--- loncom/interface/lonmsgdisplay.pm	2006/04/08 06:58:28	1.2
+++ loncom/interface/lonmsgdisplay.pm	2025/03/03 21:42:46	1.203
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 # The LearningOnline Network with CAPA
 # Routines for messaging display
-# $Id: lonmsgdisplay.pm,v 1.2 2006/04/08 06:58:28 albertel Exp $
+# $Id: lonmsgdisplay.pm,v 1.203 2025/03/03 21:42:46 raeburn Exp $
 # Copyright Michigan State University Board of Trustees
@@ -33,12 +33,13 @@ package Apache::lonmsgdisplay;
 =head1 NAME
-Apache::lonmsg: supports internal messaging
+Apache::lonmsgdisplay: supports internal messaging
 =head1 SYNOPSIS
-lonmsg provides routines for sending messages, receiving messages, and
-a handler to allow users to read, send, and delete messages.
+lonmsgdisplay provides a handler to allow users to read, send, 
+and delete messages, and to create and delete message folders,
+and to move messages between folders.
 =head1 OVERVIEW
@@ -74,8 +75,8 @@ email program, so they have full access
 interface, or other features they may wish to use in response to the
 student's query.
-=item * B<Blocking>: LON-CAPA can block display of e-mails that are 
-sent to a student during an online exam. A course coordinator or
+=item * B<Blocking>: LON-CAPA can block selected communication 
+features for students during an online exam. A course coordinator or
 instructor can set an open and close date/time for scheduled online
 exams in a course. If a user uses the LON-CAPA internal messaging 
 system to display e-mails during the scheduled blocking event,  
@@ -93,25 +94,6 @@ addresses on their B<PREF> screen, but g
 are much more useful than traditional email can be made to be, even
 with HTML support.
-Right now, this document will cover just how to send a message, since
-it is likely you will not need to programmatically read messages,
-since lonmsg already implements that functionality.
-The routines used to package messages and unpackage messages are not
-only used by lonmsg when creating/extracting messages for LON-CAPA's
-internal messaging system, but also by lonnotify.pm which is available
-for use by Domain Coordinators to broadcast standard e-mail to specified
-users in their domain.  The XML packaging used in the two cases is very
-similar.  The differences are the use of <recuser>$uname</recuser> and 
-<recdomain>$udom</recdomain> in stored internal messages, compared 
-with <recipient username="$uname:$udom">$email</recipient> in stored
-Domain Coordinator e-mail for the storage of information about 
-recipients of the message/e-mail.
-=over 4
 use strict;
@@ -119,60 +101,231 @@ use Apache::lonnet;
 use HTML::TokeParser();
 use Apache::Constants qw(:common);
 use Apache::loncommon();
+use Apache::lonhtmlcommon();
+use Apache::longroup;
+use Apache::lonnavmaps;
 use Apache::lontexconvert();
 use HTML::Entities();
 use Apache::lonlocal;
 use Apache::loncommunicate;
 use Apache::lonfeedback;
 use Apache::lonrss();
+use Apache::lonselstudent();
+use Apache::lonenc();
+use lib '/home/httpd/lib/perl/';
+use LONCAPA qw(:DEFAULT :match);
 # Querystring component with sorting type
-my $sqs;
-my $startdis;
-my $interdis;
+my $sqs='';
+my $startdis='';
 # ============================================================ List all folders
 sub folderlist {
-    my $folder=shift;
-    my @allfolders=&Apache::lonnet::getkeys('email_folders');
-    if ($allfolders[0]=~/^error:/) { @allfolders=(); }
-    return '<form method="post" action="/adm/email">'.
-	&mt('Folder').': '.
-	&Apache::loncommon::select_form($folder,'folder',
-			     ('' => &mt('INBOX'),'trash' => &mt('TRASH'),
-			      'new' => &mt('New Messages Only'),
-                              'critical' => &mt('Critical'),
-			      'sent' => &mt('Sent Messages'),
-			      map { $_ => $_ } @allfolders)).
-			      ' '.&mt('Show').
-			      '<select name="interdis">'.
-			      join("\n",map { '<option value="'.$_.'"'.
-	 ($_==$interdis?' selected="selected"':'').'>'.$_.'</option>' }
-				   (10,20,50,100,200)).'</select>'.	
-   '<input type="submit" value="'.&mt('View Folder').'" /><br />'.
+    my ($folder,$msgstatus) = @_;
+    my %html_lt = &Apache::lonlocal::texthash(
+                actn => 'Action',
+                fold => 'Folder',
+                show => 'Show',
+                status => 'Message Status',
+                go   => 'Go',
+    );
+    &html_escape(\%html_lt);
+    my %js_lt = &Apache::lonlocal::texthash(
+                nnff => 'New Name for Folder',
+                newn => 'New Name',
+                fmnb => 'Folder may not be renamed as it is a folder provided by the system.',
+                asth => 'Requested name already in use for a system-provided or user-defined folder.',
+    );
+    &js_escape(\%js_lt);
+	# set se lastvisit for the new mail check in the toplevel menu
+	&Apache::lonnet::appenv({'user.mailcheck.lastvisit'=>time});
+    my %actions = &Apache::lonlocal::texthash(
+                                view => 'View Folder',
+                                rename => 'Rename Folder',
+                                delete => 'Delete Folder',
+    );
+    $actions{'select_form_order'} = ['view','rename','delete'];
+    my %statushash = &Apache::lonlocal::texthash(&get_msgstatus_types());
+    $statushash{'select_form_order'} = ['','new','read','replied','forwarded'];
+    my %permfolders = &get_permanent_folders();
+    my $permlist = join("','",sort(keys(%permfolders)));
+    my ($permlistkeys,$permlistvals);
+    foreach my $key (sort(keys(%permfolders))) {
+        $permlistvals .= $permfolders{$key}."','";
+        $permlistkeys .= $key."','";
+    }
+    $permlistvals =~ s/','$//;
+    $permlistkeys =~ s/','$//;
+    my %gotfolders = &Apache::lonmsg::get_user_folders();
+    my %userfolders;
+    foreach my $key (keys(%gotfolders)) {
+        $key =~ s/(['"])/\$1/g; #' stupid emacs
+        $userfolders{$key} = $key;
+    }
+    my @userorder = sort(keys(%userfolders));
+    my %formhash = (%permfolders,%userfolders);
+    my $folderlist = join("','",@userorder);
+    $folderlist .= "','".$permlistvals;
+    $formhash{'select_form_order'} = ['','critical',@userorder,'sent','trash'];
+    my $output = qq|<script type="text/javascript">
+// <![CDATA[
+function folder_choice(targetform,caller) {
+    var permfolders_keys = new Array('$permlistkeys');
+    var permfolders_vals = new Array('$permlistvals');
+    var allfolders = new Array('$folderlist');
+    if (caller == 'change') {
+        if (targetform.folderaction.options[targetform.folderaction.selectedIndex].value == 'rename') {
+            for (var i=0; i<permfolders_keys.length; i++) {
+                if (permfolders_keys[i] == targetform.folder.value) {
+                    alert("'"+permfolders_vals[i]+"' -- $js_lt{'fmnb'}");
+                    return;
+                }
+            }
+            var foldername=prompt('$js_lt{'nnff'}','$js_lt{'newn'}');
+            if (foldername) {
+                targetform.renamed.value=foldername;
+                for (var i=0; i<allfolders.length; i++) {
+                    if (allfolders[i] == foldername) {
+                        alert("'"+foldername+"' $js_lt{'asth'}");
+                        return;
+                    }
+                }
+                targetform.submit();
+            }
+        }
+        else {
+            targetform.submit();
+        }
+    }
+    if (caller == 'new') {
+        var newname=targetform.newfolder.value;
+        if (newname) {
+            for (var i=0; i<allfolders.length; i++) {
+                if (allfolders[i] == newname) {
+                    alert("'"+newname+"' -- $js_lt{'asth'}");
+                    return;
+                }
+            }
+            targetform.submit();
+        }
+    }
+// ]]>
+    my %show = ('select_form_order' => [10,20,50,100,200],
+		map {$_=>$_} (10,20,50,100,200));
+    $output .= '
+<form method="post" action="/adm/email" name="folderlist">
+   <div class="LC_columnSection"><fieldset>
+   <legend>'.&mt('Folder Actions').'</legend>
+   <div class="LC_columnSection">
+     <div class="LC_mail_actions"><label><b>'.$html_lt{'fold'}.'</b><br />'."\n".
+         &Apache::loncommon::select_form($folder,'folder',\%formhash).'</label>
+     </div>
+     <div class="LC_mail_actions"><label><b>'.$html_lt{'show'}.'</b><br />'."\n".
+         &Apache::loncommon::select_form($env{'form.interdis'},'interdis',
+					 \%show).'</label>
+     </div>
+     <div class="LC_mail_actions"><label><b>'.$html_lt{'status'}.'</b><br />'."\n".
+       &Apache::loncommon::select_form($msgstatus,'msgstatus',\%statushash).'</label>
+     </div>
+     <div class="LC_mail_actions" style="padding-right: 1em">
+         <label><b>'.$html_lt{'actn'}.'</b><br />'."\n".'
+         <span class="LC_nobreak">'.
+         &Apache::loncommon::select_form('view','folderaction',\%actions).'</label>'.
+         ' <input type="button" value="'.$html_lt{'go'}.
+         '" onclick="javascript:folder_choice(this.form,'."'change'".');" />
+         </span>
+     </div>
+     <div class="LC_vertical_line" style="padding: 0; height: 4em; margin: 0">
+     </div>
+     <div class="LC_mail_actions" style="padding-left: 3em">
+         <span class="LC_nobreak">
+         <label><b>'.&mt('New Folder').'</b><br />'."\n".'
+         <input type="text" size="15" name="newfolder" value="" /></label>
+         <input type="button" value="'.$html_lt{'go'}.
+         '" onclick="javascript:folder_choice(this.form,'."'new'".');" />
+         </span>
+     </div>
+   </fieldset></div>
     '<input type="hidden" name="sortedby" value="'.$env{'form.sortedby'}.'" />'.
-			      ($folder=~/^(new|critical)/?'</form>':'');
+    '<input type="hidden" name="renamed" value="" />';
+    return $output;
+sub get_permanent_folders {
+    my %permfolders = 
+	&Apache::lonlocal::texthash(''         => 'INBOX',
+				    'trash'    => 'TRASH',
+				    'critical' => 'CRITICAL',
+				    'sent'     => 'SENT MESSAGES',
+				    );
+    return %permfolders;
+sub get_msgstatus_types {
+    # Don't translate here!
+    my %statushash = (
+        ''          => 'Any',
+        'new'       => 'Unread',
+        'read'      => 'Read',
+        'replied'   => 'Replied to',
+        'forwarded' => 'Forwarded',
+    );
+    return %statushash;
 sub scrollbuttons {
-    my ($start,$maxdis,$first,$finish,$total)=@_;
+    my ($start,$maxdis,$first,$finish,$total,$msgstatus)=@_;
     unless ($total>0) { return ''; }
     $start++; $maxdis++;$first++;$finish++;
-    return
-   &mt('Page').': '. 
-   '<input type="submit" name="firstview" value="'.&mt('First').'" />'.
-   '<input type="submit" name="prevview" value="'.&mt('Previous').'" />'.
-   '<input type="text" size="5" name="startdis" value="'.$start.'" onChange="this.form.submit()" /> of '.$maxdis.
-   '<input type="submit" name="nextview" value="'.&mt('Next').'" />'.
-   '<input type="submit" name="lastview" value="'.&mt('Last').'" /><br />'.
-   &mt('Showing messages [_1] through [_2] of [_3]',$first,$finish,$total).'</form>';
+    my %statushash = &get_msgstatus_types();
+    my $status;
+    if ($msgstatus eq '') {
+        $status = 'All'; # Don't translate here!
+    } else {
+        $status = $statushash{$msgstatus};
+    }
+    my $output;
+    if ($maxdis == 1) {
+        # No buttons if only one page is displayed
+        $output = '<b>'.&mt('Page:').'</b> 1/1'; 
+    } else {
+        $output = '<b><label for="startdis">'.&mt('Page:').'</label></b> '.
+           '<input type="submit" name="firstview" value="|&lt;" />'.
+           '<input type="submit" name="prevview" value="&lt;" />'.
+           ' <input type="text" size="5" name="startdis" id="startdis" value="'.$start.'" onchange="this.form.submit()" /> / '.$maxdis.' '.
+           '<input type="submit" name="nextview" value="&gt;" />'.
+           '<input type="submit" name="lastview" value="&gt;|" />';
+    }
+    $output .=
+        '<p>'
+       .'<b>'.&mt($status.' messages:').'</b> '
+       .&mt('showing messages [_1] through [_2] of [_3].',
+            $first,$finish,$total)
+       .'</p>'
+       .'</form>';
+    return $output;
 # =============================================================== Status Change
 sub statuschange {
     my ($msgid,$newstatus,$folder)=@_;
-    my $suffix=&foldersuffix($folder);
+    my $suffix=&Apache::lonmsg::foldersuffix($folder);
     my %status=&Apache::lonnet::get('email_status'.$suffix,[$msgid]);
     if ($status{$msgid}=~/^error\:/) { $status{$msgid}=''; }
     unless ($status{$msgid}) { $status{$msgid}='new'; }
@@ -184,163 +337,572 @@ sub statuschange {
 	&Apache::lonnet::put('email_status'.$suffix,{$msgid => $newstatus});
     if ($newstatus eq 'deleted') {
-       &movemsg(&Apache::lonnet::unescape($msgid),$folder,'trash');
-   }
+	return &movemsg($msgid,$folder,'trash');
+    }
+    return ;
 # ============================================================= Make new folder
 sub makefolder {
-    my ($newfolder)=@_;
-    if (($newfolder eq 'sent')
-     || ($newfolder eq 'critical')
-     || ($newfolder eq 'trash')
-     || ($newfolder eq 'new')) { return; }
-    &Apache::lonnet::put('email_folders',{$newfolder => time});
+    my ($newfolder) = @_;
+    my %permfolders = &get_permanent_folders();
+    my %userfolders = &Apache::lonmsg::get_user_folders();
+    my ($outcome,$warning);
+    if (defined($userfolders{$newfolder})) {
+        return &mt('The folder name: "[_1]" is already in use for an existing folder.',$newfolder);
+    }
+    foreach my $perm (keys(%permfolders)) {
+        if ($permfolders{$perm} eq $newfolder) {
+            return &mt('The folder name: "[_1]" is already used for one of the folders automatically generated by the system.',$newfolder);
+        }
+    } 
+    if (&get_msgfolder_lock() eq 'ok') {
+        my %counter_hash = &Apache::lonnet::get('email_folders',["\0".'idcount']);
+        my $lastcount = $counter_hash{"\0".'idcount'};
+        my $folder_id = $lastcount + 1;
+        while (defined($userfolders{$folder_id})) {
+            $folder_id ++;
+        }
+        my %folderinfo = ( id      => $folder_id,
+                           created => time, );
+        $outcome =  
+	    &Apache::lonnet::put('email_folders',{$newfolder => \%folderinfo,
+						  "\0".'idcount' => $folder_id});
+        my $releaseresult = &release_msgfolder_lock();
+        if ($releaseresult ne 'ok') {
+            $warning = $releaseresult;
+        }
+    } else {
+        $outcome = 
+	    &mt('Error - could not obtain lock on message folders record.');
+    }
+    return ($outcome,$warning);
+# ============================================================= Delete folder
+sub deletefolder {
+    my ($folder)=@_;
+    my %permfolders = &get_permanent_folders();
+    if (defined($permfolders{$folder})) {
+        return &mt('The folder "[_1]" may not be deleted.',$permfolders{$folder}); 
+    }
+    my %userfolders = &Apache::lonmsg::get_user_folders();
+    if (!defined($userfolders{$folder})) {
+        return &mt('The folder "[_1]" does not exist so deletion is not required.',
+                   $folder);
+    }
+    # check folder is empty;
+    my $suffix=&Apache::lonmsg::foldersuffix($folder);
+    my @messages = &Apache::lonnet::getkeys('nohist_email'.$suffix);
+    if (@messages > 0) {
+        return &mt('The folder "[_1]" contains messages so it may not be deleted.',$folder).
+               '<br />'.
+               &mt('Delete or move the messages to a different folder first.');
+    }
+    my $delresult = &Apache::lonnet::del('email_folders',[$folder]);
+    return $delresult;
+sub renamefolder {
+    my ($folder) = @_;
+    my $newname = $env{'form.renamed'};
+    my %permfolders = &get_permanent_folders();
+    if ($env{'form.renamed'} eq '') {
+        return &mt('The folder "[_1]" may not be renamed to "[_2]" as the new name you requested is an invalid name.',$folder,$newname);
+    }
+    if (defined($permfolders{$folder})) {
+        return &mt('The folder "[_1]" may not be renamed as it is a folder provided by the system.',$folder);
+    }
+    if (defined($permfolders{$newname})) {
+        return &mt('The folder "[_1]" may not be renamed to "[_2]" as the new name you requested is reserved for folders provided automatically by the system.',$folder,$newname);
+    }
+    my %userfolders = &Apache::lonmsg::get_user_folders();
+    if (defined($userfolders{$newname})) {
+        return &mt('The folder "[_1]" may not be renamed to "[_2]" because the new name you requested is already being used for an existing folder.',$folder,$newname);
+    }
+    if (!defined($userfolders{$folder})) {
+        return &mt('The folder "[_1]" could not be renamed to "[_2]" because the folder does not exist.',$folder,$newname);
+    }
+    my %folderinfo;
+    if (ref($userfolders{$folder}) eq 'HASH') {
+        %folderinfo = %{$userfolders{$folder}};
+    } else {
+        %folderinfo = ( id      => $folder,
+                        created => $userfolders{$folder},);
+    }
+    my $outcome =
+     &Apache::lonnet::put('email_folders',{$newname => \%folderinfo});
+    if ($outcome eq 'ok') {
+        $outcome = &Apache::lonnet::del('email_folders',[$folder]);
+    }
+    return $outcome;
+sub get_msgfolder_lock {
+    # get lock for mail folder counter.
+    my $lockhash = { "\0".'lock_counter' => time, };
+    my $tries = 0;
+    my $gotlock = &Apache::lonnet::newput('email_folders',$lockhash);
+    while (($gotlock ne 'ok') && $tries <3) {
+        $tries ++;
+        sleep(1);
+        $gotlock = &Apache::lonnet::newput('email_folders',$lockhash);
+    }
+    return $gotlock;
+sub release_msgfolder_lock {
+    #  remove lock
+    my @del_lock = ("\0".'lock_counter');
+    my $dellockoutcome=&Apache::lonnet::del('email_folders',\@del_lock);
+    if ($dellockoutcome ne 'ok') {
+        return ('<br />'.&mt('Warning: failed to release lock for counter').'<br />');
+    } else {
+        return 'ok';
+    }
 # ======================================================== Move between folders
 sub movemsg {
     my ($msgid,$srcfolder,$trgfolder)=@_;
     if ($srcfolder eq 'new') { $srcfolder=''; }
-    my $srcsuffix=&foldersuffix($srcfolder);
-    my $trgsuffix=&foldersuffix($trgfolder);
+    my $srcsuffix=&Apache::lonmsg::foldersuffix($srcfolder);
+    my $trgsuffix=&Apache::lonmsg::foldersuffix($trgfolder);
+    if ($srcsuffix eq $trgsuffix) {
+	return (0,&mt('Message not moved, Attempted to move message to the same folder as it already is in.'));
+    }
 # Copy message
     my %message=&Apache::lonnet::get('nohist_email'.$srcsuffix,[$msgid]);
-    &Apache::lonnet::put('nohist_email'.$trgsuffix,{$msgid => $message{$msgid}});
+    if (!exists($message{$msgid}) || $message{$msgid} eq '') {
+	if (&Apache::lonnet::error(%message)) {
+	    return (0,&mt('Message not moved, A network error occurred.'));
+	} else {
+	    return (0,&mt('Message not moved as the message is no longer in the source folder.'));
+	}
+    }
+    my $result =&Apache::lonnet::put('nohist_email'.$trgsuffix,
+				     {$msgid => $message{$msgid}});
+    if (&Apache::lonnet::error($result)) {
+	return (0,&mt('Message not moved, A network error occurred.'));
+    }
 # Copy status
     unless ($trgfolder eq 'trash') {
-	my %status=&Apache::lonnet::get('email_status'.$srcsuffix,[$msgid]);
-	&Apache::lonnet::put('email_status'.$trgsuffix,{$msgid => $status{$msgid}});
+       	my %status=&Apache::lonnet::get('email_status'.$srcsuffix,[$msgid]);
+	# a non-existant status is the mark of an unread msg
+	if (&Apache::lonnet::error(%status)) {
+	    return (0,&mt('Message copied to new folder but status was not, A network error occurred.'));
+	}
+	my $result=&Apache::lonnet::put('email_status'.$trgsuffix,
+					{$msgid => $status{$msgid}});
+	if (&Apache::lonnet::error($result)) {
+	    return (0,&mt('Message copied to new folder but status was not, A network error occurred.'));
+	}
 # Delete orginals
-    &Apache::lonnet::del('nohist_email'.$srcsuffix,[$msgid]);
-    &Apache::lonnet::del('email_status'.$srcsuffix,[$msgid]);
+    my $result_del_msg = 
+	&Apache::lonnet::del('nohist_email'.$srcsuffix,[$msgid]);
+    my $result_del_stat =
+	&Apache::lonnet::del('email_status'.$srcsuffix,[$msgid]);
+    if (&Apache::lonnet::error($result_del_msg)) {
+	return (0,&mt('Message copied, but unable to delete the original from the source folder.'));
+    }
+    if (&Apache::lonnet::error($result_del_stat)) {
+	return (0,&mt('Message copied, but unable to delete the original status from the source folder.'));
+    }
+    return (1);
 # ======================================================= Display a course list
 sub discourse {
-    my $r=shift;
-    my $classlist = &Apache::loncoursedata::get_classlist();
-    my $now=time;
-    my %lt=&Apache::lonlocal::texthash('cfa' => 'Check All',
-            'cfs' => 'Check Section/Group',
-            'cfn' => 'Uncheck All');
-    $r->print(<<ENDDISHEADER);
-<input type="hidden" name="sendmode" value="group" />
-    function checkall() {
-	for (i=0; i<document.forms.compemail.elements.length; i++) {
-            if 
-          (document.forms.compemail.elements[i].name.indexOf('send_to_')==0) {
-	      document.forms.compemail.elements[i].checked=true;
-            }
-        }
+    my ($statushash) = @_;
+    my ($result,$active,$previous,$future);
+    my $crstype = &Apache::loncommon::course_type();
+    my ($course_personnel,
+	$current_members,
+	$expired_members,
+	$future_members) = 
+	    &Apache::lonselstudent::get_people_in_class($env{'request.course.sec'});
+    unshift @$current_members, (@$course_personnel);
+    my %defaultUsers;
+    my $tmptext;
+    if ($tmptext = &Apache::lonselstudent::render_student_list($current_members,
+                                                               "activeusers",
+                                                               "current",
+                                                               \%defaultUsers,
+                                                               1,"selectedusers",1,'email')
+       ) {
+       my $bcc_curr_hdr;
+       if ($crstype eq 'Community') {
+           $bcc_curr_hdr = &mt('Bcc: community participants with current access');
+       } else {
+           $bcc_curr_hdr = &mt('Bcc: course members with current access');
+       }
+       $result .= '<fieldset id="LC_activeusers"><legend>'
+                 .$bcc_curr_hdr
+                 .'</legend>'
+                 .'<form name="activeusers" action="">';
+       $result .= $tmptext.'</form></fieldset><br />';
+       if (ref($statushash) eq 'HASH') {
+           $statushash->{'active'} = 1;
+       }
+    }
+    if ($tmptext = &Apache::lonselstudent::render_student_list($expired_members,
+                                                               "previoususers",
+                                                               "expired",
+                                                               \%defaultUsers,
+                                                               1, "selectedusers",0,'email')
+       ) {
+       my $bcc_prev_hdr;
+       if ($crstype eq 'Community') {
+           $bcc_prev_hdr = &mt('Bcc: community participants with expired access');
+       } else {
+           $bcc_prev_hdr = &mt('Bcc: course members with expired access');
+       }
+       $result .= '<fieldset id="LC_previoususers"><legend>'
+                 .$bcc_prev_hdr
+                 .'</legend>'
+                 .'<form name="previoususers" action="">';
+       $result .= $tmptext.'</form></fieldset><br />';
+       if (ref($statushash) eq 'HASH') {
+           $statushash->{'previous'} = 1;
+       }
+    }
+    if ($tmptext = &Apache::lonselstudent::render_student_list($future_members,
+                                                               "futureusers",
+                                                               "future",
+                                                               \%defaultUsers,
+                                                               1, "selectedusers",0,'email')
+       ) {
+       my $bcc_future_hdr;
+       if ($crstype eq 'Community') {
+           $bcc_future_hdr = &mt('Bcc: community participants with future access');
+       } else {
+           $bcc_future_hdr = &mt('Bcc: course members with future access');
+       }
+       $result .= '<fieldset id="LC_futureusers"><legend>'
+                 .$bcc_future_hdr
+                 .'</legend>'
+                 .'<form name="futureusers" action="">';
+       $result .= $tmptext.'</form></fieldset>';
+       if (ref($statushash) eq 'HASH') {
+           $statushash->{'future'} = 1;
+       }
+    return $result;
-    function checksec() {
-	for (i=0; i<document.forms.compemail.elements.length; i++) {
-            if 
-          (document.forms.compemail.elements[i].name.indexOf
-           ('send_to_&&&'+document.forms.compemail.chksec.value+'&&&')==0) {
-	      document.forms.compemail.elements[i].checked=true;
+sub disgroup {
+    my ($r,$cdom,$cnum,$group,$access_status) = @_;
+    my $hasfloat;
+    #  Needs to be in a course
+    if (!($env{'request.course.fn'})) {
+        $r->print('<span class="LC_error">'.&mt('Error: you must have a course role selected to be able to send a broadcast message to a group in the course.').'</span>');
+        return;
+    }
+    if ($cdom eq '' || $cnum eq '') {
+        $r->print('<span class="LC_error">'.&mt('Error: could not determine domain or number of course').'</span>');
+        return;
+    }
+    my ($memberinfo,$numitems) =
+                 &Apache::longroup::group_memberlist($cdom,$cnum,$group,{},[]);
+    my @statustypes = ('active');
+    my $viewgrps = &Apache::lonnet::allowed('vcg',$env{'request.course.id'}.
