--- loncom/interface/lonhtmlcommon.pm 2006/08/18 15:15:38 1.153
+++ loncom/interface/lonhtmlcommon.pm 2025/03/06 16:42:40 1.420
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
# The LearningOnline Network with CAPA
# a pile of common html routines
-# $Id: lonhtmlcommon.pm,v 1.153 2006/08/18 15:15:38 raeburn Exp $
+# $Id: lonhtmlcommon.pm,v 1.420 2025/03/06 16:42:40 raeburn Exp $
# Copyright Michigan State University Board of Trustees
@@ -60,15 +60,204 @@ use Time::Local;
use Time::HiRes;
use Apache::lonlocal;
use Apache::lonnet;
-use lib '/home/httpd/lib/perl/';
+use HTML::Entities();
+use LONCAPA qw(:DEFAULT :match);
+sub java_not_enabled {
+ if (($env{'browser.mobile'}) && ($env{'browser.mobile'} =~ /^ipad|ipod|iphone$/i)) {
+ return "\n".''.
+ &mt('The required Java applet could not be started, because Java is not supported by your mobile device.').
+ "\n";
+ } else {
+ return "\n".''.
+ &mt('The required Java applet could not be started. Please make sure to have Java installed and active in your browser.').
+ "\n";
+ }
+sub coursepreflink {
+ my ($text,$category)=@_;
+ if (&Apache::lonnet::allowed('opa',$env{'request.course.id'})) {
+ my $target =' target="_top"';
+ if ((($env{'request.lti.login'}) && ($env{'request.lti.target'} eq 'iframe')) ||
+ (($env{'request.deeplink.login'}) && ($env{'request.deeplink.target'} eq '_self'))) {
+ $target ='';
+ }
+ return '&"').'">'.$text.'';
+ } else {
+ return '';
+ }
+sub raw_href_to_link {
+ my ($message)=@_;
+ $message=~s/(https?\:\/\/[^\s\'\"\<]+)([\s\<]|$)/$1<\/tt><\/a>$2/gi;
+ return $message;
+sub entity_encode {
+ my ($text)=@_;
+ return &HTML::Entities::encode($text, '\'<>&"');
+sub direct_parm_link {
+ my ($linktext,$symb,$filter,$part,$target)=@_;
+ $symb=&entity_encode($symb);
+ $filter=&entity_encode($filter);
+ $part=&entity_encode($part);
+ if (($symb) && (&Apache::lonnet::allowed('opa')) && ($target ne 'tex')) {
+ my $target=' target="_top"';
+ if ((($env{'request.lti.login'}) && ($env{'request.lti.target'} eq 'iframe')) ||
+ (($env{'request.deeplink.login'}) && ($env{'request.deeplink.target'} eq '_self'))) {
+ $target='';
+ }
+ return "$linktext";
+ } else {
+ return $linktext;
+ }
+=item &confirm_success()
+Successful completion of an operation message
+sub confirm_success {
+ my ($message,$failure)=@_;
+ if ($failure) {
+ return ''."\n"
+ .' '."\n"
+ .$message."\n"
+ .''."\n";
+ } else {
+ return ''."\n"
+ .' '."\n"
+ .$message."\n"
+ .''."\n";
+ }
+=item &dragmath_button()
+Creates a button that launches a dragmath popup-window, in which an
+expression can be edited and pasted as LaTeX into a specified textarea.
+ textarea - Name of the textarea to edit.
+ helpicon - If true, show a help icon to the right of the button.
+sub dragmath_button {
+ my ($textarea,$helpicon) = @_;
+ my $help_text;
+ if ($helpicon) {
+ $help_text = &Apache::loncommon::help_open_topic('Authoring_Math_Editor',undef,undef,undef,undef,'mathhelpicon_'.$textarea);
+ }
+ my $buttontext=&mt('Edit Math');
+ return <$help_text
+=item &dragmath_js()
+Javascript used to open pop-up window containing dragmath applet which
+can be used to paste LaTeX into a textarea.
+sub dragmath_js {
+ my ($popup) = @_;
+ return <
+ //
+=item &dependencies_button()
+Creates a button that launches a popup-window, in which dependencies
+for the web page in the main window can be added to, replaced or deleted.
