--- loncom/interface/lonmeta.pm 2003/12/29 17:11:53 1.46
+++ loncom/interface/lonmeta.pm 2004/04/13 14:42:24 1.64
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
# The LearningOnline Network with CAPA
# Metadata display handler
-# $Id: lonmeta.pm,v 1.46 2003/12/29 17:11:53 www Exp $
+# $Id: lonmeta.pm,v 1.64 2004/04/13 14:42:24 matthew Exp $
# Copyright Michigan State University Board of Trustees
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
package Apache::lonmeta;
use strict;
+use LONCAPA::lonmetadata();
use Apache::Constants qw(:common);
use Apache::lonnet();
use Apache::loncommon();
@@ -37,13 +38,13 @@ use Apache::lonmsg;
use Apache::lonpublisher;
use Apache::lonlocal;
use Apache::lonmysql;
+use Apache::lonmsg;
# MySQL table columns
my @columns;
-# ----------------------------------------- Fetch and evaluate dynamic metadata
+# Fetch and evaluate dynamic metadata
sub dynamicmeta {
my $url=&Apache::lonnet::declutter(shift);
@@ -53,63 +54,13 @@ sub dynamicmeta {
my %evaldata=&Apache::lonnet::dump('nohist_resevaldata',$adomain,
- my %sum=();
- my %cnt=();
- my %concat=();
- my %listitems=(
- 'course' => 'add',
- 'goto' => 'add',
- 'comefrom' => 'add',
- 'avetries' => 'avg',
- 'stdno' => 'add',
- 'difficulty' => 'avg',
- 'clear' => 'avg',
- 'technical' => 'avg',
- 'helpful' => 'avg',
- 'correct' => 'avg',
- 'depth' => 'avg',
- 'comments' => 'app',
- 'usage' => 'cnt'
- );
- while ($_=each(%evaldata)) {
- my ($item,$purl,$cat)=split(/___/,$_);
- ### Apache->request->print("\n".$_.' - '.$item.'
- if (defined($cnt{$cat})) { $cnt{$cat}++; } else { $cnt{$cat}=1; }
- unless ($listitems{$cat} eq 'app') {
- if (defined($sum{$cat})) {
- $sum{$cat}+=$evaldata{$_};
- $concat{$cat}.=','.$item;
- } else {
- $sum{$cat}=$evaldata{$_};
- $concat{$cat}=$item;
- }
- } else {
- if (defined($sum{$cat})) {
- if ($evaldata{$_}) {
- $sum{$cat}.='
- }
- } else {
- $sum{$cat}=''.$evaldata{$_};
- }
- }
- }
- my %returnhash=();
- while ($_=each(%cnt)) {
- if ($listitems{$_} eq 'avg') {
- $returnhash{$_}=int(($sum{$_}/$cnt{$_})*100.0+0.5)/100.0;
- } elsif ($listitems{$_} eq 'cnt') {
- $returnhash{$_}=$cnt{$_};
- } else {
- $returnhash{$_}=$sum{$_};
- }
- $returnhash{$_.'_list'}=$concat{$_};
- ### Apache->request->print("\n
".$_.': '.$returnhash{$_}.'
- }
+ my %DynamicData = &LONCAPA::lonmetadata::process_reseval_data(\%evaldata);
+ my %Data = &LONCAPA::lonmetadata::process_dynamic_metadata($url,
+ \%DynamicData);
# Deal with 'count' separately
- $returnhash{'count'} = &access_count($url,$aauthor,$adomain);
- return %returnhash;
+ $Data{'count'} = &access_count($url,$aauthor,$adomain);
+ return %Data;
sub access_count {
@@ -117,40 +68,40 @@ sub access_count {
my %countdata=&Apache::lonnet::dump('nohist_accesscount',$adomain,
if (! exists($countdata{$src})) {
- return 'Not Available';
+ return &mt('Not Available');
} else {
return $countdata{$src};
-# ------------------------------------- Try to make an alt tag if there is none
+# Try to make an alt tag if there is none
sub alttag {
my ($base,$src)=@_;
my $fullpath=&Apache::lonnet::hreflocation($base,$src);
my $alttag=&Apache::lonnet::metadata($fullpath,'title').' '.
- &Apache::lonnet::metadata($fullpath,'subject').' '.
- &Apache::lonnet::metadata($fullpath,'abstract');
+ &Apache::lonnet::metadata($fullpath,'subject').' '.
