--- loncom/interface/lonmenu.pm 2010/03/22 15:10:10 1.320
+++ loncom/interface/lonmenu.pm 2015/09/14 13:45:01 1.437
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
# The LearningOnline Network with CAPA
# Routines to control the menu
-# $Id: lonmenu.pm,v 1.320 2010/03/22 15:10:10 droeschl Exp $
+# $Id: lonmenu.pm,v 1.437 2015/09/14 13:45:01 raeburn Exp $
# Copyright Michigan State University Board of Trustees
@@ -26,8 +26,6 @@
# http://www.lon-capa.org/
-# There is one parameter controlling the action of this module:
=head1 NAME
@@ -35,7 +33,8 @@ Apache::lonmenu
-Coordinates the response to clicking an image.
+Loads contents of /home/httpd/lonTabs/mydesk.tab,
+used to generate inline menu, and Main Menu page.
This is part of the LearningOnline Network with CAPA project
described at http://www.lon-capa.org.
@@ -74,10 +73,19 @@ It is set to 'done' in the BEGIN block o
=item @primary_menu
The elements of this array reference arrays that are made up of the components
-of those lines of mydesk.tab that start with prim.
+of those lines of mydesk.tab that start with prim:.
It is used by primary_menu() to generate the corresponding menu.
It gets filled in the BEGIN block of this module.
+=item %primary_sub_menu
+The keys of this hash reference are the names of items in the primary_menu array
+which have sub-menus. For each key, the corresponding value is a reference to
+an array containing components extracted from lines in mydesk.tab which begin
+with primsub:.
+This hash, which is used by primary_menu to generate sub-menus, is populated in
+the BEGIN block.
=item @secondary_menu
The elements of this array reference arrays that are made up of the components
@@ -98,20 +106,54 @@ secondary_menu().
=item primary_menu()
-This routine evaluates @primary_menu and returns XHTML for the menu
-that contains following links: About, Message, Roles, Help, Logout
+This routine evaluates @primary_menu and returns a two item array,
+with the array elements containing XHTML for the left and right sides of
+the menu that contains the following links: About, Message, Roles, Help, Logout
@primary_menu is filled within the BEGIN block of this module with
-entries from mydesk.tab
+entries from mydesk.tab
=item secondary_menu()
Same as primary_menu() but operates on @secondary_menu.
-=item show_return_link()
+=item create_submenu()
-=item registerurl()
-This gets called in the header section
+Creates XHTML for unordered list of sub-menu items which belong to a
+particular top-level menu item. Uses hover pseudo class in css to display
+dropdown list when mouse hovers over top-level item. Support for IE6
+(no hover psuedo class) via LC_hoverable class for
tag for top-
+level item, which employs jQuery to handle behavior on mouseover.
+Inputs: 4 - (a) link and (b) target for anchor href in top level item,
+ (c) title for text wrapped by anchor tag in top level item.
+ (d) reference to array of arrays of sub-menu items.
+ The underlying datastructure used in (d) contains data from mydesk.tab.
+ It consists of an array which has an array for each item appearing in
+ the menu (e.g. [["link", "title", "condition"]] for a single-item menu).
+ create_submenu() supports also the creation of XHTML for nested dropdown
+ menus represented by unordered lists. This is done by replacing the
+ scalar used for the link with an arrayreference containing the menuitems
+ for the nested menu. This can be done recursively so that the next menu
+ may also contain nested submenus.
+ Example:
+ [ # begin of datastructure
+ ["/home/", "Home", "condition1"], # 1st item of the 1st layer menu
+ [ # 2nd item of the 1st layer menu
+ [ # anon. array for nested menu
+ ["/path1", "Path1", undef], # 1st item of the 2nd layer menu
+ ["/path2", "Path2", undef], # 2nd item of the 2nd layer menu
+ [ # 3rd item of the 2nd layer menu
+ [[...], [...], ..., [...]], # containing another menu layer
+ "Sub-Sub-Menu", # title for this container
+ undef
+ ]
+ ], # end of array/nested menu
+ "Sub-Menu", # title for the container item
+ undef
+ ] # end of 2nd item of the 1st layer menu
=item innerregister()
@@ -135,6 +177,9 @@ The javascript is usually similar to "go
=item utilityfunctions()
+Output from this routine is a number of javascript functions called by
+items in the inline menu, and in some cases items in the Main Menu page.
