--- loncom/interface/lonmenu.pm	2003/04/18 17:51:32	1.65
+++ loncom/interface/lonmenu.pm	2015/04/14 21:35:52	1.431.2.2
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 # The LearningOnline Network with CAPA
 # Routines to control the menu
-# $Id: lonmenu.pm,v 1.65 2003/04/18 17:51:32 www Exp $
+# $Id: lonmenu.pm,v 1.431.2.2 2015/04/14 21:35:52 musolffc Exp $
 # Copyright Michigan State University Board of Trustees
@@ -26,558 +26,1141 @@
 # http://www.lon-capa.org/
-# There are two parameters controlling the action of this module:
-# browser.interface - if this is 'textual', it overrides the second parameter
-# and goes to screen reader PDA mode
-# environment.remote - if this is 'on', the routines controll the remote
-# control, otherwise they render the main window controls; ignored it
-# browser.interface is 'textual'
+=head1 NAME
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+Loads contents of /home/httpd/lonTabs/mydesk.tab, 
+used to generate inline menu, and Main Menu page. 
+This is part of the LearningOnline Network with CAPA project
+described at http://www.lon-capa.org.
+=item @desklines
+Each element of this array contains a line of mydesk.tab that doesn't start with
+cat, prim or scnd. 
+It gets filled in the BEGIN block of this module.
+=item %category_names
+The keys of this hash are the abbreviations used in mydesk.tab in those lines that 
+start with cat, the values are strings representing titles. 
+It gets filled in the BEGIN block of this module.
+=item %category_members
+=item %category_positions
+The keys of this hash are the abbreviations used in mydesk.tab in those lines that
+start with cat, its values are position vectors (column, row). 
+It gets filled in the BEGIN block of this module.
+=item $readdesk
+Indicates that mydesk.tab has been read. 
+It is set to 'done' in the BEGIN block of this module.
+=item @primary_menu
+The elements of this array reference arrays that are made up of the components
+of those lines of mydesk.tab that start with prim:.
+It is used by primary_menu() to generate the corresponding menu.
+It gets filled in the BEGIN block of this module.
+=item %primary_sub_menu
+The keys of this hash reference are the names of items in the primary_menu array 
+which have sub-menus.  For each key, the corresponding value is a reference to
+an array containing components extracted from lines in mydesk.tab which begin
+with primsub:.
+This hash, which is used by primary_menu to generate sub-menus, is populated in
+the BEGIN block.
+=item @secondary_menu
+The elements of this array reference arrays that are made up of the components
+of those lines of mydesk.tab that start with scnd.
+It is used by secondary_menu() to generate the corresponding menu.
+It gets filled in the BEGIN block of this module.
+=item prep_menuitems(\@menuitem)
+This routine wraps a menuitem in proper HTML. It is used by primary_menu() and 
+=item primary_menu()
+This routine evaluates @primary_menu and returns a two item array, 
+with the array elements containing XHTML for the left and right sides of 
+the menu that contains the following links: About, Message, Roles, Help, Logout 
+@primary_menu is filled within the BEGIN block of this module with 
+entries from mydesk.tab
+=item secondary_menu()
+Same as primary_menu() but operates on @secondary_menu.
+=item create_submenu()
+Creates XHTML for unordered list of sub-menu items which belong to a 
+particular top-level menu item. Uses hover pseudo class in css to display
+dropdown list when mouse hovers over top-level item. Support for IE6 
+(no hover psuedo class) via LC_hoverable class for <li> tag for top-
+level item, which employs jQuery to handle behavior on mouseover.
+Inputs: 4 - (a) link and (b) target for anchor href in top level item,
+            (c) title for text wrapped by anchor tag in top level item.
+            (d) reference to array of arrays of sub-menu items.
+ The underlying datastructure used in (d) contains data from mydesk.tab.
+ It consists of an array which has an array for each item appearing in
+ the menu (e.g. [["link", "title", "condition"]] for a single-item menu).
+ create_submenu() supports also the creation of XHTML for nested dropdown
+ menus represented by unordered lists. This is done by replacing the
+ scalar used for the link with an arrayreference containing the menuitems
+ for the nested menu. This can be done recursively so that the next menu
+ may also contain nested submenus.
+ Example:
+ [											# begin of datastructure
+	["/home/", "Home", "condition1"], 		# 1st item of the 1st layer menu
+	[										# 2nd item of the 1st layer menu
+		[									# anon. array for nested menu
+			["/path1", "Path1", undef], 	# 1st item of the 2nd layer menu
+			["/path2", "Path2", undef], 	# 2nd item of the 2nd layer menu
+			[								# 3rd item of the 2nd layer menu
+				[[...], [...], ..., [...]],	# containing another menu layer
+				"Sub-Sub-Menu",				# title for this container
+				undef
+			]
+		],									# end of array/nested menu
+		"Sub-Menu",							# title for the container item
+		undef
+	]										# end of 2nd item of the 1st layer menu
+=item innerregister()
+This gets called in order to register a URL in the body of the document
+=item clear()
+=item switch()
+Switch a button or create a link
+Switch acts on the javascript that is executed when a button is clicked.  
+The javascript is usually similar to "go('/adm/roles')" or "cstrgo(..)".
+=item secondlevel()
+=item openmenu()
+=item inlinemenu()
+=item rawconfig()
+=item utilityfunctions()
+Output from this routine is a number of javascript functions called by
+items in the inline menu, and in some cases items in the Main Menu page. 
+=item serverform()
+=item constspaceform()
+=item get_nav_status()
+=item hidden_button_check()
+=item roles_selector()
+=item jump_to_role()
 package Apache::lonmenu;
 use strict;
 use Apache::lonnet;
-use Apache::Constants qw(:common);
 use Apache::lonhtmlcommon();
-use Apache::loncommon;
-use Apache::File;
-use vars qw(@desklines $readdesk);
+use Apache::loncommon();
+use Apache::lonenc();
+use Apache::lonlocal;
+use Apache::lonmsg();
+use LONCAPA qw(:DEFAULT :match);
+use HTML::Entities();
+use Apache::lonwishlist();
+use vars qw(@desklines %category_names %category_members %category_positions 
+            $readdesk @primary_menu %primary_submenu @secondary_menu);
 my @inlineremote;
-my $font;
-my $tabbg;
-my $pgbg;
-# ============================= This gets called at the top of the body section
-sub menubuttons {
-    my $forcereg=shift;
-    my $target  =shift;
-    my $registration=shift;
-    my $navmaps='';
-    my $reloadlink='';
-    my $escurl=&Apache::lonnet::escape($ENV{'REQUEST_URI'});
-    my $escsymb=&Apache::lonnet::escape($ENV{'request.symb'});
-    if ($ENV{'browser.interface'} eq 'textual') {
-# Textual display only
-        if ($ENV{'request.course.id'}) {
-	    $navmaps=(<<ENDNAV);
-<a href="/adm/navmaps?postdata=$escurl&postsymb=$escsymb" target="_top">Navigate Contents</a>
-            if (($ENV{'REQUEST_URI'}=~/^\/adm\//) &&
-         ($ENV{'REQUEST_URI'}!~/^\/adm\/wrapper\//) &&
-         ($ENV{'REQUEST_URI'}!~/^\/adm\/.*\/(smppg|bulletinboard|aboutme)(\?|$)/)) {
-                my $escreload=&Apache::lonnet::escape('return:');
-                $reloadlink=(<<ENDRELOAD);
-<a href="/adm/flip?postdata=$escreload" target="_top"><font color="$font">Return to Last Location</font></a>
+sub prep_menuitem {
+    my ($menuitem) = @_;
+    return '' unless(ref($menuitem) eq 'ARRAY');
+    my $link;
+    if ($$menuitem[1]) { # graphical Link
+        $link = "<img class=\"LC_noBorder\""
+              . " src=\"" . &Apache::loncommon::lonhttpdurl($$menuitem[1]) . "\"" 
+              . " alt=\"" . &mt($$menuitem[2]) . "\" />";
+    } else {             # textual Link
+        $link = &mt($$menuitem[3]);
+    }
+    return '<li><a' 
+           # highlighting for new messages
+           . ( $$menuitem[4] eq 'newmsg' ? ' class="LC_new_message"' : '') 
+           . qq| href="$$menuitem[0]" target="_top">$link</a></li>|;
+# primary_menu() evaluates @primary_menu and returns a two item array,
+# with the array elements containing XHTML for the left and right sides of 
+# the menu that contains the following links:
+# Personal, About, Message, Roles, Help, Logout
+# @primary_menu is filled within the BEGIN block of this module with 
+# entries from mydesk.tab
+sub primary_menu {
+    my (%menu);
+    # each element of @primary contains following array:
+    # (link url, icon path, alt text, link text, condition, position)
+    my $public;
+    if ((($env{'user.name'} eq 'public') && ($env{'user.domain'} eq 'public'))
+        || (($env{'user.name'} eq '') && ($env{'user.domain'} eq ''))) {
+        $public = 1;
+    }
+    foreach my $menuitem (@primary_menu) {
+        # evaluate conditions 
+        next if    ref($menuitem)       ne 'ARRAY';    #
+        next if    $$menuitem[4]        eq 'nonewmsg'  # show links depending on
+                && &Apache::lonmsg::mynewmail();       # whether a new msg 
+        next if    $$menuitem[4]        eq 'newmsg'    # arrived or not
+                && !&Apache::lonmsg::mynewmail();      # 
+        next if    $$menuitem[4]        !~ /public/    ##we've a public user,
+                && $public;                            ##who should not see all
+                                                       ##links
+        next if    $$menuitem[4]        eq 'onlypublic'# hide links which are 
+                && !$public;                           # only visible to public
+                                                       # users
+        next if    $$menuitem[4]        eq 'roles'     ##show links depending on
+                && &Apache::loncommon::show_course();  ##term 'Courses' or 
+        next if    $$menuitem[4]        eq 'courses'   ##'Roles' wanted
+                && !&Apache::loncommon::show_course(); ##
+        my $title = $menuitem->[3];
+        my $position = $menuitem->[5];
+        if ($position eq '') {
+            $position = 'right';
+        }
+        if (defined($primary_submenu{$title})) {
+            my ($link,$target);
+            if ($menuitem->[0] ne '') {
+                $link = $menuitem->[0];
+                $target = '_top';
+            } else {
+                $link = '#';
+            }
+            my @primsub;
+            if (ref($primary_submenu{$title}) eq 'ARRAY') {
+                foreach my $item (@{$primary_submenu{$title}}) {
+                    next if (($item->[2] eq 'wishlist') && (!$env{'user.adv'}));
+                    next if ((($item->[2] eq 'portfolio') ||
+                             ($item->[2] eq 'blog')) &&
+                             (!&Apache::lonnet::usertools_access('','',$item->[2],
+                                                           undef,'tools')));
+                    push(@primsub,$item);
+                }
+                if (@primsub > 0) {
+                    $menu{$position} .= &create_submenu($link,$target,$title,\@primsub,1);
+                } elsif ($link) {
+                    $menu{$position} .= '<li><a href="'.$link.'" target="'.$target.'">'.&mt($title).'</a></li>';
+                }
+            }
+        } elsif ($$menuitem[3] eq 'Help') { # special treatment for helplink
+            if ($public) {
+                my $origmail = $Apache::lonnet::perlvar{'lonSupportEMail'};
+                my $defdom = &Apache::lonnet::default_login_domain();
+                my $to = &Apache::loncommon::build_recipient_list(undef,
+                                                                  'helpdeskmail',
+                                                                  $defdom,$origmail);
+                if ($to ne '') {
+                    $menu{$position} .= &prep_menuitem($menuitem); 
+                }
+            } else {
+                $menu{$position} .= '<li>'.&Apache::loncommon::top_nav_help('Help').'</li>';
+        } else {
+            $menu{$position} .= prep_menuitem($menuitem);
-	my $output=(<<ENDMAINMENU);
-// BEGIN LON-CAPA Internal
-<a href="/adm/menu" target="_top">Main Menu</a>
-$reloadlink $navmaps<br />
-// END LON-CAPA Internal
-        if ($registration) { $output.=&innerregister($forcereg,$target); }
-	return $output."<hr />";
-    } elsif ($ENV{'environment.remote'} eq 'off') {
-# Remote Control is switched off
-# figure out colors
-	my $function='student';
-        if ($ENV{'request.role'}=~/^(cc|in|ta|ep)/) {
-	    $function='coordinator';
-        }
-	if ($ENV{'request.role'}=~/^(su|dc|ad|li)/) {
-            $function='admin';
-        }
-        if (($ENV{'request.role'}=~/^(au|ca)/) ||
-            ($ENV{'REQUEST_URI'}=~/^(\/priv|\~)/)) {
-            $function='author';
-        }
-        my $domain=&Apache::loncommon::determinedomain();
-        $pgbg=&Apache::loncommon::designparm($function.'.pgbg',$domain);
-        $tabbg=&Apache::loncommon::designparm($function.'.tabbg',$domain);
-        $font=&Apache::loncommon::designparm($function.'.font',$domain);
-        my $link=&Apache::loncommon::designparm($function.'.link',$domain);
-        my $alink=&Apache::loncommon::designparm($function.'.alink',$domain);
-        my $vlink=&Apache::loncommon::designparm($function.'.vlink',$domain);
-        my $sidebg=&Apache::loncommon::designparm($function.'.sidebg',$domain);
-# Do we have a NAV link?
-        if ($ENV{'request.course.id'}) {
-	    $navmaps=(<<ENDNAVREM);
-<td bgcolor="$tabbg">
-<a href="/adm/navmaps?postdata=$escurl&postsymb=$escsymb" target="_top"><font color="$font">Navigate Contents</font></a></td>
-            if (($ENV{'REQUEST_URI'}=~/^\/adm\//) &&
-                ($ENV{'REQUEST_URI'}!~/^\/adm\/wrapper\//) &&
-         ($ENV{'REQUEST_URI'}!~/^\/adm\/.*\/(smppg|bulletinboard|aboutme)(\?|$)/)) {
-                my $escreload=&Apache::lonnet::escape('return:');
-                $reloadlink=(<<ENDRELOAD);
-<td bgcolor="$tabbg">
-<a href="/adm/flip?postdata=$escreload" target="_top"><font color="$font">Return to Last Location</font></a></td>
-            }
-        }
-        my $reg='';
-        if ($registration) {
-           $reg=&innerregister($forcereg,$target);
+    }
+    my @output = ('','');
+    if ($menu{'left'} ne '') {
+        $output[0] = "<ol class=\"LC_primary_menu LC_floatleft\">$menu{'left'}</ol>";
+    }
+    if ($menu{'right'} ne '') {
+        $output[1] = "<ol class=\"LC_primary_menu LC_floatright LC_right\">$menu{'right'}</ol>";
+    }
+    return @output;
+#returns hashref {user=>'',dom=>''} containing:
+#   own name, domain if user is au
+#   name, domain of parent author if user is ca or aa
+#empty return if user is not an author or not on homeserver
+#TODO this should probably be moved somewhere more central
+#since it can be used by different parts of the system
+sub getauthor{
+    return unless $env{'request.role'}=~/^(ca|aa|au)/; #nothing to do if user isn't some kind of author
+                        #co- or assistent author?