+ &Apache::lonnet::metadata($fullpath,'abstract');
$alttag=~s/\s+/ /gs;
- if ($alttag) { return $alttag; } else
- { return 'No information available'; }
+ if ($alttag) {
+ return $alttag;
+ } else {
+ return &mt('No information available');
+ }
-# -------------------------------------------------------------- Author display
+# Author display
sub authordisplay {
my ($aname,$adom)=@_;
- return &Apache::loncommon::aboutmewrapper(
- &Apache::loncommon::plainname($aname,$adom),
- $aname,$adom,'preview').' ['.$aname.'@'.$adom.']';
+ return &Apache::loncommon::aboutmewrapper
+ (&Apache::loncommon::plainname($aname,$adom),
+ $aname,$adom,'preview').' ['.$aname.'@'.$adom.']';
-# -------------------------------------------------------------- Pretty display
+# Pretty display
sub evalgraph {
my $value=shift;
unless ($value) { return ''; }
@@ -167,7 +118,7 @@ sub evalgraph {
$output.=' | '.
' | ';
} else {
- $output.='  | ';
+ $output.='  | ';
$output.=' ('.$value.') | ';
return $output;
@@ -191,8 +142,7 @@ sub diffgraph {
return $output;
-# ==================================================== Turn MySQL row into hash
+# Turn MySQL row into hash
sub metadata_col_to_hash {
my @cols=@_;
my %hash=();
@@ -202,73 +152,80 @@ sub metadata_col_to_hash {
return %hash;
-# ============================================================= The field names
+# The field names
sub fieldnames {
- return &Apache::lonlocal::texthash(
- 'title' => 'Title',
- 'author' =>'Author(s)',
- 'subject' => 'Subject',
- 'keywords' => 'Keyword(s)',
- 'notes' => 'Notes',
- 'abstract' => 'Abstract',
- 'lowestgradelevel' => 'Lowest Grade Level',
- 'highestgradelevel' => 'Highest Grade Level',
- 'standards' => 'Standards',
- 'mime' => 'MIME Type',
- 'language' => 'Language',
- 'creationdate' => 'Creation Date',
- 'lastrevisiondate' => 'Last Revision Date',
- 'owner' => 'Publisher/Owner',
- 'copyright' => 'Copyright/Distribution',
- 'customdistributionfile' => 'Custom Distribution File',
- 'obsolete' => 'Obsolete',
- 'obsoletereplacement' => 'Suggested Replacement for Obsolete File',
- 'count' => 'Network-wide number of accesses (hits)',
- 'course' => 'Network-wide number of courses using resource',
- 'usage' => 'Number of resources using or importing resource',
- 'goto' => 'Number of resources that follow this resource in maps',
- 'comefrom' => 'Number of resources that lead up to this resource in maps',
- 'clear' => 'Material presented in clear way',
- 'depth' => 'Material covered with sufficient depth',
- 'helpful' => 'Material is helpful',
- 'correct' => 'Material appears to be correct',
- 'technical' => 'Resource is technically correct',
- 'avetries' => 'Average number of tries till solved',
- 'stdno' => 'Total number of students who have worked on this problem',
- 'difficulty' => 'Degree of difficulty'
- );
+ return &Apache::lonlocal::texthash
+ (
+ 'title' => 'Title',
+ 'author' =>'Author(s)',
+ 'authorspace' => 'Author Space',
+ 'modifyinguser' => 'Last Modifying User',
+ 'subject' => 'Subject',
+ 'keywords' => 'Keyword(s)',
+ 'notes' => 'Notes',
+ 'abstract' => 'Abstract',
+ 'lowestgradelevel' => 'Lowest Grade Level',
+ 'highestgradelevel' => 'Highest Grade Level',
+ 'standards' => 'Standards',
+ 'mime' => 'MIME Type',
+ 'language' => 'Language',
+ 'creationdate' => 'Creation Date',
+ 'lastrevisiondate' => 'Last Revision Date',
+ 'owner' => 'Publisher/Owner',
+ 'copyright' => 'Copyright/Distribution',
+ 'customdistributionfile' => 'Custom Distribution File',
+ 'obsolete' => 'Obsolete',
+ 'obsoletereplacement' => 'Suggested Replacement for Obsolete File',
+ 'count' => 'Network-wide number of accesses (hits)',
+ 'course' => 'Network-wide number of courses using resource',
+ 'course_list' => 'Network-wide courses using resource',
+ 'sequsage' => 'Number of resources using or importing resource',
+ 'sequsage_list' => 'Resources using or importing resource',
+ 'goto' => 'Number of resources that follow this resource in maps',
+ 'goto_list' => 'Resources that follow this resource in maps',
+ 'comefrom' => 'Number of resources that lead up to this resource in maps',
+ 'comefrom_list' => 'Resources that lead up to this resource in maps',
+ 'clear' => 'Material presented in clear way',
+ 'depth' => 'Material covered with sufficient depth',
+ 'helpful' => 'Material is helpful',
+ 'correct' => 'Material appears to be correct',
+ 'technical' => 'Resource is technically correct',
+ 'avetries' => 'Average number of tries till solved',
+ 'stdno' => 'Total number of students who have worked on this problem',
+ 'difficulty' => 'Degree of difficulty'
+ );
-# =========================================== Pretty printing of metadata field
