--- loncom/interface/lonmeta.pm	2003/03/14 19:29:36	1.28
+++ loncom/interface/lonmeta.pm	2005/02/17 08:29:43	1.92
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 # The LearningOnline Network with CAPA
 # Metadata display handler
-# $Id: lonmeta.pm,v 1.28 2003/03/14 19:29:36 albertel Exp $
+# $Id: lonmeta.pm,v 1.92 2005/02/17 08:29:43 albertel Exp $
 # Copyright Michigan State University Board of Trustees
@@ -24,24 +24,105 @@
 # /home/httpd/html/adm/gpl.txt
 # http://www.lon-capa.org/
-# (TeX Content Handler
-# 05/29/00,05/30,10/11 Gerd Kortemeyer)
-# 10/19,10/21,10/23,11/27,08/09/01,12/22,12/24,12/25 Gerd Kortemeyer
 package Apache::lonmeta;
 use strict;
+use LONCAPA::lonmetadata();
 use Apache::Constants qw(:common);
 use Apache::lonnet();
 use Apache::loncommon();
+use Apache::lonhtmlcommon();
 use Apache::lonmsg;
 use Apache::lonpublisher;
+use Apache::lonlocal;
+use Apache::lonmysql;
+use Apache::lonmsg;
+## &get_dynamic_metadata_from_sql($url)
+## Queries sql database for dynamic metdata
+## Returns a hash of hashes, with keys of urls which match $url
+## Returned fields are given below.
+## Examples:
+## %DynamicMetadata = &Apache::lonmeta::get_dynmaic_metadata_from_sql
+##     ('/res/msu/korte/');
+## $DynamicMetadata{'/res/msu/korte/example.problem'}->{$field}
+sub get_dynamic_metadata_from_sql {
+    my ($url) = shift();
+    my ($authordom,$author)=($url=~m:^/res/(\w+)/(\w+)/:);
+    if (! defined($authordom)) {
+        $authordom = shift();
+    }
+    if  (! defined($author)) { 
+        $author = shift();
+    }
+    if (! defined($authordom) || ! defined($author)) {
+        return ();
+    }
+    my @Fields = ('url','count','course',
+                  'goto','goto_list',
+                  'comefrom','comefrom_list',
+                  'sequsage','sequsage_list',
+                  'stdno','stdno_list',
+		  'dependencies',
+                  'avetries','avetries_list',
+                  'difficulty','difficulty_list',
+                  'disc','disc_list',
+                  'clear','technical','correct',
+                  'helpful','depth');
+    #
+    my $query = 'SELECT '.join(',',@Fields).
+        ' FROM metadata WHERE url LIKE "'.$url.'%"';
+    my $server = &Apache::lonnet::homeserver($author,$authordom);
+    my $reply = &Apache::lonnet::metadata_query($query,undef,undef,
+                                                ,[$server]);
+    return () if (! defined($reply) || ref($reply) ne 'HASH');
+    my $filename = $reply->{$server};
+    if (! defined($filename) || $filename =~ /^error/) {
+        return ();
+    }
+    my $max_time = time + 10; # wait 10 seconds for results at most
+    my %ReturnHash;
+    #
+    # Look for results
+    my $finished = 0;
+    while (! $finished && time < $max_time) {
+        my $datafile=$Apache::lonnet::perlvar{'lonDaemons'}.'/tmp/'.$filename;
+        if (! -e "$datafile.end") { next; }
+        my $fh;
+        if (!($fh=Apache::File->new($datafile))) { next; }
+        while (my $result = <$fh>) {
+            chomp($result);
+            next if (! $result);
+            my @Data = 
+                map { 
+                    &Apache::lonnet::unescape($_); 
+                } split(',',$result);
+            my $url = $Data[0];
+            for (my $i=0;$i<=$#Fields;$i++) {
+                $ReturnHash{$url}->{$Fields[$i]}=$Data[$i];
+            }
+        }
+        $finished = 1;
+    }
+    #
+    return %ReturnHash;
-# ----------------------------------------- Fetch and evaluate dynamic metadata
+# Fetch and evaluate dynamic metadata
 sub dynamicmeta {
     my $url=&Apache::lonnet::declutter(shift);
@@ -51,383 +132,877 @@ sub dynamicmeta {
     my %evaldata=&Apache::lonnet::dump('nohist_resevaldata',$adomain,
-    my %sum;
-    my %cnt;
-    my %listitems=('count'        => 'add',
-                   'course'       => 'add',
-                   'avetries'     => 'avg',
-                   'stdno'        => 'add',
-                   'difficulty'   => 'avg',
-                   'clear'        => 'avg',
-                   'technical'    => 'avg',
-                   'helpful'      => 'avg',
-                   'correct'      => 'avg',
-                   'depth'        => 'avg',
-                   'comments'     => 'app',
-                   'usage'        => 'cnt'
-                   );
-    foreach (keys %evaldata) {
-	$_=~/___(\w+)$/;
-        if (defined($cnt{$1})) { $cnt{$1}++; } else { $cnt{$1}=1; }
-        unless ($listitems{$1} eq 'app') {
-            if (defined($sum{$1})) {
-               $sum{$1}+=$evaldata{$_};
-	    } else {
-               $sum{$1}=$evaldata{$_};
-	    }
-        } else {
-            if (defined($sum{$1})) {
-               if ($evaldata{$_}) {
-                  $sum{$1}.='<hr>'.$evaldata{$_};
-	       }
- 	    } else {
-	       $sum{$1}=''.$evaldata{$_};
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-    my %returnhash=();
-    foreach (keys %cnt) {
-       if ($listitems{$_} eq 'avg') {
-	   $returnhash{$_}=int(($sum{$_}/$cnt{$_})*100.0+0.5)/100.0;
-       } elsif ($listitems{$_} eq 'cnt') {
-           $returnhash{$_}=$cnt{$_};
-       } else {
-           $returnhash{$_}=$sum{$_};
-       }
+    my %DynamicData = &LONCAPA::lonmetadata::process_reseval_data(\%evaldata);
+    my %Data = &LONCAPA::lonmetadata::process_dynamic_metadata($url,
+                                                               \%DynamicData);
+    #
+    # Deal with 'count' separately
+    $Data{'count'} = &access_count($url,$aauthor,$adomain);
+    #
+    # Debugging code I will probably need later
+    if (0) {
+        &Apache::lonnet::logthis('Dynamic Metadata');
+        while(my($k,$v)=each(%Data)){
+            &Apache::lonnet::logthis('    "'.$k.'"=>"'.$v.'"');
+        }
+        &Apache::lonnet::logthis('-------------------');
-    return %returnhash;
+    return %Data;
-# ------------------------------------- Try to make an alt tag if there is none
+sub access_count {
+    my ($src,$author,$adomain) = @_;
+    my %countdata=&Apache::lonnet::dump('nohist_accesscount',$adomain,
+                                        $author,$src);
+    if (! exists($countdata{$src})) {
+        return &mt('Not Available');
+    } else {
+        return $countdata{$src};
+    }
+# Try to make an alt tag if there is none
 sub alttag {
     my ($base,$src)=@_;
     my $fullpath=&Apache::lonnet::hreflocation($base,$src);
     my $alttag=&Apache::lonnet::metadata($fullpath,'title').' '.