+    my ($dom, $user) = ($env{'request.role'} =~ /^(?:ca|aa)\.\/($match_domain)\/($match_username)$/)
+                       ? ($1, $2) #domain, username of the parent author
+                       : @env{ ('request.role.domain', 'user.name') }; #own domain, username
+    # current server == home server?
+    my $home =  &Apache::lonnet::homeserver($user,$dom);
+    foreach (&Apache::lonnet::current_machine_ids()){
+        return {user => $user, dom => $dom} if $_ eq $home;
+    }
+    # if wrong server
+    return;
+sub secondary_menu {
+    my ($httphost) = @_;
+    my $menu;
+    my $crstype = &Apache::loncommon::course_type();
+    my $crs_sec = $env{'request.course.id'} . ($env{'request.course.sec'} 
+                                               ? "/$env{'request.course.sec'}"
+                                               : '');
+    my $canedit       = &Apache::lonnet::allowed('mdc', $env{'request.course.id'});
+    my $canviewroster = $env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.student_classlist_view'};
+    if ($canviewroster eq 'disabled') {
+        undef($canviewroster);
+    }
+    my $canviewgrps   = &Apache::lonnet::allowed('vcg', $crs_sec); 
+    my $canmodifyuser = &Apache::lonnet::allowed('cst', $crs_sec); 
+    my $canviewwnew   = &Apache::lonnet::allowed('whn', $crs_sec); 
+    my $canmodpara    = &Apache::lonnet::allowed('opa', $crs_sec);
+    my $canvgr        = &Apache::lonnet::allowed('vgr', $crs_sec);
+    my $canmgr        = &Apache::lonnet::allowed('mgr', $crs_sec); 
+    my $author        = &getauthor();
+    my ($cdom,$cnum,$showsyllabus,$showfeeds,$showresv);
+    if ($env{'request.course.id'}) {
+        $cdom = $env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.domain'};
+        $cnum = $env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.num'};
+        if ($canedit) {
+            $showsyllabus = 1;
+            $showfeeds = 1;
+        } else {
+            unless (&Apache::lonnet::is_on_map("public/$cdom/$cnum/syllabus")) {
+                if (($env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.externalsyllabus'}) ||
+                    ($env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.uploadedsyllabus'}) ||
+                    ($env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.updatedsyllabus'}) ||
+                    ($env{'request.course.syllabustime'})) {
+                    $showsyllabus = 1;
+                }
+            }
+            if ($env{'request.course.feeds'}) {
+                $showfeeds = 1;
+            }
+        }
+        unless ($canmgr) {
+            my %slots = &Apache::lonnet::get_course_slots($cnum,$cdom);
+            if (keys(%slots) > 0) {
+                $showresv = 1;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    my ($canmodifycoauthor); 
+    if ($env{'request.role'} eq "au./$env{'user.domain'}/") {
+        my $extent = "$env{'user.domain'}/$env{'user.name'}";
+        if ((&Apache::lonnet::allowed('cca',$extent)) ||
+            (&Apache::lonnet::allowed('caa',$extent))) {
+            $canmodifycoauthor = 1;
+        }
+    }
+    my %groups = &Apache::lonnet::get_active_groups(
+                     $env{'user.domain'}, $env{'user.name'},
+                     $env{'course.' . $env{'request.course.id'} . '.domain'},
+                     $env{'course.' . $env{'request.course.id'} . '.num'});
+    my ($roleswitcher_js,$roleswitcher_form);
+    foreach my $menuitem (@secondary_menu) {
+        # evaluate conditions 
+        next if    ref($menuitem)  ne 'ARRAY';
+        next if    $$menuitem[4]   ne 'always'
+                && ($$menuitem[4]   ne 'author' && $$menuitem[4] ne 'cca')
+                && !$env{'request.course.id'};
+        next if    $$menuitem[4]   =~ /^mdc/
+                && !$canedit;
+        next if    $$menuitem[4]  eq 'nvgr'
+                && $canvgr;
+        next if    $$menuitem[4]  eq 'vgr'
+                && !$canvgr;
+        next if    $$menuitem[4]   eq 'cst'
+                && !$canmodifyuser;
+        next if    $$menuitem[4]   eq 'ncst'
+                && ($canmodifyuser || !$canviewroster);
+        next if    $$menuitem[4]   eq 'mgr'
+                && !$canmgr;
+        next if    $$menuitem[4]   eq 'showresv'
+                && !$showresv;
+        next if    $$menuitem[4]   eq 'whn'
+                && !$canviewwnew;
+        next if    $$menuitem[4]   eq 'opa'
+                && !$canmodpara;
+        next if    $$menuitem[4]   =~ /showgroups$/
+                && !$canviewgrps
+                && !%groups;
+        next if    $$menuitem[4]   eq 'showsyllabus'
+                && !$showsyllabus;
+        next if    $$menuitem[4]   eq 'showfeeds'
+                && !$showfeeds;
+        next if    $$menuitem[4]    eq 'author'
+                && !$author;
+        next if    $$menuitem[4]    eq 'cca'
+                && !$canmodifycoauthor;
+        if ($$menuitem[3] eq 'Roles' && $env{'request.course.id'}) {
+            # special treatment for role selector
+            ($roleswitcher_js,$roleswitcher_form,my $switcher) =
+                &roles_selector(
+                        $env{'course.' . $env{'request.course.id'} . '.domain'},
+                        $env{'course.' . $env{'request.course.id'} . '.num'},
+                        $httphost
+                );
+            $menu .= $switcher;
+        } else {
+            if ($$menuitem[3] eq 'Syllabus' && $env{'request.course.id'}) {
+                my $url = $$menuitem[0];
+                $url =~ s{\[cdom\]/\[cnum\]}{$cdom/$cnum};
+                if (&Apache::lonnet::is_on_map($url)) {
+                    unless ($$menuitem[0] =~ /\?register=1/) {
+                        $$menuitem[0] .= '?register=1';
+                    }
+                } else {
+                    $$menuitem[0] =~ s{\?register=1}{};
+                }
+            }
+            $menu .= &prep_menuitem(\@$menuitem);
+        }
+    }
+    if ($menu =~ /\[url\].*\[symb\]/) {
+        my $escurl  = &escape( &Apache::lonenc::check_encrypt(
+                             $env{'request.noversionuri'}));
+        my $escsymb = &escape( &Apache::lonenc::check_encrypt(
+                             $env{'request.symb'})); 
+        if (    $env{'request.state'} eq 'construct'
+            and (   $env{'request.noversionuri'} eq '' 
+                 || !defined($env{'request.noversionuri'}))) 
+        {
+            my $londocroot = $Apache::lonnet::perlvar{'lonDocRoot'};
+            ($escurl = $env{'request.filename'}) =~ s{^\Q$londocroot\E}{};
+            $escurl  = &escape($escurl);
+        }    
+        $menu =~ s/\[url\]/$escurl/g;
+        $menu =~ s/\[symb\]/$escsymb/g;
+    }
+    $menu =~ s/\[uname\]/$$author{user}/g;
+    $menu =~ s/\[udom\]/$$author{dom}/g;
+    if ($showsyllabus || $showfeeds) {
+        $menu =~ s/\[cnum\]/$cnum/g;
+        $menu =~ s/\[cdom\]/$cdom/g;
+    }
+    if ($menu) {
+        $menu = "<ul id=\"LC_secondary_menu\">$menu</ul>";
+    }
+    if ($roleswitcher_form) {
+        $menu .= "\n$roleswitcher_js\n$roleswitcher_form";
+    }
+    return $menu;
+sub create_submenu {
+    my ($link,$target,$title,$submenu,$translate) = @_;
+    return unless (ref($submenu) eq 'ARRAY');
+    my $disptarget;
+    if ($target ne '') {
+        $disptarget = ' target="'.$target.'"';
+    }
+    my $name;
+    if ($title eq 'Personal') {
+        if ($env{'user.name'} && $env{'user.domain'}) {
+            $name = &Apache::loncommon::plainname($env{'user.name'},$env{'user.domain'});
+        } else {
+            $name = &mt($title);
-	return (<<ENDINLINEMENU);
-// BEGIN LON-CAPA Internal
-<table bgcolor="$pgbg" width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="3">
-<td bgcolor="$tabbg">
-<a href="/adm/menu" target="_top"><font color="$font">Main Menu</font></a>
-<td bgcolor="$tabbg">
-<a href="/adm/remote?action=launch&url=$escurl" target="_top">
-<font color="$font">Launch Remote Control</font></a></td>
-<td bgcolor="$tabbg">
-<img align="right" src="/adm/lonIcons/minilogo.gif" />
-// END LON-CAPA Internal
     } else {
-	return '';
+        $name = &mt($title);
+    my $menu = '<li class="LC_hoverable">'.
+               '<a href="'.$link.'"'.$disptarget.'>'.
+               '<span class="LC_nobreak">'.$name.
+               '<span class="LC_fontsize_small" style="font-weight:normal;">'.
+               ' &#9660;</span></span></a>'.
+               '<ul>';
+    # $link and $title are only used in the initial string written in $menu
+    # as seen above, not needed for nested submenus
+    $menu .= &build_submenu($target, $submenu, $translate, '1');
+    $menu .= '</ul></li>';
+    return $menu;
+# helper routine for create_submenu
+# build the dropdown (and nested submenus) recursively
+# see perldoc create_submenu documentation for further information
+sub build_submenu {
+    my ($target, $submenu, $translate, $first_level) = @_; 
+    if (!defined(@{$submenu})) {
+        return '';
+    }
+    my $menu = '';
+    my $count = 0;
+    my $numsub = scalar(@{$submenu});
+    foreach my $item (@{$submenu}) {
+        $count ++;
+        if (ref($item) eq 'ARRAY') {
+            my $href = $item->[0];
+            my $bordertop;
+            my $borderbot;
+            my $title;
-# ====================================== This gets called in the header section
+            if ($translate) {
+                 $title = &mt($item->[1]);
+            } else {
+                $title = $item->[1];
+            }
-sub registerurl {
-    my $forcereg=shift;
-    my $target = shift;
-    my $result = '';
-    if ($target eq 'edit') {
-        $result .="<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n".
-            "if (typeof swmenu != 'undefined') {swmenu.currentURL=null;}\n".
-            &Apache::loncommon::browser_and_searcher_javascript().
-                "\n</script>\n";
-    }
-    if (($ENV{'browser.interface'} eq 'textual') ||
-        ($ENV{'environment.remote'} eq 'off') ||
-        ((($ENV{'request.publicaccess'}) || 
-         (!&Apache::lonnet::is_on_map($ENV{'REQUEST_URI'}))) &&
-        (!$forcereg))) {
-	return $result.
-         '<script type="text/javascript">function LONCAPAreg(){;} function LONCAPAstale(){}</script>';
-    }
-# Graphical display after login only
-    if ($Apache::lonxml::registered && !$forcereg) { return ''; }
-    $result.=&innerregister($forcereg,$target);
-    return $result;
+            if ($count == 1 && !$first_level) {
+                $bordertop = 'border-top: 1px solid black;';
+            }
+            if ($count == $numsub) {
+                $borderbot = 'border-bottom: 1px solid black;';
+            }
-# =========== This gets called in order to register a URL, both with the Remote
-# =========== and in the body of the document
+            # href is a reference to another submenu
+            if (ref($href) eq 'ARRAY') {
+                $menu .= '<li style="margin:0;padding:0;'.$bordertop . $borderbot . '">';
+                $menu .= '<p><span class="LC_primary_menu_innertitle">'
+					. $title . '</span><span class="LC_primary_menu_innerarrow">&#9654;</span></p>';
+                $menu .= '<ul>';
+                $menu .= &build_submenu($target, $href, $translate);
+                $menu .= '</ul>';
+                $menu .= '</li>';    
+            } else {    # href is the actual hyperlink and does not represent another submenu
+                        # for the current menu title
+                if ($href =~ /(aboutme|rss\.html)$/) {
+                    next unless (($env{'user.name'} ne '') && ($env{'user.domain'} ne ''));
+                    $href =~ s/\[domain\]/$env{'user.domain'}/g;
+                    $href =~ s/\[user\]/$env{'user.name'}/g;
+                }
+                unless (($href eq '') || ($href =~ /^\#/)) {
+                    $target = ' target="_top"';
+                }
+                $menu .= '<li style="margin:0;padding:0;'. $bordertop . $borderbot .'">';
+                $menu .= '<a href="'.$href.'"'.$target.'>' .  $title . '</a>';
+                $menu .= '</li>';
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return $menu;
 sub innerregister {
-    my $forcereg=shift;
-    my $target = shift;
-    my $result = '';
+    my ($forcereg,$bread_crumbs,$group) = @_;
+    my $const_space = ($env{'request.state'} eq 'construct');
+    my $is_const_dir = 0;
-    $Apache::lonxml::registered=1;
+    if ($env{'request.noversionuri'} =~ m{^/res/adm/pages/}) { return ''; }
-    my $textinter=($ENV{'browser.interface'} eq 'textual');
-    my $noremote=($ENV{'environment.remote'} eq 'off');
-    my $textual=($textinter || $noremote);
+    $env{'request.registered'} = 1;
-    @inlineremote=();
-    undef @inlineremote;
+    undef(@inlineremote);
-    my $reopen=&Apache::lonmenu::reopenmenu();
+    my ($mapurl,$resurl);
-    my $newmail='';
-    if ($noremote) {
-	$newmail='<table bgcolor="'.$pgbg.'" border="0" cellspacing="3" cellpadding="3" width="100%"><tr><td bgcolor="'.$tabbg.'">';
-    }
-    if (($textual) && ($ENV{'request.symb'}) && ($ENV{'request.course.id'})) {
-	my ($mapurl,$rid,$resurl)=split(/\_\_\_/,$ENV{'request.symb'});
-        $newmail.=$ENV{'course.'.$ENV{'request.course.id'}.'.description'};
-        my $maptitle=&Apache::lonnet::gettitle($mapurl);
-	my $restitle=&Apache::lonnet::gettitle($resurl);
-        if ($maptitle) {
-	    $newmail.=', '.$maptitle;
+    if ($env{'request.course.id'}) {
+        if ($env{'request.symb'}) {
+            ($mapurl, my $rid, $resurl) = &Apache::lonnet::decode_symb(&Apache::lonnet::symbread());
+            my $coursetitle = $env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.description'};
+            my $maptitle = &Apache::lonnet::gettitle($mapurl);
+            my $restitle = &Apache::lonnet::gettitle(&Apache::lonnet::symbread());
+#course_type only Course and Community?