+                   ($env{'request.course.sec'}?'/'.$env{'request.course.sec'}:''));
+    my $editgrps = &Apache::lonnet::allowed('mdg',$env{'request.course.id'}.
+                   ($env{'request.course.sec'}?'/'.$env{'request.course.sec'}:''));
+    if ($viewgrps || $editgrps) {
+        push(@statustypes,('future','previous'));
+    }
+    if (keys(%{$memberinfo}) == 0) {
+        $r->print('<span class="LC_warning">'.
+                  &mt('As this group has no members, there are no recipients to select').
+                  '</span>');
+        return;
+    } else {
+        $hasfloat = 1;
+        $r->print('<div class="LC_left_float">');
+        my %Sortby = (
+                         active   => {},
+                         previous => {},
+                         future   => {},
+                     );
+        my %lt = &Apache::lonlocal::texthash(
+                                     'name'     => 'Name',
+                                     'usnm'     => 'Username',
+                                     'doma'     => 'Domain',
+                                     'active'   => 'Broadcast to Active Members',
+                                     'previous' => 'Broadcast (Bcc) to Former Members',
+                                     'future'   => 'Broadcast (Bcc) to Future Members',
+                                    );
+        foreach my $user (sort(keys(%{$memberinfo}))) {
+            my $status = $$memberinfo{$user}{status};
+            if ($env{'form.'.$status.'.sortby'} eq 'fullname') {
+                push(@{$Sortby{$status}{$$memberinfo{$user}{fullname}}},$user);
+            } elsif ($env{'form.'.$status.'.sortby'} eq 'username') {
+                push(@{$Sortby{$status}{$$memberinfo{$user}{uname}}},$user);
+            } elsif ($env{'form.'.$status.'.sortby'} eq 'domain') {
+                push(@{$Sortby{$status}{$$memberinfo{$user}{udom}}},$user);
+            } else {
+                push(@{$Sortby{$status}{$$memberinfo{$user}{fullname}}},$user);
+            }
+        }
+        $r->print(&group_check_uncheck());
+        foreach my $status (@statustypes)  {
+            if (ref($numitems) eq 'HASH') {
+                if ((defined($$numitems{$status})) && ($$numitems{$status})) {
+                    my $formname = $status.'users';
+                    if (ref($access_status) eq 'HASH') {
+                        $access_status->{$status} = $$numitems{$status};
+                    }
+                    $r->print('<fieldset>'.
+                              '<legend>'.$lt{$status}.'</legend>'.
+                              '<form name="'.$formname.'" action="">'.
+                              '<span class="LC_nobreak">'.
+                              '<input type="button" value="'.&mt('Check All').'" '.
+                              'onclick="javascript:toggleAll('."this.form,'check'".')" />'.
+                              '&nbsp;&nbsp;'.
+                              '<input type="button" value="'.&mt('Uncheck All').'" '.
+                              'onclick="javascript:toggleAll('."this.form,'uncheck'".')" />'.
+                              '</span>');
+                    if ($status eq 'active') {
+                        $r->print(('&nbsp;'x3).'<select name="groupmail">'.
+                                 '<option value="bcc" selected="selected">'.&mt('Bcc').'</option>'.
+                                 '<option value="cc">'.&mt('Cc').'</option>'.
+                               '</select>');
+                    }
+                    $r->print('<br />'.&Apache::loncommon::start_data_table().
+                               &Apache::loncommon::start_data_table_header_row().
+                               "<th>$lt{'name'}</th>".
+                               "<th>$lt{'usnm'}</th>".
+                               "<th>$lt{'doma'}</th>".
+                               &Apache::loncommon::end_data_table_header_row());
+                    foreach my $key (sort(keys(%{$Sortby{$status}}))) {
+                        foreach my $user (@{$Sortby{$status}{$key}}) {
+                            $r->print(&Apache::loncommon::start_data_table_row().
+                                '<td><span class="LC_nobreak"><input type="checkbox" '.
+                                'name="selectedusers_forminput" value="'.
+                                $user.':'.$status.'" />'.
+                                $$memberinfo{$user}{'fullname'}.'</span></td>'.
+                                '<td>'.$$memberinfo{$user}{'uname'}.'</td>'.
+                                '<td>'.$$memberinfo{$user}{'udom'}.'</td>'.
+                                &Apache::loncommon::end_data_table_row());
+                        }
+                    }
+                    $r->print(&Apache::loncommon::end_data_table().'</form>'.
+                              '</fieldset><br />');
+                }
+        $r->print('</div>');
+    return $hasfloat;
-    function uncheckall() {
-	for (i=0; i<document.forms.compemail.elements.length; i++) {
-            if 
-          (document.forms.compemail.elements[i].name.indexOf('send_to_')==0) {
-	      document.forms.compemail.elements[i].checked=false;
+sub group_check_uncheck {
+    my $output = qq|
+<script type="text/javascript">
+// <![CDATA[
+function toggleAll(form,action) {
+    if (typeof(form.selectedusers_forminput.length)=="undefined") {
+         if (action == 'check') {
+            form.selectedusers_forminput.checked = true;
+         } else {
+            form.selectedusers_forminput.checked = false;
+        }
+    } else {
+        for (var i=0; i<form.selectedusers_forminput.length; i++) {
+            if (action == 'check') {
+                form.selectedusers_forminput[i].checked = true;
+            } else {
+                form.selectedusers_forminput[i].checked = false;
+// ]]>
-<input type="button" onClick="checkall()" value="$lt{'cfa'}" />&nbsp;
-<input type="button" onClick="checksec()" value="$lt{'cfs'}" />
-<input type="text" size="5" name="chksec" />&nbsp;
-<input type="button" onClick="uncheckall()" value="$lt{'cfn'}" />
-    my %coursepersonnel=&Apache::lonnet::get_course_adv_roles();
-    $r->print('<table>');
-    foreach my $role (sort keys %coursepersonnel) {
-        foreach (split(/\,/,$coursepersonnel{$role})) {
-            my ($puname,$pudom)=split(/\:/,$_);
-            $r->print('<tr><td><label>'.
-                      '<input type="checkbox" name="send_to_&&&&&&_'.
-                      $puname.':'.$pudom.'" /> '.
-                      &Apache::loncommon::plainname($puname,$pudom).
-                      '</label></td>'.
-                      '<td>('.$_.'),</td><td><i>'.$role.'</i></td></tr>');
-        }
-    }
-    $r->print('</table><table>');
-    my $sort = sub {
-	my $aname=lc($classlist->{$a}[&Apache::loncoursedata::CL_FULLNAME()]);
-	if (!$aname) { $aname=$a; }
-	my $bname=lc($classlist->{$b}[&Apache::loncoursedata::CL_FULLNAME()]);
-	if (!$bname) { $bname=$b; }
-	return $aname cmp $bname;
-    };
-    foreach my $student (sort $sort (keys(%{$classlist}))) {
-	my $info=$classlist->{$student};
-        my ($sname,$sdom,$status,$fullname,$section) =
-            (@{$info}[&Apache::loncoursedata::CL_SNAME(),
-                      &Apache::loncoursedata::CL_SDOM(),
-                      &Apache::loncoursedata::CL_STATUS(),
-                      &Apache::loncoursedata::CL_FULLNAME(),
-                      &Apache::loncoursedata::CL_SECTION()]);
-        next if ($status ne 'Active');
-	next if ($env{'request.course.sec'} &&
-		 $section ne $env{'request.course.sec'});
-        my $key = 'send_to_&&&'.$section.'&&&_'.$student;
-        if (! defined($fullname) || $fullname eq '') { $fullname = $sname; }
-        $r->print('<tr><td><label>'.
-                  qq{<input type="checkbox" name="$key" />}.('&nbsp;'x2).
-                  $fullname.'</label></td><td>'.$sname.'@'.$sdom.'</td><td>'.$section.
-                  '</td></tr>');
+    |;
+sub groupmail_header {
+    my ($action,$group,$cdom,$cnum) = @_;
+    my ($description,$refarg);
+    if (!$cdom || !$cnum) {
+        $cdom = $env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.domain'};
+        $cnum = $env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.num'};
-    $r->print('</table>');
+    if (exists($env{'form.ref'})) {
+        $refarg = 'ref='.$env{'form.ref'};
+    }
+    if (!$group) {
+        $group = $env{'form.group'};
+    }
+    if ($group eq '') {
+        return  '';
+    } else {
+        my %curr_groups = &Apache::longroup::coursegroups($cdom,$cnum,$group);
+        if (defined($curr_groups{$group})) {
+            my %groupinfo =
+                    &Apache::longroup::get_group_settings($curr_groups{$group});
+            $description = &unescape($groupinfo{'description'});
+        }
+    }
+    &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::clear_breadcrumbs();
+    if ($refarg) {
+        my $brtitle;
+        if (&Apache::loncommon::course_type() eq 'Community') {
+            $brtitle = 'View community groups';  
+        } else {
+            $brtitle = 'View course groups';
+        }  
+        &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::add_breadcrumb
+            ({href=>"/adm/coursegroups",
+              text=>"Groups",
+              title=>$brtitle});
+    }
+    my $view_permission =
+          &Apache::lonnet::allowed('vcg',$env{'request.course.id'}.($env{'request.course.sec'}?'/'.$env{'request.course.sec'}:''));
+    my $navmap=Apache::lonnavmaps::navmap->new();
+    my $grouppagelink = &Apache::longroup::get_group_link($cdom,$cnum,$group,$navmap,$view_permission,$refarg);
+    if ($grouppagelink) {
+        &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::add_breadcrumb
+            ({href=>$grouppagelink,
+              text=>&mt('Group').": $description",
+              title=>&mt("Go to group's home page"),
+              no_mt=>1,
+             },);
+    } else {
+        &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::add_breadcrumb
+            ({text=>&mt('Group').": $description",
+              no_mt=>1,});
+    }
+    &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::add_breadcrumb   
+          ({href=>"/adm/email?compose=group&amp;group=".
+                     "$env{'form.group'}&amp;$refarg",
+               text=>"Send a Message in a Group",
+               title=>"Compose Group Message"},);
+    if ($action eq 'sending') {
+            &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::add_breadcrumb
+                         ({text=>"Messages being sent.",
+                           title=>"E-mails sent"},);
+    }
+    my $groupheader = &Apache::loncommon::start_page('Group Message');
+    $groupheader .= &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::breadcrumbs(
+                                    &mt('Group messages - [_1]',$description),
+                                                        undef,undef,undef,undef,1);
+    return $groupheader.'<div class="LC_landmark" role="main">';
+sub groupmail_sent {
+    my ($group,$cdom,$cnum) = @_;
+    my $refarg;
+    if (exists($env{'form.ref'})) {
+        $refarg = 'ref='.$env{'form.ref'};
+    }
+    my $output .= '<br /><br /><a href="/adm/email?compose=group&amp;group='.
+                  $group.'&amp;'.$refarg.'">'.
+                  &mt('Send another group message').'</a>'.'&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;'.
+                  '<a href="/adm/'.$cdom.'/'.$cnum.'/'.$group.'/smppg?'.
+                  $refarg.'">'. &mt('Return to group page').'</a>';
+    return $output;
 # ==================================================== Display Critical Message
 sub discrit {
     my $r=shift;
-    my $header = '<h1><font color=red>'.&mt('Critical Messages').'</font></h1>'.
-        '<form action="/adm/email" method="POST">'.
-        '<input type="hidden" name="confirm" value="true" />';
+    my $header = '<h1>'.&mt('Critical Messages').'</h1>'
+                .'<div class="LC_warning">'
+                .&mt('Access to other pages will be prevented until you have moved all critical messages to your inbox.')
+                .'</div><br />'
+                .'<form action="/adm/email" method="post">'
+                .'<input type="hidden" name="confirm" value="true" />';
     my %what=&Apache::lonnet::dump('critical');
     my $result = '';
-    foreach (sort keys %what) {
-        my %content=&Apache::lonmsg::unpackagemsg($what{$_});
+    # Sort by date in descending order
+    foreach my $key (sort{$b <=> $a}(keys(%what))) {    
+        my %content=&Apache::lonmsg::unpackagemsg($what{$key});
         next if ($content{'senderdomain'} eq '');
-        $result.='<hr />'.&mt('From').': <b>'.
- &Apache::loncommon::plainname($content{'sendername'},$content{'senderdomain'}),$content{'sendername'},$content{'senderdomain'}).'</b> ('.
-            $content{'senderdomain'}.') '.$content{'time'}.
-            '<br />'.&mt('Subject').': '.$content{'subject'}.
-            '<br /><pre>'.
-              &Apache::lontexconvert::msgtexconverted($content{'message'}).
-            '</pre><small>'.
-&mt('You have to confirm that you received this message. After confirmation, this message will be moved to your regular inbox').
-            '</small><br />'.
-            '<input type="submit" name="rec_'.$_.'" value="'.&mt('Confirm Receipt').'" />'.
-            '<input type="submit" name="reprec_'.$_.'" '.
-                  'value="'.&mt('Confirm Receipt and Reply').'" />';
+        my $description;
+        if ($content{'courseid'} ne '') {
+            if ($content{'courseid'} =~ m{/^$match_domain\_$match_courseid$}) {
+                my %courseinfo=&Apache::lonnet::coursedescription($content{'courseid'},{'one_time' => 1});
+                if ($courseinfo{'description'} ne '') {
+                    $description = $courseinfo{'description'};
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        $result .= &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::start_pick_box()
+                  .&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::row_title(&mt('From'),undef,'LC_oddrow_value')
+                  .'<b>'.&Apache::loncommon::aboutmewrapper(
+                   &Apache::loncommon::plainname($content{'sendername'},$content{'senderdomain'}),$content{'sendername'},$content{'senderdomain'}).'</b>'
+                  .' ('.$content{'sendername'}.':'.$content{'senderdomain'}.')'
+                  .&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::row_closure(1)
+                  .&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::row_title(&mt('Date'),undef,'LC_evenrow_value')
+                  .$content{'time'}
+                  .&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::row_closure(1)
+                  .&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::row_title(&mt('Subject'),undef,'LC_oddrow_value')
+                  .$content{'subject'}
+                  .&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::row_closure(1);
+        if ($description ne '') {
+            $result .= &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::row_title(&mt('Course'),undef,'LC_oddrow_value')
+                      .$description
+                      .&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::row_closure(1);
+        }
+        $result .= &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::row_title(&mt('Message'),undef,'LC_evenrow_value')
+                  .'<pre class="LC_wordwrap">'.&Apache::lontexconvert::msgtexconverted($content{'message'}).'</pre>'
+                  .&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::row_closure()
+                  .&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::row_title('',undef,'LC_oddrow_value')
+                  .'<div class="LC_warning">';
+        my ($rec_button,$reprec_button);
+        $rec_button = &mt('Move to Inbox');
+        if (!$content{'noreplies'}) {
+            $reprec_button = &mt('Move to Inbox/Compose reply');
+        }
+        if ($content{'sendback'}) {
+            $rec_button = &mt('Confirm Receipt');
+            if (!$content{'noreplies'}) {
+                $reprec_button = &mt('Confirm Receipt and Reply');
+            }
+            $result .= &mt('You have to confirm that you have received this message before you can view other pages. After confirmation, this message will be moved to your regular inbox');
+        } else {
+            $result .= &mt('Access to other pages will be prevented until you have moved the message to your inbox.'); 
+        }
+        $result .= '</div>'
+                  .&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::row_closure(1)
+                  .&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::row_title('',undef,'LC_evenrow_value')
+                  .'<input type="submit" name="rec_'.$key.'" value="'.$rec_button.'" />';
+        if (!$content{'noreplies'}) {
+            $result .= '<input type="submit" name="reprec_'.$key.'" '
+                      .'value="'.$reprec_button.'" />'
+        }
+        $result .= &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::row_closure(1)
+                  .&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::end_pick_box()
+                  .'<br />';
     # Check to see if there were any messages.
     if ($result eq '') {
-        $result = "<h2>".&mt('You have no critical messages.')."</h2>".
-	    '<a href="/adm/roles">'.&mt('Select a course').'</a><br />'.
-            '<a href="/adm/email">'.&mt('Communicate').'</a>';
+        $result =
+            '<p class="LC_info">'.
+            &mt('You have no critical messages.').
+            '</p>'.
+            &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::actionbox(
+                ['<a href="/adm/roles">'.&mt('Select a course').'</a>',
+                 '<a href="/adm/email">'.&mt('Communicate').'</a>']);
     } else {
@@ -349,7 +911,7 @@ $content{'sendername'}.'@'.
 sub sortedmessages {
-    my ($blocked,$startblock,$endblock,$numblocked,$folder) = @_;
+    my ($blocked,$startblock,$endblock,$by_ip,$numblocked,$folder,$msgstatus) = @_;
     my $suffix=&Apache::lonmsg::foldersuffix($folder);
     my @messages = &Apache::lonnet::getkeys('nohist_email'.$suffix);
     #unpack the varibles and repack into temp for sorting
@@ -357,18 +919,33 @@ sub sortedmessages {
     my %descriptions;
     my %status_cache = 
-    foreach (@messages) {
-	my $msgid=&Apache::lonnet::escape($_);
-	my ($sendtime,$shortsubj,$fromname,$fromdomain,$status,$fromcid)=
-	    &Apache::lonmsg::unpackmsgid($msgid,$folder,undef,
+    my $get_received;
+    if ($folder eq 'sent' 
+	&& ($env{'form.sortedby'} =~ m/^(rev)?(user|domain)$/)) {
+	$get_received = 1;
+    }
+    foreach my $msgid (@messages) {
+        next if ($msgid eq '');
+	my $esc_msgid=&escape($msgid);
+	my ($sendtime,$shortsubj,$fromname,$fromdomain,$status,$fromcid,$processid,$symb,$error) =
+	    &Apache::lonmsg::unpackmsgid($esc_msgid,$folder,undef,
+        next if ($msgstatus ne '' && $msgstatus ne $status);
         my $description = &get_course_desc($fromcid,\%descriptions);
 	my @temp1 = ($sendtime,$shortsubj,$fromname,$fromdomain,$status,
-		     $msgid,$description);
+		     $esc_msgid,$description);
+	if ($get_received) {
+	    my %message = &Apache::lonnet::get('nohist_email'.$suffix,
+					       [$msgid]);
+	    my %content = &Apache::lonmsg::unpackagemsg($message{$msgid});
+	    push(@temp1,$content{'recuser'},$content{'recdomain'});
+	}
         # Check whether message was sent during blocking period.
-        if ($sendtime >= $startblock && ($sendtime <= $endblock && $endblock > 0) ) {
-            my $escid = &Apache::lonnet::unescape($msgid);
-            $$blocked{$escid} = 'ON';
+        if (($by_ip) ||
+            (($sendtime >= $startblock) && ($sendtime <= $endblock && $endblock > 0))) {
+            $$blocked{$msgid} = 'ON';
             $$numblocked ++;
         } else { 
             push @temp ,\@temp1;
@@ -383,16 +960,32 @@ sub sortedmessages {
     	@temp = sort  {$b->[0] <=> $a->[0]} @temp; 
     if ($env{'form.sortedby'} eq "user"){
-	@temp = sort  {lc($a->[2]) cmp lc($b->[2])} @temp;
+	if ($get_received) {
+	    @temp = sort  {lc($a->[7][0]) cmp lc($b->[7][0])} @temp;
+	} else {
+	    @temp = sort  {lc($a->[2])    cmp lc($b->[2])}    @temp;
+	}
     if ($env{'form.sortedby'} eq "revuser"){
-	@temp = sort  {lc($b->[2]) cmp lc($a->[2])} @temp;
+	if ($get_received) {
+	    @temp = sort  {lc($b->[7][0]) cmp lc($a->[7][0])} @temp;
+	} else {
+	    @temp = sort  {lc($b->[2])    cmp lc($a->[2])}    @temp;
+	}
     if ($env{'form.sortedby'} eq "domain"){
-        @temp = sort  {$a->[3] cmp $b->[3]} @temp;
+	if ($get_received) {
+	    @temp = sort  {$a->[8][0] cmp $b->[8][0]} @temp;
+	} else {
+	    @temp = sort  {$a->[3]    cmp $b->[3]}    @temp;
+	}
     if ($env{'form.sortedby'} eq "revdomain"){
-        @temp = sort  {$b->[3] cmp $a->[3]} @temp;
+	if ($get_received) {
+	    @temp = sort  {$b->[8][0] cmp $a->[8][0]} @temp;
+	} else {
+	    @temp = sort  {$b->[3]    cmp $a->[3]}    @temp;
+	}
     if ($env{'form.sortedby'} eq "subject"){
         @temp = sort  {lc($a->[1]) cmp lc($b->[1])} @temp;
@@ -427,262 +1020,364 @@ sub get_course_desc {
             if (defined($env{'course.'.$fromcid.'.description'})) {
                 $description = $env{'course.'.$fromcid.'.description'};
             } else {
-                my %courseinfo=&Apache::lonnet::coursedescription($fromcid);                $description = $courseinfo{'description'};
-                $description = $courseinfo{'description'};
+                if ($fromcid =~ m{/^$match_domain\_$match_courseid$}) {
+                    my %courseinfo=&Apache::lonnet::coursedescription($fromcid,
+                                                                      {'one_time' => 1});
+                    $description = $courseinfo{'description'};
+                }
+            }
+            if ($description ne '') {
+                $$descriptions{$fromcid} = $description;
-            $$descriptions{$fromcid} = $description;
         return $description;
-# ======================================================== Display new messages
+# ======================================================== Display all messages
-sub disnew {
-    my $r=shift;
-    my %lt=&Apache::lonlocal::texthash(
-				       'nm' => 'New Messages',
-				       'su' => 'Subject',
-                                       'co' => 'Course',
-				       'da' => 'Date',
-				       'us' => 'Username',
-				       'op' => 'Open',
-				       'do' => 'Domain'
-				       );
-    my @msgids = sort(&Apache::lonnet::getkeys('nohist_email'));
-    my @newmsgs;
-    my %setters = ();
-    my $startblock = 0;
-    my $endblock = 0;
-    my %blocked = ();
-    my $numblocked = 0;
-    # Check for blocking of display because of scheduled online exams.