-               &Apache::lonnet::metadata($fullpath,'subject').' '.
-               &Apache::lonnet::metadata($fullpath,'abstract');
+        &Apache::lonnet::metadata($fullpath,'subject').' '.
+        &Apache::lonnet::metadata($fullpath,'abstract');
     $alttag=~s/\s+/ /gs;
-    if ($alttag) { return $alttag; } else 
-                 { return 'No information available'; }
+    if ($alttag) { 
+        return $alttag; 
+    } else { 
+        return &mt('No information available'); 
+    }
-# -------------------------------------------------------------- Pretty display
+# Author display
+sub authordisplay {
+    my ($aname,$adom)=@_;
+    return &Apache::loncommon::aboutmewrapper
+        (&Apache::loncommon::plainname($aname,$adom),
+         $aname,$adom,'preview').' <tt>['.$aname.'@'.$adom.']</tt>';
+# Pretty display
 sub evalgraph {
     my $value=shift;
-    unless ($value) { return ''; }
+    if (! $value) { 
+        return '';
+    }
     my $val=int($value*10.+0.5)-10;
-    my $output='<table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr>';
+    my $output='<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr>';
     if ($val>=20) {
-	$output.='<td width=20 bgcolor="#555555">&nbsp&nbsp;</td>';
+	$output.='<td width="20" bgcolor="#555555">&nbsp&nbsp;</td>';
     } else {
-        $output.='<td width='.($val).' bgcolor="#555555">&nbsp;</td>'.
-                 '<td width='.(20-$val).' bgcolor="#FF3333">&nbsp;</td>';
+        $output.='<td width="'.($val).'" bgcolor="#555555">&nbsp;</td>'.
+                 '<td width="'.(20-$val).'" bgcolor="#FF3333">&nbsp;</td>';
     $output.='<td bgcolor="#FFFF33">&nbsp;</td>';
     if ($val>20) {
-	$output.='<td width='.($val-20).' bgcolor="#33FF33">&nbsp;</td>'.
-                 '<td width='.(40-$val).' bgcolor="#555555">&nbsp;</td>';
+	$output.='<td width="'.($val-20).'" bgcolor="#33FF33">&nbsp;</td>'.
+                 '<td width="'.(40-$val).'" bgcolor="#555555">&nbsp;</td>';
     } else {
-       $output.='<td width=20 bgcolor="#555555">&nbsp&nbsp;</td>';
+        $output.='<td width="20" bgcolor="#555555">&nbsp&nbsp;</td>';
-    $output.='<td> ('.$value.') </td></tr></table>';
+    $output.='<td> ('.sprintf("%5.2f",$value).') </td></tr></table>';
     return $output;
 sub diffgraph {
     my $value=shift;
-    unless ($value) { return ''; }
+    if (! $value) { 
+        return '';
+    }
     my $val=int(40.0*$value+0.5);
     my @colors=('#FF9933','#EEAA33','#DDBB33','#CCCC33',
-    my $output='<table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr>';
+    my $output='<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr>';
     for (my $i=0;$i<8;$i++) {
 	if ($val>$i*5) {
-            $output.='<td width=5 bgcolor="'.$colors[$i].'">&nbsp;</td>';
+            $output.='<td width="5" bgcolor="'.$colors[$i].'">&nbsp;</td>';
         } else {
-	    $output.='<td width=5 bgcolor="#555555">&nbsp;</td>';
+	    $output.='<td width="5" bgcolor="#555555">&nbsp;</td>';
-    $output.='<td> ('.$value.') </td></tr></table>';
+    $output.='<td> ('.sprintf("%3.2f",$value).') </td></tr></table>';
     return $output;
-# ================================================================ Main Handler
-sub handler {
-  my $r=shift;
+# The field names
+sub fieldnames {
+    my $file_type=shift;
+    if ($file_type eq 'portfolio') {
+    return &Apache::lonlocal::texthash
+        (
+         'title' => 'Title',
+         'author' =>'Author(s)',
+         'authorspace' => 'Author Space',
+         'modifyinguser' => 'Last Modifying User',
+         'subject' => 'Subject',
+         'keywords' => 'Keyword(s)',
+         'notes' => 'Notes',
+         'abstract' => 'Abstract',
+         'lowestgradelevel' => 'Lowest Grade Level',
+         'highestgradelevel' => 'Highest Grade Level');
+    } else {
+    return &Apache::lonlocal::texthash
+        (
+         'title' => 'Title',
+         'author' =>'Author(s)',
+         'authorspace' => 'Author Space',
+         'modifyinguser' => 'Last Modifying User',
+         'subject' => 'Subject',
+         'keywords' => 'Keyword(s)',
+         'notes' => 'Notes',
+         'abstract' => 'Abstract',
+         'lowestgradelevel' => 'Lowest Grade Level',
+         'highestgradelevel' => 'Highest Grade Level',
+         'standards' => 'Standards',
+         'mime' => 'MIME Type',
+         'language' => 'Language',
+         'creationdate' => 'Creation Date',
+         'lastrevisiondate' => 'Last Revision Date',
+         'owner' => 'Publisher/Owner',
+         'copyright' => 'Copyright/Distribution',
+         'customdistributionfile' => 'Custom Distribution File',
+         'sourceavail' => 'Source Available',
+         'sourcerights' => 'Source Custom Distribution File',
+         'obsolete' => 'Obsolete',
+         'obsoletereplacement' => 'Suggested Replacement for Obsolete File',
+         'count'      => 'Network-wide number of accesses (hits)',
+         'course'     => 'Network-wide number of courses using resource',
+         'course_list' => 'Network-wide courses using resource',
+         'sequsage'      => 'Number of resources using or importing resource',
+         'sequsage_list' => 'Resources using or importing resource',
+         'goto'       => 'Number of resources that follow this resource in maps',
+         'goto_list'  => 'Resources that follow this resource in maps',
+         'comefrom'   => 'Number of resources that lead up to this resource in maps',
+         'comefrom_list' => 'Resources that lead up to this resource in maps',
+         'clear'      => 'Material presented in clear way',
+         'depth'      => 'Material covered with sufficient depth',
+         'helpful'    => 'Material is helpful',
+         'correct'    => 'Material appears to be correct',
+         'technical'  => 'Resource is technically correct', 
+         'avetries'   => 'Average number of tries till solved',
+         'stdno'      => 'Total number of students who have worked on this problem',
+         'difficulty' => 'Degree of difficulty',
+         'disc'       => 'Degree of discrimination',
+	 'dependencies' => 'Resources used by this resource',
+         );
+        }
+# Pretty printing of metadata field
+sub prettyprint {
+    my ($type,$value,$target,$prefix,$form,$noformat)=@_;
+# $target,$prefix,$form are optional and for filecrumbs only
+    if (! defined($value)) { 
+        return '&nbsp;'; 
+    }
+    # Title
+    if ($type eq 'title') {
+	return '<font size="+1" face="arial">'.$value.'</font>';
+    }
+    # Dates
+    if (($type eq 'creationdate') ||
+	($type eq 'lastrevisiondate')) {
+	return ($value?&Apache::lonlocal::locallocaltime(
+			  &Apache::lonmysql::unsqltime($value)):
+		&mt('not available'));
+    }
+    # Language
+    if ($type eq 'language') {
+	return &Apache::loncommon::languagedescription($value);
+    }
+    # Copyright
+    if ($type eq 'copyright') {
+	return &Apache::loncommon::copyrightdescription($value);
+    }
+    # Copyright
+    if ($type eq 'sourceavail') {
+	return &Apache::loncommon::source_copyrightdescription($value);
+    }
+    # MIME
+    if ($type eq 'mime') {
+        return '<img src="'.&Apache::loncommon::icon($value).'" />&nbsp;'.