+            my @crumbs;
+            unless (($forcereg) &&
+                    ($env{'request.noversionuri'} eq '/adm/navmaps') &&
+                    ($mapurl eq $env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.url'})) {
+                @crumbs = ({text  => Apache::loncommon::course_type() 
+                                    . ' Contents', 
+                            href  => "Javascript:gopost('/adm/navmaps','')"});
+            }
+            if ($mapurl ne $env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.url'}) { 
+                push(@crumbs, {text  => '...',
+                               no_mt => 1});
+            }
+            push @crumbs, {text => $maptitle, no_mt => 1} if ($maptitle 
+                                                       && $maptitle ne 'default.sequence' 
+                                                       && $maptitle ne $coursetitle);
+            push @crumbs, {text => $restitle, no_mt => 1} if $restitle; 
+            &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::clear_breadcrumbs();
+            &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::add_breadcrumb(@crumbs);
+        } else {
+            $resurl = $env{'request.noversionuri'};
+            my $courseurl = &Apache::lonnet::courseid_to_courseurl($env{'request.course.id'});
+            my $crstype = &Apache::loncommon::course_type();
+            my $title = &mt('View Resource');
+            if ($resurl =~ m{^\Q/uploaded$courseurl/supplemental/\E(default|\d+)/}) {
+                &Apache::loncommon::get_unprocessed_cgi($ENV{'QUERY_STRING'},['folderpath','title']);
+                &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::clear_breadcrumbs();
+                if ($env{'form.title'}) {
+                    $title = $env{'form.title'};
+                }
+                my $trail;
+                if ($env{'form.folderpath'}) {
+                    &prepare_functions($resurl,$forcereg,$group,undef,undef,1);
+                    ($trail) =
+                        &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::docs_breadcrumbs(undef,$crstype,undef,$title,1);
+                } else {
+                    &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::add_breadcrumb(
+                    {text  => "Supplemental $crstype Content",
+                     href  => "javascript:gopost('/adm/supplemental','')"});
+                    $title = &mt('View Resource');
+                    ($trail) = 
+                        &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::docs_breadcrumbs(undef,$crstype,undef,$title,1);
+                }
+                return $trail;
+            } elsif ($resurl =~ m{^\Q/uploaded$courseurl/portfolio/syllabus/}) {
+                &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::clear_breadcrumbs();
+                &prepare_functions('/public'.$courseurl."/syllabus",
+                                   $forcereg,$group,undef,undef,1);
+                $title = &mt('Syllabus File');
+                my ($trail) =
+                    &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::docs_breadcrumbs(undef,$crstype,undef,$title,1);
+                return $trail;
+            }
+            unless ($env{'request.state'} eq 'construct') {
+                &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::clear_breadcrumbs();
+                &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::add_breadcrumb({text => 'View Resource'});
+            }
-        if ($restitle) {
-	    $newmail.=': '.$restitle;
+    } elsif (! $const_space){
+        #a situation when we're looking at a resource outside of context of a 
+        #course or construction space (e.g. with cumulative rights)
+        &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::clear_breadcrumbs();
+        unless ($env{'request.noversionuri'} =~ m{^/adm/$match_domain/$match_username/aboutme$}) {
+            &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::add_breadcrumb({text => 'View Resource'});
-        $newmail.='&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;';
-    }
-    if (&Apache::lonmsg::newmail()) { 
-       $newmail=($textual?
- '<b><a href="/adm/communicate">You have new messages</a></b><br />':
-                          'swmenu.setstatus("you have","messages");');
-    if ($noremote) {
-	$newmail.='</td></tr></table>';
-    }
-    my $timesync=($textual?'':'swmenu.syncclock(1000*'.time.');');
-    my $tablestart=($noremote?'<table bgcolor="'.$pgbg.'" border="0" cellspacing="3" cellpadding="3" width="100%">':'');
-    my $tableend=($noremote?'</table>':'');
 # =============================================================================
 # ============================ This is for URLs that actually can be registered
-    if (($ENV{'REQUEST_URI'}!~/^\/(res\/)*adm\//) || ($forcereg)) {
-# -- This applies to homework problems for users with grading privileges
-        my $hwkadd='';
-        if 
-      ($ENV{'request.filename'}=~/\.(problem|exam|quiz|assess|survey|form)$/) {
-	    if (&Apache::lonnet::allowed('vgr',$ENV{'request.course.id'})) {
-		$hwkadd.=&switch('','',7,1,'subm.gif','view sub','missions',
-                       "gocmd('/adm/grades','submission')",
-		       'View user submissions for this assessment resource');
-            }
-	    if (&Apache::lonnet::allowed('mgr',$ENV{'request.course.id'})) {
-		$hwkadd.=&switch('','',7,2,'pgrd.gif','problem','grades',
-                       "gocmd('/adm/grades','gradingmenu')",
-                       'Modify user grades for this assessment resource');
-            }
-	    if (&Apache::lonnet::allowed('opa',$ENV{'request.course.id'})) {
-		$hwkadd.=&switch('','',7,3,'pparm.gif','problem','parms',
-                       "gocmd('/adm/parmset','set')",
-                       'Modify deadlines, etc, for this assessment resource');
+    return '' unless ( ($env{'request.noversionuri'}!~m{^/(res/)*adm/}) 
+                       || $forcereg );
+    my ($cdom,$cnum,%perms,$cfile,$switchserver,$home,$forceedit,
+        $forceview,$editbutton);
+    if (($resurl =~ m{^/?adm/($match_domain)/($match_username)/aboutme$}) ||
+        ($env{'request.role'} !~/^(aa|ca|au)/)) {
+        $editbutton = &prepare_functions($resurl,$forcereg,$group);
+    }
+    if ($editbutton eq '') {
+        $editbutton = &clear(6,1);
+    }
+# This applies in course context
+    if ($env{'request.course.id'}) {
+        $cnum = $env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.num'};
+        $cdom = $env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.domain'};
+        $perms{'mdc'} = &Apache::lonnet::allowed('mdc',$env{'request.course.id'});
+        my @privs;
+        if ($env{'request.symb'} ne '') {
+             if ($env{'request.filename'}=~/$LONCAPA::assess_re/) {
+                 push(@privs,('mgr','vgr'));
+             }
+             push(@privs,'opa');
+        }
+        foreach my $priv (@privs) {
+            $perms{$priv} = &Apache::lonnet::allowed($priv,$env{'request.course.id'});
+            if (!$perms{$priv} && $env{'request.course.sec'} ne '') {
+                $perms{$priv} = 
+                    &Apache::lonnet::allowed($priv,"$env{'request.course.id'}/$env{'request.course.sec'}");
+        }
+# Determine whether or not to show Grades and Submissions buttons
+        if ($env{'request.symb'} ne '' &&
+            $env{'request.filename'}=~/$LONCAPA::assess_re/) {
+            if ($perms{'mgr'}) {
+                &switch('','',7,2,'pgrd.png','Content Grades','grades[_4]',
+                        "gocmd('/adm/grades','gradingmenu')",
+                        'Content Grades');
+            } elsif ($perms{'vgr'}) {
+                &switch('','',7,2,'subm.png','Content Submissions','missions[_1]',
+                        "gocmd('/adm/grades','submission')",
+                        'Content Submissions');
+             }
+        }
+        if (($env{'request.symb'} ne '') && ($perms{'opa'})) {
+            &switch('','',7,3,'pparm.png','Content Settings','parms[_2]',
+                    "gocmd('/adm/parmset','set')",
+                    'Content Settings');
-# -- End Homework
-        ###
-        ### Determine whether or not to display the 'cstr' button for this
-        ### resource
-        ###
-        my $editbutton = '';
-        if ($ENV{'user.author'}) {
-            if ($ENV{'request.role'}=~/^(ca|au)/) {
-                # Set defaults for authors
-                my ($top,$bottom) = ('con-','struct');
-                my $action = "go('/priv/".$ENV{'user.name'}."');";
-                my $cadom  = $ENV{'request.role.domain'};
-                my $caname = $ENV{'user.name'};
-                my $desc = "Enter my resource construction space";
-                # Set defaults for co-authors
-                if ($ENV{'request.role'} =~ /^ca/) { 
-                    ($cadom,$caname)=($ENV{'request.role'}=~/(\w+)\/(\w+)$/);
-                    ($top,$bottom) = ('co con-','struct');
-                    $action = "go('/priv/".$caname."');";
-                    $desc = "Enter construction space as co-author";
-                }
-                # Check that we are on the correct machine
-                my $home = &Apache::lonnet::homeserver($caname,$cadom);
-                if ($home eq $Apache::lonnet::perlvar{'lonHostID'}) {
-                    $editbutton=&switch
-                        ('','',6,1,$top,,$bottom,$action,$desc);
-                }
-            }
-            ##
-            ## Determine if user can edit url.
-            ##
-            my $cfile='';
-            my $cfuname='';
-            my $cfudom='';
-            if ($ENV{'request.filename'}) {
-                my $file=&Apache::lonnet::declutter($ENV{'request.filename'});
-                $file=~s/^(\w+)\/(\w+)/\/priv\/$2/;
-                # Chech that the user has permission to edit this resource
-                ($cfuname,$cfudom)=&Apache::loncacc::constructaccess($file,$1);
-                if (defined($cfudom)) {
-                    if (&Apache::lonnet::homeserver($cfuname,$cfudom) 
-                        eq $Apache::lonnet::perlvar{'lonHostID'}) {
-                        $cfile=$file;
-                    }
-                }
-            }        
-            # Finally, turn the button on or off
-            if ($cfile) {
-                $editbutton=&switch
-                    ('','',6,1,'cstr.gif','edit','resource',
-                     "go('".$cfile."');","Edit this resource");
-            } elsif ($editbutton eq '') {
-                $editbutton=&clear(6,1);
+# End grades/submissions check
+# This applies to items inside a folder/page modifiable in the course.
+        if (($env{'request.symb'}=~/^uploaded/) && ($perms{'mdc'})) {
+            my $text = 'Edit Folder';
+            if (($mapurl =~ /\.page$/) ||
+                ($env{'request.symb'}=~
+                     m{uploaded/$cdom/$cnum/default_\d+\.page$}))  {
+                $text = 'Edit Page';
+            &switch('','',7,4,'docs-22x22.png',$text,'parms[_2]',
+                    "gocmd('/adm/coursedocs','direct')",
+                    'Folder/Page Content');
-        ###
-        ###
+# End modifiable folder/page container check
+    }
+# End course context
 # Prepare the rest of the buttons
-	my $menuitems=(<<ENDMENUITEMS);
+        my ($menuitems,$got_prt,$got_wishlist);
+        if ($const_space) {
+# We are in construction space
+            my $londocroot = $Apache::lonnet::perlvar{'lonDocRoot'};
+	    my ($udom,$uname,$thisdisfn) =
+		($env{'request.filename'}=~m{^\Q$londocroot/priv/\E([^/]+)/([^/]+)/(.*)$});
+            my $currdir = '/priv/'.$udom.'/'.$uname.'/'.$thisdisfn;
+            if ($currdir =~ m-/$-) {
+                $is_const_dir = 1;
+            } else {
+                $currdir =~ s|[^/]+$||;
+		my $cleandisfn = &Apache::loncommon::escape_single($thisdisfn);
+		my $esc_currdir = &Apache::loncommon::escape_single($currdir);
+# Probably should be in mydesk.tab
+                $menuitems=(<<ENDMENUITEMS);
+s&6&1&list.png&Directory&dir[_1]&golist('$esc_currdir')&List current directory
+s&6&2&rtrv.png&Retrieve&version[_1]&gocstr('/adm/retrieve','/priv/$udom/$uname/$cleandisfn')&Retrieve old version
+s&6&3&pub.png&Publish&resource[_3]&gocstr('/adm/publish','/priv/$udom/$uname/$cleandisfn')&Publish this resource
+s&7&1&del.png&Delete&resource[_2]&gocstr('/adm/cfile?action=delete','/priv/$udom/$uname/$cleandisfn')&Delete this resource
+s&7&2&prt.png&Print&printout[_1]&gocstr('/adm/printout','/priv/$udom/$uname/$cleandisfn')&Prepare a printable document
+            }
+                if (ref($bread_crumbs) eq 'ARRAY') {
+                    &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::clear_breadcrumbs();
+                    foreach my $crumb (@{$bread_crumbs}){
+                        &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::add_breadcrumb($crumb);
+                    }
+                }
+        } elsif ( defined($env{'request.course.id'}) && 
+		 $env{'request.symb'} ne '' ) {
+# We are in a course and looking at a registered URL
+# Should probably be in mydesk.tab
+	    $menuitems=(<<ENDMENUITEMS);
-s&2&1&back.gif&backward&&gopost('/adm/flip','back:'+currentURL)&Go to the previous resource in the course sequence&1
-s&2&3&forw.gif&forward&&gopost('/adm/flip','forward:'+currentURL)&Go to the next resource in the course sequence&3
