--- loncom/interface/lonmenu.pm 2013/03/19 23:28:57 1.410
+++ loncom/interface/lonmenu.pm 2024/01/01 00:53:49 1.545
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
# The LearningOnline Network with CAPA
# Routines to control the menu
-# $Id: lonmenu.pm,v 1.410 2013/03/19 23:28:57 raeburn Exp $
+# $Id: lonmenu.pm,v 1.545 2024/01/01 00:53:49 raeburn Exp $
# Copyright Michigan State University Board of Trustees
@@ -99,17 +99,18 @@ It gets filled in the BEGIN block of thi
-=item prep_menuitems(\@menuitem)
+=item prep_menuitems(\@menuitem,$target,$listclass,$linkattr)
This routine wraps a menuitem in proper HTML. It is used by primary_menu() and
=item primary_menu()
-This routine evaluates @primary_menu and returns XHTML for the menu
-that contains following links: About, Message, Roles, Help, Logout
+This routine evaluates @primary_menu and returns a two item array,
+with the array elements containing XHTML for the left and right sides of
+the menu that contains the following links: About, Message, Roles, Help, Logout
@primary_menu is filled within the BEGIN block of this module with
-entries from mydesk.tab
+entries from mydesk.tab
=item secondary_menu()
@@ -123,9 +124,40 @@ dropdown list when mouse hovers over top
(no hover psuedo class) via LC_hoverable class for
tag for top-
level item, which employs jQuery to handle behavior on mouseover.
-Inputs: 4 - (a) link and (b) target for anchor href in top level item,
- (c) title for text wrapped by anchor tag in top level item.
- (d) reference to array of arrays of sub-menu items.
+Inputs: 6 - (a) link and (b) target for anchor href in top level item,
+ (c) title for text wrapped by anchor tag in top level item,
+ (d) reference to array of arrays of sub-menu items,
+ (e) boolean to indicate whether to call &mt() to translate
+ name of menu item,
+ (f) optional class for
element in primary menu, for which
+ sub menu is being generated.
+ The underlying datastructure used in (d) contains data from mydesk.tab.
+ It consists of an array which has an array for each item appearing in
+ the menu (e.g. [["link", "title", "condition"]] for a single-item menu).
+ create_submenu() supports also the creation of XHTML for nested dropdown
+ menus represented by unordered lists. This is done by replacing the
+ scalar used for the link with an arrayreference containing the menuitems
+ for the nested menu. This can be done recursively so that the next menu
+ may also contain nested submenus.
+ Example:
+ [ # begin of datastructure
+ ["/home/", "Home", "condition1"], # 1st item of the 1st layer menu
+ [ # 2nd item of the 1st layer menu
+ [ # anon. array for nested menu
+ ["/path1", "Path1", undef], # 1st item of the 2nd layer menu
+ ["/path2", "Path2", undef], # 2nd item of the 2nd layer menu
+ [ # 3rd item of the 2nd layer menu
+ [[...], [...], ..., [...]], # containing another menu layer
+ "Sub-Sub-Menu", # title for this container
+ undef
+ ]
+ ], # end of array/nested menu
+ "Sub-Menu", # title for the container item
+ undef
+ ] # end of 2nd item of the 1st layer menu
=item innerregister()
@@ -182,14 +214,14 @@ use HTML::Entities();
use Apache::lonwishlist();
use vars qw(@desklines %category_names %category_members %category_positions
- $readdesk @primary_menu %primary_submenu @secondary_menu);
+ $readdesk @primary_menu %primary_submenu @secondary_menu %secondary_submenu);
my @inlineremote;
sub prep_menuitem {
- my ($menuitem) = @_;
+ my ($menuitem,$target,$listclass,$linkattr) = @_;
return '' unless(ref($menuitem) eq 'ARRAY');
- my $link;
+ my ($link,$targetattr);
if ($$menuitem[1]) { # graphical Link
$link = "':'
+ # $link and $title are only used in the initial string written in $menu
+ # as seen above, not needed for nested submenus
+ $menu .= &build_submenu($target, $submenu, $translate, '1', $listclass, $linkattr);
+ $menu .= '
+ return $menu;
+# helper routine for create_submenu
+# build the dropdown (and nested submenus) recursively
+# see perldoc create_submenu documentation for further information
+sub build_submenu {
+ my ($target, $submenu, $translate, $first_level, $listclass, $linkattr) = @_;
+ unless (@{$submenu}) {
+ return '';
+ }
+ my $menu = '';
my $count = 0;
my $numsub = scalar(@{$submenu});
foreach my $item (@{$submenu}) {
$count ++;
if (ref($item) eq 'ARRAY') {
+ my $href = $item->[0];
+ my $bordertop;
my $borderbot;
+ my $title;
+ if ($translate) {
+ $title = &mt($item->[1]);
+ } else {
+ $title = $item->[1];
+ }
+ if ($count == 1 && !$first_level) {
+ $bordertop = 'border-top: 1px solid black;';
+ }
if ($count == $numsub) {
- $borderbot = 'border-bottom:1px solid black;';
+ $borderbot = 'border-bottom: 1px solid black;';
+ }
+ # href is a reference to another submenu
+ if (ref($href) eq 'ARRAY') {
+ $menu .= '
return $menu;
sub innerregister {
- my ($forcereg,$bread_crumbs,$group) = @_;
+ my ($forcereg,$bread_crumbs,$group,$pagebuttonshide,$hostname,
+ $ltiscope,$ltiuri,$showncrumbsref) = @_;
my $const_space = ($env{'request.state'} eq 'construct');
my $is_const_dir = 0;
@@ -456,43 +917,77 @@ sub innerregister {
- my ($mapurl,$resurl);
+ my ($mapurl,$resurl,$crstype,$navmap);
if ($env{'request.course.id'}) {
+#course_type: Course, Community, or Placement
+ $crstype = &Apache::loncommon::course_type();
if ($env{'request.symb'}) {
- ($mapurl, my $rid, $resurl) = &Apache::lonnet::decode_symb(&Apache::lonnet::symbread());
+ my $ignorenull;
+ unless ($env{'request.noversionuri'} eq '/adm/navmaps') {
+ $ignorenull = 1;
+ }
+ my $symb = &Apache::lonnet::symbread('','',$ignorenull);
+ ($mapurl, my $rid, $resurl) = &Apache::lonnet::decode_symb($symb);
my $coursetitle = $env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.description'};
my $maptitle = &Apache::lonnet::gettitle($mapurl);
- my $restitle = &Apache::lonnet::gettitle(&Apache::lonnet::symbread());
-#course_type only Course and Community?