+            &Apache::loncommon::filedescription($value);
+    }
+    # Person
+    if (($type eq 'author') || 
+	($type eq 'owner') ||
+	($type eq 'modifyinguser') ||
+	($type eq 'authorspace')) {
+	$value=~s/(\w+)(\:|\@)(\w+)/&authordisplay($1,$3)/gse;
+	return $value;
+    }
+    # Gradelevel
+    if (($type eq 'lowestgradelevel') ||
+	($type eq 'highestgradelevel')) {
+	return &Apache::loncommon::gradeleveldescription($value);
+    }
+    # Only for advance users below
+    if (! $ENV{'user.adv'}) { 
+        return '<i>- '.&mt('not displayed').' -</i>';
+    }
+    # File
+    if (($type eq 'customdistributionfile') ||
+	($type eq 'obsoletereplacement') ||
+	($type eq 'goto_list') ||
+	($type eq 'comefrom_list') ||
+	($type eq 'sequsage_list') ||
+	($type eq 'dependencies')) {
+	return '<ul><font size="-1">'.join("\n",map {
+            my $url = &Apache::lonnet::clutter($_);
+            my $title = &Apache::lonnet::gettitle($url);
+            if ($title eq '') {
+                $title = 'Untitled';
+                if ($url =~ /\.sequence$/) {
+                    $title .= ' Sequence';
+                } elsif ($url =~ /\.page$/) {
+                    $title .= ' Page';
+                } elsif ($url =~ /\.problem$/) {
+                    $title .= ' Problem';
+                } elsif ($url =~ /\.html$/) {
+                    $title .= ' HTML document';
+                } elsif ($url =~ m:/syllabus$:) {
+                    $title .= ' Syllabus';
+                } 
+            }
+            $_ = '<li>'.$title.' '.
+		&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::crumbs($url,$target,$prefix,$form,'-1',$noformat).
+                '</li>'
+	    } split(/\s*\,\s*/,$value)).'</ul></font>';
+    }
+    # Evaluations
+    if (($type eq 'clear') ||
+	($type eq 'depth') ||
+	($type eq 'helpful') ||
+	($type eq 'correct') ||
+	($type eq 'technical')) {
+	return &evalgraph($value);
+    }
+    # Difficulty
+    if ($type eq 'difficulty' || $type eq 'disc') {
+	return &diffgraph($value);
+    }
+    # List of courses
+    if ($type=~/\_list/) {
+        my @Courses = split(/\s*\,\s*/,$value);
+        my $Str;
+        foreach my $course (@Courses) {
+            my %courseinfo = &Apache::lonnet::coursedescription($course);
+            if (! exists($courseinfo{'num'}) || $courseinfo{'num'} eq '') {
+                next;
+            }
+            if ($Str ne '') { $Str .= '<br />'; }
+            $Str .= '<a href="/public/'.$courseinfo{'domain'}.'/'.
+                $courseinfo{'num'}.'/syllabus" target="preview">'.
+                $courseinfo{'description'}.'</a>';
+        }
+	return $Str;
+    }
+    # No pretty print found
+    return $value;
-    my $loaderror=&Apache::lonnet::overloaderror($r);
-    if ($loaderror) { return $loaderror; }
+# Pretty input of metadata field
+sub direct {
+    return shift;
+sub selectbox {
+    my ($name,$value,$functionref,@idlist)=@_;
+    if (! defined($functionref)) {
+        $functionref=\&direct;
+    }
+    my $selout='<select name="'.$name.'">';
+    foreach (@idlist) {
+        $selout.='<option value=\''.$_.'\'';
+        if ($_ eq $value) {
+	    $selout.=' selected>'.&{$functionref}($_).'</option>';
+	}
+        else {$selout.='>'.&{$functionref}($_).'</option>';}
+    }
+    return $selout.'</select>';
-    my $uri=$r->uri;
+sub relatedfield {
+    my ($show,$relatedsearchflag,$relatedsep,$fieldname,$relatedvalue)=@_;
+    if (! $relatedsearchflag) { 
+        return '';
+    }
+    if (! defined($relatedsep)) {
+        $relatedsep=' ';
+    }
+    if (! $show) {
+        return $relatedsep.'&nbsp;';
+    }
+    return $relatedsep.'<input type="checkbox" name="'.$fieldname.'_related"'.
+	($relatedvalue?' checked="1"':'').' />';
-  unless ($uri=~/^\/\~/) { 
-# =========================================== This is not in construction space
+sub prettyinput {
+    my ($type,$value,$fieldname,$formname,
+	$relatedsearchflag,$relatedsep,$relatedvalue,$size)=@_;
+    if (! defined($size)) {
+        $size = 80;
+    }
+    # Language
+    if ($type eq 'language') {
+	return &selectbox($fieldname,
+			  $value,
+			  \&Apache::loncommon::languagedescription,
+			  (&Apache::loncommon::languageids)).
