--- loncom/interface/lonmenu.pm 2003/01/29 15:22:06 1.31
+++ loncom/interface/lonmenu.pm 2003/02/17 22:59:37 1.42
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
# The LearningOnline Network with CAPA
# Routines to control the menu
-# $Id: lonmenu.pm,v 1.31 2003/01/29 15:22:06 www Exp $
+# $Id: lonmenu.pm,v 1.42 2003/02/17 22:59:37 www Exp $
# Copyright Michigan State University Board of Trustees
@@ -36,13 +36,365 @@ package Apache::lonmenu;
use strict;
use Apache::lonnet;
+use Apache::Constants qw(:common);
+use Apache::loncommon;
use Apache::File;
use vars qw(@desklines $readdesk);
+# ============================= This gets called at the top of the body section
+sub menubuttons {
+ my $forcereg=shift;
+ my $target =shift;
+ my $registration=shift;
+ unless ($ENV{'browser.interface'} eq 'textual') { return ''; }
+# Textual display only
+ my $output='Main Menu ';
+ if ($registration) { $output.=&innerregister($forcereg,$target); }
+ return $output."
+# ====================================== This gets called in the header section
+sub registerurl {
+ my $forcereg=shift;
+ my $target = shift;
+ my $result = '';
+ if ($target eq 'edit') {
+ $result .="\n";
+ }
+ if (($ENV{'browser.interface'} eq 'textual') ||
+ ((($ENV{'request.publicaccess'}) ||
+ (!&Apache::lonnet::is_on_map($ENV{'REQUEST_URI'}))) &&
+ (!$forcereg))) {
+ return $result.
+ '';
+ }
+# Graphical display after login only
+ if ($Apache::lonxml::registered && !$forcereg) { return ''; }
+ $result.=&innerregister($forcereg,$target);
+ return $result;
+# =========== This gets called in order to register a URL, both with the Remote
+# =========== and in the body of the document
+sub innerregister {
+ my $forcereg=shift;
+ my $target = shift;
+ my $result = '';
+ $Apache::lonxml::registered=1;
+ my $textual=($ENV{'browser.interface'} eq 'textual');
+ my $reopen=&Apache::lonmenu::reopenmenu();
+ my $newmail='';
+ if (&Apache::lonmsg::newmail()) {
+ $newmail=($textual?
+ 'You have new messages ':
+ 'swmenu.setstatus("you have","messages");');
+ }
+ my $timesync=($textual?'':'swmenu.syncclock(1000*'.time.');');
+# =============================================================================
+# ============================ This is for URLs that actually can be registered
+ if (($ENV{'REQUEST_URI'}!~/^\/(res\/)*adm\//) || ($forcereg)) {
+# -- This applies to homework problems for users with grading privileges
+ my $hwkadd='';
+ if
+ ($ENV{'request.filename'}=~/\.(problem|exam|quiz|assess|survey|form)$/) {
+ if (&Apache::lonnet::allowed('vgr',$ENV{'request.course.id'})) {
+ $hwkadd.=&switch('','',7,1,'subm.gif','view sub','missions',
+ "gocmd('/adm/grades','submission')",
+ 'View user submissions for this assessment resource');
+ }
+ if (&Apache::lonnet::allowed('mgr',$ENV{'request.course.id'})) {
+ $hwkadd.=&switch('','',7,2,'pgrd.gif','problem','grades',
+ "gocmd('/adm/grades','gradingmenu')",
+ 'Modify user grades for this assessment resource');
+ }
+ if (&Apache::lonnet::allowed('opa',$ENV{'request.course.id'})) {
+ $hwkadd.=&switch('','',7,3,'pparm.gif','problem','parms',
+ "gocmd('/adm/parmset','set')",
+ 'Modify deadlines, etc, for this assessment resource');
+ }
+ }
+# -- End Homework
+ ###
+ ### Determine whether or not to display the 'cstr' button for this
+ ### resource
+ ###
+ my $editbutton = '';
+ if ($ENV{'user.author'}) {
+ if ($ENV{'request.role'}=~/^(ca|au)/) {
+ # Set defaults for authors
+ my ($top,$bottom) = ('con-','struct');
+ my $action = "go('/priv/".$ENV{'user.name'}."');";
+ my $cadom = $ENV{'request.role.domain'};
+ my $caname = $ENV{'user.name'};
+ my $desc = "Enter my resource construction space";
+ # Set defaults for co-authors
+ if ($ENV{'request.role'} =~ /^ca/) {
+ ($cadom,$caname)=($ENV{'request.role'}=~/(\w+)\/(\w+)$/);
+ ($top,$bottom) = ('co con-','struct');
+ $action = "go('/priv/".$caname."');";
+ $desc = "Enter construction space as co-author";
+ }
+ # Check that we are on the correct machine
+ my $home = &Apache::lonnet::homeserver($caname,$cadom);
+ if ($home eq $Apache::lonnet::perlvar{'lonHostID'}) {
+ $editbutton=&switch
+ ('','',6,1,$top,,$bottom,$action,$desc);
+ }
+ }
+ ##
+ ## Determine if user can edit url.
