--- loncom/interface/lonmodifycourse.pm 2006/05/30 12:46:09 1.25
+++ loncom/interface/lonmodifycourse.pm 2016/04/02 04:30:21 1.80
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
# The LearningOnline Network with CAPA
-# automated enrollment course setup handler
+# handler for DC-only modifiable course settings
-# $Id: lonmodifycourse.pm,v 1.25 2006/05/30 12:46:09 www Exp $
+# $Id: lonmodifycourse.pm,v 1.80 2016/04/02 04:30:21 raeburn Exp $
# Copyright Michigan State University Board of Trustees
@@ -31,669 +31,2020 @@ use strict;
use Apache::Constants qw(:common :http);
use Apache::lonnet;
use Apache::loncommon;
+use Apache::lonhtmlcommon;
use Apache::lonlocal;
-use Apache::londropadd;
-use LONCAPA::Enrollment;
+use Apache::lonuserutils;
+use Apache::loncreateuser;
+use Apache::lonpickcourse;
use lib '/home/httpd/lib/perl';
+use LONCAPA qw(:DEFAULT :match);
-sub print_course_selection_page {
- my ($r,$tasklongref) = @_;
- my $dom = $env{'request.role.domain'};
- my %lt=&Apache::lonlocal::texthash(
- 'csae' => "Course settings for automated enrollment",
- 'unst' => "Unlike standard LON-CAPA course parameters, such as course description, feedback addresses, and top level map, which are displayed and/or modified using the 'Course Environment Parameters' screen, settings that control automated enrollment based on classlist data available from your institution's student information system are handled differently. Automated enrollment settings fall into two groups: (a) settings that can be modified by a Course Coordinator using the Automated Enrollment Manager and (b) settings that may only be modified by a Domain Coordinator via the 'View/Modify Course settings' menu accessed from this page.",
- 'chcs' => "Choose the course for which you wish to view/modify automated enrollment settings from the select box below and click 'Go' to proceed.",
- 'eaen' => "Each entry in the select box contains: course code -- course title ------- course owner, and entries are ordered alphabetically by course code.",
- 'psac' => "Please select a course",
- 'ccrs' => "Choose a course",
- 'gobt' => "Go"
- );
-# Determine the courses
- my %courseIDs = &Apache::lonnet::courseiddump($dom,'.',1,'.','.','.');
- &print_header($r,$tasklongref);
- $r->print(<
- $lt{'eaen'}
- &print_footer($r);
- return;
+sub get_dc_settable {
+ my ($type,$cdom) = @_;
+ if ($type eq 'Community') {
+ return ('courseowner','selfenrollmgrdc','selfenrollmgrcc');
+ } else {
+ my @items = ('courseowner','coursecode','authtype','autharg','selfenrollmgrdc','selfenrollmgrcc');
+ if (&showcredits($cdom)) {
+ push(@items,'defaultcredits');
+ }
+ return @items;
+ }
-sub print_course_modification_page {
- my ($r,$tasklongref,$typeref) = @_;
- my %enrollvar = ();
- my $javascript_validations;
- my $course = '';
- my $dom = $env{'request.role.domain'};
- if ( defined($env{'form.course'}) ) {
- $course = $env{'form.course'};
- }
- my $ok_course = 'ok';
- if ( ($course == -1) || ($course == '-2') || ($course eq '') ) {
- $ok_course = 'invalid';
+sub autoenroll_keys {
+ my $internals = ['coursecode','courseowner','authtype','autharg','defaultcredits',
+ 'autoadds','autodrops','autostart','autoend','sectionnums',
+ 'crosslistings','co-owners'];
+ my $accessdates = ['default_enrollment_start_date','default_enrollment_end_date'];
+ return ($internals,$accessdates);
+sub catalog_settable {
+ my ($confhash,$type) = @_;
+ my @settable;
+ if (ref($confhash) eq 'HASH') {
+ if ($type eq 'Community') {
+ if ($confhash->{'togglecatscomm'} ne 'comm') {
+ push(@settable,'togglecats');
+ }
+ if ($confhash->{'categorizecomm'} ne 'comm') {
+ push(@settable,'categorize');
+ }
+ } else {
+ if ($confhash->{'togglecats'} ne 'crs') {
+ push(@settable,'togglecats');
+ }
+ if ($confhash->{'categorize'} ne 'crs') {
+ push(@settable,'categorize');
+ }
+ }
} else {
- $ok_course = &check_course($dom,$course);
+ push(@settable,('togglecats','categorize'));
+ return @settable;
- unless ($ok_course eq 'ok') {
- &print_header($r,$tasklongref,'',\$javascript_validations);
- my $reply = " ".&mt("The LON-CAPA course selected was not a valid course for this domain");
- $r->print($reply);
- &print_footer($r);
- return;
+sub get_enrollment_settings {
+ my ($cdom,$cnum) = @_;
+ my ($internals,$accessdates) = &autoenroll_keys();
+ my @items;