+                              &relatedfield(0,$relatedsearchflag,$relatedsep);
+    }
+    # Copyright
+    if ($type eq 'copyright') {
+	return &selectbox($fieldname,
+			  $value,
+			  \&Apache::loncommon::copyrightdescription,
+			  (&Apache::loncommon::copyrightids)).
+                              &relatedfield(0,$relatedsearchflag,$relatedsep);
+    }
+    # Source Copyright
+    if ($type eq 'sourceavail') {
+	return &selectbox($fieldname,
+			  $value,
+			  \&Apache::loncommon::source_copyrightdescription,
+			  (&Apache::loncommon::source_copyrightids)).
+                              &relatedfield(0,$relatedsearchflag,$relatedsep);
+    }
+    # Gradelevels
+    if (($type eq 'lowestgradelevel') ||
+	($type eq 'highestgradelevel')) {
+	return &Apache::loncommon::select_level_form($value,$fieldname).
+            &relatedfield(0,$relatedsearchflag,$relatedsep);
+    }
+    # Obsolete
+    if ($type eq 'obsolete') {
+	return '<input type="checkbox" name="'.$fieldname.'"'.
+	    ($value?' checked="1"':'').' />'.
+            &relatedfield(0,$relatedsearchflag,$relatedsep); 
+    }
+    # Obsolete replacement file
+    if ($type eq 'obsoletereplacement') {
+	return '<input type="text" name="'.$fieldname.
+	    '" size="60" value="'.$value.'" /><a href="javascript:openbrowser'.
+	    "('".$formname."','".$fieldname."'".
+	    ",'')\">".&mt('Select').'</a>'.
+            &relatedfield(0,$relatedsearchflag,$relatedsep); 
+    }
+    # Customdistribution file
+    if ($type eq 'customdistributionfile') {
+	return '<input type="text" name="'.$fieldname.
+	    '" size="60" value="'.$value.'" /><a href="javascript:openbrowser'.
+	    "('".$formname."','".$fieldname."'".
+	    ",'rights')\">".&mt('Select').'</a>'.
+            &relatedfield(0,$relatedsearchflag,$relatedsep); 
+    }
+    # Source Customdistribution file
+    if ($type eq 'sourcerights') {
+	return '<input type="text" name="'.$fieldname.
+	    '" size="60" value="'.$value.'" /><a href="javascript:openbrowser'.
+	    "('".$formname."','".$fieldname."'".
+	    ",'rights')\">".&mt('Select').'</a>'.
+            &relatedfield(0,$relatedsearchflag,$relatedsep); 
+    }
+    # Dates
+    if (($type eq 'creationdate') ||
+	($type eq 'lastrevisiondate')) {
+	return 
+            &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::date_setter($formname,$fieldname,$value).
+            &relatedfield(0,$relatedsearchflag,$relatedsep);
+    }
+    # No pretty input found
+    $value=~s/^\s+//gs;
+    $value=~s/\s+$//gs;
+    $value=~s/\s+/ /gs;
+    $value=~s/\"/\&quot\;/gs;
+    return 
+        '<input type="text" name="'.$fieldname.'" size="'.$size.'" '.
+        'value="'.$value.'" />'.
+        &relatedfield(1,$relatedsearchflag,$relatedsep,$fieldname,
+                      $relatedvalue); 
+# Main Handler
+sub handler {
+    my $r=shift;
+    #
+    my $uri=$r->uri;
+    #
+    # Set document type
+    &Apache::loncommon::content_type($r,'text/html');
+    $r->send_http_header;
+    return OK if $r->header_only;
+    #
     my ($resdomain,$resuser)=
-           (&Apache::lonnet::declutter($uri)=~/^(\w+)\/(\w+)\//);
+        (&Apache::lonnet::declutter($uri)=~/^(\w+)\/(\w+)\//);
+    my $html=&Apache::lonxml::xmlbegin();
+    $r->print($html.'<head><title>'.
+              'Catalog Information'.
+              '</title></head>');
+    if ($uri=~m:/adm/bombs/(.*)$:) {
+        $r->print(&Apache::loncommon::bodytag('Error Messages'));
+        # Looking for all bombs?
+        &report_bombs($r,$uri);
+    } elsif ($uri=~/\/portfolio\//) {
+        $r->print(&Apache::loncommon::bodytag
+          ('Edit Portfolio File Information','','','',$resdomain));
+        &present_editable_metadata($r,$uri,'portfolio');
+    } elsif ($uri=~/^\/\~/) { 
+        # Construction space
+        $r->print(&Apache::loncommon::bodytag
+                  ('Edit Catalog Information','','','',$resdomain));
+        &present_editable_metadata($r,$uri);
+    } else {
+        $r->print(&Apache::loncommon::bodytag
+		  ('Catalog Information','','','',$resdomain));
+        &present_uneditable_metadata($r,$uri);
+    }
+    $r->print('</body></html>');
+    return OK;
+###                                               ###
+###                Report Bombs                   ###
+###                                               ###
+sub report_bombs {
+    my ($r,$uri) = @_;
+    # Set document type
+    $uri =~ s:/adm/bombs/::;
+    $uri = &Apache::lonnet::declutter($uri);
+    $r->print('<h1>'.&Apache::lonnet::clutter($uri).'</h1>');
+    my ($domain,$author)=($uri=~/^(\w+)\/(\w+)\//);
+    if (&Apache::loncacc::constructaccess('/~'.$author.'/',$domain)) {
+        my %brokenurls = 
+            &Apache::lonmsg::all_url_author_res_msg($author,$domain);
+        foreach (sort(keys(%brokenurls))) {
+            if ($_=~/^\Q$uri\E/) {
+                $r->print
+                    ('<a href="'.&Apache::lonnet::clutter($_).'">'.$_.'</a>'.
+                     &Apache::lonmsg::retrieve_author_res_msg($_).