+sub dependencies_button {
+ my $buttontext=&mt('Manage Dependencies');
+ return <<"END";
+=item &dependencycheck_js()
+Javascript used to open pop-up window containing interface to manage
+dependencies for a web page uploaded diretcly to a course.
+sub dependencycheck_js {
+ my ($symb,$title,$url,$folderpath,$uri) = @_;
+ my $link;
+ if ($symb) {
+ $link = '/adm/dependencies?symb='.&HTML::Entities::encode($symb,'<>&"');
+ } elsif ($folderpath) {
+ $link = '/adm/dependencies?folderpath='.&HTML::Entities::encode($folderpath,'<>&"');
+ $url = $uri;
+ } elsif ($uri =~ m{^/public/$match_domain/$match_courseid/syllabus$}) {
+ $link = '/adm/dependencies';
+ }
+ $link .= (($link=~/\?/)?'&':'?').'title='.
+ &HTML::Entities::encode($title,'<>&"');
+ if ($url) {
+ $link .= '&url='.&HTML::Entities::encode($url,'<>&"');
+ }
+ &js_escape(\$link);
+ return <
+ //
-=item authorbombs
+=item &authorbombs()
@@ -78,12 +267,12 @@ use LONCAPA;
sub authorbombs {
my $url=shift;
- my ($udom,$uname)=($url=~/^(\w+)\/(\w+)\//);
+ my ($udom,$uname)=($url=~m{^($LONCAPA::domain_re)/($LONCAPA::username_re)/});
my %bombs=&Apache::lonmsg::all_url_author_res_msg($uname,$udom);
- foreach (keys %bombs) {
- if ($_=~/^$udom\/$uname\//) {
+ foreach my $bomb (keys(%bombs)) {
+ if ($bomb =~ /^$udom\/$uname\//) {
return ''.
+ '">'.
@@ -141,6 +330,10 @@ sub select_recent {
foreach my $value (sort(keys(%recent))) {
unless ($value =~/^error\:/) {
my $escaped = &Apache::loncommon::escape_url($value);
+ &Apache::loncommon::inhibit_menu_check(\$escaped);
+ if ($area eq 'residx') {
+ next if ((!&Apache::lonnet::allowed('bre',$value)) && (!&Apache::lonnet::allowed('bro',$value)));
+ }
@@ -158,7 +351,7 @@ sub get_recent {
# Begin filling return_hash with any 'always_include' option
my %time_hash = ();
my %return_hash = ();
- foreach my $item (keys %recent) {
+ foreach my $item (keys(%recent)) {
my ($thistime,$thisvalue)=(split(/\&/,$recent{$item}));
if ($thistime eq 'always_include') {
$return_hash{$item} = &unescape($thisvalue);
@@ -198,7 +391,7 @@ sub get_recent_frozen {
-=item textbox
+=item &textbox()
@@ -218,29 +411,29 @@ sub textbox {
-=item checkbox
+=item &checkbox()
sub checkbox {
- my ($name,$checked,$value) = @_;
+ my ($name,$checked,$value,$special) = @_;
my $Str = '';
return $Str;
-=item radiobutton
+=item &radiobutton()
@@ -253,7 +446,7 @@ sub radio {
$Str .= 'value="'.$value.'"';
if ($checked eq $value) {
- $Str .= ' checked="1"';
+ $Str .= ' checked="checked"';
$Str .= ' />';
return $Str;
@@ -264,15 +457,17 @@ sub radio {
-=item &date_setter
+=item &date_setter()
&date_setter returns html and javascript for a compact date-setting form.
-To retrieve values from it, use &get_date_from_form().
+To retrieve values from it, use &get_date_from_form.
=over 4
+=item Inputs
=item $dname
The name to prepend to the form elements.
@@ -283,7 +478,8 @@ dname_hour, dname_min, and dname_sec.
The current setting for this time parameter. A unix format time
(time in seconds since the beginning of Jan 1st, 1970, GMT.
-An undefined value is taken to indicate the value is the current time.