+ ##
+ my $cfile='';
+ my $cfuname='';
+ my $cfudom='';
+ if ($ENV{'request.filename'}) {
+ my $file=&Apache::lonnet::declutter($ENV{'request.filename'});
+ $file=~s/^(\w+)\/(\w+)/\/priv\/$2/;
+ # Chech that the user has permission to edit this resource
+ ($cfuname,$cfudom)=&Apache::loncacc::constructaccess($file,$1);
+ if (defined($cfudom)) {
+ if (&Apache::lonnet::homeserver($cfuname,$cfudom)
+ eq $Apache::lonnet::perlvar{'lonHostID'}) {
+ $cfile=$file;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # Finally, turn the button on or off
+ if ($cfile) {
+ $editbutton=&switch
+ ('','',6,1,'cstr.gif','edit','resource',
+ "go('".$cfile."');","Edit this resource");
+ } elsif ($editbutton eq '') {
+ $editbutton=&clear(6,1);
+ }
+ }
+ ###
+ ###
+# Prepare the rest of the buttons
+ my $menuitems=(<
+// BEGIN LON-CAPA Internal
+# Registered, graphical output
+ } else {
+ $result = (<
+// BEGIN LON-CAPA Internal
+var swmenu=null;
+ function LONCAPAreg() {
+ swmenu=$reopen;
+ swmenu.clearTimeout(swmenu.menucltim);
+ $timesync
+ $newmail
+ $buttons
+ swmenu.currentURL=window.location.pathname;
+ swmenu.reloadURL=window.location.pathname;
+ swmenu.currentSymb="$ENV{'request.symb'}";
+ swmenu.reloadSymb="$ENV{'request.symb'}";
+ swmenu.currentStale=0;
+ $hwkadd
+ $editbutton
+ }
+ function LONCAPAstale() {
+ swmenu=$reopen
+ swmenu.currentStale=1;
+ if (swmenu.reloadURL!='' && swmenu.reloadURL!= null) {
+ swmenu.switchbutton
+ (3,1,'reload.gif','return','location','go(reloadURL)','Return to the last known location in the course sequence');
+ }
+ swmenu.clearbut(7,1);
+ swmenu.clearbut(7,2);
+ swmenu.clearbut(7,3);
+ swmenu.menucltim=swmenu.setTimeout(
+ 'clearbut(2,1);clearbut(2,3);clearbut(8,1);clearbut(8,2);clearbut(8,3);'+
+ 'clearbut(9,1);clearbut(9,2);clearbut(9,3);clearbut(6,3);clearbut(6,1)',
+ 2000);
+ }
+// END LON-CAPA Internal
+ }
+# =============================================================================
+ } else {
+# ========================================== This can or will not be registered
+ if ($textual) {
+# Not registered, textual
+ $result= (<
+// BEGIN LON-CAPA Internal
+var swmenu=null;
+ function LONCAPAreg() {
+ swmenu=$reopen
+ $timesync
+ swmenu.currentStale=1;
+ swmenu.clearbut(2,1);
+ swmenu.clearbut(2,3);
+ swmenu.clearbut(8,1);
+ swmenu.clearbut(8,2);
+ swmenu.clearbut(8,3);
+ if (swmenu.currentURL) {
+ swmenu.switchbutton
+ (3,1,'reload.gif','return','location','go(currentURL)');
+ } else {
+ swmenu.clearbut(3,1);
+ }
+ }
+ function LONCAPAstale() {
+ }
+// END LON-CAPA Internal
+ }
+# =============================================================================
+ }
+ return $result;
+sub loadevents() {
+ return 'LONCAPAreg();';
+sub unloadevents() {
+ return 'LONCAPAstale();';
+# ============================================================= Start up remote
+sub startupremote {
+ my ($lowerurl)=@_;
+ if ($ENV{'browser.interface'} eq 'textual') {
+ return ('');
+ }
+ my $configmenu=&rawconfig();
+ return(<
+function wheelswitch() {
+ if (window.status=='|') {
+ window.status='/';
+ } else {
+ if (window.status=='/') {
+ window.status='-';
+ } else {
+ if (window.status=='-') {
+ window.status='\\\\';
+ } else {
+ if (window.status=='\\\\') { window.status='|'; }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------- The wait function
+var canceltim;
+function wait() {
+ if ((menuloaded==1) || (tim==1)) {
+ window.status='Done.';
+ if (tim==0) {
+ clearTimeout(canceltim);
+ $configmenu
+ window.location='$lowerurl';
+ } else {
+ alert("Remote Control timed out. It is possible that it was blocked by pop-up window filters.");
+ }
+ } else {
+ wheelswitch();
+ setTimeout('wait();',200);
+ }
+function main() {
+ canceltim=setTimeout('tim=1;',60000);
+ window.status='-';
+ wait();
+sub setflags() {
+ return(<
+ menuloaded=0;
+ tim=0;
+sub maincall() {
+ if ($ENV{'browser.interface'} eq 'textual') { return ''; }
+ return(<
+ main();
# ================================================================= Reopen menu
sub reopenmenu {
my $nothing='';
+ if ($ENV{'browser.interface'} eq 'textual') { return ''; }
my $menuname='LCmenu'.$Apache::lonnet::perlvar{'lonHostID'};
if ($ENV{'browser.type'} eq 'explorer') { $nothing='javascript:void(0);'; }
@@ -52,6 +404,7 @@ sub reopenmenu {
sub open {
my $returnval='';
+ if ($ENV{'browser.interface'} eq 'textual') { return ''; }
my $menuname='LCmenu'.$Apache::lonnet::perlvar{'lonHostID'};
unless (shift eq 'unix') {
# resizing does not work on linux because of virtual desktop sizes
@@ -63,40 +416,41 @@ if (window.screen) {
-# ============================================================ Switch Menu Item
-sub switchmenu {
- my ($row,$col,$imgsrc,$texttop,$textbot,$action,$description)=@_;
- my $openwin=&openmenu();
- return(<
- var swmenu=$openwin
- swmenu.switchbutton($row,$col,"$imgsrc","$texttop","$textbot","$action","$description");
# ================================================================== Raw Config
sub clear {
my ($row,$col)=@_;
- return qq(swmenu.clearbut($row,$col););
+ unless ($ENV{'browser.interface'} eq 'textual') {
+ return "\n".qq(window.status+='.';swmenu.clearbut($row,$col););