+                     '<hr />');
+            }
+        }
+    } else {
+        $r->print(&mt('Not authorized'));
+    }
+    return;
-    $loaderror=
-       &Apache::lonnet::overloaderror($r,
-         &Apache::lonnet::homeserver($resuser,$resdomain));
-    if ($loaderror) { return $loaderror; }
-  my %content=();
-# ----------------------------------------------------------- Set document type
-  $r->content_type('text/html');
-  $r->send_http_header;
-  return OK if $r->header_only;
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------- Read file
-  foreach (split(/\,/,&Apache::lonnet::metadata($uri,'keys'))) {
-      $content{$_}=&Apache::lonnet::metadata($uri,$_);
-  }
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------ Hide stuff
-  unless ($ENV{'user.adv'}) {
-      foreach ('keywords','notes','abstract','subject') {
-          $content{$_}='<i>- not displayed -</i>';
-      }
-  }
-# --------------------------------------------------------------- Render Output
-  my ($thisversion)=($uri=~/\.(\d+)\.(\w+)\.meta$/);
-my $creationdate=localtime(
- &Apache::loncommon::unsqltime($content{'creationdate'}));
-my $lastrevisiondate=localtime(
- &Apache::loncommon::unsqltime($content{'lastrevisiondate'}));
-my $language=&Apache::loncommon::languagedescription($content{'language'});
-my $mime=&Apache::loncommon::filedescription($content{'mime'}); 
-my $disuri=&Apache::lonnet::declutter($uri);
-  $disuri=~s/\.meta$//;
-my $currentversion=&Apache::lonnet::getversion($disuri);
-my $versiondisplay='';
-if ($thisversion) {
-    $versiondisplay='Version: '.$thisversion.
-    ' (most recent version: '.$currentversion.')';
-} else {
-    $versiondisplay='Version: '.$currentversion;
-my $bodytag=&Apache::loncommon::bodytag
-            ('Catalog Information','','','',$resdomain);
-  $r->print(<<ENDHEAD);
-<html><head><title>Catalog Information</title></head>
-$versiondisplay<br />
-<table cellspacing=2 border=0>
-<tr><td bgcolor='#AAAAAA'>Author(s)</td>
-<td bgcolor="#CCCCCC">$content{'author'}&nbsp;</td></tr>
-<tr><td bgcolor='#AAAAAA'>Subject</td>
-<td bgcolor="#CCCCCC">$content{'subject'}&nbsp;</td></tr>
-<tr><td bgcolor='#AAAAAA'>Keyword(s)</td>
-<td bgcolor="#CCCCCC">$content{'keywords'}&nbsp;</td></tr>
-<tr><td bgcolor='#AAAAAA'>Notes</td>
-<td bgcolor="#CCCCCC">$content{'notes'}&nbsp;</td></tr>
-<tr><td bgcolor='#AAAAAA'>Abstract</td>
-<td bgcolor="#CCCCCC">$content{'abstract'}&nbsp;</td></tr>
-<tr><td bgcolor='#AAAAAA'>MIME Type</td>
-<td bgcolor="#CCCCCC">$mime ($content{'mime'})&nbsp;</td></tr>
-<tr><td bgcolor='#AAAAAA'>Language</td>
-<td bgcolor="#CCCCCC">$language&nbsp;</td></tr>
-<tr><td bgcolor='#AAAAAA'>Creation Date</td>
-<td bgcolor="#CCCCCC">$creationdate&nbsp;</td></tr>
-<tr><td bgcolor='#AAAAAA'>
-Last Revision Date</td><td bgcolor="#CCCCCC">$lastrevisiondate&nbsp;</td></tr>
-<tr><td bgcolor='#AAAAAA'>Publisher/Owner</td>
-<td bgcolor="#CCCCCC">$content{'owner'}&nbsp;</td></tr>
-<tr><td bgcolor='#AAAAAA'>Copyright/Distribution</td>
-<td bgcolor="#CCCCCC">$content{'copyright'}
+###                                               ###
+###        Uneditable Metadata Display            ###
+###                                               ###
+sub present_uneditable_metadata {
+    my ($r,$uri) = @_;
+    #
+    my %content=();
+    # Read file
+    foreach (split(/\,/,&Apache::lonnet::metadata($uri,'keys'))) {
+        $content{$_}=&Apache::lonnet::metadata($uri,$_);
+    }
+    # Render Output
+    # displayed url
+    my ($thisversion)=($uri=~/\.(\d+)\.(\w+)\.meta$/);
+    $uri=~s/\.meta$//;
+    my $disuri=&Apache::lonnet::clutter($uri);
+    # version
+    my $currentversion=&Apache::lonnet::getversion($disuri);
+    my $versiondisplay='';
+    if ($thisversion) {
+        $versiondisplay=&mt('Version').': '.$thisversion.
+            ' ('.&mt('most recent version').': '.
+            ($currentversion>0 ? 
+             $currentversion   :
+             &mt('information not available')).')';
+    } else {
+        $versiondisplay='Version: '.$currentversion;
+    }
+    # crumbify displayed URL               uri     target prefix form  size
+    $disuri=&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::crumbs($disuri,undef, undef, undef,'+1');
+    $disuri =~ s:<br />::g;
+    # obsolete
+    my $obsolete=$content{'obsolete'};
+    my $obsoletewarning='';
+    if (($obsolete) && ($ENV{'user.adv'})) {
+        $obsoletewarning='<p><font color="red">'.
+            &mt('This resource has been marked obsolete by the author(s)').
+            '</font></p>';
+    }
+    #
+    my %lt=&fieldnames();
+    my $table='';
+    my $title = $content{'title'};
+    if (! defined($title)) {
+        $title = 'Untitled Resource';
+    }
+    foreach ('title', 
+             'author', 
+             'subject', 
+             'keywords', 
+             'notes', 
+             'abstract',
+             'lowestgradelevel',
+             'highestgradelevel',
+             'standards', 
+             'mime', 
+             'language', 
+             'creationdate', 
+             'lastrevisiondate', 
+             'owner', 
+             'copyright', 
+             'customdistributionfile',
+             'sourceavail',
+             'sourcerights', 
+             'obsolete', 
+             'obsoletereplacement') {
+        $table.='<tr><td bgcolor="#AAAAAA">'.$lt{$_}.
+            '</td><td bgcolor="#CCCCCC">'.