+ if ((ref($internals) eq 'ARRAY') && (ref($accessdates) eq 'ARRAY')) {
+ @items = map { 'internal.'.$_; } (@{$internals});
+ push(@items,@{$accessdates});
- my @bgcolors=("#eeeeee","#cccccc");
- my $ownertable;
- my %lt=&Apache::lonlocal::texthash(
- 'actv' => "Active",
- 'inac' => "Inactive",
- 'ccor' => "Course Coordinator",
- 'noen' => "No end date",
- 'ownr' => "Owner",
- 'name' => "Name",
- 'unme' => "Username",
- 'stus' => "Status",
- 'aecs' => "Automated Enrollment Course Settings",
- 'cose' => "Course settings for LON-CAPA courses that control automated student enrollment based on classlist data available from your institution's student information system fall into two groups: (a) settings that can be modified by a Course Coordinator using the ",
- 'aenm' => "Automated Enrollment Manager",
- 'andb' => " and (b) settings that may only be modified by a Domain Coordinator via this page.",
- 'caes' => 'Current automated enrollment settings',
- 'cour' => "Course settings that control automated enrollment in this LON-CAPA course
-are currently:",
- 'cset' => "Course setting",
- 'valu' => "Current value",
- 'nocc' => "There is currently no course owner set for this course. In addition, no active course coordinators from this LON-CAPA domain were found, so you will not be able assign a course owner. If you wish to assign a course owner, it is recommended that you use the 'User Roles' screen to add a course coordinator with a LON-CAPA account in this domain to the course.",
- 'ccus' => "A course coordinator can use the 'Automated Enrollment Manager' to change
-all settings except course code, course owner, and default authentication method for students added to your course (who are also new to the LON-CAPA system at this domain).",
- 'mkch' => "Make changes to course settings set by Domain Coordinator",
- 'ccod' => "Course Code",
- 'ccus' => "The course code is used during automated enrollment to map the internal LON-CAPA course ID for this course to the corresponding course section ID(s) used by the office responsible for providing official class lists for courses at your institution.",
- 'cown' => "Course Owner",
- 'cous' => "The course owner is used in the retrieval of class lists from your institution's student information system when access to class lists data incorporates validation of instructor status.",
- 'tabl' => 'The table below contains a list of active course coordinators in this course, who are from this domain',
- 'usrd' => 'Use the radio buttons to select a different course owner.',
- 'deam' => "Default Authentication method",
- 'deus' => "The default authentication method, and default authentication parameter (domain, initial password or argument) are used when automatic enrollment of students in a course requires addition of new user accounts in your domain, and the class list file contains empty entries for the <authtype> and <autharg> properties for the new student. If you choose 'internally authenticated', and leave the initial password field empty, the automated enrollment process will create a randomized password for each new student account that it adds to your LON-CAPA domain.",
- 'gobt' => "Modify settings",
- );
- my %settings = &Apache::lonnet::dump('environment',$dom,$course);
+ my %settings = &Apache::lonnet::get('environment',\@items,$cdom,$cnum);
+ my %enrollvar;
$enrollvar{'autharg'} = '';
$enrollvar{'authtype'} = '';
- foreach my $item (keys %settings) {
- if ($item =~ m/^internal\.(.+)$/) {
- my $type = $1;
+ foreach my $item (keys(%settings)) {
+ if ($item =~ m/^internal\.(.+)$/) {
+ my $type = $1;
if ( ($type eq "autoadds") || ($type eq "autodrops") ) {
- if ($settings{$item} == 1) {
- $enrollvar{$type} = "ON";
- } else {
- $enrollvar{$type} = "OFF";
- }
+ if ($settings{$item} == 1) {
+ $enrollvar{$type} = "ON";
+ } else {
+ $enrollvar{$type} = "OFF";
+ }
} elsif ( ($type eq "autostart") || ($type eq "autoend") ) {
- if ( ($type eq "autoend") && ($settings{$item} == 0) ) {
- $enrollvar{$type} = $lt{'noen'};
- } else {
- $enrollvar{$type} = localtime($settings{$item});
- }
- } elsif ($type eq "sectionums") {
- $enrollvar{$type} = $settings{$item};
- $enrollvar{$type} =~ s/,/, /g;
- } elsif ($type eq "courseowner" || $type eq "authtype"
- || $type eq "autharg" || $type eq "coursecode"