-    &blockcheck(\%setters,\$startblock,\$endblock);
-    my %status_cache = 
-	&Apache::lonnet::get('email_status',\@msgids);
-    my %descriptions;
-    foreach (@msgids) {
-	my $msgid=&Apache::lonnet::escape($_);
-        my ($sendtime,$shortsubj,$fromname,$fromdom,$status,$fromcid)=
-	    &Apache::lonmsg::unpackmsgid($msgid,undef,undef,\%status_cache);
-        if (defined($sendtime) && $sendtime!~/error/) {
-            my $description = &get_course_desc($fromcid,\%descriptions);
-            my $numsendtime = $sendtime;
-            $sendtime = &Apache::lonlocal::locallocaltime($sendtime);
-            if ($status eq 'new') {
-                if ($numsendtime >= $startblock && ($numsendtime <= $endblock && $endblock > 0) ) {
-                    $blocked{$_} = 'ON';
-                    $numblocked ++;
-                } else {
-                    push @newmsgs, { 
-                        msgid    => $msgid,
-                        sendtime => $sendtime,
-                        shortsub => &Apache::lonnet::unescape($shortsubj),
-                        from     => $fromname,
-                        fromdom  => $fromdom,
-                        course   => $description 
-                        }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    if ($#newmsgs >= 0) {
-        $r->print(<<TABLEHEAD);
-<table border=2><tr><th>&nbsp</th>
-        foreach my $msg (@newmsgs) {
-            $r->print(<<"ENDLINK");
-<tr class="new" bgcolor="#FFBB77" onMouseOver="javascript:style.backgroundColor='#DD9955'" 
-<td><a href="/adm/email?dismode=new&display=$msg->{'msgid'}">$lt{'op'}</a></td>
-            foreach ('sendtime','from','fromdom','shortsub','course') {
-                $r->print("<td>$msg->{$_}</td>");
-            }
-            $r->print("</td></tr>");
-        }
-        $r->print('</table>');
-    } elsif ($numblocked == 0) {
-        $r->print("<h3>".&mt('You have no unread messages')."</h3>");
-    }
-    if ($numblocked > 0) {
-        my $beginblock = &Apache::lonlocal::locallocaltime($startblock);
-        my $finishblock = &Apache::lonlocal::locallocaltime($endblock);
-        if ($numblocked == 1) {
-            $r->print("<h3>".&mt('You have').' '.$numblocked.' '.&mt('blocked unread message').".</h3>");
-            $r->print(&mt('This message is not viewable because').' ');
-        } else {
-            $r->print("<h3>".&mt('You have').' '.$numblocked.' '.&mt('blocked unread messages').".</h3>");
-            $r->print(&mt('These').' '.$numblocked.' '.&mt('messages are not viewable because '));
+sub disall {
+    my ($r,$folder,$msgstatus)=@_;
+    my %saveable = ('msgstatus' => 'scalar',
+		    'sortedby'  => 'scalar',
+		    'interdis'  => 'scalar',
+		    );
+    &Apache::loncommon::store_settings('user','mail',\%saveable);
+    &Apache::loncommon::restore_settings('user','mail',\%saveable);
+    $folder    ||= $env{'form.folder'};
+    # Always show critical messages if present
+    my @what=&Apache::lonnet::dump('critical',$env{'user.domain'},$env{'user.name'});
+    if ($what[0]) {
+	if (($what[0] ne 'con_lost') && ($what[0]!~/^error\:/)) {
+            $folder = 'critical';
-        $r->print(
-&mt('display of LON-CAPA messages sent to you by other students between').' '.$beginblock.' '.&mt('and').' '.$finishblock.' '.&mt('is currently being blocked because of online exams').'.');
-        &build_block_table($r,$startblock,$endblock,\%setters);
+    $msgstatus ||= $env{'form.msgstatus'};
+    $env{'form.interdis'} ||= 20;
-# ======================================================== Display all messages
-sub disall {
-    my ($r,$folder)=@_;
-    $r->print(&folderlist($folder));
-    if ($folder eq 'new') {
-	&disnew($r);
-    } elsif ($folder eq 'critical') {
+    $r->print(&folderlist($folder,$msgstatus));
+    if ($folder eq 'critical') {
     } else {
-	&disfolder($r,$folder);
+	&disfolder($r,$folder,$msgstatus);
 # ============================================================ Display a folder
 sub disfolder {
-    my ($r,$folder)=@_;
+    my ($r,$folder,$msgstatus)=@_;
+    my %statushash = &get_msgstatus_types();
     my %blocked = ();
     my %setters = ();
-    my $startblock;
-    my $endblock;
     my $numblocked = 0;
-    &blockcheck(\%setters,\$startblock,\$endblock);
+    my $clientip = &Apache::lonnet::get_requestor_ip($r);
+    my ($startblock,$endblock,$triggerblock,$by_ip,$blockdom) =
+        &Apache::loncommon::blockcheck(\%setters,'com',$clientip);
+    my %js_lt = &Apache::lonlocal::texthash(
+                      sede => 'Select a destination folder to which the messages will be moved.',
+                      nome => 'No messages have been selected to apply this action to.',
+                      chec => 'Check the checkbox for at least one message.',  
+    );
+    &js_escape(\%js_lt);
+    my $jscript = &Apache::loncommon::check_uncheck_jscript();
-    function checkall() {
-	for (i=0; i<document.forms.disall.elements.length; i++) {
-            if 
-          (document.forms.disall.elements[i].name.indexOf('delmark_')==0) {
-	      document.forms.disall.elements[i].checked=true;
+<script type="text/javascript">
+// <![CDATA[
+    $jscript
+    function validate_checkedaction() {
+        document.disall.markedaction.value = document.disall.checkedaction.options[document.disall.checkedaction.selectedIndex].value;
+        if (document.disall.checkedaction.options[document.disall.checkedaction.selectedIndex].value == 'markedmove') {
+            if (document.disall.movetofolder.options[document.disall.movetofolder.selectedIndex].value == "") {
+                alert("$js_lt{'sede'}");
+                return;
+            } 
+        }
+        var checktotal = 0;
+        if (document.forms.disall.delmark.length > 0) {
+            for (var i=0; i<document.forms.disall.delmark.length; i++) {
+                if (document.forms.disall.delmark[i].checked) {
+                    checktotal ++;
+                }
-        }
-    }
-    function uncheckall() {
-	for (i=0; i<document.forms.disall.elements.length; i++) {
-            if 
-          (document.forms.disall.elements[i].name.indexOf('delmark_')==0) {
-	      document.forms.disall.elements[i].checked=false;
+        } else {
+            if (document.forms.disall.delmark.checked) {
+                checktotal ++;
+        }   
+        if (checktotal == 0) {
+            alert("$js_lt{'nome'}\\n$js_lt{'chec'}");
+            return;
+        document.disall.submit();
+// ]]>
-    my $fsqs='&folder='.$folder;
-    my @temp=sortedmessages(\%blocked,$startblock,$endblock,\$numblocked,$folder);
+    my $fsqs='&amp;folder='.$folder;
+    my @temp=&sortedmessages(\%blocked,$startblock,$endblock,$by_ip,\$numblocked,$folder,$msgstatus);
     my $totalnumber=$#temp+1;
-    unless ($totalnumber>0) {
-	$r->print('<h2>'.&mt('Empty Folder').'</h2>');
-	return;
-    }
-    unless ($interdis) {
-	$interdis=20;
+    if ($totalnumber < 1) {
+        $r->print('<p class="LC_info">');
+        if ($msgstatus eq '') {
+            $r->print(&mt('There are no messages in this folder.'));
+        } elsif ($msgstatus eq 'replied') {
+            $r->print(&mt('You have not replied to any messages in this folder.'));
+        } else {
+            $r->print(&mt('There are no '.lc($statushash{$msgstatus}).' messages in this folder.'));
+        }
+        $r->print('</p>');
+        if ($numblocked > 0) {
+            $r->print(&blocked_in_folder($numblocked,$startblock,$endblock,$by_ip,$clientip,$blockdom,
+                                         \%setters));
+        }
+        $r->print('</form>');
+        return;
+    my $interdis = $env{'form.interdis'};
     my $number=int($totalnumber/$interdis);
+    if ($totalnumber%$interdis == 0) {
+	$number--; 
+    }
     if (($startdis<0) || ($startdis>$number)) { $startdis=$number; }
     my $firstdis=$interdis*$startdis;
     if ($firstdis>$#temp) { $firstdis=$#temp-$interdis+1; }
     my $lastdis=$firstdis+$interdis-1;
     if ($lastdis>$#temp) { $lastdis=$#temp; }
-    $r->print(&scrollbuttons($startdis,$number,$firstdis,$lastdis,$totalnumber));
+    $r->print(&scrollbuttons($startdis,$number,$firstdis,$lastdis,$totalnumber,$msgstatus));
     $r->print('<form method="post" name="disall" action="/adm/email">'.
-	      '<table border=2><tr><th colspan="3">&nbsp</th><th>');
+	      &Apache::loncommon::start_data_table().
+          &Apache::loncommon::start_data_table_row().
+          '<th colspan="1">#</th><th>');
     if ($env{'form.sortedby'} eq "revdate") {
-	$r->print('<a href = "?sortedby=date'.$fsqs.'">'.&mt('Date').'</a></th>');
+	$r->print('<a href = "/adm/email?sortedby=date'.$fsqs.'">'.&mt('Date').'</a></th>');
     } else {
-	$r->print('<a href = "?sortedby=revdate'.$fsqs.'">'.&mt('Date').'</a></th>');
+	$r->print('<a href = "/adm/email?sortedby=revdate'.$fsqs.'">'.&mt('Date').'</a></th>');
     if ($env{'form.sortedby'} eq "revuser") {
-	$r->print('<a href = "?sortedby=user'.$fsqs.'">'.&mt('Username').'</a>');
+	$r->print('<a href = "/adm/email?sortedby=user'.$fsqs.'">'.&mt('Username').'</a>');
     } else {
-	$r->print('<a href = "?sortedby=revuser'.$fsqs.'">'.&mt('Username').'</a>');
+	$r->print('<a href = "/adm/email?sortedby=revuser'.$fsqs.'">'.&mt('Username').'</a>');
     if ($env{'form.sortedby'} eq "revdomain") {
-	$r->print('<a href = "?sortedby=domain'.$fsqs.'">'.&mt('Domain').'</a>');
+	$r->print('<a href = "/adm/email?sortedby=domain'.$fsqs.'">'.&mt('Domain').'</a>');
     } else {
-	$r->print('<a href = "?sortedby=revdomain'.$fsqs.'">'.&mt('Domain').'</a>');
+	$r->print('<a href = "/adm/email?sortedby=revdomain'.$fsqs.'">'.&mt('Domain').'</a>');
     if ($env{'form.sortedby'} eq "revsubject") {
-	$r->print('<a href = "?sortedby=subject'.$fsqs.'">'.&mt('Subject').'</a>');
+	$r->print('<a href = "/adm/email?sortedby=subject'.$fsqs.'">'.&mt('Subject').'</a>');
     } else {
-    	$r->print('<a href = "?sortedby=revsubject'.$fsqs.'">'.&mt('Subject').'</a>');
+    	$r->print('<a href = "/adm/email?sortedby=revsubject'.$fsqs.'">'.&mt('Subject').'</a>');
     if ($env{'form.sortedby'} eq "revcourse") {
-        $r->print('<a href = "?sortedby=course'.$fsqs.'">'.&mt('Course').'</a>');
+        $r->print('<a href = "/adm/email?sortedby=course'.$fsqs.'">'.&mt('Course').'</a>');
     } else {
-        $r->print('<a href = "?sortedby=revcourse'.$fsqs.'">'.&mt('Course').'</a>');
+        $r->print('<a href = "/adm/email?sortedby=revcourse'.$fsqs.'">'.&mt('Course').'</a>');
-    $r->print('</th><th>');
+    $r->print('</th><th colspan="2">');
     if ($env{'form.sortedby'} eq "revstatus") {
-	$r->print('<a href = "?sortedby=status'.$fsqs.'">'.&mt('Status').'</a></th>');
+	$r->print('<a href = "/adm/email?sortedby=status'.$fsqs.'">'.&mt('Status').'</a></th>');
     } else {
-     	$r->print('<a href = "?sortedby=revstatus'.$fsqs.'">'.&mt('Status').'</a></th>');
+     	$r->print('<a href = "/adm/email?sortedby=revstatus'.$fsqs.'">'.&mt('Status').'</a></th>');
+    my $suffix = &Apache::lonmsg::foldersuffix($folder);
+    my $count = $firstdis;
     for (my $n=$firstdis;$n<=$lastdis;$n++) {
-	my ($sendtime,$shortsubj,$fromname,$fromdomain,$status,$origID,$description)= @{$temp[$n]};
-	if (($status ne 'deleted') && defined($sendtime) && $sendtime!~/error/) {
-	    if ($status eq 'new') {
-		$r->print('<tr bgcolor="#FFBB77" onMouseOver="javascript:style.backgroundColor=\'#DD9955\'"  onMouseOut="javascript:style.backgroundColor=\'#FFBB77\'">');
-	    } elsif ($status eq 'read') {
-		$r->print('<tr bgcolor="#BBBB77" onMouseOver="javascript:style.backgroundColor=\'#999944\'"  onMouseOut="javascript:style.backgroundColor=\'#BBBB77\'">');
-	    } elsif ($status eq 'replied') {
-		$r->print('<tr bgcolor="#AAAA88" onMouseOver="javascript:style.backgroundColor=\'#888855\'"  onMouseOut="javascript:style.backgroundColor=\'#AAAA88\'">'); 
-	    } else {
-		$r->print('<tr bgcolor="#99BBBB" onMouseOver="javascript:style.backgroundColor=\'#669999\'"  onMouseOut="javascript:style.backgroundColor=\'#99BBBB\'">');
+	my ($sendtime,$shortsubj,$fromname,$fromdomain,$status,$origID,
+	    $description,$recv_name,$recv_domain)= 
+		@{$temp[$n]};
+        if (($status ne 'deleted') && defined($sendtime) && $sendtime!~/error/) {
+            my $class_msgstatus = '';
+            $count ++;
+            if ($status eq 'new') {
+                $class_msgstatus = 'LC_mail_new';
+            } elsif ($status eq 'read') {
+                $class_msgstatus = 'LC_mail_read';
+            } elsif ($status eq 'replied') {
+                $class_msgstatus = 'LC_mail_replied'; 
+            } else {
+                $class_msgstatus = 'LC_mail_other';
+            }
+            $r->print(&Apache::loncommon::start_data_table_row($class_msgstatus));
+	    my ($dis_name,$dis_domain) = ($fromname,$fromdomain);
+	    if ($folder eq 'sent') {
+                if (defined($recv_name) && defined($recv_domain)) {
+		    if (ref($recv_name) eq 'ARRAY' && 
+                        ref($recv_domain) eq 'ARRAY') {
+		        $dis_name   = join('<br />',@{$recv_name});
+		        $dis_domain = join('<br />',@{$recv_domain});
+                    }
+		} else {
+		    my $msg_id  = &unescape($origID);
+		    my %message = &Apache::lonnet::get('nohist_email'.$suffix,
+						       [$msg_id]);
+		    my %content = &Apache::lonmsg::unpackagemsg($message{$msg_id});
+                    if (ref($content{'recuser'}) eq 'ARRAY') {
+		        $dis_name   = join('<br />',@{$content{'recuser'}});
+                    }
+                    if (ref($content{'recdomain'}) eq 'ARRAY') {
+		        $dis_domain = join('<br />',@{$content{'recdomain'}});
+                    }
+		}
-	    $r->print('<td><input type="checkbox" name="delmark_'.$origID.'" /></td><td><a href="/adm/email?display='.$origID.$sqs. 
-		      '">'.&mt('Open').'</a></td><td>'.
-		      ($folder ne 'trash'?'<a href="/adm/email?markdel='.$origID.$sqs.
-		      '">'.&mt('Delete'):'&nbsp').'</a></td>'.
-		      '<td>'.&Apache::lonlocal::locallocaltime($sendtime).'</td><td>'.
-		      $fromname.'</td><td>'.$fromdomain.'</td><td>'.
-		      &Apache::lonnet::unescape($shortsubj).'</td><td>'.
-                      $description.'</td><td>'.$status.'</td></tr>'."\n");
-	} elsif ($status eq 'deleted') {
+            my $localsenttime = &Apache::lonlocal::locallocaltime($sendtime);
+	    $r->print('<td align="right"><span class="LC_nobreak"><label>'.(($status eq 'new')?'<b>':'').
+                      $count.'.'.(($status eq 'new')?'</b>':'').'&nbsp;'.
+                      '<input type="checkbox" name="delmark"'. 
+                      ' value="'.$origID.'" /></label></span></td>');
+            foreach my $item ($localsenttime,$dis_name,$dis_domain,$shortsubj) {
+                $r->print('<td>'.(($status eq 'new')?'<b>':'').
+                          '<a href="/adm/email?display='.$origID.$sqs.'">'.
+                          $item.'</a>'.(($status eq 'new')?'</b>':'').'</td>');
+            }
+            # Description and Status
+            my $showstatus;
+            my %statushash = &get_msgstatus_types();
+            if ($status eq '') {
+                $showstatus = '';
+            } else {
+                $showstatus = $statushash{$status};
+            }
+            $r->print('<td>'.(($status eq 'new')?'<b>':'').$description.
+                      (($status eq 'new')?'</b>':'').
+                      '</td>');
+            $r->print('<td class="'.$class_msgstatus.'">&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>'.
+                      '<td>'.
+                      (($status eq 'new')?'<b>':'').&mt($showstatus).
+                      (($status eq 'new')?'</b>':'').
+                      '</td>');
+            $r->print(&Apache::loncommon::end_data_table_row());
+        } elsif ($status eq 'deleted') {
 # purge
-	    &movemsg(&Apache::lonnet::unescape($origID),$folder,'trash');
-	}
+            my ($result,$msg) = 
+        	&movemsg(&unescape($origID),$folder,'trash');
+        }
-    $r->print("</table>\n<p>".
-  '<a href="javascript:checkall()">'.&mt('Check All').'</a>&nbsp;'.
-  '<a href="javascript:uncheckall()">'.&mt('Uncheck All').'</a></p>'.
-  '<input type="hidden" name="sortedby" value="'.$env{'form.sortedby'}.'" />');
+    $r->print(&Apache::loncommon::end_data_table());
+    # Bottom Functions
+    $r->print('
+<div class="LC_columnSection"><fieldset>
+<legend>'.&mt('Message Actions').'</legend>
+<div class="LC_mail_actions">
+   <b>'.&mt('Select Messages').'</b><br />
+   <span class="LC_nobreak">
+   <input type="button" onclick="javascript:checkAll(document.disall.delmark)" value="'.&mt('Check All').'" />'."\n".
+  ' <input type="button" onclick="javascript:uncheckAll(document.disall.delmark)" value="'.&mt('Uncheck All').'" />'."\n".
+  '<input type="hidden" name="sortedby" value="'.$env{'form.sortedby'}.'" />
+  </span>
+  </div>'."\n".
+  '<div class="LC_mail_actions"><label><b>'.&mt('Action').'</b><br />'."\n".
+  '  <select name="checkedaction">'."\n");
     if ($folder ne 'trash') {
-	$r->print(
-	      '<p><input type="submit" name="markeddel" value="'.&mt('Delete Checked').'" /></p>');
+        $r->print('    <option value="markeddel">'.&mt('Delete').'</option>'."\n");
-    $r->print('<p><input type="submit" name="markedmove" value="'.&mt('Move Checked to Folder').'" />');
-    my @allfolders=&Apache::lonnet::getkeys('email_folders');
-    if ($allfolders[0]=~/^error:/) { @allfolders=(); }
-    $r->print(
-	&Apache::loncommon::select_form('','movetofolder',
-			     ( map { $_ => $_ } @allfolders))
-	      );
+    if ($msgstatus ne 'read') {
+        $r->print('    <option value="markedread">'.&mt('Mark Read').'</option>'."\n");
+    }
+    if ($msgstatus ne 'unread') {
+        $r->print('    <option value="markedunread">'.&mt('Mark Unread').'</option>'."\n");
+    }
+    $r->print('   <option value="markedforward">'.&mt('Forward').'</option>'."\n");
+    my %gotfolders = &Apache::lonmsg::get_user_folders();
+    if (keys(%gotfolders) > 0) {
+        $r->print('   <option value="markedmove">'.&mt('Move to Folder ->').
+                  '</option>');
+    }
+    $r->print("\n".'</select></label></div>'."\n");
+    if (keys(%gotfolders) > 0) {
+        $r->print('<td><b>'.&mt('Destination folder').'</b><br />');
+	my %userfolders;
+        foreach my $key (keys(%gotfolders)) {
+            $userfolders{$key} = $key;
+        }
+        $userfolders{''} = "";
+        $r->print(&Apache::loncommon::select_form('','movetofolder',\%userfolders).
+                  '</td>');
+    }
+    $r->print('<div class="LC_mail_actions">'.
+              '<br /><input type="button" name="go" value="'.&mt('Go').
+              '" onclick="javascript:validate_checkedaction()"/></div>'."\n".
+              '</fieldset></div>'."\n"
+    );
     my $postedstartdis=$startdis+1;
-    $r->print('<input type="hidden" name="folder" value="'.$folder.'" /><input type="hidden" name="startdis" value="'.$postedstartdis.'" /><input type="hidden" name="interdis" value="'.$env{'form.interdis'}.'" /></form>');
+    $r->print('<input type="hidden" name="folder" value="'.$folder.'" /><input type="hidden" name="startdis" value="'.$postedstartdis.'" /><input type="hidden" name="interdis" value="'.$env{'form.interdis'}.'" /><input type="hidden" name="msgstatus" value="'.$msgstatus.'" /><input type="hidden" name="markedaction" value="" /></form>');
     if ($numblocked > 0) {
+        $r->print(&blocked_in_folder($numblocked,$startblock,$endblock,
+                                     $by_ip,$clientip,$blockdom,\%setters));
+    }
+sub blocked_in_folder {
+    my ($numblocked,$startblock,$endblock,$by_ip,$clientip,$blockdom,$setters) = @_;
+    my $output;
+    if ($by_ip) {
+        $output = '<br /><br />'.
+                  &mt('[quant,_1,message is, messages are] not viewable because display of LON-CAPA messages is blocked for your current IP address: [_2].',$numblocked,$clientip).'<br />'.
+                  &mt('Note: communication is being blocked for certain IP address(es).');
+    } else {
         my $beginblock = &Apache::lonlocal::locallocaltime($startblock);
         my $finishblock = &Apache::lonlocal::locallocaltime($endblock);
-        $r->print('<br /><br />'.
-                  $numblocked.' '.&mt('message(s) is/are not viewable because display of LON-CAPA messages sent to you by other students between').' '.$beginblock.' '.&mt('and').' '.$finishblock.' '.&mt('is currently being blocked because of online exams.'));
-        &build_block_table($r,$startblock,$endblock,\%setters);
+        $output = '<br /><br />'.
+                  &mt('[quant,_1,message is, messages are] not viewable because display of LON-CAPA messages sent to you by other students between [_2] and [_3] is currently being blocked because of online exams.',$numblocked,$beginblock,$finishblock);
+    #$output .= &Apache::loncommon::build_block_table($startblock,$endblock,
+    #                                                 $setters);
+    my ($blocked, $blocktext) = &Apache::loncommon::blocking_status("com",$clientip);
+    $output .="<br /><br />".$blocktext;
+    return $output;
 # ============================================================== Compose output
 sub compout {
-    my ($r,$forwarding,$replying,$broadcast,$replycrit,$folder,$dismode)=@_;
+    my ($r,$forwarding,$replying,$broadcast,$replycrit,$folder,$dismode,
+        $multiforward)=@_;
+    my $clientip = &Apache::lonnet::get_requestor_ip($r);
+    my %setters;
+    my ($startblock,$endblock,$triggerblock,$by_ip,$blockdom) =
+        &Apache::loncommon::blockcheck(\%setters,'com',$clientip);
+    if ($by_ip) {
+        my $showdom = &Apache::lonnet::domain($blockdom);
+        if ($showdom eq '') {
+            $showdom = $blockdom;
+        }
+        $r->print(&Apache::loncommon::start_page('Messages'));
+        $r->print(&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::breadcrumbs('Send and display messages'));
+        $r->print('<div class="LC_landmark" role="main"><p class="LC_warning">'.
+                 &mt('Sending of LON-CAPA messages is blocked for your current IP address: [_1].',$clientip).'</p>'.
+                 '<ul><li>'.
+                 &mt('Note: communication is being blocked for certain IP address(es).').
+                 '</li><li>'.
+                 &mt('This restriction was set by an administrator in the [_1] LON-CAPA domain.',$showdom).
+                 '</li></ul></div>');
+        return;
+    }
     my $suffix=&Apache::lonmsg::foldersuffix($folder);
-    if ($broadcast eq 'individual') {
+    my ($cdom,$cnum,$group,$refarg);
+    if (exists($env{'form.group'})) {
+        $cdom = $env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.domain'};
+        $cnum = $env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.num'};
+        $group = $env{'form.group'};
+        my $action = 'composing';
+        $r->print(&groupmail_header($action,$group,$cdom,$cnum));
+    } elsif ($broadcast eq 'individual') {
 	     'Send a Message');
     } elsif ($broadcast) {
@@ -690,19 +1385,34 @@ sub compout {
 	     'Broadcast Message');
     } elsif ($forwarding) {
-        ({href=>"/adm/email?display=".&Apache::lonnet::escape($forwarding),
+        ({href=>"/adm/email?display=".&escape($forwarding),
           text=>"Display Message"});
-	&printheader($r,'/adm/email?forward='.&Apache::lonnet::escape($forwarding),
+	&printheader($r,'/adm/email?forward='.&escape($forwarding),
 	     'Forwarding a Message');
     } elsif ($replying) {
-        ({href=>"/adm/email?display=".&Apache::lonnet::escape($replying),
+        ({href=>"/adm/email?display=".&escape($replying),
           text=>"Display Message"});
-	&printheader($r,'/adm/email?replyto='.&Apache::lonnet::escape($replying),
+	&printheader($r,'/adm/email?replyto='.&escape($replying),
 	     'Replying to a Message');
     } elsif ($replycrit) {
 	$r->print('<h3>'.&mt('Replying to a Critical Message').'</h3>');
+    } elsif ($multiforward) {
+        &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::add_breadcrumb
+        ({href=>"/adm/email?folder=".&escape($folder),
+          text=>"Display All Messages"});
+        &printheader($r,'/adm/email?compose=multiforward',
+             'Forwarding Multiple Messages');
+        if ($multiforward > 1) {
+            $r->print(&mt('Each of the[_1] [quant,_2,message] [_3]you checked'
+                         .' will be forwarded to the recipient(s) you select below.'
+                         ,'<b>',$multiforward,'</b>')
+                    .'<br />');
+        } else {
+            $r->print(&mt('The message you checked will be forwarded to the recipient(s) you select below.').'<br />');
+        }
     } else {
 	     'Distribute from Uploaded File');
@@ -712,43 +1422,149 @@ sub compout {
     my $dissub='';
     my $dismsg='';
     my $disbase='';
-    my $func=&mt('Send New');
-    my %lt=&Apache::lonlocal::texthash('us' => 'Username',
-				       'do' => 'Domain',
-				       'ad' => 'Additional Recipients',
-				       'sb' => 'Subject',
-				       'ca' => 'Cancel',
-				       'ma' => 'Mail');
+    my $attachrow;
+    my $func1='Send'; # do not translate here!
+    my %func2=( # do not translate here!