+An undefined value is taken to indicate the value is the current time
+unless it is requested to leave it empty. See $includeempty.
Also, to be explicit, a value of 'now' also indicates the current time.
=item $special
@@ -293,66 +489,103 @@ the date_setter. See lonparmset for exa
=item $includeempty
+If it is set (true) and no date/time value is provided,
+the date/time fields are left empty.
=item $state
Specifies the initial state of the form elements. Either 'disabled' or empty.
-Defaults to empty, which indiciates the form elements are not disabled.
+Defaults to empty, which indicates the form elements are not disabled.
+=item $no_hh_mm_ss
+If true, text boxes for hours, minutes and seconds are omitted.
+=item $defhour
+Default value for hours (a default of 0 is used otherwise).
+=item $defmin
+Default value for minutes (a default of 0 is used otherwise).
+=item defsec
+Default value for seconds (a default of 0 is used otherwise).
+=item $nolink
+If true, a "Select calendar" link (to pop-up a calendar) is not displayed
+to the right of the items.
+=item $no_mm_ss
+If true, text boxes for minutes and seconds are omitted.
+=item $no_ss
+If true, text boxes for seconds are omitted.
+=item Bugs
The method used to restrict user input will fail in the year 2400.
sub date_setter {
my ($formname,$dname,$currentvalue,$special,$includeempty,$state,
- $no_hh_mm_ss,$defhour,$defmin,$defsec,$nolink) = @_;
- my $wasdefined=1;
+ $no_hh_mm_ss,$defhour,$defmin,$defsec,$nolink,$no_mm_ss,$no_ss) = @_;
+ my $now = time;
+ my %labels = &Apache::lonlocal::texthash(
+ day => 'day',
+ month => 'month',
+ year => 'year',
+ sec => 'seconds',
+ min => 'minutes',
+ hour => 'hours',
+ );
+ my $tzname;
+ my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$month,$year) = ('', '', undef,''.''.'');
+ #other potentially useful values: wkday,yrday,is_daylight_savings
if (! defined($state) || $state ne 'disabled') {
$state = '';
+ } else {
+ $state = 'disabled="disabled"';
if (! defined($no_hh_mm_ss)) {
$no_hh_mm_ss = 0;
if ($currentvalue eq 'now') {
- $currentvalue=time;
+ $currentvalue = $now;
- if ((!defined($currentvalue)) || ($currentvalue eq '')) {
- $wasdefined=0;
- if ($includeempty) {
- $currentvalue = 0;
- } else {
- $currentvalue = time;
- }
+ # Default value: Set empty date field to current time
+ # unless empty inclusion is requested
+ if ((!$includeempty) && (!$currentvalue)) {
+ $currentvalue = $now;
- # other potentially useful values: wkday,yrday,is_daylight_savings
- my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$month,$year)=('','',undef,'','','');
+ # Do we have a date? Split it!
if ($currentvalue) {
- ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$month,$year,undef,undef,undef) =
- localtime($currentvalue);
- $year += 1900;
- }
- unless ($wasdefined) {
- if (($defhour) || ($defmin) || ($defsec)) {
- ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$month,$year,undef,undef,undef) =
- localtime(time);
- $year += 1900;
- $sec=($defsec?$defsec:0);
- $min=($defmin?$defmin:0);
- $hour=($defhour?$defhour:0);
- } elsif (!$includeempty) {
- $sec=0;
- $min=0;
- $hour=0;
- }
+ ($tzname,$sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$month,$year) = &get_timedates($currentvalue);
+ #No values provided for hour, min, sec? Use default 0
+ if (($defhour) || ($defmin) || ($defsec)) {
+ $sec = ($defsec ? $defsec : 0);
+ $min = ($defmin ? $defmin : 0);
+ $hour = ($defhour ? $defhour : 0);
+ }
my $result = "\n\n";
$result .= <
- $result .= ' ';
- my $monthselector = qq{';
+ return $output;
# --------------------- A function that generates a window for the spellchecker
@@ -1040,16 +1288,18 @@ sub spellheader {
my $nothing=&javascript_nothing();
return (<
+// <\/form>$end_page');
+ checkwin.document.writeln('$start_page