- || $type eq "crosslistings") {
- $enrollvar{$type} = $settings{$item};
+ if ( ($type eq "autoend") && ($settings{$item} == 0) ) {
+ $enrollvar{$type} = &mt('No end date');
+ } else {
+ $enrollvar{$type} = &Apache::lonlocal::locallocaltime($settings{$item});
+ }
+ } elsif (($type eq 'sectionnums') || ($type eq 'co-owners')) {
+ $enrollvar{$type} = $settings{$item};
+ $enrollvar{$type} =~ s/,/, /g;
+ } elsif ($type eq "authtype"
+ || $type eq "autharg" || $type eq "coursecode"
+ || $type eq "crosslistings") {
+ $enrollvar{$type} = $settings{$item};
+ } elsif ($type eq 'defaultcredits') {
+ if (&showcredits($cdom)) {
+ $enrollvar{$type} = $settings{$item};
+ }
+ } elsif ($type eq 'selfenrollmgr') {
+ $enrollvar{$type} = $settings{$item};
+ } elsif ($type eq 'courseowner') {
+ if ($settings{$item} =~ /^[^:]+:[^:]+$/) {
+ $enrollvar{$type} = $settings{$item};
+ } else {
+ if ($settings{$item} ne '') {
+ $enrollvar{$type} = $settings{$item}.':'.$cdom;
+ }
+ }
} elsif ($item =~ m/^default_enrollment_(start|end)_date$/) {
- my $type = $1;
+ my $type = $1;
if ( ($type eq 'end') && ($settings{$item} == 0) ) {
- $enrollvar{$item} = $lt{'noen'};
+ $enrollvar{$item} = &mt('No end date');
} elsif ( ($type eq 'start') && ($settings{$item} eq '') ) {
$enrollvar{$item} = 'When enrolled';
} else {
- $enrollvar{$item} = localtime($settings{$item});
+ $enrollvar{$item} = &Apache::lonlocal::locallocaltime($settings{$item});
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return %enrollvar;
+sub print_course_search_page {
+ my ($r,$dom,$domdesc) = @_;
+ my $action = '/adm/modifycourse';
+ my $type = $env{'form.type'};
+ if (!defined($env{'form.type'})) {
+ $type = 'Course';
+ }
+ &print_header($r,$type);
+ my ($filterlist,$filter) = &get_filters($dom);
+ my ($numtitles,$cctitle,$dctitle,@codetitles);
+ my $ccrole = 'cc';
+ if ($type eq 'Community') {
+ $ccrole = 'co';
+ }
+ $cctitle = &Apache::lonnet::plaintext($ccrole,$type);
+ $dctitle = &Apache::lonnet::plaintext('dc');
+ $r->print(&Apache::loncommon::js_changer());
+ if ($type eq 'Community') {
+ $r->print('
'.&mt('Search for a community in the [_1] domain',$domdesc).'
+ } else {
+ $r->print('
'.&mt('Search for a course in the [_1] domain',$domdesc).'
+ }
+ $r->print(&Apache::loncommon::build_filters($filterlist,$type,undef,undef,$filter,$action,
+ \$numtitles,'modifycourse',undef,undef,undef,
+ \@codetitles,$dom));
+ if ($type eq 'Community') {
+ $r->print(&mt('Actions available after searching for a community:').'
+ '
'.&mt('Enter the community with the role of [_1]',$cctitle).'
+ '
'.&mt('View or modify community settings which only a [_1] may modify.',$dctitle).
+ '
+ } else {
+ $r->print(&mt('Actions available after searching for a course:').'
+ '
'.&mt('Enter the course with the role of [_1]',$cctitle).'
+ '
'.&mt('View or modify course settings which only a [_1] may modify.',$dctitle).
+ '
+ }
+ return;
+sub print_course_selection_page {
+ my ($r,$dom,$domdesc) = @_;
+ my $type = $env{'form.type'};
+ if (!defined($type)) {
+ $type = 'Course';
+ }
+ &print_header($r,$type);
+# Criteria for course search
+ my ($filterlist,$filter) = &get_filters();
+ my $action = '/adm/modifycourse';
+ my $dctitle = &Apache::lonnet::plaintext('dc');
+ my ($numtitles,@codetitles);
+ $r->print(&Apache::loncommon::js_changer());
+ $r->print(&mt('Revise your search criteria for this domain').' ('.$domdesc.'). ');
+ $r->print(&Apache::loncommon::build_filters($filterlist,$type,undef,undef,$filter,$action,
+ \$numtitles,'modifycourse',undef,undef,undef,
+ \@codetitles,$dom,$env{'form.form'}));
+ my %courses = &Apache::loncommon::search_courses($dom,$type,$filter,$numtitles,
+ undef,undef,undef,\@codetitles);
+ &Apache::lonpickcourse::display_matched_courses($r,$type,0,$action,undef,undef,undef,
+ undef,undef,%courses);
+ return;
+sub get_filters {
+ my ($dom) = @_;
+ my @filterlist = ('descriptfilter','instcodefilter','ownerfilter',
+ 'ownerdomfilter','coursefilter','sincefilter');
+ # created filter
+ my $loncaparev = &Apache::lonnet::get_server_loncaparev($dom);
+ if ($loncaparev ne 'unknown_cmd') {
+ push(@filterlist,'createdfilter');
+ }
+ my %filter;
+ foreach my $item (@filterlist) {
+ $filter{$item} = $env{'form.'.$item};
+ }
+ return (\@filterlist,\%filter);
+sub print_modification_menu {