+               'ma'  => 'Message',
+               'msg' => 'Messages',
+              );
+    my %lt=&Apache::lonlocal::texthash('us'  => 'Username',
+				       'do'  => 'Domain',
+				       'ad'  => 'Additional Recipients',
+                                       'rt'  => 'Reply to',
+                                       'ar'  => 'Allow replies',
+				       'sb'  => 'Subject',
+				       'ca'  => 'Cancel',
+                                       'gen' => 'Generate messages from a file',
+                                       'gmt' => 'General message text',
+                                       'tff' => 'The file format for the uploaded portion of the message is',
+                                       'uas' => 'Upload and Send',
+                                       'atta' => 'Attachment',
+                                       'to'   => 'To:',
+                                       'msgb' => 'Message body',
+                                      );
+    my %attachmax = (
+                     text => &mt('(1 MB max size)'),
+                     num  => 1048576,
+                    );
+    if (!$forwarding && !$multiforward) {
+        $attachrow = '<tr><td colspan="3"><label><b>'.$lt{'atta'}.'</b> '.$attachmax{'text'}
+            .': <input type="file" name="attachment" class="LC_flUpload" multiple /></label>'
+            .'<input type="hidden" id="LC_free_space" value="'.$attachmax{'num'}.'" />'
+            .'</td></tr>';
+    }
     if (&Apache::lonnet::allowed('srm',$env{'request.course.id'})
 	|| &Apache::lonnet::allowed('srm',$env{'request.course.id'}.
 				    '/'.$env{'request.course.sec'})) {
+         my $crstype = &Apache::loncommon::course_type();
 	 my $crithelp = Apache::loncommon::help_open_topic("Course_Critical_Message");
+         my $rsstxt;
+         if (&Apache::loncommon::course_type() eq 'Community') {
+             $rsstxt = &mt('Include in community RSS newsfeed');
+         } else {
+             $rsstxt = &mt('Include in course RSS newsfeed');
+         }
- '<p><label><input type="checkbox" name="critmsg" /> '.&mt('Send as critical message').'</label> ' . $crithelp . 
- '</p><p>'.
- '<label><input type="checkbox" name="sendbck" /> '.&mt('Send as critical message').'  ' .
- &mt('and return receipt') . '</label>' . $crithelp . 
- '</p><p><label><input type="checkbox" name="permanent" /> '.
-&mt('Send copy to permanent email address (if known)').'</label></p>'.
-'<p><label><input type="checkbox" name="rsspost" /> '.
-		  &mt('Include in course RSS newsfeed').'</label></p>';
-     }
+ '<span class="LC_nobreak"><label><input type="checkbox" name="critmsg" /> '.&mt('Send as critical message').'.</label>'.$crithelp.'&nbsp;&nbsp;'.&mt('Require return receipt?').'<label><input type="radio" name="sendbck" value="1" />'.&mt('Yes').'</label>&nbsp;&nbsp;<label><input type="radio" name="sendbck" value="" checked="checked" />'.&mt('No').'</label></span><br />'.
+ '<label><input type="checkbox" name="permanent" /> '.
+&mt('Send copy to permanent e-mail address (if known)').'</label><br />'.
+'<label><input type="checkbox" name="rsspost" /> '.
+		  $rsstxt.'</label><br />';
+    }
+    if ($broadcast ne 'group') {
+        if (&Apache::lonnet::allowed('dff',$env{'request.course.id'}) ||
+            &Apache::lonnet::allowed('dff',$env{'request.course.id'}.
+                                     '/'.$env{'request.course.sec'})) {
+            my $rectxt;
+            if (&Apache::loncommon::course_type() eq 'Community') {
+                $rectxt = &mt("Include in community's 'User records' for recipient(s)");
+            } else {
+                $rectxt = &mt("Include in course's 'User records' for recipient(s)");
+            }
+            $dispcrit.='<label>'.
+                       '<input type="checkbox" name="courserecord" value="1" /> '.
+                       $rectxt.
+                       '</label><br />';
+        }
+    }
     my %message;
     my %content;
+    my ($hasfloat,$broadcast_js,$sendmode,$can_grp_broadcast);
     my $defdom=$env{'user.domain'};
+    if ($broadcast eq 'group') {
+        my %access_status = (
+                           active => 0,
+                           previous => 0,
+                           future => 0,
+                      );
+        if ($group eq '') {
+            my $studentsel = &discourse(\%access_status);
+            if ($studentsel) {
+                $r->print('<div class="LC_left_float">'.$studentsel.'</div>');
+                $hasfloat = 1;
+            }
+        } else {
+            $can_grp_broadcast = &check_group_priv($group);
+            if ($can_grp_broadcast) {
+                $hasfloat = &disgroup($r,$cdom,$cnum,$group,\%access_status);
+            }
+        }
+        if ($hasfloat) {
+            $sendmode = '<input type="hidden" name="sendmode" value="group" />'."\n";
+            $broadcast_js = qq|
+<script type="text/javascript">
+// <![CDATA[
+function courseRecipients() {
+        foreach my $type (keys(%access_status)) {
+            if ($access_status{$type}) {
+                my $formname = $type.'users';
+                if ($type eq 'active' && $group ne '') {
+                    $broadcast_js .= qq|
+                    document.compemail.groupmail.value = document.$formname.groupmail[document.$formname.groupmail.selectedIndex].value;
+                }
+                #typeof(...forminput.length) returns 'undefined' if only one entry exists
+                $broadcast_js .= qq|
+    if (typeof(document.$formname.selectedusers_forminput.length)=="undefined") {
+        if (document.$formname.selectedusers_forminput.checked) {
+            document.compemail.courserecips.value += '_&&&_'+document.$formname.selectedusers_forminput.value;
+        }
+    } else {
+        for (var i=0; i<document.$formname.selectedusers_forminput.length; i++) {
+            if (document.$formname.selectedusers_forminput[i].checked) {
+                document.compemail.courserecips.value += '_&&&_'+document.$formname.selectedusers_forminput[i].value;  
+            }
+        }
+    }
+                |;
+            }
+        }
+        $broadcast_js .= qq|
+    return;
+// ]]>
+        }
+    }
     if ($forwarding) {
 	$dispcrit.='<input type="hidden" name="forwid" value="'.
 	    $forwarding.'" />';
-	$func=&mt('Forward');
+	$func1='Forward'; # do not translate here!
 	$dissub=&mt('Forwarding').': '.$content{'subject'};
 	$dismsg=&mt('Forwarded message from').' '.
 	    $content{'sendername'}.' '.&mt('at').' '.$content{'senderdomain'};
 	if ($content{'baseurl'}) {
-	    $disbase='<input type="hidden" name="baseurl" value="'.&Apache::lonnet::escape($content{'baseurl'}).'" />';
+	    $disbase='<input type="hidden" name="baseurl" value="'.&escape($content{'baseurl'}).'" />';
     if ($replying) {
@@ -756,7 +1572,7 @@ sub compout {
 	$dispcrit.='<input type="hidden" name="replyid" value="'.
 	    $replying.'" />';
-	$func=&mt('Send Reply to');
+	$func1='Send Reply to'; # do not translate here!
 	$dissub=&mt('Reply').': '.$content{'subject'};       
 	$dismsg='> '.$content{'message'};
@@ -764,96 +1580,333 @@ sub compout {
 	$dismsg=~s/\n+/\n\> /g;
 	if ($content{'baseurl'}) {
-	    $disbase='<input type="hidden" name="baseurl" value="'.&Apache::lonnet::escape($content{'baseurl'}).'" />';
+	    $disbase='<input type="hidden" name="baseurl" value="'.&escape($content{'baseurl'}).'" />';
 	    if ($env{'user.adv'}) {
-		$disbase.='<label><input type="checkbox" name="storebasecomment" />'.&mt('Store message for re-use').
+		$disbase.='<label><input type="checkbox" name="storebasecomment" />'.&mt('Save message for re-use').
 		    '</label> <a href="/adm/email?showcommentbaseurl='.
-		    &Apache::lonnet::escape($content{'baseurl'}).'" target="comments">'.
+		    &escape($content{'baseurl'}).'" target="comments">'.
 		    &mt('Show re-usable messages').'</a><br />';
+        my $jscript = &Apache::loncommon::check_uncheck_jscript();
+        $r->print(<<"ENDREPSCRIPT");
+<script type="text/javascript">
+// <![CDATA[
+// ]]>
     my $citation=&displayresource(%content);
+    my $onsubmit;
     if ($env{'form.recdom'}) { $defdom=$env{'form.recdom'}; }
-      $r->print(
+    if ($env{'form.text'}) { $dismsg=$env{'form.text'}; }
+    if ($env{'form.subject'}) { $dissub=$env{'form.subject'}; }
+    if ($hasfloat) {
+        $r->print($broadcast_js.'<div class="LC_left_float">');
+        $onsubmit = ' onsubmit="javascript:courseRecipients();" ';
+    }
+    $r->print(
                 '<form action="/adm/email"  name="compemail" method="post"'.
-                ' enctype="multipart/form-data">'."\n".
+                ' enctype="multipart/form-data"'.$onsubmit.'>'."\n".
                 '<input type="hidden" name="sendmail" value="on" />'."\n".
-    unless (($broadcast eq 'group') || ($broadcast eq 'upload')) {
+    if (($broadcast eq 'group') && ($group ne '') && (!$can_grp_broadcast)) {
+        $r->print(&recipient_input_row($cdom,%lt));
+    }
+    if (($broadcast ne 'group') && ($broadcast ne 'upload')) {
 	if ($replying) {
-	    $r->print('<tr><td colspan="2">'.&mt('Replying to').' '.
-		      &Apache::loncommon::aboutmewrapper(
+            if ($content{'noreplies'}) {
+                $r->print('<tr><td>'.&mt('This message was designated by the sender not to allow replies.').'</td></tr></table></form>');
+                return;
+            }
+            $r->print('<tr><td colspan="3"><b>'.&mt('Replying to').'</b> ');
+            if ($content{'replytoaddr'}) {
+                my ($replytoname,$replytodom) = split(/:/,$content{'replytoaddr'});
+                if ($replytoname ne '' && $replytodom ne '') {
+                    $r->print(&Apache::loncommon::plainname($replytoname,
+                                 $replytodom).' ('.$replytoname.':'.
+                                 $replytodom.')');
+                    $r->print('<input type="hidden" name="recuname" value="'.
+                          $replytoname.'" />'.
+                          '<input type="hidden" name="recdomain" value="'.
+                          $replytodom.'" /></td></tr>');
+                } else {
+                    $r->print(&mt('The sender did not designate a reply to address for this message.').'</td></tr></table>');
+                    return;
+                }
+            } else {
+	        $r->print(&Apache::loncommon::aboutmewrapper(
 							 &Apache::loncommon::plainname($content{'sendername'},$content{'senderdomain'}),$content{'sendername'},$content{'senderdomain'}).' ('.
-		      $content{'sendername'}.'@'.
-		      $content{'senderdomain'}.')'.
-		      '<input type="hidden" name="recuname" value="'.$content{'sendername'}.'" />'.
-		      '<input type="hidden" name="recdomain" value="'.$content{'senderdomain'}.'" />'.
-		      '</td></tr>');
+		      $content{'sendername'}.':'.
+		      $content{'senderdomain'}.')');
+                $r->print('<input type="hidden" name="recuname" value="'.
+		          $content{'sendername'}.'" />'.
+		          '<input type="hidden" name="recdomain" value="'.
+                          $content{'senderdomain'}.'" /></td></tr>');
+            }
+            if ($content{'recipid'}) {
+                my %recips;
+                &retrieve_recips('replying',\%content,\%recips);
+                if (ref($recips{'to'}) eq 'ARRAY') {
+                    if (@{$recips{'to'}} > 0) {
+                        my $replyall;
+                        if (@{$recips{'to'}} > 1) {
+                            $replyall = qq|
+ <span class="LC_nobreak">
+      <input type="button" value="check all"
+        onclick="javascript:checkAll(document.compemail.replying_to)" />
+        &nbsp;&nbsp;
+      <input type="button" value="uncheck all"
+        onclick="javascript:uncheckAll(document.compemail.replying_to)" />
+ </span>
+                        }
+                        my $tolist = join(' ',@{$recips{'to'}});
+                        $r->print('<tr><td colspan="3"><table><tr><td>'.&mt('[_1]Send reply[_2] to other recipients','<b>','</b>').':<br />'.$replyall.'</td><td>'.$tolist.'</td></tr></table></td></tr>');
+                    }
+                }
+                if (ref($recips{'cc'}) eq 'ARRAY') {
+                    if (@{$recips{'cc'}} > 0) {
+                        my $replyall;
+                        if (@{$recips{'cc'}} > 1) {
+                            $replyall = qq|
+ <span class="LC_nobreak">
+      <input type="button" value="check all"
+        onclick="javascript:checkAll(document.compemail.replying_cc)" />
+        &nbsp;&nbsp;
+      <input type="button" value="uncheck all"
+        onclick="javascript:uncheckAll(document.compemail.replying_cc)" />
+ </span>
+                        }
+                        my $cclist = join(' ',@{$recips{'cc'}});
+                        $r->print('<tr><td colspan="3"><table><tr><td>'.&mt('[_1]Cc[_2] to other copied recipients','<b>','</b>').':<br />'.$replyall.'</td><td>'.$cclist.'</td></tr></table></td></tr>');
+                    }
+                }
+                if ($content{'group'} ne '') {
+                    if (&check_group_priv($content{'group'})) {
+                        if (ref($recips{'group_cc_broadcast'}) eq 'ARRAY') {
+                            if (@{$recips{'group_cc_broadcast'}} > 0) {
+                                my $replyall;
+                                if (@{$recips{'group_cc_broadcast'}} > 1) {
+                                    $replyall = qq|
+ <span class="LC_nobreak">
+      <input type="button" value="check all"
+        onclick="javascript:checkAll(document.compemail.replying_groupcc)" />
+        &nbsp;&nbsp;
+      <input type="button" value="uncheck all"
+        onclick="javascript:uncheckAll(document.compemail.replying_groupcc)" />
+ </span>
+                                }
+                                my $groupcclist = join(' ',@{$recips{'group_cc_broadcast'}});
+                                $r->print('<tr><td colspan="3"><table><tr><td>'.&mt('[_1]Cc[_2] to other copied group members','<b>','</b>').':<br />'.$replyall.'</td><td>'.$groupcclist.'<input type="hidden" name="group" value="'.$content{'group'}.'" /><input type="hidden" name="sendmode" value="group" /><input type="hidden" name="groupmail" value="cc" /></td></tr></table></td></tr>');
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            }
 	} else {
-	    my $domform = &Apache::loncommon::select_dom_form($defdom,'recdomain');
-	    my $selectlink=&Apache::loncommon::selectstudent_link
-	    ('compemail','recuname','recdomain');
-	    $r->print(<<"ENDREC");
-<tr><td>$lt{'us'}:</td><td><input type="text" size="12" name="recuname" value="$env{'form.recname'}" /></td><td rowspan="2">$selectlink</td></tr>
+            $r->print(&recipient_input_row($defdom,%lt));
-    my $latexHelp = Apache::loncommon::helpLatexCheatsheet();
-    if ($broadcast ne 'upload') {
-       $r->print(<<"ENDCOMP");
-<tr><td>$lt{'ad'}<br /><tt>username\@domain,username\@domain, ...
-<input type="text" size="50" name="additionalrec" /></td></tr>
-<tr><td>$lt{'sb'}:</td><td><input type="text" size="50" name="subject" value="$dissub" />
-<textarea name="message" id="message" cols="80" rows="15" wrap="hard">$dismsg
-</textarea></p><br />
+    my $latexHelp = &Apache::loncommon::helpLatexCheatsheet(undef,undef,1);
+    my $textareaclass;
+    if (&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::htmlareabrowser()) {
+        $r->print(&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::htmlareaselectactive());
+        $textareaclass = 'class="LC_richDefaultOff"';
+    }
+    my $subj_size;
+    if ($multiforward) {
+        $r->print(&additional_rec_row(\%lt));
+        $r->print('<tr><td colspan="2">'.
+                  &mt('Unless you choose otherwise:').'<ul><li>'.
+        &mt("The subject in each forwarded message will be [_1]'Forwarding:'[_2] followed by the original subject.",'<i>','</i>').'</li><li>'.
+        &mt("The message itself will begin with a first line: [_1]'Forwarded message from'[_2] followed by the original sender's name.",'<i>','</i>').'</li></ul></td></tr>');
+        $func1='Forward'; # do not translate here!
+        $dissub = &mt('Forwarding').': ';
+        $subj_size = '10';
+        my $extra = '&lt;'.&mt('original subject').'&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;'.
+                    '<input type="radio" name="showorigsubj" value="1" checked="checked" />'.&mt('Yes').'&nbsp;<input type="radio" name="showorigsubj" value="0" />'.&mt('No');
+        $dismsg = &mt('Forwarded message from ').' ';
+        my $sender = &mt("sender's name");
+        $r->print(&msg_subject_row($dissub,\%lt,$subj_size,$extra));
+        $r->print('<tr><td>'.&mt('Message begins with:').'</td><td><input type="text" name="msgheader" value="'.$dismsg.'" />&nbsp;'.$sender.'&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type="radio" name="showorigsender" value="1" checked="checked" />'.&mt('Yes').'&nbsp;<input type="radio" name="showorigsender" value="0" />'.&mt('No').'<input type="hidden" name="multiforward" value="'.$multiforward.'" /></td></tr>
+<br /><table>
+<tr><td align="left">'."\n".
+$latexHelp."<br />\n".
+&mt("Any new text to display before the text of the original messages:").'<br />'."\n".
+'<textarea name="message" id="message" cols="80" rows="5" wrap="hard" $textareaclass></textarea>');
+        my @to_forward = &Apache::loncommon::get_env_multiple('form.delmark');
+        foreach my $msg (@to_forward) {
+            $r->print('<input type="hidden" name="delmark" value="'.$msg.'" />');
+        }
+        $r->print(&submit_button_row($folder,$dismode,&mt($func1.' '.$func2{'msg'}),
+                                     \%lt));
+    } elsif ($broadcast ne 'upload') {
+        $subj_size = '50';
+        $r->print(&additional_rec_row(\%lt));
+        if (&Apache::lonnet::allowed('srm',$env{'request.course.id'})
+            || &Apache::lonnet::allowed('srm',$env{'request.course.id'}.
+                                        '/'.$env{'request.course.sec'})) {
+            $r->print(&reply_to_row(\%lt));
+        }
+        $r->print(&msg_subject_row($dissub,\%lt,$subj_size));
+        my $labeltext = &HTML::Entities::encode($lt{'msgb'}); 
+        $r->print(<<"ENDCOMP");
+</table><br />
+$latexHelp<br />
+<textarea name="message" id="message" cols="80" rows="15" wrap="hard" $textareaclass aria-label="$labeltext">$dismsg
+<br />
-<input type="hidden" name="folder" value="$folder" />
-<input type="hidden" name="dismode" value="$dismode" />
-<input type="submit" name="send" value="$func $lt{'ma'}" />
-<input type="submit" name="cancel" value="$lt{'ca'}" /><hr />
+        $r->print(&submit_button_row($folder,$dismode,&mt($func1.' '.$func2{'ma'}),
+                                     \%lt,$hasfloat,$group));
+        $r->print($citation);
+        if (exists($env{'form.ref'})) {
+            $r->print('<input type="hidden" name="ref" value="'.
+                      $env{'form.ref'}.'" />');
+        }
+        if (exists($env{'form.group'})) {
+            $r->print('<input type="hidden" name="group" value="'.
+                      $env{'form.group'}.'" />');
+        }
     } else { # $broadcast is 'upload'
-	$r->print(<<ENDUPLOAD);
+	$r->print(<<ENDBLOCK);
 <input type="hidden" name="sendmode" value="upload" />
 <input type="hidden" name="send" value="on" />
-<h3>Generate messages from a file</h3>
-Subject: <input type="text" size="50" name="subject" />
+<label>$lt{'sb'}: <input type="text" size="50" name="subject" /></label>
-<p>General message text<br />
-<textarea name="message" id="message" cols="60" rows="10" wrap="hard">$dismsg
+<p><label>$lt{'gmt'}:<br />
+<textarea name="message" id="message" cols="60" rows="10" wrap="hard" $textareaclass>$dismsg
-The file format for the uploaded portion of the message is:
-username1\@domain1: text
-username2\@domain2: text
-username3\@domain1: text
+       $r->print('
+&mt('username1:domain1: text')."\n".
+&mt('username2:domain2: text')."\n".
+&mt('username3:domain1: text')."\n".
-The messages will be assembled from all lines with the respective 
-<tt>username\@domain</tt>, and appended to the general message text.</p>
+'.&mt('The messages will be assembled from all lines with the respective [_1][_2]username:domain[_3], and appended to the general message text.','<br />','<tt>','</tt>'));
+        $r->print(<<ENDUPLOAD);
 <input type="file" name="upfile" size="40" /></p><p>
-<input type="submit" value="Upload and Send" /></p>
+<input type="submit" value="$lt{'uas'}" /></p>
-    if ($broadcast eq 'group') {
-       &discourse($r);
+    if ($env{'form.displayedcrit'}) {
+	$r->print('<input type="hidden" name="displayedcrit" value="true" />');
+    }
+    $r->print('</form>');
+    if ($hasfloat) {
+        $r->print('</div><div class="LC_clear_float_footer"></div>');
+    }
+    $r->print(&generate_preview_form);
+sub check_group_priv {
+    my ($group) = @_;
+    my $cid = $env{'request.course.id'};
+    my $sec = $env{'request.course.sec'};
+    return if !$cid;
+    my $can_broadcast = &Apache::lonnet::allowed('sgb',$cid.'/'.$group);
+    my $viewgrps = &Apache::lonnet::allowed('vcg',$cid.($sec?'/'.$sec:''));
+    my $editgrps = &Apache::lonnet::allowed('mdg',$cid.($sec?'/'.$sec:''));
+    if ($viewgrps || $editgrps || $can_broadcast) {
+        return 1;
-    $r->print('</form>'.
-	      &Apache::lonfeedback::generate_preview_button('compemail','message').
-	      &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::htmlareaselectactive('message'));
+    return;
+sub recipient_input_row {
+    my ($dom,%lt) = @_;
+    my $domform = &Apache::loncommon::select_dom_form($dom,'recdomain');
+    my $selectlink=
+      &Apache::loncommon::selectstudent_link('compemail','recuname',
+                                             'recdomain');
+    my $output = <<"ENDREC";
+<tr><td colspan="3"><span class="LC_nobreak"><b>$lt{'to'}</b> <label>$lt{'us'}:&nbsp;<input type="text" size="12" name="recuname" value="$env{'form.recname'}" /></label>&nbsp;<label>$lt{'do'}:&nbsp;$domform</label>&nbsp;&nbsp;$selectlink</span></td></tr>
+    return $output;
+sub reply_to_row {
+    my ($lt) = @_;
+    my $radioyes = &mt('Yes');
+    my $radiono = &mt('No');
+    my $output = <<"ENDREP";
+<tr><td colspan="3"><span class="LC_nobreak"><b>$lt->{'ar'}</b>:<label><input type="radio" name="can_reply" value="Y" checked="checked" />$radioyes</label>&nbsp;&nbsp;<label><input type="radio" name="can_reply" value="N" />$radiono</label></span>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class="LC_nobreak">$lt->{'rt'}:&nbsp;<input type="text" size="25" name="reply_to_addr" value="$env{'user.name'}:$env{'user.domain'}" /></span></td></tr>
+    return $output;
+sub additional_rec_row {
+    my ($lt) = @_;
+    my $cc = &mt('Cc:');
+    my $bcc = &mt('Bcc:');
+    my $exmpl = &mt('username:domain,username:domain,...'); 
+    my $output = <<"ENDADD";
+<tr><td colspan="3"><fieldset id="LC_additionalrecips"><legend>$lt->{'ad'} <tt>($exmpl)</tt></legend><table>
+<tr><td>&nbsp;</td><td><label for="additionalrec_to">$lt->{'to'}</label></td><td><input type="text" size="50" name="additionalrec_to" id="additionalrec_to" /></td></tr>
+<tr><td>&nbsp;</td><td><label for="additionalrec_cc">$cc</label></td><td><input type="text" size="50" name="additionalrec_cc" id="additionalrec_cc" /></td></tr> 
+<tr><td>&nbsp;</td><td><label for="additionalrec_bcc">$bcc</label></td><td><input type="text" size="50" name="additionalrec_bcc" id="additionalrec_bcc" /></td></tr></table></fieldset></td></tr>
+    return $output;
+sub submit_button_row {
+    my ($folder,$dismode,$sendtext,$lt,$is_crsform,$group) = @_;
+    my $pre=&mt("Show Preview and Check Spelling");
+    my $value=&mt('Send');
+    my $prevbutton = '<input type="button" name="preview" value="'.$pre.'" onclick="if (typeof(document.compemail.onsubmit)=='."'function'".') {document.compemail.onsubmit();};document.preview.comment.value=document.compemail.message.value;document.preview.subject.value=document.compemail.subject.value;document.preview.submit();" />';
+    my $output = qq|
+<input type="hidden" name="folder" value="$folder" />
+<input type="hidden" name="dismode" value="$dismode" />|;
+    if ($is_crsform) {
+        $output .= '<input type="hidden" name="courserecips" value="" />'."\n";
+        if ($group ne '') {
+            $output .= '<input type="hidden" name="groupmail" value="" />'."\n";
+        }
+    }
+    $output .= qq|
+<table><tr><td align="left">
+<input type="submit" name="send" value="$value" title="$sendtext" />
+<input type="submit" name="cancel" value="$lt->{'ca'}" />
+</td><td width="60">&nbsp;</td><td align="right">$prevbutton</td></tr></table>
+    return $output;
+sub msg_subject_row {
+    my ($dissub,$lt,$subj_size,$extra) = @_;
+    my $output = '<tr><td colspan="3"><label><b>'.$lt->{'sb'}.'</b>:&nbsp;<input type="text" size="'.