- my @crumbs;
- unless (($forcereg) &&
- ($env{'request.noversionuri'} eq '/adm/navmaps') &&
- ($mapurl eq $env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.url'})) {
- @crumbs = ({text => Apache::loncommon::course_type()
- . ' Contents',
+ my $restitle = &Apache::lonnet::gettitle($symb);
+ my (@crumbs,@mapcrumbs);
+ if (($env{'request.noversionuri'} ne '/adm/navmaps') && ($mapurl ne '') &&
+ (!(($crstype eq 'Placement') && !$env{'request.role.adv'}))) {
+ unless ($ltiscope eq 'resource') {
+ if (($mapurl ne $env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.url'}) &&
+ !(($ltiscope eq 'map') && (&Apache::lonnet::clutter($resurl) eq $ltiuri))) {
+ $navmap = Apache::lonnavmaps::navmap->new();
+ if (ref($navmap)) {
+ @mapcrumbs = $navmap->recursed_crumbs($mapurl,$restitle);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ unless ((($crstype eq 'Placement') && (!$env{'request.role.adv'})) ||
+ ($ltiscope eq 'map') || ($ltiscope eq 'resource')) {
+ @crumbs = ({text => $crstype.' Contents',
href => "Javascript:gopost('/adm/navmaps','')"});
if ($mapurl ne $env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.url'}) {
- push(@crumbs, {text => '...',
- no_mt => 1});
+ if (@mapcrumbs) {
+ push(@crumbs,@mapcrumbs);
+ } elsif (!(($crstype eq 'Placement') && (!$env{'request.role.adv'})) &&
+ ($ltiscope ne 'map') && ($ltiscope ne 'resource')) {
+ push(@crumbs, {text => '...',
+ no_mt => 1});
+ }
- push @crumbs, {text => $maptitle, no_mt => 1} if ($maptitle
- && $maptitle ne 'default.sequence'
- && $maptitle ne $coursetitle);
- push @crumbs, {text => $restitle, no_mt => 1} if $restitle;
+ unless ((($crstype eq 'Placement') && (!$env{'request.role.adv'})) || (@mapcrumbs) ||
+ (!$maptitle) || ($maptitle eq 'default.sequence') ||
+ ($mapurl eq $env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.url'}) ||
+ ($ltiscope eq 'resource')) {
+ push @crumbs, {text => $maptitle, no_mt => 1,
+ href => &Apache::lonnet::clutter($mapurl).'?navmap=1'};
+ }
+ if ($restitle && !@mapcrumbs) {
+ push(@crumbs,{text => $restitle, no_mt => 1});
+ }
+ my @tools;
+ if ($env{'request.filename'} =~ /\.page$/) {
+ my %breadcrumb_tools = &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::current_breadcrumb_tools();
+ if (ref($breadcrumb_tools{'tools'}) eq 'ARRAY') {
+ @tools = @{$breadcrumb_tools{'tools'}};
+ }
+ }
+ if (@tools) {
+ &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::add_breadcrumb_tool('tools',@tools);
+ }
} else {
$resurl = $env{'request.noversionuri'};
my $courseurl = &Apache::lonnet::courseid_to_courseurl($env{'request.course.id'});
- my $crstype = &Apache::loncommon::course_type();
my $title = &mt('View Resource');
if ($resurl =~ m{^\Q/uploaded$courseurl/supplemental/\E(default|\d+)/}) {
@@ -500,20 +995,52 @@ sub innerregister {
if ($env{'form.title'}) {
$title = $env{'form.title'};
- my $trail;
+ my ($trail,$cnum,$cdom);
if ($env{'form.folderpath'}) {
- &prepare_functions($resurl,$forcereg,$group,undef,undef,1);
+ $cnum = $env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.num'};
+ $cdom = $env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.domain'};
+ &Apache::loncommon::validate_folderpath(1,'',$cnum,$cdom);
+ }
+ if ($env{'form.folderpath'}) {
+ &prepare_functions($resurl,$forcereg,$group,undef,undef,1,$hostname);
+ $title = &HTML::Entities::encode($title,'\'"<>&');
($trail) =
- &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::docs_breadcrumbs(undef,$crstype,undef,$title,1);
+ &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::docs_breadcrumbs(undef,$crstype,undef,$title,1,1);
} else {
{text => "Supplemental $crstype Content",
href => "javascript:gopost('/adm/supplemental','')"});
- $title = &mt('View Resource');
+ $title = &HTML::Entities::encode(&mt('View Resource'),'\'"<>&');
($trail) =
- &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::docs_breadcrumbs(undef,$crstype,undef,$title,1);
+ &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::docs_breadcrumbs(undef,$crstype,undef,$title,1,1);
+ }
+ if (ref($showncrumbsref)) {
+ $$showncrumbsref = 1;
return $trail;
+ } elsif ($resurl =~ m{^\Q/uploaded$courseurl/portfolio/syllabus/}) {
+ &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::clear_breadcrumbs();
+ &prepare_functions('/public'.$courseurl."/syllabus",
+ $forcereg,$group,undef,undef,1,$hostname);
+ $title = &HTML::Entities::encode(&mt('Syllabus File'),'\'"<>&');
+ my ($trail) =
+ &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::docs_breadcrumbs(undef,$crstype,undef,$title,1,1);
+ if (ref($showncrumbsref)) {
+ $$showncrumbsref = 1;
+ }
+ return $trail;
+ } elsif (($resurl eq '/public'.$courseurl.'/syllabus') &&
+ ($env{'form.folderpath'})) {
+ if ($env{'form.title'}) {
+ $title = $env{'form.title'};
+ } else {
+ $title = 'Syllabus';
+ }
+ &prepare_functions($resurl,$forcereg,$group,undef,undef,1,$hostname);