+            &prettyprint($_,$content{$_}).'</td></tr>';
+        delete $content{$_};
+    }
+    #
+    $r->print(<<ENDHEAD);
+$disuri<br />
+<table cellspacing="2" border="0">
-  delete($content{'title'});
-  delete($content{'author'});
-  delete($content{'subject'});
-  delete($content{'keywords'});
-  delete($content{'notes'});
-  delete($content{'abstract'});
-  delete($content{'mime'});
-  delete($content{'language'});
-  delete($content{'creationdate'});
-  delete($content{'lastrevisiondate'});
-  delete($content{'owner'});
-  delete($content{'copyright'});
-  if ($ENV{'user.adv'}) {
-# ------------------------------------------------------------ Dynamic Metadata
-   $r->print(
-   '<h3>Dynamic Metadata (updated periodically)</h3>Processing ...<br>');
-   $r->rflush();
-    my %items=(
- 'count'      => 'Network-wide number of accesses (hits)',
- 'course'     => 'Network-wide number of courses using resource',
- 'usage'      => 'Number of resources using or importing resource',
- 'clear'      => 'Material presented in clear way',
- 'depth'      => 'Material covered with sufficient depth',
- 'helpful'    => 'Material is helpful',
- 'correct'    => 'Material appears to be correct',
- 'technical'  => 'Resource is technically correct', 
- 'avetries'   => 'Average number of tries till solved',
- 'stdno'      => 'Total number of students who have worked on this problem',
- 'difficulty' => 'Degree of difficulty');
-   my %dynmeta=&dynamicmeta($uri);
-   $r->print(
-'</table><h4>Access and Usage Statistics</h4><table cellspacing=2 border=0>');
-   foreach ('count','usage','course') {
-       $r->print(
-'<tr><td bgcolor="#AAAAAA">'.$items{$_}.'</td><td bgcolor="#CCCCCC">'.
-   }
-       $r->print('</table>');
-   if ($uri=~/\.(problem|exam|quiz|assess|survey|form)\.meta$/) {
-      $r->print(
-'<h4>Assessment Statistical Data</h4><table cellspacing=2 border=0>');
-      foreach ('stdno','avetries') {
-          $r->print(
-'<tr><td bgcolor="#AAAAAA">'.$items{$_}.'</td><td bgcolor="#CCCCCC">'.
-      }
-      foreach ('difficulty') {
-         $r->print(
-'<tr><td bgcolor="#AAAAAA">'.$items{$_}.'</td><td bgcolor="#CCCCCC">'.
-      }
-      $r->print('</table>');    
-   }
-   $r->print('<h4>Evaluation Data</h4><table cellspacing=2 border=0>');
-   foreach ('clear','depth','helpful','correct','technical') {
-       $r->print(
-'<tr><td bgcolor="#AAAAAA">'.$items{$_}.'</td><td bgcolor="#CCCCCC">'.
-   }    
-   $r->print('</table>');
-   $disuri=~/^(\w+)\/(\w+)\//;   
-   if ((($ENV{'user.domain'} eq $1) && ($ENV{'user.name'} eq $2))
-       || ($ENV{'user.role.ca./'.$1.'/'.$2})) {
-      $r->print(
-  '<h4>Evaluation Comments (visible to author and co-authors only)</h4>'.
-      '<blockquote>'.$dynmeta{'comments'}.'</blockquote>');
-      $r->print(
-   '<h4>Error Messages (visible to author and co-authors only)</h4>');
-      my %errormsgs=&Apache::lonnet::dump('nohist_res_msgs',$1,$2);
-      foreach (keys %errormsgs) {
-	if ($_=~/^\Q$disuri\E\_\d+$/) {
-          my %content=&Apache::lonmsg::unpackagemsg($errormsgs{$_});
-	  $r->print('<b>'.$content{'time'}.'</b>: '.$content{'message'}.
-                    '<br />');
-        }
-      }      
-   }
-# ------------------------------------------------------------- All other stuff
-   $r->print(
- '<h3>Additional Metadata (non-standard, parameters, exports)</h3>');
-   foreach (sort keys %content) {
-      my $name=$_;
-      my $display=&Apache::lonnet::metadata($uri,$name.'.display');
-      unless ($display) { $display=$name; };
-      my $otherinfo='';
-      foreach ('name','part','type','default') {
-          if (defined(&Apache::lonnet::metadata($uri,$name.'.'.$_))) {
-             $otherinfo.=' '.$_.'='.
-		 &Apache::lonnet::metadata($uri,$name.'.'.$_).'; ';
-          }
-      }
-      $r->print('<b>'.$display.':</b> '.$content{$name});
-      if ($otherinfo) {
-         $r->print(' ('.$otherinfo.')');
-      }
-      $r->print("<br>\n");
-   }
-  }
-# ===================================================== End Resource Space Call
- } else {
-# ===================================================== Construction Space Call
-# ----------------------------------------------------------- Set document type
-  $r->content_type('text/html');
-  $r->send_http_header;
-  return OK if $r->header_only;
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Header
-  my $bodytag=&Apache::loncommon::bodytag('Edit Catalog Information');
-  my $disuri=$uri;
-  my $fn=&Apache::lonnet::filelocation('',$uri);
-  $disuri=~s/^\/\~\w+//;
-  $disuri=~s/\.meta$//;
-  my $displayfile='Catalog Information for '.$disuri;
-  if ($disuri=~/\/default$/) {
-      my $dir=$disuri;
-      $dir=~s/default$//;
-      $displayfile='Default Cataloging Information for Directory '.$dir;
-  }
-  %Apache::lonpublisher::metadatafields=();
-  %Apache::lonpublisher::metadatakeys=();
-  &Apache::lonpublisher::metaeval(&Apache::lonnet::getfile($fn));
-  $r->print(<<ENDEDIT);
-<html><head><title>Edit Catalog Information</title></head>
+    if ($ENV{'user.adv'}) {
+        &print_dynamic_metadata($r,$uri,\%content);
+    }
+    return;
+sub print_dynamic_metadata {
+    my ($r,$uri,$content) = @_;
+    #
+    my %content = %$content;
+    my %lt=&fieldnames();
+    #
+    my $description = 'Dynamic Metadata (updated periodically)';
+    $r->print('<h3>'.&mt($description).'</h3>'.
+              &mt('Processing'));
+    $r->rflush();
+    my %items=&fieldnames();
+    my %dynmeta=&dynamicmeta($uri);
+    #
+    # General Access and Usage Statistics
+    if (exists($dynmeta{'count'}) ||
+        exists($dynmeta{'sequsage'}) ||
+        exists($dynmeta{'comefrom'}) ||
+        exists($dynmeta{'goto'}) ||
+        exists($dynmeta{'course'})) {
+        $r->print('<h4>'.&mt('Access and Usage Statistics').'</h4>'.
+                  '<table cellspacing="2" border="0">');
+        foreach ('count',
+                 'sequsage','sequsage_list',
+                 'comefrom','comefrom_list',
+                 'goto','goto_list',
+                 'course','course_list') {
+            $r->print('<tr><td bgcolor="#AAAAAA">'.$lt{$_}.'</td>'.
+                      '<td bgcolor="#CCCCCC">'.