+                 $subj_size.'" name="subject" value="'.$dissub.'" /></label>'.$extra.
+                 '</td></tr>';
+    return $output;
+sub generate_preview_form {
+    my $prevbutton = (<<ENDPREVIEW);
+<form name="preview" action="/adm/feedback?preview=1" method="post" target="preview">
+<input type="hidden" name="subject" />
+<input type="hidden" name="comment" />
 # ---------------------------------------------------- Display all face to face
@@ -862,8 +1915,8 @@ sub retrieve_instructor_comments {
     my ($user,$domain)=@_;
     my $target=$env{'form.grade_target'};
     if (! $env{'request.course.id'}) { return; }
-    if (! &Apache::lonnet::allowed('srm',$env{'request.course.id'})
-	&& ! &Apache::lonnet::allowed('srm',$env{'request.course.id'}.
+    if (! &Apache::lonnet::allowed('dff',$env{'request.course.id'})
+	&& ! &Apache::lonnet::allowed('dff',$env{'request.course.id'}.
 				      '/'.$env{'request.course.sec'})) {
@@ -872,13 +1925,13 @@ sub retrieve_instructor_comments {
     my $result='';
-    foreach (sort(keys(%records))) {
-        my %content=&Apache::lonmsg::unpackagemsg($records{$_});
+    foreach my $key (sort(keys(%records))) {
+        my %content=&Apache::lonmsg::unpackagemsg($records{$key});
         next if ($content{'senderdomain'} eq '');
         next if ($content{'subject'} !~ /^Record/);
 	# &Apache::lonfeedback::newline_to_br(\$content{'message'});
 	$result.='Recorded by '.
-            $content{'sendername'}.'@'.$content{'senderdomain'}."\n";
+            $content{'sendername'}.':'.$content{'senderdomain'}."\n";
@@ -886,13 +1939,15 @@ sub retrieve_instructor_comments {
 sub disfacetoface {
-    my ($r,$user,$domain)=@_;
-    my $target=$env{'form.grade_target'};
+    my ($r,$user,$domain,$target)=@_;
+    if ($target eq '') {
+        $target=$env{'form.grade_target'};
+    }
     unless ($env{'request.course.id'}) { return; }
-    if  (!&Apache::lonnet::allowed('srm',$env{'request.course.id'})
-	 && ! &Apache::lonnet::allowed('srm',$env{'request.course.id'}.
+    if  (!&Apache::lonnet::allowed('dff',$env{'request.course.id'})
+	 && ! &Apache::lonnet::allowed('dff',$env{'request.course.id'}.
 				       '/'.$env{'request.course.sec'})) {
-	$r->print('Not allowed');
+	$r->print(&mt('Not allowed'));
     my %records=&Apache::lonnet::dump('nohist_email',
@@ -900,17 +1955,19 @@ sub disfacetoface {
     my $result='';
-    foreach (sort keys %records) {
-        my %content=&Apache::lonmsg::unpackagemsg($records{$_});
+    foreach my $key (sort(keys(%records))) {
+        my %content=&Apache::lonmsg::unpackagemsg($records{$key});
         next if ($content{'senderdomain'} eq '');
-	&Apache::lonfeedback::newline_to_br(\$content{'message'});
+    if (!&Apache::lonfeedback::contains_block_html($content{'message'})) {
+		&Apache::lonfeedback::newline_to_br(\$content{'message'});
+	}
         if ($content{'subject'}=~/^Record/) {
         } elsif ($content{'subject'}=~/^Broadcast/) {
             $result .='<h3>'.&mt('Broadcast Message').'</h3>';
             if ($content{'subject'}=~/^Broadcast\./) {
                 if (defined($content{'coursemsgid'})) {
-                    my $crsmsgid = &Apache::lonnet::escape($content{'coursemsgid'});
+                    my $crsmsgid = &escape($content{'coursemsgid'});
                     my $broadcast_message = &general_message($crsmsgid);
                     $content{'message'} = '<b>'.&mt('Subject').': '.$content{'message'}.'</b><br />'.$broadcast_message;
                 } else {
@@ -919,11 +1976,23 @@ sub disfacetoface {
                     '<b>'.&mt('Subject').': '.$content{'subject'}.'</b><br />'.
-            }    
+            }
+        } elsif ($content{'subject'}=~/^Archive/) {
+            $result.='<h3>'.&mt('Archived Message').'</h3>';
+            if (defined($content{'coursemsgid'})) {
+                my $crsmsgid = &escape($content{'coursemsgid'});
+                my $archive_message = &general_message($crsmsgid);
+                $content{'message'} = '<b>'.&mt('Subject').': '.$content{'message'}.'</b><br />'.$archive_message;
+            } else {
+                %content=&Apache::lonmsg::unpackagemsg($content{'message'});
+                $content{'message'} =
+                '<b>'.&mt('Subject').': '.$content{'subject'}.'</b><br />'.
+                $content{'message'};
+            }
         } else {
             $result.='<h3>'.&mt('Critical Message').'</h3>';
             if (defined($content{'coursemsgid'})) {
-                my $crsmsgid=&Apache::lonnet::escape($content{'coursemsgid'});
+                my $crsmsgid=&escape($content{'coursemsgid'});
                 my $critical_message = &general_message($crsmsgid);
                 $content{'message'} = '<b>'.&mt('Subject').': '.$content{'message'}.'</b><br />'.$critical_message;
             } else {
@@ -936,21 +2005,24 @@ sub disfacetoface {
         $result.=&mt('By').': <b>'.
  &Apache::loncommon::plainname($content{'sendername'},$content{'senderdomain'}),$content{'sendername'},$content{'senderdomain'}).'</b> ('.
             $content{'senderdomain'}.') '.$content{'time'}.
-            '<br /><pre>'.
+            '<br /><pre class="LC_wordwrap">'.
     # Check to see if there were any messages.
     if ($result eq '') {
+        my $lctype = &mt(lc(&Apache::loncommon::course_type()));
 	if ($target ne 'tex') { 
-	    $r->print("<p><b>".&mt("No notes, face-to-face discussion records, critical messages, or broadcast messages in this course.")."</b></p>");
+	    $r->print("<p><b>".&mt('No notes, face-to-face discussion records, critical messages or broadcast messages in this '.$lctype.'.')."</b></p>");
 	} else {
-	    $r->print('\textbf{'.&mt("No notes, face-to-face discussion records, critical messages or broadcast messages in this course.").'}\\\\');
+	    $r->print('\textbf{'.&mt('No notes, face-to-face discussion records, critical messages or broadcast messages in this '.$lctype.'.').'}\\\\');
+    } elsif ($target eq 'tex') {
+        $r->print(&Apache::lonxml::xmlparse($r,$target,$result));
     } else {
-       $r->print($result);
+        $r->print('<div>'.$result.'</div>');
@@ -970,15 +2042,18 @@ sub general_message {
 sub facetoface {
     my ($r,$stage)=@_;
-    if (!&Apache::lonnet::allowed('srm',$env{'request.course.id'})
-	&& ! &Apache::lonnet::allowed('srm',$env{'request.course.id'}.
+    if (!&Apache::lonnet::allowed('dff',$env{'request.course.id'})
+	&& ! &Apache::lonnet::allowed('dff',$env{'request.course.id'}.
 				      '/'.$env{'request.course.sec'})) {
-	$r->print('Not allowed');
+	$r->print(&mt('Not allowed'));
+    my $crstype = &Apache::loncommon::course_type();
+    my $leaders = ($crstype eq 'Community') ? 'coordinators and leaders'
+                                            : 'faculty and staff';
-		 "User Notes, Face-to-Face, Critical Messages, Broadcast Messages");
+		 "User Notes, Face-to-Face, Critical Messages, Broadcast Messages, Archived Messages");
 # from query string
     if ($env{'form.recname'}) { $env{'form.recuname'}=$env{'form.recname'}; }
@@ -993,39 +2068,47 @@ sub facetoface {
     my %lt=&Apache::lonlocal::texthash('user' => 'Username',
 				       'dom' => 'Domain',
-				       'head' => 'User Notes, Records of Face-To-Face Discussions, Critical Messages, and Broadcast Messages in Course',
+				       'head' => "User Notes, Records of Face-To-Face Discussions, Critical Messages, Broadcast Messages and Archived Messages in $crstype",
 				       'subm' => 'Retrieve discussion and message records',
-				       'newr' => 'New Record (record is visible to course faculty and staff)',
+				       'newr' => 'New Record (record is visible to '.lc($crstype).' '.$leaders.')',
 				       'post' => 'Post this Record');
-    $r->print(<<"ENDTREC");
-<form method="post" action="/adm/email" name="stdselect">
-<input type="hidden" name="recordftf" value="retrieve" />
-<tr><td>$lt{'user'}:</td><td><input type="text" size="12" name="recuname" value="$env{'form.recuname'}" /></td>
-<td rowspan="2">
-<input type="submit" value="$lt{'subm'}" /></td>
+    $r->print('<h2>'.$lt{'head'}.'</h2>'
+             .'<form method="post" action="/adm/email" name="stdselect">'
+             .'<input type="hidden" name="recordftf" value="retrieve" />'
+             .&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::start_pick_box()
+             .&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::row_title($lt{'user'})
+             .'<input type="text" size="12" name="recuname" value="'.$env{'form.recuname'}.'" />'
+             .' '.$stdbrws
+             .&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::row_closure()
+             .&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::row_title($lt{'dom'})
+             .$domform
+             .&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::row_closure(1)
+             .&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::end_pick_box()
+             .'<br />'
+             .'<input type="submit" value="'.$lt{'subm'}.'" />'
+             .'</form>'
+    );
     if (($stage ne 'query') &&
         ($env{'form.recdomain'}) && ($env{'form.recuname'})) {
         if ($env{'form.newrecord'}) {
-           my $recordtxt = $env{'form.newrecord'};
-           &Apache::lonmsg::user_normal_msg_raw(
-            $env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.num'},
-            $env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.domain'},
-            &mt('Record').
-	     ' ['.$env{'form.recuname'}.':'.$env{'form.recdomain'}.']',
-	    $recordtxt);
-        }
-        $r->print('<h3>'.&Apache::loncommon::plainname($env{'form.recuname'},
-				     $env{'form.recdomain'}).'</h3>');
+	    &Apache::lonmsg::store_instructor_comment($env{'form.newrecord'},
+						      $env{'form.recuname'},
+						      $env{'form.recdomain'});
+        }
+        my $aboutmelink=&Apache::loncommon::aboutmewrapper(
+                            &Apache::loncommon::plainname($env{'form.recuname'}
+                                                         ,$env{'form.recdomain'})
+                           ,$env{'form.recuname'},$env{'form.recdomain'});
+        $r->print('<hr />'
+                 .'<h2>'
+                 .&mt('Discussion and message records for [_1] ([_2])'
+                     ,$aboutmelink
+                     ,$env{'form.recuname'}.':'.$env{'form.recdomain'})
+                 .'</h2>'
+       );
 <form method="post" action="/adm/email">
@@ -1043,475 +2126,572 @@ ENDBFORM
-# ----------------------------------------------------------- Blocking during exams
+# ----------------------------------------------------------- Display a message
-sub examblock {
-    my ($r,$action) = @_;
-    unless ($env{'request.course.id'}) { return;}
-    if (!&Apache::lonnet::allowed('srm',$env{'request.course.id'})
-	&& ! &Apache::lonnet::allowed('srm',$env{'request.course.id'}.
-				      '/'.$env{'request.course.sec'})) {
-	$r->print('Not allowed');
-	return;
+sub displaymessage {
+    my ($r,$msgid,$folder,$msgstatus)=@_;
+    my $suffix=&Apache::lonmsg::foldersuffix($folder);
+    my %blocked = ();
+    my %setters = ();
+    my $numblocked = 0;
+    my $crstype = &Apache::loncommon::course_type();
+    my $clientip = &Apache::lonnet::get_requestor_ip($r);
+# info to generate "next" and "previous" buttons and check if message is blocked
+    my ($startblock,$endblock,$triggerblock,$by_ip,$blockdom) =
+        &Apache::loncommon::blockcheck(\%setters,'com',$clientip);
+    my @messages=&sortedmessages(\%blocked,$startblock,$endblock,$by_ip,\$numblocked,$folder,$msgstatus);
+    if ( $blocked{$msgid} eq 'ON' ) {
+        &printheader($r,'/adm/email',&mt('Display a Message'));
+        #$r->print(&mt('You attempted to display a message that is currently blocked because you are enrolled in one or more courses for which there is an ongoing online exam.'));
+        my($blocked, $blocktext) = &Apache::loncommon::blocking_status("com",$clientip);
+        $r->print("<br />".$blocktext);
+        return;
+    }
+    if ($msgstatus eq '') {
+        &statuschange($msgid,'read',$folder);
+    }
+    my %message=&Apache::lonnet::get('nohist_email'.$suffix,[$msgid]);
+    my %content=&Apache::lonmsg::unpackagemsg($message{$msgid});
+    my $counter=0;
+    my $escmsgid=&escape($msgid);
+    foreach (@messages) {
+	if ($_->[5] eq $escmsgid){
+	    last;
+	}
+	$counter++;
+    }
+    my $see_anonymous;
+    my $from_student = 0;
+    if ($env{'request.course.id'} eq $content{'courseid'}) {
+	my $cdom = $env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.domain'};
+	my $cnum = $env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.num'};
+	my $username = $content{'sendername'}.':'.$content{'senderdomain'};
+	my %classlist_entry =
+	    &Apache::lonnet::get('classlist',[$username],$cdom,$cnum);
+	if (exists($classlist_entry{$username})) {
+	    $from_student = 1;
+	    $see_anonymous = &Apache::lonnet::allowed('rin',$env{'request.course.id'}.($env{'request.course.sec'}?'/'.$env{'request.course.sec'}:''));
+	}
-    my %lt=&Apache::lonlocal::texthash(
-            'comb' => 'Communication Blocking',
-            'cbds' => 'Communication blocking during scheduled exams',
-            'desc' => 'You can use communication blocking to prevent students enrolled in this course from displaying LON-CAPA messages sent by other students during an online exam. As blocking of communication could potentially interrupt legitimate communication between students who are also both enrolled in a different LON-CAPA course, please be careful that you select the correct start and end times for your scheduled exam when setting or modifying these parameters.',
-             'mecb' => 'Modify existing communication blocking periods',
-             'ncbc' => 'No communication blocks currently stored'
-    );
-    my %ltext = &Apache::lonlocal::texthash(
-            'dura' => 'Duration',
-            'setb' => 'Set by',
-            'even' => 'Event',
-            'actn' => 'Action',
-            'star' => 'Start',
-            'endd' => 'End'
-    );
-    &printheader($r,'/adm/email?block=display',$lt{'comb'});
-    $r->print('<h3>'.$lt{'cbds'}.'</h3>');
+    my $number_of_messages = scalar(@messages); #subtract 1 for last index
+    my $head_extra;
-    if ($action eq 'store') {
-        &blockstore($r);
+# if student's view of resource will be included
+# get <link> tag(s) for css file(s) in use, and pass to &header to include
+# in call to loncommon::start_page()
+    if (($env{'request.course.id'} eq $content{'courseid'}) &&
+        (&Apache::lonnet::allowed('vgr',$content{'courseid'}))) {
+        my $symb;
+        if (defined($content{'symb'})) {
+            $symb = $content{'symb'};
+        } elsif (defined($content{'baseurl'})) {
+            $symb=&Apache::lonnet::symbread($content{'baseurl'});
+        }
+        if ($symb) {
+            $head_extra = &Apache::loncommon::css_links($symb);
+        }
-    $r->print($lt{'desc'}.'<br /><br />
-               <form name="blockform" method="post" action="/adm/email?block=store">
-             ');
-    $r->print('<h4>'.$lt{'mecb'}.'</h4>');
-    my %records = ();
-    my $blockcount = 0;
-    my $parmcount = 0;
-    &get_blockdates(\%records,\$blockcount);
-    if ($blockcount > 0) {
-        $parmcount = &display_blocker_status($r,\%records,\%ltext);
-    } else {
-        $r->print($lt{'ncbc'}.'<br /><br />');
-    }
-    &display_addblocker_table($r,$parmcount,\%ltext);
-    my $end_page=&Apache::loncommon::end_page();
-    $r->print(<<"END");
-<br />
-<input type="hidden" name="blocktotal" value="$blockcount" />
-<input type ="submit" value="Save Changes" />
-    return;
+# start output
+    &printheader($r,'/adm/email?display='.&escape($msgid),'Display a Message','',
+                 $content{'baseurl'},$head_extra);
-sub blockstore {
-    my $r = shift;
-    my %lt=&Apache::lonlocal::texthash(
-            'tfcm' => 'The following changes were made',
-            'cbps' => 'communication blocking period(s)',
-            'werm' => 'was/were removed',
-            'wemo' => 'was/were modified',
-            'wead' => 'was/were added',
-            'ncwm' => 'No changes were made.' 
-    );
-    my %adds = ();
-    my %removals = ();
-    my %cancels = ();
-    my $modtotal = 0;
-    my $canceltotal = 0;
-    my $addtotal = 0;
-    my %blocking = ();
-    $r->print('<h3>'.$lt{'head'}.'</h3>');
-    foreach (keys %env) {
-        if ($_ =~ m/^form\.modify_(\w+)$/) {
-            $adds{$1} = $1;
-            $removals{$1} = $1;
-            $modtotal ++;
-        } elsif ($_ =~ m/^form\.cancel_(\d+)$/) {
-            $cancels{$1} = $1;
-            unless ( defined($removals{$1}) ) {
-                $removals{$1} = $1;
-                $canceltotal ++;
-            }
-        } elsif ($_ =~ m/^form\.add_(\d+)$/) {
-            $adds{$1} = $1;
-            $addtotal ++;
-        }
+# Prepare available functions
+    my @functionlist;
+    if (!$content{'noreplies'}) {
+        push(@functionlist,'<a href="/adm/email?replyto='.&escape($msgid).$sqs.'">'
+                     .&mt('Reply')
+                     .'</a>');
+    }
+    push(@functionlist,'<a href="/adm/email?forward='.&escape($msgid).$sqs.'">'
+                  .&mt('Forward')
+                  .'</a>');
+    push(@functionlist,'<a href="/adm/email?markunread='.&escape($msgid).$sqs.'">'
+                  .&mt('Mark Unread')
+                  .'</a>');
+    push(@functionlist,'<a href="/adm/email?markdel='.&escape($msgid).$sqs.'">'
+                  .&mt('Delete')
+                  .'</a>');
+# Prepare available navigation
+    my @navigationlist;
+    if ($counter > 0){
+        push(@navigationlist,'<a href="/adm/email?display='.$messages[$counter-1]->[5].$sqs.'">'
+                          .&mt('Previous')
+                          .'</a>');
+    if ($counter < $number_of_messages - 1){
+        push(@navigationlist,'<a href="/adm/email?display='.$messages[$counter+1]->[5].$sqs.'">'
+                          .&mt('Next')
+                          .'</a>');
+    }
+    push(@navigationlist,'<a href="/adm/email?'.$sqs.'">'
+                  .&mt('Back to Folder Display')
+                  .'</a>');
+# Prepare available actions
+    my $symb;
+    if (defined($content{'symb'})) {
+        $symb = $content{'symb'};
+    } elsif (defined($content{'baseurl'})) {
+        $symb=&Apache::lonnet::symbread($content{'baseurl'});
+    }
+    my @actionlist;
+    if ($env{'user.adv'}) {
-    foreach (keys %removals) {
-        my $hashkey = $env{'form.key_'.$_};
-        &Apache::lonnet::del('comm_block',["$hashkey"],
-                         $env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.domain'},
-                         $env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.num'}
-                         );
-    }
-    foreach (keys %adds) {
-        unless ( defined($cancels{$_}) ) {
-            my ($newstart,$newend) = &get_dates_from_form($_);
-            my $newkey = $newstart.'____'.$newend;
-            $blocking{$newkey} = $env{'user.name'}.'@'.$env{'user.domain'}.':'.$env{'form.title_'.$_};
-        }
-    }
-    if ($addtotal + $modtotal > 0) {
-        &Apache::lonnet::put('comm_block',\%blocking,
-                     $env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.domain'},
-                     $env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.num'}
-                     );
+	if (($env{'request.course.id'}) && ($from_student) &&
+            (&Apache::lonnet::allowed('vgr',$env{'request.course.id'}))) {
+		push(@actionlist,&Apache::loncommon::track_student_link(
+                                      'View recent activity'
+                                     ,$content{'sendername'}
+                                     ,$content{'senderdomain'}
+                                     ,'check'));
+	}
+	if (&Apache::lonnet::allowed('opa',$env{'request.course.id'}) && $symb) {
+	    push(@actionlist,&Apache::loncommon::pprmlink(
+                                  &mt('Set/Change parameters')
+                                     ,$content{'sendername'}
+                                     ,$content{'senderdomain'}
+                                     ,$symb
+                                     ,'check'));
+	}
+	if (&Apache::lonnet::allowed('mgr',$env{'request.course.id'}) && $symb) {
+	    push(@actionlist,&Apache::loncommon::pgrdlink(
+                                 &mt('Set/Change grades')
+                                     ,$content{'sendername'}
+                                     ,$content{'senderdomain'}
+                                     ,$symb
+                                     ,'check'));
+	}
-    my $chgestotal = $canceltotal + $modtotal + $addtotal;
-    if ($chgestotal > 0) {
-        $r->print($lt{'tfcm'}.'<ul>');
-        if ($canceltotal > 0) {
-            $r->print('<li>'.$canceltotal.' '.$lt{'cbps'},' '.$lt{'werm'}.'</li>');
+# Print functionlist, navigationlist, and actionlist in page header
+        my $functions='<div class="LC_columnSection">';
+        # Functionlist
+        $functions.=&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::start_funclist();
+        foreach my $item (@functionlist) {
+            $functions.=&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::add_item_funclist($item);
+        }
+        $functions .= &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::end_funclist();
+        # Navigationlist
+        $functions.=&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::start_funclist(
+                    &mt('Navigation'));
+        foreach my $item (@navigationlist) {
+            $functions.=&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::add_item_funclist($item);
+        }
+        $functions .= &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::end_funclist();
+        # Actionlist
+        if (@actionlist) {
+            $functions.=&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::start_funclist(
+                            &mt('Currently available actions (will open extra window)'));
+            foreach my $item (@actionlist) {
+                $functions.=&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::add_item_funclist($item);
+            }
+            $functions.=&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::end_funclist();
+        }
+        $functions.='</div>';
+        $r->print(&Apache::loncommon::head_subbox($functions));
+    my ($tonum,$tolist,$cclist,$bcclist,$groupcclist,%recipients);
+    if ($content{'recipid'}) {
+        $tonum = &retrieve_recips('display',\%content,\%recipients);
+        if (ref($recipients{'cc'}) eq 'ARRAY') {
+            $cclist = join(', ',@{$recipients{'cc'}});
-        if ($modtotal > 0) {
-            $r->print('<li>'.$modtotal.' '.$lt{'cbps'},' '.$lt{'wemo'}.'</li>');
+        if (ref($recipients{'to'}) eq 'ARRAY') {
+            $tolist = join(', ',@{$recipients{'to'}});
-        if ($addtotal > 0) {
-            $r->print('<li>'.$addtotal.' '.$lt{'cbps'},' '.$lt{'wead'}.'</li>');
+        if (ref($recipients{'bcc'}) eq 'ARRAY') {
+            $bcclist = join(', ',@{$recipients{'bcc'}});
-        $r->print('</ul>');
-    } else {
-        $r->print($lt{'ncwm'});
-    $r->print('<br />');
-    return;
-sub get_dates_from_form {
-    my $item = shift;
-    my $startdate = &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::get_date_from_form('startdate_'.$item);
-    my $enddate   = &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::get_date_from_form('enddate_'.$item);
-    return ($startdate,$enddate);
-sub get_blockdates {
-    my ($records,$blockcount) = @_;
-    $$blockcount = 0;
-    %{$records} = &Apache::lonnet::dump('comm_block',
-                         $env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.domain'},
-                         $env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.num'}
-                         );
-    $$blockcount = keys %{$records};
-    foreach (keys %{$records}) {
-        if ($_ eq 'error: 2 tie(GDBM) Failed while attempting dump') {
-            $$blockcount = 0;
-            last;
+    my $broadcast_link;
+    if (($content{'courseid'}) && ($content{'recipid'} &&
+        (ref($recipients{'course_broadcast'}) eq 'ARRAY') ||
+        (ref($recipients{'group_cc_broadcast'}) eq 'ARRAY') ||
+        (ref($recipients{'group_bcc_broadcast'}) eq 'ARRAY'))) {
+        $broadcast_link = &recipients_link($r,\%content,\%recipients);
+    }
+    if (((!$tolist) && (!$broadcast_link)) && ref($content{'recuser'}) eq 'ARRAY') {
+        my @recipients;
+        for (my $i=0; $i<@{$content{'recuser'}}; $i++) {
+            $recipients[$i] =  &Apache::loncommon::aboutmewrapper(
+               &Apache::loncommon::plainname($content{'recuser'}[$i],
+                                      $content{'recdomain'}[$i]),
+                  $content{'recuser'}[$i],$content{'recdomain'}[$i]).