-s&6&3&catalog.gif&catalog&info&catalog_info()&Show catalog information
-s&8&1&eval.gif&evaluate&this&gopost('/adm/evaluate',currentURL)&Provide my evaluation of this resource
-s&8&2&fdbk.gif&feedback&discuss&gopost('/adm/feedback',currentURL)&Provide feedback messages or contribute to the course discussion about this resource
-s&8&3&prt.gif&prepare&printout&gopost('/adm/printout',currentURL)&Prepare a printable document
-s&9&1&sbkm.gif&set&bookmark&set_bookmark()&Set a bookmark for this resource&2
-s&9&2&vbkm.gif&view&bookmark&edit_bookmarks()&Use or edit my bookmark collection&2
-s&9&3&anot.gif&anno-&tations&annotate()&Make notes and annotations about this resource&2
+s&2&1&back.png&&&gopost('/adm/flip','back:'+currentURL)&Previous content resource&&1
+s&2&3&forw.png&&&gopost('/adm/flip','forward:'+currentURL)&Next content resource&&3
+s&8&3&prt.png&Print&printout[_1]&gopost('/adm/printout',currentURL)&Prepare a printable document
+            $got_prt = 1;
+            if (($env{'user.adv'}) && ($env{'request.uri'} =~ /^\/res/)
+                && (!$env{'request.enc'})) {
+                # wishlist is only available for users with access to resource-pool
+                # and links can only be set for resources within the resource-pool
+                $menuitems .= (<<ENDMENUITEMS);
+s&9&1&wishlist-link.png&Stored Links&wishlistlink[_2]&set_wishlistlink()&Save a link for this resource in my personal Stored Links repository&&1
+                $got_wishlist = 1;
+            }
+my $currentURL = &Apache::loncommon::get_symb();
+my ($symb_old,$symb_old_enc) = &Apache::loncommon::clean_symb($currentURL);
+my $annotation = &Apache::loncommon::get_annotation($symb_old,$symb_old_enc);
+if(length($annotation) > 0){
+	$menuitems.="anot2.png";
+	$menuitems.="anot.png";
+$menuitems.="Make notes and annotations about this resource&&1\n";
+my $is_mobile;
+if ($env{'browser.mobile'}) {
+    $is_mobile = 1;
+            unless ($env{'request.noversionuri'}=~/\/(bulletinboard|smppg|navmaps|syllabus|aboutme|viewclasslist|portfolio)(\?|$)/) {
+		if ((!$env{'request.enc'}) && ($env{'request.noversionuri'} !~ m{^/adm/wrapper/ext/}) && ($env{'request.noversionuri'} !~ m{^/uploaded/$match_domain/$match_courseid/docs/})) {
+		    $menuitems.=(<<ENDREALRES);
+s&6&3&catalog.png&Info&info[_1]&catalog_info('$is_mobile')&Show Metadata
+                }
+                unless (($env{'request.noversionuri'} =~ m{^/uploaded/$match_domain/$match_courseid/docs/}) ||
+                        ($env{'request.noversionuri'} =~ m{^\Q/adm/wrapper/\E(ext|uploaded)/})) {  
+                    $menuitems.=(<<ENDREALRES);
+s&8&1&eval.png&Evaluate&this[_1]&gopost('/adm/evaluate',currentURL,1)&Provide my evaluation of this resource
+                }
+                unless ($env{'request.noversionuri'} =~ m{^\Q/adm/wrapper/\E(ext|uploaded)/}) {
+                    $menuitems.=(<<ENDREALRES);
+s&8&2&fdbk.png&Communicate&discuss[_1]&gopost('/adm/feedback',currentURL,1)&Provide feedback messages or contribute to the course discussion about this resource
+                }
+	    }
+        }
+	if ($env{'request.uri'} =~ /^\/res/) {
+            unless ($got_prt) {
+	        $menuitems .= (<<ENDMENUITEMS);
+s&8&3&prt.png&Print&printout[_1]&gopost('/adm/printout',currentURL)&Prepare a printable document
+                $got_prt = 1;
+            }
+            unless ($got_wishlist) {
+                if (($env{'user.adv'}) && (!$env{'request.enc'})) {
+                    # wishlist is only available for users with access to resource-pool
+                    $menuitems .= (<<ENDMENUITEMS);
+s&9&1&wishlist-link.png&Stored Links&wishlistlink[_2]&set_wishlistlink()&Save a link for this resource in your personal Stored Links repository&&1
+                    $got_wishlist = 1;
+                }
+	    }
+        }
         my $buttons='';
         foreach (split(/\n/,$menuitems)) {
 	    my ($command,@rest)=split(/\&/,$_);
-            if ($command eq 's') {
-		$buttons.=&switch('','',@rest);
-            } else {
-                $buttons.=&clear(@rest);
+            my $idx=10*$rest[0]+$rest[1];
+            if (&hidden_button_check() eq 'yes') {
+                if ($idx == 21 ||$idx == 23) {
+                    $buttons.=&switch('','',@rest);
+                } else {
+                    $buttons.=&clear(@rest);
+                }
+            } else {  
+                if ($command eq 's') {
+	            $buttons.=&switch('','',@rest);
+                } else {
+                    $buttons.=&clear(@rest);
+                }
-        if ($textual) {
-# Registered, textual output
-            my $utility=&utilityfunctions();
-            my $form=&serverform();
-            my $inlinebuttons=
-                        join('',map { (defined($_)?$_:'') } @inlineremote);
-	    $result =(<<ENDREGTEXT);
-// BEGIN LON-CAPA Internal
-// END LON-CAPA Internal
-# Registered, graphical output
+	    my $addremote=0;
+	    foreach (@inlineremote) { if ($_ ne '') { $addremote=1; last;} }
+    if ($addremote) {
+        &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::clear_breadcrumb_tools();
+            &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::add_breadcrumb_tool(
+                'navigation', @inlineremote[21,23]);
+        my $countdown = &countdown_timer();
+        if (&hidden_button_check() eq 'yes') {
+            if ($countdown) {
+                &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::add_breadcrumb_tool('tools',$countdown);
+            }
         } else {
-	    $result = (<<ENDREGTHIS);
-<script language="JavaScript">
-// BEGIN LON-CAPA Internal
-var swmenu=null;
-    function LONCAPAreg() {
-	  swmenu=$reopen;
-          swmenu.clearTimeout(swmenu.menucltim);
-          $timesync
-          $newmail
-          $buttons
-	  swmenu.currentURL=window.location.pathname;
-          swmenu.reloadURL=window.location.pathname+window.location.search;
-          swmenu.currentSymb="$ENV{'request.symb'}";
-          swmenu.reloadSymb="$ENV{'request.symb'}";
-          swmenu.currentStale=0;
-          $hwkadd
-          $editbutton
-    }
-    function LONCAPAstale() {
-	  swmenu=$reopen
-          swmenu.currentStale=1;
-          if (swmenu.reloadURL!='' && swmenu.reloadURL!= null) { 
-             swmenu.switchbutton
-             (3,1,'reload.gif','return','location','go(reloadURL)','Return to the last known location in the course sequence');
-	  }
-          swmenu.clearbut(7,1);
-          swmenu.clearbut(7,2);
-          swmenu.clearbut(7,3);
-          swmenu.menucltim=swmenu.setTimeout(
- 'clearbut(2,1);clearbut(2,3);clearbut(8,1);clearbut(8,2);clearbut(8,3);'+
- 'clearbut(9,1);clearbut(9,2);clearbut(9,3);clearbut(6,3);clearbut(6,1)',
-			  2000);
-      }
+            my @tools = @inlineremote[93,91,81,82,83];
+            if ($countdown) {
+                unshift(@tools,$countdown);
+            }
+            &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::add_breadcrumb_tool(
+                'tools',@tools);
-// END LON-CAPA Internal
+            #publish button in construction space
+            if ($env{'request.state'} eq 'construct'){
+                &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::add_breadcrumb_tool(
+                     'advtools', $inlineremote[63]);
+            } else {
+                &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::add_breadcrumb_tool(
+                     'tools', $inlineremote[63]);
+            }
+            &advtools_crumbs(@inlineremote);
-# =============================================================================
-    } else {
-# ========================================== This can or will not be registered
-        if ($textual) {
-# Not registered, textual
-	    $result= (<<ENDDONOTREGTEXT);
-        } else {
-# Not registered, graphical
-           $result = (<<ENDDONOTREGTHIS);
-<script language="JavaScript">
-// BEGIN LON-CAPA Internal
-var swmenu=null;
-    function LONCAPAreg() {
-	  swmenu=$reopen
-          $timesync
-          swmenu.currentStale=1;
-          swmenu.clearbut(2,1);
-          swmenu.clearbut(2,3);
-          swmenu.clearbut(8,1);
-          swmenu.clearbut(8,2);
-          swmenu.clearbut(8,3);
-          if (swmenu.currentURL) {
-             swmenu.switchbutton
-              (3,1,'reload.gif','return','location','go(currentURL)');
- 	  } else {
-	      swmenu.clearbut(3,1);
-          }
-    }
-    function LONCAPAstale() {
-    }
-// END LON-CAPA Internal
-       }
-# =============================================================================
-    return $result;
-sub loadevents() {
-    return 'LONCAPAreg();';
+    return   &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::scripttag('', 'start')
+           . &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::breadcrumbs(undef,undef,0)
+           . &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::scripttag('', 'end');
-sub unloadevents() {
-    return 'LONCAPAstale();';
+sub get_editbutton {
+    my ($cfile,$home,$switchserver,$forceedit,$forceview,$forcereg) = @_;
+    my $jscall;
+    if (($forceview) && ($env{'form.todocs'})) {
+        my ($folderpath,$command);
+        if ($env{'request.symb'}) {
+            $folderpath = &Apache::loncommon::symb_to_docspath($env{'request.symb'});
+        } elsif ($env{'form.folderpath'} =~ /^supplemental/) {
+            $folderpath = $env{'form.folderpath'};
+            $command = '&forcesupplement=1';
+        }
+        $folderpath = &escape(&HTML::Entities::encode(&escape($folderpath),'<>&"'));
+        $jscall = "go('/adm/coursedocs?folderpath=$folderpath$command')";
+    } else {
+        $jscall = &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::jump_to_editres($cfile,$home,$switchserver,
+                                                $forceedit,$forcereg,$env{'request.symb'},
+                                                &escape($env{'form.folderpath'}),
+                                                &escape($env{'form.title'}),$env{'form.idx'},
+                                                &escape($env{'form.suppurl'},$env{'form.todocs'}));
+    }
+    if ($jscall) {
+        my $icon = 'pcstr.png';
+        my $label = 'Edit';
+        if ($forceview) {
+            $icon = 'tolastloc.png';
+            $label = 'Exit Editing';
+        }
+        &switch('','',6,1,$icon,$label,'resource[_2]',
+                $jscall,"Edit this resource");
+        return 1;
+    }
+    return;
-# ============================================================= Start up remote
+sub prepare_functions {
+    my ($resurl,$forcereg,$group,$bread_crumbs,$advtools,$docscrumbs) = @_;
+    unless ($env{'request.registered'}) {
+        undef(@inlineremote);
+    }
+    my ($cdom,$cnum,%perms,$cfile,$switchserver,$home,$forceedit,
+        $forceview);
-sub startupremote {
-    my ($lowerurl)=@_;
-    if (($ENV{'browser.interface'} eq 'textual') ||
-        ($ENV{'environment.remote'} eq 'off')) {
-     return ('<meta HTTP-EQUIV="Refresh" CONTENT="0.5; url='.$lowerurl.'" />');
+    if ($env{'request.course.id'}) {
+        $cnum = $env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.num'};
+        $cdom = $env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.domain'};
+        $perms{'mdc'} = &Apache::lonnet::allowed('mdc',$env{'request.course.id'});
+    my $editbutton = '';
-# The Remote actually gets launched!
+# Determine whether or not to display 'Edit' icon/button
-    my $configmenu=&rawconfig();
-    my $esclowerurl=&Apache::lonnet::escape($lowerurl);
-    return(<<ENDREMOTESTARTUP);
-function wheelswitch() {
-   if (window.status=='|') { 
-      window.status='/'; 
-   } else {
-      if (window.status=='/') {
-         window.status='-';
-      } else {
-         if (window.status=='-') { 
-            window.status='\\\\'; 
-         } else {
-            if (window.status=='\\\\') { window.status='|'; }
-         }
-      }
-   } 
-// ---------------------------------------------------------- The wait function
-var canceltim;
-function wait() {
-   if ((menuloaded==1) || (tim==1)) {
-      window.status='Done.';
-      if (tim==0) {
-         clearTimeout(canceltim);
-         $configmenu
-         window.location='$lowerurl';  
-      } else {
-	  window.location='/adm/remote?action=collapse&url=$esclowerurl';
-      }
-   } else {
-      wheelswitch();
-      setTimeout('wait();',200);
-   }
-function main() {
-   canceltim=setTimeout('tim=1;',30000);
-   window.status='-';
-   wait();
+    if ($resurl =~ m{^/?adm/($match_domain)/($match_username)/aboutme$}) {
+        my $file=&Apache::lonnet::declutter($env{'request.filename'});
+        ($cfile,$home,$switchserver,$forceedit,$forceview) =
+            &Apache::lonnet::can_edit_resource($file,$cnum,$cdom,
+                &Apache::lonnet::clutter($resurl),$env{'request.symb'},$group);
+        if (($cfile) && ($home ne '') && ($home ne 'no_host')) {
+            $editbutton = &get_editbutton($cfile,$home,$switchserver,
+                                          $forceedit,$forceview,$forcereg);
+        }
+    } elsif ((!$env{'request.course.id'}) &&
+             ($env{'user.author'}) && ($env{'request.filename'}) &&
+             ($env{'request.role'} !~/^(aa|ca|au)/)) {
+# Currently do not have the role of author or co-author.
+# Do we have authoring privileges for the resource?
