--- loncom/interface/lonhtmlcommon.pm 2004/09/10 17:58:01 1.89
+++ loncom/interface/lonhtmlcommon.pm 2025/03/03 22:03:02 1.419
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
# The LearningOnline Network with CAPA
# a pile of common html routines
-# $Id: lonhtmlcommon.pm,v 1.89 2004/09/10 17:58:01 banghart Exp $
+# $Id: lonhtmlcommon.pm,v 1.419 2025/03/03 22:03:02 raeburn Exp $
# Copyright Michigan State University Board of Trustees
@@ -55,17 +55,209 @@ html.
package Apache::lonhtmlcommon;
+use strict;
use Time::Local;
use Time::HiRes;
use Apache::lonlocal;
-use strict;
+use Apache::lonnet;
+use HTML::Entities();
+use LONCAPA qw(:DEFAULT :match);
+sub java_not_enabled {
+ if (($env{'browser.mobile'}) && ($env{'browser.mobile'} =~ /^ipad|ipod|iphone$/i)) {
+ return "\n".''.
+ &mt('The required Java applet could not be started, because Java is not supported by your mobile device.').
+ "\n";
+ } else {
+ return "\n".''.
+ &mt('The required Java applet could not be started. Please make sure to have Java installed and active in your browser.').
+ "\n";
+ }
+sub coursepreflink {
+ my ($text,$category)=@_;
+ if (&Apache::lonnet::allowed('opa',$env{'request.course.id'})) {
+ my $target =' target="_top"';
+ if ((($env{'request.lti.login'}) && ($env{'request.lti.target'} eq 'iframe')) ||
+ (($env{'request.deeplink.login'}) && ($env{'request.deeplink.target'} eq '_self'))) {
+ $target ='';
+ }
+ return '&"').'">'.$text.'';
+ } else {
+ return '';
+ }
+sub raw_href_to_link {
+ my ($message)=@_;
+ $message=~s/(https?\:\/\/[^\s\'\"\<]+)([\s\<]|$)/$1<\/tt><\/a>$2/gi;
+ return $message;
+sub entity_encode {
+ my ($text)=@_;
+ return &HTML::Entities::encode($text, '\'<>&"');
+sub direct_parm_link {
+ my ($linktext,$symb,$filter,$part,$target)=@_;
+ $symb=&entity_encode($symb);
+ $filter=&entity_encode($filter);
+ $part=&entity_encode($part);
+ if (($symb) && (&Apache::lonnet::allowed('opa')) && ($target ne 'tex')) {
+ my $target=' target="_top"';
+ if ((($env{'request.lti.login'}) && ($env{'request.lti.target'} eq 'iframe')) ||
+ (($env{'request.deeplink.login'}) && ($env{'request.deeplink.target'} eq '_self'))) {
+ $target='';
+ }
+ return "$linktext";
+ } else {
+ return $linktext;
+ }
+=item &confirm_success()
+Successful completion of an operation message
+sub confirm_success {
+ my ($message,$failure)=@_;
+ if ($failure) {
+ return ''."\n"
+ .'
+ .$message."\n"
+ .''."\n";
+ } else {
+ return ''."\n"
+ .'
+ .$message."\n"
+ .''."\n";
+ }
+=item &dragmath_button()
+Creates a button that launches a dragmath popup-window, in which an
+expression can be edited and pasted as LaTeX into a specified textarea.
+ textarea - Name of the textarea to edit.
+ helpicon - If true, show a help icon to the right of the button.
+sub dragmath_button {
+ my ($textarea,$helpicon) = @_;
+ my $help_text;
+ if ($helpicon) {
+ $help_text = &Apache::loncommon::help_open_topic('Authoring_Math_Editor',undef,undef,undef,undef,'mathhelpicon_'.$textarea);
+ }
+ my $buttontext=&mt('Edit Math');
+ return <$help_text
+=item &dragmath_js()
+Javascript used to open pop-up window containing dragmath applet which
+can be used to paste LaTeX into a textarea.
+sub dragmath_js {
+ my ($popup) = @_;
+ return <
+ //
+=item &dependencies_button()
+Creates a button that launches a popup-window, in which dependencies
+for the web page in the main window can be added to, replaced or deleted.
+sub dependencies_button {
+ my $buttontext=&mt('Manage Dependencies');
+ return <<"END";
+=item &dependencycheck_js()
+Javascript used to open pop-up window containing interface to manage
+dependencies for a web page uploaded diretcly to a course.
+sub dependencycheck_js {
+ my ($symb,$title,$url,$folderpath,$uri) = @_;
+ my $link;
+ if ($symb) {
+ $link = '/adm/dependencies?symb='.&HTML::Entities::encode($symb,'<>&"');
+ } elsif ($folderpath) {
+ $link = '/adm/dependencies?folderpath='.&HTML::Entities::encode($folderpath,'<>&"');
+ $url = $uri;
+ } elsif ($uri =~ m{^/public/$match_domain/$match_courseid/syllabus$}) {
+ $link = '/adm/dependencies';
+ }
+ $link .= (($link=~/\?/)?'&':'?').'title='.