+           ' ('.$content{'recuser'}[$i].':'.$content{'recdomain'}[$i].') ';
+        $tolist = join(', ',@recipients);
+    }
+    my ($restitle,$baseurl,$refers_to);
+    if (defined($content{'resource_title'})) {
+        $restitle = $content{'resource_title'};
+    } else {
+        if (defined($content{'baseurl'})) {
+            $restitle = &Apache::lonnet::gettitle($content{'baseurl'});
+        }
+    }
+    if (defined($content{'baseurl'})) {
+        $baseurl = &Apache::lonenc::check_encrypt($content{'baseurl'});
+    }
+    $r->print('<div class="LC_clear_float_footer">');
+    if ($from_student && $see_anonymous ) {
+	$r->print(&Apache::loncommon::student_image_tag($content{'senderdomain'},$content{'sendername'}).'</br>');
-sub display_blocker_status {
-    my ($r,$records,$ltext) = @_;
-    my $parmcount = 0;
-    my @bgcols = ("#eeeeee","#dddddd");
-    my $function = &Apache::loncommon::get_users_function();
-    my $color = &Apache::loncommon::designparm($function.'.tabbg',
-                                                    $env{'user.domain'});
-    my %lt = &Apache::lonlocal::texthash(
-        'modi' => 'Modify',
-        'canc' => 'Cancel',
+    # Display LON-CAPA Message (Start)
+    # Subject
+    $r->print('</div>'
+             .&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::start_pick_box()
+             .&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::row_title(&mt('Subject'))
+             .$content{'subject'}
+             .&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::row_closure()
-    $r->print(<<"END");
-<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
-  <td width="100%" bgcolor="#000000">
-   <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0">
-    <tr>
-     <td width="100%" bgcolor="#000000">
-      <table border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="3" bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
-       <tr bgcolor="$color">
-        <td><b>$$ltext{'dura'}</b></td>
-        <td><b>$$ltext{'setb'}</b></td>
-        <td><b>$$ltext{'even'}</b></td>
-        <td><b>$$ltext{'actn'}?</b></td>
-       </tr>
-    foreach (sort keys %{$records}) {
-        my $iter = $parmcount%2;
-        my $onchange = 'onFocus="javascript:window.document.forms['.
-                       "'blockform'].elements['modify_".$parmcount."'].".
-                       'checked=true;"';
-        my ($start,$end) = split/____/,$_;
-        my $startform = &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::date_setter('blockform','startdate_'.$parmcount,$start,$onchange);
-        my $endform = &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::date_setter('blockform','enddate_'.$parmcount,$end,$onchange);
-        my ($setter,$title) = split/:/,$$records{$_};
-        my ($setuname,$setudom) = split/@/,$setter;
-        my $settername = &Apache::loncommon::plainname($setuname,$setudom);
-        $r->print(<<"END");
-       <tr bgcolor="$bgcols[$iter]">
-        <td>$$ltext{'star'}:&nbsp;$startform<br/>$$ltext{'endd'}:&nbsp;&nbsp;$endform</td>
-        <td>$settername</td>
-        <td><input type="text" name="title_$parmcount" size="15" value="$title" /><input type="hidden" name="key_$parmcount" value="$_" /></td>
-        <td><label>$lt{'modi'}?&nbsp;<input type="checkbox" name="modify_$parmcount" /></label><br /><label>$lt{'canc'}?&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type="checkbox" name="cancel_$parmcount" /></label>
-       </tr>
-        $parmcount ++;
-    }
-    $r->print(<<"END");
-      </table>
-     </td>
-    </tr>
-   </table>
-  </td>
- </tr>
-<br />
-<br />
-    return $parmcount;
+    if ($folder eq 'sent') {
+        # To
+        if ($tolist) {
+            $r->print(&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::row_title(&mt('To'))
+                     .$tolist
+                     .&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::row_closure()
+            );
+        }
+        if ($cclist) {
+            $r->print(&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::row_title(&mt('Cc'))
+                     .$cclist
+                     .&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::row_closure()
+            );
+        }
+        if ($bcclist) {
+            $r->print(&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::row_title(&mt('Bcc'))
+                     .$bcclist
+                     .&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::row_closure()
+            );
+        }
+        if (($content{'courseid'}) && ($content{'recipid'})) {
+            my %broadcast_types = 
+                &Apache::lonlocal::texthash (
+                    course_broadcast    => 'Broadcast to', 
+                    group_cc_broadcast  => 'Cc to group',
+                    group_bcc_broadcast => 'Bcc to group',
+                );                   
+            foreach my $type (sort(keys(%broadcast_types))) {
+                if (ref($recipients{$type}) eq 'ARRAY') {
+                    my $num = @{$recipients{$type}};
+                    my $broadcastlist = join(', ',@{$recipients{$type}});
+                    if ($broadcastlist && $broadcast_link) {
+                        if ($type eq 'group_cc_broadcast') {
+                            $groupcclist = $broadcastlist;
+                        }
+                        $r->print(&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::row_title(
+                                            $broadcast_types{$type})
+                                  .&mt('[quant,_1,recipient]',$num)
+                                  .' <a href="javascript:showBroadcastList();">['
+                                  .&mt('Show').']</a>' 
+                                  .&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::row_closure());
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        if ($content{'replytoaddr'}) {
+            my ($replytoname,$replytodom) = split(/:/,$content{'replytoaddr'});
+            if ($replytoname ne '' && $replytodom ne '') {
+                $r->print(&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::row_title(&mt('Reply To'))
+                         .$replytoname.':'.$replytodom
+                         .&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::row_closure()
+                );
+            }
+        }
+    } else {
+        # From, Reply
+        $r->print(&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::row_title(&mt('From'))
+                 .&Apache::loncommon::aboutmewrapper(
+                     &Apache::loncommon::plainname($content{'sendername'},$content{'senderdomain'}),
+                                                 $content{'sendername'},$content{'senderdomain'})
+        );
+        if ($content{'noreplies'}) {
+            $r->print(' ('.&mt('No replies to sender').')'
+                     .&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::row_closure()
+            );
+        } else {
+            if ($content{'replytoaddr'}) {
+                my ($replytoname,$replytodom) = split(/:/,$content{'replytoaddr'});
+                if ($replytoname ne '' && $replytodom ne '') {
+                    $r->print(&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::row_closure()
+                             .&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::row_title(&mt('Reply To'))
+                             .$replytoname.':'.$replytodom
+                             .&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::row_closure()
+                    );
+                } else {
+                    $r->print(&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::row_closure());
+                }
+            } else {
+                $r->print(' ('.$content{'sendername'}.':'.$content{'senderdomain'}.') '
+                         .&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::row_closure()
+                );
+            }
+            if ($tonum && $tolist) {
+                $r->print(&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::row_title(&mt('To'))
+                         .$tolist
+                         .&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::row_closure()
+                    );
+            }
+            if ($cclist) { 
+                $r->print(&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::row_title(&mt('Cc'))
+                         .$cclist
+                         .&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::row_closure()
+                    );
+            }
+            if ($content{'group'} ne '') {
+                if (&check_group_priv($content{'group'})) {
+                    if (ref($recipients{'group_cc_broadcast'}) eq 'ARRAY') { 
+                        $groupcclist = join(', ',@{$recipients{'group_cc_broadcast'}});
+                        if ($groupcclist) {
+                            $r->print(&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::row_title(&mt('Group Cc'))
+                                     .$groupcclist
+                                     .&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::row_closure()
+                            );
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
-sub display_addblocker_table {
-    my ($r,$parmcount,$ltext) = @_;
-    my $start = time;
-    my $end = $start + (60 * 60 * 2); #Default is an exam of 2 hours duration.
-    my $onchange = 'onFocus="javascript:window.document.forms['.
-                   "'blockform'].elements['add_".$parmcount."'].".
-                   'checked=true;"';
-    my $startform = &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::date_setter('blockform','startdate_'.$parmcount,$start,$onchange);
-    my $endform = &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::date_setter('blockform','enddate_'.$parmcount,$end,$onchange);
-    my $function = &Apache::loncommon::get_users_function();
-    my $color = &Apache::loncommon::designparm($function.'.tabbg',
-                                                    $env{'user.domain'});
-    my %lt = &Apache::lonlocal::texthash(
-        'addb' => 'Add block',
-        'exam' => 'e.g., Exam 1',
-        'addn' => 'Add new communication blocking periods'
+    # Course
+    if ($content{'courseid'} ne '') {
+        if ($content{'courseid'} =~ m{^$match_domain\_$match_courseid$}) {
+            my %courseinfo;
+            %courseinfo=&Apache::lonnet::coursedescription($content{'courseid'},
+                                                           {'one_time' => 1});
+            my $description = $courseinfo{'description'};
+            if ($description ne '') {
+                $r->print(&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::row_title(&mt($crstype))
+                         .$description
+                );
+                if ($content{'coursesec'}) {
+                    $r->print(' ('.&mt('Section').': '.$content{'coursesec'}.')');
+                }
+                $r->print(&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::row_closure());
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    $r->print(&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::row_title(&mt('Time'))
+             .$content{'time'}
+             .&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::row_closure()
-    $r->print(<<"END");
-<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
-  <td width="100%" bgcolor="#000000">
-   <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0">
-    <tr>
-     <td width="100%" bgcolor="#000000">
-      <table border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="3" bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
-       <tr bgcolor="#CCCCFF">
-        <td><b>$$ltext{'dura'}</b></td>
-        <td><b>$$ltext{'even'} $lt{'exam'}</b></td>
-        <td><b>$$ltext{'actn'}?</b></td>
-       </tr>
-       <tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
-        <td>$$ltext{'star'}:&nbsp;$startform<br />$$ltext{'endd'}:&nbsp;&nbsp;$endform</td>
-        <td><input type="text" name="title_$parmcount" size="15" value="" /></td>
-        <td><label>$lt{'addb'}?&nbsp;<input type="checkbox" name="add_$parmcount" value="1" /></label></td>
-       </tr>
-      </table>
-     </td>
-    </tr>
-   </table>
-  </td>
- </tr>
-    return;
-sub blockcheck {
-    my ($setters,$startblock,$endblock) = @_;
-    # Retrieve active student roles and active course coordinator/instructor roles
-    my @livecses = ();
-    my @staffcses = ();
-    $$startblock = 0;
-    $$endblock = 0;
-    foreach (keys %env) {
-        if ($_ =~ m-^user\.role\.(st|cc|in)\./(.+)$-) {
-            my $role = $1;
-            my $cse = $2;
-            $cse =~ s|/|_|;
-            if ($env{$_} =~ m/^(\d*)\.(\d*)$/) {
-                unless (($2 > 0 && $2 < time) || ($1 > time)) {
-                    if ($role eq 'st') {
-                        push @livecses, $cse;
-                    } else {
-                        unless (grep/^$cse$/,@staffcses) {
-                            push @staffcses, $cse;
+    # Refers to
+    if ($baseurl) {
+        if (defined($content{'courseid'}) && defined($env{'request.course.id'})) {
+            if ($content{'courseid'} eq $env{'request.course.id'}) {
+                my $symblink;
+                my $showsymb = &Apache::lonenc::check_decrypt($symb);
+                my $showurl = &Apache::lonenc::check_decrypt($baseurl);
+                my $encrypturl = &Apache::lonnet::EXT('resource.0.encrypturl',
+                              $showsymb,$env{'user.domain'},$env{'user.name'});
+                if ($symb) {
+                    if ($encrypturl =~ /^yes$/i && !$env{'request.role.adv'}) {
+                        unless ($showsymb =~ m{^/enc/}) {
+                            $showsymb = &Apache::lonenc::encrypted($showsymb);
+                    $symblink = '?symb='.$showsymb;
+                if ($encrypturl =~ /^yes$/i && !$env{'request.role.adv'}) {
+                    unless ($showurl =~ m{^/enc/}) {
+                        $showurl = &Apache::lonenc::encrypted($showurl);
+                    }
+                }
+                $r->print(&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::row_title(&mt('Refers to'))
+                         .'<a href="'.$showurl.$symblink.'">'.$restitle.'</a>'
+                         .&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::row_closure()
+                );
+                $refers_to = 1;
-        } elsif ($_ =~ m-user\.role\.cr/(\w+)/(\w+)/([^/]+)\./(.+)$- ) { 
-            my $rolepriv = $env{'user.role..rolesdef_'.$3};
-    }
-    # Retrieve blocking times and identity of blocker for active courses for students.
-    if (@livecses > 0) {
-        foreach my $cse (@livecses) {
-            my ($cdom,$crs) = split/_/,$cse;
-            if ( (grep/^$cse$/,@staffcses) && ($env{'request.role'} !~ m-^st\./$cdom/$crs$-) ) {
-                next;
-            } else {
-                %{$$setters{$cse}} = ();
-                @{$$setters{$cse}{'staff'}} = ();
-                @{$$setters{$cse}{'times'}} = ();
-                my %records = &Apache::lonnet::dump('comm_block',$cdom,$crs);
-                foreach (keys %records) {
-                    if ($_ =~ m/^(\d+)____(\d+)$/) {
-                        if ($1 <= time && $2 >= time) {
-                            my ($staff,$title) = split/:/,$records{$_};
-                            push @{$$setters{$cse}{'staff'}}, $staff;
-                            push @{$$setters{$cse}{'times'}}, $_;
-                            if ( ($$startblock == 0) || ($$startblock > $1) ) {
-                                $$startblock = $1;
-                            }
-                            if ( ($$endblock == 0) || ($$endblock < $2) ) {
-                                $$endblock = $2;
+        if (!$refers_to) {
+            if ($baseurl =~ m-^/enc/-) {
+                if (defined($content{'courseid'})) {
+                    if (!$env{'request.course.id'}) {
+                        my $unencurl =
+                           &Apache::lonenc::unencrypted($baseurl,
+                                                        $content{'courseid'});
+                        if ($unencurl ne '') {
+                            if (&Apache::lonnet::allowed('bre',$unencurl)) {
+                                $r->print(&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::row_title(&mt('Refers to'))
+                                         .'<a href="'.$unencurl.'">'.$restitle.'</a>'
+                                         .&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::row_closure()
+                                );
+            } else {
+                if (&Apache::lonnet::allowed('bre',$baseurl)) {
+                    $r->print(&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::row_title(&mt('Refers to'))
+                             .'<a href="'.$baseurl.'">'.$restitle.'</a>'
+                             .&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::row_closure()
+                    );
+                }
+    # Message
+    $r->print(&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::row_title(&mt('Message'))
+             .'<pre class="LC_wordwrap">'
+	     .&Apache::lontexconvert::msgtexconverted($content{'message'},1)
+	     .'</pre>'
+    );
+    if (&displayresource(%content)) {
+        $r->print(&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::row_closure()
+                 .&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::row_title(&mt('Resource Details'))
+                 .&displayresource(%content)
+        );
+    } 
+    $r->print(&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::row_closure(1).
+              &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::end_pick_box());
+    # Display LON-CAPA Message (End)
+    return;
-sub build_block_table {
-    my ($r,$startblock,$endblock,$setters) = @_;
-    my $function = &Apache::loncommon::get_users_function();
-    my $color = &Apache::loncommon::designparm($function.'.tabbg',
-                                                    $env{'user.domain'});
-    my %lt = &Apache::lonlocal::texthash(
-        'cacb' => 'Currently active communication blocks',
-        'cour' => 'Course',
-        'dura' => 'Duration',
-        'blse' => 'Block set by'
-    ); 
-    $r->print(<<"END");
-<br /<br />$lt{'cacb'}:<br /><br />
-<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
-  <td width="100%" bgcolor="#000000">
-   <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0">
-    <tr>
-     <td width="100%" bgcolor="#000000">
-      <table border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="3" bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
-       <tr bgcolor="$color">
-        <td><b>$lt{'cour'}</b></td>
-        <td><b>$lt{'dura'}</b></td>
-        <td><b>$lt{'blse'}</b></td>
-       </tr>
-    foreach (keys %{$setters}) {
-        my %courseinfo=&Apache::lonnet::coursedescription($_);
-        for (my $i=0; $i<@{$$setters{$_}{staff}}; $i++) {
-            my ($uname,$udom) = split/\@/,$$setters{$_}{staff}[$i];
-            my $fullname = &Apache::loncommon::plainname($uname,$udom);
-            my ($openblock,$closeblock) = split/____/,$$setters{$_}{times}[$i];
-            $openblock = &Apache::lonlocal::locallocaltime($openblock);
-            $closeblock= &Apache::lonlocal::locallocaltime($closeblock);
-            $r->print('<tr><td>'.$courseinfo{'description'}.'</td>'.
-                      '<td>'.$openblock.' to '.$closeblock.'</td>'.
-                      '<td>'.$fullname.' ('.$uname.'@'.$udom.
-                      ')</td></tr>');
+sub retrieve_recips {
+    my ($context,$content,$recips)= @_;
+    my $tonum = 0;
+    if (ref($content) eq 'HASH') {
+        my %reciphash =
+            &Apache::lonnet::get('nohist_emailrecip',[$content->{'recipid'}],
+                                 $content->{'senderdomain'},$content->{'sendername'});
+        my $recipinfo = $reciphash{$content->{'recipid'}};
+        if (ref($recipinfo) eq 'HASH') {
+            foreach my $type ('to','cc','course_broadcast','group_cc_broadcast','group_bcc_broadcast') {
+                if (ref($recipinfo->{$type}) eq 'HASH') {
+                    if ($type eq 'to') {
+                        $tonum = keys(%{$recipinfo->{$type}});
+                    }
+                    foreach my $user (sort(keys(%{$recipinfo->{$type}}))) {
+                        my ($uname,$udom) = split(/:/,$user);
+                        next if (($context eq 'replying') && ($uname eq $env{'user.name'})
+                                 && ($udom eq $env{'user.domain'}));
+                        my $showuser ='<span class="LC_nobreak">';
+                        if ($context eq 'replying') {
+                            if (($type eq 'to') || ($type eq 'cc')) { 
+                                $showuser = '<label><input type="checkbox" name="replying_'.$type.'" value="'.$user.'" />';
+                            } elsif ($type eq 'group_cc_broadcast') {
+                                $showuser = '<label><input type="checkbox" name="replying_groupcc" value="'.$user.'" />';
+                            }
+                        }
+                        $showuser .= &Apache::loncommon::aboutmewrapper(
+                                           &Apache::loncommon::plainname($uname,
+                                           $udom),$uname,$udom);
+		        if ($context eq 'replying') {
+		            $showuser .='</label>';
+		        }
+		        $showuser .= '</span>';
+                        if (ref($recips) eq 'HASH') {
+		            push(@{$recips->{$type}},$showuser);
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            }
-    $r->print('</table></td></tr></table></td></tr></table>');
+    return $tonum;
-# ----------------------------------------------------------- Display a message
-sub displaymessage {
-    my ($r,$msgid,$folder)=@_;
-    my $suffix=&Apache::lonmsg::foldersuffix($folder);
-    my %blocked = ();
-    my %setters = ();
-    my $startblock = 0;
-    my $endblock = 0;
-    my $numblocked = 0;
-# info to generate "next" and "previous" buttons and check if message is blocked
-    &blockcheck(\%setters,\$startblock,\$endblock);
-    my @messages=&sortedmessages(\%blocked,$startblock,$endblock,\$numblocked,$folder);
-    if ( $blocked{$msgid} eq 'ON' ) {
-        &printheader($r,'/adm/email',&mt('Display a Message'));
-        $r->print(&mt('You attempted to display a message that is currently blocked because you are enrolled in one or more courses for which there is an ongoing online exam.'));
-        &build_block_table($r,$startblock,$endblock,\%setters);
-        return;
-    }
-    &statuschange($msgid,'read',$folder);
-    my %message=&Apache::lonnet::get('nohist_email'.$suffix,[$msgid]);
-    my %content=&Apache::lonmsg::unpackagemsg($message{$msgid});
-    my $counter=0;
-    $r->print('<pre>');
-    my $escmsgid=&Apache::lonnet::escape($msgid);
-    foreach (@messages) {
-	if ($_->[5] eq $escmsgid){
-	    last;
-	}
-	$counter++;
-    }
-    $r->print('</pre>');
-    my $number_of_messages = scalar(@messages); #subtract 1 for last index
-# start output
-    &printheader($r,'/adm/email?display='.&Apache::lonnet::escape($msgid),'Display a Message','',$content{'baseurl'});
-    my %courseinfo=&Apache::lonnet::coursedescription($content{'courseid'});
-# Functions
-    $r->print('<table border="2" width="100%"><tr bgcolor="#FFFFAA"><td>'.&mt('Functions').':</td>'.
-	      '<td><a href="/adm/email?replyto='.&Apache::lonnet::escape($msgid).$sqs.
-	      '"><b>'.&mt('Reply').'</b></a></td>'.
-	      '<td><a href="/adm/email?forward='.&Apache::lonnet::escape($msgid).$sqs.
-	      '"><b>'.&mt('Forward').'</b></a></td>'.
-	      '<td><a href="/adm/email?markunread='.&Apache::lonnet::escape($msgid).$sqs.
-	      '"><b>'.&mt('Mark Unread').'</b></a></td>'.
-	      '<td><a href="/adm/email?markdel='.&Apache::lonnet::escape($msgid).$sqs.
-	      '"><b>'.&mt('Delete').'</b></a></td>'.
-	      '<td><a href="/adm/email?'.$sqs.
-	      ($env{'form.dismode'} eq 'new'?'&folder=new':'').
-	      '"><b>'.&mt('Back to Folder Display').'</b></a></td>');
-    if ($counter > 0){
-	$r->print('<td><a href="/adm/email?display='.$messages[$counter-1]->[5].$sqs.
-		  '"><b>'.&mt('Previous').'</b></a></td>');
+sub recipients_link {
+    my ($r,$content,$recipients) = @_;
+    my ($broadcast_link,$show);
+    if ((ref($content) eq 'HASH') && (ref($recipients) eq 'HASH')) {
+        if (ref($recipients->{'course_broadcast'}) eq 'ARRAY') {
+            if (@{$recipients->{'course_broadcast'}} > 0) {
+                $show = 'course';
+            }
+        } elsif (ref($recipients->{'group_cc_broadcast'}) eq 'ARRAY') {
+            if (@{$recipients->{'group_cc_broadcast'}} > 0) {
+                $show = 'group_cc';
+            }
+        } elsif (ref($recipients->{'group_bcc_broadcast'}) eq 'ARRAY') {
+            if (@{$recipients->{'group_bcc_broadcast'}} > 0) {
+                $show = 'group_bcc';
+            }
+        }
+        if ($show) {
+            my ($nothing,$height,$width,$start_page,$end_page,$body);
+            $nothing=&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::javascript_nothing();
+            $height = 400;
+            $width = 600;
+            $start_page =
+                &Apache::loncommon::start_page('Broadcast List', undef,
+                                               {only_body => 1,
+                                                js_ready  => 1,});
+            $end_page = &Apache::loncommon::end_page({js_ready => 1,});
+            $body = '<h3>'.&mt("Recipients of broadcast message").'</h3>'.
+                    &Apache::loncommon::start_data_table();
+            my $cell = 0;
+            $body .= &Apache::loncommon::start_data_table_row();
+            foreach my $item (@{$recipients->{$show.'_broadcast'}}) {
+                $item =~ s/'/\\'/g;
+                if (!($cell%2) && $cell > 0) {
+                    $body .= &Apache::loncommon::end_data_table_row().
+                             &Apache::loncommon::start_data_table_row();
+                }
+                $cell ++;
+                $body .= '<td>'.$cell.'&nbsp;'.$item.'&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>';
+            }
+            if ($cell%2) {
+                $body .= '<td>&nbsp;</td>';
+            }
+            $body .= &Apache::loncommon::end_data_table_row().
+                     &Apache::loncommon::end_data_table();
+            $body =~ s{</}{<\\/}g;
+            $body =~ s{\n}{}g;
+            $r->print(<<ENDJS);
+<script type="text/javascript">
+// <![CDATA[
+function showBroadcastList() {
+    var caller = this;
+    var newWindow = null;
+    try {
+        newWindow =  window.open($nothing,"broadcast","HEIGHT=$height,WIDTH=$width,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes" );
-    if ($counter < $number_of_messages - 1){
-	$r->print('<td><a href="/adm/email?display='.$messages[$counter+1]->[5].$sqs.