+ } else { return ''; }
+# ============================================ Switch a button or create a link
# Switch acts on the javascript that is executed when a button is clicked.
# The javascript is usually similar to "go('/adm/roles')" or "cstrgo(..)".
sub switch {
- my ($uname,$udom,$row,$col,$img,$top,$bot,$act,$desc)=@_;
+ my ($uname,$udom,$row,$col,$img,$top,$bot,$act,$desc,$nobreak)=@_;
- return "\n".
- qq(swmenu.switchbutton($row,$col,"$img","$top","$bot","$act","$desc"););
+ unless ($ENV{'browser.interface'} eq 'textual') {
+ return "\n".
+ qq(window.status+='.';swmenu.switchbutton($row,$col,"$img","$top","$bot","$act","$desc"););
+ } else {
+ if ($nobreak==2) { return ''; }
+ my $text=$top.' '.$bot;
+ $text=~s/\- //;
+ return "\n".($nobreak?' ':' ').
+ ''.$text.' '.($nobreak?'':$desc);
+ }
sub secondlevel {
@@ -115,6 +469,7 @@ sub secondlevel {
sub openmenu {
my $menuname='LCmenu'.$Apache::lonnet::perlvar{'lonHostID'};
+ if ($ENV{'browser.interface'} eq 'textual') { return ''; }
if ($ENV{'browser.type'} eq 'explorer') {
return "window.open('javascript:void(0);','".$menuname."');";
} else {
@@ -123,8 +478,15 @@ sub openmenu {
sub rawconfig {
- my $r = shift;
- my $output="var swmenu=".&openmenu();
+ my $textualoverride=shift;
+ my $output='';
+ unless ($ENV{'browser.interface'} eq 'textual') {
+ $output.=
+ "window.status='Opening Remote Control';var swmenu=".&openmenu().
+"\nwindow.status='Configuring Remote Control ';";
+ } else {
+ unless ($textualoverride) { return ''; }
+ }
my $uname=$ENV{'user.name'};
my $udom=$ENV{'user.domain'};
my $adv=$ENV{'user.adv'};
@@ -183,7 +545,7 @@ sub rawconfig {
$act =~ s/\$caname/$caname/g;
my $home = &Apache::lonnet::homeserver($caname,$cadom);
- if ($home eq $r->dir_config('lonHostID')) {
+ if ($home eq $Apache::lonnet::perlvar{'lonHostID'}) {
@@ -191,20 +553,28 @@ sub rawconfig {
- $output.="swmenu.syncclock(1000*".time.");";
+ unless ($ENV{'browser.interface'} eq 'textual') {
+ $output.="\nwindow.status='Synchronizing Time';swmenu.syncclock(1000*".time.");\nwindow.status='Remote Control Configured.';";
+ }
return $output;
# ======================================================================= Close
sub close {
+ if ($ENV{'browser.interface'} eq 'textual') { return ''; }
my $menuname='LCmenu'.$Apache::lonnet::perlvar{'lonHostID'};
+window.status='Accessing Remote Control';
+window.status='Disabling Remote Control';
+window.status='Closing Remote Control';
@@ -215,6 +585,86 @@ sub footer {
+sub utilityfunctions {
+ unless ($ENV{'browser.interface'} eq 'textual') { return ''; }
+ my $currenturl=$ENV{'REQUEST_URI'};
+ my $currentsymb=$ENV{'request.symb'};
+return (<
+# ================================================ Handler when called directly
+sub handler {
+ my $r = shift;
+ $r->content_type('text/html');
+ $r->send_http_header;
+ return OK if $r->header_only;
+ my $utility=&utilityfunctions();
+ my $form=&serverform();
+ my $bodytag=&Apache::loncommon::bodytag('Main Menu');
+# ------------------------------------------------------------ Print the screen
+ $r->print(<
+LON-CAPA Main Menu
+ $r->print(&rawconfig(1).$form);
+ $r->print('