+ $title = &HTML::Entities::encode($title,'\'"<>&');
+ my ($trail) =
+ &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::docs_breadcrumbs(undef,$crstype,undef,$title,1,1);
+ return $trail;
unless ($env{'request.state'} eq 'construct') {
@@ -536,7 +1063,7 @@ sub innerregister {
if (($resurl =~ m{^/?adm/($match_domain)/($match_username)/aboutme$}) ||
($env{'request.role'} !~/^(aa|ca|au)/)) {
- $editbutton = &prepare_functions($resurl,$forcereg,$group);
+ $editbutton = &prepare_functions($resurl,$forcereg,$group,'','','',$hostname);
if ($editbutton eq '') {
$editbutton = &clear(6,1);
@@ -549,12 +1076,19 @@ sub innerregister {
$cnum = $env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.num'};
$cdom = $env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.domain'};
$perms{'mdc'} = &Apache::lonnet::allowed('mdc',$env{'request.course.id'});
+ $perms{'cev'} = &Apache::lonnet::allowed('cev',$env{'request.course.id'});
my @privs;
+ my $gradable_exttool;
if ($env{'request.symb'} ne '') {
- if ($env{'request.filename'}=~/$LONCAPA::assess_re/) {
+ if ($env{'request.noversionuri'} =~ m{^/adm/$cdom/$cnum/(\d+)/ext\.tool$}) {
+ if (&Apache::lonnet::EXT('resource.0.gradable') =~ /^yes$/i) {
+ $gradable_exttool = 1;
+ push(@privs,('mgr','vgr'));
+ }
+ } elsif ($env{'request.filename'}=~/$LONCAPA::assess_re/) {
- push(@privs,'opa');
+ push(@privs,('opa','vpa'));
foreach my $priv (@privs) {
$perms{$priv} = &Apache::lonnet::allowed($priv,$env{'request.course.id'});
@@ -566,8 +1100,8 @@ sub innerregister {
# Determine whether or not to show Grades and Submissions buttons
- if ($env{'request.symb'} ne '' &&
- $env{'request.filename'}=~/$LONCAPA::assess_re/) {
+ if (($env{'request.symb'} ne '') &&
+ (($env{'request.filename'}=~/$LONCAPA::assess_re/) || ($gradable_exttool))) {
if ($perms{'mgr'}) {
&switch('','',7,2,'pgrd.png','Content Grades','grades[_4]',
@@ -578,7 +1112,7 @@ sub innerregister {
'Content Submissions');
- if (($env{'request.symb'} ne '') && ($perms{'opa'})) {
+ if (($env{'request.symb'} ne '') && (($perms{'opa'}) || ($perms{'vpa'}))) {
&switch('','',7,3,'pparm.png','Content Settings','parms[_2]',
'Content Settings');
@@ -588,7 +1122,7 @@ sub innerregister {
# This applies to items inside a folder/page modifiable in the course.
- if (($env{'request.symb'}=~/^uploaded/) && ($perms{'mdc'})) {
+ if (($env{'request.symb'}=~/^uploaded/) && (($perms{'mdc'}) || ($perms{'cev'}))) {
my $text = 'Edit Folder';
if (($mapurl =~ /\.page$/) ||
@@ -600,11 +1134,107 @@ sub innerregister {
'Folder/Page Content');
# End modifiable folder/page container check
+# Determine whether to show View As button for shortcut to display problem, answer, and submissions
+ if (($env{'request.symb'} ne '') &&
+ ($env{'request.filename'}=~/$LONCAPA::assess_re/) &&
+ (($perms{'mgr'}) || ($perms{'vgr'}))) {
+ my ($viewas,$text,$change,$visibility,$vuname,$vudom,$vid,$leftvis,$defdom,
+ $domselector,$righticon);
+ my %lt = &Apache::lonlocal::texthash(
+ view => 'View',
+ upda => 'Update',
+ );
+ my $possdomstr = $env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.internal.userdomains'};
+ if ($possdomstr =~ /,/) {
+ my @possdoms = split(/,/,$possdomstr);
+ if ($env{'request.user_in_effect'} =~ /^$match_username:($match_domain)$/) {
+ $defdom = $1;
+ } elsif (grep(/^\Q$cdom\E$/,@possdoms)) {
+ $defdom = $cdom;
+ } elsif (&Apache::lonnet::domain($possdoms[0]) ne '') {
+ $defdom = $possdoms[0];
+ }
+ $domselector = &Apache::loncommon::select_dom_form($defdom,'vudom','','','',\@possdoms);
+ } elsif (($possdomstr ne '') && (&Apache::lonnet::domain($possdomstr) ne '')) {
+ if ($env{'request.user_in_effect'} =~ /^$match_username:($match_domain)$/) {
+ $defdom = $1;
+ } else {
+ $defdom = $possdomstr;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($env{'request.user_in_effect'} =~ /^($match_username):($match_domain)$/) {
+ ($vuname,$vudom) = ($1,$2);
+ unless (&Apache::lonnet::is_advanced_user($vudom,$vuname)) {
+ $vid = (&Apache::lonnet::idrget($vudom,$vuname))[1];
+ }
+ $viewas = $env{'request.user_in_effect'};
+ $text = $lt{'upda'};
+ $change = 'off';
+ $visibility = 'inline';
+ $leftvis = 'none';
+ $defdom = $vudom;
+ $righticon = '✖';
+ } else {
+ $text = $lt{'view'};
+ $change = 'on';
+ $visibility = 'none';
+ $leftvis = 'inline';
+ if ($defdom eq '') {
+ $defdom = $cdom;
+ }
+ }
+ my $sellink = &Apache::loncommon::selectstudent_link('userview','vuname','vudom','','','vuidentifier');
+ my $selscript=&Apache::loncommon::studentbrowser_javascript();
+ my $shownsymb = &HTML::Entities::encode(&Apache::lonenc::check_encrypt($env{'request.symb'}),'<>&"');
+ my $input;
+ my @items = (
+ '',
+ ''
+ );
+ if ($domselector) {
+ push(@items,$domselector);
+ $input = &mt('[_1]User:[_2] or [_3]ID:[_4] at [_5] | ',@items);
+ } else {
+ $input = &mt('[_1]Username:[_2] or [_3]ID:[_4] | ',@items).