+ my ($r,$cdesc,$domdesc,$dom,$type,$cid,$coursehash) = @_;
+ &print_header($r,$type);
+ my ($ccrole,$categorytitle,$setquota_text,$setuploadquota_text,$setparams_text,$cat_text,
+ $cdom,$cnum);
+ if (ref($coursehash) eq 'HASH') {
+ $cdom = $coursehash->{'domain'};
+ $cnum = $coursehash->{'num'};
+ } else {
+ ($cdom,$cnum) = split(/_/,$cid);
+ }
+ if ($type eq 'Community') {
+ $ccrole = 'co';
+ } else {
+ $ccrole = 'cc';
+ }
+ if ($type eq 'Community') {
+ $categorytitle = 'View/Modify Community Settings';
+ $setquota_text = &mt('Total disk space allocated for storage of portfolio files in all groups in a community.');
+ $setuploadquota_text = &mt('Disk space allocated for storage of content uploaded directly to a community via Content Editor.');
+ $setparams_text = 'View/Modify community owner';
+ $cat_text = 'View/Modify catalog settings for community';
+ } else {
+ $categorytitle = 'View/Modify Course Settings';
+ $setquota_text = &mt('Total disk space allocated for storage of portfolio files in all groups in a course.');
+ $setuploadquota_text = &mt('Disk space allocated for storage of content uploaded directly to a course via Content Editor.');
+ if (&showcredits($dom)) {
+ $setparams_text = 'View/Modify course owner, institutional code, default authentication, credits, and self-enrollment';
+ } else {
+ $setparams_text = 'View/Modify course owner, institutional code, default authentication, and self-enrollment';
+ }
+ $cat_text = 'View/Modify catalog settings for course';
+ }
+ my $anon_text = &mt('Responder threshold required to display anonymous survey submissions.');
+ my $postsubmit_text = &mt('Override defaults for submit button behavior post-submission for this specific course.');
+ my %domconf = &Apache::lonnet::get_dom('configuration',['coursecategories'],$dom);
+ my @additional_params = &catalog_settable($domconf{'coursecategories'},$type);
+ sub manage_selfenrollment {
+ my ($cdom,$cnum,$type,$coursehash) = @_;
+ my ($managed_by_cc,$managed_by_dc) = &Apache::lonuserutils::selfenrollment_administration($cdom,$cnum,$type,$coursehash);
+ if (ref($managed_by_dc) eq 'ARRAY') {
+ if (@{$managed_by_dc}) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ sub phaseurl {
+ my $phase = shift;
+ return "javascript:changePage(document.menu,'$phase')"
+ }
+ my @menu =
+ ({ categorytitle => $categorytitle,
+ items => [
+ {
+ linktext => $setparams_text,
+ url => &phaseurl('setparms'),
+ permission => 1,
+ #help => '',
+ icon => 'crsconf.png',
+ linktitle => ''
+ },
+ {
+ linktext => 'View/Modify quotas for group portfolio files, and for uploaded content.',
+ url => &phaseurl('setquota'),
+ permission => 1,
+ #help => '',
+ icon => 'groupportfolioquota.png',
+ linktitle => ''
+ },
+ {
+ linktext => 'View/Modify responders threshold for anonymous survey submissions display',
+ url => &phaseurl('setanon'),
+ permission => 1,
+ #help => '',
+ icon => 'anonsurveythreshold.png',
+ linktitle => ''
+ },
+ {
+ linktext => $cat_text,
+ url => &phaseurl('catsettings'),
+ permission => (@additional_params > 0),
+ #help => '',
+ icon => 'ccatconf.png',
+ linktitle => ''
+ },
+ {
+ linktext => 'Display current settings for automated enrollment',
+ url => &phaseurl('viewparms'),
+ permission => ($type ne 'Community'),
+ #help => '',
+ icon => 'roles.png',
+ linktitle => ''
+ },
+ {
+ linktext => 'View/Modify Self-Enrollment configuration',
+ icon => 'self_enroll.png',
+ #help => 'Course_Self_Enrollment',
+ url => &phaseurl('selfenroll'),
+ permission => &manage_selfenrollment($cdom,$cnum,$type,$coursehash),
+ linktitle => 'Configure user self-enrollment.',
+ },
+ {
+ linktext => 'View/Modify submit button behavior, post-submission',
+ icon => 'emblem-readonly.png',
+ #help => '',
+ url => &phaseurl('setpostsubmit'),
+ permission => 1,
+ linktitle => '',
+ },
+ ]
+ },
+ );
+ my $menu_html =
+ '
+ if ($type eq 'Community') {
+ $menu_html .= &mt('Although almost all community settings can be modified by a Coordinator, the following may only be set or modified by a Domain Coordinator:');
+ } else {
+ $menu_html .= &mt('Although almost all course settings can be modified by a Course Coordinator, the following may only be set or modified by a Domain Coordinator:');
+ }
+ $menu_html .= '
'.&mt('Community owner (permitted to assign Coordinator roles in the community).').'