+# Pretty printing of metadata field
sub prettyprint {
my ($type,$value)=@_;
unless (defined($value)) { return ' '; }
-# Title
+ # Title
if ($type eq 'title') {
return ''.$value.'';
-# Dates
+ # Dates
if (($type eq 'creationdate') ||
($type eq 'lastrevisiondate')) {
- return &Apache::lonlocal::locallocaltime(
- &Apache::lonmysql::unsqltime($value));
+ return ($value?&Apache::lonlocal::locallocaltime(
+ &Apache::lonmysql::unsqltime($value)):
+ &mt('not available'));
-# Language
+ # Language
if ($type eq 'language') {
return &Apache::loncommon::languagedescription($value);
-# Copyright
+ # Copyright
if ($type eq 'copyright') {
return &Apache::loncommon::copyrightdescription($value);
+ # MIME
if ($type eq 'mime') {
- return '
- &Apache::loncommon::filedescription($value);
- }
-# Person
+ return '
+ &Apache::loncommon::filedescription($value);
+ }
+ # Person
if (($type eq 'author') ||
($type eq 'owner') ||
($type eq 'modifyinguser') ||
@@ -276,18 +233,26 @@ sub prettyprint {
return $value;
-# File
+ # Gradelevel
+ if (($type eq 'lowestgradelevel') ||
+ ($type eq 'highestgradelevel')) {
+ return &Apache::loncommon::gradeleveldescription($value);
+ }
+ # Only for advance users below
+ unless ($ENV{'user.adv'}) { return '- '.&mt('not displayed').' -' };
+ # File
if (($type eq 'customdistributionfile') ||
($type eq 'obsoletereplacement') ||
($type eq 'goto_list') ||
($type eq 'comefrom_list') ||
($type eq 'sequsage_list')) {
return join('
',map {
- &Apache::lonnet::gettitle($_).' ['.
- &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::crumbs(&Apache::lonnet::clutter($_),'preview').']';
- } split(/\s*\,\s*/,$value));
+ my $url=&Apache::lonnet::clutter($_);
+ ''.&Apache::lonnet::gettitle($url).''.
+ &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::crumbs($url,'preview','',undef,'+0');
+ } split(/\s*\,\s*/,$value));
-# Evaluations
+ # Evaluations
if (($type eq 'clear') ||
($type eq 'depth') ||
($type eq 'helpful') ||
@@ -295,11 +260,11 @@ sub prettyprint {
($type eq 'technical')) {
return &evalgraph($value);
-# Difficulty
+ # Difficulty
if ($type eq 'difficulty') {
return &diffgraph($value);
-# List of courses
+ # List of courses
if ($type=~/\_list/) {
return join('
',map {
my %courseinfo=&Apache::lonnet::coursedescription($_);
@@ -308,106 +273,214 @@ sub prettyprint {
} split(/\s*\,\s*/,$value));
-# No pretty print found
+ # No pretty print found
return $value;
-# ============================================== Pretty input of metadata field
-sub prettyinput {
- my ($type,$value,$fieldname)=@_;
+# Pretty input of metadata field
+sub direct {
+ return shift;
-# ================================================================ Main Handler
-sub handler {
- my $r=shift;
- my $loaderror=&Apache::lonnet::overloaderror($r);
- if ($loaderror) { return $loaderror; }
- my $uri=$r->uri;
- unless ($uri=~/^\/\~/) {
-# =========================================== This is not in construction space
- my ($resdomain,$resuser)=
- (&Apache::lonnet::declutter($uri)=~/^(\w+)\/(\w+)\//);
- $loaderror=
- &Apache::lonnet::overloaderror($r,
- &Apache::lonnet::homeserver($resuser,$resdomain));
- if ($loaderror) { return $loaderror; }
- my %content=();
-# ----------------------------------------------------------- Set document type
- &Apache::loncommon::content_type($r,'text/html');
- $r->send_http_header;
+sub selectbox {
+ my ($name,$value,$functionref,@idlist)=@_;
+ unless (defined($functionref)) { $functionref=\&direct; }
+ my $selout='';
- return OK if $r->header_only;
+sub relatedfield {
+ my ($show,$relatedsearchflag,$relatedsep,$fieldname,$relatedvalue)=@_;
+ unless ($relatedsearchflag) { return ''; }
+ unless (defined($relatedsep)) { $relatedsep=' '; }
+ unless ($show) { return $relatedsep.' '; }
+ return $relatedsep.'';
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------- Read file
- foreach (split(/\,/,&Apache::lonnet::metadata($uri,'keys'))) {
- $content{$_}=&Apache::lonnet::metadata($uri,$_);
- }
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------ Hide stuff
- unless ($ENV{'user.adv'}) {
- foreach ('keywords','notes','abstract','subject') {
- $content{$_}='- '.&mt('not displayed').' -';
- }
- }
-# --------------------------------------------------------------- Render Output
-# displayed url
- my ($thisversion)=($uri=~/\.(\d+)\.(\w+)\.meta$/);
- my $disuri=&Apache::lonnet::clutter($uri);
- $disuri=~s/\.meta$//;
- $disuri=&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::crumbs($disuri);
-# version
- my $currentversion=&Apache::lonnet::getversion($disuri);
- my $versiondisplay='';
- if ($thisversion) {
- $versiondisplay=&mt('Version').': '.$thisversion.
