = @_;
+ my $usage = $current_disk_usage/1024;
+ my $quota = $disk_quota/1024;
+ my $percent;
+ if ($disk_quota == 0) {
+ $percent = 100.0;
+ } else {
+ $percent = 100*($current_disk_usage/$disk_quota);
+ }
+ $usage = sprintf("%.2f",$usage);
+ $quota = sprintf("%.2f",$quota);
+ $percent = sprintf("%.0f",$percent);
+ my ($color,$cssclass);
+ if ($percent <= 60) {
+ $color = '#00A000';
+ } elsif ($percent > 60 && $percent < 90) {
+ $color = '#FFD300';
+ $cssclass = 'class="LC_warning"';
+ } elsif( $percent >= 90) {
+ $color = '#FF0000';
+ $cssclass = 'class="LC_error"';
+ }
+ my $prog_width = $percent;
+ if ($prog_width > 100) {
+ $prog_width = 100;
+ }
+ my $display = 'block';
+ if ($context eq 'authoring') {
+ $display = 'inline';
+ }
+ return '
'.&mt('Currently using [_1] of the [_2] available.',$usage.' MB ('.$percent.'%)',$quota.' MB')."\n".
+' '."\n".
# topic_bar
-# Generates a div containing a numbered (static image) followed by a title
-# with a background color defined in the corresponding CSS: LC_topic_bar
+# Generates a div containing an (optional) number with a white background followed by a
+# title with a background color defined in the corresponding CSS: LC_topic_bar
+# Inputs:
+# 1. number to display.
+# If input for number is empty only the title will be displayed.
+# 2. title text to display.
+# 3. optional id for the
+# Outputs - a scalar containing html mark-up for the div.
sub topic_bar {
- my ($imgnum,$title) = @_;
- return '
- .''
- .' '.$title
- .'
+ my ($num,$title,$id) = @_;
+ my $number = '';
+ if ($num ne '') {
+ $number = ''.$num.'';
+ }
+ if ($id ne '') {
+ $id = 'id="'.$id.'"';
+ }
+ return '
# echo_form_input
# Generates html markup to add form elements from the referrer page
@@ -1856,30 +2735,30 @@ sub echo_form_input {
if ($key =~ /^form\.(.+)$/) {
my $name = $1;
my $match = 0;
- if ((!@{$excluded}) || (!grep/^$name$/,@{$excluded})) {
- if (defined($regexps)) {
- if (@{$regexps} > 0) {
- foreach my $regexp (@{$regexps}) {
- if ($name =~ /\Q$regexp\E/) {
- $match = 1;
- last;
- }
+ if (ref($excluded) eq 'ARRAY') {
+ next if (grep(/^\Q$name\E$/,@{$excluded}));
+ }
+ if (ref($regexps) eq 'ARRAY') {
+ if (@{$regexps} > 0) {
+ foreach my $regexp (@{$regexps}) {
+ if ($name =~ /$regexp/) {
+ $match = 1;
+ last;
- if (!$match) {
- if (ref($env{$key})) {
- foreach my $value (@{$env{$key}}) {
- $value = &HTML::Entities::encode($value,'<>&"');
- $output .= ''."\n";
- }
- } else {
- my $value = &HTML::Entities::encode($env{$key},'<>&"');
- $output .= ''."\n";
- }
+ }
+ next if ($match);
+ if (ref($env{$key}) eq 'ARRAY') {
+ foreach my $value (@{$env{$key}}) {
+ $value = &HTML::Entities::encode($value,'<>&"');
+ $output .= ''."\n";
+ } else {
+ my $value = &HTML::Entities::encode($env{$key},'<>&"');
+ $output .= ''."\n";
@@ -1888,7 +2767,6 @@ sub echo_form_input {
# set_form_elements
# Generates javascript to set form elements to values based on
@@ -1953,7 +2831,7 @@ sub set_form_elements {
$values{$name}[$i] =~ s/([\r\n\f]+)/\\n/g;
$values{$name}[$i] =~ s/"/\\"/g;
- if ($$elements{$name} eq 'text') {
+ if (($$elements{$name} eq 'text') || ($$elements{$name} eq 'hidden')) {
my $numvalues = @{$values{$name}};
if ($numvalues > 1) {
my $valuestring = join('","',@{$values{$name}});
@@ -1988,6 +2866,8 @@ sub set_form_elements {
$output .= qq|
if (courseForm.elements['$name'].value == "$value") {
courseForm.elements['$name'].checked = true;
+ } else {
+ courseForm.elements['$name'].checked = false;
@@ -2029,6 +2909,7 @@ sub set_form_elements {
$output .= "
+ return;
return $output;
@@ -2036,18 +2917,710 @@ sub set_form_elements {
+sub file_submissionchk_js {
+ my ($turninpaths,$multiples) = @_;
+ my $overwritewarn = &mt('File(s) you uploaded for your submission will overwrite existing file(s) submitted for this item')."\n".