+ '';
+ }
+ $input .= '',
+ '';
+ my $chooser = <
+ &switch('','',7,5,'viewuser.png','View As','user[_1]',
+ 'toggleViewAsUser('."'$change'".')',
+ 'View As','','',$chooser);
+ }
+# End view as user check
# End course context
# Prepare the rest of the buttons
- my ($menuitems,$got_prt,$got_wishlist);
+ my ($menuitems,$got_prt,$got_wishlist,$crsauthor);
if ($const_space) {
# We are in construction space
@@ -613,23 +1243,69 @@ sub innerregister {
my $londocroot = $Apache::lonnet::perlvar{'lonDocRoot'};
my ($udom,$uname,$thisdisfn) =
+ my $crsauthor;
+ if (($env{'request.course.id'}) &&
+ ($env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.num'} eq $uname) &&
+ ($env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.domain'} eq $udom)) {
+ $crsauthor = 1;
+ }
my $currdir = '/priv/'.$udom.'/'.$uname.'/'.$thisdisfn;
if ($currdir =~ m-/$-) {
$is_const_dir = 1;
+ if (($thisdisfn eq '') && ($crsauthor)) {
+ $is_const_dir = 2;
+ }
+ my $esc_currdir = &Apache::loncommon::escape_single($currdir);
+ $menuitems=(<new();
+ if (ref($navmap)) {
+ my $mapres = $navmap->getResourceByUrl($ltiuri);
+ if (ref($mapres)) {
+ if ($navmap->isLastResource($mapres,$env{'request.symb'})) {
+ $showforw = 0;
+ }
+ if ($navmap->isFirstResource($mapres,$env{'request.symb'})) {
+ $showback = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($showback) {
+ $menuitems.="
+s&2&1&back.png&&&gopost('/adm/flip','back:'+currentURL)&Previous content resource&&1";
+ }
+ if ($showforw) {
+ $menuitems.="
+s&2&3&forw.png&&&gopost('/adm/flip','forward:'+currentURL)&Next content resource&&3";
+ }
+ } elsif (($crstype ne 'Placement') || ($env{'request.role.adv'})) {
+ $menuitems.="
s&2&1&back.png&&&gopost('/adm/flip','back:'+currentURL)&Previous content resource&&1
-s&2&3&forw.png&&&gopost('/adm/flip','forward:'+currentURL)&Next content resource&&3
+s&2&3&forw.png&&&gopost('/adm/flip','forward:'+currentURL)&Next content resource&&3";
+ } else {
+# Suppress display of backward arrow for Placement Tests
+# Suppress display of forward arrow for Placement Tests if this is the last resource.
+ my $showforw = 1;
+ if ($env{'request.symb'}) {
+ my $navmap = Apache::lonnavmaps::navmap->new();
+ if (ref($navmap)) {
+ if (&Apache::lonplacementtest::is_lastres($env{'request.symb'},$navmap)) {
+ $showforw = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($showforw) {
+ $menuitems.="
+s&2&3&forw.png&&&gopost('/adm/flip','forward:'+currentURL)&Next content resource&&3";
+ }
+ }
+ $menuitems .= (< 0){
$menuitems.="Make notes and annotations about this resource&&1\n";
+my $is_mobile;
+if ($env{'browser.mobile'}) {
+ $is_mobile = 1;
unless ($env{'request.noversionuri'}=~/\/(bulletinboard|smppg|navmaps|syllabus|aboutme|viewclasslist|portfolio)(\?|$)/) {
- if ((!$env{'request.enc'}) && ($env{'request.noversionuri'} !~ m{^/adm/wrapper/ext/}) && ($env{'request.noversionuri'} !~ m{^/uploaded/$match_domain/$match_courseid/docs/})) {
+ if ((!$env{'request.enc'}) && ($env{'request.noversionuri'} !~ m{^/adm/wrapper/ext/}) &&
+ ($env{'request.noversionuri'} !~ m{^/uploaded/$match_domain/$match_courseid/(docs/|default_\d+\.page$)}) &&
+ ($env{'request.noversionuri'} !~ m{^/adm/.+/ext\.tool$})) {
+ }
+ $buttonshide = $pagebuttonshide;
+ } else {
+ $countdown = &countdown_timer();
+ $buttonshide = &hidden_button_check();
+ }
'navigation', @inlineremote[21,23]);
- my $countdown = &countdown_timer();
- if (&hidden_button_check() eq 'yes') {
+ if ($buttonshide eq 'yes') {
if ($countdown) {
+ if ($linkprotout) {
+ &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::add_breadcrumb_tool('tools',$linkprotout);
+ }
+ if ($showprogress) {
+ &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::add_breadcrumb_tool('tools',$showprogress);
+ }
} else {
my @tools = @inlineremote[93,91,81,82,83];
if ($countdown) {
+ if ($linkprotout) {
+ unshift(@tools,$linkprotout);
+ }
@@ -759,20 +1526,39 @@ ENDMENUITEMS
+ } else {
+ if ($showprogress) {
+ &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::add_breadcrumb_tool('tools',$showprogress);
+ }
+ if ($linkprotout) {
+ &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::add_breadcrumb_tool('tools',$linkprotout);
+ }
+ }
+ my ($topic_help,$topic_help_text);
+ if ($is_const_dir == 2) {
+ if ((($ENV{'SERVER_PORT'} == 443) ||
+ ($Apache::lonnet::protocol{$Apache::lonnet::perlvar{'lonHostID'}} eq 'https')) &&
+ (&Apache::lonnet::usertools_access($env{'user.name'},$env{'user.domain'},'webdav'))) {
+ $topic_help = 'Authoring_WebDAV,Authoring_WebDAV_Mac_10v6,Authoring_WebDAV_Mac_10v10,'.