- ' ('.&mt('most recent version').': '.$currentversion.')';
- } else {
- $versiondisplay='Version: '.$currentversion;
+sub prettyinput {
+ my ($type,$value,$fieldname,$formname,
+ $relatedsearchflag,$relatedsep,$relatedvalue)=@_;
+ # Language
+ if ($type eq 'language') {
+ return &selectbox($fieldname,
+ $value,
+ \&Apache::loncommon::languagedescription,
+ (&Apache::loncommon::languageids)).
+ &relatedfield(0,$relatedsearchflag,$relatedsep);
-# obsolete
- my $obsolete=$content{'obsolete'};
- my $obsoletewarning='';
- if (($obsolete) && ($ENV{'user.adv'})) {
- $obsoletewarning=''.
- &mt('This resource has been marked obsolete by the author(s)').'
+ # Copyright
+ if ($type eq 'copyright') {
+ return &selectbox($fieldname,
+ $value,
+ \&Apache::loncommon::copyrightdescription,
+ (&Apache::loncommon::copyrightids)).
+ &relatedfield(0,$relatedsearchflag,$relatedsep);
+ }
+ # Gradelevels
+ if (($type eq 'lowestgradelevel') ||
+ ($type eq 'highestgradelevel')) {
+ return &Apache::loncommon::select_level_form($value,$fieldname).
+ &relatedfield(0,$relatedsearchflag,$relatedsep);
+ }
+ # Obsolete
+ if ($type eq 'obsolete') {
+ return ''.
+ &relatedfield(0,$relatedsearchflag,$relatedsep);
+ }
+ # Obsolete replacement file
+ if ($type eq 'obsoletereplacement') {
+ return '".&mt('Select').''.
+ &relatedfield(0,$relatedsearchflag,$relatedsep);
+ }
+ # Customdistribution file
+ if ($type eq 'customdistributionfile') {
+ return '".&mt('Select').''.
+ &relatedfield(0,$relatedsearchflag,$relatedsep);
+ # Dates
+ if (($type eq 'creationdate') ||
+ ($type eq 'lastrevisiondate')) {
+ return
+ &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::date_setter($formname,$fieldname,$value).
+ &relatedfield(0,$relatedsearchflag,$relatedsep);
+ }
+ # No pretty input found
+ $value=~s/^\s+//gs;
+ $value=~s/\s+$//gs;
+ $value=~s/\s+/ /gs;
+ $value=~s/\"/\&quod\;/gs;
+ return
+ ''.
+ &relatedfield(1,$relatedsearchflag,$relatedsep,$fieldname,
+ $relatedvalue);
- my %lt=&fieldnames();
- my $table='';
- my $bodytag=&Apache::loncommon::bodytag
+# Main Handler
+sub handler {
+ my $r=shift;
+ #
+ my $loaderror=&Apache::lonnet::overloaderror($r);
+ if ($loaderror) { return $loaderror; }
+ #
+ my $uri=$r->uri;
+ #
+ # Looking for all bombs?
+ if ($uri=~/\/adm\/bombs\/(.*)$/) {
+ # Set document type
+ $uri=&Apache::lonnet::declutter($1);
+ &Apache::loncommon::content_type($r,'text/html');
+ $r->send_http_header;
+ #
+ return OK if $r->header_only;
+ $r->print(&Apache::loncommon::bodytag('Error Messages'));
+ $r->print(''.&Apache::lonnet::clutter($uri).'
+ my ($domain,$author)=($uri=~/^(\w+)\/(\w+)\//);
+ if (&Apache::loncacc::constructaccess('/~'.$author.'/',$domain)) {
+ my %brokenurls=&Apache::lonmsg::all_url_author_res_msg($author,
+ $domain);
+ foreach (sort keys %brokenurls) {
+ if ($_=~/^\Q$uri\E/) {
+ $r->print(&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::crumbs
+ (&Apache::lonnet::clutter($_)).
+ &Apache::lonmsg::retrieve_author_res_msg($_).
+ '
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ $r->print(&mt('Not authorized'));
+ }
+ $r->print('