-		  '"><b>'.&mt('Next').'</b></a></td>');
+    catch(error) {
+        writeWin(caller);
+        return;
-    $r->print('</tr></table>');
-    if ($env{'user.adv'}) {
-	$r->print('<table border="2" width="100%"><tr bgcolor="#FFAAAA"><td>'.&mt('Currently available actions (will open extra window)').':</td>');
-	my $symb=&Apache::lonnet::symbread($content{'baseurl'});      
-	if (&Apache::lonnet::allowed('vgr',$env{'request.course.id'})) {
-		$r->print('<td><b>'.&Apache::loncommon::track_student_link(&mt('View recent activity'),$content{'sendername'},$content{'senderdomain'},'check').'</b></td>');
-	    }
-	if (&Apache::lonnet::allowed('opa',$env{'request.course.id'}) && $symb) {
-	    $r->print('<td><b>'.&Apache::loncommon::pprmlink(&mt('Set/Change parameters'),$content{'sendername'},$content{'senderdomain'},$symb,'check').'</b></td>');
-	}
-	if (&Apache::lonnet::allowed('mgr',$env{'request.course.id'}) && $symb) {
-	    $r->print('<td><b>'.&Apache::loncommon::pgrdlink(&mt('Set/Change grades'),$content{'sendername'},$content{'senderdomain'},$symb,'check').'</b></td>');
-	}
-	$r->print('</tr></table>');
+    if (newWindow) {
+        caller = newWindow;
-    my $tolist;
-    my @recipients = ();
-    for (my $i=0; $i<@{$content{'recuser'}}; $i++) {
-        $recipients[$i] =  &Apache::loncommon::aboutmewrapper(
-           &Apache::loncommon::plainname($content{'recuser'}[$i],
-                                      $content{'recdomain'}[$i]),
-              $content{'recuser'}[$i],$content{'recdomain'}[$i]).
-       ' ('.$content{'recuser'}[$i].' at '.$content{'recdomain'}[$i].') ';
+    writeWin(caller);
+    return;
+function writeWin(caller) {
+    caller.document.writeln('$start_page $body $end_page');
+    caller.document.close();
+    caller.focus();
+// ]]>
+            $broadcast_link = 1;
+        }
-    $tolist = join(', ',@recipients);
-    $r->print('<br /><b>'.&mt('Subject').':</b> '.$content{'subject'}.
-	      ($folder ne 'sent'?'<br /><b>'.&mt('From').':</b> '.
-	      &Apache::loncommon::aboutmewrapper(
-						 &Apache::loncommon::plainname($content{'sendername'},$content{'senderdomain'}),
-						 $content{'sendername'},$content{'senderdomain'}).' ('.
-	      $content{'sendername'}.' at '.
-	      $content{'senderdomain'}.') ':'<br /><b>'.&mt('To').':</b> '.
-              $tolist).
-	      ($content{'courseid'}?'<br /><b>'.&mt('Course').':</b> '.$courseinfo{'description'}.
-	       ($content{'coursesec'}?' ('.&mt('Group/Section').': '.$content{'coursesec'}.')':''):'').
-	      '<br /><b>'.&mt('Time').':</b> '.$content{'time'}.
-	      ($content{'baseurl'}?'<br /><b>'.&mt('Refers to').':</b> <a href="'.$content{'baseurl'}.'">'.
-	       $content{'baseurl'}.' ('.&Apache::lonnet::gettitle($content{'baseurl'}).')</a>':'').
-	      '<p><pre>'.
-	      &Apache::lontexconvert::msgtexconverted($content{'message'},1).
-	      '</pre><hr />'.&displayresource(%content).'</p>');
-    return;   
+    return $broadcast_link;
 # =========================================================== Show the citation
@@ -1524,9 +2704,22 @@ sub displayresource {
     if (($env{'request.course.id'} eq $content{'courseid'})
      && (&Apache::lonnet::allowed('vgr',$content{'courseid'}))) {
-	my $symb=&Apache::lonnet::symbread($content{'baseurl'});
+        my $symb;
+        if (defined($content{'symb'})) {
+            $symb = &Apache::lonenc::check_decrypt($content{'symb'});
+        } elsif (defined($content{'baseurl'})) {
+            $symb =
+                &Apache::lonnet::symbread(&Apache::lonenc::check_decrypt($content{'baseurl'}));
+        }
 # Could not get a symb, give up
 	unless ($symb) { return $content{'citation'}; }
+        if ($symb =~ /ext\.tool$/) {
+            return '<h2>'.&mt('Current transactions for student (if applicable)').'</h2>'.
+            &Apache::loncommon::get_previous_attempt($symb,
+                                                     $content{'sendername'},
+                                                     $content{'senderdomain'},
+                                                     $content{'courseid'});
+        }
 # Have a symb, can render
 	return '<h2>'.&mt('Current attempts of student (if applicable)').'</h2>'.
@@ -1552,27 +2745,31 @@ sub displayresource {
 # ================================================================== The Header
 sub header {
-    my ($r,$title,$baseurl)=@_;
+    my ($r,$title,$baseurl,$head_extra)=@_;
     my $extra = &Apache::loncommon::studentbrowser_javascript();
     if ($baseurl) {
-	$extra .= "<base href=\"http://$ENV{'SERVER_NAME'}/$baseurl\" />";
+	$extra .= "<base href=\"".&Apache::lonnet::absolute_url()."/$baseurl\" />";
-    $r->print(&Apache::loncommon::start_page('Communication and Messages',
-					     $extra));
+    $extra .= '<script type="text/javascript"
+                src="/res/adm/includes/file_upload.js"></script>';
+    if ($head_extra) {
+        $extra .= "\n$head_extra";
+    }
+    $r->print(&Apache::loncommon::start_page('Messages',
+ 					$extra));
-	      (undef,($title?$title:'Communication and Messages')));
+     		(($title?$title:'Send and display messages')).
+              '<div class="LC_landmark" role="main">');
 # ---------------------------------------------------------------- Print header
 sub printheader {
-    my ($r,$url,$desc,$title,$baseurl)=@_;
+    my ($r,$url,$desc,$title,$baseurl,$head_extra)=@_;
-    &header($r,$title,$baseurl);
+    &header($r,$title,$baseurl,$head_extra);
 # ------------------------------------------------------------ Store the comment
@@ -1581,31 +2778,31 @@ sub storecomment {
     my ($r)=@_;
     my $msgtxt=&Apache::lonfeedback::clear_out_html($env{'form.message'});
     my $cleanmsgtxt='';
-    foreach (split(/[\n\r]/,$msgtxt)) {
-	unless ($_=~/^\s*(\>|\&gt\;)/) {
-	    $cleanmsgtxt.=$_."\n";
+    foreach my $line (split(/[\n\r]/,$msgtxt)) {
+	unless ($line=~/^\s*(\>|\&gt\;)/) {
+	    $cleanmsgtxt.=$line."\n";
-    my $key=&Apache::lonnet::escape($env{'form.baseurl'}).'___'.time;
+    my $key=&escape($env{'form.baseurl'}).'___'.time;
     &Apache::lonnet::put('nohist_stored_comments',{ $key => $cleanmsgtxt });
 sub storedcommentlisting {
     my ($r)=@_;
     my %msgs=&Apache::lonnet::dump('nohist_stored_comments',undef,undef,
-       '^'.&Apache::lonnet::escape(&Apache::lonnet::escape($env{'form.showcommentbaseurl'})));
-    $r->print(&Apache::loncommon::start_page('Stored Comment Listing',undef,
+       '^'.&escape(&escape($env{'form.showcommentbaseurl'})));
+    $r->print(&Apache::loncommon::start_page('Saved Comment Listing',undef,
 					     {'onlybody' => 1}));
-    if ((keys %msgs)[0]=~/^error\:/) {
-	$r->print(&mt('No stored comments yet.'));
+    if ((keys(%msgs))[0]=~/^error\:/) {
+	$r->print(&mt('No saved comments yet.'));
     } else {
 	my $found=0;
-	foreach (sort keys %msgs) {
-	    $r->print("\n".$msgs{$_}."<hr />");
+	foreach my $key (sort(keys(%msgs))) {
+	    $r->print("\n".$msgs{$key}."<hr />");
 	unless ($found) {
-	    $r->print(&mt('No stored comments yet for this resource.'));
+	    $r->print(&mt('No saved comments yet for this resource.'));
@@ -1616,20 +2813,47 @@ sub sendoffmail {
     my ($r,$folder)=@_;
     my $suffix=&Apache::lonmsg::foldersuffix($folder);
     my $sendstatus='';
-    my %specialmsg_status;
-    my $numspecial = 0;
-    if ($env{'form.send'}) {
-	&printheader($r,'','Messages being sent.');
+    my %msg_status;
+    my $numsent = 0;
+    my $nosentstore = 1;
+    my $attachmenturl;
+    my $now = time;
+    my ($cdom,$cnum,$group);
+    if (exists($env{'form.group'})) {
+        $group = $env{'form.group'};
+    }
+    if (exists($env{'request.course.id'})) {
+        $cnum = $env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.num'};
+        $cdom = $env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.domain'};
+    }
+    my $clientip = &Apache::lonnet::get_requestor_ip($r);
+    my %setters;
+    my ($startblock,$endblock,$triggerblock,$by_ip,$blockdom) =
+        &Apache::loncommon::blockcheck(\%setters,'com',$clientip);
+    if ($by_ip) {
+        &printheader($r,'','Sending messages blocked from your location.');
+        return 'blocked';
+    } elsif ($env{'form.send'}) {
+        if (!$env{'form.multiforward'}) {
+            if ($group eq '') {
+	        &printheader($r,'','Messages being sent.');
+            } else {
+                $r->print(&groupmail_header('sending',$group));
+            }
+        }
 	my %content=();
 	undef %content;
 	if ($env{'form.forwid'}) {
 	    my $msgid=$env{'form.forwid'};
 	    my %message=&Apache::lonnet::get('nohist_email'.$suffix,[$msgid]);
-	    %content=&Apache::lonmsg::unpackagemsg($message{$msgid},1);
+	    %content=&Apache::lonmsg::unpackagemsg($message{$msgid},1,1);
-	    $env{'form.message'}.="\n\n-- Forwarded message --\n\n".
-		$content{'message'};
+            if ($content{'attachmenturl'} ne '') {
+                $attachmenturl = $content{'attachmenturl'};
+            }
+	    $env{'form.message'} .= "\n\n-- Forwarded message --\n\n".
+		                    $content{'message'};
 	if ($env{'form.replyid'}) {
 	    my $msgid=$env{'form.replyid'};
@@ -1637,36 +2861,190 @@ sub sendoffmail {
-	my %toaddr=();
-	undef %toaddr;
-	if ($env{'form.sendmode'} eq 'group') {
-	    foreach (keys %env) {
-		if ($_=~/^form\.send\_to\_\&\&\&[^\&]*\&\&\&\_(.+)$/) {
-		    $toaddr{$1}='';
-		}
-	    }
-	} elsif ($env{'form.sendmode'} eq 'upload') {
-	    foreach (split(/[\n\r\f]+/,$env{'form.upfile'})) {
-		my ($rec,$txt)=split(/\s*\:\s*/,$_);
+	my $mode = $env{'form.sendmode'};
+	my (%toaddr,$tos,$cc,$bcc,$broadcast);
+        my (%willtrust,%trustchecked,%disallowed);
+        my $serverdefdom = &Apache::lonnet::default_login_domain();
+	if ($mode eq 'group') {
+            if (defined($env{'form.courserecips'})) {
+                my $courseusers = $env{'form.courserecips'};
+                $courseusers =~ s/^_\&\&\&_//;
+                my @to = split('_&&&_',$courseusers);
+                foreach my $dest (@to) {
+                    my ($user,$domain) = split(/:/, $dest);
+                    if (($user ne '') && ($domain ne '')) {
+                        unless ($trustchecked{$domain}) {
+                            $willtrust{$domain} = &Apache::lonnet::will_trust('msg',$serverdefdom,$domain);
+                            $trustchecked{$domain} = 1;
+                        }
+                        if ($willtrust{$domain}) {
+                            my $rec = $user.":".$domain;
+                            $toaddr{$rec} = '';
+                            $broadcast->{$rec} = '';
+                        } else {
+                            $disallowed{'to'}{$user.":".$domain} = 1; 
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+	} elsif ($mode eq 'upload') {
+            $nosentstore = 0;
+	    foreach my $line (split(/[\n\r\f]+/,$env{'form.upfile'})) {
+                my ($rec,$txt) = ($line =~ /^([^:]+:[^:]+):(.*)$/);
 		if ($txt) {
-		    $rec=~s/\@/\:/;
-		    $toaddr{$rec}.=$txt."\n";
+                    $rec =~ s/^\s+//;
+                    $rec =~ s/\s+$//;
+                    my ($recuname,$recudom) = split(/:/,$rec);
+                    unless ($trustchecked{$recudom}) {
+                        $willtrust{$recudom} = &Apache::lonnet::will_trust('msg',$serverdefdom,$recudom);
+                        $trustchecked{$recudom} = 1;
+                    }
+                    if ($willtrust{$recudom}) {
+		        $toaddr{$rec}.=$txt."\n";
+                        $broadcast->{$rec} = '';
+                    } else {
+                        $disallowed{'to'}{$rec} = 1;
+                    }
 	} else {
-	    $toaddr{$env{'form.recuname'}.':'.$env{'form.recdomain'}}='';
+	    if (($env{'form.recuname'} ne '') && ($env{'form.recdomain'} ne '')) {
+                unless ($trustchecked{$env{'form.recdomain'}}) {
+                    $willtrust{$env{'form.recdomain'}} = &Apache::lonnet::will_trust('msg',$serverdefdom,$env{'form.recdomain'});
+                    $trustchecked{$env{'form.recdomain'}} = 1;
+                }
+                if ($willtrust{$env{'form.recdomain'}}) {
+		    $toaddr{$env{'form.recuname'}.':'.$env{'form.recdomain'}}='';
+                    $tos->{$env{'form.recuname'}.':'.$env{'form.recdomain'}}='';
+                } else {
+                    $disallowed{'to'}{$env{'form.recuname'}.':'.$env{'form.recdomain'}}; 
+                }
+	    }
-	if ($env{'form.additionalrec'}) {
-	    foreach (split(/\,/,$env{'form.additionalrec'})) {
-		my ($auname,$audom)=split(/\@/,$_);
-		$toaddr{$auname.':'.$audom}='';
+        if ($env{'form.additionalrec_to'}) {
+            foreach my $rec (split(/\s*,\s*/,$env{'form.additionalrec_to'})) {
+                my ($auname,$audom)=split(/:/,$rec);
+                if (($auname ne "") && ($audom ne "")) {
+                    unless ($trustchecked{$audom}) {
+                        $willtrust{$audom} = &Apache::lonnet::will_trust('msg',$serverdefdom,$audom);
+                        $trustchecked{$audom} = 1;
+                    }
+                    if ($willtrust{$audom}) {
+                        $toaddr{$auname.':'.$audom}='';
+                        $tos->{$auname.':'.$audom}='';
+                    } else {
+                        $disallowed{'to'}{$auname.':'.$audom};
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        if ($env{'form.replying_to'}) {
+            my @toreplies =
+                &Apache::loncommon::get_env_multiple('form.replying_to');
+            foreach my $rec (@toreplies) {
+                my ($auname,$audom)=split(/:/,$rec);
+                if (($auname ne "") && ($audom ne "")) {
+                    unless ($trustchecked{$audom}) {
+                        $willtrust{$audom} = &Apache::lonnet::will_trust('msg',$serverdefdom,$audom);
+                        $trustchecked{$audom} = 1;
+                    }
+                    if ($willtrust{$audom}) {
+                        $toaddr{$auname.':'.$audom}='';
+                        $tos->{$auname.':'.$audom}='';
+                    } else {
+                        $disallowed{'to'}{$auname.':'.$audom};
+                    } 
+                }
+            }
+        }
+	if ($env{'form.additionalrec_cc'}) {
+	    foreach my $rec (split(/\s*,\s*/,$env{'form.additionalrec_cc'})) {
+		my ($auname,$audom)=split(/:/,$rec);
+		if (($auname ne "") && ($audom ne "")) {
+                    if (!defined($tos->{$auname.':'.$audom})) {
+                        unless ($trustchecked{$audom}) {
+                            $willtrust{$audom} = &Apache::lonnet::will_trust('msg',$serverdefdom,$audom);
+                            $trustchecked{$audom} = 1;
+                        }
+                        if ($willtrust{$audom}) {
+                            $toaddr{$auname.':'.$audom}='';
+		            $cc->{$auname.':'.$audom}='';
+                        } else {
+                            $disallowed{'cc'}{$auname.':'.$audom};
+                        }
+                    }
+		}
+        if ($env{'form.replying_cc'}) {
+            my @ccreplies =
+                &Apache::loncommon::get_env_multiple('form.replying_cc');
+            foreach my $rec (@ccreplies) {
+                my ($auname,$audom)=split(/:/,$rec);
+                if (($auname ne "") && ($audom ne "")) {
+                    if (!defined($tos->{$auname.':'.$audom})) {
+                        unless ($trustchecked{$audom}) {
+                            $willtrust{$audom} = &Apache::lonnet::will_trust('msg',$serverdefdom,$audom);
+                            $trustchecked{$audom} = 1;
+                        }
+                        if ($willtrust{$audom}) {
+                            $toaddr{$auname.':'.$audom}='';
+                            $cc->{$auname.':'.$audom}='';
+                        } else {
+                            $disallowed{'cc'}{$auname.':'.$audom} = 1;
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        if ($env{'form.replying_groupcc'}) {
+            my @groupreplies =
+                &Apache::loncommon::get_env_multiple('form.replying_groupcc');
+            foreach my $rec (@groupreplies) {
+                my ($auname,$audom)=split(/:/,$rec);
+                if (($auname ne "") && ($audom ne "")) {
+                    if (!defined($tos->{$auname.':'.$audom})) {
+                        unless ($trustchecked{$audom}) {
+                            $willtrust{$audom} = &Apache::lonnet::will_trust('msg',$serverdefdom,$audom);
+                            $trustchecked{$audom} = 1;
+                        }
+                        if ($willtrust{$audom}) {
+                            $toaddr{$auname.':'.$audom}='';
+                            $broadcast->{$auname.':'.$audom}='';
+                        } else {
+                            $disallowed{'to'}{$auname.':'.$audom} = 1;
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        if ($env{'form.additionalrec_bcc'}) {
+            foreach my $rec (split(/\s*,\s*/,$env{'form.additionalrec_bcc'})) {
+                my ($auname,$audom)=split(/:/,$rec);
+                if (($auname ne "") && ($audom ne "")) {
+                    if ((!defined($tos->{$auname.':'.$audom})) &&
+                        (!defined($cc->{$auname.':'.$audom}))) {
+                        unless ($trustchecked{$audom}) {
+                            $willtrust{$audom} = &Apache::lonnet::will_trust('msg',$serverdefdom,$audom);
+                            $trustchecked{$audom} = 1;
+                        }
+                        if ($willtrust{$audom}) {
+                            $toaddr{$auname.':'.$audom}='';
+                            $bcc->{$auname.':'.$audom}='';
+                        } else {
+                            $disallowed{'bcc'}{$auname.':'.$audom} = 1;
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
         my $savemsg;
         my $msgtype;
         my %sentmessage;
-        my $msgsubj=&Apache::lonfeedback::clear_out_html($env{'form.subject'});
+        my $msgsubj=&Apache::lonfeedback::clear_out_html($env{'form.subject'},
+							 undef,1);
         if ((($env{'form.critmsg'}) || ($env{'form.sendbck'})) &&
 	     || &Apache::lonnet::allowed('srm',$env{'request.course.id'}.
@@ -1677,109 +3055,201 @@ sub sendoffmail {
         } else {
-	foreach (keys %toaddr) {
-	    my ($recuname,$recdomain)=split(/\:/,$_);
+        my ($recipid, @recusers, @recudoms, %permresults);
+        if (keys(%toaddr) > 0) {
+            my %reciphash = (
+                               to => $tos,
+                               cc => $cc,
+                               bcc => $bcc,
+                            );
+            if ($mode eq 'group') {
+                if ($group eq '') {
+                    $reciphash{'course_broadcast'} = $broadcast;
+                } else {
+                    if ($env{'form.groupmail'} eq 'cc') {
+                        $reciphash{'group_cc_broadcast'} = $broadcast;
+                    } else {
+                        $reciphash{'group_bcc_broadcast'} = $broadcast;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            ($recipid,my $recipstatus) = 
+                &Apache::lonmsg::store_recipients($msgsubj,$env{'user.name'},
+                                                  $env{'user.domain'},\%reciphash);
+            if ($recipstatus ne 'ok') {
+                &Apache::lonnet::logthis('Failed to store To, Bcc and Cc recipients for '.$env{'user.name'}.':'.$env{'user.domain'});
+            }
+            if ($env{'form.attachment'}) {
+                if (length($env{'form.attachment'}) <= 1048576) {
+                    $attachmenturl=&Apache::lonnet::userfileupload('attachment',undef,'feedback/'.$now);
+                } else {
+                    $r->print('<p><span class="LC_warning">'.&mt('Attachment not included - exceeded permitted length').'</span><br /></p>');
+                }
+            } elsif ($env{'form.multiforward'}) {
+                if ($env{'form.attachmenturl'} ne '') {
+                    $attachmenturl = $env{'form.attachmenturl'};
+                }
+            }
+        }
+	foreach my $address (sort(keys(%toaddr))) {
+	    my ($recuname,$recdomain)=split(/\:/,$address);
             my $msgtxt = $savemsg;
-	    if ($toaddr{$_}) { $msgtxt.='<hr />'.$toaddr{$_}; }
-	    my $thismsg;
-	    if ((($env{'form.critmsg'}) || ($env{'form.sendbck'})) && 
-		(&Apache::lonnet::allowed('srm',$env{'request.course.id'})
-		 || &Apache::lonnet::allowed('srm',$env{'request.course.id'}.
-					     '/'.$env{'request.course.sec'}))) {
-		$r->print(&mt('Sending critical message').' '.$recuname.'@'.$recdomain.': ');
-		$thismsg=&Apache::lonmsg::user_crit_msg($recuname,$recdomain,$msgsubj,$msgtxt,
-				$env{'form.sendbck'},$env{'form.permanent'},
-                                                             \$sentmessage{$_});
+            if ($toaddr{$address}) {
+	        $msgtxt.="\n".'<hr />'."\n".$toaddr{$address};
+            }
+	    my @thismsg;
+	    if ($msgtype eq 'critical') {
+		$r->print(&mt('Sending critical message').' '.
+                              $recuname.':'.$recdomain.': ');
+		@thismsg=
+		    &Apache::lonmsg::user_crit_msg($recuname,$recdomain,
+						   $msgsubj,$msgtxt,
+						   $env{'form.sendbck'},
+						   $env{'form.permanent'},
+						   \$sentmessage{$address},
+                                                   $nosentstore,$recipid,
+                                                   $attachmenturl,\%permresults);
 	    } else {
-		$r->print(&mt('Sending').' '.$recuname.'@'.$recdomain.': ');
-		$thismsg=&Apache::lonmsg::user_normal_msg($recuname,$recdomain,$msgsubj,$msgtxt,
-					  $content{'citation'},undef,undef,$env{'form.permanent'},\$sentmessage{$_});
-            }
-	    if (($env{'request.course.id'}) && (($msgtype eq 'critical') || 
-                                         ($env{'form.sendmode'} eq 'group'))) {
-	        $specialmsg_status{$recuname.':'.$recdomain}  = $thismsg;
-                if ($thismsg eq 'ok') {
-                    $numspecial ++;
+		$r->print(&mt('Sending').' '.$recuname.':'.$recdomain.': ');
+		@thismsg=
+		    &Apache::lonmsg::user_normal_msg($recuname,$recdomain,
+						     $msgsubj,$msgtxt,
+						     $content{'citation'},
+						     undef,$attachmenturl,
+						     $env{'form.permanent'},
+						     \$sentmessage{$address},
+                                                     undef,undef,undef,
+                                                     $nosentstore,$recipid,
+                                                     \%permresults);
+            }
+	    $msg_status{$recuname.':'.$recdomain}=join(' ',@thismsg);
+	    if ($msg_status{$recuname.':'.$recdomain} =~ /(ok|con_delayed)/) {  
+	        $numsent++;
+                push(@recusers,$recuname);
+                push(@recudoms,$recdomain);
+                if ($1 eq 'ok') {
+                    $r->print('ok ');
+                }
+                if ($permresults{$recuname.':'.$recdomain}) {
+                    $r->print(' (email) ');
-	    $r->print($thismsg.'<br />');
-	    $sendstatus.=' '.$thismsg;
+	    $sendstatus.=' '.join(' ',@thismsg);
-        if (($env{'request.course.id'}) && (($env{'form.sendmode'} eq 'group')
-                                              || ($msgtype eq 'critical'))) {
-            my $subj_prefix;
-            if ($msgtype eq 'critical') {
-                $subj_prefix = 'Critical.';
+        my $subj_prefix;
+        if ($numsent > 0) {
+            if (($env{'request.course.id'}) && 
+                (($mode eq 'group') ||
+                 ($env{'form.courserecord'}) ||
+                 ($msgtype eq 'critical')) ||
+                ($env{'form.replyid'} && 
+                 (($content{'courseid'} ne '') && 
+                  ($mode eq 'group')))) {
+                if ($msgtype eq 'critical') {
+                    $subj_prefix = 'Critical.';
+                } elsif ($mode eq 'group') {
+                    $subj_prefix = 'Broadcast.';
+                } else {
+                    $subj_prefix = 'Archive';
+                }
+                my ($specialmsgid,$specialresult);
+                my $course_str;
+                if ($env{'form.replyid'}) {
+                    if ($content{'courseid'} ne '') {
+                        my %crsdesc = 
+                            &Apache::lonnet::coursedescription($content{'courseid'},
+                                                               {'one_time' => 1});
+                        $course_str = &escape('['.$crsdesc{'num'}.':'.$crsdesc{'domain'}.']');
+                    }
+                } elsif ($env{'request.course.id'}) {
+                    $course_str = &escape('['.$cnum.':'.$cdom.']');
+                }
+                $specialresult = 
+                    &Apache::lonmsg::user_normal_msg_raw($cnum,$cdom,
+                        $subj_prefix.' '.$course_str,$savemsg,undef,undef,
+                        $attachmenturl,undef,undef,\$specialmsgid,undef,undef,undef,
+                        undef,undef,1);
+                $specialmsgid = &unescape($specialmsgid);
+                if ($specialresult eq 'ok') {
+                    my ($stamp,$crssubj,$msgname,$msgdom,$msgcount,$context,$pid) =
+		        split(/\:/,&unescape($specialmsgid));
+                    foreach my $recipient (sort(keys(%toaddr))) {
+                        if ($msg_status{$recipient} =~ /\s*(ok|con_delayed)\s*/) {
+                            my $usersubj = $subj_prefix.'['.$recipient.']';
+                            my $usermsgid = 
+			        &Apache::lonmsg::buildmsgid($stamp,$usersubj,
+							    $msgname,$msgdom,
+							    $msgcount,$context,
+							    $pid);
+                            &Apache::lonmsg::user_normal_msg_raw($cnum,$cdom,
+                                $subj_prefix.' ['.$recipient.']',$msgsubj,
+                                undef,undef,$attachmenturl,undef,$usermsgid,undef,
+                                undef,$specialmsgid,undef,undef,undef,1);
+                        }
+                    }
+                    if (($mode ne 'upload') && (@recusers > 0)) {
+                        &Apache::lonmsg::process_sent_mail($msgsubj,
+                           $subj_prefix,$numsent,$stamp,$msgname,$msgdom,
+                           $msgcount,$context,$pid,$savemsg,\@recusers,
+                           \@recudoms,undef,$attachmenturl,'','','','',$recipid);
+                    }
+                } else {
+                    &Apache::lonnet::logthis('Failed to create record of critical, broadcast or archived message in '.$env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.num'}.' '&mt('at').' '.$env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.domain'}.' - no msgid generated');
+                }
             } else {
-                $subj_prefix = 'Broadcast.';
+                my $stamp = time;
+                my $msgcount = &Apache::lonmsg::get_uniq();
+                my $context = &Apache::lonmsg::get_course_context();
+                &Apache::lonmsg::process_sent_mail($msgsubj,$subj_prefix,
+                       $numsent,$stamp,$env{'user.name'},
+                       $env{'user.domain'},$msgcount,$context,
+                       $$,$savemsg,\@recusers,\@recudoms,undef,$attachmenturl,
+                       '','','','',$recipid);
-            my ($specialmsgid,$specialresult);
-            my $cnum = $env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.num'};
-            my $cdom = $env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.domain'};
-            my $course_str = &Apache::lonnet::escape('['.$cnum.':'.$cdom.']');
-            if ($numspecial) {
-                $specialresult = &Apache::lonmsg::user_normal_msg_raw($cnum,$cdom,$subj_prefix.