+        my $file=&Apache::lonnet::declutter($env{'request.filename'});
+        ($cfile,$home,$switchserver,$forceedit,$forceview) =
+            &Apache::lonnet::can_edit_resource($file,$cnum,$cdom,
+                &Apache::lonnet::clutter($resurl),$env{'request.symb'},$group);
+        if (($cfile) && ($home ne '') && ($home ne 'no_host')) {
+            $editbutton = &get_editbutton($cfile,$home,$switchserver,
+                                          $forceedit,$forceview,$forcereg);
+        }
+    } elsif ($env{'request.course.id'}) {
+# This applies in course context
+        if (($perms{'mdc'}) &&
+            (($resurl eq "/public/$cdom/$cnum/syllabus") ||
+            ($resurl =~ m{^/uploaded/$cdom/$cnum/portfolio/syllabus/}))) {
+            $cfile = $resurl;
+            $home = &Apache::lonnet::homeserver($cnum,$cdom);
+            if ($env{'form.forceedit'}) {
+                $forceview = 1;
+            } else {
+                $forceedit = 1;
+            }
+            $editbutton = &get_editbutton($cfile,$home,$switchserver,
+                                          $forceedit,$forceview,$forcereg);
+        } elsif (($resurl eq '/adm/extresedit') &&
+                 (($env{'form.symb'}) || ($env{'form.folderpath'}))) {
+            ($cfile,$home,$switchserver,$forceedit,$forceview) =
+            &Apache::lonnet::can_edit_resource($resurl,$cnum,$cdom,$resurl,
+                                               $env{'form.symb'});
+            if ($cfile ne '') {
+                $editbutton = &get_editbutton($cfile,$home,$switchserver,
+                                              $forceedit,$forceview,$forcereg,
+                                              $env{'form.title'},$env{'form.suppurl'});
+            }
+        } elsif (($resurl =~ m{^/?adm/viewclasslist$}) &&
+                 (&Apache::lonnet::allowed('opa',$env{'request.course.id'}))) {
+            ($cfile,$home,$switchserver,$forceedit,$forceview) =
+            &Apache::lonnet::can_edit_resource($resurl,$cnum,$cdom,$resurl,
+                                               $env{'form.symb'});
+            $editbutton = &get_editbutton($cfile,$home,$switchserver,
+                                          $forceedit,$forceview,$forcereg);
+        } elsif (($resurl !~ m{^/?adm/($match_domain)/($match_username)/aboutme$}) &&
+                 ($resurl ne '/cgi-bin/printout.pl')) {
+            if ($env{'request.filename'}) {
+                my $file=&Apache::lonnet::declutter($env{'request.filename'});
+                ($cfile,$home,$switchserver,$forceedit,$forceview) =
+                    &Apache::lonnet::can_edit_resource($file,$cnum,$cdom,
+                        &Apache::lonnet::clutter($resurl),$env{'request.symb'},$group);
+                if ($cfile ne '') {
+                    $editbutton = &get_editbutton($cfile,$home,$switchserver,
+                                                  $forceedit,$forceview,$forcereg);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+# End determination of 'Edit' icon/button display
-sub setflags() {
-    return(<<ENDSETFLAGS);
-    menuloaded=0;
-    tim=0;
+    if ($env{'request.course.id'}) {
+# This applies to about me page for users in a course
+        if ($resurl =~ m{^/?adm/($match_domain)/($match_username)/aboutme$}) {
+            my ($sdom,$sname) = ($1,$2);
+            unless (&Apache::lonnet::is_course($sdom,$sname)) {
+                &switch('','',6,4,'mail-message-new-22x22.png','Message to user',
+                        '',
+                        "go('/adm/email?compose=individual&amp;recname=$sname&amp;recdom=$sdom')",
+                            'Send message to specific user');
+            }
+            my $hideprivileged = 1;
+            if (&Apache::lonnet::in_course($sdom,$sname,$cdom,$cnum,undef,
+                                           $hideprivileged)) {
+                foreach my $priv ('vsa','vgr','srm') {
+                    $perms{$priv} = &Apache::lonnet::allowed($priv,$env{'request.course.id'});
+                    if (!$perms{$priv} && $env{'request.course.sec'} ne '') {
+                        $perms{$priv} =
+                            &Apache::lonnet::allowed($priv,"$env{'request.course.id'}/$env{'request.course.sec'}");
+                    }
+                }
+                if ($perms{'vsa'}) {
+                    &switch('','',6,5,'trck-22x22.png','Activity',
+                            '',
+                            "go('/adm/trackstudent?selected_student=$sname:$sdom')",
+                            'View recent activity by this person');
+                }
+                if ($perms{'vgr'}) {
+                    &switch('','',6,6,'rsrv-22x22.png','Reservations',
+                            '',
+                            "go('/adm/slotrequest?command=showresv&amp;origin=aboutme&amp;uname=$sname&amp;udom=$sdom')",
+                            'Slot reservation history');
+                }
+                if ($perms{'srm'}) {
+                    &switch('','',6,7,'contact-new-22x22.png','Records',
+                            '',
+                            "go('/adm/email?recordftf=retrieve&amp;recname=$sname&amp;recdom=$sdom')",
+                            'Add records');
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        if (($env{'form.folderpath'} =~ /^supplemental/) &&
+            (&Apache::lonnet::allowed('mdc',$env{'request.course.id'})) &&
+            (($resurl =~ m{^/adm/wrapper/ext/}) ||
+             ($resurl =~ m{^/uploaded/$cdom/$cnum/supplemental/}) ||
+             ($resurl eq '/adm/supplemental') ||
+             ($resurl =~ m{^/public/$cdom/$cnum/syllabus$}) ||
+             ($resurl =~ m{^/adm/$match_domain/$match_username/aboutme$}))) {
+            my @folders=split('&',$env{'form.folderpath'});
+            if ((@folders > 2) || ($resurl ne '/adm/supplemental')) {
+                my $esc_path=&escape(&HTML::Entities::encode(&escape($env{'form.folderpath'}),'<>&"'));
+                &switch('','',7,4,'docs-22x22.png','Edit Folder','parms[_2]',
+                        "location.href='/adm/coursedocs?command=direct&amp;forcesupplement=1&amp;supppath=$esc_path'",
+                        'Folder/Page Content');
+            }
+        }
+    }
-sub maincall() {
-    if (($ENV{'browser.interface'} eq 'textual') ||
-        ($ENV{'environment.remote'} eq 'off')) { return ''; }
-    return(<<ENDMAINCALL);
-    main();
+# End checking for items for about me page for users in a course
+    if ($docscrumbs) {
+        &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::clear_breadcrumb_tools();
+        &advtools_crumbs(@inlineremote);
+        return $editbutton;
+    } elsif ($env{'request.registered'}) {
+        return $editbutton;
+    } else {
+        if (ref($bread_crumbs) eq 'ARRAY') {
+            if (@inlineremote > 0) {
+                if (ref($advtools) eq 'ARRAY') {
+                    @{$advtools} = @inlineremote;
+                }
+            }
+            return;
+        } elsif (@inlineremote > 0) {
+            &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::clear_breadcrumb_tools();
+            &advtools_crumbs(@inlineremote);
+            return   &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::scripttag('', 'start')
+                   . &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::breadcrumbs(undef,undef,0)
+                   . &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::scripttag('', 'end');
+        }
+    }
-# ================================================================= Reopen menu
-sub reopenmenu {
-   if (($ENV{'browser.interface'} eq 'textual') ||
-       ($ENV{'environment.remote'} eq 'off')) { return ''; }
-   my $menuname='LCmenu'.$Apache::lonnet::perlvar{'lonHostID'};
-   my $nothing = &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::javascript_nothing();
-   return('window.open('.$nothing.',"'.$menuname.'","",false);');
-# =============================================================== Open the menu
-sub open {
-    my $returnval='';
-    if (($ENV{'browser.interface'} eq 'textual') ||
-        ($ENV{'environment.remote'} eq 'off')) { return ''; }
-    my $menuname='LCmenu'.$Apache::lonnet::perlvar{'lonHostID'};
-    unless (shift eq 'unix') {
-# resizing does not work on linux because of virtual desktop sizes
-       $returnval.=(<<ENDRESIZE);
-if (window.screen) {
-    self.resizeTo(screen.availWidth-215,screen.availHeight-55);
-    self.moveTo(190,15);
-    }
-    $returnval.=(<<ENDOPEN);
-window.status='Opening LON-CAPA Remote Control';
-var menu=window.open("/res/adm/pages/menu.html","$menuname",
-    return '<script>'.$returnval.'</script>';
+sub advtools_crumbs {
+    my @funcs = @_;
+    if ($env{'request.noversionuri'} =~ m{^/adm/$match_domain/$match_username/aboutme$}) {
+        &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::add_breadcrumb_tool(
+            'advtools', @funcs[61,64,65,66,67,74]);
+    } elsif ($env{'request.noversionuri'} !~ m{^/adm/(navmaps|viewclasslist)(\?|$)}) {
+        &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::add_breadcrumb_tool(
+            'advtools', @funcs[61,71,72,73,74,92]);
+    } elsif ($env{'request.noversionuri'} eq '/adm/viewclasslist') {
+        &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::add_breadcrumb_tool(
+            'advtools', $funcs[61]);
+    }
+    return;
 # ================================================================== Raw Config
 sub clear {
     my ($row,$col)=@_;
-    unless (($ENV{'browser.interface'} eq 'textual') ||
-            ($ENV{'environment.remote'} eq 'off')) {
-       return "\n".qq(window.status+='.';swmenu.clearbut($row,$col););
-   } else { 
-       $inlineremote[10*$row+$col]='';
-       return ''; 
-   }
+    $inlineremote[10*$row+$col]='';
+    return ''; 
 # ============================================ Switch a button or create a link
@@ -585,200 +1168,482 @@ sub clear {
 # The javascript is usually similar to "go('/adm/roles')" or "cstrgo(..)".
 sub switch {
-    my ($uname,$udom,$row,$col,$img,$top,$bot,$act,$desc,$nobreak)=@_;
+    my ($uname,$udom,$row,$col,$img,$top,$bot,$act,$desc,$cat,$nobreak)=@_;
-    unless (($ENV{'browser.interface'} eq 'textual')  ||
-            ($ENV{'environment.remote'} eq 'off')) {
-# Remote
-       return "\n".
- qq(window.status+='.';swmenu.switchbutton($row,$col,"$img","$top","$bot","$act","$desc"););
-   } elsif ($ENV{'browser.interface'} eq 'textual') {
-# Accessibility
-       if ($nobreak==2) { return ''; }
-       my $text=$top.' '.$bot;
-       $text=~s/\- //;
-       $inlineremote[10*$row+$col]="\n".($nobreak?' ':'<br />').
-        '<a href="javascript:'.$act.';">'.$text.'</a> '.
-        ($nobreak?'':$desc);
-   } else {
-# Inline Remote
-       if ($nobreak==2) { return ''; }
-       my $text=$top.' '.$bot;
-       $text=~s/\- //;
-       $inlineremote[10*$row+$col]="\n".
-         ($nobreak==3?'<td width="50%" colspan="2" align="right"':'<tr><td').
-         ' bgcolor="'.$tabbg.'"'.($nobreak==1?' width="50%" colspan="2"':'').
-     '"><a href="javascript:'.$act.';"><font color="'.$font.'"'.
-          ($nobreak?' size="+1"':'').
-     '>'.$text.'</font></a></td>'.
-     ($nobreak?'':'<td colspan="3" width="80%"><font color="'.$font.'" size="-1">'.$desc.'</font>').($nobreak!=1?'</tr>':'');
-   }
+    $top=&mt($top);
+    $bot=&mt($bot);
+    $desc=&mt($desc);
+    my $idx=10*$row+$col;
+    $category_members{$cat}.=':'.$idx;
+# Inline Menu
+    if ($nobreak==2) { return ''; }
+    my $text=$top.' '.$bot;
+    $text=~s/\s*\-\s*//gs;
+    my $pic=
+	   '<img alt="'.$text.'" src="'.
+	   &Apache::loncommon::lonhttpdurl('/res/adm/pages/'.$img).
+	   '" align="'.($nobreak==3?'right':'left').'" class="LC_icon" />';
+    if ($env{'browser.interface'} eq 'faketextual') {
+# Main Menu
+	   if ($nobreak==3) {
+	       $inlineremote[$idx]="\n".
+		   '<td class="LC_menubuttons_text" align="right">'.$text.
+		   '</td><td align="left">'.
+		   '<a href="javascript:'.$act.';">'.$pic.'</a></td></tr>';
+	   } elsif ($nobreak) {
+	       $inlineremote[$idx]="\n<tr>".
+		   '<td align="left">'.
+		   '<a href="javascript:'.$act.';">'.$pic.'</a></td>
+                    <td class="LC_menubuttons_text" align="left"><a class="LC_menubuttons_link" href="javascript:'.$act.';"><span class="LC_menubuttons_inline_text">'.$text.'</span></a></td>';
+	   } else {
+	       $inlineremote[$idx]="\n<tr>".
+		   '<td align="left">'.
+		   '<a href="javascript:'.$act.';">'.$pic.
+		   '</a></td><td class="LC_menubuttons_text" colspan="3">'.
+		   '<a class="LC_menubuttons_link" href="javascript:'.$act.';"><span class="LC_menubuttons_inline_text">'.$desc.'</span></a></td></tr>';
+	   }
+    } else {
+# Inline Menu
+        my @tools = (93,91,81,82,83);
+        unless ($env{'request.state'} eq 'construct') {
+            push(@tools,63);
+        }
+        if (($env{'environment.icons'} eq 'iconsonly') && 
+            (grep(/^$idx$/,@tools))) {
+            $inlineremote[$idx] =
+        '<a title="'.$desc.'" class="LC_menubuttons_link" href="javascript:'.$act.';">'.$pic.'</a>';
+        } else {
+            $inlineremote[$idx] =
+       '<a title="'.$desc.'" class="LC_menubuttons_link" href="javascript:'.$act.';">'.$pic.
+       '<span class="LC_menubuttons_inline_text">'.$top.'&nbsp;</span></a>';
+        }
+    }
     return '';
 sub secondlevel {
     my $output='';
-    ($uname,$udom,$rol,$crs,$pub,$con,$row,$col,$prt,$img,$top,$bot,$act,$desc)=@_;
+    ($uname,$udom,$rol,$crs,$pub,$con,$row,$col,$prt,$img,$top,$bot,$act,$desc,$cat)=@_;
     if ($prt eq 'any') {
-	   $output.=switch($uname,$udom,$row,$col,$img,$top,$bot,$act,$desc);
+	   $output.=&switch($uname,$udom,$row,$col,$img,$top,$bot,$act,$desc,$cat);
     } elsif ($prt=~/^r(\w+)/) {
         if ($rol eq $1) {
-           $output.=switch($uname,$udom,$row,$col,$img,$top,$bot,$act,$desc);
+           $output.=&switch($uname,$udom,$row,$col,$img,$top,$bot,$act,$desc,$cat);
     return $output;
-sub openmenu {
-    my $menuname='LCmenu'.$Apache::lonnet::perlvar{'lonHostID'};
-    if (($ENV{'browser.interface'} eq 'textual') ||
-        ($ENV{'environment.remote'} eq 'off')) { return ''; }
-    my $nothing = &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::javascript_nothing();
-    return "window.open(".$nothing.",'".$menuname."');";
 sub inlinemenu {
-    @inlineremote=();
-    undef @inlineremote;
+    undef(@inlineremote);
+    undef(%category_members);
+# calling rawconfig with "1" will evaluate mydesk.tab, even if there is no active remote control
-    return join('',map { (defined($_)?$_:'') } @inlineremote);
+    my $output='<table><tr>';
+    for (my $col=1; $col<=2; $col++) {
+        $output.='<td class="LC_mainmenu_col_fieldset">';
+        for (my $row=1; $row<=8; $row++) {
+            foreach my $cat (keys(%category_members)) {
+               if ($category_positions{$cat} ne "$col,$row") { next; }
+               #$output.='<table><tr><td colspan="4" class="LC_menubuttons_category">'.&mt($category_names{$cat}).'</td></tr>';
+               $output.='<div class="LC_Box LC_400Box">';
+	       $output.='<h3 class="LC_hcell">'.&mt($category_names{$cat}).'</h3>';
+               $output.='<table>';
+               my %active=();
+               foreach my $menu_item (split(/\:/,$category_members{$cat})) {
+                  if ($inlineremote[$menu_item]) {
+                     $active{$menu_item}=1;
+                  }
+               }  
+               foreach my $item (sort(keys(%active))) {
+                  $output.=$inlineremote[$item];
+               }
+               $output.='</table>';
+               $output.='</div>';
+            }
+         }
+         $output.="</td>";
+    }
+    $output.="</tr></table>";
+    return $output;
 sub rawconfig {
+# This evaluates mydesk.tab
+# Need to add more positions and more privileges to deal with all
+# menu items.
     my $textualoverride=shift;
     my $output='';
-    unless (($ENV{'browser.interface'} eq 'textual') ||
-            ($ENV{'environment.remote'} eq 'off')) {
-       $output.=
- "window.status='Opening Remote Control';var swmenu=".&openmenu().