+ &mt('Continue submission and overwrite the file(s)?');
+ &js_escape(\$overwritewarn);
+ my $delfilewarn = &mt('You have indicated you wish to remove some files previously included in your submission.')."\n".
+ &mt('Continue submission with these files removed?');
+ &js_escape(\$delfilewarn);
+ my ($turninpathtext,$multtext,$arrayindexofjs);
+ if (ref($turninpaths) eq 'HASH') {
+ foreach my $key (sort(keys(%{$turninpaths}))) {
+ $turninpathtext .= " if (prefix == '$key') {\n".
+ " return '$turninpaths->{$key}';\n".
+ " }\n";
+ }
+ }
+ $turninpathtext .= " return '';\n";
+ if (ref($multiples) eq 'HASH') {
+ foreach my $key (sort(keys(%{$multiples}))) {
+ $multtext .= " if (prefix == '$key') {\n".
+ " return '$multiples->{$key}';\n".
+ " }\n";
+ }
+ }
+ $multtext .= " return '';\n";
+ $arrayindexofjs = &Apache::loncommon::javascript_array_indexof();
+ return <<"ENDSCRIPT";
+sub resize_scrollbox_js {
+ my ($context,$tabidstr,$tid) = @_;
+ my (%names,$paddingwfrac,$offsetwfrac,$offsetv,$minw,$minv);
+ if ($context eq 'docs') {
+ %names = (
+ boxw => 'contenteditor',
+ item => 'contentlist',
+ header => 'uploadfileresult',
+ scroll => 'contentscroll',
+ boxh => 'contenteditor',
+ );
+ $paddingwfrac = 0.09;
+ $offsetwfrac = 0.015;
+ $offsetv = 20;
+ $minw = 250;
+ $minv = 200;
+ } elsif ($context eq 'params') {
+ %names = (
+ boxw => 'parameditor',
+ item => 'mapmenuinner',
+ header => 'parmstep1',
+ scroll => 'mapmenuscroll',
+ boxh => 'parmlevel',
+ );
+ $paddingwfrac = 0.2;
+ $offsetwfrac = 0.015;
+ $offsetv = 80;
+ $minw = 100;
+ $minv = 100;
+ }
+ my $viewport_js = &Apache::loncommon::viewport_geometry_js();
+ my $output = '
+ if ($context eq 'docs') {
+ if ($env{'form.active'}) {
+ $output .= "\nvar activeTab = '$env{'form.active'}$tid';\n";
+ } else {
+ $output .= "\nvar activeTab = '';\n";
+ }
+ }
+ $output .= <<"FIRST";
+function resize_scrollbox(scrollboxname,chkw,chkh) {
+ var scrollboxid = 'div_'+scrollboxname;
+ var scrolltableid = 'table_'+scrollboxname;
+ var scrollbox;
+ var scrolltable;
+ var ismobile = '$env{'browser.mobile'}';
+ if (document.getElementById("$names{'boxw'}") == null) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (document.getElementById(scrollboxid) == null) {
+ return;
+ } else {
+ scrollbox = document.getElementById(scrollboxid);
+ }
+ if (document.getElementById(scrolltableid) == null) {
+ return;
+ } else {
+ scrolltable = document.getElementById(scrolltableid);
+ }
+ init_geometry();
+ var vph = Geometry.getViewportHeight();
+ var vpw = Geometry.getViewportWidth();
+ if ($context eq 'docs') {
+ $output .= "
+ var alltabs = ['$tabidstr'];
+ } elsif ($context eq 'params') {
+ $output .= "
+ if (document.getElementById('$names{'boxh'}') == null) {
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ $output .= <<"SECOND";
+ var listwchange;
+ var scrollchange;
+ if (chkw == 1) {
+ var boxw = document.getElementById("$names{'boxw'}").offsetWidth;
+ var itemw;
+ var itemid = document.getElementById("$names{'item'}");
+ if (itemid != null) {
+ itemw = itemid.offsetWidth;
+ }
+ var itemwstart = itemw;
+ var scrollboxw = scrollbox.offsetWidth;
+ var scrollboxscrollw = scrollbox.scrollWidth;
+ var scrollstart = scrollboxw;
+ var offsetw = parseInt(vpw * $offsetwfrac);
+ var paddingw = parseInt(vpw * $paddingwfrac);
+ var minscrollboxw = $minw;
+ var maxcolw = 0;
+ if ($context eq 'docs') {
+ $output .= <<"DOCSONE";