+ '
'.&mt('Override defaults for who configures self-enrollment for this specific community').'
+ } else {
+ $menu_html .= '
'.&mt('Course owner (permitted to assign Course Coordinator roles in the course).').'
+ '
'.&mt("Institutional code and default authentication (both required for auto-enrollment of students from institutional datafeeds).").'
+ if (&showcredits($dom)) {
+ $menu_html .= '
'.&mt('Default credits earned by student on course completion.').'
+ }
+ $menu_html .= '
'.&mt('Override defaults for who configures self-enrollment for this specific course.').'
+ }
+ $menu_html .= '
+ '
+ '
+ '
+ foreach my $item (@additional_params) {
+ if ($type eq 'Community') {
+ if ($item eq 'togglecats') {
+ $menu_html .= '
'.&mt('Hiding/unhiding a community from the catalog (although can be [_1]configured[_2] to be modifiable by a Coordinator in community context).','','').'
'.&mt('Hiding/unhiding a course from the course catalog (although can be [_1]configured[_2] to be modifiable by a Course Coordinator in course context).','','').'
Use the appropriate text boxes and radio buttons below to change some or all of the four automated enrollment settings that may only be changed by a Domain Coordinator. Click the "$lt{'gobt'}" button to save your changes.
- &print_footer($r);
- return;
+ return($javascript_validations,$authenitems);
sub modify_course {
- my ($r,$tasklongref,$typeref) = @_;
- my $dom = $env{'user.domain'};
- my $crs = $env{'form.course'};
- unless ( &check_course($dom,$crs) eq 'ok' ) {
- &print_header($r,$tasklongref);
- my $reply = " ".&mt("The LON-CAPA course selected was not a valid course for this domain");
- $r->print($reply);
- &print_footer($r);
- return;
+ my ($r,$cdom,$cnum,$cdesc,$domdesc,$type) = @_;
+ my %longtype = &course_settings_descrip($type);
+ my @items = ('internal.courseowner','description','internal.co-owners',
+ 'internal.pendingco-owners','internal.selfenrollmgrdc',
+ 'internal.selfenrollmgrcc');
+ my ($selfenrollrows,$selfenrolltitles) = &Apache::lonuserutils::get_selfenroll_titles();
+ unless ($type eq 'Community') {
+ push(@items,('internal.coursecode','internal.authtype','internal.autharg',
+ 'internal.sectionnums','internal.crosslistings'));
+ if (&showcredits($cdom)) {
+ push(@items,'internal.defaultcredits');
+ }
+ my %settings = &Apache::lonnet::get('environment',\@items,$cdom,$cnum);
+ my $description = $settings{'description'};
+ my ($ccrole,$response,$chgresponse,$nochgresponse,$reply,%currattr,%newattr,
+ %cenv,%changed,@changes,@nochanges,@sections,@xlists,@warnings);
+ my @modifiable_params = &get_dc_settable($type,$cdom);
+ foreach my $param (@modifiable_params) {
+ $currattr{$param} = $settings{'internal.'.$param};
+ }
+ if ($type eq 'Community') {
+ %changed = ( owner => 0 );
+ $ccrole = 'co';
+ } else {
+ %changed = ( code => 0,
+ owner => 0,
+ );
+ $ccrole = 'cc';
+ unless ($settings{'internal.sectionnums'} eq '') {
+ if ($settings{'internal.sectionnums'} =~ m/,/) {
+ @sections = split/,/,$settings{'internal.sectionnums'};
+ } else {
+ $sections[0] = $settings{'internal.sectionnums'};
+ }
+ }
+ unless ($settings{'internal.crosslistings'} eq '') {
+ if ($settings{'internal.crosslistings'} =~ m/,/) {
+ @xlists = split/,/,$settings{'internal.crosslistings'};
+ } else {
+ $xlists[0] = $settings{'internal.crosslistings'};
+ }
+ }
+ if ($env{'form.login'} eq 'krb') {
+ $newattr{'authtype'} = $env{'form.login'};
+ $newattr{'authtype'} .= $env{'form.krbver'};