+ 'Authoring_WebDAV_Windows_v7,Authoring_WebDAV_Linux_Centos';
+ $topic_help_text = 'About WebDAV access';
+ }
+ }
+ if (ref($showncrumbsref)) {
+ $$showncrumbsref = 1;
return &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::scripttag('', 'start')
- . &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::breadcrumbs(undef,undef,0)
+ . &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::breadcrumbs(undef,undef,0,'','','','',$topic_help,$topic_help_text)
. &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::scripttag('', 'end');
sub get_editbutton {
- my ($cfile,$home,$switchserver,$forceedit,$forceview,$forcereg) = @_;
+ my ($cfile,$home,$switchserver,$forceedit,$forceview,$forcereg,$hostname) = @_;
my $jscall;
if (($forceview) && ($env{'form.todocs'})) {
- my ($folderpath,$command);
+ my ($folderpath,$command,$navmap);
if ($env{'request.symb'}) {
- $folderpath = &Apache::loncommon::symb_to_docspath($env{'request.symb'});
+ $folderpath = &Apache::loncommon::symb_to_docspath($env{'request.symb'},\$navmap);
} elsif ($env{'form.folderpath'} =~ /^supplemental/) {
$folderpath = $env{'form.folderpath'};
$command = '&forcesupplement=1';
@@ -780,11 +1566,20 @@ sub get_editbutton {
$folderpath = &escape(&HTML::Entities::encode(&escape($folderpath),'<>&"'));
$jscall = "go('/adm/coursedocs?folderpath=$folderpath$command')";
} else {
+ my $suppanchor;
+ if ($env{'form.folderpath'}) {
+ $suppanchor = $env{'form.anchor'};
+ }
+ my $shownsymb;
+ if ($env{'request.symb'}) {
+ $shownsymb = &Apache::lonenc::check_encrypt($env{'request.symb'});
+ }
$jscall = &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::jump_to_editres($cfile,$home,$switchserver,
- $forceedit,$forcereg,$env{'request.symb'},
+ $forceedit,$forcereg,$env{'request.symb'},$shownsymb,
- &escape($env{'form.title'}),$env{'form.idx'},
- &escape($env{'form.suppurl'},$env{'form.todocs'}));
+ &escape($env{'form.title'}),$hostname,
+ $env{'form.idx'},&escape($env{'form.suppurl'}),
+ $env{'form.todocs'},$suppanchor);
if ($jscall) {
my $icon = 'pcstr.png';
@@ -801,7 +1596,7 @@ sub get_editbutton {
sub prepare_functions {
- my ($resurl,$forcereg,$group,$bread_crumbs,$advtools,$docscrumbs) = @_;
+ my ($resurl,$forcereg,$group,$bread_crumbs,$advtools,$docscrumbs,$hostname) = @_;
unless ($env{'request.registered'}) {
@@ -815,54 +1610,85 @@ sub prepare_functions {
my $editbutton = '';
+ my $viewsrcbutton = '';
+ my $clientip = &Apache::lonnet::get_requestor_ip();
-# Determine whether or not to display 'Edit' icon/button
+# Determine whether or not to display 'Edit' or 'View Source' icon/button
if ($resurl =~ m{^/?adm/($match_domain)/($match_username)/aboutme$}) {
+ my $blocked = &Apache::loncommon::blocking_status('about',$clientip,$2,$1);
my $file=&Apache::lonnet::declutter($env{'request.filename'});
($cfile,$home,$switchserver,$forceedit,$forceview) =
- if (($cfile) && ($home ne '') && ($home ne 'no_host')) {
+ if (($cfile) && ($home ne '') && ($home ne 'no_host') && (!$blocked)) {
$editbutton = &get_editbutton($cfile,$home,$switchserver,
- } elsif ((!$env{'request.course.id'}) &&
- ($env{'user.author'}) && ($env{'request.filename'}) &&
- ($env{'request.role'} !~/^(aa|ca|au)/)) {
+ } elsif (!$env{'request.course.id'}) {
+ if (($env{'user.author'}) && ($resurl eq '/adm/viewcoauthors')) {
+ if ($env{'request.role'} =~/^(ca|au)/) {
+ my ($audom,$auname);
+ if ($env{'request.role'} eq "au./$env{'user.domain'}/") {
+ ($audom,$auname) = ($env{'user.domain'},$env{'user.name'});
+ } elsif ($env{'request.role'} =~ m{^ca\./($match_domain)/($match_username)}) {
+ ($audom,$auname) = ($1,$2);
+ }
+ if (($audom ne '') && ($auname ne '')) {
+ my $file=&Apache::lonnet::declutter($env{'request.filename'});
+ ($cfile,$home,$switchserver,$forceedit,$forceview) =
+ &Apache::lonnet::can_edit_resource($file,$auname,$audom,
+ $resurl);
+ if ($cfile) {
+ $editbutton = &get_editbutton($resurl,'','',$forceedit,
+ $forceview);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } elsif (($env{'user.author'}) && ($env{'request.filename'}) &&