-                    ' '.$course_str,$savemsg,undef,undef,undef,
-                    undef,undef,\$specialmsgid);
-                $specialmsgid = &Apache::lonnet::unescape($specialmsgid);
-            }
-            if ($specialresult eq 'ok') {
-                my $record_sent;
-                my @recusers = ();
-                my @recudoms = ();
-                my ($stamp,$crssubj,$msgname,$msgdom,$msgcount,$context,$pid) = 
-                            split(/\:/,&Apache::lonnet::unescape($specialmsgid));
-                foreach my $recipient (sort(keys(%toaddr))) {
-                    if ($specialmsg_status{$recipient} eq 'ok') {
-                        my $usersubj = $subj_prefix.'['.$recipient.']';
-                        my $usermsgid = 
-			    &Apache::lonmsg::buildmsgid($stamp,$usersubj,
-							$msgname,$msgdom,
-							$msgcount,$context,
-							$pid);
-                        &Apache::lonmsg::user_normal_msg_raw($cnum,$cdom,$subj_prefix.
-                                             ' ['.$recipient.']',$msgsubj,undef,
-                        undef,undef,undef,$usermsgid,undef,undef,$specialmsgid);
-                        my ($uname,$udom) = split/:/,$recipient;
-                        push(@recusers,$uname);
-                        push(@recudoms,$udom);
-                    }
-                }
-                if (@recusers) {
-                    my $specialmessage;
-                    my $sentsubj = $subj_prefix.' ('.$numspecial.' sent) '.
-                                                                       $msgsubj;
-                    $sentsubj = &HTML::Entities::encode($sentsubj,'<>&"');
-                    my $sentmsgid = 
-			&Apache::lonmsg::buildmsgid($stamp,$sentsubj,$msgname,
-						    $msgdom,$msgcount,$context,
-						    $pid);
-                    ($specialmsgid,$specialmessage) = &Apache::lonmsg::packagemsg($msgsubj,$savemsg,
-                            undef,undef,undef,\@recusers,\@recudoms,$sentmsgid);
-                    $record_sent = &Apache::lonmsg::store_sent_mail($specialmsgid,$specialmessage);
+        }
+        if (!$env{'form.multiforward'}) {
+            if ($sendstatus=~/^(\s*(?:ok|con_delayed)\s*)*$/) {
+                my $message = &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::confirm_success(&mt('Completed.'));
+                $message = &Apache::loncommon::confirmwrapper($message);
+                $r->print($message);
+	        if ($env{'form.displayedcrit'}) {
+	            &discrit($r);
+                if ($group ne '') {
+                    $r->print(&groupmail_sent($group,$cdom,$cnum)); 
+	        } else {
+	            &Apache::loncommunicate::menu($r);
+	        }
             } else {
-                &Apache::lonnet::logthis('Failed to create record of critical message or broadcast in '.$env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.num'}.' at '.$env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.domain'}.' - no msgid generated');
+                my $message = &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::confirm_success(&mt('Could not deliver message'),1);
+                $message .= '<br />'.&mt('Please use the browser "Back" button and correct the recipient addresses ([_1]).',$sendstatus);
+                $message = &Apache::loncommon::confirmwrapper($message);
+                $r->print($message);
+            }
+        }
+        if (keys(%disallowed)) {
+            if ((ref($disallowed{'to'}) eq 'HASH') && (keys(%{$disallowed{'to'}}) > 0)) {
+                $r->print(&mt("The following recipients were excluded because the user's domain does not accept messages from server's domain:").'<ul><li>'.
+                          join("</li><li>\n",sort(keys(%{$disallowed{'to'}}))).
+                          '</li><ul><br />');
+            }
+            if (ref($disallowed{'cc'}) eq 'HASH') {
+                $r->print(&mt("The following CCs were excluded because the user's domain does not accept messages from server's domain:").'<ul><li>'.
+                          join("</li><li>\n",sort(keys(%{$disallowed{'cc'}}))).
+                          '</li><ul><br />');
+            }
+            if (ref($disallowed{'bcc'}) eq 'HASH') {
+                $r->print(&mt("The following BCCs were excluded because the user's domain does not accept messages from server's domain:").'<ul><li>'.
+                          join("</li><li>\n",sort(keys(%{$disallowed{'bcc'}}))).
+                          '</li><ul><br />');
     } else {
-	&printheader($r,'','No messages sent.'); 
-    }
-    if ($sendstatus=~/^(\s*(?:ok|con_delayed)\s*)*$/) {
-	$r->print('<br /><font color="green">'.&mt('Completed.').'</font>');
-	if ($env{'form.displayedcrit'}) {
-	    &discrit($r);
-	} else {
-	    &Apache::loncommunicate::menu($r);
-	}
-    } else {
-	$r->print(
-		  '<h2><font color="red">'.&mt('Could not deliver message').'</font></h2>'.
-		  &mt('Please use the browser "Back" button and correct the recipient addresses')
-		  );
+        &printheader($r,'','Messages cancelled.');
+        return 'cancelled';
+    return $sendstatus;
 # ===================================================================== Handler
@@ -1798,21 +3268,35 @@ sub handler {
-         'recordftf','sortedby','block','folder','startdis','interdis',
-	 'showcommentbaseurl','dismode']);
-    $sqs='&sortedby='.$env{'form.sortedby'};
+         'recordftf','sortedby','folder','startdis','interdis',
+	 'showcommentbaseurl','dismode','group','subject','text','ref',
+         'msgstatus','btoken']);
+    $sqs='&amp;sortedby='.$env{'form.sortedby'};
+# ----------- Check if access was from balancer to server with existing session
+    if ($env{'form.btoken'}) {
+        my %info = &Apache::lonnet::tmpget($env{'form.btoken'});
+        &Apache::lonnet::tmpdel($env{'form.btoken'});
+        delete($env{'form.btoken'});
+        unless ($env{'form.display'}) {
+            if (($info{'display'}) && ($info{'mailrecip'})) {
+                if (&unescape($info{'mailrecip'}) eq $env{'user.name'}.':'.$env{'user.domain'}) {
+                    $env{'form.display'} = &unescape($info{'display'});
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
 # ------------------------------------------------------ They checked for email
-    unless ($env{'form.block'}) {
-        &Apache::lonnet::put('email_status',{'recnewemail'=>0});
-    }
+    &Apache::lonnet::put('email_status',{'recnewemail'=>0});
 # ----------------------------------------------------------------- Breadcrumbs
-          text=>"Communication/Messages",
+          text=>"Messages",
           faq=>12,bug=>'Communication Tools',});
 # ------------------------------------------------------------------ Get Folder
@@ -1821,7 +3305,7 @@ sub handler {
     unless ($folder) { 
     } else {
-	$sqs.='&folder='.&Apache::lonnet::escape($folder);
+	$sqs.='&amp;folder='.&escape($folder);
 # ------------------------------------------------------------ Get Display Mode
@@ -1829,19 +3313,17 @@ sub handler {
     unless ($dismode) { 
     } else {
-	$sqs.='&dismode='.&Apache::lonnet::escape($dismode);
+	$sqs.='&amp;dismode='.&escape($dismode);
 # --------------------------------------------------------------------- Display
+    my $msgstatus = $env{'form.msgstatus'};
-    $startdis--;
+    if ($startdis ne '') {
+        $startdis--;
+    }
     unless ($startdis) { $startdis=0; }
-    $interdis=$env{'form.interdis'};
-    unless ($interdis) { $interdis=20; }
-    $sqs.='&interdis='.$interdis;
     if ($env{'form.firstview'}) {
@@ -1855,29 +3337,36 @@ sub handler {
     my $postedstartdis=$startdis+1;
-    $sqs.='&startdis='.$postedstartdis;
+    $sqs.='&amp;startdis='.$postedstartdis;
 # --------------------------------------------------------------- Render Output
     if ($env{'form.display'}) {
-	&displaymessage($r,$env{'form.display'},$folder);
+	&displaymessage($r,$env{'form.display'},$folder,$msgstatus);
     } elsif ($env{'form.replyto'}) {
     } elsif ($env{'form.confirm'}) {
 	&printheader($r,'','Confirmed Receipt');
-	foreach (keys %env) {
-	    if ($_=~/^form\.rec\_(.*)$/) {
-		$r->print('<b>'.&mt('Confirming Receipt').':</b> '.
-			  &Apache::lonmsg::user_crit_received($1).'<br>');
-	    }
-	    if ($_=~/^form\.reprec\_(.*)$/) {
-		my $msgid=$1;
-		$r->print('<b>'.&mt('Confirming Receipt').':</b> '.
-			  &Apache::lonmsg::user_crit_received($msgid).'<br>');
-		&compout($r,'','','',$msgid);
+	my $replying = 0;
+	foreach my $envkey (keys(%env)) {
+	    if ($envkey=~/^form\.(rep)?rec\_(.*)$/) {
+                my $repchk = $1;
+       		my $msgid = $2;
+		$r->print('<b>'.&mt('Confirming Receipt').':</b> ');
+		my $result = &Apache::lonmsg::user_crit_received($msgid);
+                if ($result =~ /trans:\s+ok/) {
+                    &statuschange($msgid,'read');
+                }
+                $r->print($result.'<br />');
+                if ($repchk eq 'rep') {
+		    &compout($r,'','','',$msgid);
+		    $replying = 1;
+                }
-	&discrit($r);
+	if (!$replying) {
+	    &discrit($r);
+	}
     } elsif ($env{'form.critical'}) {
 	&printheader($r,'','Displaying Critical Messages');
@@ -1885,88 +3374,267 @@ sub handler {
     } elsif ($env{'form.markdel'}) {
 	&printheader($r,'','Deleted Message');
-	&statuschange($env{'form.markdel'},'deleted',$folder);
+	my ($result,$msg) = 
+	    &statuschange($env{'form.markdel'},'deleted',$folder);
+	if (!$result) {
+            my $message = &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::confirm_success(&mt('Failed to delete the message.'),1);
+            $message .= '<p class="LC_error" style="font-size: inherit;">'.$msg.'</p>';
+            $message = &Apache::loncommon::confirmwrapper($message);
+            $r->print($message);
+	}
-	&disall($r,($folder?$folder:$dismode));
-    } elsif ($env{'form.markedmove'}) {
-	my $total=0;
-	foreach (keys %env) {
-	    if ($_=~/^form\.delmark_(.*)$/) {
-		&movemsg(&Apache::lonnet::unescape($1),$folder,
-			 $env{'form.movetofolder'});
-		$total++;
+	&disall($r,($folder?$folder:$dismode),$msgstatus);
+    } elsif ($env{'form.markedaction'} eq 'markedforward') {
+        my $total = 0;
+        my @to_forward = &Apache::loncommon::get_env_multiple('form.delmark');
+        foreach my $msgid (@to_forward) {
+            &statuschange(&unescape($msgid),'forwarded',$folder);
+            $total ++;
+        }
+        if ($total > 0) {
+            &compout($r,undef,undef,undef,undef,$folder,$dismode,$total);
+        }
+    } elsif ($env{'form.markedaction'} eq 'markedread') {
+        my $total = 0;
+        my @to_markread = &Apache::loncommon::get_env_multiple('form.delmark');
+        foreach my $msgid (@to_markread) {
+            &statuschange(&unescape($msgid),'read',$folder);
+            $total ++;
+        }
+        &printheader($r,'','Marked Messages Read');
+        my $message = &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::confirm_success(&mt('Marked [quant,_1,message] read',$total));
+        $message = &Apache::loncommon::confirmwrapper($message);
+        $r->print($message);
+      # $r->print('<p>');
+        &Apache::loncommunicate::menu($r);
+        &disall($r,($folder?$folder:$dismode),$msgstatus);
+    } elsif ($env{'form.markedaction'} eq 'markedunread') {
+        my $total = 0;
+        my @to_markunread = &Apache::loncommon::get_env_multiple('form.delmark');
+        foreach my $msgid (@to_markunread) {
+            &statuschange(&unescape($msgid),'new',$folder);
+            $total ++;
+        }
+        &printheader($r,'','Marked Messages Unread');
+        my $message = &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::confirm_success(&mt('Marked [quant,_1,message] unread',$total));
+        $message = &Apache::loncommon::confirmwrapper($message);
+        $r->print($message);
+      # $r->print('<p>');
+        &Apache::loncommunicate::menu($r);
+        &disall($r,($folder?$folder:$dismode),$msgstatus);
+    } elsif ($env{'form.markedaction'} eq 'markedmove') {
+        my $destfolder = $env{'form.movetofolder'};
+        my %gotfolders = &Apache::lonmsg::get_user_folders();
+        &printheader($r,'','Moved Messages');
+        if (!defined($gotfolders{$destfolder})) {
+            $r->print(&mt('Destination folder [_1] is not a valid folder',
+                          '<span class="LC_filename">'.$destfolder.'</span>'));
+        } else {
+	    my ($total,$failed,@failed_msg)=(0,0);
+            my @to_move = &Apache::loncommon::get_env_multiple('form.delmark');
+            foreach my $msgid (@to_move) {
+	        my ($result,$msg) = &movemsg(&unescape($msgid),$folder,
+			                     $env{'form.movetofolder'});
+	        if ($result) {
+		    $total++;
+	        } else {
+		    $failed++;
+		    push(@failed_msg,$msg);
+	        }
-	}
-	&printheader($r,'','Moved Messages');
-	$r->print('Moved '.$total.' message(s)<p>');
+            my $message = '';
+            if ($failed) {
+                $message .= &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::confirm_success(&mt('Failed to move [quant,_1,message]',$failed),1);
+                $message .= '<p class="LC_error" style="font-size: inherit;">'.
+		            join("</p>\n<p class=\"LC_error\" style=\"font-size: inherit;\">",@failed_msg).
+		            "</p>\n";
+            }
+            $message .= &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::confirm_success(&mt('Moved [quant,_1,message]',$total));
+            $message = &Apache::loncommon::confirmwrapper($message);
+            $r->print($message);
+          # $r->print('<p>');
+        }
-	&disall($r,($folder?$folder:$dismode));
-    } elsif ($env{'form.markeddel'}) {
-	my $total=0;
-	foreach (keys %env) {
-	    if ($_=~/^form\.delmark_(.*)$/) {
-		&statuschange(&Apache::lonnet::unescape($1),'deleted',$folder);
-		$total++;
+	&disall($r,($folder?$folder:$dismode),$msgstatus);
+    } elsif ($env{'form.markedaction'} eq 'markeddel') {
+	my ($total,$failed,@failed_msg)=(0,0);
+        my @to_delete = &Apache::loncommon::get_env_multiple('form.delmark');
+        foreach my $msgid (@to_delete) {
+	    my ($result,$msg) = &statuschange(&unescape($msgid),'deleted', 
+				              $folder);
+	    if ($result) {
+	        $total++;
+	    } else {
+	        $failed++;
+		push(@failed_msg,$msg);
 	&printheader($r,'','Deleted Messages');
-	$r->print('Deleted '.$total.' message(s)<p>');
+        my $message = '';
+	if ($failed) {
+            $message .= &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::confirm_success(&mt('Failed to delete [quant,_1,message]',$failed),1);
+            $message .= '<p class="LC_error" style="font-size: inherit;">'.
+		      join("</p>\n<p class=\"LC_error\" style=\"font-size: inherit;\">",@failed_msg).
+		      "</p>\n";
+	}
+        $message .= &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::confirm_success(&mt('Deleted [quant,_1,message]',$total));
+        $message = &Apache::loncommon::confirmwrapper($message);
+        $r->print($message);
+      # $r->print('<p>');
-	&disall($r,($folder?$folder:$dismode));
+	&disall($r,($folder?$folder:$dismode),$msgstatus);
     } elsif ($env{'form.markunread'}) {
 	&printheader($r,'','Marked Message as Unread');
-	&disall($r,($folder?$folder:$dismode));
+	&disall($r,($folder?$folder:$dismode),$msgstatus);
     } elsif ($env{'form.compose'}) {
     } elsif ($env{'form.recordftf'}) {
-    } elsif ($env{'form.block'}) {
-        &examblock($r,$env{'form.block'});
     } elsif ($env{'form.sendmail'}) {
-	&sendoffmail($r,$folder);
+        if ($env{'form.multiforward'}) {
+            &printheader($r,'','Messages being sent.');
+            my $fixed_subj = $env{'form.subject'};
+            my $suffix=&Apache::lonmsg::foldersuffix($folder);
+            my (%sendresult,%forwardok,%forwardfail,$fwdcount);
+            my @to_forward = &Apache::loncommon::get_env_multiple('form.delmark');
+            foreach my $item (@to_forward) {
+                my $msgid=&unescape($item);
+                my %message=&Apache::lonnet::get('nohist_email'.$suffix,[$msgid]);
+                my %content=&Apache::lonmsg::unpackagemsg($message{$msgid},1,1);
+                if ($env{'form.showorigsubj'}) {
+                    $env{'form.subject'} = $fixed_subj.$content{'subject'};
+                } else {
+                    $env{'form.subject'} = '';
+                }
+                my $uname = $content{'sendername'};
+                my $udom = $content{'senderdomain'};
+                &statuschange($msgid,'forwarded',$folder);
+                if ($env{'form.showorigsender'}) {
+                    $env{'form.message'} = $env{'form.msgheader'}.' '.
+                        &Apache::loncommon::plainname($uname,$udom).' ('.
+                                           $uname.':'.$udom.')';
+                }
+                $env{'form.message'}.="\n\n-- Forwarded message --\n\n".
+                                      $content{'message'};
+                $env{'form.attachmenturl'} = $content{'attachmenturl'};
+                $env{'form.multiforwid'} = $item;
+                $fwdcount ++;
+                $r->print($fwdcount.': '); 
+                $sendresult{$msgid} = &sendoffmail($r,$folder);
+                $r->print('<br />');
+            }
+            foreach my $key (keys(%sendresult)) {
+                if ($sendresult{$key} =~/^(\s*(?:ok|con_delayed)\s*)*$/) {
+                    $forwardok{$key} = $sendresult{$key};
+                } else {
+                    $forwardfail{$key} = $sendresult{$key}; 
+                }
+            }
+            if (keys(%forwardok) > 0) {
+                my $count = keys(%forwardok);
+                my $message = &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::confirm_success(&mt('[quant,_1,message] forwarded.',$count));
+                $message = &Apache::loncommon::confirmwrapper($message);
+                $r->print($message);
+            }
+            if (keys(%forwardfail) > 0) {
+                my $count = keys(%forwardfail);
+                my $message = &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::confirm_success(&mt('Could not forward [quant,_1,message].',$count),1);
+                foreach my $key (keys(%forwardfail)) {
+                    $message .= '<br />'.&mt('Could not deliver forwarded message.').' ';
+                    if ($forwardfail{$key} eq 'blocked') {
+                        $message .= &mt('Sending messages is blocked from your IP address');
+                    } else {
+                        $message .= &mt('The recipient addresses may need to be corrected').' ('.$forwardfail{$key}.')';
+                    }
+                }
+                $message = &Apache::loncommon::confirmwrapper($message);
+                $r->print($message);
+            }
+            &Apache::loncommunicate::menu($r);
+        } else {
+	    &sendoffmail($r,$folder);
+        }
 	if ($env{'form.storebasecomment'}) {
-	}
+        }
 	if (($env{'form.rsspost'}) && ($env{'request.course.id'})) {
-	    &Apache::lonrss::addentry($env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.num'},
+	        &Apache::lonrss::addentry($env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.num'},
-	&disall($r,($folder?$folder:$dismode));
+	if ((!exists($env{'form.group'})) && (!$env{'form.displayedcrit'})) {
+	    &disall($r,($folder?$folder:$dismode),$msgstatus);
+	}
     } elsif ($env{'form.newfolder'}) {
 	&printheader($r,'','New Folder');
-	&makefolder($env{'form.newfolder'});
-	&Apache::loncommunicate::menu($r);
-	&disall($r,$env{'form.newfolder'});
+        my $showfolder = $env{'form.newfolder'};
+	my ($makeresult,$warning) = &makefolder($env{'form.newfolder'});
+        if ($makeresult eq 'ok') {
+            my $message = &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::confirm_success(&mt('Folder "[_1]" created.',$showfolder));
+            $message = &Apache::loncommon::confirmwrapper($message);
+            $r->print($message);
+        } else {
+            my $message = &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::confirm_success(&mt('Creation failed.').' '.$makeresult.'<br />'.$warning,1);
+            $message = &Apache::loncommon::confirmwrapper($message);
+            $r->print($message);
+            $showfolder = $folder;
+        }
+        &Apache::loncommunicate::menu($r);
+	&disall($r,$showfolder,$msgstatus);
     } elsif ($env{'form.showcommentbaseurl'}) {
+    } elsif ($env{'form.folderaction'} eq 'delete') {
+        &printheader($r,'','Deleted Folder');
+        my $showfolder = '';
+        my $delresult = &deletefolder($folder);
+        if ($delresult eq 'ok') {
+            my $message = &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::confirm_success(&mt('Folder "[_1]" deleted.',$folder));
+            $message = &Apache::loncommon::confirmwrapper($message);
+            $r->print($message);
+            $env{'form.folder'} = '';
+        } else {
+            my $message = &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::confirm_success(&mt('Deletion failed.').' '.$delresult,1);
+            $message = &Apache::loncommon::confirmwrapper($message);
+            $r->print($message);
+            $showfolder = $folder;
+        }
+        &Apache::loncommunicate::menu($r);
+        &disall($r,$showfolder,$msgstatus);
+    } elsif ($env{'form.folderaction'} eq 'rename') {
+        &printheader($r,'','Renamed Folder');
+        my $showfolder = $env{'form.renamed'};
+        my $renresult = &renamefolder($folder);
+        if ($renresult eq 'ok') {
+            my $message = &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::confirm_success(&mt('Folder "[_1]" renamed to "[_2]".',$folder,$showfolder));
+            $message = &Apache::loncommon::confirmwrapper($message);
+            $r->print($message);
+        } else {
+            my $message = &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::confirm_success(&mt('Renaming failed.').' '.$renresult,1);
+            $message = &Apache::loncommon::confirmwrapper($message);
+            $r->print($message);
+            $showfolder = $folder;
+        }
+        &Apache::loncommunicate::menu($r);
+        &disall($r,$showfolder,$msgstatus);
     } else {
 	&printheader($r,'','Display All Messages');
-	&Apache::loncommunicate::menu($r); 
-	&disall($r,($folder?$folder:$dismode));
+	&Apache::loncommunicate::menu($r);
+	&disall($r,($folder?$folder:$dismode),$msgstatus);
-    $r->print(&Apache::loncommon::end_page());
+    $r->print('</div>'.&Apache::loncommon::end_page());
     return OK;
 # ================================================= Main program, reset counter