+ $newattr{'autharg'} = $env{'form.krbarg'};
+ } elsif ($env{'form.login'} eq 'int') {
+ $newattr{'authtype'} ='internal';
+ if ((defined($env{'form.intarg'})) && ($env{'form.intarg'})) {
+ $newattr{'autharg'} = $env{'form.intarg'};
+ }
+ } elsif ($env{'form.login'} eq 'loc') {
+ $newattr{'authtype'} = 'localauth';
+ if ((defined($env{'form.locarg'})) && ($env{'form.locarg'})) {
+ $newattr{'autharg'} = $env{'form.locarg'};
+ }
+ }
+ if ( $newattr{'authtype'}=~ /^krb/) {
+ if ($newattr{'autharg'} eq '') {
+ push(@warnings,
+ &mt('As you did not include the default Kerberos domain'
+ .' to be used for authentication in this class, the'
+ .' institutional data used by the automated'
+ .' enrollment process must include the Kerberos'
+ .' domain for each new student.'));
+ }
+ }
+ if ( exists($env{'form.coursecode'}) ) {
+ $newattr{'coursecode'}=$env{'form.coursecode'};
+ unless ( $newattr{'coursecode'} eq $currattr{'coursecode'} ) {
+ $changed{'code'} = 1;
+ }
+ }
- my %settings = &Apache::lonnet::get('environment',['internal.courseowner','internal.coursecode','internal.authtype','internal.autharg','internal.sectionnums','internal.crosslistings','description'],$dom,$crs);
- my %currattr = ();
- my %newattr = ();
- my %cenv = ();
- my $response;
- my $chgresponse;
- my $nochgresponse;
- my $warning;
- my $reply;
- my @changes = ();
- my @nochanges = ();
- my @sections = ();
- my @xlists = ();
- my $changecode = 0;
- my $changeowner = 0;
- unless ($settings{'internal.sectionnums'} eq'') {
- if ($settings{'internal.sectionnums'} =~ m/,/) {
- @sections = split/,/,$settings{'internal.sectionnums'};
- } else {
- $sections[0] = $settings{'internal.sectionnums'};
- }
- }
- unless ($settings{'internal.crosslistings'} eq'') {
- if ($settings{'internal.crosslistings'} =~ m/,/) {
- @xlists = split/,/,$settings{'internal.crosslistings'};
- } else {
- $xlists[0] = $settings{'internal.crosslistings'};
+ if (&showcredits($cdom) && exists($env{'form.defaultcredits'})) {
+ $newattr{'defaultcredits'} =~ s/[^\d\.]//g;
+ $newattr{'defaultcredits'}=$env{'form.defaultcredits'};
- my @params = ('courseowner','coursecode','authtype','autharg');
- foreach (@params) {
- my $attr = 'internal.'.$_;
- $currattr{$_} = $settings{$attr};
+ my @newmgrdc = ();
+ my @newmgrcc = ();
+ my @currmgrdc = split(/,/,$currattr{'selfenrollmgrdc'});
+ my @currmgrcc = split(/,/,$currattr{'selfenrollmgrcc'});
+ foreach my $item (@{$selfenrollrows}) {
+ if ($env{'form.selfenrollmgr_'.$item} eq '0') {
+ push(@newmgrdc,$item);
+ } elsif ($env{'form.selfenrollmgr_'.$item} eq '1') {
+ push(@newmgrcc,$item);
+ }
- my $description = $settings{'description'};
- my %cenv = ();
+ $newattr{'selfenrollmgrdc'}=join(',',@newmgrdc);
+ $newattr{'selfenrollmgrcc'}=join(',',@newmgrcc);
- if ($env{'form.login'} eq 'krb') {
- $newattr{'authtype'} = $env{'form.login'};
- $newattr{'authtype'} .= $env{'form.krbver'};
- $newattr{'autharg'} = $env{'form.krbarg'};
- } elsif ($env{'form.login'} eq 'int') {
- $newattr{'authtype'} ='internal';
- if ((defined($env{'form.intarg'})) && ($env{'form.intarg'})) {
- $newattr{'autharg'} = $env{'form.intarg'};
- }
- } elsif ($env{'form.login'} eq 'loc') {
- $newattr{'authtype'} = 'localauth';
- if ((defined($env{'form.locarg'})) && ($env{'form.locarg'})) {
- $newattr{'autharg'} = $env{'form.locarg'};
- }
- }
- if ( $newattr{'authtype'}=~ /^krb/) {
- if ($newattr{'autharg'} eq '') {
- $warning = qq().