+ &HTML::Entities::encode($title,'<>&"');
+ if ($url) {
+ $link .= '&url='.&HTML::Entities::encode($url,'<>&"');
+ }
+ &js_escape(\$link);
+ return <
+ //
-=item authorbombs
+=item &authorbombs()
@@ -75,12 +267,12 @@ use strict;
sub authorbombs {
my $url=shift;
- my ($udom,$uname)=($url=~/^(\w+)\/(\w+)\//);
+ my ($udom,$uname)=($url=~m{^($LONCAPA::domain_re)/($LONCAPA::username_re)/});
my %bombs=&Apache::lonmsg::all_url_author_res_msg($uname,$udom);
- foreach (keys %bombs) {
- if ($_=~/^$udom\/$uname\//) {
+ foreach my $bomb (keys(%bombs)) {
+ if ($bomb =~ /^$udom\/$uname\//) {
return '
+ '">
@@ -92,29 +284,35 @@ sub authorbombs {
sub recent_filename {
my $area=shift;
- return 'nohist_recent_'.&Apache::lonnet::escape($area);
+ return 'nohist_recent_'.&escape($area);
sub store_recent {
- my ($area,$name,$value)=@_;
+ my ($area,$name,$value,$freeze)=@_;
my $file=&recent_filename($area);
my %recent=&Apache::lonnet::dump($file);
- if (scalar(keys(%recent))>10) {
+ if (scalar(keys(%recent))>20) {
# remove oldest value
- my $oldest=time;
+ my $oldest=time();
my $delkey='';
- foreach (keys %recent) {
- my $thistime=(split(/\&/,$recent{$_}))[0];
- if ($thistime<$oldest) {
+ foreach my $item (keys(%recent)) {
+ my $thistime=(split(/\&/,$recent{$item}))[0];
+ if (($thistime ne "always_include") && ($thistime<$oldest)) {
- $delkey=$_;
+ $delkey=$item;
# store new value
+ my $timestamp;
+ if ($freeze) {
+ $timestamp = "always_include";
+ } else {
+ $timestamp = time();
+ }
&Apache::lonnet::put($file,{ $name =>
- time.'&'.&Apache::lonnet::escape($value) });
+ $timestamp.'&'.&escape($value) });
sub remove_recent {
@@ -127,12 +325,17 @@ sub select_recent {
my ($area,$fieldname,$event)=@_;
my %recent=&Apache::lonnet::dump(&recent_filename($area));
my $return="\n\n";
+ my $minuteselector = qq{};
+ my $secondselector= qq{};
+ my $cal_link;
+ unless (($nolink) || ($state eq 'disabled')) {
+ $cal_link = qq{};
+ }
+ #
+ my $tzone = ' '.$tzname.' ';
+ if ($no_hh_mm_ss) {
+ $result .= &mt('[_1] [_2] [_3] ',
+ $monthselector,$dayselector,$yearselector).
+ $tzone;
+ } elsif ($no_mm_ss) {
+ $result .= &mt('[_1] [_2] [_3] [_4]',
+ $monthselector,$dayselector,$yearselector,
+ $hourselector).
+ $tzone;
+ } elsif ($no_ss) {
+ $result .= &mt('[_1] [_2] [_3] [_4] [_5]m',
+ $monthselector,$dayselector,$yearselector,
+ $hourselector,$minuteselector).
+ $tzone;
+ } else {
+ $result .= &mt('[_1] [_2] [_3] [_4] [_5]m [_6]s ',
+ $monthselector,$dayselector,$yearselector,
+ $hourselector,$minuteselector,$secondselector).
+ $tzone;
+ }
+ unless (($nolink) || ($state eq 'disabled')) {
+ $result .= &mt('[_1]Select Date[_2]',$cal_link,'');
+ }
+ $result .= "\n\n";
return $result;
+sub get_timedates {
+ my ($epoch) = @_;
+ my $dt = DateTime->from_epoch(epoch => $epoch)
+ ->set_time_zone(&Apache::lonlocal::gettimezone());
+ my $tzname = $dt->time_zone_short_name();
+ my $sec = $dt->second;
+ my $min = $dt->minute;
+ my $hour = $dt->hour;
+ my $mday = $dt->day;
+ my $month = $dt->month;
+ if ($month) {
+ $month --;
+ }
+ my $year = $dt->year;
+ return ($tzname,$sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$month,$year);
+sub build_url {
+ my ($base, $fields)=@_;
+ my $url;
+ $url = $base.'?';
+ foreach my $key (keys(%$fields)) {
+ $url.=&escape($key).'='.&escape($$fields{$key}).'&';
+ }
+ $url =~ s/&$//;
+ return $url;
-=item &get_date_from_form
+=item &get_date_from_form()
get_date_from_form retrieves the date specified in an &date_setter form.