+ var actabw = 0;
+ for (var i=0; i maxcolw) {
+ maxcolw = actabw;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (document.getElementById(alltabs[i]) != null) {
+ var thistab = document.getElementById(alltabs[i]);
+ thistab.style.visibility = 'hidden';
+ thistab.style.display = 'block';
+ var tabw = document.getElementById(alltabs[i]).offsetWidth;
+ thistab.style.display = 'none';
+ thistab.style.visibility = '';
+ if (tabw > maxcolw) {
+ maxcolw = tabw;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } elsif ($context eq 'params') {
+ $output .= <<"PARAMSONE";
+ var parmlevelrows = new Array();
+ var mapmenucells = new Array();
+ parmlevelrows = document.getElementById("$names{'boxh'}").rows;
+ var numrows = parmlevelrows.length;
+ if (numrows > 1) {
+ mapmenucells = parmlevelrows[2].getElementsByTagName('td');
+ }
+ maxcolw = mapmenucells[0].offsetWidth;
+ }
+ $output .= <<"THIRD";
+ if (maxcolw > 0) {
+ var newscrollboxw;
+ if (maxcolw+paddingw+scrollboxscrollw scrollboxheight) {
+ if (freevspace > offsetv) {
+ newscrollboxheight = scrollboxheight+freevspace-offsetv;
+ if (newscrollboxheight < minvscrollbox) {
+ newscrollboxheight = minvscrollbox;
+ }
+ scrollbox.style.height = newscrollboxheight+"px";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ scrollboxheight = scrollbox.offsetHeight;
+ var itemh = document.getElementById("$names{'item'}").offsetHeight;
+ if (scrollboxscrollheight <= scrollboxheight) {
+ if ((itemh+offsetv)&');
+ if ($shownsymb) {
+ $cfile .= '&symb='.&HTML::Entities::encode($shownsymb,'"<>&');
+ if ($resedit) {
+ $cfile .= '&edit=1';
+ }
+ } elsif ($folderpath) {
+ $cfile .= '&folderpath='.&HTML::Entities::encode($folderpath,'"<>&');
+ }
+ if ($forceedit) {
+ $cfile .= '&forceedit=1';
+ }
+ if ($forcereg) {
+ $cfile .= '®ister=1';
+ }
+ $jscall = "need_switchserver('".&Apache::loncommon::escape_single($cfile)."','$target');";
+ }
+ } else {
+ unless ($cfile =~ m{^/priv/}) {
+ if ($cfile =~ m{^(/adm/wrapper/ext/([^#]+))(?:|#([^#]+))$}) {
+ $cfile = $1;
+ my $extlink = $2;
+ $anchor = $3;
+ $is_ext = 1;
+ if (($extlink !~ /^https:/) && ($ENV{'SERVER_PORT'} == 443)) {
+ unless ((&Apache::lonnet::uses_sts()) || (&Apache::lonnet::waf_allssl($hostname))) {
+ $usehttp = 1;
+ }
+ } elsif ($env{'request.use_absolute'}) {
+ if ($env{'request.use_absolute'} =~ m{^https://}) {
+ $usehttps = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ } elsif ($cfile =~ m{^/?public/($match_domain)/($match_courseid)/syllabus}) {
+ if ($ENV{'SERVER_PORT'} == 443) {
+ my ($cdom,$cnum) = ($1,$2);
+ if (($env{'request.course.id'}) &&
+ ($env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.num'} eq $cnum) &&
+ ($env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.domain'} eq $cdom)) {
+ if ($env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.externalsyllabus'} =~ m{^http://}) {
+ unless ((&Apache::lonnet::uses_sts()) || (&Apache::lonnet::waf_allssl($hostname))) {
+ $usehttp = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } elsif ($env{'request.use_absolute'}) {
+ if ($env{'request.use_absolute'} =~ m{^https://}) {
+ $usehttps = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($symb) {
+ if ($anchor ne '') {
+ if ($symb =~ m{^([^#]+)\Q#$anchor\E$}) {
+ $symb = $1.&escape(&escape('#')).$anchor;
+ }
+ }
+ $cfile .= (($cfile=~/\?/)?'&':'?')."symb=$symb";
+ } elsif ($folderpath) {
+ $cfile .= (($cfile=~/\?/)?'&':'?').