+                      &prettyprint($_,$dynmeta{$_})."</td></tr>\n");
+        }
+        $r->print('</table>');
+    } else {
+        $r->print('<h4>'.&mt('No Access or Usages Statistics are available for this resource.').'</h4>');
+    }
+    #
+    # Assessment statistics
+    if ($uri=~/\.(problem|exam|quiz|assess|survey|form)$/) {
+        if (exists($dynmeta{'stdno'}) ||
+            exists($dynmeta{'avetries'}) ||
+            exists($dynmeta{'difficulty'}) ||
+            exists($dynmeta{'disc'})) {
+            # This is an assessment, print assessment data
+            $r->print('<h4>'.
+                      &mt('Overall Assessment Statistical Data').
+                      '</h4>'.
+                      '<table cellspacing="2" border="0">');
+            $r->print('<tr><td bgcolor="#AAAAAA">'.$lt{'stdno'}.'</td>'.
+                      '<td bgcolor="#CCCCCC">'.
+                      &prettyprint('stdno',$dynmeta{'stdno'}).
+                      '</td>'."</tr>\n");
+            foreach ('avetries','difficulty','disc') {
+                $r->print('<tr><td bgcolor="#AAAAAA">'.$lt{$_}.'</td>'.
+                          '<td bgcolor="#CCCCCC">'.
+                          &prettyprint($_,sprintf('%5.2f',$dynmeta{$_})).
+                          '</td>'."</tr>\n");
+            }
+            $r->print('</table>');    
+        }
+        if (exists($dynmeta{'stats'})) {
+            #
+            # New assessment statistics
+            $r->print('<h4>'.
+                      &mt('Detailed Assessment Statistical Data').
+                      '</h4>');
+            my $table = '<table cellspacing="2" border="0">'.
+                '<tr>'.
+                '<th>Course</th>'.
+                '<th>Section(s)</th>'.
+                '<th>Num Students</th>'.
+                '<th>Mean Tries</th>'.
+                '<th>Degree of Difficulty</th>'.
+                '<th>Degree of Discrimination</th>'.
+                '<th>Time of computation</th>'.
+                '</tr>'.$/;
+            foreach my $identifier (sort(keys(%{$dynmeta{'stats'}}))) {
+                my $data = $dynmeta{'stats'}->{$identifier};
+                my $course = $data->{'course'};
+                my %courseinfo = &Apache::lonnet::coursedescription($course);
+                if (! exists($courseinfo{'num'}) || $courseinfo{'num'} eq '') {
+                    &Apache::lonnet::logthis('lookup for '.$course.' failed');
+                    next;
+                }
+                $table .= '<tr>';
+                $table .= 
+                    '<td><nobr>'.$courseinfo{'description'}.'</nobr></td>';
+                $table .= 
+                    '<td align="right">'.$data->{'sections'}.'</td>';
+                $table .=
+                    '<td align="right">'.$data->{'stdno'}.'</td>';
+                foreach ('avetries','difficulty','disc') {
+                    $table .= '<td align="right">';
+                    if (exists($data->{$_})) {
+                        $table .= sprintf('%.2f',$data->{$_}).'&nbsp;';
+                    } else {
+                        $table .= '';
+                    }
+                    $table .= '</td>';
+                }
+                $table .=
+                    '<td><nobr>'.
+                    &Apache::lonlocal::locallocaltime($data->{'timestamp'}).
+                    '</nobr></td>';
+                $table .=
+                    '</tr>'.$/;
+            }
+            $table .= '</table>'.$/;
+            $r->print($table);
+        } else {
+            $r->print('No new dynamic data found.');
+        }
+    } else {
+        $r->print('<h4>'.
+          &mt('No Assessment Statistical Data is available for this resource').
+                  '</h4>');
+    }
+    #
+    #
+    if (exists($dynmeta{'clear'})   || 
+        exists($dynmeta{'depth'})   || 
+        exists($dynmeta{'helpful'}) || 
+        exists($dynmeta{'correct'}) || 
+        exists($dynmeta{'technical'})){ 
+        $r->print('<h4>'.&mt('Evaluation Data').'</h4>'.
+                  '<table cellspacing="2" border="0">');
+        foreach ('clear','depth','helpful','correct','technical') {
+            $r->print('<tr><td bgcolor="#AAAAAA">'.$lt{$_}.'</td>'.
+                      '<td bgcolor="#CCCCCC">'.
+                      &prettyprint($_,$dynmeta{$_})."</td></tr>\n");
+        }
+        $r->print('</table>');
+    } else {
+        $r->print('<h4>'.&mt('No Evaluation Data is available for this resource.').'</h4>');
+    }
+    $uri=~/^\/res\/(\w+)\/(\w+)\//; 
+    if ((($ENV{'user.domain'} eq $1) && ($ENV{'user.name'} eq $2))
+        || ($ENV{'user.role.ca./'.$1.'/'.$2})) {
+        if (exists($dynmeta{'comments'})) {
+            $r->print('<h4>'.&mt('Evaluation Comments').' ('.
+                      &mt('visible to author and co-authors only').
+                      ')</h4>'.
+                      '<blockquote>'.$dynmeta{'comments'}.'</blockquote>');
+        } else {
+            $r->print('<h4>'.&mt('There are no Evaluation Comments on this resource.').'</h4>');
+        }
+        my $bombs = &Apache::lonmsg::retrieve_author_res_msg($uri);
+        if (defined($bombs) && $bombs ne '') {
+            $r->print('<a name="bombs" /><h4>'.&mt('Error Messages').' ('.
+                      &mt('visible to author and co-authors only').')'.
+                      '</h4>'.$bombs);
+        } else {
+            $r->print('<h4>'.&mt('There are currently no Error Messages for this resource.').'</h4>');
+        }
+    }
+    #
+    # All other stuff
+    $r->print('<h3>'.
+              &mt('Additional Metadata (non-standard, parameters, exports)').
+              '</h3><table border="0" cellspacing="1">');
+    foreach (sort(keys(%content))) {
+        my $name=$_;
+        if ($name!~/\.display$/) {
+            my $display=&Apache::lonnet::metadata($uri,
+                                                  $name.'.display');
+            if (! $display) { 
+                $display=$name;
+            };
+            my $otherinfo='';
+            foreach ('name','part','type','default') {
+                if (defined(&Apache::lonnet::metadata($uri,
+                                                      $name.'.'.$_))) {
+                    $otherinfo.=' '.$_.'='.