+ ($env{'request.role'} !~/^(aa|ca|au)/)) {
# Currently do not have the role of author or co-author.
# Do we have authoring privileges for the resource?
- my $file=&Apache::lonnet::declutter($env{'request.filename'});
- ($cfile,$home,$switchserver,$forceedit,$forceview) =
- &Apache::lonnet::can_edit_resource($file,$cnum,$cdom,
- &Apache::lonnet::clutter($resurl),$env{'request.symb'},$group);
- if (($cfile) && ($home ne '') && ($home ne 'no_host')) {
- $editbutton = &get_editbutton($cfile,$home,$switchserver,
- $forceedit,$forceview,$forcereg);
+ my $file=&Apache::lonnet::declutter($env{'request.filename'});
+ ($cfile,$home,$switchserver,$forceedit,$forceview) =
+ &Apache::lonnet::can_edit_resource($file,$cnum,$cdom,
+ &Apache::lonnet::clutter($resurl),$env{'request.symb'},$group);
+ if (($cfile) && ($home ne '') && ($home ne 'no_host')) {
+ $editbutton = &get_editbutton($cfile,$home,$switchserver,
+ $forceedit,$forceview,$forcereg);
+ }
} elsif ($env{'request.course.id'}) {
# This applies in course context
- if (($resurl eq "/public/$cdom/$cnum/syllabus") && ($perms{'mdc'})) {
- if ($env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.externalsyllabus'} =~ /\w/) {
- &switch('','',6,1,'pcstr.png','Edit',
- 'resource[_2]',
- "go('/adm/courseprefs?phase=display&actions=courseinfo')",
- 'Edit this resource');
+ if (($perms{'mdc'}) &&
+ (($resurl =~ m{^/?public/$cdom/$cnum/syllabus}) ||
+ ($resurl =~ m{^/?uploaded/$cdom/$cnum/portfolio/syllabus/}) ||
+ (($resurl =~ m{^/?uploaded/$cdom/$cnum/default_\d+\.sequence$}) && ($env{'form.navmap'})))) {
+ if ($resurl =~ m{^/}) {
+ $cfile = $resurl;
+ } else {
+ $cfile = "/$resurl";
+ }
+ $home = &Apache::lonnet::homeserver($cnum,$cdom);
+ if ($env{'form.forceedit'}) {
+ $forceview = 1;
+ } else {
+ $forceedit = 1;
+ }
+ if ($cfile =~ m{^/uploaded/$cdom/$cnum/default_\d+\.sequence$}) {
+ my $text = 'Edit Folder';
+ &switch('','',7,4,'docs-22x22.png','Edit Folder','parms[_2]',
+ "gocmd('/adm/coursedocs','direct')",
+ 'Folder/Page Content');
$editbutton = 1;
} else {
- $cfile = $resurl;
- $home = &Apache::lonnet::homeserver($cnum,$cdom);
- if ($env{'form.forceedit'}) {
- $forceview = 1;
- } else {
- $forceedit = 1;
- }
$editbutton = &get_editbutton($cfile,$home,$switchserver,
- $forceedit,$forceview,$forcereg);
+ $forceedit,$forceview,$forcereg,
+ $hostname);
} elsif (($resurl eq '/adm/extresedit') &&
(($env{'form.symb'}) || ($env{'form.folderpath'}))) {
@@ -871,8 +1697,7 @@ sub prepare_functions {
if ($cfile ne '') {
$editbutton = &get_editbutton($cfile,$home,$switchserver,
- $forceedit,$forceview,$forcereg,
- $env{'form.title'},$env{'form.suppurl'});
+ $forceedit,$forceview,$forcereg);
} elsif (($resurl =~ m{^/?adm/viewclasslist$}) &&
(&Apache::lonnet::allowed('opa',$env{'request.course.id'}))) {
@@ -890,7 +1715,34 @@ sub prepare_functions {
if ($cfile ne '') {
$editbutton = &get_editbutton($cfile,$home,$switchserver,
- $forceedit,$forceview,$forcereg);
+ $forceedit,$forceview,$forcereg,
+ $hostname);
+ }
+ if ((($cfile eq '') || (!$editbutton)) &&
+ ($resurl =~ /$LONCAPA::assess_re/)) {
+ my $showurl = &Apache::lonnet::clutter($resurl);
+ my $crs_sec = $env{'request.course.id'} . (($env{'request.course.sec'} ne '')
+ ? "/$env{'request.course.sec'}"
+ : '');
+ if ((&Apache::lonnet::allowed('cre','/')) &&
+ (&Apache::lonnet::metadata($resurl,'sourceavail') eq 'open')) {
+ $viewsrcbutton = 1;
+ } elsif (&Apache::lonnet::allowed('vxc',$crs_sec)) {
+ if ($showurl =~ m{^\Q/res/$cdom/\E($match_username)/}) {
+ my $auname = $1;
+ if (($env{'request.course.adhocsrcaccess'} ne '') &&
+ (grep(/^\Q$auname\E$/,split(/,/,$env{'request.course.adhocsrcaccess'})))) {
+ $viewsrcbutton = 1;
+ } elsif ((&Apache::lonnet::metadata($resurl,'sourceavail') eq 'open') &&
+ (&Apache::lonnet::allowed('bre',$crs_sec))) {
+ $viewsrcbutton = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($viewsrcbutton) {
+ &switch('','',6,1,'pcstr.png','View Source','resource[_2]','open_source()',
+ 'View source code');
+ }
@@ -902,10 +1754,13 @@ sub prepare_functions {
if ($resurl =~ m{^/?adm/($match_domain)/($match_username)/aboutme$}) {
my ($sdom,$sname) = ($1,$2);
unless (&Apache::lonnet::is_course($sdom,$sname)) {
- &switch('','',6,4,'mail-message-new-22x22.png','Message to user',
- '',
- "go('/adm/email?compose=individual&recname=$sname&recdom=$sdom')",
- 'Send message to specific user');
+ my $blocked = &Apache::loncommon::blocking_status('about',$clientip,$sname,$sdom);
+ unless ($blocked) {
+ &switch('','',6,4,'mail-message-new-22x22.png','Message to user',
+ '',
+ "go('/adm/email?compose=individual&recname=$sname&recdom=$sdom')",
+ 'Send message to specific user');
+ }