- &mt("As you did not include the default Kerberos domain to be used for authentication in this class, the institutional data used by the automated enrollment process must include the Kerberos domain for each new student").qq();
- }
+ my $cctitle;
+ if ($type eq 'Community') {
+ $cctitle = &mt('Community personnel');
+ } else {
+ $cctitle = &mt('Course personnel');
+ my $dctitle = &Apache::lonnet::plaintext('dc');
if ( exists($env{'form.courseowner'}) ) {
unless ( $newattr{'courseowner'} eq $currattr{'courseowner'} ) {
- $changeowner = 1;
+ $changed{'owner'} = 1;
- if ( exists($env{'form.coursecode'}) ) {
- $newattr{'coursecode'}=$env{'form.coursecode'};
- unless ( $newattr{'coursecode'} eq $currattr{'coursecode'} ) {
- $changecode = 1;
+ if ($changed{'owner'} || $changed{'code'}) {
+ my %crsinfo = &Apache::lonnet::courseiddump($cdom,'.',1,'.','.',$cnum,
+ undef,undef,'.');
+ if (ref($crsinfo{$env{'form.pickedcourse'}}) eq 'HASH') {
+ if ($changed{'code'}) {
+ $crsinfo{$env{'form.pickedcourse'}}{'inst_code'} = $env{'form.coursecode'};
+ }
+ if ($changed{'owner'}) {
+ $crsinfo{$env{'form.pickedcourse'}}{'owner'} = $env{'form.courseowner'};
+ }
+ my $chome = &Apache::lonnet::homeserver($cnum,$cdom);
+ my $putres = &Apache::lonnet::courseidput($cdom,\%crsinfo,$chome,'notime');
+ if ($putres eq 'ok') {
+ &update_coowners($cdom,$cnum,$chome,\%settings,\%newattr);
+ }
- if ($changeowner == 1 || $changecode == 1) {
- my $courseid_entry = &escape($dom.'_'.$crs).'='.&escape($description).':'.&escape($env{'form.coursecode'}).':'.&escape($env{'form.courseowner'});
- &Apache::lonnet::courseidput($dom,$courseid_entry,&Apache::lonnet::homeserver($crs,$dom));
- }
- foreach (@params) {
- if ($currattr{$_} eq $newattr{$_}) {
- push @nochanges, $_;
+ foreach my $param (@modifiable_params) {
+ if ($currattr{$param} eq $newattr{$param}) {
+ push(@nochanges,$param);
} else {
- my $attr = 'internal.'.$_;
- $cenv{$attr} = $newattr{$_};
- push @changes, $_;
+ $cenv{'internal.'.$param} = $newattr{$param};
+ push(@changes,$param);
if (@changes > 0) {
- $chgresponse = &mt("The following automated enrollment parameters have been changed:
+ $chgresponse = &mt('The following settings have been changed:').'
- if (@nochanges > 0) {
- $nochgresponse = &mt("The following automated enrollment parameters remain unchanged:
+ if (@nochanges > 0) {
+ $nochgresponse = &mt('The following settings remain unchanged:').'
- if (@changes > 0) {
- my $putreply = &Apache::lonnet::put('environment',\%cenv,$dom,$crs);
+ if (@changes > 0) {
+ my $putreply = &Apache::lonnet::put('environment',\%cenv,$cdom,$cnum);
if ($putreply !~ /^ok$/) {
- $response = &mt("There was a problem processing your requested changes. The automated enrollment settings for this course have been left unchanged. ");
+ $response = '
+ &mt('There was a problem processing your requested changes.').' ';
+ if ($type eq 'Community') {
+ $response .= &mt('Settings for this community have been left unchanged.');
+ } else {
+ $response .= &mt('Settings for this course have been left unchanged.');
+ }
+ $response .= ' '.&mt('Error: ').$putreply.'
} else {
- foreach my $attr (@params) {
- if (grep/^$attr$/,@changes) {
- $chgresponse .= "
$$typeref{$attr} ".&mt("now set to \"").$newattr{$attr}."\".
'.&mt('[_1] still set to: [_2]',$longtype{$attr},$shown).'
- if ($changecode || $changeowner) {
+ if (($type ne 'Community') && ($changed{'code'} || $changed{'owner'})) {
if ( $newattr{'courseowner'} eq '') {
- $warning .= &mt("There is no owner associated with this LON-CAPA course. If automated enrollment in LON-CAPA courses at your institution requires validation of course owners, automated enrollment will fail for this course. ");
+ push(@warnings,&mt('There is no owner associated with this LON-CAPA course.').