+                        &Apache::lonnet::metadata($uri,
+                                                  $name.'.'.$_).'; ';
+                }
+            }
+            $r->print('<tr><td bgcolor="#bbccbb"><font size="-1" color="#556655">'.$display.'</font></td><td bgcolor="#ccddcc"><font size="-1" color="#556655">'.$content{$name});
+            if ($otherinfo) {
+                $r->print(' ('.$otherinfo.')');
+            }
+            $r->print("</font></td></tr>\n");
+        }
+    }
+    $r->print("</table>");
+    return;
+###                                               ###
+###          Editable metadata display            ###
+###                                               ###
+sub present_editable_metadata {
+    my ($r,$uri, $file_type) = @_;
+    # Construction Space Call
+    # Header
+    my $disuri=$uri;
+    my $fn=&Apache::lonnet::filelocation('',$uri);
+    $disuri=~s/^\/\~/\/priv\//;
+    $disuri=~s/\.meta$//;
+    my $target=$uri;
+    $target=~s/^\/\~/\/res\/$ENV{'request.role.domain'}\//;
+    $target=~s/\.meta$//;
+    my $bombs=&Apache::lonmsg::retrieve_author_res_msg($target);
+    if ($bombs) {
+        if ($ENV{'form.delmsg'}) {
+            if (&Apache::lonmsg::del_url_author_res_msg($target) eq 'ok') {
+                $bombs=&mt('Messages deleted.');
+            } else {
+                $bombs=&mt('Error deleting messages');
+            }
+        }
+        my $del=&mt('Delete Messages');
+        $r->print(<<ENDBOMBS);
+<form method="post" name="defaultmeta">
+<input type="submit" name="delmsg" value="$del" />
+<br />$bombs
+    } else {
+        my $displayfile='Catalog Information for '.$disuri;
+        if ($disuri=~/\/default$/) {
+            my $dir=$disuri;
+            $dir=~s/default$//;
+            $displayfile=
+                &mt('Default Cataloging Information for Directory').' '.
+                $dir;
+        }
+        %Apache::lonpublisher::metadatafields=();
+        %Apache::lonpublisher::metadatakeys=();
+        &Apache::lonpublisher::metaeval(&Apache::lonnet::getfile($fn));
+        $r->print(<<ENDEDIT);
-<form method="post">
+<form method="post" name="defaultmeta">
-   foreach ('author','title','subject','keywords','abstract','notes',
-            'copyright','customdistributionfile','language') {
-       if ($ENV{'form.new_'.$_}) {
-	   $Apache::lonpublisher::metadatafields{$_}=$ENV{'form.new_'.$_};
-       }
-       $r->print(
-         &Apache::lonpublisher::textfield($_,'new_'.$_,
-                                 $Apache::lonpublisher::metadatafields{$_}));
-   }
-   if ($ENV{'form.store'}) {
-      my $mfh;
-      unless ($mfh=Apache::File->new('>'.$fn)) {
-            $r->print(
-            '<p><font color=red>Could not write metadata, FAIL</font>');
-      } else {
-          foreach (sort keys %Apache::lonpublisher::metadatafields) {
-            unless ($_=~/\./) {
-                my $unikey=$_;
-                $unikey=~/^([A-Za-z]+)/;
-                my $tag=$1;
-                $tag=~tr/A-Z/a-z/;
-                print $mfh "\n\<$tag";
-                foreach 
-                  (split(/\,/,$Apache::lonpublisher::metadatakeys{$unikey})) {
-                    my $value=
-                       $Apache::lonpublisher::metadatafields{$unikey.'.'.$_};
-                    $value=~s/\"/\'\'/g;
-                    print $mfh ' '.$_.'="'.$value.'"';
+        $r->print('<script language="JavaScript">'.
+                  &Apache::loncommon::browser_and_searcher_javascript().
+                  '</script>');
+        my %lt=&fieldnames($file_type);
+	my $output;
+	my @fields;
+	if ($file_type eq 'portfolio') {
+	    @fields =  ('author','title','subject','keywords','abstract','notes','lowestgradelevel',
+	                'highestgradelevel');
+	} else {
+	    @fields = ('author','title','subject','keywords','abstract','notes',
+                 'copyright','customdistributionfile','language',
+                 'standards',
+                 'lowestgradelevel','highestgradelevel','sourceavail','sourcerights',
+                 'obsolete','obsoletereplacement');
+        }
+        foreach (@fields) {
+            if (defined($ENV{'form.new_'.$_})) {
+                $Apache::lonpublisher::metadatafields{$_}=
+                    $ENV{'form.new_'.$_};
+            }
+            if (! $Apache::lonpublisher::metadatafields{'copyright'}) {
+                $Apache::lonpublisher::metadatafields{'copyright'}=
+                    'default';
+            }
+            $output.=('<p>'.$lt{$_}.': '.
+                      &prettyinput($_,
+				   $Apache::lonpublisher::metadatafields{$_},
+				   'new_'.$_,'defaultmeta').'</p>');
+        }
+        if ($ENV{'form.store'}) {
+            my $mfh;
+            if (!  ($mfh=Apache::File->new('>'.$fn))) {
+                $r->print('<p><font color="red">'.
+                          &mt('Could not write metadata').', '.
+                          &mt('FAIL').'</font></p>');
+            } else {
+                foreach (sort keys %Apache::lonpublisher::metadatafields) {
+                    next if ($_ =~ /\./);
+                    my $unikey=$_;
+                    $unikey=~/^([A-Za-z]+)/;
+                    my $tag=$1;
+                    $tag=~tr/A-Z/a-z/;
+                    print $mfh "\n\<$tag";
+                    foreach (split(/\,/,
+                                 $Apache::lonpublisher::metadatakeys{$unikey})
+                             ) {
+                        my $value=
+                         $Apache::lonpublisher::metadatafields{$unikey.'.'.$_};
+                        $value=~s/\"/\'\'/g;
+                        print $mfh ' '.$_.'="'.$value.'"';
+                    }
+                    print $mfh '>'.
+                        &HTML::Entities::encode
+                        ($Apache::lonpublisher::metadatafields{$unikey},
+                         '<>&"').
+                         '</'.$tag.'>';
-                print $mfh '>'.
-        &HTML::Entities::encode($Apache::lonpublisher::metadatafields{$unikey})
-                        .'</'.$tag.'>';
-            }
-	  }
-          $r->print('<p>Wrote Metadata');
-      }
+                $r->print('<p><font color="blue">'.&mt('Wrote Metadata').
+			  ' '.&Apache::lonlocal::locallocaltime(time).
+			  '</font></p>');
+            }
+        }
+	$r->print($output.'<br /><input type="submit" name="store" value="'.
+                  &mt('Store Catalog Information').'">');
-    $r->print(
- '<br /><input type="submit" name="store" value="Store Catalog Information"></form></body></html>');
-    return OK;
-  }
+    $r->print('</form>');
+    return;