=item serverform()
=item constspaceform()
@@ -159,11 +204,13 @@ use Apache::lonhtmlcommon();
use Apache::loncommon();
use Apache::lonenc();
use Apache::lonlocal;
+use Apache::lonmsg();
use LONCAPA qw(:DEFAULT :match);
use HTML::Entities();
+use Apache::lonwishlist();
use vars qw(@desklines %category_names %category_members %category_positions
- $readdesk @primary_menu @secondary_menu);
+ $readdesk @primary_menu %primary_submenu @secondary_menu);
my @inlineremote;
@@ -181,18 +228,19 @@ sub prep_menuitem {
return '
+ . qq| href="$$menuitem[0]" target="_top">$link|;
-# primary_menu() evaluates @primary_menu and returns XHTML for the menu
-# that contains following links:
-# About, Message, Roles, Help, Logout
+# primary_menu() evaluates @primary_menu and returns a two item array,
+# with the array elements containing XHTML for the left and right sides of
+# the menu that contains the following links:
+# Personal, About, Message, Roles, Help, Logout
# @primary_menu is filled within the BEGIN block of this module with
# entries from mydesk.tab
sub primary_menu {
- my $menu;
+ my (%menu);
# each element of @primary contains following array:
- # (link url, icon path, alt text, link text, condition)
+ # (link url, icon path, alt text, link text, condition, position)
my $public;
if ((($env{'user.name'} eq 'public') && ($env{'user.domain'} eq 'public'))
|| (($env{'user.name'} eq '') && ($env{'user.domain'} eq ''))) {
@@ -216,64 +264,214 @@ sub primary_menu {
next if $$menuitem[4] eq 'courses' ##'Roles' wanted
&& !&Apache::loncommon::show_course(); ##
- if ($$menuitem[3] eq 'Help') { # special treatment for helplink
- $menu .= '
+ my $title = $menuitem->[3];
+ my $position = $menuitem->[5];
+ if ($position eq '') {
+ $position = 'right';
+ }
+ if (defined($primary_submenu{$title})) {
+ my ($link,$target);
+ if ($menuitem->[0] ne '') {
+ $link = $menuitem->[0];
+ $target = '_top';
+ } else {
+ $link = '#';
+ }
+ my @primsub;
+ if (ref($primary_submenu{$title}) eq 'ARRAY') {
+ foreach my $item (@{$primary_submenu{$title}}) {
+ next if (($item->[2] eq 'wishlist') && (!$env{'user.adv'}));
+ next if ((($item->[2] eq 'portfolio') ||
+ ($item->[2] eq 'blog')) &&
+ (!&Apache::lonnet::usertools_access('','',$item->[2],
+ undef,'tools')));
+ push(@primsub,$item);
+ }
+ if (@primsub > 0) {
+ if ($title eq 'Personal' && $env{'user.name'} && $env{'user.domain'} ) {
+ $title = &Apache::loncommon::plainname($env{'user.name'},$env{'user.domain'});
+ } else {
+ $title = &mt($title);
+ }
+ $menu{$position} .= &create_submenu($link,$target,$title,\@primsub,1);
+ } elsif ($link) {
+ $menu{$position} .= '
+ }
+ }
+ } elsif ($$menuitem[3] eq 'Help') { # special treatment for helplink
+ if ($public) {
+ my $origmail = $Apache::lonnet::perlvar{'lonSupportEMail'};
+ my $defdom = &Apache::lonnet::default_login_domain();
+ my $to = &Apache::loncommon::build_recipient_list(undef,
+ 'helpdeskmail',
+ $defdom,$origmail);
+ if ($to ne '') {
+ $menu{$position} .= &prep_menuitem($menuitem);
+ }
+ } else {
+ $menu{$position} .= '
+ }
} else {
- my @items = @{$menuitem};
- $items[0] = 'javascript:'.$menuitem->[0].';';
- $menu .= &prep_menuitem(\@items);
+ $menu{$position} .= prep_menuitem($menuitem);
- return "$menu";
+ my @output = ('','');
+ if ($menu{'left'} ne '') {
+ $output[0] = "$menu{'left'}";
+ }
+ if ($menu{'right'} ne '') {
+ $output[1] = "$menu{'right'}";
+ }
+ return @output;
+#returns hashref {user=>'',dom=>''} containing:
+# own name, domain if user is au
+# name, domain of parent author if user is ca or aa
+#empty return if user is not an author or not on homeserver
+#TODO this should probably be moved somewhere more central
+#since it can be used by different parts of the system
+sub getauthor{
+ return unless $env{'request.role'}=~/^(ca|aa|au)/; #nothing to do if user isn't some kind of author
+ #co- or assistent author?