my $hideprivileged = 1;
if (&Apache::lonnet::in_course($sdom,$sname,$cdom,$cnum,undef,
@@ -926,13 +1781,13 @@ sub prepare_functions {
if ($perms{'vgr'}) {
- "go('/adm/slotrequest?command=showresv&origin=aboutme&uname=$sname&udom=$sdom')",
+ "go('/adm/slotrequest?command=showresv&origin=aboutme&uname=$sname&udom=$sdom')",
'Slot reservation history');
if ($perms{'srm'}) {
- "go('/adm/email?recordftf=retrieve&recname=$sname&recdom=$sdom')",
+ "go('/adm/email?recordftf=retrieve&recname=$sname&recdom=$sdom')",
'Add records');
@@ -940,16 +1795,25 @@ sub prepare_functions {
if (($env{'form.folderpath'} =~ /^supplemental/) &&
(&Apache::lonnet::allowed('mdc',$env{'request.course.id'})) &&
(($resurl =~ m{^/adm/wrapper/ext/}) ||
+ ($resurl =~ m{^/adm/$cdom/$cnum/\d+/ext\.tool$}) ||
($resurl =~ m{^/uploaded/$cdom/$cnum/supplemental/}) ||
($resurl eq '/adm/supplemental') ||
($resurl =~ m{^/public/$cdom/$cnum/syllabus$}) ||
($resurl =~ m{^/adm/$match_domain/$match_username/aboutme$}))) {
my @folders=split('&',$env{'form.folderpath'});
if ((@folders > 2) || ($resurl ne '/adm/supplemental')) {
+ my $suppanchor;
+ if ($resurl =~ m{^/adm/wrapper/ext/}) {
+ $suppanchor = $env{'form.anchor'};
+ }
my $esc_path=&escape(&HTML::Entities::encode(&escape($env{'form.folderpath'}),'<>&"'));
+ my $link = '/adm/coursedocs?command=direct&forcesupplement=1&supppath='.
+ "$esc_path&anchor=$suppanchor";
+ if ($env{'request.use_absolute'} ne '') {
+ $link = $env{'request.use_absolute'}.$link;
+ }
&switch('','',7,4,'docs-22x22.png','Edit Folder','parms[_2]',
- "location.href='/adm/coursedocs?command=direct&forcesupplement=1&supppath=$esc_path'",
- 'Folder/Page Content');
+ "location.href='$link'",'Folder/Page Content');
@@ -960,7 +1824,7 @@ sub prepare_functions {
return $editbutton;
} elsif ($env{'request.registered'}) {
- return $editbutton;
+ return $editbutton || $viewsrcbutton;
} else {
if (ref($bread_crumbs) eq 'ARRAY') {
if (@inlineremote > 0) {
@@ -985,12 +1849,18 @@ sub advtools_crumbs {
'advtools', @funcs[61,64,65,66,67,74]);
} elsif ($env{'request.noversionuri'} !~ m{^/adm/(navmaps|viewclasslist)(\?|$)}) {
- &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::add_breadcrumb_tool(
- 'advtools', @funcs[61,71,72,73,74,92]);
+ if ($env{'request.state'} eq 'construct') {
+ &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::add_breadcrumb_tool(
+ 'advtools', @funcs[61,73,74,71,72]);
+ } else {
+ &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::add_breadcrumb_tool(
+ 'advtools', @funcs[61,71,72,73,74,75,92]);
+ }
} elsif ($env{'request.noversionuri'} eq '/adm/viewclasslist') {
'advtools', $funcs[61]);
+ return;
# ================================================================== Raw Config
@@ -1006,7 +1876,7 @@ sub clear {
# The javascript is usually similar to "go('/adm/roles')" or "cstrgo(..)".
sub switch {
- my ($uname,$udom,$row,$col,$img,$top,$bot,$act,$desc,$cat,$nobreak)=@_;
+ my ($uname,$udom,$row,$col,$img,$top,$bot,$act,$desc,$cat,$nobreak,$form)=@_;
@@ -1049,14 +1919,15 @@ sub switch {
unless ($env{'request.state'} eq 'construct') {
- if (($env{'environment.icons'} eq 'iconsonly') &&
+ if ((($env{'environment.icons'} eq 'iconsonly') ||
+ ($env{'environment.icons'} eq '') && ($env{'request.lti.login'})) &&
(grep(/^$idx$/,@tools))) {
$inlineremote[$idx] =
} else {
$inlineremote[$idx] =
- ''.$top.' ';
+ ''.$top.' '.$form;
return '';
@@ -1137,7 +2008,10 @@ sub rawconfig {
my $pub=($env{'request.state'} eq 'published');
my $con=($env{'request.state'} eq 'construct');
my $rol=$env{'request.role'};
- my $requested_domain = $env{'request.role.domain'};
+ my $requested_domain;
+ if ($rol) {
+ $requested_domain = $env{'request.role.domain'};
+ }
foreach my $line (@desklines) {
my ($row,$col,$pro,$prt,$img,$top,$bot,$act,$desc,$cat)=split(/\:/,$line);
@@ -1151,7 +2025,13 @@ sub rawconfig {
next if ($crstype ne 'Community');
- $prt=~s/\$requested_domain/$requested_domain/g;
+ if ($prt =~ m/\$requested_domain/) {
+ if ((!$requested_domain) && ($pro eq 'pbre') && ($env{'user.adv'})) {
+ $prt=~s/\$requested_domain/$env{'user.domain'}/g;
+ } else {
+ $prt=~s/\$requested_domain/$requested_domain/g;
+ }
+ }
if ($category_names{$cat}!~/\w/) { $cat='oth'; }
if ($pro eq 'clear') {
@@ -1186,9 +2066,12 @@ sub rawconfig {
} else {
+ } elsif ($priv eq 'cca') {
+ next if ($rol eq 'cm');
- if (&Apache::lonnet::allowed($priv,$prt)) {
- $output.=&switch($uname,$udom,$row,$col,$img,$top,$bot,$act,$desc,$cat);
+ if ((($priv eq 'bre') && (&Apache::lonnet::allowed($priv,$prt) eq 'F')) ||
+ (($priv ne 'bre') && (&Apache::lonnet::allowed($priv,$prt)))) {
+ $output.=&switch($uname,$udom,$row,$col,$img,$top,$bot,$act,$desc,$cat);