-"\nwindow.status='Configuring Remote Control ';";
-    } else {
-       unless ($textualoverride) { return ''; }
-    }
-    my $uname=$ENV{'user.name'};
-    my $udom=$ENV{'user.domain'};
-    my $adv=$ENV{'user.adv'};
-    my $author=$ENV{'user.author'};
+    return '' unless $textualoverride;
+    my $uname=$env{'user.name'};
+    my $udom=$env{'user.domain'};
+    my $adv=$env{'user.adv'};
+    my $show_course=&Apache::loncommon::show_course();
+    my $author=$env{'user.author'};
     my $crs='';
-    if ($ENV{'request.course.id'}) {
-       $crs='/'.$ENV{'request.course.id'};
-       if ($ENV{'request.course.sec'}) {
-	   $crs.='_'.$ENV{'request.course.sec'};
+    my $crstype='';
+    if ($env{'request.course.id'}) {
+       $crs='/'.$env{'request.course.id'};
+       if ($env{'request.course.sec'}) {
+	   $crs.='_'.$env{'request.course.sec'};
+       $crstype = &Apache::loncommon::course_type();
+    }
+    my $pub=($env{'request.state'} eq 'published');
+    my $con=($env{'request.state'} eq 'construct');
+    my $rol=$env{'request.role'};
+    my $requested_domain;
+    if ($rol) {
+       $requested_domain = $env{'request.role.domain'};
-    my $pub=($ENV{'request.state'} eq 'published');
-    my $con=($ENV{'request.state'} eq 'construct');
-    my $rol=$ENV{'request.role'};
-    my $requested_domain = $ENV{'request.role.domain'};
-    foreach (@desklines) {
-        my ($row,$col,$pro,$prt,$img,$top,$bot,$act,$desc)=split(/\:/,$_);
+    foreach my $line (@desklines) {
+        my ($row,$col,$pro,$prt,$img,$top,$bot,$act,$desc,$cat)=split(/\:/,$line);
-        $prt=~s/\$crs/$crs/g; 
-        $prt=~s/\$requested_domain/$requested_domain/g;
+        if ($prt =~ /\$crs/) {
+            next unless ($env{'request.course.id'});
+            next if ($crstype eq 'Community');
+            $prt=~s/\$crs/$crs/g;
+        } elsif ($prt =~ /\$cmty/) {
+            next unless ($env{'request.course.id'});
+            next if ($crstype ne 'Community');
+            $prt=~s/\$cmty/$crs/g;
+        }
+        if ($prt =~ m/\$requested_domain/) {
+            if ((!$requested_domain) && ($pro eq 'pbre') && ($env{'user.adv'})) {
+                $prt=~s/\$requested_domain/$env{'user.domain'}/g;
+            } else {
+                $prt=~s/\$requested_domain/$requested_domain/g;
+            }
+        }
+        if ($category_names{$cat}!~/\w/) { $cat='oth'; }
         if ($pro eq 'clear') {
         } elsif ($pro eq 'any') {
-	  $uname,$udom,$rol,$crs,$pub,$con,$row,$col,$prt,$img,$top,$bot,$act,$desc);
+	  $uname,$udom,$rol,$crs,$pub,$con,$row,$col,$prt,$img,$top,$bot,$act,$desc,$cat);
 	} elsif ($pro eq 'smp') {
             unless ($adv) {
-          $uname,$udom,$rol,$crs,$pub,$con,$row,$col,$prt,$img,$top,$bot,$act,$desc);
+          $uname,$udom,$rol,$crs,$pub,$con,$row,$col,$prt,$img,$top,$bot,$act,$desc,$cat);
         } elsif ($pro eq 'adv') {
             if ($adv) {
-	  $uname,$udom,$rol,$crs,$pub,$con,$row,$col,$prt,$img,$top,$bot,$act,$desc);
+	  $uname,$udom,$rol,$crs,$pub,$con,$row,$col,$prt,$img,$top,$bot,$act,$desc,$cat);
+            }
+	} elsif ($pro eq 'shc') {
+            if ($show_course) {
+               $output.=&secondlevel(
+          $uname,$udom,$rol,$crs,$pub,$con,$row,$col,$prt,$img,$top,$bot,$act,$desc,$cat);
+            }
+        } elsif ($pro eq 'nsc') {
+            if (!$show_course) {
+               $output.=&secondlevel(
+	  $uname,$udom,$rol,$crs,$pub,$con,$row,$col,$prt,$img,$top,$bot,$act,$desc,$cat);
+            }
+        } elsif (($pro=~/^p(\w+)/) && ($prt)) {
+            my $priv = $1;
+            if ($priv =~ /^mdc(Course|Community)/) {
+                if ($crstype eq $1) {
+                    $priv = 'mdc';
+                } else {
+                    next;
+                }
+            }
+            if ((($priv eq 'bre') && (&Apache::lonnet::allowed($priv,$prt) eq 'F')) ||
+                (($priv ne 'bre') && (&Apache::lonnet::allowed($priv,$prt)))) {
+                $output.=&switch($uname,$udom,$row,$col,$img,$top,$bot,$act,$desc,$cat);
+            }
+        } elsif ($pro eq 'course')  {
+            if (($env{'request.course.fn'}) && ($crstype ne 'Community')) {
+               $output.=&switch($uname,$udom,$row,$col,$img,$top,$bot,$act,$desc,$cat);
+	    }
+        } elsif ($pro eq 'community')  {
+            if (($env{'request.course.fn'}) && ($crstype eq 'Community')) {
+               $output.=&switch($uname,$udom,$row,$col,$img,$top,$bot,$act,$desc,$cat);
+            }
+        } elsif ($pro =~ /^courseenv_(.*)$/) {
+            my $key = $1;
+            if ($crstype ne 'Community') {
+                my $coursepref = $env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.'.$key};
+                if ($key eq 'canuse_pdfforms') {
+                    if ($env{'request.course.id'} && $coursepref eq '') {
+                        my %domdefs = &Apache::lonnet::get_domain_defaults($env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.domain'});
+                        $coursepref = $domdefs{'canuse_pdfforms'};
+                    }
+                }
+                if ($coursepref) { 
+                    $output.=&switch($uname,$udom,$row,$col,$img,$top,$bot,$act,$desc,$cat);
+                }
+            }
+        } elsif ($pro =~ /^communityenv_(.*)$/) {
+            my $key = $1;
+            if ($crstype eq 'Community') {
+                my $coursepref = $env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.'.$key};
+                if ($key eq 'canuse_pdfforms') {
+                    if ($env{'request.course.id'} && $coursepref eq '') {
+                        my %domdefs = &Apache::lonnet::get_domain_defaults($env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.domain'});
+                        $coursepref = $domdefs{'canuse_pdfforms'};
+                    }
+                }
+                if ($coursepref) { 
+                    $output.=&switch($uname,$udom,$row,$col,$img,$top,$bot,$act,$desc,$cat);
+                }
-        } elsif (($pro=~/p(\w+)/) && ($prt)) {
-	    if (&Apache::lonnet::allowed($1,$prt)) {
-               $output.=switch($uname,$udom,$row,$col,$img,$top,$bot,$act,$desc);
-            }
-        } elsif ($pro eq 'course') {
-            if ($ENV{'request.course.fn'}) {
-               $output.=switch($uname,$udom,$row,$col,$img,$top,$bot,$act,$desc);
+        } elsif ($pro =~ /^course_(.*)$/) {
+            # Check for permissions inside of a course
+            if (($env{'request.course.id'}) && ($crstype ne 'Community') && 
+                (&Apache::lonnet::allowed($1,$env{'request.course.id'}.
+            ($env{'request.course.sec'}?'/'.$env{'request.course.sec'}:''))
+                 )) {
+                $output.=&switch($uname,$udom,$row,$col,$img,$top,$bot,$act,$desc,$cat);
+        } elsif ($pro =~ /^community_(.*)$/) {
+            # Check for permissions inside of a community
+            if (($env{'request.course.id'}) && ($crstype eq 'Community') &&   
+                (&Apache::lonnet::allowed($1,$env{'request.course.id'}.
+            ($env{'request.course.sec'}?'/'.$env{'request.course.sec'}:''))
+                 )) {
+                $output.=&switch($uname,$udom,$row,$col,$img,$top,$bot,$act,$desc,$cat);
+            }
         } elsif ($pro eq 'author') {
             if ($author) {
-                if ((($prt eq 'rca') && ($ENV{'request.role'}=~/^ca/)) ||
-                    (($prt eq 'rau') && ($ENV{'request.role'}=~/^au/))) {
+                if ((($prt eq 'rca') && ($env{'request.role'}=~/^ca/)) ||
+                    (($prt eq 'raa') && ($env{'request.role'}=~/^aa/)) || 
+                    (($prt eq 'rau') && ($env{'request.role'}=~/^au/))) {
                     # Check that we are on the correct machine
                     my $cadom=$requested_domain;
-                    my $caname=$ENV{'user.name'};
-                    if ($prt eq 'rca') {
+                    my $caname=$env{'user.name'};
+                    if (($prt eq 'rca') || ($prt eq 'raa')) {
-                               ($ENV{'request.role'}=~/(\w+)\/(\w+)$/);
+                               ($env{'request.role'}=~/($match_domain)\/($match_username)$/);
                     $act =~ s/\$caname/$caname/g;
+                    $act =~ s/\$cadom/$cadom/g;
                     my $home = &Apache::lonnet::homeserver($caname,$cadom);
-                    if ($home eq $Apache::lonnet::perlvar{'lonHostID'}) {
-                        $output.=switch($caname,$cadom,
-                                        $row,$col,$img,$top,$bot,$act,$desc);
+		    my $allowed=0;
+		    my @ids=&Apache::lonnet::current_machine_ids();
+		    foreach my $id (@ids) { if ($id eq $home) { $allowed=1; } }
+		    if ($allowed) {
+                        $output.=&switch($caname,$cadom,
+                                        $row,$col,$img,$top,$bot,$act,$desc,$cat);
+        } elsif ($pro eq 'tools') {
+            my @tools = ('aboutme','blog','portfolio');
+            if (grep(/^\Q$prt\E$/,@tools)) {
+                if (!&Apache::lonnet::usertools_access($env{'user.name'},
+                                                       $env{'user.domain'},
+                                                       $prt,undef,'tools')) {
+                    $output.=&clear($row,$col);
+                    next;
+                }
+            } elsif (($prt eq 'reqcrsnsc') || ($prt eq 'reqcrsshc')) {
+                if (($prt eq 'reqcrsnsc') && ($show_course))   {
+                    next;
+                }
+                if (($prt eq 'reqcrsshc') && (!$show_course)) {
+                    next;
+                }
+                my $showreqcrs = &check_for_rcrs();
+                if (!$showreqcrs) {
+                    $output.=&clear($row,$col);
+                    next;
+                }
+            }
+            $prt='any';
+            $output.=&secondlevel(
+          $uname,$udom,$rol,$crs,$pub,$con,$row,$col,$prt,$img,$top,$bot,$act,$desc,$cat);
-    unless (($ENV{'browser.interface'} eq 'textual') ||
-            ($ENV{'environment.remote'} eq 'off')) {
-       $output.="\nwindow.status='Synchronizing Time';swmenu.syncclock(1000*".time.");\nwindow.status='Remote Control Configured.';";
-    }
     return $output;
-# ======================================================================= Close
+sub check_for_rcrs {
+    my $showreqcrs = 0;
+    my @reqtypes = ('official','unofficial','community','textbook');
+    foreach my $type (@reqtypes) {
+        if (&Apache::lonnet::usertools_access($env{'user.name'},
+                                              $env{'user.domain'},
+                                              $type,undef,'requestcourses')) {
+            $showreqcrs = 1;
+            last;
+        }
+    }
+    if (!$showreqcrs) {
+        foreach my $type (@reqtypes) {
+            if ($env{'environment.reqcrsotherdom.'.$type} ne '') {
+                $showreqcrs = 1;
+                last;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return $showreqcrs;
+sub dc_popup_js {
+    my %lt = &Apache::lonlocal::texthash(
+                                          more => '(More ...)',
+                                          less => '(Less ...)',
+                                        );
+    return <<"END";
+function showCourseID() {
+    document.getElementById('dccid').style.display='block';
+    document.getElementById('dccid').style.textAlign='left';
+    document.getElementById('dccid').style.textFace='normal';
+    document.getElementById('dccidtext').innerHTML ='<a href="javascript:hideCourseID();" class="LC_menubuttons_link">$lt{'less'}</a>';
+    return;
+function hideCourseID() {
+    document.getElementById('dccid').style.display='none';
+    document.getElementById('dccidtext').innerHTML ='<a href="javascript:showCourseID()" class="LC_menubuttons_link">$lt{'more'}</a>';
+    return;
-sub close {
-    if (($ENV{'browser.interface'} eq 'textual') ||
-        ($ENV{'environment.remote'} eq 'off')) { return ''; }
-    my $menuname='LCmenu'.$Apache::lonnet::perlvar{'lonHostID'};
-    return(<<ENDCLOSE);
-window.status='Accessing Remote Control';
-                 "height=350,width=150,scrollbars=no,menubar=no");
-window.status='Disabling Remote Control';
-window.status='Closing Remote Control';
-# ====================================================================== Footer
+sub countdown_toggle_js {
+    return <<"END";
-sub footer {
+function toggleCountdown() {
+    var countdownid = document.getElementById('duedatecountdown');
+    var currstyle = countdownid.style.display;
+    if (currstyle == 'inline') {
+        countdownid.style.display = 'none';
+        document.getElementById('ddcountcollapse').innerHTML='';
+        document.getElementById('ddcountexpand').innerHTML='&#9668;&nbsp;';
+    } else {
+        countdownid.style.display = 'inline';
+        document.getElementById('ddcountcollapse').innerHTML='&#9658;&nbsp;';
+        document.getElementById('ddcountexpand').innerHTML='';
+    }
+    return;
+# This creates a "done button" for timed events.  The confirmation box is a jQuerey
+# dialog widget.  Clicking OK will set (done = 'true') which is checked in 
+# lonhomework.pm.
+sub done_button_js {
+    return <<END;
+<form method="post" name="doneButton">
+    <input type="hidden" name="done" value=""/>
+    <button id="done-confirm-opener" type="button">Done</button>
+<div id="done-confirm" title="WARNING!">
+    <p></span>You are trying to end this timed event early.  Confirming that you are done will cause the time to expire and prevent you from changing any answers in the current folder.  Click "OK" if you are completely finished.  Click "Cancel" to continue working.</p>
+\$( "#done-confirm" ).dialog({ autoOpen: false });
+\$( "#done-confirm-opener" ).click(function() {
+    \$( "#done-confirm" ).dialog( "open" );
+    \$( "#done-confirm" ).dialog({
+      resizable: false,
+      height:320,
+      modal: true,
+      buttons: {
+        "OK": function() {
+            \$( this ).dialog( "close" );
+            \$( '[name="done"]' )[0].value = 'true';
+            \$( '[name="doneButton"]' )[0].submit();
+        },
+        Cancel: function() {
+          \$( this ).dialog( "close" );
+        }
+      }    
+    })
 sub utilityfunctions {
-    unless (($ENV{'browser.interface'} eq 'textual')  ||
-        ($ENV{'environment.remote'} eq 'off')) { return ''; }
-    my $currenturl=$ENV{'REQUEST_URI'};
-    my $currentsymb=$ENV{'request.symb'};
+    my ($httphost) = @_;
+    my $currenturl=&Apache::lonnet::clutter(&Apache::lonnet::fixversion((split(/\?/,$env{'request.noversionuri'}))[0]));
+    if ($currenturl =~ m{^/adm/wrapper/ext/}
+        && $env{'request.external.querystring'} ) {
+            $currenturl .= ($currenturl=~/\?/)?'&':'?'.$env{'request.external.querystring'};
+    }
+    $currenturl=&Apache::lonenc::check_encrypt(&unescape($currenturl));
+    my $currentsymb=&Apache::lonenc::check_encrypt($env{'request.symb'});
+    my $dc_popup_cid;
+    if ($env{'user.adv'} && exists($env{'user.role.dc./'.