+ my ($dom, $user) = ($env{'request.role'} =~ /^(?:ca|aa)\.\/($match_domain)\/($match_username)$/)
+ ? ($1, $2) #domain, username of the parent author
+ : @env{ ('request.role.domain', 'user.name') }; #own domain, username
+ # current server == home server?
+ my $home = &Apache::lonnet::homeserver($user,$dom);
+ foreach (&Apache::lonnet::current_machine_ids()){
+ return {user => $user, dom => $dom} if $_ eq $home;
+ }
+ # if wrong server
+ return;
sub secondary_menu {
+ my ($httphost) = @_;
my $menu;
my $crstype = &Apache::loncommon::course_type();
- my $canedit = &Apache::lonnet::allowed('mdc', $env{'request.course.id'});
- my $canviewgrps = &Apache::lonnet::allowed('vcg', $env{'request.course.id'}
- . ($env{'request.course.sec'} ? "/$env{'request.course.sec'}"
- : ''));
- my $showlink = &show_return_link();
+ my $crs_sec = $env{'request.course.id'} . ($env{'request.course.sec'}
+ ? "/$env{'request.course.sec'}"
+ : '');
+ my $canedit = &Apache::lonnet::allowed('mdc', $env{'request.course.id'});
+ my $canviewroster = $env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.student_classlist_view'};
+ if ($canviewroster eq 'disabled') {
+ undef($canviewroster);
+ }
+ my $canviewgrps = &Apache::lonnet::allowed('vcg', $crs_sec);
+ my $canmodifyuser = &Apache::lonnet::allowed('cst', $crs_sec);
+ my $canviewwnew = &Apache::lonnet::allowed('whn', $crs_sec);
+ my $canmodpara = &Apache::lonnet::allowed('opa', $crs_sec);
+ my $canvgr = &Apache::lonnet::allowed('vgr', $crs_sec);
+ my $canmgr = &Apache::lonnet::allowed('mgr', $crs_sec);
+ my $author = &getauthor();
+ my ($cdom,$cnum,$showsyllabus,$showfeeds,$showresv);
+ if ($env{'request.course.id'}) {
+ $cdom = $env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.domain'};
+ $cnum = $env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.num'};
+ if ($canedit) {
+ $showsyllabus = 1;
+ $showfeeds = 1;
+ } else {
+ unless (&Apache::lonnet::is_on_map("public/$cdom/$cnum/syllabus")) {
+ if (($env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.externalsyllabus'}) ||
+ ($env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.uploadedsyllabus'}) ||
+ ($env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.updatedsyllabus'}) ||
+ ($env{'request.course.syllabustime'})) {
+ $showsyllabus = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($env{'request.course.feeds'}) {
+ $showfeeds = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ unless ($canmgr) {
+ my %slots = &Apache::lonnet::get_course_slots($cnum,$cdom);
+ if (keys(%slots) > 0) {
+ $showresv = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ my ($canmodifycoauthor);
+ if ($env{'request.role'} eq "au./$env{'user.domain'}/") {
+ my $extent = "$env{'user.domain'}/$env{'user.name'}";
+ if ((&Apache::lonnet::allowed('cca',$extent)) ||