+ ' '.&mt('If automated enrollment at your institution requires validation of course owners, automated enrollment will fail.'));
} else {
+ my %crsenv = &Apache::lonnet::get('environment',['internal.co-owners'],$cdom,$cnum);
+ my $coowners = $crsenv{'internal.co-owners'};
if (@sections > 0) {
- if ($changecode) {
+ if ($changed{'code'}) {
foreach my $sec (@sections) {
if ($sec =~ m/^(.+):/) {
+ my $instsec = $1;
my $inst_course_id = $newattr{'coursecode'}.$1;
- my $course_check = &Apache::lonnet::auto_validate_courseID($crs,$dom,$inst_course_id);
+ my $course_check = &Apache::lonnet::auto_validate_courseID($cnum,$cdom,$inst_course_id);
if ($course_check eq 'ok') {
- my $outcome = &Apache::lonnet::auto_new_course($crs,$dom,$inst_course_id,$newattr{'courseowner'});
- unless ($outcome eq 'ok') {
- $warning .= &mt("If automatic enrollment is enabled for LON-CAPA course: ").$description.&mt(", automated enrollment may fail for ").$newattr{'coursecode'}.&mt(" - section $1 for the following reason: $outcome. ");
+ my $outcome = &Apache::lonnet::auto_new_course($cnum,$cdom,$inst_course_id,$newattr{'courseowner'},$coowners);
+ unless ($outcome eq 'ok') {
+ push(@warnings,&mt('If automatic enrollment is enabled for "[_1]", automated enrollment may fail for "[_2]" - section: [_3] for the following reason: "[_4]".',$description,$newattr{'coursecode'},$instsec,$outcome).' ');
} else {
- $warning .= &mt("If automatic enrollment is enabled for LON-CAPA course: ").$description.&mt(", automated enrollment may fail for ").$newattr{'coursecode'}.&mt(" - section $1 for the following reason: $course_check. ");
+ push(@warnings,&mt('If automatic enrollment is enabled for "[_1]", automated enrollment may fail for "[_2]" - section: [_3] for the following reason: "[_4]".',$description,$newattr{'coursecode'},$instsec,$course_check));
} else {
- $warning .= &mt("If automatic enrollment is enabled for LON-CAPA course: ").$description.&mt(", automated enrollment may fail for ").$newattr{'coursecode'}.&mt(" - section $sec because this is not a valid section entry. ");
+ push(@warnings,&mt('If automatic enrollment is enabled for "[_1]", automated enrollment may fail for "[_2]" - section: [_3], because this is not a valid section entry.',$description,$newattr{'coursecode'},$sec));
- } elsif ($changeowner) {
+ } elsif ($changed{'owner'}) {
foreach my $sec (@sections) {
if ($sec =~ m/^(.+):/) {
- my $inst_course_id = $newattr{'coursecode'}.$1;
- my $outcome = &Apache::lonnet::auto_new_course($crs,$dom,$inst_course_id,$newattr{'courseowner'});
+ my $instsec = $1;
+ my $inst_course_id = $newattr{'coursecode'}.$instsec;
+ my $outcome = &Apache::lonnet::auto_new_course($cnum,$cdom,$inst_course_id,$newattr{'courseowner'},$coowners);
unless ($outcome eq 'ok') {
- $warning .= &mt("If automatic enrollment is enabled for LON-CAPA course: ").$description.&mt(", automated enrollment may fail for ").$newattr{'coursecode'}.&mt(" - section $1 for the following reason: $outcome. ");
+ push(@warnings,&mt('If automatic enrollment is enabled for "[_1]", automated enrollment may fail for "[_2]" - section: [_3] for the following reason: "[_4]".',$description,$newattr{'coursecode'},$instsec,$outcome));
} else {
- $warning .= &mt("If automatic enrollment is enabled for LON-CAPA course: ").$description.&mt(", automated enrollment may fail for ").$newattr{'coursecode'}.&mt(" - section $sec because this is not a valid section entry. ");
+ push(@warnings,&mt('If automatic enrollment is enabled for "[_1]", automated enrollment may fail for "[_2]" - section: [_3], because this is not a valid section entry.',$description,$newattr{'coursecode'},$sec));
} else {
- $warning .= &mt("As no section numbers are currently listed for LON-CAPA course: ").$description.&mt(", automated enrollment will not occur for any sections of coursecode: ").$newattr{'coursecode'}." ";
+ push(@warnings,&mt('As no section numbers are currently listed for "[_1]", automated enrollment will not occur for any sections of institutional course code: "[_2]".',$description,$newattr{'coursecode'}));
- if ( (@xlists > 0) && ($changeowner) ) {
+ if ( (@xlists > 0) && ($changed{'owner'}) ) {
foreach my $xlist (@xlists) {
if ($xlist =~ m/^(.+):/) {
- my $outcome = &Apache::lonnet::auto_new_course($crs,$dom,$1,$newattr{'courseowner'});
+ my $instxlist = $1;
+ my $outcome = &Apache::lonnet::auto_new_course($cnum,$cdom,$instxlist,$newattr{'courseowner'},$coowners);
unless ($outcome eq 'ok') {
- $warning .= &mt("If automatic enrollment is enabled for LON-CAPA course: ").$description.&mt(", automated enrollment may fail for crosslisted class: ").$1.&mt(" for the following reason: $outcome. ");
+ push(@warnings,&mt('If automatic enrollment is enabled for "[_1]", automated enrollment may fail for crosslisted class "[_2]" for the following reason: "[_3]".',$description,$instxlist,$outcome));
- }
+ }
} else {
- foreach my $attr (@params) {
- $nochgresponse .= "
$$typeref{$attr} ".&mt("still set to")." \"".$currattr{$attr}."\".
'.&mt('[_1] still set to: [_2]',$longtype{$attr},$shown).'
if (@changes > 0) {
$chgresponse .= "
if (@nochanges > 0) {
$nochgresponse .= "
- unless ($warning eq '') {
- $warning = &mt("The following warning messages were generated as a result of applying the changes you specified to course settings that can affect the automated enrollment process:
+ my ($warning,$numwarnings);
+ my $numwarnings = scalar(@warnings);
+ if ($numwarnings) {
+ $warning = &mt('The following [quant,_1,warning was,warnings were] generated when applying your changes to automated enrollment:',$numwarnings).'