+                        $env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.
+                                 '.domain'}.'/'})) {
+        $dc_popup_cid = &dc_popup_js();
+    }
+    my $start_page_annotate = 
+        &Apache::loncommon::start_page('Annotator',undef,
+				       {'only_body' => 1,
+					'js_ready'  => 1,
+					'bgcolor'   => '#BBBBBB',
+					'add_entries' => {
+					    'onload' => 'javascript:document.goannotate.submit();'}});
+    my $end_page_annotate = 
+        &Apache::loncommon::end_page({'js_ready' => 1});
+    my $jumptores = &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::javascript_jumpto_resource();
+    my $esc_url=&escape($currenturl);
+    my $esc_symb=&escape($currentsymb);
+    my $countdown = &countdown_toggle_js();
+    my $hostvar = '
+function setLCHost() {
+    var lcHostname="";
+    if ($httphost =~ m{^https?\://}) {
+        $hostvar .= '    var lcServer="'.$httphost.'";'."\n".
+                    '    var hostReg = /^https?:\/\/([^\/]+)$/i;'."\n".
+                    '    var match = hostReg.exec(lcServer);'."\n".
+                    '    if (match.length) {'."\n".
+                    '        if (match[1] == location.hostname) {'."\n".
+                    '            lcHostname=lcServer;'."\n".
+                    '        }'."\n".
+                    '    }'."\n";
+    }
+    $hostvar .= '    return lcHostname;'."\n".
 return (<<ENDUTILITY)
+    $hostvar
+    var currentURL=unescape("$esc_url");
+    var reloadURL=unescape("$esc_url");
+    var currentSymb=unescape("$esc_symb");
-    var currentURL="$currenturl";
-    var reloadURL="$currenturl";
-    var currentSymb="$currentsymb";
-function go(url) {
-   if (url!='' && url!= null) {
-       currentURL = null;
-       currentSymb= null;
-       window.location.href=url;
-   }
 function gopost(url,postdata) {
    if (url!='') {
-      this.document.server.action=url;
+      var lcHostname = setLCHost();
+      this.document.server.action=lcHostname+url;
@@ -789,7 +1654,8 @@ function gopost(url,postdata) {
 function gocmd(url,cmd) {
    if (url!='') {
-      this.document.server.action=url;
+      var lcHostname = setLCHost();
+      this.document.server.action=lcHostname+url;
@@ -798,19 +1664,124 @@ function gocmd(url,cmd) {
-function catalog_info() {
-   loncatinfo=window.open(window.location.pathname+'.meta',"LONcatInfo",'height=320,width=280,resizeable=yes,scrollbars=yes,location=no,menubar=no,toolbar=no');
+function gocstr(url,filename) {
+    if (url == '/adm/cfile?action=delete') {
+        this.document.cstrdelete.filename.value = filename
+        this.document.cstrdelete.submit();
+        return;
+    }
+    if (url == '/adm/printout') {
+        this.document.cstrprint.postdata.value = filename
+        this.document.cstrprint.curseed.value = 0;
+        this.document.cstrprint.problemtype.value = 0;
+        if (this.document.lonhomework) {
+            if ((this.document.lonhomework.rndseed) && (this.document.lonhomework.rndseed.value != null) && (this.document.lonhomework.rndseed.value != '')) {
+                this.document.cstrprint.curseed.value = this.document.lonhomework.rndseed.value
+            }
+            if (this.document.lonhomework.problemtype) {
+		if (this.document.lonhomework.problemtype.value) {
+		    this.document.cstrprint.problemtype.value = 
+			this.document.lonhomework.problemtype.value;
+		} else if (this.document.lonhomework.problemtype.options) {
+		    for (var i=0; i<this.document.lonhomework.problemtype.options.length; i++) {
+			if (this.document.lonhomework.problemtype.options[i].selected) {
+			    if (this.document.lonhomework.problemtype.options[i].value != null && this.document.lonhomework.problemtype.options[i].value != '') { 
+				this.document.cstrprint.problemtype.value = this.document.lonhomework.problemtype.options[i].value
+				}
+			}
+		    }
+		}
+	    }
+	}
+        this.document.cstrprint.submit();
+        return;
+    }
+    if (url !='') {
+        this.document.constspace.filename.value = filename;
+        this.document.constspace.action = url;
+        this.document.constspace.submit();
+    }
+function golist(url) {
+   if (url!='' && url!= null) {
+       currentURL = null;
+       currentSymb= null;
+       var lcHostname = setLCHost();
+       top.location.href=lcHostname+url;
+   }
+function catalog_info(isMobile) {
+    if (isMobile == 1) {
+        openMyModal(window.location.pathname+'.meta?modal=1',500,400,'yes');
+    } else {
+        loncatinfo=window.open(window.location.pathname+'.meta',"LONcatInfo",'height=500,width=400,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes,location=no,menubar=no,toolbar=no');
+    }
 function chat_win() {
-   lonchat=window.open('/res/adm/pages/chatroom.html',"LONchat",'height=320,width=280,resizeable=yes,location=no,menubar=no,toolbar=no');
+   var lcHostname = setLCHost();
+   lonchat=window.open(lcHostname+'/res/adm/pages/chatroom.html',"LONchat",'height=320,width=480,resizable=yes,location=no,menubar=no,toolbar=no');
+function group_chat(group) {
+   var lcHostname = setLCHost();
+   var url = lcHostname+'/adm/groupchat?group='+group;
+   var winName = 'LONchat_'+group;
+   grpchat=window.open(url,winName,'height=320,width=280,resizable=yes,location=no,menubar=no,toolbar=no');
+function annotate() {
+   w_Annotator_flag=1;
+   annotator=window.open('','Annotator','width=365,height=265,scrollbars=0');
+   annotator.document.write(
+   '$start_page_annotate'
+  +"<form name='goannotate' target='Annotator' method='post' "
+  +"action='/adm/annotations'>"
+  +"<input type='hidden' name='symbnew' value='"+currentSymb+"' />"
+  +"<\\/form>"
+  +'$end_page_annotate');
+   annotator.document.close();
+function open_StoredLinks_Import(rat) {
+   var newWin;
+   var lcHostname = setLCHost();
+   if (rat) {
+       newWin = window.open(lcHostname+'/adm/wishlist?inhibitmenu=yes&mode=import&rat='+rat,
+                            'wishlistImport','scrollbars=1,resizable=1,menubar=0');
+   }
+   else {
+       newWin = window.open(lcHostname+'/adm/wishlist?inhibitmenu=yes&mode=import',
+                            'wishlistImport','scrollbars=1,resizable=1,menubar=0');
+   }
+   newWin.focus();
+(function (\$) {
+  \$(document).ready(function () {
+    \$.single=function(a){return function(b){a[0]=b;return a}}(\$([1]));
+    /*\@cc_on
+      if (!window.XMLHttpRequest) {
+        \$('.LC_hoverable').each(function () {
+          this.attachEvent('onmouseenter', function (evt) { \$.single(evt.srcElement).addClass('hover'); });
+          this.attachEvent('onmouseleave', function (evt) { \$.single(evt.srcElement).removeClass('hover'); });
+        });
+      }
+    \@*/
+  });
 sub serverform {
 <form name="server" action="/adm/logout" method="post" target="_top">
 <input type="hidden" name="postdata" value="none" />
 <input type="hidden" name="command" value="none" />
@@ -819,77 +1790,537 @@ sub serverform {
-# ================================================ Handler when called directly
+sub constspaceform {
+<form name="constspace" action="/adm/logout" method="post" target="_top">
+<input type="hidden" name="filename" value="" />
+<form name="cstrdelete" action="/adm/cfile" method="post" target="_top">
+<input type="hidden" name="action" value="delete" /> 
+<input type="hidden" name="filename" value="" />
+<form name="cstrprint" action="/adm/printout" target="_parent" method="post">
+<input type="hidden" name="postdata" value="" />
+<input type="hidden" name="curseed" value="" />
+<input type="hidden" name="problemtype" value="" />
-sub handler {
-    my $r = shift;
-    $r->content_type('text/html');
-    $r->send_http_header;
-    return OK if $r->header_only;
-    my $form=&serverform();
-    my $bodytag=&Apache::loncommon::bodytag('Main Menu');
-    my $function='student';
-    if ($ENV{'request.role'}=~/^(cc|in|ta|ep)/) {
-	$function='coordinator';
-    }
-    if ($ENV{'request.role'}=~/^(su|dc|ad|li)/) {
-	$function='admin';
-    }
-    if (($ENV{'request.role'}=~/^(au|ca)/) ||
-	($ENV{'REQUEST_URI'}=~/^(\/priv|\~)/)) {
-	$function='author';
-    }
-    my $domain=&Apache::loncommon::determinedomain();
-    $pgbg=&Apache::loncommon::designparm($function.'.pgbg',$domain);
-    $tabbg=&Apache::loncommon::designparm($function.'.tabbg',$domain);
-    $font=&Apache::loncommon::designparm($function.'.font',$domain);
-# ---- Print the screen, pretent to be in text mode to generate text-based menu
-    unless ($ENV{'brower.interface'} eq 'textual') {
-	$ENV{'environment.remote'}='off';
-    }
-    my $utility=&utilityfunctions();
-    $r->print(<<ENDHEADER);
-<title>LON-CAPA Main Menu</title>
-    $r->print('<table>'.&inlinemenu().'</table>'.$form);
-    $r->print('</body></html>');
-    return OK;
-# ================================================================ Main Program
+sub hidden_button_check {
+    if ( $env{'request.course.id'} eq ''
+         || $env{'request.role.adv'} ) {
-  if (! defined($readdesk)) {
-   {
-    my $config=Apache::File->new($Apache::lonnet::perlvar{'lonTabDir'}.
-				  '/mydesk.tab');
-    while (my $configline=<$config>) {
-       $configline=(split(/\#/,$configline))[0];
-       $configline=~s/^\s+//;
-       chomp($configline);
-       if ($configline) {
-          $desklines[$#desklines+1]=$configline;
-       }
+        return;
-   }
-   $readdesk='done';
-  }
+    my $buttonshide = &Apache::lonnet::EXT('resource.0.buttonshide');
+    return $buttonshide; 
+sub roles_selector {
+    my ($cdom,$cnum,$httphost) = @_;
+    my $crstype = &Apache::loncommon::course_type();
+    my $now = time;
+    my (%courseroles,%seccount,%courseprivs);
+    my $is_cc;
+    my ($js,$form,$switcher,$switchtext);
+    my $ccrole;
+    if ($crstype eq 'Community') {
+        $ccrole = 'co';
+    } else {
+        $ccrole = 'cc';
+    }
+    my ($priv,$gotsymb,$destsymb);
+    my $destinationurl = $ENV{'REQUEST_URI'};
+    if ($destinationurl =~ /\?symb=/) {
+        $gotsymb = 1;
+    } elsif ($destinationurl =~ m{^/enc/}) {
+        my $plainurl = &Apache::lonenc::unencrypted($destinationurl);
+        if ($plainurl =~ /\?symb=/) {
+            $gotsymb = 1;
+        }
+    }
+    unless ($gotsymb) {
+        $destsymb = &Apache::lonnet::symbread();
+        if ($destsymb ne '') {
+            $destsymb = &Apache::lonenc::check_encrypt($destsymb);
+        }
+    }
+    my $reqprivs = &required_privs();
+    if (ref($reqprivs) eq 'HASH') {
+        my $destination = $destinationurl;
+        $destination =~ s/(\?.*)$//;
+        if (exists($reqprivs->{$destination})) {
+            $priv = $reqprivs->{$destination};
+        }
+    }
+    if ($env{'user.role.'.$ccrole.'./'.$cdom.'/'.$cnum}) {
+        my ($start,$end) = split(/\./,$env{'user.role.'.$ccrole.'./'.$cdom.'/'.$cnum});
+        if ((($start) && ($start<0)) || 
+            (($end) && ($end<$now))  ||
+            (($start) && ($now<$start))) {
+            $is_cc = 0;
+        } else {
+            $is_cc = 1;
+        }
+    }
+    if ($is_cc) {
+        &get_all_courseroles($cdom,$cnum,\%courseroles,\%seccount,\%courseprivs,$priv);
+    } else {
+        my %gotnosection;
+        foreach my $item (keys(%env)) {
+            if ($item =~ m-^user\.role\.([^.]+)\./\Q$cdom\E/\Q$cnum\E/?(\w*)$-) {
+                my $role = $1;
+                my $sec = $2;
+                next if ($role eq 'gr');
+                my ($start,$end) = split(/\./,$env{$item});
+                next if (($start && $start > $now) || ($end && $end < $now));
+                if ($sec eq '') {
+                    if (!$gotnosection{$role}) {
+                        $seccount{$role} ++;
+                        $gotnosection{$role} = 1;
+                    }
+                }
+                if ($priv ne '') {
+                    my $cnumsec = $cnum;
+                    if ($sec ne '') {
+                        $cnumsec .= "/$sec";
+                    }
+                    $courseprivs{"$role./$cdom/$cnumsec./"} =
+                        $env{"user.priv.$role./$cdom/$cnumsec./"};
+                    $courseprivs{"$role./$cdom/$cnumsec./$cdom/"} =
+                        $env{"user.priv.$role./$cdom/$cnumsec./$cdom/"};
+                    $courseprivs{"$role./$cdom/$cnumsec./$cdom/$cnumsec"} =
+                        $env{"user.priv.$role./$cdom/$cnumsec./$cdom/$cnumsec"};
+                }
+                if (ref($courseroles{$role}) eq 'ARRAY') {
+                    if ($sec ne '') {
+                        if (!grep(/^\Q$sec\E$/,@{$courseroles{$role}})) {
+                            push(@{$courseroles{$role}},$sec);
+                            $seccount{$role} ++;
+                        }
+                    }
+                } else {
+                    @{$courseroles{$role}} = ();
+                    if ($sec ne '') {
+                        $seccount{$role} ++;
+                        push(@{$courseroles{$role}},$sec);
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    $switchtext = 'Switch role'; # do not translate here
+    my @roles_order = ($ccrole,'in','ta','ep','ad','st');
+    my $numdiffsec;
+    if (keys(%seccount) == 1) {
+        foreach my $key (keys(%seccount)) {
+            $numdiffsec = $seccount{$key};
+        }
+    }
+    if ((keys(%seccount) > 1) || ($numdiffsec > 1)) {
+        my @submenu;
+        $js = &jump_to_role($cdom,$cnum,\%seccount,\%courseroles,\%courseprivs,$priv);
+        $form = 
+            '<form name="rolechooser" method="post" action="'.$httphost.'/adm/roles">'."\n".