+ 'folderpath='.&HTML::Entities::encode(&escape($folderpath),'"<>&');
+ if ($title) {
+ $cfile .= (($cfile=~/\?/)?'&':'?').
+ 'title='.&HTML::Entities::encode(&escape($title),'"<>&');
+ }
+ if ($idx) {
+ $cfile .= (($cfile=~/\?/)?'&':'?').'idx='.$idx;
+ }
+ if ($suppurl) {
+ $cfile .= (($cfile=~/\?/)?'&':'?').
+ 'suppurl='.&HTML::Entities::encode(&escape($suppurl));
+ }
+ }
+ if ($forceedit) {
+ $cfile .= (($cfile=~/\?/)?'&':'?').'forceedit=1';
+ if ($usehttps) {
+ $cfile = $env{'request.use_absolute'}.(($cfile =~ /^\//)? '':'/').$cfile;
+ }
+ } elsif ($usehttp) {
+ if ($hostname ne '') {
+ $cfile = 'http://'.$hostname.(($cfile =~ /^\//)? '':'/').$cfile;
+ }
+ $cfile .= (($cfile=~/\?/)?'&':'?').'usehttp=1';
+ } elsif ($usehttps) {
+ $cfile = $env{'request.use_absolute'}.(($cfile =~ /^\//)? '':'/').$cfile;
+ }
+ if ($forcereg) {
+ $cfile .= (($cfile=~/\?/)?'&':'?').'register=1';
+ }
+ if ($todocs) {
+ $cfile .= (($cfile=~/\?/)?'&':'?').'todocs=1';
+ }
+ if ($suppanchor ne '') {
+ $cfile .= (($cfile=~/\?/)?'&':'?').'anchor='.
+ &HTML::Entities::encode($suppanchor,'"<>&');
+ }
+ }
+ if ($anchor ne '') {
+ $cfile .= '#'.$anchor;
+ }
+ $jscall = "go('".&Apache::loncommon::escape_single($cfile)."')";
+ }
+ return $jscall;
# javascript_valid_email
# Generates javascript to validate an e-mail address.
-# Returns a javascript function which accetps a form field as argumnent, and
+# Returns a javascript function which accepts a form field as argument, and
# returns false if field.value does not satisfy two regular expression matches
# for a valid e-mail address. Backwards compatible with old browsers without
# support for javascript RegExp (just checks for @ in field.value in this case).
sub javascript_valid_email {
my $scripttag .= <<'END';
-function validmail(field) {
+function validmail(field,suffix) {
var str = field.value;
+ if (suffix != '' && suffix != undefined) {
+ str += suffix;
+ }
if (window.RegExp) {
var reg1str = "(@.*@)|(\\.\\.)|(@\\.)|(\\.@)|(^\\.)";
var reg2str = "^.+\\@(\\[?)[a-zA-Z0-9\\-\\.]+\\.([a-zA-Z]{2,3}|[0-9]{1,3})(\\]?)$"; //"
@@ -2095,7 +3668,7 @@ END
sub htmltag{
- . join( '', map { qq| $_="${$_[2]}{$_}"| if ${$_[2]}{$_} } keys %{ $_[2] } )
+ . join( '', map { qq| $_="${$_[2]}{$_}"| if ${$_[2]}{$_} } keys(%{ $_[2] }) )
. ($_[1] ? qq|>$_[1]$_[0]>| : qq|/>|). "\n";
@@ -2103,7 +3676,7 @@ sub htmltag{
# USAGE: inittags(@tags);
-# - my ($h1, $h2, $h3) = initTags( qw( h1 h2 h3 ) )
+# - my ($h1, $h2, $h3) = inittags( qw( h1 h2 h3 ) )
# $h1->("This is a headline") #Returns:
This is a headline
# NOTES: See sub htmltag for further information.
@@ -2117,24 +3690,75 @@ sub inittags {
-# USAGE: scripttag(scriptcode, true/false);
+# USAGE: scripttag(scriptcode, [start|end|both]);
-# - scripttag("alert('Hello World!')")
+# - scripttag("alert('Hello World!')", 'both')
+# returns:
# - works currently only for javascripts
-# OUTPUT: Scriptcode properly enclosed in