} elsif ($pro eq 'course') {
if (($env{'request.course.fn'}) && ($crstype ne 'Community')) {
@@ -1266,6 +2149,24 @@ sub rawconfig {
+ } elsif ($pro eq 'coauthor') {
+ if ($env{'request.role'}=~ m{^(ca|aa)\./($match_domain)/($match_username)$}) {
+ my ($role,$audom,$auname) = ($1,$2,$3);
+ if ((($prt eq 'raa') && ($role eq 'aa')) ||
+ (($prt eq 'rca') && ($role eq 'ca') &&
+ (!$env{"environment.internal.manager./$audom/$auname"}))) {
+ $output.=&switch($auname,$audom,
+ $row,$col,$img,$top,$bot,$act,$desc,$cat);
+ }
+ }
+ } elsif ($pro eq 'coauthorenv_manager') {
+ if ($env{'request.role'}=~ m{^ca\./($match_domain)/($match_username)$}) {
+ my ($audom,$auname) = ($1,$2);
+ if ($env{"environment.internal.manager./$audom/$auname"}) {
+ $output.=&switch($auname,$audom,
+ $row,$col,$img,$top,$bot,$act,$desc,$cat);
+ }
+ }
} elsif ($pro eq 'tools') {
my @tools = ('aboutme','blog','portfolio');
if (grep(/^\Q$prt\E$/,@tools)) {
@@ -1298,7 +2199,7 @@ sub rawconfig {
sub check_for_rcrs {
my $showreqcrs = 0;
- my @reqtypes = ('official','unofficial','community');
+ my @reqtypes = ('official','unofficial','community','textbook','placement');
foreach my $type (@reqtypes) {
if (&Apache::lonnet::usertools_access($env{'user.name'},
@@ -1310,8 +2211,17 @@ sub check_for_rcrs {
if (!$showreqcrs) {
foreach my $type (@reqtypes) {
if ($env{'environment.reqcrsotherdom.'.$type} ne '') {
- $showreqcrs = 1;
- last;
+ my @domains = split(',',$env{'environment.reqcrsotherdom.'.$type});
+ foreach my $entry (@domains) {
+ my ($extdom,$extopt) = split(':',$entry);
+ if (&Apache::lonnet::will_trust('reqcrs',$env{'user.domain'},$extdom)) {
+ $showreqcrs = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($showreqcrs) {
+ last;
+ }
@@ -1364,15 +2274,342 @@ function toggleCountdown() {
+# This creates a "done button" for timed events. The confirmation box is a jQuery
+# dialog widget. If the interval parameter requires a proctor key for the timed
+# event to be marked done, there will also be a textbox where that can be entered.
+# Clicking OK will set the value of LC_interval_done to 'true', and, if needed will
+# set the value of LC_interval_done_proctorpass to the text entered in that box,
+# and submit the corresponding form.
+# The &zero_time() routine in lonhomework.pm is called when a page is rendered if
+# LC_interval_done is true.
+sub done_button_js {
+ my ($type,$width,$height,$proctor,$donebuttontext) = @_;
+ return unless (($type eq 'map') || ($type eq 'resource'));
+ my %lt = &Apache::lonlocal::texthash(
+ title => 'WARNING!',
+ preamble => 'You are trying to end this timed event early.',
+ map => 'Confirming that you are done will cause the time to expire and prevent you from changing any answers in the current folder.',
+ resource => 'Confirming that you are done will cause the time to expire for this question, and prevent you from changing your answer(s).',
+ okdone => 'Click "OK" if you are completely finished.',
+ cancel => 'Click "Cancel" to continue working.',
+ proctor => 'Ask a proctor to enter the key, then click "OK" if you are completely finished.',
+ ok => 'OK',
+ exit => 'Cancel',
+ key => 'Key:',
+ nokey => 'A proctor key is required',
+ );
+ my $shownsymb = &HTML::Entities::encode(&Apache::lonenc::check_encrypt($env{'request.symb'}));
+ my $navmap = Apache::lonnavmaps::navmap->new();
+ my ($missing,$tried) = (0,0);
+ if (ref($navmap)) {
+ my @resources=();
+ if ($type eq 'map') {
+ my ($mapurl,$rid,$resurl)=&Apache::lonnet::decode_symb($env{'request.symb'});
+ if ($env{'request.symb'} =~ /\.page$/) {
+ @resources=$navmap->retrieveResources($resurl,sub { $_[0]->is_problem() });
+ } else {
+ @resources=$navmap->retrieveResources($mapurl,sub { $_[0]->is_problem() });
+ }
+ } else {
+ my $res = $navmap->getBySymb($env{'request.symb'});
+ if (ref($res)) {
+ if ($res->is_problem()) {
+ push(@resources,$res);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ foreach my $res (@resources) {
+ if (ref($res->parts()) eq 'ARRAY') {
+ foreach my $part (@{$res->parts()}) {
+ if (!$res->tries($part)) {
+ $missing++;
+ } else {
+ $tried++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($missing) {
+ $lt{'miss'} .= '
+ if ($type eq 'map') {
+ $lt{'miss'} .= &mt('Submissions are missing for [quant,_1,question part,question parts] in this folder.',$missing);
+ } else {
+ $lt{'miss'} .= &mt('Submissions are missing for [quant,_1,part] in this question.',$missing);
+ }
+ if ($missing > 1) {
+ $lt{'miss'} .= ' '.&mt('If you confirm you are done you will be unable to submit answers for them.').'';
+ } else {
+ $lt{'miss'} .= ' '.&mt('If you confirm you are done you will be unable to submit an answer for it.').'