+            '  <input type="hidden" name="destinationurl" value="'.
+            &HTML::Entities::encode($destinationurl).'" />'."\n".
+            '  <input type="hidden" name="gotorole" value="1" />'."\n".
+            '  <input type="hidden" name="selectrole" value="" />'."\n".
+            '  <input type="hidden" name="switchrole" value="" />'."\n";
+        if ($destsymb ne '') {
+            $form .= '  <input type="hidden" name="destsymb" value="'.
+                        &HTML::Entities::encode($destsymb).'" />'."\n";
+        }
+        $form .= '</form>'."\n";
+        foreach my $role (@roles_order) {
+            my $include;
+            if (defined($courseroles{$role})) {
+                if ($env{'request.role'} =~ m{^\Q$role\E}) {
+                    if ($seccount{$role} > 1) {
+                        $include = 1;
+                    }
+                } else {
+                    $include = 1;
+                }
+            }
+            if ($include) {
+                push(@submenu,['javascript:adhocRole('."'$role'".')',
+                               &Apache::lonnet::plaintext($role,$crstype)]);
+            }
+        }
+        foreach my $role (sort(keys(%courseroles))) {
+            if ($role =~ /^cr/) {
+                my $include;
+                if ($env{'request.role'} =~ m{^\Q$role\E}) {
+                    if ($seccount{$role} > 1) {
+                        $include = 1;
+                    }
+                } else {
+                    $include = 1; 
+                }
+                if ($include) {
+                    push(@submenu,['javascript:adhocRole('."'$role'".')',
+                                   &Apache::lonnet::plaintext($role)]);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        if (@submenu > 0) {
+            $switcher = &create_submenu('','',$switchtext,\@submenu);
+        }
+    }
+    return ($js,$form,$switcher);
+sub get_all_courseroles {
+    my ($cdom,$cnum,$courseroles,$seccount,$courseprivs) = @_;
+    unless ((ref($courseroles) eq 'HASH') && (ref($seccount) eq 'HASH') &&
+            (ref($courseprivs) eq 'HASH')) {
+        return;
+    }
+    my ($result,$cached) = 
+        &Apache::lonnet::is_cached_new('getcourseroles',$cdom.'_'.$cnum);
+    if (defined($cached)) {
+        if (ref($result) eq 'HASH') {
+            if ((ref($result->{'roles'}) eq 'HASH') && 
+                (ref($result->{'seccount'}) eq 'HASH') && 
+                (ref($result->{'privs'}) eq 'HASH')) {
+                %{$courseroles} = %{$result->{'roles'}};
+                %{$seccount} = %{$result->{'seccount'}};
+                %{$courseprivs} = %{$result->{'privs'}};
+                return;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    my %gotnosection;
+    my %adv_roles =
+         &Apache::lonnet::get_course_adv_roles($env{'request.course.id'},1);
+    foreach my $role (keys(%adv_roles)) {
+        my ($urole,$usec) = split(/:/,$role);
+        if (!$gotnosection{$urole}) {
+            $seccount->{$urole} ++;
+            $gotnosection{$urole} = 1;
+        }
+        if (ref($courseroles->{$urole}) eq 'ARRAY') {
+            if ($usec ne '') {
+                if (!grep(/^Q$usec\E$/,@{$courseroles->{$urole}})) {
+                    push(@{$courseroles->{$urole}},$usec);
+                    $seccount->{$urole} ++;
+                }
+            }
+        } else {
+            @{$courseroles->{$urole}} = ();
+            if ($usec ne '') {
+                $seccount->{$urole} ++;
+                push(@{$courseroles->{$urole}},$usec);
+            }
+        }
+        my $area = '/'.$cdom.'/'.$cnum;
+        if ($usec ne '') {
+            $area .= '/'.$usec;
+        }
+        if ($role =~ /^cr\//) {
+            &Apache::lonnet::custom_roleprivs($courseprivs,$urole,$cdom,$cnum,$urole.'.'.$area,$area);
+        } else {
+            &Apache::lonnet::standard_roleprivs($courseprivs,$urole,$cdom,$urole.'.'.$area,$cnum,$area);
+        }
+    }
+    my %sections_count = &Apache::loncommon::get_sections($cdom,$cnum,['st']);
+    @{$courseroles->{'st'}} = ();
+    &Apache::lonnet::standard_roleprivs($courseprivs,'st',$cdom,"st./$cdom/$cnum",$cnum,"/$cdom/$cnum");
+    if (keys(%sections_count) > 0) {
+        push(@{$courseroles->{'st'}},keys(%sections_count));
+        $seccount->{'st'} = scalar(keys(%sections_count));
+    }
+    $seccount->{'st'} ++; # Increment for a section-less student role.  
+    my $rolehash = {
+                     'roles'    => $courseroles,
+                     'seccount' => $seccount,
+                     'privs'    => $courseprivs,
+                   };
+    &Apache::lonnet::do_cache_new('getcourseroles',$cdom.'_'.$cnum,$rolehash);
+    return;
+sub jump_to_role {
+    my ($cdom,$cnum,$seccount,$courseroles,$courseprivs,$priv) = @_;
+    my %lt = &Apache::lonlocal::texthash(
+                this => 'This role has section(s) associated with it.',
+                ente => 'Enter a specific section.',
+                orlb => 'Enter a specific section, or leave blank for no section.',
+                avai => 'Available sections are:',
+                youe => 'You entered an invalid section choice:',
+                plst => 'Please try again.',
+                role => 'The role you selected is not permitted to view the current page.',
+                swit => 'Switch role, but display Main Menu page instead?',
+    );
+    my $js;
+    if (ref($courseroles) eq 'HASH') {
+        $js = '    var secpick = new Array("'.$lt{'ente'}.'","'.$lt{'orlb'}.'");'."\n". 
+              '    var numsec = new Array();'."\n".
+              '    var rolesections = new Array();'."\n".
+              '    var rolenames = new Array();'."\n".
+              '    var roleseclist = new Array();'."\n";
+        my @items = keys(%{$courseroles});
+        for (my $i=0; $i<@items; $i++) {
+            $js .= '    rolenames['.$i.'] = "'.$items[$i].'";'."\n";
+            my ($secs,$secstr);
+            if (ref($courseroles->{$items[$i]}) eq 'ARRAY') {
+                my @sections = sort { $a <=> $b } @{$courseroles->{$items[$i]}};
+                $secs = join('","',@sections);
+                $secstr = join(', ',@sections);
+            }
+            $js .= '    rolesections['.$i.'] = new Array("'.$secs.'");'."\n".
+                   '    roleseclist['.$i.'] = "'.$secstr.'";'."\n".
+                   '    numsec['.$i.'] = "'.$seccount->{$items[$i]}.'";'."\n";
+        }
+    }
+    my $checkroles = 0;
+    if ($priv && ref($courseprivs) eq 'HASH') {
+        my (%disallowed,%allowed,@disallow);
+        foreach my $role (sort(keys(%{$courseprivs}))) {
+            my $trole;
+            if ($role =~ m{^(.+?)\Q./$cdom/$cnum\E}) {
+                $trole = $1;
+            }
+            if (($trole ne '') && ($trole ne 'cm')) {
+                if ($courseprivs->{$role} =~ /\Q:$priv\E($|:|\&\w+)/) {
+                    $allowed{$trole} = 1;
+                } else {
+                    $disallowed{$trole} = 1;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        foreach my $trole (keys(%disallowed)) {
+            unless ($allowed{$trole}) {
+                push(@disallow,$trole);
+            }
+        }
+        if (@disallow > 0) {
+            $checkroles = 1;
+            $js .= "    var disallow = new Array('".join("','",@disallow)."');\n".
+                   "    var rolecheck = 1;\n";
+        }
+    }
+    if (!$checkroles) {
+        $js .=  "    var disallow = new Array();\n".
+                "    rolecheck = 0;\n";
+    }
+    return <<"END";
+<script type="text/javascript">
+function adhocRole(newrole) {
+    $js
+    if (newrole == '') {
+        return;
+    } 
+    var fullrole = newrole+'./$cdom/$cnum';
+    var selidx = '';
+    for (var i=0; i<rolenames.length; i++) {
+        if (rolenames[i] == newrole) {
+            selidx = i;
+        }
+    }
+    if (rolecheck > 0) {
+        for (var i=0; i<disallow.length; i++) {
+            if (disallow[i] == newrole) {
+                if (confirm("$lt{'role'}\\n$lt{'swit'}")) {
+                    document.rolechooser.destinationurl.value = '/adm/menu';
+                } else {
+                    return;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    var secok = 1;
+    var secchoice = '';
+    if (selidx >= 0) {
+        if (numsec[selidx] > 1) {
+            secok = 0;
+            var numrolesec = rolesections[selidx].length;
+            var msgidx = numsec[selidx] - numrolesec;
+            secchoice = prompt("$lt{'this'} "+secpick[msgidx]+"\\n$lt{'avai'} "+roleseclist[selidx],"");
+            if (secchoice == '') {
+                if (msgidx > 0) {
+                    secok = 1;
+                }
+            } else {
+                for (var j=0; j<rolesections[selidx].length; j++) {
+                    if (rolesections[selidx][j] == secchoice) {
+                        secok = 1;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        } else {
+            if (rolesections[selidx].length == 1) {
+                secchoice = rolesections[selidx][0];
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    if (secok == 1) {
+        if (secchoice != '') {
+            fullrole += '/'+secchoice;
+        }
+    } else {
+        if (secchoice != null) {
+            alert("$lt{'youe'} \\""+secchoice+"\\".\\n $lt{'plst'}");
+        }
+        return;
+    }
+    if (fullrole == "$env{'request.role'}") {
+        return;
+    }
+    itemid = retrieveIndex('gotorole');
+    if (itemid != -1) {
+        document.rolechooser.elements[itemid].name = fullrole;
+    }
+    document.rolechooser.switchrole.value = fullrole;
+    document.rolechooser.selectrole.value = '1';
+    document.rolechooser.submit();
+    return;
+function retrieveIndex(item) {
+    for (var i=0;i<document.rolechooser.elements.length;i++) {
+        if (document.rolechooser.elements[i].name == item) {
+            return i;
+        }
+    }
+    return -1;
+// ]]>
+sub required_privs {
+    my $privs =  {
+             '/adm/parmset'      => 'opa',
+             '/adm/courseprefs'  => 'opa',
+             '/adm/whatsnew'     => 'whn',
+             '/adm/populate'     => 'cst',
+             '/adm/trackstudent' => 'vsa',
+             '/adm/statistics'   => 'vgr',
+             '/adm/setblock'     => 'dcm',
+             '/adm/coursedocs'   => 'mdc',
+           };
+    unless ($env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.grading'} eq 'spreadsheet') {
+        $privs->{'/adm/classcalc'}   = 'vgr',
+        $privs->{'/adm/assesscalc'}  = 'vgr',
+        $privs->{'/adm/studentcalc'} = 'vgr';
+    }
+    return $privs;
+sub countdown_timer {
+    if (($env{'request.course.id'}) && ($env{'request.symb'} ne '') &&
+        ($env{'request.filename'}=~/$LONCAPA::assess_re/)) {
+        my ($type,$hastimeleft,$slothastime);
+        my $now = time;
+        if ($env{'request.filename'} =~ /\.task$/) {
+            $type = 'Task';
+        } else {
+            $type = 'problem';
+        }
+        my ($status,$accessmsg,$slot_name,$slot) =
+            &Apache::lonhomework::check_slot_access('0',$type);
+        if ($slot_name ne '') {
+            if (ref($slot) eq 'HASH') {
+                if (($slot->{'starttime'} < $now) &&
+                    ($slot->{'endtime'} > $now)) {
+                    $slothastime = 1;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        if ($status ne 'CAN_ANSWER') {
+            return;
+        }
+        my $duedate = &Apache::lonnet::EXT("resource.0.duedate");
+        my @interval=&Apache::lonnet::EXT("resource.0.interval");
+        if (@interval > 1) {
+            my $first_access=&Apache::lonnet::get_first_access($interval[1]);
+            if ($first_access > 0) {
+                if ($first_access+$interval[0] > time) {
+                    $hastimeleft = 1;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        if (($duedate && $duedate > time) ||
+            (!$duedate && $hastimeleft) ||
+            ($slot_name ne '' && $slothastime)) {
+            my ($collapse,$expand,$alttxt,$title,$currdisp,$donebutton);
+            if ((@interval > 1 && $hastimeleft) ||
+                ($type eq 'Task' && $slothastime)) {
+                $currdisp = 'inline';
+                $collapse = '&#9658;&nbsp;';
+                $donebutton = &done_button_js();
+            } else {
+                $currdisp = 'none';
+                $expand = '&#9668;&nbsp;';
+            }
+            unless ($env{'environment.icons'} eq 'iconsonly') {
+                $alttxt = &mt('Timer');
+                $title = $alttxt.'&nbsp;';
+            }
+            my $desc = &mt('Countdown to due date/time');
+            return <<END;
+<a href="javascript:toggleCountdown();" class="LC_menubuttons_link">
+<span id="ddcountcollapse" class="LC_menubuttons_inline_text">
+<span id="duedatecountdown" class="LC_menubuttons_inline_text" style="display: $currdisp;"></span>
+<a href="javascript:toggleCountdown();" class="LC_menubuttons_link">
+<span id="ddcountexpand" class="LC_menubuttons_inline_text" >$expand</span>
+<img src="/res/adm/pages/timer.png" title="$desc" class="LC_icon" alt="$alttxt" /><span class="LC_menubuttons_inline_text">$title</span></a>
+        }
+    }
+    return;
+# ================================================================ Main Program
+    if (! defined($readdesk)) {
+        {
+            my $tabfile = $Apache::lonnet::perlvar{'lonTabDir'}.'/mydesk.tab';
+            if ( CORE::open( my $config,"<$tabfile") ) {
+                while (my $configline=<$config>) {
+                    $configline=(split(/\#/,$configline))[0];
+                    $configline=~s/^\s+//;
+                    chomp($configline);
+                    if ($configline=~/^cat\:/) {
+                        my @entries=split(/\:/,$configline);
+                        $category_positions{$entries[2]}=$entries[1];
+                        $category_names{$entries[2]}=$entries[3];
+                    } elsif ($configline=~/^prim\:/) {
+                        my @entries = (split(/\:/, $configline))[1..6];
+                        push(@primary_menu,\@entries);
+                    } elsif ($configline=~/^primsub\:/) {
+                        my ($parent,@entries) = (split(/\:/, $configline))[1..4];
+                        push(@{$primary_submenu{$parent}},\@entries);
+                    } elsif ($configline=~/^scnd\:/) {
+                        my @entries = (split(/\:/, $configline))[1..5];
+                        push(@secondary_menu,\@entries);
+                    } elsif ($configline) {
+                        push(@desklines,$configline);
+                    }
+                }
+                CORE::close($config);
+            }
+        }
+        $readdesk='done';
+    }