+ (&Apache::lonnet::allowed('caa',$extent))) {
+ $canmodifycoauthor = 1;
+ }
+ }
my %groups = &Apache::lonnet::get_active_groups(
$env{'user.domain'}, $env{'user.name'},
$env{'course.' . $env{'request.course.id'} . '.domain'},
$env{'course.' . $env{'request.course.id'} . '.num'});
+ my ($roleswitcher_js,$roleswitcher_form);
foreach my $menuitem (@secondary_menu) {
# evaluate conditions
next if ref($menuitem) ne 'ARRAY';
next if $$menuitem[4] ne 'always'
+ && ($$menuitem[4] ne 'author' && $$menuitem[4] ne 'cca')
&& !$env{'request.course.id'};
- next if $$menuitem[4] eq 'showreturn'
- && !$showlink
- && !($env{'request.state'} eq 'construct');
next if $$menuitem[4] =~ /^mdc/
&& !$canedit;
- next if $$menuitem[4] eq 'mdcCourse'
- && $crstype eq 'Community';
- next if $$menuitem[4] eq 'mdcCommunity'
- && $crstype ne 'Community';
- next if $$menuitem[4] =~ /^Course$/
- && $crstype eq 'Community';
- next if $$menuitem[4] =~ /^Community$/
- && $crstype ne 'Community';
+ next if $$menuitem[4] eq 'nvgr'
+ && $canvgr;
+ next if $$menuitem[4] eq 'vgr'
+ && !$canvgr;
+ next if $$menuitem[4] eq 'cst'
+ && !$canmodifyuser;
+ next if $$menuitem[4] eq 'ncst'
+ && ($canmodifyuser || !$canviewroster);
+ next if $$menuitem[4] eq 'mgr'
+ && !$canmgr;
+ next if $$menuitem[4] eq 'showresv'
+ && !$showresv;
+ next if $$menuitem[4] eq 'whn'
+ && !$canviewwnew;
+ next if $$menuitem[4] eq 'opa'
+ && !$canmodpara;
next if $$menuitem[4] =~ /showgroups$/
&& !$canviewgrps
&& !%groups;
+ next if $$menuitem[4] eq 'showsyllabus'
+ && !$showsyllabus;
+ next if $$menuitem[4] eq 'showfeeds'
+ && !$showfeeds;
+ next if $$menuitem[4] eq 'author'
+ && !$author;
+ next if $$menuitem[4] eq 'cca'
+ && !$canmodifycoauthor;
if ($$menuitem[3] eq 'Roles' && $env{'request.course.id'}) {
# special treatment for role selector
- my $roles_selector = &roles_selector(
+ ($roleswitcher_js,$roleswitcher_form,my $switcher) =
+ &roles_selector(
$env{'course.' . $env{'request.course.id'} . '.domain'},
- $env{'course.' . $env{'request.course.id'} . '.num'} );
- $menu .= $roles_selector ? "
+ # $link and $title are only used in the initial string written in $menu
+ # as seen above, not needed for nested submenus
+ $menu .= &build_submenu($target, $submenu, $translate, '1');
+ $menu .= '
+ return $menu;
+# helper routine for create_submenu
+# build the dropdown (and nested submenus) recursively
+# see perldoc create_submenu documentation for further information
+sub build_submenu {
+ my ($target, $submenu, $translate, $first_level) = @_;
+ if (!defined(@{$submenu})) {
+ return '';
+ }
+ my $menu = '';
+ my $count = 0;
+ my $numsub = scalar(@{$submenu});
+ foreach my $item (@{$submenu}) {
+ $count ++;
+ if (ref($item) eq 'ARRAY') {
+ my $href = $item->[0];
+ my $bordertop;
+ my $borderbot;
+ my $title;
- return "