+=item Inputs:
=over 4
=item $dname
-The name passed to &datesetter, which prefixes the form elements.
+The name passed to &date_setter, which prefixes the form elements.
=item $defaulttime
@@ -402,6 +781,8 @@ The unix time to use as the default in c
Returns: Unix time represented in the form.
@@ -412,8 +793,8 @@ sub get_date_from_form {
my ($dname) = @_;
my ($sec,$min,$hour,$day,$month,$year);
- if (defined($ENV{'form.'.$dname.'_second'})) {
- my $tmpsec = $ENV{'form.'.$dname.'_second'};
+ if (defined($env{'form.'.$dname.'_second'})) {
+ my $tmpsec = $env{'form.'.$dname.'_second'};
if (($tmpsec =~ /^\d+$/) && ($tmpsec >= 0) && ($tmpsec < 60)) {
$sec = $tmpsec;
@@ -421,8 +802,8 @@ sub get_date_from_form {
} else {
$sec = 0;
- if (defined($ENV{'form.'.$dname.'_minute'})) {
- my $tmpmin = $ENV{'form.'.$dname.'_minute'};
+ if (defined($env{'form.'.$dname.'_minute'})) {
+ my $tmpmin = $env{'form.'.$dname.'_minute'};
if (($tmpmin =~ /^\d+$/) && ($tmpmin >= 0) && ($tmpmin < 60)) {
$min = $tmpmin;
@@ -430,37 +811,50 @@ sub get_date_from_form {
} else {
$min = 0;
- if (defined($ENV{'form.'.$dname.'_hour'})) {
- my $tmphour = $ENV{'form.'.$dname.'_hour'};
+ if (defined($env{'form.'.$dname.'_hour'})) {
+ my $tmphour = $env{'form.'.$dname.'_hour'};
if (($tmphour =~ /^\d+$/) && ($tmphour >= 0) && ($tmphour < 24)) {
$hour = $tmphour;
} else {
$hour = 0;
- if (defined($ENV{'form.'.$dname.'_day'})) {
- my $tmpday = $ENV{'form.'.$dname.'_day'};
+ if (defined($env{'form.'.$dname.'_day'})) {
+ my $tmpday = $env{'form.'.$dname.'_day'};
if (($tmpday =~ /^\d+$/) && ($tmpday > 0) && ($tmpday < 32)) {
$day = $tmpday;
- if (defined($ENV{'form.'.$dname.'_month'})) {
- my $tmpmonth = $ENV{'form.'.$dname.'_month'};
+ if (defined($env{'form.'.$dname.'_month'})) {
+ my $tmpmonth = $env{'form.'.$dname.'_month'};
if (($tmpmonth =~ /^\d+$/) && ($tmpmonth > 0) && ($tmpmonth < 13)) {
- $month = $tmpmonth - 1;
+ $month = $tmpmonth;
- if (defined($ENV{'form.'.$dname.'_year'})) {
- my $tmpyear = $ENV{'form.'.$dname.'_year'};
- if (($tmpyear =~ /^\d+$/) && ($tmpyear > 1900)) {
- $year = $tmpyear - 1900;
+ if (defined($env{'form.'.$dname.'_year'})) {
+ my $tmpyear = $env{'form.'.$dname.'_year'};
+ if (($tmpyear =~ /^\d+$/) && ($tmpyear >= 1970)) {
+ $year = $tmpyear;
- if (($year<70) || ($year>137)) { return undef; }
+ if (($year<1970) || ($year>2037)) { return undef; }
if (defined($sec) && defined($min) && defined($hour) &&
- defined($day) && defined($month) && defined($year) &&
- eval(&timelocal($sec,$min,$hour,$day,$month,$year))) {
- return &timelocal($sec,$min,$hour,$day,$month,$year);
+ defined($day) && defined($month) && defined($year)) {
+ my $timezone = &Apache::lonlocal::gettimezone();
+ my $dt = DateTime->new( year => $year,
+ month => $month,
+ day => $day,
+ hour => $hour,
+ minute => $min,
+ second => $sec,
+ time_zone => $timezone,
+ );
+ my $epoch_time = $dt->epoch;
+ if ($epoch_time ne '') {
+ return $epoch_time;
+ } else {
+ return undef;
+ }
} else {
return undef;
@@ -482,12 +876,14 @@ parameter setting wizard.
sub pjump_javascript_definition {
my $Str = <'.
- &mt('Currently Enrolled').''."\n";
- $Str .= ''."\n";
- $Str .= ''."\n";
+ foreach my $type (['Active', &mt('Currently Has Access')],
+ ['Future', &mt('Will Have Future Access')],
+ ['Expired', &mt('Previously Had Access')],
+ ['Any', &mt('Any Access Status')]) {
+ my ($name,$label) = @$type;
+ $Str .= '